1 00:00:01,729 --> 00:00:04,872 - Hi, my name is Zoey Clarke, 2 00:00:04,972 --> 00:00:06,955 and my story is probably going to be 3 00:00:07,055 --> 00:00:09,437 the most unusual one you hear today. 4 00:00:09,537 --> 00:00:10,919 [upbeat music] 5 00:00:11,019 --> 00:00:12,640 About a year and a half ago, 6 00:00:12,740 --> 00:00:15,483 I was just a regular programmer gal, 7 00:00:15,583 --> 00:00:17,165 hiding behind my computer 8 00:00:17,265 --> 00:00:19,968 at a big tech company here in San Francisco. 9 00:00:20,068 --> 00:00:23,171 But then, I started having some really bad headaches. 10 00:00:23,271 --> 00:00:25,693 So I went to get an MRI, 11 00:00:25,793 --> 00:00:28,256 and as I was lying in the machine, 12 00:00:28,356 --> 00:00:30,058 there was an earthquake. 13 00:00:30,158 --> 00:00:33,221 And it was like all the songs in the world 14 00:00:33,321 --> 00:00:35,944 suddenly got uploaded into my brain. 15 00:00:36,044 --> 00:00:39,267 Next thing I know, I can hear people's innermost thoughts 16 00:00:39,367 --> 00:00:42,110 expressed through musical numbers. 17 00:00:42,210 --> 00:00:45,353 This power taught me that, however it looks 18 00:00:45,453 --> 00:00:48,677 on the outside, we're all messed up. 19 00:00:48,777 --> 00:00:50,599 We all have our own issues. 20 00:00:50,699 --> 00:00:55,844 My main issue, BTW, was that my father was dying 21 00:00:55,944 --> 00:00:59,808 of a rare neurological disease while this was all happening. 22 00:00:59,908 --> 00:01:03,011 He couldn't speak, walk, move, 23 00:01:03,111 --> 00:01:04,973 trapped in his own body. 24 00:01:05,073 --> 00:01:08,537 But because of my new ability, 25 00:01:08,637 --> 00:01:12,621 we could suddenly communicate all over again through song, 26 00:01:12,721 --> 00:01:15,944 which was everything. 27 00:01:16,044 --> 00:01:18,827 When my dad died, my family was lost. 28 00:01:18,927 --> 00:01:24,233 But we learned over the last eight months to carry on. 29 00:01:24,333 --> 00:01:25,954 Whatever that means. 30 00:01:26,054 --> 00:01:28,237 But now there's a whole new problem. 31 00:01:28,337 --> 00:01:31,120 About two weeks ago, out of nowhere my boyfriend, 32 00:01:31,220 --> 00:01:34,243 Max, also got my musical powers and-- 33 00:01:34,343 --> 00:01:35,564 - Whoa, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. 34 00:01:35,664 --> 00:01:37,406 I'm gonna have to stop you right there. 35 00:01:37,506 --> 00:01:38,727 - Is there something wrong? 36 00:01:38,827 --> 00:01:42,331 - This is a very extraordinary tale, 37 00:01:42,431 --> 00:01:44,894 but I have lots of children waiting. 38 00:01:44,994 --> 00:01:47,256 - Okay. - And all I asked you was, 39 00:01:47,356 --> 00:01:49,979 "What's your name, what do you want for Christmas?" 40 00:01:50,079 --> 00:01:53,542 - Oh. I just thought you needed the back story 41 00:01:53,642 --> 00:01:55,985 to really understand my wish. 42 00:01:56,085 --> 00:02:00,670 I guess I just want my dad back for Christmas 43 00:02:00,770 --> 00:02:04,353 or some clarity 44 00:02:04,453 --> 00:02:08,477 on why this happened to me and my boyfriend. 45 00:02:08,577 --> 00:02:12,201 I mean, I know that my dad said that the universe 46 00:02:12,301 --> 00:02:13,603 has some grand plan for me but-- 47 00:02:13,703 --> 00:02:15,364 - I'll do my best to help 48 00:02:15,464 --> 00:02:18,768 but this might be slightly above my pay grade. 49 00:02:18,868 --> 00:02:20,409 - Smile. 50 00:02:20,509 --> 00:02:23,212 - Merry Christmas. [laughs] 51 00:02:23,312 --> 00:02:24,734 - Okay, thank you. - Yeah. 52 00:02:24,834 --> 00:02:27,296 Is it--is it really necessary? Okay, okay, I'm going. 53 00:02:27,396 --> 00:02:29,419 I'm going. Don't look at me like that. 54 00:02:29,519 --> 00:02:33,543 The picture was for my mother. I have a dead father. 55 00:02:33,643 --> 00:02:35,705 ♪ ♪ 56 00:02:35,805 --> 00:02:37,307 - Isn't this great? 57 00:02:37,407 --> 00:02:39,949 The smell of peppermint lattes filling the air, 58 00:02:40,049 --> 00:02:41,951 major discount sales happening everywhere, 59 00:02:42,051 --> 00:02:44,153 and both Black and white people alike 60 00:02:44,253 --> 00:02:46,075 all equally stressed out. 61 00:02:46,175 --> 00:02:47,957 How could you not be in the holiday spirit? 62 00:02:48,057 --> 00:02:49,399 - Yeah. 63 00:02:49,499 --> 00:02:50,720 I guess I'm just feeling a little conflicted 64 00:02:50,820 --> 00:02:52,041 about Christmas this year, that's all. 65 00:02:52,141 --> 00:02:53,763 - Oh, 'cause Max is Jewish? - What? 66 00:02:53,863 --> 00:02:57,327 No, because it's my first Christmas without my father. 67 00:02:57,427 --> 00:02:59,409 - Oh, yeah. That. 68 00:02:59,509 --> 00:03:01,371 Look, it's gonna be tough but you have to focus 69 00:03:01,471 --> 00:03:03,933 on the things that you do have. You have a man. 70 00:03:04,033 --> 00:03:05,175 - Yes. - I have a man. 71 00:03:05,275 --> 00:03:06,696 - You do. 72 00:03:06,796 --> 00:03:08,338 - My man has kids who like me and I like them. 73 00:03:08,438 --> 00:03:10,660 That is a Christmas miracle in itself. 74 00:03:10,760 --> 00:03:12,742 - So, are all of those gifts for Perry's kids? 75 00:03:12,842 --> 00:03:14,784 - Oh, no, these are the stocking stuffers. 76 00:03:14,884 --> 00:03:17,267 I'm having the good stuff wrapped as we speak. 77 00:03:17,367 --> 00:03:21,671 - Can I have the stomp rocket? - Absolutely not. 78 00:03:21,771 --> 00:03:23,874 - Okay, I'm happy you're happy. 79 00:03:23,974 --> 00:03:25,555 - [sighs] - Truly. 80 00:03:25,655 --> 00:03:28,839 Just know that, you know, this year might not be 81 00:03:28,939 --> 00:03:31,201 quite as great for me as it is for you. 82 00:03:31,301 --> 00:03:32,883 - Okay Zo, ho-ho. 83 00:03:32,983 --> 00:03:35,846 I will not rub my Christmas joy in your face. 84 00:03:35,946 --> 00:03:38,689 I'll just keep it all bottled up to myself, hmm. 85 00:03:38,789 --> 00:03:41,131 - Thank you. 86 00:03:41,231 --> 00:03:44,094 [brassy holiday music] 87 00:03:44,194 --> 00:03:47,778 ♪ ♪ 88 00:03:47,878 --> 00:03:52,543 - ♪ It's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ 89 00:03:52,643 --> 00:03:54,905 ♪ ♪ 90 00:03:55,005 --> 00:03:57,067 ♪ With the kids jingle belling ♪ 91 00:03:57,167 --> 00:04:02,072 ♪ And everyone telling you be of good cheer ♪ 92 00:04:02,172 --> 00:04:05,436 ♪ It's the most wonderful time ♪ 93 00:04:05,536 --> 00:04:09,440 ♪ Of the year ♪ 94 00:04:09,540 --> 00:04:13,884 ♪ It's the ha-happiest season of all ♪ 95 00:04:13,984 --> 00:04:16,447 all: ♪ Ding dong, ding dong ♪ 96 00:04:16,547 --> 00:04:18,689 - ♪ With those holiday greetings ♪ 97 00:04:18,789 --> 00:04:20,491 ♪ And gay happy meetings ♪ 98 00:04:20,591 --> 00:04:23,694 ♪ When loved ones call ♪ 99 00:04:23,794 --> 00:04:27,458 ♪ It's the ha-happiest season ♪ 100 00:04:27,558 --> 00:04:30,982 ♪ Of all ♪ 101 00:04:31,082 --> 00:04:33,024 - ♪ There'll be parties for hosting ♪ 102 00:04:33,124 --> 00:04:34,865 - ♪ Marshmallows for toasting ♪ 103 00:04:34,965 --> 00:04:38,189 - ♪ And caroling out in the snow ♪ 104 00:04:38,289 --> 00:04:40,071 - ♪ There'll be scary ghost stories ♪ 105 00:04:40,171 --> 00:04:42,033 - ♪ And tales of the glories ♪ 106 00:04:42,133 --> 00:04:47,158 ♪ Of Christmases long, long ago ♪ 107 00:04:47,258 --> 00:04:52,243 - ♪ It's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ 108 00:04:52,343 --> 00:04:54,245 ♪ ♪ 109 00:04:54,345 --> 00:04:56,367 ♪ There'll be much mistletoeing ♪ 110 00:04:56,467 --> 00:04:58,209 ♪ And hearts will be glowing ♪ 111 00:04:58,309 --> 00:05:01,452 ♪ When loved ones are near ♪ 112 00:05:01,552 --> 00:05:04,856 ♪ It's the most wonderful time ♪ 113 00:05:04,956 --> 00:05:09,300 ♪ Of the year ♪ 114 00:05:09,400 --> 00:05:15,907 ♪ ♪ 115 00:05:16,007 --> 00:05:18,069 all: ♪ There'll be parties for hosting ♪ 116 00:05:18,169 --> 00:05:19,871 all: ♪ Marshmallows for toasting ♪ 117 00:05:19,971 --> 00:05:23,074 all: ♪ And caroling out in the snow ♪ 118 00:05:23,174 --> 00:05:25,316 - ♪ There'll be scary ghost stories ♪ 119 00:05:25,416 --> 00:05:27,158 ♪ And tales of the glories ♪ 120 00:05:27,258 --> 00:05:32,043 ♪ Of Christmases long, long ago ♪ 121 00:05:32,143 --> 00:05:35,807 ♪ Long ago ♪ 122 00:05:35,907 --> 00:05:39,251 all: ♪ It's the most wonderful time ♪ 123 00:05:39,351 --> 00:05:42,854 ♪ Of the year ♪ 124 00:05:42,954 --> 00:05:45,056 - ♪ There'll be much mistletoeing ♪ 125 00:05:45,156 --> 00:05:46,858 ♪ And hearts will be glowing ♪ 126 00:05:46,958 --> 00:05:50,142 ♪ When loved ones are near ♪ 127 00:05:50,242 --> 00:05:53,745 ♪ It's the most wonderful time ♪ 128 00:05:53,845 --> 00:05:57,189 all: ♪ Yes, the most wonderful time ♪ 129 00:05:57,289 --> 00:06:02,314 ♪ Oh, the most wonderful time ♪ 130 00:06:02,414 --> 00:06:08,720 ♪ Of the year ♪ 131 00:06:08,820 --> 00:06:10,642 ♪ ♪ 132 00:06:10,742 --> 00:06:14,406 - Yeah, Christmas this year is gonna be rough as fu-- 133 00:06:14,506 --> 00:06:17,369 [festive rock music] 134 00:06:17,469 --> 00:06:19,291 ♪ ♪ 135 00:06:19,391 --> 00:06:22,374 - So I might have a new theory on why I got the powers. 136 00:06:22,474 --> 00:06:24,016 - Really? What do you got this time? 137 00:06:24,116 --> 00:06:25,457 We're both concussed? 138 00:06:25,557 --> 00:06:27,299 It was all a dream? The universe hates me? 139 00:06:27,399 --> 00:06:30,743 - I think I got them so I could tell you how awesome they are. 140 00:06:30,843 --> 00:06:32,705 - [snores] - No, no, no, I mean it. 141 00:06:32,805 --> 00:06:34,386 Ask me how many people I've already helped 142 00:06:34,486 --> 00:06:36,108 after hearing their heart songs today. 143 00:06:36,208 --> 00:06:37,710 - How many people have you-- - Three. 144 00:06:37,810 --> 00:06:39,431 And it was super easy too. 145 00:06:39,531 --> 00:06:40,953 Like I heard this one woman singing "Umbrella" 146 00:06:41,053 --> 00:06:42,314 because she thought it might rain outside. 147 00:06:42,414 --> 00:06:43,836 So you know what I did? 148 00:06:43,936 --> 00:06:45,478 - Gave her an umbrella? - I gave her an umbrella. 149 00:06:45,578 --> 00:06:47,239 And she was so appreciative, she told me she was gonna tell 150 00:06:47,339 --> 00:06:48,881 all of her friends to come to the restaurant. 151 00:06:48,981 --> 00:06:51,964 - That is so great, Max. I think it's awesome. 152 00:06:52,064 --> 00:06:53,686 The powers are creating future revenue. 153 00:06:53,786 --> 00:06:56,929 Hey, maybe that's why you got 'em. 154 00:06:57,029 --> 00:06:59,211 - Don't take this the wrong way, but I have no idea 155 00:06:59,311 --> 00:07:00,813 why you've had so many challenges 156 00:07:00,913 --> 00:07:02,174 with the powers in the past. 157 00:07:02,274 --> 00:07:04,216 Because they're kind of the best thing ever. 158 00:07:04,316 --> 00:07:06,138 - Okay, you say that now, 159 00:07:06,238 --> 00:07:07,980 but wait until all your employees are singing a song 160 00:07:08,080 --> 00:07:09,982 about how much they hate you or a stranger 161 00:07:10,082 --> 00:07:11,944 reveals the darkest depths of their soul 162 00:07:12,044 --> 00:07:13,346 to you in the supermarket check-out line. 163 00:07:13,446 --> 00:07:15,928 - Or sing "Pour Some Sugar on Me" in the bedroom? 164 00:07:17,570 --> 00:07:19,232 - Hey! You know, don't get cocky! 165 00:07:19,332 --> 00:07:20,593 I was probably just feeling 166 00:07:20,693 --> 00:07:21,874 a little hypoglycemic at the time. 167 00:07:21,974 --> 00:07:23,156 - Ooh, ooh, before you go to work, 168 00:07:23,256 --> 00:07:24,877 can I tell you another one? - Go for it. 169 00:07:24,977 --> 00:07:26,799 - So, I saw some hungry looking teenagers sing 170 00:07:26,899 --> 00:07:28,121 "Cake by the Ocean" so you know what I did? 171 00:07:28,221 --> 00:07:29,642 - You got them a cake. 172 00:07:29,742 --> 00:07:30,843 - And showed them where the ocean was. 173 00:07:30,943 --> 00:07:33,006 Boom, nailed it. 174 00:07:33,106 --> 00:07:35,969 [percussive music] 175 00:07:36,069 --> 00:07:39,812 ♪ ♪ 176 00:07:39,912 --> 00:07:41,694 - Is it just me or does a whole food bar 177 00:07:41,794 --> 00:07:43,736 devoted to peppermint bark feel like a bit of a stretch? 178 00:07:43,836 --> 00:07:47,941 - Huh, I mean I'd take it over the "Pumpkin Bar" Bar 179 00:07:48,041 --> 00:07:49,743 that we had on Halloween. 180 00:07:49,843 --> 00:07:51,264 Can I talk to you about something? 181 00:07:51,364 --> 00:07:55,268 - Dude, is this entire food bar all peppermint bark? 182 00:07:55,368 --> 00:07:57,190 Sweet. 183 00:07:57,290 --> 00:07:58,351 - Walk with me. - Yeah. 184 00:07:58,451 --> 00:08:01,234 - Yeah. 185 00:08:01,334 --> 00:08:03,116 - Okay, so 186 00:08:03,216 --> 00:08:05,278 this year is gonna be the first Christmas without my dad. 187 00:08:05,378 --> 00:08:07,641 And Christmas and my father are, like, 188 00:08:07,741 --> 00:08:09,202 synonymous in my mind. 189 00:08:09,302 --> 00:08:12,125 So, since you've already gone through year one, 190 00:08:12,225 --> 00:08:14,768 any advice? And go. 191 00:08:14,868 --> 00:08:17,411 - Ooh, well, I think there's only two ways to approach it. 192 00:08:17,511 --> 00:08:19,252 Either you go all in remembering your father. 193 00:08:19,352 --> 00:08:20,654 Honoring him completely. 194 00:08:20,754 --> 00:08:23,657 - Or? - Avoid it at all costs. 195 00:08:23,757 --> 00:08:25,379 - Okay. What did you do? 196 00:08:25,479 --> 00:08:26,940 - I went on a yoga retreat by myself 197 00:08:27,040 --> 00:08:28,422 without any cell service. 198 00:08:28,522 --> 00:08:29,983 [laughs] So what does that tell you? 199 00:08:30,083 --> 00:08:32,306 - That I should bury my head in the sand 200 00:08:32,406 --> 00:08:34,748 until at least January 2nd? 201 00:08:34,848 --> 00:08:36,670 - Have you talked to your family about this yet? 202 00:08:36,770 --> 00:08:39,293 Found out what they wanna do? 203 00:08:41,174 --> 00:08:45,719 - No, we haven't discussed it. 204 00:08:45,819 --> 00:08:47,241 - Well, considering Christmas 205 00:08:47,341 --> 00:08:49,463 is a week away, you might wanna get on that. 206 00:08:51,985 --> 00:08:54,528 - How crazy is it that it's the middle of December 207 00:08:54,628 --> 00:08:56,290 and we're eating outside? Does anyone know 208 00:08:56,390 --> 00:08:58,612 the last time it snowed in San Francisco, anybody? 209 00:08:58,712 --> 00:08:59,893 - This is a trick question. 210 00:08:59,993 --> 00:09:01,175 It's never snowed in San Francisco. 211 00:09:01,275 --> 00:09:02,376 - Actually not a trick question. 212 00:09:02,476 --> 00:09:03,537 David? 213 00:09:03,637 --> 00:09:05,019 - Don't care. 214 00:09:05,119 --> 00:09:07,541 - Maggie? - The answer is 1976. 215 00:09:07,641 --> 00:09:10,584 - Maggie for the win. It was 1976. 216 00:09:10,684 --> 00:09:12,106 - How'd you know that? 217 00:09:12,206 --> 00:09:13,868 - Because it happened the same night I went 218 00:09:13,968 --> 00:09:16,190 to see the Grateful Dead at the Winterland. 219 00:09:16,290 --> 00:09:20,755 And I was so high when I came out of that arena 220 00:09:20,855 --> 00:09:22,957 that I didn't know if it was snowing 221 00:09:23,057 --> 00:09:26,240 or I was hallucinating. I will never forget that. 222 00:09:26,340 --> 00:09:31,085 - Okay. So, there's actually reason 223 00:09:31,185 --> 00:09:33,127 I wanted us all to have dinner together tonight. 224 00:09:33,227 --> 00:09:34,889 - You're pregnant? You're engaged? 225 00:09:34,989 --> 00:09:36,851 You're pregnant so you got engaged? 226 00:09:36,951 --> 00:09:38,252 - What? No. 227 00:09:38,352 --> 00:09:42,336 It's that Christmas Eve is a week away 228 00:09:42,436 --> 00:09:44,779 and we haven't even discussed our plans yet. 229 00:09:44,879 --> 00:09:47,141 And I know that it's gonna be very different this year 230 00:09:47,241 --> 00:09:48,863 without Dad, 231 00:09:48,963 --> 00:09:50,985 but we do have to figure it out at some point. 232 00:09:51,085 --> 00:09:55,249 So are we doing what we always do or... 233 00:09:58,373 --> 00:09:59,354 What? 234 00:09:59,454 --> 00:10:01,476 - Um, yeah, well, actually 235 00:10:01,576 --> 00:10:03,638 we've been wanting to talk to you about this too. 236 00:10:03,738 --> 00:10:05,280 - "We"? 237 00:10:05,380 --> 00:10:09,564 You've all been having these conversations without me? 238 00:10:09,664 --> 00:10:12,006 - That was--see, it's kind of a funny story. 239 00:10:12,106 --> 00:10:13,768 Emily, why don't you go ahead and take this one? 240 00:10:13,868 --> 00:10:16,691 - Coward. So, my sister is living 241 00:10:16,791 --> 00:10:19,054 at this amazing artist retreat in Santa Fe 242 00:10:19,154 --> 00:10:22,337 right now and asked if we'd like to come join her. 243 00:10:22,437 --> 00:10:23,818 - And, yeah, Emily's been so busy with work. 244 00:10:23,918 --> 00:10:26,101 - And David's been on constant baby duty. 245 00:10:26,201 --> 00:10:28,063 - We've just been like two trains passing in the night. 246 00:10:28,163 --> 00:10:29,864 So we just thought it'd be nice to take, like, 247 00:10:29,964 --> 00:10:32,948 a trip to Santa Fe just to like mix things up a little bit. 248 00:10:33,048 --> 00:10:37,112 - And avoid thinking about Dad at all? 249 00:10:37,212 --> 00:10:40,035 - Yeah, that did also cross my mind. 250 00:10:40,135 --> 00:10:42,137 Yeah. 251 00:10:43,899 --> 00:10:46,722 - Mom? - Oh, well, I didn't know 252 00:10:46,822 --> 00:10:50,926 what you and Max were thinking and Deb did invite me 253 00:10:51,026 --> 00:10:55,931 to come with her to a health and wellness resort in Hawaii, 254 00:10:56,031 --> 00:10:59,655 and I always knew this was gonna be a tough holiday 255 00:10:59,755 --> 00:11:03,378 and I thought, well, maybe it would be good to get away 256 00:11:03,478 --> 00:11:05,861 and by myself a little bit. 257 00:11:05,961 --> 00:11:09,264 But I didn't say yes and I'm not gonna go 258 00:11:09,364 --> 00:11:12,708 unless I have your blessing. So what do you think? 259 00:11:12,808 --> 00:11:19,314 ["Bad Blood" playing] 260 00:11:19,414 --> 00:11:22,197 - ♪ Did you have to do this? ♪ 261 00:11:22,297 --> 00:11:24,720 ♪ I was thinking that you could be trusted ♪ 262 00:11:24,820 --> 00:11:27,603 ♪ Did you have to ruin ♪ 263 00:11:27,703 --> 00:11:30,566 ♪ What was shining? Now it's all rusted ♪ 264 00:11:30,666 --> 00:11:34,730 ♪ Did you have to hit me where I'm weak? ♪ 265 00:11:34,830 --> 00:11:39,094 ♪ Baby, I couldn't breathe and rub it in so deep ♪ 266 00:11:39,194 --> 00:11:42,258 ♪ Salt in the wound like you're laughing right at me ♪ 267 00:11:42,358 --> 00:11:45,861 ♪ Oh, it's so sad to ♪ 268 00:11:45,961 --> 00:11:48,664 ♪ Think about the good times ♪ 269 00:11:48,764 --> 00:11:52,548 ♪ You and I ♪ 270 00:11:52,648 --> 00:11:55,511 ♪ 'cause, baby, now we got bad blood ♪ 271 00:11:55,611 --> 00:11:58,314 ♪ You know it used to be mad love ♪ 272 00:11:58,414 --> 00:12:01,637 ♪ So take a look at what you've done, 'cause, baby ♪ 273 00:12:01,737 --> 00:12:04,280 ♪ Now we got bad blood ♪ Hey! 274 00:12:04,380 --> 00:12:06,722 ♪ Now we got problems ♪ 275 00:12:06,822 --> 00:12:09,645 ♪ And I don't think we can solve them ♪ 276 00:12:09,745 --> 00:12:12,368 ♪ You made a really deep cut ♪ 277 00:12:12,468 --> 00:12:14,931 ♪ And, baby, now we got bad blood ♪ 278 00:12:15,031 --> 00:12:16,412 Hey! 279 00:12:16,512 --> 00:12:19,095 - Mm. 280 00:12:19,195 --> 00:12:20,336 - [sighs] 281 00:12:20,436 --> 00:12:24,140 I think you guys should absolutely do 282 00:12:24,240 --> 00:12:26,823 your own thing. 283 00:12:26,923 --> 00:12:28,504 You know, but only if you promise 284 00:12:28,604 --> 00:12:32,829 to send selfies from all of your crazy adventures. 285 00:12:32,929 --> 00:12:35,331 [tense music] 286 00:12:42,138 --> 00:12:46,543 - So, I heard you sing a heart song at dinner. 287 00:12:48,705 --> 00:12:52,689 - Did you? - I did. 288 00:12:52,789 --> 00:12:54,651 - Oh, my gosh. Was it "Apples and Bananas," 289 00:12:54,751 --> 00:12:56,773 so you decided to pass the fruit? 290 00:12:56,873 --> 00:12:59,496 - That's funny but no. 291 00:12:59,596 --> 00:13:01,938 It was actually "Bad Blood" by Taylor Swift. 292 00:13:02,038 --> 00:13:03,740 And you seemed pretty upset with your family 293 00:13:03,840 --> 00:13:07,184 about not spending the holidays together. 294 00:13:07,284 --> 00:13:09,826 - That was the takeaway? - Not really sure 295 00:13:09,926 --> 00:13:13,630 there's too many other interpretations there. 296 00:13:13,730 --> 00:13:16,633 - Okay. You know what? 297 00:13:16,733 --> 00:13:18,195 I will admit it. 298 00:13:18,295 --> 00:13:22,279 I had some...feelings 299 00:13:22,379 --> 00:13:25,402 when my family told me their plans. 300 00:13:25,502 --> 00:13:27,844 They just--they caught me off-guard, okay? 301 00:13:27,944 --> 00:13:29,726 We've never spent Christmas apart, 302 00:13:29,826 --> 00:13:35,652 so maybe I had a, you know, momentary visceral response. 303 00:13:35,752 --> 00:13:38,695 - Well, there was also a high kick involved 304 00:13:38,795 --> 00:13:41,739 and you acted a bit like a--like a matador. 305 00:13:41,839 --> 00:13:44,621 - Okay, I appreciate you trying to analyze my heart song. 306 00:13:44,721 --> 00:13:46,744 But there is far more nuance 307 00:13:46,844 --> 00:13:49,546 to this whole heart song thing than you realize. 308 00:13:49,646 --> 00:13:54,151 You're allowed to feel mad and hurt for a second 309 00:13:54,251 --> 00:13:56,353 and then have that impulse go away. 310 00:13:56,453 --> 00:13:59,376 - Right. But has it gone away? 311 00:14:01,899 --> 00:14:04,241 - Yeah. Yeah. 312 00:14:04,341 --> 00:14:06,003 Everyone should be able to do what they want 313 00:14:06,103 --> 00:14:08,405 for the holidays. Totally was in the right 314 00:14:08,505 --> 00:14:11,789 and it's not fair for me to be mad at them about it. 315 00:14:22,960 --> 00:14:24,502 - I'm sorry everyone's doing their own thing. 316 00:14:24,602 --> 00:14:27,665 That must be really hard. 317 00:14:27,765 --> 00:14:30,268 I just want you to be happy. 318 00:14:30,368 --> 00:14:34,752 So, whatever you wanna do for Christmas is fine with me. 319 00:14:34,852 --> 00:14:36,754 [soft sentimental music] 320 00:14:36,854 --> 00:14:39,237 - Well, in that case-- and no pressure-- 321 00:14:39,337 --> 00:14:42,660 but you better plan something awesome. 322 00:14:45,503 --> 00:14:48,186 - Okay. 323 00:14:51,749 --> 00:14:53,371 - What are you doing? Stop being so nosy. 324 00:14:53,471 --> 00:14:54,893 - There are way too many presents 325 00:14:54,993 --> 00:14:57,175 in here with my name on them. 326 00:14:57,275 --> 00:15:00,138 - I think the correct response is, "Thank you, Mo." 327 00:15:00,238 --> 00:15:01,459 - But I haven't gotten you anything yet. 328 00:15:01,559 --> 00:15:03,421 You are way too hard to shop for. 329 00:15:03,521 --> 00:15:04,582 [phone buzzing] - I don't think so. 330 00:15:04,682 --> 00:15:06,344 Anything with Gucci, Balenciaga, 331 00:15:06,444 --> 00:15:09,547 Dior on it will do just fine. 332 00:15:09,647 --> 00:15:11,109 - Who's texting you so much? 333 00:15:11,209 --> 00:15:12,510 Phone was buzzing all night long. 334 00:15:12,610 --> 00:15:14,472 - Is this you being less nosy? 335 00:15:14,572 --> 00:15:16,995 It's just lots of questions about "Christmas Carol-oke." 336 00:15:17,095 --> 00:15:20,278 - Is one of the questions what is Christmas Carol-oke? 337 00:15:20,378 --> 00:15:22,841 - It is an annual dinner karaoke night 338 00:15:22,941 --> 00:15:24,522 I throw for friends 339 00:15:24,622 --> 00:15:26,525 who don't have family to be with on the holidays. 340 00:15:26,625 --> 00:15:30,649 Kind of a "Island of Misfit Boys" type of thing. 341 00:15:30,749 --> 00:15:32,611 Only this year I think I'm gonna pass. 342 00:15:32,711 --> 00:15:34,773 - Why would you do that? - Because I have my own family 343 00:15:34,873 --> 00:15:36,895 to worry about so they're out of luck. 344 00:15:36,995 --> 00:15:38,817 - No way. I do not wanna be 345 00:15:38,917 --> 00:15:41,359 the one kicking people out for Christmas. 346 00:15:42,881 --> 00:15:44,943 - And that is why I am with you. 347 00:15:45,043 --> 00:15:46,345 - It's not 'cause of the beard? 348 00:15:46,445 --> 00:15:48,627 - Oh, baby, the beard definitely does help. 349 00:15:48,727 --> 00:15:51,970 - [laughs] I'll catch you later. 350 00:15:53,612 --> 00:15:56,995 Oh, is there any way you could pick 351 00:15:57,095 --> 00:15:58,877 Amirah up at the community center around 4:00? 352 00:15:58,977 --> 00:16:01,920 I've got this big firemen's end of the year party 353 00:16:02,020 --> 00:16:05,484 and those things can get pretty lit. 354 00:16:05,584 --> 00:16:07,326 - You want me to pick up your daughter? 355 00:16:07,426 --> 00:16:08,847 - Yeah. 356 00:16:08,947 --> 00:16:10,809 I like you being more involved in my kids' lives. 357 00:16:10,909 --> 00:16:15,614 Plus Amirah is rehearsing for the big holiday pageant. 358 00:16:15,714 --> 00:16:17,896 Maybe you can give her some tips. 359 00:16:17,996 --> 00:16:20,499 - You know, normally I am way more materialistic than this 360 00:16:20,599 --> 00:16:22,861 but you trusting me with your children 361 00:16:22,961 --> 00:16:25,945 is the greatest Christmas present of all. 362 00:16:26,045 --> 00:16:27,066 Bye. 363 00:16:27,166 --> 00:16:30,830 - Bye. [laughs] 364 00:16:30,930 --> 00:16:35,714 - Whew. It is a nail biter. 365 00:16:35,814 --> 00:16:39,478 I'm feeling a lot of pressure, folks. 366 00:16:39,578 --> 00:16:41,640 I do not wanna make the wrong decision 367 00:16:41,740 --> 00:16:44,403 and forever alter the dynamics around here. 368 00:16:44,503 --> 00:16:46,646 ♪ ♪ 369 00:16:46,746 --> 00:16:50,730 Falling Water is... 370 00:16:50,830 --> 00:16:54,373 but it is hard to deny the Bilbao Guggenheim. 371 00:16:54,473 --> 00:16:59,378 ♪ ♪ 372 00:16:59,478 --> 00:17:00,860 You know what, 373 00:17:00,960 --> 00:17:02,662 I'm gonna go with the Commodore 64 Home Computer. 374 00:17:02,762 --> 00:17:04,784 - Whoo, yeah! Uh! 375 00:17:04,884 --> 00:17:07,226 Take that, Janice! 376 00:17:07,326 --> 00:17:10,470 I mean, uh, thank you. 377 00:17:10,570 --> 00:17:13,393 It was an honor to participate. 378 00:17:13,493 --> 00:17:15,555 Congratulations to all the builders. 379 00:17:15,655 --> 00:17:17,757 - Oh, before you all scatter to the winds, 380 00:17:17,857 --> 00:17:20,620 I wanted to play you a message from our fearless leader. 381 00:17:26,145 --> 00:17:27,487 - Hello. 382 00:17:27,587 --> 00:17:29,008 Sorry I couldn't be with you today 383 00:17:29,108 --> 00:17:32,812 but when the Space Shuttle takes off, it takes off. 384 00:17:32,912 --> 00:17:35,135 I just wanted to say that I hope all of your Christmases 385 00:17:35,235 --> 00:17:38,818 are astronomical 386 00:17:38,918 --> 00:17:41,541 or, you know, whatever holiday you celebrate. 387 00:17:41,641 --> 00:17:43,543 You know, the point is Sprq Point's inclusive. 388 00:17:43,643 --> 00:17:46,466 It's tolerant. It's accepting of all people. 389 00:17:46,566 --> 00:17:48,228 Hence the non-denominational holiday sweaters 390 00:17:48,328 --> 00:17:50,951 I had made and strongly encouraged you to wear today. 391 00:17:51,051 --> 00:17:52,752 Anyway, thank you for your service. 392 00:17:52,852 --> 00:17:58,518 I guess I'll see you all after another trip around the sun. 393 00:17:58,618 --> 00:18:00,961 No, really, let's go around the sun one more time. 394 00:18:01,061 --> 00:18:02,722 Is anyone else hot? Toni? 395 00:18:02,822 --> 00:18:04,885 Toni, do you have-- is there A/C? 396 00:18:04,985 --> 00:18:08,248 - Have a great break everyone. - I'm really sweating now. 397 00:18:08,348 --> 00:18:10,290 - Hey. - Hey. 398 00:18:10,390 --> 00:18:12,092 - So, did you and your family 399 00:18:12,192 --> 00:18:13,694 figure out what you're going to do? 400 00:18:13,794 --> 00:18:15,816 - We sure did. We sure did. 401 00:18:15,916 --> 00:18:19,860 We are all going our separate ways this year. 402 00:18:19,960 --> 00:18:21,501 - And how are you feeling about that? 403 00:18:21,601 --> 00:18:24,505 - It's... it's fine. 404 00:18:24,605 --> 00:18:26,146 - Mm-hmm. 405 00:18:26,246 --> 00:18:29,189 - I mean, maybe it's better because I don't wanna 406 00:18:29,289 --> 00:18:31,952 just dwell on the sadness, you know. 407 00:18:32,052 --> 00:18:34,395 What about you? What are you doing? 408 00:18:34,495 --> 00:18:36,196 Something wild and crazy I hope. 409 00:18:36,296 --> 00:18:39,520 - I'm meeting up with my mom and her new husband in Vegas 410 00:18:39,620 --> 00:18:40,761 which should be weird. 411 00:18:40,861 --> 00:18:42,443 - Very weird. - Yeah. 412 00:18:42,543 --> 00:18:45,446 I'll try to check in with you. I just... 413 00:18:45,546 --> 00:18:49,370 I hope you're able to find some joy over the holidays. 414 00:18:49,470 --> 00:18:51,332 - You too. [laughs] 415 00:18:51,432 --> 00:18:52,653 Thanks, Simon. 416 00:18:52,753 --> 00:18:56,096 - Yeah. - But, you know, what? 417 00:18:56,196 --> 00:18:59,019 Who needs to be with family anyway? 418 00:18:59,119 --> 00:19:01,542 Not me, said the flea. 419 00:19:01,642 --> 00:19:04,785 - [chuckles] 420 00:19:04,885 --> 00:19:07,108 - Hey, gang. 421 00:19:07,208 --> 00:19:11,632 Uh, I just wanted to come and say goodbye. 422 00:19:11,732 --> 00:19:15,015 Anybody got any big vacation plans? 423 00:19:16,817 --> 00:19:19,800 Come on, some of you must be doing something fun. 424 00:19:19,900 --> 00:19:21,562 Gingerbread man, what about you? 425 00:19:21,662 --> 00:19:25,766 - Uh, I'm just going bird watching with my brothers 426 00:19:25,866 --> 00:19:29,730 and parents at an incredible wildlife refuge in New Mexico. 427 00:19:29,830 --> 00:19:31,532 - Wow. 428 00:19:31,632 --> 00:19:34,475 - But I'm sure it's gonna be terrible. 429 00:19:36,557 --> 00:19:38,179 - Uh, okay. 430 00:19:38,279 --> 00:19:39,781 Speaking of birds, what are you two lovebirds doing? 431 00:19:39,881 --> 00:19:42,984 - We're going skiing with my whole extended fam. 432 00:19:43,084 --> 00:19:45,587 Mac's about to meet all the Batras! 433 00:19:45,687 --> 00:19:47,909 - That should be fun, right? - Oh, yeah. 434 00:19:48,009 --> 00:19:50,571 As long as she stays away from my Uncle Jimmy. 435 00:19:52,694 --> 00:19:54,475 - Truthfully, I think the whole skiing industrial complex 436 00:19:54,575 --> 00:19:55,717 is a real racket anyway, 437 00:19:55,817 --> 00:19:58,800 so it's probably gonna be pretty lame. 438 00:19:58,900 --> 00:20:02,564 - I see what's going on here. 439 00:20:02,664 --> 00:20:04,646 You all are trying to downplay your vacation 440 00:20:04,746 --> 00:20:07,008 so I don't feel bad about mine, is that it? 441 00:20:07,108 --> 00:20:08,890 You don't have to do that. Really. 442 00:20:08,990 --> 00:20:10,692 - No, it's not what we're doing. 443 00:20:10,792 --> 00:20:12,574 - It's not? 444 00:20:12,674 --> 00:20:15,176 - Uh, I'm actually pretty sure that most of us 445 00:20:15,276 --> 00:20:19,621 would prefer to be here, working, with you. 446 00:20:19,721 --> 00:20:22,584 ["Home Sweet Home" playing] 447 00:20:22,684 --> 00:20:24,506 [piano music] 448 00:20:24,606 --> 00:20:28,069 - ♪ You know I'm a dreamer ♪ 449 00:20:28,169 --> 00:20:31,153 ♪ But my heart's of gold ♪ 450 00:20:31,253 --> 00:20:34,076 ♪ I had to run away high ♪ 451 00:20:34,176 --> 00:20:36,918 ♪ So I wouldn't come home low ♪ 452 00:20:37,018 --> 00:20:39,801 ♪ Just when things went right ♪ 453 00:20:39,901 --> 00:20:42,804 ♪ It doesn't mean they were always wrong ♪ 454 00:20:42,904 --> 00:20:45,047 ♪ Just take this song ♪ 455 00:20:45,147 --> 00:20:49,331 ♪ And you'll never feel left all alone ♪ 456 00:20:49,431 --> 00:20:52,014 - Aww. Maybe I'm wrong. 457 00:20:52,114 --> 00:20:54,216 - ♪ I'm on my way ♪ 458 00:20:54,316 --> 00:20:55,297 [rock music] 459 00:20:55,397 --> 00:20:57,980 ♪ I'm on my way ♪ 460 00:20:58,080 --> 00:21:00,943 all: ♪ Home sweet home ♪ 461 00:21:01,043 --> 00:21:04,546 - Nope, not wrong. Not wrong at all. 462 00:21:04,646 --> 00:21:07,549 - ♪ You know that I've seen ♪ 463 00:21:07,649 --> 00:21:11,153 ♪ Too many romantic dreams ♪ 464 00:21:11,253 --> 00:21:16,919 ♪ Up in lights, falling off the silver screen ♪ 465 00:21:17,019 --> 00:21:23,085 ♪ My heart's like an open book for the whole world to read ♪ 466 00:21:23,185 --> 00:21:25,848 ♪ Sometimes nothing ♪ 467 00:21:25,948 --> 00:21:29,371 ♪ Keeps me together at the seams ♪ 468 00:21:29,471 --> 00:21:34,777 ♪ I'm on my way ♪ - ♪ I'm on my way ♪ 469 00:21:34,877 --> 00:21:39,302 both: ♪ Home sweet home ♪ 470 00:21:39,402 --> 00:21:44,587 ♪ Tonight, tonight I'm on my way ♪ 471 00:21:44,687 --> 00:21:47,270 ♪ Just set me free ♪ 472 00:21:47,370 --> 00:21:51,194 all: ♪ Home sweet home ♪ 473 00:21:51,294 --> 00:21:53,356 [elevator bell dings] 474 00:21:53,456 --> 00:21:58,081 ♪ Home sweet home ♪ 475 00:21:58,181 --> 00:21:59,562 ♪ ♪ 476 00:21:59,662 --> 00:22:02,645 - ♪ Ooh, I'm on my way ♪ 477 00:22:02,745 --> 00:22:05,648 ♪ Just set me free ♪ 478 00:22:05,748 --> 00:22:10,673 ♪ Home sweet home ♪ 479 00:22:12,995 --> 00:22:15,018 - Understood. 480 00:22:15,118 --> 00:22:20,663 all: ♪ Joy to the world, the Lord is come ♪ 481 00:22:20,763 --> 00:22:25,909 ♪ Let Earth receive her king ♪ 482 00:22:26,009 --> 00:22:27,911 - Ooh. Guess I'm early. 483 00:22:28,011 --> 00:22:29,632 I hope the director doesn't mind. 484 00:22:29,732 --> 00:22:31,154 Baby, if this were my rehearsal 485 00:22:31,254 --> 00:22:33,396 and someone just barged on in, heads would roll. 486 00:22:33,496 --> 00:22:34,798 - I think you're safe. 487 00:22:34,898 --> 00:22:37,080 This is just a nice little kid's show. 488 00:22:37,180 --> 00:22:38,521 - Is one of them yours? 489 00:22:38,621 --> 00:22:41,725 - Oh no, I'm--I'm Susan. I'm the director. 490 00:22:41,825 --> 00:22:44,047 - Okay. Ms. Susan. I see you. 491 00:22:44,147 --> 00:22:45,689 Ooh, I love having a woman director up in here. 492 00:22:45,789 --> 00:22:46,850 Okay. 493 00:22:46,950 --> 00:22:48,451 - [laughing] And yours is? 494 00:22:48,551 --> 00:22:51,054 - Oh, that adorable bundle of hair on the end. 495 00:22:51,154 --> 00:22:52,696 Hi, honey. 496 00:22:52,796 --> 00:22:57,060 Although she's not mine. Maybe one day. 497 00:22:57,160 --> 00:23:00,944 - So what do you think of all these little angels? 498 00:23:01,044 --> 00:23:03,266 - Did you really want my opinion? 499 00:23:03,366 --> 00:23:06,029 - Oh, uh, sure, sure. You said "your rehearsals." 500 00:23:06,129 --> 00:23:07,110 You must know a thing or two about-- 501 00:23:07,210 --> 00:23:08,432 - I think they look scared. 502 00:23:08,532 --> 00:23:09,753 They look like they're being held hostage. 503 00:23:09,853 --> 00:23:11,234 The song is called "Joy to the World," Susan. 504 00:23:11,334 --> 00:23:12,756 Do you see any joy in that stage? 505 00:23:12,856 --> 00:23:14,558 Joy, anywhere? 506 00:23:14,658 --> 00:23:17,481 - No. No. I, I don't--I don't disagree. 507 00:23:17,581 --> 00:23:19,603 Um, it's a timid group we have this year, uh, 508 00:23:19,703 --> 00:23:21,565 but if you have any ideas for how we could make the-- 509 00:23:21,665 --> 00:23:22,886 - Oh, sure, hold my purse. - Oops. 510 00:23:22,986 --> 00:23:24,568 [chuckles] - Hi, kids. 511 00:23:24,668 --> 00:23:26,130 All: ♪ Receive her king ♪ 512 00:23:26,230 --> 00:23:28,292 [baby fussing] 513 00:23:28,392 --> 00:23:31,014 - Where's your rattle? 514 00:23:31,114 --> 00:23:34,037 Let's go find it. 515 00:23:39,563 --> 00:23:43,107 - You all right? - Mm-hmm. 516 00:23:43,207 --> 00:23:45,870 It's just--it's odd seeing the house at Christmas 517 00:23:45,970 --> 00:23:47,071 without any decorations. 518 00:23:47,171 --> 00:23:48,672 - Hmm. - Hi, guys. 519 00:23:48,772 --> 00:23:50,394 - Hey. 520 00:23:50,494 --> 00:23:52,276 Do you know where that photo is of me in "The Nutcracker"? 521 00:23:52,376 --> 00:23:54,118 Max doesn't believe that I was Clara. 522 00:23:54,218 --> 00:23:56,240 - Oh, it's probably out in the garage 523 00:23:56,340 --> 00:23:59,083 with the rest of the Christmas stuff. 524 00:23:59,183 --> 00:24:01,245 - I'm taking Zoey to see "The Nutcracker" tonight, 525 00:24:01,345 --> 00:24:02,847 just to give her a little taste of Christmas. 526 00:24:02,947 --> 00:24:04,328 That's not a guilt trip 527 00:24:04,428 --> 00:24:05,890 because you're all leaving town for the holidays. 528 00:24:05,990 --> 00:24:09,013 It's just me trying to be cute, you know, as I do. 529 00:24:09,113 --> 00:24:11,736 - Ooh, I don't know who there is because--Mom, 530 00:24:11,836 --> 00:24:14,098 can you believe all the cards that people sent us this year? 531 00:24:14,198 --> 00:24:15,860 All these, like, perfect families 532 00:24:15,960 --> 00:24:19,824 in their perfect houses with their perfect little kids. 533 00:24:19,924 --> 00:24:21,866 - Mm-hmm. - When did this become a thing? 534 00:24:21,966 --> 00:24:25,029 - This is not a judgment against you, Miles. 535 00:24:25,129 --> 00:24:28,152 This is just them railing against society, 536 00:24:28,252 --> 00:24:29,634 that's all that is. 537 00:24:29,734 --> 00:24:32,076 - Wow. People really go all out, huh? 538 00:24:32,176 --> 00:24:33,518 - Oh, those are nothing compared 539 00:24:33,618 --> 00:24:36,721 to the "Gluck Family Holiday Newsletter." 540 00:24:36,821 --> 00:24:39,804 - Whoa, who are the Glucks and why do I wanna be them? 541 00:24:39,904 --> 00:24:41,406 - Hey, you don't wanna be them. 542 00:24:41,506 --> 00:24:42,487 Adam Gluck is a douchebag, okay? 543 00:24:42,587 --> 00:24:43,688 - Yeah. 544 00:24:43,788 --> 00:24:44,589 - We went to law school with him. 545 00:24:44,669 --> 00:24:45,890 - Yeah, and every year, 546 00:24:45,990 --> 00:24:47,372 he sends us a long Christmas newsletter 547 00:24:47,472 --> 00:24:49,133 bragging about his family's accomplishments. 548 00:24:49,233 --> 00:24:50,735 - Along with multiple photos of him, 549 00:24:50,835 --> 00:24:52,337 of his wife, of their kids... 550 00:24:52,437 --> 00:24:55,300 - Their two Bernedoodles that they "rescued." 551 00:24:55,400 --> 00:24:57,782 - Wow, that is a nice backyard. 552 00:24:57,882 --> 00:24:59,584 - Houses are cheaper in Georgia. 553 00:24:59,684 --> 00:25:02,227 They're cheaper there. - A lot cheaper. 554 00:25:02,327 --> 00:25:04,149 - I just--I just wanna figure out a way to, like, 555 00:25:04,249 --> 00:25:06,791 shove it back in his smug, perfect face. 556 00:25:06,891 --> 00:25:08,153 - Well, there is. 557 00:25:08,253 --> 00:25:09,714 You can make up your own newsletter 558 00:25:09,814 --> 00:25:12,197 and send it only to him. He won't know you're lying 559 00:25:12,297 --> 00:25:14,599 and you can say whatever you want on it. 560 00:25:14,699 --> 00:25:16,481 - [chuckles] 561 00:25:16,581 --> 00:25:18,123 [mischievous music] 562 00:25:18,223 --> 00:25:20,365 - Found it. 563 00:25:20,465 --> 00:25:23,608 ♪ ♪ 564 00:25:23,708 --> 00:25:27,733 - Just helped two more people. No song even needed this time. 565 00:25:27,833 --> 00:25:30,135 [imitating sizzling] 566 00:25:30,235 --> 00:25:32,217 - See? There I am. I told you! 567 00:25:32,317 --> 00:25:33,739 - This is amazing! - -ly embarrassing, 568 00:25:33,839 --> 00:25:36,581 which is why it mostly stays in a box. 569 00:25:36,681 --> 00:25:40,586 - Oh, my God. What are these doing in here? 570 00:25:40,686 --> 00:25:42,628 I haven't seen these for years. 571 00:25:42,728 --> 00:25:45,631 - I think you once tap danced for us on Christmas Eve. 572 00:25:45,731 --> 00:25:46,552 - To... both: "Jingle Bells"! 573 00:25:46,652 --> 00:25:48,313 - [laughs] 574 00:25:48,413 --> 00:25:50,556 Oh, my God, I must've had a lot of eggnog that night. 575 00:25:50,656 --> 00:25:52,518 - Oh, this is cool. - Yeah. 576 00:25:52,618 --> 00:25:53,959 Ooh, be careful with that! 577 00:25:54,059 --> 00:25:55,441 - You'll have to forgive her. 578 00:25:55,541 --> 00:25:58,283 That's a very meaningful snow globe around this house. 579 00:25:58,383 --> 00:26:00,566 - Our dad used to pull it out and wind it up, 580 00:26:00,666 --> 00:26:02,127 and he'd announce to everyone 581 00:26:02,227 --> 00:26:04,570 that the Christmas season had officially begun. 582 00:26:04,670 --> 00:26:06,171 - And one time, he let me do it, 583 00:26:06,271 --> 00:26:08,454 and it was the first night 584 00:26:08,554 --> 00:26:11,337 I really felt like I was a part of the family. 585 00:26:11,437 --> 00:26:13,659 [gear clicking] 586 00:26:13,759 --> 00:26:16,982 ["Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" playing] 587 00:26:17,082 --> 00:26:23,969 ♪ ♪ 588 00:26:34,780 --> 00:26:38,204 - Santa! - Oh, my goodness! 589 00:26:38,304 --> 00:26:41,527 - Merry Christmas. 590 00:26:41,627 --> 00:26:45,932 ♪ Have yourself a merry little Christmas ♪ 591 00:26:46,032 --> 00:26:48,855 And where's Maggie? 592 00:26:48,955 --> 00:26:51,778 Christmas ham. 593 00:26:51,878 --> 00:26:54,540 - Oh, are you ready? - That looks amazing. 594 00:26:54,640 --> 00:26:57,483 [muffled chatter] 595 00:27:04,170 --> 00:27:06,392 - Yes. Yay. 596 00:27:06,492 --> 00:27:08,354 - Here you go. 597 00:27:08,454 --> 00:27:10,356 [muffled chatter] 598 00:27:10,456 --> 00:27:13,359 ♪ ♪ 599 00:27:13,459 --> 00:27:15,321 [laughter] 600 00:27:15,421 --> 00:27:18,364 ♪ ♪ 601 00:27:18,464 --> 00:27:21,467 - Zoey, ready to go? We're gonna miss the show. 602 00:27:23,630 --> 00:27:26,232 - Yeah. Sorry. 603 00:27:31,838 --> 00:27:34,701 Thank you for taking me to the ballet tonight. 604 00:27:34,801 --> 00:27:36,463 That was very sweet. 605 00:27:36,563 --> 00:27:38,144 - That, my sugarplum fairy, 606 00:27:38,244 --> 00:27:40,907 is just the first of many holiday surprises 607 00:27:41,007 --> 00:27:43,390 you have requested and I have planned. 608 00:27:43,490 --> 00:27:46,112 Now, tell me something. 609 00:27:46,212 --> 00:27:49,616 What is your take on RVs? 610 00:27:51,538 --> 00:27:54,081 - Well, I was super jealous of David's racecar bed as a child, 611 00:27:54,181 --> 00:27:56,403 so I am big fan of anything with wheels 612 00:27:56,503 --> 00:27:58,125 that you can sleep in. - [laughs] 613 00:27:58,225 --> 00:28:00,167 - Why? - Well, I may have looked into 614 00:28:00,267 --> 00:28:02,569 renting us one for a couple weeks. 615 00:28:02,669 --> 00:28:05,452 See, the thing is, Christmas really means nothing to me, 616 00:28:05,552 --> 00:28:07,174 and--and maybe, just maybe, 617 00:28:07,274 --> 00:28:10,457 this year it doesn't have to mean anything to you either. 618 00:28:10,557 --> 00:28:13,220 I was thinking we could hop in the ol' RV, 619 00:28:13,320 --> 00:28:16,623 head to the desert, and just wander around, 620 00:28:16,723 --> 00:28:19,106 like my people did for 40 years. 621 00:28:19,206 --> 00:28:21,749 There wouldn't be any Christmas anything in sight. 622 00:28:21,849 --> 00:28:25,753 It--it could honestly be like it never even happened. 623 00:28:25,853 --> 00:28:27,995 Look, Zoey, 624 00:28:28,095 --> 00:28:31,118 I know how important this holiday is to you, 625 00:28:31,218 --> 00:28:35,002 but this could be special in its own way. 626 00:28:35,102 --> 00:28:37,284 Truly, Zoey. 627 00:28:37,384 --> 00:28:39,446 [vocalizing] 628 00:28:39,546 --> 00:28:41,929 [soft acoustic guitar music] 629 00:28:42,029 --> 00:28:46,934 ♪ ♪ 630 00:28:47,034 --> 00:28:49,937 ♪ I see the crystal raindrops fall ♪ 631 00:28:50,037 --> 00:28:52,460 ♪ And the beauty of it all ♪ 632 00:28:52,560 --> 00:28:55,383 ♪ Is when the sun comes shining through ♪ 633 00:28:55,483 --> 00:28:57,465 ♪ ♪ 634 00:28:57,565 --> 00:29:00,468 ♪ To make those rainbows in my mind ♪ 635 00:29:00,568 --> 00:29:02,750 ♪ When I think of you sometime ♪ 636 00:29:02,850 --> 00:29:06,554 ♪ And I wanna spend some time with you ♪ 637 00:29:06,654 --> 00:29:09,397 ♪ Just the two of us ♪ 638 00:29:09,497 --> 00:29:12,039 ♪ We can make it if we try ♪ 639 00:29:12,139 --> 00:29:14,682 ♪ Just the two of us ♪ 640 00:29:14,782 --> 00:29:17,044 both: ♪ Just the two of us ♪ 641 00:29:17,144 --> 00:29:19,927 - ♪ Just the two of us ♪ 642 00:29:20,027 --> 00:29:22,570 ♪ Building castles in the sky ♪ 643 00:29:22,670 --> 00:29:25,013 ♪ Just the two of us ♪ 644 00:29:25,113 --> 00:29:27,955 ♪ You and I ♪ 645 00:29:30,558 --> 00:29:32,700 So, what do you think? 646 00:29:32,800 --> 00:29:36,264 - Definitely an idea. - Right. 647 00:29:36,364 --> 00:29:39,307 - But I guess I just--I don't know. 648 00:29:39,407 --> 00:29:41,509 Maybe I wanna... 649 00:29:41,609 --> 00:29:44,712 ♪ Haul out the holly ♪ 650 00:29:44,812 --> 00:29:49,077 ♪ Put up the tree before my spirit falls again ♪ 651 00:29:49,177 --> 00:29:52,160 ♪ Fill up the stocking ♪ 652 00:29:52,260 --> 00:29:54,362 ♪ I may be rushing things ♪ 653 00:29:54,462 --> 00:29:59,087 ♪ But deck the halls again now ♪ 654 00:29:59,187 --> 00:30:02,050 all: ♪ For we need a little Christmas ♪ 655 00:30:02,150 --> 00:30:04,012 ♪ Right this very minute ♪ 656 00:30:04,112 --> 00:30:05,974 - ♪ Candles in the window ♪ 657 00:30:06,074 --> 00:30:07,415 ♪ Carols at the spinet ♪ 658 00:30:07,515 --> 00:30:09,698 all: ♪ Yes, we need a little Christmas ♪ 659 00:30:09,798 --> 00:30:11,459 ♪ Right this very minute ♪ 660 00:30:11,559 --> 00:30:13,261 - ♪ It hasn't snowed a single flurry ♪ 661 00:30:13,361 --> 00:30:15,884 ♪ But, Santa dear, we're in a hurry ♪ 662 00:30:18,847 --> 00:30:21,750 - ♪ Just the two of us ♪ 663 00:30:21,850 --> 00:30:24,593 ♪ We can make it if we try ♪ 664 00:30:24,693 --> 00:30:27,115 ♪ Just the two of us ♪ 665 00:30:27,215 --> 00:30:29,438 both: ♪ Just the two of us ♪ 666 00:30:29,538 --> 00:30:32,321 - ♪ Just the two of us ♪ 667 00:30:32,421 --> 00:30:35,123 ♪ Building them castles in the sky ♪ 668 00:30:35,223 --> 00:30:37,766 ♪ Just the two of us ♪ 669 00:30:37,866 --> 00:30:41,250 ♪ You and ♪ - ♪ Climb down the chimney ♪ 670 00:30:41,350 --> 00:30:45,614 ♪ Turn on the brightest string of lights I've ever seen ♪ 671 00:30:45,714 --> 00:30:48,857 ♪ Slice up the fruit cake ♪ 672 00:30:48,957 --> 00:30:51,420 ♪ It's time we've hung some tinsel ♪ 673 00:30:51,520 --> 00:30:55,504 ♪ On the evergreen bough ♪ 674 00:30:55,604 --> 00:30:57,786 - ♪ Just the two of us ♪ 675 00:30:57,886 --> 00:31:00,149 ♪ We can make it if we ♪ 676 00:31:00,249 --> 00:31:03,913 - ♪ Need a little music, need a little laughter ♪ 677 00:31:04,013 --> 00:31:07,276 ♪ Need a little singing ringing through the rafter ♪ 678 00:31:07,376 --> 00:31:11,240 ♪ And we need a little snappy, happy ever after ♪ 679 00:31:11,340 --> 00:31:16,886 all: ♪ We need a little Christmas ♪ 680 00:31:16,986 --> 00:31:21,390 ♪ Now ♪ 681 00:31:26,675 --> 00:31:28,257 - You're reading my mind right now, aren't you? 682 00:31:28,357 --> 00:31:30,660 - You're reading mine, and you definitely don't wanna 683 00:31:30,760 --> 00:31:34,423 do something just the two of us. 684 00:31:34,523 --> 00:31:36,946 - I--it's all-- 685 00:31:37,046 --> 00:31:40,510 it's all really nice, Max. Truly. 686 00:31:40,610 --> 00:31:43,272 It's just-- - What? 687 00:31:43,372 --> 00:31:44,554 - I don't wanna not think about my dad 688 00:31:44,654 --> 00:31:45,995 and be apart from my family for the holidays. 689 00:31:46,095 --> 00:31:47,196 It's not the Clarkes. It doesn't feel right. 690 00:31:47,296 --> 00:31:48,558 I want us all to be together 691 00:31:48,658 --> 00:31:50,440 and have the most Mitch Christmas ever! 692 00:31:50,540 --> 00:31:52,161 - Okay. Then that's what we'll do. 693 00:31:52,261 --> 00:31:55,084 We will totally go for it. 694 00:31:55,184 --> 00:31:57,887 Honestly, I was worried about driving an RV anyway. 695 00:31:57,987 --> 00:31:59,329 They're really big, uh-- 696 00:31:59,429 --> 00:32:02,332 [warm music] 697 00:32:02,432 --> 00:32:07,116 ♪ ♪ 698 00:32:11,801 --> 00:32:12,622 - I don't know about you guys, 699 00:32:12,722 --> 00:32:14,224 but as hard as I try, 700 00:32:14,324 --> 00:32:16,986 most of my memories of Dad are from when he was sick. 701 00:32:17,086 --> 00:32:20,870 And I think--I think it's super important 702 00:32:20,970 --> 00:32:23,713 that we remember the good times 703 00:32:23,813 --> 00:32:28,678 and all of the amazing things Dad did for our family, 704 00:32:28,778 --> 00:32:33,884 which is why I think we should have Christmas together. 705 00:32:33,984 --> 00:32:35,285 So what do you guys think? 706 00:32:35,385 --> 00:32:36,406 - What's he doing with the train? 707 00:32:36,506 --> 00:32:37,848 Is he facing it? - Yeah. 708 00:32:37,948 --> 00:32:39,129 - Is he facing the camera? - Yeah, he is. 709 00:32:39,229 --> 00:32:40,851 - Vajna, why don't you take five? 710 00:32:40,951 --> 00:32:42,272 I just think Miles clearly is not bringing it right now, 711 00:32:42,352 --> 00:32:44,334 so, you know. Here. 712 00:32:44,434 --> 00:32:45,776 Just work your magic. 713 00:32:45,876 --> 00:32:47,057 - You guys are really going all out 714 00:32:47,157 --> 00:32:48,458 for this Christmas card, huh? 715 00:32:48,558 --> 00:32:50,580 - Christmas newsletter. It's a newsletter, Zoey. 716 00:32:50,680 --> 00:32:52,703 - Yeah, and by the time Adam Gluck gets it, 717 00:32:52,803 --> 00:32:55,866 it's gonna look like we were skiing in St. Moritz. 718 00:32:55,966 --> 00:32:57,187 - We're gonna blow his Glucking mind. 719 00:32:57,287 --> 00:32:58,869 - Okay. 720 00:32:58,969 --> 00:33:02,072 So I know you already have plans with your sister. 721 00:33:02,172 --> 00:33:04,555 But is there any chance you'd change them, please? 722 00:33:04,655 --> 00:33:05,676 Please, please, please, please? 723 00:33:05,776 --> 00:33:07,477 - Okay, I'll admit it. 724 00:33:07,577 --> 00:33:10,521 We've kinda been dreading going ever since Jenna informed us 725 00:33:10,621 --> 00:33:12,523 we'd be staying in a yurt and eating tofurkey. 726 00:33:12,623 --> 00:33:14,364 - Yeah, that sounds bad. 727 00:33:14,464 --> 00:33:15,666 - And was she joking when she said she needed us 728 00:33:15,746 --> 00:33:17,448 to denounce Christmas 729 00:33:17,548 --> 00:33:19,690 as just "another example of the mass Capitalist agenda"? 730 00:33:19,790 --> 00:33:21,171 I couldn't tell. Honestly, I couldn't tell. 731 00:33:21,271 --> 00:33:22,453 - Me either. - Yeah. 732 00:33:22,553 --> 00:33:24,535 Oh, Zoey. I mean... 733 00:33:24,635 --> 00:33:26,056 [sighs] 734 00:33:26,156 --> 00:33:28,499 Look, it would be really nice to spend Christmas 735 00:33:28,599 --> 00:33:30,060 with my family and, you know, 736 00:33:30,160 --> 00:33:32,102 we could just really focus on all the good times. 737 00:33:32,202 --> 00:33:35,466 - I promise you both, I will make it super special. 738 00:33:35,566 --> 00:33:37,568 Just like how Dad used to do it. 739 00:33:39,290 --> 00:33:41,272 - All right, yeah. - Let's do it. 740 00:33:41,372 --> 00:33:43,194 Beep, beep. [whooshing] 741 00:33:43,294 --> 00:33:44,795 - Wow. - Okay. 742 00:33:44,895 --> 00:33:48,199 We'll cancel on Jenna if you agree to throw fake snow 743 00:33:48,299 --> 00:33:50,121 at us as we shred a black diamond. 744 00:33:50,221 --> 00:33:52,203 - Deal! - Vajna, we're back! 745 00:33:52,303 --> 00:33:54,005 - We're back. - Great, okay. 746 00:33:54,105 --> 00:33:55,566 So now all I have to do is convince Mom, 747 00:33:55,666 --> 00:33:56,847 and that shouldn't be too hard, right? 748 00:33:56,947 --> 00:33:58,930 - It might be. - Why? 749 00:33:59,030 --> 00:34:00,771 - Oh, well, she and Deb are really excited 750 00:34:00,871 --> 00:34:02,813 about their trip to Hawaii, so... 751 00:34:02,913 --> 00:34:05,136 There he is. Oh, yeah. 752 00:34:05,236 --> 00:34:07,258 - How excited? 753 00:34:07,358 --> 00:34:11,542 - ♪ Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say ♪ 754 00:34:11,642 --> 00:34:16,788 ♪ On a bright Hawaiian Christmas Day ♪ 755 00:34:16,888 --> 00:34:21,392 ♪ That's the island greeting that we send to you ♪ 756 00:34:21,492 --> 00:34:25,717 ♪ From the land where palm trees sway ♪ 757 00:34:25,817 --> 00:34:28,840 ♪ ♪ 758 00:34:28,940 --> 00:34:32,924 ♪ Here we know that Christmas will be green and bright ♪ 759 00:34:33,024 --> 00:34:38,089 ♪ The sun will shine by day and all the stars at night ♪ 760 00:34:38,189 --> 00:34:42,694 ♪ Mele Kalikimaka is Hawaii's way ♪ 761 00:34:42,794 --> 00:34:46,397 ♪ To say Merry Christmas to you ♪ 762 00:34:47,999 --> 00:34:50,061 - And then we were thinking of going zip-lining. 763 00:34:50,161 --> 00:34:51,663 - If we're not still hung over 764 00:34:51,763 --> 00:34:54,346 from our booze cruise the night before. 765 00:34:54,446 --> 00:34:56,468 - And the odds of that are? - Mm, no comment. 766 00:34:56,568 --> 00:34:58,109 - [chuckles] 767 00:34:58,209 --> 00:35:02,394 - So, clearly, you two are excited about this trip, 768 00:35:02,494 --> 00:35:04,155 and I'm just wondering 769 00:35:04,255 --> 00:35:07,178 if you would consider the possibility of... 770 00:35:09,621 --> 00:35:11,123 Postponing it? 771 00:35:11,223 --> 00:35:13,085 - Not on your life. - Why would we do that? 772 00:35:13,185 --> 00:35:15,687 - Listen, Mom, I think that it's great 773 00:35:15,787 --> 00:35:17,769 that you are gonna take this vacation to... 774 00:35:17,869 --> 00:35:20,652 - Jingle and mingle. 775 00:35:20,752 --> 00:35:26,178 - And find yourself again, which I totally support. 776 00:35:26,278 --> 00:35:28,020 But I'm just wondering if you could maybe 777 00:35:28,120 --> 00:35:31,503 find yourself...another time. 778 00:35:31,603 --> 00:35:33,946 Like maybe December 26th or even later? 779 00:35:34,046 --> 00:35:35,948 - Why didn't you say something before this? 780 00:35:36,048 --> 00:35:37,950 - 'Cause I didn't realize how much it meant to me until now, 781 00:35:38,050 --> 00:35:39,591 and how important I think it would be 782 00:35:39,691 --> 00:35:41,113 for all of us to honor Dad 783 00:35:41,213 --> 00:35:44,596 and find our Christmas joy together again. 784 00:35:44,696 --> 00:35:48,801 If you stay, I promise I will handle everything. 785 00:35:48,901 --> 00:35:50,202 You won't even have to lift a finger. 786 00:35:50,302 --> 00:35:51,644 - But what about Deb? 787 00:35:51,744 --> 00:35:53,525 I mean, I can't just leave her stranded. 788 00:35:53,625 --> 00:35:55,688 - Yeah, your mother's not the only widow here 789 00:35:55,788 --> 00:35:58,210 looking to escape for the holidays. 790 00:35:58,310 --> 00:36:01,453 I spent last year with my son's in-laws. 791 00:36:01,553 --> 00:36:03,896 Zoey, their cat sat at the table. 792 00:36:03,996 --> 00:36:06,138 - Well, then you can come to our Christmas Eve dinner too. 793 00:36:06,238 --> 00:36:07,900 Mom, think about it. 794 00:36:08,000 --> 00:36:11,584 Eggnog, a huge feast, and then we can all watch 795 00:36:11,684 --> 00:36:13,906 one of Dad's favorite old black-and-white movies 796 00:36:14,006 --> 00:36:15,187 together--that was always my favorite part. 797 00:36:15,287 --> 00:36:17,970 It sounds pretty great. I mean, doesn't it? 798 00:36:21,894 --> 00:36:23,476 - [sighs] She really wants us to stay. 799 00:36:23,576 --> 00:36:27,240 - I know she does. She played the dead Dad card. 800 00:36:27,340 --> 00:36:30,763 - You know I can hear you, right? 801 00:36:30,863 --> 00:36:32,565 - So do you think the trip is refundable? 802 00:36:32,665 --> 00:36:34,687 - My travel agent is a miracle worker 803 00:36:34,787 --> 00:36:37,009 so we could probably get a credit. 804 00:36:37,109 --> 00:36:38,931 - And maybe postpone it to a later date? 805 00:36:39,031 --> 00:36:40,052 - Spring break? 806 00:36:40,152 --> 00:36:43,136 - Oh! 807 00:36:43,236 --> 00:36:46,219 Oh, can't. I have a huge install in March. 808 00:36:46,319 --> 00:36:48,261 Uh, what about February? 809 00:36:48,361 --> 00:36:51,544 - Hmm, pre- or post-Valentine's day? 810 00:36:51,644 --> 00:36:55,668 both: During! - Sold. 811 00:36:55,768 --> 00:36:58,071 But I'm not happy about this, and I want you to know that. 812 00:36:58,171 --> 00:37:01,734 So much for hot Christmas with hot men. 813 00:37:05,258 --> 00:37:06,880 - She'll be fine. - Thank you, Mom. 814 00:37:06,980 --> 00:37:08,762 This is gonna be so great... 815 00:37:08,862 --> 00:37:10,643 if I can pull it all together before Christmas. 816 00:37:10,743 --> 00:37:11,925 There are a million things to do 817 00:37:12,025 --> 00:37:13,847 and we don't even have a tree yet. 818 00:37:13,947 --> 00:37:18,571 all: ♪ Boughs of holly, fa la la la la, la la la la ♪ 819 00:37:18,671 --> 00:37:22,455 ♪ 'Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la... ♪ 820 00:37:22,555 --> 00:37:25,258 - Valentina, you're singing so quietly, 821 00:37:25,358 --> 00:37:28,341 dogs couldn't hear you. And, Sonny, remember, 822 00:37:28,441 --> 00:37:31,665 the audience is out here and not on the floor. 823 00:37:31,765 --> 00:37:34,508 And, Amirah, I know that's not all you got in you. 824 00:37:34,608 --> 00:37:36,189 You were more excited watching your brother 825 00:37:36,289 --> 00:37:37,991 play Minecraft yesterday. 826 00:37:38,091 --> 00:37:41,715 - Mo, uh, I get that you're trying to help 827 00:37:41,815 --> 00:37:44,358 but you maybe wanna go a little easier on the children. 828 00:37:44,458 --> 00:37:46,960 It's just a sweet community holiday... 829 00:37:47,060 --> 00:37:49,643 - Did easy ever win anyone an EGOT? 830 00:37:49,743 --> 00:37:52,646 - What's an EGOT? - Why are you doing this to me? 831 00:37:52,746 --> 00:37:56,089 I am teaching them a very, very valuable lesson 832 00:37:56,189 --> 00:37:58,772 on how the entertainment business works, Susan. 833 00:37:58,872 --> 00:38:00,654 - Well, you're the professional. 834 00:38:00,754 --> 00:38:02,256 - I am. 835 00:38:02,356 --> 00:38:04,698 - Can I go to the bathroom? - No! 836 00:38:04,798 --> 00:38:07,141 Everyone, back to one! 837 00:38:07,241 --> 00:38:08,462 Back to one! 838 00:38:08,562 --> 00:38:11,185 ♪ ♪ 839 00:38:11,285 --> 00:38:13,707 all: ♪ Deck the halls with boughs of... ♪ 840 00:38:13,807 --> 00:38:17,711 [upbeat pop music] 841 00:38:17,811 --> 00:38:19,713 - Oh! [chuckles] 842 00:38:19,813 --> 00:38:22,596 How great is this! 843 00:38:22,696 --> 00:38:25,920 The whole family back at the Christmas tree lot 844 00:38:26,020 --> 00:38:30,084 looking for trees together. Oh, it's all happening. 845 00:38:30,184 --> 00:38:31,565 - Uh, exactly how many candy canes 846 00:38:31,665 --> 00:38:33,007 did she eat before we got here? 847 00:38:33,107 --> 00:38:34,288 - Hey, this is my first time getting a tree. 848 00:38:34,388 --> 00:38:35,529 These things were strictly forbidden 849 00:38:35,629 --> 00:38:36,771 in my house growing up 850 00:38:36,871 --> 00:38:38,092 so I am just as excited as she is. 851 00:38:38,192 --> 00:38:39,734 - Hello, folks. 852 00:38:39,834 --> 00:38:41,655 Welcome to Lumber Jack's Christmas tree lot. 853 00:38:41,755 --> 00:38:43,738 I am Jack and Jack is me. 854 00:38:43,838 --> 00:38:46,701 Can I interest you all in anything in particular? 855 00:38:46,801 --> 00:38:49,063 - Yes, Jack. We are looking for a tree. 856 00:38:49,163 --> 00:38:51,986 - Well, you've come to the right place. 857 00:38:52,086 --> 00:38:53,628 Any specific type in mind? 858 00:38:53,728 --> 00:38:54,989 - Um, what do you guys think? 859 00:38:55,089 --> 00:38:56,591 Should we mix it up a little bit? 860 00:38:56,691 --> 00:38:59,313 Maybe a red cedar or-- oh, I know. 861 00:38:59,413 --> 00:39:01,676 A blue spruce. They are so festive. 862 00:39:01,776 --> 00:39:04,238 - Look out. This lady knows her stuff. 863 00:39:04,338 --> 00:39:06,320 Check out the Fraser firs. 864 00:39:06,420 --> 00:39:08,923 They look and smell great and are surprisingly durable. 865 00:39:09,023 --> 00:39:10,124 - Yeah, that could work, 866 00:39:10,224 --> 00:39:13,808 or we could throw caution to the wind 867 00:39:13,908 --> 00:39:15,850 and just get some sort of pine. 868 00:39:15,950 --> 00:39:18,312 [laughter] 869 00:39:20,675 --> 00:39:22,897 - [strained laughing] 870 00:39:22,997 --> 00:39:26,381 Sorry, sorry to interrupt all this tree bonding 871 00:39:26,481 --> 00:39:28,943 but I actually have a very clear vision in my head 872 00:39:29,043 --> 00:39:30,585 for this whole Christmas experience 873 00:39:30,685 --> 00:39:32,187 and I'd really like to keep things exactly the way 874 00:39:32,287 --> 00:39:33,468 we did them in the past. 875 00:39:33,568 --> 00:39:35,870 - Oh. Douglas fir it is. 876 00:39:35,970 --> 00:39:38,633 - Well, right this way. 877 00:39:38,733 --> 00:39:41,596 So how do you know so much about Christmas trees? 878 00:39:41,696 --> 00:39:43,558 You don't work for the competition, do you? 879 00:39:43,658 --> 00:39:46,281 - Oh, no. I'm a landscape architect. 880 00:39:46,381 --> 00:39:49,484 - Oh, phew, that's good news. I thought for a second 881 00:39:49,584 --> 00:39:52,247 you might be Holly from Jolly Holly's Tree Emporium. 882 00:39:52,347 --> 00:39:56,571 - No. I'm Maggie from Menlo Park. 883 00:39:56,671 --> 00:39:59,654 My family's been coming here for years. 884 00:39:59,754 --> 00:40:01,296 - That's why you look so familiar. 885 00:40:01,396 --> 00:40:02,938 - Yeah. 886 00:40:03,038 --> 00:40:04,980 - Your husband, is he taking the night off or... 887 00:40:05,080 --> 00:40:08,703 - Um, so that's one way of putting it. 888 00:40:08,803 --> 00:40:13,148 Um, he is no longer with us. - Oh. 889 00:40:13,248 --> 00:40:14,670 So a very long night off then, huh? 890 00:40:14,770 --> 00:40:16,031 - [chuckles] - I'm sorry. 891 00:40:16,131 --> 00:40:18,193 - Yeah, it's okay. Um... 892 00:40:18,293 --> 00:40:20,195 - Oh, right this way. - Okay. 893 00:40:20,295 --> 00:40:23,078 - I just remembered Dad lifting me up right over there 894 00:40:23,178 --> 00:40:24,840 and saying, "What if we made David 895 00:40:24,940 --> 00:40:26,441 the ornament on the top of the tree this year?" 896 00:40:26,541 --> 00:40:27,963 - Hey, is it just me or is there 897 00:40:28,063 --> 00:40:29,645 a little bit of a vibe between Jack and mom? 898 00:40:29,745 --> 00:40:31,406 - Don't ruin this for me. - Oh. 899 00:40:31,506 --> 00:40:35,370 - So this is our fir section. 900 00:40:35,470 --> 00:40:38,854 - Wow, sure hope it's fake fir. Am I right? 901 00:40:38,954 --> 00:40:41,537 I'm Jewish. - This one. 902 00:40:41,637 --> 00:40:43,899 This is the tree I want. 903 00:40:43,999 --> 00:40:47,743 - Excellent choice. Listen, don't tell anyone 904 00:40:47,843 --> 00:40:50,986 but...I'm giving you the friends and family discount. 905 00:40:51,086 --> 00:40:52,147 - Aw, thank you. 906 00:40:52,247 --> 00:40:53,869 - That'll be $110. 907 00:40:53,969 --> 00:40:57,313 - Okay. 908 00:40:57,413 --> 00:40:59,915 - I'll be right back with the change. 909 00:41:00,015 --> 00:41:01,717 Holler if you want anything else. 910 00:41:01,817 --> 00:41:03,879 - Okay. - Okay. 911 00:41:03,979 --> 00:41:07,843 [gentle acoustic music] 912 00:41:07,943 --> 00:41:10,086 - ♪ I threw a wish in the well ♪ 913 00:41:10,186 --> 00:41:12,248 ♪ Don't ask me, I'll never tell ♪ 914 00:41:12,348 --> 00:41:14,450 ♪ I looked to you as it fell ♪ 915 00:41:14,550 --> 00:41:16,692 ♪ And now you're in my way ♪ 916 00:41:16,792 --> 00:41:19,015 ♪ I'd trade my soul for a wish ♪ 917 00:41:19,115 --> 00:41:21,097 ♪ Pennies and dimes for a kiss ♪ 918 00:41:21,197 --> 00:41:23,299 ♪ I wasn't looking for this ♪ 919 00:41:23,399 --> 00:41:25,982 ♪ But now you're in my way ♪ 920 00:41:26,082 --> 00:41:27,824 ♪ Your stare was holdin' ♪ 921 00:41:27,924 --> 00:41:29,986 ♪ Ripped jeans, skin was showin' ♪ 922 00:41:30,086 --> 00:41:32,188 ♪ Hot night, wind was blowin' ♪ 923 00:41:32,288 --> 00:41:35,311 ♪ Where you think you're going, baby? ♪ 924 00:41:35,411 --> 00:41:37,193 ♪ ♪ 925 00:41:37,293 --> 00:41:41,958 ♪ Hey, I just met you and this is crazy ♪ 926 00:41:42,058 --> 00:41:46,522 ♪ But here's my number so call me, maybe? ♪ 927 00:41:46,622 --> 00:41:50,807 ♪ It's hard to look right at you, baby ♪ 928 00:41:50,907 --> 00:41:54,971 ♪ But here's my number so call me, maybe? ♪ 929 00:41:55,071 --> 00:41:59,736 ♪ Hey, I just met you and this is crazy ♪ 930 00:41:59,836 --> 00:42:05,021 ♪ But here's my number so call me, maybe? ♪ 931 00:42:05,121 --> 00:42:08,705 - And here's your change, Maggie May. 932 00:42:08,805 --> 00:42:12,469 - Uh, thank you, Lumber Jack. 933 00:42:12,569 --> 00:42:14,971 [both chuckling] 934 00:42:29,346 --> 00:42:32,849 - It is awfully quiet in here. - Yeah. 935 00:42:32,949 --> 00:42:38,255 - It must be tough living by yourself sometimes all alone. 936 00:42:38,355 --> 00:42:40,457 - Well, yeah, it does get a little bit lonely, 937 00:42:40,557 --> 00:42:46,103 but lately I've been into these Icelandic crime dramas. 938 00:42:46,203 --> 00:42:49,266 They are--they really make the time go fast. 939 00:42:49,366 --> 00:42:52,829 - So I know you had mentioned to David and Emily and I 940 00:42:52,929 --> 00:42:56,273 that at some point you were thinking 941 00:42:56,373 --> 00:42:59,756 maybe of dipping your toe back in the dating pool 942 00:42:59,856 --> 00:43:01,999 and I'm wondering is that time now? 943 00:43:02,099 --> 00:43:03,881 - I don't know, Zoey. 944 00:43:03,981 --> 00:43:06,603 I mean, honestly, I wouldn't even know where to begin. 945 00:43:06,703 --> 00:43:09,526 - Okay, well, there is this new thing called internet dating. 946 00:43:09,626 --> 00:43:12,129 And we could look online together. 947 00:43:12,229 --> 00:43:15,212 I mean, if you want. 948 00:43:15,312 --> 00:43:16,573 - [chuckles] Okay. 949 00:43:16,673 --> 00:43:19,096 I mean, that could be fun. 950 00:43:19,196 --> 00:43:21,899 - Okay. 951 00:43:21,999 --> 00:43:24,542 What age range would like, Mom? 952 00:43:24,642 --> 00:43:31,108 - Oh, um, I, uh, will go with 50 to 65. 953 00:43:31,208 --> 00:43:33,350 - Meow! [chuckles] 954 00:43:33,450 --> 00:43:34,792 Okay, sorry. 955 00:43:34,892 --> 00:43:36,313 And now I'm also just gonna say, for now, 956 00:43:36,413 --> 00:43:39,236 that you only want someone within a ten mile radius. 957 00:43:39,336 --> 00:43:43,521 And we're in. - Wait. 958 00:43:43,621 --> 00:43:45,002 - What do you think of this guy? 959 00:43:45,102 --> 00:43:47,565 - That is a single guy who lives in this area 960 00:43:47,665 --> 00:43:50,288 who's looking to date? 961 00:43:50,388 --> 00:43:53,691 No. He's way too short for me. 962 00:43:53,791 --> 00:43:57,815 Oh, uh, never trust guy with a ponytail. 963 00:43:57,915 --> 00:44:00,198 That was taken 30 years ago, Zoey. 964 00:44:02,079 --> 00:44:05,022 Oh, God. They allow that online? 965 00:44:05,122 --> 00:44:08,066 - You know what? Let's, um--how about 966 00:44:08,166 --> 00:44:10,308 we fill out a quick profile for you instead? 967 00:44:10,408 --> 00:44:11,709 Finish this sentence. 968 00:44:11,809 --> 00:44:14,632 This year, something I would like to try is... 969 00:44:14,732 --> 00:44:17,295 - Learn more about equine therapy. 970 00:44:20,378 --> 00:44:26,044 - Uh, something that is nonnegotiable for me is... 971 00:44:26,144 --> 00:44:29,687 - Excessive back hair. - Mom, okay. 972 00:44:29,787 --> 00:44:32,610 I know I have found the one when... 973 00:44:32,710 --> 00:44:36,534 - I stop thinking about your father every second of the day. 974 00:44:36,634 --> 00:44:39,537 [somber music] 975 00:44:39,637 --> 00:44:45,023 ♪ ♪ 976 00:44:45,123 --> 00:44:49,227 I don't think I'm ready for this yet. 977 00:44:49,327 --> 00:44:52,511 Let's just put a pin in the dating stuff 978 00:44:52,611 --> 00:44:56,695 and we'll revisit it after the holidays, okay? 979 00:44:58,136 --> 00:45:01,440 - Sorry. 980 00:45:01,540 --> 00:45:03,241 - Let's do the tree. 981 00:45:03,341 --> 00:45:06,765 - [sighs] 982 00:45:06,865 --> 00:45:09,047 - All right, how we doing? - Amazing. 983 00:45:09,147 --> 00:45:11,970 Love this one of us finishing the Ironman triathlon 984 00:45:12,070 --> 00:45:13,532 with Miles in a stroller in front of us. 985 00:45:13,632 --> 00:45:15,093 - The stroller was a fantastic touch. 986 00:45:15,193 --> 00:45:17,376 - Yeah. Vanja is worth all the money. 987 00:45:17,476 --> 00:45:19,218 - All of it. 988 00:45:19,318 --> 00:45:22,020 Now, all we have left to do is actually write the newsletter. 989 00:45:22,120 --> 00:45:24,583 So the question is how far 990 00:45:24,683 --> 00:45:27,906 can we take it while also still being believable? 991 00:45:28,006 --> 00:45:31,150 For example, yes, we climbed the Himalayas. 992 00:45:31,250 --> 00:45:34,393 - And Miles is the new face of an organic baby formula. 993 00:45:34,493 --> 00:45:36,955 - Ooh, I love that. That's so good, 994 00:45:37,055 --> 00:45:38,056 but we did not finish the addition to our compound. 995 00:45:38,137 --> 00:45:39,478 - Why not? 996 00:45:39,578 --> 00:45:40,759 - I mean, Adam can look up building records. 997 00:45:40,859 --> 00:45:42,241 We have no idea what he's capable of. 998 00:45:42,341 --> 00:45:44,603 - Great point. The man's a monster. 999 00:45:44,703 --> 00:45:46,205 Okay, so then I guess writing 1000 00:45:46,305 --> 00:45:48,607 the next Great American novel is off the table too then? 1001 00:45:48,707 --> 00:45:50,329 - Yeah, we--we don't wanna have to explain 1002 00:45:50,429 --> 00:45:52,131 why it never came out in next year's Christmas newsletter. 1003 00:45:52,231 --> 00:45:53,572 - Hmm. 1004 00:45:53,672 --> 00:45:55,775 This is fun. - Yeah. 1005 00:45:55,875 --> 00:45:57,336 - Okay, so then how about we start with this? 1006 00:45:57,436 --> 00:45:58,697 Another year... 1007 00:45:58,797 --> 00:46:00,379 - Mm-hmm. - For the record books. 1008 00:46:00,479 --> 00:46:02,021 - Ooh, that's nice. 1009 00:46:02,121 --> 00:46:05,304 Uh, somehow our magical little brood has done it again. 1010 00:46:05,404 --> 00:46:07,586 - [chuckles] Baby, you should be a writer. 1011 00:46:07,686 --> 00:46:09,308 - Oh, thanks. Um, you know, 1012 00:46:09,408 --> 00:46:10,710 I've actually been thinking about starting, like, 1013 00:46:10,810 --> 00:46:12,151 a stay-at-home daddy blog. 1014 00:46:12,251 --> 00:46:13,512 - Oh, no, I don't think you should do that. 1015 00:46:13,612 --> 00:46:16,075 - Mm-hmm. 1016 00:46:16,175 --> 00:46:17,717 - Uh, morning. What are you doing? 1017 00:46:17,817 --> 00:46:19,759 - Sewing sequins onto tiny little robes to impress my man. 1018 00:46:19,859 --> 00:46:22,562 You? - I don't get it. 1019 00:46:22,662 --> 00:46:26,966 What...where are all the delicious treats you make 1020 00:46:27,066 --> 00:46:28,488 that I then come over and eat and love? 1021 00:46:28,588 --> 00:46:30,450 - Girl, you know I don't have time for baked goods 1022 00:46:30,550 --> 00:46:31,891 when I'm in the act of creation. 1023 00:46:31,991 --> 00:46:33,653 - Oh, sorry. 1024 00:46:33,753 --> 00:46:35,775 Uh, are those for the kid's pageant? 1025 00:46:35,875 --> 00:46:37,617 - I believe you mean 1026 00:46:37,717 --> 00:46:39,499 "Are these for the children's holiday extravaganza?" 1027 00:46:39,599 --> 00:46:41,981 Which my response would be, "Yes. 1028 00:46:42,081 --> 00:46:44,704 I'm channeling my inner Mariah." 1029 00:46:44,804 --> 00:46:47,267 - I'm sorry. I just, uh--I really need to fuel up 1030 00:46:47,367 --> 00:46:49,549 because I have so much Christmas stuff to do today. 1031 00:46:49,649 --> 00:46:52,232 I, like you, am trying to impress my family 1032 00:46:52,332 --> 00:46:54,794 by recreating the perfect Mitch Christmas, 1033 00:46:54,894 --> 00:46:56,396 and I wanna get it exactly right. 1034 00:46:56,496 --> 00:46:57,917 But there are just so many little details 1035 00:46:58,017 --> 00:47:00,240 that go into the whole thing. I had no idea! 1036 00:47:00,340 --> 00:47:01,481 - [sighs] Why don't you just 1037 00:47:01,581 --> 00:47:02,682 make it easier on yourself and come to 1038 00:47:02,782 --> 00:47:05,725 my Christmas Carol-oke night at Maximo's. 1039 00:47:05,825 --> 00:47:09,129 It's for all weary souls and you definitely qualify. 1040 00:47:09,229 --> 00:47:11,051 - I think it's very awesome that you're doing that, 1041 00:47:11,151 --> 00:47:14,814 but it just doesn't fit in my family traditions, so... 1042 00:47:14,914 --> 00:47:16,897 - Okay, my little red-nosed reindeer. 1043 00:47:16,997 --> 00:47:18,538 How can I do helping? 1044 00:47:18,638 --> 00:47:20,300 - Take a look at this. - Well, damn. 1045 00:47:20,400 --> 00:47:22,662 What are we doing, celebrating the holidays or robbing a bank? 1046 00:47:22,762 --> 00:47:24,184 - Yeah, I told you. - All right. 1047 00:47:24,284 --> 00:47:25,625 Well, let's start at the beginning. 1048 00:47:25,725 --> 00:47:27,027 What's number one in your list? 1049 00:47:27,127 --> 00:47:28,468 - Of course, my number one on my list 1050 00:47:28,568 --> 00:47:29,790 is getting great gifts 1051 00:47:29,890 --> 00:47:31,471 for everyone just like my father did. 1052 00:47:31,571 --> 00:47:33,433 - Oh, my God. You're an awful gift-giver. 1053 00:47:33,533 --> 00:47:35,075 - I'm aware. 1054 00:47:35,175 --> 00:47:38,518 - Um, but you follow someone with a very cute shoes 1055 00:47:38,618 --> 00:47:39,800 and get whatever she gets. 1056 00:47:39,900 --> 00:47:41,481 - I love this plan! 1057 00:47:41,581 --> 00:47:44,444 [sneaky music] 1058 00:47:44,544 --> 00:47:51,431 ♪ ♪ 1059 00:48:06,407 --> 00:48:07,588 Then I have to get the whole house ready 1060 00:48:07,688 --> 00:48:08,909 and decorated by Christmas Eve. 1061 00:48:09,009 --> 00:48:11,992 - Oh, that's easy. Outsource! 1062 00:48:12,092 --> 00:48:14,515 [festive music] 1063 00:48:14,615 --> 00:48:16,116 - You gotta--you gotta--you gotta get more, uh, stuff. 1064 00:48:16,216 --> 00:48:17,718 - Uh-uh, uh... - I know, I know, I got plenty. 1065 00:48:17,818 --> 00:48:19,079 - All right. - I've never done this. 1066 00:48:19,179 --> 00:48:20,561 - One more, one more, one more. I got this. 1067 00:48:20,661 --> 00:48:21,842 - Thank you. - Nice. 1068 00:48:21,942 --> 00:48:23,364 - Third time's the charm. 1069 00:48:23,464 --> 00:48:25,766 - Are we good? - Uh, I think more that way. 1070 00:48:25,866 --> 00:48:27,528 No, that way. 1071 00:48:27,628 --> 00:48:30,731 And then I have to cook the perfect Christmas Eve dinner. 1072 00:48:30,831 --> 00:48:33,734 - Yeah, I don't have any advice for that. 1073 00:48:33,834 --> 00:48:35,896 Lord have mercy. God help us all. 1074 00:48:35,996 --> 00:48:37,578 [praying indistinctly] 1075 00:48:37,678 --> 00:48:40,541 [frantic festive music] 1076 00:48:40,641 --> 00:48:42,303 ♪ ♪ 1077 00:48:42,403 --> 00:48:45,306 [phone buzzing] 1078 00:48:45,406 --> 00:48:52,273 ♪ ♪ 1079 00:48:52,373 --> 00:48:53,915 - Hello? 1080 00:48:54,015 --> 00:48:55,917 - Merry almost Christmas. - Merry? 1081 00:48:56,017 --> 00:48:57,879 Is it? Is it actually merry? 1082 00:48:57,979 --> 00:48:59,841 I'm sorry, but, like, what does that even mean? 1083 00:48:59,941 --> 00:49:01,242 At what other point in the year 1084 00:49:01,342 --> 00:49:02,964 do we ever tell each other merry anything? 1085 00:49:03,064 --> 00:49:05,286 - It sounds like your break is going well then. 1086 00:49:05,386 --> 00:49:06,287 - Sorry, I'm just-- 1087 00:49:06,387 --> 00:49:08,009 I am trying to cook 1088 00:49:08,109 --> 00:49:10,411 the perfect Mitch Christmas Eve dinner 1089 00:49:10,511 --> 00:49:13,014 for six people and, baby, let me tell you, 1090 00:49:13,114 --> 00:49:15,737 it is not going as, uh, swimmingly as I had planned. 1091 00:49:15,837 --> 00:49:17,138 - Well, I guess that means the fam 1092 00:49:17,238 --> 00:49:18,299 didn't go scattering to the wind. 1093 00:49:18,399 --> 00:49:19,621 - Oh, I forgot to tell you. 1094 00:49:19,721 --> 00:49:21,022 I had the bright idea to convince 1095 00:49:21,122 --> 00:49:23,384 everyone into sticking around, all so that 1096 00:49:23,484 --> 00:49:25,226 we can have the best non-Dad Dad Christmas ever. 1097 00:49:25,326 --> 00:49:26,828 - Well, if it makes you feel any better, 1098 00:49:26,928 --> 00:49:29,511 I just saw what I think was a stripper elf 1099 00:49:29,611 --> 00:49:32,153 with reindeer ears on walk by, so... 1100 00:49:32,253 --> 00:49:33,995 - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You're in Vegas. 1101 00:49:34,095 --> 00:49:36,758 Um, how's it being with your mom and the new guy? 1102 00:49:36,858 --> 00:49:37,839 - Definitely complicated. 1103 00:49:37,939 --> 00:49:39,921 More magic shows than I thought. 1104 00:49:40,021 --> 00:49:41,723 I'll tell you this though, whatever that dinner 1105 00:49:41,823 --> 00:49:43,245 is turning out to be, it's gonna be better than 1106 00:49:43,345 --> 00:49:44,526 this all-you-can-eat buffet I'm about to go to. 1107 00:49:44,626 --> 00:49:46,528 - Oh, my God. You wanna trade me? 1108 00:49:46,628 --> 00:49:48,170 'Cause I would do anything for a crab leg 1109 00:49:48,270 --> 00:49:50,212 and a cup of Jell-O right now. 1110 00:49:50,312 --> 00:49:53,215 - Okay. I can do this, right? 1111 00:49:53,315 --> 00:49:54,656 Just one more night and I'm home. 1112 00:49:54,756 --> 00:49:56,378 - Oh, yeah. You got this. 1113 00:49:56,478 --> 00:49:57,739 You definitely got this. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 1114 00:49:57,839 --> 00:49:59,621 - Oh, my God. 1115 00:49:59,721 --> 00:50:02,344 I mean, do you need any help? 1116 00:50:02,444 --> 00:50:04,346 Everybody's gonna be here in less than an hour. 1117 00:50:04,446 --> 00:50:05,587 - Really? - Yeah. 1118 00:50:05,687 --> 00:50:06,868 - Simon, I have to go. 1119 00:50:06,968 --> 00:50:08,230 - Just remember, nothing's perfect. 1120 00:50:08,330 --> 00:50:10,032 Good luck. - Yeah, good luck to you too. 1121 00:50:10,132 --> 00:50:11,673 Which is not anything I ever imagined two people 1122 00:50:11,773 --> 00:50:14,636 having to say to each other on Christmas. 1123 00:50:14,736 --> 00:50:16,038 - Uh, Zoey. - Hmm? 1124 00:50:16,138 --> 00:50:18,080 - Talk to me. What can I do to help? 1125 00:50:18,180 --> 00:50:19,721 - [scoffs] I mean, 1126 00:50:19,821 --> 00:50:22,044 ooh, the only thing I can think of 1127 00:50:22,144 --> 00:50:24,767 for you to do would be go find your appetite 1128 00:50:24,867 --> 00:50:28,771 'cause we are gonna be feasting tonight! 1129 00:50:28,871 --> 00:50:30,492 And the crowd goes wild! 1130 00:50:30,592 --> 00:50:32,634 [imitating crowd cheering] 1131 00:50:35,317 --> 00:50:36,739 - Zoey... - I mean it. 1132 00:50:36,839 --> 00:50:37,760 I have everything under control. 1133 00:50:37,840 --> 00:50:40,863 You have to trust me. 1134 00:50:40,963 --> 00:50:43,345 - Okay. 1135 00:50:43,445 --> 00:50:46,028 [frantic festive music] 1136 00:50:46,128 --> 00:50:48,591 - [grunts] 1137 00:50:48,691 --> 00:50:50,933 ♪ ♪ 1138 00:50:56,218 --> 00:50:58,320 ["We Wish You A Merry Christmas" playing] 1139 00:50:58,420 --> 00:51:00,323 - It's cute, right? - Yeah, we went to the salon. 1140 00:51:00,423 --> 00:51:01,764 We had his hair done, yeah. Yeah, look at that. 1141 00:51:01,864 --> 00:51:05,728 - David. - So, so I know this isn't 1142 00:51:05,828 --> 00:51:08,571 exactly what everyone had planned, 1143 00:51:08,671 --> 00:51:11,254 but I have some good news. 1144 00:51:11,354 --> 00:51:15,258 I have organized some really fun stuff for us to do tonight, 1145 00:51:15,358 --> 00:51:19,742 including a black-and-white Christmas movie double feature, 1146 00:51:19,842 --> 00:51:21,063 if you're all up for it. 1147 00:51:21,163 --> 00:51:23,346 So, uh, let's have a great time. 1148 00:51:23,446 --> 00:51:25,108 Cheers! - Yes, cheers! 1149 00:51:25,208 --> 00:51:27,270 [overlapping cheers] - Cheers to you, sir. 1150 00:51:27,370 --> 00:51:29,752 - Mmm, Zoey, this tastes 1151 00:51:29,852 --> 00:51:31,194 just like how your dad used to make it. 1152 00:51:31,294 --> 00:51:32,555 - Well, that's 'cause I used a little something 1153 00:51:32,655 --> 00:51:34,637 called his recipe. 1154 00:51:34,737 --> 00:51:37,000 - Wow! This is really good. 1155 00:51:37,100 --> 00:51:38,421 There's probably a lot of heavy cream in it though, right? 1156 00:51:38,501 --> 00:51:40,283 - Mm-hmm. - No, my tummy. 1157 00:51:40,383 --> 00:51:43,366 - Honey, I am so impressed by everything. 1158 00:51:43,466 --> 00:51:46,609 The whole house looks wonderful, doesn't it, Deb? 1159 00:51:46,709 --> 00:51:50,653 - Not as wonderful as a pina colada at sunset in Maui 1160 00:51:50,753 --> 00:51:52,736 but I'm rolling with it. 1161 00:51:52,836 --> 00:51:54,657 - Well, it was just really important to me 1162 00:51:54,757 --> 00:51:56,459 to make my dad proud 1163 00:51:56,559 --> 00:51:58,822 and to create a night exactly like all those special ones 1164 00:51:58,922 --> 00:52:00,583 he did for us all of those years. 1165 00:52:00,683 --> 00:52:03,426 Same decorations, same meal, same snow globe center piece 1166 00:52:03,526 --> 00:52:04,788 in the middle of the dining table! 1167 00:52:04,888 --> 00:52:06,309 - Well, you pulled it off. 1168 00:52:06,409 --> 00:52:07,911 It even smells exactly the same. 1169 00:52:08,011 --> 00:52:09,472 All we need is for Dad to come in here wearing a Santa hat 1170 00:52:09,572 --> 00:52:12,435 and it would be like every other Christmas. 1171 00:52:12,535 --> 00:52:14,537 [doorbell rings] 1172 00:52:16,059 --> 00:52:18,061 - You guys expecting anyone? 1173 00:52:19,703 --> 00:52:22,205 - Hey! Zoey, right? 1174 00:52:22,305 --> 00:52:26,169 It's Jack from Lumber Jack's Christmas tree lot. 1175 00:52:26,269 --> 00:52:29,853 - Um, hi. 1176 00:52:29,953 --> 00:52:31,855 Are you here to pick up our tree early? 1177 00:52:31,955 --> 00:52:33,737 Is that how it works now? 1178 00:52:33,837 --> 00:52:35,138 - [chuckles] Oh, no. 1179 00:52:35,238 --> 00:52:37,060 I was invited here tonight. 1180 00:52:37,160 --> 00:52:39,803 I, uh, made a casserole. 1181 00:52:44,368 --> 00:52:47,231 Is anyone else here yet? 1182 00:52:47,331 --> 00:52:50,594 - Yeah, sorry. Um... 1183 00:52:50,694 --> 00:52:52,836 come with me. 1184 00:52:52,936 --> 00:52:55,839 Hey, guys, look who's here. 1185 00:52:55,939 --> 00:52:59,043 Jack...from the Christmas tree lot. 1186 00:52:59,143 --> 00:53:01,685 - Hey, everybody! Happy holidays. 1187 00:53:01,785 --> 00:53:04,168 all: Hi. - Maggie, this is for you. 1188 00:53:04,268 --> 00:53:08,052 It is, of course, a poinsettia, which just happens to be... 1189 00:53:08,152 --> 00:53:09,934 - The official Christmas flower. 1190 00:53:10,034 --> 00:53:11,215 - [chuckles] 1191 00:53:11,315 --> 00:53:13,257 You can't get anything past this one. 1192 00:53:13,357 --> 00:53:16,981 - Well, thank you. This is lovely. 1193 00:53:17,081 --> 00:53:19,183 I know the perfect place for it. 1194 00:53:19,283 --> 00:53:21,425 Zoey, would you like to come with me? 1195 00:53:21,525 --> 00:53:25,149 - Sure would. - Eggnog, Jack? 1196 00:53:25,249 --> 00:53:28,472 [tense music] 1197 00:53:28,572 --> 00:53:32,236 - Quick question. Why did you invite 1198 00:53:32,336 --> 00:53:35,760 the Christmas tree log guy to our Christmas Eve dinner? 1199 00:53:35,860 --> 00:53:38,082 - You thought I did this? I thought you invited him. 1200 00:53:38,182 --> 00:53:40,845 - Why would I do that? I don't even know that guy. 1201 00:53:40,945 --> 00:53:43,608 - Okay, well, if neither of us invited him then... 1202 00:53:43,708 --> 00:53:46,751 - [humming] 1203 00:53:51,556 --> 00:53:54,398 - I think I know what's going on. 1204 00:53:56,841 --> 00:53:58,743 You heard my mom sing "Call Me Maybe" 1205 00:53:58,843 --> 00:53:59,984 at the Christmas tree lot, didn't you? 1206 00:54:00,084 --> 00:54:01,426 - I sure did. 1207 00:54:01,526 --> 00:54:03,508 And I thought I'd perform a little Chris-mitzvah 1208 00:54:03,608 --> 00:54:05,830 and invite Jack tonight because her heart clearly wanted that. 1209 00:54:05,930 --> 00:54:07,272 - Max. - What? 1210 00:54:07,372 --> 00:54:10,195 - I also heard my mom's heart song that night, 1211 00:54:10,295 --> 00:54:14,199 which is why I talked to her about it in great detail. 1212 00:54:14,299 --> 00:54:16,321 And I also made her look at several online profiles 1213 00:54:16,421 --> 00:54:17,922 with me afterwards. 1214 00:54:18,022 --> 00:54:19,884 And let me tell you, after that night, I am scarred. 1215 00:54:19,984 --> 00:54:21,646 And, more importantly, 1216 00:54:21,746 --> 00:54:25,330 she is nowhere near ready to start dating yet. 1217 00:54:25,430 --> 00:54:26,771 - Are you sure? 1218 00:54:26,871 --> 00:54:28,373 'cause she really committed to that song. 1219 00:54:28,473 --> 00:54:30,215 - You are way in over your head on this, okay? 1220 00:54:30,315 --> 00:54:32,337 You do not understand the complexities like I do. 1221 00:54:32,437 --> 00:54:34,739 - I'm sorry if you think I overstepped my bounds. 1222 00:54:34,839 --> 00:54:36,581 I was really just trying to make your mother feel good 1223 00:54:36,681 --> 00:54:39,264 on what I thought was gonna be a hard night for her. 1224 00:54:39,364 --> 00:54:41,186 Please don't be mad at me about that. 1225 00:54:41,286 --> 00:54:43,708 - I just wish you would have told me before you did this. 1226 00:54:43,808 --> 00:54:46,031 - Yeah, you're right. I-I should have done that. 1227 00:54:46,131 --> 00:54:48,754 I guess it seemed like a fun surprise in my mind. 1228 00:54:48,854 --> 00:54:50,916 What do you want me to do? Do you want me to kick him out? 1229 00:54:51,016 --> 00:54:52,037 Would that make you feel better? 1230 00:54:52,137 --> 00:54:53,799 - No! - Well, good, 1231 00:54:53,899 --> 00:54:55,721 'cause he's really big and I don't know if I could take him. 1232 00:54:55,821 --> 00:54:58,163 - [sighs] 1233 00:54:58,263 --> 00:55:01,687 - Look, tonight is gonna be great. 1234 00:55:01,787 --> 00:55:04,570 Look, seriously, you, you worked hard on this. 1235 00:55:04,670 --> 00:55:06,371 Jack seems like a really nice guy. 1236 00:55:06,471 --> 00:55:09,695 You are doing something kind for someone else. 1237 00:55:09,795 --> 00:55:11,216 And who knows, 1238 00:55:11,316 --> 00:55:15,861 maybe the universe wants him to be here, 1239 00:55:15,961 --> 00:55:17,743 okay? 1240 00:55:17,843 --> 00:55:22,668 - [sighs] 1241 00:55:22,768 --> 00:55:24,790 Okay. 1242 00:55:24,890 --> 00:55:26,952 [indistinct chatter] 1243 00:55:27,052 --> 00:55:28,954 - Zoey, you've gotta try 1244 00:55:29,054 --> 00:55:31,677 this new batch of eggnog I whipped up. 1245 00:55:31,777 --> 00:55:33,779 - Okay. 1246 00:55:35,661 --> 00:55:36,962 [gulps] 1247 00:55:37,062 --> 00:55:39,285 That's, like, all alcohol. 1248 00:55:39,385 --> 00:55:41,687 Why did you change my dad's recipe? 1249 00:55:41,787 --> 00:55:43,369 - No, no, no. I didn't--I didn't change it. 1250 00:55:43,469 --> 00:55:45,050 I enhanced it. 1251 00:55:45,150 --> 00:55:47,813 I just wanted to get everybody a little taste 1252 00:55:47,913 --> 00:55:51,377 of that sunset booze cruise that we had booked for tonight. 1253 00:55:51,477 --> 00:55:53,139 - That reminds me. 1254 00:55:53,239 --> 00:55:57,263 Um, well, since we're here 1255 00:55:57,363 --> 00:56:00,206 and not in Hawaii... 1256 00:56:04,410 --> 00:56:07,193 Would you please be seated? Ladies and gentleman, 1257 00:56:07,293 --> 00:56:10,556 the first thing on the agenda for this evening 1258 00:56:10,656 --> 00:56:13,639 is for us each to open one present, 1259 00:56:13,739 --> 00:56:17,643 which is a classic Clarke "night before" tradition. 1260 00:56:17,743 --> 00:56:19,726 So here you go, Emily. 1261 00:56:19,826 --> 00:56:22,809 - Thank you, Zoey. - One for David. 1262 00:56:22,909 --> 00:56:25,772 - Thank you so much. - And little baby Miles. 1263 00:56:25,872 --> 00:56:27,453 both: Aww. 1264 00:56:27,553 --> 00:56:31,457 - And mom. And for our guests, Deb... 1265 00:56:31,557 --> 00:56:33,700 - Oh, thank you. - And Max. 1266 00:56:33,800 --> 00:56:35,141 - Thank you. 1267 00:56:35,241 --> 00:56:37,383 - Oh, I didn't get anything for you, Jack, 1268 00:56:37,483 --> 00:56:39,105 'cause I didn't know you were coming. 1269 00:56:39,205 --> 00:56:41,307 - Oh, please. Don't even worry about me. 1270 00:56:41,407 --> 00:56:44,230 I'm just sitting here nursing this eggnog. 1271 00:56:44,330 --> 00:56:46,433 Put a little hair on my chest. - Oh, yeah. 1272 00:56:46,533 --> 00:56:49,235 - Uh, you, you know what, Jack? You can have mine. 1273 00:56:49,335 --> 00:56:50,597 - Oh, I couldn't, Max. - No. 1274 00:56:50,697 --> 00:56:52,439 I've already had eight nights out. 1275 00:56:52,539 --> 00:56:54,120 I'll be fine. 1276 00:56:54,220 --> 00:56:55,962 - Thank you, Max. That's very sweet of you. 1277 00:56:56,062 --> 00:56:58,405 - Of course. - [mouthing] What? 1278 00:56:58,505 --> 00:57:00,927 - Socks? You gave us socks? 1279 00:57:01,027 --> 00:57:02,809 - Another Clarke family tradition. 1280 00:57:02,909 --> 00:57:05,532 - Mom and Deb, I got you hula girls 1281 00:57:05,632 --> 00:57:07,053 'cause I feel guilty. 1282 00:57:07,153 --> 00:57:10,016 And, David, I got you a keyboard. 1283 00:57:10,116 --> 00:57:12,659 - Sometimes I like to go to town on the 88s. 1284 00:57:12,759 --> 00:57:14,821 - For Emily, I got mini gavels. 1285 00:57:14,921 --> 00:57:16,663 And then, oh, for little baby Miles, 1286 00:57:16,763 --> 00:57:18,505 I got a lot of my face 1287 00:57:18,605 --> 00:57:20,867 so that he can always look at his auntie. 1288 00:57:20,967 --> 00:57:24,631 And then for Max, Legos. 1289 00:57:24,731 --> 00:57:28,916 Um, Max--I mean, Jack. 1290 00:57:29,016 --> 00:57:32,279 - Yeah, I like to brag about being a master brick builder. 1291 00:57:32,379 --> 00:57:34,761 - Well, also, the first day that we met... 1292 00:57:34,861 --> 00:57:36,863 - Yeah, of course. 1293 00:57:40,107 --> 00:57:42,649 - Are you okay? 1294 00:57:42,749 --> 00:57:45,252 - Uh, um... [clears throat] 1295 00:57:45,352 --> 00:57:47,735 I'm sorry, uh... [sighs] 1296 00:57:47,835 --> 00:57:52,139 Well, uh, these just caught me by surprise I guess. 1297 00:57:52,239 --> 00:57:55,783 - Oh, they're just socks. 1298 00:57:55,883 --> 00:57:57,745 - You know, I didn't--I didn't have a lot growing up 1299 00:57:57,845 --> 00:58:01,228 and, uh--but I did have this Lego set 1300 00:58:01,328 --> 00:58:04,471 that my father gave me one Christmas, 1301 00:58:04,571 --> 00:58:07,715 and I played with it all the time. 1302 00:58:07,815 --> 00:58:10,838 Anyway, these, uh-- 1303 00:58:10,938 --> 00:58:12,520 these socks really, uh, 1304 00:58:12,620 --> 00:58:15,102 really brought me back to a moment in time. 1305 00:58:16,984 --> 00:58:18,566 Oh, my God. And now here 1306 00:58:18,666 --> 00:58:20,488 I am crying in front of a bunch of strangers. 1307 00:58:20,588 --> 00:58:23,210 I'm sorry. 1308 00:58:23,310 --> 00:58:24,812 Thank you so much 1309 00:58:24,912 --> 00:58:28,336 for inviting me into your home on Christmas Eve. 1310 00:58:28,436 --> 00:58:30,177 - We're happy to have you. - You can come by anytime. 1311 00:58:30,277 --> 00:58:31,699 - Anytime, yeah. - Yeah. 1312 00:58:31,799 --> 00:58:33,261 [bell rings] - Well, uh, 1313 00:58:33,361 --> 00:58:37,145 that means it's almost dinner! Whoo-whoo! 1314 00:58:37,245 --> 00:58:41,629 Uh, David, Emily, Max, baby Miles, 1315 00:58:41,729 --> 00:58:43,431 do you guys wanna help me put everything on the table? 1316 00:58:43,531 --> 00:58:45,273 - Sure. 1317 00:58:45,373 --> 00:58:49,197 [quirky music] 1318 00:58:49,297 --> 00:58:51,359 - You have a beautiful home. 1319 00:58:51,459 --> 00:58:53,962 - Thank you. 1320 00:58:54,062 --> 00:58:56,925 Would you like a tour? 1321 00:58:57,025 --> 00:58:58,406 - Sure. 1322 00:58:58,506 --> 00:59:03,091 - Deb, would you like to come? 1323 00:59:03,191 --> 00:59:04,452 - Nope. 1324 00:59:04,552 --> 00:59:07,755 [indistinct chatter] 1325 00:59:09,197 --> 00:59:11,059 - Hello, Susan. 1326 00:59:11,159 --> 00:59:13,822 I'm very excited to see what you pulled off. 1327 00:59:13,922 --> 00:59:15,343 Mo's been glowing about it all week. 1328 00:59:15,443 --> 00:59:18,987 - Mm-hmm. - Okay. 1329 00:59:19,087 --> 00:59:22,270 [applause] 1330 00:59:22,370 --> 00:59:27,515 [scattered cheers] 1331 00:59:27,615 --> 00:59:30,999 all: ♪ Deck the halls with boughs of holly ♪ 1332 00:59:31,099 --> 00:59:35,123 ♪ Fa la la la la, la la la la ♪ 1333 00:59:35,223 --> 00:59:38,807 ♪ 'Tis the season to be jolly ♪ 1334 00:59:38,907 --> 00:59:41,610 ♪ Fa la la la la, la la la la ♪ 1335 00:59:41,710 --> 00:59:44,613 - Stop! This will never work. 1336 00:59:44,713 --> 00:59:47,856 Let's show them what we really can do! 1337 00:59:47,956 --> 00:59:50,859 [bright music] 1338 00:59:50,959 --> 00:59:52,621 ♪ ♪ 1339 00:59:52,721 --> 00:59:55,344 ♪ You're here where you should be ♪ 1340 00:59:55,444 --> 00:59:58,227 ♪ Snow is falling as the carolers sing ♪ 1341 00:59:58,327 --> 01:00:01,470 ♪ It just wasn't the same ♪ 1342 01:00:01,570 --> 01:00:04,433 ♪ Alone on Christmas Day ♪ 1343 01:00:04,533 --> 01:00:07,676 ♪ Presents, what a beautiful sight ♪ 1344 01:00:07,776 --> 01:00:10,559 ♪ Don't mean a thing if you ain't holding me tight ♪ 1345 01:00:10,659 --> 01:00:16,205 ♪ You're all that I need underneath the tree ♪ 1346 01:00:16,305 --> 01:00:21,290 ♪ Tonight I'm gonna hold you close ♪ 1347 01:00:21,390 --> 01:00:22,731 [children vocalizing] 1348 01:00:22,831 --> 01:00:25,814 ♪ Make sure that you know ♪ 1349 01:00:25,914 --> 01:00:30,459 ♪ I was lost before you ♪ 1350 01:00:30,559 --> 01:00:33,142 ♪ Christmas was cold and gray ♪ 1351 01:00:33,242 --> 01:00:34,864 [children vocalizing] 1352 01:00:34,964 --> 01:00:40,349 ♪ Another holiday alone to celebrate ♪ 1353 01:00:40,449 --> 01:00:46,035 ♪ But then one day everything changed ♪ 1354 01:00:46,135 --> 01:00:49,679 ♪ You're all I need underneath the tree ♪ 1355 01:00:49,779 --> 01:00:52,642 ♪ You're here where you should be ♪ 1356 01:00:52,742 --> 01:00:55,524 ♪ Snow is falling as the carolers sing ♪ 1357 01:00:55,624 --> 01:00:58,127 ♪ It just wasn't the same ♪ 1358 01:00:58,227 --> 01:01:03,092 ♪ Alone on Christmas Day ♪ 1359 01:01:03,192 --> 01:01:06,095 ♪ Presents, what a beautiful sight ♪ 1360 01:01:06,195 --> 01:01:09,419 ♪ It don't mean a thing if you ain't holding me tight ♪ 1361 01:01:09,519 --> 01:01:13,182 ♪ You're all that I need underneath the ♪ 1362 01:01:13,282 --> 01:01:18,468 ♪ Underneath the tree ♪ 1363 01:01:18,568 --> 01:01:22,952 [scattered applause] 1364 01:01:23,052 --> 01:01:24,274 Stop. 1365 01:01:24,374 --> 01:01:25,555 I believe I can speak for all of us 1366 01:01:25,655 --> 01:01:28,157 when I say the holidays are about the kids. 1367 01:01:28,257 --> 01:01:31,241 - Yeah. [cheers and applause] 1368 01:01:31,341 --> 01:01:33,883 - Which is why for my next song, 1369 01:01:33,983 --> 01:01:35,685 I will be singing a childhood favorite, 1370 01:01:35,785 --> 01:01:37,247 "Frosty the Snowman." 1371 01:01:37,347 --> 01:01:40,330 It's not my favorite, but kids like it so hit it! 1372 01:01:40,430 --> 01:01:43,373 - Serving tray, serving tray. Where are you, serving tray? 1373 01:01:43,473 --> 01:01:46,136 Max, wrong bowl. You need a gravy boat. 1374 01:01:46,236 --> 01:01:48,778 David, stop eating the dinner rolls! 1375 01:01:48,878 --> 01:01:52,102 Emily, one more minute on the Brussels sprouts. 1376 01:01:52,202 --> 01:01:54,224 Hey, can anyone make a maple cranberry sauce? 1377 01:01:54,324 --> 01:01:56,386 Forget it. I'll make it myself. 1378 01:01:56,486 --> 01:01:57,747 - You okay, Zoe? - Yeah, uh-huh. 1379 01:01:57,847 --> 01:01:59,389 Sure, I just-- I had an idea in my head 1380 01:01:59,489 --> 01:02:00,911 about what this night was gonna be like 1381 01:02:01,011 --> 01:02:04,795 and it doesn't seem to be going in that direction. 1382 01:02:04,895 --> 01:02:08,318 And where is the damn serving tray I need for the ham? 1383 01:02:08,418 --> 01:02:09,639 - What about those? 1384 01:02:09,739 --> 01:02:11,401 - Calla lily. - Bingo! 1385 01:02:11,501 --> 01:02:15,966 Man, that's excellent. And, um, and these? 1386 01:02:16,066 --> 01:02:18,408 - Uh, nasturtium? 1387 01:02:18,508 --> 01:02:20,851 - Stumped the man with amaryllis. 1388 01:02:20,951 --> 01:02:22,252 - Amaryllis? - Yup. 1389 01:02:22,352 --> 01:02:25,576 - It gets me every time. 1390 01:02:25,676 --> 01:02:29,780 Hey, what are these? 1391 01:02:29,880 --> 01:02:32,182 - Oh, oh, I found those the other day. 1392 01:02:32,282 --> 01:02:35,786 I used to tap a bit a lifetime ago. 1393 01:02:35,886 --> 01:02:38,108 - Hmm. 1394 01:02:38,208 --> 01:02:40,150 Can you show me? - [chuckles] 1395 01:02:40,250 --> 01:02:42,793 I don't think that's a very good idea. 1396 01:02:42,893 --> 01:02:43,954 - Oh, come on. I'll show you 1397 01:02:44,054 --> 01:02:46,557 I still know how to cabbage patch. 1398 01:02:46,657 --> 01:02:48,519 - [laughs] 1399 01:02:48,619 --> 01:02:51,602 - Your turn. Can you? 1400 01:02:51,702 --> 01:02:55,085 Come on. Coast is clear. 1401 01:02:55,185 --> 01:02:57,648 - I cannot believe I'm doing this. 1402 01:02:57,748 --> 01:03:00,451 [big band rendition of "Jingle Bells" playing] 1403 01:03:00,551 --> 01:03:07,438 ♪ ♪ 1404 01:03:21,292 --> 01:03:23,594 [laughter] 1405 01:03:23,694 --> 01:03:26,557 - Outstanding! Encore! Encore! 1406 01:03:26,657 --> 01:03:29,640 - No, no, no, no, no. Don't press your luck, buddy. 1407 01:03:29,740 --> 01:03:31,322 I should go check on the dinner. 1408 01:03:31,422 --> 01:03:33,604 - Sure, um... - Oh, tap shoes. 1409 01:03:33,704 --> 01:03:34,846 - Yeah. - [chuckles] 1410 01:03:34,946 --> 01:03:38,209 Sorry. - Yeah. 1411 01:03:38,309 --> 01:03:41,652 - Oh. 1412 01:03:41,752 --> 01:03:43,334 - You certainly know what that plant is. 1413 01:03:43,434 --> 01:03:45,436 - Yeah. 1414 01:03:48,639 --> 01:03:50,922 - Hey, Mom, do you know where our serving tray-- 1415 01:04:04,896 --> 01:04:06,097 - I found the serving tray. - Okay, perfect, thank you. 1416 01:04:06,177 --> 01:04:07,719 - Hey, you want me to help with the ham 1417 01:04:07,819 --> 01:04:09,060 even though I've never carved anything before? 1418 01:04:09,140 --> 01:04:10,402 - You carved a place in my heart. 1419 01:04:10,502 --> 01:04:11,923 - Oh, nicest thing you ever said to me. 1420 01:04:12,023 --> 01:04:13,324 - Zoey, can I please talk to you for a second? 1421 01:04:13,424 --> 01:04:14,806 - Hey, I can try to help carve it too. 1422 01:04:14,906 --> 01:04:16,648 I once whittled a garden gnome at summer camp. 1423 01:04:16,748 --> 01:04:18,129 - Honey. - Everyone stop! 1424 01:04:18,229 --> 01:04:19,731 [sighs] 1425 01:04:19,831 --> 01:04:21,253 Dad always used to carve the ham. 1426 01:04:21,353 --> 01:04:23,375 And since I knew he wasn't gonna be here tonight, 1427 01:04:23,475 --> 01:04:25,136 I spent hours watching a YouTube video 1428 01:04:25,236 --> 01:04:26,498 on how to do this which means 1429 01:04:26,598 --> 01:04:27,859 I have the whole frigging thing figured out. 1430 01:04:27,959 --> 01:04:30,882 So can you please all get the hell out of my kitchen? 1431 01:04:33,405 --> 01:04:36,288 [electric knife whirring] Get the hell out of my kitchen! 1432 01:04:41,653 --> 01:04:47,919 [tranquil holiday music] 1433 01:04:48,019 --> 01:04:50,362 - Oh, wow. Zoey, that looks great. 1434 01:04:50,462 --> 01:04:52,804 I've actually really been craving some Big League Chew. 1435 01:04:52,904 --> 01:04:54,406 - David. - Well, it was a lot harder 1436 01:04:54,506 --> 01:04:55,848 than it looked in the video. 1437 01:04:55,948 --> 01:04:57,329 And no one has to eat it if they don't want to. 1438 01:04:57,429 --> 01:04:58,810 It is fine! 1439 01:04:58,910 --> 01:05:00,652 - Oh, I didn't... - Mom, could I have some wine? 1440 01:05:00,752 --> 01:05:03,776 - Absolutely, after I pour myself a second one. 1441 01:05:03,876 --> 01:05:05,697 - Hit me up too. Would you, sister? 1442 01:05:05,797 --> 01:05:09,141 - Sure. - Ooh, thank you. 1443 01:05:09,241 --> 01:05:11,864 - Well, I will say this looks really delicious. 1444 01:05:11,964 --> 01:05:13,305 Stellar work, babe. 1445 01:05:13,405 --> 01:05:16,428 - Thank you. - Wait, wait, what is this? 1446 01:05:16,528 --> 01:05:18,711 - Oh, it's our Christmas newsletter 1447 01:05:18,811 --> 01:05:21,113 that we're emailing Adam Gluck tomorrow morning. 1448 01:05:21,213 --> 01:05:22,995 - Tomorrow morning. - So we wanted to show you all. 1449 01:05:23,095 --> 01:05:26,599 - This is incredible. What a year you two had! 1450 01:05:26,699 --> 01:05:29,482 Wait, wait, you played piano 1451 01:05:29,582 --> 01:05:32,885 on "Watermelon Sugar"? 1452 01:05:32,985 --> 01:05:35,448 - Uh, in a way. - Really? Let me see that. 1453 01:05:35,548 --> 01:05:37,009 - Oh, no. You don't have to. It's like--it's not a big deal. 1454 01:05:37,109 --> 01:05:38,030 It's just something we like threw together 1455 01:05:38,110 --> 01:05:39,852 and it's, it's, um... 1456 01:05:39,952 --> 01:05:41,494 - Wow, you won a non-televised season of "The Amazing Race"? 1457 01:05:41,594 --> 01:05:43,576 - Yeah. Yeah. 1458 01:05:43,676 --> 01:05:45,578 Uh, but, but one of the couples, 1459 01:05:45,678 --> 01:05:47,500 turns out they were the producer's children 1460 01:05:47,600 --> 01:05:48,861 and so they had to shelve the whole thing. 1461 01:05:48,961 --> 01:05:50,222 - Oh. 1462 01:05:50,322 --> 01:05:51,704 - Anyway, I feel like you get the gist. 1463 01:05:51,804 --> 01:05:55,147 - We sure do. Can I ask you something? 1464 01:05:55,247 --> 01:05:57,750 Why did you feel the need to do that? 1465 01:05:57,850 --> 01:05:58,911 - Spite. Vengeance. 1466 01:05:59,011 --> 01:06:00,072 - Pettiness. Jealousy. 1467 01:06:00,172 --> 01:06:03,756 - Yeah. Also, this was Max's idea. 1468 01:06:03,856 --> 01:06:06,079 - Hey, don't blame me for being an out-of-the-box thinker. 1469 01:06:06,179 --> 01:06:07,720 - Wait, I'm sorry. 1470 01:06:07,820 --> 01:06:10,643 Do you--do you have, like, a real issue with this? 1471 01:06:10,743 --> 01:06:12,245 - I mean, I'm not gonna tell you what to do, 1472 01:06:12,345 --> 01:06:13,846 but I'm not sure Dad would say 1473 01:06:13,946 --> 01:06:16,069 it's exactly in the Christmas spirit. 1474 01:06:18,591 --> 01:06:21,374 - Hey, everybody, Zoey worked really hard on this meal. 1475 01:06:21,474 --> 01:06:24,297 So let's, um, dig in before it gets cold, okay? 1476 01:06:24,397 --> 01:06:25,738 - Yeah, Mom, let's! 1477 01:06:25,838 --> 01:06:28,341 I'm sure you worked up quite an appetite. 1478 01:06:28,441 --> 01:06:30,824 - Wow, this green bean casserole is amazing! 1479 01:06:30,924 --> 01:06:33,666 - That's the one that Jack made. 1480 01:06:33,766 --> 01:06:36,349 - This green bean casserole is amazing! 1481 01:06:36,449 --> 01:06:38,191 - Thank you, Max. - You're welcome. 1482 01:06:38,291 --> 01:06:39,713 - David, would you pass me the ham, please? 1483 01:06:39,813 --> 01:06:41,194 - Absolutely, my friend. 1484 01:06:41,294 --> 01:06:42,515 - Braver man than I am. - Uh-hmm. 1485 01:06:42,615 --> 01:06:43,917 - So actually, it's a little heavy. 1486 01:06:44,017 --> 01:06:45,639 - Thank you. Oh, God. 1487 01:06:45,739 --> 01:06:47,741 [all gasping] 1488 01:07:02,796 --> 01:07:05,659 [somber acoustic music] 1489 01:07:05,759 --> 01:07:12,646 ♪ ♪ 1490 01:07:16,169 --> 01:07:22,556 - ♪ So, so you think you can tell ♪ 1491 01:07:22,656 --> 01:07:25,999 ♪ Heaven from hell ♪ 1492 01:07:26,099 --> 01:07:29,763 ♪ Blue skies from pain ♪ 1493 01:07:29,863 --> 01:07:34,007 - ♪ Can you tell a green field ♪ 1494 01:07:34,107 --> 01:07:38,092 ♪ From a cold steel rail? ♪ 1495 01:07:38,192 --> 01:07:41,895 ♪ A smile from a veil ♪ 1496 01:07:41,995 --> 01:07:45,539 - ♪ Do you think you can tell? ♪ 1497 01:07:45,639 --> 01:07:50,104 ♪ Did they get you to trade ♪ 1498 01:07:50,204 --> 01:07:54,028 ♪ Your heroes for ghosts? ♪ 1499 01:07:54,128 --> 01:07:58,032 ♪ Hot ashes for trees ♪ 1500 01:07:58,132 --> 01:08:02,116 ♪ Hot air for a cool breeze ♪ 1501 01:08:02,216 --> 01:08:06,040 ♪ Cold comfort for change ♪ 1502 01:08:06,140 --> 01:08:09,443 - ♪ And did you exchange ♪ 1503 01:08:09,543 --> 01:08:13,007 ♪ A walk-on part in the war ♪ 1504 01:08:13,107 --> 01:08:16,370 ♪ For a leading role in a cage? ♪ 1505 01:08:16,470 --> 01:08:20,014 ♪ ♪ 1506 01:08:20,114 --> 01:08:26,661 all: ♪ How I wish, how I wish you were here ♪ 1507 01:08:26,761 --> 01:08:31,305 ♪ We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl ♪ 1508 01:08:31,405 --> 01:08:36,110 - ♪ Year after year ♪ 1509 01:08:36,210 --> 01:08:39,754 - ♪ Running over the same old ground ♪ 1510 01:08:39,854 --> 01:08:42,477 all: ♪ What have we found? ♪ 1511 01:08:42,577 --> 01:08:46,641 ♪ The same old fears ♪ 1512 01:08:46,741 --> 01:08:50,725 ♪ Wish you were here ♪ 1513 01:08:50,825 --> 01:08:57,672 ♪ ♪ 1514 01:08:59,474 --> 01:09:01,776 - [gasps] - Oh, my God, I'm so sorry. 1515 01:09:01,876 --> 01:09:03,538 - Are you all right? - I am, I am. 1516 01:09:03,638 --> 01:09:04,779 - It wasn't your fault. - Are you okay? 1517 01:09:04,879 --> 01:09:06,141 - Yeah. - Here, uh, let me help. 1518 01:09:06,241 --> 01:09:07,542 - It's fine. Don't worry about it. 1519 01:09:07,642 --> 01:09:09,644 - No, do you have a broom? - I got it. 1520 01:09:11,606 --> 01:09:13,708 Can you please explain to me how the man 1521 01:09:13,808 --> 01:09:17,993 breaks our snow globe and then somehow, 1522 01:09:18,093 --> 01:09:21,396 I have to spend the whole night making him feel better? 1523 01:09:21,496 --> 01:09:24,599 - I don't know. Nothing makes sense any more. 1524 01:09:24,699 --> 01:09:26,701 [knock at door] 1525 01:09:28,783 --> 01:09:30,785 - Zoey? 1526 01:09:32,828 --> 01:09:35,250 Honey, can we talk about what happened with me and Jack 1527 01:09:35,350 --> 01:09:36,692 before you go to sleep? I don't wanna-- 1528 01:09:36,792 --> 01:09:40,936 - We really don't need to talk about it. 1529 01:09:41,036 --> 01:09:44,740 I just--I wasn't expecting it, that's all. 1530 01:09:44,840 --> 01:09:47,482 - I wasn't expecting it either. 1531 01:09:51,767 --> 01:09:54,990 - I mean, we should really get some free Christmas trees 1532 01:09:55,090 --> 01:09:57,092 out of this or something. 1533 01:09:59,174 --> 01:10:02,317 - Agreed. That's the least he could do. 1534 01:10:02,417 --> 01:10:04,920 Okay, well, good night, honey. Good night, Max! 1535 01:10:05,020 --> 01:10:07,643 - Good night, Maggie. 1536 01:10:07,743 --> 01:10:09,765 - Is he okay? 1537 01:10:09,865 --> 01:10:11,907 - I don't know. Blame my cooking? 1538 01:10:15,150 --> 01:10:17,152 Wow. 1539 01:10:20,075 --> 01:10:22,978 You must really be upset if you're lying next to Daryl 1540 01:10:23,078 --> 01:10:25,221 and it doesn't even bother you. 1541 01:10:25,321 --> 01:10:28,344 - I'm sorry I invited Jack to dinner tonight. 1542 01:10:28,444 --> 01:10:31,427 I completely ruined Christmas. 1543 01:10:31,527 --> 01:10:33,269 - No. 1544 01:10:33,369 --> 01:10:36,872 It's not your fault. It's mine. 1545 01:10:36,972 --> 01:10:40,796 [somber music] 1546 01:10:40,896 --> 01:10:42,718 - I'm trying to keep everybody together 1547 01:10:42,818 --> 01:10:45,801 and...I don't know. 1548 01:10:45,901 --> 01:10:49,485 Holding on so tight to some... 1549 01:10:49,585 --> 01:10:53,930 ♪ ♪ 1550 01:10:54,030 --> 01:10:57,073 Memory. 1551 01:11:02,078 --> 01:11:05,581 Maybe you were right. [sighs] 1552 01:11:05,681 --> 01:11:08,144 Maybe we should have gone away. 1553 01:11:08,244 --> 01:11:12,709 [sniffles] Just the two of us. 1554 01:11:12,809 --> 01:11:19,696 ♪ ♪ 1555 01:11:29,986 --> 01:11:32,829 [jingle bells ringing] 1556 01:11:39,916 --> 01:11:42,779 [soft suspenseful music] 1557 01:11:42,879 --> 01:11:49,766 ♪ ♪ 1558 01:12:06,022 --> 01:12:08,885 [warm hopeful music] 1559 01:12:08,985 --> 01:12:15,832 ♪ ♪ 1560 01:12:21,238 --> 01:12:23,981 ["Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" playing] 1561 01:12:24,081 --> 01:12:30,387 ♪ ♪ 1562 01:12:30,487 --> 01:12:35,833 - ♪ Have yourself a merry little Christmas ♪ 1563 01:12:35,933 --> 01:12:37,835 ♪ ♪ 1564 01:12:37,935 --> 01:12:41,238 ♪ Let your heart be light ♪ 1565 01:12:41,338 --> 01:12:44,802 - Dad! 1566 01:12:44,902 --> 01:12:46,844 - ♪ From now on ♪ 1567 01:12:46,944 --> 01:12:53,370 ♪ Our troubles will be out of sight ♪ 1568 01:12:53,470 --> 01:12:55,052 ♪ ♪ 1569 01:12:55,152 --> 01:12:57,294 - I am so glad you're here, 1570 01:12:57,394 --> 01:12:58,776 and at just the right time, too, 1571 01:12:58,876 --> 01:13:01,779 'cause we have a lot to discuss. 1572 01:13:01,879 --> 01:13:03,300 - I'm aware. 1573 01:13:03,400 --> 01:13:06,664 It sounds like my girl had a rough night. 1574 01:13:06,764 --> 01:13:09,026 - Yeah, I mean, 1575 01:13:09,126 --> 01:13:12,430 I was just trying to throw the perfect "Mitch Christmas" 1576 01:13:12,530 --> 01:13:15,953 for everyone, but I don't know. 1577 01:13:16,053 --> 01:13:18,676 It turns out being you is a lot harder 1578 01:13:18,776 --> 01:13:22,079 than I imagined. - Well, I'm flattered. 1579 01:13:22,179 --> 01:13:23,521 But can I tell you a little secret, honey? 1580 01:13:23,621 --> 01:13:26,204 No "Mitch Christmas" was ever perfect. 1581 01:13:26,304 --> 01:13:29,127 There were plenty of fights, tantrums, 1582 01:13:29,227 --> 01:13:31,689 angry scarfing down of gingerbread cookies. 1583 01:13:31,789 --> 01:13:33,411 And that was just your mother and I. 1584 01:13:33,511 --> 01:13:36,694 - [laughs] - I think perfect 1585 01:13:36,794 --> 01:13:41,059 is only how you remember it in your mind. 1586 01:13:41,159 --> 01:13:45,383 - Do you think that I... I made a mistake? 1587 01:13:45,483 --> 01:13:46,624 Trying to keep everyone together 1588 01:13:46,724 --> 01:13:47,986 for Christmas this year? 1589 01:13:48,086 --> 01:13:49,627 - No. 1590 01:13:49,727 --> 01:13:52,030 I think the only mistake 1591 01:13:52,130 --> 01:13:55,273 was trying to keep things exactly like they were. 1592 01:13:55,373 --> 01:13:58,196 - I know, but I'm just... 1593 01:13:58,296 --> 01:14:00,278 I'm really trying 1594 01:14:00,378 --> 01:14:03,041 to keep you with us. 1595 01:14:03,141 --> 01:14:05,443 - I'm still here. 1596 01:14:05,543 --> 01:14:09,127 I'm right here and right here. 1597 01:14:09,227 --> 01:14:11,690 And that's never going away. 1598 01:14:11,790 --> 01:14:14,412 And no one can take that from you. 1599 01:14:14,512 --> 01:14:17,175 But I think you might 1600 01:14:17,275 --> 01:14:20,178 wanna think about making some new memories, 1601 01:14:20,278 --> 01:14:22,020 creating some new traditions. 1602 01:14:22,120 --> 01:14:25,864 - No, that's a really hard thing for me to do 1603 01:14:25,964 --> 01:14:28,907 because it almost feels like I'm betraying you. 1604 01:14:29,007 --> 01:14:31,390 ♪ ♪ 1605 01:14:31,490 --> 01:14:33,512 - That's not possible. 1606 01:14:33,612 --> 01:14:36,355 So how about you forget about "perfect" 1607 01:14:36,455 --> 01:14:41,199 and instead embrace each day that this life grants you? 1608 01:14:41,299 --> 01:14:42,881 ♪ ♪ 1609 01:14:42,981 --> 01:14:45,003 That seems pretty perfect to me. 1610 01:14:45,103 --> 01:14:51,990 ♪ ♪ 1611 01:14:56,515 --> 01:15:02,621 ♪ Have yourself a merry little Christmas ♪ 1612 01:15:02,721 --> 01:15:06,705 ♪ Make the yuletide gay ♪ 1613 01:15:06,805 --> 01:15:09,108 ♪ ♪ 1614 01:15:09,208 --> 01:15:11,630 ♪ From now on♪ 1615 01:15:11,730 --> 01:15:18,237 ♪ Our troubles will be miles away ♪ 1616 01:15:18,337 --> 01:15:22,321 ♪ ♪ 1617 01:15:22,421 --> 01:15:24,483 ♪ Through the years ♪ 1618 01:15:24,583 --> 01:15:28,968 ♪ We all will be together ♪ 1619 01:15:29,068 --> 01:15:32,611 ♪ If the fates allow ♪ 1620 01:15:32,711 --> 01:15:35,174 ♪ ♪ 1621 01:15:35,274 --> 01:15:38,578 ♪ Hang a shining star ♪ 1622 01:15:38,678 --> 01:15:43,422 ♪ Upon the highest bough ♪ 1623 01:15:43,522 --> 01:15:47,266 ♪ ♪ 1624 01:15:47,366 --> 01:15:50,590 ♪ Have yourself ♪ 1625 01:15:50,690 --> 01:15:56,916 ♪ A merry little Christmas ♪ 1626 01:15:57,016 --> 01:15:57,957 ♪ ♪ 1627 01:15:58,057 --> 01:16:02,882 ♪ Now ♪ 1628 01:16:02,982 --> 01:16:09,869 ♪ ♪ 1629 01:16:17,477 --> 01:16:21,341 [bright holiday music] 1630 01:16:21,441 --> 01:16:23,183 - [baby laughing] 1631 01:16:23,283 --> 01:16:25,024 [indistinct chatter] 1632 01:16:25,124 --> 01:16:26,786 - Finally. She awakens. 1633 01:16:26,886 --> 01:16:28,228 - Merry Christmas, everyone. 1634 01:16:28,328 --> 01:16:29,329 - Can we please start opening presents now? 1635 01:16:29,409 --> 01:16:31,351 - Oh, that's sweet, babe. 1636 01:16:31,451 --> 01:16:34,434 You must have something you're really excited to give Miles. 1637 01:16:34,534 --> 01:16:36,196 - Yeah. Exactly, Miles, mm-hmm. 1638 01:16:36,296 --> 01:16:38,418 - Before we start, I have something to say. 1639 01:16:40,380 --> 01:16:45,165 Uh, I know that I was pretty... 1640 01:16:45,265 --> 01:16:49,529 intense and inflexible last night. 1641 01:16:49,629 --> 01:16:52,692 - I described the experience to my parents as "harrowing." 1642 01:16:52,792 --> 01:16:55,015 - Fair. 1643 01:16:55,115 --> 01:16:57,537 I realize now that I was clearly holding onto something, 1644 01:16:57,637 --> 01:17:01,021 something that--wait. 1645 01:17:01,121 --> 01:17:02,623 Where's Max? 1646 01:17:02,723 --> 01:17:05,746 - We thought he was in bed with you. 1647 01:17:05,846 --> 01:17:07,588 You know, you guys aren't married, 1648 01:17:07,688 --> 01:17:11,071 so, maybe, I should I make him sleep in--oh, screw it. 1649 01:17:11,171 --> 01:17:12,833 - Wait, I think, I might know where he might be. 1650 01:17:12,933 --> 01:17:15,215 Uh, I'll be right back. 1651 01:17:17,738 --> 01:17:19,440 Don't open any presents without me. 1652 01:17:19,540 --> 01:17:20,841 [upbeat music] 1653 01:17:20,941 --> 01:17:24,605 - I'm talking to you, David Aaron Clarke. 1654 01:17:24,705 --> 01:17:27,768 ♪ ♪ 1655 01:17:27,868 --> 01:17:30,210 - I'll be back in a bit, too. 1656 01:17:30,310 --> 01:17:34,655 ♪ ♪ 1657 01:17:34,755 --> 01:17:38,299 - Stop staring at them. It's weird. 1658 01:17:38,399 --> 01:17:40,060 Don't smell it either. 1659 01:17:40,160 --> 01:17:41,382 - Yeah. It was really cool, like, oh. 1660 01:17:41,482 --> 01:17:42,863 - You do? 1661 01:17:42,963 --> 01:17:44,665 - Uh-huh. - Try it, oh, I wanna try it. 1662 01:17:44,765 --> 01:17:45,906 - All right. Well... 1663 01:17:46,006 --> 01:17:47,148 - Well, the gifts were a huge hit. 1664 01:17:47,248 --> 01:17:48,549 - Duh. I'm basically Black Santa 1665 01:17:48,649 --> 01:17:50,071 and you're my Mrs. Claus. 1666 01:17:50,171 --> 01:17:51,872 - [laughs] 1667 01:17:51,972 --> 01:17:54,115 - So do you wanna tell me 1668 01:17:54,215 --> 01:17:55,876 why you were so cold to me after the pageant? 1669 01:17:55,976 --> 01:17:57,638 I haven't gotten that kind of response 1670 01:17:57,738 --> 01:17:59,800 since I played both Romeo and Juliet in middle school. 1671 01:17:59,900 --> 01:18:01,202 - My apologies. 1672 01:18:01,302 --> 01:18:04,926 You were as transcendent as ever. 1673 01:18:05,026 --> 01:18:06,727 - Why do I feel like a "but's" coming? 1674 01:18:06,827 --> 01:18:08,890 - The "but" is that, as wonderful as you were, 1675 01:18:08,990 --> 01:18:11,632 that wasn't really the purpose of the holiday pageant. 1676 01:18:13,354 --> 01:18:14,775 It was meant to give the children a chance to shine. 1677 01:18:14,875 --> 01:18:16,377 - Their costumes shined. 1678 01:18:16,477 --> 01:18:18,259 - You put them in the background, Mo. 1679 01:18:18,359 --> 01:18:20,181 - You liked me getting involved in the kids' lives 1680 01:18:20,281 --> 01:18:23,905 and said if I had any tips to give them and I did. 1681 01:18:24,005 --> 01:18:26,627 I just wanted the night to be great. 1682 01:18:26,727 --> 01:18:28,990 - I appreciate that. 1683 01:18:29,090 --> 01:18:32,914 And I love you having a relationship with them. 1684 01:18:33,014 --> 01:18:36,197 But sometimes, especially when it comes to kids... 1685 01:18:36,297 --> 01:18:40,602 you have to learn how to think outside of yourself. 1686 01:18:40,702 --> 01:18:41,843 Who wants some hot cocoa? 1687 01:18:41,943 --> 01:18:43,685 - Yay! - Yay! Go! 1688 01:18:43,785 --> 01:18:45,607 - Yay! - Whoo-hoo! 1689 01:18:45,707 --> 01:18:48,610 [somber music] 1690 01:18:48,710 --> 01:18:51,853 ♪ ♪ 1691 01:18:51,953 --> 01:18:55,697 - I wanted to tell you that 1692 01:18:55,797 --> 01:18:58,860 I kissed a guy 1693 01:18:58,960 --> 01:19:02,143 under the mistletoe last night. 1694 01:19:02,243 --> 01:19:04,646 That's not even the worst part. [laughs] 1695 01:19:06,968 --> 01:19:11,473 I also tap danced for him, too. 1696 01:19:11,573 --> 01:19:14,116 And... 1697 01:19:14,216 --> 01:19:17,199 it felt strange, Mitch, like really strange. 1698 01:19:17,299 --> 01:19:21,043 Like, um, maybe I don't even know how to do this. 1699 01:19:21,143 --> 01:19:23,645 The whole thing's strange. 1700 01:19:23,745 --> 01:19:27,569 And I know...everyone keeps telling me 1701 01:19:27,669 --> 01:19:30,212 that I'm supposed to move on 1702 01:19:30,312 --> 01:19:33,615 and I know that you want me to move on 1703 01:19:33,715 --> 01:19:37,739 but, um... 1704 01:19:37,839 --> 01:19:41,463 I hit the jackpot with you, 1705 01:19:41,563 --> 01:19:46,588 and it is gonna be really hard to just bounce back from that. 1706 01:19:46,688 --> 01:19:49,471 ♪ ♪ 1707 01:19:49,571 --> 01:19:52,334 So, um, so here's what I'm thinking. 1708 01:19:54,937 --> 01:19:57,039 I think that I'm gonna just keep learning 1709 01:19:57,139 --> 01:20:00,723 how to stand on my own two feet again. 1710 01:20:00,823 --> 01:20:03,405 Maybe I will even take some tap classes 1711 01:20:03,505 --> 01:20:05,688 to help me find my balance, 1712 01:20:05,788 --> 01:20:09,572 you know, and then when I feel more comfortable 1713 01:20:09,672 --> 01:20:11,694 just being Maggie 1714 01:20:11,794 --> 01:20:14,096 instead of... 1715 01:20:14,196 --> 01:20:17,039 "Mitch and Maggie..." 1716 01:20:18,881 --> 01:20:21,183 Maybe then we'll revisit the whole idea 1717 01:20:21,283 --> 01:20:23,866 of seeing other people. 1718 01:20:23,966 --> 01:20:25,948 How's that sound? 1719 01:20:26,048 --> 01:20:28,831 ♪ ♪ 1720 01:20:28,931 --> 01:20:31,814 I think so, too. 1721 01:20:36,218 --> 01:20:38,761 I miss you. 1722 01:20:38,861 --> 01:20:41,744 I love you. 1723 01:20:43,506 --> 01:20:46,309 But you know all that already. 1724 01:20:50,953 --> 01:20:54,117 Merry Christmas, Mitch. 1725 01:21:03,286 --> 01:21:05,288 [seagulls squawking] 1726 01:21:07,770 --> 01:21:09,512 - I think you should at least open my gift 1727 01:21:09,612 --> 01:21:12,375 before you get this mad about it. 1728 01:21:23,066 --> 01:21:25,488 Is this still about Jack? 1729 01:21:25,588 --> 01:21:30,413 Because honestly, I am equally at fault. 1730 01:21:30,513 --> 01:21:31,615 - I heard your whole family 1731 01:21:31,715 --> 01:21:35,178 sing a heart song last night, Zo. 1732 01:21:35,278 --> 01:21:40,023 There was just so much pain and vulnerability in it. 1733 01:21:40,123 --> 01:21:43,386 And I couldn't help but feel like I made that happen. 1734 01:21:43,486 --> 01:21:46,890 I invited that man. I caused all that suffering. 1735 01:21:48,291 --> 01:21:52,095 - Max, the pain was there. 1736 01:21:54,097 --> 01:21:56,880 The pain is always there. 1737 01:21:56,980 --> 01:22:01,285 That's what grief and mourning is. 1738 01:22:01,385 --> 01:22:03,807 But it's getting better 1739 01:22:03,907 --> 01:22:07,371 and it's gonna keep getting better, I know it. 1740 01:22:07,471 --> 01:22:10,494 - Yeah, you know what's not gonna get better? 1741 01:22:10,594 --> 01:22:14,238 All of this guilt and shame I now have inside of me. 1742 01:22:15,118 --> 01:22:16,900 - All because of a broken snow globe? 1743 01:22:17,000 --> 01:22:19,583 - No, because of the way I treated you 1744 01:22:19,683 --> 01:22:22,206 ever since the moment you told me you had this power. 1745 01:22:23,887 --> 01:22:25,669 Honestly, how many times have I hammered you 1746 01:22:25,769 --> 01:22:28,152 over the lack of equality in our relationship? 1747 01:22:28,252 --> 01:22:30,394 All because you could hear my heart songs 1748 01:22:30,494 --> 01:22:32,556 and I couldn't hear yours? 1749 01:22:32,656 --> 01:22:35,479 I was so focused on how your powers made me feel 1750 01:22:35,579 --> 01:22:38,242 that I never thought about the toll they took on you. 1751 01:22:38,342 --> 01:22:40,805 And that sucks. 1752 01:22:40,905 --> 01:22:43,888 Because this...is so much 1753 01:22:43,988 --> 01:22:46,270 for one human being to take on. 1754 01:22:48,953 --> 01:22:53,417 - It is. It's a lot to carry. 1755 01:22:53,517 --> 01:22:58,382 And, uh, sometimes other people's pain can be... 1756 01:22:58,482 --> 01:23:00,945 overwhelming. 1757 01:23:01,045 --> 01:23:04,248 - Which is why I should have been more understanding of you. 1758 01:23:06,290 --> 01:23:08,272 I'm so sorry for how I acted. 1759 01:23:08,372 --> 01:23:09,874 - Max, listen to me. 1760 01:23:09,974 --> 01:23:12,396 There's no way you could have known what it's like... 1761 01:23:12,496 --> 01:23:17,922 ♪ ♪ 1762 01:23:18,022 --> 01:23:21,886 Unless... 1763 01:23:21,986 --> 01:23:24,769 Max... - Hmm? 1764 01:23:24,869 --> 01:23:28,373 - What if this is why you got the power? 1765 01:23:28,473 --> 01:23:31,696 So that you could feel what I feel 1766 01:23:31,796 --> 01:23:37,142 and understand what I experience every day. 1767 01:23:37,242 --> 01:23:40,225 And if empathy is the reason 1768 01:23:40,325 --> 01:23:44,028 the universe gave you this, then... 1769 01:23:44,128 --> 01:23:48,353 we are just going to keep getting stronger and stronger. 1770 01:23:48,453 --> 01:23:49,674 Because... [sighs] 1771 01:23:49,774 --> 01:23:53,038 [warm pop music] 1772 01:23:53,138 --> 01:23:57,002 ♪ ♪ 1773 01:23:57,102 --> 01:23:59,484 ♪ Lying in my bed ♪ 1774 01:23:59,584 --> 01:24:04,529 ♪ I hear the clock tick and think of you ♪ 1775 01:24:04,629 --> 01:24:07,532 ♪ Caught up in circles ♪ 1776 01:24:07,632 --> 01:24:11,296 - ♪ Confusion is nothing new ♪ 1777 01:24:11,396 --> 01:24:15,260 - ♪ Flashback, warm nights ♪ 1778 01:24:15,360 --> 01:24:19,184 - ♪ Almost left behind ♪ 1779 01:24:19,284 --> 01:24:23,268 ♪ Suitcase of memories ♪ 1780 01:24:23,368 --> 01:24:25,190 ♪ Time after ♪ 1781 01:24:25,290 --> 01:24:27,753 - ♪ Sometimes you picture me ♪ 1782 01:24:27,853 --> 01:24:32,037 ♪ I'm walking too far ahead ♪ 1783 01:24:32,137 --> 01:24:35,481 both: ♪ You're calling to me ♪ 1784 01:24:35,581 --> 01:24:39,284 ♪ I can't hear what you've said ♪ 1785 01:24:39,384 --> 01:24:42,688 - ♪ Then you say, "Go slow" ♪ 1786 01:24:42,788 --> 01:24:46,171 - ♪ I fall behind ♪ 1787 01:24:46,271 --> 01:24:50,015 both: ♪ The second hand unwinds ♪ 1788 01:24:50,115 --> 01:24:51,777 ♪ If you're lost, you can look ♪ 1789 01:24:51,877 --> 01:24:54,620 ♪ And you will find me ♪ 1790 01:24:54,720 --> 01:24:57,102 ♪ Time after time ♪ 1791 01:24:57,202 --> 01:24:59,465 ♪ If you fall, I will catch you ♪ 1792 01:24:59,565 --> 01:25:01,627 ♪ I'll be waiting ♪ 1793 01:25:01,727 --> 01:25:04,710 ♪ Time after time ♪ 1794 01:25:04,810 --> 01:25:06,472 ♪ If you're lost, you can look ♪ 1795 01:25:06,572 --> 01:25:09,074 ♪ And you will find me ♪ 1796 01:25:09,174 --> 01:25:12,198 ♪ Time after time ♪ 1797 01:25:12,298 --> 01:25:14,400 ♪ If you fall, I will catch you ♪ 1798 01:25:14,500 --> 01:25:16,642 ♪ I will be waiting ♪ 1799 01:25:16,742 --> 01:25:19,925 ♪ Time after time ♪ 1800 01:25:20,025 --> 01:25:22,888 - ♪ After my picture fades ♪ 1801 01:25:22,988 --> 01:25:25,171 ♪ And darkness ♪ 1802 01:25:25,271 --> 01:25:28,814 [voice growing fainter] ♪ Has turned to gray ♪ 1803 01:25:28,914 --> 01:25:32,178 - ♪ Watching through windows ♪ 1804 01:25:32,278 --> 01:25:36,342 ♪ You're wondering if I'm okay ♪ 1805 01:25:36,442 --> 01:25:39,705 ♪ ♪ 1806 01:25:39,805 --> 01:25:41,807 I can't hear you. 1807 01:25:45,131 --> 01:25:48,274 ♪ The drum beats out of time ♪ 1808 01:25:48,374 --> 01:25:51,998 ♪ If you're lost you can look and you will find me ♪ 1809 01:25:52,098 --> 01:25:55,441 ♪ Time after time ♪ 1810 01:25:55,541 --> 01:25:57,804 ♪ If you fall I will catch you ♪ 1811 01:25:57,904 --> 01:26:00,386 ♪ ♪ 1812 01:26:04,350 --> 01:26:08,434 I think they're...gone. 1813 01:26:11,277 --> 01:26:13,640 - It's okay. 1814 01:26:32,979 --> 01:26:35,322 - I think it's a nice gift and I feel like I'm pulling it off. 1815 01:26:35,422 --> 01:26:37,003 I'm just--I'm not really sure if it's me. 1816 01:26:37,103 --> 01:26:38,525 - It's not. 1817 01:26:38,625 --> 01:26:41,288 Hey, so, are we sending this newsletter or what? 1818 01:26:41,388 --> 01:26:44,211 - Okay, so I was thinking about it all night especially... 1819 01:26:44,311 --> 01:26:45,932 - Hmm. - After Jack and Deb, 1820 01:26:46,032 --> 01:26:48,495 you know, bought all our ridiculous lies 1821 01:26:48,595 --> 01:26:50,537 and Zoey got in my head and... - Mm-hmm. 1822 01:26:50,637 --> 01:26:52,980 - I actually--I wrote a different letter, 1823 01:26:53,080 --> 01:26:54,861 and I was thinking 1824 01:26:54,961 --> 01:26:57,764 that maybe we should send this one instead. 1825 01:26:59,606 --> 01:27:03,270 - Okay. "Hey, Adam. 1826 01:27:03,370 --> 01:27:05,272 "We were gonna send you a fake newsletter 1827 01:27:05,372 --> 01:27:08,675 "saying all the amazing things we did this year. 1828 01:27:08,775 --> 01:27:12,779 But that's not true. We had a really tough year." 1829 01:27:14,902 --> 01:27:17,044 "My dad died. 1830 01:27:17,144 --> 01:27:19,326 "I left my job. 1831 01:27:19,426 --> 01:27:24,011 "Emily suffered from some very intense postpartum depression. 1832 01:27:24,111 --> 01:27:27,615 "If anything, we were all just trying to... 1833 01:27:27,715 --> 01:27:29,817 "get by. 1834 01:27:29,917 --> 01:27:34,301 "But here's the thing: we're still here. 1835 01:27:34,401 --> 01:27:36,984 "We can still make each other laugh. 1836 01:27:37,084 --> 01:27:39,667 "We have a great kid. 1837 01:27:39,767 --> 01:27:41,709 "And we don't need to pretend our life is better 1838 01:27:41,809 --> 01:27:45,353 "just for your benefit. So have a great holiday 1839 01:27:45,453 --> 01:27:48,776 and maybe take us off the Christmas list next year." 1840 01:27:52,259 --> 01:27:55,603 Wow, David. That's, um... 1841 01:27:55,703 --> 01:27:57,365 that's very brave. 1842 01:27:57,465 --> 01:27:59,687 And heartfelt. 1843 01:27:59,787 --> 01:28:02,069 It's very powerful, babe. 1844 01:28:04,712 --> 01:28:05,953 - You still think we should send the other one, don't you? 1845 01:28:06,033 --> 01:28:09,057 - Most definitely. - Yeah. 1846 01:28:09,157 --> 01:28:12,020 - [chuckles] 1847 01:28:12,120 --> 01:28:13,501 - Okay, yes, I may have opened up a few of the gifts 1848 01:28:13,601 --> 01:28:14,622 and I know that wasn't part of the plan, 1849 01:28:14,722 --> 01:28:15,863 but before you say anything, just... 1850 01:28:15,963 --> 01:28:18,346 - Don't worry about it. - Oh. 1851 01:28:18,446 --> 01:28:21,389 - What...does that mean? Is this a test? 1852 01:28:21,489 --> 01:28:22,951 Like an escape room where they actually kill you? 1853 01:28:23,051 --> 01:28:25,914 - No. [laughs] 1854 01:28:26,014 --> 01:28:29,417 It's fine, really. 1855 01:28:30,738 --> 01:28:32,881 - It is, for real. 1856 01:28:32,981 --> 01:28:37,445 - Oh, okay. So, uh, now what? 1857 01:28:37,545 --> 01:28:39,207 We're going to like just, uh, wait for Mom 1858 01:28:39,307 --> 01:28:40,448 and open up the rest of the gifts? 1859 01:28:40,548 --> 01:28:42,050 - Make pancakes... 1860 01:28:42,150 --> 01:28:43,531 - Do our annual Christmas nap and then... 1861 01:28:43,631 --> 01:28:45,133 - I have a different idea. Instead of doing 1862 01:28:45,233 --> 01:28:48,777 what we always do, I think it's time we mixed it up. 1863 01:28:48,877 --> 01:28:51,419 Bring in some new traditions. 1864 01:28:51,519 --> 01:28:53,381 Try something else for Christmas. 1865 01:28:53,481 --> 01:28:56,985 [upbeat pop music] 1866 01:28:57,085 --> 01:29:04,152 ♪ ♪ 1867 01:29:04,252 --> 01:29:05,353 - ♪ Holiday, holiday, holiday ♪ 1868 01:29:05,453 --> 01:29:07,195 - Hi. You look wonderful. 1869 01:29:07,295 --> 01:29:09,197 - Look at you. - ♪ Make it up on holiday ♪ 1870 01:29:09,297 --> 01:29:11,760 ♪ Our holiday, holiday ♪ 1871 01:29:11,860 --> 01:29:15,404 ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, holiday ♪ 1872 01:29:15,504 --> 01:29:16,885 ♪ Holiday ♪ 1873 01:29:16,985 --> 01:29:18,687 ♪ Make it up on holiday ♪ 1874 01:29:18,787 --> 01:29:20,208 ♪ Our holiday ♪ 1875 01:29:20,308 --> 01:29:22,050 ♪ Holiday ♪ 1876 01:29:22,150 --> 01:29:24,413 ♪ It's a holiday ♪ 1877 01:29:24,513 --> 01:29:26,495 ♪ Hey! ♪ 1878 01:29:26,595 --> 01:29:28,417 ♪ ♪ 1879 01:29:28,517 --> 01:29:30,018 - Excuse me... 1880 01:29:30,118 --> 01:29:33,222 - As I live and breathe, my heart just grew three sizes. 1881 01:29:33,322 --> 01:29:34,703 The entire Clarke family is here 1882 01:29:34,803 --> 01:29:35,904 at my Christmas Carol-oke. 1883 01:29:36,004 --> 01:29:37,306 To what do I owe this pleasure? 1884 01:29:37,406 --> 01:29:38,587 - Uh, they just wanna make sure 1885 01:29:38,687 --> 01:29:39,628 you don't burn down our restaurant. 1886 01:29:39,728 --> 01:29:41,190 Oh, wait, no, that was actually me. 1887 01:29:41,290 --> 01:29:42,911 - Hmm. - Mwah. 1888 01:29:43,011 --> 01:29:46,235 - Thank you for having us. - The place looks amazing. 1889 01:29:46,335 --> 01:29:48,958 - "Hi, Aunt Mo! I'm drunk on breast milk!" 1890 01:29:49,058 --> 01:29:50,639 - Oh, can I get you guys anything? 1891 01:29:50,739 --> 01:29:52,841 - No, no, no, go, we are good. We're fine. 1892 01:29:52,941 --> 01:29:54,803 - Okay. - [laughs] 1893 01:29:54,903 --> 01:29:56,886 You do know your entire workplace is here, right? 1894 01:29:56,986 --> 01:29:58,247 - That might be Max's fault. 1895 01:29:58,347 --> 01:29:59,688 I think he posted the party on Instagram 1896 01:29:59,788 --> 01:30:00,890 and they'll show up to anything. 1897 01:30:00,990 --> 01:30:02,772 - And what is your excuse? 1898 01:30:02,872 --> 01:30:05,374 Because this party is for lost souls with nowhere else to go. 1899 01:30:05,474 --> 01:30:09,218 - Yeah, that sounds just right. - [laughs] 1900 01:30:09,318 --> 01:30:12,501 - Also I can't think of any place I'd rather be. 1901 01:30:12,601 --> 01:30:15,464 - You mean it? [laughs] 1902 01:30:15,564 --> 01:30:17,186 With that, go find your light 1903 01:30:17,286 --> 01:30:19,268 and make some memories and sing something. 1904 01:30:19,368 --> 01:30:21,751 Except "Sweet Caroline." That song sucks. 1905 01:30:21,851 --> 01:30:23,432 - I love that song. - [laughs] 1906 01:30:23,532 --> 01:30:24,754 Do you wanna get a drink? 1907 01:30:24,854 --> 01:30:27,557 - Yes. - Oh, no! Oh, Tobin! 1908 01:30:27,657 --> 01:30:29,318 The ski trip, what happened? 1909 01:30:29,418 --> 01:30:32,842 - Oh, this is nothing. You should see the other guy! 1910 01:30:32,942 --> 01:30:35,745 - You mean the mountain? - Yeah. 1911 01:30:37,947 --> 01:30:40,330 - Oh, hey! It's the Clarkemans! 1912 01:30:40,430 --> 01:30:43,333 - Hey! Uh, how was birding with the family? 1913 01:30:43,433 --> 01:30:44,734 - Oh, incredible! 1914 01:30:44,834 --> 01:30:46,936 We got a photo of the rare two-eared quetzal. 1915 01:30:47,036 --> 01:30:48,698 And I called my ex at the Audobon Society and he-- 1916 01:30:48,798 --> 01:30:50,420 - Yeah, that sounds super cool! We're gonna grab a drink. 1917 01:30:50,520 --> 01:30:52,141 - Right, he was, like, oh, yeah, no, we can do the thing. 1918 01:30:52,241 --> 01:30:54,584 Okay. - What's up, bro? 1919 01:30:54,684 --> 01:30:56,065 - [laughs] 1920 01:30:56,165 --> 01:30:57,467 - You don't have a drink in your hand. 1921 01:30:57,567 --> 01:30:58,908 What can I make the two of you? 1922 01:30:59,008 --> 01:31:00,670 - Mezcal mule for me, bruh. - Glass of wine. 1923 01:31:00,770 --> 01:31:03,753 - Done and done. - Hi. 1924 01:31:03,853 --> 01:31:05,275 Okay. 1925 01:31:05,375 --> 01:31:07,477 So, Christmas Eve with mom and the new husband. 1926 01:31:07,577 --> 01:31:09,119 How was it? 1927 01:31:09,219 --> 01:31:10,960 - I'm not gonna lie. It was a little weird at first 1928 01:31:11,060 --> 01:31:14,604 but...it was nice seeing my mom so happy. 1929 01:31:14,704 --> 01:31:16,326 Which I guess is all that matters, right? 1930 01:31:16,426 --> 01:31:18,168 Oh, before I forget... - Yes. 1931 01:31:18,268 --> 01:31:20,130 - I brought you both back souvenirs. 1932 01:31:20,230 --> 01:31:21,331 - Oh. - Thank you. 1933 01:31:21,431 --> 01:31:23,213 - Max. - Presents. 1934 01:31:23,313 --> 01:31:25,575 - Bro, I got you some "I heart Las Vegas" golf balls 1935 01:31:25,675 --> 01:31:28,498 because I think it's time we start playing a sport together 1936 01:31:28,598 --> 01:31:30,180 which you, of course, will lose. 1937 01:31:30,280 --> 01:31:31,421 - [laughs] 1938 01:31:31,521 --> 01:31:33,143 - I will see you on the greens, pal! 1939 01:31:33,243 --> 01:31:36,486 - Okay. And for you... 1940 01:31:39,089 --> 01:31:41,792 Now, no matter what you're feeling over the holidays, 1941 01:31:41,892 --> 01:31:44,474 you can always look at this, shake it up, 1942 01:31:44,574 --> 01:31:47,577 and think "At least I'm not in Vegas." 1943 01:31:50,020 --> 01:31:53,203 - Did you tell him? - I... 1944 01:31:53,303 --> 01:31:56,166 [sentimental music] 1945 01:31:56,266 --> 01:31:57,568 ♪ ♪ 1946 01:31:57,668 --> 01:32:01,251 - Thank you. I love it. 1947 01:32:01,351 --> 01:32:06,156 You know what, it is now our new official centerpiece. 1948 01:32:07,998 --> 01:32:10,821 - Excuse me, can I have you beautiful people's attention? 1949 01:32:10,921 --> 01:32:13,804 [cheers and applause] 1950 01:32:17,007 --> 01:32:19,149 - Okay, first of all, I would like to thank you all 1951 01:32:19,249 --> 01:32:23,073 for coming to my eighth Annual Christmas Carol-oke Party. 1952 01:32:23,173 --> 01:32:26,517 [cheers and applause] 1953 01:32:26,617 --> 01:32:28,999 Ooh, and I can already tell I like this venue 1954 01:32:29,099 --> 01:32:30,401 more than my apartment. 1955 01:32:30,501 --> 01:32:32,963 And we will see you all next year, okay? 1956 01:32:33,063 --> 01:32:35,286 And with that, let's give a round of applause 1957 01:32:35,386 --> 01:32:37,168 to my partner in crime, Max... 1958 01:32:37,268 --> 01:32:40,331 for graciously saying "Yes" 1959 01:32:40,431 --> 01:32:42,093 for this magical evening 1960 01:32:42,193 --> 01:32:44,655 and for splitting the liquor and food bill without knowing. 1961 01:32:44,755 --> 01:32:46,697 - Oh, in that case, party's over, everybody! 1962 01:32:46,797 --> 01:32:49,500 Have a great night. Kidding. 1963 01:32:49,600 --> 01:32:52,503 - We all know that the holidays are about family, 1964 01:32:52,603 --> 01:32:55,266 whether it be your family or your chosen family. 1965 01:32:55,366 --> 01:32:58,429 And no Mo-ccasion would be complete 1966 01:32:58,529 --> 01:33:04,475 without a little ♪ song ♪ 1967 01:33:04,575 --> 01:33:06,397 But... [cheers and applause] 1968 01:33:06,497 --> 01:33:09,641 This year, we're gonna do things a little different 1969 01:33:09,741 --> 01:33:12,964 because someone that I care so much about 1970 01:33:13,064 --> 01:33:15,727 didn't get her chance to shine so, 1971 01:33:15,827 --> 01:33:19,450 Amirah, will you come up here and sing a song for us? 1972 01:33:19,550 --> 01:33:22,734 [cheers and applause] 1973 01:33:22,834 --> 01:33:25,677 - [laughs] What do you wanna sing? 1974 01:33:27,679 --> 01:33:29,821 And she has taste. I like it. 1975 01:33:29,921 --> 01:33:32,564 She got that from me, Perry. [laughter] 1976 01:33:35,487 --> 01:33:38,309 ["What Christmas Means To Me" playing] 1977 01:33:38,409 --> 01:33:41,272 [upbeat piano music] 1978 01:33:41,372 --> 01:33:44,756 ♪ ♪ 1979 01:33:44,856 --> 01:33:46,918 - ♪ Oh, yeah ♪ 1980 01:33:47,018 --> 01:33:48,960 ♪ Candles burnin' low ♪ 1981 01:33:49,060 --> 01:33:52,484 ♪ Lots of mistletoe ♪ 1982 01:33:52,584 --> 01:33:55,447 ♪ Lots of snow and ice ♪ 1983 01:33:55,547 --> 01:33:58,009 ♪ Everywhere we go ♪ 1984 01:33:58,109 --> 01:34:00,772 ♪ Choirs singing carols ♪ 1985 01:34:00,872 --> 01:34:03,695 ♪ Right outside my door ♪ 1986 01:34:03,795 --> 01:34:06,858 ♪ All these things and more ♪ 1987 01:34:06,958 --> 01:34:08,981 ♪ All these... ♪ crowd: ♪ And more ♪ 1988 01:34:09,081 --> 01:34:12,024 - ♪ That's what Christmas means to me, my love ♪ 1989 01:34:12,124 --> 01:34:14,786 crowd: ♪ That's what Christmas means to me, my love ♪ 1990 01:34:14,886 --> 01:34:17,789 ♪ ♪ 1991 01:34:17,889 --> 01:34:20,432 [cheers and applause] 1992 01:34:20,532 --> 01:34:22,875 ♪ ♪ I see your smilin' face ♪ 1993 01:34:22,975 --> 01:34:25,878 - ♪ Like I've never seen before ♪ 1994 01:34:25,978 --> 01:34:29,441 - ♪ Even though I love ya madly ♪ 1995 01:34:29,541 --> 01:34:31,964 - ♪ It seems I ♪ both: ♪ Love you more ♪ 1996 01:34:32,064 --> 01:34:34,606 - ♪ The little card you give me ♪ 1997 01:34:34,706 --> 01:34:37,609 ♪ Will touch my heart for sure ♪ 1998 01:34:37,709 --> 01:34:40,613 - ♪ All these things and more, darling ♪ 1999 01:34:40,713 --> 01:34:41,894 - ♪ All these things and more... ♪ 2000 01:34:41,994 --> 01:34:43,495 - ♪ Whoa ♪ - ♪ Darling ♪ 2001 01:34:43,595 --> 01:34:45,658 - ♪ That's what Christmas means to me, my love ♪ 2002 01:34:45,758 --> 01:34:46,819 - ♪ That's what Christmas ♪ 2003 01:34:46,919 --> 01:34:49,742 - So...how we doing? 2004 01:34:49,842 --> 01:34:52,344 Still bummed you can't hear heart songs anymore? 2005 01:34:52,444 --> 01:34:54,627 - I mean, it was fun while it lasted, 2006 01:34:54,727 --> 01:34:57,389 but clearly I should leave the heavy heart song lifting 2007 01:34:57,489 --> 01:34:58,991 to the experts. - Okay. 2008 01:34:59,091 --> 01:35:00,833 You know what, if you ever wanna know 2009 01:35:00,933 --> 01:35:04,196 what's going on inside my head, just ask me and I'll tell you. 2010 01:35:04,296 --> 01:35:06,118 - Oh, you mean, like two healthy, normal, 2011 01:35:06,218 --> 01:35:07,720 communicative people in a relationship? 2012 01:35:07,820 --> 01:35:09,762 - Yeah, just like that. 2013 01:35:09,862 --> 01:35:11,604 - ♪ Happiness in the coming year ♪ 2014 01:35:11,704 --> 01:35:15,167 - ♪ Let's deck the halls with holly, oh ♪ 2015 01:35:15,267 --> 01:35:17,210 [cheers and applause] ♪ Sing sweet "Silent Night" ♪ 2016 01:35:17,310 --> 01:35:20,573 - ♪ Fill the tree with angel hair ♪ 2017 01:35:20,673 --> 01:35:23,216 ♪ And pretty, pretty lights ♪ 2018 01:35:23,316 --> 01:35:25,378 - So...I guess we know 2019 01:35:25,478 --> 01:35:27,740 why the universe gave me the powers. 2020 01:35:27,840 --> 01:35:31,344 But...what about you, Zo? 2021 01:35:31,444 --> 01:35:33,946 - That's a good question. 2022 01:35:34,046 --> 01:35:35,828 I mean, maybe I got them all 2023 01:35:35,928 --> 01:35:39,993 so I could communicate with my dad while he was dying. 2024 01:35:40,093 --> 01:35:44,357 - Mm-hmm. Or...maybe you got them to help others. 2025 01:35:44,457 --> 01:35:47,120 I mean, there's a lot of people hurting out there 2026 01:35:47,220 --> 01:35:48,681 who could sure use you. 2027 01:35:48,781 --> 01:35:51,204 - Or... 2028 01:35:51,304 --> 01:35:53,566 I was spending too much of my life 2029 01:35:53,666 --> 01:35:55,288 hiding behind a computer screen. 2030 01:35:55,388 --> 01:35:57,690 And the universe was trying to tell me 2031 01:35:57,790 --> 01:36:02,055 it was time to look up. 2032 01:36:02,155 --> 01:36:05,058 [warm music] 2033 01:36:05,158 --> 01:36:12,045 ♪ ♪ 2034 01:36:42,195 --> 01:36:49,082 ♪ ♪ 2035 01:37:02,055 --> 01:37:07,601 - ♪ Someone shook the snow globe round ♪ 2036 01:37:07,701 --> 01:37:11,645 ♪ Turned the whole world upside down ♪ 2037 01:37:11,745 --> 01:37:13,687 ♪ ♪ 2038 01:37:13,787 --> 01:37:19,133 ♪ Landed us so far apart ♪ 2039 01:37:19,233 --> 01:37:25,099 ♪ Me down here and you up in the stars ♪ 2040 01:37:25,199 --> 01:37:32,086 ♪ ♪ 2041 01:37:32,686 --> 01:37:35,189 ♪ Tree's all decorated ♪ 2042 01:37:35,289 --> 01:37:38,753 ♪ Pretty bows are tied ♪ 2043 01:37:38,853 --> 01:37:41,115 ♪ The television's playing ♪ 2044 01:37:41,215 --> 01:37:44,719 ♪ "It's A Wonderful Life" ♪ 2045 01:37:44,819 --> 01:37:47,201 ♪ Even though I miss you ♪ 2046 01:37:47,301 --> 01:37:50,444 ♪ Part of you's still here ♪ 2047 01:37:50,544 --> 01:37:53,367 ♪ So in a way I'm with you ♪ 2048 01:37:53,467 --> 01:37:58,453 ♪ At the most wonderful time of years ♪ 2049 01:37:58,553 --> 01:37:59,934 ♪ ♪ 2050 01:38:00,034 --> 01:38:02,937 ♪ I'm always looking up ♪ 2051 01:38:03,037 --> 01:38:06,301 ♪ 'cause I can feel your love and I ♪ 2052 01:38:06,401 --> 01:38:08,543 ♪ Know just where you are ♪ 2053 01:38:08,643 --> 01:38:11,506 ♪ In the sky and in my blood ♪ 2054 01:38:11,606 --> 01:38:14,629 ♪ And I've never been to Heaven ♪ 2055 01:38:14,729 --> 01:38:17,472 ♪ But it doesn't seem that far ♪ 2056 01:38:17,572 --> 01:38:20,555 ♪ 'cause you're my north star ♪ 2057 01:38:20,655 --> 01:38:23,598 ♪ You're my north star ♪ 2058 01:38:23,698 --> 01:38:26,521 ♪ You're my north star ♪ 2059 01:38:26,621 --> 01:38:30,805 ♪ Yeah ♪ 2060 01:38:30,905 --> 01:38:32,247 ♪ ♪ 2061 01:38:32,347 --> 01:38:33,888 ♪ Oh, yeah, yeah ♪ 2062 01:38:33,988 --> 01:38:35,730 [vocalizing] 2063 01:38:35,830 --> 01:38:42,657 ♪ You're my north star ♪ 2064 01:38:42,757 --> 01:38:44,579 ♪ ♪ 2065 01:38:44,679 --> 01:38:47,983 ♪ Ooh-hoo ♪ 2066 01:38:48,083 --> 01:38:54,189 ♪ You're my north star ♪ 2067 01:38:54,289 --> 01:38:57,232 ♪ 'cause I've never been to Heaven ♪ 2068 01:38:57,332 --> 01:39:01,356 ♪ But it doesn't seem that far ♪ 2069 01:39:01,456 --> 01:39:04,880 ♪ 'cause you're my north star ♪ 2070 01:39:04,980 --> 01:39:07,442 ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ 2071 01:39:07,542 --> 01:39:11,887 ♪ Mm ♪ 2072 01:39:11,987 --> 01:39:16,231 ♪ ♪