1 00:00:14,251 --> 00:00:16,091 [Barbara Perry] It's snowing... 2 00:00:16,170 --> 00:00:18,040 and there's this ethereal feeling, 3 00:00:18,060 --> 00:00:20,191 because she's dressed in this beautiful white gown 4 00:00:20,211 --> 00:00:23,141 and they just seem to be stepping 5 00:00:23,161 --> 00:00:25,071 into a fairy tale. 6 00:00:25,181 --> 00:00:27,191 And Jack Kennedy says to the driver 7 00:00:27,211 --> 00:00:28,181 "Turn on the interior lights," 8 00:00:29,051 --> 00:00:32,191 so people can see them as they go by. 9 00:00:32,210 --> 00:00:34,200 And he asks his wife to sit forward, 10 00:00:34,221 --> 00:00:37,111 because she is so beautiful. 11 00:00:37,250 --> 00:00:40,030 Having the president from that very moment 12 00:00:40,051 --> 00:00:42,221 place her in the spotlight tells us 13 00:00:42,240 --> 00:00:43,240 what the presidency is going to be like 14 00:00:44,060 --> 00:00:48,051 and how Mrs. Kennedy will be at the center of it. 15 00:01:13,161 --> 00:01:16,090 [band playing "Hail to the Chief"] 16 00:01:17,191 --> 00:01:19,180 [narrator] Inauguration Day, 1961. 17 00:01:20,060 --> 00:01:23,240 America welcomes a young and glamorous president 18 00:01:24,031 --> 00:01:26,120 and first lady to the White House. 19 00:01:26,210 --> 00:01:28,141 [Barbara Perry] Dwight Eisenhower was 70, 20 00:01:28,221 --> 00:01:30,210 and here came Kennedy who was 43, 21 00:01:30,231 --> 00:01:31,231 and Mrs. Kennedy's 31. 22 00:01:32,111 --> 00:01:35,210 [Evan Thomas] The Kennedys knew how to turn their youth 23 00:01:36,060 --> 00:01:38,060 into something deeper and more symbolic of America 24 00:01:38,081 --> 00:01:42,161 entering an age of renewal with a new generation 25 00:01:42,180 --> 00:01:44,041 that was going to conquer the world. 26 00:01:44,250 --> 00:01:47,171 [Sally Bedell Smith] Jackie was the epitome of style 27 00:01:47,191 --> 00:01:48,150 and glamour. 28 00:01:48,171 --> 00:01:49,161 [Kati Marton] This was going to be 29 00:01:49,180 --> 00:01:53,201 a White House of unprecedented elegance. 30 00:01:53,221 --> 00:01:56,051 And the country loved it. 31 00:01:56,070 --> 00:01:57,250 [cheering and applause] 32 00:01:58,030 --> 00:01:59,111 [Kathleen Kennedy] Going to the inauguration was amazing. 33 00:01:59,231 --> 00:02:03,100 This was new and energetic. 34 00:02:03,221 --> 00:02:05,070 This was, in fact, the new frontier. 35 00:02:06,070 --> 00:02:09,131 [narrator] Jackie later recalled her memories 36 00:02:09,150 --> 00:02:10,160 of that momentous day. 37 00:02:10,240 --> 00:02:14,041 [Jackie Kennedy] Everyone says, why didn't Jack kiss you after, 38 00:02:14,060 --> 00:02:15,240 which, of course, he would never do there. 39 00:02:16,021 --> 00:02:19,041 But you had to march out in such order. 40 00:02:19,111 --> 00:02:21,120 And I so badly wanted to see him alone. 41 00:02:21,141 --> 00:02:24,051 [Barbara Perry] She's worried about being separated 42 00:02:24,071 --> 00:02:26,120 from her husband as he starts this new role 43 00:02:26,141 --> 00:02:27,180 as leader of the free world. 44 00:02:28,060 --> 00:02:30,150 She didn't know what it would do to her marriage 45 00:02:30,171 --> 00:02:32,160 and she can't quite get to him. 46 00:02:33,041 --> 00:02:34,171 [Jackie Kennedy] And I caught up to him 47 00:02:34,191 --> 00:02:37,071 in the Capitol and he's just looking at me 48 00:02:37,090 --> 00:02:39,150 and there really were tears in his eyes... 49 00:02:39,250 --> 00:02:42,201 I mean, that was so much more emotional than any kiss. 50 00:02:43,021 --> 00:02:46,071 Just say, "Oh, Jack," you know, "what a day!" 51 00:02:48,220 --> 00:02:51,060 [narrator] The Kennedys had always recognized 52 00:02:51,081 --> 00:02:52,090 Jackie's value. 53 00:02:53,120 --> 00:02:56,100 [Kathleen Kennedy] She was much more elegant, to put it mildly, 54 00:02:56,180 --> 00:02:57,191 than my family, the Kennedy family, 55 00:02:57,210 --> 00:03:01,150 who was known primarily for football and sailing. 56 00:03:01,171 --> 00:03:02,210 [cheering] 57 00:03:03,051 --> 00:03:05,021 Jackie had a really good sense of taste and elegance. 58 00:03:05,180 --> 00:03:09,210 [Sally Bedell Smith] Jackie had a very privileged childhood. 59 00:03:09,231 --> 00:03:13,180 She had every advantage in terms of her education. 60 00:03:13,201 --> 00:03:16,250 She went to Ms. Porters, she went to Vassar. 61 00:03:17,120 --> 00:03:19,191 [Evan Thomas] Jackie Kennedy was the perfect prize 62 00:03:19,210 --> 00:03:21,071 of the WASP establishment. 63 00:03:21,220 --> 00:03:22,160 She also knew that the Kennedy family 64 00:03:22,180 --> 00:03:24,141 was using her. 65 00:03:24,250 --> 00:03:27,171 She once said the family treats me like a thing. 66 00:03:27,191 --> 00:03:29,220 Like an asset. Like Rhode Island. 67 00:03:30,141 --> 00:03:31,220 Even her own wedding was a political event. 68 00:03:32,131 --> 00:03:34,081 [reporter] For the spectators outside the church, 69 00:03:34,100 --> 00:03:36,100 -it's a real storybook wedding. -[applause] 70 00:03:36,120 --> 00:03:38,240 the top society wedding of the year. 71 00:03:39,120 --> 00:03:41,141 [Evan Thomas] There's glamour on the outside 72 00:03:41,160 --> 00:03:42,060 and heartache on the inside. 73 00:03:42,160 --> 00:03:45,160 Jackie's own father gets so drunk... 74 00:03:46,041 --> 00:03:47,111 before the wedding that he can't make it up the aisle. 75 00:03:48,100 --> 00:03:51,060 Jacqueline Kennedy had a father she adored, 76 00:03:51,220 --> 00:03:53,240 John Bouvier, 77 00:03:54,021 --> 00:03:55,141 but he had many flaws. 78 00:03:56,021 --> 00:03:56,220 He was an alcoholic. 79 00:03:57,041 --> 00:04:01,171 He was a gambler. He was a womanizer. 80 00:04:02,041 --> 00:04:03,240 [narrator] After divorcing John Bouvier, 81 00:04:04,021 --> 00:04:05,081 Jackie's mother, Janet, 82 00:04:05,101 --> 00:04:07,220 married Standard Oil heir, Hugh Auchincloss. 83 00:04:08,060 --> 00:04:10,240 Janet really hits the goldmine there, 84 00:04:11,030 --> 00:04:13,190 because he's incredibly wealthy, 85 00:04:13,210 --> 00:04:15,051 and she drills into Jackie's mind 86 00:04:15,071 --> 00:04:17,150 that you need to marry a wealthy man. 87 00:04:17,170 --> 00:04:18,110 You need to have that security. 88 00:04:20,191 --> 00:04:24,040 [reporter] With a pretty wife and a politically rising star, 89 00:04:24,061 --> 00:04:25,201 the future seems bright for the junior senator 90 00:04:25,220 --> 00:04:27,191 from Massachusetts. 91 00:04:28,150 --> 00:04:31,030 [Evan Thomas] There were 1,200 people at the reception. 92 00:04:31,110 --> 00:04:32,191 Jackie said she didn't even know the guests at her own wedding. 93 00:04:33,100 --> 00:04:35,071 [Kate Andersen Brower] To be at your wedding 94 00:04:35,170 --> 00:04:38,100 and to have to meet hundreds of people that you don't know, 95 00:04:38,230 --> 00:04:41,210 I think, says a lot about their relationship. 96 00:04:41,230 --> 00:04:45,141 [cheering and applause] 97 00:04:45,160 --> 00:04:48,170 [Barbara Perry] Jack and Jackie Kennedy remain to this day 98 00:04:48,191 --> 00:04:53,040 the only first couple to have a baby, John F. Kennedy Jr., 99 00:04:53,100 --> 00:04:55,170 between the election of the president 100 00:04:55,191 --> 00:04:56,251 and the inauguration. 101 00:04:57,030 --> 00:04:58,061 She had a caesarean section birth. 102 00:04:58,081 --> 00:05:00,251 She suffered a terrible loss of blood 103 00:05:01,030 --> 00:05:03,210 and baby John Jr., premature, 104 00:05:03,230 --> 00:05:05,160 had a lung ailment when he was born. 105 00:05:07,121 --> 00:05:11,050 [Sally Bedell Smith] That day, she was absolutely exhausted. 106 00:05:12,030 --> 00:05:14,110 You see them on the platform and she's there... 107 00:05:15,220 --> 00:05:18,141 and then, suddenly, she's vanished. 108 00:05:19,121 --> 00:05:23,071 She simply, physically, couldn't keep up. 109 00:05:24,251 --> 00:05:27,141 That was when she went back into the White House. 110 00:05:27,201 --> 00:05:30,100 [Barbara Perry] She didn't know, how am I going to be able 111 00:05:30,121 --> 00:05:32,201 to go off to five different inaugural balls. 112 00:05:33,071 --> 00:05:35,071 She had to absent herself and go, 113 00:05:35,090 --> 00:05:38,111 and it's not too strong to say, collapse 114 00:05:38,131 --> 00:05:40,111 in her new home, the White House. 115 00:05:41,081 --> 00:05:43,050 [Jackie Kennedy] I was really so tired that day... 116 00:05:43,170 --> 00:05:46,170 and that night I was just laid out in the queen's bed. 117 00:05:46,251 --> 00:05:48,251 I just couldn't move. 118 00:05:49,131 --> 00:05:51,100 [Barbara Perry] She calls for the president's physician, 119 00:05:51,121 --> 00:05:55,021 Dr. Janet Travell, who comes in with two pills. 120 00:05:55,191 --> 00:05:57,021 [Jackie Kennedy] She had two pills, 121 00:05:57,040 --> 00:05:58,061 a green one and an orange one, 122 00:05:58,081 --> 00:05:59,220 and she told me to take the orange one, 123 00:05:59,241 --> 00:06:00,141 so I did and I said what is it? 124 00:06:02,081 --> 00:06:03,170 And she told me it was Dexedrine, 125 00:06:04,081 --> 00:06:05,241 which I'd never taken in my life. 126 00:06:06,201 --> 00:06:08,160 [Barbara Perry] It turns out that's an amphetamine or speed, 127 00:06:08,181 --> 00:06:13,030 which is, obviously, to rev up the motor of the individual. 128 00:06:13,050 --> 00:06:13,251 And Mrs. Kennedy said it did. 129 00:06:14,170 --> 00:06:18,191 It allowed her to get out of bed, get dressed, 130 00:06:18,210 --> 00:06:21,030 and look her most beautiful. 131 00:06:23,071 --> 00:06:25,030 [narrator] Jackie rejoins her husband 132 00:06:25,050 --> 00:06:26,110 for the first inaugural ball. 133 00:06:32,090 --> 00:06:35,090 [Evan Thomas] On this greatest of all days, high on Dexedrine, 134 00:06:35,111 --> 00:06:38,050 this young queen goes forth into the night. 135 00:06:38,170 --> 00:06:40,210 Jackie Kennedy knew how to put on a show. 136 00:06:41,121 --> 00:06:43,121 [Barbara Perry] Here was this stunningly beautiful 137 00:06:43,141 --> 00:06:44,220 31-year-old woman... 138 00:06:45,081 --> 00:06:48,230 playing this new role of a gorgeous first lady 139 00:06:48,251 --> 00:06:50,061 of the United States. 140 00:06:50,180 --> 00:06:53,160 And if we didn't know the so-called back-story, 141 00:06:53,180 --> 00:06:56,100 we would think there was absolutely nothing wrong. 142 00:06:56,180 --> 00:06:58,040 [Sally Bedell Smith] She got through it as far 143 00:06:58,061 --> 00:07:00,090 as the Dexedrine would take her 144 00:07:00,110 --> 00:07:01,141 but she couldn't get through the whole evening. 145 00:07:04,100 --> 00:07:05,150 [Jackie Kennedy] It was like Cinderella 146 00:07:05,210 --> 00:07:08,170 and the clock striking midnight. I guess that pill wore off. 147 00:07:08,241 --> 00:07:10,170 So, Jack said, "You go home now." 148 00:07:11,100 --> 00:07:14,050 [Barbara Perry] He carried on to three more inaugural balls 149 00:07:14,071 --> 00:07:15,090 and various parties, 150 00:07:15,110 --> 00:07:18,040 where he was seen with women, not his wife, 151 00:07:18,110 --> 00:07:19,191 and carries on without her. 152 00:07:21,251 --> 00:07:22,241 [Kati Marton] It was never going 153 00:07:23,021 --> 00:07:25,021 to be smooth sailing between them 154 00:07:25,040 --> 00:07:28,201 because they were two fiercely independent people. 155 00:07:29,030 --> 00:07:30,100 But this independence was the secret 156 00:07:30,121 --> 00:07:34,191 of surviving being married to Jack Kennedy. 157 00:07:44,220 --> 00:07:45,100 [Sander Vanocur] What about your role 158 00:07:45,121 --> 00:07:47,021 as a mother and wife? 159 00:07:47,040 --> 00:07:49,090 Can one have a role as first lady? 160 00:07:49,111 --> 00:07:51,180 Yes, I think it doesn't matter what else you do 161 00:07:51,201 --> 00:07:53,201 if you don't do that part well. 162 00:07:54,061 --> 00:07:56,021 If you fail your husband and your children. 163 00:07:56,040 --> 00:07:57,021 [Kate Andersen Brower] The Kennedys had 164 00:07:57,040 --> 00:07:58,050 a two-month-old son, 165 00:07:58,180 --> 00:08:02,040 a three-year-old very boisterous fun-loving daughter, Caroline. 166 00:08:02,160 --> 00:08:04,191 [Martha Bartlett] Jackie was a good mother. 167 00:08:04,210 --> 00:08:06,201 She was excellent with them in the White House. 168 00:08:06,220 --> 00:08:08,040 And they had a lot of fun. 169 00:08:08,100 --> 00:08:11,081 I think she did everything she could to normalize it. 170 00:08:12,040 --> 00:08:13,170 [Sander Vanocur] Do you really hope 171 00:08:13,191 --> 00:08:16,251 to keep a private life for your children? 172 00:08:17,030 --> 00:08:18,040 Well, I hope it is, 173 00:08:18,110 --> 00:08:19,210 and I'm going to try very hard to do that... 174 00:08:20,141 --> 00:08:24,121 Because, otherwise, how can I bring up normal children? 175 00:08:25,150 --> 00:08:27,090 [Barbara Perry] President Kennedy knew the asset 176 00:08:27,110 --> 00:08:30,021 of having a photogenic family 177 00:08:30,040 --> 00:08:31,121 because he had come from one. 178 00:08:31,210 --> 00:08:36,080 And he knew those two children were beautiful and beguiling. 179 00:08:36,211 --> 00:08:38,211 [Kate Andersen Brower] When Jackie was out of town 180 00:08:38,231 --> 00:08:39,080 with Caroline, 181 00:08:39,150 --> 00:08:40,150 President Kennedy asked, 182 00:08:40,170 --> 00:08:44,060 "Is there anyone here from Look magazine?" 183 00:08:44,080 --> 00:08:46,050 And there's this iconic photograph 184 00:08:46,070 --> 00:08:48,050 of John Kennedy Jr. peeking out 185 00:08:48,070 --> 00:08:49,030 from underneath the Resolute desk 186 00:08:49,050 --> 00:08:50,101 in the Oval Office. 187 00:08:51,060 --> 00:08:53,050 The president said he knew she would be angry, 188 00:08:53,070 --> 00:08:55,070 "I will take the brunt of it" 189 00:08:55,091 --> 00:08:57,060 and Jackie came back and was furious. 190 00:08:57,231 --> 00:09:00,211 [Kathleen Kennedy] Jack came from a political family. 191 00:09:01,050 --> 00:09:03,060 They were accustomed to sharing their lives. 192 00:09:03,211 --> 00:09:07,111 And Jackie didn't think that was helpful for a child 193 00:09:07,131 --> 00:09:10,211 to be exposed at the age of three to mass media. 194 00:09:11,170 --> 00:09:14,131 So, they didn't always agree about that. 195 00:09:16,040 --> 00:09:17,160 [narrator] Jackie has her own ideas 196 00:09:17,180 --> 00:09:20,070 on how to make her mark as first lady. 197 00:09:22,070 --> 00:09:23,030 [Sander Vanocur] What do you think has to be done 198 00:09:23,050 --> 00:09:24,060 to the White House? 199 00:09:24,141 --> 00:09:26,170 [Jackie Kennedy] There's very little 200 00:09:26,190 --> 00:09:28,021 antique furniture here now 201 00:09:28,040 --> 00:09:32,200 and the thing I care about most is to make it more of a museum. 202 00:09:33,070 --> 00:09:35,030 [Barbara Perry] Mrs. Kennedy is very upset 203 00:09:35,050 --> 00:09:36,231 at what she sees in the White House 204 00:09:36,251 --> 00:09:37,160 when she arrives. 205 00:09:37,251 --> 00:09:40,121 It looked like the furnishings had come 206 00:09:40,141 --> 00:09:42,241 from a Statler Hotel, she said. 207 00:09:43,101 --> 00:09:44,170 [Kathleen Kennedy] She understood that the White House 208 00:09:44,190 --> 00:09:48,221 should represent the history that had taken place there. 209 00:09:49,131 --> 00:09:51,040 [narrator] Jackie has grand plans 210 00:09:51,060 --> 00:09:52,231 to transform the White House. 211 00:09:53,131 --> 00:09:54,231 But she immediately faces opposition. 212 00:09:55,180 --> 00:09:58,060 Everybody on President Kennedy's staff said no. 213 00:09:58,150 --> 00:10:01,050 "You don't know what you're doing. 214 00:10:01,070 --> 00:10:02,231 How dare you touch the White House." 215 00:10:03,060 --> 00:10:04,050 She's 31 years old. 216 00:10:04,070 --> 00:10:07,080 She stands up to all the president's advisers 217 00:10:07,101 --> 00:10:08,211 and says, "I'm going ahead." 218 00:10:09,221 --> 00:10:11,080 [narrator] Jackie raises money to buy back furniture 219 00:10:11,101 --> 00:10:14,021 belonging to past presidents... 220 00:10:14,150 --> 00:10:17,141 and persuades collectors to donate antiques. 221 00:10:19,101 --> 00:10:21,050 She welcomes a film crew into the private quarters 222 00:10:21,070 --> 00:10:22,190 for the first time. 223 00:10:26,060 --> 00:10:27,141 Mrs. Kennedy, I want to thank you 224 00:10:27,160 --> 00:10:30,141 for letting us to visit your official home. 225 00:10:30,160 --> 00:10:32,050 This is the obviously the room 226 00:10:32,070 --> 00:10:33,141 from which much of your work on it is directed. 227 00:10:33,160 --> 00:10:37,030 Yes, it's attic and cellar all in one. 228 00:10:37,200 --> 00:10:39,211 [Sally Bedell Smith] This was probably 229 00:10:39,231 --> 00:10:41,141 her most important performance 230 00:10:41,160 --> 00:10:44,131 during her whole time at the White House. 231 00:10:45,091 --> 00:10:48,040 And she was tense. She was very, very nervous. 232 00:10:48,131 --> 00:10:52,021 Every time they had a break she would smoke like a chimney. 233 00:10:52,040 --> 00:10:53,040 She had some brown liquor with her. 234 00:10:53,121 --> 00:10:57,070 And she invariably dropped the ashes 235 00:10:57,091 --> 00:11:00,150 on this beautiful silk settee, you know? 236 00:11:01,121 --> 00:11:03,030 [Jackie Kennedy] So excited to see things grow every day. 237 00:11:03,121 --> 00:11:05,180 [narrator] At the end of the day, 238 00:11:05,200 --> 00:11:08,231 the producer shows the Kennedys what they had filmed. 239 00:11:09,131 --> 00:11:10,091 [Sally Bedell Smith] He said that 240 00:11:10,111 --> 00:11:11,131 when he looked over at Jack, 241 00:11:11,200 --> 00:11:17,170 his admiration and pride was unmistakable. 242 00:11:17,231 --> 00:11:19,200 [Jackie Kennedy] I think that everything in the White House 243 00:11:19,221 --> 00:11:20,211 should be the best. 244 00:11:24,111 --> 00:11:25,160 [Charles Collingwood] For the next hour, 245 00:11:25,241 --> 00:11:28,160 Mrs. John F. Kennedy invites you to visit the president's house 246 00:11:28,180 --> 00:11:31,170 and see some of the restoration she's made in its interiors. 247 00:11:31,190 --> 00:11:35,070 [narrator] A record 80 million viewers watch Jackie's tour. 248 00:11:35,131 --> 00:11:36,211 Donations to her restoration project flood in. 249 00:11:37,050 --> 00:11:40,121 [Charles Collingwood] Are all the pieces from Lincoln's time? 250 00:11:41,030 --> 00:11:42,070 Yes, they are. 251 00:11:42,091 --> 00:11:44,150 The most famous one is, of course, the Lincoln bed. 252 00:11:44,170 --> 00:11:47,121 Every president seemed to love it. 253 00:11:47,221 --> 00:11:48,231 [Sally Bedell Smith] It got rave reviews. 254 00:11:48,251 --> 00:11:52,021 There were governors' wives all over the country 255 00:11:52,040 --> 00:11:53,111 who were saying we have to do this 256 00:11:53,131 --> 00:11:54,251 with the governors' mansion. 257 00:11:55,030 --> 00:11:56,150 [Jackie Kennedy] It was bought by Mrs. Lincoln. 258 00:11:56,170 --> 00:11:59,021 She made her husband rather cross, 259 00:11:59,040 --> 00:12:00,091 because she spent too much money. 260 00:12:00,180 --> 00:12:02,131 [Sally Bedell Smith] People tended 261 00:12:02,150 --> 00:12:04,050 to underestimate her intelligence, 262 00:12:04,111 --> 00:12:07,080 which was considerable. 263 00:12:07,180 --> 00:12:11,121 The whole historic preservation movement in this country 264 00:12:11,141 --> 00:12:13,180 owes a great debt of gratitude to her. 265 00:12:18,101 --> 00:12:19,121 [reporter] The assault has begun 266 00:12:19,141 --> 00:12:21,200 on the dictatorship of Fidel Castro. 267 00:12:23,080 --> 00:12:24,200 [narrator] Three months in the presidency, 268 00:12:24,221 --> 00:12:27,070 the Kennedy administration suffers 269 00:12:27,091 --> 00:12:27,231 their first major setback. 270 00:12:29,021 --> 00:12:34,131 The CIA-backed invasion of Cuba ends in disaster. 271 00:12:36,030 --> 00:12:39,190 [Kati Marton] Reality really bit both Kennedys. 272 00:12:40,030 --> 00:12:41,170 It was a humiliation. 273 00:12:41,190 --> 00:12:43,221 Kennedy had been too influenced by advisors. 274 00:12:45,021 --> 00:12:48,060 [Jackie Kennedy] He came back over to the White House, 275 00:12:48,080 --> 00:12:50,231 to his bedroom and he started to cry, 276 00:12:51,221 --> 00:12:52,211 just with me. 277 00:12:53,131 --> 00:12:56,030 Just put his head in his hands, sort of wept. 278 00:12:56,231 --> 00:12:58,070 [Kati Marton] It brought home to him 279 00:12:58,190 --> 00:13:03,050 that he had to be more self-reliant 280 00:13:03,070 --> 00:13:05,030 and more reliant on his partner. 281 00:13:05,190 --> 00:13:06,231 As Jackie said, in the White House 282 00:13:07,050 --> 00:13:11,211 the only two people you really have are each other. 283 00:13:17,241 --> 00:13:20,021 [reporter] President John Kennedy's debut 284 00:13:20,040 --> 00:13:23,091 on the international scene gets off to a start in France 285 00:13:23,111 --> 00:13:24,180 where the president is greeted formally 286 00:13:24,200 --> 00:13:26,111 by President Charles de Gaulle. 287 00:13:26,231 --> 00:13:27,221 [narrator] Four months into the Presidency 288 00:13:27,241 --> 00:13:31,070 and reeling from the Bay of Pigs fiasco, 289 00:13:31,131 --> 00:13:33,040 the Kennedys embark on a European tour. 290 00:13:33,231 --> 00:13:35,060 [Evan Thomas] The Cold War is approaching 291 00:13:35,080 --> 00:13:37,111 a dangerous point. 292 00:13:37,200 --> 00:13:39,231 President Kennedy needs allies 293 00:13:40,170 --> 00:13:44,111 but Charles de Gaulle is famously cold and austere. 294 00:13:45,040 --> 00:13:47,080 [reporter] The crowd's estimated as high as two million 295 00:13:47,101 --> 00:13:49,070 line the route to cheer the president. 296 00:13:49,160 --> 00:13:51,040 [narrator] But all eyes are on Jackie. 297 00:13:51,150 --> 00:13:54,111 [Jackie Kennedy in French] 298 00:14:01,241 --> 00:14:03,180 [Barbara Perry] People are screaming 299 00:14:03,251 --> 00:14:06,190 "Vive Jacqueline! Vive Jacqueline!" 300 00:14:07,200 --> 00:14:09,150 Both president and Mrs. Kennedy are taken aback 301 00:14:09,170 --> 00:14:11,091 by how many people are there. 302 00:14:11,251 --> 00:14:14,251 [Sally Bedell Smith] Jackie was bred in the bone 303 00:14:15,030 --> 00:14:16,021 as a Francophile. 304 00:14:16,121 --> 00:14:21,150 She loved America, but she had a real fascination with France. 305 00:14:22,060 --> 00:14:24,221 [Jackie Kennedy in French] 306 00:14:32,160 --> 00:14:35,050 [Kati Marton] It was a particular triumph... 307 00:14:35,170 --> 00:14:38,200 to be as elegant as she was in the land 308 00:14:38,221 --> 00:14:41,040 that in effect invented elegance. 309 00:14:41,150 --> 00:14:42,241 [Evan Thomas] Imagine what it's like 310 00:14:43,021 --> 00:14:46,050 to try to have a conversation with the president of France. 311 00:14:46,150 --> 00:14:47,211 You can't be talking about Paris fashion. 312 00:14:47,231 --> 00:14:49,190 They're talking about French history. 313 00:14:50,040 --> 00:14:52,251 De Gaulle says that she knows more history 314 00:14:53,030 --> 00:14:54,251 than most French women. 315 00:14:55,030 --> 00:14:56,170 She more than holds her own. 316 00:14:58,021 --> 00:15:00,060 [John F. Kennedy] I do not think it altogether inappropriate 317 00:15:00,141 --> 00:15:02,160 to introduce myself. 318 00:15:03,050 --> 00:15:07,101 I am the man who accompanied Jacqueline Kennedy to Paris! 319 00:15:07,121 --> 00:15:08,021 -[laughter] -And I've enjoyed it. 320 00:15:10,040 --> 00:15:11,150 [applause] 321 00:15:14,160 --> 00:15:15,221 [Kati Marton] In the eyes of her husband, 322 00:15:15,241 --> 00:15:21,040 she now was a major asset in diplomacy, 323 00:15:21,060 --> 00:15:22,200 making inroads in areas 324 00:15:22,221 --> 00:15:25,040 where he was not doing that well. 325 00:15:26,231 --> 00:15:29,091 [narrator] After Paris, Kennedy faces 326 00:15:29,111 --> 00:15:30,251 his first superpower summit 327 00:15:31,030 --> 00:15:33,070 with Soviet leader, Nikita Khrushchev. 328 00:15:33,190 --> 00:15:35,160 [reporter] The world looked to Vienna 329 00:15:35,180 --> 00:15:37,080 as the president of the United States arrived. 330 00:15:38,101 --> 00:15:41,050 [Barbara Perry] Kennedy thought he could get through that summit 331 00:15:41,070 --> 00:15:43,241 by virtue of his knowledge, which was expansive. 332 00:15:44,080 --> 00:15:46,211 [reporter] President Kennedy expressed America's desire 333 00:15:46,231 --> 00:15:49,160 for effective nuclear test controls 334 00:15:49,231 --> 00:15:51,080 and a disarmament agreement. 335 00:15:51,101 --> 00:15:53,131 [Barbara Perry] But Khrushchev did not allow that to happen. 336 00:15:53,150 --> 00:15:56,121 In fact, he bullied Kennedy. 337 00:15:56,200 --> 00:15:59,170 [narrator] Once again, it's Jackie who breaks the ice. 338 00:16:00,200 --> 00:16:03,121 [Barbara Perry] When Khrushchev sees her, his face lights up. 339 00:16:03,231 --> 00:16:05,180 It is described in the press 340 00:16:05,200 --> 00:16:07,170 as looking like a Russian schoolboy 341 00:16:07,190 --> 00:16:08,170 on the banks of the Volga river 342 00:16:08,241 --> 00:16:12,241 when the snow melts in springtime, 343 00:16:13,121 --> 00:16:15,141 and he is doing everything possible 344 00:16:15,160 --> 00:16:16,160 to impress Mrs. Kennedy 345 00:16:16,180 --> 00:16:20,141 including telling her how many tractors are made 346 00:16:20,160 --> 00:16:21,111 in Soviet factories 347 00:16:21,180 --> 00:16:24,021 and she famously says in her breathy voice, 348 00:16:24,040 --> 00:16:26,160 "Oh, Mr. Chairman, don't bore me with statistics." 349 00:16:26,241 --> 00:16:28,101 And he just roared with laughter, 350 00:16:28,121 --> 00:16:33,170 because nobody tells the head of the Soviet Socialist Republic 351 00:16:33,190 --> 00:16:35,080 "Don't bother me with statistics." 352 00:16:35,160 --> 00:16:36,160 But loved her sharp wit. 353 00:16:37,040 --> 00:16:41,060 Jackie's impact on Nikita Khrushchev, at a minimum, 354 00:16:41,080 --> 00:16:43,200 diverted attention from a superpower summit 355 00:16:43,221 --> 00:16:46,040 that Kennedy described later 356 00:16:46,060 --> 00:16:49,080 as "the toughest thing I've ever been through." 357 00:16:51,141 --> 00:16:53,101 [narrator] Jackie succeeds in bolstering 358 00:16:53,121 --> 00:16:54,160 her husband's presidency. 359 00:16:55,211 --> 00:16:57,131 But his loyalty to her has its limits. 360 00:16:57,251 --> 00:17:01,131 I said, "What are you going to do 361 00:17:01,150 --> 00:17:03,190 about all your affairs, Jack?" 362 00:17:03,211 --> 00:17:04,221 And he said, "Well, you know, 363 00:17:04,241 --> 00:17:07,201 in the White House it should be easier. 364 00:17:08,050 --> 00:17:10,241 The Secret Service will protect me." 365 00:17:11,070 --> 00:17:12,030 And he was right, 366 00:17:12,050 --> 00:17:15,060 The Secret Service did protect him. 367 00:17:15,251 --> 00:17:17,080 Jackie Kennedy was well aware 368 00:17:17,100 --> 00:17:18,211 of her husband's infidelities. How could she miss? 369 00:17:19,090 --> 00:17:23,120 Her own secretary, Pam Turnure, was sleeping with the President, 370 00:17:23,140 --> 00:17:25,241 along with a lot of other women who worked at the White House. 371 00:17:26,060 --> 00:17:29,080 Jackie was no fool. They were all around her. 372 00:17:29,100 --> 00:17:30,080 I've always thought 373 00:17:30,100 --> 00:17:32,181 Jackie really loved Jack, really loved Jack, 374 00:17:33,040 --> 00:17:36,251 and was always trying to get him... 375 00:17:37,140 --> 00:17:40,040 to be faithful to her. 376 00:17:42,221 --> 00:17:43,241 [narrator] During a family football game 377 00:17:44,021 --> 00:17:47,110 at Bobby Kennedy's home, Jackie sprains her ankle. 378 00:17:48,060 --> 00:17:50,140 She is tended to by Bobby's friend 379 00:17:50,161 --> 00:17:52,231 and neighbor, Dr Frank Finnerty. 380 00:17:52,251 --> 00:17:55,161 [Sally Bedell Smith] The way he projected compassion 381 00:17:55,181 --> 00:17:57,241 and warmth clicked with her. 382 00:17:58,021 --> 00:18:01,140 And she said, "Do you think I could call you 383 00:18:01,161 --> 00:18:02,100 from time to time." 384 00:18:02,191 --> 00:18:05,070 [chuckles] And he said, "Well, yes, of course." 385 00:18:06,060 --> 00:18:07,181 [narrator] For the next two years, 386 00:18:07,201 --> 00:18:09,080 Jackie calls Dr. Finnerty twice a week. 387 00:18:10,070 --> 00:18:12,211 [Sally Bedell Smith] She said, "I'm not naive. 388 00:18:13,201 --> 00:18:17,181 I know that he's having a lot of affairs." 389 00:18:18,090 --> 00:18:21,241 She alleged that he was having an affair with Marilyn Monroe, 390 00:18:22,161 --> 00:18:25,050 and she said that really bothered her. 391 00:18:26,140 --> 00:18:28,151 She somehow felt inadequate. 392 00:18:29,151 --> 00:18:34,151 It was his role to reassure her that it was not her fault. 393 00:18:35,030 --> 00:18:37,211 And at the same time, he actually gave her 394 00:18:37,231 --> 00:18:40,110 a kind of set of talking points... 395 00:18:41,070 --> 00:18:44,110 about how to improve their sex life. 396 00:18:45,021 --> 00:18:46,120 And she said it had actually improved... 397 00:18:46,241 --> 00:18:50,191 but he was still womanizing. 398 00:18:52,110 --> 00:18:53,231 [narrator] Jackie was working as a photojournalist 399 00:18:53,251 --> 00:18:56,191 for the Washington Times-Herald 400 00:18:56,211 --> 00:18:57,221 when she was introduced to Jack Kennedy 401 00:18:57,241 --> 00:19:00,080 through mutual friends. 402 00:19:00,161 --> 00:19:01,181 I think we just automatically thought 403 00:19:01,201 --> 00:19:04,090 they'd be good for each other. 404 00:19:04,191 --> 00:19:06,060 He was fun. He was very good looking, 405 00:19:06,080 --> 00:19:09,221 and she was intelligent and fun to be with. 406 00:19:10,070 --> 00:19:11,181 [Evan Thomas] Jackie Kennedy took one look at Jack 407 00:19:11,201 --> 00:19:14,030 and saw the main chance. 408 00:19:20,191 --> 00:19:21,241 [narrator] But when Jack proposed 409 00:19:22,060 --> 00:19:25,070 Jackie agonized for four weeks before accepting. 410 00:19:26,161 --> 00:19:30,120 She could see the prospect of adventure, 411 00:19:30,140 --> 00:19:33,060 but she could also sense danger. 412 00:19:33,211 --> 00:19:37,171 She knew that he had the capacity to be unfaithful... 413 00:19:38,090 --> 00:19:43,130 but she decided that life with him... 414 00:19:44,070 --> 00:19:47,120 was worth it, and that she loved him. 415 00:19:48,060 --> 00:19:51,161 She was being interviewed three years into their marriage, 416 00:19:51,181 --> 00:19:53,161 which was really when their relationship 417 00:19:53,181 --> 00:19:55,191 sort of hit rock bottom. 418 00:19:55,211 --> 00:19:57,171 [interviewer] You're pretty much in love with him, aren't you? 419 00:19:57,191 --> 00:19:59,021 [chuckles] Oh, no. 420 00:19:59,181 --> 00:20:00,191 [Evan Thomas] Jackie Kennedy knew 421 00:20:00,211 --> 00:20:01,140 that Jack had been a playboy, 422 00:20:01,211 --> 00:20:03,221 but she had not banked 423 00:20:03,241 --> 00:20:05,181 upon the sheer scale of his infidelity. 424 00:20:05,201 --> 00:20:07,191 I said no, didn't I? 425 00:20:08,021 --> 00:20:09,140 [interviewer] Yes, you did. Do you want to do it again? 426 00:20:09,161 --> 00:20:10,171 [laughs] 427 00:20:10,241 --> 00:20:13,021 She couldn't say anything 428 00:20:13,040 --> 00:20:16,140 other than an honest reaction in that moment. 429 00:20:17,050 --> 00:20:18,040 [interviewer] You are pretty much 430 00:20:18,060 --> 00:20:19,130 in love with him, aren't you? 431 00:20:20,161 --> 00:20:22,040 I suppose so. 432 00:20:22,251 --> 00:20:25,191 [narrator] By 1958, Jackie had had enough 433 00:20:25,211 --> 00:20:26,100 of her husband's infidelities. 434 00:20:28,050 --> 00:20:30,050 While Jack was away campaigning, 435 00:20:30,221 --> 00:20:33,070 she confided in her friend, Walter Ridder. 436 00:20:33,191 --> 00:20:37,060 Jackie said, "He's so badly behaved. 437 00:20:37,080 --> 00:20:38,120 He's away again. 438 00:20:38,140 --> 00:20:41,231 God knows who he's with. I just can't take it anymore. 439 00:20:41,251 --> 00:20:45,021 I think I have to divorce him." 440 00:20:45,040 --> 00:20:48,171 And my husband said, "Jackie, think about this. 441 00:20:48,241 --> 00:20:51,030 You do not want to have on your conscience 442 00:20:51,100 --> 00:20:55,130 that you prevented him from becoming president." 443 00:20:55,251 --> 00:20:57,060 [Sally Bedell Smith] By divorcing him, 444 00:20:57,130 --> 00:21:01,251 she would have ended his political career. 445 00:21:03,090 --> 00:21:06,251 But by staying with him, there would be a trade-off, 446 00:21:07,070 --> 00:21:10,090 giving her the latitude, if he became president, 447 00:21:10,191 --> 00:21:13,060 to do what she wanted to do. 448 00:21:14,100 --> 00:21:17,110 [announcer] Mr. President, the late Marilyn Monroe. 449 00:21:22,030 --> 00:21:27,231 ♪ Happy birthday to you 450 00:21:28,110 --> 00:21:31,080 [narrator] At Jack's 45th birthday celebration, 451 00:21:31,181 --> 00:21:32,110 Jackie is notably absent. 452 00:21:35,030 --> 00:21:40,181 ♪ Happy birthday, Mr. President ♪ 453 00:21:41,040 --> 00:21:42,021 [Kate Andersen Brower] One reporter said 454 00:21:42,040 --> 00:21:44,221 that it was making love to the president 455 00:21:44,241 --> 00:21:46,030 in front of 40 million people. 456 00:21:46,161 --> 00:21:52,221 And this was a really embarrassing moment for Jackie. 457 00:21:52,241 --> 00:21:55,021 Everybody, Happy Birthday! 458 00:21:55,120 --> 00:21:57,060 [Barbara Perry] To the extent that she knew 459 00:21:57,080 --> 00:22:00,040 about her husband's womanizing, she had two choices: 460 00:22:00,110 --> 00:22:03,221 She could stay and know that it was going on around her, 461 00:22:03,241 --> 00:22:05,140 or she could get away from it. 462 00:22:05,161 --> 00:22:08,100 And sometimes, I think she chose the latter. 463 00:22:09,120 --> 00:22:11,201 And yet, what a terrible paradox, 464 00:22:11,221 --> 00:22:14,021 because to leave gave President Kennedy 465 00:22:14,040 --> 00:22:17,140 an open field in which to graze. 466 00:22:23,251 --> 00:22:26,090 [reporter] A crisis is near. 467 00:22:26,171 --> 00:22:28,211 A strategic air command reconnaissance pilot 468 00:22:28,231 --> 00:22:30,161 soars high over Cuba. 469 00:22:30,241 --> 00:22:32,231 The evidence is unmistakable. 470 00:22:33,120 --> 00:22:35,090 [narrator] President Kennedy is informed 471 00:22:35,110 --> 00:22:38,161 that the Soviets are building nuclear missile sites in Cuba. 472 00:22:39,080 --> 00:22:41,090 The world stands on the brink of nuclear war. 473 00:22:41,161 --> 00:22:44,030 [Kathleen Kennedy] My father said to us, "Children, 474 00:22:44,050 --> 00:22:45,221 we're in real trouble, 475 00:22:46,050 --> 00:22:49,120 do you want to get away and go into a shelter?" 476 00:22:50,021 --> 00:22:51,171 And we all said, "No, we'll stay with you, Daddy." 477 00:22:52,080 --> 00:22:55,140 And the same thing happened with Jackie. 478 00:22:55,201 --> 00:22:56,231 [Jackie Kennedy] I said, "Please, 479 00:22:57,021 --> 00:22:58,120 don't send me away to Camp David. 480 00:22:58,140 --> 00:23:00,120 If anything happens, we're all going to stay 481 00:23:00,140 --> 00:23:01,070 right here with you. 482 00:23:01,181 --> 00:23:03,151 I just want to be on the lawn when it happens. 483 00:23:03,171 --> 00:23:06,241 And I want to die with you, and the children do, too." 484 00:23:07,070 --> 00:23:09,140 [John F. Kennedy] It shall be the policy of this nation... 485 00:23:10,030 --> 00:23:13,070 to regard any nuclear missile launched from Cuba 486 00:23:13,090 --> 00:23:15,181 against any nation in the western hemisphere... 487 00:23:16,100 --> 00:23:17,060 as an attack... 488 00:23:17,151 --> 00:23:19,030 [Kathleen Kennedy] A lot of people were very scared 489 00:23:19,050 --> 00:23:20,241 that it was going to be the end of our world. 490 00:23:21,090 --> 00:23:23,060 Those generals, they wanted to go to war. 491 00:23:23,221 --> 00:23:26,030 [Jackie Kennedy] I'd walk by his office all the time, 492 00:23:26,050 --> 00:23:27,231 and sometimes he would take me out 493 00:23:27,251 --> 00:23:29,100 for a walk around the lawn. 494 00:23:29,171 --> 00:23:31,251 He didn't very often do that. We just sort of walked quietly. 495 00:23:32,030 --> 00:23:34,130 It was just this vigil. 496 00:23:37,130 --> 00:23:40,060 [narrator] As Soviet ships sail towards Cuba, 497 00:23:40,241 --> 00:23:43,151 Kennedy defies his military advisors 498 00:23:43,171 --> 00:23:45,130 and orders a naval blockade. 499 00:23:48,140 --> 00:23:51,251 Kennedy demands that the missiles sites be dismantled. 500 00:23:52,030 --> 00:23:53,201 Khrushchev refuses. 501 00:23:54,021 --> 00:23:54,211 [Jackie Kennedy] From then on, it seemed 502 00:23:54,231 --> 00:23:56,241 there was no waking or sleeping, 503 00:23:57,070 --> 00:23:59,161 and I just don't know which day was which. 504 00:23:59,221 --> 00:24:01,161 There was no day or night. 505 00:24:02,080 --> 00:24:03,070 Well that's the time I've been closest to him. 506 00:24:03,181 --> 00:24:05,191 [Kate Andersen Brower] She really knew what was going on... 507 00:24:06,070 --> 00:24:08,221 and she was a sounding board, 508 00:24:09,050 --> 00:24:11,171 and they were really growing closer together 509 00:24:11,191 --> 00:24:12,140 through this trauma. 510 00:24:15,021 --> 00:24:16,050 [narrator] As the days go by, 511 00:24:16,070 --> 00:24:18,231 the pressure mounts on Kennedy to invade Cuba. 512 00:24:19,070 --> 00:24:22,060 An act that would result in war. 513 00:24:23,050 --> 00:24:24,120 On the 13th day, 514 00:24:24,181 --> 00:24:28,090 Kennedy and Khrushchev finally break the deadlock. 515 00:24:29,080 --> 00:24:32,120 I have today been informed by Chairman Krushchev... 516 00:24:33,110 --> 00:24:36,100 that all weapons will be withdrawn in 30 days. 517 00:24:37,120 --> 00:24:38,050 [narrator] Nuclear war averted, 518 00:24:38,120 --> 00:24:41,161 Kennedy presents his closest advisors 519 00:24:41,231 --> 00:24:46,181 with Tiffany silver calendars marked with the 13 crucial days. 520 00:24:47,050 --> 00:24:49,030 He also gives one to Jackie. 521 00:24:49,130 --> 00:24:50,140 [Jackie Kennedy] And, finally, when it was over, 522 00:24:50,161 --> 00:24:52,241 he thought of giving that calendar to everyone. 523 00:24:53,110 --> 00:24:56,021 I was so surprised that I had one, 524 00:24:56,040 --> 00:24:57,151 I burst out crying. 525 00:24:58,191 --> 00:25:00,120 [Kate Andersen Brower] It was elevating her 526 00:25:00,140 --> 00:25:03,060 as someone he looked upon with as much respect 527 00:25:03,080 --> 00:25:04,251 as he did his own brother, 528 00:25:05,030 --> 00:25:08,040 who was by his side during those 13 days. 529 00:25:08,060 --> 00:25:11,060 So, that gift was incredibly important to her 530 00:25:11,080 --> 00:25:12,211 and she treasured it all her life. 531 00:25:14,070 --> 00:25:16,161 [John F. Kennedy] Yesterday, a shaft of light 532 00:25:16,221 --> 00:25:17,211 cut into the darkness. 533 00:25:19,070 --> 00:25:22,050 Negotiations were concluded in Moscow 534 00:25:22,070 --> 00:25:25,080 to ban all nuclear tests in the atmosphere. 535 00:25:25,171 --> 00:25:28,151 [Sally Bedell Smith] 1963 had been a good year 536 00:25:28,171 --> 00:25:30,130 for Jack and Jackie. 537 00:25:30,251 --> 00:25:33,030 And the most important thing 538 00:25:33,050 --> 00:25:34,211 in their personal lives right then 539 00:25:34,231 --> 00:25:38,050 was they were looking forward to the birth of a third child. 540 00:25:38,211 --> 00:25:41,151 [Barbara Perry] Jackie was surrounded by Kennedys, 541 00:25:41,171 --> 00:25:44,050 who were having loads of children 542 00:25:44,070 --> 00:25:46,161 including Bobby and Ethel who'd go on to have 11. 543 00:25:46,181 --> 00:25:49,080 The president wanted a large family. 544 00:25:49,100 --> 00:25:50,201 And Jackie felt inadequate 545 00:25:50,221 --> 00:25:54,221 that she had these terribly difficult pregnancies. 546 00:25:56,090 --> 00:25:57,181 [narrator] Seven years earlier, 547 00:25:58,030 --> 00:25:59,221 Jackie went into premature labor, 548 00:26:00,090 --> 00:26:02,130 but Jack was totally absent. 549 00:26:03,221 --> 00:26:05,161 [Sally Bedell Smith] In 1956, 550 00:26:06,021 --> 00:26:07,181 she gave birth to a stillborn daughter... 551 00:26:08,090 --> 00:26:10,211 whom she named Arabella. 552 00:26:11,181 --> 00:26:15,050 Jack was away being a playboy in the south of France. 553 00:26:15,181 --> 00:26:18,241 And it really took somebody saying to him, 554 00:26:19,021 --> 00:26:21,181 you have to get on a plane and go home 555 00:26:22,030 --> 00:26:23,181 and be with your wife at this moment. 556 00:26:24,191 --> 00:26:31,130 But in 1963, his mindset was very different, 557 00:26:31,251 --> 00:26:33,070 when she went into labor. 558 00:26:33,090 --> 00:26:34,090 [Pierre Salinger] Mrs. Kennedy has given birth 559 00:26:34,110 --> 00:26:37,030 to a four-pound ten-and-a-half-ounce baby boy. 560 00:26:37,191 --> 00:26:40,251 It was five-and-a-half weeks premature. 561 00:26:41,080 --> 00:26:42,221 [narrator] Born by emergency C-section, 562 00:26:42,241 --> 00:26:46,040 baby Patrick has severe breathing difficulties. 563 00:26:46,100 --> 00:26:48,110 He is immediately taken from his mother 564 00:26:48,130 --> 00:26:51,090 and flown to Boston for life-saving treatment. 565 00:26:51,181 --> 00:26:52,171 [Sally Bedell Smith] All Jack could do was watch 566 00:26:52,191 --> 00:26:54,130 through this little porthole in the room 567 00:26:54,151 --> 00:26:58,110 and see this child inside an incubator. 568 00:26:58,221 --> 00:27:02,080 And when it was finally clear that he was going to die... 569 00:27:02,241 --> 00:27:06,181 they brought him out and put him in his father's arms. 570 00:27:09,191 --> 00:27:11,040 [Pierre Salinger] Patrick Kennedy died 571 00:27:11,060 --> 00:27:12,050 at 4.04 a.m. 572 00:27:12,070 --> 00:27:13,100 [reporters groan] 573 00:27:13,120 --> 00:27:14,110 [man] Say that again. 574 00:27:14,130 --> 00:27:16,090 [Pierre Salinger] The struggle of the baby boy 575 00:27:16,110 --> 00:27:19,080 to keep breathing was too much for his heart. 576 00:27:19,201 --> 00:27:24,191 Jackie only saw Patrick in an incubator. 577 00:27:25,090 --> 00:27:29,090 She never had a chance to hold him in her arms. 578 00:27:29,241 --> 00:27:32,130 Jack was disconsolate. 579 00:27:32,151 --> 00:27:35,221 And he immediately flew to the hospital 580 00:27:35,241 --> 00:27:36,110 where Jackie was. 581 00:27:36,231 --> 00:27:38,100 [Jackie Kennedy] He came back from Boston 582 00:27:38,120 --> 00:27:40,100 to me in the hospital, 583 00:27:40,191 --> 00:27:44,070 and he walked in the morning, about 8:00, in my room... 584 00:27:44,241 --> 00:27:47,151 and just sobbed and put his arms around me. 585 00:27:53,060 --> 00:27:57,140 [Martha Bartlett] After Patrick, I think they were a lot closer. 586 00:27:58,140 --> 00:28:00,251 It's the first time I've ever seen them hold hands. 587 00:28:06,120 --> 00:28:07,191 [Sally Bedell Smith] It was symbolic 588 00:28:07,211 --> 00:28:12,120 that he would be so publicly tender to her. 589 00:28:12,251 --> 00:28:16,021 It showed the world that this was something 590 00:28:16,040 --> 00:28:20,251 that they were sharing and had, in fact, deepened their bond. 591 00:28:21,120 --> 00:28:22,080 [narrator] A month later, 592 00:28:22,100 --> 00:28:24,151 Jackie writes to Charles Bartlett, 593 00:28:24,171 --> 00:28:26,171 the friend who had introduced her to Jack. 594 00:28:26,241 --> 00:28:29,221 [Sally Bedell Smith] It begins as a letter of gratitude 595 00:28:29,241 --> 00:28:35,070 to Charley for having been the matchmaker back in 1951... 596 00:28:35,161 --> 00:28:37,241 [Martha Bartlett] "I have so much to thank you for, 597 00:28:38,021 --> 00:28:38,231 dear Charley. 598 00:28:39,070 --> 00:28:42,090 All my life, Jack, John and Caroline. 599 00:28:42,161 --> 00:28:44,171 When I think of the narrow escapes, 600 00:28:45,021 --> 00:28:48,140 how we might never have met, it is quite frightening. 601 00:28:49,021 --> 00:28:51,080 [Sally Bedell Smith] I think the most poignant thing 602 00:28:51,100 --> 00:28:52,100 in the letter 603 00:28:52,161 --> 00:28:56,080 is she writes that without Jack, 604 00:28:56,181 --> 00:29:00,050 her life would have been "a wasteland." 605 00:29:00,130 --> 00:29:03,251 I mean, that is a very vivid image. 606 00:29:04,251 --> 00:29:06,090 You do get the sense 607 00:29:06,110 --> 00:29:10,021 that they have achieved this equipoise 608 00:29:10,040 --> 00:29:11,021 in their marriage, 609 00:29:11,130 --> 00:29:15,030 and it is actually followed 610 00:29:15,050 --> 00:29:17,110 by her recommitment, really, 611 00:29:18,021 --> 00:29:20,231 to their marriage and to their political life. 612 00:29:24,070 --> 00:29:25,130 [John F. Kennedy] Two years ago, I introduced myself in Paris 613 00:29:25,151 --> 00:29:27,151 by saying I was the man 614 00:29:27,171 --> 00:29:29,251 who accompanied Mrs. Kennedy to Paris. 615 00:29:30,140 --> 00:29:32,130 I'm getting somewhat that same sensation 616 00:29:32,151 --> 00:29:33,231 -as I travel around Texas. -[laughter] 617 00:29:34,080 --> 00:29:39,130 [applause] 618 00:29:40,201 --> 00:29:43,060 [Marie Ridder] There's no question... 619 00:29:43,191 --> 00:29:45,090 that he was thrilled that she wanted 620 00:29:45,110 --> 00:29:46,161 to come to Texas with him, 621 00:29:46,181 --> 00:29:49,191 that she wanted to campaign with him. 622 00:29:50,120 --> 00:29:51,211 [John F. Kennedy] This is a very dangerous 623 00:29:51,231 --> 00:29:53,050 and uncertain world. 624 00:29:53,171 --> 00:29:55,161 We would like to live as we once lived... 625 00:29:56,030 --> 00:29:57,171 [Sally Bedell Smith] And it was a bright sunny day. 626 00:29:57,241 --> 00:30:00,040 And Jackie put on her sunglasses... 627 00:30:00,211 --> 00:30:04,221 and Jack said, "Please, take them off. 628 00:30:05,100 --> 00:30:06,241 I want them to see you." 629 00:30:08,151 --> 00:30:09,161 [Evan Thomas] As they're in the motorcade, 630 00:30:09,231 --> 00:30:12,030 Nellie Connally, the Governor Connally's wife, 631 00:30:12,120 --> 00:30:14,181 turns to JFK and says, 632 00:30:14,201 --> 00:30:16,231 "Well, you can't say that Dallas doesn't love you." 633 00:30:17,251 --> 00:30:20,231 And the president says, "You certainly can't." 634 00:30:27,241 --> 00:30:29,231 [reporter 1] The president's car is now turning off at Elm Street 635 00:30:29,251 --> 00:30:30,221 and it'll only be a matter of minutes 636 00:30:30,241 --> 00:30:33,120 before he arrives at the Trade Mart. 637 00:30:33,241 --> 00:30:34,201 I was on Stemmons Freeway earlier, 638 00:30:34,221 --> 00:30:37,050 and even the freeway was jam-packed 639 00:30:37,110 --> 00:30:37,251 with spectators waiting... 640 00:30:39,140 --> 00:30:40,151 They're in the car 641 00:30:40,171 --> 00:30:42,251 and Jackie thinks that she hears some backfires. 642 00:30:43,090 --> 00:30:46,151 [gunshots] 643 00:30:47,120 --> 00:30:50,030 And she turns to look at her husband, 644 00:30:50,050 --> 00:30:54,060 and she sees, literally, his brains being blown out. 645 00:30:54,080 --> 00:30:55,120 [reporter 1] It appears as though 646 00:30:55,140 --> 00:30:56,171 something has happened in the motorcade route. 647 00:30:56,191 --> 00:30:58,251 Something, I repeat, has happened 648 00:30:59,030 --> 00:31:00,070 in the motorcade route. 649 00:31:00,140 --> 00:31:05,151 The sounds and the screaming and the motors racing. 650 00:31:06,171 --> 00:31:09,211 For him, then, literally, to fall into her lap. 651 00:31:10,201 --> 00:31:13,050 So that she is staring into the wound... 652 00:31:13,161 --> 00:31:16,201 and knowing that he's gone. 653 00:31:16,221 --> 00:31:19,080 [reporter 1] There's numerous people running up the hill 654 00:31:19,100 --> 00:31:20,231 alongside Elm Street. 655 00:31:21,100 --> 00:31:22,140 [Evan Thomas] She's in a war zone. 656 00:31:22,161 --> 00:31:24,060 And she starts to climb out of the car. 657 00:31:24,221 --> 00:31:26,201 [Barbara Perry] And then, Clint Hill, 658 00:31:27,021 --> 00:31:30,070 the Secret Service agent pushes her into safety, 659 00:31:30,090 --> 00:31:31,070 pushes her back down. 660 00:31:31,090 --> 00:31:33,100 But now she's back into the horror 661 00:31:33,120 --> 00:31:34,221 of this chamber 662 00:31:35,050 --> 00:31:36,181 in which her husband has been murdered. 663 00:31:37,021 --> 00:31:39,040 [reporter 1] Just a moment, we have a bulletin 664 00:31:39,060 --> 00:31:40,090 coming in directly from Parklands Hospital... 665 00:31:40,110 --> 00:31:43,221 [reporter 2] President Kennedy has been assassinated. 666 00:31:43,241 --> 00:31:46,140 It's official now. The president is dead. 667 00:31:47,050 --> 00:31:50,110 There's only one word to describe the picture here 668 00:31:50,130 --> 00:31:52,171 and that's grief. 669 00:31:52,251 --> 00:31:55,201 Secret Service men standing by the emergency room, 670 00:31:55,221 --> 00:31:57,060 tears streaming down their face... 671 00:31:58,021 --> 00:32:00,110 [Barbara Perry] This is probably going to be 672 00:32:00,130 --> 00:32:02,221 one of the last times she is with him ever. 673 00:32:03,110 --> 00:32:06,070 Very soon they're going to come and put him in a casket. 674 00:32:06,130 --> 00:32:08,181 And she wants to give him something, 675 00:32:09,021 --> 00:32:11,251 something personal that she can put in with him, 676 00:32:12,030 --> 00:32:14,110 I guess, to have a piece of her with him, 677 00:32:14,191 --> 00:32:18,050 And she chooses her wedding band 678 00:32:18,221 --> 00:32:22,021 and removes it from her finger and attempts to place it on his. 679 00:32:23,080 --> 00:32:26,040 [reporter 3] President Kennedy's body is to be placed 680 00:32:26,060 --> 00:32:26,251 aboard Air Force One. 681 00:32:27,221 --> 00:32:29,201 Already, arrangements for swearing in 682 00:32:29,221 --> 00:32:31,211 the new president are being made. 683 00:32:32,251 --> 00:32:35,110 [Barbara Perry] She is wearing a bloodstained suit 684 00:32:36,021 --> 00:32:39,030 and she is asked would she like to change, 685 00:32:39,151 --> 00:32:42,040 and she refuses... 686 00:32:42,191 --> 00:32:45,070 and says with maybe anger, 687 00:32:45,090 --> 00:32:49,080 "I want them to see what they've done to Jack." 688 00:32:50,231 --> 00:32:52,241 [Sarah Hughes] I do solemnly swear... 689 00:32:53,120 --> 00:32:54,201 [Lyndon B. Johnson] I do solemnly swear... 690 00:32:55,021 --> 00:32:56,191 [Sarah Hughes] ...that I will faithfully execute... 691 00:32:56,211 --> 00:32:58,171 [Lyndon B. Johnson] ...that I will faithfully execute... 692 00:32:58,191 --> 00:33:00,140 [Evan Thomas] Standing next to Lyndon Johnson, 693 00:33:00,161 --> 00:33:01,120 yes, she's in shock. 694 00:33:01,211 --> 00:33:06,050 But she's already thinking what is she going to do 695 00:33:06,130 --> 00:33:08,171 to preserve her husband's legacy. 696 00:33:09,140 --> 00:33:10,211 [Kate Andersen Brower] On the flight back, 697 00:33:10,231 --> 00:33:13,120 she is talking about wanting her husband's funeral 698 00:33:13,140 --> 00:33:15,161 to be just like Lincoln's funeral. 699 00:33:15,181 --> 00:33:16,181 [Barbara Perry] She knows the symbolism 700 00:33:16,201 --> 00:33:19,110 of the Lincoln martyrdom 701 00:33:19,130 --> 00:33:22,161 should infuse her husband's farewell 702 00:33:22,241 --> 00:33:24,161 to the United States and the world. 703 00:33:25,080 --> 00:33:26,040 And back in Washington, 704 00:33:26,120 --> 00:33:30,030 we literally gasped to see Mrs. Kennedy appear 705 00:33:30,050 --> 00:33:34,181 behind the casket streaked with her husband's blood. 706 00:33:35,080 --> 00:33:36,050 She was the message... 707 00:33:36,171 --> 00:33:40,050 that her husband had been killed in a political assassination. 708 00:33:42,251 --> 00:33:44,181 [narrator] President Kennedy's body 709 00:33:44,201 --> 00:33:45,211 is returned to the White House. 710 00:33:46,070 --> 00:33:49,050 Only then does Jackie finally leave his side. 711 00:33:51,050 --> 00:33:52,231 [Sally Bedell Smith] That was a moment 712 00:33:52,251 --> 00:33:57,120 I'm sure of profound isolation for her. 713 00:33:57,251 --> 00:34:00,171 [Barbara Perry] In the eight seconds 714 00:34:00,191 --> 00:34:02,241 that it took to fire off three shots... 715 00:34:04,030 --> 00:34:06,251 she lost her husband, her job, and her home. 716 00:34:07,171 --> 00:34:08,051 [Sally Bedell Smith] And she said, 717 00:34:08,071 --> 00:34:10,140 "I had worked so hard 718 00:34:10,160 --> 00:34:13,021 at the marriage and succeeded... 719 00:34:13,151 --> 00:34:15,160 and he had really come to love me... 720 00:34:16,040 --> 00:34:20,211 and to congratulate me on what I did for him." 721 00:34:21,140 --> 00:34:24,120 [Evan Thomas] She said, "Just when we had it all settled," 722 00:34:24,220 --> 00:34:27,021 she had the rug pulled out from under her 723 00:34:27,100 --> 00:34:30,100 without any power to do anything about it. 724 00:34:31,091 --> 00:34:34,100 That's not true, actually, she had power and she used it. 725 00:34:36,240 --> 00:34:39,040 [reporter] In the imposing rotunda of the Capitol, 726 00:34:39,060 --> 00:34:41,171 the casket rests on the same catafalque 727 00:34:41,251 --> 00:34:43,200 used when Abraham Lincoln's body 728 00:34:43,220 --> 00:34:46,051 lay in State nearly 100 years ago. 729 00:34:47,111 --> 00:34:49,191 [narrator] Jackie wishes to walk behind her husband's casket. 730 00:34:50,111 --> 00:34:54,031 This presents a nightmare for the Security Service. 731 00:34:55,200 --> 00:34:56,251 [Barbara Perry] The Secret Service say, 732 00:34:57,031 --> 00:34:59,071 "If you're going to march from the White House 733 00:34:59,091 --> 00:34:59,220 to St. Matthew's Cathedral, 734 00:35:00,080 --> 00:35:02,151 which is about seven or eight blocks, 735 00:35:02,231 --> 00:35:04,220 surrounded by tall buildings, 736 00:35:04,240 --> 00:35:07,111 the very kind of building 737 00:35:07,171 --> 00:35:09,140 the president was shot from in Dallas, 738 00:35:09,160 --> 00:35:10,200 world leaders, and President Johnson, 739 00:35:10,220 --> 00:35:12,051 and Mrs. Johnson are going 740 00:35:12,071 --> 00:35:16,060 to want to march in solidarity with you, too." 741 00:35:16,171 --> 00:35:17,171 [narrator] The Secret Service says 742 00:35:17,191 --> 00:35:18,251 under no circumstances 743 00:35:19,031 --> 00:35:21,060 should President Johnson take that risk. 744 00:35:23,021 --> 00:35:24,171 [reporter] Oswald has been shot! Lee Oswald... 745 00:35:24,191 --> 00:35:26,180 [narrator] That day, 746 00:35:26,200 --> 00:35:29,120 Kennedy's assassin is shot in Dallas. 747 00:35:36,080 --> 00:35:37,131 [Kati Marton] Jackie stage-managed... 748 00:35:37,240 --> 00:35:40,131 her husband's funeral perfectly, 749 00:35:41,040 --> 00:35:44,211 every detail: The riderless horse, 750 00:35:45,111 --> 00:35:49,060 two heartbreaking children standing next to her 751 00:35:49,080 --> 00:35:53,100 with John John saluting as his father's coffin 752 00:35:53,160 --> 00:35:54,071 rolled by. 753 00:35:55,091 --> 00:35:59,231 [narrator] And Jackie holds firm to her final wish. 754 00:36:03,211 --> 00:36:07,091 [Sally Bedell Smith] Jackie walked with Bobby and Teddy 755 00:36:07,111 --> 00:36:11,131 followed by all these other world leaders, 756 00:36:11,231 --> 00:36:13,220 Charles de Gaulle, and Prince Phillip, 757 00:36:13,240 --> 00:36:15,071 Haile Selassie. 758 00:36:16,071 --> 00:36:18,051 [reporter] It is believed to be the first time 759 00:36:18,071 --> 00:36:20,171 a president's widow has walked in his funeral procession. 760 00:36:21,091 --> 00:36:24,171 All follow behind the president's casket. 761 00:36:25,091 --> 00:36:27,100 [narrator] At the head, Jackie doesn't know 762 00:36:27,120 --> 00:36:30,091 whether President Johnson has joined the procession. 763 00:36:31,031 --> 00:36:34,080 Reaching the cathedral, she turns to discover 764 00:36:34,100 --> 00:36:35,171 that he has defied the Secret Service. 765 00:36:36,091 --> 00:36:40,231 She smiles, the only smile she displays 766 00:36:40,251 --> 00:36:42,131 during those four days. 767 00:36:43,120 --> 00:36:45,191 [Kate Andersen Brower] She is so happy 768 00:36:45,211 --> 00:36:47,191 that Johnson has followed her lead. 769 00:36:48,071 --> 00:36:52,100 The fact that that these leaders put their own lives at risk 770 00:36:52,120 --> 00:36:53,140 meant a lot to her. 771 00:36:54,211 --> 00:36:56,200 [Kati Marton] I remember my parents saying, 772 00:36:56,220 --> 00:36:58,140 if she can get through this so can we. 773 00:37:00,021 --> 00:37:04,031 These became iconic moments for the nation, 774 00:37:04,051 --> 00:37:08,021 when the presidency reminds us of who we are. 775 00:37:08,100 --> 00:37:09,231 [Sally Bedell Smith] The funeral was 776 00:37:09,251 --> 00:37:13,120 an incredibly memorable capstone 777 00:37:13,240 --> 00:37:17,060 to this all-too-brief presidency. 778 00:37:17,220 --> 00:37:20,060 It really was the beginning 779 00:37:20,160 --> 00:37:23,240 of the creation of her husband's legacy. 780 00:37:31,140 --> 00:37:35,040 [narrator] A week after her husband's assassination, 781 00:37:35,060 --> 00:37:37,211 Jackie calls journalist and historian, Theodore White, 782 00:37:37,231 --> 00:37:39,180 to Hyannis Port. 783 00:37:40,131 --> 00:37:43,131 She wants him to write a piece for Life magazine. 784 00:37:43,240 --> 00:37:46,120 [Evan Thomas] Theodore White was the premier 785 00:37:46,140 --> 00:37:47,151 chronicler of presidents. 786 00:37:48,021 --> 00:37:50,120 And Life magazine had great power. 787 00:37:50,191 --> 00:37:51,220 [Barbara Perry] She is obsessed... 788 00:37:52,071 --> 00:37:54,051 with how the president will be remembered 789 00:37:54,071 --> 00:37:56,220 and she is trying to get the jump 790 00:37:56,240 --> 00:37:59,151 on the first draft of history that is journalism. 791 00:38:00,091 --> 00:38:02,080 [narrator] Midway through recalling 792 00:38:02,100 --> 00:38:05,040 the events in Dallas in graphic detail, 793 00:38:05,060 --> 00:38:06,151 Jackie suddenly changes the subject. 794 00:38:07,100 --> 00:38:10,180 [Barbara Perry] She tells this very sweet story 795 00:38:10,200 --> 00:38:13,140 that they would put on the soundtrack 796 00:38:13,160 --> 00:38:15,140 from the Broadway musical, Camelot, 797 00:38:15,160 --> 00:38:19,021 and that the president's favorite line was, 798 00:38:19,040 --> 00:38:21,021 "Don't let it be forgot, 799 00:38:21,040 --> 00:38:24,220 that once there was a spot, for one brief shining moment, 800 00:38:24,240 --> 00:38:27,080 known as Camelot." 801 00:38:30,031 --> 00:38:31,060 And then, Mrs. Kennedy says, 802 00:38:31,120 --> 00:38:34,140 "There will be great presidents again, 803 00:38:34,160 --> 00:38:37,060 but there will never be another Camelot." 804 00:38:39,120 --> 00:38:41,251 [Evan Thomas] The Arthurian legend is full of infidelity 805 00:38:42,031 --> 00:38:44,060 and betrayal and death and loss. 806 00:38:44,180 --> 00:38:46,040 So, there is a darker side 807 00:38:46,100 --> 00:38:49,021 that's actually weirdly the truthful image. 808 00:38:49,080 --> 00:38:52,021 But like many things that Jackie Kennedy did, 809 00:38:52,040 --> 00:38:53,171 it's brilliant stagecraft. 810 00:38:54,021 --> 00:38:56,131 The thousand days of JFK, it was brief and shining. 811 00:38:58,080 --> 00:38:59,111 [Evan Thomas] White later said 812 00:38:59,131 --> 00:39:01,060 that she could have sold him the Brooklyn Bridge. 813 00:39:01,080 --> 00:39:03,091 I mean, he was gonna do anything for her. 814 00:39:03,171 --> 00:39:08,031 But she's pouring over his copy, she edits it. 815 00:39:09,031 --> 00:39:11,140 So, White files a story, 816 00:39:11,231 --> 00:39:14,111 and the editors are a little skeptical, 817 00:39:14,131 --> 00:39:15,251 "Isn't this Camelot a bit much?" 818 00:39:16,131 --> 00:39:21,071 And she insists, "No Camelot, no story." 819 00:39:22,100 --> 00:39:24,111 [Kati Marton] This country was sort of enjoying 820 00:39:24,131 --> 00:39:27,220 a brief interregnum before Vietnam, 821 00:39:27,240 --> 00:39:30,131 before Watergate. 822 00:39:30,200 --> 00:39:32,111 It was an innocent America 823 00:39:32,131 --> 00:39:37,131 that was willing to be lured into a fantasy. 824 00:39:39,040 --> 00:39:42,131 But it was a fantasy that was so appealing. 825 00:39:47,080 --> 00:39:49,040 [narrator] Jackie prepares to leave the White House 826 00:39:49,060 --> 00:39:50,131 for the last time. 827 00:39:52,051 --> 00:39:53,180 [Kathleen Kennedy] "Dear Mr. Chairman President, 828 00:39:54,060 --> 00:39:57,021 so now in one of the last nights I will spend in the White House, 829 00:39:57,151 --> 00:39:59,031 in one of the last letters I will write, 830 00:39:59,140 --> 00:40:01,060 I would like to write you my message." 831 00:40:01,180 --> 00:40:05,140 [narrator] But Jackie's letter is not to a family member 832 00:40:05,160 --> 00:40:06,171 or close friend. 833 00:40:07,051 --> 00:40:09,180 It is to Soviet Premier, Nikita Khrushchev. 834 00:40:10,140 --> 00:40:12,021 [Kathleen Kennedy] "I send it because I know 835 00:40:12,040 --> 00:40:14,140 how much my husband cared about peace. 836 00:40:15,060 --> 00:40:17,151 He used to quote your words in some of his speeches. 837 00:40:18,171 --> 00:40:19,131 "In the next world, 838 00:40:19,151 --> 00:40:22,100 the survivors will envy the dead." 839 00:40:23,031 --> 00:40:24,180 You and he were adversaries, 840 00:40:25,100 --> 00:40:27,080 but you were allied in determination 841 00:40:27,100 --> 00:40:29,131 that the world shouldn't be blown up." 842 00:40:31,040 --> 00:40:32,251 [Kati Marton] Her final act in the White House... 843 00:40:33,140 --> 00:40:37,160 really revealed the depth of her seriousness. 844 00:40:37,251 --> 00:40:40,151 It's in that letter to Nikita Khrushchev, 845 00:40:40,220 --> 00:40:45,251 urging him to continue the nuclear disarmament talks... 846 00:40:46,111 --> 00:40:48,031 that had begun with her husband. 847 00:40:48,180 --> 00:40:51,171 [Kathleen Kennedy] "The danger, which troubled my husband 848 00:40:51,191 --> 00:40:56,191 was that war might be started not so much by the big men 849 00:40:57,031 --> 00:40:58,100 as by the little ones. 850 00:40:58,231 --> 00:41:03,031 While big men know the needs for self-control and restraint, 851 00:41:03,111 --> 00:41:06,211 little men are sometimes moved by fear and pride." 852 00:41:07,200 --> 00:41:12,160 It's really about let's continue for future generations. 853 00:41:17,200 --> 00:41:19,151 [Kati Marton] If the mark of a great president 854 00:41:19,171 --> 00:41:24,140 is understanding the big issues of the day, 855 00:41:25,071 --> 00:41:29,151 the mark of a great first lady is a more subtle thing. 856 00:41:29,211 --> 00:41:31,051 And Jackie got this, 857 00:41:31,071 --> 00:41:34,191 and that is understanding the essence of the time... 858 00:41:36,031 --> 00:41:38,131 and America as a global player. 859 00:41:39,051 --> 00:41:43,180 She perfectly reflected that and, in fact, shaped it. 860 00:41:44,131 --> 00:41:47,111 [Sally Bedell Smith] Although she became "Jackie O"... 861 00:41:48,080 --> 00:41:51,151 and had a whole life as a book editor 862 00:41:51,171 --> 00:41:54,031 and everything else that she did 863 00:41:54,051 --> 00:41:55,131 subsequent to the White House, 864 00:41:56,031 --> 00:41:59,060 she was, in the end, 865 00:41:59,171 --> 00:42:01,200 inevitably defined 866 00:42:01,220 --> 00:42:04,211 by what she did as first lady.