1 00:00:01,894 --> 00:00:03,818 Okay, so you remember last night at the cat funeral? 2 00:00:03,912 --> 00:00:05,653 I was mad at Oscar because he said that Mr. Meowskers was 3 00:00:05,673 --> 00:00:07,564 "just a cat," but, of course, Max handled it perfectly. 4 00:00:07,583 --> 00:00:09,657 But then Oscar saved the day because he drove to Chicago 5 00:00:09,752 --> 00:00:11,735 to get the cat's ashes, and then Max said he wanted to kiss me. 6 00:00:11,754 --> 00:00:12,586 Wait, what?! 7 00:00:12,680 --> 00:00:13,995 Yes, Max! 8 00:00:14,015 --> 00:00:15,906 Max! Max! Max! Ma-ax! 9 00:00:15,999 --> 00:00:17,516 Okay, okay, I'm all Maxed out. 10 00:00:17,743 --> 00:00:19,834 Sorry, I was up all night. I'm hopped up on coffee. 11 00:00:19,928 --> 00:00:21,503 -Are you done with this? -I just got it. 12 00:00:21,597 --> 00:00:23,063 All right, come again. 13 00:00:24,933 --> 00:00:27,342 My heart's going a mile a minute, I need to slow down. 14 00:00:27,361 --> 00:00:28,527 Do you want me to slap you? 15 00:00:28,678 --> 00:00:30,103 No, 'cause you never take your rings off. 16 00:00:30,256 --> 00:00:32,013 How could he do that to you? 17 00:00:32,033 --> 00:00:33,681 Who did what to who? 18 00:00:33,776 --> 00:00:35,534 Max told Kat that he wanted to kiss her last night. 19 00:00:35,761 --> 00:00:37,185 (gasps) How romantic. 20 00:00:37,204 --> 00:00:38,203 No, it's not! 21 00:00:38,430 --> 00:00:40,097 But she's liked Max forever. 22 00:00:40,115 --> 00:00:41,206 But she has a boyfriend. 23 00:00:41,358 --> 00:00:42,449 And Oscar is wonderful. 24 00:00:42,601 --> 00:00:45,452 Yeah, but Max wears those tight jeans. 25 00:00:45,546 --> 00:00:47,621 Well, Oscar has those delivery man calves. 26 00:00:47,715 --> 00:00:50,791 Okay, stop! You sound like the inside of my head. 27 00:00:50,943 --> 00:00:52,367 Look at you, Kat. 28 00:00:52,386 --> 00:00:54,461 Two pigs nosing around your trough. 29 00:00:54,555 --> 00:00:57,205 I know, I'm not used to having such a busy trough! 30 00:00:57,892 --> 00:00:59,633 Well, I say love the one you're with. 31 00:00:59,785 --> 00:01:01,042 Please don't start singing. 32 00:01:01,062 --> 00:01:03,287 What I have with Oscar is real. 33 00:01:03,380 --> 00:01:06,047 You know, Max has been the dream for so long. 34 00:01:06,067 --> 00:01:08,692 I say go with the dream. 35 00:01:10,071 --> 00:01:11,144 I'm sorry, I don't like to 36 00:01:11,297 --> 00:01:12,071 get involved in other people's business, 37 00:01:12,298 --> 00:01:13,146 but I'm a big believer 38 00:01:13,299 --> 00:01:14,798 in dream-following. 39 00:01:14,891 --> 00:01:16,316 He loves to get into other people's business. 40 00:01:16,468 --> 00:01:18,059 Oh, my gosh. You look just like-- 41 00:01:18,153 --> 00:01:18,985 Wait, are you...? 42 00:01:19,080 --> 00:01:20,728 -I'm not. -He is. 43 00:01:20,823 --> 00:01:21,822 And you're... 44 00:01:21,974 --> 00:01:23,640 -She's not. -I am. 45 00:01:23,733 --> 00:01:25,309 (screams) 46 00:01:25,402 --> 00:01:27,068 Okay, wait, what's going on over here? 47 00:01:27,088 --> 00:01:29,663 These two were on my favorite TV show when I was growing up! 48 00:01:29,815 --> 00:01:31,090 I was on it, I was on it, too. 49 00:01:31,317 --> 00:01:33,483 -I was on the show. -Oh, which episode? 50 00:01:33,577 --> 00:01:34,668 All of them. 51 00:01:34,762 --> 00:01:36,153 I was, I was the older brother. 52 00:01:36,246 --> 00:01:38,079 Yeah, I'm not remembering that. 53 00:01:38,099 --> 00:01:39,581 Oh, no, I get it, you know? She talked real fast. 54 00:01:39,600 --> 00:01:41,934 He was an idiot. I was just a boring, old, 55 00:01:42,161 --> 00:01:44,252 heartfelt, three-dimensional character, whatever. 56 00:01:44,346 --> 00:01:46,346 Joey, I was so obsessed 57 00:01:46,498 --> 00:01:48,348 with you. I had posters of you all over my room. 58 00:01:48,442 --> 00:01:49,850 There was one where you were going like this. 59 00:01:49,944 --> 00:01:51,501 I had that on the ceiling right over my bed. 60 00:01:51,520 --> 00:01:53,595 Wow, that's flattering. (laughs) 61 00:01:53,614 --> 00:01:56,431 -And disturbing. -What are y'all doing in Louisville? 62 00:01:56,525 --> 00:01:58,450 Oh, we're here for a celebrity charity golf tournament. 63 00:01:58,602 --> 00:02:00,844 You know, it's our way to give back, be part of the solution. 64 00:02:00,863 --> 00:02:03,438 Plus I get balls with my face on them. 65 00:02:04,441 --> 00:02:06,608 Is Matthew McConaughey gonna be there? 66 00:02:06,627 --> 00:02:07,626 I don't know. 67 00:02:07,777 --> 00:02:09,536 Well, if-if he is, would you tell him 68 00:02:09,630 --> 00:02:11,855 that Phil Crumpler is very sorry 69 00:02:11,874 --> 00:02:13,540 about what happened at the 1996 70 00:02:13,692 --> 00:02:15,175 Tennessee State Fair? 71 00:02:15,285 --> 00:02:17,469 First thing I'll mention when I see him. 72 00:02:18,530 --> 00:02:20,714 Any chance you'd do the dance with me? I know it by heart. 73 00:02:20,866 --> 00:02:23,791 Oh, I only dance for money. Wait, that came out wrong. 74 00:02:23,811 --> 00:02:26,145 No, what I'm trying to say is-is I only do it 75 00:02:26,372 --> 00:02:28,054 if I'm getting paid. Damn it. 76 00:02:28,874 --> 00:02:30,649 Why don't I take a picture of all of you together? 77 00:02:30,876 --> 00:02:32,484 -Oh, yeah, yeah! -Oh, a picture... 78 00:02:32,711 --> 00:02:33,986 uh, okay, okay, here. 79 00:02:34,137 --> 00:02:35,379 Use my phone, though, it's auto-set 80 00:02:35,397 --> 00:02:36,655 to accentuate my cheekbones. 81 00:02:36,882 --> 00:02:38,139 Ooh, I'm gonna have Joey Lawrence's number 82 00:02:38,233 --> 00:02:39,383 when he sends it to me. 83 00:02:39,476 --> 00:02:40,975 That's okay, you can use your phone. 84 00:02:41,069 --> 00:02:42,310 KAT: Okay. 85 00:02:42,329 --> 00:02:43,978 -All right, here we go. -Um, wait, no, uh, 86 00:02:44,072 --> 00:02:45,572 -wait, I want to be next to Joey. -Okay, oh! 87 00:02:45,724 --> 00:02:48,892 I'm gonna get cropped right out of this thing. 88 00:02:48,985 --> 00:02:50,227 All right, one, two, three. 89 00:02:50,320 --> 00:02:51,578 (laughter, clamoring) 90 00:02:51,672 --> 00:02:54,173 Um, so whatever happened to the girl with the flower hat? 91 00:02:54,324 --> 00:02:56,425 I heard she was hosting quiz shows. 92 00:02:57,920 --> 00:02:59,236 Well, it doesn't matter. 93 00:02:59,254 --> 00:03:00,345 The show was really just a vehicle for you. 94 00:03:00,497 --> 00:03:01,680 You know, I always felt that way. 95 00:03:01,907 --> 00:03:03,515 I got to tell you something, though, it's very nice 96 00:03:03,667 --> 00:03:06,852 to hear it from, uh, regular people. 97 00:03:07,003 --> 00:03:08,745 Can I get you free refills on the house? 98 00:03:08,838 --> 00:03:11,356 -They're always on the house. -Just let her have this. 99 00:03:11,508 --> 00:03:13,767 -Coffee coming right up. -Oh, hey! 100 00:03:13,919 --> 00:03:15,343 -She knows the dance. -How about that! 101 00:03:15,362 --> 00:03:16,695 JOEY: Whoa, look at that, she knows the whole dance! 102 00:03:16,846 --> 00:03:17,529 Oh, my goodness. 103 00:03:17,756 --> 00:03:19,847 Hey, wow. (whooping) 104 00:03:19,867 --> 00:03:21,107 Pet some cats, you said. 105 00:03:21,260 --> 00:03:22,701 It'll be relaxing, you said. 106 00:03:23,704 --> 00:03:25,520 ♪ Me, oh, my, oh, my, oh, me ♪ 107 00:03:25,539 --> 00:03:27,372 ♪ Nothin' wrong with you but I'd rather be me. ♪ 108 00:03:27,599 --> 00:03:29,282 This trash bag 109 00:03:29,435 --> 00:03:31,101 is overflowing like an outhouse 110 00:03:31,194 --> 00:03:33,545 in a rainstorm. 111 00:03:33,697 --> 00:03:34,713 Not it. 112 00:03:34,864 --> 00:03:36,381 Yes, you is "it." 113 00:03:36,533 --> 00:03:39,109 I had to take the trash out four times last week 114 00:03:39,127 --> 00:03:40,535 because you kept disappearing. 115 00:03:40,629 --> 00:03:42,429 Where you been going anyway? 116 00:03:50,547 --> 00:03:52,731 It don't matter where I be going. 117 00:03:52,882 --> 00:03:54,474 I'll take it out. 118 00:03:54,626 --> 00:03:55,234 Really? 119 00:03:55,385 --> 00:03:56,735 Sure, I finished my coffee 120 00:03:56,886 --> 00:03:58,052 and if I go home now, 121 00:03:58,146 --> 00:03:59,220 it's just me and the emptiness 122 00:03:59,240 --> 00:04:01,365 of my declining years. 123 00:04:04,319 --> 00:04:06,578 Look who I found with two paws in the catio 124 00:04:06,730 --> 00:04:08,305 and two paws on the sidewalk? 125 00:04:08,398 --> 00:04:10,082 Today is not the day for hijinks. 126 00:04:10,309 --> 00:04:12,142 Sorry, Hijinks, not talking to you. 127 00:04:12,160 --> 00:04:13,643 Houdini chewed through the screen again? 128 00:04:13,737 --> 00:04:16,070 Yes. We need to keep the catio doors closed 129 00:04:16,090 --> 00:04:17,481 until he is adopted. 130 00:04:17,499 --> 00:04:19,258 I mean, where are you going that's better than here? 131 00:04:19,409 --> 00:04:20,908 When I found you, you were eating scraps 132 00:04:20,928 --> 00:04:22,261 at the back of a Hooters. 133 00:04:22,412 --> 00:04:24,596 And if that's not hitting bottom, what is? 134 00:04:25,582 --> 00:04:27,432 (phone ringing) 135 00:04:27,584 --> 00:04:28,767 Oh, shoot, it's Oscar. 136 00:04:28,994 --> 00:04:30,010 What if he knows something's up? 137 00:04:30,162 --> 00:04:31,495 Don't answer. 138 00:04:31,588 --> 00:04:32,587 Well, then he'll really know something's up, 139 00:04:32,681 --> 00:04:34,564 I love to answer the phone! 140 00:04:35,592 --> 00:04:37,183 Hi, boyfriend of mine. 141 00:04:37,278 --> 00:04:39,444 My boo-thang, my booger-bear. 142 00:04:39,671 --> 00:04:41,113 I thought we were gonna vet nicknames 143 00:04:41,264 --> 00:04:42,689 before we put 'em in the rotation. 144 00:04:42,841 --> 00:04:45,025 Yeah, sorry, I don't know what I'm saying, too much coffee. 145 00:04:45,177 --> 00:04:46,676 And a personal romantic crisis 146 00:04:46,695 --> 00:04:48,512 for which there is no precedent. 147 00:04:48,530 --> 00:04:50,514 I just found out there's a meteor shower tonight. 148 00:04:50,532 --> 00:04:52,541 And I thought maybe we could watch it on your roof. 149 00:04:54,110 --> 00:04:55,943 -Hello? -Um... 150 00:04:55,963 --> 00:04:57,945 -Kat? -Yeah. 151 00:04:57,965 --> 00:04:59,798 I'm here, I'm here, uh... 152 00:05:00,025 --> 00:05:01,858 that sounds really fun, yeah. 153 00:05:01,877 --> 00:05:02,859 I'll, uh... 154 00:05:02,952 --> 00:05:05,045 I'll meteor you up there. 155 00:05:05,139 --> 00:05:06,880 I'll see you tonight, booger-bear. 156 00:05:07,032 --> 00:05:08,473 Nope, still weird. 157 00:05:08,700 --> 00:05:11,343 Hey, Kat, what muffin do you want tomorrow? 158 00:05:11,495 --> 00:05:13,720 -Blueberry or lemon poppyseed? -I don't know! 159 00:05:13,872 --> 00:05:16,389 How many decisions do I have to make in one day?! 160 00:05:16,483 --> 00:05:17,891 Wait, what are you over here yelling about? 161 00:05:18,043 --> 00:05:19,526 You're scaring the customers and the cats. 162 00:05:19,711 --> 00:05:21,969 I'm sorry, just this whole Oscar-Max situation's 163 00:05:21,989 --> 00:05:23,213 got me "kerfuffled." 164 00:05:23,231 --> 00:05:24,806 Why don't you just take the day off? 165 00:05:24,900 --> 00:05:26,158 Why don't you take the day off?! 166 00:05:26,385 --> 00:05:27,734 You know what, I think I should take the day off. 167 00:05:28,812 --> 00:05:31,163 Yeah, uh, Randi and I can handle the café. 168 00:05:31,314 --> 00:05:32,497 Okay, thank you. Here's the list 169 00:05:32,649 --> 00:05:33,981 of what I wanted to get done today and, 170 00:05:34,001 --> 00:05:35,316 and tell the cats I'm sorry. 171 00:05:35,336 --> 00:05:37,243 And Mommy's not mad at them. 172 00:05:37,338 --> 00:05:39,171 Ew! 173 00:05:39,322 --> 00:05:41,231 She really does handle all the gross stuff. 174 00:05:41,249 --> 00:05:44,176 I don't even know what the "furry finger test" is. 175 00:05:44,327 --> 00:05:46,261 Anything else I can do? 176 00:05:47,330 --> 00:05:48,213 You sure? 177 00:05:48,365 --> 00:05:50,407 Yeah. I retired early. 178 00:05:50,425 --> 00:05:53,093 Huge mistake. Taking out that trash 179 00:05:53,187 --> 00:05:55,912 was the most rewarding thing I've done all week. 180 00:05:57,006 --> 00:06:00,433 Well, I suppose we could find a few more things for you to do. 181 00:06:00,527 --> 00:06:02,176 I'll get right on it. 182 00:06:02,196 --> 00:06:03,511 Ooh, the shake and sniff! 183 00:06:03,530 --> 00:06:06,013 I can't wait to find out what that is! 184 00:06:06,033 --> 00:06:07,774 (whoops) I feel naughty. 185 00:06:07,868 --> 00:06:09,350 Like when I used to put on 186 00:06:09,370 --> 00:06:12,496 one of Mama's cocktail dresses and smoke. 187 00:06:14,208 --> 00:06:16,041 So you just walked up to her 188 00:06:16,192 --> 00:06:18,377 at her cat's funeral and said, "I want to kiss you"? 189 00:06:18,528 --> 00:06:21,938 I did, I wanted to say it, and I said it. 190 00:06:21,957 --> 00:06:23,106 And? 191 00:06:23,125 --> 00:06:24,457 Nothing. 192 00:06:24,610 --> 00:06:26,793 And then she avoided me the whole rest of the party. 193 00:06:26,887 --> 00:06:29,054 And then this morning was weird. 194 00:06:29,281 --> 00:06:31,615 You know, usually she's like... 195 00:06:31,633 --> 00:06:34,801 You know, sometimes there's even a kick. 196 00:06:34,895 --> 00:06:36,210 But... 197 00:06:36,230 --> 00:06:37,954 -today she ducked. -Mm. 198 00:06:38,047 --> 00:06:40,232 Or tripped. With her it's hard to tell. 199 00:06:40,383 --> 00:06:42,475 And you're not used to hearing no. 200 00:06:42,628 --> 00:06:44,069 Well, that's not true. 201 00:06:44,296 --> 00:06:45,720 Hey, would you like another drink? 202 00:06:45,739 --> 00:06:46,988 I shouldn't. 203 00:06:48,300 --> 00:06:50,909 (chuckles) Okay, maybe just one more. 204 00:06:51,060 --> 00:06:52,485 See? This is why 205 00:06:52,579 --> 00:06:54,471 I hired a bartender with no experience. 206 00:06:54,564 --> 00:06:56,748 You know Kat has a boyfriend. 207 00:06:56,900 --> 00:06:58,417 Yes, I am aware of that. 208 00:06:58,644 --> 00:07:01,402 But we have such an amazing connection. 209 00:07:01,496 --> 00:07:03,496 And why wouldn't I want to be with somebody who... 210 00:07:03,590 --> 00:07:06,332 makes me laugh and makes me feel good? 211 00:07:06,485 --> 00:07:08,075 -(phone dings) -(laughs) 212 00:07:08,095 --> 00:07:10,503 -What was that? -Nothing. 213 00:07:10,597 --> 00:07:12,172 (laughs) 214 00:07:12,324 --> 00:07:13,990 Who are you texting with? 215 00:07:14,083 --> 00:07:15,325 Jimmy the beer guy. 216 00:07:15,343 --> 00:07:17,494 Are you and Jimmy the beer guy having sex? 217 00:07:17,512 --> 00:07:19,438 Because that's your "I'm getting some" giggle. 218 00:07:19,665 --> 00:07:21,756 All right, look, I'm gonna tell you something. 219 00:07:21,775 --> 00:07:24,834 But you got to swear on the sanctity of our bromance 220 00:07:24,928 --> 00:07:26,695 that you won't say anything. 221 00:07:28,690 --> 00:07:30,006 It's Randi. 222 00:07:30,099 --> 00:07:31,783 Really? 223 00:07:31,893 --> 00:07:33,618 (both laughing) 224 00:07:33,845 --> 00:07:35,269 She said she would die of shame 225 00:07:35,289 --> 00:07:37,180 before she'd even give you the time of day. 226 00:07:37,199 --> 00:07:39,607 I guess she lowered her standards. 227 00:07:39,626 --> 00:07:42,002 Up top for lower standards. 228 00:07:43,464 --> 00:07:45,038 For the first time in my life, 229 00:07:45,132 --> 00:07:47,782 I have two men interested in me, I just... 230 00:07:47,801 --> 00:07:49,283 I don't know who to pick. 231 00:07:49,303 --> 00:07:51,619 May I first say, bravo. 232 00:07:51,713 --> 00:07:54,121 And second, you've come to the right place. 233 00:07:54,216 --> 00:07:56,049 Are either of them old money? 234 00:07:56,201 --> 00:07:57,476 -No. -New money? 235 00:07:57,627 --> 00:08:00,103 -No. -Any money? 236 00:08:01,039 --> 00:08:02,296 Mother, you know both of them. 237 00:08:02,316 --> 00:08:03,556 Forgive me for wanting you 238 00:08:03,650 --> 00:08:05,800 to be taken care of after I'm gone. 239 00:08:05,894 --> 00:08:08,061 I own my own business. 240 00:08:08,213 --> 00:08:10,380 And it's adorable. 241 00:08:10,398 --> 00:08:12,657 Okay, come on, I need real advice. 242 00:08:12,884 --> 00:08:14,826 Okay, fine. Um... 243 00:08:14,978 --> 00:08:16,720 well, maybe it's as simple as... 244 00:08:16,813 --> 00:08:19,055 just imagining what your life would be like 245 00:08:19,074 --> 00:08:20,749 with each one of them. 246 00:08:21,818 --> 00:08:23,409 Hmm. 247 00:08:23,504 --> 00:08:25,319 Hi, honey, I'm home. 248 00:08:25,339 --> 00:08:28,006 I picked up the antacids and scrunchies you asked for. 249 00:08:28,157 --> 00:08:30,324 And I got you a Kit Kat. 250 00:08:30,418 --> 00:08:31,918 Oh, I love foods 251 00:08:32,045 --> 00:08:34,012 with my name in them. 252 00:08:34,906 --> 00:08:36,598 Hi, honey, I'm home. 253 00:08:38,760 --> 00:08:41,427 Sorry I'm late. I stopped a train from derailing, 254 00:08:41,522 --> 00:08:43,730 and saved these kittens. 255 00:08:45,100 --> 00:08:47,584 BOTH: Aw! 256 00:08:47,677 --> 00:08:49,653 Oh, and I got you a Kit Kat. 257 00:08:50,589 --> 00:08:52,179 Wow, thanks. 258 00:08:52,199 --> 00:08:53,848 Hey, uh, what's for dinner? 259 00:08:53,942 --> 00:08:55,258 I was gonna make veggie burgers. 260 00:08:55,351 --> 00:08:57,202 I was thinking I'd fly you to Japan for sushi. 261 00:08:57,353 --> 00:08:59,020 And then to France for dessert. 262 00:08:59,039 --> 00:09:01,264 Oh, so hard to choose. 263 00:09:01,357 --> 00:09:02,932 I've got two kinds of mustard. 264 00:09:02,951 --> 00:09:04,626 Did I mention I can fly? 265 00:09:05,528 --> 00:09:07,361 Hi, honey, I'm home. 266 00:09:07,381 --> 00:09:09,272 Damn it, Joey Lawrence, don't make this harder 267 00:09:09,291 --> 00:09:10,940 than it already is. 268 00:09:10,959 --> 00:09:12,199 Again, I can fly. 269 00:09:12,219 --> 00:09:14,110 And we have reservations in Japan in six minutes. 270 00:09:14,203 --> 00:09:16,263 Then I guess we should go. 271 00:09:23,121 --> 00:09:24,454 How do I compete with that? 272 00:09:24,472 --> 00:09:25,272 You don't. 273 00:09:25,381 --> 00:09:26,898 You want to take a selfie? 274 00:09:27,050 --> 00:09:28,641 I do. 275 00:09:28,735 --> 00:09:29,901 (camera clicks) 276 00:09:30,128 --> 00:09:31,719 SHEILA: Katharine? 277 00:09:31,813 --> 00:09:32,962 Katharine? 278 00:09:32,981 --> 00:09:34,406 What were you doing? 279 00:09:34,633 --> 00:09:35,907 Oh, you said to imagine. 280 00:09:36,134 --> 00:09:37,558 Oh, I meant on your own time. 281 00:09:37,685 --> 00:09:39,636 That was boring for me. 282 00:09:39,729 --> 00:09:40,728 Well... 283 00:09:40,822 --> 00:09:42,472 -did it at least help? -No! 284 00:09:42,490 --> 00:09:44,140 Now I'm more confused than ever. 285 00:09:44,233 --> 00:09:46,659 I'm sorry, honey. 286 00:09:46,753 --> 00:09:49,421 The universe has a sense of humor though, doesn't it? 287 00:09:49,572 --> 00:09:51,423 All those years of pining over Max, 288 00:09:51,574 --> 00:09:54,033 then the minute you have a boyfriend, 289 00:09:54,185 --> 00:09:55,910 he's interested. 290 00:09:55,929 --> 00:09:57,837 Come here. 291 00:09:57,931 --> 00:10:00,682 Did my mother just say something helpful? 292 00:10:06,106 --> 00:10:08,982 -Hey. -Hey. 293 00:10:15,431 --> 00:10:16,615 Can I come in? 294 00:10:16,842 --> 00:10:18,450 Sure, yeah. 295 00:10:19,194 --> 00:10:20,285 Can I get you some water? 296 00:10:20,436 --> 00:10:22,362 No, I need a clear head for this. 297 00:10:23,123 --> 00:10:24,697 Right. Something less strong. 298 00:10:24,791 --> 00:10:26,124 Uh, tea? Coffee? 299 00:10:26,275 --> 00:10:29,044 No more caffeine. I'm starting to smell colors. 300 00:10:30,021 --> 00:10:32,047 Happy to see you. 301 00:10:33,282 --> 00:10:34,858 Unless I'm not happy to see you. 302 00:10:34,951 --> 00:10:36,376 I can't read your face. 303 00:10:36,528 --> 00:10:39,471 And usually it's easy to read, it's basically a pop-up book. 304 00:10:40,974 --> 00:10:42,641 I need to ask you something. 305 00:10:42,792 --> 00:10:43,958 Okay. 306 00:10:43,977 --> 00:10:45,702 Shoot. 307 00:10:45,720 --> 00:10:47,203 Why now? 308 00:10:47,222 --> 00:10:49,147 Why after all this time, 309 00:10:49,298 --> 00:10:52,233 do you want to be with me? 310 00:10:52,969 --> 00:10:54,653 Uh... 311 00:10:54,880 --> 00:10:56,154 well, because... 312 00:10:56,381 --> 00:10:57,805 we are great together. 313 00:10:57,899 --> 00:10:59,140 We're Kat and Max. 314 00:10:59,234 --> 00:11:01,201 But we've always been Kat and Max. 315 00:11:01,386 --> 00:11:02,719 Why now? 316 00:11:02,812 --> 00:11:04,721 I... (stammers) 317 00:11:04,814 --> 00:11:06,072 Does it matter? 318 00:11:06,224 --> 00:11:07,481 I mean, it wasn't that long ago 319 00:11:07,575 --> 00:11:09,316 that you said you wanted to be with me. 320 00:11:09,378 --> 00:11:12,729 And you said that we were better off friends. 321 00:11:12,747 --> 00:11:14,506 What changed? 322 00:11:14,657 --> 00:11:16,383 (exhales) 323 00:11:17,344 --> 00:11:18,510 I don't know. 324 00:11:18,737 --> 00:11:20,586 I guess, I guess I just saw you with Oscar... 325 00:11:20,739 --> 00:11:22,329 -That's what changed! I have a boyfriend! -Whoa! 326 00:11:22,349 --> 00:11:23,998 -I have a boyfriend! -Okay, okay... 327 00:11:24,092 --> 00:11:25,575 okay, but what's wrong with me 328 00:11:25,593 --> 00:11:26,926 not wanting to lose you? 329 00:11:27,078 --> 00:11:29,020 Max, I've been considering 330 00:11:29,172 --> 00:11:30,596 blowing up my entire relationship 331 00:11:30,691 --> 00:11:33,024 with a guy who makes me really, really happy. 332 00:11:33,176 --> 00:11:34,675 You know what, I was gonna do that 333 00:11:34,769 --> 00:11:36,695 for a fantasy-- like, I don't even believe you can fly! 334 00:11:36,846 --> 00:11:40,532 But I know that Oscar has at least two kinds of mustard. 335 00:11:42,277 --> 00:11:44,093 Okay, you're doing that thing again, 336 00:11:44,112 --> 00:11:45,428 where it makes sense to you, 337 00:11:45,521 --> 00:11:47,263 but not the person you're talking to. 338 00:11:47,356 --> 00:11:48,948 You want to be with me 339 00:11:49,042 --> 00:11:50,934 because I'm not available. 340 00:11:50,952 --> 00:11:52,785 Okay, that's harsh. 341 00:11:52,879 --> 00:11:55,029 But I think it's true. 342 00:11:55,048 --> 00:11:57,215 So you're staying with Oscar? 343 00:11:57,442 --> 00:11:59,592 I am. 344 00:12:00,962 --> 00:12:02,369 Okay. 345 00:12:03,448 --> 00:12:05,281 I'm sorry that I made things hard for you. 346 00:12:05,300 --> 00:12:08,042 Well, it's kind of a nice change of pace. 347 00:12:08,061 --> 00:12:09,802 I usually do it to myself. 348 00:12:09,955 --> 00:12:11,730 (both laugh) 349 00:12:11,881 --> 00:12:12,972 Are we okay? 350 00:12:13,066 --> 00:12:15,716 Yeah. Yeah. 351 00:12:15,810 --> 00:12:17,218 Yeah, we're fine. 352 00:12:17,237 --> 00:12:19,812 I'm-I'm really happy that you're happy though. 353 00:12:19,906 --> 00:12:21,388 Thank you. 354 00:12:21,483 --> 00:12:23,057 Now I'm gonna go home and take a nap. 355 00:12:23,118 --> 00:12:24,317 I've been awake for 30 hours. 356 00:12:24,469 --> 00:12:25,635 And the paint on your walls is starting 357 00:12:25,653 --> 00:12:28,246 to smell like purple-- like, bad purple. 358 00:12:31,084 --> 00:12:32,751 (door closes) 359 00:12:34,570 --> 00:12:35,569 Should we feel bad 360 00:12:35,589 --> 00:12:38,256 that Wyatt is doing all of our work? 361 00:12:38,407 --> 00:12:40,925 You heard him-- he retired too early. 362 00:12:41,152 --> 00:12:42,910 If anything, we're helping him. 363 00:12:42,929 --> 00:12:44,320 We're good people. 364 00:12:44,339 --> 00:12:45,930 The best! 365 00:12:46,157 --> 00:12:47,991 What would you do if you retired? 366 00:12:48,009 --> 00:12:49,267 From what? 367 00:12:49,418 --> 00:12:51,010 I don't even know what I want to do with my life. 368 00:12:51,162 --> 00:12:52,771 I thought you were going to art school. 369 00:12:52,998 --> 00:12:54,680 Well, yes, but I still haven't decided 370 00:12:54,833 --> 00:12:57,183 what kind of art I want to do-- I mean, there's photography, 371 00:12:57,277 --> 00:13:00,169 painting, ceramics, sculpture... 372 00:13:00,263 --> 00:13:01,929 I'm sure you'll figure it out, honey. 373 00:13:01,948 --> 00:13:04,431 When, Phil? When?! 374 00:13:04,451 --> 00:13:06,785 All right, the floor is swept, 375 00:13:07,012 --> 00:13:08,453 litter boxes are scooped. 376 00:13:08,604 --> 00:13:10,530 I had to wait for the orange one. 377 00:13:10,624 --> 00:13:13,182 He sure takes his time. 378 00:13:13,276 --> 00:13:14,700 Anything else before we close up? 379 00:13:14,795 --> 00:13:17,854 Unless you want to pick my major, that's everything. 380 00:13:17,872 --> 00:13:19,539 Wait. 381 00:13:19,633 --> 00:13:21,707 Why is the catio door open? 382 00:13:21,802 --> 00:13:23,635 Oh, no, oh, no. 383 00:13:23,862 --> 00:13:25,470 In our haste to be lazy, we forgot 384 00:13:25,697 --> 00:13:27,138 to tell him about Houdini. 385 00:13:27,365 --> 00:13:28,807 Well, maybe he didn't escape. 386 00:13:28,958 --> 00:13:29,957 Of course he escaped! 387 00:13:29,976 --> 00:13:32,143 His name is Houdini! 388 00:13:32,295 --> 00:13:34,203 Here, kitty, kitty. 389 00:13:34,222 --> 00:13:35,980 Houdini, we got tuna. 390 00:13:36,132 --> 00:13:38,558 Smelly, fishy, disgusting tuna. 391 00:13:38,652 --> 00:13:41,010 What are y'all doing out here? 392 00:13:41,012 --> 00:13:42,712 Tuna break. 393 00:13:42,730 --> 00:13:45,698 Nothing like canned fish to top off the workday. 394 00:13:47,052 --> 00:13:48,809 Mmm. 395 00:13:48,903 --> 00:13:50,978 You want some? 396 00:13:50,997 --> 00:13:52,497 I'll join you tomorrow. 397 00:13:52,648 --> 00:13:55,983 I hate tuna, but I hate being left out even more. 398 00:13:56,077 --> 00:13:57,168 He's not in the dumpsters! 399 00:13:57,395 --> 00:13:59,462 I'll check the garbage cans out front! 400 00:14:00,081 --> 00:14:01,064 What was that? 401 00:14:01,082 --> 00:14:02,006 What was what? 402 00:14:02,233 --> 00:14:03,657 How you doing? 403 00:14:03,751 --> 00:14:06,419 I'm actually feeling pretty good-- I had a nice, long nap. 404 00:14:06,513 --> 00:14:08,237 I had an apple with some almond butter. 405 00:14:08,331 --> 00:14:10,239 Girl, I don't care about naps and nut butter! 406 00:14:10,258 --> 00:14:11,832 I'm talking about Max and Oscar. 407 00:14:11,852 --> 00:14:14,077 Oh, oh, yeah, I've decided 408 00:14:14,170 --> 00:14:15,520 I'm staying with Oscar. 409 00:14:15,671 --> 00:14:17,413 We're actually gonna watch the meteor shower later tonight. 410 00:14:17,432 --> 00:14:19,248 I'm glad you figured that out. 411 00:14:19,267 --> 00:14:21,601 You were scary today. 412 00:14:21,753 --> 00:14:23,086 Hey, Kat. 413 00:14:23,104 --> 00:14:24,845 Did you visit Max earlier? 414 00:14:24,939 --> 00:14:25,938 Yeah. 415 00:14:26,032 --> 00:14:27,181 Had a nice little chat, did ya? 416 00:14:27,200 --> 00:14:28,941 I think it went pretty well. 417 00:14:29,094 --> 00:14:30,076 Wrong! He just quit! 418 00:14:30,261 --> 00:14:31,369 -He quit?! -Yeah. 419 00:14:31,520 --> 00:14:32,612 You owe me a bartender. 420 00:14:32,706 --> 00:14:35,665 Well, if you can find Wyatt, he might do it. 421 00:14:42,790 --> 00:14:45,383 (groans) What, do you have a key to the building? 422 00:14:45,534 --> 00:14:48,219 -(sighs) Can I come in? -No, I'm busy. 423 00:14:48,371 --> 00:14:50,279 With what? You just quit your job. 424 00:14:50,298 --> 00:14:52,448 Well, that news traveled fast. 425 00:14:52,541 --> 00:14:54,708 -I think we should talk. -I don't want to talk. 426 00:14:54,728 --> 00:14:56,227 All right. 427 00:14:57,731 --> 00:15:01,232 -Aha! Did the same thing with your doorman! -Ah! Slippery. 428 00:15:01,902 --> 00:15:03,142 Wait. 429 00:15:03,294 --> 00:15:04,718 What is all this? Where are you going? 430 00:15:04,812 --> 00:15:07,964 I'm gonna take off, give us a little space. 431 00:15:07,982 --> 00:15:09,482 Oh, Max, don't do this. 432 00:15:09,634 --> 00:15:11,576 I don't want to get in the way of you and Oscar being happy. 433 00:15:11,727 --> 00:15:13,578 You can tell yourself that all you want, 434 00:15:13,729 --> 00:15:16,063 but when things get difficult or uncomfortable, you bolt. 435 00:15:16,082 --> 00:15:18,249 -Do not. -Oh, please, it's what you do! 436 00:15:18,401 --> 00:15:20,643 Get a D on a test, you drop the class. 437 00:15:20,662 --> 00:15:21,920 That professor hated me. 438 00:15:22,071 --> 00:15:24,756 One bad gig at a nightclub and you give up on music. 439 00:15:24,907 --> 00:15:26,165 People threw fruit! 440 00:15:26,317 --> 00:15:27,833 Where did they even get fruit?! 441 00:15:27,928 --> 00:15:29,427 Then you run off to Paris, 442 00:15:29,578 --> 00:15:31,654 Brigitte breaks up with you, and you run back here. 443 00:15:31,747 --> 00:15:34,173 How am I supposed to stay here after what I did? 444 00:15:34,325 --> 00:15:35,916 I mean, what do we do? 445 00:15:35,936 --> 00:15:37,418 Just pretend it never happened? 446 00:15:37,512 --> 00:15:39,178 Yeah, welcome to the last year of my life! 447 00:15:39,330 --> 00:15:40,939 When you rejected me, 448 00:15:41,090 --> 00:15:42,181 I was hurt and embarrassed, 449 00:15:42,333 --> 00:15:44,000 but I got through it. 450 00:15:44,093 --> 00:15:46,260 And it was worth it because... 451 00:15:46,354 --> 00:15:48,112 you are my best friend. 452 00:15:48,264 --> 00:15:50,597 You're my best friend, too. 453 00:15:50,617 --> 00:15:53,192 And if leaving is what you really want to do, 454 00:15:53,286 --> 00:15:55,286 I will support you. 455 00:15:55,513 --> 00:15:58,498 But I would miss seeing you every day. 456 00:16:00,368 --> 00:16:02,961 When you're not yelling at me, we do have a lot of fun. 457 00:16:03,779 --> 00:16:05,946 So are we packing or unpacking? 458 00:16:06,040 --> 00:16:08,132 Unpacking. 459 00:16:08,359 --> 00:16:09,467 Great. 460 00:16:10,195 --> 00:16:11,544 And I'm sorry... 461 00:16:11,696 --> 00:16:13,304 what is this shirt? 462 00:16:13,456 --> 00:16:15,381 That's a real panty-dropper in Budapest. 463 00:16:15,533 --> 00:16:16,641 Oh. 464 00:16:16,792 --> 00:16:20,311 I guess gravity works differently over there. 465 00:16:25,318 --> 00:16:28,027 Hey, buddy. What are you doing up here? 466 00:16:29,063 --> 00:16:30,971 Mm, aren't we friendly? 467 00:16:31,065 --> 00:16:32,973 I'm waiting for my girlfriend, 468 00:16:32,993 --> 00:16:35,718 who's also a Kat-- a human Kat. 469 00:16:35,811 --> 00:16:37,570 She's kind, 470 00:16:37,664 --> 00:16:40,665 beautiful, really funny... 471 00:16:43,503 --> 00:16:45,228 She's also a little late. 472 00:16:45,246 --> 00:16:47,380 Any idea where she is? 473 00:16:49,234 --> 00:16:51,492 Wait, am I supposed to follow you? 474 00:16:51,511 --> 00:16:53,845 Oscar, have you seen a black and gray cat? 475 00:16:53,996 --> 00:16:55,179 Yeah, he went that way. 476 00:16:55,331 --> 00:16:56,906 You had him and you let him go?! 477 00:16:56,999 --> 00:16:58,741 I didn't know he was on the lam. 478 00:16:58,760 --> 00:16:59,833 There he is! 479 00:16:59,927 --> 00:17:01,077 Don't you jump! 480 00:17:01,095 --> 00:17:03,412 That nine lives thing may not be true! 481 00:17:03,431 --> 00:17:05,248 BOTH: No! 482 00:17:05,266 --> 00:17:08,175 Oh, dang! Now he's on that ledge? 483 00:17:08,194 --> 00:17:10,177 And he's on the move. 484 00:17:10,196 --> 00:17:12,488 You see, I try to like cats, I really do. 485 00:17:14,517 --> 00:17:15,867 Maybe you're right. 486 00:17:16,094 --> 00:17:17,777 I do run when things get tough. 487 00:17:17,929 --> 00:17:19,203 Like... 488 00:17:19,355 --> 00:17:21,039 I wish I'd stuck with songwriting. 489 00:17:21,190 --> 00:17:22,707 You were really good at it, too. 490 00:17:22,858 --> 00:17:24,042 I just, I got 491 00:17:24,269 --> 00:17:25,526 so tired of being rejected 492 00:17:25,620 --> 00:17:27,361 that I convinced myself I didn't really want it. 493 00:17:27,380 --> 00:17:28,713 Well, you should try again. 494 00:17:28,940 --> 00:17:31,365 I mean, think of all the heartache you've had this year. 495 00:17:31,384 --> 00:17:34,126 Brigitte dumped you, I rejected you, you're unemployed. 496 00:17:34,279 --> 00:17:36,462 That's, like, enough for a Taylor Swift album. 497 00:17:37,632 --> 00:17:39,965 Only you can make those things sound positive. 498 00:17:40,060 --> 00:17:41,893 Mm, positivity is my drug. 499 00:17:42,044 --> 00:17:43,803 That and Christmas movies in July. 500 00:17:43,955 --> 00:17:45,063 Just July? 501 00:17:45,290 --> 00:17:47,807 Okay, year-round. I have a problem. 502 00:17:47,959 --> 00:17:49,141 (chuckles) 503 00:17:49,294 --> 00:17:51,235 I hope Oscar knows what he's getting into. 504 00:17:51,387 --> 00:17:52,795 Oscar! 505 00:17:52,814 --> 00:17:54,906 Oscar who's on my roof right now probably wondering 506 00:17:55,057 --> 00:17:56,557 where the hell I am! Got to run. 507 00:17:56,576 --> 00:17:59,318 Glad you're staying. Burn that shirt. 508 00:17:59,470 --> 00:18:00,653 (door closes) 509 00:18:00,805 --> 00:18:03,247 Don't you listen to her-- you're awesome. 510 00:18:08,404 --> 00:18:10,755 I don't know why I have to be the dangler! 511 00:18:10,906 --> 00:18:13,316 Because I have trust issues with you. 512 00:18:13,409 --> 00:18:15,818 Randi, you're gonna fall back and Phil will catch you. 513 00:18:15,837 --> 00:18:17,929 -Got it. -One, two... 514 00:18:18,156 --> 00:18:19,655 -three. -Oh! 515 00:18:19,674 --> 00:18:20,990 Hey! 516 00:18:21,083 --> 00:18:23,175 Don't got it. 517 00:18:23,269 --> 00:18:25,328 Just remember, you fell onto carpet. 518 00:18:25,346 --> 00:18:28,088 I will become street pizza. 519 00:18:28,108 --> 00:18:29,682 (singsongy): Houdini. 520 00:18:29,776 --> 00:18:31,109 (giggles) Come here. 521 00:18:31,260 --> 00:18:34,003 Damn it, Phil, why aren't you taller? 522 00:18:34,021 --> 00:18:36,114 My mother smoked! 523 00:18:36,265 --> 00:18:38,023 Kitty, kitty, kitt-- I got him! 524 00:18:38,176 --> 00:18:40,326 I got him-- oh! Don't got him. 525 00:18:43,014 --> 00:18:44,347 Well... 526 00:18:44,365 --> 00:18:46,958 this is a different kind of day. 527 00:18:49,187 --> 00:18:51,203 I'm here, I'm here. 528 00:18:51,297 --> 00:18:54,281 Oh, good, I thought you were gonna miss it. 529 00:18:54,375 --> 00:18:56,041 (exhales) 530 00:18:56,194 --> 00:18:58,386 I wouldn't miss it for the world. 531 00:19:12,301 --> 00:19:15,044 So it says here on your résumé that you quit your last job 532 00:19:15,155 --> 00:19:16,879 and you left your employer/friend 533 00:19:16,972 --> 00:19:17,971 high and dry. 534 00:19:18,065 --> 00:19:19,640 I said I'm sorry. 535 00:19:19,734 --> 00:19:22,568 It also says that your height and good looks are annoying. 536 00:19:23,329 --> 00:19:25,145 Not the first time I've heard that. 537 00:19:25,165 --> 00:19:26,664 Can I have my job back? 538 00:19:26,891 --> 00:19:27,957 No. 539 00:19:29,394 --> 00:19:31,669 Okay, yes. Damn that smile! 540 00:19:33,173 --> 00:19:35,915 So how was the golf tournament? 541 00:19:36,009 --> 00:19:38,492 Did you by chance get to talk to Matthew McConaughey? 542 00:19:38,586 --> 00:19:41,012 Gosh, you know, he was really busy. 543 00:19:41,239 --> 00:19:42,405 Oh, yeah, that's okay. 544 00:19:42,498 --> 00:19:44,998 I'm sure he's forgotten about it anyway. 545 00:19:45,092 --> 00:19:46,575 (chuckles) Totally. 546 00:19:46,594 --> 00:19:48,519 (laughs) 547 00:19:48,671 --> 00:19:50,763 You know, when I mentioned Phil's name, 548 00:19:50,915 --> 00:19:52,339 he threw his golf clubs in the lake 549 00:19:52,433 --> 00:19:54,609 and then he head-butted Ted Danson. 550 00:19:56,196 --> 00:19:57,920 I can't believe they came back. 551 00:19:57,939 --> 00:20:00,272 Should I pitch them my idea for a TV show? 552 00:20:00,425 --> 00:20:02,366 -No, you should not. -But it's really good. 553 00:20:02,593 --> 00:20:04,017 No, it is not. 554 00:20:04,111 --> 00:20:05,703 Can you just try to be normal. 555 00:20:05,854 --> 00:20:07,872 You know how hard that is for me. 556 00:20:08,099 --> 00:20:10,499 It's really hard. 557 00:20:11,544 --> 00:20:12,785 Oh, yay! 558 00:20:12,879 --> 00:20:14,603 Whoa, she's at it again! 559 00:20:14,697 --> 00:20:16,105 -Oh! -There it is. 560 00:20:16,123 --> 00:20:17,273 I still got it. 561 00:20:17,291 --> 00:20:19,866 I think I'm gonna adopt this fella. 562 00:20:19,961 --> 00:20:21,201 Oh! 563 00:20:21,295 --> 00:20:23,112 Well, that's fantastic! 564 00:20:23,130 --> 00:20:24,889 Celebrity cat. 565 00:20:25,040 --> 00:20:27,800 Hey, that would be a great show. 566 00:20:27,894 --> 00:20:29,060 Normal! 567 00:20:29,287 --> 00:20:31,211 Well, we're gonna miss 568 00:20:31,231 --> 00:20:32,805 this little ball of fur. 569 00:20:32,957 --> 00:20:35,066 Houdini's created quite a bit of excitement around here. 570 00:20:35,293 --> 00:20:37,460 Oh, Oscar, Oscar, come meet the stars 571 00:20:37,478 --> 00:20:39,737 of my favorite TV show when I was growing up. 572 00:20:39,964 --> 00:20:41,814 Oscar, this is Joey 573 00:20:41,908 --> 00:20:43,890 and Jenna and... 574 00:20:43,910 --> 00:20:45,243 Michael. 575 00:20:45,394 --> 00:20:47,136 Right, right, Michael. The older brother. 576 00:20:47,154 --> 00:20:49,638 -Ah! -Nice to meet you all. 577 00:20:49,657 --> 00:20:51,749 Nice meeting you, too. Congrats on being chosen, man. 578 00:20:51,900 --> 00:20:53,066 Thanks. 579 00:20:53,160 --> 00:20:54,234 -Chosen for what? -Um, dodgeball. 580 00:20:54,328 --> 00:20:55,478 We're thinking of starting a team. 581 00:20:55,496 --> 00:20:57,088 Can you go grab me a coffee, please? 582 00:20:57,315 --> 00:20:59,590 Way to go, Joey Lawrence. 583 00:20:59,742 --> 00:21:01,333 Ow! 584 00:21:01,427 --> 00:21:03,335 ♪ When I'm walkin' with you ♪ 585 00:21:03,429 --> 00:21:06,079 ♪ I watch the whole room change ♪ 586 00:21:06,099 --> 00:21:07,765 ♪ Baby, that's what you do ♪ 587 00:21:07,992 --> 00:21:09,416 ♪ No, my baby ♪ 588 00:21:09,510 --> 00:21:11,176 ♪ Don't play ♪ 589 00:21:11,329 --> 00:21:12,937 ♪ Blame it on my confidence ♪ 590 00:21:13,164 --> 00:21:16,089 ♪ Oh, blame it on your measurements ♪ 591 00:21:16,109 --> 00:21:18,517 ♪ Shut that ... down on sight ♪ 592 00:21:18,669 --> 00:21:20,352 ♪ That's right ♪ 593 00:21:20,446 --> 00:21:22,671 ♪ We out here drippin' in finesse ♪ 594 00:21:22,690 --> 00:21:25,098 ♪ It don't make no sense ♪ 595 00:21:25,118 --> 00:21:26,842 ♪ Out here drippin' in finesse ♪ 596 00:21:26,861 --> 00:21:29,120 ♪ You know, you know it. ♪ 597 00:21:29,289 --> 00:21:30,863 Captioning sponsored by WARNER BROS. TELEVISION 598 00:21:31,015 --> 00:21:33,499 Captioned by Media Access Group at WGBH access.wgbh.org