1 00:00:29,887 --> 00:00:31,387 There will come a time 2 00:00:31,470 --> 00:00:34,261 when the world is ready for me, 3 00:00:34,345 --> 00:00:36,845 when nation will battle nation, 4 00:00:36,929 --> 00:00:39,136 when race will devour race, 5 00:00:39,220 --> 00:00:43,553 when brother will kill brother... 6 00:00:43,637 --> 00:00:46,720 until not a soul is left. 7 00:00:46,804 --> 00:00:49,053 Are you ready? 8 00:00:58,679 --> 00:01:00,887 And on that day, a leader will arise 9 00:01:00,970 --> 00:01:03,303 and set all the kingdoms to war 10 00:01:03,387 --> 00:01:06,679 and all the races one against the other... 11 00:01:07,428 --> 00:01:09,845 a day when the dark powers are coming into alignment 12 00:01:09,929 --> 00:01:13,178 and the world is ready to burn. 13 00:01:15,887 --> 00:01:17,929 And all it will take... 14 00:01:18,011 --> 00:01:22,470 is one final... 15 00:01:22,553 --> 00:01:25,595 spark. 16 00:01:34,345 --> 00:01:35,887 Any other music? 17 00:01:36,011 --> 00:01:37,887 I like this one. 18 00:01:37,970 --> 00:01:39,720 You always like the sad ones. 19 00:01:41,387 --> 00:01:43,595 - That boy. - Hey! 20 00:01:43,679 --> 00:01:45,553 You leave him be. 21 00:01:45,637 --> 00:01:48,804 But why trouble yourself with him, hmm? 22 00:01:49,637 --> 00:01:50,929 With any of them? 23 00:01:51,011 --> 00:01:53,136 What are they but frightened animals 24 00:01:53,220 --> 00:01:55,637 in the mud, scratching for more mud, 25 00:01:55,720 --> 00:01:59,303 fully unworthy of your devotion and care? 26 00:01:59,387 --> 00:02:01,512 I'll prove it to you, just wait. 27 00:02:01,595 --> 00:02:03,595 How will you do that? 28 00:02:03,679 --> 00:02:05,804 By letting them be who they are. 29 00:02:07,178 --> 00:02:09,887 By making all their dreams come true. 30 00:02:09,970 --> 00:02:11,804 By whispering to them. 31 00:02:13,637 --> 00:02:17,595 All mankind needs to be the monster he truly is 32 00:02:17,679 --> 00:02:21,261 is being told he can. 33 00:02:23,595 --> 00:02:25,428 Will you try to stop me? 34 00:02:27,762 --> 00:02:30,762 I have no heart for the living. 35 00:02:32,053 --> 00:02:33,428 For anything. 36 00:02:33,512 --> 00:02:36,428 Now open your arms, sister. 37 00:02:36,512 --> 00:02:39,136 I'll give you many souls today. 38 00:03:14,595 --> 00:03:15,804 Papa! 39 00:03:15,887 --> 00:03:19,845 Papa! No! No! 40 00:03:30,553 --> 00:03:33,053 Papa! 41 00:03:36,178 --> 00:03:38,970 Papa! 42 00:03:52,136 --> 00:03:54,887 Papa! 43 00:04:30,136 --> 00:04:31,720 Mama, you shouldn't have. 44 00:04:31,804 --> 00:04:34,512 Stop. You'll like my cake. 45 00:04:41,345 --> 00:04:43,261 - Ay. - Ay! 46 00:04:43,345 --> 00:04:46,261 Let Tiago. This isn't your night. 47 00:04:46,345 --> 00:04:48,053 Tiago, cut the cake. I'm starving. 48 00:04:48,136 --> 00:04:49,637 Because you never eat. 49 00:04:49,720 --> 00:04:51,136 He eats all the time. He's a pig. 50 00:04:51,220 --> 00:04:53,011 Then why am I so goddamn hungry? 51 00:04:53,095 --> 00:04:54,887 Muchacho, language. 52 00:04:54,970 --> 00:04:56,053 - Ready? - Yes. 53 00:04:56,136 --> 00:04:57,887 Mm-hmm. 54 00:04:57,970 --> 00:04:59,178 Hey. 55 00:04:59,261 --> 00:05:00,553 Yay! Bravo! 56 00:05:03,220 --> 00:05:05,845 Tiago, show us already. I'm dying. 57 00:05:05,929 --> 00:05:06,987 It's just a piece of cheap tin. 58 00:05:07,011 --> 00:05:08,387 - Stop it. - What? 59 00:05:08,470 --> 00:05:10,270 You can get them at Walsh for a nickel, right? 60 00:05:10,303 --> 00:05:11,804 Show us. 61 00:05:21,178 --> 00:05:22,762 speak Spanish 62 00:05:22,845 --> 00:05:24,345 I'm so proud of you. 63 00:05:26,011 --> 00:05:27,261 Ma. 64 00:05:38,470 --> 00:05:40,220 It's yours as much as mine. 65 00:05:40,303 --> 00:05:41,428 Hmm. 66 00:05:42,595 --> 00:05:44,345 Thank you, Mama. 67 00:05:44,428 --> 00:05:47,136 You don't know how proud I am... 68 00:05:47,220 --> 00:05:50,387 this night, for our family. 69 00:05:53,011 --> 00:05:56,303 Hey... the boy in blue. 70 00:05:59,345 --> 00:06:00,679 That it? 71 00:06:00,762 --> 00:06:02,553 Come on. 72 00:06:04,595 --> 00:06:07,178 Detective Santiago Vega. 73 00:06:09,095 --> 00:06:11,136 I guess, congratulations. 74 00:06:11,220 --> 00:06:12,637 I guess, thanks for coming. 75 00:06:12,720 --> 00:06:14,804 Hell, you'll be a gringo before you know it. 76 00:06:14,887 --> 00:06:17,845 Raul, be proud for your brother. 77 00:06:17,929 --> 00:06:19,488 I'm not gonna pretend to be proud of my brother... 78 00:06:19,512 --> 00:06:21,845 You want him in the cannery 79 00:06:21,929 --> 00:06:24,053 or working the fields? 80 00:06:25,136 --> 00:06:26,845 Your brother made a life. 81 00:06:28,011 --> 00:06:29,512 Respect that. 82 00:06:31,220 --> 00:06:32,220 Okay. 83 00:06:32,261 --> 00:06:35,011 Sorry, Tiago. Okay? 84 00:06:35,095 --> 00:06:36,637 It's been a long day. 85 00:06:36,720 --> 00:06:37,845 Mm. 86 00:06:37,929 --> 00:06:39,804 Let's have a drink, huh? 87 00:06:39,887 --> 00:06:41,053 Yeah? Huh? 88 00:06:44,261 --> 00:06:46,720 Everyone, I wanna make a toast. 89 00:06:46,804 --> 00:06:48,512 Get a glass. 90 00:06:52,095 --> 00:06:55,804 So everyone lift your glass to... sorry, Mom... 91 00:06:55,887 --> 00:06:58,345 Detective Tiago fucking Vega. 92 00:06:58,428 --> 00:07:01,261 Detective Tiago fucking Vega! 93 00:07:13,053 --> 00:07:15,011 You're nervous about starting work. 94 00:07:15,095 --> 00:07:18,387 You know, I got a good partner. 95 00:07:18,470 --> 00:07:20,387 Hmm. 96 00:07:20,470 --> 00:07:21,970 It's hard there, hmm? 97 00:07:23,178 --> 00:07:24,595 I'm used to it. 98 00:07:24,679 --> 00:07:26,553 But a Chicano patrolman is one thing. 99 00:07:26,637 --> 00:07:30,053 A detective... no one very much likes it. 100 00:07:32,178 --> 00:07:34,720 Hey. You earned your badge. 101 00:07:36,261 --> 00:07:38,679 That's not how they see it. 102 00:07:38,762 --> 00:07:40,970 You are the first Chicano detective 103 00:07:41,053 --> 00:07:43,053 in the Los Angeles Police Department. 104 00:07:43,136 --> 00:07:45,220 You wear that badge proudly, 105 00:07:45,303 --> 00:07:47,470 and you help the next man up. 106 00:07:47,553 --> 00:07:51,512 He helps the next one. That's what we do, eh? 107 00:07:55,136 --> 00:07:57,011 Monday, huh? 108 00:07:57,095 --> 00:07:58,929 Monday morning those machines start up? 109 00:08:01,679 --> 00:08:03,512 How they look at me. 110 00:08:05,512 --> 00:08:08,428 Like they got teeth. 111 00:08:08,512 --> 00:08:10,512 Can't stop progress, I guess. 112 00:08:11,679 --> 00:08:14,095 Raul sure tried. 113 00:08:14,178 --> 00:08:15,762 They got an injunction now. 114 00:08:15,845 --> 00:08:18,178 He's going to the city council tomorrow. 115 00:08:19,679 --> 00:08:21,887 Might as well plow the ocean. 116 00:08:24,512 --> 00:08:26,637 Maybe. 117 00:08:28,553 --> 00:08:33,220 You know... this night, your badge... 118 00:08:35,220 --> 00:08:37,553 tu papá would be proud. 119 00:08:37,637 --> 00:08:39,011 I mean it, Tiago. 120 00:08:40,178 --> 00:08:41,512 He sees you tonight. 121 00:08:47,220 --> 00:08:48,428 I gotta get my bus. 122 00:08:48,512 --> 00:08:50,220 Speaks Spanish 123 00:08:50,303 --> 00:08:52,929 speaks Spanish 124 00:09:10,428 --> 00:09:12,011 Taxi! 125 00:10:52,553 --> 00:10:53,553 Yeah? 126 00:10:53,637 --> 00:10:55,470 - Yes? - Rise and shine. 127 00:10:55,553 --> 00:10:57,428 We got some butchery down the river. 128 00:10:57,512 --> 00:10:59,762 I'll be there in 15 minutes, give or take. 129 00:10:59,845 --> 00:11:01,220 What, today? 130 00:11:01,303 --> 00:11:02,428 Yeah, today. 131 00:11:02,512 --> 00:11:04,428 I don't understand it either. 132 00:11:04,512 --> 00:11:06,303 I don't start until Monday. 133 00:11:06,387 --> 00:11:07,261 Guess what, slick. 134 00:11:07,345 --> 00:11:09,220 You start in 15 minutes. 135 00:11:20,136 --> 00:11:21,178 Why us? 136 00:11:21,261 --> 00:11:22,470 Like I know? 137 00:11:22,553 --> 00:11:24,804 But Vanderhoff called me himself. 138 00:11:24,887 --> 00:11:26,303 Not the watch commander? 139 00:11:26,387 --> 00:11:28,387 Vanderhoff himself. 140 00:11:28,470 --> 00:11:30,345 - Jesus. - Fuck, right. 141 00:12:09,804 --> 00:12:11,178 Detective Michener. 142 00:12:11,261 --> 00:12:13,762 So what gets us up so goddamn early? 143 00:12:13,845 --> 00:12:16,220 And on our day off, no less. 144 00:12:16,303 --> 00:12:17,929 Better just see. 145 00:12:25,136 --> 00:12:26,720 Let's see him. 146 00:12:36,720 --> 00:12:39,679 Steady, partner. Take a breath. 147 00:12:43,637 --> 00:12:45,220 Well... 148 00:12:45,303 --> 00:12:46,762 I guess I should say, 149 00:12:46,845 --> 00:12:49,887 "Welcome to Homicide, Detective Vega." 150 00:13:23,136 --> 00:13:26,845 Chest wounds look like a knife or an ax maybe. 151 00:13:28,512 --> 00:13:32,095 Fucking faces... that's makeup. 152 00:13:32,178 --> 00:13:35,804 This some Hollywood Max Factor bullshit? 153 00:13:35,887 --> 00:13:39,053 Sir, there's one thing more. 154 00:13:58,720 --> 00:14:01,970 "You take our heart, we take yours." 155 00:14:04,095 --> 00:14:07,387 Well, I guess we know why they called us. 156 00:14:07,470 --> 00:14:10,053 This is some spic thing. 157 00:14:32,053 --> 00:14:33,887 They took the hearts. 158 00:14:37,929 --> 00:14:42,470 Pal, our day off is officially fucked. 159 00:15:13,762 --> 00:15:15,679 As wild and lawless a town 160 00:15:15,762 --> 00:15:17,762 as was ever found in the Old West. 161 00:15:17,845 --> 00:15:18,929 Sergeant... 162 00:15:19,011 --> 00:15:20,845 If we join the club, we get a badge. 163 00:15:20,929 --> 00:15:22,887 The Green Hornet gave us a ring. 164 00:15:22,970 --> 00:15:24,053 Why do you want a badge? 165 00:15:24,136 --> 00:15:26,929 - Dad, everyone wants a badge. - Oh. 166 00:15:27,011 --> 00:15:28,679 I don't understand all the snow. 167 00:15:28,762 --> 00:15:31,011 How can there be a blizzard every episode? 168 00:15:31,095 --> 00:15:33,303 - Morning, Maria. - Sir. 169 00:15:33,387 --> 00:15:36,595 There's a blizzard because it's the Yukon. 170 00:15:36,679 --> 00:15:38,470 Are we having huevos rancheros? 171 00:15:38,553 --> 00:15:40,095 Sí, Tom. 172 00:15:40,178 --> 00:15:42,303 Muchas gracias, Señora Vega. 173 00:15:42,387 --> 00:15:43,929 What do you know about blizzards? 174 00:15:44,011 --> 00:15:46,595 - You've never even seen snow. - Neither have you. 175 00:15:46,679 --> 00:15:49,011 Can we go see snow in the Yukon? 176 00:15:49,095 --> 00:15:51,303 We should go to the Yukon! 177 00:15:53,637 --> 00:15:56,053 - Ma'am. - Did you bring the laundry? 178 00:15:56,136 --> 00:15:57,929 Yes, ma'am. 179 00:15:58,011 --> 00:16:00,762 What is that noise? 180 00:16:00,845 --> 00:16:02,470 Sergeant Preston of the Yukon. 181 00:16:02,553 --> 00:16:04,553 - We're going there. - We are not. 182 00:16:04,637 --> 00:16:06,762 - Yes, we are. - Boys, please. 183 00:16:09,637 --> 00:16:10,780 Peter, you're going to be late. 184 00:16:10,804 --> 00:16:12,387 You know how traffic is on Fridays. 185 00:16:12,470 --> 00:16:13,929 Wait till they open the new road. 186 00:16:14,011 --> 00:16:15,929 Then I'll just fly. 187 00:16:16,011 --> 00:16:18,053 You have to drive really fast on it. 188 00:16:18,136 --> 00:16:21,095 It's going to have three lanes and bridges and tunnels. 189 00:16:21,178 --> 00:16:22,720 Behave yourselves, boys, hmm? 190 00:16:22,804 --> 00:16:23,595 Don't play the wireless too loud. 191 00:16:23,679 --> 00:16:27,345 - Radio. - Radio. 192 00:16:27,428 --> 00:16:28,845 Have a good day, my dear. 193 00:16:29,679 --> 00:16:31,637 Be smart in school, Trevor. I love you. 194 00:16:31,720 --> 00:16:32,720 Love you too. 195 00:16:32,762 --> 00:16:33,929 And you, young Tom, 196 00:16:34,011 --> 00:16:35,845 we'll find the Yukon on the map 197 00:16:35,929 --> 00:16:37,428 and then we'll look at it together. 198 00:16:37,512 --> 00:16:38,428 Hmm? How 'bout that? 199 00:16:38,512 --> 00:16:39,929 I love you. 200 00:16:40,011 --> 00:16:43,220 - Bye, Dad. - Maria, a word. 201 00:16:49,845 --> 00:16:53,220 Mrs. Craft needs to rest today, yeah. 202 00:16:55,387 --> 00:16:56,845 And, um... 203 00:16:56,929 --> 00:17:00,553 and, um... 204 00:17:00,637 --> 00:17:03,720 she should not perhaps take any alcohol. 205 00:17:05,804 --> 00:17:08,470 You might let me know. 206 00:17:08,553 --> 00:17:10,512 Yes, sir. 207 00:17:14,470 --> 00:17:15,887 How are your children? 208 00:17:16,929 --> 00:17:18,970 Good, sir. 209 00:17:19,053 --> 00:17:21,428 Any sicknesses, you come to me, hmm? 210 00:17:21,512 --> 00:17:23,136 Thank you, sir. 211 00:17:41,053 --> 00:17:43,011 While the children slept, 212 00:17:43,095 --> 00:17:45,011 we played bridge. 213 00:17:45,095 --> 00:17:49,011 While the children slept, we played "bwidge." 214 00:17:49,095 --> 00:17:51,679 As we played bridge, 215 00:17:51,762 --> 00:17:53,553 the children slept. 216 00:17:53,637 --> 00:17:58,095 As we played bridge, the children slept. 217 00:18:04,095 --> 00:18:07,428 Try bluing on that. 218 00:18:07,512 --> 00:18:11,845 It won't work, but you'll feel a real sense of accomplishment. 219 00:18:11,929 --> 00:18:13,970 Then throw the fucking thing away. 220 00:18:15,428 --> 00:18:19,220 Hey, Pancho, got any more of that hair oil? 221 00:18:19,303 --> 00:18:22,720 Got a date with this señorita down Belvedere way, 222 00:18:22,804 --> 00:18:25,553 wanna look me all pachuco. 223 00:18:28,136 --> 00:18:31,637 Hey, Pancho, you hear me? 224 00:18:31,720 --> 00:18:33,720 That's Detective Pancho. 225 00:18:33,804 --> 00:18:35,095 Fuck you, Michener. 226 00:18:35,178 --> 00:18:36,720 - No, fuck you, Riley. - Hey, leave it. 227 00:18:36,804 --> 00:18:38,595 You crack wise one more fucking time, 228 00:18:38,679 --> 00:18:40,011 my tongue might just slip 229 00:18:40,095 --> 00:18:43,595 about that little girl of yours in Sonoratown. 230 00:18:43,679 --> 00:18:46,220 Go on, one more time. 231 00:18:48,804 --> 00:18:50,804 It was a fucking joke, Lewis. 232 00:18:50,887 --> 00:18:53,303 Jesus, you two. 233 00:18:58,470 --> 00:18:59,595 You don't need to do that. 234 00:18:59,679 --> 00:19:00,970 Fuck, I don't. 235 00:19:01,053 --> 00:19:03,011 I can speak for myself. 236 00:19:04,970 --> 00:19:07,011 Then do so. 237 00:19:10,345 --> 00:19:12,345 Come in. 238 00:19:16,345 --> 00:19:19,387 Maid called in a missing persons this morning: 239 00:19:19,470 --> 00:19:22,178 two adults and two juveniles. 240 00:19:22,261 --> 00:19:25,178 We brought her by the morgue, and she identified your bodies. 241 00:19:27,553 --> 00:19:30,762 James Haslet and family. 242 00:19:30,845 --> 00:19:32,512 From Beverly Hills. 243 00:19:33,845 --> 00:19:35,929 633 North Canon Drive. 244 00:19:36,011 --> 00:19:38,887 - Fuck. - No kidding. 245 00:19:38,970 --> 00:19:41,053 So we got four rich white victims 246 00:19:41,136 --> 00:19:42,345 in the fucking L.A. River. 247 00:19:42,428 --> 00:19:46,929 This gets out, we're looking at a damn race war. 248 00:19:47,970 --> 00:19:50,887 You don't know how much I wish those bodies were Mexican. 249 00:19:52,053 --> 00:19:53,512 No offense. 250 00:19:53,595 --> 00:19:55,428 None taken. 251 00:19:55,512 --> 00:19:57,970 But we don't know it was Mexicans that killed them. 252 00:19:58,053 --> 00:20:00,136 I saw the pictures, Detective. 253 00:20:00,220 --> 00:20:02,470 I know what Spanish writing looks like. 254 00:20:02,553 --> 00:20:04,303 Maybe it's pachucos. 255 00:20:04,387 --> 00:20:07,136 What do a bunch of JDs want with Beverly Hills? 256 00:20:07,220 --> 00:20:09,637 We'll check the house, sir. Thanks. 257 00:20:21,011 --> 00:20:24,053 Breathe in. Breathe out. 258 00:20:25,387 --> 00:20:26,512 Nice and deep. 259 00:20:26,595 --> 00:20:28,762 Ah, that's it. 260 00:20:28,845 --> 00:20:30,804 That's it. Okay, yeah. 261 00:20:30,887 --> 00:20:32,845 One more time for me. Deep breath now, Frank. 262 00:20:32,929 --> 00:20:34,720 You see how it is with him, 263 00:20:34,804 --> 00:20:37,178 how he suffers? 264 00:20:37,261 --> 00:20:39,637 Oh, I've seen this before, Mrs. Brenson. 265 00:20:39,720 --> 00:20:41,178 This is no cause for panic, you see. 266 00:20:41,261 --> 00:20:44,011 I don't want a shot. 267 00:20:44,095 --> 00:20:46,011 You're not going to get a shot, young man. 268 00:20:46,095 --> 00:20:48,387 But if you're a very good boy, 269 00:20:48,470 --> 00:20:50,136 let me talk to your mother here, 270 00:20:50,220 --> 00:20:52,387 my nurse outside will give you a lollipop 271 00:20:52,470 --> 00:20:55,095 and maybe even a Lone Ranger book to color in. 272 00:20:55,178 --> 00:20:57,011 Hmm? How does that sound? 273 00:20:57,095 --> 00:20:59,261 - May I? - Yeah. 274 00:20:59,345 --> 00:21:01,679 Yeah, of course. 275 00:21:01,762 --> 00:21:03,303 I'll be right out. 276 00:21:03,387 --> 00:21:07,053 And what do you say to Dr. Craft? 277 00:21:07,136 --> 00:21:08,720 Thank you, sir. 278 00:21:14,136 --> 00:21:15,637 He's a good boy, Mrs. Brenson. 279 00:21:17,136 --> 00:21:18,887 Most often asthma is brought on by 280 00:21:18,970 --> 00:21:21,095 simple allergies we can treat. 281 00:21:22,929 --> 00:21:24,470 It breaks my heart. 282 00:21:26,637 --> 00:21:29,762 And my husband, he does not understand Frank. 283 00:21:29,845 --> 00:21:33,303 He has no-no patience, you see. 284 00:21:34,804 --> 00:21:36,303 Ah. 285 00:21:43,970 --> 00:21:45,470 Uh, you know... 286 00:21:45,553 --> 00:21:49,762 anxiety is often a trigger for respiratory distress. 287 00:21:49,845 --> 00:21:53,970 Is Frank subject to any special tensions? 288 00:21:55,845 --> 00:21:57,512 Where are you from? 289 00:21:59,095 --> 00:22:00,595 Essen. 290 00:22:01,679 --> 00:22:04,595 I am Berlin. I was Berlin. 291 00:22:06,178 --> 00:22:09,303 Now I'm Boyle Heights with the Jews. 292 00:22:09,387 --> 00:22:13,428 It is hard for us there... For me and Frank. 293 00:22:14,679 --> 00:22:16,679 It is difficult in this place for us. 294 00:22:20,470 --> 00:22:22,428 My husband, he is American. 295 00:22:23,637 --> 00:22:25,929 He's like all Americans here. 296 00:22:27,887 --> 00:22:28,929 What is that? 297 00:22:29,011 --> 00:22:31,428 He listens to the wrestling on the radio. 298 00:22:31,512 --> 00:22:33,303 He drinks his beer. 299 00:22:33,387 --> 00:22:36,553 He is curious about nothing. He knows nothing. 300 00:22:38,136 --> 00:22:40,387 My husband says I have to be American. 301 00:22:44,053 --> 00:22:46,053 My husband... 302 00:22:54,053 --> 00:22:55,637 Does he hurt you? 303 00:23:00,220 --> 00:23:02,136 Does he hurt the boy? 304 00:23:02,220 --> 00:23:04,762 Ay-yi-yi. 305 00:23:06,053 --> 00:23:07,261 Ah, you poor girl. 306 00:23:13,011 --> 00:23:14,512 You are a kind man. 307 00:23:16,178 --> 00:23:17,762 If only we had met in Essen. 308 00:23:28,387 --> 00:23:30,095 Uh... 309 00:23:30,178 --> 00:23:32,053 uh, we'll-we'll, um... 310 00:23:34,095 --> 00:23:36,053 We'll, uh, meet again in a week. 311 00:23:36,136 --> 00:23:37,887 Anyway, I, um... 312 00:23:39,845 --> 00:23:43,637 I wanna start a series of, uh, allergy tests on Frank. 313 00:23:43,720 --> 00:23:47,804 So... uh, next Friday, ja? 314 00:23:47,887 --> 00:23:49,428 Ja, good. 315 00:23:50,553 --> 00:23:52,053 Thank you, Dr. Craft. 316 00:23:53,512 --> 00:23:55,303 I think I've soiled your handkerchief. 317 00:23:55,387 --> 00:23:57,929 Oh, keep it, please. 318 00:24:01,804 --> 00:24:05,887 A gift... from Essen to Berlin. 319 00:24:08,512 --> 00:24:10,470 Ja, good. 320 00:24:12,220 --> 00:24:13,720 Next Friday, then. 321 00:25:29,887 --> 00:25:32,387 Do you want me to bring you something for lunch, Doctor? 322 00:25:32,470 --> 00:25:35,220 Uh, no, I'm going out. 323 00:25:35,303 --> 00:25:37,220 Thank you, Laura. 324 00:26:02,095 --> 00:26:03,929 You will be ejected! 325 00:26:04,011 --> 00:26:06,345 You will be ejected. I will have order. 326 00:26:06,428 --> 00:26:08,553 Sergeant at arms, eject those people. 327 00:26:08,637 --> 00:26:10,220 No more pictures! Get them out! 328 00:26:10,303 --> 00:26:11,845 You can't bar the press, Charlton. 329 00:26:11,929 --> 00:26:12,845 It's a public hearing. 330 00:26:12,929 --> 00:26:14,249 I can do whatever the hell I want. 331 00:26:14,303 --> 00:26:15,845 Eject them! 332 00:26:15,929 --> 00:26:19,553 We will have no more outbursts or intemperate language. 333 00:26:19,637 --> 00:26:22,553 The transportation committee has voted in favor 334 00:26:22,637 --> 00:26:25,053 of construction of the Arroyo Seco motorway. 335 00:26:25,136 --> 00:26:27,595 The city council has approved the recommendation. 336 00:26:27,679 --> 00:26:31,303 The municipal court has overturned the injunction. 337 00:26:32,095 --> 00:26:36,428 So construction will continue Monday morning as planned. 338 00:26:37,679 --> 00:26:39,071 If any member of the public would like 339 00:26:39,095 --> 00:26:41,011 to speak in opposition to the council's actions, 340 00:26:41,095 --> 00:26:44,553 they may do so in modest and economical terms. 341 00:26:46,136 --> 00:26:48,095 I am Raul Vega. 342 00:26:48,178 --> 00:26:49,595 And I speak on behalf of 343 00:26:49,679 --> 00:26:51,887 the Belvedere Heights Community Action Group, 344 00:26:51,970 --> 00:26:54,470 the Congress of Industrial Organizations, 345 00:26:54,553 --> 00:26:56,887 and the Cannery Workers Union, Local 417... 346 00:26:56,970 --> 00:27:00,178 I know who you are, Mr. Vega. Keep your remarks short. 347 00:27:00,261 --> 00:27:03,428 Short as one question, Mr. Townsend. 348 00:27:04,970 --> 00:27:07,011 Where are we supposed to go? 349 00:27:07,095 --> 00:27:09,095 Where are you supposed to go? 350 00:27:09,178 --> 00:27:12,762 When your new motorway destroys our homes... 351 00:27:12,845 --> 00:27:16,637 our community, our church, and our livelihood... 352 00:27:18,136 --> 00:27:19,845 where are we supposed to go? 353 00:27:19,929 --> 00:27:23,637 Where you came from is not a bad answer. 354 00:27:23,720 --> 00:27:26,220 I was born in Los Angeles County Hospital, 355 00:27:26,303 --> 00:27:29,387 Mr. Townsend, as I believe were you. 356 00:27:29,470 --> 00:27:31,220 Don't you dare bandy words with me. 357 00:27:31,303 --> 00:27:33,279 You would build a motorway that cuts through the heart 358 00:27:33,303 --> 00:27:35,762 of Belvedere Heights... 359 00:27:35,845 --> 00:27:38,095 through the house where my mother lives, 360 00:27:38,178 --> 00:27:40,220 through her kitchen, 361 00:27:40,303 --> 00:27:41,583 through the shops and the cannery 362 00:27:41,637 --> 00:27:43,220 that are our jobs, 363 00:27:43,303 --> 00:27:47,845 all so that you could drive to Pasadena with no stop signs. 364 00:27:47,929 --> 00:27:50,261 What, sir, would you say if I was to put a motorway 365 00:27:50,345 --> 00:27:51,095 through your kitchen? 366 00:27:51,178 --> 00:27:52,720 I would say, 367 00:27:52,804 --> 00:27:54,553 "You can't stand in the way of progress." 368 00:27:54,637 --> 00:27:57,345 When progress becomes barbarity, 369 00:27:57,428 --> 00:27:59,845 it ceases to be in the public interest. 370 00:27:59,929 --> 00:28:02,595 We are the public, sir, 371 00:28:02,679 --> 00:28:04,637 no matter the color of our skin. 372 00:28:04,720 --> 00:28:06,220 We will not be moved. 373 00:28:06,303 --> 00:28:07,637 Then you will be pushed. 374 00:28:07,720 --> 00:28:09,679 Then the blood will be on your hands. 375 00:28:09,762 --> 00:28:11,720 Don't threaten me with your goddamn... 376 00:28:11,804 --> 00:28:13,136 This our home! 377 00:28:13,220 --> 00:28:14,929 We will fight for fight it, 378 00:28:15,011 --> 00:28:17,679 as good Americans have always done. 379 00:28:17,762 --> 00:28:20,136 And yeah, hermanos. 380 00:28:20,220 --> 00:28:21,220 Show them our will! 381 00:28:36,762 --> 00:28:38,303 Officers, clear the chamber! 382 00:28:38,387 --> 00:28:39,470 Eject them! 383 00:28:43,804 --> 00:28:46,845 We will have no Bolshevik agitation here! 384 00:28:46,929 --> 00:28:47,929 Eject them! 385 00:28:55,220 --> 00:28:57,512 And that's how you conduct a meeting. 386 00:28:57,595 --> 00:28:59,470 - You showed 'em, sir. - Damn right. 387 00:28:59,553 --> 00:29:00,821 You can't be weak with these Latins. 388 00:29:00,845 --> 00:29:02,679 Their culture's all about machismo. 389 00:29:02,762 --> 00:29:05,011 You show them the whip, they back down. 390 00:29:07,095 --> 00:29:09,512 As if a bunch of taco stands and donkeys 391 00:29:09,595 --> 00:29:11,363 can stand in the way of the city of Los Angeles. 392 00:29:11,387 --> 00:29:13,595 Exactly right, sir. 393 00:29:16,887 --> 00:29:18,512 But a little less of that. 394 00:29:18,595 --> 00:29:21,178 "Taco stands" and "donkeys." 395 00:29:21,261 --> 00:29:23,762 You don't need that language to get what you want. 396 00:29:24,762 --> 00:29:26,112 You're going to win, so you don't give 397 00:29:26,136 --> 00:29:29,637 those bastards in the press any easy ammunition. 398 00:29:31,428 --> 00:29:34,303 You did magnificently today. 399 00:29:34,387 --> 00:29:36,804 You were a strong man. 400 00:29:36,887 --> 00:29:40,136 - Mussolini. - Mussolini. 401 00:29:40,220 --> 00:29:41,720 Hitler, even. 402 00:29:41,804 --> 00:29:44,512 Now there's a fellow who understands 403 00:29:44,595 --> 00:29:46,720 the judicious exercise of power. 404 00:29:47,679 --> 00:29:49,011 That's right. 405 00:29:49,095 --> 00:29:51,553 Now you just have to stay the course and keep quiet. 406 00:29:51,637 --> 00:29:52,762 You held the public hearing 407 00:29:52,845 --> 00:29:55,095 as your civic duty required. 408 00:29:55,178 --> 00:29:56,512 You've won. 409 00:29:56,595 --> 00:29:58,637 We'll get this first motorway under construction 410 00:29:58,720 --> 00:30:00,887 and then start working on another one. 411 00:30:02,637 --> 00:30:05,553 Keep your transportation committee front and center, 412 00:30:05,637 --> 00:30:06,845 keep you in the papers. 413 00:30:06,929 --> 00:30:09,261 - Another motorway? - Maybe through Bunker Hill. 414 00:30:09,345 --> 00:30:11,428 That's the colored's... 415 00:30:11,512 --> 00:30:13,011 No, sir, what that is, 416 00:30:13,095 --> 00:30:14,595 is too much valuable real estate 417 00:30:14,679 --> 00:30:16,595 filled with junkies and jig-whores. 418 00:30:16,679 --> 00:30:18,679 Not when there's a motorway to be built. 419 00:30:18,762 --> 00:30:20,428 Motorway going where? 420 00:30:20,512 --> 00:30:22,345 Does it matter? 421 00:30:25,470 --> 00:30:27,887 Also, sir, I've scheduled a meeting for this afternoon, 422 00:30:27,970 --> 00:30:29,470 something rather special. 423 00:30:29,553 --> 00:30:31,095 What would I do without you? 424 00:30:31,178 --> 00:30:33,512 What indeed, sir. 425 00:30:40,679 --> 00:30:41,595 Can I ask you something? 426 00:30:41,679 --> 00:30:43,178 Shoot. 427 00:30:44,512 --> 00:30:46,011 Why'd you take me as your partner? 428 00:30:49,095 --> 00:30:50,303 Seriously? 429 00:30:50,387 --> 00:30:51,887 Yeah. 430 00:30:57,720 --> 00:30:59,679 'Cause no one else wanted you. 431 00:31:02,178 --> 00:31:04,553 Now can I ask you a question? 432 00:31:05,929 --> 00:31:07,720 How come you never wear a hat? 433 00:31:10,720 --> 00:31:12,887 I want everybody to know I'm Chicano. 434 00:31:16,387 --> 00:31:18,220 Lewis... 435 00:31:19,720 --> 00:31:22,553 I know what it was, the painting on the faces. 436 00:31:24,220 --> 00:31:26,970 It's Day of the Dead makeup, honoring Santa Muerte. 437 00:31:28,762 --> 00:31:30,345 Which is what the fuck, exactly? 438 00:31:30,428 --> 00:31:32,428 Folk religion from the peasants in Mexico. 439 00:31:33,720 --> 00:31:35,679 Santa Muerte's the angel of holy death. 440 00:31:35,762 --> 00:31:38,178 She's the one who brings dead people to heaven. 441 00:31:38,261 --> 00:31:40,929 Oh, she's the one who does that. 442 00:31:42,720 --> 00:31:44,845 They built this whole religion around her, 443 00:31:44,929 --> 00:31:46,929 her and the other holy angels and devils. 444 00:31:47,011 --> 00:31:48,720 So it's Mexicans for sure. 445 00:31:48,804 --> 00:31:49,970 We don't know that. 446 00:31:50,053 --> 00:31:52,470 Well, true, there wasn't an actual mariachi band 447 00:31:52,553 --> 00:31:53,929 at the crime scene. 448 00:31:55,345 --> 00:31:56,488 Let me talk to my mother about it. 449 00:31:56,512 --> 00:31:58,178 She knows all about Santa Muerte. 450 00:31:58,261 --> 00:31:59,553 Why's that? 451 00:31:59,637 --> 00:32:01,512 She thinks she's a witch. 452 00:32:01,595 --> 00:32:02,679 Speaks Spanish 453 00:32:02,762 --> 00:32:05,011 Oh, shut the fuck up. 454 00:32:07,428 --> 00:32:08,929 It's a strange ol' world. 455 00:32:41,136 --> 00:32:43,428 Hello, fellow Americans. 456 00:32:44,637 --> 00:32:47,053 Hello, fellow Angelinos. 457 00:32:47,136 --> 00:32:50,804 We are the German American Bund. 458 00:32:52,136 --> 00:32:54,095 I promise not to ruin your lunch hour. 459 00:32:54,178 --> 00:32:55,261 I'm on mine too. 460 00:32:57,136 --> 00:32:59,428 My name is Peter Craft. 461 00:33:00,679 --> 00:33:03,095 And I live not too far from here. 462 00:33:05,345 --> 00:33:06,762 I have two boys. 463 00:33:06,845 --> 00:33:09,595 Tom and Trevor, they are called, 464 00:33:09,679 --> 00:33:12,011 and I will do anything to keep them safe. 465 00:33:13,220 --> 00:33:15,762 So if there's a fight down the street, 466 00:33:15,845 --> 00:33:17,929 I keep my boys out of it. 467 00:33:18,011 --> 00:33:20,011 Why should their noses get bloodied 468 00:33:20,095 --> 00:33:21,261 in someone else's fight? 469 00:33:21,345 --> 00:33:23,428 Hmm? What is it to do with us? 470 00:33:24,512 --> 00:33:27,720 This country has a duty 471 00:33:27,804 --> 00:33:30,095 to keep its children safe too. 472 00:33:32,011 --> 00:33:33,970 And yet I hear so much talk 473 00:33:34,053 --> 00:33:36,929 about America going down the street 474 00:33:37,011 --> 00:33:39,679 and getting involved in someone else's fight. 475 00:33:39,762 --> 00:33:42,804 Surely, Europe is Europe 476 00:33:42,887 --> 00:33:45,720 and America is America. 477 00:33:47,136 --> 00:33:50,512 Why should we throw our children into the quarrels 478 00:33:50,595 --> 00:33:52,970 of nations so many miles distant 479 00:33:53,053 --> 00:33:55,804 and so very alien to us? 480 00:33:55,887 --> 00:33:58,637 What has it to do with America? 481 00:34:00,470 --> 00:34:02,178 Look around you, my friends. 482 00:34:02,261 --> 00:34:03,637 The sun is shining, 483 00:34:03,720 --> 00:34:06,637 you drink a milk carton or a soda pop, 484 00:34:06,720 --> 00:34:08,762 you eat a frankfurter... 485 00:34:08,845 --> 00:34:11,220 which you can thank my people for inventing, by the way. 486 00:34:11,303 --> 00:34:13,512 Ja. Ah, with mustard. 487 00:34:14,261 --> 00:34:16,679 Oh, and sauerkraut over there. Even... ah, I see you. 488 00:34:16,762 --> 00:34:21,845 So let's enjoy our life here 489 00:34:21,929 --> 00:34:24,428 and leave the Old World to itself. 490 00:34:26,136 --> 00:34:29,220 I say America first. 491 00:34:30,553 --> 00:34:31,929 America always. 492 00:34:33,136 --> 00:34:35,345 Peace above all. 493 00:34:35,428 --> 00:34:38,512 Come on, let's go. 494 00:35:04,637 --> 00:35:06,261 One motorcycle, that's it? 495 00:35:06,345 --> 00:35:09,261 We keep things discreet here in Beverly Hills. 496 00:35:29,762 --> 00:35:32,387 So they're true believers, I take it. 497 00:35:48,637 --> 00:35:50,845 It is our sacred duty 498 00:35:50,929 --> 00:35:54,178 to spread the good word far and wide. 499 00:35:54,261 --> 00:35:55,887 All across this land, 500 00:35:55,970 --> 00:35:58,929 I see unhappiness and strife 501 00:35:59,011 --> 00:36:02,095 and thousands of aching hearts crying out 502 00:36:02,178 --> 00:36:05,261 for the embrace of their loving Father. 503 00:36:05,345 --> 00:36:07,929 This, brothers and sisters, is why I've... 504 00:36:08,011 --> 00:36:11,178 These fucking cultists now. 505 00:36:16,053 --> 00:36:17,595 I'll take upstairs. 506 00:36:19,303 --> 00:36:21,387 Look for blood. 507 00:36:21,470 --> 00:36:23,387 Don't forget the drains. 508 00:37:25,095 --> 00:37:26,929 No bloodletting upstairs. 509 00:37:27,011 --> 00:37:28,845 Or here, no forced entry. 510 00:37:28,929 --> 00:37:31,053 Haslet was an elder in the church 511 00:37:31,136 --> 00:37:33,011 or whatever lunatic thing 512 00:37:33,095 --> 00:37:35,220 they call the big pooh-bahs there. 513 00:37:35,303 --> 00:37:38,762 He was building the Arroyo Seco, his company. 514 00:37:40,095 --> 00:37:43,011 "You take our heart, we take yours." 515 00:38:15,970 --> 00:38:18,470 Councilman Townsend... 516 00:38:18,553 --> 00:38:21,261 I am Richard Goss of the building-architecture firm, 517 00:38:21,345 --> 00:38:22,553 Goss and Ossenberg. 518 00:38:22,637 --> 00:38:23,679 How do you do? 519 00:38:23,762 --> 00:38:24,887 Mr. Goss. 520 00:38:26,220 --> 00:38:28,929 Thanks for meeting here. 521 00:38:29,011 --> 00:38:31,512 Our dear Alex thought discretion was advisable. 522 00:38:33,679 --> 00:38:35,011 And why's that? 523 00:38:38,178 --> 00:38:39,637 A gift from the Fuehrer. 524 00:38:41,053 --> 00:38:44,261 My firm is doing some work on the Reich Chancellery, 525 00:38:44,345 --> 00:38:47,595 making everything more... monumental. 526 00:38:49,095 --> 00:38:51,762 We've also done much work on the autobahn, 527 00:38:51,845 --> 00:38:55,970 the motorways of Germany, this is, for many years now. 528 00:38:57,512 --> 00:38:58,512 Oh, I get it. 529 00:38:58,553 --> 00:39:00,887 You wanna start building motorways here. 530 00:39:00,970 --> 00:39:03,095 Only we can't hire foreign companies 531 00:39:03,178 --> 00:39:05,011 'cause of national security concerns. 532 00:39:05,095 --> 00:39:06,261 This is of no matter. 533 00:39:06,345 --> 00:39:09,387 Really, sir, what we want is 534 00:39:09,470 --> 00:39:11,387 to make you the mayor of Los Angeles. 535 00:39:11,470 --> 00:39:14,512 You are a man we believe 536 00:39:14,595 --> 00:39:16,470 with whom we can work. 537 00:39:20,178 --> 00:39:22,178 I'm one member of the city council. 538 00:39:22,261 --> 00:39:24,261 That's all. Mayor is a long way off... 539 00:39:24,345 --> 00:39:27,303 Not that far, especially if we keep 540 00:39:27,387 --> 00:39:29,227 the transportation committee in the public eye, 541 00:39:29,303 --> 00:39:31,595 get you on the radio more. 542 00:39:31,679 --> 00:39:33,804 Allow us to help. 543 00:39:33,887 --> 00:39:35,512 And in return? 544 00:39:37,303 --> 00:39:40,470 More motorways for us to build some government contracts 545 00:39:40,553 --> 00:39:42,512 skirting perhaps some of 546 00:39:42,595 --> 00:39:47,428 the military's more onerous regulations. 547 00:39:48,178 --> 00:39:51,929 What we want is a sympathetic ear, no more. 548 00:39:53,637 --> 00:39:57,345 - For which you'll pay. - Indecently. 549 00:39:57,428 --> 00:40:01,595 You see, we believe this place is the future of America. 550 00:40:02,762 --> 00:40:04,887 What is New York but a filthy remnant 551 00:40:04,970 --> 00:40:08,345 of Old World beliefs filled with rat peddlers? 552 00:40:09,261 --> 00:40:10,845 But Los Angeles... 553 00:40:12,553 --> 00:40:15,679 this is a place where a man can live under the sun 554 00:40:15,762 --> 00:40:18,011 and spread his arms... 555 00:40:18,095 --> 00:40:20,053 where there's breathing room. 556 00:40:22,261 --> 00:40:24,762 The Fuehrer looks here and dreams. 557 00:40:28,595 --> 00:40:31,053 Do you know what I did yesterday 558 00:40:31,136 --> 00:40:33,679 under specific orders from Berlin? 559 00:40:33,762 --> 00:40:35,845 I measured streets, 560 00:40:35,929 --> 00:40:38,887 selecting that one which is most appropriate 561 00:40:38,970 --> 00:40:40,178 for a victory parade, 562 00:40:40,261 --> 00:40:42,470 wide enough for our panzer tanks. 563 00:40:43,762 --> 00:40:45,970 It's Wilshire Boulevard, by the way. 564 00:40:46,053 --> 00:40:47,261 You got big plans. 565 00:40:47,345 --> 00:40:48,804 They're more than plans. 566 00:40:48,887 --> 00:40:53,053 This is happening, sir, as we speak, all over the city. 567 00:40:53,136 --> 00:40:56,387 We have agents in the aircraft factories, 568 00:40:56,470 --> 00:40:58,804 in the ports, in the film studios. 569 00:40:58,887 --> 00:41:00,407 You sure you should be telling me this? 570 00:41:00,470 --> 00:41:02,303 What if I go to the FBI? 571 00:41:04,178 --> 00:41:05,303 Hmm. 572 00:41:11,553 --> 00:41:13,512 You see my driver there? 573 00:41:15,470 --> 00:41:17,970 He's Gestapo. Do you know what that is? 574 00:41:19,345 --> 00:41:21,261 If he doesn't see this conversation end 575 00:41:21,345 --> 00:41:23,011 with a handshake, I've instructed him 576 00:41:23,095 --> 00:41:26,512 to take his gun and shoot you through the head. 577 00:41:27,887 --> 00:41:30,595 And we'll have to find another candidate for mayor, alas. 578 00:41:33,804 --> 00:41:35,512 I won't betray my country. 579 00:41:36,845 --> 00:41:38,345 Of course you will. 580 00:41:44,970 --> 00:41:46,387 Now I must be going. 581 00:41:46,470 --> 00:41:49,595 It has truly been my pleasure, Mr. Townsend. 582 00:41:51,011 --> 00:41:53,595 Or shall I say, Your Honor? 583 00:41:55,470 --> 00:41:57,470 The pleasure was mine, sir. 584 00:42:01,887 --> 00:42:03,970 Heil Hitler. 585 00:43:03,303 --> 00:43:04,679 What the fuck... 586 00:43:04,762 --> 00:43:06,011 Mateo! 587 00:43:06,095 --> 00:43:07,553 Mateo, stop! Leave him alone. 588 00:43:07,637 --> 00:43:09,303 - What are you... - Get the fuck out! 589 00:43:09,387 --> 00:43:11,428 Stop it! Don't! 590 00:43:11,512 --> 00:43:13,178 Stop it! 591 00:43:13,261 --> 00:43:15,178 She's in high school, you pervert, shithead! 592 00:43:15,261 --> 00:43:16,470 I'll never see you again! 593 00:43:16,553 --> 00:43:18,887 Mateo, he wasn't doing anything. 594 00:43:18,970 --> 00:43:20,970 - You're not my father! - Hey! 595 00:43:21,053 --> 00:43:23,804 Josefina, no more. Inside now! 596 00:43:23,887 --> 00:43:25,762 Fucking bastard was feeling her up. 597 00:43:33,136 --> 00:43:34,553 No more! 598 00:43:34,637 --> 00:43:36,303 No more words like that. 599 00:43:36,387 --> 00:43:39,387 You were raised for better than fighting in the street. 600 00:43:39,470 --> 00:43:41,470 Yeah, like sweeping up for three dollars a week? 601 00:43:41,553 --> 00:43:43,595 - Huh? - You'll do more. 602 00:43:43,679 --> 00:43:47,261 Like the cannery or-or maybe cleaning out toilets? 603 00:43:47,345 --> 00:43:48,637 Huh? 604 00:43:48,720 --> 00:43:52,845 This is it. There is no more. 605 00:43:52,929 --> 00:43:54,387 If I thought that, 606 00:43:54,470 --> 00:43:57,178 we'd still be living in the barrio. 607 00:43:57,261 --> 00:43:59,303 You'll make your way up, mijo. 608 00:43:59,387 --> 00:44:01,762 This is America. 609 00:44:03,178 --> 00:44:05,387 You keep dreaming your dreams, Mama, 610 00:44:05,470 --> 00:44:09,095 and maybe Santa Muerte will make them come true one day. 611 00:44:09,178 --> 00:44:10,929 But for the rest of us... 612 00:44:13,011 --> 00:44:14,929 who wants a spic? 613 00:44:33,387 --> 00:44:37,178 Look at you, all grown up. 614 00:44:39,595 --> 00:44:41,178 Mama, you got a minute? 615 00:44:45,261 --> 00:44:46,970 Walk with me. 616 00:44:51,303 --> 00:44:54,720 So you heard anything from Santa Muerte lately? 617 00:44:57,011 --> 00:44:59,887 You don't believe. Why are you asking? 618 00:44:59,970 --> 00:45:01,970 Someone in the Arroyo community, I mean. 619 00:45:02,053 --> 00:45:03,637 Something I should know about, 620 00:45:03,720 --> 00:45:05,970 maybe some of violence, some kind of curse. 621 00:45:06,053 --> 00:45:08,136 Santa Muerte doesn't curse. 622 00:45:08,220 --> 00:45:09,929 She's a holy angel. 623 00:45:10,011 --> 00:45:13,679 She guide us peacefully to heaven. 624 00:45:13,762 --> 00:45:15,804 She didn't guide my father so peacefully. 625 00:45:15,887 --> 00:45:18,178 You were too young. You don't remember. 626 00:45:19,011 --> 00:45:21,637 He died burning in agony, Mom. What don't I remember? 627 00:45:21,720 --> 00:45:23,887 What did you want, Santiago? 628 00:45:25,762 --> 00:45:29,178 There's been some trouble, very bad, 629 00:45:29,261 --> 00:45:31,679 and it looks like Mexicans. 630 00:45:31,762 --> 00:45:33,446 I just want you to keep your eyes open and let me know 631 00:45:33,470 --> 00:45:35,550 if there's any special Santa Muerte rituals going on, 632 00:45:35,595 --> 00:45:38,261 black masses, anything with Arroyos. 633 00:45:38,345 --> 00:45:40,220 From this religion you don't believe in. 634 00:45:40,303 --> 00:45:42,095 - That's right. - From this holy angel 635 00:45:42,178 --> 00:45:44,178 who touched your shoulder and marked you? 636 00:45:44,261 --> 00:45:45,345 Please. 637 00:45:45,428 --> 00:45:46,780 When are you going to believe the truth 638 00:45:46,804 --> 00:45:48,512 that is written on your own skin? 639 00:45:48,595 --> 00:45:50,595 Not tonight. 640 00:46:24,303 --> 00:46:26,387 So you'll help me out? 641 00:46:26,470 --> 00:46:29,220 Listen for anything to do with Santa Muerte. 642 00:46:31,679 --> 00:46:34,553 I'll do what I can. 643 00:46:34,637 --> 00:46:37,136 But you have to think about something. 644 00:46:37,220 --> 00:46:39,637 This angel that you don't believe in, 645 00:46:39,720 --> 00:46:42,053 you might need her one day. 646 00:46:43,303 --> 00:46:44,887 What do you do then? 647 00:46:54,762 --> 00:46:56,637 Come on. 648 00:46:56,720 --> 00:46:59,261 You dance with your mother now. 649 00:47:00,595 --> 00:47:02,845 These old men can't keep up. 650 00:47:49,220 --> 00:47:50,720 Hoo! 651 00:47:50,804 --> 00:47:51,929 Oh! 652 00:48:35,887 --> 00:48:38,720 And so he grabbed him by the neck... huh... 653 00:48:38,804 --> 00:48:41,512 Dragged him out like fucking Tarzan. 654 00:48:41,595 --> 00:48:42,762 Little Mateo? 655 00:48:42,845 --> 00:48:44,261 I swear. 656 00:48:44,345 --> 00:48:47,011 He was like Johnny Weissmuller, huh? 657 00:48:47,095 --> 00:48:49,345 Screaming, "You pervert" this, 658 00:48:49,428 --> 00:48:50,679 "You fuckhead" that, 659 00:48:50,762 --> 00:48:53,053 "You don't touch the tit of my sainted sister." 660 00:48:53,136 --> 00:48:56,553 Hey, Mateo, you bust that pervert good, huh? 661 00:48:56,637 --> 00:48:58,387 Oh, you're so funny. 662 00:48:58,470 --> 00:48:59,553 He was feeling her up 663 00:48:59,637 --> 00:49:01,220 with every fat mama in town watching. 664 00:49:01,303 --> 00:49:04,053 Oh, come on, like you never felt up a girl in high school. 665 00:49:04,136 --> 00:49:05,970 She's our sister. She's not just some girl. 666 00:49:06,053 --> 00:49:07,428 Come on. 667 00:49:07,512 --> 00:49:08,512 Jesus. 668 00:49:08,595 --> 00:49:09,720 Mama burned my ass, though. 669 00:49:23,136 --> 00:49:25,136 You working Monday? 670 00:49:25,220 --> 00:49:28,053 Monday? No. 671 00:49:28,136 --> 00:49:30,428 The Angels are playing. I can get you tickets. 672 00:49:30,512 --> 00:49:32,428 Maybe you take Josefina, buy her something nice. 673 00:49:32,512 --> 00:49:33,887 Stop it, Tiago. 674 00:49:34,011 --> 00:49:35,863 - He shouldn't be there. - You shouldn't be there. 675 00:49:35,887 --> 00:49:37,637 - It's my job. - It's your job 676 00:49:37,720 --> 00:49:38,720 to tear down our house? 677 00:49:38,804 --> 00:49:39,905 They're not tearing down our house. 678 00:49:39,929 --> 00:49:40,929 Not yet. 679 00:49:40,970 --> 00:49:41,970 Look, Monday morning, 680 00:49:42,053 --> 00:49:43,637 those bulldozers start up. 681 00:49:43,720 --> 00:49:45,345 This is it, Raul. 682 00:49:45,428 --> 00:49:47,261 I'm sorry, but this is it. 683 00:49:50,345 --> 00:49:52,595 You know where they are... 684 00:49:52,679 --> 00:49:54,095 those machines? 685 00:49:55,553 --> 00:49:57,970 At the empty lot across from the laundry, 686 00:49:58,053 --> 00:49:59,720 where we used to play Tom Mix. 687 00:49:59,804 --> 00:50:01,553 They're calling in men from precincts 688 00:50:01,637 --> 00:50:02,970 all over the goddamn city. 689 00:50:03,053 --> 00:50:05,512 - We'll be ready. - Keep Mateo out of it. 690 00:50:05,595 --> 00:50:08,470 - I can make up my own mind. - Shut the fuck up! 691 00:50:08,553 --> 00:50:10,887 If we let them push us out here, where does it end? 692 00:50:10,970 --> 00:50:13,178 - When we're back in Mexico? - That's done. 693 00:50:13,261 --> 00:50:14,863 No one's talking about deporting anyone, Raul. 694 00:50:14,887 --> 00:50:16,720 - But this is how it starts! - Come on. 695 00:50:18,595 --> 00:50:19,595 You know what? 696 00:50:19,679 --> 00:50:22,387 You're so goddamned concerned, Tiago, 697 00:50:22,470 --> 00:50:24,136 maybe you oughta go to the Angels game 698 00:50:24,220 --> 00:50:26,303 instead of fucking your people one more time. 699 00:50:29,053 --> 00:50:30,845 You go against the cops, 700 00:50:30,929 --> 00:50:32,595 they'll shoot you down like animals. 701 00:50:32,679 --> 00:50:34,136 That's what you are to them. 702 00:50:36,595 --> 00:50:38,512 And what are you? 703 00:50:42,845 --> 00:50:45,136 Where's your heart, Tiago? 704 00:51:07,136 --> 00:51:09,136 Fay Thomas is pitching Monday. 705 00:51:09,220 --> 00:51:11,345 You oughta think about it. 706 00:52:25,929 --> 00:52:28,011 What a pleasant surprise. 707 00:52:28,095 --> 00:52:30,095 What the fuck are you doing here? 708 00:52:30,929 --> 00:52:33,178 I'm not coming tomorrow. 709 00:52:33,929 --> 00:52:34,929 Say again. 710 00:52:35,011 --> 00:52:37,095 I'm not coming. 711 00:52:39,136 --> 00:52:41,595 It's our precinct. 712 00:52:41,679 --> 00:52:43,303 You heard the captain. 713 00:52:43,387 --> 00:52:45,053 We all gotta be there. 714 00:52:45,136 --> 00:52:46,804 I can't. 715 00:52:51,136 --> 00:52:53,970 So let me establish this to my understanding. 716 00:52:54,053 --> 00:52:56,762 It's your second day on the job, 717 00:52:56,845 --> 00:52:58,428 and you're not gonna be there? 718 00:52:58,512 --> 00:52:59,929 Playing a quick nine 719 00:53:00,011 --> 00:53:01,363 at the Wilshire Country Club, are you? 720 00:53:01,387 --> 00:53:02,667 I don't expect you to understand. 721 00:53:02,720 --> 00:53:04,887 We got four bodies in the morgue, 722 00:53:04,970 --> 00:53:07,887 we got a fucking race riot all scheduled for tomorrow, 723 00:53:07,970 --> 00:53:09,679 and you're taking the day off? 724 00:53:11,512 --> 00:53:13,720 Listen, pal, in this life, 725 00:53:13,804 --> 00:53:16,845 you're a cowboy or you're an Indian. 726 00:53:16,929 --> 00:53:18,845 You better fucking choose. 727 00:53:49,553 --> 00:53:53,095 Holy angel, mother of death, hear my plea. 728 00:53:54,470 --> 00:53:56,970 Holy angel, mother of death, hear my... 729 00:53:57,053 --> 00:54:00,970 Holy angel, mother of death, hear my plea. 730 00:54:01,053 --> 00:54:03,095 Holy angel, mother of death, 731 00:54:03,178 --> 00:54:04,220 hear my plea. 732 00:54:04,303 --> 00:54:06,720 Mother of death, hear my plea. 733 00:54:09,387 --> 00:54:12,178 Holy angel, mother of death, hear my plea. 734 00:54:13,929 --> 00:54:16,970 Speaking Spanish 735 00:54:17,053 --> 00:54:18,693 Holy angel, mother of death, hear my plea. 736 00:54:51,762 --> 00:54:54,804 Why do you wake me? 737 00:54:56,804 --> 00:54:58,887 I need your help. 738 00:54:58,970 --> 00:55:01,762 There is evil walking now. 739 00:55:01,845 --> 00:55:03,470 I can feel it. 740 00:55:04,470 --> 00:55:07,261 If you're dying, I will come to you. 741 00:55:07,345 --> 00:55:10,345 But if your leg is in a trap, you must chew it off yourself. 742 00:55:12,178 --> 00:55:16,220 I will see you in your final moment... 743 00:55:16,303 --> 00:55:18,011 speaks Spanish 744 00:55:18,095 --> 00:55:19,470 Please help me. 745 00:55:19,553 --> 00:55:22,345 Please, please help me. 746 00:55:22,428 --> 00:55:24,804 Help me, please. Help. 747 00:55:30,679 --> 00:55:32,345 There is a prophecy. 748 00:55:33,887 --> 00:55:35,929 A time will come 749 00:55:36,011 --> 00:55:38,762 when nation will battle nation, 750 00:55:38,845 --> 00:55:43,095 when race will devour race, 751 00:55:43,178 --> 00:55:46,345 when brother will kill brother... 752 00:55:47,804 --> 00:55:49,720 until not a soul is left. 753 00:55:52,553 --> 00:55:54,470 And is that time now? 754 00:55:56,053 --> 00:55:58,011 - Who can say? - You can. 755 00:56:07,512 --> 00:56:11,887 But there are so many corpses to gather. 756 00:56:14,512 --> 00:56:17,970 Everywhere I look... 757 00:56:18,053 --> 00:56:20,470 And every step I take... 758 00:56:23,470 --> 00:56:26,637 I wade through that agony. 759 00:56:30,220 --> 00:56:33,845 I have no heart to care for man. 760 00:56:35,929 --> 00:56:37,679 No. Please, no. 761 00:56:37,762 --> 00:56:40,762 The time you speak of is now, and it's here, right here. 762 00:56:40,845 --> 00:56:42,178 We have to do something! 763 00:56:45,261 --> 00:56:46,637 You slept too long! 764 00:56:46,720 --> 00:56:48,428 Enough. 765 00:56:48,512 --> 00:56:50,845 There is a great battle coming, 766 00:56:50,929 --> 00:56:52,553 and it's here! 767 00:56:52,637 --> 00:56:55,303 And we need you here, and we need you now! 768 00:56:55,387 --> 00:56:57,345 Will you sleep 769 00:56:57,428 --> 00:56:59,470 as your bitch of a sister conquers... 770 00:57:23,804 --> 00:57:25,762 - Mama? - Will you be there tomorrow? 771 00:57:27,804 --> 00:57:30,053 When that construction starts. 772 00:57:30,804 --> 00:57:32,553 - No, I-I decided... - You have to. 773 00:57:33,762 --> 00:57:35,261 Santa Muerte spoke to me. 774 00:57:35,345 --> 00:57:36,970 Jesus. 775 00:57:37,053 --> 00:57:38,637 She chose you! 776 00:57:40,303 --> 00:57:42,470 You'll lie to yourself but not to me. 777 00:57:43,595 --> 00:57:45,470 This is who you are. 778 00:57:46,762 --> 00:57:49,053 Tomorrow, you have to stop it, 779 00:57:49,136 --> 00:57:50,970 whatever it takes. 780 00:57:52,970 --> 00:57:53,970 Or? 781 00:57:56,679 --> 00:58:01,136 It all ends in blood or in fire. 782 00:58:03,011 --> 00:58:06,178 You saw her. You know it happened. 783 00:58:06,261 --> 00:58:08,178 Santa Muerte chose you. 784 00:58:11,720 --> 00:58:13,595 You couldn't save your father. 785 00:58:15,220 --> 00:58:17,929 Maybe you can save yourself. 786 00:59:34,428 --> 00:59:37,345 Well, good morning, sunshine. 787 00:59:37,428 --> 00:59:39,261 Couldn't get a tee time at Wilshire? 788 00:59:41,345 --> 00:59:42,637 I'm sorry about all that. 789 00:59:42,720 --> 00:59:45,011 Forget it, partner. I'm glad you're here. 790 00:59:46,345 --> 00:59:48,261 You will disperse. 791 00:59:49,512 --> 00:59:52,178 This is an illegal action. 792 00:59:54,428 --> 00:59:57,387 We will have no disobedience. 793 00:59:57,470 --> 01:00:00,220 If you do not disperse, 794 01:00:00,303 --> 01:00:03,220 you will be arrested. 795 01:00:05,595 --> 01:00:08,804 You will disperse. 796 01:00:46,679 --> 01:00:49,845 You know how many times I've fired my weapon in the job? 797 01:00:51,136 --> 01:00:52,762 Never. 798 01:01:17,345 --> 01:01:20,303 Whatever you're about to do, don't. 799 01:01:20,387 --> 01:01:22,970 I used to play on this street. 800 01:01:23,053 --> 01:01:24,470 You don't anymore. 801 01:01:44,470 --> 01:01:45,887 What's this now? 802 01:01:58,387 --> 01:02:00,011 You all know me. 803 01:02:02,970 --> 01:02:04,845 I grew up there. That's-that's my house. 804 01:02:04,929 --> 01:02:06,261 You know that. 805 01:02:08,053 --> 01:02:09,845 So listen to me. 806 01:02:11,303 --> 01:02:13,095 You need to go home now. 807 01:02:16,136 --> 01:02:19,679 No matter what you think, no matter what you hope, 808 01:02:19,762 --> 01:02:22,178 you can't stop this! 809 01:02:53,970 --> 01:02:56,053 Por favor. 810 01:03:01,136 --> 01:03:03,303 Por favor. 811 01:03:18,011 --> 01:03:19,011 Shame! 812 01:04:53,345 --> 01:04:55,637 Stay down! Stay down now! 813 01:05:06,637 --> 01:05:07,762 No. 814 01:05:24,845 --> 01:05:27,220 Raul! 815 01:05:31,345 --> 01:05:32,720 Raul! 816 01:05:33,720 --> 01:05:34,595 Raul! 817 01:05:42,053 --> 01:05:43,220 Raul, no!