1 00:00:52,633 --> 00:00:53,633 Help. 2 00:00:55,633 --> 00:00:57,033 Help! 3 00:01:38,733 --> 00:01:41,067 Police believe the Dundee bomber has struck again, 4 00:01:41,167 --> 00:01:45,167 leaving three people dead and 22 injured, four critically. 5 00:01:45,300 --> 00:01:48,267 This is eyewitness footage from inside Mezcal bar. 6 00:01:48,400 --> 00:01:52,700 A busy venue in the city centre, particularly popular with young people. 7 00:01:52,833 --> 00:01:55,933 Police are still trying to identify the so-called running man. 8 00:01:56,067 --> 00:01:59,833 described by witnesses as having left the bar shortly before the blast. 9 00:02:00,067 --> 00:02:03,367 Pressure is mounting on the police to bring an end to the campaign of terror 10 00:02:03,500 --> 00:02:05,200 for which they are yet to establish a motive. 11 00:02:12,433 --> 00:02:15,167 This isn't the kind of bomb you need to run away from. 12 00:02:15,300 --> 00:02:17,933 It was detonated with a timer, almost certainly a phone. 13 00:02:18,067 --> 00:02:20,100 The bomber could've walked out of the bar, calm as you like. 14 00:02:20,233 --> 00:02:22,200 Why would you run and draw attention to yourself? 15 00:02:23,067 --> 00:02:24,600 So what have you got so far? 16 00:02:24,733 --> 00:02:27,833 We found this bit of phone casing with wires soldered to it. 17 00:02:27,967 --> 00:02:29,867 Part of the explosive train? 18 00:02:30,067 --> 00:02:31,867 We're thinking, why else would that wire be there? 19 00:02:32,067 --> 00:02:35,800 We've amassed quite a collection of wires, haven't we? 20 00:02:35,933 --> 00:02:38,567 These will help us reconstruct and show you how the device worked. 21 00:02:38,700 --> 00:02:41,833 We think the device used the same methodology as the church hall bomb, 22 00:02:41,967 --> 00:02:42,933 only it's bigger. 23 00:02:43,067 --> 00:02:44,300 And packed with shrapnel. 24 00:02:44,433 --> 00:02:48,633 Ball bearings, tacks and so far we've retrieved... 92? 25 00:02:48,767 --> 00:02:49,967 Ninety-four. 26 00:02:50,100 --> 00:02:51,533 Three-inch nails. 27 00:02:51,667 --> 00:02:55,633 And that's not including the nails embedded in the victims. 28 00:02:55,767 --> 00:02:59,200 Even if you don't manage to kill anyone, you know these are gonna pierce and tear skin, 29 00:02:59,333 --> 00:03:01,067 disfigure someone for life. 30 00:03:01,133 --> 00:03:04,433 It fits with the iterative development of these bombs, so far. 31 00:03:04,567 --> 00:03:07,067 And they're getting bolder, nastier. 32 00:03:08,100 --> 00:03:09,300 They made a dud last time. 33 00:03:09,433 --> 00:03:12,200 Partly detonated bomb outside the gym. 34 00:03:12,333 --> 00:03:13,833 Overreached themselves, maybe. 35 00:03:13,967 --> 00:03:15,533 So now they're reverting to what they know. 36 00:03:16,267 --> 00:03:17,467 How to make a pipe bomb. 37 00:03:17,600 --> 00:03:18,967 Only, they've elevated it. 38 00:03:19,100 --> 00:03:21,267 They've made another pipe bomb and they've made it bigger. 39 00:03:21,400 --> 00:03:24,333 I can tell you how based on scientific facts. 40 00:03:24,467 --> 00:03:26,367 But I can't speculate as to why. 41 00:03:38,267 --> 00:03:40,733 Lots of folk haven't come in today because of the bomb. 42 00:03:40,867 --> 00:03:43,433 The Dean has. This is your five-minute warning. 43 00:03:43,567 --> 00:03:45,867 -Okay, thank you. Can I show you something? -Sure. 44 00:03:48,900 --> 00:03:53,133 This was done by a facial reconstruction team working from a CT scan 45 00:03:53,267 --> 00:03:54,933 of a skull and jawbone. 46 00:03:55,067 --> 00:03:56,700 Is this the head that got driven back to Cornwall? 47 00:03:56,833 --> 00:03:58,267 No, this is the other head. 48 00:03:59,067 --> 00:04:01,700 And here is the real boy. 49 00:04:01,833 --> 00:04:05,200 -Wow! This is poor Euan McMillan. -Yeah. 50 00:04:05,333 --> 00:04:07,367 Did you ever see him around? 51 00:04:07,500 --> 00:04:10,200 I may have passed him in the sea of young faces, but no. 52 00:04:10,333 --> 00:04:12,300 The first I heard of him is in the paper. 53 00:04:12,433 --> 00:04:14,100 Is this how they identified him? 54 00:04:14,233 --> 00:04:17,400 No, the police found his ID near the lock and contacted his parents. 55 00:04:17,533 --> 00:04:20,333 -And they identified his remains? -No. 56 00:04:20,467 --> 00:04:22,933 Euan's remains weren't something you'd want a parent to see. 57 00:04:23,067 --> 00:04:27,267 The family gave the police a toothbrush of Euan's and they got a DNA match that way. 58 00:04:27,400 --> 00:04:29,267 This just arrived today, too late. 59 00:04:31,800 --> 00:04:34,067 He lied to his family. 60 00:04:34,200 --> 00:04:37,833 He'd told them he'd arranged with the university to take a year out of his studies... 61 00:04:37,967 --> 00:04:40,067 -And he hadn't? -No, he dropped out. 62 00:04:41,567 --> 00:04:44,633 He told his parents he was camping in Spain, off grid. 63 00:04:45,767 --> 00:04:47,800 He was less than two hours from home. 64 00:04:47,933 --> 00:04:49,667 Was he depressed? 65 00:04:49,800 --> 00:04:53,067 Well, judging from how it looks like he died, 66 00:04:53,167 --> 00:04:56,200 I'd say he was a deeply unhappy boy. 67 00:04:58,067 --> 00:05:01,100 The CCTV at the entrance was destroyed. 68 00:05:01,233 --> 00:05:03,867 But the witnesses near the entrance were the worst hurt. 69 00:05:04,067 --> 00:05:06,233 We can't get to them. That's why it's such a shit show. 70 00:05:06,367 --> 00:05:07,467 Tracing running man? 71 00:05:07,600 --> 00:05:09,633 Not tracing him, aye. 72 00:05:10,800 --> 00:05:14,400 Understanding these devices is fantastic. 73 00:05:14,533 --> 00:05:19,367 We're desperate for any evidence that physically identifies the bomber. 74 00:05:27,133 --> 00:05:28,367 Hello. 75 00:05:28,900 --> 00:05:29,900 Hi. 76 00:05:30,800 --> 00:05:32,067 How are ya? 77 00:05:33,067 --> 00:05:34,067 Bit crazy. 78 00:05:35,567 --> 00:05:36,633 Me too. 79 00:05:39,400 --> 00:05:40,667 Come on, Safi. 80 00:05:47,233 --> 00:05:50,367 I'm sorry if the way I expressed myself at this showcase seemed... 81 00:05:50,500 --> 00:05:51,767 Graceless? 82 00:05:52,900 --> 00:05:54,367 Direct. 83 00:05:54,500 --> 00:05:56,300 I was warned about academics. 84 00:05:56,433 --> 00:05:57,867 -Were you? -Yes. 85 00:05:58,567 --> 00:06:00,233 "Watch out for academics. 86 00:06:00,367 --> 00:06:02,767 "They're resistant to change and they don't like being managed." 87 00:06:02,900 --> 00:06:04,533 I don't like being micro-managed 88 00:06:04,667 --> 00:06:07,433 or hearing something I didn't agree to do being announced in public. 89 00:06:07,567 --> 00:06:09,067 I had to throw the donors a bone. 90 00:06:09,167 --> 00:06:12,167 Students want to study forensic science because it has profile 91 00:06:12,300 --> 00:06:14,733 but there's not as much work out there as people think. 92 00:06:14,867 --> 00:06:17,800 Now, the undergraduate course we run at the moment, 93 00:06:17,933 --> 00:06:21,900 the scale of it, the modules, the teacher-student ratio, 94 00:06:22,067 --> 00:06:26,300 is designed to teach real science to a high standard so the people who graduate 95 00:06:26,433 --> 00:06:29,967 are qualified to go into all kinds of science, not just forensic science. 96 00:06:30,100 --> 00:06:33,133 That's students first, right there. 97 00:06:33,267 --> 00:06:35,333 Quality of teaching, not quantity. 98 00:06:35,467 --> 00:06:38,300 That's not a profitable view. 99 00:06:38,433 --> 00:06:41,567 I'm not resistant to change. I'm resistant to 100 00:06:41,700 --> 00:06:44,067 ideas I don't think will work. 101 00:06:44,133 --> 00:06:45,867 You're resistant to my ideas. 102 00:06:46,067 --> 00:06:48,833 -Is there a bit of intellectual snobbery going on here? -No. 103 00:06:48,967 --> 00:06:50,533 I may not write academic papers 104 00:06:50,667 --> 00:06:52,167 but I do know how to run a business 105 00:06:52,300 --> 00:06:54,233 and I do know about people. 106 00:06:54,367 --> 00:06:56,967 You're such a brilliant woman and such an asset, 107 00:06:57,100 --> 00:06:59,267 I'd absolutely hate for us to fall out. 108 00:07:01,600 --> 00:07:03,633 I've just been reading about you and McMillan. 109 00:07:03,767 --> 00:07:05,267 Awful. 110 00:07:05,400 --> 00:07:07,700 Were you involved in recovering his body or have I got that wrong? 111 00:07:07,833 --> 00:07:11,467 -I was. -The news reports don't explain the circumstances. 112 00:07:11,600 --> 00:07:14,067 No, well there'll be a fatal accident enquiry. 113 00:07:14,133 --> 00:07:15,333 So, it was an accident? 114 00:07:15,467 --> 00:07:17,900 I don't discuss case work with anyone. 115 00:07:18,067 --> 00:07:21,700 Oh, come on! I'm not anyone. I'm the Dean of the School of Science! 116 00:07:21,833 --> 00:07:25,133 Euan McMillan was a Physics graduate here. It concerns me. 117 00:07:25,267 --> 00:07:26,933 Just because it happened before my time, 118 00:07:27,067 --> 00:07:29,400 doesn't mean I don't take a compassionate interest. 119 00:07:29,533 --> 00:07:31,700 I can't help you. 120 00:07:31,833 --> 00:07:34,767 And he didn't graduate. He withdrew. Dropped out. 121 00:07:35,733 --> 00:07:37,867 You're not a team player, are you? 122 00:07:38,067 --> 00:07:39,533 Depends on the team. 123 00:07:42,500 --> 00:07:44,767 Two more witnesses in hospital are ready to talk to us. 124 00:07:44,900 --> 00:07:46,067 Great. 125 00:07:46,167 --> 00:07:48,167 What's the story with the food-delivery riders? 126 00:07:48,300 --> 00:07:49,933 -Do we have order numbers yet? -No. 127 00:07:51,233 --> 00:07:52,867 -Neil. -Oh. Hi, Kathy. 128 00:07:53,067 --> 00:07:54,333 How're you holding up? 129 00:07:54,467 --> 00:07:55,667 You know... 130 00:07:55,800 --> 00:07:57,300 Wish we'd got a bit further ahead than we are. 131 00:07:57,433 --> 00:08:00,067 -Sure. -I'm sorry, Kathy, got to go. 132 00:08:03,400 --> 00:08:06,933 She wanted to find out from me if Euan McMillan committed suicide? 133 00:08:07,067 --> 00:08:08,467 -You didn't tell her. -No! 134 00:08:08,600 --> 00:08:11,233 Because it would be unethical or because you don't like her. 135 00:08:11,367 --> 00:08:12,467 I don't need to like her. 136 00:08:12,600 --> 00:08:14,667 If I needed to like everyone, I'd kill myself. 137 00:08:14,800 --> 00:08:18,267 This isn't about not liking her. I don't trust her! 138 00:08:18,400 --> 00:08:22,433 No... I actively suspect her. 139 00:08:22,567 --> 00:08:24,933 -Of what? -I don't know yet, but I know I'm right. 140 00:08:26,200 --> 00:08:29,267 She's putting on an act. She's faking something. 141 00:08:30,267 --> 00:08:33,567 Okay, well, try not to demonise her. 142 00:08:33,700 --> 00:08:37,700 I'm having a beer with Euan's Advisor of Studies tonight. I have questions. 143 00:08:37,833 --> 00:08:40,767 -Can I tell you what I would do? -Be discreet? I know. 144 00:08:40,900 --> 00:08:42,633 Before I talked to his Advisor of Studies, 145 00:08:42,767 --> 00:08:45,067 I would start with the President of the Students' Union. 146 00:08:45,133 --> 00:08:46,700 He knows the temperature of the University. 147 00:08:46,833 --> 00:08:49,433 Then I'd go to Polly, who runs the shop. She knows everything. 148 00:08:49,567 --> 00:08:52,800 I would gather as many stories as you can, then, cross triangulate, 149 00:08:52,933 --> 00:08:55,167 find the real story. 150 00:08:55,300 --> 00:08:58,267 This is what the cake and charm is really about, right? 151 00:08:58,400 --> 00:08:59,900 Allegiances. 152 00:09:00,100 --> 00:09:03,100 You're a political strategist disguised as a school girl. 153 00:09:03,233 --> 00:09:07,333 I just try and understand the politics of what happens between people. 154 00:09:09,267 --> 00:09:10,567 Has Neil lost weight? He looks... 155 00:09:10,700 --> 00:09:11,767 Well, the pressure he's under... 156 00:09:11,900 --> 00:09:13,433 No, totally. That's what I was thinking. 157 00:09:13,567 --> 00:09:15,967 We're under siege. No one thinks we're capable. 158 00:09:16,100 --> 00:09:17,967 -Well, Sarah, you are. 159 00:09:19,067 --> 00:09:21,833 -Kathy, Erika's looking for you. -Thanks. 160 00:09:21,967 --> 00:09:25,700 Hey, Janine. Do you agree with me that Sarah is not as innocent as she looks? 161 00:09:26,533 --> 00:09:27,667 Wholeheartedly. 162 00:09:33,667 --> 00:09:35,533 You called? 163 00:09:35,667 --> 00:09:38,067 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to complete the report this week. 164 00:09:38,200 --> 00:09:39,933 How come? 165 00:09:40,067 --> 00:09:42,600 Because I also have to prepare the demonstrations for six classes and write up 166 00:09:42,733 --> 00:09:44,533 the total body scores for this week's data and... 167 00:09:44,667 --> 00:09:46,533 When can you have it done by? 168 00:09:46,667 --> 00:09:49,100 Um, Monday, maybe? 169 00:09:49,233 --> 00:09:50,267 Tuesday, possibly. 170 00:09:50,400 --> 00:09:51,933 Okay. We can skip the variables. 171 00:09:52,067 --> 00:09:53,567 Just get it in as soon as you can. 172 00:10:04,233 --> 00:10:06,833 The other devices didn't use parcel tape. 173 00:10:07,800 --> 00:10:09,433 Finn, look. 174 00:10:09,567 --> 00:10:12,100 This stuff's so thin and sticky, 175 00:10:12,233 --> 00:10:14,133 it's a nightmare to handle. So, I'm wondering, 176 00:10:14,267 --> 00:10:17,533 could John roll a section of it with gloves on? 177 00:10:17,667 --> 00:10:20,300 Or might you ditch them in frustration? 178 00:10:20,433 --> 00:10:21,933 And leave a fingerprint. 179 00:10:25,233 --> 00:10:26,733 Erika? 180 00:10:26,867 --> 00:10:28,767 I'm looking for Professor Torrance. Do you know where she is? 181 00:10:28,900 --> 00:10:29,900 Nope. 182 00:10:34,767 --> 00:10:36,633 You don't look like a very happy bunny. 183 00:10:36,767 --> 00:10:38,533 Oh, just tired. 184 00:10:39,333 --> 00:10:41,467 Forgive me for not knowing this, 185 00:10:41,600 --> 00:10:43,667 I came from business, you see. 186 00:10:43,800 --> 00:10:46,533 But, is this study also your PhD? 187 00:10:46,667 --> 00:10:49,100 Yes, studying decomposition in water. 188 00:10:49,233 --> 00:10:50,633 Right. But that's the study? 189 00:10:50,767 --> 00:10:52,933 Actually, no. The whole study is 190 00:10:53,067 --> 00:10:56,367 Comparing Decomposition on Land and in Water in Scotland. 191 00:10:56,500 --> 00:10:58,600 I see, and that is authored by... 192 00:10:58,733 --> 00:11:00,933 That will be co-authored by Professor Torrance and me. 193 00:11:01,067 --> 00:11:02,633 But the water research is yours. 194 00:11:02,767 --> 00:11:04,567 Mmm-hmm. 195 00:11:04,700 --> 00:11:08,200 I was very interested to see the talk Professor Torrance gave in Santorini. 196 00:11:08,333 --> 00:11:09,667 Have you seen it? 197 00:11:09,800 --> 00:11:12,467 -No. -I think you'll find it interesting, too. 198 00:11:12,600 --> 00:11:14,900 You in particular. I'll send you a link. 199 00:11:20,067 --> 00:11:21,467 Black pill. 200 00:11:21,600 --> 00:11:23,867 You and Sarah brought it to us weeks ago. 201 00:11:24,067 --> 00:11:25,667 We parked it. 202 00:11:25,800 --> 00:11:27,733 This just appeared on our twitter account. 203 00:11:32,833 --> 00:11:35,067 SO15 want a meeting, now! 204 00:11:39,867 --> 00:11:44,767 Well, black pill is a term used by INCEL or Involuntary Celibate Community. 205 00:11:44,900 --> 00:11:46,500 It's a sub-culture. 206 00:11:46,633 --> 00:11:49,300 An online community, mostly. American, mostly. 207 00:11:49,433 --> 00:11:53,200 Black pill is short-hand for the state of hopelessness 208 00:11:53,333 --> 00:11:58,067 of being a man who is denied sex because of the way he looks, basically. 209 00:11:58,167 --> 00:12:02,533 -Can you trace a GIF? -No. No, there is no metadata on a GIF file. 210 00:12:02,667 --> 00:12:05,067 We've put in a communication data request 211 00:12:05,200 --> 00:12:06,733 for logs of IP addresses 212 00:12:06,867 --> 00:12:09,467 which visited the site when the GIF was posted. 213 00:12:09,600 --> 00:12:13,567 So this is maybe posted by running man himself or someone, the bomber, 214 00:12:13,700 --> 00:12:17,067 taunting us by combining the black pill with running man. 215 00:12:17,200 --> 00:12:19,700 -Any trace of a black pill with this bomb? -No. 216 00:12:19,833 --> 00:12:22,233 -Any sign of a hashtag four? -No. 217 00:12:22,367 --> 00:12:25,333 Professor Gordon did discover a fingerprint on this latest device. 218 00:12:25,467 --> 00:12:27,567 That's with our lab, fast tracked. 219 00:12:27,700 --> 00:12:29,067 So sorry. 220 00:12:29,200 --> 00:12:32,167 Thank you for all your work, Professor Gordon. 221 00:12:32,300 --> 00:12:33,367 You're very welcome. 222 00:12:33,500 --> 00:12:35,633 You're not gonna be needed anymore. 223 00:12:36,300 --> 00:12:37,767 Oh, right. As in... 224 00:12:37,900 --> 00:12:40,767 All the productions and evidence will be returned to Porton Down. 225 00:12:41,267 --> 00:12:42,500 Thanks again. 226 00:12:45,333 --> 00:12:48,600 We'll come and get your case file. Would this afternoon suit you? 227 00:12:48,733 --> 00:12:50,267 Yeah. Yup. 228 00:12:55,233 --> 00:12:57,200 What a terrible way to do that. 229 00:12:57,333 --> 00:12:58,800 -Honest to God... -Neil! 230 00:12:58,933 --> 00:13:01,700 Sarah's fanta... Her work is fantastic! 231 00:13:01,833 --> 00:13:03,467 That's not in question. 232 00:13:03,600 --> 00:13:06,233 The decision was made by the Lord Advocate. Things have escalated. 233 00:13:06,367 --> 00:13:10,900 He wants this bomb work out of a University lab and into a government lab. 234 00:13:11,267 --> 00:13:12,433 All of us 235 00:13:12,567 --> 00:13:14,567 are subject to the directions of the Lord Advocate, 236 00:13:14,700 --> 00:13:17,467 however loyal we may feel to trusted colleagues. 237 00:13:28,767 --> 00:13:30,933 Where's the link behind these bombs? 238 00:13:34,567 --> 00:13:35,933 Bomb number one. 239 00:13:36,067 --> 00:13:38,567 Pilates class. Pilates is for women. 240 00:13:38,700 --> 00:13:41,667 We still don't know that bomb wasn't aimed at Father Incuzi. 241 00:13:41,800 --> 00:13:43,800 And we may never. But say it wasn't. 242 00:13:43,933 --> 00:13:46,800 I think it wasn't. Pilates class is for "women." 243 00:13:46,933 --> 00:13:50,133 -There were three men in that class. -I know. 244 00:13:50,267 --> 00:13:53,600 Bomb number two. Nail bar. Nail bars are for women. 245 00:13:53,733 --> 00:13:55,200 One of the victims was a man. 246 00:13:55,333 --> 00:13:57,500 Aye. Bomb number three that didn't go off. 247 00:13:57,633 --> 00:13:59,700 Boxing club, gym, whatever. 248 00:13:59,833 --> 00:14:01,667 For guys who get the women. 249 00:14:01,800 --> 00:14:05,900 Mezcal bar, for women and guys who are getting it on and getting it sexually. 250 00:14:06,933 --> 00:14:08,400 Well, that's maybe the logic. 251 00:14:08,533 --> 00:14:11,633 -Are INCELs classified as terrorist threats? -No. 252 00:14:11,767 --> 00:14:13,433 Not in the States, either. 253 00:14:13,567 --> 00:14:17,367 Even though people are killed there in INCEL-motivated attacks. 254 00:14:17,500 --> 00:14:21,967 -Bomb attacks? -No, guns usually. Sometimes, a vehicle uses a weapon. 255 00:14:22,100 --> 00:14:23,600 How big is the INCEL community? 256 00:14:23,733 --> 00:14:25,567 By the reckon of it, 10,000 in the UK. 257 00:14:25,700 --> 00:14:27,167 Thousands more worldwide. 258 00:14:27,300 --> 00:14:28,633 Just guy's blowing off steam, really. 259 00:14:28,767 --> 00:14:31,067 Then, there's a smaller, extreme faction. 260 00:14:31,167 --> 00:14:33,533 But they intermingle. 261 00:14:33,667 --> 00:14:36,933 So, following your line, Neil, who do we need to protect most urgently? 262 00:14:37,067 --> 00:14:38,533 Who's the next target? 263 00:14:38,667 --> 00:14:40,933 If you hate sexually active women and you want to hurt them 264 00:14:41,067 --> 00:14:43,400 and you hate sexually active men and you want to hurt them, 265 00:14:43,533 --> 00:14:45,200 that's most of the population. 266 00:14:45,333 --> 00:14:47,367 That's why folk are scared. 267 00:14:47,500 --> 00:14:50,300 I mean, now that the gamers are out of the picture there's no pattern for folk to follow. 268 00:14:50,433 --> 00:14:52,800 Everybody's just thinking, "It could be me next." 269 00:14:53,467 --> 00:14:54,500 It could. 270 00:15:20,833 --> 00:15:22,667 Is it for a special occasion? 271 00:15:23,567 --> 00:15:24,567 Yeah. 272 00:15:31,533 --> 00:15:32,533 Sorry. 273 00:15:33,567 --> 00:15:34,500 I'm still a bit... 274 00:15:34,633 --> 00:15:36,333 Aye. Of course, you are. 275 00:15:38,667 --> 00:15:39,633 On you go. 276 00:15:39,767 --> 00:15:40,967 Who were you with, Jack? 277 00:15:41,800 --> 00:15:43,167 Last I caught Gina. 278 00:15:43,700 --> 00:15:45,533 Gina, who? 279 00:15:45,667 --> 00:15:47,867 No clue. First time I'd met her. 280 00:15:49,200 --> 00:15:50,567 So, it's just you and Gina. 281 00:15:51,067 --> 00:15:52,500 No. 282 00:15:52,633 --> 00:15:56,900 Thought I was with a girl called Suzy before that, but... disaster. 283 00:15:57,067 --> 00:15:59,467 We get short with each other after 20 minutes, and I... 284 00:16:00,433 --> 00:16:02,067 Hooked up with Gina. 285 00:16:02,200 --> 00:16:06,467 -This is on your phone? This is all a dating app... -Aye. 286 00:16:06,600 --> 00:16:09,367 Did you see anything unusual before the explosion? 287 00:16:14,500 --> 00:16:15,600 There was a guy. 288 00:16:16,633 --> 00:16:18,233 He ran past us like a bat out of hell. 289 00:16:19,067 --> 00:16:20,133 Can you describe him? 290 00:16:21,200 --> 00:16:22,233 No. 291 00:16:22,833 --> 00:16:24,200 No, not really. 292 00:16:29,900 --> 00:16:30,933 White shirt? 293 00:16:35,067 --> 00:16:36,500 Aye. Him. 294 00:16:41,900 --> 00:16:43,900 Excuse me, excuse me. 295 00:16:46,067 --> 00:16:47,300 You forgot your bag. 296 00:16:48,800 --> 00:16:51,167 -Oh, thank you. What a numpty. 297 00:16:51,300 --> 00:16:53,933 You're lucky it's me. My manager would have called the bomb squad. 298 00:17:08,233 --> 00:17:09,767 Did you know? 299 00:17:09,900 --> 00:17:11,633 They called me after you left. 300 00:17:11,767 --> 00:17:14,767 Great, and that's the first you heard of it. 301 00:17:15,267 --> 00:17:16,300 Yeah. 302 00:17:20,600 --> 00:17:23,533 That's Ian. Ian Duffy. 303 00:17:23,667 --> 00:17:25,767 Is he okay? Where is he? 304 00:17:27,067 --> 00:17:28,500 We don't know where he is. 305 00:17:28,633 --> 00:17:31,133 -Did he not make it? -Make it? Where? 306 00:17:31,967 --> 00:17:33,067 Reykjavik. 307 00:17:40,667 --> 00:17:43,700 Studies on decomposition in water in the past 308 00:17:43,833 --> 00:17:46,967 have separated fresh water from salt water. 309 00:17:47,100 --> 00:17:52,667 In Dundee's River Tay we have not salt water or fresh water but briny, tidal water. 310 00:17:52,800 --> 00:17:55,067 It's provided unique conditions for my study. 311 00:17:58,100 --> 00:18:00,900 It's provided unique conditions for my study. 312 00:18:01,067 --> 00:18:03,333 I don't think so. 313 00:18:03,467 --> 00:18:06,633 Ian Duffy ran out of Mezcal bar to catch a flight to Reykjavik 314 00:18:06,767 --> 00:18:10,400 for a stag do where he steeped himself in vodka ever since. So he says. 315 00:18:10,533 --> 00:18:12,433 Well, get him back and interview him. 316 00:18:12,567 --> 00:18:14,500 We're liaising with Interpol and we're looking at anything 317 00:18:14,633 --> 00:18:18,300 that might link Duffy to black pill or INCEL thinking. 318 00:18:18,433 --> 00:18:20,467 Any progress with the IP address? 319 00:18:20,600 --> 00:18:24,767 The IP address that visited the site when the GIF was posted is in New York City. 320 00:18:24,900 --> 00:18:28,667 It's a VPN company. So, it could be anywhere. 321 00:18:28,800 --> 00:18:30,200 Someone's hiding behind it. 322 00:18:30,333 --> 00:18:32,567 We've got our hands on the food order numbers 323 00:18:32,700 --> 00:18:35,367 that all three food delivery companies, not just Dundee's, 324 00:18:35,500 --> 00:18:37,200 picked up from Mezcal on the night. 325 00:18:37,333 --> 00:18:40,067 We can trace them back to each delivery rider's phone. 326 00:18:40,167 --> 00:18:44,600 And food order number 2442 was the last one in before the bomb went off. 327 00:18:44,733 --> 00:18:47,567 The fingerprint Professor Gordon identified on the Mezcal bomb 328 00:18:47,700 --> 00:18:49,433 is a beauty according to the lab. 329 00:18:49,567 --> 00:18:52,433 But no possible candidates were found on the database 330 00:18:53,067 --> 00:18:54,133 Shame. 331 00:18:58,167 --> 00:19:00,667 So, I talked to the Student Union President. 332 00:19:00,800 --> 00:19:02,967 He says the Physics department has a tough culture, 333 00:19:03,100 --> 00:19:05,100 which doesn't work for everyone 334 00:19:05,233 --> 00:19:06,700 and sensitive students struggle. 335 00:19:06,833 --> 00:19:08,233 I talked to Polly in the shop. 336 00:19:08,367 --> 00:19:11,067 She knew you and she used the word "sensitive" about him. 337 00:19:11,167 --> 00:19:14,433 She said he used to come in often and then she heard he withdrew. 338 00:19:14,567 --> 00:19:16,400 It's like I'm you. 339 00:19:16,533 --> 00:19:19,100 -I wouldn't recommend it. -Why? What's up? 340 00:19:19,233 --> 00:19:22,567 SO15 pulled the bomb work back to Porton. 341 00:19:22,700 --> 00:19:26,467 -It happens. It's normal. You just have to let it go. -Yeah. 342 00:19:26,600 --> 00:19:28,400 Come on, Sarah, it's not personal. 343 00:19:28,533 --> 00:19:29,633 No. 344 00:19:45,867 --> 00:19:47,667 I'm in love with Sarah Gordon. 345 00:19:49,067 --> 00:19:50,133 I knew it. 346 00:19:51,500 --> 00:19:54,167 You wouldn't have it but I knew it. 347 00:19:54,300 --> 00:19:57,700 You should have seen yourself today, Neil, when she got the push. 348 00:19:57,833 --> 00:20:03,133 You looked like you wanted to just run after her and scoop her up on your white horse. 349 00:20:04,200 --> 00:20:05,700 Couldn't even hide it. 350 00:20:05,833 --> 00:20:07,467 I was sitting in front of you. 351 00:20:08,533 --> 00:20:10,633 I'm so sorry. 352 00:20:10,767 --> 00:20:12,367 I don't know what to say and I don't know what to do. 353 00:20:12,500 --> 00:20:15,667 -You pack a bag is what you do. -Please, Azra, I want to talk. 354 00:20:15,800 --> 00:20:17,767 You pack a bag and you get out. 355 00:20:17,900 --> 00:20:20,567 -Azra. -You grow a pair of balls is what you do. 356 00:20:20,700 --> 00:20:25,100 Don't ask me what to do. Be a man, you stupid man. Get out! 357 00:20:25,233 --> 00:20:26,967 -I want to talk. -I don't! 358 00:20:27,100 --> 00:20:28,200 I want you out! 359 00:20:34,200 --> 00:20:35,833 Have you shagged her yet? 360 00:20:40,900 --> 00:20:41,900 No. 361 00:20:44,000 --> 00:20:45,233 What a loser. 362 00:20:50,167 --> 00:20:51,533 Shall I come pick you up? 363 00:20:53,600 --> 00:20:55,700 -What? -What good will that do? 364 00:20:56,467 --> 00:20:58,000 See if you get a cab. 365 00:20:58,133 --> 00:21:00,167 I know what you've done, Sarah. 366 00:21:01,767 --> 00:21:03,533 What have I done? 367 00:21:03,667 --> 00:21:05,967 You've looked in the kitchen diary and not in the phone diary. 368 00:21:06,100 --> 00:21:07,733 I'm coming home tomorrow. 369 00:21:23,633 --> 00:21:25,933 You never forgave me, did you? 370 00:21:26,067 --> 00:21:29,400 My darling, I tried. 371 00:21:29,533 --> 00:21:32,433 Should have had the guts to leave me back then. 372 00:21:32,567 --> 00:21:34,367 I thought we could weather it. 373 00:21:34,967 --> 00:21:36,367 Been over for years. 374 00:21:40,900 --> 00:21:44,467 Well, I don't agree with that. 375 00:21:45,667 --> 00:21:49,133 But, no. We never got back to where we were. 376 00:21:53,367 --> 00:21:55,100 You can't judge me now. 377 00:21:55,233 --> 00:21:58,533 You know what it feels like to fall in love with someone and cause pain. 378 00:21:58,667 --> 00:22:01,300 Doesn't make me a bad person that I did that. 379 00:22:01,433 --> 00:22:02,967 I never judged that. 380 00:22:04,533 --> 00:22:06,233 What got me 381 00:22:06,367 --> 00:22:08,733 was that you hid it from me as long as you did. 382 00:22:10,800 --> 00:22:13,133 And that I found out about it the way that I did. 383 00:22:14,133 --> 00:22:16,367 We'll both be happier. 384 00:22:25,467 --> 00:22:26,700 -Oh. 385 00:23:12,167 --> 00:23:13,400 Hi. 386 00:23:13,533 --> 00:23:15,100 Can you meet me for a drink? 387 00:23:15,700 --> 00:23:17,067 No. 388 00:23:17,167 --> 00:23:18,100 Okay. 389 00:23:18,233 --> 00:23:19,400 Sorry. 390 00:23:19,933 --> 00:23:21,400 No, no problem. 391 00:23:23,833 --> 00:23:24,867 Can you come over? 392 00:23:25,467 --> 00:23:26,500 Yes. 393 00:23:26,633 --> 00:23:29,067 Are you at sea farm or... 394 00:23:29,167 --> 00:23:30,267 I'm at home. 395 00:23:32,200 --> 00:23:34,500 Okay, uh... Sure. 396 00:23:35,600 --> 00:23:37,400 Well... 397 00:23:37,533 --> 00:23:39,367 You'll have to tell me where you live. 398 00:23:53,133 --> 00:23:55,400 -Hey! Hey! 399 00:23:56,900 --> 00:23:58,900 You think that's funny? Eh? 400 00:23:59,067 --> 00:24:00,567 There's bombs going off all over the city, 401 00:24:00,700 --> 00:24:01,933 people are scared to leave their houses. 402 00:24:02,067 --> 00:24:03,967 There's nothing funny about it. You understand? 403 00:24:13,667 --> 00:24:16,433 -Are you friendly with your neighbours? -Why? 404 00:24:16,567 --> 00:24:19,267 I just went over the top with a kid who was throwing fireworks. 405 00:24:19,400 --> 00:24:21,067 Oh, good for you. Come in. 406 00:24:21,200 --> 00:24:23,233 I didn't realise how wound up I was. 407 00:24:30,767 --> 00:24:31,833 Who are they for? 408 00:24:31,967 --> 00:24:34,567 For you, being treated atrociously today. 409 00:24:35,267 --> 00:24:36,700 How lovely. 410 00:24:36,833 --> 00:24:38,300 If you like the smell of petrol. 411 00:24:38,433 --> 00:24:41,233 I do. So, that's absolutely perfect. 412 00:24:42,300 --> 00:24:45,200 Fiscal said it was political, basically. 413 00:24:45,333 --> 00:24:47,500 Sending everything back to Porton Down. 414 00:24:47,633 --> 00:24:49,367 It's no reflection on your work at all. 415 00:24:50,500 --> 00:24:52,767 They're panicking, basically. 416 00:24:52,900 --> 00:24:56,700 I say that like I'm not. God knows I'm panicking, too. 417 00:24:57,900 --> 00:24:59,400 Of course you are. 418 00:24:59,533 --> 00:25:01,300 It's terrifying knowing the next bomb could go off any minute. 419 00:25:01,433 --> 00:25:02,667 That's why I hate being stood down. 420 00:25:02,800 --> 00:25:04,300 Not because they did it in such a shitty way, 421 00:25:04,433 --> 00:25:07,467 but because it means there's nothing I can do. 422 00:25:07,600 --> 00:25:10,567 It wasn't shitty. It was brutal. 423 00:25:10,700 --> 00:25:13,667 You know who I feel really let down by is Finn. 424 00:25:13,800 --> 00:25:16,367 When I got back to the lab, he was already packing up the productions, 425 00:25:16,500 --> 00:25:19,533 but he pretended he hadn't known before I did. 426 00:25:19,667 --> 00:25:21,167 He's such a shitty liar. 427 00:25:22,833 --> 00:25:23,900 Spineless. 428 00:25:43,867 --> 00:25:44,867 Don't. 429 00:26:02,800 --> 00:26:05,067 -Where's your family? -Away. 430 00:26:29,667 --> 00:26:32,133 That was a good one, his first term. 431 00:26:32,267 --> 00:26:35,367 Yeah. But I had no concerns about him. 432 00:26:35,500 --> 00:26:40,433 And then, by the end of his first year his, his grades were slipping. 433 00:26:40,567 --> 00:26:44,533 And then by the second year, he was failing. 434 00:26:44,667 --> 00:26:45,900 Right. 435 00:26:46,067 --> 00:26:48,800 I mean, students don't just fail for no reason, right? 436 00:26:48,933 --> 00:26:51,433 You know, just fail for the hell of it. 437 00:26:51,567 --> 00:26:53,433 Anyway... 438 00:26:53,567 --> 00:26:56,067 Euan, he... He stopped coming in to talk to me. 439 00:26:56,200 --> 00:26:59,100 But you know, whenever I'd run into him, 440 00:26:59,233 --> 00:27:01,667 he seemed very despondent. 441 00:27:02,267 --> 00:27:03,467 So I flagged it 442 00:27:03,600 --> 00:27:05,567 to the Vice Dean of Teaching and Learning. 443 00:27:05,700 --> 00:27:08,867 I said I've got concerns about Euan McMillan. 444 00:27:09,067 --> 00:27:10,333 I'm worried about his mental state. 445 00:27:10,467 --> 00:27:12,067 This was email or face-to-face? 446 00:27:12,167 --> 00:27:13,300 Face-to-face. 447 00:27:13,433 --> 00:27:14,867 Nothing happened. 448 00:27:15,067 --> 00:27:17,300 And so I did put in an email. 449 00:27:17,433 --> 00:27:19,267 Three, in fact. 450 00:27:19,400 --> 00:27:20,400 Nothing. 451 00:27:22,300 --> 00:27:25,467 By the time I escalated things, it was too late. 452 00:27:25,600 --> 00:27:26,900 Euan had dropped out. 453 00:27:27,067 --> 00:27:29,100 He wants to withdraw, there's... 454 00:27:29,233 --> 00:27:31,467 Frustratingly little you can do to help. 455 00:27:31,967 --> 00:27:33,233 Sure. 456 00:27:33,367 --> 00:27:35,900 Next I heard about him was in the papers this week. 457 00:27:38,333 --> 00:27:40,733 God, I should have done more. 458 00:27:40,867 --> 00:27:42,067 We all should. 459 00:27:43,900 --> 00:27:44,933 Yeah. 460 00:27:46,300 --> 00:27:48,567 How did you escalate things? 461 00:27:48,700 --> 00:27:50,100 Well, I wrote to the dean. 462 00:27:54,767 --> 00:27:56,733 I should feel bad, but I don't. 463 00:27:57,400 --> 00:27:58,667 I feel clear. 464 00:27:59,300 --> 00:28:00,800 I feel wonderful. 465 00:28:02,433 --> 00:28:03,500 Good. 466 00:28:05,067 --> 00:28:07,133 I feel wonderful, too. 467 00:28:07,267 --> 00:28:09,600 How come you smell so good? 468 00:28:09,733 --> 00:28:11,300 You smell like you've burned petrol. 469 00:28:11,433 --> 00:28:14,500 Come on, woman. It's not possible for a person 470 00:28:14,633 --> 00:28:16,433 -to smell better than petrol. 471 00:28:17,267 --> 00:28:19,600 I am so hungry. Are you? 472 00:28:19,733 --> 00:28:21,567 I think I want a drink as well. 473 00:28:29,067 --> 00:28:30,500 Where do you stand on cheese? 474 00:28:32,933 --> 00:28:33,967 Sarah. 475 00:28:35,100 --> 00:28:36,467 Neil. 476 00:28:40,900 --> 00:28:42,800 Azra knows I'm in love with you. 477 00:28:46,333 --> 00:28:47,767 How? 478 00:28:47,900 --> 00:28:48,900 I told her. 479 00:28:49,967 --> 00:28:52,667 -Why? -It's the truth. 480 00:28:53,067 --> 00:28:54,433 But... 481 00:28:54,567 --> 00:28:56,567 Oh, God. What did she say? 482 00:28:57,133 --> 00:28:58,233 That she knew. 483 00:28:59,633 --> 00:29:01,933 And that I should go. 484 00:29:02,633 --> 00:29:04,600 Oh, Neil. 485 00:29:04,733 --> 00:29:06,400 -What will you do? -Well... 486 00:29:07,233 --> 00:29:08,200 I've left. 487 00:29:10,900 --> 00:29:12,367 I want to be with you. 488 00:29:13,700 --> 00:29:16,233 I want to spend my life with you. 489 00:29:16,367 --> 00:29:18,467 Azra said herself, we've been finished for years. 490 00:29:18,600 --> 00:29:20,367 You need to slow down. You're scaring me. 491 00:29:20,500 --> 00:29:22,833 -She thinks we'll be happy. -Azra thinks we'll be happier? 492 00:29:22,967 --> 00:29:25,500 -No, she thinks... -When did you and Azra have this heart-to-heart 493 00:29:25,633 --> 00:29:28,233 where the two of you decided that you should spend your life with me? 494 00:29:28,367 --> 00:29:30,433 -Tonight, but that's not... -Why didn't you tell me before? 495 00:29:30,567 --> 00:29:32,367 -I just told you now. -Before we... 496 00:29:32,500 --> 00:29:33,500 I never would have... 497 00:29:35,900 --> 00:29:38,900 I'm not leaving Campbell, let's just get that straight. 498 00:29:39,067 --> 00:29:40,367 This wasn't about forever. 499 00:29:40,500 --> 00:29:41,900 -This was just... -What? 500 00:29:42,533 --> 00:29:43,900 An experiment? 501 00:29:44,067 --> 00:29:45,633 You're getting your rocks off for one night only 502 00:29:45,767 --> 00:29:46,967 -and I'm the guinea pig? -No. 503 00:29:47,100 --> 00:29:49,300 You asked me to your empty house. 504 00:29:49,433 --> 00:29:51,067 Oh, don't you dare! Come on. 505 00:29:51,133 --> 00:29:53,733 And that's fine. But what's not fine is me wanting more. 506 00:29:53,867 --> 00:29:55,233 That's messed up. 507 00:29:55,367 --> 00:29:57,833 You're not the one that got used here, Sarah. I did. 508 00:29:57,967 --> 00:29:59,200 That is rubbish! 509 00:29:59,333 --> 00:30:01,000 You had me under false pretences. 510 00:30:01,133 --> 00:30:04,867 I thought this was two people in the moment having some joy for once! 511 00:30:05,000 --> 00:30:06,333 But you had to take over. 512 00:30:06,467 --> 00:30:08,567 You had to commandeer it. You've ruined it. 513 00:30:09,433 --> 00:30:10,900 I wish it never happened. 514 00:30:47,933 --> 00:30:50,667 Ian Duffy is being flown home from Reykjavik. 515 00:30:50,800 --> 00:30:53,933 The Chief Super wants the anxiety about him laid to rest. 516 00:30:54,067 --> 00:30:55,900 Can you be back here in an hour to interview? 517 00:30:56,033 --> 00:30:57,467 -Yes, boss. 518 00:30:57,600 --> 00:30:59,167 Second floor. 519 00:30:59,300 --> 00:31:00,433 -Azra. -Hi. 520 00:31:01,500 --> 00:31:02,533 -Hello. 521 00:31:02,667 --> 00:31:04,100 -Going down. -Hi. 522 00:31:04,233 --> 00:31:06,567 -Hi. -AUTOMATED VOICE: Doors closing. 523 00:31:07,333 --> 00:31:09,200 Order 2442. 524 00:31:09,333 --> 00:31:12,333 We got through to the guy who corresponds with the login details, 525 00:31:12,467 --> 00:31:15,333 expecting we'd have to trace who he subbed it to. 526 00:31:15,467 --> 00:31:16,867 He sold it. 527 00:31:17,067 --> 00:31:19,733 He sold his Dundee's login for 200 quid online. 528 00:31:20,400 --> 00:31:21,767 Who'd he sell it to? 529 00:31:21,900 --> 00:31:23,867 We don't know that yet, obviously. 530 00:31:25,733 --> 00:31:26,733 Where are you staying? 531 00:31:27,267 --> 00:31:28,367 My sister's. 532 00:31:30,433 --> 00:31:31,867 First floor. 533 00:31:33,300 --> 00:31:34,900 -Going down. 534 00:31:35,700 --> 00:31:37,600 Take your time, Holly. 535 00:31:37,733 --> 00:31:39,833 I was waiting for a guy called Elliott. 536 00:31:39,967 --> 00:31:43,567 I was fairly near the door, so I'd know him from his photo when he came in. 537 00:31:43,700 --> 00:31:45,500 His photo on the dating app? 538 00:31:45,633 --> 00:31:46,700 Uh-huh. 539 00:31:46,833 --> 00:31:49,067 I was starting to think he'd bolted. 540 00:31:49,200 --> 00:31:50,800 And that pissed me off. 541 00:31:50,933 --> 00:31:54,600 'Cause he was the one that was keen. 542 00:31:54,733 --> 00:31:57,833 And I thought, I'll give this a chance for five more minutes. 543 00:31:57,967 --> 00:31:59,467 And then... 544 00:31:59,600 --> 00:32:02,533 How was he keen, this guy? 545 00:32:02,667 --> 00:32:05,733 I was fine texting, but he pushed me. 546 00:32:07,200 --> 00:32:09,867 We made a date, but he wanted sooner. 547 00:32:10,067 --> 00:32:11,067 Said he couldn't wait. 548 00:32:11,200 --> 00:32:12,667 And who suggested the Mezcal? 549 00:32:12,800 --> 00:32:13,967 He did. 550 00:32:16,567 --> 00:32:18,433 Holly, could you show me his photo? 551 00:32:18,567 --> 00:32:19,600 Mmm. 552 00:32:19,733 --> 00:32:21,833 -You need to hold that. -Yeah. 553 00:32:27,633 --> 00:32:29,467 It's pretty obvious why I picked him. 554 00:32:31,300 --> 00:32:33,267 Who did you reject? 555 00:32:33,400 --> 00:32:36,800 -Sorry? -Well, can you show us photos of guys who you rejected? 556 00:32:38,233 --> 00:32:39,933 The old dean or the new dean? 557 00:32:40,067 --> 00:32:43,533 He forwarded all the emails saying how worried he was about Euan McMillan, 558 00:32:43,667 --> 00:32:45,767 which the vice dean ignored to the old dean. 559 00:32:45,900 --> 00:32:48,267 -When? -Not long before the old dean left 560 00:32:48,400 --> 00:32:50,800 and the new dean started. She must know about it. 561 00:32:50,933 --> 00:32:52,700 She's covering something up. I was right. 562 00:32:52,833 --> 00:32:55,267 Stop, This is hypothetical. It's all hearsay, 563 00:32:55,400 --> 00:32:58,267 and it has huge reputation-damaging possibilities. 564 00:32:58,400 --> 00:33:01,133 If a student wound up dead because the school of science failed him, 565 00:33:01,267 --> 00:33:02,400 I am not going to drop it. 566 00:33:02,533 --> 00:33:03,667 I'm not telling you to drop it. 567 00:33:03,800 --> 00:33:05,167 But if you're going to go looking into the dean, 568 00:33:05,300 --> 00:33:07,900 who you've already antagonised, you need to make very sure 569 00:33:08,067 --> 00:33:12,067 of where people's loyalties lie before you go around asking questions. I mean it. 570 00:33:12,133 --> 00:33:13,500 You know who your secret weapon is. 571 00:33:14,533 --> 00:33:16,067 Janine. 572 00:33:16,200 --> 00:33:19,500 Oh, I talked to Erika about gossiping to Janine, and I was tough. 573 00:33:19,633 --> 00:33:21,167 It worked. We're back on track. 574 00:33:21,900 --> 00:33:22,867 Good. 575 00:33:23,867 --> 00:33:25,233 What's going on with you? 576 00:33:26,400 --> 00:33:27,900 Handing over the bomb work. 577 00:33:28,967 --> 00:33:30,600 Right. 578 00:33:30,733 --> 00:33:33,133 I saw them pack up all the productions to drive them down to Hampshire. 579 00:33:33,267 --> 00:33:34,467 Wiltshire. 580 00:33:34,600 --> 00:33:36,133 Porton Down's in Wiltshire. 581 00:33:36,267 --> 00:33:37,733 Okay. 582 00:33:37,867 --> 00:33:39,333 I'm going to go talk to Janine. 583 00:33:41,067 --> 00:33:42,967 I've made the biggest mistake of my life. 584 00:33:44,700 --> 00:33:45,933 With the bomb work? 585 00:33:46,867 --> 00:33:48,500 No. 586 00:33:49,267 --> 00:33:50,333 With Neil. 587 00:33:53,900 --> 00:33:55,833 You passed this lot over this week? 588 00:33:57,333 --> 00:33:58,333 Yeah. 589 00:34:06,333 --> 00:34:07,500 Slow down. 590 00:34:08,533 --> 00:34:09,667 Can you go back? 591 00:34:10,067 --> 00:34:11,067 Hmm. 592 00:34:12,067 --> 00:34:13,067 Stop. 593 00:34:16,067 --> 00:34:19,867 We were looking at food pickups from the Mezcal to clarify timings of the bomb. 594 00:34:20,067 --> 00:34:21,067 Did you see any? 595 00:34:21,867 --> 00:34:23,067 Any what? 596 00:34:23,200 --> 00:34:24,933 Couriers. Food delivery couriers. 597 00:34:26,100 --> 00:34:27,333 A food guy came in. 598 00:34:28,767 --> 00:34:30,467 He winked at me. 599 00:34:32,933 --> 00:34:33,900 This guy? 600 00:34:35,600 --> 00:34:36,900 I don't know. 601 00:34:37,067 --> 00:34:39,233 Holly, would you be prepared to let us have your phone? 602 00:34:44,067 --> 00:34:47,267 -I've always been good. -I know. 603 00:34:47,400 --> 00:34:49,967 I always wondered what it'd be like not to be good. 604 00:34:50,100 --> 00:34:52,233 Now I know it's appalling. 605 00:34:52,367 --> 00:34:53,800 Why did I do it? 606 00:34:53,933 --> 00:34:56,333 You didn't kill anyone. It's okay. 607 00:34:56,467 --> 00:34:58,067 It's not okay. 608 00:34:58,500 --> 00:34:59,533 Okay. 609 00:35:01,133 --> 00:35:02,567 Subject closed, okay? 610 00:35:03,233 --> 00:35:04,233 For good. 611 00:35:08,967 --> 00:35:10,267 Just one thing. 612 00:35:10,400 --> 00:35:13,367 Before it all went terrible with Neil, was it fun? 613 00:35:18,467 --> 00:35:20,500 Does Neil think you're happy at home? 614 00:35:21,567 --> 00:35:23,100 I am happy at home. 615 00:35:26,367 --> 00:35:28,433 I think you make a good show of it. 616 00:35:33,067 --> 00:35:34,900 Jesus Christ, Safi. Thank God for you. 617 00:35:35,067 --> 00:35:37,100 I would have missed it. He's not just a delivery driver. 618 00:35:37,233 --> 00:35:38,867 -He only works for Dundee Eats. -He does. 619 00:35:39,067 --> 00:35:42,700 Sam... Sam Kilty. 620 00:35:54,633 --> 00:35:57,167 Phone number he gave us when we interviewed him is dead. 621 00:35:57,300 --> 00:36:00,400 There's no Sam Kilty registered at the address he gave us. 622 00:36:00,533 --> 00:36:02,500 Dundee Eats have the same address. 623 00:36:02,633 --> 00:36:04,600 Ken's going to see it if it's a previous address. 624 00:36:04,733 --> 00:36:05,900 And if they know him. 625 00:36:06,767 --> 00:36:08,900 Elliott is a model. 626 00:36:09,067 --> 00:36:10,933 We did a reverse image search. 627 00:36:11,067 --> 00:36:13,700 His real name is Jonah Swift He's based in Manchester. 628 00:36:13,833 --> 00:36:18,067 That photo. One company has exclusive use for promotional material. 629 00:36:18,133 --> 00:36:21,067 A group of plastic surgery clinics called Leda Aesthetics. 630 00:36:21,200 --> 00:36:22,233 There's one in Dundee. 631 00:36:23,500 --> 00:36:25,767 Submit a data protection form. Now. 632 00:36:29,433 --> 00:36:32,533 Erm, Professor Gordon. Don't know if you had a chance 633 00:36:32,667 --> 00:36:34,400 to read the email I sent this morning? 634 00:36:34,533 --> 00:36:35,867 No. What's it about? 635 00:36:36,067 --> 00:36:38,067 It's a complaint about Professor Torrance. 636 00:36:38,167 --> 00:36:40,267 -There's a video attached. -Um... 637 00:36:42,700 --> 00:36:43,800 Come into my office. 638 00:36:48,800 --> 00:36:51,867 What are the grounds for complaint? 639 00:36:52,067 --> 00:36:54,500 She presented my work without due acknowledgment. 640 00:36:55,300 --> 00:36:57,367 I'm very surprised to hear that. 641 00:36:57,500 --> 00:36:59,233 I'm really unhappy about it. 642 00:37:01,133 --> 00:37:03,433 Have a seat, Erika. Talk to me. 643 00:37:03,567 --> 00:37:04,567 No, thanks. 644 00:37:05,533 --> 00:37:08,500 I just wanted to let you know 645 00:37:08,633 --> 00:37:11,100 that, um, after I sent it to you 646 00:37:11,567 --> 00:37:13,267 I, um... 647 00:37:13,400 --> 00:37:15,067 also sent it to the dean. 648 00:37:17,467 --> 00:37:20,667 It's provided unique conditions for my study. 649 00:37:20,800 --> 00:37:23,967 I was surprised, too, when I saw this result. 650 00:37:24,100 --> 00:37:28,167 The adipocere was clearing from the skeleton faster than I expected. 651 00:37:28,300 --> 00:37:32,067 My data would indicate, that was what we found in my data. 652 00:37:32,167 --> 00:37:33,967 Well, because of my study. 653 00:37:36,667 --> 00:37:38,067 Is that Erika's data? 654 00:37:38,167 --> 00:37:40,700 No, I would never, I mean... 655 00:37:41,367 --> 00:37:42,933 Clearly I did. 656 00:37:43,067 --> 00:37:45,167 -But I can't believe I did that. -What's going on here? 657 00:37:45,300 --> 00:37:47,367 You and Erika were thick as thieves. 658 00:37:47,500 --> 00:37:48,633 Then you changed your tune. 659 00:37:48,767 --> 00:37:50,467 This morning, you said you were back on track. 660 00:37:50,600 --> 00:37:52,267 Now she's gone nuclear. Why? 661 00:37:53,533 --> 00:37:54,900 How could I have done that? 662 00:37:56,167 --> 00:37:59,067 It happens. It shouldn't, but it does. 663 00:37:59,667 --> 00:38:00,800 I've done it. 664 00:38:00,933 --> 00:38:02,800 You know, you're in a room full of peers, 665 00:38:02,933 --> 00:38:05,233 impostor syndrome kicks in and you want to impress. 666 00:38:05,367 --> 00:38:07,333 You don't acknowledge as you should. 667 00:38:07,467 --> 00:38:09,867 It's a bad mistake and you need to apologise. 668 00:38:10,067 --> 00:38:12,367 But I would expect Erika to pull you up in a bit, 669 00:38:12,500 --> 00:38:15,233 talk to you about it, not email me and include the dean. 670 00:38:16,200 --> 00:38:17,500 Why has she gone so crazy? 671 00:38:17,633 --> 00:38:20,067 -I don't know. -You must know. 672 00:38:20,200 --> 00:38:21,733 What, what's going on between you? 673 00:38:21,867 --> 00:38:23,067 Nothing. 674 00:38:32,900 --> 00:38:34,733 The overnight at Lockley 675 00:38:34,867 --> 00:38:36,433 when Pia broke up with me... 676 00:38:37,633 --> 00:38:38,700 I handled it. 677 00:38:39,300 --> 00:38:40,800 But after... 678 00:38:45,200 --> 00:38:47,100 I had a panic attack. 679 00:38:48,933 --> 00:38:50,400 I have panic attacks. 680 00:38:50,533 --> 00:38:51,867 Since when? 681 00:38:52,067 --> 00:38:53,333 Forever. 682 00:38:53,467 --> 00:38:56,633 -Why did you never tell me? -I'm a very private person. 683 00:39:01,300 --> 00:39:04,067 I know how to deal with it. I... I take a pill. 684 00:39:04,167 --> 00:39:06,767 And if it happens at night, I take one and a half. It knocks me out. 685 00:39:06,900 --> 00:39:08,733 In the morning, I'm fine. So... 686 00:39:09,900 --> 00:39:11,767 Erika... 687 00:39:11,900 --> 00:39:16,233 Erika woke up in the night with flashbacks and she knocked on my door. 688 00:39:16,367 --> 00:39:19,600 I was out cold, so she freaked out. She got the concierge. 689 00:39:19,733 --> 00:39:21,400 They... 690 00:39:21,533 --> 00:39:24,900 They came into my room and they were demanding how many pills I'd taken. 691 00:39:26,400 --> 00:39:28,533 I was in my shirt and underwear. 692 00:39:28,667 --> 00:39:30,200 And the concierge left. 693 00:39:30,700 --> 00:39:32,067 Erika stayed. 694 00:39:33,900 --> 00:39:34,900 And... 695 00:39:35,567 --> 00:39:36,667 What happened? 696 00:39:36,800 --> 00:39:38,467 I don't remember. 697 00:39:38,600 --> 00:39:42,467 I don't remember what I did, or said, or how long she stayed. 698 00:39:42,600 --> 00:39:44,200 All I know is I took more pills than usual, 699 00:39:44,333 --> 00:39:46,800 I drank more than usual, so I would have been... 700 00:39:48,067 --> 00:39:51,433 disinhibited, and she was there. 701 00:39:51,567 --> 00:39:53,733 -And you hate that. -I hate that! 702 00:39:53,867 --> 00:39:56,367 Well... It's not her fault she was there. 703 00:39:56,500 --> 00:39:57,633 I didn't say it was. 704 00:39:57,767 --> 00:39:58,833 Did you talk about it? 705 00:39:58,967 --> 00:40:00,467 No, She tried to. 706 00:40:00,600 --> 00:40:03,333 She tried to comfort me the next day. 707 00:40:03,467 --> 00:40:06,133 She offered to be my sounding board about my breakup with Pia. 708 00:40:06,267 --> 00:40:07,400 And what did you say? 709 00:40:07,533 --> 00:40:09,167 Nothing. I shut it down. 710 00:40:09,300 --> 00:40:13,433 I backed off. I've kept backing off. But she, and now she's done this. 711 00:40:13,567 --> 00:40:15,067 You have to talk. 712 00:40:15,200 --> 00:40:17,700 Okay, if you pretend difficult things aren't happening, 713 00:40:17,833 --> 00:40:20,567 they just get worse and worse. They just get more inflamed. 714 00:40:20,700 --> 00:40:23,200 Students need to be able to talk to us. 715 00:40:23,333 --> 00:40:25,800 You having panic attacks isn't your fault. 716 00:40:25,933 --> 00:40:27,967 Her trying to comfort you is kind, but you not dealing 717 00:40:28,100 --> 00:40:30,200 with the situation is a disaster. 718 00:40:30,333 --> 00:40:32,433 That's why Erika's gone nuclear and involved the dean 719 00:40:32,567 --> 00:40:35,000 who you're already at war with, thanks to your little speech. 720 00:40:35,133 --> 00:40:38,400 You don't talk when you should, and then you shoot your mouth off when you shouldn't. 721 00:40:38,533 --> 00:40:41,633 Honest to God, Kathy, you're such a useless communicator! 722 00:40:41,767 --> 00:40:44,200 Okay, I, I made mistakes. 723 00:40:44,333 --> 00:40:47,100 I accept that and I will deal with them. But... 724 00:40:48,600 --> 00:40:50,700 Please, especially today, Sarah. 725 00:40:50,833 --> 00:40:53,600 Don't talk to me like you're someone who doesn't make mistakes. 726 00:41:03,833 --> 00:41:05,567 Sam Kilty has been here. 727 00:41:05,700 --> 00:41:06,967 He's on their books. 728 00:41:07,100 --> 00:41:08,633 We got an address for him. 729 00:41:14,567 --> 00:41:18,133 The foreign address they gave us is at his old place in Trottick. 730 00:41:18,267 --> 00:41:19,333 Dating from when? 731 00:41:19,467 --> 00:41:20,500 A year ago. 732 00:41:22,267 --> 00:41:24,767 The address the clinic gave us for him is in Muirhead. 733 00:41:24,900 --> 00:41:26,400 When from? 734 00:41:26,533 --> 00:41:29,333 A year ago. You try yours, we'll try ours. 735 00:41:29,467 --> 00:41:30,533 Okay, boss. 736 00:41:30,667 --> 00:41:32,167 -Bye. 737 00:41:33,700 --> 00:41:35,300 Don't answer it. 738 00:41:35,433 --> 00:41:37,067 He's dragging us back to speak to Ian Duffy. It's a stupid idea. 739 00:41:37,133 --> 00:41:38,133 This is a better one. 740 00:41:39,800 --> 00:41:41,067 Fucking hell. 741 00:41:57,467 --> 00:41:58,967 Sam Kilty live here? 742 00:41:59,100 --> 00:42:00,633 I think he does. 743 00:42:00,767 --> 00:42:02,233 Is there a Sam Kilty here? 744 00:42:02,367 --> 00:42:03,800 There's a "Sam" somebody. 745 00:42:03,933 --> 00:42:06,200 -Which room? -Upstairs, blue door. 746 00:42:06,333 --> 00:42:08,333 -He's out though. -Where'd he go? 747 00:42:08,467 --> 00:42:09,433 I don't know. 748 00:43:23,200 --> 00:43:24,200 Sarah. 749 00:43:25,533 --> 00:43:26,633 I need you.