1 00:01:30,021 --> 00:01:31,688 Stories...stories...stories... 2 00:01:32,146 --> 00:01:33,480 Not in hundreds or thousands.... 3 00:01:33,813 --> 00:01:35,105 But in millions. 4 00:01:35,813 --> 00:01:38,855 Anyone who walks this earth is a story. 5 00:01:39,188 --> 00:01:40,438 I have a story too. 6 00:01:41,021 --> 00:01:42,480 I wanted to be a writer. 7 00:01:42,730 --> 00:01:45,980 But I’d never imagined that my life itself would become a story. 8 00:02:09,021 --> 00:02:14,605 ♫Why am I this way? ♫ 9 00:02:17,980 --> 00:02:22,896 ♫I had many plans for us. ♫ 10 00:02:26,188 --> 00:02:33,563 ♫Is this how I am to spend my life? ♫ 11 00:02:39,313 --> 00:02:42,938 ♫ I am with you♫ 12 00:02:45,271 --> 00:02:49,396 ♫And yet, I am not completely there. ♫ 13 00:02:51,313 --> 00:02:54,563 ♫By and by♫ 14 00:02:56,938 --> 00:03:01,771 ♫I am drifting apart from you. ♫ 15 00:03:19,355 --> 00:03:22,396 ♫ I am with you♫ 16 00:03:25,313 --> 00:03:27,855 ♫And yet, I am not completely there. ♫ 17 00:03:28,355 --> 00:03:29,771 Gautham, I am leaving. 18 00:03:31,563 --> 00:03:34,230 ♫By and by♫ 19 00:03:37,313 --> 00:03:41,771 ♫I am drifting apart from you. ♫ 20 00:05:04,813 --> 00:05:06,021 Are you done with your work? 21 00:05:06,230 --> 00:05:07,271 What do you expect, Gautham? 22 00:05:07,438 --> 00:05:08,646 It’s 9 o’ clock in the night. 23 00:05:10,271 --> 00:05:12,563 Give me two minutes. I will shower and come back 24 00:06:00,230 --> 00:06:00,855 Gautham. 25 00:06:01,730 --> 00:06:02,396 Let’s eat. 26 00:06:04,230 --> 00:06:04,980 Two minutes. 27 00:06:33,605 --> 00:06:38,438 ♫I am drifting apart from you. ♫ 28 00:06:39,730 --> 00:06:44,855 ♫ Every moment I feel sad. ♫ 29 00:06:45,896 --> 00:06:46,896 I will shower and come back. 30 00:06:46,896 --> 00:06:51,355 ♫There is no more a guarantee♫ ♫of ‘us’ ever happening. ♫ 31 00:06:51,521 --> 00:06:56,938 ♫Every time that we were together, ♫ ♫I made myself into your plaything. ♫ 32 00:06:57,146 --> 00:07:03,813 ♫You are lost in your own world. ♫ ♫Show me some care ♫ 33 00:07:04,605 --> 00:07:07,396 ♫By and by♫ 34 00:07:10,521 --> 00:07:14,896 ♫I am drifting apart from you. ♫ 35 00:07:34,438 --> 00:07:35,730 Didn’t you go to work? 36 00:07:41,438 --> 00:07:42,230 What happened? 37 00:07:43,063 --> 00:07:44,105 Do you have a fever? 38 00:08:01,896 --> 00:08:03,188 No coffee today? 39 00:08:20,146 --> 00:08:20,730 Yamini... 40 00:08:21,938 --> 00:08:23,355 Are you among those days? 41 00:08:38,730 --> 00:08:39,396 Gautham? 42 00:08:41,271 --> 00:08:41,896 Gautham? 43 00:08:42,563 --> 00:08:43,771 I need to talk to you. 44 00:08:43,980 --> 00:08:45,438 What? -I need to talk to you. 45 00:08:46,230 --> 00:08:47,480 Tell me, Yamini. 46 00:08:48,313 --> 00:08:50,021 Do you notice any change in me? 47 00:08:54,730 --> 00:08:55,938 Did you change your hairstyle? 48 00:08:57,813 --> 00:08:58,355 No. 49 00:09:02,896 --> 00:09:03,980 New dress? 50 00:09:08,480 --> 00:09:09,730 New shoes? 51 00:09:13,563 --> 00:09:15,021 I’ve put on weight, Gautham. 52 00:09:15,480 --> 00:09:16,521 I am getting fat. 53 00:09:17,521 --> 00:09:20,021 You’ve stopped noticing me, right? 54 00:09:22,813 --> 00:09:26,938 I am sick and tired of those contraceptive pills! They're bloating me. 55 00:09:32,146 --> 00:09:34,396 Gautham, do you remember what happened one year ago? 56 00:09:38,188 --> 00:09:38,896 Hey. 57 00:09:39,438 --> 00:09:40,438 Hi. 58 00:09:51,730 --> 00:09:53,688 I submitted my papers today. 59 00:09:54,021 --> 00:09:54,688 What? 60 00:10:00,271 --> 00:10:00,980 Tell me. 61 00:10:01,480 --> 00:10:02,355 I mean... 62 00:10:04,605 --> 00:10:06,063 I quit my job. 63 00:10:09,355 --> 00:10:11,105 With so many responsibilities... how... 64 00:10:11,146 --> 00:10:12,563 Yamini, you know me. 65 00:10:14,563 --> 00:10:17,105 Ever since I was in college, I wanted to be a writer. 66 00:10:17,605 --> 00:10:19,105 And you told me to take up the job. 67 00:10:19,896 --> 00:10:20,938 I took it up for you. 68 00:10:22,688 --> 00:10:24,271 If I don’t do this for myself now, 69 00:10:24,271 --> 00:10:25,146 I will never be able to pursue this ever in my life. 70 00:10:25,438 --> 00:10:27,355 But, why writing Gautham? 71 00:10:27,771 --> 00:10:30,355 With such growth in technology, who would be interested in reading books? 72 00:10:30,688 --> 00:10:32,230 You said technology, right? 73 00:10:35,855 --> 00:10:37,938 If a rocket has to go to space... 74 00:10:38,480 --> 00:10:40,021 Look at that laptop... 75 00:10:40,021 --> 00:10:42,938 For that keypad or laptop to work... 76 00:10:43,855 --> 00:10:47,355 or for us to watch a movie and enjoy ourselves, 77 00:10:48,521 --> 00:10:51,271 someone must put pen to paper, Yamini. 78 00:10:55,438 --> 00:10:57,271 Without Pen and Paper, 79 00:10:58,605 --> 00:11:00,521 the world is as good as dead. 80 00:11:03,105 --> 00:11:05,688 You doubt if people really do read books, isn’t it? 81 00:11:05,688 --> 00:11:06,480 They will certainly read. 82 00:11:08,271 --> 00:11:10,646 If you write something interesting and exciting. 83 00:11:10,646 --> 00:11:12,771 Anyone will read it. And I will write it. 84 00:11:13,355 --> 00:11:14,271 Give me an year. 85 00:11:16,355 --> 00:11:17,855 Will you support me? 86 00:11:19,105 --> 00:11:19,771 Please? 87 00:11:23,938 --> 00:11:26,730 That day, I was really proud of you Gautham. 88 00:11:28,396 --> 00:11:30,855 I was proud to be in love with a man like you. 89 00:11:32,396 --> 00:11:34,730 I was so proud falling in love with you. 90 00:11:35,271 --> 00:11:37,896 So proud sharing my life and bed with you. 91 00:11:38,230 --> 00:11:40,480 But what do you do on a normal day, Gautham? 92 00:11:42,730 --> 00:11:43,855 You wake up really late. 93 00:11:45,313 --> 00:11:47,480 And if there is tea or coffee around, you have it. 94 00:11:47,480 --> 00:11:48,521 Or else you let it be. 95 00:11:49,396 --> 00:11:51,813 If the food is ready, you have it Or else you starve yourself. 96 00:11:51,813 --> 00:11:54,063 You watch Cartoon Network like a small kid. 97 00:11:54,146 --> 00:11:56,855 You read books. You wait for me to come home. 98 00:11:56,855 --> 00:11:59,271 Have your dinner and pull me onto this bed man! 99 00:12:00,396 --> 00:12:03,021 This has been going on since a year and a half. 100 00:12:05,730 --> 00:12:08,230 If by chance you wake up early, 101 00:12:09,730 --> 00:12:11,896 You accompany me to a stationary shop. 102 00:12:11,896 --> 00:12:14,396 You buy yourself pens, papers, colour pencils and all. 103 00:12:14,438 --> 00:12:16,105 And you put it in this cupboard, man. 104 00:12:16,313 --> 00:12:19,146 This fu**ing shit looks like a stationary shop in itself. 105 00:12:23,563 --> 00:12:24,771 Did you ever feel like opening the bundle, 106 00:12:24,771 --> 00:12:28,063 fixing that paper onto a writing pad and just writing? 107 00:12:35,063 --> 00:12:36,396 You’ve insulted me 108 00:12:37,146 --> 00:12:39,646 and my unconditional love for you, Gautham. 109 00:12:41,105 --> 00:12:43,105 You've taken me for granted, right? 110 00:12:45,563 --> 00:12:50,271 If you don’t care of things they fall into disrepair, Gautham. 111 00:12:50,271 --> 00:12:51,480 I am a human. 112 00:12:52,521 --> 00:12:55,271 Apart from having a life, I have a heart too. 113 00:12:56,563 --> 00:12:58,521 And you took it for a ride. 114 00:12:58,521 --> 00:13:00,271 You completely shattered it. 115 00:13:00,313 --> 00:13:02,313 You’ve completely killed me 116 00:13:02,313 --> 00:13:03,688 and my soul. 117 00:13:06,646 --> 00:13:09,563 I can’t take this pain anymore, Gautham. 118 00:13:12,313 --> 00:13:14,855 Love is a compromise, Gautham. 119 00:13:15,313 --> 00:13:17,688 It is a sacrifice. 120 00:13:18,771 --> 00:13:21,021 There is divinity in love. 121 00:13:22,188 --> 00:13:24,646 But you don’t understand any of these. 122 00:13:30,105 --> 00:13:32,771 I am tired, Gautham. I am tired. 123 00:13:33,980 --> 00:13:37,105 My mind, my heart... It's just bleeding. 124 00:13:41,813 --> 00:13:43,730 Let’s break up, Gautham. 125 00:13:45,896 --> 00:13:49,105 You know Gautham.... This is not easy. 126 00:13:50,438 --> 00:13:55,688 How many times did I sit on this chair and wonder how to break this to you! 127 00:13:58,730 --> 00:14:00,105 Let’s break up, Gautham. 128 00:14:08,688 --> 00:14:09,980 Take care of yourself. 129 00:14:12,855 --> 00:14:14,021 Write well. 130 00:14:19,646 --> 00:14:20,355 Yamini... 131 00:14:21,646 --> 00:14:22,813 What do you want me to make for dinner? 132 00:14:24,855 --> 00:14:25,938 Do you want some Chinese? 133 00:14:30,521 --> 00:14:34,355 I said fu**ing breakup! Breakup means breakup! You don’t understand? 134 00:14:36,605 --> 00:14:37,980 Eat whatever you want. 135 00:14:45,021 --> 00:14:47,021 What do you mean by fu**ing breakup? 136 00:14:48,521 --> 00:14:49,355 Yamini! 137 00:14:49,980 --> 00:14:51,771 What do you mean by fu**ing breakup? 138 00:14:52,188 --> 00:14:54,396 Stop shouting. Everyone is watching us. 139 00:14:54,396 --> 00:14:55,313 Let them watch! 140 00:14:55,938 --> 00:14:59,938 Didn’t they watch us when we were hugging and kissing each other in love? 141 00:14:59,938 --> 00:15:01,480 What do you mean by fu**ing breakup? 142 00:15:01,480 --> 00:15:03,230 Breakup means breakup! Period. 143 00:15:06,063 --> 00:15:07,396 What happened to you all of a sudden? 144 00:15:09,271 --> 00:15:10,813 Remember you kept telling me. 145 00:15:12,230 --> 00:15:13,771 Gautham, I love your eyes. 146 00:15:14,105 --> 00:15:16,480 You have lovely lips. I love your nose. 147 00:15:16,896 --> 00:15:20,271 Soft skin... I love how you smell... 148 00:15:21,480 --> 00:15:25,271 What happened now? Did my eyes, nose and skin change? 149 00:15:26,396 --> 00:15:29,230 None of those things changed But you are not the same Gautham I knew. 150 00:15:29,230 --> 00:15:30,521 What nonsense?! 151 00:15:32,438 --> 00:15:35,105 What do you mean? What is the difference? 152 00:15:35,105 --> 00:15:36,896 The Gautham I knew loved me. 153 00:15:36,938 --> 00:15:37,938 What about this Gautham now? 154 00:15:37,938 --> 00:15:39,688 What did this Gautham do to you? 155 00:15:39,688 --> 00:15:41,563 This Gautham just spreads my legs. 156 00:15:53,896 --> 00:15:56,063 Buddy, I read your Facebook post. It’s quite long. 157 00:15:56,063 --> 00:15:57,063 It must be a short story. 158 00:15:57,063 --> 00:15:58,021 Who did you write it for? 159 00:15:58,021 --> 00:15:58,646 Excuse me... 160 00:15:59,105 --> 00:15:59,730 One second. 161 00:16:00,730 --> 00:16:02,355 Brother, could you help me with an address? 162 00:16:02,355 --> 00:16:04,938 Brother? Who is the brother here? Whose brother am I? 163 00:16:05,396 --> 00:16:06,063 I am Gautham. 164 00:16:06,730 --> 00:16:07,938 Hi, Gautham. -Hi. 165 00:16:08,396 --> 00:16:10,813 Can you help with the address of this auditorium? 166 00:16:13,855 --> 00:16:16,271 This is close to my place. 167 00:16:17,521 --> 00:16:18,605 What happened to the GPS? 168 00:16:19,146 --> 00:16:21,855 It cheated me. I’ve been moving about in circles. 169 00:16:22,896 --> 00:16:24,646 Do you know the directions? 170 00:16:28,230 --> 00:16:30,396 Aren’t you the one who danced in ‘Dhee’ dance program? 171 00:16:30,396 --> 00:16:31,605 What? No! 172 00:16:33,105 --> 00:16:33,730 Crazy... 173 00:16:37,021 --> 00:16:37,980 Can I hop in? 174 00:16:38,605 --> 00:16:39,230 Why? 175 00:16:40,396 --> 00:16:45,188 Well, if the GPS kept cheating you, that means the address is a bit tricky. 176 00:16:45,396 --> 00:16:46,063 I will show you. 177 00:16:47,938 --> 00:16:48,480 Okay. 178 00:16:51,716 --> 00:16:52,549 Nice car. 179 00:16:55,133 --> 00:16:56,341 Your dress is good too. 180 00:16:57,758 --> 00:16:58,383 Thank you. 181 00:16:59,841 --> 00:17:01,424 I was born and brought up in Hyderabad 182 00:17:03,674 --> 00:17:05,674 but, thus far no girl pierced my heart. 183 00:17:06,716 --> 00:17:07,841 What does piercing your heart mean? 184 00:17:09,966 --> 00:17:12,008 This is the address. Straight. It’s on the right. 185 00:17:15,966 --> 00:17:17,424 Gautham? Park the car. 186 00:17:19,049 --> 00:17:19,549 Me? 187 00:17:20,049 --> 00:17:20,883 Yeah, park it. 188 00:17:21,008 --> 00:17:22,091 I have a performance. 189 00:17:22,841 --> 00:17:23,508 Hey, listen. 190 00:17:24,133 --> 00:17:24,883 Make it quick. 191 00:17:25,299 --> 00:17:25,883 You don't want to miss it. 192 00:17:25,883 --> 00:17:27,341 Hey, Yamini. Make it quick. Come fast. 193 00:17:27,341 --> 00:17:27,966 Yamini! 194 00:17:30,841 --> 00:17:32,716 Hey! Who are you? Are you her brother? 195 00:17:34,383 --> 00:17:35,299 No. No. I am not. 196 00:17:36,133 --> 00:17:37,633 Even she asked me the same question. 197 00:17:38,174 --> 00:17:40,091 But I made it clear to her. I am not ‘Brother’. I am Gautham. 198 00:17:42,133 --> 00:17:42,591 Friend? 199 00:17:43,799 --> 00:17:47,216 No, bro. I don’t really know if we can call it that yet. 200 00:17:48,924 --> 00:17:49,591 Boyfriend? 201 00:17:51,258 --> 00:17:52,258 Boyfriend? 202 00:17:52,508 --> 00:17:54,633 How dare you make friends with girls from our college?! You bloody... 203 00:18:15,633 --> 00:18:17,341 It looks like the program started. 204 00:18:20,049 --> 00:18:21,966 She very sweetly asked me not to miss it, bro. 205 00:18:22,549 --> 00:18:23,424 I will go. 206 00:18:24,799 --> 00:18:26,341 Hey! Where do you think you are going? 207 00:19:45,133 --> 00:19:46,633 What exactly happened? Tell me. 208 00:19:48,049 --> 00:19:50,174 He gave up his job, Dad. 209 00:19:52,091 --> 00:19:54,049 He wanted to become a writer. 210 00:19:55,716 --> 00:19:58,216 He said he needed help. I helped him. 211 00:19:59,216 --> 00:20:00,883 He doesn’t write anything, Dad. 212 00:20:05,716 --> 00:20:07,299 Even if I am ok with all this... 213 00:20:07,883 --> 00:20:10,008 he lives in a completely different world. 214 00:20:11,383 --> 00:20:14,008 And I am not a part of that world, Dad. 215 00:20:21,008 --> 00:20:23,049 You kept accusing me that I didn’t write. I wrote! 216 00:20:23,799 --> 00:20:26,716 You kept pushing me to write, write and write. Do you think it’s easy to write? 217 00:20:27,383 --> 00:20:28,508 Not just one or two. 218 00:20:28,508 --> 00:20:29,633 I wrote ten books. 219 00:20:32,383 --> 00:20:34,924 When I read what I write, I feel disgusted. 220 00:20:35,633 --> 00:20:37,883 Writing doesn’t mean turning a white paper to black. 221 00:20:37,883 --> 00:20:39,174 It’s like sharing a soul. 222 00:20:39,758 --> 00:20:41,341 The soul is missing in these. 223 00:20:43,424 --> 00:20:45,424 You abandoned me because I didn’t write? 224 00:20:47,091 --> 00:20:48,008 I will write. 225 00:20:49,924 --> 00:20:51,549 I will fu**ing write... 226 00:20:52,383 --> 00:20:53,008 ...for you! 227 00:21:42,216 --> 00:21:44,216 Hey. You? 228 00:21:46,174 --> 00:21:47,591 Why did you hit them yesterday? 229 00:21:47,841 --> 00:21:48,799 Didn’t they tell you? 230 00:21:49,299 --> 00:21:50,133 No, they didn’t. 231 00:21:50,383 --> 00:21:51,591 Then it’s not important. 232 00:21:52,966 --> 00:21:54,591 Alright. Where is room no. 5? 233 00:21:56,924 --> 00:21:57,549 I don’t know. 234 00:22:02,091 --> 00:22:03,008 Hey, classical dancer... 235 00:22:03,216 --> 00:22:03,841 What? 236 00:22:05,008 --> 00:22:05,883 Where are the flowers? 237 00:22:06,299 --> 00:22:07,258 What do you mean? 238 00:22:07,424 --> 00:22:09,591 You would look great with flowers in this chiken dress. 239 00:22:16,008 --> 00:22:18,424 Do you think I am here to take an exam or accept a marriage proposal? 240 00:22:21,091 --> 00:22:22,424 Flowers it seems! 241 00:22:28,966 --> 00:22:29,466 What? 242 00:22:30,133 --> 00:22:32,174 Won’t you write? 243 00:22:32,216 --> 00:22:32,883 I am done. 244 00:22:34,091 --> 00:22:36,549 I was watching you because I didn’t want to waste time 245 00:22:39,174 --> 00:22:40,216 What’s your name? 246 00:22:41,841 --> 00:22:42,716 Silence! 247 00:22:44,466 --> 00:22:47,133 Sorry. It just slipped out of my mouth. 248 00:22:49,008 --> 00:22:50,258 What is your name? 249 00:22:50,799 --> 00:22:51,883 Yamini. 250 00:22:55,258 --> 00:22:55,883 Yamini... 251 00:22:57,841 --> 00:22:59,549 Were you born beautiful... 252 00:23:00,091 --> 00:23:02,049 Or you grew up to be beautiful? 253 00:23:28,716 --> 00:23:30,841 [11 miners dead in coal mine mishap] 254 00:23:32,091 --> 00:23:34,216 [11 miners dead in coal mine mishap] 255 00:23:43,758 --> 00:23:44,424 Look... 256 00:23:45,008 --> 00:23:46,216 Look how she is crying 257 00:23:46,674 --> 00:23:48,216 She must be of our age. 258 00:23:48,466 --> 00:23:50,508 Her husband died in a coal mining accident. 259 00:23:50,508 --> 00:23:52,799 And she is not able to let him go. She is begging him to come back to her. 260 00:23:53,841 --> 00:23:55,383 I am still alive, right? 261 00:23:55,716 --> 00:23:57,299 How could you leave me and go? 262 00:23:59,966 --> 00:24:01,508 This isn’t love, Yamini. 263 00:24:01,966 --> 00:24:03,424 Is she educated like you are? 264 00:24:03,883 --> 00:24:04,466 No. 265 00:24:04,924 --> 00:24:06,549 But she knows the value of a person. 266 00:24:08,258 --> 00:24:11,508 Look at how it feels when your loved ones leave you. 267 00:24:13,549 --> 00:24:16,966 I met you because I was born and raised here in Hyderabad. 268 00:24:17,799 --> 00:24:19,174 You came into my life. 269 00:24:19,508 --> 00:24:21,383 You became a part of my story. 270 00:24:22,258 --> 00:24:23,966 If I was born in Yellandu, 271 00:24:24,383 --> 00:24:25,924 do you think I would have met you? No! 272 00:24:26,633 --> 00:24:29,133 I would have met some girl like her, and gotten married to her. 273 00:24:29,799 --> 00:24:32,424 I would have someone who would be willing to die for me. 274 00:24:34,174 --> 00:24:36,133 I wish I wasn’t born in Hyderabad. 275 00:24:36,966 --> 00:24:38,591 I wish I never met you. 276 00:24:47,341 --> 00:24:48,716 If I was born in Yellandu... 277 00:25:39,799 --> 00:25:41,008 You... Idiot. 278 00:25:41,799 --> 00:25:43,508 Why did you sleep here of all places? 279 00:26:09,508 --> 00:26:10,299 Tea. 280 00:26:30,549 --> 00:26:32,049 You are here in Yellandu as well? 281 00:26:33,049 --> 00:26:34,258 You will leave him too. 282 00:26:35,341 --> 00:26:36,508 You said you wanted to leave me, right? Leave me then. 283 00:26:36,508 --> 00:26:38,174 Leave my writing alone as well. 284 00:26:42,924 --> 00:26:44,008 Suvarna. 285 00:26:47,091 --> 00:26:47,799 Tea. 286 00:26:54,383 --> 00:26:55,049 Here is your Tea. 287 00:26:57,299 --> 00:26:58,966 It’s been seven years since we got married. 288 00:26:59,383 --> 00:27:00,883 We have a five-year-old son as well. 289 00:27:01,091 --> 00:27:02,508 What are you so scared of? 290 00:27:02,799 --> 00:27:04,591 Do I hit you , scold you or eat you up? 291 00:27:04,883 --> 00:27:06,758 You burned my hand early in the morning. 292 00:27:14,299 --> 00:27:17,258 What’s up, man? Where are you headed so early in the morning? 293 00:27:17,758 --> 00:27:19,674 There is a car with a beacon light in front of the house. 294 00:27:20,091 --> 00:27:22,591 I became a civil servant. I am going to the administrative office to work. 295 00:27:24,008 --> 00:27:25,716 I’ve got 503 marks in my tenth grade. 296 00:27:26,674 --> 00:27:29,424 No officer's son in the collieries has this kind of a score. 297 00:27:30,008 --> 00:27:32,674 Thanks to your drinking habit you lost your arm. Because you wanted a miner’s son to become a miner, 298 00:27:32,674 --> 00:27:33,758 You smeared coal all over my face. 299 00:27:33,758 --> 00:27:35,674 And now you nonchalantly ask me where I am off to?! 300 00:27:35,966 --> 00:27:38,049 Where would a laborers’ son go? Of course, to labour. 301 00:27:39,841 --> 00:27:42,258 Didn’t you think it would be wise to wait a bit after a 20-year old took up a job? 302 00:27:42,549 --> 00:27:44,383 You got me married to that dimwit! 303 00:27:44,799 --> 00:27:47,133 Before I could even make sense of what happened, I had a 5-year-old son! 304 00:27:47,508 --> 00:27:48,674 And then, this constant nagging everyday! 305 00:27:49,091 --> 00:27:50,341 Where am I off to, you ask?! Where am I off to?! 306 00:27:50,341 --> 00:27:51,008 Shamelessly, you ask! 307 00:27:51,008 --> 00:27:53,383 Next time if you ask me, I will break your other arm. 308 00:27:53,508 --> 00:27:54,508 You are going to break my arm? 309 00:27:54,799 --> 00:27:56,133 Break it then! Break my hand then! 310 00:27:56,466 --> 00:27:58,258 Hey, shut it and sit down. Sit down and read your papers. 311 00:28:02,174 --> 00:28:03,174 Greetings... 312 00:28:03,633 --> 00:28:04,966 Greetings. 313 00:28:05,174 --> 00:28:07,966 How come you guys gathered In front of my house? 314 00:28:07,966 --> 00:28:10,466 You don’t need to be reminded, brother. Today is the counting day. 315 00:28:10,549 --> 00:28:13,091 Everyone is of the opinion that you are going to win. 316 00:28:13,299 --> 00:28:15,549 I got everyone along for our victory lap. 317 00:28:15,716 --> 00:28:16,174 Is it? 318 00:28:16,924 --> 00:28:19,008 But I’ll just go and drop my son off at school. 319 00:28:19,008 --> 00:28:19,508 Go on. 320 00:28:19,633 --> 00:28:20,216 Alright! 321 00:28:20,591 --> 00:28:22,091 Let’s go fellows. -Kiddo, get on the bike. 322 00:28:22,591 --> 00:28:23,633 Carefully. -Brother? 323 00:28:23,966 --> 00:28:25,841 The counting is going on. Come soon. -Alright, fine. I’ll come around. 324 00:28:29,383 --> 00:28:30,049 Hey, take off your hand. 325 00:28:34,966 --> 00:28:35,966 Srinu... 326 00:28:36,924 --> 00:28:37,799 all the best. 327 00:28:39,049 --> 00:28:40,174 Yadhi, come here. 328 00:28:40,799 --> 00:28:41,424 Brother? 329 00:28:42,799 --> 00:28:44,883 Call that cable guy and get the cable disconnected. 330 00:28:45,424 --> 00:28:46,674 Why, brother? Isn’t the cable working? 331 00:28:47,008 --> 00:28:49,008 The cable is doing too damn fine a job of teaching English to the ladies of the house. 332 00:28:49,008 --> 00:28:49,758 Call him and get it disconnected. 333 00:28:50,091 --> 00:28:50,716 Alright, brother. 334 00:28:54,966 --> 00:29:00,508 The results for the elections of the Union of Black Diamonds Coal Mine are going to be announced in some time. 335 00:29:00,633 --> 00:29:03,299 We request the candidates to cooperate with the officials. 336 00:29:04,966 --> 00:29:07,258 These sunglasses are so cool, Yadhi. 337 00:29:07,258 --> 00:29:09,591 That’s true, brother. 338 00:29:12,133 --> 00:29:13,799 Srinu, you cocky brat! 339 00:29:14,299 --> 00:29:15,966 The counting isn’t done yet. 340 00:29:16,424 --> 00:29:18,299 and you are already here at the Union office! 341 00:29:18,299 --> 00:29:20,466 Right here at the doorstep too. 342 00:29:20,716 --> 00:29:22,133 And with sunglasses too. 343 00:29:22,424 --> 00:29:25,508 Did you dream of winning? 344 00:29:26,799 --> 00:29:30,924 Listen here, Mr. Patnaik. I want to tell you something. 345 00:29:31,966 --> 00:29:34,091 You have been the union leader for the past 10 years. 346 00:29:34,424 --> 00:29:35,966 That has always been unanimous. 347 00:29:35,966 --> 00:29:37,883 And no one here dares to contest against you. 348 00:29:38,091 --> 00:29:43,799 And after ten years, If a novice like me comes along, rebels and files his nomination papers in the elections, 349 00:29:44,424 --> 00:29:45,216 it means you’ve lost. 350 00:29:46,133 --> 00:29:50,091 The counting is just a formality. 351 00:29:50,091 --> 00:29:52,341 In the seventh incline, Srinu has a 23-vote majority. 352 00:29:56,549 --> 00:29:58,174 Stop it! 353 00:30:00,466 --> 00:30:02,424 Don’t go celebrating your success yet. 354 00:30:03,008 --> 00:30:05,674 Bro, Is the entire election over with just a seven incline? 355 00:30:06,174 --> 00:30:09,049 With just a 23-vote majority, you seem to be so getting giddy over this victory? 356 00:30:10,674 --> 00:30:12,299 There is a lot long battle ahead. 357 00:30:12,466 --> 00:30:15,799 There is the 10 incline, 11 incline and the 23 incline. 358 00:30:16,008 --> 00:30:17,799 What else? -NGO, open cast. 359 00:30:17,799 --> 00:30:21,883 NGO, open cast and many more, bro. 360 00:30:22,258 --> 00:30:24,508 In the Black Diamond coal mines elections, 361 00:30:24,674 --> 00:30:26,174 a young mine leader Srinu, 362 00:30:26,424 --> 00:30:28,674 has won the election with a resounding majority. 363 00:30:40,174 --> 00:30:40,966 Srinu brother! 364 00:30:41,508 --> 00:30:42,299 Srinu brother! 365 00:30:43,049 --> 00:30:43,758 Srinu brother! 366 00:30:49,049 --> 00:30:50,091 Suvarna? 367 00:30:50,924 --> 00:30:52,716 Is your mom around? 368 00:30:52,924 --> 00:30:55,008 Why would my mom be here? She must be in the village. 369 00:30:55,258 --> 00:30:57,133 What about your father then? 370 00:30:57,549 --> 00:30:59,924 My father is with my mother in the village. 371 00:31:00,216 --> 00:31:01,716 Then who is going to scrub my back? 372 00:31:03,258 --> 00:31:04,549 I am coming. Coming. 373 00:31:26,466 --> 00:31:27,466 Manager sir. 374 00:31:28,008 --> 00:31:30,383 How many times do I have to ask you not to flash your light like that? 375 00:31:30,716 --> 00:31:32,258 Am I a buffalo or a goat? 376 00:31:32,508 --> 00:31:34,716 You must be taking me for granted just because I give your respect. 377 00:31:34,883 --> 00:31:38,258 I wasn’t sure if you could hear me amidst all this noise. 378 00:31:38,508 --> 00:31:41,174 If I can’t hear you, Climb the machine and call me loudly. 379 00:31:41,674 --> 00:31:44,008 If I reprimand, I am accused of being the crazy one. 380 00:31:44,008 --> 00:31:46,174 Set that aside. I have some work with you. Come down. 381 00:31:47,966 --> 00:31:48,549 Tell me... what's it? 382 00:31:48,758 --> 00:31:51,424 Smitha Ma’am joined as our Junior Welfare officer. 383 00:31:51,674 --> 00:31:54,633 You guys would be seeing a lot of each other at work. So, I thought it is best to introduce you to each other. 384 00:31:54,924 --> 00:31:56,633 Madam is from Mumbai, Srinu. 385 00:32:03,633 --> 00:32:05,216 Smitha Madam, this is Srinu. 386 00:32:06,299 --> 00:32:07,049 Hi, Srinu. 387 00:32:08,091 --> 00:32:08,758 Srinu? 388 00:32:09,133 --> 00:32:09,799 Sir... 389 00:32:10,174 --> 00:32:11,216 Srinu? 390 00:32:11,508 --> 00:32:12,174 Sir... 391 00:32:14,383 --> 00:32:15,133 Srinu? 392 00:32:15,383 --> 00:32:16,383 Smitha Madam. 393 00:32:17,174 --> 00:32:17,966 Smitha Madam. 394 00:32:19,174 --> 00:32:21,841 Madam, I am Srinu. I am the union leader here. 395 00:32:22,383 --> 00:32:24,258 Hi Srinu. I am Smitha. 396 00:32:24,674 --> 00:32:26,174 My hands are smeared with coal dust. 397 00:32:26,966 --> 00:32:29,758 What do you expect while working in a coal mine, Gold dust? 398 00:32:30,008 --> 00:32:32,216 It’s ok, Srinu. Shake hands. 399 00:32:36,674 --> 00:32:38,091 Nice to meet you. 400 00:32:39,758 --> 00:32:40,966 Brother, did you notice? 401 00:32:41,341 --> 00:32:44,633 When you were the Union leader, there was an old hag who was the Welfare officer. 402 00:32:44,633 --> 00:32:49,299 As soon as he became the union leader, some young lady comes down and he gets to squeeze her hand. 403 00:32:49,299 --> 00:32:51,924 This handshake of theirs! Did you ever shake hands in this manner, ever? 404 00:32:52,174 --> 00:32:53,508 Saidulu? -Yes, brother. 405 00:32:53,508 --> 00:32:54,799 You have no brains at all. 406 00:32:55,133 --> 00:32:58,216 If they are appointed, they will stick around until their retirement. 407 00:32:58,674 --> 00:33:01,758 If we are lucky and if there is a by election next year, 408 00:33:02,549 --> 00:33:03,799 won’t we win? 409 00:33:03,966 --> 00:33:05,674 Are you saying that you would offer your hand and squeeze hers? 410 00:33:06,091 --> 00:33:07,424 Is that what I said?! 411 00:33:07,966 --> 00:33:09,716 Go about business! Idiot! 412 00:33:28,879 --> 00:33:31,213 Why are you touching me? Turn that way and sleep! 413 00:33:45,546 --> 00:33:47,879 You... woman! Why are you throwing yourself at me? 414 00:33:47,879 --> 00:33:49,213 I am already suffocating because of the heat. 415 00:33:49,879 --> 00:33:51,129 One kick and you'll fall through the window. 416 00:33:51,296 --> 00:33:52,879 Why are you so angry today? 417 00:33:53,171 --> 00:33:54,004 So, what ? 418 00:33:54,129 --> 00:33:55,379 When you come to me... I will show you. 419 00:33:55,379 --> 00:33:57,129 Why would I come to you? -For that. 420 00:33:57,796 --> 00:33:58,879 I won’t come or go. 421 00:33:59,088 --> 00:34:00,713 Idiot! I will gouge you! 422 00:34:01,463 --> 00:34:03,004 Shut up and sleep. -Yeah, right! 423 00:34:03,088 --> 00:34:03,504 Go. 424 00:34:04,421 --> 00:34:07,796 What do expect while working in a coal mine? Gold dust? 425 00:34:22,629 --> 00:34:24,046 Everything is clear, sir. 426 00:34:24,338 --> 00:34:25,879 It’s clear. 427 00:34:26,254 --> 00:34:27,921 The blasts have begun, sir. 428 00:34:29,796 --> 00:34:32,546 It would take at least another hour for it to be loaded. -Mr. Srinu. 429 00:34:33,213 --> 00:34:34,254 Mr. Srinu. 430 00:34:35,546 --> 00:34:37,671 Call him... call srinu. 431 00:34:37,838 --> 00:34:38,796 Madam is here. 432 00:34:38,838 --> 00:34:39,588 Madam is here. 433 00:34:39,588 --> 00:34:40,713 What is it? -Madam is here. 434 00:34:41,379 --> 00:34:42,088 Hi. 435 00:34:42,088 --> 00:34:43,171 Greetings, Madam. 436 00:34:43,171 --> 00:34:44,838 Good morning. -What brings you here? 437 00:34:45,004 --> 00:34:46,004 Nothing in particular, Srinu. 438 00:34:46,004 --> 00:34:49,213 The Manager here said that you are the person to help me take a look at all the mines. 439 00:34:49,338 --> 00:34:50,796 So, I came here. 440 00:34:51,129 --> 00:34:51,713 Ok. 441 00:34:52,296 --> 00:34:53,504 Yadhi! -Yeah, Bro... 442 00:34:53,504 --> 00:34:54,629 I got some really important work. 443 00:34:54,629 --> 00:34:56,629 Madam wants me to show her the mines. I am going. 444 00:34:56,629 --> 00:34:58,546 Alright, fine. I will take care of it. Go on ahead. 445 00:34:58,754 --> 00:35:00,004 Hey! -I will take care of it, brother. 446 00:35:00,004 --> 00:35:01,379 I will... you go. -Come. 447 00:35:02,838 --> 00:35:04,254 No. No, Srinu. Sit here. 448 00:35:04,296 --> 00:35:10,129 ♫Hey sir, you are on a roll. ♫ ♫Impressed by your energy♫. 449 00:35:11,504 --> 00:35:17,713 ♫The girl has opened the door to love. ♫ 450 00:35:20,629 --> 00:35:25,254 ♫She is a mine of colours♫ ♫amidst a coal mine. ♫ 451 00:35:27,796 --> 00:35:30,129 ♫She shines brilliantly. ♫ 452 00:35:30,129 --> 00:35:34,046 ♫I have caught her. ♫ ♫I’ve got her. ♫ 453 00:35:35,879 --> 00:35:40,338 ♫She is young seductive star. ♫ 454 00:35:40,421 --> 00:35:44,921 ♫Wonder what you did to get this lucky, ♫ 455 00:35:45,213 --> 00:35:49,713 ♫Your dreams will not ever sleep again. ♫ 456 00:35:50,004 --> 00:35:54,713 ♫For a hillbilly like you, ♫ ♫you have found a classy jackpot. ♫ 457 00:35:54,713 --> 00:35:58,963 ♫Bless you, pray to Yadagiri to offer thanks. ♫ 458 00:35:59,671 --> 00:36:04,171 ♫ Go on, go on... oh king, ♫ 459 00:36:04,171 --> 00:36:08,838 ♫Have.... Have... have fun. ♫ 460 00:36:08,963 --> 00:36:13,129 ♫Go on, go on... oh king, ♫ 461 00:36:13,129 --> 00:36:18,421 ♫Have.... Have... have fun. ♫ 462 00:36:18,504 --> 00:36:23,546 ♫You are one lucky man, Srinu. ♫ ♫Don’t miss this opportunity. ♫ 463 00:36:23,546 --> 00:36:28,546 ♫This golden girl is yours...♫ ♫......that’s the way to do it. ♫ 464 00:36:28,546 --> 00:36:33,046 ♫What a girl. You are a lucky man. ♫ ♫What a match you guys make. ♫ 465 00:36:33,088 --> 00:36:38,421 ♫Come on celebrate and dance. ♫ ♫Come on dance to the beat. ♫ 466 00:36:39,671 --> 00:36:44,504 ♫A fair-skinned maiden♫ ♫Of great beauty. ♫ 467 00:36:49,171 --> 00:36:54,088 ♫She is educated as well. ♫ ♫She is a moon. ♫ 468 00:36:54,546 --> 00:36:58,796 ♫And she desires you. ♫ 469 00:37:00,129 --> 00:37:04,546 ♫With her Ray ban shielded eyes, ♫ ♫Wonder what she saw in you. ♫ 470 00:37:04,546 --> 00:37:09,004 ♫She rushed and came to you with such gusto. ♫ 471 00:37:09,004 --> 00:37:14,338 ♫Even though you are not as educated, ♫ ♫try and adjust and get on with the flow. ♫ 472 00:37:14,338 --> 00:37:18,421 ♫If this moment slips, you won’t get it back♫ 473 00:37:18,629 --> 00:37:23,338 ♫Go on, go on... oh king, ♫ 474 00:37:23,338 --> 00:37:27,921 ♫Have.... Have... have fun. ♫ 475 00:37:28,379 --> 00:37:32,296 ♫Go on, go on... oh king, ♫ 476 00:37:32,546 --> 00:37:37,713 ♫Have.... Have... have fun. ♫ 477 00:37:37,713 --> 00:37:42,713 ♫You are one lucky man, Srinu. ♫ ♫Don’t miss this opportunity. ♫ 478 00:37:42,838 --> 00:37:47,588 ♫This golden girl is yours...♫ ♫......that’s the way to do it. ♫ 479 00:37:47,588 --> 00:37:52,254 ♫What a girl. You are a lucky man. ♫ ♫What a match you guys make. ♫ 480 00:37:52,338 --> 00:37:56,921 ♫Come on celebrate and dance. ♫ ♫Come on dance to the beat. ♫ 481 00:37:56,963 --> 00:37:59,546 ♫In the midst of a coal mine. ♫ 482 00:38:03,588 --> 00:38:05,129 I’ve been working here for close to thirty years. 483 00:38:05,129 --> 00:38:06,296 Even you didn’t ask me to stop drinking. 484 00:38:06,338 --> 00:38:09,004 And yet, this pup who is still wet behind his ears dares to give me an ultimatum? 485 00:38:09,296 --> 00:38:09,879 Srinu! 486 00:38:10,754 --> 00:38:11,338 Get down. 487 00:38:15,671 --> 00:38:17,046 What is this nuisance so early in the day? 488 00:38:18,296 --> 00:38:19,713 You asked grandpa Rattaya to quit drinking? 489 00:38:21,338 --> 00:38:22,004 He will drink. 490 00:38:22,421 --> 00:38:24,671 He will continue to drink to his fullest and come to work. 491 00:38:25,213 --> 00:38:25,713 What can you do? 492 00:38:26,213 --> 00:38:27,171 What can you do? 493 00:38:27,588 --> 00:38:29,671 After you became the union leader, You’ve grown horns. 494 00:38:30,421 --> 00:38:33,421 Mr. Patnaik. You guys discussed something beforehand. 495 00:38:34,213 --> 00:38:35,713 You came here and grabbed my collar. 496 00:38:36,088 --> 00:38:38,379 Since you're here now, why don’t you turn around and take a look? 497 00:38:41,004 --> 00:38:43,129 Do you want each of them to give you a beating? 498 00:38:44,046 --> 00:38:45,296 Won't a warning suffice? 499 00:38:46,504 --> 00:38:47,546 What do you say guys? 500 00:38:51,713 --> 00:38:53,004 Hey, calm down, brother. 501 00:38:53,713 --> 00:38:54,713 You take the joke too far. 502 00:38:55,754 --> 00:38:56,963 There is still dirt on your collar. 503 00:38:57,338 --> 00:38:58,254 Didn’t you have a proper bath? 504 00:38:59,088 --> 00:39:00,921 Couldn’t you have someone clean you with soapnuts? Didn’t sister help? 505 00:39:01,254 --> 00:39:02,754 Do you know how a leader should look? 506 00:39:03,088 --> 00:39:03,921 He should look sharp. 507 00:39:04,379 --> 00:39:05,088 Old man! 508 00:39:05,963 --> 00:39:08,046 If you drink and come here again, I will smash you. 509 00:39:08,421 --> 00:39:09,796 That is my warning to each one of you. 510 00:39:10,463 --> 00:39:11,838 If anyone drinks and comes... 511 00:39:12,254 --> 00:39:15,171 there is no way you are getting down into the pit and touching the coal. Do you understand? 512 00:39:15,463 --> 00:39:16,629 Go on. Go. Go about your business. 513 00:39:18,129 --> 00:39:19,088 I shall take your leave, Srinu. 514 00:39:19,629 --> 00:39:20,254 Hey you! Come along. 515 00:39:22,504 --> 00:39:23,671 Brother Patnaik. 516 00:39:25,088 --> 00:39:26,504 Who is going to greet me? 517 00:39:27,838 --> 00:39:29,296 Greetings, Srinu. 518 00:39:31,213 --> 00:39:32,129 Brother Srinu, I shall take your leave 519 00:39:32,463 --> 00:39:34,004 Pedda Babu, come here. 520 00:39:34,504 --> 00:39:35,588 I wish to speak something with you. 521 00:39:35,588 --> 00:39:36,754 You guys go on ahead. Go about your business. 522 00:39:37,338 --> 00:39:39,546 What is it? -You have two sons, right? 523 00:39:39,713 --> 00:39:41,546 So what? -What is the youngest one’s name? 524 00:39:41,546 --> 00:39:43,754 Karthik. -I see him hanging about the house. 525 00:39:44,254 --> 00:39:45,379 Isn’t he studying Bi.P.C? 526 00:39:46,463 --> 00:39:47,338 So, what if he is? 527 00:39:48,004 --> 00:39:49,254 He is capable of getting a medical seat. 528 00:39:50,504 --> 00:39:52,713 You know, in my 10th grade, I scored 503 marks. 529 00:39:53,671 --> 00:39:56,338 My father kept drinking, lost his arm and turned me into a labourer. 530 00:39:56,713 --> 00:39:58,629 Are you going to turn your children into labourers too? 531 00:39:59,254 --> 00:40:01,129 Why would you ruin their lives? 532 00:40:01,421 --> 00:40:02,171 Go. 533 00:40:02,879 --> 00:40:04,754 Go and get sober and then come back to work. 534 00:40:06,379 --> 00:40:12,088 Here. If you insist that you need to drink and are thirsting for it... 535 00:40:12,754 --> 00:40:14,879 I am going to get you on track for Voluntary Retirement. 536 00:40:15,213 --> 00:40:17,004 I am going to make a fixed deposit on their names. 537 00:40:17,296 --> 00:40:19,838 You do whatever you want. At least, they will move progress in life. 538 00:40:20,254 --> 00:40:21,171 Go on. Go and drink. 539 00:40:21,963 --> 00:40:24,504 It seems like we were born to you guys so that you could ruin it for us. 540 00:40:52,838 --> 00:40:53,879 Hi, Srinu. 541 00:40:54,004 --> 00:40:55,546 What brings you here Madam? 542 00:40:55,546 --> 00:40:57,504 Hi. -I am eating, madam. 543 00:40:57,504 --> 00:40:58,088 Okay, sit. 544 00:41:00,463 --> 00:41:02,296 Since I don’t have friends around here... 545 00:41:02,421 --> 00:41:04,421 I just thought I'll have my lunch with you. 546 00:41:04,421 --> 00:41:05,879 Are you having Dosa? 547 00:41:06,004 --> 00:41:07,338 Yes, madam. -I love Dosa. 548 00:41:07,338 --> 00:41:11,004 Brother, when you were the union leader, that old hag... 549 00:41:11,421 --> 00:41:12,713 I mean that ex-welfare officer. 550 00:41:13,088 --> 00:41:14,754 Did she ever come to you and have her lunch with you? 551 00:41:15,629 --> 00:41:17,004 She used to sit in the same room and have her meals. 552 00:41:17,963 --> 00:41:19,713 And this woman here, comes with such enthusiasm. 553 00:41:20,588 --> 00:41:22,046 She came and sat down with him as well. 554 00:41:22,379 --> 00:41:26,463 She is getting all chummy with Srinu. Isn’t it bothering you? 555 00:41:26,796 --> 00:41:28,838 You?! Are you back to that nonsense? 556 00:41:29,296 --> 00:41:30,629 I can see it. 557 00:41:31,421 --> 00:41:33,296 Stop making a ruckus. Shut up and eat. 558 00:41:33,546 --> 00:41:34,754 Narsingh. -Brother... 559 00:41:34,754 --> 00:41:36,046 Get madam a Dosa. 560 00:41:36,046 --> 00:41:36,838 Alright, brother. -No, I don’t need it. 561 00:41:36,838 --> 00:41:38,171 This will be enough for me. 562 00:41:38,838 --> 00:41:39,713 I will eat this. 563 00:41:39,921 --> 00:41:41,421 And you eat this... My lunch box. 564 00:41:41,421 --> 00:41:42,254 Just try it. 565 00:41:45,838 --> 00:41:46,463 Yadhi... 566 00:41:46,838 --> 00:41:48,296 Madam gave me her lunch box. 567 00:41:51,838 --> 00:41:53,588 I swear on my mother, madam. - What? 568 00:41:53,754 --> 00:41:56,463 I eat this thick bread only when I am sick, madam. If not, I don’t. 569 00:41:56,671 --> 00:41:58,504 This isn’t thick bread, Srinu. 570 00:41:58,504 --> 00:41:59,879 This is Vada Pav. 571 00:41:59,963 --> 00:42:02,296 People in Mumbai have this as a meal. 572 00:42:03,296 --> 00:42:04,629 How does one eat this? 573 00:42:04,629 --> 00:42:07,254 One minute. It’s very simple. 574 00:42:07,754 --> 00:42:12,129 Open the Pav like this, Put the Vada in it like this, 575 00:42:12,338 --> 00:42:14,171 And that’s it. Ready to eat. 576 00:42:14,504 --> 00:42:15,796 Go for it.. Take a bite. 577 00:42:19,338 --> 00:42:22,796 She got a bun, opened it and put something inside. 578 00:42:23,004 --> 00:42:25,213 As if he doesn’t have hands, she even fed him. 579 00:42:25,921 --> 00:42:27,963 Saidulu, I am going to kill you today. 580 00:42:29,713 --> 00:42:30,879 Shut up and eat. 581 00:42:30,879 --> 00:42:33,588 How is it? -Superb, madam. 582 00:42:33,754 --> 00:42:36,879 Try it with this sauce. It’s going to be better. 583 00:42:45,213 --> 00:42:46,546 How is it? 584 00:42:47,588 --> 00:42:49,213 It’s even better with this paste, madam. 585 00:42:49,421 --> 00:42:50,338 Paste? 586 00:42:51,088 --> 00:42:52,754 You are eating like a caveman! 587 00:42:53,338 --> 00:42:55,588 The sauce is all over your mouth, man. 588 00:42:55,588 --> 00:42:56,754 What?! 589 00:42:57,046 --> 00:43:00,004 She even licked off his saliva. 590 00:43:00,129 --> 00:43:00,629 damn! 591 00:43:00,879 --> 00:43:01,796 I am going to die, brother. 592 00:43:02,379 --> 00:43:04,004 How are you eating so nonchalantly, brother? 593 00:43:04,213 --> 00:43:06,213 You piece of shit! I am unable to take this. 594 00:43:06,338 --> 00:43:08,088 I couldn’t take a single bite. You... idiot. 595 00:43:12,421 --> 00:43:13,296 Mr. Srinu. 596 00:43:14,796 --> 00:43:16,713 Your son isn’t doing well in his studies. 597 00:43:17,421 --> 00:43:18,796 He is not performing well. 598 00:43:19,838 --> 00:43:21,421 He needs to concentrate. 599 00:43:21,796 --> 00:43:24,004 It would be better if you pay attention. 600 00:43:24,171 --> 00:43:25,421 What is it? Why aren’t you studying? 601 00:43:30,796 --> 00:43:31,963 He studies well, Madam. 602 00:43:32,838 --> 00:43:35,421 I've been quite busy these days with some Union work. 603 00:43:36,046 --> 00:43:37,046 I will take care of this, madam. 604 00:43:41,338 --> 00:43:42,046 Come fast. 605 00:43:43,338 --> 00:43:45,546 Listen, a child is a mix of two sets of genes. 606 00:43:45,963 --> 00:43:47,838 You don’t have education in your blood. You are not educated. 607 00:43:47,838 --> 00:43:48,546 And he doesn’t study well either. 608 00:43:50,379 --> 00:43:52,754 Not only are you shaming me at home, you are doing that to me in public now? 609 00:43:53,379 --> 00:43:54,129 You... 610 00:43:55,421 --> 00:43:57,046 Escort him to his class and go home. 611 00:44:00,129 --> 00:44:01,879 What’s going on? Why isn’t he still here? 612 00:44:01,879 --> 00:44:03,338 He must be taking... Mr. Patnaik. 613 00:44:03,629 --> 00:44:04,879 Looks like you have some work. 614 00:44:05,004 --> 00:44:06,796 Saidulu, how are you? -I am doing well, brother. 615 00:44:06,796 --> 00:44:07,754 Madam called me. 616 00:44:07,754 --> 00:44:09,338 You seemed to have lucked out. 617 00:44:09,338 --> 00:44:10,129 Who is it? 618 00:44:10,421 --> 00:44:11,504 Madam, I am Srinu. 619 00:44:11,504 --> 00:44:13,046 Yes, Srinu. 620 00:44:13,046 --> 00:44:14,504 Come in. -She is asking me to come in. 621 00:44:14,504 --> 00:44:15,963 I will be back. You stay here. 622 00:44:17,129 --> 00:44:17,879 Good evening, madam. 623 00:44:17,963 --> 00:44:19,546 Hi, good evening. Come in. 624 00:44:19,838 --> 00:44:21,171 Srinu, please close the door. 625 00:44:24,504 --> 00:44:26,213 Madam asked me to close the door. 626 00:44:28,379 --> 00:44:29,338 Really? 627 00:44:33,671 --> 00:44:39,213 Isn't it customary to keep the doors open while meeting a lady in her office? 628 00:44:39,963 --> 00:44:42,088 When that old hag was in the office, you would always keep the door open. 629 00:44:42,338 --> 00:44:43,254 What the! 630 00:44:43,296 --> 00:44:44,629 She is from Mumbai. 631 00:44:44,671 --> 00:44:45,713 And Srinu is a hot-blooded man. 632 00:44:45,713 --> 00:44:47,629 They have gone inside and closed the doors. 633 00:44:47,921 --> 00:44:49,421 I wonder what’s happening. 634 00:44:49,629 --> 00:44:51,088 I don’t understand this story at all. 635 00:44:51,088 --> 00:44:52,004 Saidulu. 636 00:44:52,296 --> 00:44:53,671 Come here once. I need to tell you something. 637 00:44:55,171 --> 00:44:56,421 You piece of crap! -Brother! 638 00:44:56,421 --> 00:44:58,088 Are you on his side or mine? 639 00:44:58,629 --> 00:45:00,421 If I hear another word from you, I will hit you with this bucket. 640 00:45:00,504 --> 00:45:01,671 Why should I care brother?! -Get lost. 641 00:45:02,213 --> 00:45:03,088 Why should I care brother? 642 00:45:03,463 --> 00:45:04,546 You saw what I saw. 643 00:45:05,004 --> 00:45:06,254 Why? Don’t you see it? -Sit down. 644 00:45:06,463 --> 00:45:07,129 Move aside. 645 00:45:09,004 --> 00:45:12,463 Srinu, all the 120 files and cheques are ready. 646 00:45:12,588 --> 00:45:14,796 Are these the files you asked for? Is anything missing? 647 00:45:14,796 --> 00:45:15,671 Take a look. 648 00:45:16,463 --> 00:45:18,754 Thank you, madam. You were pretty quick. 649 00:45:20,129 --> 00:45:22,296 I wonder what’s going on inside. 650 00:45:23,213 --> 00:45:27,004 Everything is fine, madam. But I can’t find Pedda Babu’s name. 651 00:45:27,254 --> 00:45:28,296 Who is Pedda Babu? 652 00:45:28,546 --> 00:45:29,921 I mean Rattaya. 653 00:45:30,088 --> 00:45:32,213 Rattaya’s name is there. It’s a big amount. 654 00:45:34,379 --> 00:45:36,421 It shouldn’t be missing. It must be there. 655 00:45:36,921 --> 00:45:39,296 I put it here myself. 656 00:45:41,129 --> 00:45:44,713 Kumarsamy... Manohar... Naresh, 657 00:45:48,213 --> 00:45:49,296 Where is it? 658 00:45:50,379 --> 00:45:51,088 Here it is! 659 00:45:52,296 --> 00:45:54,046 Oh, it is? It’s right here. 660 00:45:54,046 --> 00:45:56,671 My eyes! I didn’t see it, madam. 661 00:45:58,004 --> 00:46:00,588 It's all fine, madam. -No problem, Srinu. 662 00:46:00,588 --> 00:46:01,338 That’s fine. 663 00:46:01,463 --> 00:46:02,921 So, do you want the cheques now? 664 00:46:04,046 --> 00:46:06,838 As usual, credit them madam. I will inform everyone. 665 00:46:08,963 --> 00:46:11,504 Keep the doors open, Srinu. The heat is suffocating. 666 00:46:16,546 --> 00:46:18,921 When he went in, he closed the doors. And when he came out, he left them open. 667 00:46:19,838 --> 00:46:21,296 Pedda Babu! Come here. 668 00:46:21,296 --> 00:46:22,879 I’ve been looking for you. -What is it? 669 00:46:22,879 --> 00:46:25,213 Your insurance money is here. One lakh, ninety thousand. 670 00:46:25,213 --> 00:46:26,129 What do you want to do then? 671 00:46:26,463 --> 00:46:28,004 You tell me? Aren’t you the one always advising people? 672 00:46:28,046 --> 00:46:31,629 Buy a bike for Karthik. He goes to tuitions. 673 00:46:33,254 --> 00:46:35,046 Are you paying attention to what I'm saying? 674 00:46:35,046 --> 00:46:37,463 I was watching the plane. -A plane? 675 00:46:37,796 --> 00:46:39,421 I was thinking of buying that for Karthik. 676 00:46:39,879 --> 00:46:40,504 Yes. 677 00:46:41,338 --> 00:46:44,171 If Karthik does get himself a medical seat, I am going to buy him a plane. 678 00:46:44,671 --> 00:46:47,338 Everyday he would get on the plane in Yellandu and get off at Warangal. 679 00:46:47,338 --> 00:46:48,796 He would commute to the college in it. 680 00:46:49,088 --> 00:46:51,504 Don’t you think I know what to do with my money?! 681 00:46:51,879 --> 00:46:53,796 You already made me quit alcohol because of him. 682 00:46:54,088 --> 00:46:58,546 If Karthik doesn’t get that medical seat, I will deal with you then. 683 00:46:58,838 --> 00:47:00,213 I will get you on that wretched plane. 684 00:47:00,546 --> 00:47:01,254 Get lost. 685 00:47:01,254 --> 00:47:03,254 What the hell is he talking, brother? 686 00:47:03,254 --> 00:47:04,879 Let him be. 687 00:47:05,296 --> 00:47:07,088 Greetings, madam. -Madam, greetings. 688 00:47:07,088 --> 00:47:10,171 Srinu, is there a good shopping mall nearby? 689 00:47:10,254 --> 00:47:12,171 Mall? Yes, it’s very close by. 690 00:47:12,171 --> 00:47:13,921 I will ride first. You follow me. 691 00:47:13,921 --> 00:47:17,379 No. No. Hop into my vehicle. I will drop you back. 692 00:47:19,379 --> 00:47:20,588 Alright, madam. Let’s do that. 693 00:47:21,213 --> 00:47:22,296 Uncle... Tea. 694 00:47:29,754 --> 00:47:31,463 What happened daughter? What are you waiting for? 695 00:47:32,463 --> 00:47:33,504 Nothing. 696 00:47:33,713 --> 00:47:36,546 Your son didn’t come home yet and he didn’t bring my son home yet. 697 00:47:36,588 --> 00:47:38,046 It’s been an hour since he finished school. 698 00:47:38,338 --> 00:47:39,796 I wonder where he went. 699 00:47:40,129 --> 00:47:41,963 Srinu is not a small-time worker anymore. 700 00:47:42,379 --> 00:47:43,504 He is a union leader now. 701 00:47:44,213 --> 00:47:45,129 He must have a lot of things to do. 702 00:47:45,421 --> 00:47:47,088 I wonder what got him busy. 703 00:47:47,088 --> 00:47:50,004 Father-in-law, if that’s the case, I will go and pick him up from school. 704 00:47:50,088 --> 00:47:51,504 You stay right here. -Alright, fine. Go on. 705 00:47:51,504 --> 00:47:52,629 Don’t go anywhere. -Go on, daughter. Go on. 706 00:47:57,588 --> 00:48:00,796 Srinu? This colour will look very good on you. 707 00:48:01,254 --> 00:48:02,296 Go change and come. 708 00:48:02,379 --> 00:48:03,088 Me? 709 00:48:03,671 --> 00:48:05,213 Why do I need clothes? 710 00:48:05,588 --> 00:48:08,421 Srinu, my wardrobe is already full. 711 00:48:08,629 --> 00:48:11,254 The real reason why we came here is to buy you some clothes. 712 00:48:12,046 --> 00:48:12,796 Look... 713 00:48:13,088 --> 00:48:15,088 I can’t judge how you look when you are dressed in your uniform. 714 00:48:15,088 --> 00:48:17,504 But when you dress formally, you will look superb. 715 00:48:17,588 --> 00:48:18,546 You will surely rock it. 716 00:48:18,838 --> 00:48:20,629 Trust me. You'll look great. 717 00:48:21,796 --> 00:48:22,921 Go on and try it. 718 00:48:23,421 --> 00:48:25,129 Madam, please no... -Go. 719 00:48:27,338 --> 00:48:28,713 Oh, Srinu... Wait. 720 00:48:29,504 --> 00:48:31,254 When you come back... tuck your shirt in and come. 721 00:48:41,338 --> 00:48:44,213 Oh, my goodness! These clothes fit me just right. 722 00:48:44,546 --> 00:48:45,629 Wow! 723 00:48:46,213 --> 00:48:47,296 It’s good. 724 00:48:48,588 --> 00:48:49,629 Really good. 725 00:48:53,129 --> 00:48:55,421 But... Something is missing. 726 00:48:57,379 --> 00:48:58,254 Oh yeah. 727 00:48:58,546 --> 00:48:59,046 Come... 728 00:49:02,129 --> 00:49:02,879 Belt. 729 00:49:03,838 --> 00:49:04,546 One minute. 730 00:49:04,588 --> 00:49:05,963 Madam, Madam. No... 731 00:49:05,963 --> 00:49:07,046 I will wear it myself. 732 00:49:14,671 --> 00:49:15,838 How does it look now, madam? 733 00:49:16,963 --> 00:49:19,588 What is this, madam? It feels weird. 734 00:49:19,754 --> 00:49:21,004 It feels cool 735 00:49:21,379 --> 00:49:22,921 and smells great too. 736 00:49:22,921 --> 00:49:24,046 It’s perfume, Srinu. 737 00:49:24,546 --> 00:49:26,546 If it’s in the bottle, it has a particular kind of smell. 738 00:49:27,504 --> 00:49:29,629 If you spray it into the air, it has a different kind of smell. 739 00:49:30,754 --> 00:49:33,046 And if you spray it on me, it has a different smell. 740 00:49:34,671 --> 00:49:35,921 On you... 741 00:49:38,213 --> 00:49:38,921 Wow! 742 00:49:41,088 --> 00:49:42,171 Irresistible. 743 00:50:17,046 --> 00:50:18,671 You found yourself a beauty now, Srinu? 744 00:50:19,379 --> 00:50:21,504 Is that why you keep telling me not to touch you? 745 00:50:22,088 --> 00:50:24,463 Come home today, I will break your leg. 746 00:50:37,129 --> 00:50:37,921 Hello. 747 00:50:38,338 --> 00:50:39,254 I am back. 748 00:50:39,879 --> 00:50:41,129 So, what do you want me to do? 749 00:50:41,838 --> 00:50:42,879 Welcome you? 750 00:50:43,421 --> 00:50:45,629 Do you want me to sing your praises? 751 00:50:46,504 --> 00:50:50,171 That’s not what I meant. I simply said I am back. 752 00:50:50,379 --> 00:50:52,588 You were back yesterday, today and will be back tomorrow as well. 753 00:50:52,588 --> 00:50:53,671 Why do you need to inform me? 754 00:50:53,921 --> 00:50:56,338 Gosh! Why is she this angry? 755 00:51:01,463 --> 00:51:03,754 Listen. Won’t you get up? 756 00:51:05,629 --> 00:51:07,796 I came back. I washed myself and... 757 00:51:07,796 --> 00:51:09,796 changed my clothes. I am hungry. 758 00:51:09,838 --> 00:51:10,921 So, what should I do? 759 00:51:11,963 --> 00:51:13,004 What should you do? 760 00:51:13,796 --> 00:51:15,004 Won’t you serve me food? 761 00:51:15,296 --> 00:51:17,171 It’s right there. Serve yourself. 762 00:51:17,421 --> 00:51:18,629 I wonder why she is behaving like this. 763 00:51:20,004 --> 00:51:21,296 What have you cooked today?! 764 00:51:21,671 --> 00:51:23,171 I made lentil soup. Pour it and eat. 765 00:51:23,338 --> 00:51:24,129 Hey... 766 00:51:24,879 --> 00:51:26,379 Are you cured of your fear? 767 00:51:27,088 --> 00:51:29,171 Do you want me to come into the bedroom and take out my belt? 768 00:51:29,588 --> 00:51:31,046 You are getting angry over petty things. 769 00:51:31,338 --> 00:51:33,254 I am not angry. Just eat. 770 00:51:33,796 --> 00:51:35,421 I have a headache. 771 00:51:48,546 --> 00:51:50,254 I go out and work the whole day. 772 00:51:51,046 --> 00:51:52,713 But I can't get a proper meal at night. 773 00:52:00,254 --> 00:52:02,838 Keep the lights turned off. I have a headache. 774 00:52:03,046 --> 00:52:04,504 First, take a look at what’s in the cover. 775 00:52:04,629 --> 00:52:06,921 How does it matter what’s in the cover? I will take a look at it in the morning. 776 00:52:07,088 --> 00:52:09,629 Until you take a look at what’s in the cover, I will not turn the lights off. 777 00:52:11,921 --> 00:52:14,504 You won't live me in peace! 778 00:52:16,963 --> 00:52:17,879 Nothing much. 779 00:52:18,796 --> 00:52:22,879 Ever since I became a Union leader, I’ve been meeting a lot of higher ups. 780 00:52:23,171 --> 00:52:26,921 I was getting sick of this uniform. So, I bought a few pairs of clothes. 781 00:52:27,254 --> 00:52:29,963 And for the past two years, I didn’t buy you a single saree, right? 782 00:52:30,629 --> 00:52:31,796 I bought a few sarees as well. 783 00:52:32,713 --> 00:52:35,546 This green sari will look wonderful on you. 784 00:52:37,296 --> 00:52:37,963 Take a look. 785 00:52:39,796 --> 00:52:40,963 Stop being angry and look this way. 786 00:52:56,588 --> 00:52:58,463 You said your head was aching, right? Did you take a tablet? 787 00:53:01,504 --> 00:53:03,129 Put that saree aside and sleep. 788 00:53:03,338 --> 00:53:03,796 Come. 789 00:53:43,671 --> 00:53:45,463 Goddamn! 790 00:53:46,004 --> 00:53:47,671 Can’t you women control yourselves? 791 00:53:48,754 --> 00:53:50,754 Do you have to try on new clothes so quickly? 792 00:53:50,963 --> 00:53:55,129 There is Sankrati, Ugadi, Dusshera, Deepavali (festivals) and many more such occasions. 793 00:53:55,338 --> 00:53:57,379 Well... I thought this green sari would look good on me. 794 00:53:57,379 --> 00:53:58,338 That’s why I wore it. 795 00:53:58,338 --> 00:53:59,629 If you say... -No. No. Let it be. 796 00:54:00,254 --> 00:54:01,338 It looks quite good. 797 00:54:02,838 --> 00:54:04,254 I am letting it go today. 798 00:54:04,546 --> 00:54:06,463 Remember that those other sarees are for festivals and other occasions. 799 00:54:06,713 --> 00:54:09,629 That is all well. Today is Sunday, right? 800 00:54:10,213 --> 00:54:11,546 What do you want me to cook? 801 00:54:11,713 --> 00:54:14,671 Chicken fry or chicken stew? 802 00:54:14,796 --> 00:54:16,254 Go and ask your father-in-law. 803 00:54:16,588 --> 00:54:18,171 Just make whatever he suggests. 804 00:54:18,921 --> 00:54:19,838 Father-in-law? 805 00:54:20,879 --> 00:54:24,088 Should I make chicken fry or chicken stew? 806 00:54:24,129 --> 00:54:25,213 Make chicken stew. 807 00:54:25,296 --> 00:54:26,963 The pieces of chicken will slip into the mouth easily. 808 00:54:27,754 --> 00:54:30,338 Listen... Father-in-law wants chicken stew. 809 00:54:30,504 --> 00:54:31,921 Then why don’t you get to work? 810 00:54:32,088 --> 00:54:32,713 Okay. 811 00:54:57,546 --> 00:54:58,588 Greetings, Madam. 812 00:54:58,796 --> 00:54:59,588 Good morning. 813 00:54:59,588 --> 00:55:00,754 Good morning, Srinu. 814 00:55:01,588 --> 00:55:03,463 I wanted to have chicken biryani. 815 00:55:03,546 --> 00:55:06,129 Where can I find good chicken biryani around here? 816 00:55:06,129 --> 00:55:07,004 Biryani? 817 00:55:09,338 --> 00:55:11,171 They don’t make good Biryani in the town. 818 00:55:13,046 --> 00:55:14,713 I know of a restaurant at the outskirts. 819 00:55:15,129 --> 00:55:16,296 They make it really tasty. 820 00:55:16,296 --> 00:55:17,338 Do one thing, madam. 821 00:55:19,421 --> 00:55:22,213 Come to the park at 1 o’clock. I will get it for you. 822 00:55:22,213 --> 00:55:23,254 We shall eat together in the park. 823 00:55:31,796 --> 00:55:33,546 Hey, what are you doing? 824 00:55:33,838 --> 00:55:34,838 Our kid is watching us. 825 00:55:35,421 --> 00:55:36,254 Are you teasing me? 826 00:55:36,254 --> 00:55:37,463 He is off playing somewhere. 827 00:55:42,838 --> 00:55:44,421 We might get caught by father-in-law. Let me go. 828 00:55:44,588 --> 00:55:45,838 He is outside. 829 00:55:45,963 --> 00:55:47,296 If you stay quiet, he won’t realise. 830 00:55:48,004 --> 00:55:49,338 Come here. -Don’t make a mess. 831 00:55:50,129 --> 00:55:51,713 You are just unable to control yourself today. 832 00:55:56,463 --> 00:55:57,963 Anyways, what are you doing today? 833 00:55:59,963 --> 00:56:01,588 Father-in-law said he wanted chicken stew, right? 834 00:56:01,671 --> 00:56:03,046 That is why I am washing these pieces of chicken. 835 00:56:07,921 --> 00:56:11,379 Well, I feel like eating your Kadai Biryani. 836 00:56:11,421 --> 00:56:12,129 Goodness! 837 00:56:12,421 --> 00:56:14,879 Thank God you told me before I began making the stew. 838 00:56:14,879 --> 00:56:16,088 Go shower and come. 839 00:56:16,213 --> 00:56:17,838 I will make you delicious Kadai Biryani. 840 00:56:20,338 --> 00:56:21,046 Hey! 841 00:56:23,379 --> 00:56:27,213 You are looking divine in this green sari. 842 00:56:27,213 --> 00:56:28,713 Go shower and come. 843 00:57:03,637 --> 00:57:04,095 Hello. 844 00:57:05,595 --> 00:57:06,345 Yes, hello. 845 00:57:08,262 --> 00:57:09,554 What? You want me to come for a meeting? 846 00:57:11,512 --> 00:57:12,887 Why would you organize a meeting on a Sunday? 847 00:57:12,887 --> 00:57:14,304 Don’t you consider the fact that we have wife and children at home? 848 00:57:15,137 --> 00:57:17,054 What? All the members have gathered? 849 00:57:17,845 --> 00:57:19,054 Alright, fine. I’m coming. 850 00:57:19,429 --> 00:57:21,137 I just have to wear my clothes. 851 00:57:25,137 --> 00:57:26,345 Suvarna. 852 00:57:26,929 --> 00:57:28,012 I am leaving. 853 00:57:28,304 --> 00:57:30,387 I got a call. Apparently, all the members of the union have assembled. 854 00:57:30,387 --> 00:57:31,512 They said it was an urgent meeting. 855 00:57:31,512 --> 00:57:32,095 Wait... wait... 856 00:57:32,095 --> 00:57:33,804 You asked me to make Kadai Biryani and you are leaving without tasting it. 857 00:57:33,804 --> 00:57:35,095 Have a bite and go. 858 00:57:35,762 --> 00:57:37,220 Should I have a quick bite? -Yes. 859 00:57:38,012 --> 00:57:40,345 I am getting late.I will eat it in the night. -Wait. Wait. 860 00:57:40,429 --> 00:57:42,304 I will pack it for you. At least, you can try and eat there. 861 00:57:48,429 --> 00:57:48,929 Careful. 862 00:57:49,262 --> 00:57:49,845 Alright. 863 00:57:51,595 --> 00:57:53,429 Srinu. One minute. Just a minute. 864 00:57:55,137 --> 00:57:56,054 What is it? 865 00:57:56,887 --> 00:57:59,887 You have a large appetite. I wasn’t sure if just one lunchbox would be enough for you 866 00:57:59,887 --> 00:58:00,762 I packed another one for you. 867 00:58:01,012 --> 00:58:03,595 Srinu, I made this out of so much love. 868 00:58:03,929 --> 00:58:05,054 Don’t share it with anyone. 869 00:58:05,554 --> 00:58:06,304 Only you eat it. 870 00:58:06,512 --> 00:58:07,470 Alright, fine. Only I'll eat it. 871 00:58:16,595 --> 00:58:18,720 What? What happened Srinu? 872 00:58:18,720 --> 00:58:20,804 I never wore such clothes all my life, madam. 873 00:58:20,929 --> 00:58:22,720 Srinu, you’ve got the looks of a movie star. 874 00:58:22,720 --> 00:58:23,429 Wait. 875 00:58:23,762 --> 00:58:24,804 One minute. Look here. 876 00:58:25,304 --> 00:58:27,845 Look here. Look. -No, madam I don’t want to. 877 00:58:29,012 --> 00:58:31,470 Srinu, why are you feeling shy? -I feel weird, madam. 878 00:58:31,804 --> 00:58:32,845 Please stop it, madam. 879 00:58:36,679 --> 00:58:38,304 That lady is smoking hot. 880 00:58:38,345 --> 00:58:40,179 She seems to have lit up of Yellandu. 881 00:58:40,720 --> 00:58:42,262 Why are you guys gawking? 882 00:58:42,429 --> 00:58:43,845 Run away. 883 00:58:44,137 --> 00:58:45,512 Don’t you have women in your house? 884 00:58:45,929 --> 00:58:47,262 I am going to give you a whack, you idiot! 885 00:58:51,345 --> 00:58:52,762 The world is gone to sh*t, madam. 886 00:58:54,679 --> 00:58:57,720 You said you wanted to have Biryani. Shall I take the box out? 887 00:59:00,095 --> 00:59:03,554 Survana! I slipped. I fell down. 888 00:59:03,554 --> 00:59:05,762 What happened, father-in-law? -Suvarna, I fell down. I fell down. 889 00:59:06,054 --> 00:59:07,387 I fell down. 890 00:59:07,387 --> 00:59:09,512 One minute. One minute. 891 00:59:09,845 --> 00:59:11,970 [Groaning] 892 00:59:26,554 --> 00:59:27,429 Is it good? 893 00:59:29,804 --> 00:59:30,929 Pick the call, Srinu. 894 00:59:31,012 --> 00:59:32,262 You never know what kind of emergency it is. 895 00:59:34,929 --> 00:59:36,762 Hello. Who is it? 896 00:59:37,012 --> 00:59:39,762 Your father slipped from the stool while getting up and fell down. 897 00:59:39,929 --> 00:59:41,554 It looks like his arm slipped from the socket. 898 00:59:41,554 --> 00:59:43,554 The man is in great pain. 899 00:59:43,637 --> 00:59:45,845 We have to take him to the hospital. Where are you? 900 00:59:45,929 --> 00:59:48,470 Is that so? That old man fell?! 901 00:59:49,512 --> 00:59:52,179 Listen, do this. Take him to the Collieries Hospital. 902 00:59:52,429 --> 00:59:54,262 Tell them that Union leader Srinu sent you. 903 00:59:54,845 --> 00:59:56,012 They would be quick on their feet. 904 00:59:56,679 --> 00:59:57,554 Did you understand? 905 00:59:58,095 --> 00:59:59,804 I am in an important meeting. 906 01:00:00,054 --> 01:00:01,637 As soon as I finish here, I’ll come to see the old man. 907 01:00:02,179 --> 01:00:02,762 You... You be careful. 908 01:00:02,845 --> 01:00:04,054 Go safely. Safely. 909 01:00:05,304 --> 01:00:06,637 What happened, Srinu? 910 01:00:06,887 --> 01:00:08,679 Apparently, some old man fell down. 911 01:00:09,345 --> 01:00:12,887 I told them to take him to the hospital and inform the staff that I sent them. 912 01:00:13,220 --> 01:00:14,887 The number of responsibilities on me have increased, madam. 913 01:00:15,304 --> 01:00:19,012 Dear...Suvarna? -It’s quite close. Just a few more minutes. 914 01:00:19,345 --> 01:00:20,720 Suvarna. I am unable to breathe. 915 01:00:20,720 --> 01:00:22,512 It’s close. It’s close. Don’t worry. 916 01:00:23,804 --> 01:00:25,095 How is the Biryani madam? 917 01:00:25,095 --> 01:00:27,720 It’s very good, Srinu. It’s really very tasty. 918 01:00:28,304 --> 01:00:29,512 Ask Srinu to come. 919 01:00:29,512 --> 01:00:30,762 Yes. yes. He will certainly come. 920 01:00:30,762 --> 01:00:32,304 He said that he was in a meeting. 921 01:00:36,637 --> 01:00:38,512 It’s close. It’s close. 922 01:00:38,512 --> 01:00:40,345 Mom, I can smell biryani. 923 01:00:42,345 --> 01:00:43,804 Didn’t you wash your hands properly after you ate? 924 01:00:43,804 --> 01:00:45,137 Mom, there is dad. 925 01:00:45,137 --> 01:00:46,220 Here, take a piece of chicken. 926 01:00:52,179 --> 01:00:55,179 So, the smell of Biryani is from there? Not here? 927 01:00:55,429 --> 01:00:57,679 I told you that your father’s arm was broken. 928 01:00:58,304 --> 01:01:00,220 Is this the important meeting you were in, Srinu? 929 01:01:02,762 --> 01:01:04,137 You are checking your phone now? 930 01:01:04,595 --> 01:01:05,845 I told you that we need to go to the hospital. 931 01:01:05,887 --> 01:01:08,470 And he is in absolute misery. Look, the signal turned green. Go on. Drive. 932 01:01:08,679 --> 01:01:10,387 Yeah, alright. 933 01:01:30,887 --> 01:01:32,762 ♫The stars in the sky♫ 934 01:01:32,887 --> 01:01:33,554 Srinu... 935 01:01:33,595 --> 01:01:36,429 ♫are like the dots in the Rangoli made at dusk. ♫ 936 01:01:36,429 --> 01:01:38,262 It’s three right now. Didn’t you sleep? 937 01:01:38,720 --> 01:01:39,762 You go on. I’ll come. 938 01:01:39,845 --> 01:01:48,054 ♫she doesn’t want to come and ♫ ♫Doesn’t want to keep night company ♫ 939 01:01:48,762 --> 01:01:53,179 ♫And so leaves the night lonely. ♫ ♫Those dry words of yours ♫ 940 01:01:53,179 --> 01:01:57,804 ♫have broken that unblemished heart. ♫ 941 01:01:58,137 --> 01:02:04,762 ♫I collected those broken bits♫ ♫of my heart and tried to put them all back together. ♫ 942 01:02:08,179 --> 01:02:09,345 Should I drop you at school or not? 943 01:02:09,387 --> 01:02:10,304 Come and get on the bike. 944 01:02:10,887 --> 01:02:11,887 Greetings, brother Srinu. 945 01:02:12,637 --> 01:02:13,304 Srinu, 946 01:02:14,012 --> 01:02:15,304 I want to tell you something. 947 01:02:15,720 --> 01:02:16,220 What is it? 948 01:02:16,345 --> 01:02:19,345 You would go early in the morning and return late at night. 949 01:02:20,054 --> 01:02:22,345 And you are also a Union leader. 950 01:02:22,470 --> 01:02:24,512 Don’t waste my time. 951 01:02:24,679 --> 01:02:26,304 Come to the point. What do you want? 952 01:02:26,429 --> 01:02:27,345 No. What I meant was... 953 01:02:27,720 --> 01:02:29,845 We have a library nearby. 954 01:02:30,012 --> 01:02:34,012 Apparently, they teach us stitching. Seamstress. 955 01:02:34,387 --> 01:02:36,095 If you agree, I will learn. 956 01:02:38,137 --> 01:02:40,679 Do you need to ask me such a trivial thing? How much do we need to pay there? 957 01:02:41,470 --> 01:02:43,470 Rs. 2,000 958 01:02:46,387 --> 01:02:49,304 Keep some of it with you and with the rest, pay the fee. 959 01:02:51,387 --> 01:02:52,554 Go on. Okay? Okay. 960 01:02:52,679 --> 01:02:54,304 Hey, get on Kiddo. 961 01:02:54,387 --> 01:02:54,970 Srinu... 962 01:02:55,304 --> 01:02:58,512 From now on, I will drop and pick him up from school. 963 01:02:59,054 --> 01:03:01,220 Since you are a Union leader. 964 01:03:01,220 --> 01:03:02,970 You must be busy and must have a lot of meetings. 965 01:03:03,137 --> 01:03:05,345 It will be sort of a workout for me. 966 01:03:06,137 --> 01:03:07,637 Alright, fine. -Okay. 967 01:03:25,637 --> 01:03:30,054 ♫Is it possible to change the past? ♫ ♫Is it possible to change the story? ♫ 968 01:03:30,304 --> 01:03:34,804 ♫Is it possible to leave it all as a dream? ♫ 969 01:03:35,512 --> 01:03:36,179 Good morning, madam. 970 01:03:37,720 --> 01:03:40,012 Breakfast? No, madam. I haven’t had it yet. 971 01:03:40,804 --> 01:03:42,137 Ok, Madam... we'll eat together. 972 01:03:42,429 --> 01:03:43,137 Alright, let’s do that. 973 01:03:43,845 --> 01:03:46,220 ♫No matter what I change, ♫ 974 01:03:46,220 --> 01:03:52,970 ♫I have thorns to console my pain♫ 975 01:03:52,970 --> 01:03:56,887 ♫I am surround by their company. ♫ ♫I am trapped in this cage. ♫ 976 01:03:57,512 --> 01:04:00,012 ♫The stars in the sky♫ 977 01:04:00,012 --> 01:04:06,429 ♫are like the dots in the Rangoli made at dusk. ♫ ♫the oncoming night awaits the moon ♫ 978 01:04:06,512 --> 01:04:11,345 ♫She keep saying that ♫ ♫she doesn’t want to come and♫ 979 01:04:11,345 --> 01:04:15,429 ♫Doesn’t want to keep night company♫ 980 01:04:15,637 --> 01:04:20,012 ♫Those dry words of yours ♫ 981 01:04:20,220 --> 01:04:24,554 ♫have broken that unblemished heart. ♫ 982 01:04:24,887 --> 01:04:31,512 ♫I collected those broken bits♫ ♫of my heart and tried to put them all back together. ♫ 983 01:04:43,012 --> 01:04:47,304 ♫These hopes of mine♫ ♫are dashed on account of my bad karma♫ 984 01:04:47,387 --> 01:04:51,929 ♫this vermillion on my forehead turned to ash. ♫ 985 01:04:51,929 --> 01:05:00,804 ♫My affection dried up♫ ♫My vision’s fuzzy from tears♫ 986 01:05:01,137 --> 01:05:05,554 ♫Even though we’ve tied the knots, ♫ ♫Our bonds haven’t been tied. ♫ 987 01:05:05,595 --> 01:05:09,762 ♫My end of the bond is left stranded. ♫ 988 01:05:09,762 --> 01:05:14,095 ♫I am a corpse who is living. ♫ 989 01:05:14,220 --> 01:05:16,845 ♫Those dry words of yours ♫ 990 01:05:16,845 --> 01:05:18,929 Why is the food so tasteless. 991 01:05:18,929 --> 01:05:20,512 Is life any flavorous? 992 01:05:20,512 --> 01:05:23,720 ♫have broken that unblemished heart. ♫ 993 01:05:23,887 --> 01:05:30,845 ♫I collected those broken bits♫ ♫of my heart and tried to put them all back together. ♫ 994 01:05:32,887 --> 01:05:35,387 ♫The stars in the sky♫ 995 01:05:35,387 --> 01:05:41,804 ♫are like the dots in the Rangoli made at dusk. ♫ ♫the oncoming night awaits the moon ♫ 996 01:05:41,970 --> 01:05:46,512 ♫She keep saying that ♫ ♫she doesn’t want to come and♫ 997 01:05:46,512 --> 01:05:51,637 ♫Doesn’t want to keep night company♫ ♫And so leaves the night lonely. ♫ 998 01:05:54,262 --> 01:05:56,137 Suvarna? -What? 999 01:05:56,137 --> 01:05:57,595 How come we don’t see Srinu around? 1000 01:05:58,012 --> 01:06:00,804 Well... he is a Union leader now, right? 1001 01:06:01,095 --> 01:06:02,887 He is a bit busy, sister-in-law. 1002 01:06:02,887 --> 01:06:05,262 Is that so? I didn’t hear the sound of his bike recently. 1003 01:06:06,012 --> 01:06:07,804 Yeah. He will be back, sister-in-law. -Alright, then. 1004 01:06:26,470 --> 01:06:29,845 You have taken your life onto the streets. 1005 01:06:32,054 --> 01:06:36,012 Why did you ruin my life too, Srinu?! 1006 01:06:46,220 --> 01:06:46,887 Brother, Srinu! 1007 01:06:47,470 --> 01:06:48,887 Brother, Srinu! 1008 01:06:49,179 --> 01:06:51,012 What is it? -Congratulations, brother. 1009 01:06:51,012 --> 01:06:53,470 I am very happy today. 1010 01:06:53,929 --> 01:06:55,095 What’s the reason? 1011 01:06:55,220 --> 01:06:56,470 Srinu, Congrats. 1012 01:06:56,970 --> 01:06:58,554 Srinu, Congrats. 1013 01:06:59,220 --> 01:07:01,054 So, this is all your doing, Mr. Patnaik? 1014 01:07:01,470 --> 01:07:02,845 And here you are, having way too much fun?! 1015 01:07:04,637 --> 01:07:05,554 You are really the man. 1016 01:07:06,012 --> 01:07:06,929 When are you giving us a party? 1017 01:07:06,970 --> 01:07:07,929 What for? 1018 01:07:08,387 --> 01:07:10,220 From now on, you will always be the Union leader. 1019 01:07:10,345 --> 01:07:11,012 I am telling you. 1020 01:07:11,345 --> 01:07:12,012 Congratulations. 1021 01:07:12,012 --> 01:07:13,762 What is with this congratulations?! -Srinu? 1022 01:07:13,762 --> 01:07:14,554 Srinu? 1023 01:07:15,095 --> 01:07:16,429 There she is, your madam. 1024 01:07:16,429 --> 01:07:17,137 She will break the news to you. Go on. 1025 01:07:17,262 --> 01:07:18,012 See you. 1026 01:07:18,304 --> 01:07:20,345 Congratulations, brother Srinu. -Just keep walking. 1027 01:07:20,345 --> 01:07:21,345 Move along now. Come on. 1028 01:07:21,595 --> 01:07:22,554 Congratulations, Srinu. 1029 01:07:22,554 --> 01:07:24,137 This is such good news. 1030 01:07:24,137 --> 01:07:25,429 I am so proud of you. 1031 01:07:25,429 --> 01:07:26,720 Madam, you too? 1032 01:07:26,845 --> 01:07:28,512 They are just pulling my leg. 1033 01:07:28,512 --> 01:07:29,262 What do you mean? 1034 01:07:29,762 --> 01:07:33,179 Why didn’t you ever tell me that you have such a beautiful and smart wife? 1035 01:07:38,637 --> 01:07:41,429 And you were flirting with me! Naughty. 1036 01:07:42,387 --> 01:07:45,345 [Suvarna tops open university examination] 1037 01:07:47,554 --> 01:07:49,387 Srinu, what’s wrong? 1038 01:07:52,429 --> 01:07:53,637 Srinu? Are you okay? 1039 01:07:57,595 --> 01:07:58,429 Srinu? 1040 01:08:03,470 --> 01:08:04,345 Suvarna?! 1041 01:08:14,762 --> 01:08:15,595 What is this? 1042 01:08:18,262 --> 01:08:19,512 What is all this? 1043 01:08:39,554 --> 01:08:40,387 Srinu. 1044 01:08:42,179 --> 01:08:43,929 Shall I tell you something? 1045 01:08:46,679 --> 01:08:48,720 Even before we were married, I completed my 12th grade. 1046 01:08:50,595 --> 01:08:52,304 I even enrolled in an Open University. 1047 01:08:55,012 --> 01:08:56,637 You know what my mother said? 1048 01:08:58,929 --> 01:09:01,845 Your husband will flatter you on the bed. 1049 01:09:02,345 --> 01:09:04,554 If he asks you about your education, 1050 01:09:04,554 --> 01:09:08,137 don’t blurt out details about you clearing 12th grade and enrolling in an Open University. 1051 01:09:09,137 --> 01:09:11,470 It’s because he studied only till the 10th grade. 1052 01:09:12,054 --> 01:09:13,512 His ego is going to be hurt. 1053 01:09:15,095 --> 01:09:16,637 And if his ego is hurt, 1054 01:09:18,012 --> 01:09:21,429 you will have ruined your own marital life. 1055 01:09:26,804 --> 01:09:27,845 That is the reason why... 1056 01:09:29,804 --> 01:09:32,054 Whenever you asked me, 1057 01:09:33,845 --> 01:09:37,470 I kept telling you that I failed my 6th grade or 7th grade. 1058 01:09:39,970 --> 01:09:41,637 How would I know that... 1059 01:09:44,137 --> 01:09:47,054 you like educated women. 1060 01:09:54,220 --> 01:09:55,679 That is the reason why I studied. 1061 01:09:58,262 --> 01:10:00,512 I studied really well. 1062 01:10:02,054 --> 01:10:02,679 But... 1063 01:10:07,720 --> 01:10:12,345 I never thought my education would land me in the newspapers. 1064 01:10:21,262 --> 01:10:22,929 Do you like this Srinu? 1065 01:10:26,470 --> 01:10:27,929 This is what you like, don’t you? 1066 01:10:29,887 --> 01:10:33,720 You like women who dress this way. Isn’t it, Srinu? 1067 01:10:34,429 --> 01:10:35,137 Tell me 1068 01:10:37,512 --> 01:10:40,054 I will wear even shorter clothes than this, Srinu. 1069 01:10:40,679 --> 01:10:44,429 If you like it... ...I would wear even shorter clothes than this. 1070 01:10:44,429 --> 01:10:45,137 No.... 1071 01:10:47,054 --> 01:10:49,762 If you want me to be naked, I would do that too, Srinu. 1072 01:10:50,345 --> 01:10:51,220 What are you doing? 1073 01:10:52,387 --> 01:10:56,304 What is all this? Stop it. Stop...no. 1074 01:11:01,220 --> 01:11:03,054 I beg you, Srinu. 1075 01:11:05,179 --> 01:11:11,262 Don’t abandon me and my child. 1076 01:11:11,637 --> 01:11:15,762 Both of us have no one else other than you, Srinu. 1077 01:11:20,095 --> 01:11:22,262 I will do whatever you want me to. 1078 01:11:23,345 --> 01:11:25,970 I will dance to your tunes. 1079 01:11:26,054 --> 01:11:28,887 Don’t abandon us, please. 1080 01:11:49,345 --> 01:11:52,220 Will anyone leave Smitha and go back to Suvarna? 1081 01:11:56,095 --> 01:11:56,929 No one does that. 1082 01:11:59,012 --> 01:12:02,179 If anyone says that they will, he is a bloody liar. 1083 01:12:04,095 --> 01:12:08,637 But Srinu compromised and went back to his family. Because compromise is something I do. 1084 01:12:11,137 --> 01:12:14,554 We are what we write and what I write is in my fu**ing blood. 1085 01:12:23,804 --> 01:12:25,262 Remember all the things she said to me? 1086 01:12:27,387 --> 01:12:28,887 She said that love is a compromise. 1087 01:12:28,887 --> 01:12:30,595 That love is a sacrifice. 1088 01:12:30,595 --> 01:12:32,304 And there is divinity in love. 1089 01:12:36,345 --> 01:12:37,887 I want to show her what I wrote. 1090 01:12:42,512 --> 01:12:46,470 Gautham, what the hell is this man?! What have you done to the house? 1091 01:12:46,470 --> 01:12:47,679 You are married as well, right? 1092 01:12:48,929 --> 01:12:51,095 Don’t you spouses ever fight? 1093 01:12:52,470 --> 01:12:54,429 Yeah, we do but we don’t break our things. 1094 01:12:54,679 --> 01:12:56,470 This... What is this on your hand? 1095 01:12:56,679 --> 01:12:57,762 Why did you come? 1096 01:12:59,012 --> 01:13:00,595 What do you want with me? I am going out. 1097 01:13:04,887 --> 01:13:07,054 You asked me to arrange for an advance of one lakh from a publisher, right? 1098 01:13:07,512 --> 01:13:09,262 Here. Not one... But two lakhs. 1099 01:13:10,012 --> 01:13:11,054 This is double the encouragement. 1100 01:13:11,387 --> 01:13:12,720 My father treats you like his own son. 1101 01:13:12,720 --> 01:13:14,554 He’s agreed to publish your book. 1102 01:13:17,054 --> 01:13:18,054 I trust you, man. 1103 01:13:18,387 --> 01:13:19,554 You can write really well. 1104 01:13:20,887 --> 01:13:22,595 Please don’t let me down in front of my father. 1105 01:13:26,720 --> 01:13:27,470 It’s ok, buddy. 1106 01:13:31,554 --> 01:13:33,054 I started writing. 1107 01:13:34,095 --> 01:13:37,387 My laptop is on the dining table. Start reading. 1108 01:13:38,637 --> 01:13:40,179 I will go meet Yamini and be back. 1109 01:13:43,845 --> 01:13:45,262 Hi Gautham. -Hi. 1110 01:13:46,012 --> 01:13:47,429 Is Yamini there? -Yeah, she is there. 1111 01:13:51,095 --> 01:13:51,637 Hi Yamini. 1112 01:13:51,970 --> 01:13:53,470 Hey Pradeep. How are you? -I am fine. 1113 01:13:56,095 --> 01:13:57,679 Yamini, I must tell you something. 1114 01:13:58,470 --> 01:14:01,970 Srinu is a labourer in Yellandu. 1115 01:14:02,929 --> 01:14:04,054 Means... 1116 01:14:06,179 --> 01:14:07,262 He got a good education... 1117 01:14:07,304 --> 01:14:08,679 a big fancy job and... 1118 01:14:08,679 --> 01:14:10,804 wanted to marry a beautiful girl. 1119 01:14:10,804 --> 01:14:13,345 But, because of his father, he became a labourer. 1120 01:14:13,804 --> 01:14:15,845 And they got himself married to a dimwit. 1121 01:14:39,429 --> 01:14:40,929 Gautham, who is that Srinu? 1122 01:14:40,929 --> 01:14:43,554 Who is Smitha? Who is Suvarna? What are you talking? 1123 01:14:43,637 --> 01:14:45,429 Oh, I forgot to tell you. 1124 01:14:46,429 --> 01:14:47,679 I started writing. 1125 01:14:48,637 --> 01:14:50,012 I want to celebrate with you. 1126 01:14:50,345 --> 01:14:52,429 Could you take the rest of the day off? 1127 01:14:52,804 --> 01:14:53,720 Did you eat? 1128 01:14:55,345 --> 01:14:57,095 You usually have a headache if you don’t eat. 1129 01:14:57,429 --> 01:14:59,304 Come. Let’s go out and eat. 1130 01:14:59,512 --> 01:15:01,845 Let’s go to Nanking. 1131 01:15:04,470 --> 01:15:07,220 Yamini, don’t leave the house so suddenly. 1132 01:15:07,554 --> 01:15:08,429 Where were you last night? 1133 01:15:08,929 --> 01:15:10,262 At your father’s? -Yamini ma’am. 1134 01:15:10,762 --> 01:15:11,804 Do you have five minutes to spare? 1135 01:15:12,554 --> 01:15:14,512 Ma’am is going out for lunch. Deal with it later. 1136 01:15:14,512 --> 01:15:15,345 Okay, sir. 1137 01:15:19,262 --> 01:15:20,554 Hi, sir. -Hi. 1138 01:15:22,887 --> 01:15:23,720 Greetings, sir. 1139 01:15:23,929 --> 01:15:25,095 Hello, madam. 1140 01:15:25,095 --> 01:15:28,470 I told you not to let any Tom, Dick and Harry in without my permission. Didn’t I? 1141 01:15:29,012 --> 01:15:31,304 If anyone enters without my permission, you are out of your job. 1142 01:15:34,554 --> 01:15:36,304 Who was that Tom, Dick and Harry she was referring to? 1143 01:15:36,304 --> 01:15:37,929 Not you, sir. 1144 01:15:38,970 --> 01:15:39,929 Yamini! 1145 01:15:40,304 --> 01:15:43,304 Who were you referring to when you said any Tom, Dick and Harry? 1146 01:15:43,304 --> 01:15:44,679 Open. Open. Open the door. 1147 01:15:44,845 --> 01:15:46,137 Open it. 1148 01:15:46,137 --> 01:15:46,804 Open the door. 1149 01:15:46,804 --> 01:15:47,679 I will lose my job. 1150 01:15:47,679 --> 01:15:49,470 Please go, Sir. 1151 01:16:03,637 --> 01:16:05,929 She treats me as a nobody. And just kept running her mouth mercilessly. 1152 01:16:07,512 --> 01:16:11,512 But she will never know in her entire life, how she came about this job. 1153 01:16:14,054 --> 01:16:14,845 What is this, sir? 1154 01:16:15,179 --> 01:16:16,179 It’s recession right now. 1155 01:16:16,887 --> 01:16:18,220 Layoffs are happening. 1156 01:16:21,470 --> 01:16:22,429 Sir... 1157 01:16:23,637 --> 01:16:25,470 I see Yamini’s name here. 1158 01:16:25,637 --> 01:16:27,220 I know that you both are a couple. 1159 01:16:27,345 --> 01:16:30,262 But then, family is family. Business is business. 1160 01:16:30,554 --> 01:16:31,887 I have an idea, sir. 1161 01:16:33,679 --> 01:16:35,887 I’ve been contemplating on quitting the job for a while now. 1162 01:16:36,512 --> 01:16:38,095 But I am not able to. 1163 01:16:38,637 --> 01:16:40,554 I think it’s time we talk about it. 1164 01:16:42,012 --> 01:16:44,887 Well, if you want, we can retain Yamini. 1165 01:16:44,887 --> 01:16:47,720 No, sir. That is not what I meant. 1166 01:16:48,054 --> 01:16:50,387 I worked for the sake of financial security. 1167 01:16:50,387 --> 01:16:53,429 But, writing’s been always my passion. 1168 01:16:54,137 --> 01:16:56,429 Yamini passed out from a very good college. 1169 01:16:56,429 --> 01:16:57,595 She is a very intelligent girl. 1170 01:16:58,470 --> 01:17:01,512 If you give her an opportunity, she would definitely take my position within a year. 1171 01:17:02,137 --> 01:17:03,429 I can understand. 1172 01:17:03,512 --> 01:17:08,595 But, I wanted to send you to Paris with a better package and a better future. 1173 01:17:08,845 --> 01:17:09,804 I am sorry, sir. 1174 01:17:11,220 --> 01:17:12,387 I’ve made up my mind. 1175 01:17:13,470 --> 01:17:15,387 I can’t take up your Paris offer. 1176 01:17:16,679 --> 01:17:17,679 But, I do have a request. 1177 01:17:17,679 --> 01:17:19,054 Please retain Yamini. 1178 01:17:19,887 --> 01:17:20,470 Okay. 1179 01:17:26,762 --> 01:17:27,887 Yamini, I want to... 1180 01:17:27,887 --> 01:17:29,470 I just can’t believe it. You are stalking me now... 1181 01:17:29,679 --> 01:17:30,387 Yamini... 1182 01:17:32,137 --> 01:17:35,262 What do you mean by a nobody? And stalking? What nonsense are you spilling? 1183 01:17:35,470 --> 01:17:37,179 Speak to me for five minutes. 1184 01:17:37,720 --> 01:17:40,220 Yamini, can’t you speak to me for five minutes? What is this? 1185 01:17:41,137 --> 01:17:42,970 I wanted to spend my entire life with you. 1186 01:17:43,054 --> 01:17:44,179 And you completely ruined it. 1187 01:17:44,179 --> 01:17:45,679 Now you ask me for five minutes. 1188 01:17:45,679 --> 01:17:47,220 I don’t have fu**ing five minutes for you. 1189 01:17:47,220 --> 01:17:47,970 Yamini! 1190 01:18:06,054 --> 01:18:07,054 Yamini! 1191 01:18:18,845 --> 01:18:19,762 Yamini! 1192 01:18:20,762 --> 01:18:21,804 Yamini! stop 1193 01:18:26,387 --> 01:18:27,929 Yamini! 1194 01:18:37,387 --> 01:18:39,054 Yamini! 1195 01:18:39,887 --> 01:18:43,095 Fu**ing wait for me! 1196 01:18:50,107 --> 01:18:50,815 Yamini! 1197 01:18:51,023 --> 01:18:53,607 Mr. Gautham... Mr. Gautham... Yamini isn’t here. 1198 01:18:54,940 --> 01:18:56,357 Didn’t she just return from the office? 1199 01:18:57,232 --> 01:18:58,107 Where did she go? 1200 01:18:58,232 --> 01:19:00,315 She and her father went out. 1201 01:19:13,857 --> 01:19:14,565 They will come back, right? 1202 01:19:15,648 --> 01:19:17,690 Maybe in an hour or two, maybe today or tomorrow. 1203 01:19:18,065 --> 01:19:19,315 I will wait until they come back. 1204 01:19:19,898 --> 01:19:22,273 I need to speak to Yamini and her father. 1205 01:19:22,773 --> 01:19:26,398 Here... I didn’t eat anything since morning. Is there anything to eat? 1206 01:19:26,898 --> 01:19:27,565 Are there eggs? 1207 01:19:27,898 --> 01:19:28,607 Yes. 1208 01:19:28,690 --> 01:19:30,523 Make me an omelette. -Alright, sir. 1209 01:19:39,482 --> 01:19:41,023 Hey! Giri...Vamsi! 1210 01:19:41,190 --> 01:19:43,857 There is a really hot chick in the first year batch. Come on, let’s go. 1211 01:19:46,690 --> 01:19:49,482 We've been studying together since childhood 1212 01:19:49,940 --> 01:19:52,523 Coincidentally, we got enrolled in the same college. 1213 01:19:53,023 --> 01:19:54,773 Excuse me... -And all of us like the same girl. 1214 01:19:54,773 --> 01:19:55,732 Do you have a lighter? 1215 01:19:56,107 --> 01:19:57,440 Lighter? 1216 01:19:59,773 --> 01:20:00,732 Sabya... 1217 01:20:01,398 --> 01:20:04,982 Buddy, things pertaining to girls usually end up in fights. 1218 01:20:04,982 --> 01:20:05,982 Brother. -That’s true. 1219 01:20:06,315 --> 01:20:07,690 That’s how friendships are ruined. 1220 01:20:07,815 --> 01:20:09,523 There’s just one thing I want to say. 1221 01:20:10,107 --> 01:20:11,982 If the girl likes anyone amongst us, she is his girlfriend. 1222 01:20:12,023 --> 01:20:14,357 And for the rest of us, she becomes the sister-in-law. -Okay... Ok. 1223 01:20:14,357 --> 01:20:16,023 It’s a really funny class. 1224 01:20:16,648 --> 01:20:18,232 Who is going to approach her first? 1225 01:20:18,690 --> 01:20:19,773 Let’s toss a coin. 1226 01:20:19,898 --> 01:20:21,648 Yes. Let’s toss. 1227 01:20:21,857 --> 01:20:22,815 Yes. Let’s toss a coin. 1228 01:20:25,357 --> 01:20:27,523 Who the hell are you? -Sorry, boys. 1229 01:20:29,232 --> 01:20:31,982 Actually, I studied management in my degree as well. I am so looking forward to it. 1230 01:20:32,023 --> 01:20:33,148 Hey, classical dancer. 1231 01:20:33,857 --> 01:20:34,482 Hey Gautham. 1232 01:20:34,857 --> 01:20:36,565 Hi. -How are you? 1233 01:20:37,898 --> 01:20:40,023 We are late to class. -Come, let’s go. 1234 01:20:40,148 --> 01:20:41,190 Yamini, stop. 1235 01:20:42,482 --> 01:20:43,357 Give me a hug, please. 1236 01:20:44,648 --> 01:20:45,773 Ah! So sweet. 1237 01:20:46,023 --> 01:20:47,982 No. no. I don’t want this side hug. 1238 01:20:48,732 --> 01:20:52,148 I want a warm tight hug. 1239 01:20:59,773 --> 01:21:01,398 Why did you need a hug so early in the morning? 1240 01:21:01,607 --> 01:21:03,857 Is anyone watching us from behind? 1241 01:21:07,190 --> 01:21:07,898 Yes, they are. 1242 01:21:09,315 --> 01:21:11,023 They are observing us. 1243 01:21:11,023 --> 01:21:12,273 Why? 1244 01:21:12,815 --> 01:21:13,523 Give me one kiss 1245 01:21:15,273 --> 01:21:16,107 One small peck. 1246 01:21:16,315 --> 01:21:17,315 No! Are you mad? 1247 01:21:17,565 --> 01:21:19,273 Yamini, just a small kiss. Just a peck on the cheek. 1248 01:21:19,607 --> 01:21:22,523 Gautham... Yamini, please for me. -Everybody is watching. No! 1249 01:21:22,523 --> 01:21:24,107 Yamini...please. -No. I won’t. 1250 01:21:24,107 --> 01:21:25,898 No. -Yamini, I’m begging you. 1251 01:21:26,982 --> 01:21:27,523 Alright. 1252 01:21:29,607 --> 01:21:30,565 Turn your face. 1253 01:21:38,940 --> 01:21:40,440 I am pursuing my M.B.A too. 1254 01:21:41,398 --> 01:21:42,690 I cleared my CAT exam. 1255 01:21:42,982 --> 01:21:44,440 Don’t act smart with me. 1256 01:21:45,648 --> 01:21:48,523 If you want a kiss, turn your face. 1257 01:21:54,190 --> 01:21:56,107 What's going on Dude...? 1258 01:21:56,773 --> 01:22:00,107 Boys, keep the change. 1259 01:22:03,190 --> 01:22:03,857 What’s all this? 1260 01:22:05,273 --> 01:22:06,815 You asked of a hug and a kiss. 1261 01:22:07,357 --> 01:22:08,565 and telling them to keep the change. 1262 01:22:08,857 --> 01:22:10,107 What’s happening here? 1263 01:22:11,940 --> 01:22:13,440 Yamini, I am very ambitious. 1264 01:22:13,857 --> 01:22:15,148 I want to reach great heights. 1265 01:22:15,440 --> 01:22:17,232 For that, I need to focus on my studies, right? 1266 01:22:18,273 --> 01:22:20,398 This entire batch is trying to court you. 1267 01:22:22,690 --> 01:22:26,523 And now, it will be so time-consuming to compete with them every day, 1268 01:22:26,523 --> 01:22:30,023 If things don't workout, I might get deeply hurt... 1269 01:22:30,023 --> 01:22:32,065 and that might affect my studies. 1270 01:22:32,648 --> 01:22:33,440 That’s why... 1271 01:22:34,857 --> 01:22:37,023 I asked you for a kiss to make it clear. 1272 01:22:37,815 --> 01:22:39,232 They should also know... 1273 01:22:40,398 --> 01:22:41,357 that we are in love. 1274 01:22:43,815 --> 01:22:45,065 What? 1275 01:22:45,232 --> 01:22:46,940 What makes you think I am in love with you? 1276 01:22:47,148 --> 01:22:47,607 I know. 1277 01:22:49,148 --> 01:22:50,482 You have to ask yourself. 1278 01:22:51,898 --> 01:22:52,857 Shall we go to the class? 1279 01:22:55,148 --> 01:22:55,982 He is cute, no? 1280 01:22:56,398 --> 01:22:57,732 Damn it! 1281 01:22:57,982 --> 01:22:59,232 Hey, Gautham! Wait for me. 1282 01:22:59,982 --> 01:23:03,565 Product knowledge and Time management. -Excuse me, sir. 1283 01:23:03,982 --> 01:23:06,232 Nobody walks in late to my class, Gautham. 1284 01:23:06,315 --> 01:23:08,232 Sir, there was lots of traffic. 1285 01:23:08,357 --> 01:23:11,232 It’s the same for whole Hyderabad too. Please get out now. 1286 01:23:16,773 --> 01:23:18,523 I still see you here. -I’m leaving, sir. 1287 01:23:18,898 --> 01:23:19,523 Good. 1288 01:23:21,773 --> 01:23:22,482 What are you doing? 1289 01:23:22,482 --> 01:23:23,732 Come with me. -What are you doing Gautham? 1290 01:23:24,940 --> 01:23:25,607 What? 1291 01:23:25,857 --> 01:23:27,357 We will be on time tomorrow, sir. 1292 01:23:29,107 --> 01:23:30,565 You said that there was a very big reason 1293 01:23:30,690 --> 01:23:32,148 for this Dosa treat. What is it? 1294 01:23:32,315 --> 01:23:33,398 I didn’t have my breakfast. 1295 01:23:33,482 --> 01:23:35,107 Oh really? Breakfast, huh? 1296 01:23:36,815 --> 01:23:37,357 Stupid. 1297 01:23:37,982 --> 01:23:38,565 You know what? 1298 01:23:38,898 --> 01:23:39,357 What? 1299 01:23:40,523 --> 01:23:42,065 You are born beautiful. 1300 01:23:45,440 --> 01:23:46,565 And I grew up to be... 1301 01:23:47,232 --> 01:23:48,398 And you grew up to be 1302 01:23:49,440 --> 01:23:51,565 Hot...Sexy... 1303 01:23:51,773 --> 01:23:52,690 That’s it, huh? 1304 01:23:53,023 --> 01:23:54,565 Hey... -Stop it! 1305 01:23:54,565 --> 01:23:55,190 You... silly. 1306 01:23:59,565 --> 01:24:01,940 Why didn’t you come to the class? What are you doing here? 1307 01:24:02,482 --> 01:24:03,190 Me? 1308 01:24:04,398 --> 01:24:05,232 What are you writing? 1309 01:24:07,273 --> 01:24:10,815 I want to excel in the field of sales. 1310 01:24:11,523 --> 01:24:13,190 But I am a little scared of numbers. 1311 01:24:13,773 --> 01:24:15,273 There must be a lot of people like me, right? 1312 01:24:16,148 --> 01:24:19,232 So, for people like me, I am replacing numbers with words 1313 01:24:19,232 --> 01:24:20,857 and in a way that’s easy to comprehend. 1314 01:24:20,940 --> 01:24:24,148 I am trying to write a book called ‘Simple Economics’. 1315 01:24:24,982 --> 01:24:26,273 Oh, you are a writer now? 1316 01:24:26,357 --> 01:24:27,315 No, nothing like that. 1317 01:24:27,315 --> 01:24:28,523 Okay, did you eat? 1318 01:24:30,148 --> 01:24:30,607 Uh, no. 1319 01:24:31,523 --> 01:24:32,190 Okay, let’s go eat. 1320 01:24:33,315 --> 01:24:34,690 Come on. Let’s go. 1321 01:24:37,940 --> 01:24:38,482 Sir... 1322 01:24:39,107 --> 01:24:41,273 Why is Yamini behaving in such a manner? 1323 01:24:42,023 --> 01:24:42,690 Put it there. 1324 01:24:56,232 --> 01:24:56,982 What are these? 1325 01:24:57,607 --> 01:25:00,023 They must be looking for matrimonial alliances for Yamini. 1326 01:25:13,232 --> 01:25:14,482 You arrogant prick! 1327 01:25:15,607 --> 01:25:16,773 Look what you did to my car. 1328 01:25:17,065 --> 01:25:18,357 Sorry. -Sorry? 1329 01:25:18,357 --> 01:25:19,523 Will everything be resolved if you just apologise? 1330 01:25:19,523 --> 01:25:20,398 Get out of your vehicle. 1331 01:25:20,398 --> 01:25:21,857 Get down and see. 1332 01:25:21,857 --> 01:25:23,148 Come and see what it is. 1333 01:25:23,148 --> 01:25:24,565 Just a minute. -Get down. Get out and see. 1334 01:25:24,857 --> 01:25:25,732 You mad fellow! 1335 01:25:25,898 --> 01:25:27,190 I asked you to get out. How dare you leave?! 1336 01:25:34,690 --> 01:25:35,815 Have you lost it? 1337 01:25:35,815 --> 01:25:37,440 You hit the my vehicle again. Get down. 1338 01:25:37,565 --> 01:25:39,607 If you see someone is disturbed, just accept the apology and move on. 1339 01:25:40,065 --> 01:25:41,648 See... what's now happened. 1340 01:25:42,815 --> 01:25:44,857 I won’t leave you. Are you out of your mind? 1341 01:25:45,190 --> 01:25:48,065 0143. I will not leave you alone. 1342 01:26:00,440 --> 01:26:03,648 When you are in love, Don’t take stupid emotional decisions. 1343 01:26:04,815 --> 01:26:06,607 Look... in the end, they don’t even pick up your calls. 1344 01:26:07,732 --> 01:26:10,023 That day, If only I had listened to my boss, 1345 01:26:10,065 --> 01:26:13,815 I would have been in Paris earning in Euros and living the life I wanted. 1346 01:26:15,982 --> 01:26:17,607 I would have been in bloody Paris. 1347 01:26:20,607 --> 01:26:24,190 ♫ How are you, Paris? ♫ ♫ How are you? ♫ 1348 01:26:30,565 --> 01:26:34,232 ♫ Can we be friends? ♫ 1349 01:26:34,232 --> 01:26:37,898 ♫ Can we be friends? ♫ 1350 01:26:39,607 --> 01:26:43,107 ♫ Come, let’s go rock it ♫ ♫ Yo. Yo. Yo. ♫ 1351 01:26:44,440 --> 01:26:47,273 ♫ Let’s have some fun time. ♫ 1352 01:26:49,315 --> 01:26:51,815 ♫ My adrenaline is spiking. ♫ 1353 01:27:06,815 --> 01:27:10,607 ♫ I am like a fire ball that flies high♫ 1354 01:27:11,107 --> 01:27:12,273 ♫ I won’t stop♫ 1355 01:27:12,273 --> 01:27:14,023 ♫ even if anyone tries. ♫ 1356 01:27:16,565 --> 01:27:20,565 ♫ Even if you give me an attitude, ♫ 1357 01:27:20,982 --> 01:27:24,523 ♫ It’s my life... is what I will say. ♫♫ 1358 01:27:26,648 --> 01:27:30,690 ♫ I will hold the world accountable ♫ 1359 01:27:31,565 --> 01:27:35,607 ♫ I shall ask, ‘What’s new today?’ ♫ 1360 01:27:36,482 --> 01:27:40,398 ♫ I shall be on the lookout for beautiful memories. ♫ 1361 01:27:40,607 --> 01:27:44,648 ♫ I will embrace the brand-new day. ♫ 1362 01:27:50,607 --> 01:27:53,023 (crowd murmuring in French) 1363 01:27:54,440 --> 01:27:55,190 Hello... 1364 01:27:56,607 --> 01:28:00,148 So, guys, in just two years, our radio station has broken even. 1365 01:28:00,440 --> 01:28:02,273 In just two years. 1366 01:28:02,857 --> 01:28:04,065 Hello, friends. 1367 01:28:04,357 --> 01:28:08,523 Our radio station in Paris has turned profitable in just two years. 1368 01:28:08,648 --> 01:28:10,565 Well done, guys. Well done. 1369 01:28:12,523 --> 01:28:14,148 And one more thing. 1370 01:28:14,523 --> 01:28:16,607 Our headquarters in Bombay... 1371 01:28:16,898 --> 01:28:20,857 has decided to give you all a three months bonus. 1372 01:28:23,815 --> 01:28:26,482 Well, well, well. Go get some drinks and enjoy 1373 01:28:26,482 --> 01:28:28,607 But be back tomorrow, huh? We are working tomorrow. 1374 01:28:28,607 --> 01:28:29,315 Good evening. 1375 01:28:32,190 --> 01:28:33,398 Mary? -Yes. 1376 01:28:37,565 --> 01:28:40,148 Mary, I’d asked you to withdraw all my money. Did you get it? 1377 01:28:40,148 --> 01:28:40,690 Yes. 1378 01:28:41,148 --> 01:28:43,315 It’s 350,000 euros. 1379 01:28:43,315 --> 01:28:44,982 Yes. Yes. Yes. -It’s in the bag upstairs. 1380 01:28:44,982 --> 01:28:45,857 Yeah, bring it. 1381 01:29:14,648 --> 01:29:15,940 So, how do we play? 1382 01:29:15,940 --> 01:29:17,982 Sir, you have to choose a number 1383 01:29:17,982 --> 01:29:20,565 But you can bet around the table. 1384 01:29:20,815 --> 01:29:22,773 So, it can be here, 1385 01:29:23,107 --> 01:29:23,940 One time... 1386 01:29:24,357 --> 01:29:25,273 One time... 1387 01:29:25,648 --> 01:29:26,565 One time... 1388 01:29:27,482 --> 01:29:28,773 17 times 1389 01:29:29,607 --> 01:29:31,190 and 35 times. 1390 01:29:31,607 --> 01:29:32,690 35 times? 1391 01:29:32,940 --> 01:29:34,523 Yes. 35 times. 1392 01:29:35,607 --> 01:29:36,523 Okay, let’s go. 1393 01:29:37,023 --> 01:29:39,107 Okay. How much do you want to bet? 1394 01:29:39,440 --> 01:29:39,940 All in. 1395 01:29:40,065 --> 01:29:42,898 No.. no... please no. 1396 01:29:44,773 --> 01:29:45,690 Guys... 1397 01:29:47,857 --> 01:29:49,815 This bet is not about winning or losing. 1398 01:29:51,273 --> 01:29:53,690 You know when I put all my life savings in, 1399 01:29:55,273 --> 01:29:57,648 it’s about experiencing in this moment of... 1400 01:29:58,690 --> 01:29:59,773 will I win it 1401 01:30:01,315 --> 01:30:02,607 or lose everything? 1402 01:30:04,107 --> 01:30:05,690 And, that feeling is priceless. 1403 01:30:06,440 --> 01:30:07,065 So, all in. 1404 01:30:08,273 --> 01:30:09,357 No, Gautham. 1405 01:30:11,148 --> 01:30:12,023 Mary. It’s ok. 1406 01:30:13,023 --> 01:30:13,690 All in. 1407 01:30:15,482 --> 01:30:18,148 So now, you have to choose a number. 1408 01:30:18,440 --> 01:30:20,023 Let’s go with the devil’s number. 1409 01:30:20,190 --> 01:30:20,773 13. 1410 01:30:21,690 --> 01:30:22,232 Okay. 1411 01:30:22,482 --> 01:30:24,190 350,000 on 13 1412 01:30:28,232 --> 01:30:28,857 Place to bet. 1413 01:30:29,690 --> 01:30:30,898 Place it, please. 1414 01:30:48,232 --> 01:30:49,523 Wow! 1415 01:30:51,898 --> 01:30:52,690 Thank you. 1416 01:30:54,648 --> 01:30:55,857 Mary, credit the money. 1417 01:30:56,690 --> 01:30:58,232 Thank you. Thank you, guys. 1418 01:31:08,690 --> 01:31:10,273 Excuse me, please. 1419 01:31:11,940 --> 01:31:12,607 Thank you 1420 01:31:14,815 --> 01:31:15,273 No problem. 1421 01:31:17,940 --> 01:31:19,440 The fourth floor please. 1422 01:31:45,607 --> 01:31:47,273 I hope you are not following me. 1423 01:31:47,565 --> 01:31:48,315 Sorry. 1424 01:31:48,523 --> 01:31:51,065 Please speak in English. I know very little French. 1425 01:31:51,482 --> 01:31:53,732 Ok... by any chance, are you following me? 1426 01:31:53,857 --> 01:31:56,482 Oh... no. no. I live right here. That’s my flat. 1427 01:31:57,607 --> 01:31:58,315 Really? 1428 01:31:58,398 --> 01:32:00,273 How come we never met? I live here. 1429 01:32:00,482 --> 01:32:02,148 What?! -Yes. 1430 01:32:02,857 --> 01:32:04,398 I am usually in bed by this time. 1431 01:32:04,398 --> 01:32:06,107 I work from 10 to 5. 1432 01:32:06,107 --> 01:32:07,315 So I get really tired. 1433 01:32:07,898 --> 01:32:09,523 Tonight, I was out partying. 1434 01:32:09,648 --> 01:32:10,565 So...Got really late. 1435 01:32:10,648 --> 01:32:11,898 Maybe that’s why we never met. 1436 01:32:11,898 --> 01:32:14,773 I usually go to work at 3:30 and come back around his time. 1437 01:32:14,773 --> 01:32:15,190 Ok. 1438 01:32:16,398 --> 01:32:17,565 Are you from India? 1439 01:32:18,148 --> 01:32:19,732 Yeah. How do you know? 1440 01:32:19,982 --> 01:32:21,440 I don’t know... Your face. 1441 01:32:22,148 --> 01:32:23,607 I used to fly a lot there. 1442 01:32:23,607 --> 01:32:25,398 I love India. I love the culture there. 1443 01:32:25,482 --> 01:32:26,148 Oh! 1444 01:32:26,148 --> 01:32:27,107 Do you speak Hindi? 1445 01:32:27,315 --> 01:32:30,857 No. I speak a language called ‘Telugu’. We speak it down south. 1446 01:32:31,148 --> 01:32:33,232 I know a little bit of Telugu. 1447 01:32:33,398 --> 01:32:33,982 What?! 1448 01:32:36,023 --> 01:32:38,023 You speak...how? 1449 01:32:38,523 --> 01:32:42,398 I used to fly to Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Hyderabad. 1450 01:32:42,440 --> 01:32:46,940 So, my company policy is to learn the language of the destination. 1451 01:32:46,940 --> 01:32:48,357 That’s why I took some classes. 1452 01:32:48,357 --> 01:32:52,482 But I don’t speak so good. -No. No. You are speaking Telugu really well. 1453 01:32:52,482 --> 01:32:53,232 Yeah! 1454 01:32:53,565 --> 01:32:54,273 I am Iza. 1455 01:32:54,940 --> 01:32:56,523 Gautham. -Nice to meet you 1456 01:32:56,523 --> 01:32:57,148 Pleasure. 1457 01:32:57,440 --> 01:32:59,232 So, good night Gautham. 1458 01:32:59,273 --> 01:33:00,732 Good night, Iza. 1459 01:33:00,982 --> 01:33:01,857 Bye. 1460 01:33:05,607 --> 01:33:07,357 Good evening Iza. -Good evening Gautham. 1461 01:33:08,065 --> 01:33:09,773 What happened? Are you late today? 1462 01:33:15,982 --> 01:33:16,732 How was your day? 1463 01:33:17,357 --> 01:33:17,815 Good. 1464 01:33:19,023 --> 01:33:19,898 Excuse me... 1465 01:33:20,023 --> 01:33:20,732 After you. 1466 01:33:27,398 --> 01:33:29,315 What’s with this small talk? 1467 01:33:30,440 --> 01:33:32,607 Did I really need to go to France to have small talk? 1468 01:33:34,315 --> 01:33:35,940 I wasn’t this shy with Yamini. 1469 01:33:37,232 --> 01:33:40,357 Iza is a pilot. So, she would like things to move fast. Like a Jet. 1470 01:33:41,398 --> 01:33:43,898 Get to the interesting part. What an embarrassment you are! 1471 01:34:01,805 --> 01:34:03,055 Good evening Gautham. 1472 01:34:03,055 --> 01:34:04,347 Good evening, Iza. 1473 01:34:04,347 --> 01:34:06,930 Are you going somewhere or just got back? 1474 01:34:06,930 --> 01:34:07,597 No. 1475 01:34:09,389 --> 01:34:10,264 Let me get that. 1476 01:34:11,180 --> 01:34:12,264 No, it’s ok 1477 01:34:12,472 --> 01:34:13,514 I insist. 1478 01:34:14,472 --> 01:34:15,097 Okay. 1479 01:34:16,930 --> 01:34:18,597 You look like you are going to work. 1480 01:34:18,847 --> 01:34:20,305 I don’t work on Sundays. 1481 01:34:22,764 --> 01:34:26,014 Actually, I don’t work on Saturdays as well. 1482 01:34:26,305 --> 01:34:30,597 Well, then... where did you return from yesterday... 1483 01:34:30,597 --> 01:34:31,680 So late? 1484 01:34:31,930 --> 01:34:36,180 I put an alarm, woke up, got ready and came down. 1485 01:34:36,389 --> 01:34:37,555 I was waiting for you. 1486 01:34:38,347 --> 01:34:39,764 Why, Gautham? 1487 01:34:40,014 --> 01:34:41,889 I thought French women were smart. 1488 01:34:44,764 --> 01:34:46,930 Gautham, what are you doing tomorrow? 1489 01:34:47,805 --> 01:34:50,222 Just a normal day. -It’s my day off. 1490 01:34:50,389 --> 01:34:52,305 Shall we go out? -Yes. 1491 01:34:52,805 --> 01:34:53,555 Sure. 1492 01:34:54,180 --> 01:34:55,014 Okay. 1493 01:34:56,222 --> 01:34:56,972 Good night. 1494 01:35:03,139 --> 01:35:04,847 Things that we plan in life don’t always work out. 1495 01:35:09,597 --> 01:35:10,972 But on paper, 1496 01:35:12,305 --> 01:35:14,097 everything goes according to my wishes. 1497 01:35:14,555 --> 01:35:16,097 I bloody decide. 1498 01:35:17,680 --> 01:35:21,347 [Performing yoga] 1499 01:35:40,347 --> 01:35:42,055 Keep your eyes closed. 1500 01:35:43,930 --> 01:35:45,764 And breath in naturally. 1501 01:36:02,680 --> 01:36:04,805 What shall we do? He slept off. 1502 01:36:04,805 --> 01:36:05,805 Ah, yes. Look. 1503 01:36:07,097 --> 01:36:08,305 He is asleep. 1504 01:36:08,305 --> 01:36:09,305 Look. Look. 1505 01:36:12,055 --> 01:36:12,889 Gautham... 1506 01:36:13,014 --> 01:36:13,847 Gautham... 1507 01:36:14,055 --> 01:36:14,889 Gautham... 1508 01:36:18,930 --> 01:36:19,597 It’s a pose. 1509 01:36:19,930 --> 01:36:21,972 Not a pose. You were asleep. Come. 1510 01:36:31,305 --> 01:36:33,055 Did you propose to me yesterday? 1511 01:36:34,514 --> 01:36:34,972 Yeah. 1512 01:36:35,472 --> 01:36:37,472 But, have you given it a thought? 1513 01:36:38,014 --> 01:36:39,805 We don’t even know each other properly. 1514 01:36:40,055 --> 01:36:41,305 Did you think about it? 1515 01:36:41,389 --> 01:36:43,889 I fell for you, the very first time that I saw you. 1516 01:36:45,930 --> 01:36:48,055 But still, I did think for three minutes. 1517 01:36:49,722 --> 01:36:50,847 The feeling didn’t change. 1518 01:36:52,514 --> 01:36:53,264 I told you. 1519 01:36:56,097 --> 01:36:57,097 Did you give it a thought? 1520 01:37:00,430 --> 01:37:02,805 You don’t like Yoga, right? 1521 01:37:06,430 --> 01:37:08,514 My kind of Yoga is different. 1522 01:37:08,514 --> 01:37:09,514 Wanna see? 1523 01:37:23,139 --> 01:37:25,847 Gautham, what are you doing? Are you trying to kill me or what? 1524 01:37:25,972 --> 01:37:27,305 You are a pilot, right? 1525 01:37:27,430 --> 01:37:30,180 I fly a plane. I don’t jump from it! 1526 01:37:32,889 --> 01:37:33,555 Come here. 1527 01:37:38,514 --> 01:37:39,805 Feel the wind. 1528 01:37:41,347 --> 01:37:42,055 Trust me. 1529 01:37:42,847 --> 01:37:44,097 It’ll be amazing. 1530 01:37:48,347 --> 01:37:50,597 One. Two. Three. 1531 01:37:50,597 --> 01:37:53,055 ♫ I am so crazy for you baby♫ 1532 01:37:53,055 --> 01:37:55,722 ♫ Life is singing a love melody♫ 1533 01:37:55,722 --> 01:38:00,889 ♫ Every second, I’m feeling awesome♫ ♫ Heart is swinging like a baby. ♫ 1534 01:38:13,764 --> 01:38:15,597 ♫ My love. ♫ 1535 01:38:16,680 --> 01:38:19,597 ♫ My heart is strumming. ♫ 1536 01:38:24,055 --> 01:38:26,680 ♫ I wonder ♫ 1537 01:38:27,180 --> 01:38:30,639 ♫ What this sweet tune is. ♫ 1538 01:38:33,680 --> 01:38:41,305 ♫ It’s a tune that’s never been heard before. ♫ 1539 01:38:43,930 --> 01:38:51,472 ♫ There is a symphony in my heart. ♫ 1540 01:38:52,847 --> 01:38:57,764 ♫ I feel love. ♫ ♫ My love. ♫ 1541 01:38:58,055 --> 01:39:00,180 ♫ My heart is strumming. ♫ 1542 01:39:00,180 --> 01:39:02,639 ♫ I am so crazy for you baby♫ 1543 01:39:02,639 --> 01:39:05,305 ♫ Life is singing a love melody♫ 1544 01:39:05,305 --> 01:39:07,930 ♫ I wonder ♫ 1545 01:39:08,430 --> 01:39:10,639 ♫ What this sweet tune is. ♫ 1546 01:39:10,639 --> 01:39:15,847 ♫ Every second, I’m feeling awesome♫ ♫ Heart is swinging like a baby. ♫ 1547 01:39:24,264 --> 01:39:27,389 ♫♫♫♫ 1548 01:39:36,972 --> 01:39:41,430 ♫ My journey with you, ♫ 1549 01:39:42,014 --> 01:39:45,889 ♫ Every minute. ♫ 1550 01:39:47,472 --> 01:39:49,805 ♫ Touched me♫ 1551 01:39:52,305 --> 01:39:55,889 ♫ Drove me onwards. ♫ 1552 01:39:56,430 --> 01:40:04,930 ♫ I have found the dawn♫ ♫ I was in search of. ♫ 1553 01:40:06,680 --> 01:40:11,597 ♫ My dreams have come true♫ 1554 01:40:11,597 --> 01:40:14,805 ♫ and stand before me♫ 1555 01:40:15,389 --> 01:40:17,555 ♫ It’s all because of you. ♫ 1556 01:40:17,555 --> 01:40:19,805 ♫ My love, ♫ 1557 01:40:20,680 --> 01:40:23,639 ♫ my heart is strumming. ♫ 1558 01:40:27,680 --> 01:40:33,889 ♫ I wonder ♫ ♫ What this sweet tune is. ♫ 1559 01:40:37,305 --> 01:40:44,430 ♫ It’s a tune that’s never been heard before. ♫ 1560 01:40:47,847 --> 01:40:55,597 ♫ There is a symphony in my heart. ♫ 1561 01:40:56,389 --> 01:40:59,597 ♫ I feel love♫ 1562 01:41:27,930 --> 01:41:29,514 Wait.Wait. Wait. 1563 01:41:29,514 --> 01:41:32,305 Gautham, wait. 1564 01:41:32,889 --> 01:41:36,097 I always wanted my man to wear a black suit and a bow tie. 1565 01:41:36,097 --> 01:41:37,514 Can you go get dressed? 1566 01:42:16,822 --> 01:42:17,780 Gautham... 1567 01:42:17,780 --> 01:42:20,114 Gautham... Listen to me. 1568 01:42:20,114 --> 01:42:20,822 What? 1569 01:42:21,072 --> 01:42:23,864 Listen to me...Listen. 1570 01:42:24,489 --> 01:42:26,155 It just crossed my mind. 1571 01:42:27,322 --> 01:42:29,739 Don’t you Indians have sex after you get married? 1572 01:42:30,697 --> 01:42:32,614 Such a pure thing for you guys. 1573 01:42:33,239 --> 01:42:34,905 Is it ok to be doing this? 1574 01:42:36,364 --> 01:42:37,697 I am not that regular Indian. 1575 01:42:38,072 --> 01:42:39,530 So, it’s ok. 1576 01:42:41,155 --> 01:42:42,072 It’s ok. 1577 01:42:56,289 --> 01:42:57,664 Gautham...Listen to me! 1578 01:42:59,622 --> 01:43:01,872 Are you okay? I am sorry. 1579 01:43:04,747 --> 01:43:07,705 We are so young. We have so much time. And we are in love. 1580 01:43:08,497 --> 01:43:11,122 We can do whatever we want after marriage. 1581 01:43:11,747 --> 01:43:12,664 I’m sorry. 1582 01:43:18,789 --> 01:43:19,414 What? 1583 01:43:22,039 --> 01:43:23,205 Why are you laughing? 1584 01:43:35,455 --> 01:43:36,872 Are you angry? 1585 01:43:44,455 --> 01:43:45,080 Stop it. 1586 01:43:49,455 --> 01:43:50,747 I am sorry, Gautham. 1587 01:43:50,914 --> 01:43:52,747 It’s my birthday. Don’t be angry. 1588 01:43:52,747 --> 01:43:54,205 I am not angry. Who said I’m angry? 1589 01:43:54,705 --> 01:43:56,622 Let’s make something memorable. 1590 01:43:57,289 --> 01:43:57,955 Okay. 1591 01:44:00,330 --> 01:44:01,539 Let's make it memorable day. 1592 01:44:06,705 --> 01:44:07,914 Hey, man! Come on. 1593 01:44:09,705 --> 01:44:11,039 Hey, Gautham. 1594 01:44:11,205 --> 01:44:12,289 Hey! 1595 01:44:12,289 --> 01:44:14,247 Hey! Man. -What’s happening tonight? 1596 01:44:14,414 --> 01:44:16,497 Nothing, man. You tell me what you want to do. 1597 01:44:16,497 --> 01:44:17,455 Let’s drag. 1598 01:44:18,122 --> 01:44:19,705 Okay. Anyone up for dragging? 1599 01:44:19,997 --> 01:44:21,205 Yeah. I’m in. 1600 01:44:22,247 --> 01:44:23,830 So, let’s drag. -Let’s go. 1601 01:45:30,330 --> 01:45:31,372 Hello, Gautham. 1602 01:45:36,455 --> 01:45:37,372 Hello, doctor. 1603 01:45:37,830 --> 01:45:38,747 How are you today? 1604 01:45:39,580 --> 01:45:40,539 I am good. 1605 01:45:40,705 --> 01:45:42,164 How is your hand? 1606 01:45:43,247 --> 01:45:44,039 There’s pain. 1607 01:45:44,955 --> 01:45:45,789 But I’m fine. 1608 01:45:46,080 --> 01:45:48,580 I have good news. You can go back home today. 1609 01:45:48,830 --> 01:45:50,580 Doctor? -Yes. 1610 01:45:50,580 --> 01:45:52,330 There was a girl with me. 1611 01:45:53,664 --> 01:45:54,372 Where is she? 1612 01:45:59,039 --> 01:45:59,914 Hey, Gautham. 1613 01:46:02,330 --> 01:46:03,622 Don’t worry. She is fine. 1614 01:46:11,080 --> 01:46:12,830 What happened to her eyes doctor? 1615 01:46:15,872 --> 01:46:17,372 Because of the big impact, 1616 01:46:18,705 --> 01:46:20,330 She lost her vision. 1617 01:46:20,997 --> 01:46:21,830 But doctor... 1618 01:46:23,372 --> 01:46:25,039 She was wearing her helmet. 1619 01:46:28,039 --> 01:46:29,289 It saved her life. 1620 01:46:30,789 --> 01:46:31,747 Not her eyes. 1621 01:46:32,664 --> 01:46:36,664 We've asked for a donation from all European Union banks and Red Cross. 1622 01:46:37,455 --> 01:46:39,289 She is now on top of the list. 1623 01:46:39,622 --> 01:46:40,789 Now we need to wait. 1624 01:46:48,664 --> 01:46:50,330 You asked me for one unforgettable memory... 1625 01:46:50,830 --> 01:46:53,372 And I... I gave you a lifetime’s worth of darkness. 1626 01:46:53,830 --> 01:46:54,830 I am sorry, Iza. 1627 01:46:55,455 --> 01:46:57,914 I can no longer see you with such guilt in my heart. 1628 01:47:11,580 --> 01:47:14,497 Attention dear passengers of Flight Air Lilly... 1629 01:47:33,622 --> 01:47:34,164 Iza... 1630 01:47:35,455 --> 01:47:36,205 Iza... 1631 01:47:37,330 --> 01:47:38,539 It’s a night halt for us. 1632 01:47:38,789 --> 01:47:40,289 What are your plans for the evening? 1633 01:47:41,039 --> 01:47:43,080 How about dinner tonight? 1634 01:47:50,664 --> 01:47:53,039 It’s been 6 months since I regained my vision. 1635 01:47:53,580 --> 01:47:56,539 I would like to walk along the beautiful streets of this town. 1636 01:47:56,747 --> 01:47:57,997 Let’s meet in Paris? 1637 01:47:58,414 --> 01:47:59,289 No problem. 1638 01:48:46,872 --> 01:48:47,789 Excuse me, madam. 1639 01:49:26,580 --> 01:49:27,247 Gautham. 1640 01:49:28,497 --> 01:49:29,372 Coffee, Iza? 1641 01:49:32,455 --> 01:49:33,997 What happened to your eyes? 1642 01:49:34,955 --> 01:49:35,705 Peter... 1643 01:49:37,080 --> 01:49:38,497 One cappuccino please. 1644 01:49:41,789 --> 01:49:43,747 They live on in a face beautiful than mine. 1645 01:49:44,205 --> 01:49:47,664 They look at this world from up there. 1646 01:49:47,872 --> 01:49:48,497 Gautham. 1647 01:49:49,830 --> 01:49:51,039 They are travelling the globe. 1648 01:49:51,914 --> 01:49:52,747 But Gautham... 1649 01:49:52,747 --> 01:49:55,705 How could you decide this by yourself? And why did you not tell me? 1650 01:49:55,830 --> 01:49:57,122 I wanted to tell you. 1651 01:49:59,580 --> 01:50:01,289 But you were unconscious then. 1652 01:50:02,997 --> 01:50:04,622 I didn’t know when you would wake up. 1653 01:50:06,914 --> 01:50:08,705 Actually, I didn’t know if you would ever wake up. 1654 01:50:09,580 --> 01:50:10,664 Gautham, stop it. 1655 01:50:13,497 --> 01:50:14,164 Iza.... 1656 01:50:16,205 --> 01:50:18,455 I don’t need my eyes to run a radio station. 1657 01:50:20,122 --> 01:50:22,747 You know one of the most beautiful things about music? 1658 01:50:24,580 --> 01:50:26,330 Even the blind can enjoy it. 1659 01:50:30,247 --> 01:50:31,622 But I guess Air Lilly 1660 01:50:32,539 --> 01:50:34,580 won’t accept blind pilots. 1661 01:50:36,872 --> 01:50:37,872 Iza don’t cry. 1662 01:50:40,622 --> 01:50:41,414 I am not crying. 1663 01:50:42,497 --> 01:50:45,789 One of the most beautiful memories that I’ve seen with my eyes... 1664 01:50:48,664 --> 01:50:50,789 It also happened to be my last. 1665 01:50:54,539 --> 01:50:56,039 You telling me that you loved me. 1666 01:50:58,955 --> 01:51:00,372 remains a permanent memory. 1667 01:51:03,455 --> 01:51:09,789 So, this sympathy,empathy, pity... I don’t like these things. 1668 01:51:09,789 --> 01:51:10,414 I don’t want these things. 1669 01:51:11,247 --> 01:51:13,622 When those eyes have the same love for me as before... 1670 01:51:13,997 --> 01:51:15,289 Come and find me here. 1671 01:51:15,872 --> 01:51:16,497 Okay? 1672 01:51:18,914 --> 01:51:20,080 Bye, Iza. 1673 01:51:35,148 --> 01:51:35,815 Yamini... 1674 01:51:37,273 --> 01:51:39,982 Why did you think I didn’t know the value of Sacrifice? 1675 01:51:42,273 --> 01:51:45,315 I want to see the same love in your eyes again. 1676 01:51:47,107 --> 01:51:47,982 Please come back. 1677 01:52:04,232 --> 01:52:05,398 Why are you crying? 1678 01:52:07,107 --> 01:52:09,857 I am the one who is sad. Why the hell are you crying? 1679 01:52:13,023 --> 01:52:14,482 I read the Yellandu Episode. 1680 01:52:15,898 --> 01:52:17,857 Since then, I am unable to control my tears. 1681 01:52:20,190 --> 01:52:21,523 My father read it too. 1682 01:52:21,732 --> 01:52:22,982 Richa read it as well. 1683 01:52:23,440 --> 01:52:25,232 They all got too emotional. 1684 01:52:25,690 --> 01:52:27,482 I am really proud of you, man. 1685 01:52:28,732 --> 01:52:31,190 Here, dad asked me to give this to you. -Why do I need this now? 1686 01:52:31,982 --> 01:52:36,232 Apparently, you writers internalize all the pain from the world outside 1687 01:52:36,690 --> 01:52:38,107 and put it into your words. 1688 01:52:38,773 --> 01:52:41,315 Drink, laugh, cry. 1689 01:52:41,982 --> 01:52:44,107 Just write. Just go for it. 1690 01:52:44,107 --> 01:52:44,898 Just write. 1691 01:52:45,982 --> 01:52:47,398 This is your moment, man. 1692 01:52:48,023 --> 01:52:48,940 Go for it. 1693 01:52:49,523 --> 01:52:51,023 Buddy, take this. 1694 01:52:53,815 --> 01:52:55,440 What is this? -This is my latest one. 1695 01:52:55,482 --> 01:52:56,107 Read it. 1696 01:52:57,148 --> 01:52:59,482 I have a small director’s meet. 1697 01:52:59,523 --> 01:53:00,982 I will go home and read it. 1698 01:53:02,357 --> 01:53:02,940 Gautham, 1699 01:53:03,523 --> 01:53:05,065 Just call Yamini and tell her everything. 1700 01:53:05,273 --> 01:53:06,357 She will come back to you. 1701 01:53:06,690 --> 01:53:07,357 Trust me. 1702 01:53:10,273 --> 01:53:11,148 Mr. Gautham. 1703 01:53:12,232 --> 01:53:13,440 Where is Gautham? 1704 01:53:13,898 --> 01:53:14,607 Didn’t he come? 1705 01:53:15,357 --> 01:53:15,982 No. 1706 01:53:18,273 --> 01:53:18,898 Yamini! 1707 01:53:23,523 --> 01:53:25,023 Gautham, what are you doing here? 1708 01:53:25,023 --> 01:53:27,023 Those placement companies are calling for you. 1709 01:53:27,107 --> 01:53:27,565 Come on 1710 01:53:29,523 --> 01:53:30,232 Yamini... 1711 01:53:32,190 --> 01:53:33,648 my book got published. 1712 01:53:38,273 --> 01:53:39,440 My first copy is for you. 1713 01:53:41,940 --> 01:53:43,648 Hey, congratulations. 1714 01:53:43,898 --> 01:53:45,273 Look who’s written the foreword. 1715 01:53:48,815 --> 01:53:51,690 Professor Srivastava. IIM, Bangalore. 1716 01:53:52,065 --> 01:53:53,232 This is amazing. 1717 01:53:53,523 --> 01:53:57,607 Yamini... Everyone has a hidden talent. 1718 01:53:59,440 --> 01:54:00,898 I feel mine is writing. 1719 01:54:01,565 --> 01:54:05,232 I don’t want to be stuck in our jobs and stop writing. 1720 01:54:06,690 --> 01:54:08,648 That is the reason why I am not attending those placements. 1721 01:54:09,232 --> 01:54:10,857 Can I tell you something? 1722 01:54:12,482 --> 01:54:15,857 This book... It’s about words and numbers, right? 1723 01:54:16,107 --> 01:54:16,648 Yes. 1724 01:54:17,440 --> 01:54:21,440 24 seems to be God’s favourite number. 1725 01:54:21,898 --> 01:54:23,898 That is the reason why he gave us 24 hours in a day. 1726 01:54:24,815 --> 01:54:28,523 So, in those 24 hours, work for 8 hours. 1727 01:54:28,940 --> 01:54:30,357 Sleep for 8 hours 1728 01:54:30,732 --> 01:54:31,690 And write for 8 hours. 1729 01:54:34,648 --> 01:54:37,982 Please don’t get offended by my suggestions. 1730 01:54:39,273 --> 01:54:43,357 If you had parents and told me that you would write the whole day, I wouldn’t have stopped you. 1731 01:54:43,732 --> 01:54:47,482 But... an empty stomach will not let you write well, Gautham. 1732 01:54:48,440 --> 01:54:51,440 If not for you... For me? 1733 01:54:53,023 --> 01:54:54,607 Please attend the interview. 1734 01:54:54,898 --> 01:54:55,398 Alright. 1735 01:55:03,565 --> 01:55:05,273 Do you know why I’m attending the interview? 1736 01:55:05,815 --> 01:55:06,982 Because I told you to? 1737 01:55:07,523 --> 01:55:08,023 No 1738 01:55:09,523 --> 01:55:11,023 Because you told me like my mother would. 1739 01:55:18,440 --> 01:55:19,107 Father. 1740 01:55:20,190 --> 01:55:21,232 Hi, Yamini. 1741 01:55:22,065 --> 01:55:23,690 This is my friend, Gautham. 1742 01:55:24,232 --> 01:55:25,148 Hi, Gautham. 1743 01:55:25,273 --> 01:55:25,898 Hi, Hi sir. 1744 01:55:32,148 --> 01:55:33,982 I am so proud of you. 1745 01:55:34,023 --> 01:55:34,732 Thanks dad 1746 01:55:35,107 --> 01:55:38,065 We have a big company of our own and have so many properties. 1747 01:55:38,190 --> 01:55:42,273 But, you opted to be a management trainee. 1748 01:55:42,815 --> 01:55:44,773 That is true professionalism. 1749 01:55:44,773 --> 01:55:47,148 Dad, Gautham got a good job as well. 1750 01:55:47,232 --> 01:55:48,232 Congrats. 1751 01:55:48,690 --> 01:55:51,148 What job? -Assistant Vice president, Sales. 1752 01:55:51,648 --> 01:55:54,940 Which company? -Global Turner Technologies. 1753 01:55:54,940 --> 01:55:57,857 Actually, I worked in sales for two years. 1754 01:55:57,857 --> 01:56:00,232 So? Tell me, Yamini. 1755 01:56:00,398 --> 01:56:02,023 Where do you like to celebrate with your friends? 1756 01:56:02,398 --> 01:56:05,107 Five star? Seven star? Destination Party? 1757 01:56:05,107 --> 01:56:06,482 No, dad. I don’t need all that. 1758 01:56:06,607 --> 01:56:10,357 I just brought Gautham with me to introduce him to you. 1759 01:56:10,523 --> 01:56:12,648 Yes. You did. 1760 01:56:12,773 --> 01:56:14,398 We already shook hands. 1761 01:56:14,398 --> 01:56:15,898 No, dad... like... 1762 01:56:16,648 --> 01:56:18,023 Introduce... Introduce? 1763 01:56:20,398 --> 01:56:23,107 Introduce... Introduce! 1764 01:56:25,565 --> 01:56:27,565 Do you know what I studied? 1765 01:56:28,315 --> 01:56:28,898 No, sir. 1766 01:56:28,898 --> 01:56:29,732 But... 1767 01:56:32,065 --> 01:56:33,398 I am an ITI guy. 1768 01:56:34,107 --> 01:56:35,690 Do you know what ITI is? 1769 01:56:37,023 --> 01:56:39,273 The kids of your generation might not know this. 1770 01:56:40,107 --> 01:56:41,232 It’s a Trade job. 1771 01:56:41,940 --> 01:56:44,065 And my Trade was electrical. 1772 01:56:45,190 --> 01:56:47,607 If someone’s bulb needed fixing 1773 01:56:47,648 --> 01:56:49,232 or the fan needed repairing, 1774 01:56:49,482 --> 01:56:51,273 or motor needed rewinding, I was the guy. 1775 01:56:52,773 --> 01:56:56,440 My passion for technology made me what I am today. 1776 01:56:57,732 --> 01:57:00,107 You are all very well educated. 1777 01:57:00,107 --> 01:57:01,357 You made it so big. 1778 01:57:01,482 --> 01:57:02,898 You are an MBA graduate. 1779 01:57:04,607 --> 01:57:07,857 If someone like me could do so much, 1780 01:57:08,398 --> 01:57:10,815 how much should people like you do? 1781 01:57:12,315 --> 01:57:14,065 You should search for a girl, 1782 01:57:14,523 --> 01:57:16,273 manage the girl, 1783 01:57:16,523 --> 01:57:18,148 get married to her 1784 01:57:18,148 --> 01:57:21,607 and take care of their wealth. 1785 01:57:21,607 --> 01:57:22,398 Right? 1786 01:57:22,815 --> 01:57:25,523 Dad, how can you talk this way? 1787 01:57:27,315 --> 01:57:29,482 You are not insulting Gautham. You are insulting me. 1788 01:57:29,732 --> 01:57:30,648 You are hurting me. 1789 01:57:31,148 --> 01:57:33,565 No. No. I am not hurting. I am just talking. 1790 01:57:33,565 --> 01:57:34,607 Did I insult you? 1791 01:57:37,148 --> 01:57:38,773 I was speaking plainly. 1792 01:57:39,773 --> 01:57:43,898 What’s your opinion on our future? 1793 01:57:44,940 --> 01:57:45,815 Future? 1794 01:57:46,398 --> 01:57:47,315 Whose future? 1795 01:57:48,023 --> 01:57:49,523 Mine and Gautham’s. 1796 01:57:49,940 --> 01:57:50,648 Both of us. 1797 01:57:51,232 --> 01:57:52,648 I don’t see any future. 1798 01:57:54,023 --> 01:57:55,232 It’s not happening. 1799 01:58:00,523 --> 01:58:01,398 Gautham... 1800 01:58:16,482 --> 01:58:18,232 I am so sorry, Gautham. 1801 01:58:20,440 --> 01:58:23,440 I didn’t expect him to talk that way. 1802 01:58:24,065 --> 01:58:26,440 It’s ok. What should we do now? 1803 01:58:31,273 --> 01:58:32,232 Two paths. 1804 01:58:33,648 --> 01:58:36,440 One... Go and get married. 1805 01:58:39,482 --> 01:58:41,398 But... If we do that... 1806 01:58:42,148 --> 01:58:44,815 the media is going to write badly about my father. 1807 01:58:47,565 --> 01:58:51,315 I don’t want him to lose face because of me. 1808 01:58:51,440 --> 01:58:52,773 I don’t want that as well. 1809 01:58:53,523 --> 01:58:54,523 Another way... 1810 01:58:57,648 --> 01:58:59,023 Live-in relationship. 1811 01:58:59,398 --> 01:59:00,690 Won’t the media have a field day with that? 1812 01:59:01,523 --> 01:59:04,148 Yes. They would but it would be on page 3 1813 01:59:04,482 --> 01:59:07,690 And it would be about my dating life 1814 01:59:07,898 --> 01:59:09,690 and not so damaging to my father’s reputation. 1815 01:59:13,732 --> 01:59:14,898 Let’s live together, Gautham. 1816 01:59:16,690 --> 01:59:18,482 Until dad agrees to get us married. 1817 01:59:18,940 --> 01:59:19,857 What if he doesn’t? 1818 01:59:20,648 --> 01:59:22,857 Let’s just continue to be this way then. 1819 01:59:24,398 --> 01:59:25,982 If you are okay with this. Then, so am I. 1820 02:00:22,148 --> 02:00:25,232 ♫ Isn’t our story about love? ♫ 1821 02:00:25,940 --> 02:00:28,982 ♫ Can’t you recall our story? ♫ 1822 02:00:29,732 --> 02:00:32,898 ♫ My every breath is fuelling my sorrow burning them. ♫ 1823 02:00:32,898 --> 02:00:36,565 ♫ Won’t you please come darling and douse these flames? ♫ 1824 02:00:36,940 --> 02:00:40,440 ♫ I can’t seem to keep my eye lids closed. ♫ 1825 02:00:40,440 --> 02:00:43,773 ♫ These hot tears are waiting for you. ♫ 1826 02:00:44,565 --> 02:00:48,065 ♫ With all these bruises in my heart♫ 1827 02:00:48,065 --> 02:00:51,565 ♫ This silent sorrow is killing me. ♫ 1828 02:00:52,857 --> 02:00:56,065 ♫ Where are you, Yamini? ♫ ♫ Yamini? ♫ 1829 02:00:56,690 --> 02:00:58,857 ♫ Waiting for you Yamini. ♫ 1830 02:01:00,440 --> 02:01:03,648 ♫ Where are you, Yamini? ♫ ♫ Yamini? ♫ 1831 02:01:04,273 --> 02:01:06,440 ♫ Waiting for you Yamini. ♫ 1832 02:01:10,690 --> 02:01:13,732 ♫ I am the beating heart. ♫ 1833 02:01:14,273 --> 02:01:17,523 ♫ I am the sunrise, the day. ♫ 1834 02:01:17,940 --> 02:01:21,648 ♫ Even before I could wake up and see, ♫ 1835 02:01:21,648 --> 02:01:25,023 ♫ You are the dream that slipped from my fingers. ♫ 1836 02:01:25,482 --> 02:01:28,857 ♫ All these days I’ve been away from you♫ 1837 02:01:29,232 --> 02:01:32,690 ♫ Like the book abandoned left on the side. ♫ 1838 02:01:33,023 --> 02:01:40,107 ♫ With out you by my side, ♫ ♫ Which path do I take? ♫ 1839 02:01:41,440 --> 02:01:44,648 ♫ Where are you, Yamini? ♫ ♫ Yamini? ♫ 1840 02:01:45,273 --> 02:01:47,440 ♫ Waiting for you Yamini. ♫ 1841 02:01:48,940 --> 02:01:52,148 ♫ Where are you, Yamini? ♫ ♫ Yamini? ♫ 1842 02:01:52,773 --> 02:01:54,940 ♫ Waiting for you Yamini. ♫ 1843 02:02:35,398 --> 02:02:36,648 Gautham? 1844 02:02:42,815 --> 02:02:44,565 I knew that you would come home. 1845 02:02:45,523 --> 02:02:49,232 Come. Let’s not fight anymore. 1846 02:02:51,357 --> 02:02:53,273 Sit down. Come. 1847 02:02:55,357 --> 02:02:56,815 Yamini, I’ve changed. 1848 02:02:56,982 --> 02:02:59,273 You told me to put pen to paper. 1849 02:02:59,273 --> 02:03:01,107 I already began writing. 1850 02:03:01,482 --> 02:03:02,815 I love you, Yamini. 1851 02:03:03,148 --> 02:03:03,690 Gautham... 1852 02:03:04,148 --> 02:03:04,690 Gautham... 1853 02:03:05,315 --> 02:03:08,065 I will help you in cooking and all the housework too. 1854 02:03:08,065 --> 02:03:10,773 Yamini, you are the only family I have. 1855 02:03:11,148 --> 02:03:13,023 Please don't leave me alone 1856 02:03:14,107 --> 02:03:14,898 Gautham... 1857 02:03:15,565 --> 02:03:17,232 Gautham... I’m getting married. 1858 02:03:24,107 --> 02:03:25,732 I am getting married in three days. 1859 02:03:27,523 --> 02:03:30,398 I am giving you the auspicious first card that’s offered to God. 1860 02:03:32,607 --> 02:03:35,398 And I don’t want you to think that I cheated on you. Because I didn’t. 1861 02:03:37,398 --> 02:03:38,815 That’s the reason why I got it here myself. 1862 02:03:49,607 --> 02:03:51,023 I am so sorry, Gautham. 1863 02:03:55,440 --> 02:03:57,440 You are not getting married to someone else. This is not correct. 1864 02:03:58,565 --> 02:04:01,357 Go and ask your dad to cancel this wedding. You are not getting married. 1865 02:04:02,315 --> 02:04:03,898 We tried Gautham. 1866 02:04:04,107 --> 02:04:07,482 But it didn’t work out. Not all relationships work out. 1867 02:04:07,482 --> 02:04:09,190 We’ve been in love for four years. 1868 02:04:09,440 --> 02:04:12,273 We’ve been in this house for a year and a half. How can you get married in three days? 1869 02:04:13,148 --> 02:04:14,107 Are you mad? 1870 02:04:15,648 --> 02:04:17,440 What is your problem now? That I’m not writing? 1871 02:04:17,440 --> 02:04:19,023 I am telling you that I am writing. 1872 02:04:19,107 --> 02:04:21,690 This is exactly what’s been happening for a year and a half, Gautham. 1873 02:04:22,023 --> 02:04:23,190 I can’t take it anymore. 1874 02:04:23,190 --> 02:04:24,607 No, you are not getting married. 1875 02:04:25,648 --> 02:04:26,982 This wedding is not happening, Yamini. 1876 02:04:26,982 --> 02:04:27,940 I am getting married. 1877 02:04:28,482 --> 02:04:30,440 Yamini, please. You are not getting married. 1878 02:04:30,732 --> 02:04:32,523 Yamini, please cancel this wedding. 1879 02:04:32,523 --> 02:04:33,482 Yamini please. 1880 02:04:33,482 --> 02:04:35,690 I’ll take care of you. -Gautham, No! 1881 02:04:35,690 --> 02:04:37,107 I’ve started writing. 1882 02:04:37,107 --> 02:04:40,773 Gautham, you have to understand it’s not working and we have to move on. 1883 02:04:40,898 --> 02:04:43,107 Then GO! GO! 1884 02:04:43,898 --> 02:04:45,148 Why did you come back here? 1885 02:04:46,065 --> 02:04:47,190 You left me, didn’t you? 1886 02:04:47,690 --> 02:04:50,190 Why did you come here to tell me that you are getting married? 1887 02:04:52,232 --> 02:04:54,107 You want me to be happy for you? 1888 02:04:55,398 --> 02:04:57,398 Do you want my blessings for your wedding? 1889 02:04:58,357 --> 02:05:00,398 Go and marry whoever you like. 1890 02:05:03,690 --> 02:05:05,690 No.... No... 1891 02:05:09,357 --> 02:05:10,482 Yamini... 1892 02:05:11,815 --> 02:05:14,690 I did not just spread your legs, Yamini. 1893 02:05:15,440 --> 02:05:16,898 I loved you. 1894 02:05:17,773 --> 02:05:19,773 I loved you, Yamini. 1895 02:05:34,982 --> 02:05:35,773 Yamini... 1896 02:05:38,398 --> 02:05:40,398 I am sorry Yamini. I spoke nonsense in my anger. 1897 02:05:40,398 --> 02:05:41,023 Gautham... 1898 02:05:41,065 --> 02:05:41,982 I’ll join you. 1899 02:05:41,982 --> 02:05:42,732 Yamini... 1900 02:05:43,690 --> 02:05:44,940 You want to talk to her, right? 1901 02:05:45,565 --> 02:05:46,857 Let’s behave like grownups. 1902 02:05:47,398 --> 02:05:48,898 Please, let’s go inside and talk. 1903 02:05:49,398 --> 02:05:49,857 Come. 1904 02:05:52,732 --> 02:05:55,523 When you guys were living together, I never interfered. 1905 02:05:56,190 --> 02:05:58,440 Yamini told me that she was done with you. 1906 02:05:58,732 --> 02:06:00,315 That is when I fixed her wedding. 1907 02:06:00,440 --> 02:06:02,773 And you have no bloody right to barge in like this. 1908 02:06:04,107 --> 02:06:05,065 What is it now? 1909 02:06:05,940 --> 02:06:07,982 You wish to speak to her, right? 1910 02:06:10,398 --> 02:06:10,857 Go. 1911 02:06:12,482 --> 02:06:12,940 Talk. 1912 02:06:15,815 --> 02:06:16,440 Yamini... 1913 02:06:19,232 --> 02:06:21,523 I shouldn’t have behaved that way with you. 1914 02:06:24,107 --> 02:06:28,690 This morning, I spoke nonsense in my anger. But I didn’t mean it Yamini. 1915 02:06:30,690 --> 02:06:32,398 How can you marry a stranger? 1916 02:06:34,440 --> 02:06:35,607 Alright, we fought. 1917 02:06:37,357 --> 02:06:41,065 But for all the good days, give me two hours. I want to talk to you. 1918 02:06:43,023 --> 02:06:46,815 There will be fights after marriage as well. Will you go and get a divorce then? 1919 02:06:48,107 --> 02:06:49,065 Yamini, please. 1920 02:06:49,482 --> 02:06:50,482 Talk to me. 1921 02:06:51,398 --> 02:06:53,023 I’ve started writing. 1922 02:06:53,732 --> 02:06:55,190 If you want, I’ll leave that as well. 1923 02:06:55,982 --> 02:06:57,357 I’ll do a 9 to 5 job. 1924 02:06:57,815 --> 02:06:59,690 I will be with you. I will come with you to the office. 1925 02:07:00,148 --> 02:07:02,773 Yamini, we will sort this out. Please, let’s go home. 1926 02:07:03,857 --> 02:07:04,690 I’m sorry, Gautham. 1927 02:07:05,232 --> 02:07:06,857 What do you mean sorry, Yamini? 1928 02:07:06,898 --> 02:07:07,690 Please leave me. 1929 02:07:07,690 --> 02:07:09,648 Yamini, come home. We will sort it out. 1930 02:07:09,857 --> 02:07:11,232 No. No. -Yamini...Yamini... 1931 02:07:11,440 --> 02:07:12,607 We will sort it out. 1932 02:07:12,857 --> 02:07:13,440 Enough. 1933 02:07:14,648 --> 02:07:15,357 You are done. 1934 02:07:18,440 --> 02:07:20,898 Uncle, you said something to me. Do you remember... 1935 02:07:22,690 --> 02:07:26,232 You told me that you are not that well educated and yet you made an empire for yourself. 1936 02:07:28,523 --> 02:07:30,982 You know why? Because you bloody loved money. 1937 02:07:31,523 --> 02:07:33,148 Not everybody loves money. 1938 02:07:33,565 --> 02:07:37,107 I loved you daughter. I only... I only loved Yamini. 1939 02:07:38,398 --> 02:07:38,857 Is that so? 1940 02:07:40,232 --> 02:07:43,190 People should always get what they love. 1941 02:07:43,815 --> 02:07:44,815 Call your love. 1942 02:07:45,315 --> 02:07:46,440 If she comes to you, take her with you. 1943 02:07:48,273 --> 02:07:49,190 I won’t stop you guys. 1944 02:07:53,107 --> 02:07:54,023 Yamini! 1945 02:07:57,232 --> 02:07:58,065 Yamini! 1946 02:08:00,940 --> 02:08:01,898 Yamini! 1947 02:08:26,565 --> 02:08:29,148 How unfortunate! Did I damage your car? 1948 02:08:29,440 --> 02:08:31,065 Let me fix that for you. 1949 02:10:03,690 --> 02:10:05,732 If the scar in my heart... 1950 02:10:07,523 --> 02:10:09,482 needs to forget the pain that it’s going through, 1951 02:10:10,690 --> 02:10:13,190 physically, at the very least, I must bleed this much. 1952 02:10:16,398 --> 02:10:19,023 Now, I literally feel the pain. 1953 02:10:21,648 --> 02:10:22,523 So, what now? 1954 02:10:26,523 --> 02:10:27,773 Should we fight? 1955 02:10:30,773 --> 02:10:31,273 Come. 1956 02:11:20,523 --> 02:11:22,315 Brother... Stop it. Leave him... 1957 02:11:23,023 --> 02:11:24,023 Leave me. 1958 02:11:26,482 --> 02:11:29,232 Hey, leave him... let him go. 1959 02:11:29,232 --> 02:11:31,773 Leave him... Leave him. 1960 02:11:32,648 --> 02:11:33,607 Leave him. 1961 02:11:34,898 --> 02:11:35,523 Leave him. 1962 02:11:38,523 --> 02:11:39,357 Leave him. 1963 02:11:40,482 --> 02:11:41,482 Leave him. 1964 02:11:43,190 --> 02:11:44,648 Brother... -Leave him. 1965 02:11:46,565 --> 02:11:47,648 Brother... -Leave him alone. 1966 02:11:53,982 --> 02:11:54,773 Hit me. 1967 02:11:57,190 --> 02:11:58,190 Are they your friends? 1968 02:12:01,982 --> 02:12:03,523 At least you have them. 1969 02:12:06,857 --> 02:12:08,815 I don’t have anyone. 1970 02:12:23,523 --> 02:12:25,232 Do you think this is pain? 1971 02:12:27,440 --> 02:12:31,273 I neither have a father nor a mother. 1972 02:12:36,232 --> 02:12:39,898 And the girl that I love... is no longer with me. 1973 02:12:39,898 --> 02:12:40,565 No. 1974 02:12:42,857 --> 02:12:46,732 Even if I die now, I have no one to cry for me. 1975 02:12:51,273 --> 02:12:53,690 How can you do this to me, Yamini? 1976 02:12:54,648 --> 02:12:57,565 I love you, Yamini. I love you. 1977 02:12:59,898 --> 02:13:01,690 Come back to me, Yamini. 1978 02:13:05,225 --> 02:13:07,141 You are listening to Mirchi 98.3. [Listening Radio] 1979 02:13:07,141 --> 02:13:08,183 It's hot... 1980 02:13:08,183 --> 02:13:09,433 And I am your host Bhargavi. 1981 02:13:09,808 --> 02:13:13,766 The author of the book ‘World Famous Lover’ is going to be released from prison today. 1982 02:13:14,016 --> 02:13:16,391 The unfinished story of Gautham and Yamini... 1983 02:13:16,391 --> 02:13:18,891 that was published, sold five million copies... 1984 02:13:18,975 --> 02:13:20,725 and created a sensation. 1985 02:13:20,808 --> 02:13:25,850 Gautham is going to discuss the ending of his story amidst his fans and well-wishers. 1986 02:13:26,100 --> 02:13:27,141 See you all in the evening. 1987 02:13:27,225 --> 02:13:29,308 Until then, listen to this beautiful song. 1988 02:13:29,308 --> 02:13:30,016 Stay tuned. 1989 02:13:30,016 --> 02:13:32,558 98.3 Mirchi. It's hot 1990 02:13:46,933 --> 02:13:47,808 Gautham. 1991 02:13:48,850 --> 02:13:49,516 Let’s go. 1992 02:14:01,391 --> 02:14:01,891 Come. 1993 02:14:02,891 --> 02:14:05,141 Please, please hold on. 1994 02:14:06,016 --> 02:14:07,100 Please hold on. 1995 02:14:07,100 --> 02:14:08,975 What are you doing? Wave at them and smile. 1996 02:14:09,350 --> 02:14:11,558 Excuse me. Please hold on. 1997 02:14:12,350 --> 02:14:15,016 Thank you. Thank you so much. 1998 02:14:15,016 --> 02:14:16,183 Please move. 1999 02:14:16,516 --> 02:14:17,183 Please. 2000 02:14:17,308 --> 02:14:18,391 Get in... fast. 2001 02:14:19,350 --> 02:14:22,183 We will send a press release. Hold on. Please move. 2002 02:14:22,516 --> 02:14:23,141 Get in. 2003 02:14:30,683 --> 02:14:32,600 Welcome home, Gautham. 2004 02:14:33,100 --> 02:14:35,016 Your books and laptop are there. 2005 02:14:35,016 --> 02:14:36,266 And your reviews... 2006 02:14:36,600 --> 02:14:38,433 What are you doing there? Come in. 2007 02:14:39,141 --> 02:14:40,350 Can we go to your house? 2008 02:14:40,891 --> 02:14:43,600 That is your house. You can come and go whenever you please 2009 02:14:43,600 --> 02:14:45,058 But that’s not the point. I will tell you, come. 2010 02:14:45,516 --> 02:14:48,558 We have a press meet now. And later, you have a signing event with your fans. 2011 02:14:48,558 --> 02:14:51,141 You will have to tell them the conclusion of your book ‘World Famous Lover’. 2012 02:14:51,183 --> 02:14:52,725 There are a lot of things like that. I will take care of them. 2013 02:14:52,725 --> 02:14:53,308 I’ll tell you. 2014 02:14:54,433 --> 02:14:55,058 Hello. 2015 02:14:58,100 --> 02:15:00,308 Yamini... Are you among those days? 2016 02:15:01,475 --> 02:15:03,850 You stop noticing me, right? 2017 02:15:05,516 --> 02:15:10,225 If you don’t care of things they fall into disrepair, Gautham. 2018 02:15:10,225 --> 02:15:11,433 I am a human. 2019 02:15:12,683 --> 02:15:15,433 Apart from having a life, I have a heart too. 2020 02:15:16,100 --> 02:15:19,016 I can’t take this pain anymore, Gautham. 2021 02:15:19,308 --> 02:15:21,766 Let's break up Gautham. 2022 02:15:22,558 --> 02:15:23,850 Gautham I am getting married. 2023 02:15:24,141 --> 02:15:25,600 Gautham I am getting married. 2024 02:15:25,641 --> 02:15:26,183 Gautham. 2025 02:15:27,766 --> 02:15:28,808 What are you thinking? 2026 02:15:31,475 --> 02:15:35,100 After I read that book, I understood something. 2027 02:15:36,266 --> 02:15:37,725 Our elders always say... 2028 02:15:38,016 --> 02:15:41,016 "Everything that happens is for our greater good." 2029 02:15:41,641 --> 02:15:43,141 Perhaps, this is the greater good. 2030 02:15:43,516 --> 02:15:46,808 If those things did not happen to you, you wouldn’t have written this book. 2031 02:15:49,766 --> 02:15:51,266 Maybe you wouldn’t have been this successful. 2032 02:15:51,683 --> 02:15:53,683 Buddy, you don’t understand how lucky you are. 2033 02:15:54,058 --> 02:15:56,225 Even after you hit that person with a stone, he survived. 2034 02:15:57,100 --> 02:15:59,225 You got out of the prison in two years. 2035 02:16:00,516 --> 02:16:05,225 Tell me of any book in the world that has sold 5 million copies without a conclusion? 2036 02:16:07,516 --> 02:16:08,975 Listen to me Gautham. 2037 02:16:10,183 --> 02:16:10,766 Please. 2038 02:16:11,808 --> 02:16:15,266 Give that book a climax and begin a new chapter in your life. 2039 02:16:17,058 --> 02:16:19,516 The world is waiting for its world-famous lover. 2040 02:16:22,558 --> 02:16:23,183 Come on. Let’s go. 2041 02:16:32,141 --> 02:16:33,641 Thank you. Thank you so much. 2042 02:16:36,475 --> 02:16:38,975 I think, it’s the first time in India... 2043 02:16:38,975 --> 02:16:41,016 that an author and his work got such recognition. 2044 02:16:41,641 --> 02:16:42,933 Thank you so much. 2045 02:16:44,891 --> 02:16:45,683 I read somewhere that... 2046 02:16:47,183 --> 02:16:51,058 a life without meaning and a book without ending are both useless. 2047 02:16:51,766 --> 02:16:53,016 But that’s not true in this case. 2048 02:16:53,600 --> 02:16:54,558 Sorry, Gautham. 2049 02:16:54,558 --> 02:16:59,641 We published this book without your permission, through CC publishers. 2050 02:16:59,975 --> 02:17:03,183 I think it’s because of our friendship... 2051 02:17:03,558 --> 02:17:06,350 Or because of the motivation I felt after reading this book, 2052 02:17:06,600 --> 02:17:09,475 Is what made me publish this book. 2053 02:17:10,141 --> 02:17:13,391 Without any further delay, I invite my brother 2054 02:17:14,308 --> 02:17:16,225 The 'world famous lover' himself... 2055 02:17:17,391 --> 02:17:18,141 Gautham! 2056 02:17:41,433 --> 02:17:43,183 With so much enthusiasm... 2057 02:17:46,683 --> 02:17:49,808 you’ve been eagerly waiting to listen to end of the story... 2058 02:17:49,808 --> 02:17:51,391 We love you, Gautham! 2059 02:17:54,766 --> 02:17:56,475 What happened to Yamini and Gautham? 2060 02:18:01,058 --> 02:18:02,766 After Gautham came out of the jail, 2061 02:18:05,308 --> 02:18:09,391 Yamini awaited Gautham with all her heart and tears in her eyes. 2062 02:18:12,725 --> 02:18:14,350 Even after two years, she didn’t get married. 2063 02:18:18,725 --> 02:18:21,475 This can be written as the climax of a story you read in book. 2064 02:18:23,516 --> 02:18:24,850 But this is not a book. 2065 02:18:26,391 --> 02:18:27,433 This is my life. 2066 02:18:29,391 --> 02:18:33,308 The story of Yamini and Gautham that you guys read in the book ‘World Famous Lover’, 2067 02:18:34,600 --> 02:18:35,516 is our story. 2068 02:18:38,975 --> 02:18:41,600 And In real life, no one waits. 2069 02:18:43,433 --> 02:18:45,683 We have to live with our mistakes. 2070 02:18:47,683 --> 02:18:50,475 In life, there is no backspace button like in computers. 2071 02:18:51,975 --> 02:18:54,891 You cannot delete the things you don’t like and rewrite them. 2072 02:18:57,558 --> 02:18:59,516 Yamini is my only family. 2073 02:19:03,891 --> 02:19:08,766 I spent most time with her compared to my parents 2074 02:19:11,225 --> 02:19:12,891 When I wanted to be a writer, 2075 02:19:15,225 --> 02:19:16,225 she supported me. 2076 02:19:16,600 --> 02:19:21,016 Can you support me for a year? 2077 02:19:28,766 --> 02:19:31,391 She was with me when I was struggling to write. 2078 02:19:32,516 --> 02:19:35,391 She was with me when I was writing this book. 2079 02:19:35,891 --> 02:19:37,641 But now, as I stand before you. 2080 02:19:40,558 --> 02:19:41,433 she is not with me. 2081 02:19:42,016 --> 02:19:46,558 She is with her own family somewhere. 2082 02:19:49,141 --> 02:19:50,141 I miss her. 2083 02:20:01,808 --> 02:20:05,183 When I think about it, I don’t know about the book. But in life, I am a failure. 2084 02:20:06,850 --> 02:20:12,266 I failed to understand the one person who was with me every step of my way. 2085 02:20:13,891 --> 02:20:17,100 I thought I made a huge sacrifice when I let go of my job. 2086 02:20:18,725 --> 02:20:22,391 I felt that she didn’t understand me even though I compromised a lot. 2087 02:20:28,058 --> 02:20:30,308 When I wrote Srinu and Suvarna’s story... 2088 02:20:31,266 --> 02:20:34,433 remember Srinu left Smitha behind and returned to his wife. 2089 02:20:34,683 --> 02:20:37,016 I thought Srinu compromised a lot. 2090 02:20:40,225 --> 02:20:42,808 I thought that the compromise in that story came from the writer in me. 2091 02:20:47,100 --> 02:20:49,183 Srinu wasn’t the one who was compromising. 2092 02:20:50,391 --> 02:20:51,475 It was Suvarna. 2093 02:20:53,641 --> 02:20:55,766 I was not the one who compromised. 2094 02:20:56,141 --> 02:20:57,141 It was Yamini. 2095 02:21:00,058 --> 02:21:05,141 In the Paris story, when Gautham sacrificed his eyes for Iza, I thought that, the sacrifice came from me. 2096 02:21:12,641 --> 02:21:15,516 The sacrifice that Gautham made in Paris did not come from me. 2097 02:21:18,100 --> 02:21:19,641 It came from Yamini. 2098 02:21:22,433 --> 02:21:24,975 Yamini left her home and family. 2099 02:21:26,016 --> 02:21:29,141 She left them behind because of her love for me. 2100 02:21:30,016 --> 02:21:33,808 I stopped loving her the way I used to, when we first met. 2101 02:21:33,808 --> 02:21:35,475 She looked after me like a mother would. 2102 02:21:38,391 --> 02:21:39,600 And then one day, 2103 02:21:40,600 --> 02:21:42,016 it became too late. 2104 02:21:44,766 --> 02:21:46,100 All the stories that I’ve written, 2105 02:21:47,516 --> 02:21:48,975 the characters in them, 2106 02:21:49,975 --> 02:21:53,600 All the compromise, sacrifice and the divinity in love, 2107 02:21:53,600 --> 02:21:56,391 that the characters show, came from the life that I spent with Yamini. 2108 02:21:58,183 --> 02:22:01,433 The title ‘World Famous Lover’ for this book, isn’t for me. 2109 02:22:02,558 --> 02:22:03,516 It’s Yamini’s. 2110 02:22:04,141 --> 02:22:06,183 My 'world famous lover' is... 2111 02:22:08,516 --> 02:22:09,350 Yamini. 2112 02:22:10,100 --> 02:22:11,600 The only desire I have is that... 2113 02:22:13,641 --> 02:22:15,725 wherever she is, she stays happy. 2114 02:22:16,850 --> 02:22:17,558 Thank you 2115 02:22:41,683 --> 02:22:42,850 Hi, Gautham. 2116 02:22:47,725 --> 02:22:49,058 You were right. 2117 02:22:50,641 --> 02:22:51,975 I loved money. 2118 02:22:52,433 --> 02:22:53,558 No regrets. 2119 02:22:55,891 --> 02:23:02,308 In my blind ambition to earn money, I didn’t take care of my wife’s health. 2120 02:23:03,266 --> 02:23:04,225 She died. 2121 02:23:06,391 --> 02:23:09,141 And I deserve that pain. 2122 02:23:10,558 --> 02:23:14,016 But, the pain that you guys give me, Is not what I deserve. 2123 02:23:15,766 --> 02:23:20,266 I didn’t come here to tell you that I’ve changed or that I understand your choices. 2124 02:23:20,641 --> 02:23:24,058 I came here to ask you to distance me from this pain. 2125 02:23:26,391 --> 02:23:28,808 As soon as she found out that you were in Jail, 2126 02:23:30,183 --> 02:23:32,808 she called off her wedding. 2127 02:23:34,433 --> 02:23:38,683 She was sure she wouldn’t be happy with you in jail. 2128 02:23:39,141 --> 02:23:42,266 And so, she confined herself at home for two whole years. 2129 02:23:42,975 --> 02:23:45,475 She spent those two years in desolation. 2130 02:23:47,391 --> 02:23:51,766 Even though she didn’t commit the crime, she subjected herself to punishment along with you. 2131 02:23:53,516 --> 02:23:57,350 My daughter did not even have the courage to meet you. 2132 02:23:57,933 --> 02:23:59,016 What did you say? 2133 02:23:59,600 --> 02:24:01,725 You want her to be happy wherever she is? 2134 02:24:03,016 --> 02:24:04,558 How could you wish for something like that? 2135 02:24:05,433 --> 02:24:07,975 She can never be happy. 2136 02:24:09,808 --> 02:24:11,183 Leave me alone. 2137 02:24:11,933 --> 02:24:13,350 Just leave me alone. 2138 02:25:16,766 --> 02:25:17,891 Sorry Yamini. 2139 02:25:19,141 --> 02:25:26,350 I want to erase all the pain that I’ve given you and rewrite it with love. 2140 02:25:32,183 --> 02:25:33,475 Do you know the way home? 2141 02:25:34,683 --> 02:25:35,391 Gautham 2142 02:25:39,516 --> 02:25:40,683 Let’s go home.