1 00:01:04,833 --> 00:01:06,333 When my father passed, Cuando falleció mi padre, 2 00:01:08,333 --> 00:01:10,666 I wanted nothing more than my mother's happiness. mi mayor deseo era ver feliz a mi madre. 3 00:01:16,000 --> 00:01:19,041 For what kind of man would I be if I did not help my mother? ¿Qué clase de hombre sería si no ayudaba a mi madre? 4 00:01:21,416 --> 00:01:22,625 If I did not save her? ¿Si no la salvaba? 5 00:02:13,750 --> 00:02:15,625 You're not eating? No. -¿No va a comer? -No. 6 00:02:32,083 --> 00:02:34,333 Have you figured it out yet, fatso? ¿Has sacado la cuenta, gordo? 7 00:02:35,541 --> 00:02:36,552 What? ¿De qué? 8 00:02:38,416 --> 00:02:40,399 How many years since we took over the ranch ¿Cuánto hace que relevamos en la hacienda 9 00:02:40,500 --> 00:02:42,625 from the Old Gent and Old Lady? al Viejo y a la Vieja? 10 00:02:44,333 --> 00:02:45,333 Why? ¿Por qué? 11 00:02:46,458 --> 00:02:47,958 Oh hell, think about it. Diablos, ponte a pensar. 12 00:02:53,875 --> 00:02:55,875 You ever try the house bath, Phil? ¿Nunca usas la bañera de la casa, Phil? 13 00:02:59,125 --> 00:03:00,041 No, I have not. No, nunca. 14 00:03:03,291 --> 00:03:06,041 Early up tomorrow, brother. Big old drive. Mañana salimos temprano, hermano. Es un arreo largo. 15 00:03:40,708 --> 00:03:43,166 There's a dead cow. Keep our cattle away. Hay una vaca muerta. Alejen el ganado. 16 00:03:43,875 --> 00:03:46,333 -What happened? -Anthrax. Don't touch. -¿Qué pasó? -Ántrax. No la toquen. 17 00:03:50,750 --> 00:03:51,761 Well, guess Supongo 18 00:03:53,166 --> 00:03:54,177 this is it. que es así. 19 00:03:55,541 --> 00:03:56,458 What's "it," Phil? ¿Qué cosa, Phil? 20 00:03:58,416 --> 00:04:02,250 What's "it"? All right, fatso, I'll tell you what "it" is. ¿"Qué cosa"? Está bien, gordo, te diré "qué cosa". 21 00:04:03,750 --> 00:04:06,250 Twenty-five years since our first run together. Llevamos 25 años trabajando juntos. 22 00:04:07,916 --> 00:04:09,625 Nineteen hundred and nothing. Empezamos en 1900. 23 00:04:10,541 --> 00:04:11,916 That's a long time. Es mucho tiempo. 24 00:04:12,958 --> 00:04:14,083 Well, not too damn long. No tanto, demonios. 25 00:04:23,625 --> 00:04:26,649 Know what we should do? What's that? -¿Sabes qué podemos hacer? -¿Qué? 26 00:04:26,750 --> 00:04:30,125 Go camping again in the mountains and shoot ourselves some fresh elk liver. Acampar en las montañas otra vez y comer hígado de ciervo. 27 00:04:30,791 --> 00:04:34,583 Cook it right there on the coals like Bronco Henry taught us. Asarlo ahí mismo sobre las brasas, como nos enseñó Bronco Henry. 28 00:04:39,458 --> 00:04:40,583 You got a sore gut? ¿Te duele la barriga? 29 00:04:41,875 --> 00:04:42,791 No. No. 30 00:04:43,291 --> 00:04:45,958 You act like it pains you to hitch two words together. Parece que te costara decir dos palabras. 31 00:05:41,041 --> 00:05:42,583 There'll be 12 for tonight. Esta noche serán 12 clientes. 32 00:05:44,166 --> 00:05:46,315 Do you what they'd prefer to eat? ¿Sabe qué prefieren comer? 33 00:05:46,416 --> 00:05:48,166 They like the fried chicken dinner. Les gusta el pollo frito. 34 00:05:58,416 --> 00:05:59,274 Yes? ¿Sí? 35 00:05:59,375 --> 00:06:00,774 I'm going to need your room. Voy a necesitar tu cuarto. 36 00:06:00,875 --> 00:06:01,875 All right. De acuerdo. 37 00:06:08,083 --> 00:06:09,083 What are you doing? ¿Qué haces? 38 00:06:09,875 --> 00:06:10,791 Nothing. Nada. 39 00:06:14,833 --> 00:06:15,833 Is that an album? ¿Es un álbum? 40 00:06:17,583 --> 00:06:18,649 Not really. No exactamente. 41 00:06:18,750 --> 00:06:20,583 -May I? -Sure. -¿Puedo? -Claro. 42 00:06:24,125 --> 00:06:26,958 -Do you like the mansion? -Too much to clean. -¿Te gusta la mansión? -Demasiado para limpiar. 43 00:06:27,541 --> 00:06:31,041 You wouldn't have to clean it. There would be cleaners. No tendrías que limpiarla. Habría sirvientes. 44 00:06:34,416 --> 00:06:35,583 Oh, she's beautiful. Ella es hermosa. 45 00:06:37,250 --> 00:06:38,583 I like her flowers. Me agradan sus flores. 46 00:06:41,541 --> 00:06:43,208 Oh! That's clever, Peter. Qué ingenioso, Peter. 47 00:06:45,833 --> 00:06:47,565 They're so lovely. Son encantadoras. 48 00:06:47,666 --> 00:06:48,708 Thanks. Gracias. 49 00:06:50,666 --> 00:06:51,791 For the tables? ¿Para las mesas? 50 00:06:52,958 --> 00:06:53,958 Sure. Claro. 51 00:06:56,625 --> 00:06:59,541 -I need three chickens. Can you do them? -All right. -Necesito tres pollos. ¿Te encargas? -De acuerdo. 52 00:07:01,666 --> 00:07:03,899 You're gonna have to move your stuff to the shed. Deberás llevar tus cosas al cobertizo. 53 00:07:04,000 --> 00:07:06,000 I'll make a bed for you on the floor. Te prepararé una cama en el piso. 54 00:07:23,958 --> 00:07:26,416 AMADO ESPOSO DE ROSE Y PADRE DE PETER 55 00:08:29,750 --> 00:08:30,583 Jake. Jake. 56 00:08:42,375 --> 00:08:44,208 -He there? -Nope. -¿Está ahí? -No. 57 00:08:47,833 --> 00:08:51,375 Well, we can't wait forever. The cattle are in the yards, so drink up. No seguiremos esperando. El ganado está en los corrales. Beban. 58 00:08:52,208 --> 00:08:54,083 -You gonna say something? -Nope. -¿Dirás unas palabras? -No. 59 00:08:55,291 --> 00:08:56,708 Not without my brother. Sin mi hermano, no. 60 00:09:05,875 --> 00:09:06,875 Where were you? ¿Dónde estabas? 61 00:09:07,458 --> 00:09:09,607 I couldn't make the boys hold back forever. No podía seguir frenándolos. 62 00:09:09,708 --> 00:09:11,000 That's fine. No hay problema. 63 00:09:11,666 --> 00:09:12,791 Uh 64 00:09:13,708 --> 00:09:16,875 Checked the power, and it's held up. Not coming till morning. Pregunté por el poder. Está demorado. Llega recién mañana. 65 00:09:18,750 --> 00:09:22,315 Oh, no, thanks. Phil, they're ready for us next door at the Red Mill. No, gracias. Phil, ya nos esperan en el Red Mill. 66 00:09:22,416 --> 00:09:23,625 Dinnertime, boys. A cenar, muchachos. 67 00:09:24,875 --> 00:09:26,083 Let's get a move on. Démonos prisa. 68 00:09:30,125 --> 00:09:33,458 Twenty-five years ago, where were you, Georgie Boy? ¿Dónde estabas hace 25 años, Georgie boy? 69 00:09:33,791 --> 00:09:34,958 Hmm? 70 00:09:36,041 --> 00:09:37,458 -With you. -I'll tell you. -Contigo. -Yo te diré. 71 00:09:38,500 --> 00:09:41,791 A chubby know-nothing too dumb to get through college. Eras un regordete inútil, muy tonto para ir a la universidad. 72 00:09:42,750 --> 00:09:44,274 People helped you, fatso. Tuviste ayuda, gordo. 73 00:09:44,375 --> 00:09:49,125 One person in particular taught you and me ranching so we damn well succeeded. Una persona en particular nos enseñó a ser ganaderos, para que triunfáramos. 74 00:09:55,291 --> 00:09:56,302 -Bronco Henry. -Hmm. Bronco Henry. 75 00:10:00,208 --> 00:10:01,125 So Entonces... 76 00:10:03,291 --> 00:10:07,815 So, to us brothers, Romulus and Remus, and the wolf who raised us. Por nosotros, los hermanos Rómulo y Remo, y por el lobo que nos crio. 77 00:10:07,916 --> 00:10:09,399 -Bronco Henry. -Bronco. -Bronco Henry. -Por Bronco. 78 00:10:09,541 --> 00:10:11,750 -Il Lupo. -Bronco. -Bronco Henry. -Bronco Henry. -Il lupo. -Por Bronco Henry. 79 00:10:18,125 --> 00:10:20,083 -Boss is leavin'. -Dinner, boys. -Se va el jefe. -A cenar, muchachos. 80 00:10:29,291 --> 00:10:30,333 Much obliged. Le agradezco. 81 00:10:36,416 --> 00:10:40,291 Rose? Rose, play piano for us please. I can't! -¿Rose? Rosie, toca el piano, por favor. -¡No puedo! 82 00:10:40,791 --> 00:10:43,416 -Play! Play! Play! -Come on! -¡Toca! -¡Vamos! 83 00:10:49,125 --> 00:10:51,833 -Is everything all right? -Yes, ma'am. Fine. I can play the piano. -¿Está todo en orden? -Sí, señora. Bien. 84 00:11:08,333 --> 00:11:10,041 Well, well Vaya, vaya. 85 00:11:12,041 --> 00:11:13,791 ain't them purdy. Qué primorosas. 86 00:11:24,125 --> 00:11:26,750 "I've never seen a woman behind the wheel of a car." "Jamás vi a una mujer al volante de un auto". 87 00:11:37,166 --> 00:11:40,107 I said, "Have you never seen a lady drive a car before?" Le pregunté: "¿Nunca vio conducir a una dama?". 88 00:11:40,208 --> 00:11:41,357 I guess Lo adiviné. 89 00:11:41,458 --> 00:11:44,482 He thought the dog was driving. No. No. -Creyó que conducía el perro. -No. 90 00:11:44,583 --> 00:11:45,594 No! ¡No! 91 00:11:46,666 --> 00:11:47,500 Oh, yeah. Sí... 92 00:11:48,250 --> 00:11:49,208 Well Bueno... 93 00:11:50,375 --> 00:11:51,344 I wonder Me pregunto 94 00:11:52,333 --> 00:11:54,333 what little lady made these. qué doncella hizo estas. 95 00:11:57,500 --> 00:11:58,875 Actually, I did, sir. Las hice yo, señor. 96 00:12:02,041 --> 00:12:03,500 My mother was a florist. Mi madre era florista. 97 00:12:04,333 --> 00:12:06,708 So I made them to look like the ones in our garden. Las hice como las de nuestro jardín. 98 00:12:07,333 --> 00:12:08,916 Oh, well, do pardon me. Vaya, te pido disculpas. 99 00:12:11,583 --> 00:12:16,041 They're just as real as possible. Realmente parecen de verdad. 100 00:12:20,500 --> 00:12:22,083 Mmm. 101 00:12:23,208 --> 00:12:26,583 All right. Now, gentlemen, look. See, that's what you do with the cloth. Muy bien. Caballeros. Fíjense, así se usa el repasador. 102 00:12:33,625 --> 00:12:36,500 -It's really just for wine drips. -Ooh, you got that, boys? -Es para secar las gotas de vino. -¿Escucharon? 103 00:12:37,250 --> 00:12:39,666 Only for the drips. Sólo para secar las gotas. 104 00:12:44,708 --> 00:12:46,041 Now get us some food. Ahora tráenos la comida. 105 00:13:11,208 --> 00:13:14,416 -Did Bronco ever eat here? -No, he did not. -¿Bronco comió aquí alguna vez? -No. 106 00:13:15,166 --> 00:13:16,333 So where did you eat? ¿Dónde comían? 107 00:13:17,375 --> 00:13:21,750 Uh, back then we had herring at the saloon and a whole lot of alcohol. En esa época, comíamos arenque y bebíamos mucho en la taberna. 108 00:13:23,250 --> 00:13:24,083 Oh. 109 00:13:24,166 --> 00:13:28,107 I remember this one time, Bronco made this wager that he could jump any horse Una vez, Bronco apostó que podía hacer saltar cualquier caballo 110 00:13:28,208 --> 00:13:32,000 over the tables and chairs of the saloon piled up in the street. por sobre las mesas y sillas de la taberna apiladas en la calle. 111 00:13:33,375 --> 00:13:36,416 Well, we chose him a nag all right. Le escogimos un caballo decrépito. 112 00:13:38,333 --> 00:13:39,500 It didn't bother him. Él ni se inmutó. 113 00:13:40,833 --> 00:13:42,291 He took off his saddle, Tomó su montura, 114 00:13:43,458 --> 00:13:45,899 walked the horse up to the tables and chairs, llevó el caballo hasta las mesas y sillas, 115 00:13:46,000 --> 00:13:47,500 talking to him all the while, hablándole todo el tiempo, 116 00:13:47,625 --> 00:13:50,791 stroking his big, ugly head while the horse sniffed. acariciando la cabezota fea del caballo que olfateaba. 117 00:13:53,541 --> 00:13:54,916 And then he swung on Luego, lo montó... 118 00:13:56,958 --> 00:13:59,125 and rode him back and retrocedió y... 119 00:14:02,833 --> 00:14:03,833 What? ¿Qué? 120 00:14:07,791 --> 00:14:08,802 Flew over. Voló. 121 00:14:09,500 --> 00:14:10,511 He jumped it? ¿Saltó todo? 122 00:14:17,500 --> 00:14:20,541 But to get a nag to jump ain't heard of. Lograr que un caballo decrépito salte así es inaudito. 123 00:14:22,416 --> 00:14:23,916 Put it down to amour. Será cuestión de amour. 124 00:14:27,500 --> 00:14:29,083 What do you say, George? ¿Qué opinas, George? 125 00:14:30,750 --> 00:14:31,750 Amour? ¿Amour? 126 00:14:34,625 --> 00:14:38,125 What I don't know what you're talking about. No sé de qué hablas. 127 00:14:51,375 --> 00:14:53,500 Do you mind quietening? We're eating. ¿Bajarían el volumen? Estamos comiendo. 128 00:14:56,333 --> 00:14:58,541 Shut that down, or I will! ¡Deje eso, o se lo hago dejar yo! 129 00:15:31,625 --> 00:15:33,041 Are you all right, Peter? ¿Te sientes bien, Peter? 130 00:15:39,375 --> 00:15:40,375 Where are you going? ¿Adónde vas? 131 00:16:12,500 --> 00:16:14,250 Go on over. I'll settle up. Vete. Yo pago la cuenta. 132 00:16:16,166 --> 00:16:17,333 Settle in the morning. Págala en la mañana. 133 00:16:18,583 --> 00:16:19,594 I'll be along. Enseguida voy. 134 00:17:26,083 --> 00:17:28,750 Shall I settle up now, Mrs. Gordon, or ¿Le pago ahora, señora Gordon, o...? 135 00:18:15,250 --> 00:18:16,416 Please, you can Por favor... 136 00:18:18,416 --> 00:18:20,625 send the bill, and I'll post a check. mande la cuenta y le envío un cheque. 137 00:18:26,166 --> 00:18:29,649 Please, oh, please Oh, do not let me fall Por favor, no me dejes caer. 138 00:18:29,750 --> 00:18:32,815 You're all mine I love you best of all Eres mía, te amo con todo mi ser. 139 00:18:32,916 --> 00:18:36,565 You must be my girl Or I'll have no girl at all Debes ser mi chica o ninguna tendré. 140 00:18:36,666 --> 00:18:39,666 There'll be a hot time In the old town tonight Habrá mucha diversión en el viejo pueblo esta noche. 141 00:18:41,250 --> 00:18:44,857 When you hear The bells a-dinglin' Cuando oigas las campanas repicar. 142 00:18:44,958 --> 00:18:48,541 All join 'round And sweetly you must sing Todos nos reuniremos, y con dulzura cantarás... 143 00:18:58,000 --> 00:18:59,291 Come over here. I love you. Ven aquí. Te amo. 144 00:19:39,791 --> 00:19:40,791 George? ¿George? 145 00:20:06,541 --> 00:20:09,875 EN CASO DE INCENDIO 146 00:20:41,666 --> 00:20:42,666 George? ¿George? 147 00:21:07,083 --> 00:21:08,083 Brother. Hermano. 148 00:21:11,333 --> 00:21:12,583 Where have you been? ¿Dónde estabas? 149 00:21:17,000 --> 00:21:20,250 What you said about her boy tonight, Phil Lo que dijiste sobre su hijo esta noche, Phil... 150 00:21:22,291 --> 00:21:23,750 made her cry. la hizo llorar. 151 00:21:28,291 --> 00:21:30,125 She had her ear to the door? ¿Tenía la oreja pegada a la puerta? 152 00:21:33,416 --> 00:21:34,833 She was crying, Phil. Estaba llorando, Phil. 153 00:21:36,250 --> 00:21:37,261 What the hell? ¿Qué diablos? 154 00:21:38,791 --> 00:21:42,500 I said her boy needed to snap out of it and get human. Dije que su hijo debía reaccionar y empezar a actuar normal. 155 00:21:46,458 --> 00:21:47,958 Pointed it out, that's all. Fue un comentario, nada más. 156 00:21:51,000 --> 00:21:52,250 She should damn well know. Ella debería saberlo. 157 00:22:25,375 --> 00:22:26,386 Hold it. Sostenlo. 158 00:22:31,375 --> 00:22:32,386 He's got it! ¡Ahí va! 159 00:22:33,583 --> 00:22:34,916 He was better before. Antes le salió mejor. 160 00:22:36,000 --> 00:22:37,011 He's getting there. Lo logrará. 161 00:22:39,500 --> 00:22:41,125 Is that how Bronco Henry learned it? ¿Así aprendió Bronco Henry? 162 00:22:43,000 --> 00:22:45,708 I never saw him out on a lunge, that's a fact. Nunca lo vi trabajar a la cuerda, la verdad. 163 00:22:59,500 --> 00:23:01,458 What is it you see up there, Phil? ¿Qué ve ahí arriba, Phil? 164 00:23:02,666 --> 00:23:03,958 Are animals up there? ¿Hay animales? 165 00:23:04,750 --> 00:23:07,166 Has anyone else seen what you've seen, Phil? ¿Alguien más vio lo que vio usted, Phil? 166 00:23:09,291 --> 00:23:10,208 George? ¿George? 167 00:23:14,708 --> 00:23:16,333 Nah, not him. No. Él no. 168 00:23:19,750 --> 00:23:21,375 Come on, Phil. What is it? Vamos, Phil. ¿Qué ve? 169 00:23:23,000 --> 00:23:24,750 There is something there, right? Hay algo ahí, ¿cierto? 170 00:23:25,958 --> 00:23:27,833 Not if you can't see it, there ain't. Si no lo ves, no. 171 00:23:31,875 --> 00:23:33,291 Gotta be an animal. Tiene que ser un animal. 172 00:23:58,333 --> 00:24:05,333 RESTAURANTE -ALOJAMIENTO -COMIDAS 173 00:24:23,875 --> 00:24:25,083 Hello, Mr. Burbank. Hola, señor Burbank. 174 00:24:25,916 --> 00:24:27,083 Hello, Mrs. Gordon. Hola, señora Gordon. 175 00:24:28,125 --> 00:24:29,250 How can I help you? ¿Qué se le ofrece? 176 00:24:32,250 --> 00:24:35,958 I really just came to see you. Sólo venía a verla. 177 00:24:38,958 --> 00:24:39,875 Oh. 178 00:24:40,458 --> 00:24:41,750 I'm quite busy. Estoy muy ocupada. 179 00:24:58,791 --> 00:25:02,041 "This most wholesome sauce is excellent "Esta saludable salsa es excelente 180 00:25:02,875 --> 00:25:06,166 with meats, fish, and cheese." para usar con carne, pescado y queso". 181 00:25:10,375 --> 00:25:11,541 They have wine with them. Bebieron vino. 182 00:25:12,541 --> 00:25:15,625 I wish they wouldn't do that. I don't like drinking. Ojalá no hicieran eso. No me gusta el alcohol. 183 00:25:16,500 --> 00:25:19,583 I'd say they have more in them than wine. Sounds like booze. Diría que bebieron más que vino. Parece algo fuerte. 184 00:25:20,291 --> 00:25:23,250 They're early. I should have never put the pianola in there. Llegaron temprano. Nunca debí poner ahí la pianola. 185 00:25:34,958 --> 00:25:36,083 Here's the water. Aquí está el agua. 186 00:25:42,416 --> 00:25:47,708 I see I see the Herndon doctor and the undertaker, Mr. Weltz. Veo al médico de Herndon y al funebrero, el señor Weltz. 187 00:25:47,833 --> 00:25:50,208 Oh, goodness. I wish Peter were here. Santo cielo. Ojalá estuviera Peter. 188 00:25:51,041 --> 00:25:54,750 He should be serving the salad, and I need to fry the chicken. Él debería servir la ensalada, y yo tengo que freír el pollo. 189 00:25:55,708 --> 00:25:58,000 Sometimes if you get food on the table A veces, si ven la comida en la mesa... 190 00:26:00,041 --> 00:26:01,208 Um, Mr. Burbank, Señor Burbank... 191 00:26:02,291 --> 00:26:03,833 I'm gonna run and get Peter. Voy a buscar a Peter. 192 00:26:14,583 --> 00:26:15,708 Afternoon! ¡Buenas tardes! 193 00:26:20,750 --> 00:26:22,583 Uh, looks like I'm the new waiter. Parece que soy el nuevo camarero. 194 00:26:24,750 --> 00:26:25,791 Doctor. Doctor. 195 00:26:26,375 --> 00:26:27,583 Mr. Burbank. Señor Burbank. 196 00:26:29,333 --> 00:26:30,333 Mr. Weltz. Señor Weltz. 197 00:27:18,958 --> 00:27:21,166 Run into any snow down below? ¿Había nieve abajo? 198 00:27:23,500 --> 00:27:24,750 None to speak of. No demasiada. 199 00:27:29,041 --> 00:27:32,208 Well, I guess I'll roll me a smoke since I'm woke up. Ya que estoy despierto, me voy a armar un cigarrillo. 200 00:27:39,458 --> 00:27:40,500 How far did you get? ¿Hasta dónde llegaste? 201 00:27:42,458 --> 00:27:45,833 Beech. That's where I aimed for. Hasta Beech. Ahí quería llegar. 202 00:27:46,958 --> 00:27:47,958 Beech? ¿Beech? 203 00:27:49,500 --> 00:27:51,833 Whatcha doin' down there, Georgie Boy? ¿Qué hacías ahí abajo, Georgie boy? 204 00:27:53,041 --> 00:27:54,333 Little tomcatting? ¿Hiciste travesuras? 205 00:27:59,416 --> 00:28:01,458 I was speaking to Mrs. Gordon. Conversé con la señora Gordon. 206 00:28:06,166 --> 00:28:07,416 Oh, yes. Sí. 207 00:28:08,791 --> 00:28:10,708 She cried on your shoulder. La que te lloró en el hombro. 208 00:28:13,041 --> 00:28:14,166 So she did. La misma. 209 00:28:16,291 --> 00:28:21,166 Give her half a chance, and she'll be after some dollar for Miss Nancy's college fee. Si le das confianza, acabarás pagando la universidad del chico afeminado. 210 00:28:29,666 --> 00:28:32,774 Remember how the Old Lady brought those girls out to the ranch ¿Recuerdas que la Vieja trajo a esas chicas a la hacienda 211 00:28:32,875 --> 00:28:34,583 as soon as we could get hard-ons? apenas se nos empezó a parar? 212 00:28:35,583 --> 00:28:37,375 Oh my God. Por Dios. 213 00:28:39,083 --> 00:28:41,500 Remember the tomato soup queen? ¿Recuerdas a la Reina de la sopa de tomate? 214 00:28:46,541 --> 00:28:48,833 Wasn't it her that wrote you, ¿No fue ella la que te escribió: 215 00:28:49,708 --> 00:28:52,791 "I always will remember the western moon"? "Recordaré por siempre la luna del oeste"? 216 00:28:57,041 --> 00:28:59,815 Well, guess you coulda taken her out A ella podrías haberla sacado a pasear 217 00:28:59,916 --> 00:29:02,583 without first putting a sack over her head. sin antes ponerle una bolsa en la cabeza. 218 00:29:03,875 --> 00:29:05,208 Unlike some others. A diferencia de otras. 219 00:29:19,041 --> 00:29:20,666 Well, night, Phil. Buenas noches, Phil. 220 00:29:31,250 --> 00:29:33,357 It's a piece of ass you're after, fatso, Si buscas un revolcón, gordo, 221 00:29:33,458 --> 00:29:36,208 I'm damn sure you can get it without a license. seguro lo puedes conseguir sin formalidades. 222 00:29:46,083 --> 00:29:47,083 Hold it. Sostenla. 223 00:30:06,666 --> 00:30:08,000 What do you do with these? ¿Qué hace con estos? 224 00:30:13,208 --> 00:30:14,208 Goddamn. Maldita sea. 225 00:30:15,166 --> 00:30:16,875 Do you cut 'em up or something? ¿Los corta o qué? 226 00:30:30,500 --> 00:30:32,524 George has George se ha... 227 00:30:32,625 --> 00:30:33,750 He's gone again? ¿Volvió a irse? 228 00:30:34,708 --> 00:30:39,357 got himself tangled Involucrado 229 00:30:39,458 --> 00:30:45,458 with a suicide widow con la viuda de un suicida 230 00:30:50,625 --> 00:30:56,500 and her half-cooked son. y su hijo retardado. 231 00:31:09,375 --> 00:31:11,208 A little desk for your big desk. Un escritorio pequeño para el grande. 232 00:31:18,791 --> 00:31:19,750 Phil. Phil. 233 00:31:19,833 --> 00:31:21,958 Yep, got you, old-timer. Sí, para ti, anciano. 234 00:31:23,500 --> 00:31:26,833 Did you write to the Old Lady? ¿Le escribiste a la Vieja? 235 00:31:29,375 --> 00:31:30,791 Yeah, I dropped 'em both a line. Sí, a ambos. 236 00:31:32,875 --> 00:31:34,791 Did you say something about Rose? ¿Mencionaste a Rose? 237 00:31:36,750 --> 00:31:37,940 Yeah, Rose Sí, Rose... 238 00:31:38,041 --> 00:31:41,774 Well, you know as well as I do what the Old Lady would feel Sabes tan bien como yo lo que sentiría la Vieja 239 00:31:41,875 --> 00:31:47,083 if she thought you were getting mixed up with her. si pensara que te estás enrollando con ella. 240 00:31:50,291 --> 00:31:51,916 She'd likely have a hemorrhage. Tendría una hemorragia. 241 00:31:53,083 --> 00:31:59,125 The Old Lady would feel as one Mrs. Burbank would feel La Vieja pensaría lo mismo que piensa una señora Burbank 242 00:32:00,375 --> 00:32:01,791 for another Mrs. Burbank. de otra señora Burbank. 243 00:32:03,083 --> 00:32:04,166 Come again? ¿Qué dijiste? 244 00:32:06,541 --> 00:32:08,000 We were married Sunday. Nos casamos el domingo. 245 00:32:10,208 --> 00:32:12,375 She got rid of her property in Beech. Vendió su propiedad en Beech. 246 00:32:36,666 --> 00:32:37,583 Quit it. Termínala. 247 00:32:39,166 --> 00:32:40,875 Stand steady, you little bitch, huh? Quédate quieta, desgraciada. 248 00:32:41,916 --> 00:32:43,125 Come on. Venga 249 00:32:44,125 --> 00:32:45,458 Look at me, you little bitch! Huh? ¡No seas desgraciada! 250 00:32:47,166 --> 00:32:48,291 Yeah? ¿Sí? 251 00:32:48,833 --> 00:32:51,541 Quit it! You fat-faced bitch! ¡Termínala! ¡Desgraciada fea! 252 00:32:54,125 --> 00:32:55,125 Whore! ¡Puta! 253 00:33:02,291 --> 00:33:05,357 My school boarders eat dinner at 6:00 p.m. sharp. Los pupilos comen a las 6:00 p. m. en punto. 254 00:33:05,458 --> 00:33:07,958 No dish-washing duty if he has homework. No deberá lavar los platos si tiene tarea. 255 00:33:09,708 --> 00:33:11,291 Oh. No shoes inside. No se usan zapatos adentro. 256 00:33:16,500 --> 00:33:20,208 Maybe you'd like to come to the ranch sometimes? Won't that be nice? Quizá desees ir a la hacienda de vez en cuando. ¿No sería lindo? 257 00:33:21,000 --> 00:33:23,125 May I keep some of these rose petals? ¿Puedo quedarme con algunos pétalos? 258 00:33:36,166 --> 00:33:37,357 Hey, ho. Hola. 259 00:33:37,500 --> 00:33:38,750 Take the rest for later. Tienes para más tarde. 260 00:33:56,750 --> 00:34:00,690 I've been thinking we should have some sort of dinner party Estuve pensando que deberíamos hacer una cena 261 00:34:00,791 --> 00:34:02,541 to introduce you to my parents. para presentarte a mis padres. 262 00:34:05,041 --> 00:34:09,416 And perhaps we could invite the governor and his wife too. Y tal vez también invitar al gobernador y su esposa. 263 00:34:10,500 --> 00:34:13,291 I saw them in Herndon today, and, uh, Hoy los vi en Herndon y... 264 00:34:14,500 --> 00:34:17,041 I I kind of already mentioned it to them. Ya se los mencioné, más o menos. 265 00:34:20,083 --> 00:34:24,416 Uh, maybe you'd be kind enough to play something on our old piano. Quizá tendrías la gentileza de tocar algo en nuestro viejo piano. 266 00:34:26,333 --> 00:34:28,291 But, George, I'm not very good. Pero no soy muy buena, George. 267 00:34:29,125 --> 00:34:31,708 I only played for the moving pictures. Sólo tocaba cuando proyectaban películas. 268 00:34:32,833 --> 00:34:37,625 You are plenty fine enough for us. Tu talento es más que suficiente para nosotros. 269 00:34:37,625 --> 00:34:37,626 270 00:34:38,333 --> 00:34:40,833 The Old Lady can't play a note, so La Vieja no sabe tocar nada, así que... 271 00:34:42,291 --> 00:34:43,625 If that's what you want. Si es lo que deseas. 272 00:34:48,083 --> 00:34:49,541 This looks like a good spot. Este parece un buen lugar. 273 00:34:50,041 --> 00:34:51,607 Pull over here, please. Detente aquí, por favor. 274 00:34:51,708 --> 00:34:53,291 A good spot for what? ¿Un buen lugar para qué? 275 00:35:17,166 --> 00:35:18,875 You are marvelous, Rose. Eres maravillosa, Rose. 276 00:35:30,125 --> 00:35:31,541 Stand beside me, George. Párate a mi lado, George. 277 00:35:36,166 --> 00:35:37,250 What's happening? ¿Qué ocurre? 278 00:35:37,916 --> 00:35:39,083 Follow me. Sígueme. 279 00:35:40,166 --> 00:35:41,166 Left foot forward. Adelanta el izquierdo. 280 00:35:41,958 --> 00:35:45,815 One, two, three. And to the side. Uno, dos, tres. Al costado. 281 00:35:45,916 --> 00:35:49,274 One, two, three. And back. Uno, dos, tres, atrás. 282 00:35:49,375 --> 00:35:52,541 1 ,2, 3 Uno, dos, tres. 283 00:35:53,791 --> 00:35:56,833 -To the side again. One, two -Sorry, I I really can't. -Otra vez al costado. Uno, dos... -Perdón, no sé. 284 00:35:58,958 --> 00:36:02,208 -I really can't dance. I -You're dancing. -No sé bailar. Yo... -Estás bailando. 285 00:36:03,416 --> 00:36:05,166 Here. This foot forward. Vamos. Adelanta este pie. 286 00:36:07,625 --> 00:36:08,625 Don't think. No pienses. 287 00:36:10,458 --> 00:36:12,732 One, two, three. To the side. Uno, dos, tres. A un costado. 288 00:36:12,833 --> 00:36:15,149 One, two, three. And back. Uno, dos, tres, atrás. 289 00:36:15,250 --> 00:36:17,482 One, two, three. Uno, dos, tres. 290 00:36:17,583 --> 00:36:19,083 I told you I'd teach you. Te dije que te enseñaría. 291 00:36:27,833 --> 00:36:29,583 Forward, two, three. Adelante, dos, tres. 292 00:36:30,541 --> 00:36:31,875 Side, two Al costado, dos... 293 00:36:48,125 --> 00:36:49,291 What is it, George? ¿Qué sucede, George? 294 00:36:56,333 --> 00:36:57,344 I just Yo... 295 00:37:00,291 --> 00:37:02,375 I wanted to say how nice it is Sólo quería decir lo agradable que es 296 00:37:04,166 --> 00:37:05,416 not to be alone. no estar sólo. 297 00:37:52,583 --> 00:37:54,208 Go on up and get out of the cold. Entra, así no pasas frío. 298 00:38:14,708 --> 00:38:15,791 Hello, Phil. Hola, Phil. 299 00:38:16,958 --> 00:38:18,416 You remember Rose? ¿Recuerdas a Rose? 300 00:38:20,041 --> 00:38:21,416 -Oh, hello there. -Hello. -Hola. -Hola. 301 00:38:22,708 --> 00:38:25,583 -Something wrong with the furnace? -Search me. -¿Pasa algo con la caldera? -Ni idea. 302 00:38:28,666 --> 00:38:31,982 -I'll go down and shake it up. -I've been hanging around for you all day. -Iré a encenderla. -Te estuve esperando todo el día. 303 00:38:32,083 --> 00:38:34,750 There's a deed the Old Gent wants sent to him. El Viejo quiere que le enviemos una escritura. 304 00:38:36,541 --> 00:38:38,583 Well, I figure that can go till morning. Eso puede esperar hasta mañana. 305 00:38:39,416 --> 00:38:41,958 -You all right? -I'm perfectly fine, George. -¿Te encuentras bien? -Muy bien, George. 306 00:38:59,916 --> 00:39:01,375 Well, brother Phil, Hermano Phil, 307 00:39:03,291 --> 00:39:04,732 we had such a nice trip-- fue un viaje tan bonito... 308 00:39:04,875 --> 00:39:06,083 I'm not your brother. Yo no soy tu hermano. 309 00:39:06,833 --> 00:39:08,375 You're a cheap schemer. Eres una vil manipuladora. 310 00:39:27,958 --> 00:39:29,750 "We had such a nice trip." "Fue un viaje tan bonito". 311 00:40:02,916 --> 00:40:04,125 Come on in. Adelante. 312 00:40:08,000 --> 00:40:12,000 This is the bathroom. Just make yourself at home. Este es el baño. Ponte cómoda. 313 00:40:18,166 --> 00:40:19,125 Yeah, that's fine. Sí, está bien. 314 00:40:19,916 --> 00:40:20,833 All right. Basta. 315 00:41:07,208 --> 00:41:08,291 Mm-hmm. 316 00:41:50,500 --> 00:41:55,250 EN MEMORIA DE BRONCO HENRY AMIGO 317 00:43:52,291 --> 00:43:54,791 Now, you just make yourself comfortable. Ponte cómoda. 318 00:43:57,708 --> 00:44:00,166 Now, I'm going to bring you a surprise. Voy a traerte una sorpresa. 319 00:44:01,000 --> 00:44:01,916 What is it? ¿Qué cosa? 320 00:44:03,208 --> 00:44:05,208 Well, then it won't be a surprise. Si te dijera, no sería sorpresa. 321 00:44:24,541 --> 00:44:27,690 When the rains come, the cellar gets flooded. Cuando llegan las lluvias, se inunda el sótano. 322 00:44:27,791 --> 00:44:32,899 So, the rats all drown. They float to the surface. Y las ratas se ahogan. Flotan hasta la superficie. 323 00:44:33,000 --> 00:44:37,041 I have to get the young lads in to scoop 'em all up with a Tengo que hacer que los muchachos las saquen todas con un... 324 00:44:47,750 --> 00:44:49,291 Please keep talking. Sigan hablando, por favor. 325 00:44:50,375 --> 00:44:51,375 Don't mind me. No se fijen en mí. 326 00:44:52,541 --> 00:44:53,625 I like to keep busy. Me gusta ocuparme. 327 00:45:08,666 --> 00:45:09,666 Easy. Despacio. 328 00:45:11,208 --> 00:45:12,333 We got it. 329 00:45:12,416 --> 00:45:13,500 Head to the right. A la derecha. 330 00:45:17,666 --> 00:45:18,899 -Turn it around that way. Gírenlo hacia allí. 331 00:45:19,000 --> 00:45:20,083 -Please, I'll take it. Por favor, démelo. 332 00:45:22,416 --> 00:45:23,386 -What is it? -Head to the front door. ¿Qué es? 333 00:45:25,208 --> 00:45:27,125 George. Is that George. ¿Es...? 334 00:45:28,083 --> 00:45:29,565 Is that a grand? ¿Es un piano de cola? 335 00:45:29,666 --> 00:45:31,208 -You got it? -Yeah, I got it. -¿Lo tienes? -Así es. 336 00:45:33,041 --> 00:45:36,083 -Whoa, hold it. -It's a Mason & Hamlin baby grand. Es un piano de cola mignon de Mason & Hamlin. 337 00:45:36,625 --> 00:45:39,000 Oh no, it's it's too good for me. I'm No, es demasiado bueno para mí. Soy... 338 00:45:39,583 --> 00:45:42,541 I'm just very average. I I only know tunes. Soy apenas promedio. Sólo sé melodías. 339 00:45:43,375 --> 00:45:44,958 That's what I want, tunes. Eso quiero. Melodías. 340 00:45:45,625 --> 00:45:46,875 The governor too. También el gobernador. 341 00:45:47,708 --> 00:45:50,791 We don't want a concert. We just wanna hear you play, Rose. No pretendemos un concierto. Sólo queremos oírte tocar. 342 00:45:51,875 --> 00:45:54,857 -I should like to look on the governor -Easy. Me gustaría ver al gobernador 343 00:45:54,958 --> 00:45:58,416 as he drives up and gets out of his vehicle. cuando llegue y se baje del auto. 344 00:46:00,125 --> 00:46:02,791 -One step at a time, ready? -Two, three, four. -Un paso a la vez, ¿listo? -Dos, tres, cuatro. 345 00:49:28,875 --> 00:49:32,875 -You make a rope with these? -These strips? Yeah. -¿Hará una soga con estas? -¿Con estas tiras? Sí. 346 00:49:48,541 --> 00:49:50,416 You boys find something needs doing. Vayan a ocuparse en algo, muchachos. 347 00:49:51,375 --> 00:49:52,625 Yes, sir. Sí, señor. 348 00:50:04,458 --> 00:50:07,500 I just came over to speak about something. Vine a hablarte de algo. 349 00:50:17,500 --> 00:50:19,625 Come on, partner. Open your talker. What is it? Vamos, compañero. Dime. ¿Qué pasa? 350 00:50:24,750 --> 00:50:30,750 His Nibs will be here for dinner and the Old Gent and the Old Lady. Su Señoría vendrá a cenar con el Viejo y la Vieja. 351 00:50:32,541 --> 00:50:34,666 Well, sir, ain't we going into society. Vaya, caballero. La alta sociedad. 352 00:50:39,791 --> 00:50:41,500 She on the pinano again? Ella insiste con el piano. 353 00:50:43,333 --> 00:50:44,750 Setting your teeth on edge? ¿Te pone los pelos de punta? 354 00:50:47,500 --> 00:50:48,511 No. Uh No. 355 00:50:50,416 --> 00:50:52,625 No, I I like to hear Rose play. No, me gusta oír tocar a Rose. 356 00:50:54,875 --> 00:50:55,833 Hmm. 357 00:51:01,083 --> 00:51:03,708 Well, old-timer, what is it? What's in the noodle? ¿Qué pasa, anciano? ¿Qué quieres decirme? 358 00:51:06,375 --> 00:51:07,375 Well Bueno... 359 00:51:08,791 --> 00:51:11,625 Phil. I, uh Phil. Yo... 360 00:51:14,916 --> 00:51:17,274 -I just -Go on, spit it out. -Yo sólo... -Adelante, escúpelo. 361 00:51:17,375 --> 00:51:21,375 -Well, it's about His Nibs, the governor. -All right. -Es sobre Su Señoría, el gobernador. -Bien. 362 00:51:22,000 --> 00:51:22,958 And, uh Y... 363 00:51:24,333 --> 00:51:27,000 Well, it's not so much about His Nibs No tanto sobre Su Señoría, 364 00:51:28,291 --> 00:51:31,916 but His Nibs' wife, actually, uh sino sobre su esposa, a decir verdad... 365 00:51:34,500 --> 00:51:39,041 I was thinking His Nibs probably wouldn't mind so much, Pensaba que a Su Señoría no le molestará tanto, 366 00:51:40,875 --> 00:51:43,333 but his missus might. pero quizá a su mujer, sí. 367 00:51:43,916 --> 00:51:45,416 What, for dear Christ's sake? ¿Qué, por el amor de Dios? 368 00:51:46,666 --> 00:51:48,291 Well, it's sort of a hard thing Es algo delicado... 369 00:51:51,583 --> 00:51:52,583 to say. de decir. 370 00:51:52,666 --> 00:51:53,750 Uh 371 00:51:57,833 --> 00:52:01,041 She might mind if you come to the table without a washup. Quizá le moleste que te presentes sin asearte primero. 372 00:52:07,000 --> 00:52:08,000 Yeah. Sí. 373 00:52:29,041 --> 00:52:31,208 Hello, Mother, Father. Hola, madre, padre. 374 00:52:31,333 --> 00:52:32,250 Hello. Hola. 375 00:52:35,750 --> 00:52:37,565 The car's around the side. El auto está a la vuelta. 376 00:52:37,666 --> 00:52:38,916 Is there anyone with you? ¿Te acompañó alguien? 377 00:52:40,166 --> 00:52:41,250 My wife. Mi esposa. 378 00:52:48,958 --> 00:52:54,041 The napkin is fanned, so La servilleta va en forma de abanico, así... 379 00:52:57,333 --> 00:52:58,857 Light the fire. Enciendan el fuego. 380 00:52:58,958 --> 00:53:00,482 -Yes, ma'am. -Yes, ma'am. -Sí, señora. -Sí, señora. 381 00:53:00,583 --> 00:53:02,500 We may as well try and warm this place. Intentemos calentar este lugar. 382 00:53:04,125 --> 00:53:05,916 Water, white wine ¿Agua? ¿Vino blanco? 383 00:53:08,458 --> 00:53:11,291 Use your hand. Use your hand like so. Usa la mano, así. 384 00:53:12,750 --> 00:53:13,761 They're here. Ya llegaron. 385 00:53:24,625 --> 00:53:27,208 You keep warm. I can bring them in. No tomes frío. Yo los hago entrar. 386 00:53:53,000 --> 00:53:55,982 Oh, how sweet. They have their own umbrella. Qué simpáticos. Tienen sus paragüitas. 387 00:53:56,083 --> 00:53:59,166 -Orange blossoms. -It's an island of civilization here. -Orange blossom. -Esta es una isla de civilización. 388 00:53:59,500 --> 00:54:00,333 Mmm. 389 00:54:00,416 --> 00:54:03,857 I was, uh, telling Georgie about your brother. Le contaba a Georgie sobre su hermano. 390 00:54:03,958 --> 00:54:06,107 Phi Beta Kappa at Yale, wasn't it? Phi Beta Kappa en Yale, ¿cierto? 391 00:54:06,208 --> 00:54:08,541 Yes, in classics. Sí, en estudios clásicos. 392 00:54:09,458 --> 00:54:10,458 That's right. Eso es. 393 00:54:11,208 --> 00:54:15,458 So, uh he swears at the cattle in Greek or Latin? ¿Maldice al ganado en griego o latín? 394 00:54:22,333 --> 00:54:23,333 Yeah. Sí. 395 00:54:25,708 --> 00:54:30,125 Uh, Rose plays the piano very well. Rose toca muy bien el piano. 396 00:54:30,708 --> 00:54:31,708 Do you? ¿En serio? 397 00:54:32,500 --> 00:54:33,916 That's a nice surprise. Qué linda sorpresa. 398 00:54:43,416 --> 00:54:46,708 I'll just go have a look-see out the back for Phil. Echaré un vistazo a ver si encuentro a Phil. 399 00:54:47,375 --> 00:54:49,291 Oh, good. I want to meet this brother. Bien. Deseo conocer a ese hermano. 400 00:54:50,291 --> 00:54:51,291 Yes. Sí. 401 00:54:53,791 --> 00:54:57,125 -I suppose there was some sort of an injury. -Oh, Edward, Georgina. -Hubo algún tipo de herida. -Edward, Georgina. 402 00:54:58,000 --> 00:54:59,815 Ah! Here are two people we can't fool. Dos personas que no podemos engañar. 403 00:54:59,916 --> 00:55:02,149 Oh no, you cannot. We know everything. No. Nosotros lo sabemos todo. 404 00:55:03,666 --> 00:55:04,274 We're walking encyclopedias. At least I am. Somos enciclopedias andantes. Al menos, yo. 405 00:55:04,375 --> 00:55:05,857 I have nothing to do but read. Me dedico a leer. 406 00:55:05,958 --> 00:55:08,940 She's been reading "The Curse of Tutankhamun" in The Digest. Estuvo leyendo La maldita sea de Tutankamón en el Digest. 407 00:55:09,041 --> 00:55:11,274 So, uh, you believe in the curse? ¿Cree en la maldita sea? 408 00:55:11,375 --> 00:55:14,399 Oh, no, no, I'm not drinking George's concoction. No quiero ese brebaje de George. 409 00:55:14,500 --> 00:55:18,315 Yes, I do. But did you know that Tutankhamun was just a boy? Sí. Pero ¿sabía usted que Tutankamón era sólo un jovencito? 410 00:55:18,416 --> 00:55:19,291 Only 18. Tenía 18 años. 411 00:55:31,708 --> 00:55:32,958 Phil, are you here? Phil, ¿estás aquí? 412 00:55:42,583 --> 00:55:43,750 I was looking for you. Te estaba buscando. 413 00:55:47,000 --> 00:55:48,458 Well, you found me. Pues, me encontraste. 414 00:55:50,333 --> 00:55:52,958 Everyone's here. And we're just about to eat. Están todos aquí. Y ya vamos a comer. 415 00:55:54,333 --> 00:55:56,125 They're asking after you. Preguntan por ti. 416 00:55:58,041 --> 00:55:59,000 Really? No me digas. 417 00:55:59,916 --> 00:56:02,708 Yes, we're counting on your conversation. Sí, contamos con tus dotes de conversador. 418 00:56:08,625 --> 00:56:11,732 I shouldn't have said what I said to you about-- No debí haber dicho lo que te dije de... 419 00:56:11,833 --> 00:56:15,166 You two can keep your apologies to yourself. I'm not coming. Guárdense sus disculpas, los dos. No pienso ir. 420 00:56:17,166 --> 00:56:18,750 And what will I say? ¿Qué les digo? 421 00:56:20,250 --> 00:56:23,440 The Old Lady wants to see you too. She's come a long way. La Vieja quiere verte a ti también. Viene de lejos. 422 00:56:23,541 --> 00:56:24,958 You can tell them the truth. Puedes decirles la verdad. 423 00:56:25,916 --> 00:56:29,083 That I stink and I like it. Que apesto y que me gusta. 424 00:56:31,916 --> 00:56:33,940 Nothing could have happened to Phil, could it? No le habrá sucedido nada a Phil, ¿no? 425 00:56:34,083 --> 00:56:37,958 No, he'll be fine. Something just must've come up. No, estará bien. Debe haber surgido algo. 426 00:56:40,625 --> 00:56:41,791 So, Rose Rose... 427 00:56:44,166 --> 00:56:45,732 are you going to play for us? ¿Tocará algo para nosotros? 428 00:56:45,833 --> 00:56:48,190 Yes, George told me you play very well. Sí, George me dijo que toca muy bien. 429 00:56:48,291 --> 00:56:51,083 -Oh no, I'm terribly out of practice. -Yes, we'd love that. -No, me falta práctica. -Sí, nos encantaría. 430 00:56:51,791 --> 00:56:55,666 Come now, you've been playing a lot. You know you have. Vamos, practicaste mucho. Lo sabes. 431 00:56:56,875 --> 00:56:58,458 I don't know what to play. No sé qué tocar. 432 00:56:59,041 --> 00:57:00,315 Why, ¿Por qué? 433 00:57:00,416 --> 00:57:01,583 play the one I like. Toca la que me gusta. 434 00:57:03,625 --> 00:57:07,565 -What one? -Why, the the one about the Gypsy. -¿Cuál? -La del gitano. 435 00:57:07,666 --> 00:57:09,416 I I can't seem to remember that one. No la recuerdo. 436 00:57:13,416 --> 00:57:15,958 Just play anything. Toca cualquier cosa. 437 00:58:07,583 --> 00:58:08,833 I'm so sorry. Lo lamento mucho. 438 00:58:10,291 --> 00:58:11,625 I can't seem to play. No puedo tocar. 439 00:58:13,083 --> 00:58:17,065 I I played in a cinema pit for hours and hours. Tocaba en un teatro de cine durante horas y horas. 440 00:58:17,166 --> 00:58:19,750 I'm I'm so sorry. Lo lamento mucho. 441 00:58:21,291 --> 00:58:24,500 Well, she got you halter trained, right, George? That's the main thing. Lo tiene dominado, ¿no, George? Eso es lo principal. 442 00:58:25,125 --> 00:58:25,940 I'm so sorry. Lo lamento mucho. 443 00:58:26,083 --> 00:58:29,291 No, it was a lovely, lovely evening. Thank you. No, ha sido una noche encantadora. Gracias. 444 00:58:40,416 --> 00:58:41,791 Oh, you're Phil. Usted es Phil. 445 00:58:43,000 --> 00:58:44,791 So, you weren't eaten by a cougar. Así que no lo devoró un puma. 446 00:58:46,125 --> 00:58:47,041 Not yet. Todavía no. 447 00:58:47,625 --> 00:58:49,690 I am sorry to have missed your conversation. Lamento no haber podido hablar con usted. 448 00:58:49,791 --> 00:58:51,315 I've heard you're brilliant. He oído que es brillante. 449 00:58:51,416 --> 00:58:54,125 You're gonna want to keep your distance. I'm just off the horse. Mantenga la distancia. Acabo de desmontar. 450 00:58:55,625 --> 00:58:57,208 Anyhows, you don't want conversation. Igual, no deseaban plática. 451 00:58:57,333 --> 00:59:00,166 You've been listening to the pinano and dancing, I guess. Escucharon piano y bailaron, supongo. 452 00:59:03,208 --> 00:59:04,291 You dance? ¿Bailaron? 453 00:59:10,083 --> 00:59:11,958 You didn't play? ¿No tocaste? 454 00:59:13,416 --> 00:59:15,375 You sure did practice a terrible lot. Pero habías practicado muchísimo. 455 00:59:17,750 --> 00:59:19,857 See, you wouldn't think there was much difference No veo que haya mucha diferencia 456 00:59:19,958 --> 00:59:22,315 between a cinema pit and a dinner party. entre un cine y una cena. 457 00:59:22,416 --> 00:59:23,916 Where have you been, Phil? ¿Dónde estabas, Phil? 458 00:59:25,375 --> 00:59:27,291 I could hardly eat worrying about you. Me tenías preocupada. Casi no comí. 459 00:59:28,458 --> 00:59:31,024 I didn't get washed up, so I didn't come. No me aseé, así que no vine. 460 00:59:31,125 --> 00:59:32,291 You didn't wash? ¿No te aseaste? 461 00:59:35,583 --> 00:59:39,333 Oh, he's a ranchman, isn't that right? That's honest dirt. Es ganadero, ¿verdad? Es suciedad bien ganada. 462 00:59:42,375 --> 00:59:43,833 -Thank you, again. -Thank you. -Gracias, nuevamente. -A usted, gobernador. 463 00:59:54,916 --> 00:59:57,625 I'll just run and grab you a blanket for the ride. Iré a traerle una manta para el viaje. 464 01:00:15,416 --> 01:00:16,875 All right, goodbye. Vale, Adios 465 01:00:53,333 --> 01:00:57,458 I wondered if you didn't think about leaving your medical books here for the summer. Me preguntaba si no habías pensado dejar aquí tus libros por el verano. 466 01:00:58,708 --> 01:01:03,125 I thought about it, but but you understand they were Dad's. Lo pensé, pero eran de papá. 467 01:01:03,875 --> 01:01:04,875 Turn around. Date la vuelta. 468 01:01:07,916 --> 01:01:08,958 Are you eating? ¿Estás comiendo? 469 01:01:12,333 --> 01:01:13,333 I made a new friend. Hice un nuevo amigo. 470 01:01:14,250 --> 01:01:17,916 He calls me Doctor, and I call him Professor, 'cause that's what we wanna be. Nos tratamos de "doctor" y "profesor", porque eso deseamos ser. 471 01:01:19,250 --> 01:01:21,125 Why don't you invite your friend to the ranch? ¿Y si lo invitas a la hacienda? 472 01:01:21,708 --> 01:01:22,708 No, Rose. No, Rose. 473 01:01:23,958 --> 01:01:24,875 Why not? ¿Por qué? 474 01:01:26,375 --> 01:01:27,232 Thank you. Gracias. 475 01:01:27,458 --> 01:01:29,583 I don't want him to meet a certain person. No quiero que conozca a cierta persona. 476 01:01:34,583 --> 01:01:35,875 A bull calf, boss! Keep that leg stretched out! You got him? Un ternero, jefe... 477 01:01:40,250 --> 01:01:41,583 Grab his head! 478 01:01:42,166 --> 01:01:43,541 I got it! I got it! 479 01:01:53,750 --> 01:01:55,166 How come you don't wear gloves? ¿Por qué no usa guantes? 480 01:01:56,125 --> 01:01:57,791 How 'bout 'cause they're not needed. Porque no hacen falta. 481 01:02:04,333 --> 01:02:07,208 Castrate 1,500 head, then nick your thumb on the last. Capas 1500 cabezas y te cortas el pulgar en la última. 482 01:02:10,708 --> 01:02:13,625 Well, fatso, I think we're finished. Gordo, creo que terminamos. 483 01:02:22,166 --> 01:02:23,166 Who's that? ¿Y ese? 484 01:02:25,916 --> 01:02:27,083 Miss Nancy. El afeminado. 485 01:02:28,208 --> 01:02:29,219 Our waiter? ¿Nuestro camarero? 486 01:02:29,791 --> 01:02:31,333 Yep, that's him. Sí, el mismo. 487 01:02:32,958 --> 01:02:35,982 You're gonna see him creeping all over the place now. Ahora vamos a verlo reptando seguido por aquí. 488 01:02:36,083 --> 01:02:37,875 Big eyes goggling. Con esos ojos saltones. 489 01:02:42,708 --> 01:02:44,875 Little Lord Fauntleroy. El pequeño lord. 490 01:03:01,916 --> 01:03:02,927 Rose? ¿Rose? 491 01:03:05,125 --> 01:03:06,333 Does he like his room? ¿Le gusta su cuarto? 492 01:03:07,041 --> 01:03:07,958 Mm-hmm. 493 01:03:09,250 --> 01:03:10,166 I think so. Eso creo. 494 01:03:11,875 --> 01:03:14,041 Watch your fires. Summer's coming. Cuiden sus fogatas. Viene el verano. 495 01:03:15,166 --> 01:03:18,732 Which also means any Indians camping need to be moved off the property. Echen de la propiedad a todo indio que decida acampar aquí. 496 01:03:18,833 --> 01:03:20,000 No exceptions. Sin excepciones. 497 01:03:20,708 --> 01:03:23,774 We got animals they want to eat. Got it? Tenemos animales que ellos quieren comer. ¿Entendido? 498 01:03:23,875 --> 01:03:25,357 Yes, sir. Sí, señor. 499 01:03:25,458 --> 01:03:26,875 We don't sell hides. No vendemos cueros. 500 01:03:28,166 --> 01:03:29,916 We don't sell anything here. Aquí no vendemos nada. 501 01:03:50,083 --> 01:03:52,107 Keep your eyes and ears open. Ojos abiertos y oídos alertas. 502 01:03:52,208 --> 01:03:55,000 Maybe find yourselves an arrowhead up by them aspens. Pueden encontrar puntas de flecha junto a esos álamos. 503 01:04:38,041 --> 01:04:39,041 Rose? ¿Rose? 504 01:04:41,500 --> 01:04:42,916 I have a headache. Tengo jaqueca. 505 01:04:48,750 --> 01:04:49,750 Have a seat. Siéntate. 506 01:04:54,916 --> 01:04:56,649 I'm not eating tonight. Esta noche no bajaré a cenar. 507 01:04:56,750 --> 01:05:02,166 It's George's week in town, so it's just Phil. Es la semana que George pasa en el pueblo, así que sólo está Phil. 508 01:05:03,458 --> 01:05:04,625 Mm-hmm. 509 01:05:06,875 --> 01:05:08,440 I made a trap. Hice una trampa. 510 01:05:08,541 --> 01:05:11,291 Oh no. It's it's not a snake, is it? No. No es una serpiente, ¿verdad? 511 01:05:15,583 --> 01:05:16,958 It's a bunny. Es un conejito. 512 01:05:17,625 --> 01:05:19,333 Oh. Oh! 513 01:05:19,416 --> 01:05:20,427 You're okay. Tranquilo. 514 01:05:26,875 --> 01:05:28,732 No, no, it's scared. No, está asustado. 515 01:05:28,833 --> 01:05:30,274 -Come here. -Get it, Peter. -Ven. -Atrápalo, Peter. 516 01:05:30,375 --> 01:05:32,750 Come here. Come here. Come here. Ven aquí. 517 01:05:34,750 --> 01:05:35,708 Bring him to me. Tráemelo. 518 01:05:37,208 --> 01:05:38,166 Aw. 519 01:05:52,291 --> 01:05:53,708 Don't worry about him. No te preocupes por él. 520 01:05:55,750 --> 01:05:57,166 You can eat in your room. Puedes comer en tu cuarto. 521 01:05:59,500 --> 01:06:02,833 They dug up that graveyard to make way for the new highway. Excavaron en ese cementerio para construir la nueva carretera. 522 01:06:03,916 --> 01:06:06,732 Among those buried there was a friend of mine. Entre los enterrados ahí, había una amiga mía. 523 01:06:06,833 --> 01:06:11,500 A clumsy tractor driver broke open the coffin, Al torpe que conducía el tractor se le abrió el ataúd, 524 01:06:12,041 --> 01:06:17,208 and they found her hair had continued to grow after her death. y vieron que el cabello le había seguido creciendo. 525 01:06:18,875 --> 01:06:24,000 The whole coffin just stuffed with her lovely golden hair. Todo el ataúd estaba lleno de su hermoso cabello dorado. 526 01:06:25,125 --> 01:06:27,250 Except for a few feet from the end, Salvo unos pocos metros del final, 527 01:06:28,791 --> 01:06:30,041 where it was gray. en que eran canos. 528 01:06:34,250 --> 01:06:35,482 Can I take it up? ¿La llevo arriba? 529 01:06:35,583 --> 01:06:37,565 -Some say she was a beauty. -What? -Era bellísima, dicen. -¿Qué? 530 01:06:37,666 --> 01:06:40,399 Golden braids on top of her hair. Oh! Yes, go and see. Tenía trenzas doradas en la parte de arriba. 531 01:06:40,500 --> 01:06:42,500 It's very sweet. Sí, ve. Es muy dulce de tu parte. 532 01:06:50,000 --> 01:06:52,083 -No, please. Get out of my room. -Where's your rabbit? -No, por favor. Vete. -¿Y tu conejo? 533 01:06:57,708 --> 01:06:58,833 I got it a carrot. Le traje una zanahoria. 534 01:06:59,625 --> 01:07:00,708 It doesn't want one. No la quiere. 535 01:07:01,833 --> 01:07:02,833 Why? ¿Por qué? 536 01:07:08,250 --> 01:07:09,333 Holy hell. Demonios. 537 01:07:18,583 --> 01:07:19,583 Shut the door. Cierra la puerta. 538 01:07:32,333 --> 01:07:35,000 Now, even if you're happy being in your room all day, Aunque te encante pasar el día en tu cuarto, 539 01:07:35,500 --> 01:07:36,416 it's good for me. hazlo por mí. 540 01:07:37,208 --> 01:07:38,958 -Mom, I have a lot to do. -Come on. -Mamá, estoy ocupado. -Ven. 541 01:07:40,333 --> 01:07:41,333 Peter Peter... 542 01:07:43,291 --> 01:07:44,708 I thought you liked rabbits. Te gustaban los conejos. 543 01:07:46,750 --> 01:07:48,416 Yes. I do. Sí. Me gustan. 544 01:07:50,208 --> 01:07:52,666 But if I want to be a surgeon, I have to practice. Pero para ser cirujano, necesito practicar. 545 01:07:55,041 --> 01:07:58,041 Well, you're not to kill them in the house, Peter. No quiero que los mates en la casa, Peter. 546 01:07:58,875 --> 01:08:00,500 No, I'm putting my foot down. No. Te lo digo en serio. 547 01:08:02,833 --> 01:08:05,357 Oh, where'd a man be if he always did what his mother told him? Pobre del hombre que jamás desobedece a su madre. 548 01:08:05,458 --> 01:08:06,458 I'll score. Yo soy la jueza. 549 01:08:11,333 --> 01:08:12,375 Whoa! 550 01:08:12,958 --> 01:08:14,208 Point to Mrs. Burbank. Para la Sra. Burbank. 551 01:08:15,875 --> 01:08:17,083 I know, Lola. You don't have to Ya sé, Lola. No es... 552 01:08:18,375 --> 01:08:21,416 You don't have to narrate it. I'll just remember. No tienes que relatar. Lo recordaré. 553 01:08:28,208 --> 01:08:30,250 -Whoo! -Yeah, that was definitely out. Sí, fue afuera, sin duda. 554 01:08:45,416 --> 01:08:48,708 Lola, can you please take over? I have a migraine. Lola, ¿puedes tomar mi lugar? Tengo migraña. 555 01:08:49,541 --> 01:08:50,541 Yeah. Sí. 556 01:08:51,500 --> 01:08:53,274 -Where do you want me? -Back there. -¿Dónde me pongo? -Ahí atrás. 557 01:08:53,375 --> 01:08:54,274 Yes, ma'am. Sí, señora. 558 01:08:54,375 --> 01:08:55,875 -I hit that way. -I was aiming for you. Te apunté a ti. 559 01:08:56,041 --> 01:08:57,065 Don't listen to Bobby. No la escuches. 560 01:08:57,375 --> 01:08:58,416 Are you all right, Mother? ¿Estás bien, mamá? 561 01:08:59,250 --> 01:09:01,833 I feel like my eyes are going to pop out of my head. Siento que los ojos se me saldrán de la cara. 562 01:09:11,750 --> 01:09:12,958 It's Phil, isn't it? Es por Phil, ¿no? 563 01:09:15,583 --> 01:09:16,482 He's cold. Es frío. 564 01:09:16,583 --> 01:09:19,541 He's just a man, Peter, only another man. Es un hombre como cualquier otro, Peter. 565 01:09:21,333 --> 01:09:22,333 You go ahead. Adelántate. 566 01:11:04,041 --> 01:11:06,166 Yeah? You want 'em off, do you? ¿Sí? Quieres que te los saque, ¿no? 567 01:11:06,916 --> 01:11:07,916 You want 'em off? ¿Te los saco? 568 01:11:09,125 --> 01:11:09,940 Yeah, come on. Sí, vamos. 569 01:11:10,041 --> 01:11:11,649 Yeah, you want 'em? Sí, ¿los quieres? 570 01:11:11,750 --> 01:11:13,500 Yeah, you got 'em! ¡Sí, los tienes! 571 01:15:14,125 --> 01:15:19,500 CULTURA FÍSICA 572 01:15:30,375 --> 01:15:34,791 REVISTAS DE ARTE 573 01:16:38,166 --> 01:16:41,333 Get out of here, you little bitch! You hear me? ¡Lárgate de aquí, pequeño desgraciado! ¿Me oyes? 574 01:16:44,625 --> 01:16:46,375 Get out of here! ¡Lárgate de aquí! 575 01:16:57,083 --> 01:16:59,190 Oh, Lord, oh, Lord Señor, señor, 576 01:16:59,291 --> 01:17:02,065 Put whiskey in my bottle llena mi botella de whisky. 577 01:17:02,166 --> 01:17:07,708 Let the snow melt off Wash away my sorrow Derrite la nieve y borra mi dolor. 578 01:17:08,208 --> 01:17:09,458 I feel Siento 579 01:17:11,208 --> 01:17:13,208 That honeymoon on me esa luna de miel en mí. 580 01:17:15,583 --> 01:17:17,232 I know you. Good worker. I said, "Oh, Lord, oh, Lord" Te conozco. Trabajas bien. 581 01:17:19,291 --> 01:17:21,333 "Oh, Lord, oh, Lord" Dije: "Señor, Señor, Señor, Señor". 582 01:17:25,875 --> 01:17:30,232 I said, "Oh, Daddy, oh, Daddy Oh, Daddy, oh" Dije: "Papá, papá, papá". 583 01:17:30,333 --> 01:17:34,708 I said, "Oh, Daddy, oh, Daddy Oh, Daddy, oh" Dije: "Papá, papá, papá". 584 01:17:34,791 --> 01:17:36,791 Jesus. 585 01:17:37,291 --> 01:17:39,416 You boys wanna eat, come get it now. 586 01:17:43,500 --> 01:17:45,041 Whoa, whoa. 587 01:18:03,958 --> 01:18:06,041 No one tell him to soak those jeans? ¿Nadie le dijo que lavara ese pantalón? 588 01:18:11,750 --> 01:18:12,761 Howdy, ma'am. ¿Qué tal, señora? 589 01:18:19,000 --> 01:18:20,011 Little faggot. Mariquita. 590 01:18:27,416 --> 01:18:28,427 Little Nancy. Señorita. 591 01:18:56,708 --> 01:18:57,708 Pete. Pete. 592 01:18:58,958 --> 01:18:59,875 Hey, Pete. Pete. 593 01:19:02,125 --> 01:19:03,041 Peter. Peter. 594 01:19:08,416 --> 01:19:09,833 You want me, Mr. Burbank? ¿Me llamó, Sr. Burbank? 595 01:19:13,083 --> 01:19:15,250 Well, I don't see any Mr. Burbank here. No veo a ningún Sr. Burbank aquí. 596 01:19:16,666 --> 01:19:17,916 I'm Phil. Soy Phil. 597 01:19:18,750 --> 01:19:19,774 Yes, Mr. Burbank. Sí, Sr. Burbank. 598 01:19:19,875 --> 01:19:21,774 I guess it's hard for a young'un like you to call an old fella like me A un joven como tú debe costarle 599 01:19:23,125 --> 01:19:26,166 just plain Phil, at first. llamar "Phil" a un viejo como yo, al principio. 600 01:19:28,375 --> 01:19:30,041 Now come and take a look at this. Ven a mirar esto. 601 01:19:32,000 --> 01:19:35,333 Have you done any braiding or plaiting yourself, Pete? ¿Has trenzado alguna vez, Pete? 602 01:19:37,666 --> 01:19:40,166 No, I never have, sir. No, nunca, señor. 603 01:19:45,083 --> 01:19:49,250 Peter, we kind of got off on the wrong foot. Peter, nosotros comenzamos con el pie izquierdo. 604 01:19:50,875 --> 01:19:53,333 -Did we, sir? -Forget the "sir" stuff. -¿Sí, señor? -Basta de decirme "señor". 605 01:19:54,500 --> 01:19:56,250 That can happen to people. A algunos les pasa. 606 01:19:57,875 --> 01:20:00,250 People who get to be good friends. Y luego se convierten en grandes amigos. 607 01:20:02,000 --> 01:20:03,857 Well, you know what? ¿Sabes qué? 608 01:20:03,958 --> 01:20:05,833 What? What, Phil? ¿Qué, Phil? 609 01:20:08,875 --> 01:20:11,166 Now, you see? You did it. ¿Ves? Lo lograste. 610 01:20:12,166 --> 01:20:13,291 You called me Phil. Me llamaste "Phil". 611 01:20:15,291 --> 01:20:19,250 I'm gonna finish this rope and give it to you and teach you how to use it. Terminaré esta soga, te la regalaré y te enseñaré a usarla. 612 01:20:20,125 --> 01:20:23,500 Sort of a lonesome place out here, Pete. Aquí puedes sentirte muy sólo, Pete. 613 01:20:24,416 --> 01:20:26,333 Unless you get in the swing of things. A menos que le tomes el ritmo. 614 01:20:27,291 --> 01:20:29,458 Thank you Phil. Gracias... Phil. 615 01:20:32,000 --> 01:20:34,524 How long do you expect it would take to finish that rope? ¿Cuánto cree que llevará terminar la soga? 616 01:20:34,625 --> 01:20:37,375 I could get it finished before you go back to school. Podría terminarla antes de que vuelvas a estudiar. 617 01:20:41,000 --> 01:20:42,166 Well Bueno... 618 01:20:43,791 --> 01:20:45,458 It won't be very long then, Phil. Entonces, no faltará mucho. 619 01:21:52,166 --> 01:21:53,166 Get on it. Sube. 620 01:21:54,833 --> 01:21:56,000 You can sit on it, Pete. Siéntate ahí, Pete. 621 01:22:00,000 --> 01:22:01,250 Get yourself used to it. Acostúmbrate a la montura. 622 01:22:04,250 --> 01:22:05,458 You got any boots? ¿Tienes botas? 623 01:22:06,666 --> 01:22:08,708 -Yes. -You should wear 'em. -Sí. -Deberías usarlas. 624 01:22:11,250 --> 01:22:13,375 Don't let your mom make a sissy of you. No dejes que tu mamá te haga afeminado. 625 01:22:24,208 --> 01:22:25,541 That's impressive, Phil. Es impresionante, Phil. 626 01:22:26,041 --> 01:22:29,315 Well, just by sitting there, Con sólo estar ahí sentado, 627 01:22:29,416 --> 01:22:32,875 you're soaking up all the riding know-how you'll ever need and then some. aprenderás todo lo que necesitas saber sobre montar, y más. 628 01:22:33,666 --> 01:22:35,708 That saddle belonged to Bronco Henry. Esa montura era de Bronco Henry. 629 01:22:37,416 --> 01:22:38,875 Greatest rider I ever knew. El mejor jinete que conocí. 630 01:22:46,708 --> 01:22:53,065 There's a cliff way out back of the ranch with initials and 1805 carved into it. En un acantilado al fondo de la hacienda, hay unas iniciales y el año 1805 grabados. 631 01:22:53,166 --> 01:22:56,250 Must have been some fella from the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Debió ser alguien de la expedición de Lewis y Clark. 632 01:22:58,833 --> 01:23:00,750 They were real men in those days. Entonces había hombres de verdad. 633 01:23:03,541 --> 01:23:06,315 Let's say just you and me go out for a couple of days. Podríamos salir sólos por un par de días. 634 01:23:06,416 --> 01:23:08,708 Find those trails and follow them to the end. Seguir aquellos senderos hasta el final. 635 01:23:11,416 --> 01:23:14,541 Wouldn't be surprised if there were gold No me sorprendería si hubiera oro 636 01:23:15,458 --> 01:23:18,000 or precious minerals in them there rocks. o minerales preciosos en esas rocas. 637 01:23:21,916 --> 01:23:24,166 Do many of the calves die from wolves? ¿Mueren muchos terneros por los lobos? 638 01:23:27,333 --> 01:23:28,833 There's always a few Siempre a unos pocos 639 01:23:30,291 --> 01:23:33,399 that get tore up or hamstrung or die of anthrax. los devoran, caen con tendones cortados o con ántrax. 640 01:23:33,500 --> 01:23:34,565 Call it blackleg. La "pierna negra". 641 01:23:34,666 --> 01:23:37,607 You know, you talk like a Victrola record. You know that? Hablas sin parar. ¿Lo sabes? 642 01:23:37,708 --> 01:23:40,375 No, I didn't know. No sabía. 643 01:23:40,958 --> 01:23:42,291 Yeah, well, you do. Sí, así es. 644 01:23:51,708 --> 01:23:54,708 -Did Bronco Henry teach you to ride, Phil? -Yep. -¿Bronco Henry te enseñó a montar, Phil? -Sí. 645 01:23:57,750 --> 01:24:01,541 He taught me to use my eyes in ways that other people can't. Me enseñó a usar la vista de modos que otros no saben. 646 01:24:04,500 --> 01:24:06,000 Take that hill over there. Como aquella colina. 647 01:24:12,041 --> 01:24:14,166 Most people look at it and just see a hill. La mayoría la mira y ve sólo una colina. 648 01:24:15,375 --> 01:24:18,041 Where Bronco looked at it, what do you suppose he saw? Cuando la miraba Bronco, ¿qué crees que veía? 649 01:24:22,375 --> 01:24:23,375 A barking dog. Un perro que ladra. 650 01:24:25,166 --> 01:24:28,166 -The hell, you just saw that now? -No. -Diablos. ¿Lo viste así de rápido ahora? -No. 651 01:24:29,416 --> 01:24:30,666 When I first came here. Cuando llegué aquí. 652 01:24:31,458 --> 01:24:35,458 See, it looks like a dog with its jaw wide open. Parece un perro con la mandíbula bien abierta. 653 01:24:38,333 --> 01:24:39,833 You you just saw that? ¿Lo viste así de rápido? 654 01:24:41,291 --> 01:24:42,125 Yeah. Sí. 655 01:24:47,250 --> 01:24:48,166 Peter. Peter. 656 01:24:50,000 --> 01:24:51,000 Peter. Peter. 657 01:24:53,416 --> 01:24:55,458 Can't you come in and talk for a little? ¿No vienes a charlar un rato? 658 01:25:07,000 --> 01:25:11,416 You've gotten to be quite friendly with Phil, haven't you? Te has hecho muy amigo de Phil, ¿verdad? 659 01:25:16,208 --> 01:25:17,625 Is he nice to you? ¿Te trata bien? 660 01:25:20,208 --> 01:25:21,541 He's making a rope for me. Me está haciendo una soga. 661 01:25:23,291 --> 01:25:24,375 Making a rope? ¿Una soga? 662 01:25:27,291 --> 01:25:29,875 Peter, I wish you wouldn't make that sound with your comb. Peter, por favor, no hagas eso con el peine. 663 01:25:33,416 --> 01:25:34,482 I wasn't aware. No me di cuenta. 664 01:25:34,583 --> 01:25:36,315 When I was little, I Cuando era pequeña, 665 01:25:36,416 --> 01:25:40,625 I felt a chill in my spine when I heard the chalk squeak on a blackboard. se me erizaban los pelos de la nuca con el chirrido de la tiza en la pizarra. 666 01:25:43,000 --> 01:25:46,208 Oh, Miss Mrs. Merchant, that's who it was. La maestra Merchant. Era ella. 667 01:25:47,541 --> 01:25:52,375 She she drew chalk stars by our names on the blackboard. Dibujaba estrellas de tiza junto a nuestros nombres en la pizarra. 668 01:25:54,750 --> 01:25:56,916 I wonder why it was stars she gave us. Quién sabe por qué estrellas. 669 01:25:58,416 --> 01:26:02,083 Why not diamonds? Why not hearts? ¿Por qué no diamantes? ¿O corazones? 670 01:26:03,125 --> 01:26:05,708 Why not spades? Why ¿O espadas? ¿Por qué? 671 01:26:09,875 --> 01:26:13,375 I wonder why it was always stars. Quién sabe por qué siempre estrellas. 672 01:26:14,916 --> 01:26:17,208 Because stars are supposed to be unreachable. Porque las estrellas son inalcanzables. 673 01:26:20,375 --> 01:26:21,375 Yes. Sí. 674 01:26:22,416 --> 01:26:25,666 But they weren't unreachable because she gave them to us. Pero no eran inalcanzables porque nos las daba. 675 01:26:30,083 --> 01:26:31,094 -And, Peter? -Hmm? ¿Peter? 676 01:26:31,875 --> 01:26:36,541 We had this valentine box, and it was covered with white crepe paper. Teníamos una caja de San Valentín cubierta con papel crêpe blanco. 677 01:26:38,416 --> 01:26:41,125 And we would paste big, red hearts on it. Y le pegábamos encima grandes corazones rojos. 678 01:26:42,583 --> 01:26:44,399 Lopsided hearts. Corazones ladeados. 679 01:26:44,500 --> 01:26:46,333 And you had a great many valentines. Y tú recibías muchas tarjetas. 680 01:26:50,416 --> 01:26:51,666 A great many? ¿Muchas? 681 01:26:55,833 --> 01:26:57,125 Because you're beautiful. Porque eres hermosa. 682 01:27:08,166 --> 01:27:10,458 Is there a sound that makes you shiver? ¿Algún sonido te da escalofríos? 683 01:27:19,750 --> 01:27:20,958 I don't remember. No recuerdo. 684 01:27:24,333 --> 01:27:25,833 We're not unreachable. No somos inalcanzables. 685 01:27:30,833 --> 01:27:31,916 Hey. 686 01:27:33,333 --> 01:27:36,732 No, we're not unreachable. Pero no somos inalcanzables. 687 01:27:36,833 --> 01:27:39,250 Mother, you don't have to do this. Mamá, no tienes que hacer esto. 688 01:27:40,666 --> 01:27:43,208 I'll see you don't have to do it. Me encargaré de que no tengas que hacerlo. 689 01:28:00,291 --> 01:28:02,333 -This his first week? -Nope, third. -¿Es su primera semana? -No, la tercera. 690 01:28:02,458 --> 01:28:03,375 Third? ¿La tercera? 691 01:28:04,666 --> 01:28:06,190 Open up the gate. Let him out. Abre la tranquera. Que salga. 692 01:28:06,291 --> 01:28:08,333 -You sure? He's not ready. -Go on. Let him out. -¿Sí? No está listo. -Abre. Que salga. 693 01:28:16,083 --> 01:28:17,875 Yeehaw, cowboy! Whoo! ¡Arre, vaquero! 694 01:28:18,875 --> 01:28:19,833 There you go! 695 01:28:21,000 --> 01:28:22,708 Grab her by the reins! 696 01:28:24,125 --> 01:28:25,774 -What you doing? -Going to give him a hand. -¿Qué haces? -Le daré una mano. 697 01:28:25,875 --> 01:28:26,875 Don't. No. 698 01:28:28,000 --> 01:28:29,500 -Let him figure it out. -Oh, oh! Que se arregle sólo. 699 01:28:30,375 --> 01:28:31,375 Or not. O no. 700 01:28:33,833 --> 01:28:35,833 Fall off, you get back on. ¡Cuando te caes, vuelves a subir! 701 01:28:37,291 --> 01:28:38,541 Get her over! 702 01:30:51,208 --> 01:30:53,041 Any happenings while I was away? ¿Pasó algo en mi ausencia? 703 01:30:53,708 --> 01:30:55,250 Boys dug the ditch. 704 01:30:56,416 --> 01:30:57,916 Water's flowing good. 705 01:30:58,500 --> 01:31:00,041 Fixing that stack there. 706 01:31:01,416 --> 01:31:03,791 Hey, Pete! Come here. Pete, ven aquí. 707 01:31:07,333 --> 01:31:09,041 Peter? Peter? ¿Peter? 708 01:31:11,541 --> 01:31:12,750 Where are you two off to? ¿Adónde se van? 709 01:31:14,208 --> 01:31:17,416 We're going to the far field to fence off the stack there. 710 01:31:19,083 --> 01:31:20,083 Peter? ¿Peter? 711 01:31:21,833 --> 01:31:23,208 -Rose? -Peter! -¿Rose? -¡Peter! 712 01:31:25,666 --> 01:31:26,958 Rose, what's the matter? Rose, ¿qué sucede? 713 01:31:32,000 --> 01:31:34,791 Rose? Can't Peter go with you today? -¿Rose? -¿Peter no puede ir contigo hoy? 714 01:31:35,958 --> 01:31:39,190 Well, he could, but him and Phil have kinda paired up. Podría, pero Phil y él se han hecho compinches. 715 01:31:39,291 --> 01:31:40,732 I don't want that. No quiero eso. 716 01:31:40,833 --> 01:31:44,625 -I don't want him to be with Phil at all. -But, Rose -No quiero que esté un minuto con Phil. -Pero, Rose... 717 01:31:45,750 --> 01:31:49,166 He's helping him. He taught him how to ride. Lo está ayudando. Le enseñó a montar. 718 01:32:45,041 --> 01:32:46,208 Hey, Pete, my pal. Pete, compañero. 719 01:32:50,208 --> 01:32:51,625 Hey, Pete, my pal. Pete, compañero. 720 01:32:52,958 --> 01:32:53,958 You gonna help? ¿Vas a ayudar? 721 01:33:12,916 --> 01:33:15,125 You know who started riding as late as you? ¿Sabes quién empezó a montar tan tarde como tú? 722 01:33:16,416 --> 01:33:18,750 -Who? -Bronco Henry. -¿Quién? -Bronco Henry. 723 01:33:20,208 --> 01:33:22,833 Hadn't done any of it till he was about your age now. No cabalgó hasta que tuvo tu edad. 724 01:33:28,750 --> 01:33:30,166 Hello, Mr. Cottontail. Hola, Colita de algodón. 725 01:33:37,541 --> 01:33:40,399 Hey, Peter, let's see how long it takes Peter, veamos cuánto tarda 726 01:33:40,500 --> 01:33:43,166 before Mr. Cottontail makes a run for the open. en salir corriendo Colita de algodón. 727 01:33:44,333 --> 01:33:48,250 Now, as kids, we used to take bets De niños, apostábamos 728 01:33:49,500 --> 01:33:51,524 on how many poles we'd remove cuántos troncos quitaríamos 729 01:33:51,625 --> 01:33:55,458 before the animals ran out and made a run for it. antes de que los animales salieran corriendo. 730 01:34:06,875 --> 01:34:07,958 Oh, he's still in there. Sigue ahí. 731 01:34:09,250 --> 01:34:10,583 Gutsy little bugger. El bicho tiene agallas. 732 01:34:11,708 --> 01:34:13,083 I guess he has to be gutsy. Las necesita para vivir. 733 01:34:22,125 --> 01:34:23,750 Damn son of a bitch. Mierda. 734 01:34:30,041 --> 01:34:32,250 Come on, now. Come on. Vamos. Sal. 735 01:34:34,750 --> 01:34:35,958 Think it broke his leg. Se quebró la pata. 736 01:34:37,666 --> 01:34:40,000 Well, put him out of his misery. Evítale más sufrimiento. 737 01:34:44,625 --> 01:34:45,666 Hmm. 738 01:34:47,625 --> 01:34:48,625 It's all right. Tranquilo. 739 01:35:04,083 --> 01:35:05,250 That's deep. Es profundo. 740 01:35:07,000 --> 01:35:08,315 You okay, Phil? ¿Estás bien, Phil? 741 01:35:08,416 --> 01:35:09,500 Yeah, what the hell? ¿Qué diablos? 742 01:35:11,500 --> 01:35:13,083 Must be a splinter. Habrá sido una astilla. 743 01:35:31,083 --> 01:35:33,583 You got a tan. That's a cowboy tan you got. Ya estás bronceado como vaquero. 744 01:35:34,416 --> 01:35:35,250 Hmm. 745 01:35:40,875 --> 01:35:42,291 Bronco Henry told me that Bronco Henry me dijo 746 01:35:44,500 --> 01:35:47,208 a man was made by patience and the odds against him. que la paciencia ante la adversidad nos hace hombres. 747 01:35:53,000 --> 01:35:54,041 My father said Mi padre decía que son 748 01:35:56,041 --> 01:35:57,208 obstacles. los obstáculos. 749 01:35:59,291 --> 01:36:01,024 And you had to try and remove them. Y que debemos eliminarlos. 750 01:36:01,125 --> 01:36:02,375 Another way to put it. Otro modo de decirlo. 751 01:36:04,500 --> 01:36:09,083 Well, you've certainly got obstacles. That's a fact, Pete, me boy. Tú ciertamente tienes obstáculos. Eso es innegable, querido Pete. 752 01:36:10,791 --> 01:36:12,958 -"Obstacles"? -Well, take your ma. -¿Obstáculos? -Tu madre, por ejemplo. 753 01:36:14,250 --> 01:36:16,666 Today or any day Un día de estos... 754 01:36:18,833 --> 01:36:20,083 how she's on the sauce. Por cómo le da. 755 01:36:21,166 --> 01:36:22,208 "On the sauce"? ¿"Cómo le da"? 756 01:36:24,708 --> 01:36:25,708 Drinking, Pete. A la bebida, Pete. 757 01:36:26,708 --> 01:36:27,833 Boozing it up. Cómo se emborracha. 758 01:36:32,458 --> 01:36:36,833 I guess you know she's been half-shot all summer. Yeah, I know. -Habrás notado que pasó el verano borracha. -Sí, lo sé. 759 01:36:39,750 --> 01:36:40,958 She never used to drink. Antes no bebía. 760 01:36:42,291 --> 01:36:44,166 -Oh, didn't she now? -No. -¿No me digas? -No. 761 01:36:45,666 --> 01:36:48,125 -She never did. -But your pa, Pete? -Jamás. -Pero ¿y tu papá, Pete? 762 01:36:49,875 --> 01:36:52,500 My father? Yeah, your father. -¿Mi padre? -Sí, tu padre. 763 01:36:55,416 --> 01:36:57,458 I guess he hit the bottle pretty hard? Supongo que se aferraba a la botella. 764 01:36:58,791 --> 01:36:59,791 The booze? ¿Se emborrachaba? 765 01:37:02,875 --> 01:37:04,291 Until right at the very end. Hasta el último día. 766 01:37:10,625 --> 01:37:11,708 Then he hung himself. Luego, se colgó. 767 01:37:16,875 --> 01:37:18,125 I found him. Yo lo encontré. 768 01:37:21,875 --> 01:37:22,875 Cut him down. Y lo bajé. 769 01:37:31,291 --> 01:37:33,208 He used to worry I wasn't kind enough. Creía que yo era poco amable. 770 01:37:36,958 --> 01:37:38,232 That I was too strong. Demasiado duro. 771 01:37:38,333 --> 01:37:39,750 You, too strong? ¿Demasiado duro, tú? 772 01:37:41,875 --> 01:37:43,041 He got that wrong. Se equivocaba. 773 01:37:45,250 --> 01:37:46,375 Poor kid. Pobre muchacho. 774 01:37:51,916 --> 01:37:53,500 Things will work out for you yet. Pero saldrás adelante. 775 01:38:05,208 --> 01:38:06,416 Where's Mrs. Lewis? ¿Y la señora Lewis? 776 01:38:07,208 --> 01:38:08,416 She's with the Indians. Está con los indios. 777 01:38:11,000 --> 01:38:12,125 What Indians? ¿Qué indios? 778 01:38:14,083 --> 01:38:15,094 These ones. You shouldn't even be here. Esos. 779 01:38:18,625 --> 01:38:19,750 He won't like it. 780 01:38:20,541 --> 01:38:21,791 Go now. Go. Ya váyanse. Váyanse. 781 01:38:27,916 --> 01:38:29,083 Water! ¡Agua! 782 01:38:31,083 --> 01:38:34,274 They were standing right in front of the damn things asking, Estaban parados frente a las malditas cosas preguntando 783 01:38:34,375 --> 01:38:36,333 "Do we have any hides?" si teníamos cueros. 784 01:38:38,666 --> 01:38:41,958 "Do we have any hides?" Are they leaving? Y si teníamos cueros. ¿Se están yendo? 785 01:38:43,833 --> 01:38:45,625 Yes, they've got their horse going. Sí, ahí van con el caballo. 786 01:38:47,458 --> 01:38:49,708 I told them the hides are gonna be burned. Les dije que quemaríamos los cueros. 787 01:38:54,333 --> 01:38:55,416 Why? ¿Por qué? 788 01:38:56,041 --> 01:38:58,274 Why are the hides going to be burned? ¿Por qué vamos a quemar los cueros? 789 01:38:58,375 --> 01:39:00,291 Phil doesn't want anyone else to have 'em. Phil no quiere dárselos a nadie. 790 01:39:01,000 --> 01:39:04,333 Waits till there's a big pile and sets fire to the lot. Espera a que se forme una pila y les prende fuego. 791 01:39:05,750 --> 01:39:08,000 He'd blow up if they even touched 'em. Se enfurecería si los tocaran siquiera. 792 01:39:10,125 --> 01:39:11,125 What's she doin'? ¿Qué hace? 793 01:39:28,750 --> 01:39:30,125 Please, please. Por favor. 794 01:39:32,208 --> 01:39:33,833 Wait! Please! ¡Esperen! ¡Por favor! 795 01:39:36,625 --> 01:39:38,708 Wait! Please, stop. ¡Esperen! Por favor, deténganse. 796 01:39:39,583 --> 01:39:40,583 Please wait. Por favor, esperen. 797 01:39:42,125 --> 01:39:43,125 Please. Por favor. 798 01:39:44,125 --> 01:39:45,125 Come back. Regresen. 799 01:39:45,958 --> 01:39:47,315 Take the hides. Llévense los cueros. 800 01:39:47,416 --> 01:39:50,916 It would be my honor if you would take them. Sería un honor para mí regalárselos. 801 01:39:52,833 --> 01:39:53,833 Please. Por favor. 802 01:39:55,041 --> 01:39:56,541 My husband owns the ranch. Mi marido es el propietario. 803 01:39:59,541 --> 01:40:01,125 Come back. Take them. Regresen. Llévenselos. 804 01:40:32,625 --> 01:40:34,083 They're so soft. Son muy suaves. 805 01:40:37,375 --> 01:40:38,875 So deliciously soft. Qué suavidad tan bella. 806 01:40:41,125 --> 01:40:42,125 So beautiful. Son preciosos. 807 01:41:07,958 --> 01:41:09,274 -You all right, ma'am? -Is she breathing? ¿Se siente bien, señora? 808 01:41:10,666 --> 01:41:10,958 Ma'am. -¿Respira? -Señora. 809 01:41:12,625 --> 01:41:13,958 -Ma'am. -What happened? -Señora. -¿Qué pasó? 810 01:41:14,583 --> 01:41:15,791 She just collapsed, sir. Se desmayó, señor. 811 01:41:19,708 --> 01:41:20,708 Rose? ¿Rose? 812 01:41:42,333 --> 01:41:43,344 Sorry, sir. Lo siento, señor. 813 01:41:44,875 --> 01:41:45,791 Thank you, Lola. Gracias, Lola. 814 01:41:59,625 --> 01:42:00,500 Mine. 815 01:42:03,875 --> 01:42:05,666 -Almost done. -Howdy. 816 01:42:05,750 --> 01:42:07,541 -Hey, boss. -All right. 817 01:42:19,416 --> 01:42:20,708 I'll be damned. Maldita sea. 818 01:42:32,666 --> 01:42:34,357 Is there something wrong, Phil? ¿Pasó algo, Phil? 819 01:42:34,458 --> 01:42:35,458 Wrong? ¿Algo? 820 01:42:36,125 --> 01:42:37,774 For Christ's sake. Por el amor de Dios. 821 01:42:37,875 --> 01:42:40,500 Every goddamn hide is gone! ¡No quedó ni un maldito cuero! 822 01:42:41,333 --> 01:42:43,958 Oh, she really put her foot into it this time. Esta vez ella sí que metió la pata. 823 01:42:45,833 --> 01:42:47,041 You think she did it? ¿Crees que fue ella? 824 01:42:48,458 --> 01:42:50,000 -She sold them? -Bloody tootin'. -¿Que los vendió? -Claro. 825 01:42:51,500 --> 01:42:54,065 -Or maybe even gave them away. -Why? Why? -Quizá incluso los regaló. -¿Por qué? 826 01:42:54,166 --> 01:42:56,607 Why would she do that, Phil? She knew that we needed the hides. ¿Por qué lo haría? Sabía que los necesitábamos. 827 01:42:56,708 --> 01:42:58,625 Because she was drunk! ¡Porque estaba borracha! 828 01:42:59,583 --> 01:43:02,166 Pie-eyed! She was smashed! ¡Beoda! ¡Totalmente borracha! 829 01:43:03,500 --> 01:43:07,916 I'd think you'd know from the books your pa left you that your ma's got a a whatchamacallit. Deberías saber, por los libros de tu papá, que tu mamá tiene... ¿Cómo se dice? 830 01:43:08,666 --> 01:43:12,500 Alcoholic personality. It comes under the letter A! Una personalidad alcohólica. ¡Está en la letra "A"! 831 01:43:19,958 --> 01:43:23,190 -You're not gonna say anything to her? -Say anything? -¿No vas a decirle algo? -¿Decirle algo? 832 01:43:23,291 --> 01:43:24,625 I won't say nothin'. Yo no diré nada, 833 01:43:26,208 --> 01:43:29,416 But sure as one good hell, brother George is going to. pero, demonios, mi hermano George seguro que sí. 834 01:43:39,083 --> 01:43:40,375 Rose is not well, Phil. Rose no está bien, Phil. 835 01:43:43,250 --> 01:43:44,166 She's ill. Está enferma. 836 01:43:46,791 --> 01:43:48,375 Not well? ¿"No se halla bien"? 837 01:43:50,208 --> 01:43:54,607 It is high time that that bozo and you got next to a few Es hora de que tú y esa estúpida enfrenten algunos... 838 01:43:54,708 --> 01:43:56,940 What do you ever call them? Facts! ¿Cómo se llaman? ¡Hechos! 839 01:43:57,041 --> 01:44:02,083 She stashes alcohol all around the place, even drinking in the stinking alley. Esconde botellas por toda la casa. Hasta bebe en el callejón apestoso. 840 01:44:04,708 --> 01:44:06,857 Look at your face in the mirror! ¡Mírate la cara en el espejo! 841 01:44:06,958 --> 01:44:11,357 Is it that she could like? Or our money? Wake the hell up! ¿Podría gustarle eso? ¿O nuestro dinero? ¡Despierta, joder! 842 01:44:11,458 --> 01:44:12,541 That's enough, Phil. Suficiente, Phil. 843 01:44:17,833 --> 01:44:20,500 Well, what is the harm? ¿Qué importancia tiene? 844 01:44:21,250 --> 01:44:23,208 The hides were only going to be burned. Los cueros iban a quemarse. 845 01:44:24,083 --> 01:44:25,166 I needed them. Los necesitaba. 846 01:44:26,666 --> 01:44:28,250 I needed them. Los necesitaba. 847 01:44:30,166 --> 01:44:31,583 Well, I apologize. Pues, te pido disculpas. 848 01:44:43,000 --> 01:44:44,291 They were mine! ¡Eran míos! 849 01:44:48,250 --> 01:44:49,250 I needed them! ¡Los necesitaba! 850 01:45:05,458 --> 01:45:06,469 -Phil? -Huh? ¿Phil? 851 01:45:14,333 --> 01:45:15,333 Phil, I've Phil, tengo... 852 01:45:17,625 --> 01:45:19,458 I've got rawhide to finish the rope. Tengo tiento para terminar la soga. 853 01:45:22,166 --> 01:45:25,166 You've got it? What are you doing with rawhide? ¿Tienes tiento? ¿Qué haces tú con tiento? 854 01:45:26,041 --> 01:45:27,125 I cut some up. Corté un poco. 855 01:45:28,500 --> 01:45:29,916 I wanted to be like you. Quería ser como tú. 856 01:45:32,000 --> 01:45:33,458 Please take what I've got. Quédatelo, por favor. 857 01:45:37,500 --> 01:45:38,708 Well 858 01:45:38,791 --> 01:45:40,625 That's damn kind of you, Pete. Es muy amable de tu parte, Pete. 859 01:45:56,000 --> 01:45:57,208 Tell you something. Te diré una cosa. 860 01:46:00,250 --> 01:46:03,750 Everything's gonna be plain sailing for you from now on in. A partir de ahora, todo irá viento en popa para ti. 861 01:46:07,500 --> 01:46:08,583 And you know what? ¿Y sabes qué? 862 01:46:09,541 --> 01:46:10,541 I'm gonna work. Me pondré a trabajar. 863 01:46:11,958 --> 01:46:13,583 Finish up that rope tonight. Terminaré la soga esta noche. 864 01:46:17,541 --> 01:46:18,708 You'll watch me do it? ¿Me harás compañía? 865 01:48:47,958 --> 01:48:50,083 How old were you when you met Bronco Henry? ¿A qué edad conociste a Bronco Henry? 866 01:48:52,291 --> 01:48:53,708 About the age you are now. Más o menos, a la tuya. 867 01:49:04,250 --> 01:49:05,458 Was he your best friend? ¿Era tu mejor amigo? 868 01:49:06,833 --> 01:49:07,844 Yeah Sí. 869 01:49:09,333 --> 01:49:10,344 he was. Lo era. 870 01:49:11,750 --> 01:49:12,833 He was more than that. Más que eso. 871 01:49:15,000 --> 01:49:16,541 Once, he saved my life. Una vez me salvó la vida. 872 01:49:23,458 --> 01:49:27,583 We were way off up in the hills shooting elk, and the weather turned mean. Estábamos en las colinas cazando ciervos, y el clima se puso feo. 873 01:49:30,083 --> 01:49:32,000 Bronco kept me alive Para mantenerme vivo, Bronco 874 01:49:33,416 --> 01:49:35,750 by lying body against body in a bedroll. se acostó conmigo en un saco de dormir. 875 01:49:39,291 --> 01:49:40,875 Fell off to sleep that way. Nos dormimos así. 876 01:49:46,833 --> 01:49:47,833 Naked? ¿Desnudos? 877 01:51:43,916 --> 01:51:46,375 -Phil left already? -No, he's not here. -¿Phil se fue ya? -No. Aquí no está. 878 01:51:48,708 --> 01:51:51,166 He say he was settin' out early? No. -¿Dijo que partiría temprano? -No. 879 01:51:56,958 --> 01:51:57,969 Good mornin'. Buenos días. 880 01:51:59,208 --> 01:52:00,541 Have you seen your brother? ¿Ha visto a su hermano? 881 01:52:03,000 --> 01:52:04,416 He's not had breakfast? ¿No desayunó? 882 01:52:06,458 --> 01:52:07,916 He's not been down at all. No ha bajado para nada. 883 01:52:11,375 --> 01:52:13,250 Can I get some of that coffee please? 884 01:52:31,500 --> 01:52:33,625 I'll run you into Herndon to see the doctor. Iremos a Herndon a ver a un médico. 885 01:52:59,541 --> 01:53:03,875 Phil what happened to your hand? Phil, ¿qué te pasó en la mano? 886 01:53:07,625 --> 01:53:08,958 Let's get your boots off. Te quitaré las botas. 887 01:53:19,875 --> 01:53:21,208 I'm I'm good. Estoy bien. 888 01:53:30,208 --> 01:53:31,500 I'll get the car. Traeré el auto. 889 01:54:37,666 --> 01:54:38,750 Let's go, Phil. Vamos, Phil. 890 01:54:40,125 --> 01:54:41,291 Where's the boy? ¿Y el muchacho? 891 01:55:04,875 --> 01:55:05,791 Phil. Phil. 892 01:55:15,333 --> 01:55:16,333 I'll get it to him. Yo se la daré. 893 01:56:09,708 --> 01:56:10,958 I'll take this one. Quiero este. 894 01:56:13,416 --> 01:56:14,250 Uh 895 01:58:16,083 --> 01:58:22,666 Rose would like you to join us for Christmas, if you care to. Rose los invita a acompañarnos en Navidad, si así lo desean. 896 01:58:26,458 --> 01:58:27,291 Yes. Sí. 897 01:58:28,416 --> 01:58:29,583 Thank you, George. Gracias, George. 898 01:58:34,875 --> 01:58:36,208 I'm afraid I'm mystified. Estoy desconcertado, me temo. 899 01:58:37,166 --> 01:58:39,583 I'll know in a day or two when the results come back. Tendré los resultados en uno o dos días. 900 01:58:40,666 --> 01:58:41,958 Those last convulsions Las convulsiones del final... 901 01:58:44,333 --> 01:58:47,458 -Yes? -Terrible, truly frightful. -¿Sí? -Fueron terribles, realmente tremendas. 902 01:58:49,458 --> 01:58:50,708 You know what I'm thinking? ¿Sabe qué creo? 903 01:58:51,750 --> 01:58:52,666 What? ¿Qué? 904 01:58:53,750 --> 01:58:54,750 Anthrax. Ántrax. 905 01:58:59,458 --> 01:59:04,458 But he never handled diseased animals. He was particular on that. Pero él nunca tocaba animales enfermos. Era muy cuidadoso con eso. 906 01:59:49,958 --> 01:59:53,083 ORDEN PARA EL ENTIERRO DE LOS MUERTOS. 907 02:00:01,041 --> 02:00:05,625 "Deliver my soul from the sword, my darling from the power of the dog." "Libra de la espada mi alma. Mi vida, del poder del perro". 908 02:02:26,666 --> 02:02:29,541 BASADA EN EL LIBRO DE THOMAS SAVAGE 909 02:02:29,542 --> 02:02:31,542 ---oOo--- ---oOo---