1 00:00:12,929 --> 00:00:16,433 [Kenya] Yeah, Mr. Seamus, I think that sounds like a fair price. Um... 2 00:00:16,516 --> 00:00:19,728 I'll bring it down to you next week. Thank you, sir. Shalom. 3 00:00:22,188 --> 00:00:24,107 [sighs] So, that's it. 4 00:00:24,315 --> 00:00:26,359 Chain's gone. Found a buyer. 5 00:00:26,443 --> 00:00:28,236 Of gold? Shocking, Dad. 6 00:00:28,319 --> 00:00:29,714 You act like you were trying to sell 7 00:00:29,738 --> 00:00:31,781 a limited edition Beanie Baby or something. 8 00:00:31,865 --> 00:00:34,034 No, I act like I was trying to sell a gold chain. 9 00:00:34,117 --> 00:00:35,702 - That I love. - Okay. My point exactly. 10 00:00:35,785 --> 00:00:37,579 Okay, guys. Come on, we're gonna be late! 11 00:00:37,662 --> 00:00:39,247 [Kenya] Where... Where's your Mom? 12 00:00:39,330 --> 00:00:40,915 I'll give you two guesses. 13 00:00:40,999 --> 00:00:44,127 She's either still sleeping or she's still sleeping. 14 00:00:44,210 --> 00:00:46,254 - That's a gray area. - Doesn't sound gray. 15 00:00:46,337 --> 00:00:48,882 Come on, Kam, put your other shoe on, please. 16 00:00:48,965 --> 00:00:50,300 Yo, keep it real. 17 00:00:50,842 --> 00:00:53,011 Do you sometimes feel like the mom? 18 00:00:53,094 --> 00:00:54,971 No more than I feel like the dad. 19 00:00:55,680 --> 00:00:56,514 Whoa. 20 00:00:56,598 --> 00:00:58,808 - Was not exp... Wow. - I'm kidding. 21 00:00:58,892 --> 00:01:00,143 You're great, Dad. 22 00:01:00,560 --> 00:01:03,730 And to answer your question, no, I don't feel like the parent. 23 00:01:04,272 --> 00:01:05,523 I feel like the daughter. 24 00:01:06,232 --> 00:01:08,568 The remarkably responsible, 25 00:01:09,027 --> 00:01:11,571 put-upon, lost-youth-having daughter. 26 00:01:12,072 --> 00:01:13,073 But it's cool, yeah! 27 00:01:13,156 --> 00:01:15,909 I know 20 years from now, it'll make me the person that I am, 28 00:01:15,992 --> 00:01:19,120 which hopefully isn't a sad, childless doormat. 29 00:01:20,288 --> 00:01:21,414 Just so we're clear, 30 00:01:21,915 --> 00:01:24,167 your mom's worse than I am, though, right? 31 00:01:25,502 --> 00:01:27,796 You got that from everything I just said. 32 00:01:27,879 --> 00:01:30,632 So yes, I'm hearing. Thank you. Cool. 33 00:01:36,012 --> 00:01:38,264 [Drea] Come on, Kam! Put your other shoe on. 34 00:01:38,348 --> 00:01:41,142 I might wanna hold off putting this other shoe on. 35 00:01:41,226 --> 00:01:43,353 They're probably gonna cancel school today. 36 00:01:43,436 --> 00:01:45,146 A teacher fell out of a window, y'all! 37 00:01:45,230 --> 00:01:46,481 Oh, yeah? Who? 38 00:01:46,564 --> 00:01:49,901 Um... Miss... Miss Lady! 39 00:01:50,193 --> 00:01:53,071 This kid's got a real problem. Like, a real one. 40 00:01:53,154 --> 00:01:55,573 Lying about teachers getting defenestrated? 41 00:01:55,907 --> 00:01:56,907 He's broken. 42 00:01:57,325 --> 00:02:01,037 Oh, my God, I've never even met her. Do you think she's gonna be okay? 43 00:02:01,121 --> 00:02:02,831 No, she fell out of a window. 44 00:02:02,914 --> 00:02:05,101 - And she's not a real person. - [Kenya] And there's that. 45 00:02:05,125 --> 00:02:08,461 You guys need to stop messing around. I'm trying to get you to school on time. 46 00:02:08,545 --> 00:02:11,005 [snickers]Doesn't seem like you're doing a great job. 47 00:02:11,089 --> 00:02:14,467 You know, instead of doing your normal 30-minute eyelash install, 48 00:02:14,551 --> 00:02:16,427 you're more than welcome to help out, princess. 49 00:02:16,511 --> 00:02:19,115 How about you run a brush through your hair before you try and come for me? 50 00:02:19,139 --> 00:02:21,575 The whole not-trying look only works if you're actually trying. 51 00:02:21,599 --> 00:02:23,160 - I brush my hair. Thank you. - Oh, who would've thought? 52 00:02:23,184 --> 00:02:25,353 Guys, guys, can you please stop this? 53 00:02:25,436 --> 00:02:28,565 I think we can all agree, neither one of you are great. Like, at all. 54 00:02:28,648 --> 00:02:30,150 What is happening? 55 00:02:30,233 --> 00:02:31,943 A teacher is dead. 56 00:02:32,026 --> 00:02:33,319 A life has been lost. 57 00:02:33,403 --> 00:02:35,530 Why am I the only one who cares about this? 58 00:02:35,947 --> 00:02:38,700 - This family's sick. - [Kenya] Pops, calm down, bro. 59 00:02:38,783 --> 00:02:42,412 I think "Miss Lady" is gonna pull through. Okay? She's going to be fine. 60 00:02:42,954 --> 00:02:45,748 Chlo, if you could take Izzy to Cedar Canyon, 61 00:02:45,832 --> 00:02:48,835 and if you could drop the boys off to Marlboro, that would be great. 62 00:02:49,085 --> 00:02:53,131 I'd do that, but the boys are boys, Dad, and Marlboro is an all-girls school. 63 00:02:53,214 --> 00:02:55,091 I mean, this is simple stuff, so... 64 00:02:55,175 --> 00:02:58,720 Then take them to the school they go to. Dude, this is why your crew's so small. 65 00:02:58,803 --> 00:03:01,198 - You've no friends 'cause of this person. - [Drea scoffs] Whatever. 66 00:03:01,222 --> 00:03:03,224 Drake said, "No new friends," right? 67 00:03:03,308 --> 00:03:05,476 Drake can say that because he's got friends! 68 00:03:05,560 --> 00:03:06,620 - She's got a point! - Boom. 69 00:03:06,644 --> 00:03:08,372 [Drea] Why are... Why are you like that, Dad? 70 00:03:08,396 --> 00:03:11,065 Like what? Dude, Drake has friends. He's got Migos, 71 00:03:11,149 --> 00:03:12,734 - OVO dude... - [Chloe] Future? 72 00:03:12,817 --> 00:03:14,611 The dude he sits with at the Toronto games. 73 00:03:14,694 --> 00:03:15,820 - [Drea] Okay... - Groupies! 74 00:03:15,904 --> 00:03:17,464 - And his Mom! He loves his mom. - I've got friends. I've got... 75 00:03:17,488 --> 00:03:19,758 All... All on top of each other, okay? National Society friends. 76 00:03:19,782 --> 00:03:21,635 How does it feel to know that you're gonna die alone? 77 00:03:21,659 --> 00:03:23,679 - [Drea] I'm not gonna die alone, okay? - [Kenya] Whoa, oh, oh, oh. 78 00:03:23,703 --> 00:03:25,079 [Joya] Morning, family! 79 00:03:25,455 --> 00:03:28,082 Whoo. [sing-songy] Who wants breakfast? 80 00:03:28,166 --> 00:03:31,461 We all did, like, 45 minutes ago. 81 00:03:31,836 --> 00:03:33,630 Mom, Dad doesn't know where we go to school! 82 00:03:33,713 --> 00:03:34,713 [Kenya] Of course I do. 83 00:03:34,756 --> 00:03:37,067 - He thinks we go to school with all girls. - [Kenya] Why would I think that? 84 00:03:37,091 --> 00:03:39,135 That's not true. I know where you go to school, bud. 85 00:03:39,219 --> 00:03:40,499 He knows where you go to school, 86 00:03:40,553 --> 00:03:42,993 he's just really tired. He had a really long night last night. 87 00:03:43,097 --> 00:03:44,390 - Hey, thank you. - [Joya] Yeah. 88 00:03:44,474 --> 00:03:48,436 I mean, drinks with Janelle Monáe courtside Lakers' seats... 89 00:03:48,519 --> 00:03:50,831 a little after-party at Eddie Murphy's house with bowling... 90 00:03:50,855 --> 00:03:52,774 I mean, it takes it out of a man! 91 00:03:52,857 --> 00:03:54,400 [baby-talking] He's ti-wahd today. 92 00:03:54,484 --> 00:03:56,778 I can't believe I thought you actually had my back. 93 00:03:56,861 --> 00:03:59,197 - Wait, you went bowling? - No, I didn't go bowling. 94 00:03:59,280 --> 00:04:01,950 - You've never taken us bowling. - Or to a Lakers' game. 95 00:04:02,033 --> 00:04:04,160 He took us to that Clippers' game once. It was cool. 96 00:04:04,244 --> 00:04:05,787 - Right? - Yeah. 97 00:04:05,870 --> 00:04:08,831 It was not cool. Like, at all. 98 00:04:08,915 --> 00:04:12,126 It was Chris Kaman bobblehead night during the Donald Sterling era. 99 00:04:12,210 --> 00:04:14,587 Yeah, and I'm not even sure the starters came out 100 00:04:14,671 --> 00:04:16,506 after Coolio performed at half-time. 101 00:04:16,589 --> 00:04:18,591 I'm not at those games having fun, dude. 102 00:04:18,675 --> 00:04:22,345 I'm there, like, building relationships, making capital and currency out of people. 103 00:04:22,428 --> 00:04:23,263 Wow. 104 00:04:23,346 --> 00:04:25,574 I had a lunch with Jeffrey Katzenberg because I went to that game. 105 00:04:25,598 --> 00:04:27,475 You think if I'm at that game with you guys, 106 00:04:27,558 --> 00:04:29,727 Jeffrey Katzenberg comes up and says anything to me? 107 00:04:29,811 --> 00:04:31,664 "I'm the little white man who's gonna interrupt the guy 108 00:04:31,688 --> 00:04:33,314 talking to his beautiful black family!" 109 00:04:33,398 --> 00:04:35,775 All of a sudden, there's no lunch with Jeffrey Katzenberg, 110 00:04:35,858 --> 00:04:37,068 then we live in Van Nuys. 111 00:04:37,151 --> 00:04:38,629 - Is that what you want? - [Joya groans] 112 00:04:38,653 --> 00:04:39,653 Van Nuys. 113 00:04:40,029 --> 00:04:42,699 - I can't live in Van Nuys. - No one can. 114 00:04:42,782 --> 00:04:45,994 I can't believe you're just gonna sit on that Jeffrey Katzenberg defense. 115 00:04:46,077 --> 00:04:47,680 - I'm not... - You really are a sociopath. 116 00:04:47,704 --> 00:04:49,747 I had six children with a sociopath. 117 00:04:49,831 --> 00:04:53,001 I had six children with a woman who'd have six children with a sociopath. 118 00:04:53,084 --> 00:04:55,938 - What does that make me? I'm the victim! - Yeah, that makes you a sociopath. 119 00:04:55,962 --> 00:04:57,356 - [Kenya] No, I'm the victim here! - [Joya] Are you? 120 00:04:57,380 --> 00:04:59,692 You know the reason I don't go to those games is because of you. 121 00:04:59,716 --> 00:05:00,985 - Oh, it's 'cause of me? - It's not them, 122 00:05:01,009 --> 00:05:02,945 'cause you always wanna dance hard and get on the camera. 123 00:05:02,969 --> 00:05:03,886 Why are you jealous 124 00:05:03,970 --> 00:05:05,572 - 'cause I get on the camera? - [Drea] Guys, guys. 125 00:05:05,596 --> 00:05:07,557 [Chloe] Yeah, Mom and Dad fight a lot, 126 00:05:08,141 --> 00:05:12,020 but I heard that you don't have to really get scared until they stop fighting. 127 00:05:12,729 --> 00:05:14,939 Honestly, I'm already scared. 128 00:05:15,356 --> 00:05:17,275 You know, that Van Nuys thing really shook me. 129 00:05:17,358 --> 00:05:19,670 - So it's kind of on you, to be honest. - [Joya] It is on me, you're right. 130 00:05:19,694 --> 00:05:21,446 I should have gotten out a long time ago. 131 00:05:21,529 --> 00:05:23,614 - I love you so much, don't leave me! - I won't. 132 00:05:23,698 --> 00:05:24,991 - All right. - [both laughing] 133 00:05:25,074 --> 00:05:26,969 Okay. All right, guys, come on. We're gonna be late. 134 00:05:26,993 --> 00:05:27,993 Um... 135 00:05:28,161 --> 00:05:29,746 You have a game today, correct? 136 00:05:32,582 --> 00:05:35,335 I mean, of course you have a game today. What time is your game? 137 00:05:35,418 --> 00:05:38,338 We have a calendar for your game, I know when games are. What time is it? 138 00:05:38,463 --> 00:05:41,263 Same time it's been last eight weeks when you've gotten there and said, 139 00:05:41,341 --> 00:05:42,925 "I thought it was at four." 140 00:05:43,009 --> 00:05:45,803 - So it's not at four? - Well, you know I won't miss it. 141 00:05:45,887 --> 00:05:48,931 I don't know how I possibly know that, but okay. 142 00:05:49,015 --> 00:05:51,559 - I'll just be like a tiny bit late. - There it is. 143 00:05:51,642 --> 00:05:54,062 Because I'm coming from, uh, Hip-Hop Dave's in Silver Lake, 144 00:05:54,145 --> 00:05:55,897 it's a mandatory class, but I'll be there! 145 00:05:56,189 --> 00:05:59,150 You have a mandatory hip-hop dance class? Mandatory. 146 00:05:59,484 --> 00:06:01,819 I'm sorry. Am I not allowed self-care? 147 00:06:01,903 --> 00:06:04,572 I mean, do you have any understanding what dance does 148 00:06:04,655 --> 00:06:06,366 to women's serotonin levels? 149 00:06:06,449 --> 00:06:07,825 There is a study, 150 00:06:07,909 --> 00:06:09,160 - this is facts, - Sure. 151 00:06:09,243 --> 00:06:10,953 that for every minute a woman works out, 152 00:06:11,079 --> 00:06:13,998 she is twice as likely not to kill a family member. 153 00:06:14,082 --> 00:06:16,125 This is self-preservation. This is for us. 154 00:06:16,209 --> 00:06:19,295 This is for our whole family. You are selfish. Damn! 155 00:06:19,379 --> 00:06:21,297 - But I'm the sociopath? - Yeah. 156 00:06:21,381 --> 00:06:22,256 Oh, my God. 157 00:06:22,340 --> 00:06:23,841 [Kam] Bye-bye, Pops! 158 00:06:23,925 --> 00:06:26,570 - I'm sorry, what is happening right now? - [Pops] Bye, guys, see you later. 159 00:06:26,594 --> 00:06:28,930 [Kenya] Is he sick? Are you sick? What's happening? 160 00:06:29,013 --> 00:06:31,516 No, uh, he's... he's okay. I just, um... 161 00:06:31,766 --> 00:06:34,352 I told him he could stay home from school today. He's still... 162 00:06:34,560 --> 00:06:36,479 shaken up over the birthday thing. 163 00:06:36,562 --> 00:06:37,605 What? 164 00:06:37,939 --> 00:06:40,817 You already are letting him wear a Nike top with Adidas bottoms, 165 00:06:40,900 --> 00:06:42,944 he's dressed as a small serial killer. 166 00:06:43,694 --> 00:06:45,571 Mom said I could take the day. 167 00:06:45,655 --> 00:06:48,658 I think that'd be enough time for me to pull myself together. 168 00:06:49,158 --> 00:06:51,238 Does that feel like a good parenting decision to you? 169 00:06:51,285 --> 00:06:52,412 - Yeah. - Yes. 170 00:06:52,829 --> 00:06:56,040 It is. It's just one day. I mean, it's not a big deal, 171 00:06:56,374 --> 00:06:58,835 but then tomorrow it's back to school, right, bud? 172 00:06:58,918 --> 00:07:02,213 - [sadly] Right. Back to the rat race. - Hmm. 173 00:07:02,296 --> 00:07:04,006 [Kenya] I don't know if he's gonna be okay. 174 00:07:04,090 --> 00:07:07,009 Like, I really don't. He's a soft kid. 175 00:07:07,635 --> 00:07:09,720 It's a hard fucking world we live in. 176 00:07:10,513 --> 00:07:13,015 What I do know is I liked things a little bit better 177 00:07:13,099 --> 00:07:14,976 when that Salvadoran nanny was watching him. 178 00:07:15,059 --> 00:07:18,938 That woman did not play. She had seen some shit. 179 00:07:19,814 --> 00:07:21,732 [speaking Spanish] 180 00:07:29,282 --> 00:07:31,492 Remember she taught him how to speak Spanish? 181 00:07:31,701 --> 00:07:33,578 Now, he only speaks it when he's sad. 182 00:07:33,661 --> 00:07:35,788 Calls it "the language of muerte," 183 00:07:36,289 --> 00:07:37,874 whatever the fuck that means. 184 00:07:37,957 --> 00:07:39,083 [Joya] Mm. [clicks tongue] 185 00:07:39,333 --> 00:07:40,668 Vaya con dios, Papa. 186 00:07:40,751 --> 00:07:41,586 What? 187 00:07:41,669 --> 00:07:43,754 ♪ You either with me or against me, ho ♪ 188 00:07:43,838 --> 00:07:44,755 ♪ Ho ♪ 189 00:07:44,839 --> 00:07:46,674 ♪ You either with me or ♪ 190 00:07:46,924 --> 00:07:47,758 ♪ Wait ♪ 191 00:07:47,842 --> 00:07:50,011 ♪ Win, win, win, win, win ♪ 192 00:07:50,094 --> 00:07:50,970 ♪ Yeah ♪ 193 00:07:51,053 --> 00:07:53,723 ♪ Fuck everything else Win, win, win, win ♪ 194 00:07:53,806 --> 00:07:55,600 ♪ Win, yeah ♪ 195 00:07:55,683 --> 00:07:59,061 Mom and Dad have always argued, but I'll be honest with you, 196 00:07:59,145 --> 00:08:02,523 ever since Mom took off work, they really kicked it up a notch. 197 00:08:02,607 --> 00:08:05,818 Yeah, it calmed down a little bit that first year after Mom had Brooklyn. 198 00:08:05,943 --> 00:08:07,945 I mean, we were all just glad she was alive. 199 00:08:08,029 --> 00:08:10,406 - Yeah. - But that wore off. 200 00:08:10,490 --> 00:08:12,366 Guess who's got the goods. 201 00:08:12,450 --> 00:08:15,119 So, we were really happy to see them spending time 202 00:08:15,203 --> 00:08:16,579 trying to get their shit together. 203 00:08:16,662 --> 00:08:19,165 [Danny] VIP, baby! 204 00:08:19,248 --> 00:08:22,668 The assistant said you are gonna sit right next to Jay Rock's parents. 205 00:08:22,752 --> 00:08:23,586 What? 206 00:08:23,669 --> 00:08:26,422 Was it weird that it was going to be at the Lunar Butterfly Festival 207 00:08:26,506 --> 00:08:29,258 where they'd by far be the oldest people there? 208 00:08:29,342 --> 00:08:30,676 Sure, but... 209 00:08:33,763 --> 00:08:35,598 I don't have a "but," it's just really weird. 210 00:08:35,681 --> 00:08:36,681 Yeah. 211 00:08:36,807 --> 00:08:39,310 Dude, I paid all this fucking money for a VIP pack 212 00:08:39,393 --> 00:08:42,230 and all I get is a Gildan tank top and a fanny pack? 213 00:08:43,105 --> 00:08:45,024 Babe, is it weird that we're going to this shit? 214 00:08:45,107 --> 00:08:47,860 No! It's totally cool. Hip-Hop Dave goes every year. 215 00:08:47,944 --> 00:08:50,664 - That's not making me feel better. - It should make you feel better. 216 00:08:50,696 --> 00:08:52,865 But, babe, we used to go to so many concerts. 217 00:08:52,949 --> 00:08:56,202 This is just like 35 concerts, like, crammed into one night. 218 00:08:57,119 --> 00:09:00,623 Uh, so, I had to use my, uh, personal credit card to buy the tickets, 219 00:09:00,706 --> 00:09:02,809 - so if you could reimburse me ASAP. - What material is this? 220 00:09:02,833 --> 00:09:06,212 Uh, I'm barely making enough to pay my rent. Hello! 221 00:09:06,295 --> 00:09:07,940 [chuckles nervously] Um, or you could just... 222 00:09:07,964 --> 00:09:09,399 This is one of those things you can pay on. 223 00:09:09,423 --> 00:09:11,551 - ...give me my own Amex, maybe? - Fyre Festival. 224 00:09:11,634 --> 00:09:14,321 Then we can avoid this conversation in the future. You get the points. 225 00:09:14,345 --> 00:09:16,389 I never have to front money for you again. 226 00:09:16,472 --> 00:09:19,535 - It's like a win-win for both of us. - Dude, did I ask you to bring me a Frap? 227 00:09:19,559 --> 00:09:21,036 - I don't remember. - Yep, it's in my car. 228 00:09:21,060 --> 00:09:22,311 Okay. Can I get that, please? 229 00:09:22,395 --> 00:09:24,772 Hey, uh, guys? Make sure you stay hydrated out there, okay? 230 00:09:24,855 --> 00:09:26,232 Nothing's worse than a dry roll. 231 00:09:26,691 --> 00:09:28,150 Dry... What are you talking about? 232 00:09:28,276 --> 00:09:30,194 Oh, yeah, East LA gets hot as hell. 233 00:09:30,278 --> 00:09:34,031 You know, if you're gonna pop your Molly, you want to drink a ton of water, right? 234 00:09:36,534 --> 00:09:38,411 You guys are doing Molly, right? 235 00:09:38,578 --> 00:09:42,164 I mean, they pretty much stick it in your mouth when you walk in. 236 00:09:42,248 --> 00:09:43,374 [laughs] 237 00:09:44,542 --> 00:09:47,378 - Fine, okay. Chloe was three months old, - That's right. 238 00:09:47,461 --> 00:09:49,964 it was my birthday, and as my gift, 239 00:09:50,047 --> 00:09:52,717 we decided that we would take the night off 240 00:09:52,800 --> 00:09:54,135 and just have it to ourselves. 241 00:09:54,218 --> 00:09:56,387 We deserved that. Like, it turned out 242 00:09:56,470 --> 00:09:58,139 that as much as we loved you guys, 243 00:09:58,639 --> 00:10:02,018 being parents at 22 was a little bit more of a shit-show than we thought it would be 244 00:10:02,101 --> 00:10:04,741 and we needed to blow off some steam. I mean, all our friends were. 245 00:10:05,479 --> 00:10:06,939 So, it was gonna be great. 246 00:10:07,064 --> 00:10:09,191 We got a babysitter, 247 00:10:09,942 --> 00:10:12,486 dropped Chlo off with the babysitter, 248 00:10:12,987 --> 00:10:15,448 then went, got some drinks, 249 00:10:15,823 --> 00:10:18,034 went to Blockbuster, which is a thing of the past, 250 00:10:18,117 --> 00:10:19,660 but was a lit place... 251 00:10:20,202 --> 00:10:23,289 It wasn't a lit place. It was just a place where you got movies. 252 00:10:23,623 --> 00:10:26,667 I... I enjoyed it. Um, it was a place you got movies, 253 00:10:26,751 --> 00:10:29,420 and you could see people, sometime bump into exes, 254 00:10:29,795 --> 00:10:31,130 but always come home. 255 00:10:31,380 --> 00:10:34,008 Um, anyway, we got a movie... 256 00:10:35,968 --> 00:10:37,094 came home... 257 00:10:37,678 --> 00:10:39,013 and popped a Molly. 258 00:10:39,764 --> 00:10:41,974 [Joya] And that is when the babysitter called 259 00:10:42,058 --> 00:10:44,101 to say that she had an emergency 260 00:10:44,185 --> 00:10:46,562 and she had to drop Chloe back off with us. 261 00:10:46,646 --> 00:10:49,606 [Kenya] That was right around the time I started being able to hear colors, 262 00:10:49,982 --> 00:10:51,108 and the voice of God. 263 00:10:51,192 --> 00:10:53,319 It's just that we were so young, 264 00:10:53,402 --> 00:10:55,821 and we missed doing any of the fun stuff, so we thought, 265 00:10:55,905 --> 00:10:58,199 - "Why not just one night?" You know? - Just once. 266 00:10:58,282 --> 00:11:01,118 Just once. But of course it didn't work out for us. 267 00:11:01,202 --> 00:11:02,745 Shit doesn't work out for us. 268 00:11:03,371 --> 00:11:05,251 - Hell of a night, though. Honestly. - [sighing] 269 00:11:05,289 --> 00:11:07,291 Nothing more sobering 270 00:11:07,583 --> 00:11:09,543 than rolling your face off 271 00:11:09,960 --> 00:11:13,297 and looking down in the eyes of your beautiful infant daughter 272 00:11:13,381 --> 00:11:14,840 knowing that it's probably 273 00:11:14,965 --> 00:11:18,803 the last time you're gonna see her before Child Services rips her from your arms. 274 00:11:19,303 --> 00:11:20,983 [Joya] Really puts things into perspective. 275 00:11:21,972 --> 00:11:23,307 And ensures that 276 00:11:23,391 --> 00:11:26,352 we will never do Molly again as long as we're alive. 277 00:11:26,435 --> 00:11:28,396 As amazing of a drug as it was... 278 00:11:28,479 --> 00:11:29,855 - It's a great drug. - I'm out. 279 00:11:30,606 --> 00:11:31,732 - Don't do it. - Never again. 280 00:11:31,816 --> 00:11:33,317 What are we gonna do? 281 00:11:33,401 --> 00:11:35,736 - What do you mean? - I mean, what are we going to do? 282 00:11:36,612 --> 00:11:37,612 You heard the kid. 283 00:11:37,655 --> 00:11:40,700 Basically, it sounds like we're going to, like, Molly Fest or something? 284 00:11:40,783 --> 00:11:43,411 Well, I mean, if everybody's doing it, 285 00:11:43,494 --> 00:11:46,747 it's... it's really crazy not to do it, right? 286 00:11:46,831 --> 00:11:48,582 Feels like that's how we roll? 287 00:11:49,792 --> 00:11:50,792 Think so. 288 00:11:50,835 --> 00:11:53,671 - I don't wanna look like fucking weirdos. - I don't wanna be a weirdo. 289 00:11:53,796 --> 00:11:56,507 - I guess we have to do it. - We have to do it, right? 290 00:11:56,924 --> 00:11:57,758 Yeah. 291 00:11:57,842 --> 00:11:59,385 These are our parents. 292 00:11:59,969 --> 00:12:02,680 Their legal definition is "guardians." 293 00:12:02,763 --> 00:12:04,849 They're supposed to guard us. 294 00:12:04,932 --> 00:12:06,225 Here you go, it's melting. 295 00:12:06,308 --> 00:12:08,227 Dude, you know where we can get Molly? 296 00:12:08,310 --> 00:12:09,770 Nah. No. 297 00:12:09,854 --> 00:12:12,773 Danny, I've seen you come in here with eyes on golf balls. 298 00:12:12,857 --> 00:12:14,275 Where can we get Molly? 299 00:12:14,358 --> 00:12:15,359 Okay. 300 00:12:15,651 --> 00:12:19,363 I... I know someone, but my, uh... my dealer's kinda scary. 301 00:12:19,447 --> 00:12:21,567 Are you saying your dealer's scary because he's black? 302 00:12:21,615 --> 00:12:23,701 Oh, no, he's not black. He's Armenian. 303 00:12:24,076 --> 00:12:25,244 That is scary. 304 00:12:25,327 --> 00:12:26,495 [Kenya] It's no secret. 305 00:12:26,579 --> 00:12:29,081 I'm terrified of Armenian gangs. They scare me. 306 00:12:29,665 --> 00:12:32,251 That's saying a lot. I'm from Inglewood, 307 00:12:32,668 --> 00:12:34,628 and Inglewood's pretty fucked up, 308 00:12:34,712 --> 00:12:36,714 but it's not Armenia fucked-up. 309 00:12:36,797 --> 00:12:40,176 Armenia's next to Iraq, or Iran, depending on who you ask. 310 00:12:40,259 --> 00:12:42,720 But it doesn't matter, both those places are really fucked up. 311 00:12:43,429 --> 00:12:45,681 They do fucked up shit like cut your head off. 312 00:12:46,557 --> 00:12:49,393 I don't play with those gangs, they scare me a lot. 313 00:12:50,144 --> 00:12:52,396 Danny's dude dealt out of a sideswiped C-Class 314 00:12:52,480 --> 00:12:55,024 in the parking lot of a Farbucks in Sherman Oaks. 315 00:12:55,107 --> 00:12:56,984 And yeah, I'm saying Farbucks. 316 00:12:57,067 --> 00:13:00,613 It's an Armenian coffee shop that used to be an old Togo's, 317 00:13:00,905 --> 00:13:02,907 that they just knocked off the name Starbucks, 318 00:13:02,990 --> 00:13:04,408 without any repercussions too. 319 00:13:04,825 --> 00:13:06,952 Nobody said anything to 'em because, like I said, 320 00:13:07,036 --> 00:13:08,788 Armenian gangs are scary. 321 00:13:08,871 --> 00:13:09,955 There he is. 322 00:13:10,956 --> 00:13:13,167 Why'd I agree to wear this stupid camera shit, dude? 323 00:13:13,250 --> 00:13:15,544 Because you love your daughter and you promised? 324 00:13:16,086 --> 00:13:19,340 Plus, if you're beat beyond recognition, we'll be able to identify you. 325 00:13:19,423 --> 00:13:20,800 - What? - [Joya] Nothing. 326 00:13:20,883 --> 00:13:24,136 [Kenya] His name was Sarkis, and he was everything I was afraid he'd be. 327 00:13:24,261 --> 00:13:27,598 Beautiful, slicked-back head of hair, rayon-blend party shirt, 328 00:13:27,681 --> 00:13:28,766 chain on the outside, 329 00:13:28,849 --> 00:13:31,352 leather jacket looked like it had seen some... some shit, 330 00:13:31,435 --> 00:13:33,771 white athletic socks with Adidas sandals. 331 00:13:33,854 --> 00:13:35,606 And of course, a Gucci belt. 332 00:13:36,649 --> 00:13:38,484 We knew that was gonna be there. 333 00:13:38,567 --> 00:13:40,861 Dude, you go get it. Look, I'mma give you the money 334 00:13:40,945 --> 00:13:43,381 and you go deal with your boy and, like, just bring the shit back. 335 00:13:43,405 --> 00:13:47,284 What? No. No, I only deal with Sarkis if I absolutely have to. 336 00:13:47,660 --> 00:13:50,079 Does keeping your job fall under that umbrella? 337 00:13:50,704 --> 00:13:54,250 Dude, the both of you are fucking pussies. Fuck it, I'm gonna get the Molly. 338 00:13:54,333 --> 00:13:57,086 No! No. I'll... I'll get the Molly. 339 00:13:57,336 --> 00:13:58,587 Anything can happen out there, 340 00:13:58,671 --> 00:14:00,631 you're not gonna leave me with those six kids. 341 00:14:00,714 --> 00:14:02,925 I'd rather take my chances with the drug dealer. 342 00:14:03,259 --> 00:14:04,552 [exhales] 343 00:14:07,471 --> 00:14:09,014 - Good luck. - Shut up! 344 00:14:14,728 --> 00:14:18,190 So, um, if anything happened to Kenya, um... 345 00:14:19,358 --> 00:14:21,527 would you still keep me on or... 346 00:14:24,947 --> 00:14:26,299 [Kenya] What's up? What's up, man? 347 00:14:26,323 --> 00:14:27,533 There we were, 348 00:14:27,616 --> 00:14:30,536 stereotype to stereotype, just staring at each other in the face... 349 00:14:31,662 --> 00:14:32,872 letting life happen. 350 00:14:33,455 --> 00:14:34,915 What the fuck are you doing? 351 00:14:35,249 --> 00:14:37,001 - Get in the car. - [Kenya] Oh, right. 352 00:14:37,418 --> 00:14:38,836 Sweet rocket, dude. 353 00:14:44,133 --> 00:14:45,676 Do you think he's tooled up? 354 00:14:46,385 --> 00:14:48,822 - [Danny] Like, does he have a screwdriver? - Like, does he have a gun? 355 00:14:48,846 --> 00:14:50,764 Yeah! Probably, yes. 356 00:14:51,682 --> 00:14:54,935 I'll just leave the money right there for you. That's yours. 357 00:14:58,105 --> 00:14:59,105 What's up, man? 358 00:15:00,608 --> 00:15:01,817 Sweet chain, dawg. 359 00:15:02,818 --> 00:15:03,819 Sweet. 360 00:15:08,032 --> 00:15:09,032 Okay. 361 00:15:09,783 --> 00:15:11,660 - [Danny] This is bad. - [Joya] No, it's okay. 362 00:15:11,744 --> 00:15:12,578 [Danny] This is bad. 363 00:15:12,661 --> 00:15:14,514 [Joya] We just need to be out of here in the next two minutes. 364 00:15:14,538 --> 00:15:16,182 [Danny] He's done. We should get out of here. 365 00:15:16,206 --> 00:15:17,886 - Oh, you're the worst, Danny. - I'm sorry. 366 00:15:30,262 --> 00:15:33,462 - [Danny] Oh, God. What's that in his hand? - [Joya] This has got to happen fast. 367 00:15:34,141 --> 00:15:36,119 - [Danny] Oh, my God. Is that a knife? - Thank you so much, sir. 368 00:15:36,143 --> 00:15:38,121 - [Joya] We gotta get outta here. - God bless you. Goodnight. 369 00:15:38,145 --> 00:15:39,789 - [Danny] Get out of there. - [Kenya] Be safe, please. 370 00:15:39,813 --> 00:15:41,041 [Joya] This is taking too long. 371 00:15:41,065 --> 00:15:43,043 - [car door slams] - [Danny] Thank God. Get back here. 372 00:15:43,067 --> 00:15:44,693 [Joya] He's not equipped for this. 373 00:15:45,527 --> 00:15:48,364 - [Danny] Pretty smooth. - [Joya] No, don't run. No. No. 374 00:15:48,948 --> 00:15:51,075 Be cool. Be cool! Don't wave. 375 00:15:51,867 --> 00:15:53,637 - [Kenya] Go, go, go, go, go, go, go! - [Danny] What? 376 00:15:53,661 --> 00:15:54,971 [Joya] What do you mean, "Go, go, go"? 377 00:15:54,995 --> 00:15:56,372 [vehicle starts] 378 00:15:57,164 --> 00:15:59,959 I don't know if it's even real. I gave him way too much money. 379 00:16:00,042 --> 00:16:01,937 - [Danny] Bye, Mr. Sarkis. - [Joya] Please don't wave at him. 380 00:16:01,961 --> 00:16:03,921 - Don't wave at him. - [Danny] Okay, sorry! Sorry! 381 00:16:06,465 --> 00:16:07,465 [sighs] 382 00:16:07,508 --> 00:16:09,301 It's our last time out, playboy. 383 00:16:09,802 --> 00:16:11,261 Our last big hurrah. 384 00:16:11,971 --> 00:16:15,140 End of a motherfucking era. Been through some shit, dawg. 385 00:16:16,141 --> 00:16:17,226 Remember Coachella? 386 00:16:17,601 --> 00:16:19,436 Coachella '16 was... 387 00:16:19,812 --> 00:16:21,897 Babe, you think you can, um... 388 00:16:21,981 --> 00:16:24,775 help me find a t-shirt? Something that really, like, pops. 389 00:16:24,858 --> 00:16:26,860 [Joya] You want me to help you pick out a t-shirt? 390 00:16:26,944 --> 00:16:27,820 No, but I... 391 00:16:27,903 --> 00:16:29,422 [Joya] I think you got that. You're grown man. 392 00:16:29,446 --> 00:16:31,657 You know what? No, you're probably right. 393 00:16:31,740 --> 00:16:34,576 You'd probably pick out some American Apparel bullshit. 394 00:16:34,702 --> 00:16:35,911 [cell phone chimes] 395 00:16:43,335 --> 00:16:44,335 Yo. 396 00:16:45,004 --> 00:16:46,088 What is this? 397 00:16:46,839 --> 00:16:47,959 - [Joya] Huh? - Look at this. 398 00:16:48,298 --> 00:16:50,759 This is our pool, in our backyard, with Chloe! 399 00:16:51,260 --> 00:16:53,178 Yeah, I told you she was coming over today. 400 00:16:53,387 --> 00:16:54,680 You let her do this? 401 00:16:55,389 --> 00:16:59,059 Uh, I let our daughter swim in our pool. You're right, you got me. 402 00:16:59,143 --> 00:17:01,270 It's not a joke, dude. She's in a bikini. 403 00:17:01,353 --> 00:17:03,397 This is basically a bra and panties. 404 00:17:03,480 --> 00:17:06,233 Except that it's made specifically for swimming. 405 00:17:06,608 --> 00:17:08,777 Okay, everything's a joke, dude. 406 00:17:09,111 --> 00:17:11,947 Purple hair, bikini, on the Internet? 407 00:17:12,031 --> 00:17:14,324 People start seeing this shit, what are they gonna say? 408 00:17:14,658 --> 00:17:17,818 You mean what are they gonna say about her or what are they gonna say about you? 409 00:17:17,953 --> 00:17:21,081 Okay. All right, Jo, just keep being that mom. 410 00:17:21,165 --> 00:17:24,269 Keep letting our family fall through the cracks until we're nothing but crumbs. 411 00:17:24,293 --> 00:17:26,021 You'll be fine with it, but... Great earrings. 412 00:17:26,045 --> 00:17:27,245 What are those, door-knockers? 413 00:17:27,296 --> 00:17:30,132 Why don't you take the next four hours to pick out a t-shirt? 414 00:17:30,674 --> 00:17:32,092 We're not filming yet, right? 415 00:17:32,509 --> 00:17:34,053 Uh... no. 416 00:17:34,887 --> 00:17:38,223 Okay, good, because I didn't say anything, 417 00:17:38,307 --> 00:17:40,350 but Chloe forgot her bathing suit, 418 00:17:40,434 --> 00:17:43,854 which is why she was actually wearing her bra and panties. 419 00:17:43,937 --> 00:17:45,314 Oh, my God! 420 00:17:45,689 --> 00:17:47,566 He would've never let you live that one down. 421 00:17:47,649 --> 00:17:49,109 [Joya] I know, right? 422 00:17:49,359 --> 00:17:51,361 I just can't believe she posted it. 423 00:17:51,945 --> 00:17:56,075 Huh? But you liked it and then you commented how cute she looked. 424 00:17:56,158 --> 00:17:57,576 Yeah, because I'm her mother, 425 00:17:57,659 --> 00:18:00,204 and I have to support her no matter what she decides to wear. 426 00:18:00,287 --> 00:18:01,330 I'm a feminist. 427 00:18:01,455 --> 00:18:04,458 Plus, I was never gonna let your dad think he was right. 428 00:18:04,541 --> 00:18:05,541 Come on! 429 00:18:06,043 --> 00:18:07,043 Drea, 430 00:18:07,461 --> 00:18:09,505 this is very important. Listen to me. Okay? 431 00:18:09,588 --> 00:18:12,216 I'm a loving wife. I care about my marriage, 432 00:18:12,549 --> 00:18:16,345 but it's very important that you always double down. 433 00:18:16,428 --> 00:18:18,555 Okay? Even when things feel darkest, 434 00:18:19,098 --> 00:18:21,058 never admit you're wrong. 435 00:18:21,141 --> 00:18:23,352 It is the only way to keep the train on the tracks. 436 00:18:23,435 --> 00:18:26,480 It is the only way to let the situation move forward. 437 00:18:26,563 --> 00:18:28,649 [Drea laughing] Oh, my God! 438 00:18:29,399 --> 00:18:31,193 [laughing] Oh, man... 439 00:18:33,570 --> 00:18:34,613 [laughing halts] 440 00:18:35,239 --> 00:18:37,491 Oh, you're se... You're serious. 441 00:18:38,075 --> 00:18:41,203 It's moments like these that I worry we'll never be close. 442 00:18:42,830 --> 00:18:44,456 [clears throat] You can roll now. 443 00:18:45,791 --> 00:18:46,791 Anyway, 444 00:18:47,251 --> 00:18:49,711 your dad and I hadn't been out in a really long time. 445 00:18:50,420 --> 00:18:51,797 ♪ Let's go ♪ 446 00:18:53,298 --> 00:18:55,008 ♪ You know it's Baby, nigga ♪ 447 00:18:58,595 --> 00:19:00,931 ♪ Oh, Lord, Jetson made another one ♪ 448 00:19:01,014 --> 00:19:03,767 ♪ She wanna fuck with me But I don't got the time ♪ 449 00:19:03,851 --> 00:19:06,770 ♪ I just hopped off a private plane And went and hopped on 85 ♪ 450 00:19:07,271 --> 00:19:10,065 ♪ Go call my chauffeur, bitch 'Cause I don't like to drive ♪ 451 00:19:10,399 --> 00:19:12,484 [crowd cheering] 452 00:19:12,693 --> 00:19:15,654 Whoo! 453 00:19:15,779 --> 00:19:18,115 It was so lit. [chuckles] 454 00:19:18,490 --> 00:19:19,700 Lit! 455 00:19:22,119 --> 00:19:23,662 Drop to your death without warning! 456 00:19:23,745 --> 00:19:27,457 ♪ Get out the way, get out the way, get out the way, yeah ♪ 457 00:19:27,541 --> 00:19:30,836 ♪ Get out the way Get the fuck up out my way, yeah... ♪ 458 00:19:31,879 --> 00:19:34,590 - ♪ You either with me or against me, ho ♪ - [Kenya] Oh! Oh! 459 00:19:35,674 --> 00:19:37,801 ♪ You either with me or... ♪ 460 00:19:38,760 --> 00:19:40,762 ♪ Win, win, win, win, win ♪ 461 00:19:40,846 --> 00:19:42,639 ♪ Stop chasing that bitch ♪ 462 00:19:42,723 --> 00:19:44,516 ♪ Win, win, win, win, win ♪ 463 00:19:45,309 --> 00:19:47,811 [Jay] Y'all make some noise for y'all self one time! 464 00:19:47,895 --> 00:19:49,021 Lunar Festival! 465 00:19:49,104 --> 00:19:50,230 [Kenya] Babe! 466 00:19:51,023 --> 00:19:52,232 - Yo! - What? What? 467 00:19:52,316 --> 00:19:54,610 - You're in the motherfucking zone! - Right? 468 00:19:54,693 --> 00:19:56,820 Oh, my God, I see why those classes are mandatory. 469 00:19:56,904 --> 00:19:59,198 - Thank you. - Oh, my God, dude! 470 00:19:59,656 --> 00:20:01,450 - Whoo. - Fucking love you so much. 471 00:20:01,533 --> 00:20:03,452 [man] Yo, Los Angelans, it's lit tonight! 472 00:20:03,535 --> 00:20:05,454 - So glad we came here, dude. - [Joya whooping] 473 00:20:05,537 --> 00:20:06,830 Fucking Molly is the shit! 474 00:20:06,914 --> 00:20:09,208 It's the shit, but this is us. This is not Molly! 475 00:20:09,291 --> 00:20:10,959 - You're right, this is us. - We're great. 476 00:20:11,043 --> 00:20:12,252 These are our people. 477 00:20:12,336 --> 00:20:15,005 - Make some noise for y'all self one time! - Lunar Festival! 478 00:20:15,088 --> 00:20:16,524 I gotta say this, though... Oh, yeah, man... 479 00:20:16,548 --> 00:20:18,234 to the people who brought their parents out. 480 00:20:18,258 --> 00:20:20,510 On my mama, that shit is beautiful, though. 481 00:20:20,636 --> 00:20:22,262 Y'all make some noise for that! 482 00:20:22,346 --> 00:20:24,431 - Make some noise. - [cheering] 483 00:20:24,514 --> 00:20:25,682 Yes, sir! 484 00:20:25,766 --> 00:20:26,767 [mouthing] 485 00:20:27,726 --> 00:20:30,121 - Do you want a drink? Let's get another... - Yeah. Let's get a drink. 486 00:20:30,145 --> 00:20:32,064 Let's go, I think back here, though. Yeah. 487 00:20:32,189 --> 00:20:36,818 ♪ Redemption like we been lit Face down, ass up, vicious ♪ 488 00:20:37,277 --> 00:20:39,696 ♪ Backdrops Smoking on the bombest weed ♪ 489 00:20:39,780 --> 00:20:41,573 ♪ Backshots finna go down When we leave ♪ 490 00:20:41,657 --> 00:20:43,367 Babe, I don't know what's going on. 491 00:20:43,450 --> 00:20:45,452 But you are the finest thing here. 492 00:20:45,535 --> 00:20:48,538 Oh, my God, baby. You look so fucking hot tonight. 493 00:20:48,622 --> 00:20:50,916 - Thank you so much. - You don't even know, that chain... 494 00:20:50,999 --> 00:20:53,752 - is popping! - I feel like I sell drugs. 495 00:20:53,835 --> 00:20:55,629 You look like it! 496 00:20:55,712 --> 00:20:59,967 God damn, let me tell you something. You are like the best fucking mom ever. 497 00:21:00,050 --> 00:21:02,844 [Joya] Oh, my God. You're the best dad... Touch my face! 498 00:21:02,928 --> 00:21:05,722 Oh, my God. You feel those nerve-endings just popping off right now? 499 00:21:05,806 --> 00:21:08,600 - That's fucking drugs. That's drugs. - Oh, my God! [moans] 500 00:21:08,684 --> 00:21:09,726 Baby! 501 00:21:09,810 --> 00:21:10,810 - Oh! - Oh, my God. 502 00:21:13,855 --> 00:21:15,941 Hold on, what the fuck? 503 00:21:18,360 --> 00:21:19,360 My face! 504 00:21:19,403 --> 00:21:21,363 - [Kenya] I'll touch it in a second. - Touch my... 505 00:21:23,282 --> 00:21:24,658 [music continues] 506 00:21:24,741 --> 00:21:25,909 [Chloe] What the fuck? 507 00:21:27,869 --> 00:21:30,163 - Hey, Dad! - Hey, Bearby, how's it going? 508 00:21:30,247 --> 00:21:32,124 - You know. - Fancy seeing you here. 509 00:21:32,207 --> 00:21:34,960 Fancy seeing me at a music festival produced and targeted 510 00:21:35,043 --> 00:21:38,505 at my exact age demographic? Oh, my God, that's so crazy! 511 00:21:39,047 --> 00:21:41,466 It's... You can make jokes of it however much you want, 512 00:21:41,550 --> 00:21:43,552 but it's unusual that I saw you here. 513 00:21:44,636 --> 00:21:46,281 What's going on? Seems like you're having a good time. 514 00:21:46,305 --> 00:21:47,597 Yeah. Well, we were. 515 00:21:48,015 --> 00:21:49,641 How you doing, Madison? 516 00:21:49,725 --> 00:21:52,561 Wait, is that Mom? Is she okay? 517 00:21:54,187 --> 00:21:56,857 [Kenya] Yes, she's fine! Your mother's fine. 518 00:21:57,274 --> 00:22:00,235 She's a professional who gave up her career to take care of you, 519 00:22:00,319 --> 00:22:03,280 and I've been having a career to pursue your well-being. 520 00:22:03,363 --> 00:22:05,574 - [Chloe] I'm gonna go. - No, you're not gonna go. 521 00:22:05,657 --> 00:22:06,908 And what are you wearing? 522 00:22:07,993 --> 00:22:09,713 [Chloe] Are you seriously gonna do this now? 523 00:22:09,745 --> 00:22:12,831 [Kenya] You look like a Brat-Star, your friend has a racist headdress on. 524 00:22:12,956 --> 00:22:14,958 What's wrong with you? You look like a little thot. 525 00:22:15,042 --> 00:22:16,519 Stop saying "thot." You sound like an idiot. 526 00:22:16,543 --> 00:22:18,062 [Kenya] I don't. People say it all the time. 527 00:22:18,086 --> 00:22:19,338 [Chloe] No one says that shit! 528 00:22:19,421 --> 00:22:21,341 [Kenya] Okay, well, fine. You knew what it meant. 529 00:22:21,423 --> 00:22:24,217 What's going on, dude? I raised you so much better than this. 530 00:22:24,885 --> 00:22:26,595 Dad, you're such a dick! 531 00:22:26,678 --> 00:22:28,847 - You're a dick. You're a dick. - Okay, I'm gonna go. 532 00:22:28,930 --> 00:22:31,090 [Kenya] No, you're not going anywhere, I was talking... 533 00:22:31,516 --> 00:22:32,601 Hold on... 534 00:22:34,728 --> 00:22:36,688 Are you guys fucking high? 535 00:22:37,397 --> 00:22:38,732 No. 536 00:22:40,192 --> 00:22:42,235 Wait. Are you high? 537 00:22:43,528 --> 00:22:44,528 No. 538 00:22:47,074 --> 00:22:50,035 All right, well, I, uh, guess I'll see you later. 539 00:22:51,036 --> 00:22:52,329 [Kenya] I guess you will. 540 00:22:52,788 --> 00:22:54,539 - Okay. - All right. 541 00:22:54,623 --> 00:22:56,083 [man] Lunar Butterfly Festival, 542 00:22:56,166 --> 00:22:58,585 if y'all having a good time out there, make some noise! 543 00:22:59,002 --> 00:23:01,046 ♪ Send him a pic of Somebody else titties ♪ 544 00:23:01,129 --> 00:23:02,923 ♪ I'm a finesser and I'm a fly dresser ♪ 545 00:23:03,006 --> 00:23:04,859 ♪ Move to the top floor And flew in my dresser ♪ 546 00:23:04,883 --> 00:23:06,635 ♪ My bitches hustle Make money together ♪ 547 00:23:06,718 --> 00:23:08,488 ♪ Your bitches birds And they flockin' together ♪ 548 00:23:08,512 --> 00:23:10,232 ♪ I can't decide if I want the new Louis ♪ 549 00:23:10,305 --> 00:23:12,182 ♪ Dapper Dan yellow I'm always in Gucci ♪ 550 00:23:12,265 --> 00:23:14,309 ♪ Your mama Don't bring your dad to the mall ♪ 551 00:23:15,769 --> 00:23:17,646 Babe! Oh, my God! 552 00:23:17,771 --> 00:23:21,441 You just missed it, I just killed this Asian bitch in a dance-off! 553 00:23:21,525 --> 00:23:24,403 I was like "Uh!" and then I hit her with like, "Huh!" 554 00:23:24,486 --> 00:23:26,905 Will you fucking stop this? Seriously. 555 00:23:27,489 --> 00:23:28,865 Did you know Chloe was here? 556 00:23:28,949 --> 00:23:31,326 What? Oh, my God! No! 557 00:23:32,077 --> 00:23:34,621 Of course I knew. I bought her the tickets. 558 00:23:34,704 --> 00:23:36,081 Always double down. 559 00:23:37,165 --> 00:23:38,500 Oh, shit. 560 00:23:38,792 --> 00:23:40,544 - Yes! - [Drea laughs] 561 00:23:40,627 --> 00:23:42,254 Maybe there's hope for us. 562 00:23:44,172 --> 00:23:46,049 You know what the worst thing is? 563 00:23:46,133 --> 00:23:48,718 Dressed in complete thottage, head to toe! 564 00:23:48,802 --> 00:23:52,180 You've gotta stop saying that, old man. Nobody says that anymore! 565 00:23:52,264 --> 00:23:55,100 Yes, they do, dude. I just read it on Bundleofbrittany's comment page. 566 00:23:55,183 --> 00:23:56,059 Who? 567 00:23:56,143 --> 00:24:00,897 She's a vegan food blogger from, like, upper Sacramento. 568 00:24:00,981 --> 00:24:05,152 - She uses, like, coconut sugar... - What the fuck are you talking about? 569 00:24:05,235 --> 00:24:07,529 I... I don't know! Will you stop and listen to me? Focus! 570 00:24:07,612 --> 00:24:10,615 Our daughter is a complete mess, and it's probably your fault. 571 00:24:10,740 --> 00:24:12,367 - Thank you. - And the worst thing is, 572 00:24:12,659 --> 00:24:14,327 I think that she was high. 573 00:24:15,036 --> 00:24:16,913 Listen, you need to focus now. 574 00:24:16,997 --> 00:24:18,665 My Molly is wearing off. 575 00:24:18,748 --> 00:24:20,459 - No, it's not. - Yes, it is. 576 00:24:20,542 --> 00:24:24,171 I am not at my peak anymore and I need some more drugs. 577 00:24:24,796 --> 00:24:26,732 - Fuck it, I'm gonna find some Fentanyl. - [Kenya] What? 578 00:24:26,756 --> 00:24:28,842 If I find Fentanyl, you'll take it. You're taking it! 579 00:24:28,925 --> 00:24:30,278 - What the fuck is going on? - Just say yes! 580 00:24:30,302 --> 00:24:31,303 Just fucking say yes. 581 00:24:31,386 --> 00:24:33,889 - You are scaring me. - I'm gonna dance with the devil today. 582 00:24:33,972 --> 00:24:36,016 - Oh, my God! Jo! - Whoo! 583 00:24:36,933 --> 00:24:38,018 Don't die! 584 00:24:40,353 --> 00:24:46,610 ♪ Walk up in this bitch like woah Pull up on the set like hol up ♪ 585 00:24:46,735 --> 00:24:47,735 Babe. 586 00:24:48,570 --> 00:24:49,570 Babe. 587 00:24:50,864 --> 00:24:52,324 - Jo! - Huh? 588 00:24:52,824 --> 00:24:54,534 Drink this. Babe, drink this. 589 00:24:55,994 --> 00:24:57,930 - Does it have Molly in it? - No, it doesn't have Molly in it! 590 00:24:57,954 --> 00:24:59,474 You don't need any more Molly or anything else! 591 00:24:59,498 --> 00:25:00,373 Ooh! 592 00:25:00,457 --> 00:25:02,217 What is wrong with you? We needed that, dude! 593 00:25:02,792 --> 00:25:05,587 It's hot as hell in here. You need to stay hydrated. 594 00:25:05,670 --> 00:25:07,023 [mocking] "You need to stay hydrated." 595 00:25:07,047 --> 00:25:08,691 - Oh my God. - [normal] You're such a little bitch! 596 00:25:08,715 --> 00:25:10,342 I do not miss this part of you. 597 00:25:11,468 --> 00:25:12,969 I'm gonna get some more water. 598 00:25:13,303 --> 00:25:15,180 Stay here. Babe. 599 00:25:15,263 --> 00:25:16,389 - Stay here. - Huh? 600 00:25:16,473 --> 00:25:17,473 I'm staying here. 601 00:25:17,516 --> 00:25:21,061 - Do not talk or take anything from anyone. - Talk to everyone, take everything? 602 00:25:21,144 --> 00:25:22,562 - No... - Talk to everyone? 603 00:25:22,646 --> 00:25:26,483 Something dark is gonna happen to you and you won't be able to get over it. 604 00:25:26,566 --> 00:25:27,776 Talk to everyone. 605 00:25:27,901 --> 00:25:29,736 - Bad things happen here. - [Joya whoops] 606 00:25:30,070 --> 00:25:32,072 [music continues] 607 00:25:36,284 --> 00:25:39,287 Yo, can I get like two... No, three waters please? 608 00:25:41,289 --> 00:25:42,916 - Hey, Dad. - Oh, thanks. 609 00:25:43,917 --> 00:25:44,917 What up? 610 00:25:45,252 --> 00:25:47,879 So I have something that I want to tell you. 611 00:25:48,922 --> 00:25:52,092 Look, if you're past the second trimester, I can't help you. 612 00:25:52,175 --> 00:25:54,469 - At least, not in here. - Dad, I am serious! 613 00:25:55,679 --> 00:25:56,846 What's up, Bearby? 614 00:25:57,597 --> 00:25:58,932 I lied to you. 615 00:26:00,976 --> 00:26:01,976 I was high. 616 00:26:02,435 --> 00:26:05,313 My friend got weed from this guy she knows and she brought it with us. 617 00:26:07,274 --> 00:26:08,274 [Kenya] Okay. 618 00:26:09,150 --> 00:26:12,195 I guess, thank you, for telling me the truth, I guess. 619 00:26:12,988 --> 00:26:14,990 You're welcome, I guess? 620 00:26:15,073 --> 00:26:17,701 Dude, why'd you feel like you had to lie to me in the first place? 621 00:26:17,784 --> 00:26:18,827 That's not us. 622 00:26:18,910 --> 00:26:20,912 Dad, I don't know if you know this or not, 623 00:26:20,996 --> 00:26:23,206 but you're not exactly the easiest person to talk to. 624 00:26:24,374 --> 00:26:26,293 - Okay, that's... that's fair. - I mean... 625 00:26:26,960 --> 00:26:29,796 You know, trying to tell your dad you're high is kinda rough. 626 00:26:29,879 --> 00:26:31,881 Yeah, I bet, especially when you're dressed like... 627 00:26:31,965 --> 00:26:34,634 - Okay, Dad, for real? - Like, I'm a monster. I hear it. 628 00:26:34,718 --> 00:26:35,927 Thank you. 629 00:26:37,220 --> 00:26:38,680 Look, Bearby, 630 00:26:39,180 --> 00:26:43,435 I don't know if you know this or not, but as much as I don't want you smoking weed, 631 00:26:43,518 --> 00:26:46,771 or drugs, or drinking, or any of this stupid shit going on here, 632 00:26:46,855 --> 00:26:48,398 I'd much rather know about it 633 00:26:48,481 --> 00:26:51,860 than find out about it in some news report or some crazy way. 634 00:26:51,943 --> 00:26:53,546 I need to know what's going on in your life. 635 00:26:53,570 --> 00:26:56,990 I don't want the idea of thinking about you in some sketchy parking lot, 636 00:26:57,073 --> 00:27:01,202 dealing with some drug-dealer named Sarkis getting whatever the fuck he sells you. 637 00:27:01,286 --> 00:27:03,622 What? What are you talking about? A parking lot? 638 00:27:03,705 --> 00:27:07,417 No, Lindsay got it from her boy Isaac at school. He deals on the Honor System. 639 00:27:07,917 --> 00:27:10,045 What the fuck is the Honor System? 640 00:27:10,128 --> 00:27:12,756 Oh, you... you want me to explain the Honor System? 641 00:27:12,839 --> 00:27:15,008 - [Drea] Yes. - Okay. [laughs] 642 00:27:15,216 --> 00:27:16,760 Uh, well, you come in, 643 00:27:16,843 --> 00:27:19,721 and then you weigh your shit on that scale right there, 644 00:27:19,846 --> 00:27:22,182 and then put your money in that safe, 645 00:27:22,557 --> 00:27:25,101 and then you... 646 00:27:25,185 --> 00:27:28,855 Oh, yeah, and then just put a note in the ledger here with how much you took 647 00:27:28,938 --> 00:27:30,065 and what you paid me. 648 00:27:30,148 --> 00:27:32,817 And if you're, like, a little bit short, it's all good. 649 00:27:32,901 --> 00:27:35,320 - It's the Honor System. - [Drea] Are you making this up? 650 00:27:35,403 --> 00:27:38,281 Because you don't have to. I'm gonna... I'm gonna blur your face. 651 00:27:38,365 --> 00:27:41,451 I'm not making this up. That's how the Honor System works, right? 652 00:27:41,534 --> 00:27:44,996 [laughs] And you don't gotta blur my face! Don't make it fucking weird. 653 00:27:45,997 --> 00:27:47,290 Where is this gonna show? 654 00:27:47,374 --> 00:27:49,542 [Kenya] Dude, what the fuck is up with your generation? 655 00:27:49,626 --> 00:27:50,752 Are you guys lost? 656 00:27:51,127 --> 00:27:54,339 Buying drugs is supposed to be dangerous. It's like an adventure. 657 00:27:54,464 --> 00:27:55,882 You're supposed to be terrified! 658 00:27:56,007 --> 00:27:59,135 Worried you're gonna get cross-bowed or choked out by a Gucci belt. 659 00:27:59,844 --> 00:28:02,180 First, I let you down with my hair and now this. 660 00:28:02,263 --> 00:28:04,557 Babe, you didn't let me down with your hair. 661 00:28:04,891 --> 00:28:06,184 If I'm being honest, 662 00:28:06,559 --> 00:28:09,688 only reason any of this stuff counts is because of fucking White Gaze. 663 00:28:09,771 --> 00:28:12,607 Okay, Dad, homophobic does not seem like your brand. 664 00:28:12,691 --> 00:28:13,692 No, not gay... 665 00:28:14,818 --> 00:28:16,027 Bearby, look, 666 00:28:17,570 --> 00:28:20,240 I like your hair, it's actually kind of cute. 667 00:28:20,323 --> 00:28:22,701 I mean, I don't love it, but I like it. 668 00:28:23,118 --> 00:28:26,037 You know, but the thing is, as a black girl, 669 00:28:26,287 --> 00:28:29,499 you don't get looked at the same as these white girls who have purple hair. 670 00:28:29,582 --> 00:28:32,293 You'll get looked at like you're a stripper, or you're this or that. 671 00:28:32,377 --> 00:28:34,170 It's something totally different! 672 00:28:34,295 --> 00:28:35,922 It's like me with the fucking chain. 673 00:28:36,005 --> 00:28:37,925 You know how much I wanted this chain growing up? 674 00:28:38,007 --> 00:28:40,510 All the dudes I idolized had chains like this, 675 00:28:40,593 --> 00:28:43,763 whether they were ball players, or rappers, or drug dealers. 676 00:28:44,097 --> 00:28:47,016 So when I finally was able to get one, I was super pumped, 677 00:28:47,100 --> 00:28:49,940 until I noticed that white people looked at me like I was a ball player, 678 00:28:50,019 --> 00:28:51,521 or a rapper, or a drug dealer. 679 00:28:51,604 --> 00:28:54,065 Okay, Dad, you think I don't know that already? 680 00:28:54,149 --> 00:28:56,985 I mean, it's different for us, but that's just how it is. 681 00:28:57,360 --> 00:29:01,406 Uh, it's like if Malia Obama comes anywhere near pot, 682 00:29:01,489 --> 00:29:03,491 doing the same thing any kid her age is doing, 683 00:29:03,575 --> 00:29:05,660 it's like a national security breach, 684 00:29:05,744 --> 00:29:09,539 or... or if Sasha wears a tank top, it's like she breaks the Internet. 685 00:29:09,664 --> 00:29:13,251 You know, I feel like so few of us get the chance to do anything 686 00:29:13,334 --> 00:29:15,044 that if we finally do get that chance, 687 00:29:15,128 --> 00:29:17,172 everyone's looking at us ready to pounce. 688 00:29:19,883 --> 00:29:22,385 Did you just compare yourself to Sasha and Malia Obama? 689 00:29:23,803 --> 00:29:25,889 You really are such a dick. 690 00:29:26,264 --> 00:29:27,265 I know. 691 00:29:28,600 --> 00:29:31,060 - Thank you for telling me the truth. - [Chloe] No problem. 692 00:29:31,895 --> 00:29:34,564 Don't take any drugs from your mom, they're really strong. 693 00:29:34,647 --> 00:29:37,734 ♪ Five, four, three, two, one ♪ 694 00:29:38,985 --> 00:29:40,653 [Chloe] So you really like my hair? 695 00:29:40,737 --> 00:29:43,615 [Kenya] I don't love your hair, but it's kinda cute. 696 00:29:43,698 --> 00:29:45,384 [Chloe] Well, in that case, I don't love your chain. 697 00:29:45,408 --> 00:29:46,326 [Kenya] What? 698 00:29:46,409 --> 00:29:49,209 [Chloe] Okay, but it does kinda look good against the black sweatshirt. 699 00:29:49,245 --> 00:29:52,624 It does, right? Your mom wanted me to put, like, a white t-shirt or something... 700 00:29:52,707 --> 00:29:55,043 - She's always on that bullshit. - No, no. 701 00:29:55,126 --> 00:29:58,296 You know, I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but you're kinda fly, old man. 702 00:29:58,379 --> 00:30:00,381 Thank you, that means everything. 703 00:30:00,465 --> 00:30:01,925 - [laughing] - As it should. 704 00:30:02,008 --> 00:30:04,093 Question, were you high earlier? 705 00:30:04,761 --> 00:30:05,762 As fuck, yes. 706 00:30:05,845 --> 00:30:09,516 But I'm only telling you the truth because we don't lie to each other, right? 707 00:30:09,599 --> 00:30:11,142 Then does that make it okay? 708 00:30:12,101 --> 00:30:13,853 For your father? Yes. 709 00:30:14,270 --> 00:30:16,564 But if you ever get high again, I'm killing you. 710 00:30:17,232 --> 00:30:18,483 [Chloe laughs] Okay. 711 00:30:18,566 --> 00:30:20,669 Uh, I'm gonna catch Kode. Call me when you guys get home. 712 00:30:20,693 --> 00:30:22,403 Okay, well, we're gonna go, too. 713 00:30:22,695 --> 00:30:24,364 Nah, I think your night's over. 714 00:30:25,782 --> 00:30:29,118 Babe, you were right about White Gaze! 715 00:30:29,202 --> 00:30:32,413 Look at all these motherfuckers looking at me like I'm crazy! 716 00:30:32,831 --> 00:30:33,831 You're crazy! 717 00:30:34,207 --> 00:30:35,708 You're just gonna watch this? 718 00:30:35,792 --> 00:30:39,087 Why do you even have an all-access pass? Go do some drugs like your sister. 719 00:30:40,129 --> 00:30:43,716 Come here in cords and a fucking sweater? Nerd! 720 00:30:43,842 --> 00:30:46,052 ["The Box" by Roddy Ricch playing] 721 00:30:46,261 --> 00:30:48,388 [laughing and chattering] 722 00:30:56,646 --> 00:30:57,646 Doughnut? 723 00:30:58,147 --> 00:30:59,774 [Joya] Second party's a success. 724 00:31:00,567 --> 00:31:02,110 You did it, Mr. Barris. 725 00:31:02,193 --> 00:31:04,237 Thanks. You did it too, Mrs. Barris. 726 00:31:04,320 --> 00:31:06,030 - Appreciate you. - [Joya] Mm. 727 00:31:06,322 --> 00:31:08,467 Guess this is what they would say the other side of White Gaze is. 728 00:31:08,491 --> 00:31:11,119 [Joya] Yep. Swim in our pool, eat our fucking doughnuts, 729 00:31:11,202 --> 00:31:13,371 but our kids are happy, we're balling out. 730 00:31:13,454 --> 00:31:14,873 Suck it, White Gaze. 731 00:31:15,790 --> 00:31:16,833 I guess. 732 00:31:17,292 --> 00:31:20,169 You guess? You're never gonna be happy, are you? 733 00:31:20,253 --> 00:31:22,088 - Probably not. - Sick house, brother man. 734 00:31:22,171 --> 00:31:24,233 Thanks. Oh, don't fucking call me "brother man," dude. 735 00:31:24,257 --> 00:31:25,592 Just do the doughnuts shit. 736 00:31:25,967 --> 00:31:26,885 Who is this guy? 737 00:31:26,968 --> 00:31:29,929 So, what's the lesson you think you taught Pops? 738 00:31:30,054 --> 00:31:33,933 Um, you don't bring a box of doughnuts to a doughnut-stand fight. 739 00:31:34,100 --> 00:31:35,310 It's amateurish. 740 00:31:35,393 --> 00:31:36,519 Bush-league. 741 00:31:36,603 --> 00:31:37,520 Oh! 742 00:31:37,604 --> 00:31:38,897 And always wear a chain. 743 00:31:38,980 --> 00:31:41,274 White people love chains, like, love 'em. 744 00:31:41,357 --> 00:31:43,109 Go fucking crazy for 'em. 745 00:31:43,234 --> 00:31:45,570 Key to... Key to life, key to success. 746 00:31:46,571 --> 00:31:48,531 Key to success. Gandhi probably had a chain. 747 00:31:48,615 --> 00:31:50,533 Martin Luther King, chain. 748 00:31:50,617 --> 00:31:52,577 - Kennedy, chain. - Don't think they did. 749 00:31:52,660 --> 00:31:53,660 Moses. 750 00:31:54,120 --> 00:31:56,164 Hold on. Yo, yo, yo, yo! 751 00:31:56,915 --> 00:31:58,601 Yo, how many doughnuts have you had today, bro? 752 00:31:58,625 --> 00:31:59,626 None! 753 00:32:01,628 --> 00:32:03,379 How many... [sighs] You know what? Just go. 754 00:32:04,839 --> 00:32:07,050 - He's got a problem. - Really big problem. 755 00:32:07,133 --> 00:32:08,885 Like... Like, I'm scared. 756 00:32:09,093 --> 00:32:11,179 I really didn't have any doughnuts. 757 00:32:11,262 --> 00:32:13,097 This kid at school's been bullying me. 758 00:32:13,181 --> 00:32:15,266 He's from this Armenian kid gang. 759 00:32:15,350 --> 00:32:19,395 Seriously, he told me if I said anything, he would kill my parents. 760 00:32:19,479 --> 00:32:23,066 I didn't know if he was lying, but I did not want to test him. 761 00:32:23,149 --> 00:32:25,443 Armenian gangs don't play. 762 00:32:25,735 --> 00:32:27,820 What do you have there? What... What's that? 763 00:32:27,904 --> 00:32:30,114 Oh. Here. 764 00:32:35,036 --> 00:32:38,790 "Local beloved private school teacher Francine Lady 765 00:32:39,415 --> 00:32:42,669 tragically falls to her death from her apartment window. 766 00:32:43,169 --> 00:32:46,130 Classes have been canceled in honor of her memory." 767 00:32:47,715 --> 00:32:49,342 [Kam] Okay, I gotta go potty. 768 00:32:51,552 --> 00:32:52,595 Wow! 769 00:32:52,929 --> 00:32:54,472 Francine Lady. 770 00:32:54,931 --> 00:32:57,725 Her... Her name was actually Miss Lady. 771 00:32:57,892 --> 00:32:59,352 ["Win" by Jay Rock playing] 772 00:32:59,435 --> 00:33:02,480 ♪ Get out the way, get out the way, Get out the way, yeah ♪ 773 00:33:02,563 --> 00:33:03,398 ♪ Yeah ♪ 774 00:33:03,481 --> 00:33:06,526 ♪ Get out the way, Get the fuck up out my way, yeah ♪ 775 00:33:06,818 --> 00:33:07,652 ♪ Yeah ♪ 776 00:33:07,735 --> 00:33:10,405 ♪ You either with me or against me, ho ♪ 777 00:33:10,530 --> 00:33:11,531 ♪ Ho ♪ 778 00:33:11,614 --> 00:33:13,533 ♪ You either with me or ♪ 779 00:33:13,658 --> 00:33:14,492 ♪ Wait ♪ 780 00:33:14,575 --> 00:33:16,911 ♪ Win, win, win, win, win ♪ 781 00:33:16,995 --> 00:33:17,829 ♪ Yeah ♪ 782 00:33:17,912 --> 00:33:20,748 ♪ Fuck everything else Win, win, win, win ♪ 783 00:33:20,832 --> 00:33:22,792 ♪ Win, these niggas ain't shit ♪ 784 00:33:23,167 --> 00:33:24,877 ♪ Win, win, win, win, win ♪