1 00:04:37,583 --> 00:04:38,500 We're almost there. 2 00:04:40,166 --> 00:04:42,291 Aw, man. 3 00:04:51,291 --> 00:04:52,208 Hey, Powder. 4 00:04:53,625 --> 00:04:55,083 -Come take a look. 5 00:04:57,833 --> 00:04:58,666 Whoa. 6 00:04:59,416 --> 00:05:01,125 It's nice getting above it all, huh? 7 00:05:22,250 --> 00:05:24,833 One day, I'm gonna ride in one of those things. 8 00:05:24,916 --> 00:05:27,500 And one day, I'm gonna shoot one of 'em down. 9 00:05:29,291 --> 00:05:30,875 Vi, are, are you sure about this? 10 00:05:30,958 --> 00:05:33,166 -Look, if we get caught, we're-- -We're not gonna get caught. 11 00:05:34,250 --> 00:05:36,291 We'll be in and out before anyone notices. 12 00:05:40,291 --> 00:05:44,125 All right, everybody, follow me. Just don't look down. 13 00:06:06,583 --> 00:06:08,916 Couldn't we have at least just walked there? 14 00:06:09,000 --> 00:06:10,666 Gotta stay out of sight for this one. 15 00:06:17,875 --> 00:06:18,750 Called it. 16 00:06:18,833 --> 00:06:20,500 -This is on you, Vi. 17 00:06:20,583 --> 00:06:21,708 -I'll get her. -No. 18 00:06:21,791 --> 00:06:22,958 Powder, look at me. 19 00:06:24,458 --> 00:06:25,625 What did I tell you? 20 00:06:26,416 --> 00:06:27,666 That… 21 00:06:27,750 --> 00:06:29,291 …I'm ready. 22 00:06:29,375 --> 00:06:31,375 That's right! So? 23 00:06:39,875 --> 00:06:40,833 Phew! 24 00:06:51,708 --> 00:06:52,750 Thanks. 25 00:07:12,333 --> 00:07:14,708 What if Vander finds out we're all the way up here? 26 00:07:14,791 --> 00:07:15,833 Look around you. 27 00:07:15,916 --> 00:07:18,333 You think anyone topside's going hungry? 28 00:07:18,416 --> 00:07:20,875 Besides, this is exactly the sort of job Vander would've pulled 29 00:07:20,958 --> 00:07:21,958 when he was our age. 30 00:07:25,000 --> 00:07:27,500 I'm going. Are you with me or not? 31 00:07:29,916 --> 00:07:32,083 Vander's gonna kill us. 32 00:07:32,166 --> 00:07:33,458 Yeah, only if we screw up. 33 00:07:34,458 --> 00:07:35,791 So don't screw up. 34 00:07:50,291 --> 00:07:51,875 -All clear. 35 00:07:55,041 --> 00:07:57,208 Who locks their balcony? 36 00:07:59,958 --> 00:08:00,791 Hmm. 37 00:08:05,666 --> 00:08:06,875 Whew. 38 00:08:06,958 --> 00:08:08,750 There's tons of enforcers down there. 39 00:08:08,833 --> 00:08:10,250 Means we're in the right place. 40 00:08:10,875 --> 00:08:12,500 You gonna get that door open any time soon? 41 00:08:12,583 --> 00:08:13,916 Working on it. 42 00:08:14,000 --> 00:08:16,083 Seeing as I'm the only one who knows how to pick locks, 43 00:08:16,166 --> 00:08:17,833 -I suggest-- 44 00:08:22,166 --> 00:08:23,416 Animals. 45 00:08:42,291 --> 00:08:44,458 You know, Claggor, for once you're right. 46 00:08:45,166 --> 00:08:47,500 We are definitely not supposed to be here. 47 00:08:53,958 --> 00:08:55,250 Hmm. 48 00:09:06,500 --> 00:09:07,583 Must be an inventor. 49 00:09:08,083 --> 00:09:09,083 Huh. 50 00:09:10,541 --> 00:09:13,625 Whoa, I think this is a real Valdiani. 51 00:09:17,291 --> 00:09:19,791 Oh, yeah? What about this? 52 00:09:21,833 --> 00:09:23,250 That's a nose hair trimmer. 53 00:09:24,333 --> 00:09:26,500 Keep an eye out for anything that looks valuable, Powder. 54 00:09:27,208 --> 00:09:29,458 Before Mylo fills the bag with junk. 55 00:09:35,375 --> 00:09:37,250 Uh… guys? 56 00:09:39,833 --> 00:09:42,416 Wait, Vi, how the hell did we find this place? 57 00:09:42,500 --> 00:09:44,875 -It was a tip from Little Man. 58 00:09:44,958 --> 00:09:46,833 -Little Man? -Just leave it. 59 00:09:46,916 --> 00:09:47,916 Come on. 60 00:09:48,666 --> 00:09:51,000 How can anyone have so much stuff? 61 00:09:51,083 --> 00:09:53,208 Simple, just get born lucky. 62 00:10:16,916 --> 00:10:18,791 Woo-hoo! 63 00:10:21,833 --> 00:10:24,833 Mm. 64 00:10:34,875 --> 00:10:35,791 Huh. 65 00:10:40,416 --> 00:10:42,083 Whoa. 66 00:11:06,083 --> 00:11:08,875 -Mylo. 67 00:11:08,958 --> 00:11:10,458 Powder, we gotta go. 68 00:11:10,541 --> 00:11:12,125 -Hello? 69 00:11:12,208 --> 00:11:13,833 Is someone in there? 70 00:11:21,416 --> 00:11:23,750 -Come on. 71 00:11:26,666 --> 00:11:28,666 We'll be fine. Just get back on the roof. 72 00:11:48,791 --> 00:11:50,208 Hold on! 73 00:11:53,125 --> 00:11:54,916 Whoa! Look out! 74 00:11:56,791 --> 00:11:58,125 Watch out! 75 00:12:05,208 --> 00:12:06,041 Hey. 76 00:12:07,000 --> 00:12:09,250 -Shit. 77 00:12:20,208 --> 00:12:21,916 Stop right there! 78 00:12:24,791 --> 00:12:27,541 -Get them off! 79 00:12:29,625 --> 00:12:31,000 -Faster! 80 00:12:31,916 --> 00:12:34,625 -Hey! Hey! 81 00:12:34,708 --> 00:12:36,916 -Look out! 82 00:12:39,125 --> 00:12:41,291 Down there! 83 00:12:41,375 --> 00:12:42,541 You can't get away! 84 00:12:57,000 --> 00:12:58,583 -Hey! -Come on! 85 00:12:59,875 --> 00:13:01,458 Oh. 86 00:13:05,958 --> 00:13:07,250 -This way! 87 00:13:07,333 --> 00:13:08,375 Keep going! 88 00:13:18,250 --> 00:13:20,458 -Go, go, go! 89 00:13:32,250 --> 00:13:33,541 Oh, man, not again. 90 00:13:33,625 --> 00:13:34,625 I just got this shirt-- 91 00:13:52,791 --> 00:13:55,625 Thought last time was the last time we were gonna do this. 92 00:13:55,708 --> 00:13:57,416 Well, this time's the last time. 93 00:13:57,500 --> 00:14:00,041 Guys, what was that? What the hell happened back there? 94 00:14:02,375 --> 00:14:04,000 I don't know. I didn't do anything. 95 00:14:04,083 --> 00:14:06,791 You could fill a damn library with all the things you didn't do. 96 00:14:06,875 --> 00:14:11,583 Guys, we just emptied a Piltover penthouse right under the enforcers' noses. 97 00:14:11,666 --> 00:14:16,333 So, if you're done beating yourselves up, let's get this home. 98 00:14:41,375 --> 00:14:43,500 -Nice haul? -You could say that. 99 00:14:44,000 --> 00:14:46,166 I heard there was some action across the river. 100 00:14:47,166 --> 00:14:49,791 Someone, uh, someone really kicked the nest, huh? 101 00:14:49,875 --> 00:14:50,958 Is that so? 102 00:14:55,333 --> 00:14:59,208 But now you're, you're tracking this mess of yours through my streets. 103 00:14:59,291 --> 00:15:02,875 -Your streets? What makes you think-- -Listen, we don't want any trouble, okay? 104 00:15:02,958 --> 00:15:05,458 Hear that, Deckard? They don't want any trouble. 105 00:15:05,541 --> 00:15:08,916 You know, in my experience, trouble finds you. 106 00:15:09,750 --> 00:15:11,666 There's no reason this has to get ugly. 107 00:15:12,500 --> 00:15:15,708 How about you share a little taste of your treasure there 108 00:15:15,791 --> 00:15:18,875 -and we'll call it even? -No, no, no. We worked too hard to… 109 00:15:24,458 --> 00:15:25,916 Just a taste? 110 00:15:26,000 --> 00:15:27,833 Just a-- 111 00:15:30,125 --> 00:15:31,375 Huh? 112 00:16:27,416 --> 00:16:28,416 -Huh. 113 00:17:16,000 --> 00:17:18,458 This day's turning out all right after all. 114 00:17:19,333 --> 00:17:20,583 Wait! 115 00:17:30,833 --> 00:17:32,375 Wanna see how that ends? 116 00:17:46,291 --> 00:17:47,125 Where's Powder? 117 00:17:52,666 --> 00:17:54,708 Oh! Oh! You little… 118 00:18:03,833 --> 00:18:05,250 -Oh! 119 00:18:17,125 --> 00:18:18,958 Come on, Mouser, I need you! 120 00:18:29,500 --> 00:18:31,750 -No. 121 00:18:58,333 --> 00:19:00,833 -You did what? -I'm sorry. 122 00:19:00,916 --> 00:19:04,583 I tried to fight him off with Mouser, but… she didn't work. 123 00:19:04,666 --> 00:19:07,500 -Who saw that coming? -We never should have gone over there. 124 00:19:07,583 --> 00:19:09,708 Doesn't matter. The stuff's gone. 125 00:19:10,583 --> 00:19:13,791 It's all right, Powder. At least you're okay. 126 00:19:14,833 --> 00:19:16,833 Okay? What about us? 127 00:19:16,916 --> 00:19:19,375 I get my face bashed in, and she just gets a pass? 128 00:19:19,458 --> 00:19:20,291 Yup. 129 00:19:29,125 --> 00:19:33,000 Every time. Every time she comes, something goes wrong. 130 00:19:33,791 --> 00:19:35,333 She jinxes every job. 131 00:19:35,416 --> 00:19:37,500 Just drop it, Mylo. 132 00:20:29,375 --> 00:20:31,625 -Sit still! 133 00:20:45,875 --> 00:20:48,375 -Come on, get out of here! 134 00:20:48,458 --> 00:20:50,083 -You gotta pay! -Look at that! 135 00:21:08,500 --> 00:21:10,125 -Hey! Watch it. -Hey! 136 00:21:16,000 --> 00:21:19,875 Well, I, uh, suppose that concludes our business, then. 137 00:21:20,458 --> 00:21:23,750 Mm. I suppose it does. 138 00:21:24,791 --> 00:21:26,083 Wait… 139 00:21:26,166 --> 00:21:27,625 Uh, wait a minute. 140 00:21:27,708 --> 00:21:28,791 This, uh… 141 00:21:28,875 --> 00:21:31,958 uh, this… isn't what we agreed on, so… 142 00:21:32,041 --> 00:21:35,666 Well, demand for your wares has dropped since we made our arrangements. 143 00:21:35,750 --> 00:21:36,875 This is the new value. 144 00:21:36,958 --> 00:21:38,875 Uh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. We, um… 145 00:21:38,958 --> 00:21:40,583 we shook on it. 146 00:21:40,666 --> 00:21:41,500 Ten thousand. 147 00:21:41,583 --> 00:21:44,041 -Such are the risks of business. -Ten. 148 00:21:45,041 --> 00:21:46,041 It's a fair price. 149 00:21:46,791 --> 00:21:48,166 I think you should take it. 150 00:21:48,250 --> 00:21:50,416 No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. 151 00:21:50,500 --> 00:21:53,083 I can't do that. I can't do that! 152 00:22:00,125 --> 00:22:01,250 Make your choice. 153 00:22:07,166 --> 00:22:09,041 You folks need anything? 154 00:22:09,125 --> 00:22:10,250 Leave us. 155 00:22:10,333 --> 00:22:11,875 You sure about that? 156 00:22:11,958 --> 00:22:13,458 -Sounded to me like-- -Piss off. 157 00:22:14,916 --> 00:22:15,750 Ah. 158 00:22:20,583 --> 00:22:22,708 I think I know what you need. 159 00:22:23,250 --> 00:22:26,625 -You don't seem to listen, barman-- -A bit of advice. 160 00:22:26,708 --> 00:22:29,166 Don't threaten the guy who pours the drinks. 161 00:22:33,958 --> 00:22:36,000 So you're Vander. 162 00:22:37,125 --> 00:22:39,208 Hound of the Underground. 163 00:22:39,958 --> 00:22:42,958 I expected something… younger. 164 00:22:45,375 --> 00:22:48,041 We were expecting traders who would honor their word, 165 00:22:48,125 --> 00:22:49,791 so I guess we're all disappointed. 166 00:22:49,875 --> 00:22:52,083 You got us all wrong, my friend. 167 00:22:52,166 --> 00:22:55,000 We were just… negotiating. 168 00:22:55,083 --> 00:22:57,250 Now you're speaking my language. 169 00:22:57,333 --> 00:23:00,541 How about you just give Huck the rest of what you owe him, 170 00:23:00,625 --> 00:23:03,750 and I'll let you walk out of here in one piece? 171 00:23:09,083 --> 00:23:11,583 Do we, uh… have a deal? 172 00:23:17,958 --> 00:23:21,166 This is vile. 173 00:23:21,958 --> 00:23:23,375 You'll learn to love it. 174 00:23:30,166 --> 00:23:31,791 Welcome to the Lanes. 175 00:23:36,958 --> 00:23:38,708 Vander learns none of this. 176 00:23:38,791 --> 00:23:41,583 No worries there. Powder took care of the evidence. 177 00:23:41,666 --> 00:23:45,666 I tried, okay? You don't get it. You're older, you're bigger. 178 00:23:45,750 --> 00:23:47,791 -It, it isn't fair. -So stick with us! 179 00:23:47,875 --> 00:23:49,375 Take a punch or two. 180 00:23:54,208 --> 00:23:56,958 -Everyone all right? -Never better. 181 00:23:57,041 --> 00:23:58,041 Good. 182 00:23:59,000 --> 00:24:02,958 I don't suppose you can explain why it is that I'm hearing about an explosion 183 00:24:03,041 --> 00:24:04,500 and a foot chase topside? 184 00:24:05,000 --> 00:24:07,583 Four children fleeing the scene. 185 00:24:10,583 --> 00:24:12,041 What the hell were you thinking? 186 00:24:12,125 --> 00:24:13,916 That we can handle a real job. 187 00:24:14,000 --> 00:24:15,291 A real job? 188 00:24:15,375 --> 00:24:17,250 We got our own tip, planned a route, nobody even saw. 189 00:24:17,333 --> 00:24:19,416 -You blew up a building. -That wasn't… 190 00:24:19,500 --> 00:24:22,250 Did you even stop to think about what could have happened to you? 191 00:24:22,333 --> 00:24:24,041 Eh? To them? 192 00:24:31,500 --> 00:24:32,916 Where did you even get this tip? 193 00:24:34,541 --> 00:24:37,708 -We just heard it at Benzo's shop. -From? 194 00:24:39,125 --> 00:24:40,791 -Little Man. 195 00:24:40,875 --> 00:24:44,375 I took us there. If you wanna be mad, be mad at me. 196 00:24:44,458 --> 00:24:47,416 But you're the one who always says we have to earn our place in this world. 197 00:24:47,500 --> 00:24:51,500 I also told you time and time again, the Northside's off-limits. 198 00:24:52,083 --> 00:24:54,416 -We stay out of Piltover's business. -Why? 199 00:24:54,500 --> 00:24:57,583 They've got plenty, while we're down here scraping together coins. 200 00:24:57,666 --> 00:25:00,208 When did you get so comfortable living in someone else's shadow? 201 00:25:03,916 --> 00:25:05,250 Everyone out. 202 00:25:13,875 --> 00:25:14,708 Sit down. 203 00:25:14,791 --> 00:25:17,958 -I'm fine. -Sit. Down. 204 00:25:26,000 --> 00:25:27,375 Those kids look up to you. 205 00:25:28,791 --> 00:25:29,791 Yeah, I know. 206 00:25:29,875 --> 00:25:31,791 You know, but you don't know. 207 00:25:31,875 --> 00:25:34,166 When people look up to you, you don't get to be selfish. 208 00:25:34,250 --> 00:25:36,375 -I'm not-- -You say run, they run. 209 00:25:36,458 --> 00:25:37,958 You say swim, they dive in. 210 00:25:38,041 --> 00:25:40,375 You say light a fire, they show up with oil. 211 00:25:41,041 --> 00:25:44,208 But whatever happens, it's on you. 212 00:25:46,791 --> 00:25:49,500 Just like it's on me what happens to us down here. 213 00:25:49,583 --> 00:25:54,291 We make ourselves a problem for Piltover, and they will send the enforcers. 214 00:25:54,375 --> 00:25:56,458 So? Why answer to them? 215 00:25:56,541 --> 00:25:59,041 These are our streets. Someone should remind them of that. 216 00:25:59,125 --> 00:26:01,458 You're not hearing me. That path? 217 00:26:02,500 --> 00:26:03,458 This? 218 00:26:04,041 --> 00:26:05,583 It's not gonna solve your problems. 219 00:26:06,500 --> 00:26:07,666 Just makes more of them. 220 00:26:09,250 --> 00:26:10,458 We clear? 221 00:26:15,791 --> 00:26:18,333 -How'd you get this? 222 00:26:19,000 --> 00:26:20,458 Some idiot was following us. 223 00:26:21,291 --> 00:26:23,208 On our side? Who? 224 00:26:23,833 --> 00:26:26,541 I don't know. He was after the stuff. 225 00:26:26,625 --> 00:26:27,750 Where is it now? 226 00:26:30,166 --> 00:26:31,333 We lost it. 227 00:26:32,625 --> 00:26:33,500 All of it? 228 00:26:34,625 --> 00:26:35,750 Good. 229 00:26:37,250 --> 00:26:39,541 Nothing can tie you to what happened up there. 230 00:26:40,250 --> 00:26:43,083 You're gonna have to lay low for a bit, understand? 231 00:26:44,041 --> 00:26:45,000 Okay. 232 00:26:46,500 --> 00:26:48,041 We're gonna be fine, right? 233 00:26:48,541 --> 00:26:49,791 I'll take care of it. 234 00:26:57,333 --> 00:27:01,375 Oh, you did put that idiot on his ass, though, right? 235 00:27:01,958 --> 00:27:02,958 Mm. 236 00:27:13,375 --> 00:27:15,541 Get up, Claggor. We're going out. 237 00:27:15,625 --> 00:27:17,625 Wait, now? 238 00:27:19,166 --> 00:27:20,208 Hey, hey, that's mine! 239 00:27:20,291 --> 00:27:22,833 -You wanna be treated like adults, right? 240 00:27:23,416 --> 00:27:26,500 Then you should know better than to come back from a job empty-handed. 241 00:27:27,625 --> 00:27:29,875 I'm gonna have a little word with your informant. 242 00:27:31,791 --> 00:27:35,583 All right, give me the details of exactly what happened up there. 243 00:27:54,708 --> 00:27:55,666 She's a problem. 244 00:27:55,750 --> 00:27:57,041 Mylo, I'm really not… 245 00:27:57,125 --> 00:27:58,916 Do you remember what was in that bag? 246 00:27:59,000 --> 00:28:01,875 The biggest payout we've ever seen and she just lost it. 247 00:28:01,958 --> 00:28:03,458 She made a mistake. 248 00:28:03,541 --> 00:28:05,375 Name one time she hasn't. 249 00:28:05,458 --> 00:28:07,833 -She's young. -Don't bullshit me. 250 00:28:07,916 --> 00:28:09,833 You were twice the person at half her age. 251 00:28:10,958 --> 00:28:13,125 You know what, Mylo? You're right. 252 00:28:13,708 --> 00:28:15,791 There's a bunch of things Powder just can't do. 253 00:28:15,875 --> 00:28:17,875 -You don't have to tell me twice. 254 00:28:19,250 --> 00:28:22,250 -Like, complain about everything. -What? 255 00:28:22,333 --> 00:28:25,166 -And brag nonstop. -Okay, okay, I see where this is going. 256 00:28:25,250 --> 00:28:27,791 Pick fights with the group when we need to focus. 257 00:28:27,875 --> 00:28:28,708 Vi, I… 258 00:28:28,791 --> 00:28:31,708 And tell strangers on the street that we got a nice haul? 259 00:28:31,791 --> 00:28:34,416 -I, I didn't mean to-- -Powder's my problem, okay? 260 00:28:34,500 --> 00:28:36,250 Your problem is never knowing when to shut up. 261 00:28:36,333 --> 00:28:38,541 But I'm gonna help you with that. Ready? 262 00:28:38,625 --> 00:28:40,083 You see this look on my face? 263 00:28:40,166 --> 00:28:42,750 This will always mean it's time to shut up. 264 00:28:42,833 --> 00:28:44,416 But… I… 265 00:28:53,958 --> 00:28:55,000 Nobody comes in. 266 00:28:57,416 --> 00:28:58,333 We're closed. 267 00:28:58,833 --> 00:29:00,083 Well, open up. 268 00:29:01,000 --> 00:29:04,458 For good. You can take your worthless junk elsewhere. 269 00:29:04,541 --> 00:29:06,291 Just as well. 270 00:29:06,375 --> 00:29:08,916 Owner's the shittiest businessman I know. 271 00:29:13,083 --> 00:29:15,125 -Ekko. What's going on with that thing? 272 00:29:15,208 --> 00:29:17,916 Give me a few seconds. The cannon pinion's still busted. 273 00:29:18,000 --> 00:29:20,416 Finish it later. Vander and I need a word. 274 00:29:20,500 --> 00:29:22,291 -But-- -Uh-uh. Off you go. 275 00:29:28,083 --> 00:29:30,041 -Claggor. -He-he-hey, Little Man. 276 00:29:30,583 --> 00:29:31,666 You're a little early. 277 00:29:32,166 --> 00:29:34,875 My guys are still roundin' up this month's collections. 278 00:29:34,958 --> 00:29:37,250 Won't have numbers until next, um… 279 00:29:38,041 --> 00:29:38,916 Whoo. 280 00:29:40,000 --> 00:29:42,083 Why are you muckin' about with this? 281 00:29:42,166 --> 00:29:44,041 I assume you've heard. 282 00:29:44,125 --> 00:29:46,041 Yeah, me and half the undercity. 283 00:29:46,125 --> 00:29:49,833 How could they be so stupid? 284 00:29:49,916 --> 00:29:52,375 The younger folk think it's the right thing to do. 285 00:29:52,458 --> 00:29:54,291 Yeah, and Vi's one of them. 286 00:29:54,375 --> 00:29:57,250 Throws herself at trouble wherever she can find some. 287 00:29:57,333 --> 00:29:59,333 Eh, they're growing up, Vander. 288 00:30:00,000 --> 00:30:03,708 Looking to write their own stories. You can't protect them forever. 289 00:30:05,333 --> 00:30:06,500 Someone was following them. 290 00:30:06,583 --> 00:30:10,041 -Whole lot of someones, from what I heard. -Not enforcers. 291 00:30:10,666 --> 00:30:12,750 -Someone on our side. -Who? 292 00:30:14,666 --> 00:30:17,250 There's worse things than enforcers out there. 293 00:30:18,708 --> 00:30:19,833 We both know that. 294 00:30:21,708 --> 00:30:23,458 Yeah, I was hopin' you'd be working today. 295 00:30:23,541 --> 00:30:25,333 -Did you guys go? -Sure did. 296 00:30:25,416 --> 00:30:28,125 Hey, listen, how did you find that place? 297 00:30:28,208 --> 00:30:30,708 -I just-- -Whoa, did you fight the enforcers? 298 00:30:30,791 --> 00:30:32,583 What? Oh, no. Eh, just some bums. 299 00:30:32,666 --> 00:30:34,625 Oh, did Vi kick their asses? 300 00:30:34,708 --> 00:30:36,666 Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't be here otherwise. 301 00:30:36,750 --> 00:30:39,708 Oh, she showed me a couple moves to practice. Look. 302 00:30:42,416 --> 00:30:44,458 -Yeah, it's… it's coming along. -Ya! 303 00:30:44,541 --> 00:30:46,541 Hey, so, how'd you find that place, anyway? 304 00:30:46,625 --> 00:30:48,833 Uh, this weirdo came into the shop. 305 00:30:48,916 --> 00:30:51,791 Bought a whole bunch of stuff Benzo only keeps there for display. 306 00:30:51,875 --> 00:30:54,125 He paid in gold and didn't even haggle. 307 00:30:54,208 --> 00:30:57,000 I charged him double price. Sucker. 308 00:30:57,083 --> 00:31:00,500 -But how did you know where he lived? -Uh, followed him. 309 00:31:00,583 --> 00:31:02,666 -How else? -Oh. Right. 310 00:31:03,750 --> 00:31:04,916 Oh, crap. 311 00:31:08,500 --> 00:31:11,125 -Uh… -They'll be fine. Go. 312 00:31:15,000 --> 00:31:16,000 Well, hello. 313 00:31:28,000 --> 00:31:29,500 -Evening, friends. 314 00:31:30,375 --> 00:31:31,833 Shit. 315 00:31:36,250 --> 00:31:37,791 Something I can help you with? 316 00:31:37,875 --> 00:31:41,500 Some trencher trash attacked one of the buildings in the Academy district, 317 00:31:41,583 --> 00:31:43,083 but you already knew that. 318 00:31:43,166 --> 00:31:45,125 We're looking for the culprits. 319 00:31:45,208 --> 00:31:46,208 Got a description? 320 00:31:46,291 --> 00:31:50,166 Yeah, it's exactly who you're picturing in that thick head of yours. 321 00:31:50,250 --> 00:31:52,416 Mm. You think my head is thick? 322 00:31:52,500 --> 00:31:54,583 Uh, just past the average. 323 00:31:54,666 --> 00:31:55,958 Listen, you shady son of a… 324 00:31:56,041 --> 00:31:58,791 How about you go for a little walk, Marcus? 325 00:31:58,875 --> 00:32:00,375 Cool off a bit. 326 00:32:01,541 --> 00:32:02,541 Go. 327 00:32:31,333 --> 00:32:32,708 Lovely chap you've brought. 328 00:32:38,416 --> 00:32:39,583 Don't mind the kid. 329 00:32:39,666 --> 00:32:41,666 Doesn't know when to pipe down. 330 00:32:41,750 --> 00:32:44,250 Some things are the same topside and bottom. 331 00:32:49,208 --> 00:32:51,125 You know this crossed a line upstairs. 332 00:32:51,208 --> 00:32:52,416 Was anyone hurt? 333 00:32:52,500 --> 00:32:55,416 A building was blown to bits. What do you think? 334 00:32:57,500 --> 00:33:00,541 Those who did this will be dealt with. 335 00:33:00,625 --> 00:33:03,291 That workshop belonged to the Kirammans. 336 00:33:04,125 --> 00:33:06,125 You know what kind of stuff they had in there? 337 00:33:06,791 --> 00:33:09,250 Makes this place look like a candy shop. 338 00:33:10,041 --> 00:33:12,750 The Council needs someone to make an example of. 339 00:33:12,833 --> 00:33:14,583 People need to feel safe. 340 00:33:14,666 --> 00:33:16,416 Yeah, topside people. 341 00:33:16,500 --> 00:33:18,291 We had a deal, Vander. 342 00:33:18,375 --> 00:33:22,375 You keep your people off my streets, and I stay out of your business. 343 00:33:24,416 --> 00:33:26,875 Give me a name. We'll do things quiet. 344 00:33:26,958 --> 00:33:28,958 No one will know you were involved. 345 00:33:29,041 --> 00:33:30,500 I can't do that. 346 00:33:31,083 --> 00:33:33,791 You don't seem to grasp how serious this is. 347 00:33:33,875 --> 00:33:36,250 If I don't put someone behind bars tonight, 348 00:33:36,333 --> 00:33:40,375 the next time I come down here, I'll have an army of enforcers with me. 349 00:33:40,458 --> 00:33:42,583 We both know how that'll go. 350 00:33:42,666 --> 00:33:46,583 I'm sorry, Grayson, but I can't offer up my own people. 351 00:33:52,375 --> 00:33:55,208 If you change your mind, this will reach me. 352 00:33:56,708 --> 00:33:57,833 And only me. 353 00:34:24,208 --> 00:34:25,625 What are you calling this one? 354 00:34:28,208 --> 00:34:29,500 Whisker. 355 00:34:32,208 --> 00:34:34,666 -You wanna talk about today? -What's the point? 356 00:34:35,375 --> 00:34:37,958 I ruined everything. I always do. 357 00:34:38,041 --> 00:34:39,333 Nobody said that. 358 00:34:39,416 --> 00:34:43,416 No. Just that you were "twice the person" at half my age. 359 00:34:44,416 --> 00:34:46,083 You heard them. 360 00:34:46,166 --> 00:34:48,083 I'm not a fighter. 361 00:34:48,166 --> 00:34:49,500 You don't have to be. 362 00:34:51,083 --> 00:34:54,916 Look, I've got these and you've got those. 363 00:34:55,416 --> 00:34:56,583 They never work. 364 00:34:57,500 --> 00:34:58,416 They will. 365 00:34:59,833 --> 00:35:01,416 -Come with me. -What? 366 00:35:02,166 --> 00:35:03,208 Come on. 367 00:35:18,583 --> 00:35:19,625 What are we doing here? 368 00:35:20,958 --> 00:35:22,833 See that gutter running along the canal? 369 00:35:31,083 --> 00:35:34,041 That's where Claggor got his foot stuck running from enforcers. 370 00:35:35,916 --> 00:35:38,125 They thought it was funny, so they left him there. 371 00:35:39,333 --> 00:35:41,125 He was out all night before we found him. 372 00:35:43,583 --> 00:35:44,541 That sign? 373 00:35:47,625 --> 00:35:49,208 -You see it? -Uh-huh. 374 00:35:49,750 --> 00:35:51,666 Mylo tripped over his own paint bucket 375 00:35:51,750 --> 00:35:54,458 and nearly fell off trying to draw a giant middle finger. 376 00:35:55,625 --> 00:35:58,166 -His ass made that splotch. 377 00:36:00,375 --> 00:36:01,333 And that? 378 00:36:03,958 --> 00:36:07,875 When I was a kid, some guy took my favorite toy and threw it up there. 379 00:36:09,166 --> 00:36:11,458 I used to come out here at night and stare at it, 380 00:36:12,791 --> 00:36:17,375 hoping maybe the wind or a bird might knock it down. 381 00:36:20,000 --> 00:36:21,625 We've all had bad days. 382 00:36:23,708 --> 00:36:27,083 But we learn. And we stick together. 383 00:36:30,666 --> 00:36:32,291 Oh, I forgot. 384 00:36:33,458 --> 00:36:34,541 These were in my pocket. 385 00:36:35,375 --> 00:36:37,958 -They're from the apartment. -What are they? 386 00:36:39,958 --> 00:36:40,958 I don't know. 387 00:36:42,125 --> 00:36:44,083 -Should we show Vander? -No. 388 00:36:48,875 --> 00:36:50,833 Let's keep this our little secret. 389 00:36:52,125 --> 00:36:56,000 Mylo's wrong, Powder. You're stronger than you think. 390 00:36:57,166 --> 00:36:58,333 And one day… 391 00:36:59,500 --> 00:37:01,541 this city's gonna respect us. 392 00:37:35,708 --> 00:37:38,666 You were supposed to follow them and not interfere. 393 00:37:39,208 --> 00:37:41,708 I'm sorry. 394 00:37:42,208 --> 00:37:44,208 They just caught us by surprise. 395 00:37:44,291 --> 00:37:48,416 Now his accomplice is asking questions about you. 396 00:37:49,708 --> 00:37:52,208 That's not a risk I'm willing to take. 397 00:37:54,791 --> 00:37:59,833 The kids. It was their fault, the explosion in the upper city. 398 00:38:00,375 --> 00:38:01,708 That was them? 399 00:38:01,791 --> 00:38:05,416 Yeah. The topsiders are up in arms looking for 'em. 400 00:38:06,333 --> 00:38:08,625 Vander's in trouble. 401 00:38:14,166 --> 00:38:16,750 Smartest thing you ever said, boy. 402 00:38:17,500 --> 00:38:18,625 Get him a meal. 403 00:38:20,458 --> 00:38:22,291 But keep him off the streets. 404 00:38:26,083 --> 00:38:27,958 Our timeline has moved up. 405 00:38:28,666 --> 00:38:30,291 It's almost ready. 406 00:38:32,625 --> 00:38:33,666 Show me. 407 00:38:41,833 --> 00:38:43,041 Feeding time. 408 00:38:48,833 --> 00:38:50,125 And the side effects? 409 00:38:51,666 --> 00:38:53,541 Stabilizing. 410 00:39:32,291 --> 00:39:34,250 You have a subject in mind? 411 00:39:37,416 --> 00:39:39,083 Someone just volunteered.