1 00:00:21,357 --> 00:00:26,357 Subtitles by explosiveskull www.OpenSubtitles.org 2 00:00:32,119 --> 00:00:33,772 Through my life journey, 3 00:00:33,816 --> 00:00:35,078 I've come to discover the most 4 00:00:35,122 --> 00:00:37,298 beautiful love story ever told. 5 00:00:38,603 --> 00:00:41,215 The Book of Revelation is not about doom and gloom 6 00:00:41,258 --> 00:00:42,868 as so many people think. 7 00:00:44,000 --> 00:00:46,785 It's about the revelation of Jesus Christ, 8 00:00:46,829 --> 00:00:49,397 who he is, and what he's done for us. 9 00:00:51,094 --> 00:00:52,095 The book of Revelation is one 10 00:00:52,139 --> 00:00:53,966 of the only books that offers 11 00:00:54,010 --> 00:00:55,838 a blessing to whoever reads it. 12 00:00:57,187 --> 00:01:00,538 It's one of the most extraordinary books I've ever read. 13 00:01:02,584 --> 00:01:05,195 It starts off with a warning to the seven churches. 14 00:01:06,066 --> 00:01:07,763 The first is the Church of Ephesus, 15 00:01:07,806 --> 00:01:11,549 who God congratulated on the patience and labor for him. 16 00:01:11,593 --> 00:01:13,290 But he had one thing against them. 17 00:01:14,639 --> 00:01:17,120 They lost him, their first love. 18 00:01:18,556 --> 00:01:20,645 He wanted them to repent or he would come quickly 19 00:01:20,689 --> 00:01:22,125 and remove their candlestick. 20 00:01:23,605 --> 00:01:26,260 If they overcame, he'd let them eat the tree of life. 21 00:01:27,957 --> 00:01:31,787 The Church of Smyrna, though poor, was spiritually rich. 22 00:01:33,180 --> 00:01:35,530 They went through much tribulation for 10 days, 23 00:01:37,532 --> 00:01:40,012 but God told them to be faithful to death 24 00:01:40,056 --> 00:01:43,146 and he'd give them the crown of life. 25 00:01:45,192 --> 00:01:48,020 The Church of Pergamum, who dwelled where Satan's seat is, 26 00:01:48,064 --> 00:01:51,546 yet held fast to God's name and didn't deny the faith. 27 00:01:51,589 --> 00:01:54,331 Yet God had several things against them. 28 00:01:54,375 --> 00:01:56,812 They held onto wrong teachings of Balaam, 29 00:01:56,855 --> 00:01:59,989 which sought to set stumbling blocks for God's children. 30 00:02:00,032 --> 00:02:01,730 Eat things, sacrifice to idols, 31 00:02:01,773 --> 00:02:04,341 and commit sexual acts of fornication. 32 00:02:04,385 --> 00:02:05,690 God warns them to repent, 33 00:02:07,214 --> 00:02:09,564 or he would fight against with the sword of his mouth. 34 00:02:10,695 --> 00:02:13,568 And if they overcame, he'd give them manna and a new name, 35 00:02:14,612 --> 00:02:15,874 written in a white stone. 36 00:02:18,877 --> 00:02:20,531 To the Church of Thyatira, 37 00:02:23,230 --> 00:02:28,104 whose charity, service, and works were known by God, 38 00:02:28,148 --> 00:02:29,975 but he had a few things against them. 39 00:02:30,976 --> 00:02:32,804 They tolerated that woman, Jezebel, 40 00:02:32,848 --> 00:02:35,155 which called herself a prophetess, 41 00:02:35,198 --> 00:02:37,069 which taught and seduced God's servants 42 00:02:37,113 --> 00:02:38,332 to commit fornication. 43 00:02:39,376 --> 00:02:40,986 He would cast her on a sick bed. 44 00:02:42,074 --> 00:02:43,424 And those that commit with her will have 45 00:02:43,467 --> 00:02:46,731 great tribulation unless they repent and turn. 46 00:02:46,775 --> 00:02:48,646 And he will kill their children with debt. 47 00:02:48,690 --> 00:02:51,519 And all the church will know that he searches the hearts. 48 00:02:52,563 --> 00:02:54,130 To him that overcomes, 49 00:02:54,174 --> 00:02:56,263 he will give him power over the nations, 50 00:02:57,133 --> 00:02:59,266 and he will give him the morning star. 51 00:02:59,309 --> 00:03:01,181 The Church of Sardis, 52 00:03:01,224 --> 00:03:02,747 who was commanded to be watchful 53 00:03:02,791 --> 00:03:05,620 and strengthen within them that are ready to die. 54 00:03:06,621 --> 00:03:09,145 He commands them to repent and watch, 55 00:03:10,668 --> 00:03:12,931 or he will come upon them like a thief. 56 00:03:15,064 --> 00:03:16,674 The Church of Philadelphia, 57 00:03:17,936 --> 00:03:21,592 who have little strength, yet didn't deny God's name. 58 00:03:23,333 --> 00:03:25,379 God sets an open door before them 59 00:03:25,422 --> 00:03:28,251 and made those in the synagogue of Satan 60 00:03:28,295 --> 00:03:31,341 that called themselves Jews and were not, but lied. 61 00:03:32,647 --> 00:03:34,866 God will make them come to worship at their feet. 62 00:03:36,999 --> 00:03:38,914 And to the Church of Laodiceans, 63 00:03:40,176 --> 00:03:43,310 who is neither hot, nor cold, but lukewarm. 64 00:03:44,702 --> 00:03:46,965 God says he will vomit them out of his mouth. 65 00:03:48,489 --> 00:03:51,448 So they are rich, increased, and need nothing, 66 00:03:53,058 --> 00:03:55,626 but they don't know they're poor, wretched, and miserable, 67 00:03:56,584 --> 00:03:57,759 blind and naked. 68 00:03:59,195 --> 00:04:01,284 He stands at the door and knocks. 69 00:04:02,416 --> 00:04:04,287 And if any hears his voice, he will come in 70 00:04:05,854 --> 00:04:06,724 and sit with him. 71 00:04:08,335 --> 00:04:12,034 The one who holds the seven stars, 72 00:04:12,077 --> 00:04:15,167 whose head and hair were white like wool, 73 00:04:16,125 --> 00:04:18,170 whose eyes were flame of fire, 74 00:04:18,214 --> 00:04:22,349 whose feet are bronze, like fine brass burned in a furnace, 75 00:04:23,611 --> 00:04:25,743 whose voice with the sound of many waters. 76 00:04:30,574 --> 00:04:34,796 In chapter 4, it goes into talking about the throne 77 00:04:34,839 --> 00:04:36,580 that John saw set up in heaven 78 00:04:37,755 --> 00:04:40,149 and one that sat on that throne. 79 00:04:42,369 --> 00:04:45,285 Around the throne were 24 elders, 80 00:04:45,328 --> 00:04:47,983 with white clothing and gold crowns. 81 00:04:49,506 --> 00:04:51,943 Lightning and thunder proceeded from the throne, 82 00:04:53,293 --> 00:04:56,121 and a sea of glass like crystal were before the throne. 83 00:04:57,688 --> 00:05:00,300 Four beasts full of eyes were in the midst of the throne. 84 00:05:02,258 --> 00:05:03,477 One was like a lion, 85 00:05:04,565 --> 00:05:06,131 other, like a calf. 86 00:05:07,785 --> 00:05:09,483 Another had the face of man. 87 00:05:10,484 --> 00:05:12,312 And another was like a flying eagle. 88 00:05:14,575 --> 00:05:16,968 Each of them had six wings. 89 00:05:17,012 --> 00:05:19,275 They were full of eyes, 90 00:05:19,319 --> 00:05:21,538 and they rest not, day and night, 91 00:05:21,582 --> 00:05:24,193 saying, "Holy, holy, holy, 92 00:05:24,236 --> 00:05:28,937 "Lord God Almighty, which was and is to come." 93 00:05:30,373 --> 00:05:32,375 And when they give glory to God, 94 00:05:32,419 --> 00:05:36,640 the 24 elders fall and throw their crowns before the throne. 95 00:05:38,860 --> 00:05:42,037 And at the right hand of him who sat on the throne, 96 00:05:42,080 --> 00:05:42,951 there was a book. 97 00:05:44,300 --> 00:05:46,781 And a strong angel proclaimed, 98 00:05:46,824 --> 00:05:50,437 "Who's worthy to open the book and loose the seals?" 99 00:05:52,439 --> 00:05:55,224 And no man in heaven, nor Earth, 100 00:05:56,443 --> 00:05:59,402 or under the Earth was found worthy enough to open the book, 101 00:06:00,795 --> 00:06:04,320 neither to look therein, except for one. 102 00:06:05,234 --> 00:06:07,062 The lion of the tribe of Judah, 103 00:06:07,105 --> 00:06:08,716 the root of David has prevailed 104 00:06:08,759 --> 00:06:11,327 to open the book and loose the seven seals. 105 00:06:12,720 --> 00:06:14,156 And when the Holy Land took the book, 106 00:06:14,199 --> 00:06:17,464 the Elders sung a new song, "You are Worthy." 107 00:06:18,987 --> 00:06:23,818 But this book, this book that no one was worthy to open, 108 00:06:23,861 --> 00:06:26,386 is where it all began. 109 00:06:26,429 --> 00:06:29,127 And the seals, the opening of seals, is the beginning 110 00:06:29,171 --> 00:06:31,434 of the most unforgettable journey 111 00:06:31,478 --> 00:06:32,957 that no one will ever forget. 112 00:06:36,091 --> 00:06:38,006 But you may be wondering, who am I? 113 00:06:39,703 --> 00:06:41,531 And where do I fit into this story? 114 00:06:42,576 --> 00:06:43,968 My name is Joanna Shepherd, 115 00:06:46,057 --> 00:06:47,798 and I don't know how it all started 116 00:06:47,842 --> 00:06:49,278 or how it all began, 117 00:06:51,062 --> 00:06:54,762 all I remember was there was no peace. 118 00:08:14,581 --> 00:08:15,495 Mom? 119 00:08:18,106 --> 00:08:18,933 Dad. 120 00:08:21,457 --> 00:08:22,284 Evan. 121 00:08:51,269 --> 00:08:52,532 I don't know what happened. 122 00:08:54,708 --> 00:08:56,405 One second everything was fine. 123 00:08:56,448 --> 00:08:58,363 The next second, all hell broke loose. 124 00:08:59,364 --> 00:09:00,757 Trains started derailing. 125 00:09:01,976 --> 00:09:03,630 Computer and data systems started going down. 126 00:09:03,673 --> 00:09:05,588 Planes started crashing. 127 00:09:05,632 --> 00:09:07,895 People started panicking for no good reason. 128 00:09:09,810 --> 00:09:12,029 I haven't gotten any sleep, 129 00:09:12,073 --> 00:09:14,728 because they've been breaking in and killing nonstop. 130 00:09:16,773 --> 00:09:18,079 There's no peace. 131 00:09:21,778 --> 00:09:23,345 I know. 132 00:09:23,388 --> 00:09:24,738 They broke into my house. 133 00:09:26,174 --> 00:09:27,479 I heard gunshots inside. 134 00:09:27,523 --> 00:09:29,612 I can't find my mom or my dad or my brother. 135 00:09:29,656 --> 00:09:32,572 Don't worry, I don't know where my family is either, 136 00:09:32,615 --> 00:09:34,835 but at least we have each other. 137 00:09:51,155 --> 00:09:54,158 Do you remember that time in the second grade 138 00:09:54,202 --> 00:09:57,727 when that girl with the big buck tooth tried beating us up? 139 00:09:57,771 --> 00:09:59,773 Yeah, and you thought you had superpowers, 140 00:09:59,816 --> 00:10:02,123 so you pulled out your magic wand to stop her. 141 00:10:03,254 --> 00:10:04,604 She took it and snapped it in half. 142 00:10:04,647 --> 00:10:06,388 And you tried to jump in and save us, 143 00:10:06,431 --> 00:10:07,694 and she ended up head-butting you. 144 00:10:07,737 --> 00:10:09,913 Yeah, I couldn't let you get beat up alone. 145 00:10:09,957 --> 00:10:11,959 We had to get beaten up together. 146 00:10:12,002 --> 00:10:12,829 You're my girl. 147 00:10:17,965 --> 00:10:22,970 You know, when all of this happened, 148 00:10:24,972 --> 00:10:26,016 I thought I lost you. 149 00:10:28,453 --> 00:10:30,760 I went to your house and I couldn't find you. 150 00:10:32,719 --> 00:10:33,894 I prayed you'd be okay. 151 00:10:36,374 --> 00:10:37,201 And here you are. 152 00:10:46,428 --> 00:10:47,255 So now what? 153 00:10:50,127 --> 00:10:51,999 I guess we wait and see. 154 00:11:08,276 --> 00:11:10,582 Today the world leaders have gotten together 155 00:11:10,626 --> 00:11:12,933 and decided the only way to secure peace 156 00:11:12,976 --> 00:11:16,066 in their countries is to have one world leader. 157 00:11:16,110 --> 00:11:18,547 Today a new world leader has been chosen 158 00:11:18,590 --> 00:11:20,810 to take the position of becoming the leader 159 00:11:20,854 --> 00:11:22,682 of the entire world. 160 00:11:22,725 --> 00:11:25,336 Never before has this event happened. 161 00:11:25,380 --> 00:11:27,861 The chosen leader has accepted the invitation 162 00:11:27,904 --> 00:11:29,819 and is eager to take on the challenge. 163 00:11:32,082 --> 00:11:33,388 Some idiot stole my car. 164 00:11:34,824 --> 00:11:36,391 Where did you just come from? 165 00:11:39,350 --> 00:11:40,134 What are you doing? 166 00:11:40,177 --> 00:11:41,396 I'm calling my job. 167 00:11:44,051 --> 00:11:44,747 Stupid phone's dead. 168 00:11:47,010 --> 00:11:49,230 You're not going back out there. 169 00:11:49,273 --> 00:11:52,581 I've been late ever since I got this job. 170 00:11:52,624 --> 00:11:53,669 He'll fire me. 171 00:11:53,713 --> 00:11:54,931 I haven't been there in four days. 172 00:11:54,975 --> 00:11:56,367 Are you kidding? 173 00:11:56,411 --> 00:11:58,587 He probably hasn't been there in four days, either. 174 00:11:58,630 --> 00:11:59,719 It's crazy out there. 175 00:11:59,762 --> 00:12:00,937 People are outside shooting each other, 176 00:12:00,981 --> 00:12:02,591 and you're talking about going to work. 177 00:12:02,634 --> 00:12:04,245 Do you want me to stop my life? 178 00:12:05,289 --> 00:12:07,161 We won't have a house if I do that. 179 00:12:10,817 --> 00:12:14,037 The dumb landlord's talking about barricading us in 180 00:12:14,081 --> 00:12:16,257 or evicting us if we don't pay. 181 00:12:19,216 --> 00:12:21,175 After all this, his only focus is money. 182 00:12:21,218 --> 00:12:22,742 He doesn't care. 183 00:12:29,792 --> 00:12:30,662 And he vows to work harder than ever 184 00:12:30,706 --> 00:12:33,143 to bring world peace and unity. 185 00:12:33,187 --> 00:12:34,928 The new world leader plans to make 186 00:12:34,971 --> 00:12:37,495 a seven-year peace treaty with Israel. 187 00:12:37,539 --> 00:12:39,933 In this treaty, he also agrees to rebuild 188 00:12:39,976 --> 00:12:41,804 the Promised Temple for Israel. 189 00:12:41,848 --> 00:12:44,372 He states, "If we would like peace, 190 00:12:44,415 --> 00:12:46,374 "we must first give." 191 00:13:08,135 --> 00:13:09,179 I think it looks better on me. 192 00:13:25,413 --> 00:13:27,328 Help me, help me. 193 00:13:27,371 --> 00:13:29,809 Help me. 194 00:13:29,852 --> 00:13:31,419 Help me. 195 00:13:38,687 --> 00:13:40,123 Help me, help me. 196 00:13:40,167 --> 00:13:42,604 Help me. 197 00:13:42,647 --> 00:13:43,474 Help me. 198 00:13:55,573 --> 00:13:58,098 Eva, you okay, what happened? 199 00:13:58,141 --> 00:13:59,839 Please don't leave me. 200 00:13:59,882 --> 00:14:01,405 I'm not going to leave you. 201 00:14:01,449 --> 00:14:03,538 Please, they're gonna kill me. 202 00:14:13,591 --> 00:14:15,158 She's pregnant, Fay. 203 00:14:15,202 --> 00:14:16,812 They tortured her and beat her to a pulp 204 00:14:16,856 --> 00:14:18,074 and said they're coming back to kill her 205 00:14:18,118 --> 00:14:19,641 and beat her child out of her. 206 00:14:20,903 --> 00:14:23,688 I understand that, but we can't afford 207 00:14:23,732 --> 00:14:25,603 to take in every wounded person. 208 00:14:25,647 --> 00:14:27,779 Fay, she's like family to me. 209 00:14:27,823 --> 00:14:30,739 Remember, she used to babysit me all the time? 210 00:14:30,782 --> 00:14:32,349 Please, I can't put her back out there 211 00:14:32,393 --> 00:14:33,437 and sleep peacefully. 212 00:14:35,439 --> 00:14:39,139 She's the only one, Fay, please. 213 00:15:18,830 --> 00:15:20,920 As time went on, things got worse. 214 00:15:24,227 --> 00:15:26,621 We later found out that Fay's job closed down 215 00:15:26,664 --> 00:15:28,188 because the owner was killed. 216 00:15:30,712 --> 00:15:33,193 It became hard to get things necessary for living. 217 00:15:37,458 --> 00:15:41,723 And the stores were closed down, abandoned. 218 00:15:41,766 --> 00:15:43,551 Soon the focus of our lives revolved 219 00:15:43,594 --> 00:15:45,335 around fighting for our survival, 220 00:15:47,381 --> 00:15:49,905 finding things off of the bodies of dead people became 221 00:15:49,949 --> 00:15:51,776 a norm for our day-to-day living. 222 00:15:54,954 --> 00:15:57,826 Every day, our lives drastically changed. 223 00:15:59,262 --> 00:16:01,569 There was nothing we could do about it. 224 00:16:45,874 --> 00:16:47,441 Excuse me, sir. 225 00:16:47,484 --> 00:16:48,529 Do you have a lighter? 226 00:16:48,572 --> 00:16:50,748 I'm sorry, I didn't get that. 227 00:16:52,837 --> 00:16:55,449 You really thought you were gonna fool somebody. 228 00:17:09,419 --> 00:17:11,291 Oh my God, oh my God. 229 00:17:11,334 --> 00:17:13,075 Oh my God. 230 00:17:15,121 --> 00:17:16,165 I'm gonna kill you. 231 00:17:21,127 --> 00:17:23,781 Open the door, open it, now. 232 00:17:28,917 --> 00:17:29,700 He tried to get me. 233 00:17:29,744 --> 00:17:31,224 Who tried to get you? 234 00:17:31,267 --> 00:17:31,920 They're coming to get me, they're coming to get me. 235 00:17:31,963 --> 00:17:32,964 Oh, please, save me. 236 00:17:33,008 --> 00:17:35,837 No one's coming to get you, Eva. 237 00:17:35,880 --> 00:17:38,361 They're coming right now, they're coming. 238 00:17:38,405 --> 00:17:39,188 They're coming to get me. 239 00:17:39,232 --> 00:17:41,016 Oh please, save me. 240 00:17:41,060 --> 00:17:42,148 They're coming to get me. 241 00:17:46,848 --> 00:17:48,719 They're coming to get. 242 00:18:51,217 --> 00:18:52,566 There isn't any more food. 243 00:18:57,266 --> 00:18:59,268 Should I go to the store and buy something? 244 00:19:11,628 --> 00:19:13,369 I'm going with you. 245 00:19:17,417 --> 00:19:18,244 Thanks. 246 00:19:41,789 --> 00:19:43,007 Do you have any weapons? 247 00:19:43,051 --> 00:19:43,965 Yes, but they're 248 00:19:44,008 --> 00:19:44,835 - for protection. - Give it to me. 249 00:19:44,879 --> 00:19:45,967 No. 250 00:19:46,010 --> 00:19:47,186 Then you cannot come into my store. 251 00:19:47,229 --> 00:19:49,100 We're just trying to buy food. 252 00:19:49,144 --> 00:19:50,145 Do you have any weapons? 253 00:19:50,189 --> 00:19:51,015 No. 254 00:19:53,801 --> 00:19:55,933 You may come in, but not the other. 255 00:20:29,750 --> 00:20:31,142 How much is this bread? 256 00:20:31,186 --> 00:20:32,013 39.99. 257 00:20:38,933 --> 00:20:40,151 Where's the food? 258 00:20:40,195 --> 00:20:40,978 A loaf of bread costs 40 bucks. 259 00:20:41,022 --> 00:20:42,153 What? 260 00:20:42,197 --> 00:20:43,067 Yeah, we should burn his store down. 261 00:20:43,111 --> 00:20:44,417 The next one's six miles down, 262 00:20:44,460 --> 00:20:47,855 but I refuse to walk that far here. 263 00:20:52,120 --> 00:20:53,556 Gus Hefferson? 264 00:20:54,731 --> 00:20:56,864 I found it on the body of some dead guy. 265 00:20:59,040 --> 00:21:00,259 Just use the money. 266 00:22:00,449 --> 00:22:01,320 Eva. 267 00:22:03,974 --> 00:22:04,975 I'm so sorry. 268 00:22:05,019 --> 00:22:06,368 I'm sorry. 269 00:22:06,412 --> 00:22:10,111 I was so hungry, please, please forgive me, please. 270 00:22:10,154 --> 00:22:13,984 Sorry, I was so hungry. 271 00:22:14,028 --> 00:22:16,117 Please don't be mad, please. 272 00:22:16,160 --> 00:22:20,121 Please don't be mad, please, please. 273 00:22:20,164 --> 00:22:22,471 Please don't be mad at me, please. 274 00:22:23,342 --> 00:22:25,692 Studies show that approximately one-fourth 275 00:22:25,735 --> 00:22:27,476 of all mankind has been killed 276 00:22:27,520 --> 00:22:29,435 in the last couple of months. 277 00:22:29,478 --> 00:22:32,786 Wars, hunger, and unexplainable deaths are 278 00:22:32,829 --> 00:22:34,962 to blame for this catastrophe. 279 00:22:35,005 --> 00:22:37,617 The newly elected world leader's heart grieves 280 00:22:37,660 --> 00:22:40,010 for those people, and he vows to work 281 00:22:40,054 --> 00:22:43,057 harder than ever to bring world peace and unity. 282 00:22:44,058 --> 00:22:45,842 We are coming up with a way 283 00:22:45,886 --> 00:22:48,410 to enhance security for your safety. 284 00:22:48,454 --> 00:22:50,630 We plan to come up with a system 285 00:22:50,673 --> 00:22:52,849 to protect you from ATM fraud, 286 00:22:52,893 --> 00:22:55,591 enhance airport security from terrorists, 287 00:22:55,635 --> 00:22:58,377 for schools, for medical care, for voting, 288 00:22:58,420 --> 00:23:00,074 even for buying things. 289 00:23:00,117 --> 00:23:01,945 And we believe a chip implant 290 00:23:01,989 --> 00:23:04,252 in each individual is the solution. 291 00:23:04,295 --> 00:23:07,342 We are working diligently to bring this to pass 292 00:23:07,386 --> 00:23:10,040 and to make sure every human receives one. 293 00:23:10,084 --> 00:23:12,260 That way, we will be able to locate 294 00:23:12,303 --> 00:23:15,176 and track down the criminals quicker. 295 00:23:15,219 --> 00:23:17,396 We are doing everything we can 296 00:23:17,439 --> 00:23:20,529 to provide food from the least to the greatest. 297 00:23:21,487 --> 00:23:25,012 I understand that we are all facing difficult times, 298 00:23:25,055 --> 00:23:27,057 but I give you my word, 299 00:23:27,101 --> 00:23:29,059 we will all get through this together. 300 00:24:03,006 --> 00:24:04,660 I'm gonna rob the grocery store on the corner. 301 00:24:04,704 --> 00:24:06,009 If you want to come, you can. 302 00:24:13,495 --> 00:24:14,975 I'll shoot the store owner. 303 00:24:25,681 --> 00:24:27,378 The door, it's open. 304 00:24:51,098 --> 00:24:52,795 I think I found the store owner. 305 00:25:41,496 --> 00:25:43,280 I told you I'd find you. 306 00:26:10,351 --> 00:26:11,134 You all right? 307 00:26:11,178 --> 00:26:11,961 No. 308 00:26:13,049 --> 00:26:13,963 Brian? 309 00:26:14,007 --> 00:26:14,790 Yeah, it's me. 310 00:26:14,834 --> 00:26:16,183 You know him? 311 00:26:16,226 --> 00:26:17,271 Yeah, he's one of my neighbors. 312 00:26:17,314 --> 00:26:18,620 We gotta get that knee patched up, 313 00:26:18,664 --> 00:26:20,448 or else it'll get infected. 314 00:26:20,491 --> 00:26:21,492 Come on. 315 00:26:49,172 --> 00:26:50,870 Christians, I see. 316 00:26:50,913 --> 00:26:53,220 No, Boss, injuries. 317 00:26:53,263 --> 00:26:54,569 - Injuries? - Yeah. 318 00:26:56,092 --> 00:26:58,965 You mean you revealed our secret place to strangers 319 00:26:59,008 --> 00:27:00,880 because of an injury? 320 00:27:00,923 --> 00:27:02,795 What was I supposed to do, let her die? 321 00:27:02,838 --> 00:27:04,840 I told you time and time again, 322 00:27:04,884 --> 00:27:06,537 not to bring strangers here. 323 00:27:06,581 --> 00:27:08,757 And you still will not listen. 324 00:27:08,801 --> 00:27:10,541 What must I do, kill you, too? 325 00:27:12,152 --> 00:27:13,501 I got an idea. 326 00:27:13,544 --> 00:27:14,633 I mean, we should just teach him a lesson, Boss. 327 00:27:14,676 --> 00:27:15,851 Okay, wait, hold on, hold on, guys. 328 00:27:17,897 --> 00:27:20,987 What if we use them to get to the Christians? 329 00:27:22,728 --> 00:27:23,642 Think about it. 330 00:27:23,685 --> 00:27:24,512 Come on. 331 00:27:27,733 --> 00:27:31,475 We can use them to seed the Christians 332 00:27:31,519 --> 00:27:34,043 into showing us where their hiding places are, huh? 333 00:27:34,957 --> 00:27:35,784 Hold on. 334 00:27:39,875 --> 00:27:42,704 You're a smart boy, very smart boy. 335 00:27:42,748 --> 00:27:45,054 Mason, give the girls whatever they need. 336 00:27:47,491 --> 00:27:49,842 Go, go. 337 00:27:51,017 --> 00:27:53,106 They're coming to get me. 338 00:27:53,149 --> 00:27:53,933 They're coming to get me. 339 00:27:53,976 --> 00:27:56,065 They're coming to get me. 340 00:27:57,066 --> 00:27:59,678 Forgive her, she's been through a lot. 341 00:28:00,766 --> 00:28:01,941 What's wrong with you? 342 00:28:06,249 --> 00:28:08,556 She will be put on the streets tonight. 343 00:28:08,599 --> 00:28:09,644 Whoa, whoa, whoa, don't you think 344 00:28:09,688 --> 00:28:10,471 it's a little soon for her? 345 00:28:10,514 --> 00:28:11,167 No, men, 346 00:28:12,603 --> 00:28:13,822 escort this young woman to a room 347 00:28:13,866 --> 00:28:15,389 and show her what she must do. 348 00:28:16,390 --> 00:28:19,349 The rest of you, put on your clothes. 349 00:28:19,393 --> 00:28:22,135 We are going out for a night on the street. 350 00:29:29,463 --> 00:29:31,595 For Jesus, thank you, Lord. 351 00:29:31,639 --> 00:29:34,076 The Lord has protected us. 352 00:29:34,120 --> 00:29:36,513 I've never seen so many animals eat and attack humans. 353 00:29:36,557 --> 00:29:38,428 I mean, the Scripture said it would happen, 354 00:29:38,472 --> 00:29:39,429 and so it has. 355 00:29:39,473 --> 00:29:40,822 What Scriptures? 356 00:29:40,866 --> 00:29:41,692 The Bible. 357 00:29:42,519 --> 00:29:43,694 Are you a new believer? 358 00:29:45,044 --> 00:29:47,350 Yeah, sort of. 359 00:29:48,351 --> 00:29:52,007 Well, let me warn you about something. 360 00:29:53,400 --> 00:29:56,098 They're gonna come and remove all the Bibles from the Earth. 361 00:29:57,143 --> 00:29:59,362 They're gonna destroy them, burn them. 362 00:30:00,320 --> 00:30:02,409 So go out and grab as many as you can. 363 00:30:02,452 --> 00:30:03,627 Careful who you talk to. 364 00:30:03,671 --> 00:30:04,672 Do not trust anybody. 365 00:30:04,715 --> 00:30:07,457 They hate you with a passion. 366 00:30:08,894 --> 00:30:10,460 If you don't remember anything else I tell you, 367 00:30:10,504 --> 00:30:14,682 remember this: do not take the mark of the beast. 368 00:30:14,725 --> 00:30:16,466 The mark of the beast? 369 00:30:16,510 --> 00:30:18,817 It's the number, 666. 370 00:30:20,122 --> 00:30:21,515 The Bible says a man's gonna come and rule the world 371 00:30:21,558 --> 00:30:23,604 for several years, and he's going to make everybody, 372 00:30:23,647 --> 00:30:26,128 no matter how small or great, worship him 373 00:30:26,172 --> 00:30:29,740 and receive the mark, 666, on their forehead, 374 00:30:29,784 --> 00:30:31,003 on their right hand. 375 00:30:31,046 --> 00:30:34,180 Those that do are gonna go to hell forever. 376 00:30:34,223 --> 00:30:37,270 There's no forgiveness, no second chances. 377 00:30:37,313 --> 00:30:39,228 So go out and warn as many people as you can, 378 00:30:39,272 --> 00:30:40,751 not to receive the mark. 379 00:30:41,883 --> 00:30:43,406 When will this man rule the world? 380 00:30:43,450 --> 00:30:44,973 You'll find out in good time. 381 00:30:46,105 --> 00:30:46,932 Let's go. 382 00:30:54,853 --> 00:30:57,768 And held a bolt, and he was given a crown, 383 00:30:57,812 --> 00:31:02,034 and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest. 384 00:31:04,950 --> 00:31:05,776 Hey, everyone. 385 00:31:08,605 --> 00:31:10,520 She's a new believer in Christ. 386 00:31:10,564 --> 00:31:11,826 She was in search of other Christians, 387 00:31:11,870 --> 00:31:14,176 so I said I'd introduce her to all of us. 388 00:31:14,220 --> 00:31:16,004 - Hey, I'm Bev. - Hi. 389 00:31:16,048 --> 00:31:18,224 We're going over the Book of Revelations. 390 00:31:18,267 --> 00:31:20,095 Do you have a Bible? 391 00:31:20,139 --> 00:31:20,966 No. 392 00:31:22,054 --> 00:31:23,011 All right, don't worry about it. 393 00:31:23,055 --> 00:31:23,882 We got plenty of them here. 394 00:31:26,406 --> 00:31:27,842 Yeah, you can keep it. 395 00:31:28,843 --> 00:31:29,670 Thank you. 396 00:31:30,889 --> 00:31:32,020 Okay, where was I? 397 00:31:32,064 --> 00:31:33,543 Revelations 6. 398 00:31:33,587 --> 00:31:34,718 Yes. 399 00:31:34,762 --> 00:31:37,069 When the lamb opened the second seal, 400 00:31:37,112 --> 00:31:40,115 I heard the second living creature say, "Come." 401 00:31:40,159 --> 00:31:43,423 Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. 402 00:31:43,466 --> 00:31:45,642 His rider was given the power to take peace 403 00:31:45,686 --> 00:31:48,776 from the Earth and to make men slay each other. 404 00:31:48,819 --> 00:31:51,257 To him was given a large sword. 405 00:31:51,300 --> 00:31:52,693 Samantha? 406 00:31:52,736 --> 00:31:54,651 When the Lamb opened the third seal, 407 00:31:54,695 --> 00:31:57,480 I heard the third living creature say, "Come." 408 00:31:57,524 --> 00:32:00,048 I looked, and there before me was a black horse. 409 00:32:00,092 --> 00:32:03,225 Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. 410 00:32:03,269 --> 00:32:05,749 Then I heard what sounded like a voice 411 00:32:05,793 --> 00:32:08,056 among the four living creatures saying, 412 00:32:08,100 --> 00:32:10,102 "A cord of wheat for a day's wages, 413 00:32:10,145 --> 00:32:12,495 "and three quarts of barley for a day's wages. 414 00:32:12,539 --> 00:32:15,107 "And do not damage the oil and the wine." 415 00:32:15,150 --> 00:32:17,022 When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, 416 00:32:17,065 --> 00:32:20,112 I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, "Come." 417 00:32:20,155 --> 00:32:22,984 I looked, and there before me was a pale horse. 418 00:32:23,028 --> 00:32:24,464 Its rider was named Death, 419 00:32:24,507 --> 00:32:26,988 and Hades was following close behind him. 420 00:32:27,032 --> 00:32:29,164 They were given power over a fourth of the Earth 421 00:32:29,208 --> 00:32:31,950 to kill by sword, famine, and plague, 422 00:32:31,993 --> 00:32:33,429 and by the wild beasts of the Earth. 423 00:32:33,473 --> 00:32:34,953 When he opened the fifth seal, 424 00:32:34,996 --> 00:32:37,042 I saw under the altar the souls 425 00:32:37,085 --> 00:32:39,958 of those who had been slain because of the word of God 426 00:32:41,002 --> 00:32:42,961 and the testimony they had maintained. 427 00:32:43,004 --> 00:32:45,572 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, 428 00:32:45,615 --> 00:32:49,010 "How long, oh Lord, holy and true, 429 00:32:49,054 --> 00:32:50,794 "until you judge and avenge our blood 430 00:32:50,838 --> 00:32:53,232 "on those who dwell on the Earth." 431 00:32:53,275 --> 00:32:56,452 Then a white robe was given to each of them, 432 00:32:56,496 --> 00:32:58,977 and it was said to them that they should rest 433 00:32:59,020 --> 00:33:00,630 a little while longer, 434 00:33:00,674 --> 00:33:03,633 until both the number of their fellow servants 435 00:33:03,677 --> 00:33:06,201 and their brethren, who would be killed 436 00:33:06,245 --> 00:33:08,638 as they were, was complete. 437 00:33:08,682 --> 00:33:11,032 I looked when he opened the sixth seal, 438 00:33:11,076 --> 00:33:14,079 and behold, there was a great earthquake, 439 00:33:14,122 --> 00:33:17,430 and the sun became black as sapphire. 440 00:33:17,473 --> 00:33:20,302 And the moon became like blood. 441 00:33:20,346 --> 00:33:22,348 And the stars of heaven. 442 00:33:45,588 --> 00:33:48,113 Kill them, kill them all. 443 00:33:48,156 --> 00:33:49,027 Kill them. 444 00:33:54,380 --> 00:33:55,207 Kill them. 445 00:33:56,556 --> 00:33:58,123 What are you doing? 446 00:34:11,832 --> 00:34:13,355 All right, shut up. 447 00:34:13,399 --> 00:34:15,923 I want you to shoot the person next to you. 448 00:34:15,966 --> 00:34:19,970 If you do not, I will kill you. 449 00:34:20,014 --> 00:34:23,452 If you do, I will let you live. 450 00:34:27,500 --> 00:34:29,241 - Shoot her. - No. 451 00:34:34,333 --> 00:34:35,160 Shoot her. 452 00:34:40,991 --> 00:34:41,862 Shoot her. 453 00:34:52,786 --> 00:34:53,613 Shoot her. 454 00:34:57,443 --> 00:34:59,967 Your tears will do nothing for you. 455 00:35:00,010 --> 00:35:01,142 Now shoot her. 456 00:35:03,840 --> 00:35:05,146 No. 457 00:35:05,190 --> 00:35:06,365 Give me your hand. 458 00:35:13,459 --> 00:35:17,593 I will keep doing it until you shoot her. 459 00:35:17,637 --> 00:35:19,291 Shoot her. 460 00:35:19,334 --> 00:35:22,424 Take the gun and shoot her now. 461 00:35:47,623 --> 00:35:49,277 Look what you've done. 462 00:35:49,321 --> 00:35:51,236 You've broken one of your commandments. 463 00:35:51,279 --> 00:35:54,195 See you in hell. 464 00:36:27,576 --> 00:36:28,925 Hey, you okay? 465 00:36:29,883 --> 00:36:31,319 Am I okay? 466 00:36:31,363 --> 00:36:32,842 Yeah. 467 00:36:32,886 --> 00:36:35,018 How could you be so nice and caring one minute, 468 00:36:35,062 --> 00:36:36,977 and shoot someone in the head the next? 469 00:36:38,631 --> 00:36:41,677 Joanna, they're Christians. 470 00:36:42,939 --> 00:36:45,203 They're the reason why all this is happening. 471 00:36:47,074 --> 00:36:49,250 They don't deserve to live. 472 00:36:53,036 --> 00:36:54,255 You know what? 473 00:36:54,299 --> 00:36:57,345 I'm sorry, but can you just leave me alone 474 00:36:57,389 --> 00:36:58,694 for a little while? 475 00:36:58,738 --> 00:37:00,827 I need some time to breathe. 476 00:37:03,873 --> 00:37:05,223 Yeah, yeah, okay, sure. 477 00:37:09,009 --> 00:37:11,359 - Want a glass of water? - No. 478 00:37:11,403 --> 00:37:12,882 I just want to be left alone. 479 00:37:46,481 --> 00:37:48,527 Is that my food? 480 00:37:48,570 --> 00:37:49,658 Get up, get up. 481 00:37:52,879 --> 00:37:53,706 Get up. 482 00:37:54,620 --> 00:37:55,708 Who said you can eat my food? 483 00:37:55,751 --> 00:37:56,578 Hey, stop it. 484 00:37:59,625 --> 00:38:00,452 Drop it. 485 00:38:01,975 --> 00:38:03,846 No, you drop it, drop it. 486 00:38:03,890 --> 00:38:05,283 Drop it, Brian. 487 00:38:08,155 --> 00:38:09,809 Well, look at what we got here. 488 00:38:11,201 --> 00:38:12,942 I got an idea. 489 00:38:12,986 --> 00:38:14,335 How about we all die? 490 00:38:15,249 --> 00:38:17,599 Just shoot me, I'm serious, I want to die. 491 00:38:17,643 --> 00:38:19,340 - Shoot me. - Don't tempt me. 492 00:38:19,384 --> 00:38:21,560 Wait, please have mercy on her. 493 00:38:21,603 --> 00:38:23,997 I'm begging you, please don't shoot her. 494 00:38:24,040 --> 00:38:25,215 - Get up. - I'll get you some food. 495 00:38:25,259 --> 00:38:26,521 Just give me time. 496 00:38:27,783 --> 00:38:29,350 I'll give you five minutes. 497 00:38:29,394 --> 00:38:31,265 To find food? 498 00:38:31,309 --> 00:38:33,223 I need more time than that. 499 00:38:36,314 --> 00:38:37,445 I can't do that. 500 00:38:37,489 --> 00:38:38,316 Time's ticking. 501 00:38:39,752 --> 00:38:40,883 Hurry. 502 00:38:40,927 --> 00:38:42,407 Go. 503 00:38:49,022 --> 00:38:52,373 In a few moments, our fate will be determined. 504 00:39:19,922 --> 00:39:22,403 Good girl, good girl, Joanna. 505 00:39:22,447 --> 00:39:23,883 She told me to get her food. 506 00:39:23,926 --> 00:39:25,841 She's the one you want. 507 00:39:26,668 --> 00:39:27,756 Stay still. 508 00:39:57,569 --> 00:39:58,831 What's in the bag? 509 00:39:58,874 --> 00:39:59,962 What's in the bag? 510 00:40:00,006 --> 00:40:01,660 Please, don't hurt me, don't hurt me. 511 00:40:32,560 --> 00:40:33,779 I got the food. 512 00:40:33,822 --> 00:40:34,780 I got the food. 513 00:40:34,823 --> 00:40:35,824 Where's Eva? 514 00:40:37,391 --> 00:40:38,392 Where's Eva? 515 00:40:39,828 --> 00:40:41,090 I got the food. 516 00:40:42,701 --> 00:40:45,007 I got the food, where's Eva? 517 00:40:45,051 --> 00:40:45,878 Follow me. 518 00:40:47,140 --> 00:40:47,923 But I got the food. 519 00:40:47,967 --> 00:40:48,924 Follow me. 520 00:40:59,979 --> 00:41:00,806 Joanna. 521 00:41:06,768 --> 00:41:07,595 Eva. 522 00:41:09,423 --> 00:41:11,860 Joanna, how I missed you. 523 00:41:15,385 --> 00:41:17,083 I missed you, Joanna. 524 00:41:19,781 --> 00:41:22,044 I want all of you to leave, 525 00:41:22,088 --> 00:41:24,830 Brian, you too. 526 00:41:24,873 --> 00:41:29,661 If I ever see any of you again, I will kill you. 527 00:42:09,657 --> 00:42:11,572 Well, at least we have a radio. 528 00:42:11,616 --> 00:42:14,575 Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't. 529 00:42:14,619 --> 00:42:15,620 Hopefully it works. 530 00:42:22,148 --> 00:42:22,975 Of course not. 531 00:42:43,256 --> 00:42:45,911 I wonder what happened to the family that lived here. 532 00:42:59,968 --> 00:43:02,623 Why do you keep carrying that book around? 533 00:43:02,667 --> 00:43:03,493 What book? 534 00:43:04,930 --> 00:43:06,975 That big brown thing sticking out of your pocket. 535 00:43:17,290 --> 00:43:19,814 What if what was happening was written in this book? 536 00:43:19,858 --> 00:43:21,468 What do you mean? 537 00:43:21,511 --> 00:43:23,513 In the meeting, we were reading it, 538 00:43:23,557 --> 00:43:26,081 and the exact same things that were written 539 00:43:26,125 --> 00:43:27,648 in this book are happening now. 540 00:43:27,692 --> 00:43:29,432 Is that the Bible? 541 00:43:29,476 --> 00:43:30,477 What if it's true. 542 00:43:30,520 --> 00:43:31,434 Joanna, it's not. 543 00:43:31,478 --> 00:43:33,001 No, think about it, Fay. 544 00:43:33,045 --> 00:43:34,655 What if the next event that is said to happen, happens? 545 00:43:34,699 --> 00:43:36,048 What if it does? 546 00:43:41,793 --> 00:43:43,533 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, 547 00:43:43,577 --> 00:43:45,492 and lo, there was a great earthquake. 548 00:43:45,535 --> 00:43:47,842 And the sun became black as sackcloth of hair 549 00:43:47,886 --> 00:43:49,496 and the moon became as blood. 550 00:43:49,539 --> 00:43:51,585 And the stars of heaven fell onto the Earth 551 00:43:51,629 --> 00:43:54,588 even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, 552 00:43:54,632 --> 00:43:56,242 when she is shaken of a mighty wind. 553 00:43:56,285 --> 00:43:57,809 And heaven departed as a scroll... 554 00:43:57,852 --> 00:43:59,071 Joanna! 555 00:43:59,114 --> 00:43:59,941 Stop it. 556 00:44:09,734 --> 00:44:13,607 Soon it will not be him over here, 557 00:44:13,651 --> 00:44:14,608 and him over there. 558 00:44:15,740 --> 00:44:18,307 No more war and fighting. 559 00:44:18,351 --> 00:44:20,266 It will be peace. 560 00:44:20,309 --> 00:44:22,485 We will all be one, 561 00:44:22,529 --> 00:44:25,663 one nation, one people, 562 00:44:25,706 --> 00:44:30,668 one currency, one government, one voice. 563 00:44:40,590 --> 00:44:42,723 Make sure you grab anything of importance. 564 00:45:24,112 --> 00:45:25,853 What are you reading? 565 00:45:29,596 --> 00:45:30,858 What are you reading, huh, huh? 566 00:45:30,902 --> 00:45:32,947 - Huh? - Brian, please. 567 00:45:32,991 --> 00:45:34,079 Why are you trying to hide it from me? 568 00:45:34,122 --> 00:45:35,384 - Brian. - What? 569 00:45:35,428 --> 00:45:38,736 Joanna, did you find any money in the book? 570 00:45:41,347 --> 00:45:42,609 Then throw the book away, 571 00:45:42,652 --> 00:45:44,089 and look in the next one. 572 00:45:50,530 --> 00:45:53,011 I always heard people kept money in books, 573 00:45:53,054 --> 00:45:56,710 so I told her to go look through the books. 574 00:46:01,584 --> 00:46:03,935 You weren't really going to shoot her. 575 00:46:10,855 --> 00:46:12,204 Why are you so against Christians? 576 00:46:16,904 --> 00:46:19,515 You're so stupid, that it doesn't make any sense. 577 00:46:21,517 --> 00:46:22,344 Don't you see? 578 00:46:23,693 --> 00:46:25,783 This has nothing to do with the Christians. 579 00:46:26,871 --> 00:46:29,656 Christians is just a code name. 580 00:46:32,572 --> 00:46:34,748 They're aliens. 581 00:46:39,884 --> 00:46:43,365 And they're the reason for all of this. 582 00:46:45,237 --> 00:46:46,847 But this is just the beginning. 583 00:46:47,848 --> 00:46:50,808 Soon their king will come down 584 00:46:50,851 --> 00:46:54,550 on clouds from the sky and destroy us all. 585 00:46:55,856 --> 00:46:57,162 You may not believe me now, 586 00:46:58,337 --> 00:47:02,950 but you will, you all will. 587 00:47:04,430 --> 00:47:08,651 That's why we've got to unite and fight. 588 00:47:11,916 --> 00:47:13,134 And if she's gonna be reading that mess, 589 00:47:14,440 --> 00:47:16,224 she's gonna become one of them, 590 00:47:17,312 --> 00:47:18,748 and she's gonna destroy us. 591 00:47:20,925 --> 00:47:24,232 And that's why we've got to destroy them first. 592 00:47:27,496 --> 00:47:28,628 That book is poison. 593 00:47:31,849 --> 00:47:33,459 We can't let that poison spread. 594 00:48:01,313 --> 00:48:02,314 I'm sorry. 595 00:48:06,013 --> 00:48:07,928 Brian has really gone crazy. 596 00:48:07,972 --> 00:48:10,322 He was talking about Christians and aliens 597 00:48:10,365 --> 00:48:12,324 and how they've come back 598 00:48:12,367 --> 00:48:13,673 and how we must destroy them. 599 00:48:14,892 --> 00:48:16,676 Now go and find. 600 00:48:22,943 --> 00:48:23,770 Who you guy talking about? 601 00:48:27,121 --> 00:48:30,298 I was talking to her about those Christians 602 00:48:30,342 --> 00:48:31,909 that we must destroy, 603 00:48:31,952 --> 00:48:35,260 and we made a vow to make sure 604 00:48:35,303 --> 00:48:38,306 that every single one of them is annihilated. 605 00:48:48,273 --> 00:48:50,666 Finish getting the stuff. 606 00:49:00,415 --> 00:49:02,983 We have got to leave now. 607 00:49:46,940 --> 00:49:48,942 Hey. 608 00:49:48,986 --> 00:49:49,812 Hey. 609 00:49:55,470 --> 00:49:56,384 Whoa, whoa. 610 00:49:57,777 --> 00:49:59,735 Get lost. 611 00:50:01,433 --> 00:50:02,521 All right, listen, old man. 612 00:50:02,564 --> 00:50:03,391 I'm not going to hurt you. 613 00:50:03,435 --> 00:50:04,653 All I want is a smoke. 614 00:50:06,438 --> 00:50:08,222 You ain't getting nothing from me. 615 00:51:05,758 --> 00:51:06,585 Joanna. 616 00:51:07,716 --> 00:51:08,543 Fay. 617 00:51:47,974 --> 00:51:49,236 We got away from Brian, 618 00:51:49,280 --> 00:51:51,282 but it was hard to figure out our next move. 619 00:51:58,158 --> 00:52:00,334 Eva was due to have a baby any day. 620 00:52:01,640 --> 00:52:02,815 Turn it off. 621 00:52:03,990 --> 00:52:05,774 She was having a hard time following. 622 00:52:05,818 --> 00:52:07,254 I think we need to leave her. 623 00:52:07,298 --> 00:52:08,125 What, no. 624 00:52:09,343 --> 00:52:11,867 I don't trust, you don't trust anyone. 625 00:52:11,911 --> 00:52:13,173 They didn't trust her, 626 00:52:13,217 --> 00:52:14,479 and she thought we should leave her. 627 00:52:14,522 --> 00:52:16,698 She was trying to lie on you to lose God. 628 00:52:16,742 --> 00:52:17,917 I couldn't do such a thing. 629 00:52:17,960 --> 00:52:19,179 I'm not leaving her. 630 00:52:23,183 --> 00:52:24,489 And in the midst of it all, 631 00:52:25,838 --> 00:52:27,709 when nothing seemed to work out right, 632 00:52:27,753 --> 00:52:30,147 the strangest thing happened. 633 00:52:32,192 --> 00:52:33,541 Joanne? 634 00:52:33,585 --> 00:52:34,977 Who are you? 635 00:52:37,241 --> 00:52:39,765 I ran into my brother Evan. 636 00:52:44,465 --> 00:52:45,379 You okay? 637 00:52:56,825 --> 00:52:59,219 He happened to find an abandoned house in the forest 638 00:52:59,263 --> 00:53:01,178 and was staying there for shelter. 639 00:53:11,362 --> 00:53:13,190 Eva gave birth to a beautiful baby, 640 00:53:13,233 --> 00:53:15,496 which became more of an issue than we thought. 641 00:53:18,282 --> 00:53:20,240 We weren't capable of caring for ourselves, 642 00:53:20,284 --> 00:53:21,198 let alone a baby. 643 00:53:22,808 --> 00:53:24,331 You're holding her wrong, Eva. 644 00:53:26,812 --> 00:53:29,641 It's okay, it's all right, Baby. 645 00:53:30,729 --> 00:53:32,644 It's fine, you're good. 646 00:53:34,123 --> 00:53:35,864 Good baby, hey, yeah. 647 00:53:38,911 --> 00:53:42,044 Evan was really good with creating electricity. 648 00:53:42,088 --> 00:53:43,698 He knew how to wire things together 649 00:53:43,742 --> 00:53:46,440 and create an electrical current. 650 00:53:46,484 --> 00:53:47,746 Oh, it's a match. 651 00:53:47,789 --> 00:53:49,313 Or it's you finding a way to hack the system 652 00:53:49,356 --> 00:53:50,966 and steal electricity. 653 00:53:51,010 --> 00:53:53,230 Don't get mad at me because I'm the brains of the family. 654 00:53:53,273 --> 00:53:55,275 He had all the lights turned on. 655 00:53:55,319 --> 00:53:57,451 He even had the television. 656 00:53:57,495 --> 00:53:58,278 I can't believe you're doing so well. 657 00:53:58,322 --> 00:53:59,236 Yeah, I know. 658 00:54:00,585 --> 00:54:01,586 It's a miracle I found this place, 659 00:54:01,629 --> 00:54:02,804 but the only reason it's so good is 660 00:54:02,848 --> 00:54:04,284 because it's far from the city. 661 00:54:04,328 --> 00:54:05,894 This place would've been any closer, 662 00:54:05,938 --> 00:54:07,331 it wouldn't have been any good. 663 00:54:09,681 --> 00:54:11,987 Oh, did you hear about that nuclear explosion? 664 00:54:12,901 --> 00:54:13,728 No. 665 00:54:14,860 --> 00:54:16,340 Wiped out everything moving. 666 00:54:18,994 --> 00:54:20,909 How did you hear about it? 667 00:54:20,953 --> 00:54:21,823 Oh, we got a television in the back. 668 00:54:21,867 --> 00:54:23,477 Oh, we're high rollers, huh. 669 00:54:23,521 --> 00:54:25,436 Yeah, you know we're live in the luxury. 670 00:54:25,479 --> 00:54:27,046 Oh look, check this out. 671 00:54:27,089 --> 00:54:28,656 You can take off your coat, too. 672 00:54:34,749 --> 00:54:36,360 As I continued to read, 673 00:54:36,403 --> 00:54:38,971 I began to see the comparisons between the scriptures 674 00:54:39,014 --> 00:54:41,495 and the things that began to happen in reality. 675 00:54:42,540 --> 00:54:43,932 It fascinated me. 676 00:54:45,369 --> 00:54:46,935 After the seventh seal was opened, 677 00:54:46,979 --> 00:54:48,633 seven trumpets resound. 678 00:54:50,417 --> 00:54:54,334 In Revelations 6, when the seven trumpets were to sound, 679 00:54:54,378 --> 00:54:57,555 hail, fire, and blood were thrown on the Earth. 680 00:54:58,643 --> 00:55:01,254 One third of the trees were burnt up, 681 00:55:01,298 --> 00:55:03,125 and all of the green grass was burnt. 682 00:55:04,257 --> 00:55:06,912 One third of the sea became blood, 683 00:55:06,955 --> 00:55:08,348 and on the second trumpet, 684 00:55:08,392 --> 00:55:10,568 one third of the creatures in the sea died. 685 00:55:11,960 --> 00:55:14,746 And one third of all the ships were destroyed. 686 00:55:18,924 --> 00:55:20,273 A great sword from heaven called Wormwood 687 00:55:20,317 --> 00:55:22,362 fell on the rivers and fountains of water. 688 00:55:23,798 --> 00:55:25,539 And many men died of bitter waters. 689 00:55:26,801 --> 00:55:30,457 Wormwood, the star of wormwood fell onto the waters 690 00:55:30,501 --> 00:55:32,372 and made it bitter. 691 00:55:32,416 --> 00:55:33,895 And many men died. 692 00:55:35,636 --> 00:55:37,725 One third of the moon and one third 693 00:55:37,769 --> 00:55:39,423 of the stars was darkened. 694 00:55:40,424 --> 00:55:42,208 One third of the day was dark. 695 00:55:43,209 --> 00:55:45,211 And one third of the night was no light. 696 00:55:48,040 --> 00:55:49,650 And many things began to happen. 697 00:55:51,173 --> 00:55:52,827 It's never been this dark. 698 00:55:55,787 --> 00:55:58,093 And a star fell from heaven to the Earth, 699 00:55:58,137 --> 00:56:00,182 and an angel opened the bottomless pit. 700 00:56:01,358 --> 00:56:04,273 And smoke and locusts came out of the pit onto the Earth 701 00:56:04,317 --> 00:56:06,188 to torment men that didn't have 702 00:56:06,232 --> 00:56:08,843 the seal of God on their heads. 703 00:56:08,887 --> 00:56:11,106 They would torment men for five months. 704 00:56:12,238 --> 00:56:14,936 Men would desire to die, but death would flee from them. 705 00:56:14,980 --> 00:56:16,111 Come on. 706 00:56:16,155 --> 00:56:17,112 It should be right here. 707 00:56:17,156 --> 00:56:18,157 The locusts had faces of men, 708 00:56:18,200 --> 00:56:19,854 they had hair of women, 709 00:56:19,898 --> 00:56:21,943 and their teeth were like teeth of lions. 710 00:56:23,075 --> 00:56:24,076 Do you hear that? 711 00:56:24,119 --> 00:56:25,294 Hear what? 712 00:56:25,338 --> 00:56:26,165 That. 713 00:56:27,862 --> 00:56:29,255 Which? 714 00:56:29,298 --> 00:56:30,387 They had tails like scorpions, 715 00:56:30,430 --> 00:56:32,127 and their stings were in their tails. 716 00:56:33,172 --> 00:56:36,697 And with it, they hurt men for five months. 717 00:56:38,786 --> 00:56:39,613 Come on. 718 00:56:42,050 --> 00:56:44,662 And the four angels found in the great river 719 00:56:44,705 --> 00:56:46,446 of Euphrates were loosed, 720 00:56:46,490 --> 00:56:48,492 which were prepared for an hour a day, 721 00:56:48,535 --> 00:56:50,798 a month, and a year, to kill one third 722 00:56:50,842 --> 00:56:52,234 of the people on the Earth. 723 00:56:53,105 --> 00:56:54,367 Why can't I die? 724 00:56:54,411 --> 00:56:55,847 I don't want to live anymore. 725 00:56:57,501 --> 00:56:59,503 But those that were not killed by the plague, 726 00:56:59,546 --> 00:57:02,419 didn't repent of their murders, sorceries, 727 00:57:02,462 --> 00:57:05,639 magic, sexual fornication, or thefts. 728 00:57:06,858 --> 00:57:09,338 And God will give power to two witnesses, 729 00:57:09,382 --> 00:57:11,166 and if any man hurt them, 730 00:57:11,210 --> 00:57:12,777 fire comes out of their mouth. 731 00:57:13,952 --> 00:57:15,910 And he must in this manner be killed. 732 00:57:17,303 --> 00:57:20,175 They have power to shut heaven that it wouldn't rain. 733 00:57:20,219 --> 00:57:22,439 And power to turn the waters into blood, 734 00:57:22,482 --> 00:57:24,049 and smite the Earth with plagues 735 00:57:24,092 --> 00:57:25,659 as often as they will. 736 00:57:26,878 --> 00:57:28,619 But they will be killed. 737 00:57:28,662 --> 00:57:31,404 And the Earth will rejoice because they tormented them. 738 00:57:32,274 --> 00:57:34,015 But in three and a half days, 739 00:57:34,059 --> 00:57:35,974 the two witnesses will rise from the dead 740 00:57:36,017 --> 00:57:38,324 and ascend to heaven in a cloud. 741 00:57:38,367 --> 00:57:40,935 And within that hour, a great earthquake will destroy 742 00:57:40,979 --> 00:57:42,459 one tenth of the city, 743 00:57:43,938 --> 00:57:46,071 and 7,000 people will be killed. 744 00:57:46,114 --> 00:57:48,508 I may seem like I'm crazy, but it's true. 745 00:57:48,552 --> 00:57:49,901 Why else would I have the network 746 00:57:49,944 --> 00:57:51,250 and illegally stream this? 747 00:57:52,425 --> 00:57:54,209 I'm risking my life. 748 00:57:54,253 --> 00:57:56,081 If they find me, I'm dead. 749 00:57:56,124 --> 00:57:58,300 I'm not doing this for fun or attention. 750 00:57:58,344 --> 00:58:00,085 I'm doing this because this is the truth, 751 00:58:00,128 --> 00:58:02,174 and the world needs to know. 752 00:58:02,217 --> 00:58:03,349 In the last couple weeks, 753 00:58:03,392 --> 00:58:05,525 one third of all mankind was wiped out, 754 00:58:05,569 --> 00:58:07,919 over two billion people dead. 755 00:58:07,962 --> 00:58:09,790 Where else does it mention that? 756 00:58:09,834 --> 00:58:10,530 Revelation. 757 00:58:13,881 --> 00:58:15,361 Those two men in Israel going off 758 00:58:15,404 --> 00:58:16,971 at the mouth wearing sackcloth, 759 00:58:17,015 --> 00:58:18,538 they're not just loonies. 760 00:58:18,582 --> 00:58:20,758 They're written in the Bible. 761 00:58:20,801 --> 00:58:22,673 Yes, they're the two witnesses written 762 00:58:22,716 --> 00:58:24,065 in the Book of Revelation, 763 00:58:24,109 --> 00:58:25,502 and they're destroying all the Bibles 764 00:58:25,545 --> 00:58:26,894 because they have the truth. 765 00:58:30,289 --> 00:58:33,031 Now I want you all to look at something. 766 00:58:33,074 --> 00:58:35,076 This was footage taken from a camera phone 767 00:58:35,120 --> 00:58:36,730 of a young girl that just so happened 768 00:58:36,774 --> 00:58:39,646 to be in the mob of people surrounding the two witnesses. 769 00:58:41,126 --> 00:58:42,823 Now I want you all to look closely, 770 00:58:42,867 --> 00:58:44,129 and look at what happens. 771 00:58:46,000 --> 00:58:46,827 You see that? 772 00:58:48,481 --> 00:58:50,962 That is real fire coming from their mouths. 773 00:58:51,005 --> 00:58:52,050 Where else does it mention 774 00:58:52,093 --> 00:58:54,008 fire shooting from people's mouth? 775 00:58:54,052 --> 00:58:55,314 Revelation 11:5. 776 00:58:56,707 --> 00:58:59,840 It says if any man will hurt them, 777 00:58:59,884 --> 00:59:01,842 the two witnesses, fire will shoot 778 00:59:01,886 --> 00:59:04,497 from their mouths and devour their enemies. 779 00:59:04,541 --> 00:59:06,107 It also mentions that these men will have 780 00:59:06,151 --> 00:59:08,283 the power to shut heaven so it won't rain. 781 00:59:08,327 --> 00:59:09,981 They can turn the waters into blood, 782 00:59:10,024 --> 00:59:11,896 and they can smite the Earth 783 00:59:11,939 --> 00:59:13,506 with all plagues as often as they desire. 784 00:59:16,335 --> 00:59:18,467 I know I'm risking my life, 785 00:59:18,511 --> 00:59:20,600 but the truth must come out. 786 00:59:20,644 --> 00:59:22,341 The world needs to know what is going on, 787 00:59:22,384 --> 00:59:25,779 because the new world leader is lying to you all. 788 00:59:25,823 --> 00:59:27,912 He controls all the media, the television, 789 00:59:27,955 --> 00:59:30,871 the radio, internet, and every other outlet. 790 00:59:30,915 --> 00:59:33,004 And he's not letting you know the truth. 791 00:59:35,702 --> 00:59:37,530 Okay, so my time is short, 792 00:59:37,574 --> 00:59:38,749 but I need you all to listen to me 793 00:59:38,792 --> 00:59:40,141 and hear what I'm saying. 794 00:59:40,185 --> 00:59:41,795 Now I'm not talking about the witnesses. 795 00:59:41,839 --> 00:59:43,623 Those men are from God, 796 00:59:43,667 --> 00:59:44,972 but the others that are popping up 797 00:59:45,016 --> 00:59:46,887 all over the city, the psychics and mediums 798 00:59:46,931 --> 00:59:49,760 and palm readers and magicians telling you the future. 799 00:59:49,803 --> 00:59:52,023 This crazy talk about aliens 800 00:59:52,066 --> 00:59:54,634 and people trying to imitate what Jesus did, 801 00:59:54,678 --> 00:59:55,853 turning water into wine 802 00:59:55,896 --> 00:59:58,638 and making things disappear and reappear. 803 00:59:58,682 --> 01:00:00,988 This is not magic. 804 01:00:01,032 --> 01:00:03,556 This is witchcraft. 805 01:00:04,557 --> 01:00:06,254 Demons are behind this. 806 01:00:07,429 --> 01:00:09,170 Demons have controlled these people. 807 01:00:09,214 --> 01:00:12,304 Demons are using people to bring about the demonic plan 808 01:00:12,347 --> 01:00:14,088 and these demons have a plan for your life 809 01:00:14,132 --> 01:00:15,742 and for all mankind. 810 01:00:15,786 --> 01:00:17,831 The Bible says that if the days are not cut short, 811 01:00:17,875 --> 01:00:18,876 all will perish. 812 01:00:19,833 --> 01:00:21,400 None would survive. 813 01:00:25,534 --> 01:00:27,319 This is not about them. 814 01:00:29,190 --> 01:00:30,627 This is not about doing evil. 815 01:00:32,541 --> 01:00:33,586 No. 816 01:00:33,630 --> 01:00:35,240 This is about something greater, 817 01:00:36,633 --> 01:00:39,636 something mightier coming to rule and reign on this Earth, 818 01:00:40,549 --> 01:00:41,638 and all this stuff happening. 819 01:00:41,681 --> 01:00:42,856 This is just the vehicle he's using 820 01:00:42,900 --> 01:00:44,902 to bring about his master plan. 821 01:00:44,945 --> 01:00:49,950 This is the tool he's using to usher in his coming. 822 01:00:50,342 --> 01:00:52,997 He's using this to separate the sheep from the goats. 823 01:00:53,040 --> 01:00:56,174 Those that are truly his from those that are not his. 824 01:00:56,217 --> 01:00:58,698 This is the way that God will see the ones that are his 825 01:00:58,742 --> 01:01:00,744 and Satan will see the ones that are his 826 01:01:00,787 --> 01:01:02,789 by observing who will worship 827 01:01:02,833 --> 01:01:06,053 and take the mark, 666, on their right hand or forehead. 828 01:01:06,097 --> 01:01:09,361 This is the grand finale, the ending, 829 01:01:09,404 --> 01:01:12,320 the climax, the last part of his master plan. 830 01:01:12,364 --> 01:01:14,192 This is what we've all been waiting for. 831 01:01:14,235 --> 01:01:16,020 The Earth has been growing for this day, 832 01:01:16,063 --> 01:01:18,849 the day when the true king is revealed. 833 01:01:18,892 --> 01:01:19,937 He is coming. 834 01:01:19,980 --> 01:01:20,981 He's coming, and in righteousness, 835 01:01:21,025 --> 01:01:23,375 he is going to judge and wage war. 836 01:01:23,418 --> 01:01:24,376 He's coming. 837 01:01:25,943 --> 01:01:27,118 Are you ready? 838 01:01:45,353 --> 01:01:46,746 It's going to be okay. 839 01:01:46,790 --> 01:01:49,444 It'll be okay, I promise. 840 01:01:49,488 --> 01:01:51,142 It'll be fine. 841 01:01:53,187 --> 01:01:54,275 Don't worry, sweet baby. 842 01:01:54,319 --> 01:01:55,146 I promise. 843 01:02:00,368 --> 01:02:02,675 You guys find any food? 844 01:02:02,719 --> 01:02:03,545 Man, we found nothing. 845 01:02:08,507 --> 01:02:09,595 The one second we could see something, 846 01:02:09,638 --> 01:02:10,901 the next second it was completely dark. 847 01:02:10,944 --> 01:02:12,641 No moon, stars, or nothing. 848 01:02:14,992 --> 01:02:15,862 He's so hungry. 849 01:02:17,081 --> 01:02:18,822 It's okay, baby, don't worry. 850 01:02:18,865 --> 01:02:21,650 I haven't eaten anything in days. 851 01:02:24,915 --> 01:02:26,612 It's gonna be okay. 852 01:02:26,655 --> 01:02:27,656 But it wasn't. 853 01:02:29,223 --> 01:02:32,792 The baby got really sick and died a couple days after. 854 01:02:40,365 --> 01:02:43,629 Things went from worse to becoming unbearable. 855 01:02:44,848 --> 01:02:46,632 Because all the grass and trees were burnt up, 856 01:02:46,675 --> 01:02:48,852 there were few animals left in the forest. 857 01:02:50,418 --> 01:02:52,377 Our only option was to go back to the city 858 01:02:52,420 --> 01:02:54,161 and find a store to buy food from. 859 01:02:55,554 --> 01:02:57,338 And there weren't many stores. 860 01:02:57,382 --> 01:02:58,818 But we found one place underground 861 01:02:58,862 --> 01:03:02,213 that was willing to barter and trade food for goods. 862 01:03:02,256 --> 01:03:04,041 Evan found a stack of money underneath one 863 01:03:04,084 --> 01:03:07,479 of the floorboards, so we decided to take our chances 864 01:03:07,522 --> 01:03:08,436 and go to the city. 865 01:03:09,873 --> 01:03:11,222 It was either we go to the city 866 01:03:11,265 --> 01:03:12,919 and possibly be killed, 867 01:03:12,963 --> 01:03:14,965 or wait here and die of hunger. 868 01:03:16,488 --> 01:03:17,924 We had no choice but to go. 869 01:03:24,017 --> 01:03:25,018 You here to trade? 870 01:03:26,933 --> 01:03:28,630 Barter? 871 01:03:29,718 --> 01:03:30,545 Yeah. 872 01:03:32,547 --> 01:03:33,418 Back room. 873 01:04:00,662 --> 01:04:03,317 Well, well, let's see what you got to work with. 874 01:04:15,721 --> 01:04:17,505 The money is crap. 875 01:04:17,549 --> 01:04:18,463 It has no value. 876 01:04:19,986 --> 01:04:20,857 Don't deal. 877 01:04:21,814 --> 01:04:23,163 What? 878 01:04:23,207 --> 01:04:24,382 Where you been the last two years? 879 01:04:24,425 --> 01:04:26,732 Throw this stack of paper on the table. 880 01:04:26,775 --> 01:04:27,733 Get out of here. 881 01:04:27,776 --> 01:04:28,690 No deal. 882 01:04:31,868 --> 01:04:32,825 Wait a minute. 883 01:04:33,957 --> 01:04:34,871 Let me see that. 884 01:04:43,314 --> 01:04:44,619 Is that real gold? 885 01:04:47,971 --> 01:04:49,189 Yeah, it's real. 886 01:04:51,800 --> 01:04:53,106 Now this I can work with. 887 01:04:54,803 --> 01:04:58,285 Sit down, make yourselves comfortable. 888 01:05:09,253 --> 01:05:10,123 Choose whatever you'd like. 889 01:05:26,923 --> 01:05:28,272 You don't have anything on your forehead. 890 01:05:29,795 --> 01:05:31,144 Let me see your right hand. 891 01:05:32,493 --> 01:05:33,886 My hand? 892 01:05:39,936 --> 01:05:41,981 You don't have anything on your right hand 893 01:05:42,025 --> 01:05:44,592 or on your forehead. 894 01:05:45,898 --> 01:05:46,812 Where's your mark? 895 01:05:48,031 --> 01:05:49,075 My mark? 896 01:05:49,119 --> 01:05:50,424 You heard me, your mark. 897 01:05:52,644 --> 01:05:53,819 What mark? 898 01:05:53,862 --> 01:05:56,735 No man buys or sells without the mark. 899 01:05:56,778 --> 01:05:57,736 Where's your mark? 900 01:06:02,132 --> 01:06:03,350 Where's your mark? 901 01:06:03,394 --> 01:06:04,917 I'm so sorry. 902 01:06:04,961 --> 01:06:06,832 Your mark, where is it? 903 01:06:06,875 --> 01:06:07,659 I don't want to cause any trouble. 904 01:06:07,702 --> 01:06:09,052 I just want to go home. 905 01:06:09,095 --> 01:06:10,705 There won't be a problem if you've got the mark. 906 01:06:10,749 --> 01:06:11,532 If you don't have the mark, 907 01:06:11,576 --> 01:06:13,665 we've got a problem. 908 01:06:13,708 --> 01:06:15,275 Where's the mark? 909 01:06:20,977 --> 01:06:26,025 It was the first time we had to shoot and kill a man. 910 01:06:26,069 --> 01:06:27,896 We all believed for years 911 01:06:27,940 --> 01:06:31,683 that these things were make-believe, 912 01:06:31,726 --> 01:06:36,731 but now we see that they are alive and well 913 01:06:37,906 --> 01:06:41,345 and recruiting people on Earth to join them. 914 01:06:43,086 --> 01:06:44,304 Why? 915 01:06:44,348 --> 01:06:46,480 So they can destroy us. 916 01:06:48,265 --> 01:06:49,831 Even out of their own mouths, 917 01:06:50,963 --> 01:06:53,966 they say that their leader is coming down 918 01:06:54,967 --> 01:06:57,361 to destroy us all. 919 01:06:59,276 --> 01:07:04,281 This is why we must join together. 920 01:07:07,545 --> 01:07:10,896 Anyone that does not receive the mark 921 01:07:12,985 --> 01:07:17,946 and worship the image is against us. 922 01:07:21,559 --> 01:07:24,344 And they shall be exterminated. 923 01:07:29,088 --> 01:07:33,310 They are our enemies, these two wicked men have 924 01:07:34,441 --> 01:07:39,446 somehow disappeared after we killed them. 925 01:07:40,143 --> 01:07:43,624 They somehow stood on their feet 926 01:07:43,668 --> 01:07:46,497 and ascended into a cloud. 927 01:07:47,802 --> 01:07:51,719 After they were dead for three and a half days, 928 01:07:51,763 --> 01:07:54,461 for three and a half days, 929 01:07:54,505 --> 01:07:58,074 their bodies lay dead in the street. 930 01:07:58,900 --> 01:08:01,990 And somehow, after they disappeared, 931 01:08:03,209 --> 01:08:07,213 a huge earthquake destroyed a tenth of our cities. 932 01:08:09,215 --> 01:08:14,090 Sadly, 7,000 men were killed. 933 01:08:17,267 --> 01:08:19,921 This is no act of God. 934 01:08:20,792 --> 01:08:22,707 As I've warned you before, 935 01:08:23,925 --> 01:08:26,014 these are aliens, 936 01:08:27,320 --> 01:08:31,411 aliens that tried to sneak down onto the Earth 937 01:08:31,455 --> 01:08:34,762 to destroy mankind, but failed. 938 01:08:36,199 --> 01:08:41,160 These men somehow flew into the sky on a cloud. 939 01:08:45,991 --> 01:08:47,819 They are not from here. 940 01:08:49,125 --> 01:08:54,260 That is why we must destroy them at all costs. 941 01:08:54,304 --> 01:08:59,309 Anything associated with it must be annihilated, 942 01:08:59,657 --> 01:09:01,876 starting with the Christians. 943 01:09:02,747 --> 01:09:06,751 Anyone who does not receive the mark 944 01:09:06,794 --> 01:09:11,016 or worship the statue is against us. 945 01:09:11,059 --> 01:09:15,673 We are now offering bags of silver and gold 946 01:09:16,543 --> 01:09:21,548 for anyone who reveals to us the infidels 947 01:09:21,853 --> 01:09:24,072 who will not accept the mark 948 01:09:24,116 --> 01:09:25,813 and worship the statue. 949 01:09:26,901 --> 01:09:31,906 We will not stop until we have rid the Earth 950 01:09:32,951 --> 01:09:34,387 of all infidels. 951 01:09:43,962 --> 01:09:45,616 Eva, what are you watching? 952 01:09:45,659 --> 01:09:47,966 Oh, darling, nothing, nothing at all. 953 01:09:49,402 --> 01:09:50,969 Nothing. 954 01:09:51,012 --> 01:09:53,885 Hey, I'm off to bed, off to bed now. 955 01:10:26,396 --> 01:10:27,788 The next morning, Eva was gone. 956 01:10:31,183 --> 01:10:32,663 Then one day. 957 01:10:32,706 --> 01:10:34,099 Come on, guys, let's go. 958 01:10:34,142 --> 01:10:36,884 They're through this grove. 959 01:10:36,928 --> 01:10:38,669 Everything changed. 960 01:10:40,061 --> 01:10:40,975 Hurry up. 961 01:10:41,933 --> 01:10:43,630 They're right there. 962 01:10:43,674 --> 01:10:46,851 They're in the house. 963 01:10:56,774 --> 01:10:59,951 They're just asleep, come on. 964 01:10:59,994 --> 01:11:02,214 Hurry up, let's go. 965 01:11:03,911 --> 01:11:06,827 In the house that's over there. 966 01:11:21,799 --> 01:11:23,757 Evan, Fay, get up. 967 01:11:23,801 --> 01:11:24,628 Someone's here. 968 01:11:24,671 --> 01:11:25,455 - What? - Someone's here. 969 01:11:25,498 --> 01:11:26,891 Who? 970 01:11:29,763 --> 01:11:30,764 This can't be happening right now. 971 01:11:30,808 --> 01:11:31,591 Here, look here, take a gun. 972 01:11:31,635 --> 01:11:32,418 No. 973 01:11:32,462 --> 01:11:33,289 - Take a gun. - No! 974 01:11:34,377 --> 01:11:36,379 This can't be happening right now. 975 01:11:36,422 --> 01:11:37,467 I want it to end. 976 01:11:37,510 --> 01:11:39,382 This can't be happening right now. 977 01:11:39,425 --> 01:11:40,426 This can't be happening right here. 978 01:11:40,470 --> 01:11:41,297 Look, calm down. 979 01:11:41,340 --> 01:11:42,646 Do you want to live? 980 01:11:42,689 --> 01:11:43,516 I don't want to die. 981 01:11:43,560 --> 01:11:45,257 Now stop that and come on. 982 01:12:35,046 --> 01:12:37,135 Oh, no fair, we walked. 983 01:12:43,881 --> 01:12:45,491 You go. 984 01:12:45,535 --> 01:12:49,626 They're back there, just go and stop standing here and go. 985 01:12:49,669 --> 01:12:50,496 Go. 986 01:12:51,410 --> 01:12:52,324 You don't want to. 987 01:12:52,368 --> 01:12:54,370 Nobody here now. 988 01:12:54,413 --> 01:12:55,632 All right, guys, clear out. 989 01:12:58,722 --> 01:12:59,549 You promised me money. 990 01:12:59,592 --> 01:13:00,767 I want the money. 991 01:13:02,465 --> 01:13:04,292 You promised me money. 992 01:13:07,818 --> 01:13:10,037 I want money, you, you. 993 01:13:12,344 --> 01:13:13,214 You promised me money. 994 01:13:13,258 --> 01:13:16,087 I want my money, my money, yes. 995 01:13:16,130 --> 01:13:17,523 Yes. 996 01:13:17,567 --> 01:13:18,829 Wait. 997 01:13:18,872 --> 01:13:19,786 Give it to me now. 998 01:14:15,973 --> 01:14:20,064 Please don't kill, please don't kill me. 999 01:14:21,152 --> 01:14:23,459 Well, there you guys are. 1000 01:14:24,982 --> 01:14:28,333 You know, I was just thinking about that cold, dark, 1001 01:14:28,376 --> 01:14:30,857 and depressing day when you left me 1002 01:14:30,901 --> 01:14:33,077 in that sad and lonely house. 1003 01:14:35,296 --> 01:14:37,037 You know, I think it's kind of funny 1004 01:14:37,081 --> 01:14:39,387 we keep running into each other. 1005 01:14:44,567 --> 01:14:45,785 Okay, where's your mark? 1006 01:14:57,188 --> 01:14:58,494 They're still just stupid. 1007 01:15:11,463 --> 01:15:12,377 You almost hit me. 1008 01:15:12,420 --> 01:15:15,336 What? 1009 01:15:15,380 --> 01:15:19,166 Hey, hey, hey. 1010 01:15:19,210 --> 01:15:20,428 Yo, she's mine. 1011 01:15:21,778 --> 01:15:25,172 Well, I don't see her name on you. 1012 01:15:31,962 --> 01:15:33,224 Get off. 1013 01:15:33,267 --> 01:15:36,183 This piece of vomit is a Christian. 1014 01:15:37,010 --> 01:15:38,272 Will you accept the mark? 1015 01:15:39,317 --> 01:15:40,753 Will you worship Jethro? 1016 01:15:41,972 --> 01:15:42,973 Answer me yes or no. 1017 01:15:48,239 --> 01:15:50,589 If I accept the mark, I'll worship him, 1018 01:15:50,633 --> 01:15:53,766 he'll return the temple of fire forever. 1019 01:15:53,810 --> 01:15:55,463 - Answer me. - No. 1020 01:15:55,507 --> 01:15:58,162 No, I won't accept the mark. 1021 01:15:58,205 --> 01:15:59,032 No, no! 1022 01:16:00,556 --> 01:16:02,035 Stop. 1023 01:16:04,821 --> 01:16:08,346 You will not hurt her, not now. 1024 01:16:12,568 --> 01:16:13,656 Why would we do that 1025 01:16:16,136 --> 01:16:17,660 and spoil all the fun? 1026 01:17:35,389 --> 01:17:36,216 You're next. 1027 01:17:38,044 --> 01:17:39,219 You're next. 1028 01:18:40,933 --> 01:18:45,938 ♪ You are worthy ♪ 1029 01:18:46,634 --> 01:18:51,596 ♪ To take the book and to open the seals thereof ♪ 1030 01:18:57,776 --> 01:19:01,954 ♪ For you were slain ♪ 1031 01:19:01,998 --> 01:19:07,003 ♪ And hath redeemed us too ♪ 1032 01:19:08,831 --> 01:19:12,182 ♪ God ♪ 1033 01:19:12,225 --> 01:19:17,230 ♪ But your blood out of every kindred ♪ 1034 01:19:21,713 --> 01:19:26,718 ♪ People, tongue, and nation ♪ 1035 01:19:29,721 --> 01:19:32,768 ♪ Oh ♪ 1036 01:19:32,811 --> 01:19:37,773 ♪ And you have made us unto our God ♪ 1037 01:19:42,734 --> 01:19:47,695 ♪ Oh kings and priests ♪ 1038 01:19:49,872 --> 01:19:54,659 ♪ And we shall reign, we shall reign ♪ 1039 01:19:54,702 --> 01:19:59,707 ♪ On the Earth ♪ 1040 01:20:00,143 --> 01:20:05,148 ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪ 1041 01:20:06,192 --> 01:20:11,197 ♪ How worthy is thy lamb ♪ 1042 01:20:11,589 --> 01:20:16,594 ♪ The lamb, who slay to receive, to receive ♪ 1043 01:20:22,208 --> 01:20:27,213 ♪ Oh riches, the riches ♪ 1044 01:20:27,648 --> 01:20:31,130 ♪ And wisdom, oh ♪ 1045 01:20:31,174 --> 01:20:35,134 ♪ And strength, and strength ♪ 1046 01:20:35,178 --> 01:20:40,183 ♪ And on that glory ♪ 1047 01:20:40,705 --> 01:20:44,578 ♪ And glory ♪ 1048 01:20:44,622 --> 01:20:49,409 ♪ And blessings, and blessings ♪ 1049 01:20:49,453 --> 01:20:54,458 ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪ 1050 01:20:58,157 --> 01:21:02,031 ♪ Blessing, blessing ♪ 1051 01:21:02,074 --> 01:21:06,383 ♪ And manna, and manna ♪ 1052 01:21:06,426 --> 01:21:10,953 ♪ And glory, and glory ♪ 1053 01:21:10,996 --> 01:21:16,001 ♪ And power be to him ♪ 1054 01:21:16,959 --> 01:21:21,920 ♪ And sit on the throne ♪ 1055 01:21:21,964 --> 01:21:25,924 ♪ And vow to the creator ♪ 1056 01:21:25,968 --> 01:21:30,973 ♪ And vow forever ♪ 1057 01:21:32,409 --> 01:21:37,370 ♪ And glory ♪ 1058 01:21:37,414 --> 01:21:39,895 ♪ In the name ♪ 1059 01:21:50,949 --> 01:21:53,517 In the Bible, it talked about a beast, 1060 01:21:53,560 --> 01:21:55,867 which had seven heads and ten horns. 1061 01:21:57,738 --> 01:22:00,306 And one of his heads was wounded to death, 1062 01:22:00,350 --> 01:22:01,655 but his wound was healed. 1063 01:22:02,918 --> 01:22:05,007 And the Earth worshiped the beast. 1064 01:22:06,225 --> 01:22:08,706 He blasphemed God and made war 1065 01:22:08,749 --> 01:22:11,665 with the saints of God and overcame them, 1066 01:22:11,709 --> 01:22:13,841 because power was given to him. 1067 01:22:13,885 --> 01:22:17,367 There will be no more gods, no. 1068 01:22:19,847 --> 01:22:23,764 Never again will religion show its ugly, dividing face. 1069 01:22:24,896 --> 01:22:26,637 Today is a new day. 1070 01:22:27,594 --> 01:22:29,857 There is one God. 1071 01:22:31,250 --> 01:22:36,255 This day the world will know that I am God. 1072 01:22:38,475 --> 01:22:41,957 All of you will fall and worship me, and me alone. 1073 01:22:43,175 --> 01:22:46,048 And anyone who is against what I speak 1074 01:22:46,091 --> 01:22:49,616 shall be sentenced to death. 1075 01:22:51,749 --> 01:22:53,969 Here's the patience and faith of saints. 1076 01:22:56,710 --> 01:22:59,061 And another beast came and made the Earth worship 1077 01:22:59,104 --> 01:23:02,629 the first beast, and he received the Earth 1078 01:23:02,673 --> 01:23:05,850 and performed many miracles and made fire come 1079 01:23:05,893 --> 01:23:07,243 from heaven in front of men. 1080 01:23:08,374 --> 01:23:10,028 And they made an image of the beast, 1081 01:23:11,029 --> 01:23:12,422 and they gave life to the image 1082 01:23:12,465 --> 01:23:14,946 so that the image could speak. 1083 01:23:16,208 --> 01:23:17,818 And anyone that didn't worship the beast 1084 01:23:17,862 --> 01:23:20,125 or receive the mark would be killed, 1085 01:23:21,039 --> 01:23:24,564 but whoever did receive the mark, 666, 1086 01:23:24,608 --> 01:23:27,437 or worshiped the beast, would be tormented 1087 01:23:27,480 --> 01:23:29,961 with fire and brimstone forever and ever. 1088 01:23:30,875 --> 01:23:32,485 After the seven trumpets were sound, 1089 01:23:32,529 --> 01:23:36,576 seven vials of God's wrath were poured onto the Earth. 1090 01:23:36,620 --> 01:23:38,404 Painful sores came upon the people 1091 01:23:38,448 --> 01:23:41,277 that had the mark of the beast and worshiped him. 1092 01:23:41,320 --> 01:23:44,106 The sea, the rivers and fountains, 1093 01:23:44,149 --> 01:23:45,846 became as the blood of a dead man. 1094 01:23:47,022 --> 01:23:48,893 And every living soul in the sea died. 1095 01:23:49,937 --> 01:23:51,722 God gave them blood to drink 1096 01:23:51,765 --> 01:23:54,420 because of the righteous souls they killed. 1097 01:23:54,464 --> 01:23:58,076 God gave the sun power to scorch men with fire 1098 01:23:58,120 --> 01:24:00,078 that had blasphemed him. 1099 01:24:00,122 --> 01:24:02,385 Yet the men still refused to repent. 1100 01:24:03,908 --> 01:24:08,086 And the kingdom of the beast, that wicked leader, 1101 01:24:08,130 --> 01:24:09,479 was full of darkness. 1102 01:24:10,436 --> 01:24:11,655 And they gnawed their tongues 1103 01:24:11,698 --> 01:24:13,613 because of the painful sores they had. 1104 01:24:15,224 --> 01:24:17,095 And the spirit of devils went throughout the whole world 1105 01:24:17,139 --> 01:24:19,184 to gather men to the battle of Armageddon. 1106 01:24:20,229 --> 01:24:21,882 And there was a great earthquake, 1107 01:24:22,840 --> 01:24:24,885 the greatest and most fierce earthquake 1108 01:24:24,929 --> 01:24:26,539 since men's existence on Earth. 1109 01:24:28,280 --> 01:24:31,762 And the great city of Babylon was divided into three parts. 1110 01:24:33,024 --> 01:24:36,636 And great hail, weighing 60 to 100 pounds, 1111 01:24:36,680 --> 01:24:38,247 fell from heaven upon them. 1112 01:24:39,683 --> 01:24:42,555 And Babylon, that great city, shall fall. 1113 01:24:43,469 --> 01:24:45,297 In one hour, her judgment shall come. 1114 01:24:46,907 --> 01:24:51,695 In one day, death, mourning, famine, plague shall come, 1115 01:24:51,738 --> 01:24:54,132 and she shall be burnt with fire. 1116 01:24:54,176 --> 01:24:56,047 For strong is the Lord who judge her. 1117 01:24:57,266 --> 01:24:58,528 In her was found the blood of prophets, 1118 01:24:58,571 --> 01:25:01,487 saints, and all that were slain on Earth. 1119 01:25:03,054 --> 01:25:05,143 And the marriage of the lamb will come, 1120 01:25:06,405 --> 01:25:08,364 and the heavens will open. 1121 01:25:08,407 --> 01:25:10,844 And he that sat came riding on a white horse, 1122 01:25:10,888 --> 01:25:13,586 and his name is called faithful and true. 1123 01:25:13,630 --> 01:25:16,111 And in righteousness, he judges and makes war. 1124 01:25:17,286 --> 01:25:19,853 His eyes are a flame of fire and many crowns. 1125 01:25:19,897 --> 01:25:23,727 He has a name written that no man knows, but he himself. 1126 01:25:23,770 --> 01:25:26,295 He is clothed with a vesture dipped in blood. 1127 01:25:27,209 --> 01:25:29,211 And his name is called the word of God. 1128 01:25:30,168 --> 01:25:33,084 And the armies in heaven followed him on white horses, 1129 01:25:33,128 --> 01:25:34,520 white and clean. 1130 01:25:35,826 --> 01:25:37,828 And out of his mouth shoots a two-edged sword, 1131 01:25:38,785 --> 01:25:40,135 that he would smite the nations 1132 01:25:40,178 --> 01:25:42,006 and rule them with a rod of iron. 1133 01:25:42,963 --> 01:25:44,791 And his name on his clothing and thigh is 1134 01:25:44,835 --> 01:25:46,706 king of kings and lord of lords. 1135 01:25:47,968 --> 01:25:52,538 And this world leader, who we will call the beast, 1136 01:25:52,582 --> 01:25:54,671 and all the kings of the Earth and their armies 1137 01:25:54,714 --> 01:25:57,282 gathered together to make war against him 1138 01:25:57,326 --> 01:25:59,850 that sat on the white horse and his army. 1139 01:25:59,893 --> 01:26:01,547 And the beast and the false prophet, 1140 01:26:01,591 --> 01:26:03,158 which deceived the world, were taken 1141 01:26:03,201 --> 01:26:06,204 and cast alive into the burning lake of fire and brimstone. 1142 01:26:07,249 --> 01:26:08,946 And the rest of the army was slain 1143 01:26:08,989 --> 01:26:10,165 with the sword that came out 1144 01:26:10,208 --> 01:26:12,210 of the rider on the white horse's mouth. 1145 01:26:13,124 --> 01:26:15,431 And all the birds were filled with their flesh. 1146 01:26:16,823 --> 01:26:19,217 Satan was cast by an angel into the bottomless pit 1147 01:26:19,261 --> 01:26:21,263 for a thousand years. 1148 01:26:21,306 --> 01:26:23,439 And the souls that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus 1149 01:26:23,482 --> 01:26:26,790 which had not worshiped the beast, his image, 1150 01:26:26,833 --> 01:26:29,749 or received his mark, reigned with Christ 1151 01:26:29,793 --> 01:26:31,186 for a thousand years. 1152 01:26:32,230 --> 01:26:34,406 This is the first resurrection. 1153 01:26:35,625 --> 01:26:38,193 After the thousand years, Satan will be loosed. 1154 01:26:39,324 --> 01:26:41,326 And he will again gather the deceived nation 1155 01:26:41,370 --> 01:26:43,937 for battle against the saints and the beloved city. 1156 01:26:45,504 --> 01:26:47,289 And fire from God shall come from heaven 1157 01:26:47,332 --> 01:26:48,203 and devour them. 1158 01:26:49,552 --> 01:26:51,423 And the devil will be cast into the lake 1159 01:26:51,467 --> 01:26:54,034 of fire to be tormented forever and ever. 1160 01:26:55,427 --> 01:26:57,255 And a great white throne will appear. 1161 01:26:58,300 --> 01:27:00,911 And he who sat on it, from whose face heaven 1162 01:27:00,954 --> 01:27:03,174 and Earth fled away, will be there. 1163 01:27:04,523 --> 01:27:07,918 And dead, small and great, will stand before God. 1164 01:27:09,354 --> 01:27:10,660 And the books will be opened. 1165 01:27:11,704 --> 01:27:12,923 That is the book of life. 1166 01:27:14,533 --> 01:27:17,797 And the dead will be judged according to the works they did. 1167 01:27:17,841 --> 01:27:20,539 And death and hell will be cast into the lake of fire, 1168 01:27:21,888 --> 01:27:24,021 and a new heaven and a new Earth appeared. 1169 01:27:25,240 --> 01:27:27,677 The first heaven and Earth and sea passed away. 1170 01:27:29,331 --> 01:27:32,072 And a holy city, his bride, will come down from heaven. 1171 01:27:33,509 --> 01:27:36,555 And the tabernacle of God will be with men, 1172 01:27:36,599 --> 01:27:37,948 and he will live with them. 1173 01:27:39,863 --> 01:27:42,474 And God will wipe away the tears from their eyes. 1174 01:27:42,518 --> 01:27:44,389 And there shall be no more death, 1175 01:27:44,433 --> 01:27:47,392 nor sorrow, nor crying, nor pain. 1176 01:27:48,350 --> 01:27:50,743 For God makes all things new. 1177 01:27:50,787 --> 01:27:53,093 These words are faithful and true. 1178 01:27:53,964 --> 01:27:54,791 It is done. 1179 01:27:55,748 --> 01:27:58,316 Behold, I come quickly. 1180 01:27:58,360 --> 01:28:00,579 Blessed is he that keepeth the sayings 1181 01:28:00,623 --> 01:28:03,147 of the prophecy of this book. 1182 01:28:03,190 --> 01:28:05,454 Behold, I come quickly. 1183 01:28:05,497 --> 01:28:07,456 And my reward is with me 1184 01:28:07,499 --> 01:28:10,850 to give every man according to his work shall be. 1185 01:28:12,069 --> 01:28:14,376 I am the alpha and omega, 1186 01:28:14,419 --> 01:28:16,726 the beginning and the end, 1187 01:28:16,769 --> 01:28:19,555 the first and the last. 1188 01:28:19,598 --> 01:28:22,209 Blessed are they that do his commandments, 1189 01:28:22,253 --> 01:28:25,387 that they may have right to the tree of life, 1190 01:28:25,430 --> 01:28:28,085 and may enter in through the gates into the city. 1191 01:28:28,912 --> 01:28:30,957 But without our dogs and sorcerers 1192 01:28:31,001 --> 01:28:34,178 and whoremongers and murderers and idolaters, 1193 01:28:34,221 --> 01:28:36,659 and whosoever loved to make a lie. 1194 01:28:37,660 --> 01:28:39,662 I, Jesus, have sent my angel 1195 01:28:39,705 --> 01:28:43,100 to testify unto you these things in the churches. 1196 01:28:43,143 --> 01:28:45,929 I am the root and the offspring of David, 1197 01:28:45,972 --> 01:28:47,757 the bright and morning star. 1198 01:28:49,106 --> 01:28:52,022 Let the spirit and the bride say, "Come." 1199 01:28:52,065 --> 01:28:53,980 And let him that hears say, "Come." 1200 01:28:54,851 --> 01:28:57,288 And let him that of thirst, come. 1201 01:28:57,332 --> 01:28:59,943 Even so, come Lord Jesus, come. 1202 01:29:01,118 --> 01:29:01,945 Amen. 1203 01:29:19,223 --> 01:29:24,402 ♪ You are worthy ♪ 1204 01:29:24,446 --> 01:29:28,363 ♪ To take the book ♪ 1205 01:29:28,406 --> 01:29:31,975 ♪ And to open ♪ 1206 01:29:32,018 --> 01:29:35,587 ♪ The the seals thereof ♪ 1207 01:29:35,631 --> 01:29:39,765 ♪ For you were slain ♪ 1208 01:29:39,809 --> 01:29:44,814 ♪ And hath redeemed us too ♪ 1209 01:29:46,685 --> 01:29:51,647 ♪ God but your blood ♪ 1210 01:29:53,213 --> 01:29:58,218 ♪ Out of every kindred ♪ 1211 01:29:59,524 --> 01:30:04,529 ♪ People, tongue, and nation ♪ 1212 01:30:07,489 --> 01:30:10,753 ♪ Lord ♪ 1213 01:30:10,796 --> 01:30:15,801 ♪ And you have made us unto our God ♪ 1214 01:30:20,502 --> 01:30:25,463 ♪ Oh kings and priests ♪ 1215 01:30:27,509 --> 01:30:32,470 ♪ And we shall reign, we shall reign ♪ 1216 01:30:32,514 --> 01:30:37,519 ♪ On the Earth ♪ 1217 01:30:38,041 --> 01:30:43,046 ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪ 1218 01:30:43,394 --> 01:30:48,225 ♪ Oh worthy is the lamb ♪ 1219 01:30:48,268 --> 01:30:51,489 ♪ Oh worthy is the lamb ♪ 1220 01:30:51,533 --> 01:30:56,538 ♪ Who were slain to receive, to receive ♪ 1221 01:31:00,237 --> 01:31:05,068 ♪ Oh riches, the riches ♪ 1222 01:31:05,111 --> 01:31:10,116 ♪ And wisdom that strength, that strength ♪ 1223 01:31:13,076 --> 01:31:18,081 ♪ And on that glory ♪ 1224 01:31:18,777 --> 01:31:21,954 ♪ And glory, and glory ♪ 1225 01:31:21,998 --> 01:31:27,177 ♪ And blessings, and blessings ♪ 1226 01:31:27,220 --> 01:31:32,225 ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪ 1227 01:31:36,055 --> 01:31:39,581 ♪ Blessing, blessing ♪ 1228 01:31:39,624 --> 01:31:43,759 ♪ And manna, and manna ♪ 1229 01:31:43,802 --> 01:31:48,546 ♪ And glory, and glory ♪ 1230 01:31:48,590 --> 01:31:53,508 ♪ And power be to him ♪ 1231 01:31:54,987 --> 01:31:59,992 ♪ And sits on the throne ♪ 1232 01:32:00,906 --> 01:32:03,996 ♪ In the glory, unto the throne ♪ 1233 01:32:04,040 --> 01:32:09,045 ♪ Forever, forever ♪ 1234 01:32:10,568 --> 01:32:12,483 ♪ And ever ♪ 1235 01:32:12,527 --> 01:32:16,527 ♪ In the name ♪ 1236 01:32:21,664 --> 01:32:26,335 Subtitles by explosiveskull www.OpenSubtitles.org