1 00:00:04,337 --> 00:00:07,241 [percussive music] 2 00:00:07,341 --> 00:00:08,682 ♪ ♪ 3 00:00:08,782 --> 00:00:10,364 - Ah. 4 00:00:10,464 --> 00:00:12,526 Do you ever have those mornings 5 00:00:12,626 --> 00:00:14,729 where you wake up and everything just feels right 6 00:00:14,829 --> 00:00:16,531 in the world? 7 00:00:16,631 --> 00:00:17,892 - You've clearly never defended a woman 8 00:00:17,992 --> 00:00:19,374 who went to jail for stealing baby formula. 9 00:00:19,474 --> 00:00:21,296 What is with that suit? 10 00:00:21,396 --> 00:00:23,178 - It's a big day, so I figured, 11 00:00:23,278 --> 00:00:24,860 you know, why not dress to impress? 12 00:00:24,960 --> 00:00:26,261 Oh, and this beauty's got it all-- 13 00:00:26,361 --> 00:00:28,063 outside pockets, inside pockets, 14 00:00:28,163 --> 00:00:30,386 pockets in pockets. 15 00:00:30,486 --> 00:00:31,627 - I think you look great. 16 00:00:31,727 --> 00:00:33,910 - Or like a congresswoman from Nebraska. 17 00:00:34,010 --> 00:00:35,431 - They're here! 18 00:00:35,531 --> 00:00:37,313 Check it out. 19 00:00:37,413 --> 00:00:39,596 Not every day your parents 20 00:00:39,696 --> 00:00:41,237 are centerfolds. - [gasps, laughs] 21 00:00:41,337 --> 00:00:42,759 - Ah, before I look, 22 00:00:42,859 --> 00:00:45,082 this is a landscaping magazine, right? 23 00:00:45,182 --> 00:00:46,964 - Oh, yeah. 24 00:00:47,064 --> 00:00:48,565 - When we go to the install later, 25 00:00:48,665 --> 00:00:51,088 I'm taking this with me, and if Mrs. Adelson 26 00:00:51,188 --> 00:00:53,331 says one more word about that magnolia, 27 00:00:53,431 --> 00:00:54,932 I'm gonna wave this in her face. 28 00:00:55,032 --> 00:00:57,135 - Hold on a second. 29 00:00:57,235 --> 00:01:00,939 Did they make my eyebrows look bigger? 30 00:01:01,039 --> 00:01:02,420 - Am I getting too detailed? 31 00:01:02,520 --> 00:01:05,063 I feel like I'm getting too detailed. 32 00:01:05,163 --> 00:01:06,505 - This is good. 33 00:01:06,605 --> 00:01:08,547 I asked you to recount the first time 34 00:01:08,647 --> 00:01:09,989 you confronted loss. 35 00:01:10,089 --> 00:01:12,071 These details may give us context 36 00:01:12,171 --> 00:01:13,913 for why you've been feeling this way recently, 37 00:01:14,013 --> 00:01:16,916 and I'm not just talking about Max leaving, 38 00:01:17,016 --> 00:01:19,719 but all the losses you've had to face. 39 00:01:19,819 --> 00:01:21,681 - Okay, but... 40 00:01:21,781 --> 00:01:24,004 a lot happened on that day. 41 00:01:24,104 --> 00:01:27,007 - Well, it's a good thing I've got nowhere to go. 42 00:01:27,107 --> 00:01:29,049 - "Mitchell Clarke describes the business he created 43 00:01:29,149 --> 00:01:31,091 "with his longtime partner and wife, Maggie, 44 00:01:31,191 --> 00:01:32,813 as the greatest joy of his life." 45 00:01:32,913 --> 00:01:35,296 I mean, you do have two loving children, but sure. 46 00:01:35,396 --> 00:01:38,980 - I swear that we talked about you guys in the interview. 47 00:01:39,080 --> 00:01:40,982 - Oh, really, yeah, all right. - We did! 48 00:01:41,082 --> 00:01:43,305 - Well, I guess next time. 49 00:01:43,405 --> 00:01:45,627 Uh, by the way, Dad, thank you so much 50 00:01:45,727 --> 00:01:47,669 for lending me the duffle bag. - Anytime. 51 00:01:47,769 --> 00:01:50,072 - Off to Monterey with my lady, and not to brag, 52 00:01:50,172 --> 00:01:52,314 but I did score a pretty sick Groupon that, 53 00:01:52,414 --> 00:01:55,237 fingers crossed, also grants us access to the aquarium. 54 00:01:55,337 --> 00:01:56,279 - Ugh, I want to make fun of you, 55 00:01:56,379 --> 00:01:57,720 but I love that aquarium. 56 00:01:57,820 --> 00:01:59,802 That kelp forest is my happy place. 57 00:01:59,902 --> 00:02:02,646 Well, I should go, too. 58 00:02:02,746 --> 00:02:05,409 Can't be late to my first day at Sprqpoint. 59 00:02:05,509 --> 00:02:07,210 Do I look nervous? I feel nervous. 60 00:02:07,310 --> 00:02:08,812 But I'm also excited. I think I'm gonna vomit. 61 00:02:08,912 --> 00:02:11,055 - [chuckles] Please, not on the magazine. 62 00:02:11,155 --> 00:02:13,297 Okay, no, leave the dishes. - Leaving the dishes. 63 00:02:13,397 --> 00:02:14,819 - You go have a great first day. 64 00:02:14,919 --> 00:02:17,782 - I'm gonna go have a great first day. 65 00:02:17,882 --> 00:02:19,544 It's just... 66 00:02:19,644 --> 00:02:21,546 this is... 67 00:02:21,646 --> 00:02:23,588 the Sprqpoint. 68 00:02:23,688 --> 00:02:25,510 And I know there's, like, 69 00:02:25,610 --> 00:02:27,032 five women at the whole company, 70 00:02:27,132 --> 00:02:28,634 but there's about to be six, 71 00:02:28,734 --> 00:02:32,238 and she's gonna change the game. 72 00:02:32,338 --> 00:02:34,760 - You must be excited to meet her. 73 00:02:34,860 --> 00:02:37,844 - Hey, Zo, before I forget, 74 00:02:37,944 --> 00:02:40,767 I made you a little something special. 75 00:02:40,867 --> 00:02:42,869 This kind of reminded me... 76 00:02:46,353 --> 00:02:48,355 Of your first day at school. 77 00:02:53,360 --> 00:02:55,362 - Thanks, Dad. 78 00:02:56,644 --> 00:02:58,346 [sighs] 79 00:02:58,446 --> 00:02:59,827 - Hey, hey, hey, hey. 80 00:02:59,927 --> 00:03:01,950 Look at me. 81 00:03:02,050 --> 00:03:03,632 You got nothing to worry about. 82 00:03:03,732 --> 00:03:05,834 They're not gonna know what hit 'em. 83 00:03:05,934 --> 00:03:07,916 Go get 'em, kid. 84 00:03:08,016 --> 00:03:10,879 [dreamy music] 85 00:03:10,979 --> 00:03:17,887 ♪ ♪ 86 00:03:17,987 --> 00:03:22,772 [indistinct chatter] 87 00:03:22,872 --> 00:03:24,814 - Yeah, before this, I was a software engineer 88 00:03:24,914 --> 00:03:26,456 over at JPL, so if you want, 89 00:03:26,556 --> 00:03:28,098 I can hook you up with some pretty cool NASA swag. 90 00:03:28,198 --> 00:03:29,980 - Wow, you were at JPL? 91 00:03:30,080 --> 00:03:31,742 Uh, did you work on the InSight mission? 92 00:03:31,842 --> 00:03:32,943 - I did... 93 00:03:33,043 --> 00:03:34,585 get CC'd on a few emails about that, 94 00:03:34,685 --> 00:03:36,067 so, yeah, basically. 95 00:03:36,167 --> 00:03:37,428 - So cool. 96 00:03:37,528 --> 00:03:39,991 I'm Zoey, by the way. - Oh. Leif. 97 00:03:40,091 --> 00:03:41,673 Pronounced, but not spelled like 98 00:03:41,773 --> 00:03:43,675 the principal lateral appendage on the vascular plant stem. 99 00:03:43,775 --> 00:03:45,677 - Oh, you know, I should find my name tag, too, 100 00:03:45,777 --> 00:03:48,120 but let's chat later. - Yeah. 101 00:03:48,220 --> 00:03:50,222 So, anyway... 102 00:03:54,546 --> 00:03:56,409 - Could you believe that dude wore a suit 103 00:03:56,509 --> 00:03:57,850 for his first day? 104 00:03:57,950 --> 00:04:00,213 Someone's trying a little hard, huh? 105 00:04:00,313 --> 00:04:01,854 - I don't know, or maybe somebody's 106 00:04:01,954 --> 00:04:03,416 not trying hard enough. I don't know. 107 00:04:03,516 --> 00:04:06,339 - Oh, I didn't mean-- Your suit is very professional. 108 00:04:06,439 --> 00:04:09,142 Makes me want to buy a house from you or something. 109 00:04:09,242 --> 00:04:10,664 - You know, I don't care what you think 110 00:04:10,764 --> 00:04:12,426 because I'm more interested in being a great coder 111 00:04:12,526 --> 00:04:14,348 and being a trailblazer for young women who-- 112 00:04:14,448 --> 00:04:16,851 - Ooh, Sprqpoint Frisbees! 113 00:04:21,856 --> 00:04:24,719 [dreamlike music] 114 00:04:24,819 --> 00:04:28,443 ♪ ♪ 115 00:04:28,543 --> 00:04:32,648 - ♪ Come with me, and you'll be ♪ 116 00:04:32,748 --> 00:04:36,212 ♪ In a world of pure imagination ♪ 117 00:04:36,312 --> 00:04:38,014 ♪ Take a look ♪ 118 00:04:38,114 --> 00:04:39,896 ♪ And you'll see ♪ 119 00:04:39,996 --> 00:04:43,860 ♪ Into your imagination ♪ [chuckles] 120 00:04:43,960 --> 00:04:47,824 ♪ We'll begin with a spin ♪ 121 00:04:47,924 --> 00:04:51,268 ♪ Traveling in the world of my creation ♪ 122 00:04:51,368 --> 00:04:53,350 ♪ What we'll see ♪ 123 00:04:53,450 --> 00:04:55,913 ♪ Will defy ♪ 124 00:04:56,013 --> 00:04:58,756 ♪ Explanation ♪ 125 00:04:58,856 --> 00:05:00,838 - Oh, this defies explanation, all right. 126 00:05:00,938 --> 00:05:02,360 - Can you not ruin this for me? 127 00:05:02,460 --> 00:05:04,763 Danny Michael Davis is a genius. 128 00:05:04,863 --> 00:05:06,725 [elevator bell dings] 129 00:05:06,825 --> 00:05:13,712 ♪ ♪ 130 00:05:15,434 --> 00:05:18,818 [tempo increases] 131 00:05:18,918 --> 00:05:20,259 - ♪ There is no ♪ 132 00:05:20,359 --> 00:05:22,822 [dubstep music] 133 00:05:22,922 --> 00:05:24,584 ♪ Life I know ♪ 134 00:05:24,684 --> 00:05:26,746 ♪ ♪ 135 00:05:26,846 --> 00:05:30,510 ♪ To compare with pure imagination ♪ 136 00:05:30,610 --> 00:05:34,315 ♪ Living there, you'll be free ♪ 137 00:05:34,415 --> 00:05:37,558 ♪ If you truly wish ♪ 138 00:05:37,658 --> 00:05:42,123 ♪ To be ♪ 139 00:05:42,223 --> 00:05:44,886 Yeah! [cheers and applause] 140 00:05:44,986 --> 00:05:46,408 There were supposed to be glitter cannons. 141 00:05:46,508 --> 00:05:48,510 Tony! Put me down. 142 00:05:52,554 --> 00:05:54,556 [cheers and applause stop] 143 00:05:55,718 --> 00:05:58,881 [applause resumes] 144 00:06:01,964 --> 00:06:04,147 Thank you. 145 00:06:04,247 --> 00:06:07,631 And welcome to my chocolate factory, pre-hires. 146 00:06:07,731 --> 00:06:09,152 - What does he mean "pre-hires"? 147 00:06:09,252 --> 00:06:11,715 - Look to your left. 148 00:06:11,815 --> 00:06:14,238 - Yeah, good, good, good. Look to your right. 149 00:06:14,338 --> 00:06:15,799 Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. 150 00:06:15,899 --> 00:06:18,482 Neither person will be here by the end of the day. 151 00:06:18,582 --> 00:06:21,926 Consider this the final round of the hiring process. 152 00:06:22,026 --> 00:06:24,589 Okay, let the games begin. 153 00:06:27,872 --> 00:06:30,175 [cell phone beeps] - Hey, honey. How's it going? 154 00:06:30,275 --> 00:06:32,618 - [sighs] Not so great, Mom. 155 00:06:32,718 --> 00:06:34,380 It turns out those four rounds of interviews 156 00:06:34,480 --> 00:06:35,981 only got me in the front door, 157 00:06:36,081 --> 00:06:37,623 and now I'm gonna be competing in a total death match 158 00:06:37,723 --> 00:06:38,704 for my dream job. 159 00:06:38,804 --> 00:06:40,026 - Oh. 160 00:06:40,126 --> 00:06:41,748 Well, you can do this. 161 00:06:41,848 --> 00:06:43,830 You would not be there if you couldn't. 162 00:06:43,930 --> 00:06:45,191 You've got this in the bag. 163 00:06:45,291 --> 00:06:47,113 - Along with a killer turkey sandwich. 164 00:06:47,213 --> 00:06:48,875 - Forget about the sandwich. 165 00:06:48,975 --> 00:06:50,717 I'm more excited about the Fruit Roll-Up 166 00:06:50,817 --> 00:06:53,120 you snuck in there. 167 00:06:53,220 --> 00:06:55,402 How's the installation going? 168 00:06:55,502 --> 00:06:58,726 - Um, we--we left there for a little bit. 169 00:06:58,826 --> 00:07:00,888 We're, uh, we're actually headed 170 00:07:00,988 --> 00:07:02,330 to the hospital. 171 00:07:02,430 --> 00:07:04,432 - W-what? 172 00:07:08,717 --> 00:07:11,420 - Your mom's a little short of breath 173 00:07:11,520 --> 00:07:13,742 and having some chest pains. 174 00:07:13,842 --> 00:07:15,784 - He's being overprotective. 175 00:07:15,884 --> 00:07:17,146 I am fine. 176 00:07:17,246 --> 00:07:19,468 - I called Dr. Sue, and he said 177 00:07:19,568 --> 00:07:21,230 she should go to the ER and get a stress test 178 00:07:21,330 --> 00:07:22,512 just to be sure. 179 00:07:22,612 --> 00:07:24,153 - I'm perfectly fine, Zoey. 180 00:07:24,253 --> 00:07:25,355 I really am. 181 00:07:25,455 --> 00:07:26,516 - Okay. 182 00:07:26,616 --> 00:07:28,798 But keep me posted. 183 00:07:28,898 --> 00:07:30,240 And also, maybe when you're done, 184 00:07:30,340 --> 00:07:32,042 Dad can swing by here and tell people 185 00:07:32,142 --> 00:07:33,684 to stop making fun of my suit. 186 00:07:33,784 --> 00:07:37,248 I think I was just so preoccupied with the idea 187 00:07:37,348 --> 00:07:41,853 of losing the job I always wanted that... 188 00:07:41,953 --> 00:07:44,616 [clicks tongue] I didn't realize that this would be 189 00:07:44,716 --> 00:07:48,540 the day that I'd almost lose my mom. 190 00:07:48,640 --> 00:07:50,542 - It must have been very difficult. 191 00:07:50,642 --> 00:07:53,185 - Mm, that's one way to describe it. 192 00:07:53,285 --> 00:07:55,467 [scoffs] Another way would be 193 00:07:55,567 --> 00:07:57,870 scary as-- 194 00:07:57,970 --> 00:08:00,493 [heavy guitar music] 195 00:08:03,976 --> 00:08:06,199 [elevator bell dings] 196 00:08:06,299 --> 00:08:07,640 - Hello, everybody. 197 00:08:07,740 --> 00:08:08,922 Welcome to the fourth floor. 198 00:08:09,022 --> 00:08:12,045 Everyone, please follow me. 199 00:08:12,145 --> 00:08:14,368 - Oh, wow, look at this place. 200 00:08:14,468 --> 00:08:16,050 Sprqpoint has everything. 201 00:08:16,150 --> 00:08:18,372 Full dental and indoor ball pits. 202 00:08:18,472 --> 00:08:19,974 - Uh, so does McDonald's. 203 00:08:20,074 --> 00:08:23,057 They actually paid for my college roommate's Invisalign. 204 00:08:23,157 --> 00:08:26,060 - There he is. 205 00:08:26,160 --> 00:08:27,702 We did it, man! 206 00:08:27,802 --> 00:08:29,544 Spelling-Bee Boyz back again. 207 00:08:29,644 --> 00:08:31,226 - No, Tobin, we're not back again. 208 00:08:31,326 --> 00:08:32,948 Why didn't you tell me about the final round of hiring 209 00:08:33,048 --> 00:08:34,550 before I quit my job and moved 210 00:08:34,650 --> 00:08:36,592 to the most expensive city in America? 211 00:08:36,692 --> 00:08:38,274 - Dude, Danny swore he wouldn't pull stunts like that 212 00:08:38,374 --> 00:08:39,675 after last year's competition, 213 00:08:39,775 --> 00:08:41,157 which I can't talk about, by the way. 214 00:08:41,257 --> 00:08:42,558 I signed an NDA. 215 00:08:42,658 --> 00:08:44,480 - Yeah, and I signed a 16-month lease. 216 00:08:44,580 --> 00:08:46,823 - Chill, dude, you're gonna crush this thing, okay? 217 00:08:48,985 --> 00:08:53,450 While also helping that smoke show get a job. 218 00:08:53,550 --> 00:08:55,973 What? What, why can't both those things coexist? 219 00:08:56,073 --> 00:08:57,174 Hear me out. 220 00:08:57,274 --> 00:09:00,137 [percussive music] 221 00:09:00,237 --> 00:09:03,981 ♪ ♪ 222 00:09:04,081 --> 00:09:06,824 - My dad's a dentist, so I never had these growing up. 223 00:09:06,924 --> 00:09:09,147 Wow, milk first, huh? 224 00:09:09,247 --> 00:09:11,249 You know that's a classic psychopath move? 225 00:09:13,692 --> 00:09:15,153 - And you know you're headed for an intense sugar crash 226 00:09:15,253 --> 00:09:16,315 in a couple hours, right? 227 00:09:16,415 --> 00:09:18,237 - Oh, this is just bowl number one. 228 00:09:18,337 --> 00:09:21,340 I plan on riding this wave all day long. 229 00:09:22,902 --> 00:09:24,524 - Hello? 230 00:09:24,624 --> 00:09:26,125 Pre-hires? You there? 231 00:09:26,225 --> 00:09:27,327 - Oh, that's us. 232 00:09:27,427 --> 00:09:30,190 - Please, gather around my faces. 233 00:09:34,755 --> 00:09:37,137 [slurps] Mm. 234 00:09:37,237 --> 00:09:39,300 What is this, lava? 235 00:09:39,400 --> 00:09:40,941 Tony, blow on this for me. 236 00:09:41,041 --> 00:09:42,623 - [exhales deeply] 237 00:09:42,723 --> 00:09:45,026 - Today the eight of you will compete in pairs 238 00:09:45,126 --> 00:09:46,948 for two positions on the fourth floor. 239 00:09:47,048 --> 00:09:49,150 Three challenges total, one team eliminated 240 00:09:49,250 --> 00:09:50,872 after each round. 241 00:09:50,972 --> 00:09:53,795 Choose your partners wisely. 242 00:09:53,895 --> 00:09:55,277 - Oh, Leif, hey. 243 00:09:55,377 --> 00:09:57,039 Do you want to be partners? - Yes. 244 00:09:57,139 --> 00:09:58,560 - Um, actually, I think he's gonna team up with Amber here. 245 00:09:58,660 --> 00:09:59,842 She interned at Tesla. 246 00:09:59,942 --> 00:10:02,485 - Okay, if Amber's so great, no offense, 247 00:10:02,585 --> 00:10:04,807 um, how come Tesla didn't offer her a permanent position? 248 00:10:04,907 --> 00:10:06,209 - They did, but I didn't want to live 249 00:10:06,309 --> 00:10:07,891 in Uncle Elon's shadow. - Okay. 250 00:10:07,991 --> 00:10:11,895 [cell phone buzzing] 251 00:10:11,995 --> 00:10:13,737 - Come on, dude, please don't make me choose sides. 252 00:10:13,837 --> 00:10:14,978 - Hey, Leif, if you just give me 253 00:10:15,078 --> 00:10:16,300 one minute to grab this phone call, 254 00:10:16,400 --> 00:10:17,901 I can tell you all the reasons why you and I-- 255 00:10:18,001 --> 00:10:19,904 - Zoey, I'm so sorry--I may have to go with Amber on this. 256 00:10:20,004 --> 00:10:23,387 [buzzing continues] - [sighs] 257 00:10:23,487 --> 00:10:24,989 What's happening? Is everything okay? 258 00:10:25,089 --> 00:10:27,191 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, so I just talked to Mom. 259 00:10:27,291 --> 00:10:29,033 Should we be concerned about this stress-test thing? 260 00:10:29,133 --> 00:10:31,636 I mean, Kersten thinks I'm overreacting, but-- 261 00:10:31,736 --> 00:10:33,438 - I mean, I'm not, like, a doctor or anything, 262 00:10:33,538 --> 00:10:35,200 but it just sounds like your mom got a little bit winded 263 00:10:35,300 --> 00:10:37,162 lifting a pot. 264 00:10:37,262 --> 00:10:38,604 - Yeah. 265 00:10:38,704 --> 00:10:40,806 Yeah, maybe I'm overthinking it. 266 00:10:40,906 --> 00:10:43,369 Um, just in case, you know what? 267 00:10:43,469 --> 00:10:45,932 We'll cancel lunch, and we'll just wait to hear. 268 00:10:46,032 --> 00:10:47,774 - Okay, I have to go. 269 00:10:47,874 --> 00:10:49,776 But, David, if Mom and Dad said not to worry, 270 00:10:49,876 --> 00:10:51,378 I wouldn't worry. 271 00:10:51,478 --> 00:10:53,480 - All right, love you. 272 00:10:58,205 --> 00:11:01,348 - Howdy, partner. 273 00:11:01,448 --> 00:11:04,532 [slurping, crunches] 274 00:11:06,374 --> 00:11:07,675 - What is all this? 275 00:11:07,775 --> 00:11:10,678 - Unchecked spending by a major corporation? 276 00:11:10,778 --> 00:11:12,761 - Oh, are they gonna make us play with kids? 277 00:11:12,861 --> 00:11:15,404 - Well, if they do, you'll have a leg up. 278 00:11:15,504 --> 00:11:18,307 - Why, because of my-- - Clown costume? Yeah. 279 00:11:20,149 --> 00:11:21,650 - [gasps] 280 00:11:21,750 --> 00:11:23,973 - Hello, my children. 281 00:11:24,073 --> 00:11:25,815 For your first challenge, 282 00:11:25,915 --> 00:11:27,857 you have two hours to assemble as many of the items 283 00:11:27,957 --> 00:11:29,619 that you see before you as possible. 284 00:11:29,719 --> 00:11:32,262 Bonus points to whoever puts the playset together. 285 00:11:32,362 --> 00:11:34,424 My nephew's birthday is this weekend. 286 00:11:34,524 --> 00:11:36,867 Okay. 287 00:11:36,967 --> 00:11:38,308 Go. 288 00:11:38,408 --> 00:11:39,910 - Okay, uh... 289 00:11:40,010 --> 00:11:42,753 - Okay, we got puzzles, Legos, IKEA furniture. 290 00:11:42,853 --> 00:11:44,315 I say we start with the highest point values first. 291 00:11:44,415 --> 00:11:45,716 - Can you just hold on? 292 00:11:45,816 --> 00:11:47,759 Let's just take a minute to do the math, okay? 293 00:11:47,859 --> 00:11:50,121 Find the optimal set of large and small tasks. 294 00:11:50,221 --> 00:11:52,644 It's a classic dynamic programming problem. 295 00:11:52,744 --> 00:11:54,686 - Cool, well, while you write a position paper on it, 296 00:11:54,786 --> 00:11:57,369 I'm gonna get started on this sweet 250-point T. rex. 297 00:11:57,469 --> 00:11:58,811 - Okay, that could take hours. - Not for me. 298 00:11:58,911 --> 00:12:01,133 I've been stacking bricks since I was five. 299 00:12:01,233 --> 00:12:03,496 Once I made a life-size replica of my dog that was so good, 300 00:12:03,596 --> 00:12:05,057 my mom tried to walk it. 301 00:12:05,157 --> 00:12:07,460 - I get it. I was an indoor kid, too. 302 00:12:07,560 --> 00:12:09,742 Okay, you know what? You do your thing, and I'll do mine. 303 00:12:09,842 --> 00:12:12,345 - Fine. 304 00:12:12,445 --> 00:12:15,268 - As odd as it was to be playing with children's toys, 305 00:12:15,368 --> 00:12:17,991 there was a method to Danny's madness. 306 00:12:18,091 --> 00:12:20,995 He was testing our ability to prioritize, 307 00:12:21,095 --> 00:12:24,719 which Max was exceptionally terrible at. 308 00:12:24,819 --> 00:12:27,522 - [humming "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands"] 309 00:12:27,622 --> 00:12:33,568 ♪ ♪ 310 00:12:33,668 --> 00:12:35,090 - You're going to lose this for both of us. 311 00:12:35,190 --> 00:12:36,812 Why don't you just bail on that lost cause 312 00:12:36,912 --> 00:12:38,053 and come help me? 313 00:12:38,153 --> 00:12:39,294 - Well, if you want help so bad, 314 00:12:39,394 --> 00:12:40,576 why don't you call Mommy and Daddy? 315 00:12:40,676 --> 00:12:42,378 They packed your lunch-- maybe they can hang 316 00:12:42,478 --> 00:12:44,480 your horse puzzle on the fridge when you get home. 317 00:12:46,322 --> 00:12:50,426 - Five, four, three, two, one. 318 00:12:50,526 --> 00:12:52,068 Time. 319 00:12:52,168 --> 00:12:53,790 - Well, would you look at that? 320 00:12:53,890 --> 00:12:55,892 Guess life found a way. 321 00:12:57,894 --> 00:12:59,156 - Hmm. 322 00:12:59,256 --> 00:13:01,118 - Here we go. 323 00:13:01,218 --> 00:13:04,081 Our winners. [clears throat] 324 00:13:04,181 --> 00:13:07,365 With 893 points... 325 00:13:07,465 --> 00:13:09,367 Leif and Amber. 326 00:13:09,467 --> 00:13:11,289 In second place 327 00:13:11,389 --> 00:13:14,252 with a score of 721... 328 00:13:14,352 --> 00:13:16,735 Josh and Curtis. 329 00:13:16,835 --> 00:13:19,698 And in a third-place position 330 00:13:19,798 --> 00:13:22,441 with a distant 519... 331 00:13:24,283 --> 00:13:25,264 Zoey and Max. 332 00:13:25,364 --> 00:13:27,366 - [sighs] - Yes! 333 00:13:29,208 --> 00:13:31,871 - Well, we made the cut. - Barely. 334 00:13:31,971 --> 00:13:34,714 I understand-- this is all a big joke for you, 335 00:13:34,814 --> 00:13:36,356 but it's really important to me. 336 00:13:36,456 --> 00:13:38,599 So can you just... 337 00:13:38,699 --> 00:13:41,001 pretend to care, for my sake? 338 00:13:41,101 --> 00:13:43,163 - Hey, I want to win this, too. - [scoffs] 339 00:13:43,263 --> 00:13:46,247 Could have fooled me. 340 00:13:46,347 --> 00:13:49,010 [sighs] Look, let's just try to work together next round, 341 00:13:49,110 --> 00:13:52,133 and if somehow we pull it off, 342 00:13:52,233 --> 00:13:54,336 we can request desks on opposite sides of the bullpen. 343 00:13:54,436 --> 00:13:55,617 - Deal. - Great. 344 00:13:55,717 --> 00:13:57,719 - I call window. 345 00:13:58,880 --> 00:14:00,142 - Yo. 346 00:14:00,242 --> 00:14:02,584 Baller win back there. 347 00:14:02,684 --> 00:14:04,847 So catch the new "Furious 7" trailer? 348 00:14:07,209 --> 00:14:10,153 - ♪ I can almost see it ♪ 349 00:14:10,253 --> 00:14:13,396 ♪ That dream I'm dreaming ♪ 350 00:14:13,496 --> 00:14:16,480 ♪ But there's a voice inside my head ♪ 351 00:14:16,580 --> 00:14:19,483 ♪ Saying you'll never reach it ♪ 352 00:14:19,583 --> 00:14:22,526 ♪ Every step I'm taking ♪ 353 00:14:22,626 --> 00:14:24,048 ♪ Every move I'm mak-- ♪ 354 00:14:24,148 --> 00:14:25,850 - Do you realize you're singing out loud? 355 00:14:25,950 --> 00:14:27,952 Pull yourself together, man. 356 00:14:33,998 --> 00:14:36,621 - [exhaling sharply] 357 00:14:36,721 --> 00:14:38,143 - Oh, finally. 358 00:14:38,243 --> 00:14:40,245 Thanks, Tony. 359 00:14:41,046 --> 00:14:42,548 Mm, mm-mm. 360 00:14:42,648 --> 00:14:44,350 No, it's like kissing a corpse. 361 00:14:44,450 --> 00:14:47,473 I mean, how hard is it to make a good cup of coffee? 362 00:14:47,573 --> 00:14:49,635 You know I like to keep my heart rate 363 00:14:49,735 --> 00:14:52,238 slightly higher than normal at all times. 364 00:14:52,338 --> 00:14:53,640 All right. 365 00:14:53,740 --> 00:14:56,523 I know how stressful today is, 366 00:14:56,623 --> 00:14:59,206 which is why we're all going to take a lunch break. 367 00:14:59,306 --> 00:15:01,308 - Oh, that's nice. 368 00:15:02,990 --> 00:15:06,814 - If you can break into your lunch. 369 00:15:06,914 --> 00:15:08,656 Welcome to round two. 370 00:15:08,756 --> 00:15:11,179 Feel free to use all the resources in the room. 371 00:15:11,279 --> 00:15:13,962 Good luck. - Okay. Uh... 372 00:15:15,844 --> 00:15:18,146 Okay, so this is disassembled Python 373 00:15:18,246 --> 00:15:20,509 which means in order to crack the code, 374 00:15:20,609 --> 00:15:22,751 we have to recursively generate the Fibonacci Sequence, 375 00:15:22,851 --> 00:15:27,436 which, as you know, is 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21-- 376 00:15:27,536 --> 00:15:29,538 - Remember when I said no detail is too much? 377 00:15:30,820 --> 00:15:32,522 This is too much. 378 00:15:32,622 --> 00:15:36,326 - So, anyway, obviously my plan worked, 379 00:15:36,426 --> 00:15:38,688 and we were the first team to open the box, 380 00:15:38,788 --> 00:15:40,851 only to discover... 381 00:15:40,951 --> 00:15:42,573 A second box? 382 00:15:42,673 --> 00:15:44,855 - What? What are we gonna do? I'm starving. 383 00:15:44,955 --> 00:15:46,977 - Okay, well... 384 00:15:47,077 --> 00:15:48,980 my sandwich doesn't seem so stupid now, huh? 385 00:15:49,080 --> 00:15:50,541 Okay, um... Ugh! 386 00:15:50,641 --> 00:15:52,503 Let's think. Danny said that we could use 387 00:15:52,603 --> 00:15:54,466 any of the resources in the room, right? 388 00:15:54,566 --> 00:15:56,588 - Right. - Resources. 389 00:15:56,688 --> 00:15:59,551 Resources, resources. 390 00:15:59,651 --> 00:16:01,653 Human resources. 391 00:16:04,697 --> 00:16:06,799 Max, Max, Max, Max. 392 00:16:06,899 --> 00:16:08,521 Look, some of these letters are underlined. 393 00:16:08,621 --> 00:16:10,002 It's a cipher. - Okay. 394 00:16:10,102 --> 00:16:12,805 - T-H-I-N-K... Go, okay. 395 00:16:12,905 --> 00:16:15,769 both: Spells "thinking out loud." 396 00:16:15,869 --> 00:16:17,571 - We've been thinking out loud. 397 00:16:17,671 --> 00:16:19,693 How is that helpful? Why are you smiling? 398 00:16:19,793 --> 00:16:21,495 - Because when I was researching this job-- 399 00:16:21,595 --> 00:16:24,338 - You researched this job? - Of course I did. 400 00:16:24,438 --> 00:16:26,060 Anyway, I read that Danny Michael Davis 401 00:16:26,160 --> 00:16:27,982 is a huge Ed Sheeran fan. 402 00:16:28,082 --> 00:16:30,024 "Thinking Out Loud" is a song, Zoey. 403 00:16:30,124 --> 00:16:31,305 - It is? 404 00:16:31,405 --> 00:16:34,108 - For real? It's his biggest hit. 405 00:16:34,208 --> 00:16:36,591 - ♪ When your legs don't work like they used to before ♪ 406 00:16:36,691 --> 00:16:38,153 ♪ And I can't sweep you off of your feet ♪ 407 00:16:38,253 --> 00:16:39,394 - Sorry, I don't know it. 408 00:16:39,494 --> 00:16:40,676 - No, the clue might be in the lyrics. 409 00:16:40,776 --> 00:16:43,078 Here, write this down. 410 00:16:43,178 --> 00:16:44,560 Uh... 411 00:16:44,660 --> 00:16:46,482 ♪ Will your mouth still remember ♪ 412 00:16:46,582 --> 00:16:49,065 ♪ The taste of my love ♪ 413 00:16:51,427 --> 00:16:55,932 ♪ And will your eyes still smile from your cheeks ♪ 414 00:16:56,032 --> 00:16:59,015 Write it down. - Sorry, uh, um... 415 00:16:59,115 --> 00:17:01,818 will your mouth still smile from your cheeks... 416 00:17:01,918 --> 00:17:03,821 Sorry, even though you're, like, a good singer, 417 00:17:03,921 --> 00:17:05,062 like, a surprisingly good singer 418 00:17:05,162 --> 00:17:06,343 maybe you should keep your voice down 419 00:17:06,443 --> 00:17:07,705 so that everybody else-- 420 00:17:07,805 --> 00:17:11,549 - ♪ And, darling, I will be loving you ♪ 421 00:17:11,649 --> 00:17:14,432 ♪ Till we're 70 ♪ 422 00:17:14,532 --> 00:17:17,035 - It's the song. The clue is in the song. 423 00:17:17,135 --> 00:17:21,360 - ♪ And, baby, my heart could still fall as-- ♪ 424 00:17:21,460 --> 00:17:24,343 - ♪ Hard at 23 ♪ 425 00:17:27,786 --> 00:17:30,289 ♪ I'm thinking about how-- ♪ 426 00:17:30,389 --> 00:17:35,855 - ♪ People fall in love in mysterious ways ♪ 427 00:17:35,955 --> 00:17:40,460 both: ♪ Maybe just the touch of a hand ♪ 428 00:17:40,560 --> 00:17:44,625 ♪ Oh, me, I fall in love with you every single day ♪ 429 00:17:44,725 --> 00:17:46,347 - Max. 430 00:17:46,447 --> 00:17:51,192 both: ♪ And I just want to tell you I am ♪ 431 00:17:51,292 --> 00:17:53,394 ♪ So, honey, now ♪ 432 00:17:53,494 --> 00:17:55,837 - Ah, very good. - Thank you. 433 00:17:55,937 --> 00:17:58,239 Both: ♪ Take me into your loving arms ♪ 434 00:17:58,339 --> 00:17:59,501 - Max, if you'll stop with that weird duet battle, 435 00:17:59,581 --> 00:18:00,762 I opened the box. 436 00:18:00,862 --> 00:18:01,843 - ♪ Kiss me under the night-- ♪ 437 00:18:01,943 --> 00:18:03,045 What happened? - I opened the box. 438 00:18:03,145 --> 00:18:04,406 - What? How did you do that? 439 00:18:04,506 --> 00:18:06,088 - It was the numbers in the song, 70 and 23. 440 00:18:06,188 --> 00:18:08,130 - Oh, my God. We did it. 441 00:18:08,230 --> 00:18:09,251 - We're first! - We're first! 442 00:18:09,351 --> 00:18:11,133 - We were first! - We're first! 443 00:18:11,233 --> 00:18:13,796 [laughs] 444 00:18:15,718 --> 00:18:17,720 Well, that was anticlimactic. 445 00:18:19,923 --> 00:18:22,065 - Congratulations. 446 00:18:22,165 --> 00:18:24,868 Four of you are going on to the final round. 447 00:18:24,968 --> 00:18:27,391 Josh, Curtis, 448 00:18:27,491 --> 00:18:28,712 you're excused. 449 00:18:28,812 --> 00:18:30,795 - Can we still have our lunch? 450 00:18:30,895 --> 00:18:32,897 - No. 451 00:18:38,062 --> 00:18:40,205 - So how is the hot dog? 452 00:18:40,305 --> 00:18:43,028 - Honestly, I'm not even sure it's cooked. 453 00:18:45,070 --> 00:18:47,873 - Hey, that was impressive... 454 00:18:49,635 --> 00:18:50,856 I mean, what you did back there. 455 00:18:50,956 --> 00:18:52,298 - Me? - Yeah. 456 00:18:52,398 --> 00:18:53,820 - You cracked the code. 457 00:18:53,920 --> 00:18:56,342 I just listen to too much top 40 radio, 458 00:18:56,442 --> 00:18:58,264 which reminds me, we got to get you, like, 459 00:18:58,364 --> 00:19:00,667 a Spotify account or something, 'cause you're clearly 460 00:19:00,767 --> 00:19:02,829 not getting enough music in your life. 461 00:19:02,929 --> 00:19:05,272 - I'm sorry if I was hard on you before. 462 00:19:05,372 --> 00:19:07,234 I've wanted to work at a place like this 463 00:19:07,334 --> 00:19:08,556 for as long as I can remember. 464 00:19:08,656 --> 00:19:10,998 Truly, I... 465 00:19:11,098 --> 00:19:13,561 I made a cardboard cell phone when I was in kindergarten, 466 00:19:13,661 --> 00:19:16,084 and I tried to call Steve Jobs during circle time. 467 00:19:16,184 --> 00:19:18,727 I just--I really, 468 00:19:18,827 --> 00:19:21,590 really, really, really want this job. 469 00:19:23,592 --> 00:19:26,655 - I'm sorry, too. 470 00:19:26,755 --> 00:19:29,498 I shouldn't have ragged on your family like that. 471 00:19:29,598 --> 00:19:31,901 Truth is... 472 00:19:32,001 --> 00:19:34,824 I wish I had that kind of support. 473 00:19:34,924 --> 00:19:37,227 No, my dad's probably just waiting at home 474 00:19:37,327 --> 00:19:38,588 right now for me to call him 475 00:19:38,688 --> 00:19:41,311 and tell him how badly I screwed this one up. 476 00:19:41,411 --> 00:19:44,114 - That's awful. 477 00:19:44,214 --> 00:19:46,517 - Yeah, I just... 478 00:19:46,617 --> 00:19:48,959 I don't want him to think I'm a failure, you know? 479 00:19:49,059 --> 00:19:51,282 - Well, for what it's worth, 480 00:19:51,382 --> 00:19:53,164 I don't think you're a failure. 481 00:19:53,264 --> 00:19:54,846 Snarky? Yes. 482 00:19:54,946 --> 00:19:57,689 Little bit of a chip on your shoulder? Sure. 483 00:19:57,789 --> 00:19:59,330 But not a failure. 484 00:19:59,430 --> 00:20:01,653 - Well, that's probably just 'cause the nerves. 485 00:20:01,753 --> 00:20:02,894 I'm normally very charming. 486 00:20:02,994 --> 00:20:05,057 - Really? - Mm-hmm. 487 00:20:05,157 --> 00:20:07,780 - I'm not seeing it. 488 00:20:07,880 --> 00:20:09,742 So I'm guessing your dad never let you have 489 00:20:09,842 --> 00:20:11,063 a Fruit Roll-Up growing up? 490 00:20:11,163 --> 00:20:12,705 - Sticky candy that clings to your teeth? 491 00:20:12,805 --> 00:20:13,666 All the time. 492 00:20:13,766 --> 00:20:16,349 Uh, okay. 493 00:20:16,449 --> 00:20:18,151 Oh, my God. 494 00:20:18,251 --> 00:20:19,632 - Right? [cell phone buzzing] 495 00:20:19,732 --> 00:20:22,676 - It's perfect. [both laugh] 496 00:20:22,776 --> 00:20:27,361 - Oh, um, I should take this. Hold on. 497 00:20:27,461 --> 00:20:28,522 Hey, Dad. 498 00:20:28,622 --> 00:20:30,444 - Hey, kiddo. 499 00:20:30,544 --> 00:20:33,608 I know you got a lot going on, but I thought you should know, 500 00:20:33,708 --> 00:20:36,531 your mom failed her stress test. 501 00:20:36,631 --> 00:20:37,972 - Wait. 502 00:20:38,072 --> 00:20:40,976 Uh, uh, but she's okay? She's gonna be okay? 503 00:20:41,076 --> 00:20:44,499 - Well, they also did some blood tests, and... 504 00:20:44,599 --> 00:20:47,382 she may have had a small heart attack. 505 00:20:47,482 --> 00:20:49,505 They're gonna need to open the blocked arteries, 506 00:20:49,605 --> 00:20:50,986 so they're prepping her for surgery. 507 00:20:51,086 --> 00:20:53,950 - Uh, okay, uh, wh... 508 00:20:54,050 --> 00:20:55,752 Which hospital? I'll be right there. 509 00:20:55,852 --> 00:20:58,314 - San Francisco Memorial, but, honey, please, don't come. 510 00:20:58,414 --> 00:21:00,357 I can handle it. 511 00:21:00,457 --> 00:21:03,440 There's not gonna be anything to do but...sit here. 512 00:21:03,540 --> 00:21:04,841 And your mother and I know 513 00:21:04,941 --> 00:21:07,044 how much this opportunity means to you. 514 00:21:07,144 --> 00:21:09,727 - But is she going to be okay? 515 00:21:09,827 --> 00:21:12,450 [serious music] 516 00:21:12,550 --> 00:21:15,012 - I'll check in with you soon. 517 00:21:15,112 --> 00:21:17,995 ♪ ♪ 518 00:21:21,439 --> 00:21:25,123 - Up until this point in my life, the idea of loss... 519 00:21:27,125 --> 00:21:29,128 Like, real... 520 00:21:30,769 --> 00:21:32,311 Life-changing loss, 521 00:21:32,411 --> 00:21:34,353 always seemed so removed from me, 522 00:21:34,453 --> 00:21:36,596 like it was something that happened 523 00:21:36,696 --> 00:21:39,639 to other people, not us. 524 00:21:39,739 --> 00:21:42,602 [somber music] 525 00:21:42,702 --> 00:21:43,924 - Hey, you okay? 526 00:21:44,024 --> 00:21:45,846 - Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. 527 00:21:45,946 --> 00:21:48,929 Let's just focus. [device whirring] 528 00:21:49,029 --> 00:21:51,612 - Well, these things will never get old, will they? 529 00:21:51,712 --> 00:21:53,734 Okay, last people standing, 530 00:21:53,834 --> 00:21:56,417 time for your final round of fun. 531 00:21:56,517 --> 00:21:58,740 Each team has two hours to create 532 00:21:58,840 --> 00:22:01,743 a new product using the smart tech on these carts. 533 00:22:01,843 --> 00:22:04,706 Teams will present to the entire fourth floor, 534 00:22:04,806 --> 00:22:07,269 and then I'll hire the top two performers. 535 00:22:07,369 --> 00:22:08,670 Godspeed... 536 00:22:08,770 --> 00:22:10,112 which you will literally need, 537 00:22:10,212 --> 00:22:12,274 because I've given you entirely too little time 538 00:22:12,374 --> 00:22:15,077 to accomplish this task. [whirring] 539 00:22:15,177 --> 00:22:17,920 - Okay, we are going to nail this, 540 00:22:18,020 --> 00:22:19,762 which actually sparks an idea. 541 00:22:19,862 --> 00:22:22,646 What if we build a robot that just hammers stuff. 542 00:22:22,746 --> 00:22:24,528 - Yeah, yeah, sure. 543 00:22:24,628 --> 00:22:26,009 - See, now I know you're not okay, 544 00:22:26,109 --> 00:22:27,170 because that's a terrible idea. 545 00:22:27,270 --> 00:22:29,533 What's happening? - It's my mom. 546 00:22:29,633 --> 00:22:31,615 Uh, she's at the hospital. 547 00:22:31,715 --> 00:22:33,417 They think she might have had a heart attack? 548 00:22:33,517 --> 00:22:35,580 - Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. 549 00:22:35,680 --> 00:22:37,582 - Yeah, but my dad says he has it under control, 550 00:22:37,682 --> 00:22:40,625 which he usually does, so, um... 551 00:22:40,725 --> 00:22:43,108 - Go. Go be with your mom. 552 00:22:43,208 --> 00:22:45,550 - Really? Should I? - Yes. 553 00:22:45,650 --> 00:22:48,013 - Okay. [sighs] 554 00:22:49,535 --> 00:22:52,217 Ah, yeah. 555 00:22:53,619 --> 00:22:55,882 Okay, um, you're right. 556 00:22:55,982 --> 00:22:58,645 I'm gonna... 557 00:22:58,745 --> 00:23:00,326 I'm gonna go tell Danny that I'm dropping out 558 00:23:00,426 --> 00:23:02,569 of the competition. 559 00:23:02,669 --> 00:23:05,772 But don't worry, 'cause you got this. 560 00:23:05,872 --> 00:23:06,853 Okay? 561 00:23:06,953 --> 00:23:09,056 You deserve to be here. 562 00:23:09,156 --> 00:23:10,938 - Hold on. 563 00:23:11,038 --> 00:23:13,821 - Danny never said pre-hires couldn't work remotely. 564 00:23:13,921 --> 00:23:16,023 I could do all the boots-on-the-ground stuff 565 00:23:16,123 --> 00:23:18,186 from here while you crunch code on the way to the hospital. 566 00:23:18,286 --> 00:23:20,108 - You don't have to just figure out a way 567 00:23:20,208 --> 00:23:22,390 to keep me in the competition. - This isn't charity, Zoey. 568 00:23:22,490 --> 00:23:23,992 I need you. 569 00:23:24,092 --> 00:23:26,234 We work better together as a team, okay? 570 00:23:26,334 --> 00:23:28,036 We could do this. 571 00:23:28,136 --> 00:23:31,720 And if we can't, it confirms all my father's fears about me, 572 00:23:31,820 --> 00:23:33,883 and you never get to live out your lifelong dream. 573 00:23:33,983 --> 00:23:35,885 - Right. [laughs] So... 574 00:23:35,985 --> 00:23:37,006 so what you're saying is, no pressure. 575 00:23:37,106 --> 00:23:39,108 - No pressure. 576 00:23:43,473 --> 00:23:44,975 [tires screech] 577 00:23:45,075 --> 00:23:47,717 [car door opens, closes] 578 00:23:50,641 --> 00:23:52,623 - Got any song requests? 579 00:23:52,723 --> 00:23:56,067 I have tons of backing tracks that I can sing over. 580 00:23:56,167 --> 00:23:59,671 I call it "Mo's Exquisite Playlist." 581 00:23:59,771 --> 00:24:01,593 - Whatever's fine. Just please hurry. 582 00:24:01,693 --> 00:24:04,476 - All right. "Shut Up and Drive" it is. 583 00:24:04,576 --> 00:24:07,919 [energetic rock music plays] 584 00:24:08,019 --> 00:24:11,243 ♪ I've been looking for a driver who is qualified ♪ 585 00:24:11,343 --> 00:24:13,085 ♪ So, if you think that you're the one ♪ 586 00:24:13,185 --> 00:24:15,127 ♪ Step into my ride ♪ 587 00:24:15,227 --> 00:24:18,611 ♪ I'm a fine-tuned, supersonic speeding machine ♪ 588 00:24:18,711 --> 00:24:21,094 ♪ With a sunroof top and a gangster lean ♪ 589 00:24:21,194 --> 00:24:22,735 - Hey. 590 00:24:22,835 --> 00:24:24,457 Are you in a music video right now? 591 00:24:24,557 --> 00:24:25,899 - Possibly. Hey, I had an idea. 592 00:24:25,999 --> 00:24:27,421 Maybe my mom can help us with this challenge. 593 00:24:27,521 --> 00:24:29,142 - Zoey, I know you really depend on your family, 594 00:24:29,242 --> 00:24:30,744 but asking a woman to leave the hospital-- 595 00:24:30,844 --> 00:24:32,947 - Not what I'm talking about. Nope. 596 00:24:33,047 --> 00:24:34,168 It had me thinking about how Danny likes to keep 597 00:24:34,248 --> 00:24:35,870 his heart rate higher than normal. 598 00:24:35,970 --> 00:24:38,032 So what if we get the heart rate monitor 599 00:24:38,132 --> 00:24:40,435 on a fitness watch to communicate 600 00:24:40,535 --> 00:24:42,277 with that automated coffeemaker? 601 00:24:42,377 --> 00:24:44,479 - We could always have a hot cup of coffee waiting for him. 602 00:24:44,579 --> 00:24:46,001 It'd be like the ultimate intern. 603 00:24:46,101 --> 00:24:47,242 I mean, even Danny Michael Davis 604 00:24:47,342 --> 00:24:48,844 couldn't make it cry. 605 00:24:48,944 --> 00:24:50,566 I'll start configuring the watch right now-- 606 00:24:50,666 --> 00:24:52,848 - I barely heard that last part, but, uh... 607 00:24:52,948 --> 00:24:54,330 start working on a prototype, 608 00:24:54,430 --> 00:24:55,611 and I can try to write the code. 609 00:24:55,711 --> 00:24:57,333 - You got it. 610 00:24:57,433 --> 00:25:00,817 - ♪ Now shut up and drive, drive, drive, drive ♪ 611 00:25:00,917 --> 00:25:05,862 ♪ Shut up and drive, drive, drive, drive ♪ 612 00:25:05,962 --> 00:25:07,344 - Could you just turn it down a bit? 613 00:25:07,444 --> 00:25:09,826 - No, I cannot turn it down, 614 00:25:09,926 --> 00:25:11,388 Redd Foxx. 615 00:25:11,488 --> 00:25:13,631 I just got a new job as a building manager, 616 00:25:13,731 --> 00:25:16,714 which means I am through driving around rude nerds. 617 00:25:16,814 --> 00:25:18,476 - Oh, I don't mean to be rude, 618 00:25:18,576 --> 00:25:19,797 I just am on my way-- 619 00:25:19,897 --> 00:25:21,879 - And now I have so much time to focus on 620 00:25:21,979 --> 00:25:24,242 all of my passion projects, which I will list 621 00:25:24,342 --> 00:25:26,084 in order of importance. 622 00:25:26,184 --> 00:25:29,047 Number one--my BFF Zora and I are starting a jeans company. 623 00:25:29,147 --> 00:25:31,149 Number two-- 624 00:25:34,873 --> 00:25:36,415 - Honey... 625 00:25:36,515 --> 00:25:39,178 what are we doing here? 626 00:25:39,278 --> 00:25:41,661 Weren't we just installing 627 00:25:41,761 --> 00:25:43,303 a garden this morning? 628 00:25:43,403 --> 00:25:44,864 - We were. 629 00:25:44,964 --> 00:25:47,107 And we'll be installing many more very soon. 630 00:25:47,207 --> 00:25:48,829 - But not for Ms. Adelson. 631 00:25:48,929 --> 00:25:50,931 - Definitely not. 632 00:25:53,454 --> 00:25:55,456 - Mitchell... 633 00:25:57,378 --> 00:25:59,040 Listen... 634 00:25:59,140 --> 00:26:03,605 if anything should happen to me in there, 635 00:26:03,705 --> 00:26:05,006 it's okay, 636 00:26:05,106 --> 00:26:08,570 because if one of us had to go it alone from here, 637 00:26:08,670 --> 00:26:10,933 you are the one that's strong enough 638 00:26:11,033 --> 00:26:12,534 to pull that off. 639 00:26:12,634 --> 00:26:15,297 - [chuckles] Let's not even talk that way, okay? 640 00:26:15,397 --> 00:26:17,920 - I know, but I mean it. 641 00:26:20,082 --> 00:26:22,085 You know I'll always be your girl. 642 00:26:24,767 --> 00:26:27,711 I would want you to go on living life, 643 00:26:27,811 --> 00:26:31,074 and I would want you to find love, 644 00:26:31,174 --> 00:26:33,197 and... 645 00:26:33,297 --> 00:26:36,240 I know you would look after Zoey and David, 646 00:26:36,340 --> 00:26:39,483 but I would want you to look after you, too. 647 00:26:39,583 --> 00:26:42,767 - Well... 648 00:26:42,867 --> 00:26:44,729 I just... 649 00:26:44,829 --> 00:26:47,052 can't lose you. 650 00:26:47,152 --> 00:26:49,334 I can't, okay? 651 00:26:49,434 --> 00:26:51,456 So... 652 00:26:51,556 --> 00:26:55,140 - I always thought my parents were sort of... 653 00:26:55,240 --> 00:26:57,903 indestructible 654 00:26:58,003 --> 00:27:00,867 super humans... 655 00:27:00,967 --> 00:27:02,508 but... 656 00:27:02,608 --> 00:27:05,031 in that moment, seeing... 657 00:27:05,131 --> 00:27:09,676 the look on their faces, the love, 658 00:27:09,776 --> 00:27:13,620 and the fear in both their eyes... 659 00:27:15,302 --> 00:27:18,245 I realized they were just people... 660 00:27:18,345 --> 00:27:21,349 two people I could lose at any moment. 661 00:27:28,957 --> 00:27:31,540 [line trilling] 662 00:27:31,640 --> 00:27:33,061 - [whispering] Hey, perfect timing. 663 00:27:33,161 --> 00:27:35,304 Elon's niece and Legolas are just finishing up, 664 00:27:35,404 --> 00:27:37,066 and I guess they swapped hairstyles? 665 00:27:37,166 --> 00:27:39,709 - So we developed a visual way 666 00:27:39,809 --> 00:27:42,512 of tracking real-time Sprqpoint stock performance 667 00:27:42,612 --> 00:27:43,993 relative to other tech companies. 668 00:27:44,093 --> 00:27:45,435 - So you'll always know 669 00:27:45,535 --> 00:27:47,677 how well you're keeping up with the competition. 670 00:27:47,777 --> 00:27:50,040 It's called "The Sprq-ler." 671 00:27:50,140 --> 00:27:51,962 [device beeps, whirs] 672 00:27:52,062 --> 00:27:54,004 - Well... 673 00:27:54,104 --> 00:27:58,289 this product definitely Sprq-ed my interest. 674 00:27:58,389 --> 00:28:00,651 Tony, write that down. 675 00:28:00,751 --> 00:28:02,934 Ooh, all right, what's that? What's it saying? 676 00:28:03,034 --> 00:28:04,896 It's saying Sprqpoint just gained 677 00:28:04,996 --> 00:28:07,639 a percentage point on GoDaddy. 678 00:28:09,761 --> 00:28:11,903 - Oh, uh, Samsung just lapped us. 679 00:28:12,003 --> 00:28:13,705 The new Galaxy 7 must be blowing up. 680 00:28:13,805 --> 00:28:15,347 - Okay, okay, shut it off. It's stressing me out. 681 00:28:15,447 --> 00:28:16,669 - Mm-hmm. 682 00:28:16,769 --> 00:28:18,851 - Ready? We're next. - Okay. 683 00:28:19,852 --> 00:28:22,875 - And, Max, I'd like to say it's your turn, 684 00:28:22,975 --> 00:28:25,358 but it looks like you're missing a teammate. 685 00:28:25,458 --> 00:28:27,440 - No, no, actually, she's right here. 686 00:28:27,540 --> 00:28:30,363 - Hi, I had an urgent matter to attend to, 687 00:28:30,463 --> 00:28:33,407 but I am so pumped to be here. 688 00:28:33,507 --> 00:28:34,608 - Uh, what's that? I can't hear you. 689 00:28:34,708 --> 00:28:36,170 - Again. 690 00:28:36,270 --> 00:28:37,371 - [muffled] I'm so pumped to be here. 691 00:28:37,471 --> 00:28:39,293 - Still can't hear you. 692 00:28:39,393 --> 00:28:41,495 - I-I'm pumped, I'm pumped! 693 00:28:41,595 --> 00:28:43,818 What a thrill and a joy it is to be here! 694 00:28:43,918 --> 00:28:46,000 Whoo! 695 00:28:53,608 --> 00:28:55,350 - Can you get started, please? 696 00:28:55,450 --> 00:28:57,433 And, Tony, standby, because my heart rate 697 00:28:57,533 --> 00:28:58,594 is all over the place. 698 00:28:58,694 --> 00:29:00,316 - Well, funny you should mention that, 699 00:29:00,416 --> 00:29:02,118 because you no longer have to worry 700 00:29:02,218 --> 00:29:04,120 about your heart rate dropping. 701 00:29:04,220 --> 00:29:06,603 - We customized a watch 702 00:29:06,703 --> 00:29:08,405 to read even the slightest dips. 703 00:29:08,505 --> 00:29:10,807 - Then we developed a custom IOT framework 704 00:29:10,907 --> 00:29:12,409 to create an intern that will deliver your coffee 705 00:29:12,509 --> 00:29:14,371 at the exact moment you need it. 706 00:29:14,471 --> 00:29:15,933 - And not only will it be fresh, 707 00:29:16,033 --> 00:29:18,415 it will provide the optimal dose of caffeine 708 00:29:18,515 --> 00:29:20,538 every single time. 709 00:29:20,638 --> 00:29:22,420 [watch beeps] 710 00:29:22,520 --> 00:29:25,042 [coffeemaker whirring, coffee dripping] 711 00:29:28,486 --> 00:29:30,388 [coffeemaker beeps] 712 00:29:30,488 --> 00:29:32,991 [steady music] 713 00:29:33,091 --> 00:29:38,357 ♪ ♪ 714 00:29:38,457 --> 00:29:39,799 [horn honks] 715 00:29:39,899 --> 00:29:42,001 - The honk was my idea. - Yeah, I hate it. 716 00:29:42,101 --> 00:29:44,103 - Yeah, no, it's a quick fix. 717 00:29:46,626 --> 00:29:48,488 - Ooh, but I love this. 718 00:29:48,588 --> 00:29:51,311 Tony, Tony, this might have rendered you obsolete. 719 00:29:53,033 --> 00:29:54,815 [sighs] 720 00:29:54,915 --> 00:29:58,459 You four have left me with a very hard choice to make. 721 00:29:58,559 --> 00:30:01,081 Okay, I'll be on my decision couch until further notice. 722 00:30:04,565 --> 00:30:05,707 - Okay, great job. 723 00:30:05,807 --> 00:30:07,228 Why don't you go back with your family? 724 00:30:07,328 --> 00:30:08,630 And I'll let you know when Danny decides. 725 00:30:08,730 --> 00:30:10,592 - Sounds good, partner. [clicks tongue] 726 00:30:10,692 --> 00:30:12,554 [phone chimes] 727 00:30:12,654 --> 00:30:14,656 [sighs] 728 00:30:18,140 --> 00:30:21,043 - How'd it go? 729 00:30:21,143 --> 00:30:24,006 - Not clear. 730 00:30:24,106 --> 00:30:25,448 - Hey... 731 00:30:25,548 --> 00:30:27,210 uh, since we had to bail on lunch, 732 00:30:27,310 --> 00:30:28,531 I am legit starving. 733 00:30:28,631 --> 00:30:30,093 - Oh, sorry, yeah. 734 00:30:30,193 --> 00:30:32,255 - Do you think that they have nachos here? 735 00:30:32,355 --> 00:30:35,138 - Nachos? Um, I can definitely find out. 736 00:30:35,238 --> 00:30:37,621 - [chuckles] Thanks, babe. You're the best. 737 00:30:37,721 --> 00:30:39,423 Just make sure the cheese doesn't cool 738 00:30:39,523 --> 00:30:42,066 and get that weird rubbery skin on top. 739 00:30:42,166 --> 00:30:44,469 - No rubbery skin on top. - Mm. 740 00:30:44,569 --> 00:30:46,671 And can you ask them to drain the jalapeños 741 00:30:46,771 --> 00:30:48,773 before putting them on so they don't make the chips soggy? 742 00:30:50,735 --> 00:30:52,898 - Mm-hmm. - Thanks, babe. 743 00:30:58,744 --> 00:31:01,046 - Emily Kang? 744 00:31:01,146 --> 00:31:02,128 - David. 745 00:31:02,228 --> 00:31:04,250 - Hi. - Hi. 746 00:31:04,350 --> 00:31:06,172 I haven't seen you since-- 747 00:31:06,272 --> 00:31:08,254 - We decided it was inappropriate for you 748 00:31:08,354 --> 00:31:09,776 to be dating your TA? 749 00:31:09,876 --> 00:31:11,858 - I mean, you were helping teach a class 750 00:31:11,958 --> 00:31:15,022 on legal ethics, so... 751 00:31:15,122 --> 00:31:17,344 - So, uh, what brings you to San Francisco Memorial? 752 00:31:17,444 --> 00:31:19,707 Did you just have a baby? - Ugh, God, no. 753 00:31:19,807 --> 00:31:21,188 I'm just visiting a friend 754 00:31:21,288 --> 00:31:23,751 and pretending like the concept of motherhood 755 00:31:23,851 --> 00:31:25,873 doesn't terrify me. 756 00:31:25,973 --> 00:31:27,956 - Have you taken Corporate America by storm yet? 757 00:31:28,056 --> 00:31:30,919 - I joined a firm of monsters, if that's what you're asking. 758 00:31:31,019 --> 00:31:32,080 You? 759 00:31:32,180 --> 00:31:34,162 - Oh, me, I actually 760 00:31:34,262 --> 00:31:36,245 stayed the course with public defense. 761 00:31:36,345 --> 00:31:38,006 - Really? - Yeah. 762 00:31:38,106 --> 00:31:41,010 - That's-- - Not lucrative, exhausting. 763 00:31:41,110 --> 00:31:42,812 - I was gonna say wonderful. 764 00:31:42,912 --> 00:31:45,094 - Hmm. 765 00:31:45,194 --> 00:31:47,176 - So did you just have a baby or...? 766 00:31:47,276 --> 00:31:49,058 - No, no, no, I just got lost. 767 00:31:49,158 --> 00:31:50,300 Um... - Oh. 768 00:31:50,400 --> 00:31:52,422 - My mom is, uh, she... 769 00:31:52,522 --> 00:31:54,064 she's in surgery right now. 770 00:31:54,164 --> 00:31:55,385 Her heart. 771 00:31:55,485 --> 00:31:58,028 - Oh, I'm sorry. That's terrible. 772 00:31:58,128 --> 00:31:59,710 Is there anything I can do? 773 00:31:59,810 --> 00:32:03,114 - That's real--um... 774 00:32:03,214 --> 00:32:05,957 That's so kind of you. 775 00:32:06,057 --> 00:32:08,059 Thank you. Um... 776 00:32:09,941 --> 00:32:12,123 It was so good running into you. 777 00:32:12,223 --> 00:32:13,925 Um... 778 00:32:14,025 --> 00:32:17,810 [soft music] 779 00:32:17,910 --> 00:32:20,212 - Hey, we should grab coffee sometime. 780 00:32:20,312 --> 00:32:22,054 - Yeah? 781 00:32:22,154 --> 00:32:24,717 [cell phone chimes] Okay, that would be, um-- 782 00:32:26,439 --> 00:32:28,581 I got to go. 783 00:32:28,681 --> 00:32:30,864 But, uh, it was really nice-- 784 00:32:30,964 --> 00:32:32,505 nice seeing you. 785 00:32:32,605 --> 00:32:39,132 ♪ ♪ 786 00:32:47,101 --> 00:32:49,484 - Are you okay? 787 00:32:49,584 --> 00:32:51,246 - Hmm? Yeah. 788 00:32:51,346 --> 00:32:54,169 Yeah, I'm just letting my mind wander... 789 00:32:54,269 --> 00:32:56,171 to some not such-- 790 00:32:56,271 --> 00:32:59,134 such good places. - Hmm. 791 00:32:59,234 --> 00:33:01,136 Let's not do that, okay? 792 00:33:01,236 --> 00:33:02,978 I'm... 793 00:33:03,078 --> 00:33:04,860 speaking to myself, too. 794 00:33:04,960 --> 00:33:07,203 - Let's focus on something else. 795 00:33:11,207 --> 00:33:13,189 - Max? - Hey, Zo. 796 00:33:13,289 --> 00:33:15,392 I don't know if you go by Zo. That sort of just came out. 797 00:33:15,492 --> 00:33:16,473 - I'll allow it. 798 00:33:16,573 --> 00:33:18,315 Uh, uh... 799 00:33:18,415 --> 00:33:19,636 Max, this is my dad. 800 00:33:19,736 --> 00:33:20,918 Dad, meet Max, 801 00:33:21,018 --> 00:33:22,399 who seems to be covered in glitter. 802 00:33:22,499 --> 00:33:25,082 - I think that's just his natural sparkle, honey. 803 00:33:25,182 --> 00:33:27,845 - Yes, that, and Danny got his glitter cannons working. 804 00:33:27,945 --> 00:33:29,567 You got the job. 805 00:33:29,667 --> 00:33:33,091 ♪ ♪ 806 00:33:33,191 --> 00:33:36,214 - What are we celebrating? - Your sister got the job. 807 00:33:36,314 --> 00:33:37,576 - Oh, didn't she already have the job? 808 00:33:37,676 --> 00:33:38,857 - It's a long story. 809 00:33:38,957 --> 00:33:40,419 - Oh, well, congrats. 810 00:33:40,519 --> 00:33:42,221 - Just wanted to give you the good news in person 811 00:33:42,321 --> 00:33:43,382 and check on you. 812 00:33:43,482 --> 00:33:45,144 - You said I got the job. 813 00:33:45,244 --> 00:33:46,906 Didn't you mean we got the job? 814 00:33:47,006 --> 00:33:48,388 - No, Danny went with you and Leif, 815 00:33:48,488 --> 00:33:49,869 and it was the right call. 816 00:33:49,969 --> 00:33:51,511 - But we were a team. 817 00:33:51,611 --> 00:33:54,354 - Yeah, I thought we worked pretty well together, too, 818 00:33:54,454 --> 00:33:57,237 but still feels like a win to me. 819 00:33:57,337 --> 00:33:59,560 - Mr. Clarke? 820 00:33:59,660 --> 00:34:01,402 Your wife's out of surgery. 821 00:34:01,502 --> 00:34:04,165 As you know, she suffered a minor myocardial infarction, 822 00:34:04,265 --> 00:34:06,767 so we inserted two stents to open up the blockages. 823 00:34:06,867 --> 00:34:09,731 She'll have to go on statins and anti-clotting medication, 824 00:34:09,831 --> 00:34:11,813 but aside from that, she should be just fine. 825 00:34:11,913 --> 00:34:13,935 - Mm. - You can go see her, 826 00:34:14,035 --> 00:34:15,817 but she's still heavily medicated. 827 00:34:15,917 --> 00:34:18,380 - Thank you, Doctor. 828 00:34:18,480 --> 00:34:21,864 [chuckles] 829 00:34:21,964 --> 00:34:25,307 - Hey, uh, I'm gonna slip out, but I'm glad everything's okay. 830 00:34:25,407 --> 00:34:26,589 - Oh, my God. 831 00:34:26,689 --> 00:34:29,392 Max, um... 832 00:34:29,492 --> 00:34:32,635 thank you for... 833 00:34:32,735 --> 00:34:33,877 everything? 834 00:34:33,977 --> 00:34:36,600 - No problem. 835 00:34:36,700 --> 00:34:39,002 So I guess...nice meeting you? 836 00:34:39,102 --> 00:34:40,364 - Yeah. 837 00:34:40,464 --> 00:34:42,466 Oh. 838 00:34:46,871 --> 00:34:48,092 - I like him. 839 00:34:48,192 --> 00:34:52,136 ♪ ♪ 840 00:34:52,236 --> 00:34:54,019 - Oh, hey, you know what? Why don't you just 841 00:34:54,119 --> 00:34:56,862 hang back here and enjoy your nachos. 842 00:34:56,962 --> 00:34:59,264 - Okay. 843 00:34:59,364 --> 00:35:02,147 ♪ ♪ 844 00:35:02,247 --> 00:35:05,871 - [chuckles] - [laughs] 845 00:35:05,971 --> 00:35:07,273 - Hey, guys. 846 00:35:07,373 --> 00:35:09,415 - Hey, Mags. 847 00:35:11,337 --> 00:35:13,960 - David, where's, uh... 848 00:35:14,060 --> 00:35:15,602 - Kersten? - Kersten. 849 00:35:15,702 --> 00:35:17,484 - Yeah, I left her in the waiting room. 850 00:35:17,584 --> 00:35:18,805 - Good. 851 00:35:18,905 --> 00:35:20,327 - Good? 852 00:35:20,427 --> 00:35:23,170 - I heard her on the phone with her mother one time, 853 00:35:23,270 --> 00:35:25,252 and she was so mean. 854 00:35:25,352 --> 00:35:26,854 Who's mean to their mother? 855 00:35:26,954 --> 00:35:29,777 - I think I love Codeine Mom even more than Normal Mom. 856 00:35:29,877 --> 00:35:32,620 - And what about Spark Plug? - [laughs] 857 00:35:32,720 --> 00:35:34,622 Well, 858 00:35:34,722 --> 00:35:36,825 it's Point, but... 859 00:35:36,925 --> 00:35:38,587 I got the job. 860 00:35:38,687 --> 00:35:41,430 - [laughing] Oh, yes, I knew it. 861 00:35:41,530 --> 00:35:44,153 I knew it. I knew you'd get that. 862 00:35:44,253 --> 00:35:45,795 - Okay, champ. 863 00:35:45,895 --> 00:35:47,597 - Okay. 864 00:35:47,697 --> 00:35:49,719 - Let's take it easy for today. 865 00:35:49,819 --> 00:35:51,441 Let's get some rest. 866 00:35:51,541 --> 00:35:53,323 - Well, it's really hard to go to sleep 867 00:35:53,423 --> 00:35:55,725 with all these... 868 00:35:55,825 --> 00:35:57,567 bleeps and bloops and... 869 00:35:57,667 --> 00:36:00,250 - We can make it easy. 870 00:36:00,350 --> 00:36:01,852 [monitor beeping] 871 00:36:01,952 --> 00:36:05,776 ♪ Stars shine bright above you ♪ 872 00:36:05,876 --> 00:36:08,219 - I love that song. 873 00:36:08,319 --> 00:36:13,585 - ♪ Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you" ♪ 874 00:36:13,685 --> 00:36:18,270 ♪ Birds singing in the sycamore tree ♪ 875 00:36:18,370 --> 00:36:23,175 ♪ Dream a little dream of me ♪ 876 00:36:25,457 --> 00:36:31,644 both: ♪ Say "nighty night" and kiss me ♪ 877 00:36:31,744 --> 00:36:37,731 ♪ Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me ♪ 878 00:36:37,831 --> 00:36:44,138 ♪ While I'm alone and blue as can be ♪ 879 00:36:44,238 --> 00:36:46,300 - [chuckles] 880 00:36:46,400 --> 00:36:49,904 both: ♪ Dream a little ♪ 881 00:36:50,004 --> 00:36:52,667 ♪ Dream ♪ 882 00:36:52,767 --> 00:36:56,411 ♪ Of me ♪ 883 00:37:01,496 --> 00:37:04,400 - When I heard my parents 884 00:37:04,500 --> 00:37:06,762 sing the song 885 00:37:06,862 --> 00:37:08,965 that I had heard them sing to each other 886 00:37:09,065 --> 00:37:11,928 a thousand times before... 887 00:37:12,028 --> 00:37:14,531 that's the moment 888 00:37:14,631 --> 00:37:17,294 I realized how fragile 889 00:37:17,394 --> 00:37:20,297 it all is. 890 00:37:20,397 --> 00:37:22,659 Like... 891 00:37:22,759 --> 00:37:25,102 all that love could be taken away 892 00:37:25,202 --> 00:37:27,364 in the blink of an eye. 893 00:37:29,727 --> 00:37:32,350 - Do you think that experience may have caused you 894 00:37:32,450 --> 00:37:36,154 to become more emotionally guarded 895 00:37:36,254 --> 00:37:37,916 with people that you care about? 896 00:37:38,016 --> 00:37:40,479 - Yeah. 897 00:37:40,579 --> 00:37:42,601 Maybe it is why I put Max in the friend zone 898 00:37:42,701 --> 00:37:44,443 so quickly after we met, 899 00:37:44,543 --> 00:37:46,405 or maybe I just couldn't get over him 900 00:37:46,505 --> 00:37:48,567 making fun of my wardrobe... 901 00:37:48,667 --> 00:37:50,049 [scoffs] That first day. 902 00:37:50,149 --> 00:37:51,891 - How did you two stay connected 903 00:37:51,991 --> 00:37:52,932 if he didn't end up getting the job? 904 00:37:53,032 --> 00:37:55,495 - Oh, um... 905 00:37:55,595 --> 00:37:59,619 Danny hired him a month later after he fired his own cousin 906 00:37:59,719 --> 00:38:02,623 for telling people that he was his cousin. 907 00:38:02,723 --> 00:38:05,145 - You know... 908 00:38:05,245 --> 00:38:07,708 what's interesting, Zoey, is that the memory 909 00:38:07,808 --> 00:38:10,151 of your mother's health scare 910 00:38:10,251 --> 00:38:12,353 also turns out to be a story 911 00:38:12,453 --> 00:38:16,518 about your deep connection with Max. 912 00:38:16,618 --> 00:38:19,080 You might not want to hear this, but to me, 913 00:38:19,180 --> 00:38:23,685 it's as much a love story as it is a loss story. 914 00:38:23,785 --> 00:38:26,689 [soft music] 915 00:38:26,789 --> 00:38:29,892 ♪ ♪ 916 00:38:29,992 --> 00:38:31,454 [line trilling] 917 00:38:31,554 --> 00:38:32,735 [cell phone buzzes] 918 00:38:32,835 --> 00:38:34,898 - Hey, sweetie. 919 00:38:34,998 --> 00:38:36,780 You caught me on mile five. 920 00:38:36,880 --> 00:38:38,101 - I just thought I'd check in on you 921 00:38:38,201 --> 00:38:39,823 and see if you're taking your statins. 922 00:38:39,923 --> 00:38:41,425 It's been forever since I asked. 923 00:38:41,525 --> 00:38:42,946 - Oh, don't worry. 924 00:38:43,046 --> 00:38:44,588 After years of your dad hounding me, 925 00:38:44,688 --> 00:38:46,630 it's second nature now. 926 00:38:46,730 --> 00:38:48,552 It's kind of ironic how hard he fought me 927 00:38:48,652 --> 00:38:50,194 on taking his pills. 928 00:38:50,294 --> 00:38:53,017 - Well, I'm glad to hear you are on it, Mama. 929 00:38:55,340 --> 00:38:57,522 - Oh, hey, Zo. 930 00:38:57,622 --> 00:38:59,524 - Oh, Mom, uh, I got to go. - Bye. 931 00:38:59,624 --> 00:39:01,166 - Hi. 932 00:39:01,266 --> 00:39:03,649 - Mo and I were just discussing the pop-up restaurant. 933 00:39:03,749 --> 00:39:06,492 A lot of stuff to do before I leave next week. 934 00:39:06,592 --> 00:39:08,053 - Wow. 935 00:39:08,153 --> 00:39:10,056 Next week. - Yeah. 936 00:39:10,156 --> 00:39:12,899 - That's, um... 937 00:39:12,999 --> 00:39:14,741 so soon. 938 00:39:14,841 --> 00:39:17,383 - Yeah, well, Rose's investor is pushing me to get started, 939 00:39:17,483 --> 00:39:20,427 which is exciting but also nerve-racking. 940 00:39:20,527 --> 00:39:22,749 I mean, this is a restaurant my dad could come to 941 00:39:22,849 --> 00:39:24,391 and judge me in person. 942 00:39:24,491 --> 00:39:26,714 - Well, look at how far you've come. 943 00:39:26,814 --> 00:39:29,156 Um... 944 00:39:29,256 --> 00:39:30,878 I was actually just thinking 945 00:39:30,978 --> 00:39:32,680 about our first day at Sprqpoint 946 00:39:32,780 --> 00:39:34,602 and that stupid prototype we made. 947 00:39:34,702 --> 00:39:36,524 I wonder what happened to that thing. 948 00:39:36,624 --> 00:39:37,966 - Yeah, I have no idea, 949 00:39:38,066 --> 00:39:40,068 but I definitely remember that day. 950 00:39:43,672 --> 00:39:50,559 ♪ ♪ 951 00:40:11,462 --> 00:40:14,285 - Hello, pre-hires. 952 00:40:14,385 --> 00:40:17,809 Two of you are about to join the exclusive ranks 953 00:40:17,909 --> 00:40:20,292 of those we call "hires." 954 00:40:20,392 --> 00:40:24,156 And since there were standouts in both groups... 955 00:40:26,718 --> 00:40:29,842 I'm going with... 956 00:40:31,363 --> 00:40:32,865 Leif and Max! 957 00:40:32,965 --> 00:40:36,129 [cheers and applause] 958 00:40:37,931 --> 00:40:39,552 - Bro! 959 00:40:39,652 --> 00:40:41,555 This is bigger than "Spell-iversay!" 960 00:40:41,655 --> 00:40:44,297 Bottle service on me! 961 00:40:46,139 --> 00:40:48,202 I know you're hurting right now, Ambs, 962 00:40:48,302 --> 00:40:50,124 but I think the best way to get over the pain of rejection 963 00:40:50,224 --> 00:40:52,006 is to rebound as fast as possible. 964 00:40:52,106 --> 00:40:54,088 - I'm never going out with you. - Copy that. 965 00:40:54,188 --> 00:40:56,491 - Uh, Danny Michael Davis, wait a second. 966 00:40:56,591 --> 00:40:57,892 Hey, if you're only taking one person from my team, 967 00:40:57,992 --> 00:40:59,254 it should be Zoey. 968 00:40:59,354 --> 00:41:00,655 - Why? She didn't even bother showing up 969 00:41:00,755 --> 00:41:02,217 for the last round. 970 00:41:02,317 --> 00:41:03,598 - Yeah, well, that's only because she's at the hospital 971 00:41:03,678 --> 00:41:05,420 with her mom, 972 00:41:05,520 --> 00:41:07,222 but she's a better coder than me, 973 00:41:07,322 --> 00:41:09,625 she wants it more than me, 974 00:41:09,725 --> 00:41:12,148 and I think she'll do great things here. 975 00:41:12,248 --> 00:41:14,350 - You're willing to give up your spot 976 00:41:14,450 --> 00:41:17,233 for this person that you just met? 977 00:41:17,333 --> 00:41:19,896 - Yeah, I am. 978 00:41:21,658 --> 00:41:24,041 - You're a very strange man, 979 00:41:24,141 --> 00:41:26,523 but I guess this floor could stand to have 980 00:41:26,623 --> 00:41:28,565 one female coder. 981 00:41:28,665 --> 00:41:30,287 All right, Tony, put the glitter back in the cannon. 982 00:41:30,387 --> 00:41:32,089 I got to redo the speech. 983 00:41:32,189 --> 00:41:36,294 ♪ ♪ 984 00:41:36,394 --> 00:41:38,096 - What ya got there? 985 00:41:38,196 --> 00:41:39,898 - Oh, it's, uh, 986 00:41:39,998 --> 00:41:42,300 it's nothing. 987 00:41:42,400 --> 00:41:46,345 - So, Max, 988 00:41:46,445 --> 00:41:48,747 you have a serious decision to make. 989 00:41:48,847 --> 00:41:50,849 - Oh? 990 00:41:52,571 --> 00:41:54,594 - Should we upgrade to Economy Comfort 991 00:41:54,694 --> 00:41:56,476 because we get 3 extra inches of legroom? 992 00:41:56,576 --> 00:41:58,598 And if you're very nice to me, 993 00:41:58,698 --> 00:42:01,421 I will try to steal you a cookie from first class. 994 00:42:03,263 --> 00:42:05,706 - Let's go for it. - Okay.