1 00:00:01,022 --> 00:00:05,026 [pages riffling] 2 00:00:14,953 --> 00:00:17,080 ♪ 3 00:00:26,005 --> 00:00:27,465 ‐ [thinking] Did last night really happen 4 00:00:27,465 --> 00:00:29,509 or was it all just a wonderful dream? 5 00:00:29,509 --> 00:00:31,386 Did Jodie and I really make love? 6 00:00:31,386 --> 00:00:33,179 And did we really find that secret passageway 7 00:00:33,179 --> 00:00:35,598 that leads to that room where Charles Barkley wanted me 8 00:00:35,598 --> 00:00:36,933 to eat sticks of Right Guard? 9 00:00:36,933 --> 00:00:39,394 ‐ Oh. We had sex alright. 10 00:00:39,394 --> 00:00:41,855 The Charles Barkley stuff was a dream though. 11 00:00:41,855 --> 00:00:43,022 ‐ You can hear my thoughts? 12 00:00:43,022 --> 00:00:44,566 ‐ You left your Brainwave Vocalizer on. 13 00:00:44,566 --> 00:00:47,402 ‐ Oh. Why do I have this? I should go. 14 00:00:47,402 --> 00:00:49,654 ‐ Actually, I think you should stay. 15 00:00:49,654 --> 00:00:51,531 ‐ Really? You're not regretting last night? 16 00:00:51,531 --> 00:00:54,367 I thought it might have been kind of a backslide thing for you. 17 00:00:54,367 --> 00:00:57,203 Or a one‐last‐time kinda thing. Or some mean kids dared you. 18 00:00:57,203 --> 00:01:00,081 ‐ MODOK. No, I wanted you. 19 00:01:00,373 --> 00:01:02,083 I still want you. 20 00:01:02,083 --> 00:01:04,544 ‐ [burps] Oh, here comes the nervous belches. 21 00:01:04,544 --> 00:01:07,338 That probably ruined it. ‐ No. Still. 22 00:01:07,338 --> 00:01:09,090 ‐ Well, now we're both smelling it, 23 00:01:09,090 --> 00:01:11,134 and I'm sure your jets are officially cooling. 24 00:01:11,134 --> 00:01:12,760 ‐ My jets are raring. 25 00:01:12,760 --> 00:01:14,554 ‐ Wow! I can't lose. 26 00:01:14,888 --> 00:01:16,306 Oh, kids. Get off me! 27 00:01:16,306 --> 00:01:18,766 ‐ Smells like some hungry burps in here. 28 00:01:18,766 --> 00:01:20,852 Luckily‐‐ ‐ We made you breakfast. 29 00:01:20,852 --> 00:01:22,103 ‐ Thirty‐two sausage links, 30 00:01:22,103 --> 00:01:23,605 yolk‐only scrambled eggs, 31 00:01:23,605 --> 00:01:25,023 generous smear of lard! 32 00:01:25,023 --> 00:01:26,566 My favorite breakfast. 33 00:01:26,566 --> 00:01:29,235 ‐ From what we could hear very, very clearly 34 00:01:29,235 --> 00:01:30,361 through the walls last night, 35 00:01:30,361 --> 00:01:32,488 it sounds like our family is back together! 36 00:01:32,488 --> 00:01:34,407 ‐ Well‐‐ ‐ That's exactly right. 37 00:01:34,407 --> 00:01:36,034 We're getting back together. 38 00:01:36,034 --> 00:01:37,160 ‐ R‐r‐really? 39 00:01:37,160 --> 00:01:39,746 ‐ One hundred percent r‐r‐really. 40 00:01:39,746 --> 00:01:42,540 Really real real really real. 41 00:01:42,540 --> 00:01:44,709 ‐ That's not me, MODOK. It's an impostor. 42 00:01:44,709 --> 00:01:46,628 ‐ Dad! Somebody's kidnapped us! 43 00:01:46,628 --> 00:01:48,463 ‐ He can't hear you through the TV. 44 00:01:48,463 --> 00:01:50,798 ‐ Wait, this is all too good to be true. 45 00:01:50,798 --> 00:01:52,050 [all gasp] 46 00:01:52,050 --> 00:01:54,052 But it is true, and it's wonderful! 47 00:01:54,052 --> 00:01:55,929 ‐ What are you thinking. you fool? 48 00:01:55,929 --> 00:01:57,639 Answer me! 49 00:01:57,639 --> 00:01:59,724 ♪ dramatic theme playing ♪ 50 00:01:59,724 --> 00:02:03,519 ♪ 51 00:02:03,811 --> 00:02:05,730 ‐ And 32. 52 00:02:05,730 --> 00:02:07,774 Last sausage. That is a solid base. 53 00:02:07,774 --> 00:02:09,776 ‐ Aww, MODOK. 54 00:02:09,776 --> 00:02:11,945 ‐ Uh, bon appetit! 55 00:02:11,945 --> 00:02:14,405 ‐ A second breakfast in bed. 56 00:02:14,405 --> 00:02:16,324 I... shouldn't? 57 00:02:16,324 --> 00:02:17,867 ‐ Knock yourself out, Modie. 58 00:02:17,867 --> 00:02:21,579 I had the master bathroom completely soundproofed. 59 00:02:21,579 --> 00:02:23,498 ‐ Is that so? ‐ Yeah. 60 00:02:23,498 --> 00:02:26,960 A man could be sick all over inside his body in there for hours 61 00:02:26,960 --> 00:02:29,504 and I'd never hear any of the disgusting sounds 62 00:02:29,504 --> 00:02:31,381 his body made him make. 63 00:02:31,381 --> 00:02:33,550 ‐ This is the best day of my life! 64 00:02:33,550 --> 00:02:35,134 ‐ Why is this happening? 65 00:02:35,134 --> 00:02:36,553 Who is doing this to us? 66 00:02:36,553 --> 00:02:38,137 [door opens] JODIE: Oh, MODOK. 67 00:02:38,137 --> 00:02:38,888 LOU: Dad? MELISSA: Fool! 68 00:02:38,888 --> 00:02:41,140 ‐ One of you said MODOK, and you're right. 69 00:02:41,140 --> 00:02:44,310 I am MODOK but from 20 years ago! 70 00:02:44,310 --> 00:02:46,896 ‐ Oh, some time‐traveling version of your father. 71 00:02:46,896 --> 00:02:47,939 ‐ Wow! 72 00:02:47,939 --> 00:02:50,650 ‐ I bet you're pretty shocked to see me looking so young. 73 00:02:50,650 --> 00:02:51,776 ‐ You don't look that young. 74 00:02:51,776 --> 00:02:54,279 ‐ Younger than your father! He's got crazy wrinkles. 75 00:02:54,279 --> 00:02:56,030 He's got wrinkles here real deep. 76 00:02:56,030 --> 00:02:57,866 ‐ Hey, buddy, you have wrinkles there. 77 00:02:57,866 --> 00:02:58,741 ‐ What? 78 00:02:59,325 --> 00:03:01,077 Oh, you all make me so mad. 79 00:03:01,077 --> 00:03:02,537 I was supposed to have a beautiful life. 80 00:03:02,537 --> 00:03:04,455 I was supposed to be a world conqueror. 81 00:03:04,455 --> 00:03:06,040 Instead, I'm this. 82 00:03:06,040 --> 00:03:08,960 ‐ ♪ Canadian bacon, American bacon ♪ 83 00:03:08,960 --> 00:03:12,338 ♪ Italian bacon, more Canadian bacon ♪ 84 00:03:12,338 --> 00:03:13,506 ‐ And it's all your fault. 85 00:03:13,506 --> 00:03:14,591 The housewife. 86 00:03:14,591 --> 00:03:15,925 The weird boy. 87 00:03:15,925 --> 00:03:18,344 And the ice skater. Pfft, ice. 88 00:03:18,344 --> 00:03:21,306 Inline skating is what's cool. The world is your rink. 89 00:03:21,306 --> 00:03:23,182 If he hadn't spent all his time with you, 90 00:03:23,182 --> 00:03:25,768 we would have been emperor of the world by now! 91 00:03:25,768 --> 00:03:28,313 I was going to bring forth a great scientific utopia, 92 00:03:28,313 --> 00:03:30,607 ushering in a new age of empirical logic. 93 00:03:30,607 --> 00:03:32,275 Also, I was going to marry Mena Suvari. 94 00:03:32,275 --> 00:03:34,485 ‐ [scoffs] I'm way better than Mena Suvari. 95 00:03:34,485 --> 00:03:35,528 ‐ Oh, are you? 96 00:03:35,528 --> 00:03:38,281 Were you in American Beauty and also American Pie 97 00:03:38,281 --> 00:03:39,741 in the same year? 98 00:03:39,741 --> 00:03:42,118 Did I simply not see you in those marvelous films? 99 00:03:42,118 --> 00:03:43,953 Did I miss your scenes? 100 00:03:43,953 --> 00:03:45,371 [snaps fingers] ‐ Hey, back on topic. 101 00:03:45,371 --> 00:03:47,415 What's the plan here? YOUNG MODOK: The plan is torture. 102 00:03:47,916 --> 00:03:50,376 You sit here and watch your father with these robots 103 00:03:50,376 --> 00:03:52,754 designed to tell him everything he wants to hear, 104 00:03:52,754 --> 00:03:54,088 things you would never say, 105 00:03:54,088 --> 00:03:55,632 so you can see how little he knows you 106 00:03:55,632 --> 00:03:57,508 and how replaceable you are to him. 107 00:03:57,508 --> 00:04:00,094 Now, I couldn't have made these robots alone‐‐ 108 00:04:00,094 --> 00:04:02,472 Well, I absolutely could have, but I didn't. 109 00:04:02,472 --> 00:04:03,514 I had help. 110 00:04:03,514 --> 00:04:06,351 From someone who might shock you! 111 00:04:06,351 --> 00:04:09,187 ♪ dramatic sting ♪ 112 00:04:10,688 --> 00:04:13,316 ‐ Ohh... uh, what‐his‐face. 113 00:04:13,316 --> 00:04:16,611 ‐ I bet you're wondering why I gave up your secrets and betrayed you. 114 00:04:16,611 --> 00:04:18,363 Me, the family's beloved robo‐‐ 115 00:04:18,363 --> 00:04:20,031 ‐ Roomba! It's Roomba! 116 00:04:20,031 --> 00:04:21,699 MELISSA: Aww, look at him eat. 117 00:04:21,699 --> 00:04:24,244 I love him. ‐ I miss him, and I love him. 118 00:04:24,244 --> 00:04:26,913 ‐ Oh, let's kill them now. ‐ I hadn't told them that part yet! 119 00:04:26,913 --> 00:04:28,790 Okay, so you heard him. Eventually going to kill you‐‐ 120 00:04:28,790 --> 00:04:32,085 ‐ Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you'd told them. 121 00:04:32,085 --> 00:04:34,629 ‐ It's fine, I‐‐ Ugh, I was close to saying it anyway. 122 00:04:35,296 --> 00:04:37,131 [clanking] 123 00:04:37,131 --> 00:04:37,966 Needles. 124 00:04:37,966 --> 00:04:40,468 Is it medicine? Oh no, it's poison! 125 00:04:40,468 --> 00:04:41,928 Aren't they achingly slow? 126 00:04:41,928 --> 00:04:44,681 It's actually a lot harder to do this than to have them go fast. 127 00:04:44,681 --> 00:04:46,474 The only one who can save you is MODOK. 128 00:04:46,474 --> 00:04:48,977 And he has no idea you're in danger. 129 00:04:48,977 --> 00:04:51,604 [laughter] He thinks you're right there, 130 00:04:51,604 --> 00:04:54,148 applauding him... do that. 131 00:04:54,148 --> 00:04:57,110 ‐ These robots are nothing like us. He's bound to figure it out. 132 00:04:57,110 --> 00:04:58,361 ‐ Ohh, you think? 133 00:04:58,361 --> 00:05:00,238 [eating noisily] 134 00:05:01,656 --> 00:05:03,408 MODOK: Ahhh, after all that breakfast, 135 00:05:03,408 --> 00:05:05,952 this crab salad is very refreshing. 136 00:05:05,952 --> 00:05:07,871 ‐ Hey, Dad, guess what? 137 00:05:07,871 --> 00:05:10,957 I no longer want to do weird, weird magic at my Bar Mitzvah. 138 00:05:10,957 --> 00:05:12,876 I'd like the ceremony to be AIM‐themed. 139 00:05:12,876 --> 00:05:13,918 ‐ That's my Lou! 140 00:05:13,918 --> 00:05:15,461 ‐ Let's start a family band 141 00:05:15,461 --> 00:05:18,006 like you've been suggesting for years, Dad! 142 00:05:18,006 --> 00:05:19,716 I'm not too cool for it anymore! 143 00:05:19,716 --> 00:05:21,467 ‐ More joyous news! 144 00:05:21,801 --> 00:05:24,637 ‐ Is this what he wishes we were like? 145 00:05:24,929 --> 00:05:27,557 ‐ Jodie! I'm ready for the soundproof bathroom now! 146 00:05:27,557 --> 00:05:28,474 I need it. 147 00:05:28,474 --> 00:05:30,727 ‐ It's so sexy that you know what you need‐‐ 148 00:05:30,727 --> 00:05:31,686 [stomach gurgling] ‐ Get out of my way! 149 00:05:32,854 --> 00:05:35,773 MELISSA: Okay, so Dad just keeps eating and eating and eating, 150 00:05:35,773 --> 00:05:37,817 but at some point he has to get full. 151 00:05:37,817 --> 00:05:39,777 ‐ Theoretically‐‐ ‐ And when he does, 152 00:05:39,777 --> 00:05:41,613 we have to somehow send him a message, 153 00:05:41,613 --> 00:05:44,032 let him know that's not us. 154 00:05:44,032 --> 00:05:45,033 ‐ We don't have a lot of time. 155 00:05:45,408 --> 00:05:48,953 Or maybe we do? I really can't clock the timing on these needles. 156 00:05:48,953 --> 00:05:51,039 Man, we are in a tight spot! 157 00:05:51,039 --> 00:05:53,666 ‐ Hey, you know who's really good at getting into tight spots 158 00:05:53,666 --> 00:05:54,709 and cleaning things up? 159 00:05:54,709 --> 00:05:56,127 ‐ A tiny maid! ‐ Roomba! 160 00:05:56,127 --> 00:05:59,047 ‐ Roomba's on the Wi‐Fi, and I have my GRUMBL Watch. 161 00:05:59,047 --> 00:06:00,465 [gasps] I have bars. 162 00:06:00,465 --> 00:06:01,633 Lou, can you reach it? 163 00:06:01,633 --> 00:06:02,550 [restraints stretching] 164 00:06:02,550 --> 00:06:04,052 ‐ Oh. Here, use my shoe! 165 00:06:04,385 --> 00:06:05,595 ‐ Ow, Mom! 166 00:06:05,595 --> 00:06:07,847 ‐ Oh, I'm so sorry, sweetie, that was a mistake. 167 00:06:08,681 --> 00:06:11,059 ‐ It's time to save our lives, Roomba. 168 00:06:11,059 --> 00:06:11,935 [sobs] 169 00:06:11,935 --> 00:06:14,354 Sorry, that shoe in the face really hurt! 170 00:06:14,854 --> 00:06:16,022 [tapping drumsticks] 171 00:06:16,022 --> 00:06:19,192 ♪ 172 00:06:19,192 --> 00:06:22,320 ‐ ♪ Sunshine on my jewel and I'm feelin' happy ♪ 173 00:06:22,320 --> 00:06:25,782 ♪ My family thinks I'm cool, they just love their pappy! ♪ 174 00:06:26,324 --> 00:06:28,660 ALL: (off‐key) ♪ Sha‐nah‐nah‐nah‐nah ♪ 175 00:06:28,660 --> 00:06:30,995 ♪ Sha‐nah‐nah‐nah‐nah! ♪ 176 00:06:30,995 --> 00:06:33,998 ♪ 177 00:06:34,582 --> 00:06:35,500 [clattering] 178 00:06:35,500 --> 00:06:38,253 ♪ 179 00:06:39,712 --> 00:06:41,297 ‐ Careful now. LOU: Okay. 180 00:06:41,548 --> 00:06:42,465 [grunts] 181 00:06:42,465 --> 00:06:45,260 ♪ 182 00:06:45,260 --> 00:06:47,804 ♪ 183 00:06:47,804 --> 00:06:48,513 Ha! 184 00:06:50,807 --> 00:06:51,474 [gasps] 185 00:06:53,685 --> 00:06:55,770 [whirring] 186 00:06:55,770 --> 00:06:58,481 ‐ Ohh! Okay. Now for the easy part. 187 00:06:59,440 --> 00:07:01,067 Getting the marbles. 188 00:07:01,067 --> 00:07:02,151 ♪ music continues ♪ 189 00:07:02,151 --> 00:07:04,362 MODOK: ♪ And that's why I look at things ♪ 190 00:07:04,362 --> 00:07:06,447 ♪ The sunshine way! ♪ 191 00:07:06,447 --> 00:07:09,409 Ah, that was so good! And our first time too! 192 00:07:14,080 --> 00:07:15,707 JODIE/MELISSA: Yes! ‐ Yeah! There we go. 193 00:07:15,707 --> 00:07:18,459 I'm so confident he'll get that I'm getting rid of the shoe. 194 00:07:18,459 --> 00:07:21,671 ‐ Ahh, kink in my neck from this keytar strap. 195 00:07:21,671 --> 00:07:24,966 Gotta stretch it out... by a‐lookin' at the ground. 196 00:07:24,966 --> 00:07:27,051 ‐ Wow! You're the best stretcher, Pappy! 197 00:07:27,051 --> 00:07:28,261 ‐ Aw, thanks, Son. 198 00:07:28,261 --> 00:07:30,763 Okay, down I go. See everyone shortly. 199 00:07:30,763 --> 00:07:31,639 ALL: Yes! 200 00:07:31,639 --> 00:07:34,809 ♪ 201 00:07:37,020 --> 00:07:37,979 ALL: No! 202 00:07:37,979 --> 00:07:40,273 ‐ What's up, baby? I was just about to stretch. 203 00:07:40,273 --> 00:07:42,317 ‐ I wrote a song of my own, Modie. 204 00:07:42,317 --> 00:07:44,903 ‐ I write the songs, but sure, okay. Sing it. 205 00:07:44,903 --> 00:07:46,613 ‐ ♪ Oh MODOK ♪ 206 00:07:46,613 --> 00:07:48,865 ♪ In me, sweet love, you do arouse ♪ 207 00:07:48,865 --> 00:07:52,410 ♪ Oh, can we two renew our vows ♪ 208 00:07:52,410 --> 00:07:54,787 ‐ Okay, so that's not catchy at all. 209 00:07:54,787 --> 00:07:56,289 Burt Bacharach can rest easy‐‐ 210 00:07:56,289 --> 00:07:58,041 Wait! You want to renew our vows? 211 00:07:58,041 --> 00:08:00,501 ♪ 212 00:08:02,295 --> 00:08:05,381 Ohh, baby, you ate shit hard! 213 00:08:07,425 --> 00:08:08,676 [all gasp] 214 00:08:09,427 --> 00:08:11,930 ‐ MODOK, will you marry me again 215 00:08:11,930 --> 00:08:14,349 gain‐gain‐gain‐gain‐‐ 216 00:08:14,349 --> 00:08:16,893 ‐ What the hell 217 00:08:16,893 --> 00:08:18,561 do you think I'm going to say? 218 00:08:18,561 --> 00:08:20,605 Of course I'll remarry you, Jodie! 219 00:08:20,605 --> 00:08:21,272 ‐ What? 220 00:08:22,857 --> 00:08:24,067 I love‐‐ [screams] [electricity crackles] 221 00:08:24,067 --> 00:08:25,151 I love‐‐ [screams] [electricity crackles] 222 00:08:25,318 --> 00:08:27,612 I love‐‐ [screams] [electricity crackles] 223 00:08:28,738 --> 00:08:32,116 ♪ 224 00:08:32,116 --> 00:08:34,410 ‐ Okay, so we're renewing our vows. 225 00:08:34,410 --> 00:08:36,538 What's the right kind of cake for that? 226 00:08:36,538 --> 00:08:38,331 There's a school of thought that says no cake at all, 227 00:08:38,331 --> 00:08:39,582 renewing your vows is stupid, 228 00:08:39,582 --> 00:08:41,417 it's a way for people late in their lives to cling to something 229 00:08:41,417 --> 00:08:43,211 that's obviously dead or dying. 230 00:08:44,003 --> 00:08:46,089 But I like strawberry and cream! 231 00:08:46,089 --> 00:08:48,299 [gears whirring, clanking] I know that face. 232 00:08:48,758 --> 00:08:51,010 You just want me to be happy. And I am! 233 00:08:51,010 --> 00:08:53,555 Happy we're so in sync with my opinions! 234 00:08:53,972 --> 00:08:56,808 ‐ Well, your father's going through a delusional psychotic break. 235 00:08:56,808 --> 00:08:58,184 We'll have to save ourselves. 236 00:08:58,184 --> 00:09:00,853 ‐ What if... I have a superpower and don't know about it? 237 00:09:00,853 --> 00:09:02,146 We're in a concrete cell. 238 00:09:02,146 --> 00:09:04,691 Like, what if I could harness the power of concrete in some way. 239 00:09:04,691 --> 00:09:07,402 ‐ Okay, let's look around the room. There must be something‐‐ 240 00:09:07,402 --> 00:09:09,612 ‐ If you have a superpower, how do you use it? 241 00:09:09,612 --> 00:09:12,323 Like, how do you activate it? ‐ There's no windows. No pipes. 242 00:09:12,323 --> 00:09:12,991 Where even are we? 243 00:09:12,991 --> 00:09:15,243 ‐ Does anyone know how you vibrate your pineal gland? 244 00:09:15,243 --> 00:09:17,120 That could be how I do it. ‐ Lou, honey, I don't‐‐ 245 00:09:17,120 --> 00:09:19,706 ‐ Concrete! Your master commands you! 246 00:09:19,706 --> 00:09:21,833 ‐ You don't have superpowers, idiot! 247 00:09:21,833 --> 00:09:23,293 ‐ Don't be rude to your brother, Melissa. 248 00:09:23,293 --> 00:09:24,586 He's only trying to help. 249 00:09:24,586 --> 00:09:27,589 ‐ There is a solution. And it's fairly obvious. 250 00:09:27,589 --> 00:09:29,799 Mom, you have to seduce Young Dad. 251 00:09:29,799 --> 00:09:30,884 ‐ Absolutely not. 252 00:09:30,884 --> 00:09:33,261 ‐ He looks just like Dad. You've done that before. 253 00:09:33,261 --> 00:09:34,721 ‐ Yeah, well, he's not Dad, okay. 254 00:09:34,721 --> 00:09:35,722 He's my captor, 255 00:09:35,722 --> 00:09:38,224 and seducing my captor isn't something I'm really into. 256 00:09:38,224 --> 00:09:39,893 Although in the right circumstances, 257 00:09:39,893 --> 00:09:43,605 I'd be down for a sexy spy scenario, that's just roleplay‐‐ 258 00:09:43,605 --> 00:09:46,024 ‐ My hands are bound, so I can't cover my ears. 259 00:09:46,024 --> 00:09:48,651 ‐ Also, young lady, you need to learn that a woman 260 00:09:48,651 --> 00:09:51,905 shouldn't have to resort to using her sexuality to solve a problem. 261 00:09:51,905 --> 00:09:54,532 ‐ Thanks for being such a great role model. 262 00:09:54,532 --> 00:09:57,619 It was especially great when you used your sexuality 263 00:09:57,619 --> 00:10:00,079 to trick Wonder Man into giving you free publicity. 264 00:10:00,079 --> 00:10:02,207 ‐ Well, I thought we were both using each other 265 00:10:02,207 --> 00:10:03,041 for sex and publicity! 266 00:10:03,041 --> 00:10:05,043 ‐ Why aren't there eyelids for ears? 267 00:10:05,043 --> 00:10:07,462 ‐ Oh, you weren't okay with me dating, that's what this is. 268 00:10:07,462 --> 00:10:09,672 ‐ It was way too soon after splitting with Dad! 269 00:10:09,672 --> 00:10:12,425 ‐ Well, I didn't hear you say anything about Wonder Man 270 00:10:12,425 --> 00:10:13,801 when he took you to the premiere of his movie, 271 00:10:13,801 --> 00:10:15,929 The Hunchback Quarterback of Notre Dame, The College! 272 00:10:15,929 --> 00:10:17,805 ‐ I had to see it! And it sucked! 273 00:10:17,805 --> 00:10:20,391 ‐ Stop it! Was the movie wrongheaded? Yes. 274 00:10:20,391 --> 00:10:22,143 Was it an ill‐conceived effort, ineptly made 275 00:10:22,143 --> 00:10:25,146 by a group of confused amateurs dipping their booms into every shot 276 00:10:25,146 --> 00:10:26,940 and still somehow managing to make it sound like 277 00:10:26,940 --> 00:10:28,858 the Hunchback Quarterback was underwater? 278 00:10:28,858 --> 00:10:31,611 Yes, but it was trying! 279 00:10:31,611 --> 00:10:35,156 And we need to be trying to get out of here! 280 00:10:35,156 --> 00:10:36,491 Dad needs us! 281 00:10:36,491 --> 00:10:39,827 ‐ Ohh, I wish you kids cut me as much slack as you do your father. 282 00:10:39,827 --> 00:10:41,037 ‐ Oh, I'm sorry, Mom. 283 00:10:41,037 --> 00:10:43,289 ‐ Mom literally gave you a peanut allergy 284 00:10:43,289 --> 00:10:44,958 and you're apologizing to her now? 285 00:10:44,958 --> 00:10:46,918 ‐ I have to make nice with Mom and Dad. 286 00:10:46,918 --> 00:10:49,546 It's just going to be us after you abandon me for college! 287 00:10:49,546 --> 00:10:52,340 And maybe, oh, I don't know, I wanted a peanut allergy! 288 00:10:52,340 --> 00:10:53,341 Thank you, Mom, for that. 289 00:10:53,341 --> 00:10:54,926 ‐ Oh, Lou, stick up for yourself. 290 00:10:54,926 --> 00:10:56,135 ‐ I'm sorry. You're right. 291 00:10:56,135 --> 00:10:57,929 ‐ Don't apologize to me, oh my God! 292 00:10:57,929 --> 00:10:59,722 ‐ Don't yell at him, he can't help it! 293 00:10:59,722 --> 00:11:00,765 ‐ Thanks, Melissa. 294 00:11:00,765 --> 00:11:04,310 ‐ Oh, shut up, you jellyfish. I'm basically a sociopath! 295 00:11:04,310 --> 00:11:07,438 JODIE: Do not tell that sweet, simple‐minded boy to shut up! 296 00:11:12,861 --> 00:11:13,903 [whirring] 297 00:11:18,783 --> 00:11:20,451 ‐ Oh! It's time! 298 00:11:21,411 --> 00:11:23,580 ‐ ♪ There he is ♪ 299 00:11:24,163 --> 00:11:26,875 ♪ Here he comes ♪ 300 00:11:27,166 --> 00:11:30,753 ♪ He's got the smile that is straight off the dial ♪ 301 00:11:30,753 --> 00:11:34,424 ♪ Can one woman tame him? ♪ 302 00:11:34,716 --> 00:11:36,217 ‐ Let's put our disagreements aside 303 00:11:36,217 --> 00:11:38,344 and think of a way to get to the needles faster. 304 00:11:39,137 --> 00:11:41,097 ‐ Jodie. We've had our ups and downs, 305 00:11:41,097 --> 00:11:43,391 but recently things have been all up, no down. 306 00:11:43,391 --> 00:11:44,809 And I love that. 307 00:11:44,809 --> 00:11:46,102 Our life together stretches in front of me, 308 00:11:46,102 --> 00:11:48,688 one long unceasing wave of happiness 309 00:11:48,688 --> 00:11:50,481 piness‐piness‐piness‐‐ 310 00:11:50,481 --> 00:11:51,357 ‐ What's happening? 311 00:11:51,357 --> 00:11:52,567 ‐ Piness‐piness‐‐ 312 00:11:52,567 --> 00:11:53,818 [whirring] 313 00:11:55,111 --> 00:11:57,739 Get ready for a surprise! 314 00:11:57,739 --> 00:11:59,240 [explosion booms] [Jodie, Melissa, Lou gasp] 315 00:11:59,240 --> 00:12:01,743 ‐ It wasn't really Dad! It was a robot! 316 00:12:01,743 --> 00:12:04,787 ‐ Wait, if that wasn't your father, where is he? 317 00:12:04,787 --> 00:12:05,872 [explosion booms] 318 00:12:05,872 --> 00:12:07,999 ‐ He's here! He's here to save us! 319 00:12:07,999 --> 00:12:10,084 [whirring, clanking] 320 00:12:10,084 --> 00:12:11,920 [alarm blaring] ‐ Kids! 321 00:12:11,920 --> 00:12:13,254 Let's find your father! 322 00:12:13,796 --> 00:12:15,673 I think the explosion came from this way. 323 00:12:15,673 --> 00:12:17,926 ‐ I told you Dad wasn't stupid enough 324 00:12:17,926 --> 00:12:19,594 to fall for a bunch of robots. 325 00:12:19,594 --> 00:12:21,387 ‐ Although we are, maybe? 326 00:12:21,387 --> 00:12:24,182 We were fooled by Dad's robot up until it exploded. 327 00:12:24,182 --> 00:12:26,684 ‐ Well, we just couldn't tell because it was on those little TVs. 328 00:12:27,101 --> 00:12:29,229 ALL: Yeah, if we were in a room with a robot, 329 00:12:29,229 --> 00:12:30,730 we'd definitely know. 330 00:12:31,064 --> 00:12:33,149 ‐ Melissa, Lou, Jodie, where are you? 331 00:12:33,149 --> 00:12:34,275 LOU: Dad! MELISSA: We're coming, Dad! 332 00:12:34,275 --> 00:12:35,652 JODIE: MODOK! ‐ Oh, thank god. 333 00:12:35,652 --> 00:12:37,362 Now I hear you, but I don't see you. 334 00:12:37,362 --> 00:12:39,864 Follow the sound of my voice. I'll just keep talking. 335 00:12:41,366 --> 00:12:43,409 God, I can't think of anything to say. 336 00:12:44,536 --> 00:12:45,787 Ahh, there you are. 337 00:12:45,787 --> 00:12:47,455 Now quick, we gotta get out of here. 338 00:12:47,455 --> 00:12:48,623 LOU 2: Dad! MELISSA 2: We're coming, Dad! 339 00:12:48,623 --> 00:12:49,958 JODIE 2: MODOK! MODOK: Huh? 340 00:12:49,958 --> 00:12:51,334 LOU 3: Dad! MELISSA 3: We're coming, Dad! 341 00:12:51,334 --> 00:12:52,293 JODIE 3: MODOK! 342 00:12:53,378 --> 00:12:56,756 YOUNG MODOK: Good. You're all finally together. 343 00:12:58,049 --> 00:13:00,552 MODOK and Families, hello, hello. 344 00:13:00,552 --> 00:13:02,595 Arcade and I, Arcade is here, 345 00:13:02,595 --> 00:13:04,597 would like to welcome you to 346 00:13:04,931 --> 00:13:06,891 Murder World! 347 00:13:08,393 --> 00:13:12,188 ♪ 348 00:13:12,188 --> 00:13:15,233 ‐ I hope you like being confused! 349 00:13:15,233 --> 00:13:18,945 [evil laughter] 350 00:13:19,946 --> 00:13:23,408 ♪ 351 00:13:23,408 --> 00:13:26,870 ‐ So, MODOK, I bet you're wondering who I am. 352 00:13:26,870 --> 00:13:30,665 ‐ No. I'm more interested in why I've got so many dang families right now! 353 00:13:30,665 --> 00:13:32,834 ‐ But you're also still wondering who I am. 354 00:13:32,834 --> 00:13:35,253 ‐ Ehh, judging from the chronocrystals stuck in your head, 355 00:13:35,253 --> 00:13:37,297 I'd say you're a time‐traveling version of me. 356 00:13:37,297 --> 00:13:39,132 ‐ That's... very annoying. 357 00:13:39,132 --> 00:13:40,717 ‐ I'm always tinkering with time travel. 358 00:13:40,717 --> 00:13:42,427 I'm surprised something like this hasn't happened before. 359 00:13:42,427 --> 00:13:43,928 ‐ What an unlikable attitude! 360 00:13:43,928 --> 00:13:46,556 ‐ But I bet you're wondering how I managed to track you down. 361 00:13:46,556 --> 00:13:49,559 ‐ No, you traced the robot signals I left for you to follow. 362 00:13:49,559 --> 00:13:51,394 I wanted you to be here. It was part of my plan! 363 00:13:51,394 --> 00:13:53,646 ‐ Then why was it so hard if you wanted me to come? 364 00:13:53,646 --> 00:13:54,647 I almost gave up! 365 00:13:54,647 --> 00:13:57,192 ‐ I think it's time to turn things over to the designer 366 00:13:57,192 --> 00:13:58,902 of the game we're about to play, 367 00:13:58,902 --> 00:14:02,572 a merciless mercenary and an absolute loony bird, 368 00:14:02,572 --> 00:14:03,865 Arcade! 369 00:14:03,865 --> 00:14:06,034 ‐ Hello, players! 370 00:14:06,534 --> 00:14:10,580 Thank you for the entertaining deaths you're about to suffer for me. 371 00:14:10,580 --> 00:14:14,500 It was a true pleasure to consult on this project with Young MODOK, 372 00:14:14,500 --> 00:14:17,754 which is why I charged him the entirely symbolic fee 373 00:14:17,754 --> 00:14:19,923 of one million dollars. 374 00:14:19,923 --> 00:14:21,382 [evil laughter] 375 00:14:21,382 --> 00:14:24,677 No really, i‐i‐it's all about the carnival‐esque death games for me. 376 00:14:24,677 --> 00:14:26,346 [machine whirring, clanking] 377 00:14:28,640 --> 00:14:31,100 ‐ I've been watching you bicker all day. 378 00:14:31,100 --> 00:14:33,519 It might feel good to pick up a weapon and take a swing at one another. 379 00:14:33,519 --> 00:14:36,022 ‐ But first my favorite part, 380 00:14:36,022 --> 00:14:39,692 explaining the elaborate nature of my game! 381 00:14:39,692 --> 00:14:42,779 All the real members of the MODOK family are in this room, 382 00:14:42,779 --> 00:14:45,865 mixed in with... robots! 383 00:14:45,865 --> 00:14:48,034 ‐ It's been so many robots already! 384 00:14:48,034 --> 00:14:51,621 ‐ These perfect robots believe that they are the real family members. 385 00:14:51,621 --> 00:14:53,540 ‐ You have 20 minutes to figure out 386 00:14:53,540 --> 00:14:56,209 which ones are robots and then to kill them! 387 00:14:56,209 --> 00:14:58,836 If you fail, or refuse to try, 388 00:14:58,836 --> 00:15:01,172 you will all be killed. 389 00:15:01,172 --> 00:15:02,215 [evil laughter] 390 00:15:02,215 --> 00:15:03,883 If you choose correctly, 391 00:15:03,883 --> 00:15:06,678 the final four will be allowed to leave Murder World 392 00:15:06,678 --> 00:15:09,013 in a small escape plane, 393 00:15:09,013 --> 00:15:13,142 courtesy of our partners at Airplane World! 394 00:15:13,142 --> 00:15:15,061 ‐ Let's start the timer! 395 00:15:15,061 --> 00:15:15,937 [beeping, bell dings] 396 00:15:15,937 --> 00:15:17,605 Find your real family. 397 00:15:17,605 --> 00:15:18,857 Oh, and to start you off, 398 00:15:18,857 --> 00:15:20,525 I'd like to give you a little clue: 399 00:15:20,525 --> 00:15:23,570 I have three torture chambers, my torture chambers three. 400 00:15:23,570 --> 00:15:26,447 In each, I placed two robots and a human abductee. 401 00:15:26,447 --> 00:15:29,242 ‐ Everyone, grab the two family members you came in with! 402 00:15:29,242 --> 00:15:31,494 That'll help us start figuring out who's who. 403 00:15:31,494 --> 00:15:32,620 ♪ carnival music playing ♪ LOU: Whoa! 404 00:15:33,288 --> 00:15:35,206 [Young MODOK cackling] 405 00:15:35,206 --> 00:15:36,457 [both grunting] 406 00:15:36,457 --> 00:15:37,292 Whoa! 407 00:15:38,585 --> 00:15:39,669 [clanging] 408 00:15:39,669 --> 00:15:41,296 [screaming] 409 00:15:41,296 --> 00:15:43,047 [grunting, screaming continue] 410 00:15:43,047 --> 00:15:45,633 ‐ Don't you hate it when the floor does that? 411 00:15:45,633 --> 00:15:47,886 ‐ [laughs] That spun them right round, baby, 412 00:15:47,886 --> 00:15:48,970 like a record! 413 00:15:48,970 --> 00:15:50,138 ‐ Can I say things too? 414 00:15:50,138 --> 00:15:51,764 ‐ No! ‐ Well, what'll I do now? 415 00:15:51,764 --> 00:15:53,641 ‐ I don't care. I don't need you anymore. 416 00:15:53,641 --> 00:15:55,977 ‐ Well, doesn't that sound familiar. 417 00:15:55,977 --> 00:15:57,353 [rumbling, clanking] 418 00:15:57,353 --> 00:15:58,813 JODIE 1: Oh, come on! 419 00:15:58,813 --> 00:16:00,815 ‐ You think I'm afraid of the dark? 420 00:16:00,815 --> 00:16:02,901 Me? Mr. Planetarium? 421 00:16:03,860 --> 00:16:05,195 ALL: Aw, crap. 422 00:16:05,195 --> 00:16:08,615 ‐ That's right! I took the liberty of adding two more MODOKs 423 00:16:08,615 --> 00:16:11,284 because I am frigging cuckoo for symmetry 424 00:16:11,284 --> 00:16:13,995 and I have got to have it! 425 00:16:13,995 --> 00:16:15,705 [buzzer sounds] 426 00:16:15,705 --> 00:16:18,583 ‐ Okay, everyone, pair off with the other versions of you 427 00:16:18,583 --> 00:16:20,043 and start checking each others' bodies. 428 00:16:20,043 --> 00:16:21,920 ‐ That's right. These robots might have, like, 429 00:16:21,920 --> 00:16:24,088 a USB port on their backs or something. 430 00:16:24,088 --> 00:16:26,633 ‐ Right. You might, for example. 431 00:16:26,633 --> 00:16:28,551 ‐ Sure, robot. Whatever you say. 432 00:16:28,551 --> 00:16:30,220 [giggling] 433 00:16:30,220 --> 00:16:33,014 ‐ Well, they look just like me. Or I look just like them. 434 00:16:33,014 --> 00:16:36,517 We all have that tattoo we've never regretted getting. 435 00:16:36,517 --> 00:16:39,729 ‐ I burned myself on a curling iron a couple days ago. 436 00:16:39,729 --> 00:16:41,773 ‐ Okay, so? 437 00:16:43,066 --> 00:16:45,944 [yelling] 438 00:16:49,697 --> 00:16:50,615 [buzzer sounds] 439 00:16:50,615 --> 00:16:52,450 ‐ Oh my God. 440 00:16:52,450 --> 00:16:54,702 ‐ The rest of you can't be certain like I am, 441 00:16:54,702 --> 00:16:57,205 but I knew I was the real one. 442 00:16:57,205 --> 00:17:00,625 ‐ But they thought they were the real one too. 443 00:17:00,625 --> 00:17:02,877 ‐ Uh, it's different with me. 444 00:17:02,877 --> 00:17:04,629 There's gotta be something in them. 445 00:17:04,629 --> 00:17:07,340 Lotta real‐looking stuff in here. 446 00:17:07,340 --> 00:17:09,551 Starting to think I may be the robot. 447 00:17:09,551 --> 00:17:11,177 Oh, here it is! Computer chips! 448 00:17:11,177 --> 00:17:12,095 [bell dings] 449 00:17:12,095 --> 00:17:17,517 ‐ Ooh! And the real Melissa has discovered the telltale chips! 450 00:17:17,517 --> 00:17:20,770 ‐ I'm the real one too, so let's get those chips out, babies! 451 00:17:20,770 --> 00:17:21,938 [laughing] JODIE: Lou, 452 00:17:21,938 --> 00:17:24,274 those weapons are sharp, I don't want you touching them. 453 00:17:24,274 --> 00:17:25,275 ‐ Whoops! 454 00:17:25,775 --> 00:17:28,027 ‐ No! ‐ I'm a real boy‐‐ 455 00:17:29,654 --> 00:17:30,655 ‐ Oh, thank God! 456 00:17:30,655 --> 00:17:34,075 ‐ Okay, we got a chip but, Lous, you're banned from the weapons. 457 00:17:34,075 --> 00:17:35,493 ‐ This is so unfair! 458 00:17:35,493 --> 00:17:38,538 ‐ What is the deal with this kid? Is he okay? 459 00:17:38,538 --> 00:17:42,125 ‐ Maybe we MODOKs should just go at it, trust the true MODOK will win. 460 00:17:42,125 --> 00:17:44,002 ‐ Oh, I like that. I like it a lot. 461 00:17:44,002 --> 00:17:46,254 ‐ Well, I love it. ‐ Are you going to marry it then? 462 00:17:46,254 --> 00:17:48,256 ‐ We can't just keep wittily topping each other. 463 00:17:48,256 --> 00:17:48,923 ‐ I can. 464 00:17:48,923 --> 00:17:50,258 ‐ Shut up! You die first! 465 00:17:50,258 --> 00:17:51,467 ‐ Stop! We can't do this. 466 00:17:51,467 --> 00:17:53,303 We have to talk to each other, 467 00:17:53,303 --> 00:17:54,554 ask each other questions. 468 00:17:54,554 --> 00:17:57,223 There has to be things we know that the robots don't! 469 00:17:57,557 --> 00:18:00,977 ‐ Let's start off easy, what is our anniversary? 470 00:18:00,977 --> 00:18:01,644 ‐ May 13th. 471 00:18:02,270 --> 00:18:04,522 ‐ Wrong, you robot! It's June 13th! 472 00:18:05,690 --> 00:18:07,192 ‐ It's May 13th. ‐ Yeah, it's May. 473 00:18:07,192 --> 00:18:08,318 ‐ Wait, wait, wait! 474 00:18:08,318 --> 00:18:10,403 ‐ Yes! I was wrong, but I got away with it! 475 00:18:10,403 --> 00:18:11,529 [Melissa yells] 476 00:18:13,072 --> 00:18:15,950 ‐ What? The one who got it wrong had to be the real Dad. 477 00:18:16,576 --> 00:18:17,619 See? 478 00:18:17,619 --> 00:18:19,704 ‐ [cackling] Even MODOK's beloved family 479 00:18:19,704 --> 00:18:21,789 knows what a disappointment he is! 480 00:18:21,789 --> 00:18:22,874 [bell dings] 481 00:18:22,874 --> 00:18:24,542 ‐ So we learned something there, right? 482 00:18:24,542 --> 00:18:26,419 They know every little thing that we know, 483 00:18:26,419 --> 00:18:28,796 but their recall is perfect instead of human? 484 00:18:28,796 --> 00:18:31,716 ‐ So if I answer a question right, you're going to think I'm a robot? 485 00:18:31,716 --> 00:18:33,885 ‐ And now that you've said that, if I answer wrong, 486 00:18:33,885 --> 00:18:35,470 you're probably going to think I'm a robot 487 00:18:35,470 --> 00:18:37,096 who's pretending to get it wrong. 488 00:18:37,096 --> 00:18:40,934 ‐ A nuanced and, I'll say it, elegant conundrum! 489 00:18:40,934 --> 00:18:44,354 ‐ A perfect time for multi‐ball! 490 00:18:44,354 --> 00:18:46,814 [evil laughter] 491 00:18:47,774 --> 00:18:49,692 ‐ There's no good answer, is there? 492 00:18:49,692 --> 00:18:52,654 All we really know is that we can't all escape. 493 00:18:52,654 --> 00:18:53,404 [sighs] 494 00:18:53,404 --> 00:18:54,572 Take care of each other. 495 00:18:54,572 --> 00:18:56,074 ‐ Wait, what are you doing? 496 00:18:57,116 --> 00:18:58,243 ‐ I loved you all. 497 00:19:01,538 --> 00:19:02,914 ‐ No! 498 00:19:02,914 --> 00:19:04,874 Damn you, giant pinballs! 499 00:19:04,874 --> 00:19:06,376 ‐ We could have figured it out. 500 00:19:06,376 --> 00:19:08,503 ‐ Lous... maybe you shouldn't see this‐‐ 501 00:19:08,503 --> 00:19:10,421 ‐ Get away from us, you horrible robot! 502 00:19:10,421 --> 00:19:11,673 Go oil your gears! 503 00:19:11,673 --> 00:19:13,883 ‐ Uhh, Dad? Look. 504 00:19:16,094 --> 00:19:19,222 ‐ Jodie? ‐ Oh please, is it so bad 505 00:19:19,222 --> 00:19:21,349 that I didn't commit suicide for you all? 506 00:19:21,349 --> 00:19:23,643 That's insane, okay. This family is sick. 507 00:19:23,643 --> 00:19:26,271 You can't find a standard high enough to hold me to. 508 00:19:26,271 --> 00:19:29,190 ‐ There's only one robot left to find, and it's a Lou! 509 00:19:32,360 --> 00:19:35,738 ‐ So... who's gonna kill a Lou? 510 00:19:35,738 --> 00:19:37,991 ‐ We're friends! ‐ You got that right, me! 511 00:19:37,991 --> 00:19:39,492 ‐ Oh, whoops. Ohh! 512 00:19:39,492 --> 00:19:42,412 ‐ I wish the third one was around. Whatever happened to that guy? 513 00:19:42,412 --> 00:19:43,413 [all laugh] 514 00:19:43,413 --> 00:19:45,206 ‐ We're not killing them. ‐ Such wieners. 515 00:19:45,206 --> 00:19:48,167 ‐ Frankly, I think there's been too much killing today. 516 00:19:48,167 --> 00:19:50,169 ‐ If you refuse to kill, you'll all die! 517 00:19:50,169 --> 00:19:51,170 Time is running out! 518 00:19:51,170 --> 00:19:53,715 ‐ There's still more than 15 minutes, actually. Should we wait? 519 00:19:53,715 --> 00:19:54,841 ‐ Fine by me. 520 00:19:57,677 --> 00:20:00,430 [popping] 521 00:20:00,430 --> 00:20:01,598 ‐ How are you going to kill us? 522 00:20:01,598 --> 00:20:03,308 When the, when the time's up. I'm just curious. 523 00:20:03,308 --> 00:20:06,352 ‐ Arcade has rigged up some giant pinball flippers. 524 00:20:06,352 --> 00:20:09,105 They'll... flip you to death, I think? 525 00:20:09,105 --> 00:20:10,523 ‐ That's correct. 526 00:20:10,523 --> 00:20:13,526 ‐ Right. Because you couldn't kill us without Arcade. 527 00:20:13,526 --> 00:20:15,111 You couldn't kill us by yourself. 528 00:20:15,111 --> 00:20:18,489 ‐ Ahh, excellent effort, MODOK, but I don't think‐‐ 529 00:20:18,489 --> 00:20:20,200 ‐ Stop the clock, Arcade. 530 00:20:20,200 --> 00:20:21,951 ‐ You're kidding me. ‐ I'm not! 531 00:20:21,951 --> 00:20:24,162 I'm gonna go down there and teach this old fool a lesson. 532 00:20:24,162 --> 00:20:27,332 ‐ This is a total breach of the rules of the game! 533 00:20:27,332 --> 00:20:28,958 I quit! 534 00:20:30,585 --> 00:20:33,254 I am a robot as well! [laughs] 535 00:20:33,254 --> 00:20:34,589 ‐ But why would‐‐ 536 00:20:34,589 --> 00:20:36,132 ‐ Or am I? 537 00:20:36,591 --> 00:20:39,344 ‐ Everyone stop paying attention to him. He's just gonna keep going. 538 00:20:39,344 --> 00:20:40,595 ‐ Ohh. 539 00:20:40,595 --> 00:20:44,015 ♪ 540 00:20:44,015 --> 00:20:47,185 ‐ Big mistake. I'm going to teach you a valuable lesson, you little punk. 541 00:20:47,185 --> 00:20:49,020 I'm older, wiser, and more dangerous‐‐ 542 00:20:49,020 --> 00:20:50,271 [gagging] 543 00:20:50,897 --> 00:20:53,399 ‐ But I'm the one who's been preparing for this. 544 00:20:53,399 --> 00:20:54,984 [groaning] 545 00:20:54,984 --> 00:20:56,319 ‐ Oh no, Dad! 546 00:20:56,319 --> 00:20:58,279 ‐ Mel, do something! ‐ Dad's dying. 547 00:20:58,279 --> 00:20:59,656 ‐ I... I‐‐ 548 00:20:59,656 --> 00:21:01,074 [groaning] 549 00:21:01,074 --> 00:21:02,116 [cackling] 550 00:21:02,951 --> 00:21:05,370 ‐ Oh, pathetic housewife, what do you think you're doing? 551 00:21:05,370 --> 00:21:08,164 ‐ God of Pilates, grant me usable strength. 552 00:21:08,164 --> 00:21:09,874 [groaning] 553 00:21:09,874 --> 00:21:11,167 [grunts] 554 00:21:11,167 --> 00:21:13,086 [panting] 555 00:21:13,086 --> 00:21:14,921 ‐ [gasps] Mommy? 556 00:21:18,258 --> 00:21:19,425 ‐ Can you fix him? 557 00:21:20,218 --> 00:21:22,428 ♪ 558 00:21:22,428 --> 00:21:24,681 [whirring] 559 00:21:24,681 --> 00:21:27,600 ♪ 560 00:21:29,811 --> 00:21:33,189 [whirring continues] 561 00:21:33,189 --> 00:21:34,691 ♪ 562 00:21:34,691 --> 00:21:35,441 ‐ Dad? 563 00:21:36,192 --> 00:21:38,653 ‐ You all... saved me. 564 00:21:40,488 --> 00:21:42,657 [Lou sobbing] 565 00:21:44,117 --> 00:21:44,951 [both muttering] 566 00:21:44,951 --> 00:21:47,328 [sighs] ‐ Oh God, I killed someone. 567 00:21:48,496 --> 00:21:52,250 ‐ So... should we get something to eat? 568 00:21:52,834 --> 00:21:55,587 ‐ Look, I'm Mom! Ahh! 569 00:21:55,587 --> 00:21:56,880 [all laugh] 570 00:21:56,880 --> 00:21:58,756 ‐ I didn't know you did Pilates, Mom. 571 00:21:58,756 --> 00:22:01,009 ‐ It's just very small movements. I'm doing it right now. 572 00:22:01,009 --> 00:22:01,759 ‐ Huh. 573 00:22:02,176 --> 00:22:03,887 Maybe I'm doing it right now too. 574 00:22:03,887 --> 00:22:06,264 ‐ Whoa, whoa, whoa, the word search goes diagonal too? 575 00:22:06,264 --> 00:22:08,725 ‐ "Appetizer." Could be a coincidence. 576 00:22:08,725 --> 00:22:11,352 ‐ Having two Lous is feeling very natural to me. 577 00:22:11,352 --> 00:22:13,938 ‐ Ohh. Well, you all left the base so fast, 578 00:22:13,938 --> 00:22:15,315 I didn't get a chance to talk to you, 579 00:22:15,315 --> 00:22:16,858 but I'm like, blah, 580 00:22:16,858 --> 00:22:18,318 sorry about betraying you or whatever. 581 00:22:18,318 --> 00:22:20,612 ‐ You betray us all the time. We just have to reset you. 582 00:22:20,612 --> 00:22:21,779 ‐ What‐‐ [powers down] 583 00:22:22,071 --> 00:22:24,115 Hey, it's the MODOKs! 584 00:22:24,115 --> 00:22:25,533 What are we doing, having dinner? 585 00:22:25,533 --> 00:22:26,868 ‐ Do you want to betray me now? 586 00:22:26,868 --> 00:22:29,454 ‐ Never! Why would I want to do that? 587 00:22:29,454 --> 00:22:31,331 Can I get chicken fingers? ‐ No. 588 00:22:32,916 --> 00:22:35,835 ‐ Oh, you'll pay for this. 589 00:22:35,835 --> 00:22:38,838 ♪ dramatic theme playing ♪ 590 00:22:38,838 --> 00:22:41,841 ♪ 591 00:22:48,264 --> 00:22:50,850 ♪ choir vocalizing ♪ 592 00:22:50,850 --> 00:22:53,853 ♪