1 00:00:48,125 --> 00:00:52,458 NETFLIX PRÉSENTE 2 00:01:04,875 --> 00:01:07,416 When my father passed, Après la mort de mon père, 3 00:01:08,333 --> 00:01:12,875 I wanted nothing more than my mother's happiness. je ne désirais que le bonheur de ma mère. 4 00:01:16,000 --> 00:01:21,083 For what kind of man would I be if I did not help my mother? Quel homme serais-je si je n'aidais pas ma mère ? 5 00:01:21,416 --> 00:01:23,625 If I did not save her? Si je ne la sauvais pas ? 6 00:02:13,750 --> 00:02:14,980 You're not eating? No. Vous ne mangez pas ? 7 00:02:15,000 --> 00:02:16,833 Non. 8 00:02:32,083 --> 00:02:35,333 Have you figured it out yet, fatso? Alors, t'as fait le calcul, gros lard ? 9 00:02:35,541 --> 00:02:37,375 What? Comment ça ? 10 00:02:38,416 --> 00:02:40,480 How many years since we took over the ranch En quelle année on a repris le ranch 11 00:02:40,500 --> 00:02:43,625 from the Old Gent and Old Lady? au Vieux et à la Vieille ? 12 00:02:44,333 --> 00:02:46,333 Why? Pourquoi ? 13 00:02:46,458 --> 00:02:48,958 Oh hell, think about it. Bon sang, réfléchis. 14 00:02:53,875 --> 00:02:56,875 You ever try the house bath, Phil? Tu as déjà essayé la baignoire, Phil ? 15 00:02:59,125 --> 00:03:01,041 No, I have not. Non. 16 00:03:03,291 --> 00:03:08,041 Early up tomorrow, brother. Big old drive. On part tôt demain, frérot. Et c'est pas la porte à côté. 17 00:03:40,833 --> 00:03:43,855 There's a dead cow. Keep our cattle away. Une vache est morte, isolez le bétail. 18 00:03:43,875 --> 00:03:48,583 - What happened? - Anthrax. Don't touch. - Elle a eu quoi ? - Le charbon, la touche pas. 19 00:03:50,750 --> 00:03:52,666 Well, guess this is it. Alors, 20 00:03:53,208 --> 00:03:55,521 nous y voilà. 21 00:03:55,541 --> 00:03:57,541 What's "it," Phil? Où ça, Phil ? 22 00:03:58,416 --> 00:04:03,730 What's "it"? All right, fatso, I'll tell you what "it" is. Où ça ? Je vais te le dire, gros lard. 23 00:04:03,750 --> 00:04:07,896 Twenty-five years since our first run together. Ça fait 25 ans qu'on convoie le bétail ensemble. 24 00:04:07,916 --> 00:04:10,521 Nineteen hundred and nothing. Depuis 1900 tout rond. 25 00:04:10,541 --> 00:04:12,916 That's a long time. C'est long, 25 ans. 26 00:04:12,958 --> 00:04:15,208 Well, not too damn long. Pas tant que ça. 27 00:04:23,583 --> 00:04:25,230 Know what we should do? Tu sais ce qu'on devrait faire ? 28 00:04:25,250 --> 00:04:26,730 What's that? Non, quoi ? 29 00:04:26,750 --> 00:04:30,771 Go camping again in the mountains and shoot ourselves some fresh elk liver. Retourner camper dans la montagne et chasser un orignal. 30 00:04:30,791 --> 00:04:36,583 Cook it right there on the coals like Bronco Henry taught us. Et on cuit le foie sur les braises comme Bronco Henry nous a appris. 31 00:04:39,458 --> 00:04:41,583 You got a sore gut? T'as mal au bide ? 32 00:04:41,875 --> 00:04:43,271 No. Non. 33 00:04:43,291 --> 00:04:47,958 You act like it pains you to hitch two words together. On dirait que ça te fait mal d'aligner deux mots. 34 00:05:41,041 --> 00:05:43,583 There'll be 12 for tonight. Il y a 12 couverts, ce soir. 35 00:05:44,166 --> 00:05:46,396 Do you what they'd prefer to eat? Tu sais ce qu'ils veulent ? 36 00:05:46,416 --> 00:05:49,166 They like the fried chicken dinner. Ils aiment bien ton poulet frit. 37 00:05:58,416 --> 00:05:59,355 Yes? Oui. 38 00:05:59,375 --> 00:06:00,855 I'm going to need your room. Il me faut ta chambre. 39 00:06:00,875 --> 00:06:02,750 All right. D'accord. 40 00:06:08,083 --> 00:06:09,855 What are you doing? Tu fais quoi ? 41 00:06:09,875 --> 00:06:11,791 Nothing. Rien. 42 00:06:14,833 --> 00:06:16,833 Is that an album? C'est un album ? 43 00:06:17,583 --> 00:06:18,730 Not really. Pas vraiment. 44 00:06:18,750 --> 00:06:19,646 - May I? - Sure. Je peux ? 45 00:06:19,666 --> 00:06:21,583 Bien sûr. 46 00:06:24,166 --> 00:06:27,521 - Do you like the mansion? - Too much to clean. - Tu aimes bien ce manoir ? - Trop de ménage. 47 00:06:27,541 --> 00:06:29,688 You wouldn't have to clean it. There would be cleaners. C'est pas toi qui le ferais. 48 00:06:29,708 --> 00:06:32,458 Il y aurait des domestiques. 49 00:06:34,416 --> 00:06:36,583 Oh, she's beautiful. Elle est ravissante. 50 00:06:37,250 --> 00:06:39,583 I like her flowers. J'aime bien son bouquet. 51 00:06:41,541 --> 00:06:44,208 Oh! That's clever, Peter. C'est astucieux, Peter. 52 00:06:45,833 --> 00:06:47,646 They're so lovely. Elles sont très jolies. 53 00:06:47,666 --> 00:06:49,708 Thanks. Merci. 54 00:06:50,666 --> 00:06:52,875 For the tables? On les met sur les tables ? 55 00:06:52,958 --> 00:06:54,958 Sure. Si tu veux. 56 00:06:56,625 --> 00:06:58,688 - I need three chickens. Can you do them? - All right. Tu m'apporteras trois poulets ? 57 00:06:58,708 --> 00:07:00,833 D'accord. 58 00:07:01,666 --> 00:07:03,980 You're gonna have to move your stuff to the shed. Mets tes affaires dans la remise. 59 00:07:04,000 --> 00:07:07,000 I'll make a bed for you on the floor. Je vais t'installer un lit par terre. 60 00:07:23,958 --> 00:07:27,333 {\an8}À NOTRE ÉPOUX ET PÈRE BIEN AIMÉ 61 00:08:29,750 --> 00:08:31,583 Jake. Jake. 62 00:08:42,375 --> 00:08:46,208 - He there? - Nope. - Il est là ? - Non. 63 00:08:47,833 --> 00:08:49,396 Well, we can't wait forever. The cattle are in the yards, so drink up. On a assez attendu. 64 00:08:49,416 --> 00:08:52,188 Le bétail est dans l'enclos, allez-y, buvez. 65 00:08:52,208 --> 00:08:55,271 - You gonna say something? - Nope. - Vous allez dire un mot ? - Non. 66 00:08:55,291 --> 00:08:57,708 Not without my brother. J'attends que mon frère soit là. 67 00:09:05,875 --> 00:09:07,438 Where were you? Où t'étais passé ? 68 00:09:07,458 --> 00:09:09,688 I couldn't make the boys hold back forever. J'ai pas pu les faire attendre plus. 69 00:09:09,708 --> 00:09:11,646 That's fine. C'est pas grave. 70 00:09:11,666 --> 00:09:13,688 Uh... 71 00:09:13,708 --> 00:09:18,730 Checked the power, and it's held up. Not coming till morning. Je suis allé voir, le train sera là que demain matin. 72 00:09:18,750 --> 00:09:21,708 Oh, no, thanks. Phil, they're ready for us next door at the Red Mill. Non, merci. 73 00:09:22,416 --> 00:09:24,855 Dinnertime, boys. On nous attend au Red Mill. À table, les gars. 74 00:09:24,875 --> 00:09:27,250 Let's get a move on. Allez, on se remue. 75 00:09:30,125 --> 00:09:33,771 Twenty-five years ago, where were you, Georgie Boy? Il y a 25 ans, t'étais où, mon petit George ? 76 00:09:33,791 --> 00:09:35,958 Hmm? 77 00:09:36,041 --> 00:09:38,480 - With you. - I'll tell you. - Avec toi. - Je vais te le dire. 78 00:09:38,500 --> 00:09:42,730 A chubby know-nothing too dumb to get through college. Un gamin potelé et ignare, trop bête pour finir ses études. 79 00:09:42,750 --> 00:09:44,355 People helped you, fatso. On t'a aidé, gros lard. 80 00:09:44,375 --> 00:09:47,355 One person in particular taught you and me ranching Une personne en particulier 81 00:09:47,375 --> 00:09:51,125 so we damn well succeeded. nous a appris à tenir un ranch pour qu'on s'en sorte bien. 82 00:09:55,291 --> 00:09:58,541 - Bronco Henry. - Hmm. Bronco Henry. 83 00:10:00,208 --> 00:10:02,125 So... Alors, 84 00:10:03,291 --> 00:10:07,896 So, to us brothers, Romulus and Remus, and the wolf who raised us. - Bronco Henry. - Bronco. à nous, les frères Romulus et Remus et au loup qui nous a élevés. 85 00:10:07,916 --> 00:10:09,521 Bronco Henry. 86 00:10:09,541 --> 00:10:10,938 - Il Lupo. - Bronco. Il lupo. 87 00:10:10,958 --> 00:10:15,333 - Bronco Henry. - Bronco Henry. 88 00:10:18,041 --> 00:10:22,000 - Boss is leavin'. - Dinner, boys. - Le patron s'en va. - À table ! 89 00:10:29,291 --> 00:10:31,333 Much obliged. Merci beaucoup. 90 00:10:36,416 --> 00:10:40,771 Rose? Rose, play piano for us please. I can't! - Rose, jouez du piano. - Je ne peux pas. 91 00:10:40,791 --> 00:10:44,000 - Play! Play! Play! - Come on! Allez, jouez ! 92 00:10:49,125 --> 00:10:54,833 - Is everything all right? - Yes, ma'am. Fine. I can play the piano. - Tout va bien ? - Oui, madame. 93 00:11:08,333 --> 00:11:11,041 Well, well... Tiens, tiens, 94 00:11:12,250 --> 00:11:14,791 ain't them purdy. c'est-y pas mignon ? 95 00:11:24,125 --> 00:11:28,333 "I've never seen a woman behind the wheel of a car." J'ai jamais vu une femme conduire une auto. 96 00:11:37,041 --> 00:11:41,438 I said, "Have you never seen a lady drive a car before?" 97 00:11:41,458 --> 00:11:43,063 He thought the dog was driving. 98 00:11:43,083 --> 00:11:44,563 No. No. 99 00:11:44,583 --> 00:11:46,646 No! 100 00:11:46,666 --> 00:11:48,230 Oh, yeah. Ah, je vois… 101 00:11:48,250 --> 00:11:50,250 Well... 102 00:11:50,375 --> 00:11:52,166 I wonder what little lady made these. je me demande 103 00:11:52,250 --> 00:11:55,791 quelle demoiselle a fait ces fleurs. 104 00:11:57,500 --> 00:11:59,875 Actually, I did, sir. C'est moi, monsieur. 105 00:12:02,041 --> 00:12:04,313 My mother was a florist. Ma mère était fleuriste. 106 00:12:04,333 --> 00:12:07,813 So I made them to look like the ones in our garden. Je me suis inspiré des fleurs de notre jardin. 107 00:12:07,833 --> 00:12:09,916 Oh, well, do pardon me. Au temps pour moi. 108 00:12:11,583 --> 00:12:14,230 They're just as real as possible. C'est incroyable, 109 00:12:14,250 --> 00:12:17,291 on s'y tromperait presque. 110 00:12:20,500 --> 00:12:23,083 Mmm. 111 00:12:23,208 --> 00:12:28,708 All right. Now, gentlemen, look. See, that's what you do with the cloth. Messieurs, regardez bien à quoi sert un torchon. 112 00:12:33,625 --> 00:12:37,230 - It's really just for wine drips. - Ooh, you got that, boys? - C'est au cas où le vin goutte. - Vous entendez ? 113 00:12:37,250 --> 00:12:40,666 Only for the drips. Au cas où le vin goutte. 114 00:12:44,708 --> 00:12:47,041 Now get us some food. Apporte-nous à manger. 115 00:13:11,208 --> 00:13:15,146 - Did Bronco ever eat here? - No, he did not. - Bronco venait manger ici ? - Non. 116 00:13:15,166 --> 00:13:17,333 So where did you eat? Alors, vous mangiez où ? 117 00:13:17,375 --> 00:13:23,230 Uh, back then we had herring at the saloon and a whole lot of alcohol. On allait au saloon, il y avait du hareng et des litres d'alcool. 118 00:13:23,250 --> 00:13:24,146 Oh. 119 00:13:24,166 --> 00:13:28,188 I remember this one time, Bronco made this wager that he could jump any horse Un jour, Bronco a parié qu'il ferait sauter n'importe quel cheval 120 00:13:28,208 --> 00:13:33,355 over the tables and chairs of the saloon piled up in the street. par-dessus les tables et les chaises empilées dehors devant le saloon. 121 00:13:33,375 --> 00:13:38,313 Well, we chose him a nag all right. Je peux vous dire qu'on lui a choisi une vieille carne. 122 00:13:38,333 --> 00:13:40,500 It didn't bother him. Il ne s'est pas démonté. 123 00:13:40,833 --> 00:13:43,291 He took off his saddle, Il a enlevé la selle, 124 00:13:43,458 --> 00:13:47,563 walked the horse up to the tables and chairs, talking to him all the while, il a amené le cheval vers les tables, et en murmurant à son oreille, 125 00:13:47,583 --> 00:13:52,791 stroking his big, ugly head while the horse sniffed. il caressait sa grosse tête tandis que la bête reniflait. 126 00:13:53,541 --> 00:13:56,938 And then he swung on and rode him back and... Il a bondi sur le cheval, 127 00:13:56,958 --> 00:14:01,083 l'a fait reculer un peu et… 128 00:14:02,833 --> 00:14:04,833 What? Et quoi ? 129 00:14:07,791 --> 00:14:09,313 Flew over. He jumped it? Il s'est envolé. 130 00:14:09,333 --> 00:14:11,333 Il a réussi ? 131 00:14:17,500 --> 00:14:22,396 But to get a nag to jump... ain't heard of. Faire sauter une carne… J'ai jamais entendu dire ça. 132 00:14:22,416 --> 00:14:25,375 Put it down to amour. Mets ça sur le compte de l'amour. 133 00:14:27,625 --> 00:14:30,083 What do you say, George? T'en penses quoi, George ? 134 00:14:30,750 --> 00:14:32,750 Amour? L'amour ? 135 00:14:36,666 --> 00:14:40,125 What... I don't know what you're talking about. Je vois pas de quoi tu parles. 136 00:14:51,375 --> 00:14:55,500 Do you mind quietening? We're eating. Vous pouvez faire moins de bruit ? On mange. 137 00:14:56,333 --> 00:14:59,541 Shut that down, or I will! C'est bientôt fini, ce boucan ? 138 00:15:31,625 --> 00:15:34,166 Are you all right, Peter? Ça va, Peter ? 139 00:15:39,375 --> 00:15:41,375 Where are you going? Où tu vas ? 140 00:16:12,500 --> 00:16:15,416 Go on over. I'll settle up. Vas-y, je vais régler. 141 00:16:16,166 --> 00:16:18,416 Settle in the morning. On paiera demain matin. 142 00:16:18,583 --> 00:16:20,833 I'll be along. Je te rejoins. 143 00:17:26,083 --> 00:17:29,750 Shall I settle up now, Mrs. Gordon, or... Je vous règle maintenant, Mme Gordon ? 144 00:18:15,250 --> 00:18:17,416 Please, you can... Vous pouvez… 145 00:18:18,416 --> 00:18:22,625 send the bill, and I'll post a check. envoyer la note, et je vous enverrai un chèque. 146 00:18:25,583 --> 00:18:29,730 ♪ Please, oh, please Oh, do not let me fall ♪ 147 00:18:29,750 --> 00:18:32,896 ♪ You're all mine I love you best of all ♪ 148 00:18:32,916 --> 00:18:36,646 ♪ You must be my girl Or I'll have no girl at all ♪ 149 00:18:36,666 --> 00:18:41,230 ♪ There'll be a hot time In the old town tonight ♪ 150 00:18:41,250 --> 00:18:44,938 ♪ When you hear The bells a-dinglin' ♪ 151 00:18:44,958 --> 00:18:50,541 ♪ All join 'round And sweetly you must sing... ♪ 152 00:18:58,000 --> 00:19:00,666 Come over here. I love you. Allez viens, je t'aime. 153 00:19:39,791 --> 00:19:41,791 George? George ? 154 00:20:41,666 --> 00:20:43,666 George? George ? 155 00:21:07,083 --> 00:21:09,083 Brother. Frangin. 156 00:21:11,333 --> 00:21:13,583 Where have you been? Où t'étais passé ? 157 00:21:17,000 --> 00:21:22,250 What you said about her boy tonight, Phil... Ce que tu as dit à son fils, tout à l'heure, Phil, 158 00:21:22,291 --> 00:21:24,750 made her cry. ça l'a fait pleurer. 159 00:21:28,291 --> 00:21:31,125 She had her ear to the door? Elle écoute aux portes ? 160 00:21:33,375 --> 00:21:35,833 She was crying, Phil. Elle pleurait. 161 00:21:36,250 --> 00:21:38,333 What the hell? Allons bon ! 162 00:21:38,791 --> 00:21:44,500 I said her boy needed to snap out of it and get human. J'ai seulement dit que son fils devait se secouer et revenir sur terre. 163 00:21:46,416 --> 00:21:48,958 Pointed it out, that's all. J'ai dit ça en passant. 164 00:21:51,000 --> 00:21:53,375 She should damn well know. Elle doit bien le savoir. 165 00:22:25,375 --> 00:22:27,458 Hold it. 166 00:22:31,375 --> 00:22:33,563 He's got it! 167 00:22:33,583 --> 00:22:35,730 He was better before. C'était mieux tout à l'heure. 168 00:22:35,750 --> 00:22:38,083 He's getting there. 169 00:22:39,500 --> 00:22:42,333 Is that how Bronco Henry learned it? Bronco Henry a appris comme ça ? 170 00:22:43,000 --> 00:22:47,708 I never saw him out on a lunge, that's a fact. Il montait pas à la longe, c'est sûr. 171 00:22:59,500 --> 00:23:02,646 What is it you see up there, Phil? Vous voyez quoi, là-bas, Phil ? 172 00:23:02,666 --> 00:23:04,730 Are animals up there? Des animaux ? 173 00:23:04,750 --> 00:23:09,166 Has anyone else seen what you've seen, Phil? Quelqu'un d'autre a vu les mêmes choses ? 174 00:23:09,291 --> 00:23:11,291 George? George ? 175 00:23:14,750 --> 00:23:17,333 Nah, not him. Non, pas lui. 176 00:23:19,750 --> 00:23:22,375 Come on, Phil. What is it? Allez, dites-nous ce que c'est. 177 00:23:23,000 --> 00:23:25,750 There is something there, right? Il y a bien quelque chose, non ? 178 00:23:25,958 --> 00:23:28,833 Not if you can't see it, there ain't. Si tu le vois pas, il y a rien. 179 00:23:31,958 --> 00:23:34,291 Gotta be an animal. C'est forcément un animal. 180 00:24:23,875 --> 00:24:25,896 Hello, Mr. Burbank. Bonjour, M. Burbank. 181 00:24:25,916 --> 00:24:28,083 Hello, Mrs. Gordon. Bonjour, Mme Gordon. 182 00:24:28,125 --> 00:24:30,458 How can I help you? Que puis-je pour vous ? 183 00:24:32,250 --> 00:24:36,958 I really just came to see you. Je suis venu seulement pour vous voir. 184 00:24:38,958 --> 00:24:40,438 Oh. 185 00:24:40,458 --> 00:24:42,750 I'm quite busy. Je suis très occupée. 186 00:24:58,791 --> 00:25:02,855 "This most wholesome sauce is excellent "Cette sauce, très bonne pour la santé, est excellente 187 00:25:02,875 --> 00:25:08,166 with meats, fish, and cheese." "avec la viande, le poisson et le fromage." 188 00:25:10,375 --> 00:25:12,521 They have wine with them. Ils ont apporté du vin. 189 00:25:12,541 --> 00:25:16,605 I wish they wouldn't do that. I don't like drinking. Ça m'ennuie beaucoup. Je n'aime pas qu'on boive. 190 00:25:16,625 --> 00:25:20,271 I'd say they have more in them than wine. Sounds like booze. À les entendre, ils ont apporté de l'alcool fort. 191 00:25:20,291 --> 00:25:26,541 They're early. I should have never put the pianola in there. Ils sont arrivés tôt. J'ai eu tort d'acheter un piano mécanique. 192 00:25:35,000 --> 00:25:37,708 Here's the water. Je vous apporte de l'eau. 193 00:25:42,500 --> 00:25:47,813 I see... I see the Herndon doctor and the undertaker, Mr. Weltz. Je vois le médecin de Herndon et le croquemort, M. Weltz. 194 00:25:47,833 --> 00:25:51,021 Oh, goodness. I wish Peter were here. Mon Dieu, si seulement Peter était là. 195 00:25:51,041 --> 00:25:53,438 He should be serving the salad, and I need to fry the chicken. Il est censé servir la salade, 196 00:25:53,458 --> 00:25:55,688 je dois faire frire le poulet. 197 00:25:55,708 --> 00:25:59,000 Sometimes if you get food on the table... Ça prend du temps de faire le service. 198 00:26:00,041 --> 00:26:02,208 Um, Mr. Burbank, M. Burbank, 199 00:26:02,291 --> 00:26:04,833 I'm gonna run and get Peter. je vais chercher Peter. 200 00:26:14,583 --> 00:26:16,708 Afternoon! Bonjour ! 201 00:26:20,750 --> 00:26:23,750 Uh, looks like I'm the new waiter. Je suis le nouveau serveur. 202 00:26:24,750 --> 00:26:26,791 Doctor. Docteur. 203 00:26:27,083 --> 00:26:28,583 Mr. Burbank. M. Burbank. 204 00:26:29,333 --> 00:26:31,333 Mr. Weltz. M. Weltz. 205 00:27:18,958 --> 00:27:22,166 Run into any snow down below? Il y avait de la neige, en bas ? 206 00:27:23,500 --> 00:27:25,750 None to speak of. Quasiment pas. 207 00:27:29,041 --> 00:27:34,208 Well, I guess I'll roll me a smoke since I'm woke up. Je vais me rouler une cibiche puisque je suis réveillé. 208 00:27:39,416 --> 00:27:41,500 How far did you get? T'es allé jusqu'où ? 209 00:27:42,458 --> 00:27:43,980 Beech. That's where I aimed for. Beech. 210 00:27:44,000 --> 00:27:46,938 C'était ma destination. 211 00:27:46,958 --> 00:27:48,958 Beech? Beech ? 212 00:27:49,500 --> 00:27:53,021 Whatcha doin' down there, Georgie Boy? Tu es allé faire quoi, là-bas, mon petit George ? 213 00:27:53,041 --> 00:27:55,333 Little tomcatting? Tu chassais la femelle ? 214 00:27:59,416 --> 00:28:02,458 I was speaking to Mrs. Gordon. Je suis allé parler avec Mme Gordon. 215 00:28:06,166 --> 00:28:08,416 Oh, yes. Je vois. 216 00:28:08,791 --> 00:28:11,708 She cried on your shoulder. Elle a pleuré sur ton épaule. 217 00:28:13,041 --> 00:28:15,166 So she did. En effet. 218 00:28:16,291 --> 00:28:23,541 Give her half a chance, and she'll be after some dollar for Miss Nancy's college fee. Bientôt elle te tapera du fric pour les études de Chochotte. 219 00:28:29,666 --> 00:28:32,605 Remember how the Old Lady brought those girls out to the ranch Tu te souviens, la Vieille a fait venir des filles 220 00:28:32,625 --> 00:28:35,583 as soon as we could get hard-ons? dès qu'on a été en âge de bander. 221 00:28:36,166 --> 00:28:38,375 Oh my God. Bon sang ! 222 00:28:39,083 --> 00:28:43,500 Remember the tomato soup queen? Tu te rappelles la reine de la soupe à la tomate ? 223 00:28:46,541 --> 00:28:49,688 Wasn't it her that wrote you, C'est elle qui t'avait écrit cette phrase ? 224 00:28:49,708 --> 00:28:54,791 "I always will remember the western moon"? "Jamais je n'oublierai la Lune de l'Ouest". 225 00:28:57,125 --> 00:28:59,896 Well, guess you coulda taken her out Au moins, celle-là, on pouvait la sortir 226 00:28:59,916 --> 00:29:03,688 without first putting a sack over her head. sans lui mettre un sac sur la tête. 227 00:29:03,708 --> 00:29:06,250 Unlike some others. Contrairement à d'autres. 228 00:29:19,041 --> 00:29:21,666 Well, night, Phil. Bonne nuit, Phil. 229 00:29:31,250 --> 00:29:33,438 It's a piece of ass you're after, fatso, Si tu veux de la fesse, gros lard, 230 00:29:33,458 --> 00:29:38,208 I'm damn sure you can get it without a license. t'es pas forcé de signer un contrat. 231 00:29:46,083 --> 00:29:48,083 Hold it. Attends. 232 00:30:06,666 --> 00:30:09,125 What do you do with these? Vous en faites quoi ? 233 00:30:13,208 --> 00:30:15,146 Goddamn. Nom de Dieu… 234 00:30:15,166 --> 00:30:17,875 Do you cut 'em up or something? Vous voulez qu'on les découpe ? 235 00:30:30,500 --> 00:30:32,605 George has... "George…" 236 00:30:32,625 --> 00:30:34,688 He's gone again? Il est encore parti ? 237 00:30:34,708 --> 00:30:37,625 ...got himself... tangled "… s'est fait mettre 238 00:30:39,458 --> 00:30:41,438 with a suicide... widow... "le grappin dessus 239 00:30:41,458 --> 00:30:44,250 "par la veuve 240 00:30:44,666 --> 00:30:47,333 "d'un gars qui s'est suicidé 241 00:30:50,791 --> 00:30:54,625 ...and her half-cooked son. "ainsi que par son imbécile 242 00:30:54,791 --> 00:30:57,875 "de fils." 243 00:31:09,375 --> 00:31:12,208 A little desk for your big desk. Un petit bureau pour ton grand bureau. 244 00:31:18,791 --> 00:31:20,396 Phil. Phil. 245 00:31:20,416 --> 00:31:22,958 Yep, got you, old-timer. Je t'écoute, mon vieux. 246 00:31:23,500 --> 00:31:27,833 Did you write to the Old Lady? Tu as écrit à la Vieille ? 247 00:31:29,375 --> 00:31:32,000 Yeah, I dropped 'em both a line. Oui, j'ai envoyé un mot aux Vieux. 248 00:31:32,916 --> 00:31:35,791 Did you say something about Rose? Tu leur as parlé de Rose ? 249 00:31:36,750 --> 00:31:41,541 Yeah, Rose... Well, you know as well as I do what the Old Lady would feel Ah oui, Rose… 250 00:31:41,875 --> 00:31:43,646 if she thought you were getting mixed up with her. Tu sais parfaitement comment réagirait la Vieille 251 00:31:43,666 --> 00:31:48,083 si elle savait que tu fréquentes Rose. 252 00:31:50,333 --> 00:31:52,958 She'd likely have a hemorrhage. Elle en ferait une attaque. 253 00:31:53,083 --> 00:31:56,896 The Old Lady would feel as one Mrs. Burbank would feel La Vieille réagirait comme le ferait 254 00:31:56,916 --> 00:32:00,125 une Madame Burbank 255 00:32:00,375 --> 00:32:02,791 for another Mrs. Burbank. qui rencontre une autre Madame Burbank. 256 00:32:03,083 --> 00:32:05,166 Come again? Répète. 257 00:32:06,541 --> 00:32:09,000 We were married Sunday. On s'est mariés dimanche. 258 00:32:10,208 --> 00:32:13,375 She got rid of her property in Beech. Elle a vendu son auberge à Beech. 259 00:32:36,666 --> 00:32:38,583 Quit it. Arrête. 260 00:32:39,166 --> 00:32:41,791 Stand steady, you little bitch, huh? Bouge pas, salope. 261 00:32:41,916 --> 00:32:44,105 Come on. 262 00:32:44,125 --> 00:32:47,583 - Look at me, you little bitch! - Huh? Yeah? T'as compris, salope ? 263 00:32:48,833 --> 00:32:53,541 Quit it! You fat-faced bitch! Arrête ! Ferme ta gueule, salope. 264 00:32:54,125 --> 00:32:56,125 Whore! Putain ! 265 00:33:02,291 --> 00:33:05,438 My school boarders eat dinner at 6:00 p.m. sharp. Mes pensionnaires dînent à 6 h précises. 266 00:33:05,458 --> 00:33:09,605 No dish-washing duty if he has homework. Il sera dispensé de vaisselle s'il a des devoirs. 267 00:33:09,625 --> 00:33:12,291 Oh. No shoes inside. Pas de chaussures à l'intérieur. 268 00:33:16,500 --> 00:33:19,105 Maybe you'd like to come to the ranch sometimes? Tu aimerais venir nous voir au ranch ? 269 00:33:19,125 --> 00:33:20,980 Won't that be nice? Ce serait bien. 270 00:33:21,000 --> 00:33:25,208 May I keep some of these rose petals? Je peux garder quelques pétales de rose ? 271 00:33:36,166 --> 00:33:37,480 Hey, ho. 272 00:33:37,500 --> 00:33:39,750 Take the rest for later. Je te laisse le reste. 273 00:33:56,750 --> 00:34:00,771 I've been thinking we should have some sort of dinner party Je pensais qu'on pourrait peut-être organiser un dîner 274 00:34:00,791 --> 00:34:03,541 to introduce you to my parents. pour te présenter à mes parents. 275 00:34:05,041 --> 00:34:10,480 And perhaps we could invite the governor and his wife too. Et on pourrait aussi inviter le gouverneur et sa femme. 276 00:34:10,500 --> 00:34:14,813 I saw them in Herndon today, and, uh, Je les ai croisés à Herndon, aujourd'hui, et… 277 00:34:14,833 --> 00:34:18,041 I... I kind of already mentioned it to them. j'en ai déjà plus ou moins parlé. 278 00:34:20,083 --> 00:34:26,313 Uh, maybe you'd be kind enough to play something on our old piano. Tu auras peut-être la gentillesse de jouer un morceau sur notre vieux piano. 279 00:34:26,333 --> 00:34:29,105 But, George, I'm not very good. Je ne suis pas très douée. 280 00:34:29,125 --> 00:34:32,208 I only played for the moving pictures. Je jouais pour le cinématographe. 281 00:34:32,833 --> 00:34:37,041 You are plenty fine enough for us. Ce sera toujours assez bien pour nous. 282 00:34:38,333 --> 00:34:42,271 The Old Lady can't play a note, so... La Vieille ne sait pas jouer une note, alors… 283 00:34:42,291 --> 00:34:44,625 If that's what you want. Comme tu voudras. 284 00:34:48,083 --> 00:34:50,021 This looks like a good spot. Cet endroit a l'air bien. 285 00:34:50,041 --> 00:34:51,688 Pull over here, please. Arrête-toi, s'il te plaît. 286 00:34:51,708 --> 00:34:54,291 A good spot for what? Pour quoi faire ? 287 00:35:17,166 --> 00:35:19,875 You are marvelous, Rose. Tu es merveilleuse. 288 00:35:30,125 --> 00:35:32,541 Stand beside me, George. Viens près de moi. 289 00:35:36,166 --> 00:35:37,896 What's happening? Que se passe-t-il ? 290 00:35:37,916 --> 00:35:40,083 Follow me. Fais comme moi. 291 00:35:40,166 --> 00:35:41,938 Left foot forward. Pied gauche en avant. 292 00:35:41,958 --> 00:35:45,896 One, two, three. And to the side. Un, deux, trois, sur le côté. 293 00:35:45,916 --> 00:35:49,146 One, two, three. And back. Un, deux, trois, en arrière. 294 00:35:49,166 --> 00:35:53,541 One, two, three. Un, deux, trois. 295 00:35:53,791 --> 00:35:58,833 - To the side again. One, two... - Sorry, I... I really can't. - À nouveau sur le côté. Un… - Désolé, je peux pas. 296 00:35:58,958 --> 00:36:00,813 - I really can't dance. I... - You're dancing. Je sais pas danser. 297 00:36:00,833 --> 00:36:03,396 Tu danses, là. 298 00:36:03,416 --> 00:36:06,166 Here. This foot forward. Allez. Ce pied-là en avant. 299 00:36:07,625 --> 00:36:09,625 Don't think. Ne réfléchis pas. 300 00:36:10,458 --> 00:36:12,813 One, two, three. To the side. Un, deux, trois, sur le côté. 301 00:36:12,833 --> 00:36:15,230 One, two, three. And back. Un, deux, trois, en arrière. 302 00:36:15,250 --> 00:36:17,563 One, two, three. Un, deux, trois. 303 00:36:17,583 --> 00:36:20,416 I told you I'd teach you. Je t'avais dit que je t'apprendrais. 304 00:36:27,833 --> 00:36:30,521 Forward, two, three. En avant, deux, trois. 305 00:36:30,541 --> 00:36:32,875 Side, two... Sur le côté, deux… 306 00:36:48,125 --> 00:36:50,291 What is it, George? Qu'est-ce que tu as ? 307 00:36:56,333 --> 00:36:59,375 I just... 308 00:37:00,291 --> 00:37:03,375 I wanted to say how nice it is Je voulais te dire que c'est agréable 309 00:37:04,041 --> 00:37:06,416 not to be alone. de ne pas être seul. 310 00:37:52,583 --> 00:37:55,263 Go on up and get out of the cold. Entre, ne reste pas dans le froid. 311 00:38:14,708 --> 00:38:16,791 Hello, Phil. Bonsoir, Phil. 312 00:38:16,958 --> 00:38:19,416 You remember Rose? Tu te souviens de Rose ? 313 00:38:20,041 --> 00:38:22,688 - Oh, hello there. - Hello. - Bonsoir. - Bonsoir. 314 00:38:22,708 --> 00:38:24,438 - Something wrong with the furnace? - Search me. La chaudière s'est arrêtée ? 315 00:38:24,458 --> 00:38:26,875 Aucune idée. 316 00:38:28,666 --> 00:38:31,938 - I'll go down and shake it up. - I've been hanging around for you all day. Je descends voir ça. 317 00:38:31,958 --> 00:38:36,521 There's a deed the Old Gent wants sent to him. Je t'attends depuis ce matin. On doit envoyer un acte notarié au Vieux. 318 00:38:36,541 --> 00:38:39,396 Well, I figure that can go till morning. Je pense que ça peut attendre demain. 319 00:38:39,416 --> 00:38:43,958 - You all right? - I'm perfectly fine, George. - Ça va ? - Oui, très bien. 320 00:38:59,916 --> 00:39:02,375 Well, brother Phil, Mon cher frère, 321 00:39:03,291 --> 00:39:04,896 we had such a nice trip... nous avons fait bon voyage. 322 00:39:04,916 --> 00:39:06,813 I'm not your brother. Je suis pas votre frère. 323 00:39:06,833 --> 00:39:09,375 You're a cheap schemer. Vous n'êtes qu'une sale intrigante. 324 00:39:27,958 --> 00:39:30,750 "We had such a nice trip." "Nous avons fait bon voyage." 325 00:40:02,916 --> 00:40:05,125 Come on in. Viens, entre. 326 00:40:08,000 --> 00:40:14,000 This is the bathroom. Just make yourself at home. C'est la salle de bains, fais comme chez toi. 327 00:40:18,166 --> 00:40:19,896 Yeah, that's fine. Oui, vas-y. 328 00:40:19,916 --> 00:40:21,916 All right. 329 00:41:07,208 --> 00:41:09,291 Mm-hmm. 330 00:41:50,500 --> 00:41:53,750 {\an8}À UN AMI TRÈS CHER 331 00:43:52,291 --> 00:43:55,791 Now, you just make yourself comfortable. Je te laisse t'installer tranquillement. 332 00:43:57,708 --> 00:44:00,980 Now, I'm going to bring you a surprise. Je vais t'apporter une surprise. 333 00:44:01,000 --> 00:44:02,916 What is it? C'est quoi ? 334 00:44:03,208 --> 00:44:06,208 Well, then it won't be a surprise. Si je le dis, ce sera plus une surprise. 335 00:44:24,541 --> 00:44:27,771 When the rains come, the cellar gets flooded. À la saison des pluies, la cave est inondée. 336 00:44:27,791 --> 00:44:32,980 So, the rats all drown. They float to the surface. Les rats se noient. Ils flottent à la surface. 337 00:44:33,000 --> 00:44:39,041 I have to get the young lads in to scoop 'em all up with a... Je suis obligée d'appeler les gars pour qu'ils les sortent avec… 338 00:44:47,750 --> 00:44:50,333 Please keep talking. Je vous en prie, continuez. 339 00:44:50,375 --> 00:44:52,375 Don't mind me. Ne faites pas attention à moi. 340 00:44:52,541 --> 00:44:54,625 I like to keep busy. J'aime bien m'occuper. 341 00:45:08,666 --> 00:45:10,666 Easy. Doucement. 342 00:45:11,208 --> 00:45:12,396 We got it. 343 00:45:12,416 --> 00:45:14,750 Head to the right. Un peu vers la droite. 344 00:45:17,500 --> 00:45:21,333 - Turn it around that way. - Please, I'll take it. Tournez un peu par là. 345 00:45:22,416 --> 00:45:25,188 - What is it? - Head to the front door. 346 00:45:25,208 --> 00:45:27,208 George. Is that... George… 347 00:45:28,083 --> 00:45:29,646 Is that a grand? C'est un piano à queue ? 348 00:45:29,666 --> 00:45:33,021 - You got it? - Yeah, I got it. Vous le tenez ? 349 00:45:33,041 --> 00:45:36,605 - Whoa, hold it. - It's a Mason & Hamlin baby grand. C'est un Mason & Hamlin, un demi-queue. 350 00:45:36,625 --> 00:45:39,563 Oh no, it's... it's too good for me. I'm... Non, c'est trop beau pour moi. 351 00:45:39,583 --> 00:45:43,355 I'm just very average. I... I only know tunes. Je ne joue pas très bien. Je connais quelques airs. 352 00:45:43,375 --> 00:45:45,605 That's what I want, tunes. Mais moi, j'aime bien les airs. 353 00:45:45,625 --> 00:45:47,688 The governor too. Le gouverneur aussi. 354 00:45:47,708 --> 00:45:51,855 We don't want a concert. We just wanna hear you play, Rose. On ne veut pas un concert, on veut t'entendre jouer. 355 00:45:51,875 --> 00:45:54,938 - I should like to look on the governor... - Easy. J'ai hâte de voir le gouverneur 356 00:45:54,958 --> 00:46:00,105 ...as he drives up and gets out of his vehicle. quand il arrivera ici et descendra de son automobile. 357 00:46:00,125 --> 00:46:04,965 - One step at a time, ready? - Two, three, four. 358 00:49:28,875 --> 00:49:33,583 - You make a rope with these? - These strips? Yeah. - Vous faites une corde ? - Oui, avec ces lanières. 359 00:49:48,541 --> 00:49:51,355 You boys find something needs doing. Les gars, trouvez à vous occuper. 360 00:49:51,375 --> 00:49:53,625 Yes, sir. Oui, monsieur. 361 00:50:04,458 --> 00:50:08,500 I just came over to speak about something. Je voulais te parler de quelque chose. 362 00:50:17,500 --> 00:50:21,625 Come on, partner. Open your talker. What is it? Ouvre ton clapet. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ? 363 00:50:24,750 --> 00:50:27,980 His Nibs will be here for dinner and the Old Gent and the Old Lady. Son Excellence va venir dîner 364 00:50:28,000 --> 00:50:32,000 avec le Vieux et la Vieille. 365 00:50:32,541 --> 00:50:35,666 Well, sir, ain't we going into society. Mazette, on reçoit du beau monde. 366 00:50:39,791 --> 00:50:42,500 She on the pinano again? Elle est encore à son pianono. 367 00:50:43,333 --> 00:50:45,750 Setting your teeth on edge? Ça te met pas les nerfs à vif ? 368 00:50:47,500 --> 00:50:49,583 No. Uh... Non. 369 00:50:50,416 --> 00:50:53,625 No, I... I like to hear Rose play. J'aime bien l'entendre jouer. 370 00:50:54,875 --> 00:50:56,875 Hmm. 371 00:51:01,083 --> 00:51:05,708 Well, old-timer, what is it? What's in the noodle? Alors, dis-moi ce qui trotte dans ta caboche. 372 00:51:06,375 --> 00:51:08,375 Well... Eh bien, 373 00:51:08,791 --> 00:51:12,625 Phil. I, uh... Phil, je… 374 00:51:14,916 --> 00:51:17,355 - I just... - Go on, spit it out. - Je voulais… - Crache le morceau. 375 00:51:17,375 --> 00:51:20,521 - Well, it's about His Nibs, the governor. - All right. C'est au sujet de Son Excellence, le gouverneur. 376 00:51:20,541 --> 00:51:21,980 D'accord. 377 00:51:22,000 --> 00:51:24,000 And, uh... 378 00:51:24,333 --> 00:51:28,000 Well, it's not so much about His Nibs Enfin, c'est pas tant pour Son Excellence 379 00:51:29,500 --> 00:51:33,166 but His Nibs' wife, actually, uh... que pour son épouse, en fait. 380 00:51:34,500 --> 00:51:40,855 I was thinking His Nibs probably wouldn't mind so much, Je crois que Son Excellence, ça le dérangerait pas trop, 381 00:51:40,875 --> 00:51:43,896 but his missus might. mais sa femme, peut-être. 382 00:51:43,916 --> 00:51:46,416 What, for dear Christ's sake? Mais quoi, bon sang ? 383 00:51:46,666 --> 00:51:49,291 Well, it's sort of a hard thing... Eh bien, c'est un peu dur 384 00:51:51,583 --> 00:51:52,646 ...to say. à dire. 385 00:51:52,666 --> 00:51:54,750 Uh... 386 00:51:57,833 --> 00:52:03,041 She might mind if you come to the table without a washup. Ça la gênera peut-être si tu viens sans t'être débarbouillé. 387 00:52:07,000 --> 00:52:09,000 Yeah. Voilà. 388 00:52:29,041 --> 00:52:31,271 Hello, Mother, Father. Bonjour, Mère. Père. 389 00:52:31,291 --> 00:52:33,291 Hello. 390 00:52:35,750 --> 00:52:37,646 The car's around the side. L’automobile est garée tout près. 391 00:52:37,666 --> 00:52:39,916 Is there anyone with you? Tu es venu avec quelqu'un ? 392 00:52:40,166 --> 00:52:42,250 My wife. Mon épouse. 393 00:52:48,958 --> 00:52:53,355 The napkin is fanned, so... On plie la serviette en éventail. 394 00:52:53,375 --> 00:52:55,666 Comme ça. 395 00:52:57,333 --> 00:52:58,938 Light the fire. Allumez le feu. 396 00:52:58,958 --> 00:53:00,396 - Yes, ma'am. - Yes, ma'am. 397 00:53:00,416 --> 00:53:03,375 We may as well try and warm this place. Essayez un peu de chauffer cette maison. 398 00:53:04,125 --> 00:53:06,916 Water, white wine... 399 00:53:08,458 --> 00:53:12,291 Use your hand. Use your hand like so. 400 00:53:12,750 --> 00:53:14,750 They're here. Ils arrivent. 401 00:53:24,625 --> 00:53:29,208 You keep warm. I can bring them in. Reste au chaud. Je vais les accueillir. 402 00:53:52,916 --> 00:53:56,063 Oh, how sweet. They have their own umbrella. C'est charmant, chacun a son ombrelle. 403 00:53:56,083 --> 00:54:00,396 - Orange blossoms. - It's an island of civilization here. Mmm. - Des Orange Blossoms. - C'est un îlot de civilisation, ici. 404 00:54:00,416 --> 00:54:03,938 I was, uh, telling Georgie about your brother. Je lui parlais de votre frère. 405 00:54:03,958 --> 00:54:06,688 Phi Beta Kappa at Yale, wasn't it? Il est diplômé de Yale, je crois. 406 00:54:06,708 --> 00:54:09,438 Yes, in classics. Oui, en lettres classiques. 407 00:54:09,458 --> 00:54:11,458 That's right. Tout à fait. 408 00:54:11,625 --> 00:54:17,458 So, uh... he swears at the cattle in Greek or Latin? Et donc, il maudit les vaches en grec ou en latin ? 409 00:54:22,333 --> 00:54:24,333 Yeah. 410 00:54:25,708 --> 00:54:29,355 Uh, Rose plays the piano very well. Rose joue du piano, 411 00:54:29,375 --> 00:54:30,771 elle est douée. 412 00:54:30,791 --> 00:54:32,480 Do you? Vraiment ? 413 00:54:32,500 --> 00:54:34,916 That's a nice surprise. Quelle bonne surprise. 414 00:54:43,416 --> 00:54:47,355 I'll just go have a look-see out the back for Phil. Je vais jeter un œil dehors pour essayer de trouver Phil. 415 00:54:47,375 --> 00:54:50,271 Oh, good. I want to meet this brother. Bien, je veux rencontrer votre frère. 416 00:54:50,291 --> 00:54:52,291 Yes. Oui. 417 00:54:52,750 --> 00:54:55,813 I suppose there was some sort of an injury. 418 00:54:55,833 --> 00:54:58,000 Oh, Edward, Georgina. Edward, Georgina ! 419 00:54:58,125 --> 00:55:00,396 Ah! Here are two people we can't fool. En voici deux qu'on ne berne pas. 420 00:55:00,416 --> 00:55:03,688 Oh no, you cannot. We know everything. We're walking encyclopedias. Vous avez raison, nous sommes de vraies encyclopédies. 421 00:55:03,708 --> 00:55:05,938 At least I am. I have nothing to do but read. La lecture est ma seule occupation. 422 00:55:05,958 --> 00:55:11,355 She's been reading "The Curse of Tutankhamun" in The Digest. So, uh, you believe in the curse? Elle lit La Malédiction de Toutânkhamon dans le Digest. 423 00:55:11,375 --> 00:55:11,438 Oh, no, no, I'm not drinking George's concoction. Vous y croyez ? 424 00:55:11,458 --> 00:55:14,480 Non, je ne bois pas les mixtures de George. 425 00:55:14,500 --> 00:55:22,291 Yes, I do. But did you know that Tutankhamun was just a boy? Only 18. Oui, j'y crois. Mais saviez-vous que Toutânkhamon n'avait que 18 ans ? 426 00:55:31,583 --> 00:55:33,958 Phil, are you here? Phil, t'es là ? 427 00:55:42,583 --> 00:55:44,750 I was looking for you. Je te cherchais. 428 00:55:47,000 --> 00:55:49,458 Well, you found me. Voilà, tu m'as trouvé. 429 00:55:50,333 --> 00:55:54,313 Everyone's here. And we're just about to eat. Ils sont tous là. On va passer à table. 430 00:55:54,333 --> 00:55:57,125 They're asking after you. Ils te réclament. 431 00:55:58,041 --> 00:55:59,896 Really? T'es sûr ? 432 00:55:59,916 --> 00:56:03,708 Yes, we're counting on your conversation. Oui, on compte sur ta conversation. 433 00:56:08,625 --> 00:56:11,813 I shouldn't have said what I said to you about... J'ai eu tort de dire ce que je t'ai dit au sujet de… 434 00:56:11,833 --> 00:56:17,146 You two can keep your apologies to yourself. I'm not coming. Vous pouvez garder vos excuses. Je viendrai pas. 435 00:56:17,166 --> 00:56:19,750 And what will I say? Je vais leur dire quoi ? 436 00:56:20,250 --> 00:56:23,521 The Old Lady wants to see you too. She's come a long way. La Vieille voudrait te voir. Elle est venue de loin. 437 00:56:23,541 --> 00:56:25,896 You can tell them the truth. T'as qu'à dire la vérité. 438 00:56:25,916 --> 00:56:30,083 That I stink and I like it. Que je pue et que ça me plaît. 439 00:56:31,916 --> 00:56:34,063 Nothing could have happened to Phil, could it? Il n'est rien arrivé à Phil ? 440 00:56:34,083 --> 00:56:39,958 No, he'll be fine. Something just must've come up. Non, tout va bien. Il a dû avoir un imprévu. 441 00:56:40,625 --> 00:56:42,791 So, Rose... Alors, Rose… 442 00:56:44,208 --> 00:56:45,688 are you going to play for us? vous allez jouer ? 443 00:56:45,708 --> 00:56:48,271 Yes, George told me you play very well. Oui, George dit que vous jouez très bien. 444 00:56:48,291 --> 00:56:51,771 - Oh no, I'm terribly out of practice. - Yes, we'd love that. Non, je n'ai pas répété. 445 00:56:51,791 --> 00:56:56,855 Come now, you've been playing a lot. You know you have. Mais tu joues souvent, en ce moment. Ne dis pas le contraire. 446 00:56:56,875 --> 00:56:59,021 I don't know what to play. Je ne sais pas quoi jouer. 447 00:56:59,041 --> 00:57:00,396 Why, 448 00:57:00,416 --> 00:57:02,583 play the one I like. Joue l'air que j'aime. 449 00:57:03,625 --> 00:57:06,666 - What one? - Why, the... the one about the Gypsy. Lequel ? 450 00:57:07,666 --> 00:57:07,730 I... I can't seem to remember that one. Celui qui parle de la gitane. 451 00:57:07,750 --> 00:57:10,708 Je ne m'en souviens pas. 452 00:57:14,791 --> 00:57:17,416 Just play anything. Joue ce que tu voudras. 453 00:58:07,583 --> 00:58:09,833 I'm so sorry. Je suis désolée. 454 00:58:10,291 --> 00:58:13,146 I can't seem to play. Je n'y arrive pas. 455 00:58:13,166 --> 00:58:17,146 I... I played in a cinema pit for hours and hours. Pourtant, je jouais 456 00:58:17,166 --> 00:58:18,813 I'm... I'm so sorry. devant un écran de cinéma, durant des heures. 457 00:58:18,833 --> 00:58:20,771 Je suis désolée. 458 00:58:20,791 --> 00:58:25,105 Well, she got you halter trained, right, George? That's the main thing. Elle vous a passé la corde au cou, c'est le principal. 459 00:58:25,125 --> 00:58:28,666 I'm so sorry. No, it was a lovely, lovely evening. - Je suis désolée. - Non. 460 00:58:28,750 --> 00:58:30,291 Thank you. Ce fut une charmante soirée. Merci. 461 00:58:40,416 --> 00:58:42,791 Oh, you're Phil. Vous êtes Phil. 462 00:58:43,000 --> 00:58:46,105 So, you weren't eaten by a cougar. Donc, vous n'avez pas été dévoré par un puma ? 463 00:58:46,125 --> 00:58:47,563 Not yet. Pas encore. 464 00:58:47,583 --> 00:58:49,771 I am sorry to have missed your conversation. J'aurais aimé converser avec vous. 465 00:58:49,791 --> 00:58:51,438 I've heard you're brilliant. You're gonna want to keep your distance. I'm just off the horse. On dit que vous êtes brillant. 466 00:58:51,458 --> 00:58:55,605 Gardez vos distances. Je descends de cheval. 467 00:58:55,625 --> 00:58:57,271 Anyhows, you don't want conversation. Pas besoin de converser, 468 00:58:57,291 --> 00:59:02,166 You've been listening to the pinano and dancing, I guess. vous avez écouté le pianono, et dansé peut-être. 469 00:59:03,208 --> 00:59:05,291 You dance? Vous avez dansé ? 470 00:59:10,083 --> 00:59:12,958 You didn't play? Vous n'avez pas joué ? 471 00:59:13,416 --> 00:59:16,375 You sure did practice a terrible lot. Pourtant, vous aviez bien répété. 472 00:59:17,750 --> 00:59:22,396 See, you wouldn't think there was much difference between a cinema pit and a dinner party. Il est plus facile de jouer dans un petit cinéma que pour ses invités. 473 00:59:22,416 --> 00:59:24,916 Where have you been, Phil? Où étais-tu passé, Phil ? 474 00:59:25,375 --> 00:59:28,291 I could hardly eat worrying about you. L'inquiétude m'a coupé l'appétit. 475 00:59:28,458 --> 00:59:31,105 I didn't get washed up, so I didn't come. J'étais pas débarbouillé, je suis pas venu. 476 00:59:31,125 --> 00:59:33,625 You didn't wash? Tu ne t'es pas lavé ? 477 00:59:35,583 --> 00:59:37,355 Oh, he's a ranchman, isn't that right? That's honest dirt. Phil est un homme de la terre. 478 00:59:37,375 --> 00:59:40,500 C'est de la bonne crasse. 479 00:59:42,375 --> 00:59:45,666 - Thank you, again. - Thank you. Merci encore. 480 00:59:54,916 --> 00:59:59,875 I'll just run and grab you a blanket for the ride. 481 01:00:15,416 --> 01:00:17,875 All right, goodbye. 482 01:00:53,333 --> 01:00:58,688 I wondered if you didn't think about leaving your medical books here for the summer. Tu aurais peut-être pu laisser tes livres de médecine ici pour l'été. 483 01:00:58,708 --> 01:01:01,563 I thought about it, but... but you understand they were Dad's. J'y ai pensé mais… 484 01:01:01,583 --> 01:01:03,855 tu sais, c'étaient ceux de papa. 485 01:01:03,875 --> 01:01:05,875 Turn around. Tourne-toi. 486 01:01:07,916 --> 01:01:09,958 Are you eating? Tu manges ? 487 01:01:12,333 --> 01:01:14,230 I made a new friend. J'ai un nouvel ami. 488 01:01:14,250 --> 01:01:19,188 He calls me Doctor, and I call him Professor, 'cause that's what we wanna be. Il m'appelle "docteur" et moi, "professeur", nos futurs métiers. 489 01:01:19,208 --> 01:01:21,688 Why don't you invite your friend to the ranch? Tu pourrais l'inviter au ranch. 490 01:01:21,708 --> 01:01:23,708 No, Rose. Non, Rose. 491 01:01:23,958 --> 01:01:25,875 Why not? Pourquoi ? 492 01:01:26,250 --> 01:01:27,438 Thank you. 493 01:01:27,458 --> 01:01:31,583 I don't want him to meet a certain person. Je ne veux pas qu'il rencontre qui tu sais. 494 01:01:34,583 --> 01:01:39,041 A bull calf, boss! Keep that leg stretched out! You got him? Un taurillon, patron… 495 01:01:40,250 --> 01:01:42,146 Grab his head! 496 01:01:42,166 --> 01:01:44,541 I got it! I got it! 497 01:01:53,791 --> 01:01:55,980 How come you don't wear gloves? Vous mettez pas de gants ? 498 01:01:56,000 --> 01:01:59,791 How 'bout 'cause they're not needed. Non, j'en ai pas besoin. 499 01:02:04,333 --> 01:02:09,208 Castrate 1,500 head, then nick your thumb on the last. Je castre 1 500 bêtes et à la dernière, je m'entaille le pouce. 500 01:02:10,708 --> 01:02:12,771 Well, fatso, I think we're finished. Gros lard, 501 01:02:12,791 --> 01:02:15,125 je crois qu'on a fini. 502 01:02:22,166 --> 01:02:23,708 Who's that? C'est qui ? 503 01:02:25,708 --> 01:02:28,083 Miss Nancy. Chochotte. 504 01:02:28,208 --> 01:02:29,688 Our waiter? Notre serveur ? 505 01:02:29,708 --> 01:02:32,333 Yep, that's him. Oui, c'est ça. 506 01:02:32,958 --> 01:02:36,063 You're gonna see him creeping all over the place now. Il va venir fouiner partout, 507 01:02:36,083 --> 01:02:38,875 Big eyes goggling. avec ses gros yeux globuleux. 508 01:02:42,708 --> 01:02:45,875 Little Lord Fauntleroy. Le petit lord Fauntleroy. 509 01:03:01,916 --> 01:03:03,916 Rose? Rose ? 510 01:03:05,125 --> 01:03:07,021 Does he like his room? Sa chambre lui plaît ? 511 01:03:07,041 --> 01:03:09,041 Mm-hmm. 512 01:03:09,250 --> 01:03:11,250 I think so. Je crois. 513 01:03:11,875 --> 01:03:15,146 Watch your fires. Summer's coming. Attention à vos feux. L'été arrive. 514 01:03:15,166 --> 01:03:18,813 Which also means any Indians camping need to be moved off the property. Et délogez les campements indiens installés sur mes terres. 515 01:03:18,833 --> 01:03:20,771 No exceptions. Sans exception. 516 01:03:20,791 --> 01:03:23,855 We got animals they want to eat. Got it? Ils viennent manger nos bêtes. Compris ? 517 01:03:23,875 --> 01:03:25,438 Yes, sir. Oui, patron. 518 01:03:25,458 --> 01:03:27,875 We don't sell hides. Il n'y a pas de peaux à vendre. 519 01:03:28,166 --> 01:03:30,916 We don't sell anything here. Il n'y a rien à vendre, ici. 520 01:03:50,083 --> 01:03:52,188 Keep your eyes and ears open. Ouvrez vos yeux et vos oreilles, 521 01:03:52,208 --> 01:03:57,000 Maybe find yourselves an arrowhead up by them aspens. et vous trouverez des pointes de flèche près des peupliers. 522 01:04:38,041 --> 01:04:40,041 Rose? Rose ? 523 01:04:41,500 --> 01:04:43,916 I have a headache. J'ai mal à la tête. 524 01:04:48,750 --> 01:04:50,750 Have a seat. Assieds-toi. 525 01:04:54,916 --> 01:04:57,583 I'm not eating tonight. Je mangerai pas, ce soir. 526 01:04:58,791 --> 01:05:03,438 It's George's week in town, so it's just Phil. George est en ville, cette semaine. Il y a seulement Phil. 527 01:05:03,458 --> 01:05:05,625 Mm-hmm. 528 01:05:06,875 --> 01:05:08,521 I made a trap. J'ai fabriqué un piège. 529 01:05:08,541 --> 01:05:12,291 Oh no. It's... it's not a snake, is it? C'est pas un serpent, j'espère. 530 01:05:15,583 --> 01:05:17,605 It's a bunny. Un petit lapin. 531 01:05:17,625 --> 01:05:19,396 Oh. Oh! 532 01:05:19,416 --> 01:05:21,583 You're okay. Tout va bien. 533 01:05:27,750 --> 01:05:30,355 No, no, it's scared. - Come here. - Get it, Peter. Il a peur. 534 01:05:30,375 --> 01:05:32,041 Come here. Come here. Come here. Attrape-le. 535 01:05:34,750 --> 01:05:36,750 Bring him to me. Donne-le-moi. 536 01:05:37,208 --> 01:05:39,208 Aw. 537 01:05:52,291 --> 01:05:54,708 Don't worry about him. Ne t'occupe pas de lui. 538 01:05:55,750 --> 01:05:58,166 You can eat in your room. Tu peux dîner dans ta chambre. 539 01:05:59,000 --> 01:06:03,896 They dug up that graveyard to make way for the new highway. Ils ont retourné le cimetière pour faire la grande route. 540 01:06:03,916 --> 01:06:06,813 Among those buried there was a friend of mine. Parmi les gens enterrés là, j'avais une amie. 541 01:06:06,833 --> 01:06:12,021 A clumsy tractor driver broke open the coffin, Un ouvrier empoté a ouvert son cercueil d'un coup de pelleteuse, 542 01:06:12,041 --> 01:06:16,355 and they found her hair had continued to grow after her death. et on s'est aperçu que ses cheveux avaient continué à pousser 543 01:06:16,375 --> 01:06:18,855 après sa mort. 544 01:06:18,875 --> 01:06:25,105 The whole coffin just stuffed with her lovely golden hair. Le cercueil était tout rempli de sa belle chevelure blonde. 545 01:06:25,125 --> 01:06:28,250 Except for a few feet from the end, Sauf une bonne longueur à partir du crâne 546 01:06:28,791 --> 01:06:31,041 where it was gray. où les cheveux étaient gris. 547 01:06:34,250 --> 01:06:35,563 Can I take it up? Je lui monte ça ? 548 01:06:35,583 --> 01:06:37,646 - Some say she was a beauty. - What? Elle était très belle 549 01:06:37,666 --> 01:06:40,480 Golden braids on top of her hair. Oh! Yes, go and see. It's very sweet. avec ses tresses dorées. 550 01:06:40,500 --> 01:06:43,500 Oui, vas-y, il est très mignon. 551 01:06:50,000 --> 01:06:54,541 - No, please. Get out of my room. - Where's your rabbit? - Non, n'entre pas. - Où est le lapin ? 552 01:06:57,708 --> 01:06:59,605 I got it a carrot. J'ai une carotte pour lui. 553 01:06:59,625 --> 01:07:01,708 It doesn't want one. Il n'en veut pas. 554 01:07:01,833 --> 01:07:03,833 Why? Pourquoi ? 555 01:07:08,250 --> 01:07:10,333 Holy hell. Mon Dieu ! 556 01:07:18,583 --> 01:07:20,583 Shut the door. Ferme la porte. 557 01:07:32,333 --> 01:07:35,563 Now, even if you're happy being in your room all day, Je sais que tu adores rester cloîtré dans ta chambre, 558 01:07:35,583 --> 01:07:37,188 it's good for me. mais c'est bon pour moi. 559 01:07:37,208 --> 01:07:40,313 - Mom, I have a lot to do. - Come on. - Je suis très occupé. - Viens. 560 01:07:40,333 --> 01:07:42,333 Peter... Peter. 561 01:07:43,333 --> 01:07:45,708 I thought you liked rabbits. Je croyais que tu aimais les lapins. 562 01:07:46,750 --> 01:07:49,416 Yes. I do. Oui. 563 01:07:50,208 --> 01:07:54,666 But if I want to be a surgeon, I have to practice. Mais pour être chirurgien, il faut s'entraîner. 564 01:07:55,041 --> 01:07:58,855 Well, you're not to kill them in the house, Peter. En tout cas, ne les tue pas dans la maison. 565 01:07:58,875 --> 01:08:01,500 No, I'm putting my foot down. Je m'y oppose formellement. 566 01:08:02,833 --> 01:08:05,438 Oh, where'd a man be if he always did what his mother told him? Où va l'homme qui obéit toujours à sa maman ? 567 01:08:05,458 --> 01:08:07,458 I'll score. Je compte les points. 568 01:08:11,333 --> 01:08:12,938 Whoa! 569 01:08:12,958 --> 01:08:15,208 Point to Mrs. Burbank. Un point pour Mme Burbank. 570 01:08:15,875 --> 01:08:18,355 I know, Lola. You don't have to... Je sais, Lola. Inutile de… 571 01:08:18,375 --> 01:08:23,416 You don't have to narrate it. I'll just... remember. Inutile de compter à haute voix. Je m'en souviendrai. 572 01:08:28,208 --> 01:08:32,250 - Whoo! - Yeah, that was definitely out. Elle est vraiment trop loin. 573 01:08:45,416 --> 01:08:49,521 Lola, can you please take over? I have a migraine. Lola, tu peux prendre ma place ? J'ai la migraine. 574 01:08:49,541 --> 01:08:51,480 Yeah. Oui. 575 01:08:51,500 --> 01:08:53,355 - Where do you want me? - Back there. 576 01:08:53,375 --> 01:08:54,855 Yes, ma'am. 577 01:08:54,875 --> 01:08:57,896 - I hit that way. - I was aiming for you. Don't listen to Bobby. Je te visais. 578 01:08:57,916 --> 01:08:59,105 Are you all right, Mother? I feel like my eyes are going to pop out of my head. Ça va ? 579 01:08:59,125 --> 01:09:04,083 Non, j'ai l'impression que mes yeux vont éclater. 580 01:09:11,750 --> 01:09:13,958 It's Phil, isn't it? C'est à cause de Phil ? 581 01:09:15,583 --> 01:09:16,563 He's cold. Il est froid. 582 01:09:16,583 --> 01:09:21,313 He's just a man, Peter, only another man. C'est un homme, c'est tout. Comme les autres. 583 01:09:21,333 --> 01:09:23,333 You go ahead. Allez, vas-y. 584 01:11:05,250 --> 01:11:09,438 Yeah? You want 'em off, do you? You want 'em off? Tu veux que je l'enlève ? 585 01:11:09,458 --> 01:11:11,730 Yeah, come on. Yeah, you want 'em? Allez, tu le veux ? 586 01:11:11,750 --> 01:11:14,500 Yeah, you got 'em! 587 01:16:38,166 --> 01:16:43,333 Get out of here, you little bitch! You hear me? Dégage, petite salope ! Tu entends ? 588 01:16:44,625 --> 01:16:46,958 Get out of here! Dégage ! 589 01:16:57,083 --> 01:16:59,271 ♪ Oh, Lord, oh, Lord ♪ Seigneur, 590 01:16:59,291 --> 01:17:02,146 ♪ Put whiskey in my bottle ♪ Mets du whisky dans ma bouteille 591 01:17:02,166 --> 01:17:08,188 ♪ Let the snow melt off Wash away my sorrow ♪ Fais fondre la neige Et efface ma tristesse 592 01:17:08,208 --> 01:17:10,458 ♪ I feel ♪ Je sens 593 01:17:11,208 --> 01:17:14,208 ♪ That honeymoon on me ♪ La lune de miel sur moi 594 01:17:15,500 --> 01:17:16,730 I know you. Good worker. 595 01:17:16,750 --> 01:17:19,271 ♪ I said, "Oh, Lord, oh, Lord" ♪ 596 01:17:19,291 --> 01:17:22,333 ♪ "Oh, Lord, oh, Lord" ♪ 597 01:17:25,875 --> 01:17:30,313 ♪ I said, "Oh, Daddy, oh, Daddy Oh, Daddy, oh" ♪ 598 01:17:30,333 --> 01:17:34,771 ♪ I said, "Oh, Daddy, oh, Daddy Oh, Daddy, oh" ♪ 599 01:17:34,791 --> 01:17:37,271 Jesus. 600 01:17:37,291 --> 01:17:41,416 You boys wanna eat, come get it now. 601 01:17:43,500 --> 01:17:46,041 Whoa, whoa. 602 01:18:03,958 --> 01:18:08,041 No one tell him to soak those jeans? On lui a pas dit de faire tremper son jean ? 603 01:18:11,750 --> 01:18:13,833 Howdy, ma'am. Bonjour, madame. 604 01:18:19,000 --> 01:18:21,541 Little faggot. Petite tantouse. 605 01:18:27,250 --> 01:18:29,333 Little Nancy. Petite chochotte. 606 01:18:56,708 --> 01:18:58,708 Pete. 607 01:18:58,833 --> 01:19:00,875 Hey, Pete. 608 01:19:02,125 --> 01:19:04,125 Peter. Peter. 609 01:19:08,416 --> 01:19:10,916 You want me, Mr. Burbank? Vous m'avez appelé, M. Burbank ? 610 01:19:13,083 --> 01:19:16,646 Well, I don't see any Mr. Burbank here. Il y a pas de M. Burbank, ici. 611 01:19:16,666 --> 01:19:18,730 I'm Phil. Je m'appelle Phil. 612 01:19:18,750 --> 01:19:19,855 Yes, Mr. Burbank. Bien, M. Burbank. 613 01:19:19,875 --> 01:19:23,105 I guess it's hard for a young'un like you to call an old fella like me C'est dur pour un jeune comme toi 614 01:19:23,125 --> 01:19:25,396 just plain Phil, at first. d'appeler un vieux par son prénom, 615 01:19:25,416 --> 01:19:27,666 au début. 616 01:19:28,375 --> 01:19:31,041 Now come and take a look at this. Tiens, regarde un peu ça. 617 01:19:32,000 --> 01:19:37,333 Have you done any braiding or plaiting yourself, Pete? Tu as déjà tressé du cuir, Pete ? 618 01:19:37,666 --> 01:19:41,166 No, I never have, sir. Non, jamais, monsieur. 619 01:19:46,791 --> 01:19:50,855 Peter, we kind of got off on the wrong foot. Toi et moi, on est partis du mauvais pied. 620 01:19:50,875 --> 01:19:54,480 - Did we, sir? - Forget the "sir" stuff. - Vous croyez, monsieur ? - Laisse tomber le "monsieur". 621 01:19:54,500 --> 01:19:57,250 That can happen to people. C'est des choses qui arrivent. 622 01:19:57,875 --> 01:20:01,250 People who get to be good friends. Ça empêche pas de devenir amis. 623 01:20:02,000 --> 01:20:03,938 Well, you know what? Tu sais quoi ? 624 01:20:03,958 --> 01:20:06,833 What? What, Phil? Quoi, Phil ? 625 01:20:08,875 --> 01:20:12,146 Now, you see? You did it. Tu vois, ça y est. 626 01:20:12,166 --> 01:20:14,291 You called me Phil. Tu m'as appelé Phil. 627 01:20:15,291 --> 01:20:20,105 I'm gonna finish this rope and give it to you and teach you how to use it. Je finis cette corde, je te la donne et je t'apprends à t'en servir. 628 01:20:20,125 --> 01:20:24,396 Sort of a lonesome place out here, Pete. On peut se sentir très seul, ici. 629 01:20:24,416 --> 01:20:27,271 Unless you get in the swing of things. Sauf si on se met au diapason. 630 01:20:27,291 --> 01:20:28,855 Thank you... Phil. Merci, 631 01:20:28,875 --> 01:20:31,166 Phil. 632 01:20:32,000 --> 01:20:34,605 How long do you expect it would take to finish that rope? Vous pensez la finir pour quand ? 633 01:20:34,625 --> 01:20:39,375 I could get it finished before you go back to school. Je pourrais la finir avant que tu repartes à ton école. 634 01:20:41,000 --> 01:20:43,166 Well... 635 01:20:43,791 --> 01:20:46,458 It won't be very long then, Phil. Ça vous laisse peu de temps. 636 01:21:52,166 --> 01:21:54,166 Get on it. Monte là-dessus. 637 01:21:54,833 --> 01:21:57,000 You can sit on it, Pete. Assieds-toi. 638 01:22:00,000 --> 01:22:02,250 Get yourself used to it. Il faut t'habituer. 639 01:22:04,250 --> 01:22:06,458 You got any boots? T'as des bottes ? 640 01:22:06,666 --> 01:22:10,708 - Yes. - You should wear 'em. - Oui. - Tu devrais les mettre. 641 01:22:11,250 --> 01:22:15,375 Don't let your mom make a sissy of you. Laisse pas ta mère faire de toi une lopette. 642 01:22:24,208 --> 01:22:26,541 That's impressive, Phil. C'est impressionnant. 643 01:22:28,375 --> 01:22:29,896 Well, just by sitting there, you're soaking up all the riding know-how you'll ever need and then some. Assis là, tu t'imprègnes 644 01:22:29,916 --> 01:22:33,730 de ce qu'il faut savoir pour monter, et bien plus encore. 645 01:22:33,750 --> 01:22:36,708 That saddle belonged to Bronco Henry. Cette selle appartenait à Bronco Henry. 646 01:22:37,416 --> 01:22:39,875 Greatest rider I ever knew. Le meilleur cavalier que j'aie connu. 647 01:22:46,708 --> 01:22:50,313 There's a cliff way out back of the ranch with initials and 1805 carved into it. Il y a une falaise sur notre terrain 648 01:22:50,333 --> 01:22:53,146 où sont gravées des initiales et la date 1805, 649 01:22:53,166 --> 01:22:58,250 Must have been some fella from the Lewis and Clark Expedition. sûrement par un type de l'expédition Lewis et Clark. 650 01:22:58,875 --> 01:23:01,750 They were real men in those days. Il y avait des vrais hommes, à l'époque. 651 01:23:03,625 --> 01:23:06,396 Let's say just you and me go out for a couple of days. On peut partir quelques jours, toi et moi. 652 01:23:06,416 --> 01:23:10,708 Find those trails and follow them to the end. On trouve la piste et on la suit jusqu'au bout. 653 01:23:11,416 --> 01:23:15,438 Wouldn't be surprised if there were gold Je serais pas surpris de trouver de l'or 654 01:23:15,458 --> 01:23:19,000 or precious minerals in them there rocks. ou des métaux précieux dans ces roches. 655 01:23:21,916 --> 01:23:26,291 Do many of the calves die from wolves? Les loups tuent beaucoup de veaux ? 656 01:23:27,333 --> 01:23:31,166 There's always a few that get... tore up or hamstrung or die of anthrax. Il y en a quelques-uns qui sont… 657 01:23:33,500 --> 01:23:35,021 Call it blackleg. You know, you talk like a Victrola record. You know that? déchiquetés, d'autres se blessent ou meurent du charbon. 658 01:23:35,041 --> 01:23:38,188 Tu sais que tu parles comme un automate ? 659 01:23:38,208 --> 01:23:40,938 No, I didn't know. Non, je ne savais pas. 660 01:23:40,958 --> 01:23:43,291 Yeah, well, you do. Eh bien, je te le dis. 661 01:23:51,708 --> 01:23:56,000 - Did Bronco Henry teach you to ride, Phil? - Yep. Bronco Henry vous a appris à monter ? 662 01:23:57,750 --> 01:24:03,541 He taught me to use my eyes in ways that other people can't. Il m’a appris à utiliser mes yeux comme personne. 663 01:24:04,500 --> 01:24:07,000 Take that hill over there. Regarde cette colline. 664 01:24:12,041 --> 01:24:15,355 Most people look at it and just see a hill. La plupart des gens ne voient qu'une colline. 665 01:24:15,375 --> 01:24:20,041 Where Bronco looked at it, what do you suppose he saw? À ton avis, Bronco voyait quoi ? 666 01:24:22,375 --> 01:24:24,375 A barking dog. Un chien qui aboie. 667 01:24:25,166 --> 01:24:27,271 - The hell, you just saw that now? - No. Tu viens de le voir ? 668 01:24:27,291 --> 01:24:29,208 Non. 669 01:24:29,416 --> 01:24:31,438 When I first came here. Le jour où je suis arrivé. 670 01:24:31,458 --> 01:24:34,313 See, it looks like a dog with its jaw wide open. Vous voyez, on dirait un chien 671 01:24:34,333 --> 01:24:37,250 avec la mâchoire grande ouverte. 672 01:24:38,333 --> 01:24:40,833 You... you just saw that? T'as vu ça tout seul ? 673 01:24:41,291 --> 01:24:43,125 Yeah. Oui. 674 01:24:47,250 --> 01:24:49,166 Peter. Peter. 675 01:24:50,000 --> 01:24:52,000 Peter. 676 01:24:53,458 --> 01:24:56,458 Can't you come in and talk for a little? Tu viens discuter un peu ? 677 01:25:07,000 --> 01:25:09,605 You've gotten to be quite friendly with Phil, haven't you? Tu es devenu 678 01:25:09,625 --> 01:25:13,250 très ami avec Phil, on dirait ? 679 01:25:16,208 --> 01:25:18,625 Is he nice to you? Il est gentil avec toi ? 680 01:25:20,208 --> 01:25:22,541 He's making a rope for me. Il fabrique une corde pour moi. 681 01:25:23,291 --> 01:25:25,375 Making a rope? Une corde ? 682 01:25:27,250 --> 01:25:31,875 Peter, I wish you wouldn't make that sound with your comb. Tu peux arrêter de faire grincer ton peigne ? 683 01:25:33,416 --> 01:25:34,605 I wasn't aware. J'avais pas remarqué. 684 01:25:34,625 --> 01:25:36,396 When I was little, I... Quand j'étais petite, 685 01:25:36,416 --> 01:25:38,521 I felt a chill in my spine when I heard the chalk squeak on a blackboard. j'avais des frissons dans le dos 686 01:25:38,541 --> 01:25:42,980 si j'entendais la craie crisser au tableau. 687 01:25:43,000 --> 01:25:48,208 Oh, Miss... Mrs. Merchant, that's who it was. Mme Merchant, elle s'appelait comme ça. 688 01:25:48,583 --> 01:25:54,375 She... she drew chalk stars by our names on the blackboard. Elle dessinait des étoiles à la craie à côté de nos noms. 689 01:25:54,750 --> 01:25:58,396 I wonder why it was stars she gave us. Je me demande pourquoi elle nous donnait des étoiles. 690 01:25:58,416 --> 01:26:03,105 Why not diamonds? Why not hearts? Pourquoi pas des carreaux ? Ou des cœurs ? 691 01:26:03,125 --> 01:26:07,708 Why not spades? Why... Et pourquoi pas des piques ? Pourquoi… 692 01:26:09,916 --> 01:26:12,333 I wonder why it was always stars. Je me demande pourquoi 693 01:26:12,500 --> 01:26:14,896 toujours des étoiles. 694 01:26:14,916 --> 01:26:19,208 Because stars are supposed to be unreachable. Les étoiles sont censées être inaccessibles. 695 01:26:20,375 --> 01:26:22,375 Yes. Oui. 696 01:26:22,416 --> 01:26:27,666 But they weren't unreachable because she gave them to us. Mais ce n'était pas le cas puisqu'elle nous les donnait. 697 01:26:30,083 --> 01:26:31,855 - And, Peter? - Hmm? Et tu sais quoi ? 698 01:26:31,875 --> 01:26:38,396 We had this valentine box, and it was covered with white crepe paper. On avait une boîte de Saint-Valentin recouverte de papier crépon blanc. 699 01:26:38,416 --> 01:26:42,125 And we would paste big, red hearts on it. On y collait de gros cœurs rouges. 700 01:26:42,583 --> 01:26:44,480 Lopsided hearts. Des cœurs biscornus. 701 01:26:44,500 --> 01:26:47,333 And you had a great many valentines. Et tu avais beaucoup de soupirants ? 702 01:26:50,416 --> 01:26:52,666 A great many? Beaucoup ? 703 01:26:55,833 --> 01:26:58,125 Because you're beautiful. Parce que tu es belle. 704 01:27:08,166 --> 01:27:12,458 Is there a sound that makes you shiver? Toi, il y a un bruit qui te donne des frissons ? 705 01:27:19,750 --> 01:27:21,958 I don't remember. Pas que je sache. 706 01:27:24,333 --> 01:27:26,833 We're not unreachable. Nous ne sommes pas inaccessibles. 707 01:27:30,833 --> 01:27:32,916 Hey. 708 01:27:33,333 --> 01:27:36,813 No, we're not unreachable. Nous ne sommes pas inaccessibles. 709 01:27:36,833 --> 01:27:40,250 Mother, you don't have to do this. Maman, tu n'es pas obligée de faire ça. 710 01:27:40,666 --> 01:27:44,208 I'll see you don't have to do it. Je vais y veiller. 711 01:28:00,291 --> 01:28:02,396 - This his first week? - Nope, third. - C'est sa 1re semaine ? - Non, la 3e. 712 01:28:02,416 --> 01:28:04,416 Third? La troisième ? 713 01:28:04,666 --> 01:28:06,271 Open up the gate. Let him out. Ouvre la barrière. 714 01:28:06,291 --> 01:28:10,333 - You sure? He's not ready. - Go on. Let him out. - Il est pas prêt. - Fais-le sortir. 715 01:28:16,041 --> 01:28:18,855 Yeehaw, cowboy! Whoo! 716 01:28:18,875 --> 01:28:20,875 There you go! 717 01:28:21,000 --> 01:28:23,708 Grab her by the reins! 718 01:28:24,000 --> 01:28:25,855 - What you doing? - Going to give him a hand. - Où tu vas ? - Je vais l'aider. 719 01:28:25,875 --> 01:28:27,875 Don't. Non. 720 01:28:28,000 --> 01:28:30,355 - Let him figure it out. - Oh, oh! Il va trouver tout seul. 721 01:28:30,375 --> 01:28:32,375 Or not. Ou pas. 722 01:28:33,833 --> 01:28:36,833 Fall off, you get back on. Si tu tombes, tu remontes tout de suite. 723 01:28:37,291 --> 01:28:39,541 Get her over! 724 01:30:51,208 --> 01:30:53,688 Any happenings while I was away? 725 01:30:53,708 --> 01:30:56,250 Boys dug the ditch. 726 01:30:56,416 --> 01:30:58,480 Water's flowing good. 727 01:30:58,500 --> 01:31:00,105 Fixing that stack there. 728 01:31:00,125 --> 01:31:02,396 Hey, Pete! 729 01:31:02,416 --> 01:31:04,791 Come here. 730 01:31:07,333 --> 01:31:10,041 Peter? Peter? Peter ? 731 01:31:11,541 --> 01:31:14,125 Where are you two off to? Vous allez où, tous les deux ? 732 01:31:14,208 --> 01:31:19,063 We're going to the far field to fence off the stack there. 733 01:31:19,083 --> 01:31:21,083 Peter? 734 01:31:21,833 --> 01:31:25,208 - Rose? - Peter! - Rose ? - Peter ! 735 01:31:25,666 --> 01:31:27,958 Rose, what's the matter? Que se passe-t-il ? 736 01:31:32,000 --> 01:31:33,230 Rose? 737 01:31:33,250 --> 01:31:35,791 Can't Peter go with you today? Il ne pouvait pas partir avec toi ? 738 01:31:35,958 --> 01:31:39,271 Well, he could, but him and Phil have kinda paired up. Si, mais je crois qu'il préfère être avec Phil. 739 01:31:39,291 --> 01:31:40,813 I don't want that. Je ne veux pas. 740 01:31:40,833 --> 01:31:45,500 - I don't want him to be with Phil at all. - But, Rose... Je veux pas qu'il passe du temps avec Phil. 741 01:31:45,750 --> 01:31:51,166 He's helping him. He taught him how to ride. Phil l'aide, il lui a appris à monter. 742 01:32:45,041 --> 01:32:47,208 Hey, Pete, my pal. Pete, mon ami. 743 01:32:50,208 --> 01:32:52,625 Hey, Pete, my pal. 744 01:32:52,958 --> 01:32:54,958 You gonna help? Tu viens m'aider ? 745 01:33:12,916 --> 01:33:16,396 You know who started riding as late as you? Tu sais qu'il a appris à monter tard, comme toi ? 746 01:33:16,416 --> 01:33:20,188 - Who? - Bronco Henry. - Qui ? - Bronco Henry. 747 01:33:20,208 --> 01:33:24,833 Hadn't done any of it till he was about your age now. Il s'y est mis quand il avait ton âge, à peu près. 748 01:33:28,750 --> 01:33:31,166 Hello, Mr. Cottontail. Bonjour, Monsieur Lapin. 749 01:33:39,125 --> 01:33:40,605 Hey, Peter, let's see how long it takes before Mr. Cottontail makes a run for the open. Voyons combien de temps 750 01:33:40,625 --> 01:33:45,750 Monsieur Lapin va tenir avant de se carapater. 751 01:33:45,958 --> 01:33:49,563 Now, as kids, we used to take bets... Quand on était gosses, on faisait des paris 752 01:33:49,583 --> 01:33:51,480 ...on how many poles we'd remove sur le nombre de pieux qu'on enlèverait 753 01:33:51,500 --> 01:33:54,355 before the animals ran out and made a run for it. avant que les animaux sortent 754 01:33:54,375 --> 01:33:57,041 et détalent. 755 01:34:06,875 --> 01:34:09,000 Oh, he's still in there. Il est toujours là. 756 01:34:09,250 --> 01:34:11,583 Gutsy little bugger. Il a du cran, le petit con. 757 01:34:11,708 --> 01:34:14,041 I guess he has to be gutsy. Il n'a pas vraiment le choix. 758 01:34:22,125 --> 01:34:24,750 Damn son of a bitch. Merde, quelle saloperie ! 759 01:34:30,041 --> 01:34:32,750 Come on, now. Come on. Allez, viens. 760 01:34:34,791 --> 01:34:36,958 Think it broke his leg. Je crois qu'il a la patte cassée. 761 01:34:37,666 --> 01:34:41,000 Well, put him out of his misery. Allez, abrège ses souffrances. 762 01:34:44,625 --> 01:34:46,666 Hmm. 763 01:34:48,125 --> 01:34:49,625 It's all right. Ça va aller. 764 01:35:04,083 --> 01:35:06,250 That's deep. C'est profond. 765 01:35:07,000 --> 01:35:08,396 You okay, Phil? Ça va, Phil ? 766 01:35:08,416 --> 01:35:10,500 Yeah, what the hell? C'est rien. 767 01:35:11,500 --> 01:35:14,083 Must be a splinter. J'ai dû m'enfoncer une écharde. 768 01:35:31,083 --> 01:35:34,396 You got a tan. That's a cowboy tan you got. Tu as un bronzage de cow-boy. 769 01:35:34,416 --> 01:35:36,416 Hmm. 770 01:35:40,875 --> 01:35:43,291 Bronco Henry told me that... Bronco Henry disait que… 771 01:35:44,500 --> 01:35:49,208 a man was made by patience and the odds against him. ce qui fait un homme, c'est sa patience face à l'adversité. 772 01:35:53,000 --> 01:35:55,041 My father said... Mon père parlait 773 01:35:56,041 --> 01:35:58,208 obstacles. d'obstacles. 774 01:35:59,291 --> 01:36:01,105 And you had to try and remove them. Et on essaie de les surmonter. 775 01:36:01,125 --> 01:36:03,458 Another way to put it. Ça revient au même. 776 01:36:04,583 --> 01:36:06,230 Well, you've certainly got obstacles. That's a fact, Pete, me boy. En tout cas, 777 01:36:06,250 --> 01:36:10,771 tu manques pas d'obstacles, mon petit Pete. 778 01:36:10,791 --> 01:36:11,938 - "Obstacles"? - Well, take your ma. Quels obstacles ? 779 01:36:11,958 --> 01:36:14,208 Regarde ta mère. 780 01:36:14,250 --> 01:36:17,666 Today or any day... Aujourd'hui, comme chaque jour, 781 01:36:18,833 --> 01:36:21,083 how she's on the sauce. elle est pintée. 782 01:36:21,166 --> 01:36:23,208 "On the sauce"? Pintée ? 783 01:36:24,708 --> 01:36:26,688 Drinking, Pete. Elle boit, Pete. 784 01:36:26,708 --> 01:36:28,833 Boozing it up. Elle picole sec. 785 01:36:32,458 --> 01:36:34,563 I guess you know she's been half-shot all summer. Elle a été dans le cirage tout l'été. 786 01:36:34,583 --> 01:36:36,230 Yeah, I know. Oui, 787 01:36:36,250 --> 01:36:38,416 je sais. 788 01:36:39,750 --> 01:36:41,958 She never used to drink. Elle ne buvait jamais, avant. 789 01:36:42,291 --> 01:36:45,646 - Oh, didn't she now? - No. - Elle buvait pas ? - Non. 790 01:36:45,666 --> 01:36:47,271 - She never did. - But your pa, Pete? Elle buvait jamais. 791 01:36:47,291 --> 01:36:49,333 Et ton père ? 792 01:36:49,875 --> 01:36:51,271 My father? Mon père ? 793 01:36:51,291 --> 01:36:53,500 Yeah, your father. Oui, ton père. 794 01:36:55,416 --> 01:36:58,458 I guess he hit the bottle pretty hard? C'était pas le dernier à lever le coude. 795 01:36:58,791 --> 01:37:00,791 The booze? Alcool fort ? 796 01:37:02,875 --> 01:37:05,291 Until right at the very end. Jusqu'à la fin. 797 01:37:10,625 --> 01:37:12,708 Then he hung himself. Et puis, il s'est pendu. 798 01:37:16,875 --> 01:37:19,125 I found him. C'est moi qui l'ai trouvé. 799 01:37:21,875 --> 01:37:23,875 Cut him down. J'ai coupé la corde. 800 01:37:31,208 --> 01:37:35,208 He used to worry I wasn't kind enough. Il trouvait que je n'étais pas assez gentil, 801 01:37:36,958 --> 01:37:38,313 That I was too strong. que j'étais trop fort. 802 01:37:38,333 --> 01:37:40,750 You, too strong? Trop fort, toi ? 803 01:37:41,875 --> 01:37:44,041 He got that wrong. Il s'est trompé. 804 01:37:45,250 --> 01:37:47,375 Poor kid. Pauvre gosse. 805 01:37:51,916 --> 01:37:54,583 Things will work out for you yet. Mais tout va s'arranger pour toi. 806 01:38:05,208 --> 01:38:07,188 Where's Mrs. Lewis? Où est Mme Lewis ? 807 01:38:07,208 --> 01:38:09,416 She's with the Indians. Elle est avec les Indiens. 808 01:38:11,000 --> 01:38:13,125 What Indians? Quels Indiens ? 809 01:38:14,416 --> 01:38:17,458 These ones. You shouldn't even be here. Ceux-là. 810 01:38:18,625 --> 01:38:20,521 He won't like it. 811 01:38:20,541 --> 01:38:22,791 Go now. Go. Allez-vous-en. 812 01:38:27,916 --> 01:38:30,083 Water! De l'eau ! 813 01:38:31,083 --> 01:38:34,355 They were standing right in front of the damn things asking, Ils se plantent devant ces satanées peaux et demandent : 814 01:38:34,375 --> 01:38:37,333 "Do we have any hides?" "Vous avez des peaux ?" 815 01:38:38,666 --> 01:38:41,313 "Do we have any hides?" Are they leaving? Vous avez des peaux ! 816 01:38:41,333 --> 01:38:43,500 Ils s'en vont ? 817 01:38:43,833 --> 01:38:46,583 Yes, they've got their horse going. Oui, il tire son cheval. 818 01:38:47,375 --> 01:38:51,708 I told them the hides are gonna be burned. Je leur ai dit qu'on allait brûler les peaux. 819 01:38:54,333 --> 01:38:56,021 Why? Pourquoi ? 820 01:38:56,041 --> 01:38:58,355 Why are the hides going to be burned? Pourquoi vous brûlez les peaux ? 821 01:38:58,375 --> 01:39:00,980 Phil doesn't want anyone else to have 'em. Phil veut que personne ne les ait. 822 01:39:01,000 --> 01:39:05,396 Waits till there's a big pile and sets fire to the lot. Il attend d'en avoir un gros tas et il y met le feu. 823 01:39:05,416 --> 01:39:10,000 He'd blow up if they even touched 'em. Il serait fou de rage qu'ils y touchent. 824 01:39:10,625 --> 01:39:12,125 What's she doin'? Qu'est-ce qu'elle fait ? 825 01:39:28,750 --> 01:39:31,125 Please, please. S'il vous plaît ! 826 01:39:32,208 --> 01:39:34,833 Wait! Please! Attendez, s'il vous plaît. 827 01:39:36,625 --> 01:39:39,500 Wait! Please, stop. Attendez, s'il vous plaît. 828 01:39:39,583 --> 01:39:41,583 Please wait. 829 01:39:42,125 --> 01:39:44,105 Please. 830 01:39:44,125 --> 01:39:45,938 Come back. Revenez. 831 01:39:45,958 --> 01:39:47,396 Take the hides. Prenez les peaux. 832 01:39:47,416 --> 01:39:52,813 It would be my honor if you would take them. Ce serait un honneur pour moi si vous les preniez. 833 01:39:52,833 --> 01:39:54,833 Please. S'il vous plaît. 834 01:39:55,041 --> 01:39:57,541 My husband owns the ranch. Le ranch appartient à mon mari. 835 01:39:59,541 --> 01:40:02,125 Come back. Take them. Revenez les prendre. 836 01:40:32,625 --> 01:40:35,083 They're so soft. Ils sont si doux. 837 01:40:37,375 --> 01:40:39,875 So deliciously soft. Délicieusement doux. 838 01:40:41,125 --> 01:40:43,125 So beautiful. Tellement beaux. 839 01:41:07,958 --> 01:41:09,188 - You all right, ma'am? - Is she breathing? Ça va, madame ? 840 01:41:09,208 --> 01:41:10,646 Elle respire ? 841 01:41:10,666 --> 01:41:12,605 Ma'am. 842 01:41:12,625 --> 01:41:14,438 - Ma'am. - What happened? Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé ? 843 01:41:14,458 --> 01:41:17,000 She just collapsed, sir. Elle est tombée, monsieur. 844 01:41:19,708 --> 01:41:21,708 Rose? 845 01:41:42,333 --> 01:41:44,500 Sorry, sir. Désolée, monsieur. 846 01:41:44,875 --> 01:41:46,875 Thank you, Lola. Merci, Lola. 847 01:41:59,625 --> 01:42:01,625 Mine. 848 01:42:03,875 --> 01:42:05,730 - Almost done. - Howdy. 849 01:42:05,750 --> 01:42:09,601 - Hey, boss. - All right. 850 01:42:19,416 --> 01:42:21,708 I'll be damned. Mais c'est pas possible. 851 01:42:32,666 --> 01:42:34,438 Is there something wrong, Phil? Qu'est-ce qui va pas ? 852 01:42:34,458 --> 01:42:36,105 Wrong? Ce qui va pas ? 853 01:42:36,125 --> 01:42:37,855 For Christ's sake. Bon Dieu ! 854 01:42:37,875 --> 01:42:41,313 Every goddamn hide is gone! Il reste plus une seule peau ! 855 01:42:41,333 --> 01:42:45,896 Oh, she really put her foot into it this time. Cette fois, elle s'est surpassée. 856 01:42:45,916 --> 01:42:48,041 You think she did it? Vous croyez que c'est elle ? 857 01:42:48,458 --> 01:42:51,480 - She sold them? - Bloody tootin'. - Elle les a vendues ? - La poivrote ! 858 01:42:51,500 --> 01:42:54,146 - Or maybe even gave them away. - Why? Why? Si ça se trouve, elle les a même données. 859 01:42:54,166 --> 01:42:56,688 Why would she do that, Phil? She knew that we needed the hides. Pourquoi ? Elle sait qu'on en a besoin. 860 01:42:56,708 --> 01:42:59,563 Because she was drunk! Parce qu'elle était soûle ! 861 01:42:59,583 --> 01:43:03,480 Pie-eyed! She was smashed! Beurrée ! Elle était pétée ! 862 01:43:03,500 --> 01:43:05,563 I'd think you'd know from the books your pa left you Dans les bouquins de ton père, 863 01:43:05,583 --> 01:43:08,646 that your ma's got a... a whatchamacallit. ils disent pas que ta mère a… Comment on dit… 864 01:43:08,666 --> 01:43:14,500 Alcoholic personality. It comes under the letter A! Une addiction à l'alcool. Ça commence par la lettre A. 865 01:43:19,958 --> 01:43:23,271 - You're not gonna say anything to her? - Say anything? - Vous allez lui dire quoi ? - Ce que je vais lui dire ? 866 01:43:23,291 --> 01:43:25,625 I won't say nothin'. Moi, je lui dirai rien, 867 01:43:26,208 --> 01:43:31,416 But sure as one good hell, brother George is going to. mais je peux te dire que George va le faire. 868 01:43:39,083 --> 01:43:41,375 Rose is not well, Phil. Rose n'est pas bien. 869 01:43:43,250 --> 01:43:45,166 She's ill. Elle est malade. 870 01:43:46,791 --> 01:43:49,375 Not well? Pas bien ? 871 01:43:50,208 --> 01:43:54,688 It is high time that that bozo and you got next to a few... Il serait temps que l'autre taré et toi, vous acceptiez… 872 01:43:54,708 --> 01:43:57,021 What do you ever call them? Facts! comment on appelle ça ? Les faits ! 873 01:43:57,041 --> 01:44:04,083 She stashes alcohol all around the place, even drinking in the stinking alley. Elle planque de l'alcool partout, picole dans l'allée derrière la baraque. 874 01:44:04,708 --> 01:44:06,938 Look at your face in the mirror! Regarde-toi dans une glace ! 875 01:44:06,958 --> 01:44:09,688 Is it that she could like? Or our money? Wake the hell up! C'est toi qu'elle aime ou notre argent ? 876 01:44:09,708 --> 01:44:11,438 Réveille-toi ! 877 01:44:11,458 --> 01:44:13,541 That's enough, Phil. Ça suffit. 878 01:44:19,000 --> 01:44:21,230 Well, what is the harm? Où est le mal ? 879 01:44:21,250 --> 01:44:24,063 The hides were only going to be burned. Les peaux auraient été brûlées. 880 01:44:24,083 --> 01:44:26,166 I needed them. J'en avais besoin. 881 01:44:26,666 --> 01:44:29,250 I needed them. J'en avais besoin. 882 01:44:30,166 --> 01:44:32,583 Well, I apologize. Alors, je te demande pardon. 883 01:44:43,000 --> 01:44:45,291 They were mine! Elles étaient à moi ! 884 01:44:48,250 --> 01:44:50,250 I needed them! J'en avais besoin. 885 01:45:05,458 --> 01:45:09,166 - Phil? - Huh? 886 01:45:14,333 --> 01:45:16,333 Phil, I've... Phil, j'ai… 887 01:45:17,625 --> 01:45:20,458 I've got rawhide to finish the rope. J'ai du cuir brut pour finir la corde. 888 01:45:22,166 --> 01:45:23,563 You've got it? Du cuir brut ? 889 01:45:23,583 --> 01:45:26,021 What are you doing with rawhide? Où t'as trouvé du cuir brut ? 890 01:45:26,041 --> 01:45:28,125 I cut some up. Je l'ai découpé. 891 01:45:28,500 --> 01:45:30,916 I wanted to be like you. Je voulais être comme vous. 892 01:45:32,000 --> 01:45:34,458 Please take what I've got. S'il vous plaît, prenez-la. 893 01:45:37,500 --> 01:45:38,771 Well... 894 01:45:38,791 --> 01:45:41,625 That's damn kind of you, Pete. C'est vraiment très gentil, Pete. 895 01:45:56,000 --> 01:45:58,208 Tell you something. Je vais te dire une chose. 896 01:46:00,250 --> 01:46:05,750 Everything's gonna be plain sailing for you from now on in. Tout va bien se passer pour toi, à partir de maintenant. 897 01:46:07,500 --> 01:46:09,521 And you know what? Et tu sais quoi ? 898 01:46:09,541 --> 01:46:11,541 I'm gonna work. Je vais m'y mettre. 899 01:46:11,958 --> 01:46:14,583 Finish up that rope tonight. Je finirai la corde, ce soir. 900 01:46:16,958 --> 01:46:19,500 You'll watch me do it? Tu me regarderas faire ? 901 01:48:47,958 --> 01:48:52,083 How old were you when you met Bronco Henry? À quel âge vous avez connu Bronco Henry ? 902 01:48:52,291 --> 01:48:54,708 About the age you are now. À peu près le même que toi. 903 01:49:04,250 --> 01:49:06,458 Was he your best friend? C'était votre meilleur ami ? 904 01:49:06,833 --> 01:49:08,750 Yeah... he was. Oui. 905 01:49:09,416 --> 01:49:11,688 Il l'était. 906 01:49:11,708 --> 01:49:13,833 He was more than that. C'était même plus que ça. 907 01:49:15,000 --> 01:49:17,541 Once, he saved my life. Une fois, il m'a sauvé la vie. 908 01:49:23,458 --> 01:49:29,583 We were way off up in the hills shooting elk, and the weather turned mean. On chassait l'orignal dans les collines, et le temps s'est gâté. 909 01:49:30,083 --> 01:49:33,396 Bronco kept me alive by... lying body against body in a bedroll. Bronco m'a réchauffé 910 01:49:33,416 --> 01:49:38,166 en s'allongeant contre moi dans le couchage. 911 01:49:39,291 --> 01:49:41,875 Fell off to sleep that way. On s'est endormis comme ça. 912 01:49:46,833 --> 01:49:48,833 Naked? Nus ? 913 01:51:43,916 --> 01:51:48,375 - Phil left already? - No, he's not here. - Phil est parti ? - Non, on l'a pas vu. 914 01:51:48,708 --> 01:51:50,688 He say he was settin' out early? No. Il devait partir tôt ? 915 01:51:50,708 --> 01:51:52,583 Non. 916 01:51:56,958 --> 01:51:59,083 Good mornin'. Bonjour. 917 01:51:59,208 --> 01:52:01,625 Have you seen your brother? Vous avez vu votre frère ? 918 01:52:03,000 --> 01:52:05,416 He's not had breakfast? Il n'a pas pris son petit-déjeuner ? 919 01:52:06,625 --> 01:52:08,916 He's not been down at all. Il est pas descendu. 920 01:52:11,375 --> 01:52:15,295 Can I get some of that coffee please? 921 01:52:31,500 --> 01:52:35,708 I'll run you into Herndon to see the doctor. Je t'amène à Herndon, voir le docteur. 922 01:52:59,541 --> 01:53:01,541 Phil... 923 01:53:02,541 --> 01:53:05,083 what happened to your hand? Qu'est-ce que tu as à la main ? 924 01:53:07,625 --> 01:53:09,958 Let's get your boots off. On va t'enlever tes bottes. 925 01:53:19,875 --> 01:53:22,208 I'm... I'm good. Je vais très bien. 926 01:53:30,250 --> 01:53:32,625 I'll get the car. Je vais sortir l'automobile. 927 01:54:37,666 --> 01:54:39,875 Let's go, Phil. On y va, Phil. 928 01:54:40,125 --> 01:54:42,291 Where's the boy? Où est le garçon ? 929 01:55:04,875 --> 01:55:06,875 Phil. 930 01:55:15,333 --> 01:55:17,333 I'll get it to him. Je lui donnerai. 931 01:56:09,833 --> 01:56:11,958 I'll take this one. Je prends celui-ci. 932 01:56:13,416 --> 01:56:15,416 Uh... 933 01:58:16,083 --> 01:58:20,980 Rose would like you to join us for Christmas, if you care to. Rose aimerait vous inviter pour Noël, 934 01:58:21,000 --> 01:58:24,125 si vous le souhaitez. 935 01:58:26,458 --> 01:58:28,396 Yes. Oui. 936 01:58:28,416 --> 01:58:30,583 Thank you, George. Merci, George. 937 01:58:34,875 --> 01:58:37,146 I'm afraid I'm mystified. J'avoue que je suis perplexe. 938 01:58:37,166 --> 01:58:40,646 I'll know in a day or two when the results come back. Dans un jour ou deux, j'aurai les résultats. 939 01:58:40,666 --> 01:58:42,958 Those last convulsions... Les dernières convulsions… 940 01:58:44,333 --> 01:58:49,438 - Yes? - Terrible, truly frightful. Terribles. Vraiment effrayantes. 941 01:58:49,458 --> 01:58:51,730 You know what I'm thinking? Vous savez à quoi je pense ? 942 01:58:51,750 --> 01:58:53,730 What? Quoi ? 943 01:58:53,750 --> 01:58:55,750 Anthrax. La maladie du charbon. 944 01:58:59,458 --> 01:59:03,313 But he never handled diseased animals. He was particular on that. Mais il ne touchait jamais les bêtes malades, 945 01:59:03,333 --> 01:59:06,291 il était très attentif à cela. 946 01:59:49,958 --> 01:59:54,083 L'ORDRE POUR L'ENTERREMENT DES MORTS. 947 02:00:01,041 --> 02:00:03,605 "Deliver my soul from the sword, my darling from the power of the dog." "Protège mon âme contre le glaive, 948 02:00:03,625 --> 02:00:08,041 "Et mon trésor, contre le pouvoir du chien." 949 02:02:26,666 --> 02:02:30,541 TIRÉ DU ROMAN DE THOMAS SAVAGE 950 02:06:37,833 --> 02:06:43,833 Adaptation sous-titrée : Isabelle Audinot 951 02:06:47,412 --> 02:06:54,000 Sous-titres ENG + FRE fusionnés par Zorg2412