1 00:00:24,111 --> 00:00:25,946 Look at that. 2 00:00:25,946 --> 00:00:27,948 You wear fine things well. 3 00:01:32,721 --> 00:01:34,931 Mornin' time! 4 00:01:37,142 --> 00:01:39,519 Mornin' time! 5 00:01:40,353 --> 00:01:41,855 That is irritating. 6 00:01:41,855 --> 00:01:44,775 - I was out. - Me too. 7 00:01:44,775 --> 00:01:46,943 The best night's sleep I've had in ages, if I'm honest. 8 00:01:46,943 --> 00:01:49,863 Aye. The sea is a medicine of the gods, eh? 9 00:01:49,863 --> 00:01:51,531 Good morning, my friends! 10 00:01:51,531 --> 00:01:53,200 - Hey, it's Zheng. - Good morning! 11 00:01:53,200 --> 00:01:55,035 Did we all have a restful sleep? 12 00:01:57,496 --> 00:02:00,082 Oh, excellent. So did I. 13 00:02:00,499 --> 00:02:03,043 The sea's restorative, isn't it? 14 00:02:03,043 --> 00:02:06,755 Yes, Queen! I've always said so! 15 00:02:07,089 --> 00:02:08,507 Oh, that guy knows. 16 00:02:08,507 --> 00:02:10,258 Why are some people calling her "queen"? 17 00:02:10,258 --> 00:02:15,055 Apparently, she conquered some place called China. 18 00:02:15,680 --> 00:02:16,848 - China? - China. 19 00:02:16,848 --> 00:02:21,228 Please, welcome your new crewmates aboard the "Red Flag." 20 00:02:24,439 --> 00:02:25,649 Lovely to be here. 21 00:02:26,441 --> 00:02:28,026 Thank you. Yeah. 22 00:02:28,026 --> 00:02:30,987 Shame about the wake-up. Is that every morning, the bell? 23 00:02:31,780 --> 00:02:36,660 You'll find that we have a specific way of doing things on this ship. 24 00:02:36,660 --> 00:02:43,708 Our way of life focuses on unity, cohesion, mutual support, and balance. 25 00:02:43,708 --> 00:02:47,462 Historically, men have a harder time fitting in here. 26 00:02:47,838 --> 00:02:50,048 But we decided to take a chance on you because-- 27 00:02:51,299 --> 00:02:54,136 How should I put this? Your energy is-- 28 00:02:54,928 --> 00:02:57,806 - Tender? - We're tender as hell. 29 00:03:00,016 --> 00:03:02,477 - I was gonna say... - Weak. 30 00:03:02,477 --> 00:03:03,437 Soft. 31 00:03:04,855 --> 00:03:06,982 - No offense. - None taken. 32 00:03:07,733 --> 00:03:09,776 There is one other man on board. 33 00:03:10,902 --> 00:03:13,447 Rat Boy! Come! 34 00:03:13,447 --> 00:03:15,449 The fit on these is lovely. 35 00:03:15,449 --> 00:03:17,033 What's new, Queen? 36 00:03:18,994 --> 00:03:22,205 - Oh, God. - Oh, my God. 37 00:03:23,081 --> 00:03:25,292 Oh, my God! You guys! 38 00:03:33,717 --> 00:03:35,552 Oh, my God. 39 00:03:36,011 --> 00:03:39,014 Men are so fucking emotional. 40 00:03:43,977 --> 00:03:45,145 I thought you died! 41 00:03:45,145 --> 00:03:46,855 I know. I think a lot of people did. 42 00:03:46,855 --> 00:03:48,440 And now you have a beard? 43 00:03:48,440 --> 00:03:49,816 Do ya hate it? 44 00:03:49,816 --> 00:03:51,318 I love it. 45 00:03:54,154 --> 00:03:55,572 I love all of it. 46 00:03:57,157 --> 00:03:59,659 Rat Boy. What's that about? 47 00:04:02,746 --> 00:04:03,872 I'm trying to think about this, 48 00:04:04,623 --> 00:04:05,957 I think it's like, 49 00:04:05,957 --> 00:04:09,669 it's like a lunar calendar thing or some-- 50 00:04:10,170 --> 00:04:12,172 What exactly happened to you, Lucius? 51 00:04:13,548 --> 00:04:14,633 I was-- 52 00:04:20,722 --> 00:04:23,100 I fell, off the ship. 53 00:04:23,100 --> 00:04:25,060 That doesn't sound like you. 54 00:04:25,060 --> 00:04:27,312 You have impeccable balance, babe. 55 00:04:27,813 --> 00:04:28,897 Attention! 56 00:04:31,441 --> 00:04:34,820 Right. Armament. Kitchen. 57 00:04:34,820 --> 00:04:36,196 Tailors duty. 58 00:04:36,196 --> 00:04:37,406 Yes! 59 00:04:37,406 --> 00:04:39,449 Towels. You go with Rat Boy. 60 00:04:39,449 --> 00:04:41,034 Fuck. 61 00:04:41,034 --> 00:04:44,788 Towels? What is this? Are these jobs? 62 00:04:44,788 --> 00:04:46,039 What's happening? 63 00:04:46,373 --> 00:04:49,334 Lucius? I'm overqualified for towels. 64 00:04:50,585 --> 00:04:52,212 Sea witch. 65 00:04:54,714 --> 00:04:58,760 I have looked for you far and wide. 66 00:04:58,760 --> 00:05:01,596 But then you probably know that. 67 00:05:02,097 --> 00:05:04,933 Best not assume we know anythin' at all, Mum. 68 00:05:05,434 --> 00:05:09,646 Be gone, wise demon. Await for me above. 69 00:05:10,897 --> 00:05:12,733 Aye, aye, Mum. 70 00:05:16,987 --> 00:05:18,196 Captain? 71 00:05:19,823 --> 00:05:21,032 Captain? 72 00:05:22,784 --> 00:05:25,245 - Captain-- - Hey, there he is! 73 00:05:25,245 --> 00:05:27,289 Here I am. You're looking chipper. 74 00:05:27,289 --> 00:05:30,250 Thank you. Feel like a million bucks, actually. 75 00:05:30,250 --> 00:05:32,127 Yeah, I had a very rough night last night. 76 00:05:34,880 --> 00:05:37,257 But I think I got all the poison out of my system. 77 00:05:37,257 --> 00:05:40,969 It's a new day. No more booze, no more drugs. 78 00:05:41,553 --> 00:05:44,222 - And more importantly, no more Izzy. - Nope. 79 00:05:44,222 --> 00:05:45,474 Nope. You did kill him, didn't ya? 80 00:05:45,474 --> 00:05:46,725 Certainly did. Ages ago. 81 00:05:46,725 --> 00:05:48,435 - Good. - Thank you. 82 00:05:48,435 --> 00:05:50,437 It's a nasty business, I know it. 83 00:05:50,437 --> 00:05:52,189 But that's the code of the sea: the new first mate 84 00:05:52,189 --> 00:05:53,440 always kills the old first mate. 85 00:05:53,440 --> 00:05:54,983 It's always been like that. 86 00:05:54,983 --> 00:05:58,111 It's about trust. Trust is so important. 87 00:05:58,612 --> 00:06:01,698 Oh, yeah. Trust is king and queen. 88 00:06:01,698 --> 00:06:02,783 Trust is everything. 89 00:06:06,578 --> 00:06:10,248 Well, better go and do the rounds. Make sure everything's ship-shape. 90 00:06:10,916 --> 00:06:12,125 Hey, Frenchie. 91 00:06:12,959 --> 00:06:14,169 Yes, Captain. 92 00:06:15,128 --> 00:06:16,755 I expect great things from you. 93 00:06:18,715 --> 00:06:19,716 Thanks. 94 00:06:30,268 --> 00:06:32,854 Kill me, you fucking cowards! 95 00:06:33,438 --> 00:06:35,899 Lord above he smells somethin' terrible! 96 00:06:35,899 --> 00:06:37,692 Yeah, his leg's rotting! 97 00:06:37,692 --> 00:06:38,944 It needs to be cut off. 98 00:06:38,944 --> 00:06:40,529 We just had him asleep. You're freakin' him out. 99 00:06:40,529 --> 00:06:41,530 {\an8}Kill me-- 100 00:06:42,489 --> 00:06:44,533 Alright. Just listen, listen, listen, listen. 101 00:06:44,533 --> 00:06:46,159 Start with his leg, see where it goes. 102 00:06:46,159 --> 00:06:47,119 Okay. 103 00:06:47,953 --> 00:06:50,080 I've never done this before. Which one? 104 00:06:50,080 --> 00:06:52,374 Definitely the fucked-up one. I think that one's all right. 105 00:06:52,374 --> 00:06:54,292 I'm not a fucking idiot. Which one? 106 00:06:54,292 --> 00:06:55,585 Oh! Oh. 107 00:06:57,421 --> 00:06:58,380 Dealer's choice. 108 00:06:58,380 --> 00:07:01,174 - Yeah. Alright. - Alright. 109 00:07:01,174 --> 00:07:03,593 - Uno, dos-- - Tres. 110 00:07:05,178 --> 00:07:08,181 He's a gusher! He's a gusher! That is a lot of blood. 111 00:07:09,558 --> 00:07:11,768 And of course, we haven't seen each other in ages. 112 00:07:12,436 --> 00:07:13,895 I know. It's terrible. 113 00:07:13,895 --> 00:07:15,939 So I'm using this long list of crimes 114 00:07:15,939 --> 00:07:20,819 and dramatic upsets to basically triangulate where he's most likely to be. 115 00:07:21,820 --> 00:07:24,239 Hang on. He might be in Cuba! 116 00:07:24,781 --> 00:07:28,118 Maggie, Jane, Tiff. 117 00:07:28,869 --> 00:07:30,495 Give us the room. 118 00:07:31,663 --> 00:07:33,248 Is that Cuba? 119 00:07:33,248 --> 00:07:35,167 So hard to tell. I mean, I've drawn it myself. 120 00:07:37,544 --> 00:07:39,629 Lucius, look. 121 00:07:39,629 --> 00:07:41,798 {\an8}They drew him to look like a ghoul. 122 00:07:42,632 --> 00:07:44,384 Are you even gonna ask how I am? 123 00:07:46,261 --> 00:07:49,306 - How are you? - Fuck you! That's how I am. 124 00:07:49,681 --> 00:07:50,849 What's gotten into you? 125 00:07:50,849 --> 00:07:54,311 I didn't fall off "The Revenge." He pushed me. 126 00:07:54,770 --> 00:07:57,606 Ed pushed you? Why would he do that? 127 00:07:58,065 --> 00:08:00,901 You broke him when you left, and then he broke me. 128 00:08:00,901 --> 00:08:04,237 Everything that's happened to me since has been your fault! 129 00:08:04,237 --> 00:08:06,239 Wait! Lucius. 130 00:08:06,907 --> 00:08:09,284 Come on. Where are you going? 131 00:08:09,284 --> 00:08:12,579 Oh, yeah. Now you care? 132 00:08:20,837 --> 00:08:24,174 I see you've adopted the form of a humble man, sea witch. 133 00:08:25,634 --> 00:08:27,135 I've an offering for you: 134 00:08:27,844 --> 00:08:31,473 a spell book on therianthropy. 135 00:08:32,015 --> 00:08:38,814 The ability to transmogrify betwixt human and non-human forms. 136 00:08:39,356 --> 00:08:41,858 Take it, thou demon. 137 00:08:41,858 --> 00:08:45,153 Use it wisely. Bless our travels. 138 00:08:51,410 --> 00:08:52,828 Oh, aye. 139 00:08:54,538 --> 00:08:57,165 Ohh, aye. 140 00:08:58,291 --> 00:09:01,253 Right. What have we here? 141 00:09:02,003 --> 00:09:03,964 - Lord above. - Hey. 142 00:09:03,964 --> 00:09:05,465 Was someone injured? 143 00:09:05,799 --> 00:09:11,847 No. No, just assembling the first aid kit, in case of anything. 144 00:09:13,056 --> 00:09:16,351 - Quick question. - Fire away. Not literally, I hope. 145 00:09:16,351 --> 00:09:17,978 How'd you kill Izzy? 146 00:09:19,187 --> 00:09:21,982 Slit his throat. Classic. 147 00:09:24,818 --> 00:09:27,821 Now, you're left-handed, aren't you? 148 00:09:28,405 --> 00:09:30,782 - You just used your right. - Did I? 149 00:09:32,242 --> 00:09:35,704 Must've got mixed up. Ya know, bit of panto for the Captain. 150 00:09:35,704 --> 00:09:37,122 Panto? 151 00:09:38,373 --> 00:09:40,792 - I'm curious. - Okay. 152 00:09:41,460 --> 00:09:46,006 Do you think I wouldn't know the smell of my rotting former first mate? 153 00:09:48,717 --> 00:09:52,053 That is one stank-ass leg, done and dusted. 154 00:09:53,805 --> 00:09:56,433 We did it! He'll live? 155 00:09:59,060 --> 00:10:01,104 50/50 I reckon. 156 00:10:01,104 --> 00:10:04,524 Yeah, he's very still right now. 157 00:10:07,360 --> 00:10:10,530 What's your interest in this guy anyway? He seems like a bit of a dick. 158 00:10:10,530 --> 00:10:12,240 He is. 159 00:10:14,451 --> 00:10:16,078 But he's our dick. 160 00:10:17,120 --> 00:10:20,123 There was a time when life meant something on this ship. 161 00:10:24,086 --> 00:10:25,462 When we lived for each other. 162 00:10:28,465 --> 00:10:30,300 Not just to survive. 163 00:10:31,593 --> 00:10:34,387 Guess you never know when you're in the middle of the good old days. 164 00:10:44,773 --> 00:10:46,108 What was that for? 165 00:10:48,610 --> 00:10:52,614 You have hope. It's cute. 166 00:10:53,532 --> 00:10:57,327 Plus, I really like that story that you told 167 00:10:57,327 --> 00:11:00,789 about the wooden demon boy that thirsted for life. 168 00:11:00,789 --> 00:11:03,083 Or was it blood? No, I was cleaning up the blood-- 169 00:11:08,004 --> 00:11:09,881 What have we got here. 170 00:11:10,757 --> 00:11:13,218 Hey, no one told me this room existed. 171 00:11:16,263 --> 00:11:18,473 Leave me, all of you. 172 00:11:22,310 --> 00:11:24,312 Take the fuckin' leg. 173 00:11:29,192 --> 00:11:31,153 He was your friend. 174 00:11:52,716 --> 00:11:54,384 I know what you're doing. 175 00:11:54,384 --> 00:11:58,972 What am I doing? I just need someone to clean my office and do some filing. 176 00:11:58,972 --> 00:12:01,683 You don't need this kind of distraction. 177 00:12:02,309 --> 00:12:06,313 - He doesn't even know what filing is. - Of course, he does. 178 00:12:10,025 --> 00:12:11,485 How are you filing those? 179 00:12:11,485 --> 00:12:13,361 I'm kind of sortin' them by weight. 180 00:12:13,361 --> 00:12:15,655 Now, I could do it by width if you wanted. 181 00:12:15,655 --> 00:12:18,700 Or I could even open it up and do it like that. 182 00:12:18,700 --> 00:12:21,620 The main thing is off the floor. 183 00:12:21,620 --> 00:12:22,913 You're doin' great. 184 00:12:24,331 --> 00:12:25,207 Thanks. 185 00:12:28,251 --> 00:12:30,921 - I had a system. - What was your system? 186 00:12:30,921 --> 00:12:36,510 Well, you wouldn't understand because it was ahead of its time. 187 00:12:39,846 --> 00:12:41,306 What have you done? 188 00:12:41,306 --> 00:12:44,351 Oh, yeah, I thought I'd tidy that up a bit. 189 00:12:44,351 --> 00:12:46,311 You know, the little ships were all over the place 190 00:12:46,311 --> 00:12:47,562 and some of them were over land. 191 00:12:47,562 --> 00:12:49,022 - It was just messy-- - Silence! 192 00:12:49,898 --> 00:12:56,071 Each of these ships was placed on a particular coordinate 193 00:12:56,071 --> 00:13:00,325 and moved daily based on the current, 194 00:13:00,325 --> 00:13:04,830 weather patterns, and wind speed. 195 00:13:05,997 --> 00:13:06,957 Fuck. 196 00:13:08,708 --> 00:13:10,669 Well, let me fix it because I remember-- 197 00:13:10,669 --> 00:13:12,254 - Back... - Or not. 198 00:13:12,254 --> 00:13:14,923 - ...away. - Why don't we get some air? 199 00:13:14,923 --> 00:13:16,007 Okay. 200 00:13:16,633 --> 00:13:19,136 I mean, I thought I did it in the right colors and stuff. 201 00:13:19,136 --> 00:13:21,513 I'm so sorry about the big board. 202 00:13:21,513 --> 00:13:24,224 - Your aunt seemed proper pissed. - Ignore that. 203 00:13:24,224 --> 00:13:26,601 Pissed is her natural state. 204 00:13:26,601 --> 00:13:29,479 Yeah, but I think she has a right, you know, to pull the knife. 205 00:13:29,479 --> 00:13:31,732 I have no business filin' scrolls. 206 00:13:31,732 --> 00:13:33,066 I mean, you conquered Chee-na. 207 00:13:33,066 --> 00:13:35,318 - China. - Chi-- Shit. 208 00:13:35,318 --> 00:13:38,113 China. China. China. China. China. 209 00:13:38,113 --> 00:13:39,948 I can't even get that right. 210 00:13:42,659 --> 00:13:46,747 I mean, you can't file to save your life. 211 00:13:46,747 --> 00:13:48,790 And I'm pretty sure you broke the abacus. 212 00:13:48,790 --> 00:13:50,625 Yeah, I fucked that up. 213 00:13:50,625 --> 00:13:54,546 But you're calm, and you're smart, and 214 00:13:56,673 --> 00:14:03,221 I actually-- I really liked it when you would visit the soup stand. 215 00:14:05,807 --> 00:14:07,100 Did you? 216 00:14:07,100 --> 00:14:11,563 I mean, it was work, but when you showed up, it wasn't. 217 00:14:11,563 --> 00:14:15,859 You were kinda, you were kinda like the break in my day. 218 00:14:16,693 --> 00:14:18,070 I don't know. 219 00:14:18,070 --> 00:14:21,740 I've never been called "the break" in anyone's day before. 220 00:14:27,079 --> 00:14:28,914 Are you guys tasting this? 221 00:14:28,914 --> 00:14:31,750 This broth, it's beautiful, 222 00:14:31,750 --> 00:14:34,503 complicated, balanced. 223 00:14:35,170 --> 00:14:36,922 It might be the best thing I've ever had. 224 00:14:38,048 --> 00:14:41,718 We eat but how often do we taste? 225 00:14:42,094 --> 00:14:43,720 Yeah, the broth's pretty wild. 226 00:14:44,012 --> 00:14:46,014 So wild. It's insane. 227 00:14:46,723 --> 00:14:48,642 Jesus Christ, Stede, keep your pants on. 228 00:14:49,726 --> 00:14:52,813 So, babe, you smoke now? 229 00:14:53,772 --> 00:14:56,024 Do I? Oh, yeah. Yeah. 230 00:14:56,858 --> 00:14:59,486 I must've picked it up somewhere or something. I don't know. 231 00:15:00,737 --> 00:15:05,242 Ya don't know if ya picked up smokin'? 232 00:15:05,992 --> 00:15:09,955 I used to chew the old tobacco leaf when I was young and edgy. 233 00:15:10,330 --> 00:15:12,624 Look at his beard. Mr. Cool. 234 00:15:15,168 --> 00:15:17,170 Isn't this the best ship you've ever been on? 235 00:15:18,130 --> 00:15:20,799 Being captained by Zheng, it really makes the shitty, 236 00:15:20,799 --> 00:15:23,176 pathetic, incompetent captains stand out. 237 00:15:25,554 --> 00:15:27,013 Okay. 238 00:15:29,015 --> 00:15:30,725 My spicy little Rat Boy. 239 00:15:30,725 --> 00:15:32,394 Never fuckin' call me that! 240 00:15:33,520 --> 00:15:35,689 God, I'm sorry, I don't know where that-- 241 00:15:35,689 --> 00:15:40,068 I'm gonna go fix something in towels. 242 00:15:44,364 --> 00:15:46,992 What the hell is going on in towels? 243 00:15:54,958 --> 00:15:56,543 - Morning. - My leg. 244 00:15:56,543 --> 00:16:00,672 Yeah. Oh, no, that's gone now. Up in Leg Heaven. 245 00:16:02,340 --> 00:16:04,509 Have you come to take the other one? 246 00:16:04,509 --> 00:16:06,845 I think one's quite enough. 247 00:16:06,845 --> 00:16:09,931 I just popped down to say a proper goodbye. 248 00:16:15,103 --> 00:16:17,314 I had a dream about you last night. 249 00:16:21,651 --> 00:16:22,819 - Take it. - Oh, fuck off. 250 00:16:22,819 --> 00:16:25,947 - Fuck off. Fuck off! - Hold it! Hold it. 251 00:16:28,909 --> 00:16:31,912 I dreamt that ya killed me. 252 00:16:34,539 --> 00:16:36,750 Shot me right through the skull. 253 00:16:43,632 --> 00:16:44,841 Good for you. 254 00:16:46,802 --> 00:16:48,345 It was good for me. 255 00:16:48,887 --> 00:16:51,139 It's just what the doctor ordered. 256 00:16:51,139 --> 00:16:54,059 Anyway, it wasn't even like that. 257 00:16:54,601 --> 00:16:55,894 Not in my dream. 258 00:16:59,231 --> 00:17:00,857 I was standing. 259 00:17:02,651 --> 00:17:04,861 Just like this. 260 00:17:24,881 --> 00:17:26,675 You scared, Eddie? 261 00:17:28,176 --> 00:17:31,763 Too scared to do it yourself. Ay? 262 00:17:35,642 --> 00:17:37,436 Go on. Clean up your own fuckin' mess. I'm not doin' it. 263 00:17:37,436 --> 00:17:39,312 I've been doin' it all my fuckin' life. 264 00:17:40,522 --> 00:17:41,732 Fuck off. 265 00:17:44,568 --> 00:17:46,278 Farewell, old chum. 266 00:18:02,669 --> 00:18:04,296 I loved you 267 00:18:05,213 --> 00:18:06,840 best I could. 268 00:18:13,180 --> 00:18:16,641 Yeah, sorry. I know you said you're expecting a lot from me, 269 00:18:16,641 --> 00:18:17,934 Captain. 270 00:18:19,728 --> 00:18:22,147 But do you wanna do this here or down at the bottom of the ship 271 00:18:22,147 --> 00:18:24,232 'cause I can just jump over and make it easier. 272 00:18:25,525 --> 00:18:29,404 Listen, if you weren't such a treacherous liar, 273 00:18:29,404 --> 00:18:32,240 I wouldn't have had closure with Izzy, so I thank you for that. 274 00:18:34,034 --> 00:18:35,702 Yeah, you're welcome. You're welcome. 275 00:18:37,120 --> 00:18:38,705 Take the day off, brother. 276 00:18:38,705 --> 00:18:40,582 - Go live. - Yeah? 277 00:18:40,957 --> 00:18:42,417 Sure you don't want me to do any steerings? 278 00:18:42,417 --> 00:18:45,796 Nah. Do me good to be at the wheel for a bit. 279 00:18:47,214 --> 00:18:48,673 Clear my head. 280 00:19:03,021 --> 00:19:04,898 Lucius, I hate seeing you like this. 281 00:19:04,898 --> 00:19:06,858 You can't keep it bottled in. 282 00:19:06,858 --> 00:19:09,027 I get that you're angry, so be angry at me. 283 00:19:09,027 --> 00:19:10,320 Don't take it out on Pete. 284 00:19:10,320 --> 00:19:12,489 Stede Bonnet's giving me relationship advice. 285 00:19:13,532 --> 00:19:14,574 Yes! He is, actually. 286 00:19:14,574 --> 00:19:17,285 Because he's older than you, and he knows more. 287 00:19:17,285 --> 00:19:20,080 I've got an ex-wife, two messed-up kids, probably, 288 00:19:20,080 --> 00:19:22,582 and I hurt Ed so much, he pushed you off the ship! 289 00:19:22,582 --> 00:19:24,292 Sounds like you're quite the fuck-up, pal. 290 00:19:24,292 --> 00:19:28,130 Yeah, I am. And I'm alone. Talk to Pete. 291 00:19:28,713 --> 00:19:30,715 Don't be like me. 292 00:19:30,715 --> 00:19:32,717 If I start, I don't know what's gonna come out. 293 00:19:32,717 --> 00:19:35,929 Look, if you're afraid inside, it's okay. 294 00:19:35,929 --> 00:19:38,432 But I'm not. Just hit me with it. 295 00:19:40,350 --> 00:19:42,894 One doesn't just survive at sea. 296 00:19:43,728 --> 00:19:45,105 One has to do things. 297 00:19:46,148 --> 00:19:47,441 Horrible things. 298 00:19:48,275 --> 00:19:50,277 Yep. Yeah. I know. I know. 299 00:19:51,945 --> 00:19:54,030 I passed from ship to ship, 300 00:19:54,030 --> 00:19:57,117 and one of them had this rat terrier named Pepper, 301 00:19:57,117 --> 00:20:00,162 and Pepper was, ya know, a pretty good friend, ya know? 302 00:20:01,163 --> 00:20:02,789 That's nice. Dogs are nice. 303 00:20:02,789 --> 00:20:04,207 - They ate him! - Oh, no! 304 00:20:04,207 --> 00:20:05,876 - Yeah. They fuckin' ate him. - What? 305 00:20:05,876 --> 00:20:07,294 - Why? - I don't know! For a laugh. 306 00:20:07,294 --> 00:20:09,588 And then I had to catch the rats with my teeth. 307 00:20:09,588 --> 00:20:10,797 They were weirdly finicky about that. 308 00:20:10,797 --> 00:20:11,757 Well, that's why you're called-- 309 00:20:11,757 --> 00:20:12,841 - Rat Boy! - Rat Boy! 310 00:20:12,841 --> 00:20:14,384 - Oh, God. - And then-- 311 00:20:14,384 --> 00:20:16,052 - Oh, God, you're not gonna believe it. - You know what? 312 00:20:16,052 --> 00:20:17,679 - Save the rest for Pete-- - No, no, listen, 313 00:20:17,679 --> 00:20:19,181 there was this game called the Human Puppet. 314 00:20:19,181 --> 00:20:21,767 - Save it! - Stede, the hand went where you think! 315 00:20:21,767 --> 00:20:23,310 Lucius, please! 316 00:20:23,310 --> 00:20:26,229 I haven't even told you about the little man who died in my lap. 317 00:20:26,605 --> 00:20:29,816 He wasn't even a child, he was just a very small man! 318 00:20:30,484 --> 00:20:31,651 Oh, God. 319 00:20:33,403 --> 00:20:34,362 So, 320 00:20:34,362 --> 00:20:36,406 - do we think he's better? - Fuck, no. 321 00:20:36,406 --> 00:20:38,742 Well, I don't know about that. He seemed pretty calm to me. 322 00:20:38,742 --> 00:20:40,827 He said he just wanted to spend some more time 323 00:20:42,370 --> 00:20:43,747 with nature. 324 00:20:47,167 --> 00:20:49,711 Hey! Do you want some help, Captain? 325 00:20:49,711 --> 00:20:52,672 - No, I'm good! - We're sailing into a storm, boss! 326 00:20:55,467 --> 00:20:57,969 It suddenly looks that way, doesn't it, brother? 327 00:20:57,969 --> 00:20:59,846 It's a bad one, too. 328 00:21:00,972 --> 00:21:03,725 And some maniac got rid of the wheel. 329 00:21:07,979 --> 00:21:09,940 Holy shit! 330 00:21:09,940 --> 00:21:12,484 Well, that's the Caribbean for you, isn't it? 331 00:21:12,484 --> 00:21:15,112 Sunshine one minute, cataracts the next! 332 00:21:15,112 --> 00:21:16,947 You'll fucking kill us, you fuckin' psycho! 333 00:21:16,947 --> 00:21:18,657 Maybe, maybe not! 334 00:21:18,657 --> 00:21:22,077 The odds of surviving a storm like this are pretty low 335 00:21:22,077 --> 00:21:27,207 and if I fire one into the mast, the chance will go right down to zero! 336 00:21:27,207 --> 00:21:29,084 What do you want, pila de mierda? 337 00:21:30,419 --> 00:21:35,215 What do I want? I want you to fight her to the death! 338 00:21:35,215 --> 00:21:37,676 - Why? - That's a bit misogynistic, man. 339 00:21:39,636 --> 00:21:41,179 Yeah, probably. 340 00:21:42,013 --> 00:21:45,058 All love dies! I'm just hastening the process! 341 00:21:45,058 --> 00:21:47,727 Leave it, man, we're not gonna fight to the death. 342 00:21:49,187 --> 00:21:50,772 That's more like it! 343 00:21:50,772 --> 00:21:54,860 In my experience, it's kind of how stuff goes, ya know? 344 00:21:56,319 --> 00:21:57,946 That's the way! 345 00:22:08,999 --> 00:22:10,208 Hey. 346 00:22:11,209 --> 00:22:12,627 I talked to Pete. 347 00:22:13,795 --> 00:22:15,672 Well, that's wonderful. 348 00:22:15,672 --> 00:22:18,300 Please tell me you held back on some of the darker stuff. 349 00:22:18,300 --> 00:22:22,137 Yeah. Yeah, he got nauseous and he kind of started crying 350 00:22:22,137 --> 00:22:25,182 and I didn't wanna take him too far, too fast, so we took a break. 351 00:22:25,557 --> 00:22:26,558 Good. 352 00:22:27,976 --> 00:22:29,644 You should take a close look at those. 353 00:22:29,644 --> 00:22:32,647 Past the clues to finding the man you love but, you know, 354 00:22:32,647 --> 00:22:35,776 look at the horrible list of crimes he's committed, you know. 355 00:22:35,776 --> 00:22:37,903 There are a few beheadings on here 356 00:22:37,903 --> 00:22:39,738 and it looks like he's got back into arson 357 00:22:39,738 --> 00:22:42,616 and just being a bit of a dick. 358 00:22:44,326 --> 00:22:47,037 - And I think I hurt him pretty bad. - Maybe. 359 00:22:47,579 --> 00:22:50,457 But maybe the time he spent with you is the best it's ever gonna get for him. 360 00:22:57,506 --> 00:22:59,007 I'm not ready to believe that. 361 00:23:00,592 --> 00:23:04,137 Some people are just broken no matter what ya do. 362 00:23:13,814 --> 00:23:17,818 Come on! End her! Or I end us all! 363 00:23:17,818 --> 00:23:20,529 It's okay. It's just life. 364 00:23:20,529 --> 00:23:23,615 Come on! Do it! 365 00:23:24,658 --> 00:23:26,243 Not on my life. 366 00:23:34,167 --> 00:23:35,710 That's too bad! 367 00:23:36,002 --> 00:23:38,213 You were gonna do it anyway! 368 00:23:40,757 --> 00:23:43,552 I was. I was. 369 00:24:38,523 --> 00:24:41,109 You indestructible little fucker! 370 00:24:53,705 --> 00:24:55,832 Pull! 371 00:24:56,041 --> 00:25:01,046 And pull! And pull! 372 00:25:01,630 --> 00:25:06,593 Pull! Steady! Steady! 373 00:25:26,363 --> 00:25:27,989 Finally. 374 00:26:49,654 --> 00:26:54,785 I will spare his life just this once, but he is to come nowhere near the board. 375 00:26:54,785 --> 00:26:58,747 His domain will be the scrolls, cleaning the dishes, 376 00:26:58,747 --> 00:27:01,333 and collecting random hairs from around your desk. 377 00:27:01,333 --> 00:27:03,543 There's not that many hairs. 378 00:27:05,712 --> 00:27:09,049 Queen, urgent carrier bird requesting your presence. 379 00:27:09,049 --> 00:27:11,093 Okay, I should take this. 380 00:27:12,511 --> 00:27:15,305 - What's the message? - There's no message, 381 00:27:15,305 --> 00:27:17,390 I just thought you could use a break.