1 00:00:10,541 --> 00:00:13,333 All right, Emmy, first day back to work. 2 00:00:13,416 --> 00:00:14,541 You can do this. 3 00:00:14,625 --> 00:00:17,375 No one's thinking about how you freaked out on Rochelle, 4 00:00:17,458 --> 00:00:21,250 turned into a giant Hateworm, and rained vomit all over your coworkers. 5 00:00:21,333 --> 00:00:24,250 - People have their own lives. - [Tyler] Whoa! She showed up! 6 00:00:24,333 --> 00:00:26,041 - [all cheering] - [Lionel] How shameful. 7 00:00:26,125 --> 00:00:30,083 Okay, I'm here with Emmy Fairfax, the office hot mess. 8 00:00:30,166 --> 00:00:34,166 Emmy, I am obsessed with your commitment to ruining your own life. 9 00:00:34,250 --> 00:00:36,958 What's next for everyone's favorite embarrassing idiot? 10 00:00:37,041 --> 00:00:39,125 What is this? Why do you have a microphone? 11 00:00:39,208 --> 00:00:43,000 Oh, uh, well, because I'm the gossip correspondent for Connielingus Tonight. 12 00:00:43,083 --> 00:00:45,166 ♪ It's Connielingus Tonight ♪ 13 00:00:45,250 --> 00:00:47,083 [scatting] 14 00:00:47,166 --> 00:00:51,125 Maury, I'm sorry to interrupt your interview with the Princess of Puke, 15 00:00:51,208 --> 00:00:53,875 - but I've got a hot couple alert! - [siren wailing] 16 00:00:53,958 --> 00:00:55,601 - [elevator bell dings] - [crowd clamoring] 17 00:00:55,625 --> 00:00:57,708 Oh, wow, this is a real treat for me. 18 00:00:57,791 --> 00:01:00,666 I have to pretend to like interviewing people like Emmy, 19 00:01:00,750 --> 00:01:03,166 but with you two, the hard-on is real. 20 00:01:03,250 --> 00:01:04,166 Aw, you're sweet. 21 00:01:04,250 --> 00:01:07,875 Rochelle, Dante, what's it like being workplace royalty? 22 00:01:07,958 --> 00:01:11,125 I'm just glad I could bring home the Dolly for the whole office. 23 00:01:11,208 --> 00:01:15,375 Come on, smoking hot and a team player? [chuckling] Let's hear it for my girl! 24 00:01:15,458 --> 00:01:17,375 Can you believe this shit? 25 00:01:17,458 --> 00:01:18,750 I know. Just ignore it. 26 00:01:18,833 --> 00:01:21,041 They're basically rubbing it in our faces. 27 00:01:21,125 --> 00:01:24,125 I mean, they are fucking tea-bagging us with their love. 28 00:01:24,208 --> 00:01:27,125 Rochelle clearly sees something in Dante no one else does. 29 00:01:27,208 --> 00:01:28,750 Like, absolutely no one. 30 00:01:28,833 --> 00:01:31,041 Well, don't forget, he does have three dicks. 31 00:01:31,125 --> 00:01:32,392 - [rumbling] - How could I forget? 32 00:01:32,416 --> 00:01:34,541 It's all anybody ever talks about! 33 00:01:34,625 --> 00:01:37,708 - [rumbling stops] - [calmly] But, of course, I don't care. 34 00:01:37,791 --> 00:01:40,333 - [crowd cheering] - [cameras clicking] 35 00:01:40,416 --> 00:01:43,500 Coming up next, Janelle Monáe sings a song 36 00:01:43,583 --> 00:01:47,333 while we look at a list of actors I've done butt-stuff with. 37 00:01:47,416 --> 00:01:51,250 - ["Make Me Feel" by Janelle Monáe playing] - ♪ That's just the way you make me feel ♪ 38 00:01:51,333 --> 00:01:55,500 ♪ That's just the way you make me feel That's just the way you make me feel ♪ 39 00:01:55,583 --> 00:01:59,666 ♪ So real, so good, so fuckin' real So real, so good, so fuckin' real ♪ 40 00:01:59,750 --> 00:02:03,583 ♪ That's just the way you make me feel That's just the way you make me feel ♪ 41 00:02:03,666 --> 00:02:08,666 ♪ It's like I'm powerful With a little bit of tender ♪ 42 00:02:08,750 --> 00:02:12,833 ♪ An emotional, sexual bender ♪ 43 00:02:12,916 --> 00:02:17,166 ♪ Mess me up, yeah But no one does it better ♪ 44 00:02:17,250 --> 00:02:18,833 ♪ There's nothin' better ♪ 45 00:02:18,916 --> 00:02:21,541 ♪ That's just the way you make me feel ♪ 46 00:02:22,791 --> 00:02:24,791 Please, Mama, you have to eat! 47 00:02:24,875 --> 00:02:27,458 [in Arabic] No! I'm hot. I want candy. 48 00:02:27,541 --> 00:02:29,791 [in English] What's wrong with these people? 49 00:02:29,875 --> 00:02:32,875 Your mother loves candy. Just give her what she loves! 50 00:02:32,958 --> 00:02:36,125 But, Walter, old ladies can't survive on candy alone. 51 00:02:36,208 --> 00:02:38,583 - No one asked you, bitch. - [buzzes] 52 00:02:38,666 --> 00:02:39,750 - Mama, please. - No! 53 00:02:39,833 --> 00:02:41,625 Amir, she needs professional care. 54 00:02:41,708 --> 00:02:45,458 [exclaims] Excuse me, don't talk about Yara like she's not even here! 55 00:02:45,541 --> 00:02:49,041 You know I love your mother, but we can't give her the help she needs. 56 00:02:49,125 --> 00:02:52,083 She doesn't want help, she wants candy. 57 00:02:52,166 --> 00:02:56,333 At this point, we'd even take raisins, and raisins fucking suck! 58 00:02:56,416 --> 00:02:58,708 [grunts angrily] I'm not letting my poor mama 59 00:02:58,791 --> 00:03:01,125 go back to that home after they let her break her hip. 60 00:03:01,208 --> 00:03:02,333 That's right, big guy. 61 00:03:02,416 --> 00:03:04,750 We're making sound decisions based on facts, 62 00:03:04,833 --> 00:03:06,833 not rash emotional impulses. 63 00:03:06,916 --> 00:03:08,541 Exactly! You're my rock. 64 00:03:08,625 --> 00:03:11,166 But, Dad, Teta doesn't even know who we are. 65 00:03:11,250 --> 00:03:13,666 - She's just old, Natalie. - And she's terrifying! 66 00:03:13,750 --> 00:03:14,833 She deserves your respect. 67 00:03:14,916 --> 00:03:16,375 Last night, I got up to get water 68 00:03:16,458 --> 00:03:19,458 and she was just sitting in the dark combing Nadja's old Bratz dolls. 69 00:03:19,541 --> 00:03:21,750 [in Arabic] They had a job interview. 70 00:03:21,833 --> 00:03:23,166 [in English] How dare you? 71 00:03:23,250 --> 00:03:25,750 Do you know how many oceans this queen had to cross 72 00:03:25,833 --> 00:03:30,291 to give your family life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness? 73 00:03:30,375 --> 00:03:33,541 One! But it was a big one, you ungrateful shit rat! 74 00:03:33,625 --> 00:03:35,750 Walter, can you please take it down a notch 75 00:03:35,833 --> 00:03:38,166 and help get your client to eat some soup? 76 00:03:38,250 --> 00:03:40,458 She doesn't want soup, she wants candy! 77 00:03:40,541 --> 00:03:43,208 She is a grown woman, she can't have candy for dinner. 78 00:03:43,291 --> 00:03:45,416 - I'm just trying to be a good son. - I know. 79 00:03:45,500 --> 00:03:47,541 But you're not the one dealing with her... 80 00:03:47,625 --> 00:03:49,250 - [softly] ...poo-poos. - Oh, my God. 81 00:03:49,333 --> 00:03:51,416 Are you talking about wiping Grandma's ass? 82 00:03:51,500 --> 00:03:52,833 [in Arabic] I'm hot. 83 00:03:52,916 --> 00:03:55,750 [in English] Oh, please. You've seen one tush, you've seen them all. 84 00:03:55,833 --> 00:03:57,593 - Uh, Dad? - I'm on poo-poo duty from now on. 85 00:03:57,666 --> 00:03:59,750 - Dad! - [yelps] Mama! Mama, where's your shirt? 86 00:03:59,833 --> 00:04:00,958 [in Arabic] I was hot. 87 00:04:01,041 --> 00:04:04,333 [in English] Honey, they're gorgeous, but let's cover them up, okay? 88 00:04:04,416 --> 00:04:06,416 [upbeat jingle playing] 89 00:04:09,083 --> 00:04:10,875 - [Tito] Knock, knock! - Who's there? 90 00:04:10,958 --> 00:04:14,791 Oh, it's not a joke, just something I have to say because of my tiny arms. 91 00:04:14,875 --> 00:04:17,750 - Well, what do you want? - The tube said I'm off Yara's team. 92 00:04:17,833 --> 00:04:18,833 - What? - Yeah! 93 00:04:18,916 --> 00:04:21,291 At first, I thought it was because I was doing a bad job, 94 00:04:21,375 --> 00:04:23,583 but what a relief, she's just dying! 95 00:04:23,666 --> 00:04:25,375 How in the hell is that a relief? 96 00:04:25,458 --> 00:04:28,625 Because there's so much she doesn't need to worry about anymore. 97 00:04:28,708 --> 00:04:31,291 But Yara can't die! She's... She's not ready! 98 00:04:31,375 --> 00:04:33,541 I don't know. Everyone else is leaving too. 99 00:04:33,625 --> 00:04:37,250 Her Ambition Gremlin, her Appetite Sprite, her Bladder Badger. 100 00:04:37,333 --> 00:04:39,500 What? Am I the last one on her team? 101 00:04:39,583 --> 00:04:40,916 No! No, that's impossible! 102 00:04:41,000 --> 00:04:43,166 Hey, man, I don't think I've ever said this before, 103 00:04:43,250 --> 00:04:46,708 but you need to relax or you're gonna die too, like Yara. 104 00:04:46,791 --> 00:04:49,208 Well, you need to get the fuck out of my office! 105 00:04:49,291 --> 00:04:51,541 Hey! You're not supposed to have a fly-swatter at work! 106 00:04:51,625 --> 00:04:54,166 - That's an OSHA violation! - [grunts] Get out! Shoo! 107 00:04:54,750 --> 00:04:59,458 Okay, here are a few best practices for taking care of an elderly parent. 108 00:04:59,541 --> 00:05:02,541 - One, keep your parent active and engaged. - [speaking Arabic] 109 00:05:02,625 --> 00:05:04,375 - [Pete] Stretching is a must. - Up, down. 110 00:05:04,458 --> 00:05:07,416 [angrily] Be careful with her, you brute! She could shatter! 111 00:05:07,500 --> 00:05:10,291 Two, don't be afraid to ask for help when necessary. 112 00:05:10,375 --> 00:05:11,375 Nabilah! 113 00:05:12,083 --> 00:05:13,243 - [Amir sighs] - [Walter] Ugh. 114 00:05:13,291 --> 00:05:17,375 And, finally, make decisions that make life easier for everyone involved. 115 00:05:17,458 --> 00:05:21,166 This sweat suit is a sweet-suit. Loose elastic for comfy times. 116 00:05:21,250 --> 00:05:23,833 No, no, no. Yara doesn't belong in a sweat suit. 117 00:05:23,916 --> 00:05:27,375 - Aw, I think she looks nice. - You've stripped her of her style. 118 00:05:27,458 --> 00:05:31,000 She used to dress in Chanel, and now she looks like The Irishman. 119 00:05:31,083 --> 00:05:33,541 - Okay, Mama, time for breakfast. - [groans] 120 00:05:33,625 --> 00:05:34,875 [in Arabic] I want candy. 121 00:05:34,958 --> 00:05:36,333 We all want candy! 122 00:05:36,416 --> 00:05:38,750 Think I like Kashi Good Friends cereal? 123 00:05:38,833 --> 00:05:40,791 [in English] You know, up where I live, 124 00:05:40,875 --> 00:05:44,166 I'm on the box of Kashi Good Friends cereal. [giggling] 125 00:05:45,250 --> 00:05:47,125 [disembodied voice] Pete, how are you feeling? 126 00:05:47,208 --> 00:05:50,541 - Oh! Holy hell! Can I help you? - Actually, I'm here to help you. 127 00:05:50,625 --> 00:05:52,125 I'm Keith from Grief. 128 00:05:52,208 --> 00:05:54,541 I hear your client has a parent on the way out. 129 00:05:54,625 --> 00:05:57,375 I am so sad to hear. Here's my card. 130 00:05:57,458 --> 00:06:00,583 Yeah, I'm sorry, Keith from Grief, but now's not a good time. 131 00:06:00,666 --> 00:06:01,666 It never is. 132 00:06:01,708 --> 00:06:04,500 Hey, maybe Amir and I could just sit down? 133 00:06:04,583 --> 00:06:08,583 Have a... a little chat over some tea, a light lunch, perhaps? 134 00:06:08,666 --> 00:06:12,375 It seems like he could use a very warm cashmere hug. 135 00:06:12,458 --> 00:06:16,791 No, look, Amir doesn't have time for hugs, he has an ailing mother to take care of. 136 00:06:16,875 --> 00:06:17,875 Don't I know it? 137 00:06:17,958 --> 00:06:21,458 - And again, I am so, so sorry to hear... - Yeah, we don't need your pity. 138 00:06:21,541 --> 00:06:24,666 [chuckles] Oh, no, no, no. I'm Keith from Grief. 139 00:06:24,750 --> 00:06:26,666 You're thinking of Schmitty from Pity. 140 00:06:26,750 --> 00:06:30,666 A lovely creature, albeit, at times, a little condescending. 141 00:06:30,750 --> 00:06:32,375 [Yara in Arabic] I don't want oatmeal! 142 00:06:32,458 --> 00:06:35,125 [in English] I'm sorry, Keith, but now is really not a good time. 143 00:06:35,208 --> 00:06:38,041 Pete, it's not a good idea to ignore me. 144 00:06:38,125 --> 00:06:41,791 Mama, no! Ugh! You got Kashi all over my Calvin's! 145 00:06:41,875 --> 00:06:43,833 Why can't we just give her candy? 146 00:06:43,916 --> 00:06:48,333 All she's doing is saying what she wants, but no one in this house gives a shit! 147 00:06:48,416 --> 00:06:50,250 Walter, you need to calm down. 148 00:06:50,333 --> 00:06:52,083 And you need to start freaking out! 149 00:06:52,166 --> 00:06:54,500 - [Keith] The Lovebug's got a point. - Good granite, Keith! 150 00:06:54,583 --> 00:06:57,833 - I'm sorry, but who the fuck is this? - Oh, hi. Keith from Grief. 151 00:06:57,916 --> 00:07:01,125 I'm here to help this lovely family start the mourning process. 152 00:07:01,208 --> 00:07:04,208 Uh-uh! We are not mourning, honey, we are thriving. 153 00:07:04,291 --> 00:07:08,250 Of course! Denial. First stage. Very normal. 154 00:07:08,333 --> 00:07:10,708 Listen, Keith from queef, nobody wants you here, 155 00:07:10,791 --> 00:07:12,958 so why don't you make like a "treef" and leaf? 156 00:07:13,041 --> 00:07:15,458 - [menacingly] I will fuck you up. - Excuse me? 157 00:07:15,541 --> 00:07:18,250 Oh! See? Now you're experiencing anger. 158 00:07:18,333 --> 00:07:20,666 Second stage. Again, perfectly normal. 159 00:07:20,750 --> 00:07:24,958 [sighs] Okay, Keith from Grief, what do we have to do to get you to leaf? 160 00:07:25,041 --> 00:07:27,375 And there it is, stage three. Bargaining. 161 00:07:27,458 --> 00:07:29,291 We've almost got a grief bingo. 162 00:07:29,375 --> 00:07:31,875 I'm about to bargain my foot up your whole ass. 163 00:07:31,958 --> 00:07:33,416 - [grunting] - Okay, let's go, Keith. 164 00:07:33,500 --> 00:07:35,875 We don't have the time or inclination to be sad today. 165 00:07:35,958 --> 00:07:38,416 I... I just want to make sure you both have my card. 166 00:07:38,500 --> 00:07:41,500 My mantra is on there, "The only way out is through." 167 00:07:41,583 --> 00:07:43,166 That is a shitty mantra, Keith! 168 00:07:43,250 --> 00:07:46,208 Oh, also, that card is good for 5% off at Kohl's, 169 00:07:46,291 --> 00:07:48,625 the official retail chain of grief. 170 00:07:48,708 --> 00:07:51,083 Oh, okay, um, I am gonna take this, 171 00:07:51,166 --> 00:07:53,726 but only 'cause I need to get my nephew some Super Mario Skechers. 172 00:07:53,750 --> 00:07:55,125 Okay? That's the only reason why. 173 00:07:55,708 --> 00:08:00,541 So I heard Rochelle has a fungus in her butt and her pussy, 174 00:08:00,625 --> 00:08:04,791 which apparently you can only get by fucking an unflushed public toilet. 175 00:08:04,875 --> 00:08:07,541 So if you wanted to call her maybe "Toilet Fucker"... 176 00:08:07,625 --> 00:08:10,425 That sounds like you're starting a rumor. I don't want to get involved. 177 00:08:10,458 --> 00:08:13,250 Between you and me, that's what the toilet said. 178 00:08:13,333 --> 00:08:15,541 Oh, hi. Nice of you to join us. 179 00:08:15,625 --> 00:08:18,000 Yeah, it is nice of me, 180 00:08:18,083 --> 00:08:20,375 because I didn't wanna come. 181 00:08:20,458 --> 00:08:21,291 Where's Walter? 182 00:08:21,375 --> 00:08:24,625 Oh, Walter's part of the A-story this episode. 183 00:08:24,708 --> 00:08:26,208 He left Rochelle in charge. 184 00:08:26,291 --> 00:08:27,958 Oh, yeah. Of course he did. 185 00:08:28,041 --> 00:08:29,916 And what exactly is that supposed to mean? 186 00:08:30,000 --> 00:08:32,916 Uh, just that everyone's convinced you're so great 187 00:08:33,000 --> 00:08:37,041 and weirdly unwilling to believe that you'd make hard love to a toilet. 188 00:08:37,125 --> 00:08:39,041 Well, maybe they'll ask you to lead the meeting 189 00:08:39,125 --> 00:08:41,583 when it's about how to humiliate yourself on a global scale. 190 00:08:41,666 --> 00:08:43,583 Maybe they will! I hope they do! 191 00:08:43,666 --> 00:08:47,875 Okay, ladies, we all know what happened at the International Creature Convention. 192 00:08:47,958 --> 00:08:51,583 Rochelle gave Dolly Parton a kidney, but Emmy wanted the kidney for herself, 193 00:08:51,666 --> 00:08:53,791 so you turned to blackmailing each other. 194 00:08:53,875 --> 00:08:56,625 - [scoffs] What? No. - That's not at all what happened. 195 00:08:56,708 --> 00:09:01,000 Exactly! It doesn't matter what happened because we're Lovebugs! 196 00:09:01,083 --> 00:09:02,500 Bugs who love! 197 00:09:02,583 --> 00:09:06,166 So, come on, let's show this office how it's done. Yeah? 198 00:09:06,250 --> 00:09:07,666 So, like what? 199 00:09:07,750 --> 00:09:08,750 Hug each other! 200 00:09:08,833 --> 00:09:11,708 Oh, I... I don't think that's necessary. 201 00:09:11,791 --> 00:09:14,500 - Would you ask guys to do this? - Of course I would! 202 00:09:14,583 --> 00:09:17,625 - Dave, hug Victor, will ya? - Gladly. Bring it in, Vic. 203 00:09:17,708 --> 00:09:18,708 Your turn, ladies. 204 00:09:18,791 --> 00:09:21,083 - [all chanting] Hug! Hug! Hug! - Ugh, fine. 205 00:09:22,166 --> 00:09:23,375 Are you happy now? 206 00:09:23,458 --> 00:09:24,958 I'm ecstatic! 207 00:09:25,041 --> 00:09:26,833 Now, back to the business at hand, 208 00:09:26,916 --> 00:09:29,416 what are we going to do about J.K. Rowling? 209 00:09:29,500 --> 00:09:31,166 Where did her magic go? 210 00:09:31,250 --> 00:09:33,583 How dare that nitwit from Grief. 211 00:09:33,666 --> 00:09:37,500 There's still so much life left in you. You're not going anywhere. 212 00:09:37,583 --> 00:09:40,500 Oh, Walter, I don't know. 213 00:09:40,583 --> 00:09:43,916 Well, baby, you better know, because I still need you. 214 00:09:44,000 --> 00:09:45,291 Hey, who are you? 215 00:09:45,375 --> 00:09:46,833 I'm Lindsay Lohan. 216 00:09:46,916 --> 00:09:48,875 Give me candy, Lindsay Lohan? 217 00:09:48,958 --> 00:09:51,833 Fine. I think I have a melted Tootsie Roll in my bag. 218 00:09:51,916 --> 00:09:54,541 Really, shit rat? A Tootsie Roll? 219 00:09:54,625 --> 00:09:58,250 All you got for your grandma is the ugly second cousin of candy? 220 00:09:58,333 --> 00:09:59,791 Yeah, I'm not sure how old this is. 221 00:09:59,875 --> 00:10:04,916 Mm. Thank you, Lindsay. [munching] This candy is not good. 222 00:10:05,000 --> 00:10:08,500 You know, if you want the primo stuff, I might know a place. 223 00:10:08,583 --> 00:10:09,833 Okay, we're intrigued. 224 00:10:09,916 --> 00:10:13,208 But I'm not taking you out with you looking like an aging mobster. 225 00:10:13,291 --> 00:10:14,583 That's what I said, girl! 226 00:10:14,666 --> 00:10:18,166 One thing I always liked about you, Teta, you have incredible taste. 227 00:10:18,250 --> 00:10:22,041 Yes, thank you! Finally some respect. 228 00:10:22,125 --> 00:10:26,916 Ooh! And an Hermès scarf? Girl, you better have one for me too. 229 00:10:28,666 --> 00:10:32,250 Ugh, come on. Who holds hands while they eat lunch? 230 00:10:32,333 --> 00:10:34,833 Why don't you just chew each other's food while you're at it? 231 00:10:34,916 --> 00:10:37,541 Emmy, over here! Yoo-hoo! 232 00:10:37,625 --> 00:10:40,416 Several free seats. Please, join me. 233 00:10:40,500 --> 00:10:42,708 [sighs] I guess this is my life now. 234 00:10:42,791 --> 00:10:45,083 - Yeah, welcome to the cool table. - Oh! 235 00:10:45,166 --> 00:10:49,333 Can you help me get into my milk? I'm about to give up and buy a new one. 236 00:10:49,416 --> 00:10:51,666 Ugh, I feel bad about Emmy. 237 00:10:51,750 --> 00:10:54,916 I mean, I did lie to her about us, and you two were together. 238 00:10:55,000 --> 00:10:56,625 In the carnal sense, sure. 239 00:10:56,708 --> 00:10:59,916 But all we did was fuck, and the odd blowjob, 240 00:11:00,000 --> 00:11:03,291 and I say odd because, you know, I have three dongers. 241 00:11:03,375 --> 00:11:06,958 - It's fuckin' odd down there, right? - Come on, Dante, I'm being serious. 242 00:11:07,041 --> 00:11:08,333 Babe, babe, so am I. 243 00:11:08,416 --> 00:11:12,500 But you need to stop punishing yourself because you're happy and Emmy's miserable. 244 00:11:12,583 --> 00:11:14,125 [sighs] Okay, so, what? 245 00:11:14,208 --> 00:11:16,083 You're saying she's just jealous? 246 00:11:16,166 --> 00:11:18,041 If that'll end this conversation, then yeah. 247 00:11:18,125 --> 00:11:21,166 - [laughs] Fuck you. - You deserve love, Rochelle. 248 00:11:21,250 --> 00:11:23,750 - [sighs] I love you. - And I love you. 249 00:11:23,833 --> 00:11:25,416 [clears throat] Ladies and gentlemen, 250 00:11:25,500 --> 00:11:27,833 I love this bug and I don't care who knows it. 251 00:11:27,916 --> 00:11:29,250 [all cheering] 252 00:11:29,333 --> 00:11:32,125 - [cheering continues] - [Tyler] Finger him! Finger him! 253 00:11:32,208 --> 00:11:35,875 Come on, guys! Finger him! Nobody? Just me? 254 00:11:36,791 --> 00:11:41,125 Oh, look at you! You've never looked more vibrant. 255 00:11:41,208 --> 00:11:45,041 And I look fine as hell too, if I do say so myself. 256 00:11:45,625 --> 00:11:48,125 - What's up, my man? - [Walter] "Tiger clit powder"? 257 00:11:48,208 --> 00:11:50,583 Do you think this is made with real tiger clits? 258 00:11:50,666 --> 00:11:52,791 We'll, uh, take these White Claws. 259 00:11:52,875 --> 00:11:56,375 Um, uh, menthol Juul, and two of your finest scratchers. 260 00:11:56,458 --> 00:11:58,375 - Ugh. - What? It's all for her. 261 00:11:58,458 --> 00:12:00,500 - She's, like, a hundred. - And candy. 262 00:12:00,583 --> 00:12:04,583 Ooh! A Toblerone, the crown prince of candy. 263 00:12:04,666 --> 00:12:07,875 - You heard her. And don't forget the Juul. - Okay, shit rat. 264 00:12:07,958 --> 00:12:10,750 I had no idea you were such a lil' legend. 265 00:12:10,833 --> 00:12:12,291 I like this girl too. 266 00:12:12,375 --> 00:12:14,000 You know who she reminds me of? 267 00:12:14,083 --> 00:12:16,625 - Who? - You, you foxy fox! 268 00:12:16,708 --> 00:12:19,666 [giggles] Ah, yes, foxy. 269 00:12:19,750 --> 00:12:21,375 Who is this girl again? 270 00:12:21,458 --> 00:12:23,666 Lindsay Lohan. 271 00:12:23,750 --> 00:12:27,125 Hello! How is Mama? Any poo-poos of note? 272 00:12:27,208 --> 00:12:29,416 - No, she's been quiet all afternoon. - [Amir] Mama? 273 00:12:29,500 --> 00:12:31,291 I've been fighting with friends on Facebook. 274 00:12:31,375 --> 00:12:33,875 Don't post photos of your kids if they're not cute. 275 00:12:33,958 --> 00:12:36,208 - Nabilah! Mama is not in her room! - What? 276 00:12:36,291 --> 00:12:38,750 Um, okay, uh, well, you know, let's just stay calm. 277 00:12:38,833 --> 00:12:42,041 - I'm sure there's a rational explanation. - [menacingly] Does there have to be? 278 00:12:42,125 --> 00:12:45,250 [yelps] Jesus, Marble, and Joseph! You have to stop doing that, Keith! 279 00:12:45,333 --> 00:12:48,666 I am so sorry, but I thought that this might be an opportune time 280 00:12:48,750 --> 00:12:50,166 to have a... a cry. 281 00:12:50,250 --> 00:12:55,083 You know, one of those really big sad storms that lets out all the rain. 282 00:12:55,166 --> 00:12:57,583 - Who... Who is this? - He's no one. Don't even look at him. 283 00:12:57,666 --> 00:13:01,916 Hi, Keith from Grief. And yes, before you ask, of course you can hug me. 284 00:13:02,000 --> 00:13:04,875 No, no, no. We don't have time for you, Keith from Greece. 285 00:13:04,958 --> 00:13:07,750 - Yes, that's what I said. - My feeble mother is missing. 286 00:13:07,833 --> 00:13:11,666 Should we pray together? Because praying can be very meaningful. 287 00:13:11,750 --> 00:13:15,541 Please, Rock, deal with this sweater man. I have to find my mama. 288 00:13:15,625 --> 00:13:17,291 The only way out is through. 289 00:13:17,375 --> 00:13:20,208 Come on, Keith. Praying, crying, grieving? 290 00:13:20,291 --> 00:13:23,166 They're all just pointless exercises in self-indulgence. 291 00:13:23,250 --> 00:13:24,083 [ominous music plays] 292 00:13:24,166 --> 00:13:27,958 [menacingly] You know, Peter, you've got a really sassy mouth. 293 00:13:28,041 --> 00:13:29,708 Uh... Uh, what? 294 00:13:29,791 --> 00:13:34,416 I... I am trying so hard to be nice, but you are so disrespectful. 295 00:13:34,500 --> 00:13:37,708 And, Amir, you, you're breaking my heart, man. 296 00:13:37,791 --> 00:13:40,375 And when my heart breaks, shit gets broken. 297 00:13:40,458 --> 00:13:41,658 Are... are you threatening us? 298 00:13:41,708 --> 00:13:44,208 Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. I am so sorry. 299 00:13:44,291 --> 00:13:46,000 Do I seem threatening? 300 00:13:46,083 --> 00:13:47,333 Yeah, you kinda do. 301 00:13:47,416 --> 00:13:48,791 Well, good! 302 00:13:48,875 --> 00:13:54,625 [voice distorting] Because grief is a natural process of life, 303 00:13:54,708 --> 00:13:58,083 and if you don't wanna deal with it, well then, bubbale, 304 00:13:58,166 --> 00:14:01,375 it's gonna deal with you! 305 00:14:01,458 --> 00:14:04,458 We should go look for Yara. Like, um, now? 306 00:14:04,541 --> 00:14:07,291 Good idea, Rock. Nabilah, I'm going to look for Mama! 307 00:14:07,375 --> 00:14:09,416 - Go, go, go! - [Keith] The only way out is through! 308 00:14:09,500 --> 00:14:10,916 The only way out is through! 309 00:14:11,000 --> 00:14:13,916 [roars] The only way out is through! 310 00:14:15,125 --> 00:14:19,291 - Ugh. Thank God they're finally gone. - Would you like my hot take? 311 00:14:19,375 --> 00:14:22,791 Well, let me guess, Rochelle's a star, I'm the worst, slit my throat, 312 00:14:22,875 --> 00:14:25,208 dissolve my body in acid, go to hell, be dead. 313 00:14:25,291 --> 00:14:28,416 Whoa, whoa, I was just going to opine that Rochelle sucks. 314 00:14:28,500 --> 00:14:32,291 - Really? - It's true! She is shameless. 315 00:14:32,375 --> 00:14:35,416 She lied about their dalliance only to later feign innocence, 316 00:14:35,500 --> 00:14:38,041 and then hide behind, what? Love? Oh, fuck that! 317 00:14:38,125 --> 00:14:43,000 Yes. Thank you. Okay, why does no one else see that I'm the victim here? 318 00:14:43,083 --> 00:14:47,666 Well, I imagine it's because you ruined the biggest brunch of her life. 319 00:14:47,750 --> 00:14:50,208 Wait, what happened to me being perfect and right? 320 00:14:50,291 --> 00:14:53,000 Well, do you want me to tell you the truth, girlfriend, 321 00:14:53,083 --> 00:14:56,750 or lie to you like you're a co-worker who just got terrible bangs? 322 00:14:56,833 --> 00:15:00,000 [sighs] Fine, I'll take the stupid truth. 323 00:15:00,083 --> 00:15:01,500 You were both wrong! 324 00:15:01,583 --> 00:15:05,250 She was a mendacious skank and you were a jealous little twat. 325 00:15:05,333 --> 00:15:09,458 Ugh, I... I guess I was just mad that other people were happy for her. 326 00:15:09,541 --> 00:15:12,000 Yeah, like a selfish little baby, sure. 327 00:15:12,083 --> 00:15:15,250 I dunno, what do you think, should I apologize? 328 00:15:15,333 --> 00:15:17,791 - That would be the mature thing to do. - Ooh! 329 00:15:17,875 --> 00:15:21,041 And then maybe Rochelle will finally admit that she was wrong 330 00:15:21,125 --> 00:15:22,666 and apologize back to me. 331 00:15:22,750 --> 00:15:23,583 Yes! 332 00:15:23,666 --> 00:15:27,666 Yes, it's always best to apologize with the expectation of an apology in return. 333 00:15:27,750 --> 00:15:30,583 Forgiveness is quite transactional in that way, isn't it? 334 00:15:30,666 --> 00:15:31,916 Yes, exactly! 335 00:15:32,000 --> 00:15:34,708 Wait, wait, Emmy, I was being sarcastic! 336 00:15:34,791 --> 00:15:37,791 I know it's hard to tell with my accent, but it... 337 00:15:37,875 --> 00:15:38,958 Ah. 338 00:15:39,041 --> 00:15:40,875 She never opened my milk. 339 00:15:40,958 --> 00:15:43,250 - [whimsical music playing] - [coughs] 340 00:15:43,333 --> 00:15:47,000 You know, Teta, you're not so terrifying once you get your candy. 341 00:15:47,083 --> 00:15:50,708 And you know, shit rat, for a rat, you're not so shitty. 342 00:15:50,791 --> 00:15:51,791 Mmm. 343 00:15:51,875 --> 00:15:54,666 This candy is good. It's sweet. 344 00:15:54,750 --> 00:15:57,500 - Mmm, like Safi. - What's Safi? 345 00:15:57,583 --> 00:16:01,541 You know, I have to meet Safi at the beach right now. 346 00:16:01,625 --> 00:16:03,666 - What? - Yes! Great idea. 347 00:16:03,750 --> 00:16:07,958 Visiting your memories always makes you feel so alive. 348 00:16:08,041 --> 00:16:10,500 And alive is good, alive is what we want. 349 00:16:11,125 --> 00:16:13,291 Oh! And there's Safi now. 350 00:16:13,375 --> 00:16:15,333 That weird sideways tooth! 351 00:16:15,416 --> 00:16:17,916 [growls] Honey, it's sexy. 352 00:16:18,000 --> 00:16:21,833 Every time I see him, my heart stops. 353 00:16:21,916 --> 00:16:24,166 [nervously] Maybe don't say your heart stops? 354 00:16:24,250 --> 00:16:25,458 [ethereal music playing] 355 00:16:26,041 --> 00:16:28,875 [in Arabic] I'm sorry, I can't marry you. 356 00:16:28,958 --> 00:16:30,708 My family forbids it. 357 00:16:30,791 --> 00:16:33,125 [in English] Ugh, I hated your family for that. 358 00:16:33,208 --> 00:16:34,750 Ah, I remember. 359 00:16:35,250 --> 00:16:37,250 But then, you met Wassim. 360 00:16:37,333 --> 00:16:39,416 - [disco music playing] - Okay, okay, okay. 361 00:16:39,500 --> 00:16:41,958 I don't remember you being in Saturday Night Fever 362 00:16:42,041 --> 00:16:44,750 or married to John Travolta, but the vibe is right. 363 00:16:44,833 --> 00:16:46,791 You did not like Wassim at first. 364 00:16:46,875 --> 00:16:50,541 Well, he was too cocky. You were the real star. 365 00:16:50,625 --> 00:16:51,708 But he was kind. 366 00:16:51,791 --> 00:16:55,416 And hung like a python, if I remember correctly. 367 00:16:55,500 --> 00:16:56,500 [both laughing] 368 00:16:56,583 --> 00:16:58,958 And I could be honest with Wassim. 369 00:16:59,041 --> 00:17:01,041 - [romantic music playing] - [Yara] Wassim... 370 00:17:01,833 --> 00:17:03,833 Girl, I loved how you told the man 371 00:17:03,916 --> 00:17:07,750 you didn't cook or do dishes in your wedding vows. 372 00:17:07,833 --> 00:17:09,166 You were a boss. 373 00:17:09,250 --> 00:17:13,208 I just wanted to work and love up my babies. 374 00:17:13,291 --> 00:17:16,333 "If you are okay with that, we have a deal." 375 00:17:18,541 --> 00:17:22,750 Ooh, look at baby Amir! How you loved that little turd bird. 376 00:17:22,833 --> 00:17:25,958 Who knew he'd grow up to be such an aggressive driver? 377 00:17:26,041 --> 00:17:28,041 [sentimental music playing] 378 00:17:28,916 --> 00:17:32,041 [sighs] Those kids made you so proud. 379 00:17:32,125 --> 00:17:36,083 But we would never tell them that, because they would get lazy. 380 00:17:36,166 --> 00:17:40,000 [Walter exclaims] And the turd birds begot little shit rats! 381 00:17:40,083 --> 00:17:42,625 - [music warbling and static crackling] - Wait, Yara? 382 00:17:42,708 --> 00:17:45,833 [anxiously] The memories, they're... they're going out! 383 00:17:45,916 --> 00:17:48,583 Come on, ass, don't be a dick. 384 00:17:48,666 --> 00:17:50,250 Are you ready to go, Teta? 385 00:17:50,333 --> 00:17:52,083 Yes, I am ready. 386 00:17:52,166 --> 00:17:54,958 Oh! But wait, I'm not ready! 387 00:17:55,041 --> 00:17:57,791 [grunts] Come on, ass! Work! 388 00:17:57,875 --> 00:18:01,416 I love you, Neil Diamond! [exclaiming] 389 00:18:01,500 --> 00:18:05,625 Ah! Your love language has always been titties. 390 00:18:07,416 --> 00:18:09,291 Hi, uh, can we talk? 391 00:18:09,375 --> 00:18:11,000 I don't know, Emmy, can we? 392 00:18:11,083 --> 00:18:13,416 Fair. Okay, well, 393 00:18:13,500 --> 00:18:15,125 I just wanted to say that 394 00:18:15,208 --> 00:18:17,250 I am sorry. 395 00:18:17,333 --> 00:18:21,083 I... I was mad at you. Like, really, really mad at you. 396 00:18:21,166 --> 00:18:24,458 And I got drunk. Like, really, really drunk. 397 00:18:24,541 --> 00:18:27,083 And I crossed a line and I'm sorry. 398 00:18:27,166 --> 00:18:28,291 Well, thank you. 399 00:18:29,125 --> 00:18:34,208 And, um, is there anything you, uh, you know, maybe wanna add? 400 00:18:34,291 --> 00:18:35,291 - Yes. - Yeah? 401 00:18:35,375 --> 00:18:39,125 I'm relieved that you're coming to terms with your alcoholism. It's huge. 402 00:18:39,208 --> 00:18:40,041 Wait, what? 403 00:18:40,125 --> 00:18:43,916 No, I... I mean, is... is there anything you would like to apologize for? 404 00:18:44,000 --> 00:18:45,625 Uh, no, I'm good. 405 00:18:45,708 --> 00:18:48,666 - You pretty much covered it. - Oh, come on, Rochelle! Really? Nothing? 406 00:18:48,750 --> 00:18:50,791 What exactly do I have to apologize for? 407 00:18:50,875 --> 00:18:54,708 Uh, I don't know. Being a total backstabbing diva bitch? 408 00:18:54,791 --> 00:18:57,833 Um, no. You're just jealous and acting like a victim. 409 00:18:57,916 --> 00:19:01,125 "Victim"? Honey, I am a survivor. 410 00:19:01,208 --> 00:19:03,916 - Girl, a survivor of what? - Your shitty friendship! 411 00:19:04,000 --> 00:19:06,875 - Apology rescinded. - You can't rescind an apology. 412 00:19:06,958 --> 00:19:09,625 Oh, I rescind it! I rescind it so hard! 413 00:19:09,708 --> 00:19:11,166 I rescind our friendship, 414 00:19:11,250 --> 00:19:15,750 I rescind the day I met you, I rescind those boots I borrowed from you! 415 00:19:15,833 --> 00:19:18,750 Oh, good! Does that mean you're gonna finally give them back, thief? 416 00:19:18,833 --> 00:19:21,250 No! I lost 'em years ago! 417 00:19:21,333 --> 00:19:24,625 And I'm glad, because you are a terrible friend! 418 00:19:24,708 --> 00:19:26,333 And you are a terrible Lovebug! 419 00:19:26,416 --> 00:19:29,166 - Everyone hates you! - Like who? Point they ass out. 420 00:19:29,250 --> 00:19:32,000 Um, the Shame Wizard. He thinks you suck. 421 00:19:32,083 --> 00:19:35,250 - [monsters gasp] - No, I beg you, don't drag me into this. 422 00:19:35,333 --> 00:19:37,500 Oh, please, everyone hates the Shame Wizard. 423 00:19:37,583 --> 00:19:39,500 - He sucks. - Yeah, I can't argue with that. 424 00:19:39,583 --> 00:19:42,833 You're a mean, smug know-it-all who takes whatever she wants, 425 00:19:42,916 --> 00:19:45,208 no matter the cost, and can never be wrong. 426 00:19:45,291 --> 00:19:47,875 You know what? I was wrong. About being your friend! 427 00:19:47,958 --> 00:19:50,208 [grunts angrily] I wish I still had your boots 428 00:19:50,291 --> 00:19:53,125 so I could take a big, hot shit in them! 429 00:19:53,916 --> 00:19:54,750 [tires screech] 430 00:19:54,833 --> 00:19:57,351 - Okay, let's think about this logically. - She's in a wheelchair! 431 00:19:57,375 --> 00:19:59,041 - Which has wheels. - Which go forward. 432 00:19:59,125 --> 00:20:01,833 - When pushed or on an incline. - So if we keep heading downhill... 433 00:20:01,916 --> 00:20:04,583 - Odds are we're gonna find her... - [both] At the bottom! 434 00:20:04,666 --> 00:20:05,866 - [Pete laughs] - Yes! Oh, God! 435 00:20:05,916 --> 00:20:09,500 Now, I didn't wanna say this earlier, and I don't wanna upset you, 436 00:20:09,583 --> 00:20:13,250 but maybe we should check the hospital or the morgue? 437 00:20:13,333 --> 00:20:15,166 What? That is not helpful, Rock! 438 00:20:15,250 --> 00:20:17,083 You're right, you're right, it's a dumb idea. 439 00:20:17,166 --> 00:20:18,875 I just thought because she's elderly, 440 00:20:18,958 --> 00:20:20,750 and has Alzheimer's, and she broke her hip... 441 00:20:20,833 --> 00:20:23,625 - Just shut up and keep looking! - Ahh! What the... 442 00:20:23,708 --> 00:20:25,833 [grunts] I will make you cry. 443 00:20:25,916 --> 00:20:28,666 - Oh, no! Greek Keith is back! - Uh, quick, turn here! 444 00:20:28,750 --> 00:20:30,666 Use the Hardee's drive-thru, it's always empty. 445 00:20:31,375 --> 00:20:33,666 - [Amir screaming] - [Keith] Out is through! 446 00:20:33,750 --> 00:20:36,333 [straining] Out is through! Out is... 447 00:20:36,416 --> 00:20:38,750 Wait a minute! Are you still making breakfast? 448 00:20:38,833 --> 00:20:42,250 'Cause, you know, when I get this big... [laughs] I like to nosh. 449 00:20:42,333 --> 00:20:44,916 [panting] I... I think I need a break. 450 00:20:45,000 --> 00:20:47,291 Maybe Juuling is bad for you. 451 00:20:47,375 --> 00:20:48,875 Come on, ass! [grunts] 452 00:20:49,500 --> 00:20:51,583 Ugh, finally! There we go. 453 00:20:51,666 --> 00:20:55,750 - [sentimental music playing] - Oh, this was the last time you saw Safi. 454 00:20:55,833 --> 00:20:57,166 - Do you remember? - [Yara] Yes. 455 00:20:57,250 --> 00:20:59,125 [in Arabic] I didn't think you'd come. 456 00:20:59,208 --> 00:21:01,041 [in English] Oh! This is my favorite memory. 457 00:21:01,125 --> 00:21:04,500 [in Arabic] Of course. I love you. I'd walk 500 kilometers for you. 458 00:21:04,583 --> 00:21:08,291 And I'd walk 500 more just to be your... 459 00:21:08,375 --> 00:21:10,333 [in English] Just shut up and kiss me. 460 00:21:10,416 --> 00:21:12,296 - [static crackling] - We can't let this one go. 461 00:21:12,375 --> 00:21:13,375 [crying] Please! 462 00:21:13,458 --> 00:21:17,125 - Just hold on to them a little longer. - [static crackling] 463 00:21:17,208 --> 00:21:20,291 - [power surging] - Yara? What's wrong? 464 00:21:20,375 --> 00:21:22,250 - Teta, you okay? - [breathing raggedly] 465 00:21:22,333 --> 00:21:24,666 Do something, shit rat! Do something! 466 00:21:24,750 --> 00:21:27,166 [dialing phone] Oh, no, no, no. No, Teta, hold on. 467 00:21:27,250 --> 00:21:30,041 You took her where? To give her candy? 468 00:21:30,125 --> 00:21:34,000 Stay right there, young lady. I am mad as Max right now. Ahh! 469 00:21:34,083 --> 00:21:36,166 - You can't escape me. - Do something, Rock! 470 00:21:36,250 --> 00:21:37,610 - [exciting music plays] - [grunts] 471 00:21:39,333 --> 00:21:40,333 [Pete] Yes! 472 00:21:41,250 --> 00:21:42,750 - Whoa! - [Pete laughing] 473 00:21:42,833 --> 00:21:45,583 - We did it! We beat Grief! - Fuck you, Keith! 474 00:21:45,666 --> 00:21:47,791 [Keith whimpers] Oh... gosh. 475 00:21:47,875 --> 00:21:50,625 I'm starting to think they don't like me. 476 00:21:50,708 --> 00:21:55,208 No more TV, no more streaming, no more streaming TV, no more Friends. 477 00:21:55,291 --> 00:21:56,833 The show or my peer group? 478 00:21:56,916 --> 00:21:58,041 - Both! - Dad! Ugh! 479 00:21:58,125 --> 00:22:01,791 Poor man thought his mother was laying dead in a ditch next to a Hardee's. 480 00:22:01,875 --> 00:22:03,041 What were you thinking? 481 00:22:03,125 --> 00:22:05,458 Natalie, we had no idea where she was! 482 00:22:05,541 --> 00:22:07,875 We could've lost her, and... 483 00:22:07,958 --> 00:22:10,500 - [voice breaking] And... - Amir, are you okay? 484 00:22:10,583 --> 00:22:13,041 - [Keith] Out! Through! - [sinister music playing] 485 00:22:13,125 --> 00:22:15,916 Out! Through! 486 00:22:16,000 --> 00:22:18,375 - Out! Through! - [music softens] 487 00:22:18,458 --> 00:22:21,291 - I... I... I... - [Keith] Out! Through! 488 00:22:21,375 --> 00:22:22,958 [crying] I'm already losing her. 489 00:22:23,041 --> 00:22:25,333 - [Keith] Out. Through. - Dad? But Teta's okay. 490 00:22:25,416 --> 00:22:27,916 No, Natalie, she is not okay. 491 00:22:28,000 --> 00:22:30,375 Please. Please don't say it. 492 00:22:30,458 --> 00:22:34,791 [voice breaking] I love my mama so much, but she is dying, and... 493 00:22:34,875 --> 00:22:37,041 Out? Through? 494 00:22:37,125 --> 00:22:40,333 [crying softly] And... And that makes me a sad dad. 495 00:22:40,416 --> 00:22:42,875 [sobbing] 496 00:22:42,958 --> 00:22:46,125 Life is cruel and unfair, 497 00:22:46,208 --> 00:22:50,541 but it's also so fucking precious. 498 00:22:50,625 --> 00:22:55,375 [sobbing] I know! I know! And nothing makes any sense! 499 00:22:55,458 --> 00:22:57,166 What are you so upset about, Rock? 500 00:22:57,250 --> 00:22:58,250 [crying] This! 501 00:22:59,083 --> 00:23:00,083 [sobbing] But also... 502 00:23:01,791 --> 00:23:05,416 this girl I like at work doesn't like me back, 503 00:23:06,125 --> 00:23:10,250 and she has this new boyfriend, and she says she loves him, 504 00:23:11,291 --> 00:23:13,541 and he has three dicks! 505 00:23:13,625 --> 00:23:16,583 Oh, buddy, your thing is not like mine, but come here. 506 00:23:16,666 --> 00:23:18,958 Yeah, bring it on in, Pete. 507 00:23:19,041 --> 00:23:20,083 Thank you, Keith. 508 00:23:20,166 --> 00:23:23,041 I want a slice of cuddle pie too. 509 00:23:23,125 --> 00:23:25,166 [sobbing uncontrollably] 510 00:23:25,250 --> 00:23:28,500 Now I ask you, was that so hard? 511 00:23:28,583 --> 00:23:29,583 Yes. 512 00:23:31,000 --> 00:23:34,416 - But I feel a little better. - And what do you wanna do now? 513 00:23:35,000 --> 00:23:37,583 I want to pray for Mama. 514 00:23:38,083 --> 00:23:41,041 Okay, big guy, let's go pray for Mama. 515 00:23:41,708 --> 00:23:44,625 [prays the Shahada in Arabic] 516 00:23:44,708 --> 00:23:46,708 [sentimental music playing] 517 00:23:50,291 --> 00:23:52,125 [in Arabic] I had the best day. 518 00:23:52,958 --> 00:23:58,041 And got to eat candy with my friend, Lindsay Lohan. 519 00:23:58,833 --> 00:24:00,458 [in English] I'm glad, Mama. 520 00:24:00,541 --> 00:24:03,416 [prays the Shahada in Arabic] 521 00:24:16,500 --> 00:24:19,375 [voice fading] 522 00:24:19,458 --> 00:24:21,458 [sentimental music continues] 523 00:24:25,500 --> 00:24:27,708 [in English] I don't wanna let you go. 524 00:24:27,791 --> 00:24:28,916 I love you, Teta. 525 00:24:29,583 --> 00:24:31,208 I'm glad I got to know you. 526 00:24:31,791 --> 00:24:33,333 You're a cool ass bitch. 527 00:24:33,416 --> 00:24:34,583 She really is. 528 00:24:34,666 --> 00:24:36,708 [gasps] Who are you? 529 00:24:36,791 --> 00:24:37,916 Oh! Um... 530 00:24:38,000 --> 00:24:42,708 Hi! I'm... I'm Walter, your grandma's Lovebug. 531 00:24:42,791 --> 00:24:45,666 Hey, Walter. I'm really gonna miss her. 532 00:24:45,750 --> 00:24:50,583 [voice breaking] I am, too. But she had a pretty amazing life. 533 00:24:50,666 --> 00:24:53,583 And I guess now we have to let her go? 534 00:24:54,083 --> 00:24:55,291 I guess we do. 535 00:24:56,166 --> 00:24:59,458 You know, you're... You're pretty wise for a shit rat. 536 00:25:00,125 --> 00:25:01,291 [crying softly] I know. 537 00:25:02,125 --> 00:25:03,125 I... 538 00:25:03,166 --> 00:25:06,000 I could really use a Lovebug right now. 539 00:25:06,083 --> 00:25:08,375 Bitch, you got one. 540 00:25:08,458 --> 00:25:10,500 [crying] 541 00:25:10,583 --> 00:25:14,916 - ["Moon River" by Frank Ocean playing] - ♪ Moon river ♪ 542 00:25:15,791 --> 00:25:19,250 - ♪ Wider than a mile ♪ - [mystical twinkling] 543 00:25:20,000 --> 00:25:23,041 ♪ I'm crossing you in style... ♪ 544 00:25:23,125 --> 00:25:24,458 I'll take care of her. 545 00:25:24,541 --> 00:25:25,958 I know. 546 00:25:31,208 --> 00:25:32,500 Wassim? 547 00:25:32,583 --> 00:25:34,208 And Safi? 548 00:25:34,291 --> 00:25:36,250 [in Arabic] Oh, boy, this is awkward. 549 00:25:36,916 --> 00:25:41,708 But, hey, I'm game if you two are! 550 00:25:41,791 --> 00:25:43,791 [song continues softly] 551 00:25:46,208 --> 00:25:49,500 [in English] ♪ Two drifters ♪ 552 00:25:50,125 --> 00:25:53,000 ♪ Off to see the world ♪ 553 00:25:53,791 --> 00:25:59,291 ♪ There's such a crazy world to see ♪ 554 00:26:02,541 --> 00:26:09,041 ♪ We're all chasing after all the same ♪ 555 00:26:09,125 --> 00:26:13,416 ♪ Chasing after our end ♪ 556 00:26:15,625 --> 00:26:20,458 ♪ Moon river ♪ 557 00:26:20,541 --> 00:26:24,375 ♪ Wider than a mile ♪ 558 00:26:25,041 --> 00:26:31,708 - ♪ Crossin' in style someday ♪ - [song fading]