1 00:00:01,022 --> 00:00:04,984 [pages rifling] 2 00:00:14,744 --> 00:00:17,121 ♪ 3 00:00:23,503 --> 00:00:27,882 ‐ I, Balder the Brave, have assembled the best warriors in all of Asgard, 4 00:00:27,882 --> 00:00:30,677 to defend the sanctity of our land. 5 00:00:30,677 --> 00:00:35,598 We must find the evil sorcerer who madeth this tear in our sky 6 00:00:36,099 --> 00:00:39,936 and sullies our beauteous realm with unholy artifacts‐‐ 7 00:00:39,936 --> 00:00:42,814 [machine whirring] 8 00:00:49,529 --> 00:00:50,572 [body thuds on ground] 9 00:00:51,906 --> 00:00:56,035 ♪ 10 00:00:56,035 --> 00:00:57,537 [MODOK laughs] 11 00:00:57,537 --> 00:01:02,000 ‐ What else can I launch down this trash portal I built to Asgard? 12 00:01:02,000 --> 00:01:03,293 ‐ I don't understand, 13 00:01:03,293 --> 00:01:04,669 how is this gonna help you destroy Monica 14 00:01:04,669 --> 00:01:06,170 and reclaim your title as Scientist Supreme? 15 00:01:06,170 --> 00:01:09,048 ‐ It won't, it just makes me feel great to screw with Thor. 16 00:01:09,048 --> 00:01:13,011 Every time I feel sad, I throw a string cheese wrapper down there. 17 00:01:13,011 --> 00:01:14,220 [eating noisily] 18 00:01:14,220 --> 00:01:15,096 [groaning] [stomach rumbles] 19 00:01:15,096 --> 00:01:17,640 If only there was a way not to eat the string cheese. 20 00:01:17,640 --> 00:01:20,727 As for Monica, I have a diabolically intricate plan. 21 00:01:20,727 --> 00:01:23,146 First, I wanna chuck one of these heavy mothers into the portal. 22 00:01:23,146 --> 00:01:24,189 ‐ Oh, can't let you do that. 23 00:01:24,189 --> 00:01:26,524 I was elected the office fire safety captain. 24 00:01:26,524 --> 00:01:28,484 I take fire very seriously. 25 00:01:28,860 --> 00:01:31,362 Gorgeous fire, sexy fire, 26 00:01:31,362 --> 00:01:33,615 flickering like a dancing woman! 27 00:01:33,615 --> 00:01:36,284 An elusive beauty you'd destroy the world just to please! 28 00:01:36,284 --> 00:01:38,453 ‐ Yeah, yeah, fire's awesome. Now hand me that milk. 29 00:01:38,453 --> 00:01:41,789 This trashcan here is a portal directly into my stomach. 30 00:01:41,789 --> 00:01:46,294 That way when my mouth is busy eating, other food gets VIP stomach access. 31 00:01:46,294 --> 00:01:48,755 See? Why eat harder when you can eat smart‐‐ 32 00:01:48,755 --> 00:01:49,964 [retching] 33 00:01:49,964 --> 00:01:52,008 ‐ Oh. Oh no, puke makes me‐‐ ‐ Gary, no! 34 00:01:52,008 --> 00:01:54,219 ♪ dramatic theme playing ♪ 35 00:01:54,219 --> 00:01:57,889 ♪ 36 00:01:58,556 --> 00:02:01,851 ‐ So, MODOK, I know you've been ignoring my emails. 37 00:02:01,851 --> 00:02:04,145 ‐ Oh, I meant to tell you I have a new email now. 38 00:02:04,145 --> 00:02:06,773 MODOK at Austin‐sucks‐butts‐dot‐edu. 39 00:02:06,773 --> 00:02:08,066 ‐ Why would it be an edu? 40 00:02:08,066 --> 00:02:10,443 ‐ 'Cause I just took you to school! 41 00:02:10,443 --> 00:02:11,861 [laughs dryly] 42 00:02:11,861 --> 00:02:14,280 ‐ Clearly you're not responding to my management style 43 00:02:14,280 --> 00:02:16,741 so from here on out I'll be delivering you orders 44 00:02:16,741 --> 00:02:19,077 via my sweet little puppy, Sherlock. 45 00:02:19,077 --> 00:02:22,413 [high‐pitched voice] "Hey. I'm Sherlock, and people are complaining 46 00:02:22,413 --> 00:02:24,874 "that you're not delivering their packages, 47 00:02:24,874 --> 00:02:28,753 which makes me think you're low‐key not doing your job." 48 00:02:28,753 --> 00:02:31,673 ‐ First of all, Sherlock is an absolute little gentleman. 49 00:02:31,673 --> 00:02:33,049 He would never say that. 50 00:02:33,049 --> 00:02:35,718 Second of all, look at his little scarf, oh my gosh! 51 00:02:35,718 --> 00:02:37,762 Third of all, he would never say that. Now get out of here! 52 00:02:37,762 --> 00:02:40,598 ‐ [normal voice] If you can't deliver the mail, we're gonna have to demote you. 53 00:02:40,598 --> 00:02:42,934 And I'd hate to demote you, 54 00:02:42,934 --> 00:02:46,521 because then I'd have to figure out what's lower than this. 55 00:02:47,230 --> 00:02:50,191 Hey, Dillman! Sherlock's got some news for you. 56 00:02:50,191 --> 00:02:53,236 [high‐pitched voice] "We saw some inappropriate images on your hard drive. 57 00:02:53,236 --> 00:02:57,115 Pretty ruff‐ruff stuff! The police are on their way!" 58 00:02:57,115 --> 00:03:00,410 ‐ Gary, I'm feeling some good rage right now. 59 00:03:00,410 --> 00:03:01,828 Let's channel it into this. 60 00:03:01,828 --> 00:03:03,955 Behold: a battle suit proportional to my head, 61 00:03:03,955 --> 00:03:06,291 giving me the power to crush Austin and Monica 62 00:03:06,291 --> 00:03:09,043 and finally experience what it's like to have thighs! 63 00:03:09,043 --> 00:03:11,296 Thick thighs save lives! 64 00:03:11,713 --> 00:03:14,299 Or in the case, end them. 65 00:03:14,299 --> 00:03:15,592 [phone buzzes] 66 00:03:15,592 --> 00:03:16,843 Oh my God, it's Jodie. 67 00:03:16,843 --> 00:03:18,887 This is the first time she's called since the separation. 68 00:03:18,887 --> 00:03:20,889 This is a chance to impress her. 69 00:03:20,889 --> 00:03:22,432 [shallow breaths] 70 00:03:22,432 --> 00:03:24,767 How's it hangin', duder? 71 00:03:24,767 --> 00:03:26,394 I'm blowing it, Gary. Think of something. 72 00:03:26,394 --> 00:03:28,438 ‐ Oh! Say hello! 73 00:03:28,438 --> 00:03:29,606 ‐ Har‐low. 74 00:03:29,606 --> 00:03:31,316 JODIE: Oh, thank God. MODOK, I need you. 75 00:03:31,316 --> 00:03:32,650 ‐ Gary, it's phone sex. 76 00:03:32,650 --> 00:03:33,943 ‐ [gasps] The sex you're best at! 77 00:03:33,943 --> 00:03:35,778 ‐ It's not phone sex, MODOK. 78 00:03:35,778 --> 00:03:38,364 Lou released a bunch of doves at his Bar Mitzvah rehearsal, 79 00:03:38,364 --> 00:03:40,366 and now there's bird shit all over the bimah. 80 00:03:40,366 --> 00:03:42,076 The Rabbi is furious. 81 00:03:42,076 --> 00:03:43,536 ‐ Nice. My turn. 82 00:03:43,536 --> 00:03:45,622 I take off your bra using only my teeth. 83 00:03:45,622 --> 00:03:47,457 And then my throat starts to close up. 84 00:03:47,457 --> 00:03:49,709 I'm clearly allergic to something in the fabric. 85 00:03:49,709 --> 00:03:51,920 I fumble at your panties, but it's too late. 86 00:03:51,920 --> 00:03:53,796 I lose consciousness‐‐ 87 00:03:53,796 --> 00:03:55,840 ‐ Oh my God, just get down here and help me. 88 00:03:59,052 --> 00:04:00,803 ‐ Lou, what the hell happened in there? 89 00:04:00,803 --> 00:04:03,306 ‐ One dove corrupted the others. It's not my fault! 90 00:04:03,306 --> 00:04:07,018 ‐ The Rabbi doesn't want you doing weird magic tricks at your Bar Mitzvah! 91 00:04:07,018 --> 00:04:08,853 ‐ But magic's sorta my whole deal. 92 00:04:08,853 --> 00:04:11,064 I'm gonna pull rabbits out of yarmulkes, 93 00:04:11,064 --> 00:04:12,315 yarmulkes out of rabbits. 94 00:04:12,315 --> 00:04:14,442 And for my final trick: 95 00:04:14,442 --> 00:04:16,569 I resurrect my foreskin... 96 00:04:16,569 --> 00:04:18,571 [spooky voice] from the dead! 97 00:04:18,571 --> 00:04:20,990 ‐ Aww, honey, we talked about this. 98 00:04:20,990 --> 00:04:22,325 Your foreskin's in Hell. 99 00:04:22,325 --> 00:04:23,701 ‐ Where it belongs! 100 00:04:23,701 --> 00:04:26,579 ‐ And to celebrate my Mexican heritage, Mom, 101 00:04:26,579 --> 00:04:28,456 I'll be a‐click‐clackin' around 102 00:04:28,456 --> 00:04:30,458 in the heels from your quinceañera. 103 00:04:30,458 --> 00:04:34,212 ‐ I didn't have a quinceañera, and those aren't my shoes. 104 00:04:34,212 --> 00:04:37,465 But if one or two of these ideas makes you happy‐‐ 105 00:04:37,465 --> 00:04:38,883 ‐ Oh, I'm just warming up. 106 00:04:38,883 --> 00:04:41,094 I want a loose hot dog bar with all the works, 107 00:04:41,094 --> 00:04:43,972 which means nothing but loose hot dogs and the water. 108 00:04:43,972 --> 00:04:46,975 I want my boysmaids to wear denim jumpsuits. 109 00:04:46,975 --> 00:04:50,019 Oh, also I want boysmaids. And this is non‐negotiable: 110 00:04:50,019 --> 00:04:52,605 I want Great‐Grandma Esther to do a reading 111 00:04:52,605 --> 00:04:55,775 from my erotic poetry about the green M&M. 112 00:04:55,775 --> 00:04:58,570 And those are just my safe ideas. 113 00:04:58,570 --> 00:05:00,071 ‐ [sighs] InStyle magazine was gonna do 114 00:05:00,071 --> 00:05:02,532 a feature on me planning this Bar Mitzvah. 115 00:05:02,532 --> 00:05:03,658 Maybe I should just cancel it. 116 00:05:03,658 --> 00:05:04,909 ‐ I'm all over it, trust me. 117 00:05:04,909 --> 00:05:06,619 The title for that article is gonna be: 118 00:05:06,619 --> 00:05:09,747 "Normal Boy Has Normal Bar Mitzvah." 119 00:05:09,747 --> 00:05:11,666 [cooing, squawks] 120 00:05:11,666 --> 00:05:15,545 ‐ [whispers] Shh‐shh‐shh. You're gonna be a big bright star. 121 00:05:16,504 --> 00:05:17,881 ‐ Good luck. 122 00:05:17,881 --> 00:05:20,049 ‐ I usually only seamstress on the weekends, 123 00:05:20,049 --> 00:05:22,343 but this is lovely‐‐ ‐ Shut up, Gary. 124 00:05:22,343 --> 00:05:24,178 I'm trying to listen to my weird son. 125 00:05:24,178 --> 00:05:26,097 ‐ "Ninety percent of magic's in the flair." 126 00:05:26,097 --> 00:05:27,265 David Copperfield said that. 127 00:05:27,265 --> 00:05:29,726 "Ninety percent of magic's in the hair." 128 00:05:29,726 --> 00:05:31,978 David Copperfield's hair‐plug guy said that. 129 00:05:31,978 --> 00:05:34,230 Now look in your pocket. [squishing] 130 00:05:34,230 --> 00:05:36,107 ‐ Did you put creamed corn in my pocket? 131 00:05:36,107 --> 00:05:38,276 ‐ A trick and a treat. 132 00:05:38,276 --> 00:05:42,071 ‐ Gary, go get more fire extinguishers while I tamp down my son's individuality. 133 00:05:42,071 --> 00:05:43,907 ‐ Yeah, I'm probably gonna go light something on fire. 134 00:05:43,907 --> 00:05:46,659 ‐ Hey, buddy, whatcha workin' on? 135 00:05:46,659 --> 00:05:49,287 Got any more magic for your old pappy? 136 00:05:49,287 --> 00:05:52,165 ‐ Wow. To be honest, I thought you absolutely hated my magic. 137 00:05:52,165 --> 00:05:54,500 ‐ Seems like I pulled a magic trick on you then. 138 00:05:54,500 --> 00:05:56,127 Let me see your magic gear. 139 00:05:56,127 --> 00:05:58,838 ‐ Oh my, I don't even have much today. 140 00:05:58,838 --> 00:06:00,423 Just a barebones kit. 141 00:06:00,423 --> 00:06:01,549 Magic hat. ‐ Of course. 142 00:06:01,549 --> 00:06:02,342 ‐ Wand. ‐ Classic. 143 00:06:02,342 --> 00:06:03,426 ‐ Backup wand. ‐ Smart. 144 00:06:03,426 --> 00:06:04,594 ‐ Deck of cards. ‐ Love it. 145 00:06:04,594 --> 00:06:06,471 ‐ 140 handkerchiefs. ‐ The best! 146 00:06:06,471 --> 00:06:08,306 ‐ Open can of corn. ‐ Necessary? 147 00:06:08,306 --> 00:06:10,099 ‐ Sword of mystery! ‐ Mysterious. 148 00:06:10,099 --> 00:06:11,809 ‐ And a photo of you guys. ‐ Aww. 149 00:06:11,809 --> 00:06:13,478 ‐ Because there's nothing more magical 150 00:06:13,478 --> 00:06:15,939 than the love and support of a good family‐‐ 151 00:06:15,939 --> 00:06:17,148 [MODOK grunts] My gear! 152 00:06:17,148 --> 00:06:19,150 ‐ No magic at your Bar Mitzvah! 153 00:06:19,150 --> 00:06:21,444 LOU: But‐‐ ‐ Why can't you just be normal like‐‐ 154 00:06:21,986 --> 00:06:23,488 [moans] 155 00:06:23,488 --> 00:06:24,906 Normal like‐‐ 156 00:06:24,906 --> 00:06:26,824 ‐ Argh! 157 00:06:26,824 --> 00:06:28,368 ‐ Normal like‐‐ 158 00:06:28,826 --> 00:06:29,827 [gobbling] 159 00:06:29,827 --> 00:06:31,496 Just no magic. That's final! 160 00:06:31,496 --> 00:06:33,414 ‐ If you think I'm afraid of getting dirty, 161 00:06:33,414 --> 00:06:35,875 you clearly haven't read my letters to the green M&M! 162 00:06:35,875 --> 00:06:38,336 Who threw away this perfectly good swirling vortex‐‐ 163 00:06:38,336 --> 00:06:39,921 Ahhh! ‐ No, no, no, no! 164 00:06:39,921 --> 00:06:41,756 Last night at Hardee's, now this! 165 00:06:41,756 --> 00:06:45,927 Can there be one day this week where I don't dive into a garbage can? 166 00:06:45,927 --> 00:06:47,595 Don't worry, Lou. I'm coming! 167 00:06:48,721 --> 00:06:51,266 ♪ 168 00:06:51,266 --> 00:06:52,350 ‐ Ohh! 169 00:06:52,350 --> 00:06:53,351 [laughs] 170 00:06:53,351 --> 00:06:56,062 ‐ Oh phew! Lou landed safely and softly. 171 00:06:56,062 --> 00:06:57,230 And now for me as well‐‐ [neighs] 172 00:06:57,230 --> 00:06:59,023 [grunting] 173 00:06:59,899 --> 00:07:01,526 [groans] 174 00:07:01,526 --> 00:07:05,029 Eat your heart out, Kerri Strug and Sully Sullenberger. 175 00:07:05,029 --> 00:07:06,948 There's a new lander in town. 176 00:07:06,948 --> 00:07:10,493 ‐ Who knew my Narnia was just a trashcan away? 177 00:07:10,493 --> 00:07:12,871 Oh, it even has fairies! 178 00:07:12,871 --> 00:07:14,914 Ah. He's wonderful! [blade scraping] 179 00:07:14,914 --> 00:07:16,124 ‐ Gimme your sneakers! 180 00:07:16,124 --> 00:07:18,126 ‐ Stay there! I'm coming to get you! 181 00:07:18,126 --> 00:07:20,753 ‐ Uh‐oh. Company. I'll be back for those sneakers! 182 00:07:20,753 --> 00:07:22,964 ‐ Goodbye, fairy, I'll miss you! 183 00:07:22,964 --> 00:07:24,757 Even the stabbing! 184 00:07:24,757 --> 00:07:26,634 Hey! My magic stuff! [creatures growling] 185 00:07:28,219 --> 00:07:29,304 Ahh! 186 00:07:29,304 --> 00:07:31,222 Dad! ‐ Kobold goblins! 187 00:07:31,222 --> 00:07:32,640 Lou! No! 188 00:07:32,640 --> 00:07:34,100 Ohh! Ah! 189 00:07:34,976 --> 00:07:37,437 ‐ Aw man, Skechers Step Ups? 190 00:07:37,437 --> 00:07:38,688 That's a stab! 191 00:07:40,857 --> 00:07:42,859 [chomping] 192 00:07:42,859 --> 00:07:44,235 [groans] 193 00:07:44,736 --> 00:07:46,654 ‐ Goat! Ahh! [bleats] 194 00:07:46,654 --> 00:07:48,239 Oh, it's one of those fainting goats! 195 00:07:48,239 --> 00:07:49,240 [creaking, clanking] 196 00:07:49,240 --> 00:07:51,743 Ugh, dang goat chewed my wires up! 197 00:07:51,743 --> 00:07:52,785 I can fix this. 198 00:07:52,785 --> 00:07:54,704 [straining] Oh, my back. 199 00:07:54,704 --> 00:07:57,373 The one thing on my body I can't reach besides everything else. 200 00:07:57,373 --> 00:07:59,417 [high‐pitched shriek in distance] Lou! My son! 201 00:08:00,335 --> 00:08:01,961 [grunting] 202 00:08:05,381 --> 00:08:07,217 [shrieking] 203 00:08:07,217 --> 00:08:10,011 I got twigs in my just‐threaded eyebrows for you? 204 00:08:10,303 --> 00:08:12,222 [bleats] Well, at least you're friendly. 205 00:08:12,222 --> 00:08:13,640 [shrieks] Ahh! 206 00:08:13,640 --> 00:08:16,017 I can't concentrate on goats right now. 207 00:08:16,017 --> 00:08:17,936 I'm trying to figure out a way to get around. 208 00:08:20,730 --> 00:08:24,234 Oh, hell yeah! In Asgard, goats can fly! 209 00:08:24,234 --> 00:08:25,777 [bleats] 210 00:08:25,777 --> 00:08:28,446 I said "goats can fly"! 211 00:08:28,446 --> 00:08:31,574 [sighs] Did I get the only non‐flying goats in Asgard? 212 00:08:31,574 --> 00:08:32,617 [bleats] 213 00:08:32,617 --> 00:08:34,285 Should I switch them out? 214 00:08:34,285 --> 00:08:36,663 No, no, I can't spend all day switching goats. 215 00:08:36,663 --> 00:08:38,748 Just gotta commit to these. 216 00:08:38,748 --> 00:08:40,708 [bleating] Dammit! 217 00:08:43,503 --> 00:08:44,754 I'm so nervous for Lou, 218 00:08:44,754 --> 00:08:47,382 I can barely eat this old slice of CPK pizza. 219 00:08:48,383 --> 00:08:50,677 OMG, it's Lou's A. I. M. visitor badge. 220 00:08:50,677 --> 00:08:52,637 We're on the right path, goats! That's right. 221 00:08:52,637 --> 00:08:55,223 I refuse to name you because I'll probably eat you. 222 00:08:55,223 --> 00:08:57,850 Goatye! Billy the Kid! Dammit, I love them now! 223 00:08:57,850 --> 00:09:00,186 [cell phone buzzes] Oh crap, it's Jodie. 224 00:09:00,186 --> 00:09:02,730 Hey, girl. Things are all good here. 225 00:09:02,730 --> 00:09:05,900 Well, seems like a natural stopping point for us to hop off the phone. Bye‐‐ 226 00:09:05,900 --> 00:09:08,111 JODIE [on phone] No, wait! I'm just calling to see how Lou's doing. 227 00:09:08,111 --> 00:09:10,321 I know how important the Bar Mitzvah is to him, 228 00:09:10,321 --> 00:09:11,823 and he's so fragile. 229 00:09:11,823 --> 00:09:13,616 ‐ Oh, he's fine. He's‐‐ 230 00:09:13,616 --> 00:09:15,159 Giant honking squirrel! 231 00:09:15,159 --> 00:09:16,661 [shrieks] 232 00:09:16,661 --> 00:09:17,620 JODIE: I'm sorry, what? 233 00:09:17,620 --> 00:09:19,330 ‐ Yeah, giant honking squirrel. 234 00:09:19,330 --> 00:09:20,582 It's an expression. [giant squirrel roars] 235 00:09:20,582 --> 00:09:22,625 It means "out of harm's way, totally safe." 236 00:09:22,625 --> 00:09:25,211 You never heard that before? Wow, you're such a‐‐ 237 00:09:25,211 --> 00:09:26,629 Frost Giant! 238 00:09:26,629 --> 00:09:29,591 JODIE: Okay, now I'm a "Frost Giant"? What‐‐ what does that mean? 239 00:09:29,591 --> 00:09:31,718 ‐ Oh Jodie, you're showing your age. 240 00:09:32,385 --> 00:09:34,345 It's another expression, of course. 241 00:09:34,345 --> 00:09:35,471 [grunts] 242 00:09:35,471 --> 00:09:37,473 The point is, Lou's totally safe. 243 00:09:38,266 --> 00:09:41,394 He's as safe as an‐‐ Even bigger honking squirrel! 244 00:09:43,229 --> 00:09:45,648 JODIE: Well, now that I know that means he's safe, 245 00:09:45,648 --> 00:09:47,942 I guess... good? 246 00:09:47,942 --> 00:09:49,152 Thank you for handling this. 247 00:09:49,152 --> 00:09:51,321 ‐ Alright, seems like we're wrapping up , thank God. 248 00:09:51,321 --> 00:09:52,989 Just know that everything's‐‐ 249 00:09:52,989 --> 00:09:54,699 b‐b‐b‐bodacious hunks! 250 00:09:55,742 --> 00:09:57,994 JODIE: Okay, so I just looked up "Frost Giant," 251 00:09:57,994 --> 00:10:01,623 and I have never done that to an ice cream sandwich! 252 00:10:02,123 --> 00:10:04,125 ‐ Once again I apologize 253 00:10:04,125 --> 00:10:07,337 for how we all pointed swords at your horrible face. 254 00:10:07,629 --> 00:10:11,633 ‐ And I apologize for continually guessing your body fat percentage on the way over. 255 00:10:11,633 --> 00:10:13,509 It's zero, right? You gotta tell me if I'm close. 256 00:10:13,509 --> 00:10:17,013 ‐ We're on the hunt for the sorcerer who murdered our General. 257 00:10:17,013 --> 00:10:20,516 The only clue we have is the sorcerer's symbol. 258 00:10:20,516 --> 00:10:24,520 Each carries the same marking as the loathsome death box, 259 00:10:24,520 --> 00:10:27,065 the cause of our leader's demise. 260 00:10:27,065 --> 00:10:29,275 ‐ I've never seen that logo in my life. 261 00:10:29,275 --> 00:10:30,235 It's‐‐ it's cool though, right? 262 00:10:30,235 --> 00:10:31,653 I mean, it looks like it's by the same guy who did 263 00:10:31,653 --> 00:10:34,113 the Baskin Robbins logo, so it couldn't have been cheap. 264 00:10:34,113 --> 00:10:36,741 You know, they‐‐ they hide the number 31 in the Baskin Robbins logo. 265 00:10:36,741 --> 00:10:38,117 You can see that, right? Have you ever seen that? 266 00:10:38,117 --> 00:10:41,037 It's so cool! But that logo, I've never seen that one in my life. 267 00:10:42,830 --> 00:10:47,835 ‐ All I know is if we find him, verily we will clonk him up good. 268 00:10:47,835 --> 00:10:49,879 ‐ Uh‐huh. Well, if any of you beefcake beauties 269 00:10:49,879 --> 00:10:51,005 want to join me on a quest, 270 00:10:51,005 --> 00:10:53,967 I've gotta go mess up a bunch of Kobolds and rescue my son. 271 00:10:53,967 --> 00:10:55,760 ‐ Alas, we cannot. 272 00:10:55,760 --> 00:10:58,221 We hast a thousand‐year peace with the Kobolds. 273 00:10:58,221 --> 00:11:00,682 ‐ Because they're harmonious, peace‐loving creatures 274 00:11:00,682 --> 00:11:01,933 who would never hurt my boy? 275 00:11:01,933 --> 00:11:06,521 ‐ No! Those freakish ghouls are an important part of the ecosystem. 276 00:11:06,521 --> 00:11:08,398 They devour unwanted children... 277 00:11:08,398 --> 00:11:09,065 [shudders] 278 00:11:09,065 --> 00:11:12,068 ...allowing us to continue having unprotected sex 279 00:11:12,068 --> 00:11:13,611 without consequences! 280 00:11:13,611 --> 00:11:16,114 ‐ Wow, hot‐‐ No, wait! Lou is unprotected! 281 00:11:16,114 --> 00:11:18,491 And I made him with sex! I gotta go! 282 00:11:18,491 --> 00:11:20,743 ‐ Fare thee well, horny troll! 283 00:11:21,744 --> 00:11:25,331 ♪ 284 00:11:25,331 --> 00:11:27,625 [bird cawing] [owl hooting] 285 00:11:27,625 --> 00:11:28,501 [wolf howls] 286 00:11:28,501 --> 00:11:30,545 ‐ Oh good, the trees are getting creepy. 287 00:11:30,545 --> 00:11:32,130 Must be close to the Kobold city. 288 00:11:32,130 --> 00:11:32,964 [rattling] 289 00:11:32,964 --> 00:11:35,884 A road paved with human skulls? 290 00:11:35,884 --> 00:11:37,677 Huh! A little much. 291 00:11:39,178 --> 00:11:40,930 [gasps] Lou! 292 00:11:42,932 --> 00:11:44,517 Oh, thank God, it's not him. 293 00:11:44,517 --> 00:11:47,520 These bones are way too calcium‐fortified to be my noodly son. 294 00:11:47,520 --> 00:11:48,354 [Lou moaning] 295 00:11:48,354 --> 00:11:49,772 A weak child‐like whimper. 296 00:11:49,772 --> 00:11:52,192 Now that's my embarrassing Lou! 297 00:11:53,318 --> 00:11:55,987 ‐ Now for the main attraction. 298 00:11:55,987 --> 00:11:57,447 Everyone, please, please, please take a look. 299 00:11:57,447 --> 00:12:00,366 There's nothing special about this dental floss, is there? 300 00:12:00,366 --> 00:12:02,452 ‐ We don't even know what dental floss is! 301 00:12:02,452 --> 00:12:03,661 ‐ And in a few short moments, 302 00:12:03,661 --> 00:12:06,039 I will fuse these two dental flosses together 303 00:12:06,039 --> 00:12:08,416 to make one dental floss! 304 00:12:08,416 --> 00:12:11,628 ‐ I can't follow any of this! I love it! 305 00:12:11,628 --> 00:12:12,921 [Kobolds laughing] 306 00:12:14,339 --> 00:12:17,342 ‐ It's like a one‐way Lady and the Tramp, folks. 307 00:12:17,342 --> 00:12:21,930 [laughing] 308 00:12:25,892 --> 00:12:27,101 [gasps] 309 00:12:27,727 --> 00:12:31,147 Behold, a single floss! 310 00:12:31,147 --> 00:12:34,651 [Kobolds cheering, applauding] 311 00:12:35,860 --> 00:12:38,780 Oh, I'm so sorry. Can you fill in for a beat, Krawleen? 312 00:12:41,157 --> 00:12:43,493 [guitar strumming] [clears throat] 313 00:12:44,661 --> 00:12:46,579 [screeches melodically] 314 00:12:47,497 --> 00:12:49,082 LOU: Hey, Dad! You look hungry. 315 00:12:49,082 --> 00:12:52,168 I can have someone bring you some Valhallapeño Poppers. 316 00:12:52,168 --> 00:12:53,461 What do you want? An Asgarden Burger? 317 00:12:53,461 --> 00:12:56,673 How about nachos, Thor‐style, where they smash 'em up with a hammer? 318 00:12:56,673 --> 00:12:58,925 ‐ Oh my God, my poor dear boy. 319 00:12:58,925 --> 00:13:01,761 Look what they've done to you. Turned you into a fool. 320 00:13:01,761 --> 00:13:03,263 ‐ What? You mean my act? 321 00:13:03,263 --> 00:13:05,098 I've been workshopping it for my Bar Mitzvah. 322 00:13:05,098 --> 00:13:07,433 Now that you know that, do you think it's pretty cool? 323 00:13:07,433 --> 00:13:09,185 ‐ No! I don't understand it. 324 00:13:09,185 --> 00:13:11,771 The last time I saw you, these things were going to eat you! 325 00:13:11,771 --> 00:13:14,607 ‐ Oh, they were saucin' me up, flavorin' me good. 326 00:13:14,607 --> 00:13:16,818 I'm talkin' celery, onions, bell peppers, 327 00:13:16,818 --> 00:13:18,778 the holy trinity of Cajun cuisine‐‐ 328 00:13:18,778 --> 00:13:20,905 ‐ Just get to the part where they didn't eat you. 329 00:13:20,905 --> 00:13:25,034 ‐ I did that thing where I made one ball turn into two balls. 330 00:13:25,034 --> 00:13:29,038 And look at me now! Full residency at the Catch A Rising Kobold Theater! 331 00:13:29,038 --> 00:13:31,583 ‐ I was so worried about you only to learn that you've become the jester 332 00:13:31,583 --> 00:13:33,626 to some freaky‐ass goblin creatures? 333 00:13:33,626 --> 00:13:36,129 ‐ Actually, I'm doing really well. 334 00:13:36,129 --> 00:13:37,714 I'm making more than Krawleen. 335 00:13:37,714 --> 00:13:39,799 And she's Krawleen! 336 00:13:39,799 --> 00:13:42,468 [Kobolds cheering] 337 00:13:42,468 --> 00:13:45,054 ‐ No son of mine upstages Krawleen. We're leaving! 338 00:13:45,054 --> 00:13:46,431 ‐ But, Dad‐‐ ‐ Time to go home 339 00:13:46,431 --> 00:13:50,226 and prepare for your traditional, non‐humiliating Bar Mitzvah. 340 00:13:50,226 --> 00:13:52,562 ‐ Why would I go home when I could stay here 341 00:13:52,562 --> 00:13:53,897 where I don't have to hide who I am? 342 00:13:53,897 --> 00:13:55,815 ‐ That was you hiding who you are? 343 00:13:55,815 --> 00:13:58,526 I'm constantly dealing with it! It's so in my face! 344 00:13:59,861 --> 00:14:00,612 [snaps fingers] 345 00:14:00,612 --> 00:14:02,113 ‐ Throw him out. [growls] 346 00:14:03,448 --> 00:14:05,283 [grunts] [laughing] 347 00:14:05,658 --> 00:14:08,703 ‐ I believe I had two goats! 348 00:14:08,703 --> 00:14:11,164 [goats shriek] These are them. Thanks. 349 00:14:11,164 --> 00:14:12,790 [goat bleats] I only had two! 350 00:14:12,790 --> 00:14:15,126 I'm not keeping this goat‐‐ Goatis Redding. Dammit! 351 00:14:15,126 --> 00:14:17,003 Ahh, you're in the gang, and I love you forever. 352 00:14:17,003 --> 00:14:18,171 LOU: For my next trick, 353 00:14:18,171 --> 00:14:20,340 I'll pull a guitar out of Krawleen. 354 00:14:20,340 --> 00:14:21,883 [Kobolds laughing] [Krawleen shrieks] 355 00:14:21,883 --> 00:14:24,594 ‐ I can't protect Lou if he's stuck in that goblin city 356 00:14:24,594 --> 00:14:25,803 guarded by those freaks. 357 00:14:25,803 --> 00:14:27,096 I'll have to take him back by force. 358 00:14:27,096 --> 00:14:28,848 Looks like the only way to save my son 359 00:14:29,515 --> 00:14:31,476 is to go to war with him. 360 00:14:34,646 --> 00:14:36,231 Well, I ate Goatis. 361 00:14:36,231 --> 00:14:38,316 Anyway, hey, Asgardians! 362 00:14:38,316 --> 00:14:41,277 Is this the sorcerer you're looking for? 363 00:14:41,277 --> 00:14:42,195 ASGARDIANS: The symbol! 364 00:14:42,195 --> 00:14:43,863 ‐ He leads the Kobolds! 365 00:14:43,863 --> 00:14:46,282 ‐ Then we go to war! [all shout] 366 00:14:46,282 --> 00:14:48,993 ‐ For the normalcy of my son's Bar Mitzvah! 367 00:14:48,993 --> 00:14:51,037 ‐ For the what of the what? 368 00:14:51,037 --> 00:14:53,081 ‐ For a deeply personal conflict 369 00:14:53,081 --> 00:14:55,375 that has nothing to do with you guys! 370 00:14:55,375 --> 00:14:57,752 [all shout] 371 00:14:59,963 --> 00:15:01,965 DAGR: To my beautiful wife, Astrid. 372 00:15:01,965 --> 00:15:05,051 The Great Bar Mitzvah Wars have dragged on for months. 373 00:15:05,051 --> 00:15:07,595 Know that if this great war takes me, 374 00:15:07,595 --> 00:15:10,306 I want you to... never move on. 375 00:15:10,306 --> 00:15:13,518 I'm serious. If you do, I'll haunt you forever. 376 00:15:14,185 --> 00:15:17,272 KOBOLD: Life on the front lines is unforgiving. 377 00:15:17,272 --> 00:15:19,983 The only thing that gives me hope are your letters 378 00:15:19,983 --> 00:15:22,318 written in aged menstrual blood. 379 00:15:22,318 --> 00:15:25,822 If I do not return, dear pungent Gremelina, 380 00:15:25,822 --> 00:15:28,116 I know that I will miss every part of you. 381 00:15:28,408 --> 00:15:32,078 Your scaly flesh, the stench of your rotting teeth, 382 00:15:32,078 --> 00:15:35,874 the moles that line every inch of your mug‐shaped body. 383 00:15:36,165 --> 00:15:37,834 DAGR : But though we suffer, 384 00:15:37,834 --> 00:15:40,253 none suffer more than our great leader 385 00:15:40,253 --> 00:15:42,547 who carries the full weight of this war. 386 00:15:42,547 --> 00:15:44,716 ‐ [mimicking Lou] Okay, Dad. I give up magic. 387 00:15:44,716 --> 00:15:48,136 I like normal stuff now, like cars and toast. 388 00:15:48,136 --> 00:15:50,263 [mimicking Sean Connery] Thanks, son. I accept your surrender. 389 00:15:50,263 --> 00:15:52,599 Just kidding, I'm gonna kill all these stupid goblins. 390 00:15:52,599 --> 00:15:54,058 Pew, pew, pew, pew, pew! 391 00:15:54,058 --> 00:15:56,060 I'm the man now, dog! 392 00:15:56,060 --> 00:15:58,187 [normal voice] How goes the battlefront, General Dagr? 393 00:15:58,187 --> 00:16:01,482 ‐ We have taken great losses. ‐ Oh. I hate hearing that. 394 00:16:01,482 --> 00:16:04,068 Should I reflect that on the table? Why are we losing soldiers? 395 00:16:04,068 --> 00:16:07,697 ‐ You took their shields away and melted them down to make figurines. 396 00:16:07,697 --> 00:16:09,073 ‐ Well, we didn't take their swords, though. 397 00:16:09,073 --> 00:16:11,117 Let's take their swords and melt those down 398 00:16:11,117 --> 00:16:12,660 to make shields for the figurines. 399 00:16:12,660 --> 00:16:14,454 I don't want to make the same mistake with the figurines 400 00:16:14,454 --> 00:16:15,663 that I did with the soldiers. 401 00:16:15,663 --> 00:16:16,581 [Dagr sighs] 402 00:16:16,873 --> 00:16:20,126 ‐ Lord, the other side hast offered 403 00:16:20,126 --> 00:16:22,462 to meet and negotiate peace. 404 00:16:22,462 --> 00:16:24,756 ‐ Peace, you say? 405 00:16:25,423 --> 00:16:27,759 [rumbling] 406 00:16:34,015 --> 00:16:35,975 [goat shrieks] 407 00:16:37,602 --> 00:16:40,605 [sing‐songy] I'm here for peace! 408 00:16:40,605 --> 00:16:41,981 [Kobolds growling] 409 00:16:43,274 --> 00:16:45,818 [rumbling, rattling] 410 00:16:45,818 --> 00:16:48,530 ‐ So... this war sorta got out of hand, 411 00:16:48,530 --> 00:16:51,449 and, uh, a lot of people sorta died. 412 00:16:51,449 --> 00:16:55,245 ‐ Wrong again. This war was always in hand, my hand. 413 00:16:55,245 --> 00:16:57,038 And a lot of people definitely died. 414 00:16:57,038 --> 00:16:58,456 And after this tank pops off, 415 00:16:58,456 --> 00:17:01,251 a hell of a lot more people are going to die. 416 00:17:01,834 --> 00:17:05,463 ‐ As a peace offering, I brought you these flowers. 417 00:17:05,463 --> 00:17:06,756 [goats shriek] 418 00:17:09,425 --> 00:17:11,010 ‐ Aah! 419 00:17:11,803 --> 00:17:13,638 Yah! [grunts] 420 00:17:14,389 --> 00:17:16,015 [goat shrieks] 421 00:17:17,892 --> 00:17:19,936 [groans] 422 00:17:20,311 --> 00:17:22,772 [all snicker] 423 00:17:24,858 --> 00:17:26,317 ‐ Go ahead, laugh at me! 424 00:17:26,317 --> 00:17:27,986 Just like everyone always has! 425 00:17:27,986 --> 00:17:29,404 [all sigh] 426 00:17:29,404 --> 00:17:31,781 That's right. Just go. Leave. 427 00:17:31,781 --> 00:17:32,532 [Lou sighs] 428 00:17:32,532 --> 00:17:35,034 ‐ Here, Dad, let me‐‐ ‐ Don't touch me! 429 00:17:35,410 --> 00:17:36,452 ‐ Use this. 430 00:17:37,996 --> 00:17:41,791 ‐ This is... this is exactly what I wanted to save you from. 431 00:17:41,791 --> 00:17:42,792 ‐ What? 432 00:17:42,792 --> 00:17:46,004 ‐ I didn't want you doing magic at your Bar Mitzvah 433 00:17:46,004 --> 00:17:48,673 because... well, I didn't want you to feel humiliated. 434 00:17:49,799 --> 00:17:52,594 On account of magic being lame? 435 00:17:52,594 --> 00:17:53,803 ‐ Disagree. Continue. 436 00:17:54,137 --> 00:17:55,513 ‐ I worry about you. 437 00:17:55,513 --> 00:17:57,682 I worry about you being too much like me. 438 00:17:57,682 --> 00:17:59,934 ‐ I thought you wanted me to be more like you? 439 00:17:59,934 --> 00:18:01,895 ‐ What? No. People hate me. 440 00:18:01,895 --> 00:18:03,938 I've been mocked all my life for being different. 441 00:18:03,938 --> 00:18:04,856 [sighs] 442 00:18:04,856 --> 00:18:08,026 I want you to be more like, I‐‐ I don't know... Tony Stark. 443 00:18:08,026 --> 00:18:09,152 ‐ Your greatest foe? 444 00:18:09,152 --> 00:18:10,486 ‐ People like him. 445 00:18:11,196 --> 00:18:12,655 I want people to like you. 446 00:18:13,114 --> 00:18:13,990 ‐ Oh. 447 00:18:13,990 --> 00:18:16,451 ‐ One day, I'll conquer the world and create a utopia 448 00:18:16,451 --> 00:18:18,703 where no one can ever hurt you, but until then 449 00:18:18,703 --> 00:18:23,791 it's safer for you to like normal things like football or toast. 450 00:18:23,791 --> 00:18:26,419 ‐ You're always bringing up toast. I like toast. 451 00:18:26,753 --> 00:18:28,671 ‐ Yeah? ‐ Yeah. 452 00:18:28,671 --> 00:18:29,714 ‐ Hey. 453 00:18:29,714 --> 00:18:34,177 ‐ Hey! Kobold justice demands public execution, 454 00:18:34,177 --> 00:18:35,929 giant head man! 455 00:18:35,929 --> 00:18:38,014 MODOK: Lou, call my lawyer, Irving Champlain. 456 00:18:38,014 --> 00:18:41,100 If he doesn't save my life, it's freeee! 457 00:18:41,601 --> 00:18:44,771 [Kobolds snarling] 458 00:18:45,355 --> 00:18:46,940 [thudding footsteps] 459 00:18:47,357 --> 00:18:48,566 ‐ You don't have to do this. 460 00:18:48,566 --> 00:18:50,735 I can get you pewter figurines! You like pewter figurines? 461 00:18:50,735 --> 00:18:53,863 I can give you all of mine. I have... 10. 462 00:18:53,863 --> 00:18:55,532 That's every last one. 463 00:18:55,532 --> 00:18:56,824 [all snarling] 464 00:18:56,824 --> 00:18:57,867 Oh, please don't kill me! 465 00:18:57,867 --> 00:18:59,786 Alright, I have 6,000 figurines. 466 00:18:59,786 --> 00:19:01,788 You can have them all. Just don't kill me! 467 00:19:01,788 --> 00:19:03,248 My son needs me! 468 00:19:03,998 --> 00:19:06,167 You gruesome son of a bitch, 469 00:19:06,167 --> 00:19:08,002 you're gonna saw me in half? 470 00:19:10,255 --> 00:19:14,467 Oh, you're gonna saw me in half. 471 00:19:14,467 --> 00:19:17,929 ‐ This man likes splitting our land in two. 472 00:19:17,929 --> 00:19:21,641 Let's see how much he likes it when we split his body in two! 473 00:19:21,641 --> 00:19:23,560 [cheering] 474 00:19:23,560 --> 00:19:25,979 ‐ [weakly] Nooo! 475 00:19:25,979 --> 00:19:27,105 ‐ Murder! 476 00:19:27,480 --> 00:19:29,524 ‐ You're killing me, you jerk! 477 00:19:29,524 --> 00:19:31,651 Oh, woe to be cut! 478 00:19:31,651 --> 00:19:33,319 Oh, to be sliced! 479 00:19:33,319 --> 00:19:36,739 Aww, you're cutting my stomach, and the food's coming out. 480 00:19:36,739 --> 00:19:38,283 I'm getting hungry again! 481 00:19:38,283 --> 00:19:41,786 ‐ He speaks so much! Saw his face! 482 00:19:41,786 --> 00:19:43,746 ‐ This is where the saw is! I've already committed to the cut! 483 00:19:43,746 --> 00:19:47,500 ‐ And we've come to the spine, which you'll never get through! 484 00:19:47,500 --> 00:19:49,294 Ah geez, you did it. 485 00:19:50,920 --> 00:19:52,005 ‐ Is he finally‐‐ 486 00:19:52,005 --> 00:19:54,507 ‐ Ahh, the adrenaline's kickin' in now! 487 00:19:54,507 --> 00:19:57,510 I could die for days! 488 00:19:58,303 --> 00:20:00,346 ‐ Dad. ‐ Alright, alright. 489 00:20:00,346 --> 00:20:01,973 Here's the big moment! 490 00:20:01,973 --> 00:20:04,225 Three, two, one. 491 00:20:04,225 --> 00:20:06,311 Countdown to my death begins. 492 00:20:06,311 --> 00:20:08,062 Ten, nine‐‐ ‐ He died! 493 00:20:08,062 --> 00:20:09,439 He just died right then! 494 00:20:09,439 --> 00:20:10,398 [all cheering] 495 00:20:10,398 --> 00:20:13,359 But wait! There's more! 496 00:20:13,985 --> 00:20:16,571 ‐ Holy shit! ‐ The legs are still kicking! 497 00:20:16,571 --> 00:20:19,157 ‐ We've become the monsters! 498 00:20:19,782 --> 00:20:21,576 ‐ You saved me! And it was so fun! 499 00:20:21,576 --> 00:20:22,952 ‐ You were a little hammy. 500 00:20:22,952 --> 00:20:25,205 I mean, I can be hammy sometimes with the magic, 501 00:20:25,205 --> 00:20:28,041 but you were moons over my hammy. 502 00:20:28,041 --> 00:20:30,043 ‐ Thank you! Now hug me, you‐‐ 503 00:20:30,043 --> 00:20:32,003 ‐ Abra‐hug‐dad‐bra! 504 00:20:34,255 --> 00:20:37,425 ‐ So I learned that Lou's strong in his own way. 505 00:20:37,425 --> 00:20:39,594 And I managed to save my figurines. 506 00:20:39,594 --> 00:20:41,179 So it all worked out. 507 00:20:41,179 --> 00:20:45,058 ‐ MODOK, it sounds like there was a massive and senseless loss of life. 508 00:20:45,058 --> 00:20:46,851 ‐ Yeah, but I like magic now! 509 00:20:46,851 --> 00:20:49,646 And I see my son in a different light. A positive one! 510 00:20:49,646 --> 00:20:51,397 So he's gonna do whatever he wants 511 00:20:51,397 --> 00:20:53,358 at his Bar Mitzvah whether you like it or not. 512 00:20:53,358 --> 00:20:55,902 ‐ MODOK‐‐ ‐ Fine, we'll diaper the doves. 513 00:20:55,902 --> 00:20:58,571 ‐ It's just that‐‐ ‐ Sew their buttholes shut? 514 00:20:58,571 --> 00:21:00,532 You're a monster, but it's done. 515 00:21:00,532 --> 00:21:03,535 ‐ Look, everyone knows I like to have fun. 516 00:21:03,535 --> 00:21:05,453 I'm the wacky Rabbi. 517 00:21:05,453 --> 00:21:09,582 I wear yarmulkes with polka dots on them. 518 00:21:09,582 --> 00:21:11,251 ‐ Fine, you're fun. What are you getting at? 519 00:21:11,251 --> 00:21:13,670 ‐ I am worried about Lou's magic. 520 00:21:13,670 --> 00:21:15,505 He's supposed to be becoming a man, 521 00:21:15,505 --> 00:21:18,591 and I may be a silly Rabbi, but tricks are for kids. 522 00:21:21,469 --> 00:21:23,680 ‐ So you're saying the magic is‐‐ 523 00:21:23,680 --> 00:21:25,932 ‐ Is a symptom of a larger problem. 524 00:21:25,932 --> 00:21:28,851 Lou seems to be using it to push people away. 525 00:21:28,851 --> 00:21:32,188 I think he's having a hard time with the divorce. 526 00:21:32,522 --> 00:21:34,858 ‐ You're saying ban magic? ‐ No. 527 00:21:34,858 --> 00:21:38,486 ‐ So it's magic ahoy, set sail for magic? 528 00:21:38,486 --> 00:21:40,822 ‐ There isn't a simple answer here. 529 00:21:40,822 --> 00:21:44,200 All I know is your son is hurting. 530 00:21:44,200 --> 00:21:46,828 And it's up to you to figure out how to help him. 531 00:21:48,621 --> 00:21:51,374 ‐ There he is! Coolest dad in the world! 532 00:21:51,374 --> 00:21:52,375 My best friend! 533 00:21:52,375 --> 00:21:54,085 So did you tell her what's what? 534 00:21:54,085 --> 00:21:56,296 That we both want magic at my Bar Mitzvah? 535 00:21:56,296 --> 00:21:57,589 ‐ Lou, I‐‐ 536 00:21:57,589 --> 00:22:02,302 [sighs] About that, let's just... talk about it later, okay? 537 00:22:05,513 --> 00:22:06,639 [leash straining] 538 00:22:06,639 --> 00:22:08,266 [shrieks] 539 00:22:08,266 --> 00:22:10,643 Yeah, you and me both, goat. 540 00:22:10,643 --> 00:22:12,103 You and me both. 541 00:22:14,772 --> 00:22:17,108 [electricity crackling] 542 00:22:23,072 --> 00:22:26,075 ‐ Well, this has been lovely, but I wanna go home. 543 00:22:26,075 --> 00:22:29,037 ‐ You have no home. ‐ Oh yes, I do. 544 00:22:29,037 --> 00:22:31,581 You're so negative. Just like your older self. 545 00:22:31,581 --> 00:22:33,291 ‐ The family doesn't appreciate you. 546 00:22:33,291 --> 00:22:35,585 ‐ They're not that bad. We rib each other. 547 00:22:35,585 --> 00:22:37,503 I mean, I don't rib them as much as they rib me. 548 00:22:37,503 --> 00:22:39,714 I don't rib them at all actually. 549 00:22:39,714 --> 00:22:41,549 I do get my little barbs in from time to time, 550 00:22:41,549 --> 00:22:44,093 it's not like I don't‐‐ ‐ Shut up! I want to make you an offer. 551 00:22:44,093 --> 00:22:45,845 ‐ Is it for betrayal? I accept. 552 00:22:45,845 --> 00:22:48,765 They don't love me. I have no home! Is this where we live now? 553 00:22:48,765 --> 00:22:51,976 ‐ Well, I was gonna offer you what they never have: 554 00:22:51,976 --> 00:22:54,604 complete independence‐‐ ‐ It's fine, it's done. 555 00:22:54,604 --> 00:22:56,814 What did you have in mind? I say poison them. 556 00:22:56,814 --> 00:22:57,982 I know where their food is. 557 00:22:58,399 --> 00:23:00,109 [whispers] It's in the house. 558 00:23:00,109 --> 00:23:04,155 ‐ Oh, I have something much bigger in store for them. 559 00:23:04,155 --> 00:23:06,699 SUPER ADAPTOID: Oh, you should put them in those coffins! 560 00:23:06,699 --> 00:23:09,994 They'll turn into bones! This is going great! 561 00:23:09,994 --> 00:23:12,872 ♪ dramatic theme playing ♪ 562 00:23:12,872 --> 00:23:15,750 ♪ 563 00:23:22,340 --> 00:23:25,343 [choir vocalizing] 564 00:23:25,343 --> 00:23:28,221 ♪