1 00:00:01,022 --> 00:00:05,026 [pages riffling] 2 00:00:14,953 --> 00:00:18,706 [choir vocalizing] 3 00:00:18,706 --> 00:00:21,709 ‐ Hey, Melter. It's your best friend, MODOK, back again. 4 00:00:22,126 --> 00:00:23,461 How ya doin', buddy? 5 00:00:23,461 --> 00:00:26,089 Let's see, what happened since the last time I was here. 6 00:00:26,089 --> 00:00:28,633 Oh! I saw a fat squirrel. 7 00:00:28,633 --> 00:00:31,553 And also a time‐traveling version of me kidnapped me and my family 8 00:00:31,553 --> 00:00:33,513 and tried to force us all to kill each other at Murderworld. 9 00:00:33,513 --> 00:00:35,098 Oh, and we've got two Lous now. 10 00:00:35,098 --> 00:00:38,184 They've both agreed to split the same amount of food as one Lou 11 00:00:38,184 --> 00:00:40,186 so our grocery budget is unchanged. 12 00:00:40,186 --> 00:00:42,939 Anyway the family's great. Mine, not yours. 13 00:00:42,939 --> 00:00:45,233 Your family's really struggling 14 00:00:45,233 --> 00:00:47,610 to respect my personal space! 15 00:00:47,610 --> 00:00:51,322 ‐ Please, it's my anniversary. I just want to visit my husband. 16 00:00:51,322 --> 00:00:53,074 ‐ I won the footrace through the cemetery! 17 00:00:53,074 --> 00:00:56,452 ‐ Well, you didn't need to push my son into an open grave. 18 00:00:56,452 --> 00:00:59,163 ‐ I very much needed to. He was going to win. 19 00:00:59,163 --> 00:01:02,667 Anyway, things with my family are on the upswing, 20 00:01:02,667 --> 00:01:06,087 but my dreams of taking over the world have never felt further away. 21 00:01:06,087 --> 00:01:09,215 Ever since I signed that contract, I've lost all my power at AIM. 22 00:01:09,215 --> 00:01:11,551 [Melter's widow sobbing] ‐ I'm a mailman at my own company and‐‐ 23 00:01:11,551 --> 00:01:15,179 Are you trying to be the loudest criers of all time? 24 00:01:15,179 --> 00:01:16,472 Go take a lap. [sobbing continues] 25 00:01:16,472 --> 00:01:18,182 Oh, Melty, I don't know what to do. 26 00:01:18,182 --> 00:01:20,643 Give me a sign. MAN: Time to turn over a new leaf. 27 00:01:20,643 --> 00:01:22,520 Yup, that's what I call rakin'. 28 00:01:22,520 --> 00:01:24,230 Turning over new leaves. 29 00:01:24,772 --> 00:01:26,274 ‐ Hmm. No sign there. 30 00:01:26,274 --> 00:01:27,984 MAN 2: Let's start a new chapter! 31 00:01:27,984 --> 00:01:31,196 Just then, the boy wizard screamed into the fiery goblet, 32 00:01:31,196 --> 00:01:33,072 "It's time for a life change." 33 00:01:33,531 --> 00:01:35,491 ‐ What a weird way to start a chapter. 34 00:01:35,491 --> 00:01:37,327 GIRL: What you're doing isn't working. 35 00:01:37,327 --> 00:01:38,703 Try something different. ‐ Okay. 36 00:01:38,703 --> 00:01:40,788 Are you close? ‐ No. Switch it up! 37 00:01:40,788 --> 00:01:42,332 Come at it from a new angle! 38 00:01:42,332 --> 00:01:44,375 ‐ Ugh, I can't hear myself think 39 00:01:44,375 --> 00:01:46,711 over this very busy graveyard! 40 00:01:46,711 --> 00:01:48,171 Well, thanks for nothing, Melter. 41 00:01:48,171 --> 00:01:49,672 I knew you wouldn't be any help. 42 00:01:49,672 --> 00:01:52,050 Wait. "Knew!" That's it! 43 00:01:52,050 --> 00:01:54,177 Try something new! 44 00:01:54,177 --> 00:01:56,262 ♪ dramatic theme playing ♪ 45 00:01:56,262 --> 00:01:59,182 ♪ 46 00:02:00,683 --> 00:02:02,268 [door opens] GARY: Oh god! 47 00:02:02,268 --> 00:02:04,729 I can't find the mail cart. MODOK's gonna kill me! 48 00:02:04,729 --> 00:02:07,148 He only gave me two jobs to do, mine and his! 49 00:02:07,148 --> 00:02:09,651 Phil, have you seen the mail cart? ‐ It's Tom. 50 00:02:09,651 --> 00:02:12,070 Phil's been missing for two weeks. Everyone's pretty worried about him‐‐ 51 00:02:12,070 --> 00:02:14,030 GARY: So what! He's probably dead! 52 00:02:14,030 --> 00:02:16,449 The mail cart's only been missing for five minutes! 53 00:02:16,449 --> 00:02:17,951 There's still a chance to save it. [body thuds, clattering] 54 00:02:17,951 --> 00:02:18,785 [wheels squeaking] 55 00:02:18,785 --> 00:02:21,204 The squeak of the mail cart. Oh, it's haunting me! 56 00:02:21,204 --> 00:02:23,039 My own telltale cart! 57 00:02:23,039 --> 00:02:25,833 ‐ Hey, Gary. Just need to scooch on by. 58 00:02:25,833 --> 00:02:27,043 GARY: Oh no. He found it first. 59 00:02:27,043 --> 00:02:28,753 Please don't punish me again. 60 00:02:28,753 --> 00:02:30,964 I don't want to eat so much spaghetti I have to go to the hospital. 61 00:02:30,964 --> 00:02:32,966 ‐ Punish? What are you talking about, Gary? 62 00:02:32,966 --> 00:02:34,300 I'm just doin' my job. 63 00:02:34,300 --> 00:02:35,635 [wheels squeaking] 64 00:02:36,261 --> 00:02:38,054 GARY: So is this like a secret plan? 65 00:02:38,054 --> 00:02:40,139 Are we gonna get back at Monica? Overthrow GRUMBL? 66 00:02:40,139 --> 00:02:41,349 [gasps] What's in the cart? 67 00:02:41,349 --> 00:02:43,518 ‐ It's mail, Gary. I'm a mailman. 68 00:02:43,518 --> 00:02:45,687 ‐ You're not a mailman! ‐ Indeed not. 69 00:02:45,687 --> 00:02:49,399 I am a mail person because women carry things too. 70 00:02:49,399 --> 00:02:51,693 Often they carry much more. 71 00:02:51,693 --> 00:02:52,944 GARY: What is happening?! 72 00:02:52,944 --> 00:02:56,322 ‐ Gary, you need to relax. You need Relax Magazine. 73 00:02:56,322 --> 00:02:58,449 DORIS: That's mine! And I need it! 74 00:02:58,449 --> 00:03:00,869 Whew! Now that's a lake. 75 00:03:00,869 --> 00:03:03,246 Not a single goddamn wave. 76 00:03:03,246 --> 00:03:04,706 ‐ Enjoy your day, Doris. 77 00:03:04,706 --> 00:03:06,583 [whistling upbeat tune] 78 00:03:06,583 --> 00:03:08,042 ‐ Out of the way, you human stain! 79 00:03:08,042 --> 00:03:10,169 ‐ Oh, Monica, a package for you. 80 00:03:10,169 --> 00:03:10,962 ‐ Hyah! 81 00:03:12,046 --> 00:03:14,257 What was that? A bomb? Some kind of poison? 82 00:03:14,257 --> 00:03:15,800 Well, your little plan failed. 83 00:03:15,800 --> 00:03:17,135 ‐ I think it's your BlueApron. 84 00:03:17,135 --> 00:03:19,512 I can't believe you roundhouse kicked it into the air! 85 00:03:19,512 --> 00:03:20,763 That was like six meals! 86 00:03:20,763 --> 00:03:22,432 ‐ Why are you delivering mail? 87 00:03:22,432 --> 00:03:24,434 Is this some sort of revenge thing to get back at me 88 00:03:24,434 --> 00:03:26,477 for replacing you as Scientist Supreme? 89 00:03:26,477 --> 00:03:27,645 GARY: That was my guess too. 90 00:03:27,645 --> 00:03:29,314 ‐ Hey, boss! Package for ya! 91 00:03:29,314 --> 00:03:31,482 [rattling] Sounds like slacks. 92 00:03:31,482 --> 00:03:33,401 [rattling] Sounds like Nantucket Red. 93 00:03:33,401 --> 00:03:35,778 That's gonna look really nice on your body! 94 00:03:35,778 --> 00:03:36,738 ‐ Uh, thank you. 95 00:03:36,738 --> 00:03:38,740 Aren't you gonna call me a shitbag or something? 96 00:03:38,740 --> 00:03:40,533 ‐ No. Do you want me to? 97 00:03:40,909 --> 00:03:42,452 ‐ [drawn out] No? 98 00:03:42,452 --> 00:03:43,786 ‐ Then back to mail! 99 00:03:43,786 --> 00:03:47,248 Because these good, hard‐working people need their 100 00:03:47,248 --> 00:03:48,666 edible underwear. 101 00:03:48,666 --> 00:03:50,126 CARL: That's mine! Slide 'em on me! 102 00:03:50,126 --> 00:03:53,129 ‐ You've got it, Carl! CARL: [giggling] Careful! 103 00:03:53,129 --> 00:03:54,672 ‐ Wow. 104 00:03:54,672 --> 00:03:56,841 When did MODOK become the perfect employee? 105 00:03:56,841 --> 00:03:57,800 [notification chimes] 106 00:03:58,718 --> 00:04:00,553 Ohhh! Gotta go. 107 00:04:01,137 --> 00:04:04,057 ♪ foreboding music plays ♪ 108 00:04:04,057 --> 00:04:05,058 [elevator dings] 109 00:04:08,603 --> 00:04:09,646 [growls] 110 00:04:11,022 --> 00:04:12,732 ‐ I never know whether to go first or‐‐ 111 00:04:12,732 --> 00:04:13,858 ‐ We! ‐ Go! 112 00:04:13,858 --> 00:04:14,943 ‐ First! 113 00:04:15,652 --> 00:04:16,569 ‐ Now you. 114 00:04:16,569 --> 00:04:19,531 ‐ Things are going great with the production of the GRUMBL GRome. 115 00:04:19,531 --> 00:04:21,574 By Christmas, everyone on Earth should have 116 00:04:21,574 --> 00:04:23,660 this smart hub speaker in their house. 117 00:04:23,660 --> 00:04:26,287 ‐ Liar! ‐ We know you've had setbacks! 118 00:04:26,287 --> 00:04:27,705 ‐ The Board sees all! 119 00:04:27,705 --> 00:04:30,166 ‐ Sure, but we're still on track for December and‐‐ 120 00:04:30,166 --> 00:04:32,919 ‐ New plan. ‐ We're stepping up the release date. 121 00:04:32,919 --> 00:04:34,504 ‐ To Tuesday. 122 00:04:34,504 --> 00:04:36,130 ‐ But that's months earlier than we planned! 123 00:04:36,506 --> 00:04:38,424 ‐ Silence! ‐ We hunger. 124 00:04:38,424 --> 00:04:42,095 ‐ For we are Hexus The Living Corporation! 125 00:04:42,095 --> 00:04:44,305 We move from planet to planet. 126 00:04:44,305 --> 00:04:46,849 BOARD MEMBER 3: Enslaving the populations. 127 00:04:46,849 --> 00:04:49,185 BOARD MEMBER 1: Devouring their resources. 128 00:04:49,185 --> 00:04:51,646 BOARD MEMBER 2: And now we've targeted your Earth. 129 00:04:51,646 --> 00:04:52,647 [thudding] 130 00:04:52,647 --> 00:04:55,191 ‐ First we acquired GRUMBL to gain trust, 131 00:04:55,191 --> 00:04:56,818 then AIM to gain tech, 132 00:04:56,818 --> 00:04:58,653 then AIM, the instant messenger. 133 00:04:58,653 --> 00:05:00,530 ‐ To cyber with hot babes. 134 00:05:00,530 --> 00:05:02,824 ‐ And now we will release the GRUMBL GRome 135 00:05:02,824 --> 00:05:04,742 which will emit a mind‐control frequency, 136 00:05:04,742 --> 00:05:08,204 subduing humanity and paving the way for our invasion. 137 00:05:08,204 --> 00:05:10,623 ‐ Yeah, I know. I know the plan, but this timetable is‐‐ 138 00:05:10,623 --> 00:05:13,167 ‐ Are you having second thoughts, Austin? 139 00:05:13,167 --> 00:05:16,004 ‐ About selling out all of humanity? Not this man of his word. 140 00:05:16,004 --> 00:05:17,088 [dog barks] THE BOARD: The bag. 141 00:05:17,088 --> 00:05:17,797 [barking continues] 142 00:05:17,797 --> 00:05:20,341 ‐ Oh that? That's just Daddy's doodle, Sherlock. 143 00:05:20,341 --> 00:05:21,801 ‐ It looked at me! 144 00:05:21,801 --> 00:05:24,220 ‐ We've gotten really close since I rescued him. 145 00:05:24,220 --> 00:05:26,598 I was hoping I could have him as a companion 146 00:05:26,598 --> 00:05:28,308 so I'm not so sad and alone. 147 00:05:28,308 --> 00:05:31,561 ‐ Denied! ‐ Labradoodles will be the first to fall. 148 00:05:31,561 --> 00:05:33,855 ‐ Get back to work on the GRome. 149 00:05:34,522 --> 00:05:37,025 ‐ Right. Sorry I even asked. 150 00:05:41,613 --> 00:05:43,489 Okay, listen to me. The Board... 151 00:05:43,489 --> 00:05:45,033 [whirring] 152 00:05:45,033 --> 00:05:46,117 sees all 153 00:05:46,117 --> 00:05:49,913 and is very excited about moving up the release date. 154 00:05:49,913 --> 00:05:51,539 Yay! 155 00:05:51,539 --> 00:05:53,041 [wheels squeaking] 156 00:05:55,835 --> 00:05:58,713 ‐ Sorry to interrupt. Just had a tiny bit more mail to deliver. 157 00:05:58,713 --> 00:06:00,506 Ooh, some Valpaks. 158 00:06:00,506 --> 00:06:02,383 Extra thick today, I'd say. 159 00:06:02,383 --> 00:06:06,137 ‐ Okay, Monica, as our Scientist Supreme‐‐ 160 00:06:06,137 --> 00:06:07,555 ‐ Congrats on that. 161 00:06:07,555 --> 00:06:09,849 ‐ Do you think we can get this glitch fixed 162 00:06:09,849 --> 00:06:12,477 or do we have to delay the GRome launch? 163 00:06:12,477 --> 00:06:15,438 ‐ No, I fixed it. ‐ Oh. You did? 164 00:06:15,438 --> 00:06:18,024 ‐ Howdy, GRome. What's the temperature in Helsinki? 165 00:06:18,024 --> 00:06:19,734 GROME: The current temperature in Helsinki‐‐ 166 00:06:19,734 --> 00:06:21,528 [electricity crackles] [screaming] 167 00:06:22,487 --> 00:06:24,113 ‐ It's still killing people! 168 00:06:24,113 --> 00:06:26,157 ‐ Two people! Down from 10! 169 00:06:26,157 --> 00:06:30,078 That's not bad considering how swamped I am with all this other bullshit work. 170 00:06:30,078 --> 00:06:33,456 The Jiggle‐Os have grown sex organs and are reproducing at alarming rates 171 00:06:33,456 --> 00:06:35,375 and in an alarming number of positions. 172 00:06:35,375 --> 00:06:38,503 ‐ Two deaths, while impressive, is not good enough. 173 00:06:38,503 --> 00:06:39,879 We're gonna have to delay the launch. 174 00:06:39,879 --> 00:06:42,090 I'm really disappointed. 175 00:06:43,132 --> 00:06:44,759 [Sherlock barks, pants] 176 00:06:45,051 --> 00:06:47,345 ‐ E‐excuse me, I have something to say‐‐ 177 00:06:47,345 --> 00:06:49,472 ‐ Is this about the Valpaks? Just throw 'em in the trash! 178 00:06:49,472 --> 00:06:52,058 ‐ I think I can fix the glitch 179 00:06:52,058 --> 00:06:54,018 if we hack the redundant AAC array 180 00:06:54,018 --> 00:06:55,979 and index the 1080k SQL feed. 181 00:06:55,979 --> 00:06:57,063 ‐ Monica? 182 00:06:57,063 --> 00:06:58,940 ‐ That... could work. 183 00:06:58,940 --> 00:07:00,525 ‐ Well, then I guess [camera whirring] 184 00:07:03,403 --> 00:07:06,364 the accelerated launch... [camera whirring] 185 00:07:07,365 --> 00:07:08,616 [clicking] is a go. 186 00:07:08,616 --> 00:07:10,076 MODOK, I am assigning the GRome to you. 187 00:07:10,076 --> 00:07:11,369 ‐ I shan't let you down. 188 00:07:11,369 --> 00:07:14,497 ‐ No! Don't you see? He wants to be the Scientist Supreme again! 189 00:07:14,497 --> 00:07:17,750 ‐ Oh, Monica, this'll free you up to cockblock the Jiggle‐folk. 190 00:07:17,750 --> 00:07:20,670 You know, fry off their little penises with a laser or whatever you want. 191 00:07:20,670 --> 00:07:23,172 I'm not here to micromanage. Laser or you're fired. 192 00:07:23,172 --> 00:07:26,217 [whistling upbeat tune] 193 00:07:30,138 --> 00:07:32,557 GARY: MODOK's locket? He only takes this off when he's showering, 194 00:07:32,557 --> 00:07:34,809 which he never does. 195 00:07:35,643 --> 00:07:36,811 ‐ There's my Gar‐bear. 196 00:07:37,145 --> 00:07:39,147 Come on. Gotta hit the road. 197 00:07:39,147 --> 00:07:41,149 First day of bison huntin' season. 198 00:07:41,149 --> 00:07:44,152 ‐ Big Mike. I‐I‐‐ ‐ Uh‐uh, not today. 199 00:07:44,152 --> 00:07:45,528 ‐ Look. It's MODOK's locket. 200 00:07:45,528 --> 00:07:47,822 ‐ It's beautiful. Get in the truck. 201 00:07:47,822 --> 00:07:50,074 ‐ You don't understand. This is the future. 202 00:07:50,074 --> 00:07:52,744 A world not of false promises but hard facts. 203 00:07:52,744 --> 00:07:54,287 Where science is king. 204 00:07:54,287 --> 00:07:56,080 ‐ What about our lockets? 205 00:07:56,080 --> 00:07:58,416 Mine with a picture of you. 206 00:07:58,416 --> 00:08:00,460 And yours with a picture of‐‐ 207 00:08:00,460 --> 00:08:02,462 That ain't me. What is that? 208 00:08:02,462 --> 00:08:04,589 GARY: It's a picture of MODOK's locket. 209 00:08:04,589 --> 00:08:06,341 ‐ Hooee! 210 00:08:06,341 --> 00:08:08,343 Why don't you just throw me in a swimmin' hole 211 00:08:08,343 --> 00:08:09,552 full of water moccasins? 212 00:08:09,552 --> 00:08:11,346 ‐ I've never seen him like this, Big Mike. 213 00:08:11,346 --> 00:08:13,097 He's losing faith in his dream. 214 00:08:13,097 --> 00:08:15,516 Ever since he sold the company and signed that contract. 215 00:08:15,516 --> 00:08:17,352 Ever since Austi‐‐ Austin! 216 00:08:17,810 --> 00:08:20,313 Austin's the cause of all of this! MODOK needs me. 217 00:08:20,313 --> 00:08:23,566 ‐ That ungrateful sumabitch always needs you. 218 00:08:23,566 --> 00:08:24,442 GARY: It's too important. 219 00:08:24,442 --> 00:08:27,570 What he's fighting for. What we're fighting for. 220 00:08:27,570 --> 00:08:29,280 And if you don't get that, 221 00:08:29,280 --> 00:08:30,949 maybe you don't get me either. 222 00:08:31,282 --> 00:08:34,035 ‐ Everyone said, "Big Mike, be careful. 223 00:08:34,035 --> 00:08:35,787 Watch out for this one." 224 00:08:35,787 --> 00:08:37,330 Now I done get it. 225 00:08:37,997 --> 00:08:40,166 [door slides open, closed] 226 00:08:40,166 --> 00:08:44,671 ♪ 227 00:08:44,671 --> 00:08:45,630 [Sherlock yaps] 228 00:08:45,630 --> 00:08:47,048 [glass shatters] ‐ Austin. 229 00:08:47,048 --> 00:08:49,759 I wonder what's in his locket. 230 00:08:49,759 --> 00:08:50,426 [Sherlock panting] 231 00:08:50,426 --> 00:08:51,719 ‐ I failed you, dawg. [barks] 232 00:08:51,719 --> 00:08:54,097 I can't save you, and I can't live without you. 233 00:08:54,097 --> 00:08:56,891 So I say we leave this world together. 234 00:08:56,891 --> 00:09:00,937 By eating these cyanide pills dipped in delicious organic cashew butter. 235 00:09:00,937 --> 00:09:03,273 [barks] No! Cashew butter death ball! 236 00:09:03,273 --> 00:09:04,774 [whimpers] [Austin sighs] 237 00:09:04,774 --> 00:09:06,276 Okay. Plan B. 238 00:09:06,276 --> 00:09:07,443 You get the humane death, 239 00:09:07,443 --> 00:09:10,154 and I'll shiv myself to death with this house key. 240 00:09:10,154 --> 00:09:11,447 Ow. Ow. 241 00:09:11,447 --> 00:09:13,199 My abs are just too rock hard. 242 00:09:13,199 --> 00:09:14,576 [door slides open] ‐ Hey, Mr. Austin. 243 00:09:14,576 --> 00:09:16,744 Just taking a quick state‐mandated lunch break. 244 00:09:16,744 --> 00:09:19,664 Ohh, I wish I could work for you non‐stop! 245 00:09:20,331 --> 00:09:22,917 ‐ I think I have a new plan, Sherlock. 246 00:09:22,917 --> 00:09:25,295 I call it Plan M. 247 00:09:25,295 --> 00:09:26,546 [Sherlock whines] [gasps] 248 00:09:26,546 --> 00:09:28,631 [Sherlock barks] Sherlock! 249 00:09:29,591 --> 00:09:31,509 [blows] 250 00:09:31,509 --> 00:09:33,177 ‐ Hmm, microwave oatmeal. 251 00:09:33,595 --> 00:09:35,305 MONICA: [thinking] Look at that asshole. 252 00:09:35,305 --> 00:09:37,015 He's clearly planning my demise. 253 00:09:37,015 --> 00:09:40,184 I will not rest until I find out what MODOK's up to. 254 00:09:40,184 --> 00:09:41,436 ‐ So hot! 255 00:09:41,436 --> 00:09:42,979 ‐ AUSTIN: [thinking] I have to stop MODOK 256 00:09:42,979 --> 00:09:44,522 from repairing the GRome. 257 00:09:44,522 --> 00:09:47,275 If he fixes it, the world ends. 258 00:09:47,692 --> 00:09:49,235 ‐ Well, it's probably ready now. 259 00:09:49,235 --> 00:09:51,446 GARY: [thinking] Austin is killing MODOK's spirit, 260 00:09:51,446 --> 00:09:54,365 so I must kill Austin's body. 261 00:09:54,866 --> 00:09:56,326 ‐ Aah! Ow! So hot! 262 00:09:56,326 --> 00:09:58,745 What the hell? I only put it in for 10 minutes! 263 00:09:58,745 --> 00:10:01,956 MONICA/AUSTIN/GARY: [all thinking] It all comes down to MODOK. 264 00:10:01,956 --> 00:10:03,625 ‐ Well, it's gotta be cool by now. 265 00:10:03,625 --> 00:10:05,793 Ohh! Still so hot! 266 00:10:06,794 --> 00:10:09,714 ♪ 267 00:10:13,509 --> 00:10:14,636 ‐ Hey, Monica. 268 00:10:14,636 --> 00:10:17,722 ‐ Carmilla? I told you a million times, call me Mom. 269 00:10:17,722 --> 00:10:20,516 Or when I'm hiding from MODOK in my dead manatee, 270 00:10:20,516 --> 00:10:21,476 Momatee. 271 00:10:21,476 --> 00:10:23,519 ‐ And why are you hiding from MODOK? 272 00:10:23,519 --> 00:10:25,396 ‐ He's planning something! He's coming for me! 273 00:10:25,396 --> 00:10:27,148 You should have seen the way he was eating oatmeal! 274 00:10:27,148 --> 00:10:29,275 He's unhinged! [pants] 275 00:10:29,275 --> 00:10:32,237 So... how was the Teen Zone, honey? 276 00:10:32,237 --> 00:10:34,447 ‐ The same as it was four days ago, 277 00:10:34,447 --> 00:10:35,782 when you were supposed to pick me up. 278 00:10:35,782 --> 00:10:36,783 [cackles] 279 00:10:36,783 --> 00:10:39,118 ‐ That wit. Oh, just like your father. 280 00:10:39,118 --> 00:10:40,328 ‐ You are my father. 281 00:10:40,328 --> 00:10:43,164 You cloned a male version of yourself to inseminate you. 282 00:10:43,164 --> 00:10:45,583 ‐ Hey, baby girl! Can you do Daddy a favor? 283 00:10:45,583 --> 00:10:48,086 Grab that ax over there and kill me! 284 00:10:48,086 --> 00:10:49,671 ‐ Ignore that deadbeat. 285 00:10:49,671 --> 00:10:52,924 Now come here and give your creator a hug! 286 00:10:52,924 --> 00:10:55,176 ‐ [sighs] You just spinal tapped me, didn't you? 287 00:10:55,635 --> 00:10:57,595 ‐ I have to make sure you're not him in disguise. 288 00:10:57,595 --> 00:11:00,848 Did I tell you he's after me? Did I tell you about the oatmeal? 289 00:11:00,848 --> 00:11:04,477 ‐ Ever since you became Scientist Supreme, it seems like you do less science. 290 00:11:04,477 --> 00:11:06,563 ‐ I do plenty of science around here. 291 00:11:06,563 --> 00:11:09,941 [gasps] You're trying to undermine my confidence. 292 00:11:09,941 --> 00:11:12,819 You've just given yourself away, MODOK! 293 00:11:12,819 --> 00:11:14,112 Battle Orbs, kill! 294 00:11:14,112 --> 00:11:15,947 BATTLE ORB: Time to fly, time to die! 295 00:11:15,947 --> 00:11:17,907 MACHINE: [dings] Result: not MODOK. 296 00:11:18,533 --> 00:11:20,618 ‐ I knew it was you. 297 00:11:20,618 --> 00:11:22,287 And I love you. 298 00:11:22,287 --> 00:11:25,456 BATTLE ORB: What the frig is this? Are we blastin' or are we blastin'? 299 00:11:25,456 --> 00:11:26,875 ‐ Scram, ya Battle Orbs. 300 00:11:26,875 --> 00:11:30,461 Aww, I just love when my little angel visits me at work. 301 00:11:30,461 --> 00:11:33,673 Your‐‐ your sweet, sweet face, so beautiful. 302 00:11:33,673 --> 00:11:35,258 You're such a, um... a 10. 303 00:11:35,258 --> 00:11:38,261 ‐ You just injected me with Pym Particles, didn't you. 304 00:11:38,261 --> 00:11:40,805 ‐ I think that MODOK might be inside me. 305 00:11:40,805 --> 00:11:43,892 So go ahead and take a look around and do a murder if he is. 306 00:11:43,892 --> 00:11:45,852 ‐ Whatever gets me out of this conversation. 307 00:11:45,852 --> 00:11:47,395 ‐ Watch and learn, Manica. 308 00:11:47,395 --> 00:11:49,355 This is how you raise a daughter. 309 00:11:49,856 --> 00:11:52,442 [sniffs deeply] Ho ho ho, that's the shit. 310 00:11:52,859 --> 00:11:54,944 GARY: MODOK. MODOK needs me. 311 00:11:55,403 --> 00:11:56,988 Must kill Austin for MODOK. 312 00:11:58,865 --> 00:12:01,326 Chanted my obsession while working out. Check. 313 00:12:01,326 --> 00:12:04,412 Read Catcher in the Rye and highlighted the funny parts. Check. 314 00:12:04,412 --> 00:12:06,706 What's left? Oh, make poison dart. 315 00:12:06,706 --> 00:12:08,374 Wakey, wakey, Mr. Snakey. 316 00:12:08,374 --> 00:12:10,126 [hisses] If he wants to live, 317 00:12:10,627 --> 00:12:12,921 Austin has to make like a mid‐'70s muscle car 318 00:12:12,921 --> 00:12:14,339 and Dodge Dart. 319 00:12:14,339 --> 00:12:17,759 Ugh, Gary, why don't you ever say cool stuff like that in front of MODOK? 320 00:12:17,759 --> 00:12:20,011 [gadget beeping] 321 00:12:22,013 --> 00:12:23,431 [whirring] 322 00:12:24,224 --> 00:12:25,016 [watch beeps] 323 00:12:25,683 --> 00:12:27,852 COMPUTER: Om! ‐ Oh, Peaceful Pause time. 324 00:12:27,852 --> 00:12:31,064 How about you and I take a thoughtful walk? 325 00:12:31,064 --> 00:12:34,692 I know a great deserted back alley 67 blocks from here. 326 00:12:34,692 --> 00:12:35,818 What do you say? ‐ I'm in. 327 00:12:35,818 --> 00:12:36,945 ‐ Ah! ‐ For tomorrow. 328 00:12:36,945 --> 00:12:38,821 Today I need to finish the GRome. 329 00:12:38,821 --> 00:12:40,698 ‐ You're working so hard. 330 00:12:40,698 --> 00:12:42,116 I'm worried about your vitamin D. 331 00:12:42,116 --> 00:12:43,493 Let's get some sunshine. 332 00:12:43,493 --> 00:12:45,745 Away from all these sunblocking cameras. 333 00:12:45,745 --> 00:12:47,330 ‐ I guess I could take a couple of minutes‐‐ 334 00:12:47,330 --> 00:12:50,375 Oh, I can't. I forgot my walking jacket. 335 00:12:50,375 --> 00:12:52,710 ‐ You can use mine! ‐ That's perfect. 336 00:12:52,710 --> 00:12:55,338 But I once borrowed a jacket at a country club 337 00:12:55,338 --> 00:12:57,507 and got scabies from a very rich man. 338 00:12:57,507 --> 00:12:59,217 So now I have a strict no jacket borrowing‐‐ 339 00:12:59,217 --> 00:13:01,719 ‐ Please go outside with me. I'm begging you. 340 00:13:01,719 --> 00:13:03,763 I've never been outside with you, and I've never asked you 341 00:13:03,763 --> 00:13:05,682 to go outside with me but I need it today, 342 00:13:05,682 --> 00:13:07,350 and it's so nice outside. 343 00:13:07,350 --> 00:13:09,811 I've seen you go outside with other people, 344 00:13:09,811 --> 00:13:12,355 but the one day I need you to go outside with me, 345 00:13:12,355 --> 00:13:14,858 all you wanna do is not go outside. 346 00:13:14,858 --> 00:13:18,152 And I'm begging you. Please! 347 00:13:18,152 --> 00:13:19,821 ‐ I can't say no to that. 348 00:13:19,821 --> 00:13:21,865 Howdy, GRome, can you say no to that 349 00:13:21,865 --> 00:13:24,450 and then set a meeting for us after the launch. 350 00:13:24,450 --> 00:13:25,994 GROME: Updating calendar. 351 00:13:25,994 --> 00:13:28,746 [electricity crackles] ‐ My face! My face! 352 00:13:28,746 --> 00:13:30,456 ‐ It didn't kill anyone! 353 00:13:30,456 --> 00:13:32,417 Just a simple maiming. Progress! 354 00:13:32,417 --> 00:13:34,377 ‐ No, please! We have to talk! 355 00:13:34,377 --> 00:13:36,170 [whirring] 356 00:13:36,170 --> 00:13:38,089 [clicking] [notification chimes] 357 00:13:38,089 --> 00:13:40,842 ‐ Those cameras are really loud. I should probably fix that. 358 00:13:40,842 --> 00:13:44,304 Just call me the work‐obsessed beaver, never‐stopping, never‐ceasing beaver, 359 00:13:44,304 --> 00:13:45,805 chomping at this and that. 360 00:13:45,805 --> 00:13:47,181 That's the expression. 361 00:13:47,473 --> 00:13:48,766 [sighs] 362 00:13:48,766 --> 00:13:49,642 [elevator dings] 363 00:13:50,351 --> 00:13:52,645 ‐ Austin. ‐ We need to talk. 364 00:13:52,645 --> 00:13:53,813 ‐ Right now. 365 00:13:53,813 --> 00:13:55,190 ‐ I‐I‐I can explain. 366 00:13:55,190 --> 00:13:57,233 ‐ We got new outfits. 367 00:13:57,233 --> 00:13:59,527 ‐ Be honest. Which one of us looks the best? 368 00:13:59,986 --> 00:14:01,863 ‐ You all look the same. 369 00:14:01,863 --> 00:14:03,656 Aren't you like... one thing? 370 00:14:03,656 --> 00:14:04,699 BOARD MEMBER 1: One hive‐mind, 371 00:14:04,699 --> 00:14:07,035 but each tendril has a distinct personality. 372 00:14:07,035 --> 00:14:08,661 I like pretty faces. 373 00:14:08,661 --> 00:14:10,330 ‐ I like ugly faces. 374 00:14:10,330 --> 00:14:12,165 ‐ And I'm an ass man. 375 00:14:12,165 --> 00:14:13,583 ‐ Well, you guys look amazing. 376 00:14:13,583 --> 00:14:16,294 GARY: [blows] Hmm. AUSTIN: And very different to me. 377 00:14:16,294 --> 00:14:17,670 I've gotta get back to work‐‐ 378 00:14:17,670 --> 00:14:20,590 ‐ Also, we've had a change of heart about your dog. 379 00:14:20,590 --> 00:14:22,759 ‐ He shall not die in the invasion. 380 00:14:22,759 --> 00:14:24,761 ‐ Wow. Thank you so much. 381 00:14:24,761 --> 00:14:26,262 ‐ We want him dead now! 382 00:14:26,262 --> 00:14:29,307 ‐ His unconditional love is too much of a distraction. 383 00:14:29,307 --> 00:14:32,143 BOARD MEMBER 2: You will shred him and serve us his meat. 384 00:14:32,727 --> 00:14:34,354 [Sherlock barking] ‐ No, Sherlock! This is bad! 385 00:14:34,354 --> 00:14:36,272 ‐ I want to eat your dog plain. 386 00:14:36,272 --> 00:14:38,608 ‐ I want to eat your dog Baja style. 387 00:14:38,608 --> 00:14:40,818 ‐ See how different we all are? 388 00:14:40,818 --> 00:14:44,072 ‐ Now that I heard his order, change mine to Baja style. 389 00:14:44,072 --> 00:14:47,158 ‐ Me too. Make it three Baja style. 390 00:14:47,158 --> 00:14:48,785 ‐ Ah, it's up to you, snake. 391 00:14:49,494 --> 00:14:50,203 [hisses] 392 00:14:54,582 --> 00:14:57,752 Well, I guess that snake is hiss‐tory. 393 00:14:57,752 --> 00:14:59,546 And MODOK misses another gem. 394 00:14:59,546 --> 00:15:01,214 [muffled shouting] 395 00:15:01,756 --> 00:15:04,801 ‐ Monica's gotta have something in here that'll help me warn MODOK. 396 00:15:05,927 --> 00:15:06,636 [keypad beeps] 397 00:15:07,554 --> 00:15:10,598 ♪ 398 00:15:10,598 --> 00:15:14,143 That's a... problem for tomorrow. 399 00:15:14,143 --> 00:15:15,603 [muffled screaming] Ah. 400 00:15:17,856 --> 00:15:18,982 Oh! 401 00:15:18,982 --> 00:15:21,150 MONICA: You screamed the whole way here. 402 00:15:22,151 --> 00:15:24,737 You really embarrassed me. GARY: I'm scared of bags! 403 00:15:24,737 --> 00:15:27,448 ‐ MODOK. Tell me everything‐‐ 404 00:15:27,448 --> 00:15:30,326 ‐ Oh, my name's Gary! ‐ About MODOK, you moron. 405 00:15:30,326 --> 00:15:32,912 ‐ Oh, my favorite topic. I know everything about MODOK. 406 00:15:32,912 --> 00:15:35,498 ‐ What is he up to? ‐ Oh, I don't know that. 407 00:15:35,498 --> 00:15:36,457 [electricity crackling] [Austin screams] 408 00:15:36,457 --> 00:15:37,792 ‐ What was that? GARY: Wasn't me. 409 00:15:37,792 --> 00:15:39,627 My screams sound like "Yeoww!" 410 00:15:39,627 --> 00:15:41,754 ‐ [gasps] MODOK! Battle Orbs! 411 00:15:41,754 --> 00:15:44,966 ‐ Is this another false alarm? We want guaranteed action. 412 00:15:44,966 --> 00:15:47,844 ‐ This is not the time to negotiate. I need you right now! 413 00:15:47,844 --> 00:15:51,306 ‐ Oh, then I'd say that makes this the perfect time to negotiate. 414 00:15:51,306 --> 00:15:53,683 ‐ How about I guarantee you can kill this guy no matter what? 415 00:15:53,683 --> 00:15:55,184 ‐ The guy who just chewed off his own hand? 416 00:15:55,727 --> 00:15:58,980 [rumbling, steam hissing] 417 00:15:58,980 --> 00:16:01,482 ‐ It's MODOK! He's hiding in my fusion chamber! 418 00:16:01,482 --> 00:16:03,735 Attack! This is a guaranteed kill! 419 00:16:03,735 --> 00:16:05,403 ORB: Here we go, boys! 420 00:16:05,403 --> 00:16:07,071 [Austin screams, Sherlock barks] 421 00:16:07,071 --> 00:16:08,489 ‐ Battle Orbs, stand down! 422 00:16:08,489 --> 00:16:09,991 ‐ Oh, you've gotta be kiddin'! 423 00:16:09,991 --> 00:16:13,661 [growling, barking] 424 00:16:13,661 --> 00:16:15,121 [panting] 425 00:16:15,121 --> 00:16:16,497 ‐ Austin? 426 00:16:16,497 --> 00:16:17,790 [groans, barks] 427 00:16:19,334 --> 00:16:22,253 Dear god, I let myself get distracted! 428 00:16:22,253 --> 00:16:23,588 MODOK's gone! 429 00:16:23,588 --> 00:16:25,590 He's out there doing something, I know it! 430 00:16:25,590 --> 00:16:27,050 I need to find him! 431 00:16:27,050 --> 00:16:29,969 Where in the world is MODOK? 432 00:16:29,969 --> 00:16:30,970 [voice echoing] 433 00:16:30,970 --> 00:16:33,223 JARVIS: Sir, Avengers Tower is under attack. 434 00:16:33,223 --> 00:16:34,390 IRON MAN: On my way. 435 00:16:35,558 --> 00:16:38,102 [people screaming] 436 00:16:39,062 --> 00:16:40,438 Alright, let's do this quick. 437 00:16:40,438 --> 00:16:42,815 I got three minutes before my Crest White Strips come off. 438 00:16:42,815 --> 00:16:45,109 [grunting] 439 00:16:45,860 --> 00:16:46,986 MODOK: Iron Man. 440 00:16:50,448 --> 00:16:51,658 Can we talk? 441 00:16:52,659 --> 00:16:54,953 [rapid deep breaths] 442 00:16:54,953 --> 00:16:56,746 ‐ [gasps] MODOK. 443 00:16:57,664 --> 00:17:00,208 ‐ Ma'am, here's a draft of the press release for the GRome launch. 444 00:17:01,000 --> 00:17:04,629 EXEC 1: Monica, a bunch of Jiggle‐O babies commandeered an Amtrak train this morning. 445 00:17:04,629 --> 00:17:05,838 What's the‐‐ Aah! 446 00:17:05,838 --> 00:17:07,131 DORIS: Hey, is that an invisible battle suit? 447 00:17:07,131 --> 00:17:07,799 ‐ No! 448 00:17:07,799 --> 00:17:10,593 ‐ We need to start this meeting. Where's Austin? 449 00:17:12,011 --> 00:17:14,389 [grunting] 450 00:17:14,389 --> 00:17:15,974 [barks, pants] 451 00:17:15,974 --> 00:17:18,184 DORIS: Oh great. Let's begin. Item One. 452 00:17:18,184 --> 00:17:19,727 [elevator rumbling] 453 00:17:22,897 --> 00:17:24,566 ‐ Oh god, he's here. 454 00:17:25,149 --> 00:17:26,901 [panting] 455 00:17:33,658 --> 00:17:36,536 ‐ Hey, everyone. Or should I say, 456 00:17:36,953 --> 00:17:38,621 Howdy, GRome. 457 00:17:38,621 --> 00:17:39,789 [all gasp] EXEC 2: Oh no! 458 00:17:39,789 --> 00:17:41,207 GROME: Hello, Ma‐dok. 459 00:17:41,207 --> 00:17:43,126 ‐ Don't you mean "MODOK," GRome? 460 00:17:43,126 --> 00:17:44,711 GROME: I don't understand. 461 00:17:44,711 --> 00:17:47,171 DORIS: It talked without killing. We can sell it! 462 00:17:47,171 --> 00:17:49,632 ‐ That's right! I fixed it! [applause] 463 00:17:51,634 --> 00:17:53,303 [whimpering, barking] 464 00:17:53,303 --> 00:17:53,970 BOARD MEMBER 1: Clap. 465 00:17:53,970 --> 00:17:54,804 BOARD MEMBER 2: Clap. BOARD MEMBER 3: Clap. 466 00:17:54,804 --> 00:17:56,431 THE BOARD: The board is pleased. 467 00:17:56,431 --> 00:17:57,974 ‐ The Board's here! 468 00:17:57,974 --> 00:18:00,435 That's great because I have even more good news. 469 00:18:00,435 --> 00:18:03,813 I've secured a brand ambassador for the GRome launch. 470 00:18:03,813 --> 00:18:06,608 My ex‐wife's ex‐boyfriend, Wonder Man! 471 00:18:06,608 --> 00:18:09,027 ‐ The Hunchback Quarterback himself! 472 00:18:09,027 --> 00:18:10,278 THE BOARD: We love it! 473 00:18:10,278 --> 00:18:12,280 ‐ I haven't even gotten to the best part! 474 00:18:12,280 --> 00:18:13,823 ‐ Tell us! ‐ Tell us! 475 00:18:13,823 --> 00:18:15,158 ‐ You have to tell us! 476 00:18:15,158 --> 00:18:17,035 ‐ I sold AIM! [applause] 477 00:18:17,035 --> 00:18:18,536 BOARD MEMBER 1: Clap. BOARD MEMBER 2: Clap. 478 00:18:19,162 --> 00:18:20,205 ‐ Wait, what? 479 00:18:20,205 --> 00:18:22,165 [blabbers, barks] 480 00:18:22,165 --> 00:18:24,250 DORIS: Yeah, I have the same question as Austin: 481 00:18:24,250 --> 00:18:25,919 what do you mean you sold AIM? 482 00:18:25,919 --> 00:18:27,212 ‐ I sold my shares. 483 00:18:27,212 --> 00:18:32,133 Now, allow me to introduce the new owner of AIM. 484 00:18:32,133 --> 00:18:33,384 [knocking on window] ‐ Let me in. 485 00:18:33,384 --> 00:18:35,428 MODOK: They don't open. ‐ What? I can't hear you. 486 00:18:35,428 --> 00:18:36,930 ‐ [yelling] They don't open! 487 00:18:36,930 --> 00:18:39,057 [yelling] What? The windows don't open! ‐ You have‐‐ 488 00:18:39,057 --> 00:18:40,767 You have to go around! ‐ What? Hold on! 489 00:18:40,767 --> 00:18:42,227 I'm, I'm just gonna go around!! 490 00:18:42,894 --> 00:18:45,605 ‐ Well, that was less dramatic than I was hoping for. 491 00:18:45,605 --> 00:18:47,273 ‐ I heard that. ‐ As I was saying. 492 00:18:47,273 --> 00:18:50,568 I sold a controlling stake of AIM to Iron Man. 493 00:18:50,568 --> 00:18:52,820 THE BOARD: You don't have enough shares. 494 00:18:52,820 --> 00:18:55,198 ‐ True. My shares alone aren't enough. 495 00:18:55,198 --> 00:18:57,742 But Iron Man will have a controlling stake of AIM 496 00:18:57,742 --> 00:19:01,204 when he buys all the shares held by... Monica. 497 00:19:02,330 --> 00:19:03,414 ‐ What? 498 00:19:03,414 --> 00:19:06,668 ‐ I want you to sell all your shares to Iron Man. 499 00:19:07,043 --> 00:19:08,920 ‐ Why would I ever do that? 500 00:19:10,755 --> 00:19:12,757 ‐ Nice invisi‐suit, by the way. 501 00:19:16,594 --> 00:19:18,346 ‐ I'm selling my shares to Iron Man. 502 00:19:18,346 --> 00:19:19,847 [all gasp] THE BOARD: What? 503 00:19:19,847 --> 00:19:21,683 ‐ And like that, 504 00:19:21,683 --> 00:19:23,685 AIM is yours. ‐ Cool. 505 00:19:23,685 --> 00:19:26,145 Let's get down to business. First order of business. 506 00:19:26,145 --> 00:19:29,107 AIM is no longer in the world‐taking‐over business. 507 00:19:29,107 --> 00:19:32,151 Why am I saying business so much? That's none of your... concern! 508 00:19:32,151 --> 00:19:33,903 Who did I get? Come on, admit it! I got that guy! 509 00:19:33,903 --> 00:19:35,196 I know I got that guy. 510 00:19:35,196 --> 00:19:36,781 ‐ The GRome! ‐ Yes, the GRome! 511 00:19:36,781 --> 00:19:38,157 But what of the GRome? 512 00:19:38,157 --> 00:19:39,826 ‐ Oh yeah, I'll release it. 513 00:19:39,826 --> 00:19:41,452 MODOK showed it to me. It's gonna make me a‐‐ 514 00:19:41,452 --> 00:19:44,247 Pffff! GRome, what comes after octillion? 515 00:19:44,247 --> 00:19:45,707 ‐ You have to say "Howdy GRome." 516 00:19:45,707 --> 00:19:47,500 ‐ Well, that's humiliating. And I won't say it. 517 00:19:47,500 --> 00:19:49,627 And I know the answer anyways: it's nonillion. 518 00:19:49,627 --> 00:19:51,504 I'm about to become a nonillionaire. 519 00:19:51,504 --> 00:19:54,132 Oh right, and before I forget. Uh, MODOK? Monica? 520 00:19:54,132 --> 00:19:56,968 You're fired. [thrusters whooshing] 521 00:19:58,052 --> 00:20:01,180 ‐ And that's how you get out of a contract. 522 00:20:01,180 --> 00:20:03,433 [babbling, barking] 523 00:20:03,433 --> 00:20:07,061 ‐ Word of advice, leave the science to the scientists. 524 00:20:07,061 --> 00:20:09,397 [groaning] 525 00:20:09,397 --> 00:20:10,607 [pants] [barks] 526 00:20:12,275 --> 00:20:13,860 MODOK: I used dashes instead of periods. 527 00:20:13,860 --> 00:20:17,197 My lawyers say it's dubious, so we might want to pitch on that. 528 00:20:17,197 --> 00:20:19,616 I spent all this time fighting to get AIM back, 529 00:20:19,616 --> 00:20:21,743 I forgot what AIM really is. 530 00:20:21,743 --> 00:20:23,286 It's not some stupid building. 531 00:20:23,286 --> 00:20:25,622 AIM is MODOK and Monica. 532 00:20:25,622 --> 00:20:27,123 Monica and MODOK is AIM. 533 00:20:27,123 --> 00:20:29,834 Time to get back to doing what we do best. 534 00:20:29,834 --> 00:20:32,754 ‐ Science for science's sake. 535 00:20:32,754 --> 00:20:36,591 ‐ And with you as Scientist Supreme, we'll soon take over the world. 536 00:20:36,591 --> 00:20:40,053 ‐ Wait. If I'm Scientist Supreme, what's your title? 537 00:20:40,720 --> 00:20:41,930 [Monica laughs] 538 00:20:41,930 --> 00:20:43,973 You tiresome piece of shit. [door slides open] 539 00:20:44,390 --> 00:20:47,727 ‐ MODOK! Wait! You can't let them release the GRome! 540 00:20:47,727 --> 00:20:48,770 The Board is‐‐ [tires squealing] 541 00:20:48,770 --> 00:20:50,313 MODOK: Oh shit! 542 00:20:50,313 --> 00:20:52,190 GARY: I did it! I saved you! 543 00:20:52,190 --> 00:20:54,734 ‐ Jesus, Gary. You killed Austin! 544 00:20:54,734 --> 00:20:57,779 You're a sick, twisted psycho and you're obsessed with me. 545 00:20:57,779 --> 00:21:00,615 Which makes you a perfect fit for my new company! 546 00:21:00,615 --> 00:21:03,576 ‐ Great! Can I have the weekend to fix things with my husband? 547 00:21:03,993 --> 00:21:05,662 ‐ No! We start tomorrow! 548 00:21:05,662 --> 00:21:08,748 Also I probably won't be in the office for at least a month. 549 00:21:09,749 --> 00:21:11,376 MODOK: Put the dowels in first. 550 00:21:11,376 --> 00:21:13,670 ‐ The dowels don't do anything. 551 00:21:13,670 --> 00:21:15,421 It's the screws that hold the weight. 552 00:21:15,421 --> 00:21:16,631 ‐ Manual says dowels first. 553 00:21:16,631 --> 00:21:17,632 [grunts] [plank clatters] 554 00:21:17,632 --> 00:21:19,968 ‐ She did it again. Bring in another one. 555 00:21:22,262 --> 00:21:23,680 [bell jingles] 556 00:21:23,680 --> 00:21:25,682 GARY: Big Mike! ‐ Bison burgers. 557 00:21:25,682 --> 00:21:27,559 Fresh off the hunt. [eating noisily] 558 00:21:27,559 --> 00:21:29,394 Yech! You better be worth him. 559 00:21:29,394 --> 00:21:31,688 ‐ And you better make more of these, 560 00:21:31,688 --> 00:21:33,106 'ca‐'cause they're good. 561 00:21:35,400 --> 00:21:36,943 ‐ Hey, something's been bothering me. 562 00:21:36,943 --> 00:21:38,778 I know you had to get out of that contract. 563 00:21:38,778 --> 00:21:42,031 But, of all people, why sell it to your mortal enemy? 564 00:21:42,031 --> 00:21:44,033 ‐ 'Cause this. 565 00:21:44,325 --> 00:21:46,077 ‐ Howdy, GRome, who's better looking, 566 00:21:46,077 --> 00:21:47,829 Wonder Man or Iron Man? 567 00:21:47,829 --> 00:21:49,330 GROME: Thor. [audience laughs, applauds] 568 00:21:49,747 --> 00:21:50,790 ‐ Oh, this is awful. 569 00:21:50,790 --> 00:21:53,001 ‐ Just wait. [remote beeps] 570 00:21:53,418 --> 00:21:55,670 [bird screeching] ‐ Did you hear that? It sounds like‐‐ 571 00:21:55,670 --> 00:21:56,880 Oh god! IRON MAN: What's going on? 572 00:21:56,880 --> 00:21:58,631 ‐ Oh god! Oh god! [snake hisses] 573 00:21:59,257 --> 00:22:01,634 ‐ It took me just two minutes to fix the GRome 574 00:22:01,634 --> 00:22:04,304 but two days to calibrate a single wavelength 575 00:22:04,304 --> 00:22:07,307 that drives all animals bonkers. 576 00:22:07,307 --> 00:22:08,933 [horse neighs] ‐ There's something in my suit! 577 00:22:08,933 --> 00:22:11,311 ‐ Shoot the squirrels! They're friends to the homeless! 578 00:22:11,311 --> 00:22:13,062 [screaming] 579 00:22:13,062 --> 00:22:14,063 [glass shatters] 580 00:22:14,063 --> 00:22:17,400 ‐ Ha ha! Nice work, Scientist Supremer. 581 00:22:17,400 --> 00:22:20,153 ‐ Today, Stark. Tomorrow, the world. 582 00:22:20,153 --> 00:22:21,404 BOARD MEMBER 1: Alright, Janice. 583 00:22:21,404 --> 00:22:23,198 BOARD MEMBER 2: The job interview is almost over. 584 00:22:23,198 --> 00:22:24,199 BOARD MEMBER 3: But first, 585 00:22:24,199 --> 00:22:25,450 tough question time. 586 00:22:25,450 --> 00:22:27,285 BOARD MEMBER 1: What is your biggest weakness? 587 00:22:27,285 --> 00:22:28,953 BOARD MEMBER 2: You must reveal it! 588 00:22:28,953 --> 00:22:32,081 ‐ Um... I work too hard, I guess. 589 00:22:32,081 --> 00:22:33,458 Maybe I care too hard? 590 00:22:33,458 --> 00:22:36,377 ‐ Those are good things! ‐ Those are your weaknesses? 591 00:22:36,377 --> 00:22:39,797 ‐ You have to be our new CEO! ‐ Do you accept, Janice? 592 00:22:39,797 --> 00:22:41,841 ‐ I guess. ‐ Excellent! 593 00:22:41,841 --> 00:22:43,718 ‐ The invasion is still on. 594 00:22:43,718 --> 00:22:45,678 ‐ And now with Janice by our side. 595 00:22:45,678 --> 00:22:47,555 ‐ Hexus shall stop at nothing. 596 00:22:47,555 --> 00:22:50,892 THE BOARD: To destroy MODOK. 597 00:22:52,352 --> 00:22:54,270 ♪ dramatic theme playing ♪ 598 00:22:54,270 --> 00:22:56,189 ♪ 599 00:23:09,619 --> 00:23:13,456 ♪ choir vocalizing ♪ 600 00:23:13,456 --> 00:23:15,375 ♪