1 00:00:00,942 --> 00:00:02,774 Stede Bonnet: Alright, settle in. 2 00:00:02,774 --> 00:00:05,911 Edward, AKA Blackbeard, has a few thoughts 3 00:00:05,911 --> 00:00:07,813 he'd like to share with us today. 4 00:00:07,813 --> 00:00:10,783 Before he begins, I will, uh, remind everyone 5 00:00:10,783 --> 00:00:13,647 it takes guts to own up to one's actions. 6 00:00:13,647 --> 00:00:16,159 So, let's, let's hear him out. 7 00:00:17,158 --> 00:00:19,391 (exhales) Wow. Okay. (chuckles) 8 00:00:19,391 --> 00:00:21,627 Didn't think I'd be standing before you again. 9 00:00:21,627 --> 00:00:23,262 Certainly not under these circumstances. 10 00:00:23,262 --> 00:00:25,497 I just wanted to start off by saying a big, 11 00:00:25,497 --> 00:00:29,135 (deep breath) massive, heartfelt thank you 12 00:00:29,135 --> 00:00:31,403 for allowing me back into this community. 13 00:00:31,403 --> 00:00:33,672 - (Lucius sighs) - I will abide by the guidelines 14 00:00:33,672 --> 00:00:36,169 for staying aboard "The Revenge," 15 00:00:36,169 --> 00:00:39,144 including wearing this, um, (clears throat) super tight 16 00:00:39,144 --> 00:00:42,481 cat collar with a bell on it, so I can't sneak up on people. 17 00:00:42,481 --> 00:00:44,450 No sneaking. He's gonna wear the bell. 18 00:00:44,450 --> 00:00:47,286 Perhaps some of my actions, maybe all of my actions, 19 00:00:47,286 --> 00:00:51,624 perhaps me, myself, m-m-maybe I've made some of you feel 20 00:00:51,624 --> 00:00:53,729 - somewhat-- - Murdered? Shot? 21 00:00:54,028 --> 00:00:57,663 - Tortured? Anxious? On edge? - Okay. Hey, hey. (shushes) 22 00:00:57,663 --> 00:00:59,464 - Come on. Calm down. - Archie: Preach! All of that shit. 23 00:00:59,464 --> 00:01:02,868 And whatever... whatever that nasty, dark stuff was 24 00:01:02,868 --> 00:01:05,937 th-that, that, that brought us here, it's in the past. 25 00:01:05,937 --> 00:01:08,374 - (Stede clears throat) - (exhales) Which is all I want to say, 26 00:01:08,374 --> 00:01:12,144 at the end of the day, is we're trying to move the culture forward. 27 00:01:12,144 --> 00:01:14,975 - Stede: Yeah. - And I want you all to see this. 28 00:01:14,975 --> 00:01:17,853 This here is a ship and it's a space ship. 29 00:01:18,352 --> 00:01:21,823 - (whispers) Safe space. - It's a safe space ship. 30 00:01:22,156 --> 00:01:24,527 Wow. There it is. 31 00:01:25,361 --> 00:01:26,930 Yeah. 32 00:01:27,662 --> 00:01:28,797 Good landing. 33 00:01:30,098 --> 00:01:33,733 Stede: Deep. Very, uh, intense and very brave, 34 00:01:33,733 --> 00:01:35,735 I think you'll find. Any questions? 35 00:01:35,735 --> 00:01:37,669 - Yeah. - Roach. 36 00:01:37,669 --> 00:01:39,539 Roach: Did Buttons really turn into a bird 37 00:01:39,539 --> 00:01:40,977 or did you kill him? 38 00:01:42,410 --> 00:01:44,376 He actually turned into a bird. 39 00:01:44,376 --> 00:01:47,149 Ah. Okay. Okay, cool. 40 00:01:47,682 --> 00:01:50,015 Still sticking to that one, huh? 41 00:01:50,015 --> 00:01:52,251 Okay! Good. 42 00:01:52,251 --> 00:01:55,487 We'll just leave it at one question, I think, for now. 43 00:01:55,487 --> 00:01:58,561 (dramatic theme music plays) 44 00:02:04,065 --> 00:02:07,366 Jim (high-pitched voice): Oh, no! No! Come on! Help me! 45 00:02:07,366 --> 00:02:10,435 - (pirates laughing) - Archie (high-pitched voice): Help! Help! 46 00:02:10,435 --> 00:02:12,705 They're torturing-- (blubbers) 47 00:02:12,705 --> 00:02:15,111 - (laughter) - (blubbering) 48 00:02:15,744 --> 00:02:18,077 Oluwande: Please, I have a family! 49 00:02:18,077 --> 00:02:19,745 (laughter) 50 00:02:19,745 --> 00:02:22,047 (mockingly) Ha-ha-ha! 51 00:02:22,047 --> 00:02:23,619 So we're laughing. 52 00:02:24,651 --> 00:02:27,687 - Blackbeard's back and we're all just back to it. - Archie: Hey, bro, 53 00:02:27,687 --> 00:02:29,121 that's what happens, ya know? 54 00:02:29,121 --> 00:02:32,258 They just... get away with it and we move on. 55 00:02:32,258 --> 00:02:34,093 Frenchie: Yeah, at least he's wearin' the sack. 56 00:02:34,093 --> 00:02:37,029 A-And the bell. That was my idea. 57 00:02:37,029 --> 00:02:38,564 And he apologized. 58 00:02:38,564 --> 00:02:41,100 I actually thought it was pretty solid... for him. 59 00:02:41,100 --> 00:02:45,438 And yet, the words "I'm sorry" 60 00:02:45,438 --> 00:02:46,906 were never mentioned. 61 00:02:46,906 --> 00:02:48,107 Did anyone else clock that? 62 00:02:48,107 --> 00:02:49,642 I've never heard an apology before, 63 00:02:49,642 --> 00:02:51,544 so, to me, it was amazing. 64 00:02:51,544 --> 00:02:52,681 Ah. 65 00:02:53,081 --> 00:02:54,717 The bar is on the floor. 66 00:02:55,950 --> 00:02:57,453 And you? 67 00:02:59,253 --> 00:03:00,889 Are you happy with this? 68 00:03:01,518 --> 00:03:02,791 With what? 69 00:03:04,592 --> 00:03:05,628 Pirating? 70 00:03:07,128 --> 00:03:09,494 Well... this is a pirate ship 71 00:03:09,494 --> 00:03:13,336 and I'm a pirate, so, yeah... 72 00:03:15,537 --> 00:03:16,968 I'm good with it. 73 00:03:16,968 --> 00:03:19,075 You still mad he pushed you off the ship, twatty? 74 00:03:20,775 --> 00:03:21,974 (spits) 75 00:03:21,974 --> 00:03:23,242 - (bell ringing) - How long do I have to wear 76 00:03:23,242 --> 00:03:25,111 this fucking bell for? 77 00:03:25,111 --> 00:03:27,445 Until the probation ends. 78 00:03:27,445 --> 00:03:29,948 When's that? What, like, a day? 79 00:03:29,948 --> 00:03:31,979 When the crew are comfortable with you again. 80 00:03:31,979 --> 00:03:33,585 And you're not doing insane things, 81 00:03:33,585 --> 00:03:34,953 like shooting people's legs off. 82 00:03:34,953 --> 00:03:37,289 So, it's, like, probably more than a day for that. 83 00:03:37,289 --> 00:03:38,523 I know it must be odd. 84 00:03:38,523 --> 00:03:40,192 I'm sure you didn't apologize for anything 85 00:03:40,192 --> 00:03:42,828 - when you were Captain. - Oh, fuck no. 86 00:03:42,828 --> 00:03:46,535 Apologizing? Nah, didn't apologize for jack shit. 87 00:03:47,201 --> 00:03:50,673 Then, I'm different and I'm not the Captain anymore, am I? You are. 88 00:03:51,640 --> 00:03:53,109 Yes, that's true. 89 00:03:53,341 --> 00:03:57,109 But I haven't really felt it since we got back on the ship. 90 00:03:57,109 --> 00:03:58,876 Well then, say it. You gotta own it. Say it. 91 00:03:58,876 --> 00:04:01,650 - What? "I'm your Captain"? - Give it more than that. 92 00:04:02,149 --> 00:04:04,516 You are the Captain. Now, own it. 93 00:04:04,516 --> 00:04:06,355 Come on, say it properly. Go. 94 00:04:08,089 --> 00:04:09,321 I'm your Captain! 95 00:04:09,321 --> 00:04:11,327 (clears throat) Wait, I can do it better. 96 00:04:11,860 --> 00:04:15,694 I'm your Captain... and I demand respect! 97 00:04:15,694 --> 00:04:16,862 Oh, boy. 98 00:04:16,862 --> 00:04:18,530 - Please? - Be the Captain. 99 00:04:18,530 --> 00:04:20,032 What would you have me do, Captain, 100 00:04:20,032 --> 00:04:21,368 to restore my reputation? 101 00:04:21,368 --> 00:04:22,438 Go. 102 00:04:24,205 --> 00:04:27,640 Right. Why don't you-- You can-- 103 00:04:27,640 --> 00:04:30,008 (inhales) We-- 104 00:04:30,008 --> 00:04:31,143 Fit in more. 105 00:04:31,143 --> 00:04:32,706 Got it, fit in more. Yes. Okay. 106 00:04:32,706 --> 00:04:34,213 Yes, and be helpful. 107 00:04:34,213 --> 00:04:35,914 - Oh! - There's a lotta things that need doing. 108 00:04:35,914 --> 00:04:38,250 - Good goal. Okay. Sure. - So you could fix something 109 00:04:38,250 --> 00:04:39,819 and stop pissing people off! 110 00:04:39,819 --> 00:04:40,990 Right away, sir. 111 00:04:43,625 --> 00:04:44,893 That was better. 112 00:04:45,393 --> 00:04:47,430 Just need to work on your mean voice. 113 00:04:48,863 --> 00:04:50,294 I will. 114 00:04:52,701 --> 00:04:54,532 I'm Captain! 115 00:04:54,532 --> 00:04:58,337 That's my chair! That's the Captain's chair! 116 00:04:58,337 --> 00:05:00,609 - Frenchie: Oy, shut up! - Sorry! 117 00:05:02,944 --> 00:05:04,610 Blackbeard: Hello, Mr. Latch. 118 00:05:04,610 --> 00:05:07,683 It's not your fault you're broken... No. 119 00:05:08,817 --> 00:05:12,117 You didn't break you. (blows) 120 00:05:12,117 --> 00:05:15,191 Just trying to do your job, weren't ya? (grunts) 121 00:05:17,325 --> 00:05:19,859 - (door creaks) - Alright. 122 00:05:19,859 --> 00:05:24,362 Ooh. Ooh, yes. Ooh. (laughs) 123 00:05:24,362 --> 00:05:26,065 Very good. Oh. Oh, hey, friend. 124 00:05:26,065 --> 00:05:27,633 (yelling) Oh! Fuck you! 125 00:05:27,633 --> 00:05:28,537 Um... 126 00:05:29,737 --> 00:05:32,638 I just fixed the door latch. Do you see that? 127 00:05:32,638 --> 00:05:33,806 Don't fucking look at me. 128 00:05:33,806 --> 00:05:34,876 Mm. 129 00:05:35,676 --> 00:05:38,047 Yeah, I can tell you've got issues with me. 130 00:05:38,513 --> 00:05:39,444 Issues? 131 00:05:39,444 --> 00:05:41,850 - What? Aah! - (loud splash) 132 00:05:42,517 --> 00:05:43,816 You're a degenerate. 133 00:05:43,816 --> 00:05:46,385 - Hm. - You're sick. You're an actual psycho. 134 00:05:46,385 --> 00:05:47,653 Right, yeah. 135 00:05:47,653 --> 00:05:50,122 Uh, (inhales) maybe we could get through this 136 00:05:50,122 --> 00:05:52,825 a lot faster if you just let it all out in one go. 137 00:05:52,825 --> 00:05:54,129 (scoffs) 138 00:05:54,861 --> 00:05:58,463 There is nothing you can do that would fix this. 139 00:05:58,463 --> 00:06:00,636 I will let you push me off the ship. 140 00:06:02,704 --> 00:06:04,173 Actually, that could be huge. 141 00:06:05,441 --> 00:06:06,675 Yeah. 142 00:06:07,942 --> 00:06:09,178 Lead the way. 143 00:06:09,545 --> 00:06:12,344 (light music playing) 144 00:06:12,344 --> 00:06:15,418 - (heavy breathing) - (grunting) 145 00:06:22,389 --> 00:06:24,823 Oh, so this is where all my candles went. 146 00:06:24,823 --> 00:06:27,096 And you've used the good ones. 147 00:06:28,463 --> 00:06:29,498 Yep... 148 00:06:30,899 --> 00:06:33,869 I'm having to relearn the basics with one leg. 149 00:06:34,969 --> 00:06:37,006 (sword slicing) 150 00:06:39,541 --> 00:06:41,209 The basics? Huh. 151 00:06:41,909 --> 00:06:45,444 I think my basics might be a bit more basic than your basics. 152 00:06:45,444 --> 00:06:49,515 - Actually, it recently occurred to me that-- - That you know nothing? 153 00:06:49,515 --> 00:06:51,451 That you're a shitty Captain, yeah? 154 00:06:51,451 --> 00:06:53,052 I don't know about that. 155 00:06:53,052 --> 00:06:57,322 But Blackbeard did say he credited you... 156 00:06:57,322 --> 00:07:00,292 with a lot of his skills. 157 00:07:00,292 --> 00:07:02,966 Yeah, well, Blackbeard says a lot of things. 158 00:07:07,268 --> 00:07:10,306 But what did he say about me s-specifically? 159 00:07:11,372 --> 00:07:13,572 Well, specifically, he said 160 00:07:13,572 --> 00:07:15,074 you taught him everything he knows. 161 00:07:15,074 --> 00:07:17,709 - Made him the Captain he is today. - Ah. 162 00:07:17,709 --> 00:07:21,317 Perhaps I could learn at the feet of one of the greats. 163 00:07:23,051 --> 00:07:25,050 - (leg thuds) - Izzy Hands: Foot. 164 00:07:25,050 --> 00:07:27,853 Oh, yes, foot. (chuckles) Sorry. 165 00:07:27,853 --> 00:07:29,959 (sword slices, clangs) 166 00:07:30,291 --> 00:07:33,062 Ya know, maybe I could teach even you a thing or two. 167 00:07:35,029 --> 00:07:36,428 Punch me. 168 00:07:36,428 --> 00:07:38,498 - Come on, punch me. - Yep. Okay. 169 00:07:38,498 --> 00:07:39,501 What hand do you want? 170 00:07:39,734 --> 00:07:41,404 (Stede groans) 171 00:07:42,736 --> 00:07:45,171 - Oh, that hurt. - Izzy: Rope swinging. 172 00:07:45,171 --> 00:07:47,509 Looks easy, but everyone fucks it up. 173 00:07:47,909 --> 00:07:49,541 - Fuck off. - (Stede yells) 174 00:07:49,541 --> 00:07:51,780 - Put your shoulders into it! - (Stede grunts) 175 00:07:52,146 --> 00:07:53,879 (wails) Burning! 176 00:07:53,879 --> 00:07:56,281 - Burn, burn, burn, burn! - Gloves were a bit shit, 177 00:07:56,281 --> 00:07:58,883 - weren't they? - It's burning through the gloves! Ah! (exhales) 178 00:07:58,883 --> 00:08:01,120 Izzy: You're in the field. Three men run at you 179 00:08:01,120 --> 00:08:03,121 from there, there, and there. 180 00:08:03,121 --> 00:08:04,092 Fire! 181 00:08:04,592 --> 00:08:05,791 - Ooh, hit something. - (clangs) 182 00:08:05,791 --> 00:08:07,392 - Ah! - (mainsail falling) 183 00:08:07,392 --> 00:08:09,428 - Roach: No, no, no! - Stede: Oh, God. 184 00:08:09,428 --> 00:08:10,800 Ow, come on! 185 00:08:11,099 --> 00:08:16,339 Okay, so, you say, "We're having a talent show." 186 00:08:18,339 --> 00:08:20,372 It, mm, doesn't sound like me. 187 00:08:20,372 --> 00:08:22,742 - Why would I say that? - 'Cause we were having a talent show. 188 00:08:22,742 --> 00:08:24,744 We were? Why were we having a talent-- 189 00:08:24,744 --> 00:08:27,450 Shut up! Okay? Shut up and say the line. 190 00:08:29,250 --> 00:08:31,287 (wind blowing) 191 00:08:32,587 --> 00:08:35,488 What was it again? (grunts, yelps) 192 00:08:35,488 --> 00:08:37,555 - (loud splash) - Ah! 193 00:08:37,555 --> 00:08:40,392 Fuckin' eat my shit, Blackbeard! 194 00:08:40,392 --> 00:08:42,562 How does that feel, bitch?! 195 00:08:42,562 --> 00:08:43,466 Blackbeard: Cold! 196 00:08:44,866 --> 00:08:46,530 How do you feel? 197 00:08:47,802 --> 00:08:51,437 Yeah. No, I feel... I feel better. 198 00:08:51,437 --> 00:08:52,708 Blackbeard: Lucius! 199 00:08:53,341 --> 00:08:55,944 - I said, "Are you feeling better?" - (softly) I feel better. 200 00:08:56,877 --> 00:08:59,679 - I feel better. - Blackbeard: Do you have closure? 201 00:08:59,679 --> 00:09:01,184 Lucius... 202 00:09:02,449 --> 00:09:05,221 why aren't you answering me? 203 00:09:06,555 --> 00:09:08,591 Do you feel better? 204 00:09:10,158 --> 00:09:11,957 - Hey. - Oh, hey, Fang. 205 00:09:11,957 --> 00:09:14,026 - Whatcha doin'? - Oh, not much. 206 00:09:14,026 --> 00:09:16,595 Hangin' out on this ladder. Part of my probation. 207 00:09:16,595 --> 00:09:18,167 How's that going? 208 00:09:18,466 --> 00:09:19,903 Pretty good, I think. 209 00:09:21,468 --> 00:09:24,103 Hey! You wanna come with me? 210 00:09:24,103 --> 00:09:27,571 - Yeah, may as well. - I'm gonna catch some fishes. 211 00:09:29,210 --> 00:09:30,843 - I'll jump from here. - Yup. 212 00:09:30,843 --> 00:09:32,511 Cannonball! 213 00:09:32,511 --> 00:09:34,415 - (loud splash) - (Fang laughs) 214 00:09:34,748 --> 00:09:37,886 I think you're amazing... fascinating. 215 00:09:39,487 --> 00:09:41,487 - Go on. - I've never met anyone with such 216 00:09:41,487 --> 00:09:44,389 a total lack of skills. 217 00:09:44,389 --> 00:09:48,698 - Oh. - How you are still alive, I cannot say. 218 00:09:49,164 --> 00:09:51,458 I do ask myself that question every day. 219 00:09:51,458 --> 00:09:53,132 No, I mean, I've met greater men than you. 220 00:09:53,132 --> 00:09:54,700 You know, better fighters, 221 00:09:54,700 --> 00:09:57,002 better shooters, better, uh-- 222 00:09:57,002 --> 00:09:58,570 Well, just better. 223 00:09:58,570 --> 00:10:00,573 - Alright. - But they were all killed. 224 00:10:00,573 --> 00:10:02,240 And yet, here you stand. 225 00:10:02,240 --> 00:10:05,677 I think being out in the field is my thing. 226 00:10:05,677 --> 00:10:09,915 It's like I blackout and my body just takes over. 227 00:10:09,915 --> 00:10:11,483 I beat you in a duel. 228 00:10:11,483 --> 00:10:14,052 - On a fucking technicality! - Uh, might've been. 229 00:10:14,052 --> 00:10:15,223 I have no memory of it. 230 00:10:15,856 --> 00:10:20,192 Regardless, I think it's time to test my killer skills. 231 00:10:20,192 --> 00:10:23,166 - (tense music playing) - Looks like we've got company. 232 00:10:24,599 --> 00:10:26,599 (crew yelling) 233 00:10:26,599 --> 00:10:28,501 ♪ 234 00:10:28,501 --> 00:10:31,774 Oh... No. Ugh! 235 00:10:32,874 --> 00:10:35,074 - What happened here? - Congrats, Bonnet. 236 00:10:35,074 --> 00:10:38,347 You've picked the only ship where everyone's dead. 237 00:10:38,980 --> 00:10:41,645 - (clattering) - We've got a live one. 238 00:10:44,886 --> 00:10:49,554 Uh, what are all these weird lines? 239 00:10:49,554 --> 00:10:52,461 {\an8}Black Pete: They must be really into geometry. 240 00:10:55,463 --> 00:10:58,134 - (Priest groaning, spitting) - Oh. 241 00:11:00,635 --> 00:11:03,269 Um... do you want a glass of water? 242 00:11:03,269 --> 00:11:04,974 (struggling) 243 00:11:07,341 --> 00:11:10,476 Estamos viajando al Vaticano 244 00:11:10,476 --> 00:11:12,278 buscando un exorcismo. 245 00:11:12,278 --> 00:11:13,982 He's saying this place is cursed. 246 00:11:14,448 --> 00:11:16,382 Este barco no debe saquearse-- 247 00:11:16,382 --> 00:11:18,583 Jim: If we stay, we'll be cursed. 248 00:11:18,583 --> 00:11:20,952 Everything over there is cursed. 249 00:11:20,952 --> 00:11:23,455 - (Priest continues) - Everything over there is also cursed, 250 00:11:23,455 --> 00:11:25,424 and if we touch anything, we'll be-- 251 00:11:25,424 --> 00:11:27,260 - (priest wheezes) - Be what? 252 00:11:27,260 --> 00:11:28,961 (chokes) 253 00:11:28,961 --> 00:11:30,299 Okay, I'm out. 254 00:11:33,368 --> 00:11:34,600 (sighs) 255 00:11:34,600 --> 00:11:36,769 (ominous music playing) 256 00:11:36,769 --> 00:11:39,238 (eerie voices whispering) 257 00:11:39,238 --> 00:11:42,511 Well... hello there. 258 00:11:44,880 --> 00:11:46,511 I mean, it's an absolute gem. 259 00:11:46,511 --> 00:11:49,749 Bonnet, we've gotta go. This place reeks of... 260 00:11:49,749 --> 00:11:50,850 dead priests. 261 00:11:50,850 --> 00:11:52,989 Sure, but watch the flow. 262 00:11:54,856 --> 00:11:56,856 - (sailor yells) - What? (yelps) 263 00:11:56,856 --> 00:11:58,560 (sailor grunts) 264 00:11:59,193 --> 00:12:02,427 Izzy, did you see that? I did a punch! 265 00:12:02,427 --> 00:12:04,767 - (crew laughing) - (cheery music playing) 266 00:12:05,867 --> 00:12:08,867 - Here's to the perfect raid. - Crew: Ay! 267 00:12:08,867 --> 00:12:11,537 - Hey. Love the suit. - Oh, that shit is decadent. 268 00:12:11,537 --> 00:12:13,539 - Very Captain-y. - Right? I know! 269 00:12:13,539 --> 00:12:15,544 - It's cursed. - (scoffs) 270 00:12:16,711 --> 00:12:18,477 What? No, it isn't. 271 00:12:18,477 --> 00:12:22,984 The priest literally said that right before he died. 272 00:12:23,984 --> 00:12:28,320 Keeping that suit is playing las maracas with the Devil. 273 00:12:28,320 --> 00:12:29,621 - (spits) - Stede: Jim, 274 00:12:29,621 --> 00:12:31,991 I'm sorry there was only one velvety suit. 275 00:12:31,991 --> 00:12:33,959 You're most welcome to borrow it. 276 00:12:33,959 --> 00:12:36,732 Or, well... look at it. (chuckles) 277 00:12:37,865 --> 00:12:39,902 So, I just turned around. I had this-- 278 00:12:40,268 --> 00:12:42,738 You know you're gonna have to burn that, right? 279 00:12:43,405 --> 00:12:44,804 What? Why? 280 00:12:44,804 --> 00:12:47,510 - Crew thinks it's cursed. - (scoffs) 281 00:12:48,076 --> 00:12:51,076 Izzy... you don't believe in curses, do you? 282 00:12:51,076 --> 00:12:55,314 Me? No, of course not. But the crew do. 283 00:12:55,314 --> 00:12:57,416 I've seen an entire command 284 00:12:57,416 --> 00:13:00,586 gouge their eyes out on account of one. 285 00:13:00,586 --> 00:13:02,786 Sounds to me like syphilis. 286 00:13:03,758 --> 00:13:06,058 A curse is a curse. 287 00:13:06,058 --> 00:13:07,593 (ominous music playing) 288 00:13:07,593 --> 00:13:09,665 And once it takes hold 289 00:13:10,598 --> 00:13:12,031 well... 290 00:13:12,031 --> 00:13:14,361 (music stops) 291 00:13:14,361 --> 00:13:16,438 well, then it takes hold. 292 00:13:16,771 --> 00:13:18,674 How does this look? 293 00:13:19,240 --> 00:13:23,175 Kinda... sultry, yet casual? 294 00:13:23,175 --> 00:13:25,378 Yeah, I love that. Love sultry, love caszh. 295 00:13:25,378 --> 00:13:26,846 Let's do that. 296 00:13:26,846 --> 00:13:31,114 Or... do we do something more formal? 297 00:13:31,613 --> 00:13:35,758 You draw me as like a... steely lord. 298 00:13:36,157 --> 00:13:38,391 Yeah, let's do that. 299 00:13:38,391 --> 00:13:39,795 Babe? 300 00:13:41,328 --> 00:13:42,955 Uh! Oh, yeah. No, I'm kind of-- 301 00:13:42,955 --> 00:13:44,531 I'm sort of splitting the difference between the two, 302 00:13:44,531 --> 00:13:46,198 and it's, it's nice. 303 00:13:46,198 --> 00:13:47,800 You're not even looking at me. 304 00:13:47,800 --> 00:13:50,773 - You're looking through me. - (scoffs) 305 00:13:55,577 --> 00:13:57,643 What the hell is this? 306 00:13:57,643 --> 00:13:59,044 Well, it's not what it looks like. 307 00:13:59,044 --> 00:14:04,050 It looks like my body with Blackbeard's face? 308 00:14:04,050 --> 00:14:05,617 Okay. Well, it is what it looks like then. 309 00:14:05,617 --> 00:14:07,419 You said you got all this outta your system 310 00:14:07,419 --> 00:14:10,122 when you pushed him off the ship. 311 00:14:10,122 --> 00:14:11,424 Oh, my God! 312 00:14:11,424 --> 00:14:12,991 A flower? 313 00:14:12,991 --> 00:14:14,894 - With Blackbeard's face on it? - Well-- (sighs) 314 00:14:14,894 --> 00:14:18,596 And a... a doggie with Blackbeard's face on it? 315 00:14:18,596 --> 00:14:20,500 You have no fucking idea what I've been through. 316 00:14:20,500 --> 00:14:22,071 What you've been through? 317 00:14:23,138 --> 00:14:27,008 Dude! Blackbeard did this to both of us. 318 00:14:27,341 --> 00:14:30,075 For weeks, I thought you were dead. 319 00:14:30,075 --> 00:14:32,548 I cried every night. 320 00:14:33,214 --> 00:14:37,086 I'd wake up in the morning thinking I heard your voice. 321 00:14:38,885 --> 00:14:40,920 Okay, yeah. Well, obviously, I've underestimated some stuff. 322 00:14:40,920 --> 00:14:42,325 I don't fuckin' know. 323 00:14:43,190 --> 00:14:44,860 Yeah, I guess you did. 324 00:14:45,560 --> 00:14:48,327 Come find me when Blackbeard isn't living 325 00:14:48,327 --> 00:14:50,295 rent-free in your head. 326 00:14:50,295 --> 00:14:51,597 And another thing! 327 00:14:51,597 --> 00:14:53,498 You talk all the time 328 00:14:53,498 --> 00:14:56,239 about how, how you almost died. 329 00:14:56,738 --> 00:14:59,772 But I never hear anything... 330 00:14:59,772 --> 00:15:01,841 about the fact that you lived. 331 00:15:01,841 --> 00:15:04,909 (pensive music playing) 332 00:15:09,684 --> 00:15:12,721 (Jim chanting) 333 00:15:15,689 --> 00:15:17,322 (sighs) Alright, as long as no one breaks 334 00:15:17,322 --> 00:15:20,059 the salt line, we should be safe. 335 00:15:20,059 --> 00:15:22,327 - Ah, guys. - (yelling, hissing) 336 00:15:22,327 --> 00:15:23,563 - Oh, come on! - Out! Out! 337 00:15:23,563 --> 00:15:24,864 - Come on! - Ridiculous. 338 00:15:24,864 --> 00:15:26,531 - Shut the door! - Shut the door! 339 00:15:26,531 --> 00:15:29,034 - Cierra la puerta! (groans) - Come on! We're doing a-- 340 00:15:29,034 --> 00:15:30,569 - Oh, no. Stop it. - Mm-hmm. 341 00:15:30,569 --> 00:15:32,275 - That is unreal. - Right? 342 00:15:32,674 --> 00:15:36,008 Sweet, salty, sour, crunchy. Hm? 343 00:15:36,008 --> 00:15:38,714 I'm going to call it "peanut paste." 344 00:15:39,113 --> 00:15:42,682 Ah, gents, thanks for your support earlier. 345 00:15:42,682 --> 00:15:44,216 It's just really comforting to know 346 00:15:44,216 --> 00:15:46,184 that there are men of science aboard 347 00:15:46,184 --> 00:15:50,221 who can disregard such idiotic superstition ideas. 348 00:15:50,221 --> 00:15:52,591 - Oh, yeah. Hate, hate all that nonsense. - Of course. Men of science. 349 00:15:52,591 --> 00:15:54,392 - Us, yeah. - Oh, by the way, Roach, don't forget to leave 350 00:15:54,392 --> 00:15:56,262 the leftovers out for the fairies, though. 351 00:15:56,262 --> 00:15:57,730 Alright. They did help the bread rise. 352 00:15:57,730 --> 00:15:58,998 They do deserve their fair cut, 353 00:15:58,998 --> 00:16:00,232 - right, Captain? - You're absolutely right. 354 00:16:00,232 --> 00:16:01,700 - Frenchie: Yeah. - Always thank the fairies. 355 00:16:01,700 --> 00:16:03,369 - Frenchie: Thank you, fairies. - Ah, yes. That's yeast. 356 00:16:03,369 --> 00:16:06,109 I think you're-- Doesn't matter. 357 00:16:06,641 --> 00:16:07,676 Good. 358 00:16:12,980 --> 00:16:16,081 Oh. You feel that scratching on your brain? 359 00:16:16,081 --> 00:16:18,350 - Huh? - Scratchin' on-- 360 00:16:18,350 --> 00:16:21,190 (tense music playing) 361 00:16:22,490 --> 00:16:24,160 That's no good. 362 00:16:25,894 --> 00:16:29,127 - (panicked) Am I okay? - Okay... 363 00:16:29,127 --> 00:16:32,201 Captain's cursed. (spits) 364 00:16:34,335 --> 00:16:36,102 Blackbeard: Hey, um, Fang? 365 00:16:36,102 --> 00:16:38,371 - Mm-hmm? - Can I ask you something? 366 00:16:38,371 --> 00:16:39,342 Yep. 367 00:16:40,608 --> 00:16:43,943 - You think I'm a dick? - Of course, you're a dick. 368 00:16:43,943 --> 00:16:46,312 (laughs) 369 00:16:46,312 --> 00:16:47,913 Is that not what you're going for? 370 00:16:47,913 --> 00:16:51,083 - No, I'm assertive. - Yeah, right. That's a dick. 371 00:16:51,083 --> 00:16:53,151 Come on, man. No, we-- 372 00:16:53,151 --> 00:16:55,555 You and me, we had some good times, didn't we? 373 00:16:55,555 --> 00:16:56,654 - Yeah. - A lotta laughs. 374 00:16:56,654 --> 00:16:58,090 Remember all the games we used to play? 375 00:16:58,090 --> 00:17:00,325 Knife Parade. Ay, remember that? 376 00:17:00,325 --> 00:17:01,726 With the procession of knives. 377 00:17:01,726 --> 00:17:03,666 And I remember me running down a hall. 378 00:17:03,831 --> 00:17:05,464 (yells) "Come here, you little fucker!" 379 00:17:05,464 --> 00:17:06,732 With the knife like that. 380 00:17:06,732 --> 00:17:08,500 And you're like (giggles), you're laughing. 381 00:17:08,500 --> 00:17:09,968 You were like, (laughs) "No!" 382 00:17:09,968 --> 00:17:12,604 - Running away from me. - No, I-I-I wasn't giggling. 383 00:17:12,604 --> 00:17:16,008 - (laughing) Yeah, you were. - No... I was screaming. 384 00:17:16,008 --> 00:17:17,575 (chuckles) What? 385 00:17:17,575 --> 00:17:20,615 I was screaming 'cause I was scared. I was terrified. 386 00:17:21,015 --> 00:17:23,015 I didn't like that game. 387 00:17:23,015 --> 00:17:25,555 - You were scared? - Hell yeah. 388 00:17:26,121 --> 00:17:29,358 Oh, fuck, Fang. I didn't know that, man. I'm sorry. 389 00:17:32,526 --> 00:17:35,498 - It's alright. - Fuck, how come you're not mad at me? 390 00:17:36,064 --> 00:17:39,335 I kinda got it out of my system when we beat you to death. 391 00:17:39,901 --> 00:17:42,034 (Fang yells) 392 00:17:42,034 --> 00:17:45,871 I did unthinkable things to your body. 393 00:17:45,871 --> 00:17:50,476 Savaged it with punches, kicks, slams. 394 00:17:50,476 --> 00:17:53,179 - Lots of crotch stuff and-- - Okay. Yep, okay. 395 00:17:53,179 --> 00:17:55,013 - That's enough. - And you were like a rag doll 396 00:17:55,013 --> 00:17:57,482 in these hands as I lifted you up 397 00:17:57,482 --> 00:17:59,451 - and then I'd smack you again... - Fang, that's quite enough. Okay, thank you. 398 00:17:59,451 --> 00:18:01,453 - Thank you. That's enough. - ...and again, and again, and again. 399 00:18:01,453 --> 00:18:05,157 So, you and I, we're... we're sweet. 400 00:18:05,157 --> 00:18:08,031 (light music playing) 401 00:18:12,066 --> 00:18:14,098 Still mopin'? 402 00:18:16,504 --> 00:18:18,541 ♪ 403 00:18:21,875 --> 00:18:26,579 Flippin' the tables on Blackbeard didn't quite numb the pain? 404 00:18:26,579 --> 00:18:27,650 No. 405 00:18:29,017 --> 00:18:31,654 Maybe we try what he did to you next. 406 00:18:33,287 --> 00:18:34,557 What who did to me? 407 00:18:35,223 --> 00:18:36,459 Blackbeard. 408 00:18:37,592 --> 00:18:40,729 'Cause he... chopped off your leg. 409 00:18:41,362 --> 00:18:43,399 Don't know what you're talkin' about. 410 00:18:44,132 --> 00:18:46,268 A shark did this. 411 00:18:46,801 --> 00:18:50,670 Dangling my legs over the side of the ship. 412 00:18:50,670 --> 00:18:52,475 Served me right, too. 413 00:18:53,641 --> 00:18:56,008 Okay, that seems healthy. (chuckles) 414 00:18:56,008 --> 00:18:57,510 Using a bit of fiction to help 415 00:18:57,510 --> 00:18:58,911 cover up your trauma. 416 00:18:58,911 --> 00:19:01,817 Yeah... well... 417 00:19:03,385 --> 00:19:04,820 (blows) 418 00:19:09,758 --> 00:19:11,995 Not movin' on is worse. 419 00:19:13,828 --> 00:19:15,297 Twatty. 420 00:19:15,764 --> 00:19:18,801 (pensive music playing) 421 00:19:21,636 --> 00:19:23,306 I actually love this. 422 00:19:23,838 --> 00:19:26,605 - (indistinct chatter) - What's all this? 423 00:19:26,605 --> 00:19:28,574 (crew gasps) 424 00:19:28,574 --> 00:19:29,942 A reckoning. 425 00:19:29,942 --> 00:19:32,111 The moment you left, Frenchie got hideous sores 426 00:19:32,111 --> 00:19:33,578 all over his beautiful body! 427 00:19:33,578 --> 00:19:35,147 Yeah, my eyes itch and I wanna rip 'em out 428 00:19:35,147 --> 00:19:36,777 and scratch the backs of 'em, but I can't. 429 00:19:36,777 --> 00:19:38,150 They're red like your suit! 430 00:19:38,150 --> 00:19:40,085 He's clearly had an allergic reaction. 431 00:19:40,085 --> 00:19:42,120 Frenchie, have you had peanuts before? 432 00:19:42,120 --> 00:19:44,489 Oh, he's lying. He's blamin' the bean. 433 00:19:44,489 --> 00:19:46,424 Olu, it's a legume. They can kill you. 434 00:19:46,424 --> 00:19:48,088 Don't listen to the Devil Suit. 435 00:19:48,088 --> 00:19:50,329 - It wishes to deceive us. - Archie: Mm-hmm. 436 00:19:50,329 --> 00:19:51,997 Look. Wait. Come on. 437 00:19:51,997 --> 00:19:54,302 Let's resolve this like adults, 438 00:19:54,702 --> 00:19:57,803 who have a... respect for fine tailoring. 439 00:19:57,803 --> 00:20:00,573 - Attack! Give us the suit! - (crew yelling) 440 00:20:00,573 --> 00:20:03,109 Give us the suit! 441 00:20:03,109 --> 00:20:04,577 Just let it go, man! 442 00:20:04,577 --> 00:20:07,613 (intense music playing) 443 00:20:07,613 --> 00:20:09,315 (whimpers) 444 00:20:09,315 --> 00:20:13,119 Oh! They ripped my pocket. Those fuckin' barbarians. 445 00:20:13,119 --> 00:20:16,321 A curse is a curse, 446 00:20:16,321 --> 00:20:17,924 and once it takes hold-- 447 00:20:17,924 --> 00:20:20,529 Oh, fuck off! 448 00:20:21,028 --> 00:20:23,066 ♪ 449 00:20:23,493 --> 00:20:24,533 Rude. 450 00:20:26,333 --> 00:20:28,333 Yeah, maybe I did too much. 451 00:20:28,333 --> 00:20:31,740 - Fang: Mm. - I took a man's leg, terrorized you. 452 00:20:32,139 --> 00:20:34,177 I wasn't a good guy. 453 00:20:36,410 --> 00:20:38,777 I'd like to make amends, but I just-- 454 00:20:38,777 --> 00:20:40,812 Honestly, I wouldn't even know where to start, 455 00:20:40,812 --> 00:20:43,681 what to say to make things better, how to even say it. 456 00:20:43,681 --> 00:20:45,117 - Ya know, there are certain things I know... - If, if, if... 457 00:20:45,117 --> 00:20:46,551 - ...I should be saying, but... - ...if, if I could... 458 00:20:46,551 --> 00:20:48,857 - ...where do I even be-- - ...just make an observation. 459 00:20:49,691 --> 00:20:50,927 You... 460 00:20:52,660 --> 00:20:57,157 you-- Do you think you talk so much because 461 00:20:57,157 --> 00:21:00,966 you don't wanna know how to sit with yourself? 462 00:21:00,966 --> 00:21:02,902 Ya know, I-I bet you're-- 463 00:21:02,902 --> 00:21:04,803 You can't stay quiet long enough 464 00:21:04,803 --> 00:21:07,206 to, to catch a fish. 465 00:21:07,206 --> 00:21:09,841 Ya know, uh, just... 466 00:21:09,841 --> 00:21:12,305 - a bit, a bit-- - Yes, like-- A bit? Oh, you want a bit? 467 00:21:12,305 --> 00:21:14,479 - Yeah. - Another game. Another one of our games. 468 00:21:14,479 --> 00:21:16,381 - Okay. Bring it on. - Shh. 469 00:21:16,381 --> 00:21:18,017 Time for me to be quiet. 470 00:21:18,017 --> 00:21:20,752 - Watch this? I can be quiet and catch a fish. - Shh. 471 00:21:20,752 --> 00:21:22,421 - (whispering) You don't have to do that, Fang. - Shh. 472 00:21:22,421 --> 00:21:23,859 I know what that means. 473 00:21:24,259 --> 00:21:25,724 - I just want to-- - Shh! 474 00:21:25,724 --> 00:21:27,059 Yeah, but no. I'm just saying that I just-- 475 00:21:27,059 --> 00:21:28,797 (soft whistle) 476 00:21:29,364 --> 00:21:31,096 (softly) I'm being quiet. 477 00:21:31,096 --> 00:21:33,068 (kisses) 478 00:21:33,768 --> 00:21:37,573 Everybody come out! The suit has gone. 479 00:21:39,807 --> 00:21:41,844 Come on. Out you come. 480 00:21:45,046 --> 00:21:47,846 Here we go. 481 00:21:47,846 --> 00:21:51,717 It's locked away safely where it can't harm anyone. 482 00:21:51,717 --> 00:21:54,520 Clearly, I have been blind 483 00:21:54,520 --> 00:21:56,456 to how this perceived curse 484 00:21:56,456 --> 00:21:58,757 has affected you all. 485 00:21:58,757 --> 00:22:01,196 If you believe the curse is real, 486 00:22:01,562 --> 00:22:03,863 even if only through the power of suggestion, 487 00:22:03,863 --> 00:22:07,266 then there is validity to your experiences. 488 00:22:07,266 --> 00:22:09,969 So, you're saying the curse is real? 489 00:22:09,969 --> 00:22:13,138 I'm saying the curse is real to you. 490 00:22:13,138 --> 00:22:15,844 But your point is, it's real. 491 00:22:16,645 --> 00:22:17,880 Uh... 492 00:22:20,649 --> 00:22:21,647 yes. 493 00:22:21,647 --> 00:22:23,781 - Yes, it is real. - (crew exclaims) 494 00:22:23,781 --> 00:22:26,786 - It is real. Okay? - Black Pete: I knew it! I knew it. 495 00:22:26,786 --> 00:22:28,755 So... (sighs) 496 00:22:28,755 --> 00:22:31,223 how do we destroy the suit? 497 00:22:31,223 --> 00:22:33,426 Or... have we moved on from that? 498 00:22:33,426 --> 00:22:35,094 (all disagreeing) 499 00:22:35,094 --> 00:22:37,795 I reckon, you get a fuckin' bunch of knives, 500 00:22:37,795 --> 00:22:39,665 stab the shit out of it and just see what happens. 501 00:22:39,665 --> 00:22:41,967 Oh, imagine if it bleeds. 502 00:22:41,967 --> 00:22:44,170 Let's get some ideas going. What else is there? 503 00:22:44,170 --> 00:22:46,305 When we found that priest, 504 00:22:46,305 --> 00:22:47,901 he said not to take anything 505 00:22:47,901 --> 00:22:49,474 before Stede defied him, 506 00:22:49,474 --> 00:22:52,745 actively inviting the Devil into all of our lives. 507 00:22:52,745 --> 00:22:54,513 Ooh, that's it then. We, we could just-- 508 00:22:54,513 --> 00:22:56,781 We could just fob the suit off to some other dummy. 509 00:22:56,781 --> 00:23:02,854 - Roach: Oh, yes! - Uh, d-does that make us horrible people? 510 00:23:02,854 --> 00:23:06,258 - Or does that make us smarter people? - I think the latter. 511 00:23:06,258 --> 00:23:08,294 - I think what you said. - (all agreeing) 512 00:23:08,294 --> 00:23:10,963 Okay. Yeah. We've got some ideas. 513 00:23:10,963 --> 00:23:12,497 (laughter) 514 00:23:12,497 --> 00:23:14,967 That was some swanky swordplay there, Izzy. 515 00:23:14,967 --> 00:23:16,668 That's what I do. 516 00:23:16,668 --> 00:23:18,871 And, Olu, that bit where we fought back-to-back. 517 00:23:18,871 --> 00:23:20,639 I know. It was wicked, innit? 518 00:23:20,639 --> 00:23:23,675 How 'bout Archie swingin' in on that rope, though? 519 00:23:23,675 --> 00:23:25,377 Oh, yeah. I've wrestled pythons. 520 00:23:25,377 --> 00:23:27,046 I used to be in a snake cult, so. 521 00:23:27,046 --> 00:23:28,381 - Sure. - (Archie whistles) 522 00:23:28,381 --> 00:23:30,185 (yells) 523 00:23:30,584 --> 00:23:32,818 (sternly) That is a warning. 524 00:23:32,818 --> 00:23:34,954 Do not try this Captain again. 525 00:23:34,954 --> 00:23:37,626 (tense music plays) 526 00:23:38,760 --> 00:23:40,526 What do you want from us? 527 00:23:40,526 --> 00:23:42,027 Oh, what do we want? 528 00:23:42,027 --> 00:23:45,101 - Black Pete... - (Black Pete clears throat) 529 00:23:46,601 --> 00:23:48,234 What do you think of this? 530 00:23:48,234 --> 00:23:50,736 Go on, touch it. 531 00:23:50,736 --> 00:23:53,437 Get a good hand feel on that fabric. 532 00:23:55,710 --> 00:23:58,147 - Seems nice? - Mm. 533 00:23:59,247 --> 00:24:00,479 Wait, is it cursed? 534 00:24:00,479 --> 00:24:01,848 - Jim: That's crazy! - What?! 535 00:24:01,848 --> 00:24:02,882 - What the-- - No! 536 00:24:02,882 --> 00:24:03,916 Who would think that? 537 00:24:03,916 --> 00:24:05,050 There ya go. (chuckles) 538 00:24:05,050 --> 00:24:07,556 Good luck! No backsies. 539 00:24:08,056 --> 00:24:10,690 - (laughter) - Roach: Hope you have garlic! 540 00:24:10,690 --> 00:24:12,761 (ominous voices whispering) 541 00:24:14,562 --> 00:24:16,632 Black Pete: Where are we going? 542 00:24:17,365 --> 00:24:19,766 You're not gonna throw me off the ship, are you? 543 00:24:19,766 --> 00:24:21,837 (Lucius laughs mockingly) 544 00:24:29,276 --> 00:24:31,410 Oh, my God, it's me. 545 00:24:31,410 --> 00:24:37,481 I suppose I just wanted you to know that I see you. 546 00:24:41,390 --> 00:24:42,888 It's beautiful. 547 00:24:42,888 --> 00:24:46,025 And you're right. I need to celebrate the fact that I lived. 548 00:24:46,025 --> 00:24:48,694 And to that end. (clears throat) 549 00:24:48,694 --> 00:24:50,796 (light music playing) 550 00:24:50,796 --> 00:24:53,497 - What are you doing? - Um... 551 00:24:55,136 --> 00:24:58,174 I wanna spend the rest of my life with, with you. 552 00:24:59,774 --> 00:25:01,273 - Oh, my God! - Is it weird? 553 00:25:01,273 --> 00:25:03,608 - I'm being so fucking weird. I'm sorry. - Yes! 554 00:25:03,608 --> 00:25:05,378 Yes to me being weird or yes to the other thing? 555 00:25:05,378 --> 00:25:06,244 Th-The other thing! 556 00:25:06,244 --> 00:25:07,647 Yes, I wanna spend the rest 557 00:25:07,647 --> 00:25:09,247 of my life with you! 558 00:25:09,247 --> 00:25:10,717 (Lucius chuckles) 559 00:25:10,717 --> 00:25:12,788 ♪ 560 00:25:16,591 --> 00:25:20,226 - Ah, I'll kill you. - (Lucius laughs) 561 00:25:20,226 --> 00:25:22,327 And so, I started pulling this thing in, 562 00:25:22,327 --> 00:25:24,396 winding it and reeling. 563 00:25:24,396 --> 00:25:27,666 Man against beast. I'm the man and the beast was beneath the sea. 564 00:25:27,666 --> 00:25:30,736 - Yeah. - So I pulled, and in the end... 565 00:25:30,736 --> 00:25:32,641 I triumphed. 566 00:25:33,708 --> 00:25:35,335 - (Stede gasps) - Behold. 567 00:25:35,335 --> 00:25:38,077 - Oh, Ed, that's beautiful. - Yeah. 568 00:25:38,077 --> 00:25:39,345 What are your plans for it? 569 00:25:39,345 --> 00:25:41,050 I'll probably just eat it. 570 00:25:41,783 --> 00:25:43,419 Good plan. I like that. 571 00:25:44,719 --> 00:25:48,785 - I like that shirt. - Oh. This new thing? (chuckles) 572 00:25:49,351 --> 00:25:51,991 I had a whole suit, but it was cursed. 573 00:25:51,991 --> 00:25:55,097 Long story, but I kept the shirt. 574 00:25:55,663 --> 00:25:57,297 That wasn't a long story at all. 575 00:25:57,297 --> 00:25:58,567 Well, I... 576 00:25:59,033 --> 00:26:02,705 Well... you wear fine things well. 577 00:26:03,571 --> 00:26:05,608 ♪ 578 00:26:14,048 --> 00:26:17,349 - Can we take it slow? - Yeah. Sorry, I didn't-- I was thinking-- 579 00:26:17,349 --> 00:26:20,552 No, it's alright. I just need to, um... (clears throat) 580 00:26:20,552 --> 00:26:22,521 - No, I know. - (Blackbeard sighs) 581 00:26:22,521 --> 00:26:25,228 We're whim-prone, as you said. 582 00:26:26,561 --> 00:26:28,431 And... 583 00:26:29,063 --> 00:26:33,937 sometimes, it's nice just to be patient and wait. 584 00:26:34,702 --> 00:26:36,902 You can't catch a fish 585 00:26:36,902 --> 00:26:39,675 unless the fish wants to be caught. 586 00:26:40,041 --> 00:26:41,539 And you're the fish? 587 00:26:41,539 --> 00:26:45,148 We're the fish, I guess. Maybe... I think? 588 00:26:45,381 --> 00:26:47,611 (chuckles) Okay. 589 00:26:50,017 --> 00:26:53,056 What about this? Is this alright? 590 00:26:54,856 --> 00:26:56,092 This? 591 00:26:57,592 --> 00:26:58,962 Perfect. 592 00:27:06,067 --> 00:27:09,105 ("Baby" by Donnie and Joe Emerson playing) 593 00:27:11,973 --> 00:27:13,637 (softly) You won. 594 00:27:16,978 --> 00:27:20,746 Hey! Guess what I also found out today. 595 00:27:20,746 --> 00:27:25,084 Fang's real name is Kevin... after his dad. 596 00:27:25,084 --> 00:27:26,752 - Stede: Really? - Blackbeard: Kevin Senior. 597 00:27:26,752 --> 00:27:28,287 - (Stede chuckles) - So he's Kevin Junior. 598 00:27:28,287 --> 00:27:31,591 And his dad is named after another Kevin. 599 00:27:31,591 --> 00:27:34,126 It actually goes back 400 years. 600 00:27:34,126 --> 00:27:37,029 Been with that man for 20 years. 601 00:27:37,029 --> 00:27:40,798 - Never thought to ask. - Stede: Why do they call him Fang? 602 00:27:40,798 --> 00:27:44,107 Blackbeard: Shit! Ya know, I should've asked him that, too. 603 00:27:48,175 --> 00:27:50,646 ♪ Yes, oh, baby ♪ 604 00:27:53,247 --> 00:27:56,680 ♪ Yes, oh, baby ♪ 605 00:27:59,921 --> 00:28:04,160 ♪ Sandy beach and was makin' love ♪ 606 00:28:05,193 --> 00:28:10,329 ♪ As a tide moves in on us ♪ 607 00:28:10,329 --> 00:28:15,400 ♪ Feels so good walkin' side by side ♪ 608 00:28:15,400 --> 00:28:19,171 ♪ Wanna be with you all my life ♪ 609 00:28:19,171 --> 00:28:22,478 ♪ Ooh, ooh, baby ♪ 610 00:28:24,211 --> 00:28:27,250 ♪ Yes, oh, baby ♪ 611 00:28:29,450 --> 00:28:32,488 ♪ Yes, oh, baby ♪ 612 00:28:34,689 --> 00:28:37,721 ♪ Yes, oh, baby ♪ 613 00:28:39,894 --> 00:28:42,932 ♪ Yes, oh, baby ♪ 614 00:28:45,166 --> 00:28:48,204 ♪ Yes, oh, baby ♪ 615 00:28:50,404 --> 00:28:53,442 ♪ Yes, oh, baby ♪ 616 00:28:55,843 --> 00:28:59,277 ♪ Yes, oh, baby ♪ 617 00:28:59,277 --> 00:29:02,181 (snoring, groans) 618 00:29:02,181 --> 00:29:04,253 (Blackbeard humming) 619 00:29:09,190 --> 00:29:11,427 Blackbeard: Here I am, being quiet. 620 00:29:12,861 --> 00:29:15,097 Stop humming, be quiet. 621 00:29:15,730 --> 00:29:19,732 I'm being quiet. Look at you being so quiet. 622 00:29:19,732 --> 00:29:22,805 Yes, I am being so quiet. 623 00:29:25,272 --> 00:29:26,906 (tug on line) 624 00:29:26,906 --> 00:29:28,373 (intense music playing) 625 00:29:28,373 --> 00:29:30,343 (gasps) It's happening. 626 00:29:30,343 --> 00:29:31,478 Oh, it's all go. 627 00:29:31,478 --> 00:29:32,578 (sharp exhale) 628 00:29:32,578 --> 00:29:33,746 Oh-hoo-hoo-hoo! 629 00:29:33,746 --> 00:29:35,715 Fishing is happening right now! 630 00:29:35,715 --> 00:29:37,750 ♪ 631 00:29:37,750 --> 00:29:39,251 (laughs) 632 00:29:39,251 --> 00:29:42,325 (whispering) Fang! Fang! Fang!