1 00:02:04,120 --> 00:02:06,580 Please, get ready, we are extremely late, please! 2 00:02:09,790 --> 00:02:11,490 What's going on, honey? 3 00:02:11,690 --> 00:02:12,780 We are not accusing you, okay? 4 00:02:12,980 --> 00:02:15,160 If you left a spoon inside, well, for that... 5 00:02:15,360 --> 00:02:16,570 I am not stupid, Dad! 6 00:02:16,770 --> 00:02:17,930 I am not saying that, my love. 7 00:08:46,060 --> 00:08:48,420 The streets of Carpathia are burning. 8 00:08:48,620 --> 00:08:50,260 These fires are not accidents. 9 00:08:50,460 --> 00:08:53,860 They are acts of vandalism and anarchism. The perpetrators will face 10 00:08:54,740 --> 00:08:56,530 capital punishment. 11 00:08:56,950 --> 00:09:00,390 These are not just young girls, they are terrorists! 12 00:09:00,590 --> 00:09:05,540 As your devoted president, I will restore law and order, God help me. 13 00:09:05,920 --> 00:09:06,920 Fuck you all. 14 00:21:57,810 --> 00:21:58,630 My friend. 15 00:21:58,830 --> 00:22:00,610 Talk to me. 16 00:22:16,290 --> 00:22:18,790 I don't understand you anymore. 17 00:22:41,190 --> 00:22:42,520 Do you hear me? 18 00:22:44,940 --> 00:22:46,900 - I have heard, ma'am. - Thank you. 19 00:41:36,870 --> 00:41:40,830 They are just girls, Viktor, silly girls doing pranks. 20 00:41:42,000 --> 00:41:44,710 Surely you have more important things to worry about? 21 00:41:45,290 --> 00:41:49,210 You think I don't know what's happening in my own fucking country? 22 00:42:03,390 --> 00:42:05,560 Leave me alone. 23 00:42:11,650 --> 00:42:12,610 What? 24 00:42:13,780 --> 00:42:16,360 A visitor for you, Mrs Moskalev. 25 00:42:17,780 --> 00:42:18,950 Your mother. 26 00:42:29,420 --> 00:42:31,530 It stinks of shit out there. 27 00:42:31,730 --> 00:42:35,570 You can't be ambitious like that in interviews, they won't like you. 28 00:42:35,770 --> 00:42:39,450 You need to be grateful, surprised they even noticed you. 29 00:42:39,650 --> 00:42:42,620 But I'm the best, that's why they interviewed me. 30 00:42:42,820 --> 00:42:45,890 Dear God! Are you even listening to me? 31 00:42:46,230 --> 00:42:49,770 Don't take so much, your sister has to train. 32 00:42:51,400 --> 00:42:54,320 Show some humility. You're not a kid anymore. 33 00:42:54,570 --> 00:42:56,610 - I don't work-- - We-- 34 00:42:56,820 --> 00:43:00,280 This isn't about you! 35 00:43:01,120 --> 00:43:04,020 We don't work three jobs each, 36 00:43:04,220 --> 00:43:06,770 all these shit hours to pay for your training 37 00:43:06,970 --> 00:43:09,290 so you can ruin it with your arrogance. 38 00:43:10,540 --> 00:43:13,670 You can't cartwheel with all that inside you. 39 00:43:14,750 --> 00:43:18,330 OK, OK, I understand, don't be ambitious. 40 00:43:18,520 --> 00:43:19,530 No! No! 41 00:43:19,730 --> 00:43:24,580 Of course be ambitious, of course. 42 00:43:24,780 --> 00:43:27,380 You must be ambitious... 43 00:43:27,580 --> 00:43:30,590 but you mustn't show them you're ambitious. 44 00:43:30,790 --> 00:43:36,610 They won't like it. A sweet little girl is what you have to be! 45 00:44:09,430 --> 00:44:11,100 You've had work done. 46 00:44:15,690 --> 00:44:17,190 Fancy bitch! 47 00:44:30,250 --> 00:44:32,000 Aren't you going to offer me something? 48 00:44:38,340 --> 00:44:39,410 You're cruel. 49 00:44:39,610 --> 00:44:41,880 I learnt from the best. 50 00:44:46,140 --> 00:44:47,310 Your father is dead. 51 00:44:49,220 --> 00:44:51,180 He's dead and left me with nothing, 52 00:44:51,600 --> 00:44:53,560 not a bean in the house. 53 00:44:56,360 --> 00:44:58,190 Life is hard right now. 54 00:44:59,820 --> 00:45:01,070 There's no work. 55 00:45:03,820 --> 00:45:05,240 I have nothing to live on. 56 00:45:08,370 --> 00:45:10,500 I've barely eaten in three weeks. 57 00:45:12,500 --> 00:45:14,460 I have nowhere to wash. 58 00:45:15,920 --> 00:45:18,040 And the bunions! 59 00:45:19,210 --> 00:45:22,990 Look at my fucking bunions. 60 00:45:23,190 --> 00:45:25,800 Put them away. 61 00:45:29,640 --> 00:45:32,180 I've come for what I'm owed! 62 00:45:44,240 --> 00:45:45,910 Dad died? 63 00:45:48,370 --> 00:45:49,370 His heart? 64 00:45:50,410 --> 00:45:51,540 Drink. 65 00:45:52,950 --> 00:45:56,250 And not one of his daughters attended the funeral. 66 00:45:57,130 --> 00:45:59,250 I did it all myself. 67 00:46:02,840 --> 00:46:04,420 Have you heard from Zoia? 68 00:46:05,930 --> 00:46:08,930 Still nothing. Nothing in all these years. 69 00:46:11,100 --> 00:46:14,390 I know she returned all those trinkets you tried to send her. 70 00:46:23,280 --> 00:46:25,530 There is some feeling for your family. 71 00:46:26,240 --> 00:46:29,100 - I knew it! - You should go. 72 00:46:29,300 --> 00:46:30,530 But I only just got here. 73 00:46:30,910 --> 00:46:32,940 You need to leave. Ruslan! 74 00:46:33,140 --> 00:46:36,960 Tatiana! Tatiana, for God's sake, I am desperate. 75 00:46:37,620 --> 00:46:41,880 Let me... let me stay here, rest a moment. 76 00:46:43,420 --> 00:46:47,160 I will help you as you helped me all those years ago... 77 00:46:47,360 --> 00:46:48,950 Thank you. 78 00:46:49,150 --> 00:46:50,600 ...which is not at all. 79 00:46:54,520 --> 00:46:56,500 How can you say that? 80 00:46:56,700 --> 00:46:58,500 Look at all you have! 81 00:46:58,700 --> 00:47:01,520 You think this has cost me nothing? 82 00:47:04,690 --> 00:47:06,320 Show her out. 83 00:47:06,740 --> 00:47:08,400 No goodbye for me, Mama? 84 00:47:08,820 --> 00:47:11,870 Your new nose looks shit. 85 00:47:14,830 --> 00:47:18,580 Ruslan, throw away the cakes!