1 00:00:00,773 --> 00:00:03,252 There's a big old nostalgia trip under way. 2 00:00:03,253 --> 00:00:04,932 We don't know how Marie was killed. 3 00:00:04,933 --> 00:00:06,612 They never established a cause of death. 4 00:00:06,613 --> 00:00:08,092 But there's something, or someone, 5 00:00:08,093 --> 00:00:09,772 that Drew and Izzy aren't talking about. 6 00:00:09,773 --> 00:00:11,412 DI McKinven's been given the go-ahead 7 00:00:11,413 --> 00:00:13,092 to reopen the investigation. 8 00:00:13,093 --> 00:00:15,012 But while Kathy's working on your mum's case, 9 00:00:15,013 --> 00:00:16,772 you can't be employed by SIFA. 10 00:00:16,773 --> 00:00:18,532 We hope to find further evidence. 11 00:00:18,533 --> 00:00:20,012 The first dig was amateur. 12 00:00:20,013 --> 00:00:21,412 How far do these go back? 13 00:00:21,413 --> 00:00:24,252 Don't want nosy bastards poking about in our paperwork. 14 00:00:24,253 --> 00:00:28,012 Something about me threatens him. I strongly believe he knew my mum. 15 00:00:28,013 --> 00:00:29,652 What is your problem with my dad? 16 00:00:29,653 --> 00:00:32,172 I don't want it. I'm not having it. And I don't want you! 17 00:00:32,173 --> 00:00:33,452 Well, I don't want you! 18 00:00:33,453 --> 00:00:35,132 Did you see Phil at Tall Ships? 19 00:00:35,133 --> 00:00:36,372 He was visiting his wife. 20 00:00:36,373 --> 00:00:37,412 He wasn't with me. 21 00:00:37,413 --> 00:00:38,932 Drew's a greedy wee bastard 22 00:00:38,933 --> 00:00:42,267 who wouldn't let her out of his clutches. 23 00:00:43,573 --> 00:00:45,292 You're causing a lot of trouble. 24 00:00:45,293 --> 00:00:49,793 We both know it can be very painful raking up the past. 25 00:00:50,493 --> 00:00:55,093 ♪ Baby, you understand me now? 26 00:00:57,093 --> 00:01:01,373 ♪ Sometimes you see that I'm mad 27 00:01:02,813 --> 00:01:09,573 ♪ Don't you know that no-one alive can always be an angel? 28 00:01:09,653 --> 00:01:14,053 ♪ When everything goes wrong You feel so bad 29 00:01:15,493 --> 00:01:21,133 ♪ Oh, I'm just a soul whose intentions are good 30 00:01:22,293 --> 00:01:29,333 ♪ Oh, lord, please don't let me be misunderstood. ♪ 31 00:02:09,573 --> 00:02:11,053 How can I help? 32 00:02:11,133 --> 00:02:13,412 I'm looking for Emma Hedges. 33 00:02:13,413 --> 00:02:14,613 Just a moment. 34 00:02:23,093 --> 00:02:24,413 Hello. Hi. 35 00:02:24,493 --> 00:02:25,932 I'm looking for Emma Hedges. 36 00:02:25,933 --> 00:02:27,252 She doesn't work here any more. 37 00:02:27,253 --> 00:02:28,453 How come? 38 00:02:28,533 --> 00:02:31,092 That's not something I can share. 39 00:02:31,093 --> 00:02:32,692 Is she still in Dundee? 40 00:02:32,693 --> 00:02:33,777 I don't know. 41 00:02:33,813 --> 00:02:38,892 Well, is she back in Manchester? Sorry, I don't know who you are. 42 00:02:38,893 --> 00:02:40,143 Daniel MacAfee. 43 00:02:41,213 --> 00:02:43,093 I'm Professor Gordon. 44 00:02:44,133 --> 00:02:45,932 Could you possibly tell me where she is? 45 00:02:45,933 --> 00:02:47,133 No. 46 00:02:47,213 --> 00:02:48,812 I need to get in touch with her. 47 00:02:48,813 --> 00:02:51,693 Look, I know her, right? 48 00:02:51,773 --> 00:02:54,492 Her aunt's called Julie. Julie has insomnia. 49 00:02:54,493 --> 00:02:56,412 The GC-MS machine's called Bobby. 50 00:02:56,413 --> 00:02:58,532 You're all obsessed with cake. 51 00:02:58,533 --> 00:03:01,572 If you've tried to contact Emma, which I presume you have, 52 00:03:01,573 --> 00:03:02,972 and she hasn't responded, 53 00:03:02,973 --> 00:03:06,223 she doesn't want to be contacted by you. 54 00:03:07,493 --> 00:03:08,573 All right. 55 00:03:13,093 --> 00:03:14,732 I actually really liked him. 56 00:03:14,733 --> 00:03:15,893 Me too. 57 00:03:17,093 --> 00:03:19,252 We've reopened the investigation 58 00:03:19,253 --> 00:03:21,012 into the murder of Marie Monroe. 59 00:03:21,013 --> 00:03:22,852 We have some new leads to pursue 60 00:03:22,853 --> 00:03:24,932 and the investigation is progressing. 61 00:03:24,933 --> 00:03:28,932 I'm hopeful we'll be in a position to finally bring to justice 62 00:03:28,933 --> 00:03:32,017 the perpetrator of this awful crime... 63 00:03:32,613 --> 00:03:37,280 ...and be able to give Marie's family some peace of mind. 64 00:03:42,733 --> 00:03:44,692 The police are ready to do a raid. 65 00:03:44,693 --> 00:03:47,492 They think they've found a clandestine drug lab. 66 00:03:47,493 --> 00:03:50,653 If it is, they want me to go. 67 00:03:50,733 --> 00:03:52,133 Fantastic. 68 00:03:52,213 --> 00:03:53,492 I'm taking you with me. 69 00:03:53,493 --> 00:03:55,243 Seriously? Of course. 70 00:03:55,253 --> 00:03:56,572 It'd be great training. 71 00:03:56,573 --> 00:03:58,693 Emma would love all this. 72 00:03:58,773 --> 00:04:00,013 I know. 73 00:04:01,453 --> 00:04:02,612 How are you, Dan? 74 00:04:02,613 --> 00:04:03,972 Me? I'm OK. What's up? 75 00:04:03,973 --> 00:04:05,892 Why do you need me to turn the house upside down? 76 00:04:05,893 --> 00:04:09,292 I told you, it's to do with the court case. 77 00:04:09,293 --> 00:04:12,372 Anything with Secrets nightclub on it? 78 00:04:12,373 --> 00:04:14,623 Yeah. It'll be summer 2008. 79 00:04:15,413 --> 00:04:17,453 Aren't you curious? 80 00:04:17,533 --> 00:04:18,783 I'd be curious. 81 00:04:20,013 --> 00:04:21,333 About what? 82 00:04:21,335 --> 00:04:26,433 Where I think your father might have been the night DI McKinven was asking about. 83 00:04:26,434 --> 00:04:29,768 Well, it sounds like you want to tell me. 84 00:04:30,893 --> 00:04:33,227 He'd have been with a woman. 85 00:04:33,573 --> 00:04:35,740 When you had cancer? Yeah. 86 00:04:36,693 --> 00:04:38,110 Or when I didn't. 87 00:04:40,573 --> 00:04:42,092 How come you didn't kick him out? 88 00:04:42,093 --> 00:04:44,510 Well, if you remember, I did. 89 00:04:45,693 --> 00:04:48,610 It just took me ten years to do it. 90 00:04:56,613 --> 00:05:00,372 I take it you're not interested in Secrets before it was Secrets? 91 00:05:00,373 --> 00:05:01,373 Why? 92 00:05:01,453 --> 00:05:06,953 There's one here for Tempo Tyres, which is what Secrets used to be. 93 00:05:18,733 --> 00:05:21,483 Can I take all this away with me? 94 00:05:21,973 --> 00:05:23,852 Is there something you don't want me to see? 95 00:05:23,853 --> 00:05:26,853 No, I just want to file it properly. 96 00:06:17,893 --> 00:06:20,412 The first investigation didn't record anything 97 00:06:20,413 --> 00:06:21,532 about the spoil heap, 98 00:06:21,533 --> 00:06:23,772 so we can't say whose spoil heap we've found. 99 00:06:23,773 --> 00:06:26,772 Ah, the person that dumped the body, or the people that dug it up. 100 00:06:26,773 --> 00:06:28,252 Well, that's a blow. 101 00:06:28,253 --> 00:06:30,003 Yeah, but this isn't. 102 00:06:31,133 --> 00:06:33,972 We thought we were at the base of the grave, 103 00:06:33,973 --> 00:06:37,132 because it's compacted, but it's like a false floor. 104 00:06:37,133 --> 00:06:40,052 There's a pocket of undisturbed soil below it. 105 00:06:40,053 --> 00:06:42,532 It looks like the first dig didn't go deep enough. 106 00:06:42,533 --> 00:06:44,132 So, you're getting to the soil 107 00:06:44,133 --> 00:06:46,092 the first investigation never searched? 108 00:06:46,093 --> 00:06:47,427 That's the plan. 109 00:06:54,813 --> 00:06:57,492 Where'd you get this? The garage at Mum's. 110 00:06:57,493 --> 00:07:00,372 It's the invoice for the supplies when we did the refurb at Secrets. 111 00:07:00,373 --> 00:07:03,173 I can see what it is, son. OK. 112 00:07:03,253 --> 00:07:06,652 Plasterboard, cheaper than half-inch, which is standard. 113 00:07:06,653 --> 00:07:09,732 Half-inch board skimmed with plaster gives you a half-hour fire rating. 114 00:07:09,733 --> 00:07:11,493 This one doesn't. 115 00:07:11,573 --> 00:07:13,213 I know that now. 116 00:07:13,293 --> 00:07:15,627 And I didn't know that then. 117 00:07:16,253 --> 00:07:18,413 Check out these doors. 118 00:07:18,493 --> 00:07:21,373 These would have burnt in no time. 119 00:07:21,453 --> 00:07:26,037 I mean, it makes me sick when I see what an idiot I was. 120 00:07:26,853 --> 00:07:28,572 Try not to be too hard on yourself. 121 00:07:28,573 --> 00:07:29,972 Well, it's pretty disgraceful. 122 00:07:29,973 --> 00:07:32,852 But you must have thought this stuff was fit for purpose, too? 123 00:07:32,853 --> 00:07:34,772 You signed off on it, Dad. Of course I did. 124 00:07:34,773 --> 00:07:37,212 I was a director. You sign things in your sleep. 125 00:07:37,213 --> 00:07:39,297 And you checked the work. 126 00:07:40,053 --> 00:07:41,812 And do you think you pointed out to me 127 00:07:41,813 --> 00:07:43,932 how you left a gaping void above the false ceilings? 128 00:07:43,933 --> 00:07:46,652 Or do you think you just wanted to impress me with how you'd come in 129 00:07:46,653 --> 00:07:48,412 on budget and done it on time? 130 00:07:48,413 --> 00:07:51,247 Of course I wanted to impress you. 131 00:07:53,773 --> 00:07:56,372 You keep saying that, for the purposes of the court, 132 00:07:56,373 --> 00:07:58,123 we did nothing wrong. 133 00:07:59,133 --> 00:08:01,572 I want to know, for the purposes of you and me, 134 00:08:01,573 --> 00:08:03,692 if you really think we did nothing wrong. 135 00:08:03,693 --> 00:08:06,572 I think you did a crappy piece of work, and I was too busy to notice. 136 00:08:06,573 --> 00:08:08,293 Right. 137 00:08:08,373 --> 00:08:10,372 Cos you'd never do a crappy piece of work. 138 00:08:10,373 --> 00:08:15,213 Look, when Shuggie turned his tyre place into Secrets, 139 00:08:15,293 --> 00:08:17,092 he did it by the book. 140 00:08:17,093 --> 00:08:21,492 He'd got everything signed off with an unfinished area. 141 00:08:21,493 --> 00:08:25,012 Then he got us in to do the refurb, after the fact, 142 00:08:25,013 --> 00:08:26,693 on the cheap. 143 00:08:26,773 --> 00:08:28,092 Did Shuggie know we used 144 00:08:28,093 --> 00:08:30,332 poor-quality materials in those rooms? 145 00:08:30,333 --> 00:08:31,750 Of course he did. 146 00:08:32,573 --> 00:08:34,073 No doubt about it. 147 00:08:39,973 --> 00:08:43,057 What else have you got up your sleeve? 148 00:08:49,733 --> 00:08:53,532 Were you unfaithful to Mum when she had cancer? 149 00:08:53,533 --> 00:08:55,092 Is that what this is about? 150 00:08:55,093 --> 00:08:57,053 It's one of the things. 151 00:08:57,133 --> 00:08:59,452 You need to make your mind up what we're talking about here. 152 00:08:59,453 --> 00:09:01,772 Cos if you're just out to have a go at me in general, 153 00:09:01,773 --> 00:09:03,292 you can get to fuck. 154 00:09:03,293 --> 00:09:05,092 In fact, it's the same thing. 155 00:09:05,093 --> 00:09:06,772 Which is what? You... 156 00:09:06,773 --> 00:09:08,773 ...getting away with it. 157 00:09:09,333 --> 00:09:12,172 You talk to me about getting away with it? 158 00:09:12,173 --> 00:09:14,412 You're the fucking little prince of getting away with it. 159 00:09:14,413 --> 00:09:16,412 You never had the builder's eye. 160 00:09:16,413 --> 00:09:18,213 Ever. 161 00:09:18,293 --> 00:09:19,793 Not got it in you. 162 00:09:20,853 --> 00:09:22,132 Your job comes from me. 163 00:09:22,133 --> 00:09:24,853 Your car comes from me. 164 00:09:24,933 --> 00:09:27,132 Your apartment comes from me. 165 00:09:27,133 --> 00:09:30,633 You're a spoilt wee bastard with no talent. 166 00:09:31,133 --> 00:09:33,692 I'm smarter than you are, Daniel. 167 00:09:33,693 --> 00:09:35,852 So, if you're going to take me on, 168 00:09:35,853 --> 00:09:38,103 the thing to remember is... 169 00:09:38,173 --> 00:09:39,693 ...I'll win. 170 00:09:50,373 --> 00:09:52,623 I wouldn't bank on it, Dad. 171 00:09:59,619 --> 00:10:03,202 Clasp your hands behind your back so you're not tempted to touch anything. 172 00:10:03,203 --> 00:10:04,520 Just look. 173 00:10:42,293 --> 00:10:46,293 God, they're all there. Every single one. 174 00:10:47,573 --> 00:10:50,323 I wish Emma was here to see this. 175 00:11:05,813 --> 00:11:07,292 This is the original grave. 176 00:11:07,293 --> 00:11:08,852 You can see by the marks 177 00:11:08,853 --> 00:11:11,332 it was dug with a pickaxe and a spade. 178 00:11:11,333 --> 00:11:13,250 Someone did a good job. 179 00:11:13,253 --> 00:11:15,013 Yeah. 11? 12? 180 00:11:20,853 --> 00:11:22,053 A rib. 181 00:11:23,893 --> 00:11:25,653 Come on, Marie. 182 00:11:25,733 --> 00:11:29,013 Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute. 183 00:11:35,213 --> 00:11:37,253 You can't see it? 184 00:11:37,333 --> 00:11:38,533 No. 185 00:11:40,613 --> 00:11:42,173 It's a boot print. 186 00:12:02,510 --> 00:12:04,560 Let's check shoe sizes. 187 00:12:04,634 --> 00:12:08,274 Vincent, Izzy, Drew, Phil, Jimmy. 188 00:12:27,677 --> 00:12:30,437 Kathy, come here. 189 00:12:40,757 --> 00:12:42,997 Hello, little hyoid bone. 190 00:12:47,157 --> 00:12:50,237 They never had a cause of death. 191 00:12:50,317 --> 00:12:53,037 Maybe now we do. 192 00:13:09,357 --> 00:13:10,557 Hello? 193 00:13:10,637 --> 00:13:13,876 Emma, sorry, I need to speak to you. 194 00:13:13,877 --> 00:13:15,076 My mum's terrible. 195 00:13:15,077 --> 00:13:16,597 She's stable now, 196 00:13:16,677 --> 00:13:19,596 but the doctors have told her to get her affairs in order. 197 00:13:19,597 --> 00:13:21,237 No. 198 00:13:21,317 --> 00:13:24,397 I'm phoning you to eat humble pie. 199 00:13:24,477 --> 00:13:28,117 She wants to talk to the two of us together. 200 00:13:28,197 --> 00:13:31,076 She says she needs to make her peace. 201 00:13:31,077 --> 00:13:32,397 Will you come? 202 00:13:39,717 --> 00:13:42,717 So, is Daniel MacAfee your boyfriend? 203 00:13:42,757 --> 00:13:45,197 Not any more. Good. 204 00:13:45,277 --> 00:13:48,716 I nearly died when that bastard told me about the two of you. 205 00:13:48,717 --> 00:13:50,476 He thinks I set you up. 206 00:13:50,477 --> 00:13:52,037 Which bastard? 207 00:13:52,117 --> 00:13:53,357 Phil MacAfee. 208 00:13:53,437 --> 00:13:55,316 How'd you know Phil MacAfee? 209 00:13:55,317 --> 00:13:57,116 Who's Phil MacAfee? Daniel's dad. 210 00:13:57,117 --> 00:13:58,701 Did he know my mum? 211 00:13:59,917 --> 00:14:00,957 Yes. 212 00:14:01,037 --> 00:14:04,437 Your mum was cheating on Jimmy with Drew. 213 00:14:04,517 --> 00:14:06,996 Phil was cheating on his wife with me. 214 00:14:06,997 --> 00:14:09,331 Well, we all liked to party. 215 00:14:09,477 --> 00:14:12,157 Emma, this is news to me. 216 00:14:15,157 --> 00:14:18,574 How much do you remember about Tall Ships? 217 00:14:18,637 --> 00:14:20,757 I remember us dancing. 218 00:14:21,797 --> 00:14:24,396 I remember Mum in her pink dress. Pink dress. 219 00:14:24,397 --> 00:14:26,037 That's right. 220 00:14:26,117 --> 00:14:28,636 And I remember wanting to stay with Mum 221 00:14:28,637 --> 00:14:30,476 and being annoyed I had to go home with Jimmy. 222 00:14:30,477 --> 00:14:33,636 Aye. I remember wanting you to stay so we could go on the teacups. 223 00:14:33,637 --> 00:14:36,356 We went on those teacups after you'd gone. 224 00:14:36,357 --> 00:14:39,036 Marie thought she'd had too much to drink, 225 00:14:39,037 --> 00:14:41,636 so she said she'd meet us after. 226 00:14:41,637 --> 00:14:43,397 And she never did. 227 00:14:44,677 --> 00:14:47,717 She texted me - she was going home. 228 00:14:48,917 --> 00:14:50,956 And the next day, Jimmy reported her missing, 229 00:14:50,957 --> 00:14:52,707 and we all got jumpy. 230 00:14:53,637 --> 00:14:54,917 Why? 231 00:14:54,997 --> 00:14:57,436 We didn't want anyone else finding out what we were up to, 232 00:14:57,437 --> 00:14:59,796 and we knew it was nothing to do with Marie going missing. 233 00:14:59,797 --> 00:15:02,881 So, we dropped each other like stones. 234 00:15:02,917 --> 00:15:04,556 Was Phil at Tall Ships? 235 00:15:04,557 --> 00:15:06,077 No. 236 00:15:06,157 --> 00:15:07,907 He was with his wife. 237 00:15:08,837 --> 00:15:09,997 Hospital. 238 00:15:12,237 --> 00:15:17,116 You should have told someone that he knew my mum 18 years ago. 239 00:15:17,117 --> 00:15:18,837 I should. 240 00:15:21,117 --> 00:15:23,476 After they found your mum's body, 241 00:15:23,477 --> 00:15:25,957 I went really wrong. 242 00:15:26,037 --> 00:15:28,077 How do you mean? 243 00:15:31,237 --> 00:15:33,317 I started using heroin. 244 00:15:34,797 --> 00:15:37,356 Skye was taken away from me for a while. 245 00:15:37,357 --> 00:15:40,437 Mum... you've been a brilliant mum. 246 00:15:43,397 --> 00:15:46,956 I haven't been addicted to anything in over ten years. 247 00:15:46,957 --> 00:15:49,476 But, see, the stigma, it never goes. 248 00:15:49,477 --> 00:15:51,061 You will be judged. 249 00:15:52,517 --> 00:15:54,517 You will not be trusted. 250 00:15:55,557 --> 00:15:57,057 What about my dad? 251 00:15:57,837 --> 00:16:00,036 Drew did what Phil told him. 252 00:16:00,037 --> 00:16:02,287 He dropped me like a stone. 253 00:16:02,317 --> 00:16:03,797 I had no-one. 254 00:16:05,997 --> 00:16:09,247 So I never said what I should have said. 255 00:16:09,797 --> 00:16:13,397 Phil MacAfee knew who did it. 256 00:16:15,357 --> 00:16:19,356 I used to bother Phil for money sometimes when I was in a bad way. 257 00:16:19,357 --> 00:16:21,917 He called me the sheep tick. 258 00:16:21,997 --> 00:16:24,747 I was on a loop about Marie once, 259 00:16:24,757 --> 00:16:27,156 and he says to me, "If you don't shut up about Marie, 260 00:16:27,157 --> 00:16:30,491 "you'll end up cut up just like she was." 261 00:16:30,493 --> 00:16:36,316 He says, "I know the guy who did it, and he will do the same to you, too." 262 00:16:36,317 --> 00:16:40,477 Phil MacAfee kept me scared for 18 years, 263 00:16:40,557 --> 00:16:42,756 and now he's threatening you two. 264 00:16:42,757 --> 00:16:44,837 Did he kill my mum? 265 00:16:46,517 --> 00:16:51,157 All I can tell you is when... when Marie went missing 266 00:16:51,237 --> 00:16:53,116 and we were all getting jumpy about the police, 267 00:16:53,117 --> 00:16:56,436 it was Phil who insisted the three of us drop each other. 268 00:16:56,437 --> 00:16:58,676 It was Phil who insisted we destroy the phones. 269 00:16:58,677 --> 00:17:00,117 What phones? 270 00:17:00,197 --> 00:17:02,277 Phil got them for us. 271 00:17:02,357 --> 00:17:04,077 One for each of us. 272 00:17:04,157 --> 00:17:07,516 Then, if we wanted fixing between each other, we used those phones. 273 00:17:07,517 --> 00:17:09,517 When she went missing... 274 00:17:10,637 --> 00:17:13,716 ...Phil said, "Get rid of the naughty phones," 275 00:17:13,717 --> 00:17:16,301 cos that's what we called them. 276 00:17:17,637 --> 00:17:19,471 What happened to them? 277 00:17:20,357 --> 00:17:22,941 I melted mine in the microwave. 278 00:17:23,757 --> 00:17:27,037 Drew threw his off the rig. 279 00:17:35,477 --> 00:17:37,076 Did you keep your naughty phone? 280 00:17:37,077 --> 00:17:39,677 Get in. 281 00:17:41,117 --> 00:17:43,367 What are you talking about? 282 00:17:43,677 --> 00:17:44,996 I'm talking about cheap phones 283 00:17:44,997 --> 00:17:48,756 Phil MacAfee bought you, Izzy and my mum so you could get up to stuff. 284 00:17:48,757 --> 00:17:50,077 I... 285 00:17:50,157 --> 00:17:52,636 Look at your face. You know what I'm talking about! 286 00:17:52,637 --> 00:17:54,996 OK, OK, I do, but I don't have it. 287 00:17:54,997 --> 00:17:57,397 I think I've seen it. 288 00:17:57,477 --> 00:17:59,396 I think it's in that suitcase in there. 289 00:17:59,397 --> 00:18:00,397 It's not. 290 00:18:04,637 --> 00:18:06,397 Emma, leave it. 291 00:18:06,477 --> 00:18:07,917 Get off me! 292 00:18:07,997 --> 00:18:09,317 Leave it alone! 293 00:18:14,055 --> 00:18:17,455 Phil told Izzy he knew who killed Mum. 294 00:18:18,397 --> 00:18:20,516 Izzy never said as much to me. 295 00:18:20,517 --> 00:18:22,396 How could she, when you dropped her like a stone? 296 00:18:22,397 --> 00:18:25,147 Phil told her he knew who did it, 297 00:18:25,265 --> 00:18:27,261 and that the same thing would happen to her 298 00:18:27,262 --> 00:18:29,029 if she didn't shut up, so she shut up. 299 00:18:29,030 --> 00:18:31,636 Do you know what Izzy's been through? 300 00:18:31,637 --> 00:18:37,221 Well, you left her to it, because a man you barely knew told you to. 301 00:18:37,797 --> 00:18:39,356 Why did you keep it? 302 00:18:39,357 --> 00:18:41,596 It's a perfectly good phone. 303 00:18:41,597 --> 00:18:43,437 You're a liar, Dad. 304 00:18:43,517 --> 00:18:46,156 And you should've stuck by Izzy. 305 00:18:46,157 --> 00:18:48,196 Even if Phil did know who killed Marie, 306 00:18:48,197 --> 00:18:49,277 even if, 307 00:18:49,357 --> 00:18:51,236 that phone won't prove it. 308 00:18:51,237 --> 00:18:53,476 It'll just prove that four people were feckless, 309 00:18:53,477 --> 00:18:55,077 which we were, 310 00:18:55,157 --> 00:18:57,476 and took drugs, which we did. 311 00:18:57,477 --> 00:19:01,676 It'll prove the link between the four of you, and that's a start. 312 00:19:01,677 --> 00:19:04,844 You've got to take this to DI McKinven. 313 00:19:04,877 --> 00:19:09,276 I don't even know what's on there. No clue where the charger is. 314 00:19:09,277 --> 00:19:13,316 Look, Phil MacAfee always had cash, so he funded me. 315 00:19:13,317 --> 00:19:16,151 I bought drugs and I sold them on. 316 00:19:16,197 --> 00:19:18,196 Can I just tell you something? 317 00:19:18,197 --> 00:19:21,117 My girlfriend's having a baby. 318 00:19:21,197 --> 00:19:22,676 I'd like to be around. 319 00:19:22,677 --> 00:19:25,837 Hm. I'll take that into consideration. 320 00:19:25,917 --> 00:19:27,037 Thank you. 321 00:19:27,117 --> 00:19:28,437 OK. 322 00:19:28,517 --> 00:19:32,076 What was the relationship between Marie and Phil MacAfee? 323 00:19:32,077 --> 00:19:34,676 What? I didn't even think there was one. 324 00:19:34,677 --> 00:19:35,716 There was no sign. 325 00:19:35,717 --> 00:19:38,916 Mind you, there wouldn't have been - they wouldn't have wanted Izzy to know. 326 00:19:38,917 --> 00:19:42,476 Did you ever hear Phil say he knew who killed Marie? 327 00:19:42,477 --> 00:19:44,037 Never. 328 00:19:45,517 --> 00:19:46,836 Why'd you keep the phone? 329 00:19:46,837 --> 00:19:48,957 Don't know. 330 00:19:49,037 --> 00:19:50,876 Phil rang me, "Ditch the phone. 331 00:19:50,877 --> 00:19:52,711 "Chuck it in the sea." 332 00:19:53,677 --> 00:19:55,236 Were you suspicious? 333 00:19:55,237 --> 00:19:56,477 No. 334 00:19:56,557 --> 00:19:59,716 Phil was visiting his wife, Izzy had Skye, I was on the rig, 335 00:19:59,717 --> 00:20:01,236 Jimmy had the kids. 336 00:20:01,237 --> 00:20:03,571 We knew it wasn't any of us. 337 00:20:03,957 --> 00:20:05,756 How'd you know Phil was visiting his wife? 338 00:20:05,757 --> 00:20:07,556 Because he texted Izzy on her, you know, 339 00:20:07,557 --> 00:20:10,637 her, you know, one of them. 340 00:20:10,717 --> 00:20:13,157 Why did you keep yours? 341 00:20:13,237 --> 00:20:16,154 I don't like being told what to do. 342 00:20:20,317 --> 00:20:22,077 Well, when... 343 00:20:23,597 --> 00:20:25,237 Maybe... 344 00:20:25,317 --> 00:20:29,677 ...some part of me I didn't listen to... 345 00:20:32,677 --> 00:20:35,437 ...knew I was being played. 346 00:20:41,837 --> 00:20:44,837 Pretty bad, when you think about it. 347 00:20:50,997 --> 00:20:53,037 When we first spoke, 348 00:20:53,117 --> 00:20:57,451 you mentioned that Marie had trouble reaching orgasm. 349 00:20:57,917 --> 00:21:00,156 That there was a trick to it. 350 00:21:00,157 --> 00:21:01,157 Aye. 351 00:21:02,237 --> 00:21:03,821 What was the trick? 352 00:21:05,917 --> 00:21:07,251 Bit to the left. 353 00:21:08,717 --> 00:21:09,801 Take it slow. 354 00:21:11,157 --> 00:21:13,636 Was she into rough sex at all? 355 00:21:13,637 --> 00:21:14,677 No. 356 00:21:16,317 --> 00:21:17,517 God, no. 357 00:21:19,717 --> 00:21:20,917 The opposite. 358 00:22:48,837 --> 00:22:49,917 Hello, Phil. 359 00:22:53,157 --> 00:22:55,677 Hello. How's it going? 360 00:22:55,757 --> 00:22:57,397 Fine. 361 00:22:59,717 --> 00:23:02,217 That looks like a nice coffee. 362 00:23:04,917 --> 00:23:06,796 You were asked to keep away from me, darling. 363 00:23:06,797 --> 00:23:09,881 It was the other way around, actually. 364 00:23:11,637 --> 00:23:14,357 Sorry to interrupt your coffee. 365 00:23:14,437 --> 00:23:17,556 I just wanted to ask you something, if that's OK. 366 00:23:17,557 --> 00:23:19,237 Is that OK? 367 00:23:20,477 --> 00:23:21,477 Sure. 368 00:23:28,797 --> 00:23:30,464 Did you kill my mum? 369 00:23:33,437 --> 00:23:36,854 I don't care what the police say. 370 00:23:38,077 --> 00:23:39,717 I think you did. 371 00:23:40,957 --> 00:23:42,116 You're not well. 372 00:23:42,117 --> 00:23:43,757 I'm fine. 373 00:23:44,877 --> 00:23:46,797 She's not well. 374 00:23:53,237 --> 00:23:54,837 See you later. 375 00:24:08,473 --> 00:24:12,107 I want my name left off the indictment for culpable homicide. 376 00:24:12,108 --> 00:24:14,747 I'm prepared to give evidence against my father to do it. 377 00:24:14,748 --> 00:24:15,947 What's your evidence? 378 00:24:15,948 --> 00:24:18,547 Well, I can prove how he ran the business. 379 00:24:18,548 --> 00:24:21,787 I can show I did the same, just imitated him, basically. 380 00:24:21,788 --> 00:24:24,587 But I can prove how, since I've been running it on my own 381 00:24:24,588 --> 00:24:26,987 and learned from different people, that I've got better. 382 00:24:26,988 --> 00:24:28,068 Much better. 383 00:24:28,148 --> 00:24:30,068 OK. 384 00:24:34,708 --> 00:24:39,375 This is the invoice for the materials we used at Secrets. 385 00:24:42,348 --> 00:24:44,667 This is a fake one my dad cooked up. 386 00:24:44,668 --> 00:24:49,168 Lied about the materials we used to bump up the profit. 387 00:24:51,748 --> 00:24:54,427 Shuggie Brook thought he had fire doors. 388 00:24:54,428 --> 00:24:56,588 My dad conned him. 389 00:24:56,668 --> 00:24:59,188 This shows intent to deceive. 390 00:24:59,268 --> 00:25:01,747 Does your dad know you've got this? 391 00:25:01,748 --> 00:25:03,588 No. 392 00:25:03,668 --> 00:25:07,502 Do you want me to pass this to the prosecutors? 393 00:25:07,948 --> 00:25:09,708 What would happen? 394 00:25:09,788 --> 00:25:11,587 Your father will be the only accused, 395 00:25:11,588 --> 00:25:14,547 and you will be a witness against him. 396 00:25:14,548 --> 00:25:17,027 This is going to be a huge problem for him. 397 00:25:17,028 --> 00:25:19,187 I wouldn't like to be defending him. 398 00:25:19,188 --> 00:25:21,587 Do you want to think about it? 399 00:25:21,588 --> 00:25:22,588 No. 400 00:25:24,148 --> 00:25:26,482 Pass 'em to the prosecutors. 401 00:25:53,428 --> 00:25:56,387 These are Marie Monroe's exhumed remains from the cemetery. 402 00:25:56,388 --> 00:25:58,555 Several bones are missing. 403 00:26:03,868 --> 00:26:07,827 And here are the bones we recovered from the dump site. 404 00:26:07,828 --> 00:26:10,067 This is how she was dismembered. 405 00:26:10,068 --> 00:26:13,547 The striation pattern on the edges of the cut bone 406 00:26:13,548 --> 00:26:15,548 indicate a saw was used. 407 00:26:18,588 --> 00:26:21,308 The nick marks are knife cuts. 408 00:26:21,388 --> 00:26:25,627 The flesh was cut with a knife. The bone - with a saw. 409 00:26:25,628 --> 00:26:27,045 Imagine doing it. 410 00:26:27,108 --> 00:26:29,267 You already had the trauma of killing someone. 411 00:26:29,268 --> 00:26:31,947 Now you've gotta get rid of a body. 412 00:26:31,948 --> 00:26:35,187 Maybe rigor mortis set in. You don't know it'll go away again, 413 00:26:35,188 --> 00:26:37,227 so you cut 'em up. It's traumatic. 414 00:26:37,228 --> 00:26:38,978 It's a double trauma. 415 00:26:39,908 --> 00:26:41,748 The hyoid bone. 416 00:26:41,828 --> 00:26:43,947 When you squeeze someone by the neck, 417 00:26:43,948 --> 00:26:47,907 the greater horns can displace inwards and break. 418 00:26:47,908 --> 00:26:50,067 This was still wet and bendy when it broke. 419 00:26:50,068 --> 00:26:53,068 So, it happened before she was dead. 420 00:26:57,388 --> 00:26:59,148 There she is. 421 00:26:59,228 --> 00:27:00,228 Marie. 422 00:27:20,388 --> 00:27:21,388 Hello? 423 00:27:23,628 --> 00:27:26,545 I've nearly rung you so many times. 424 00:27:26,828 --> 00:27:29,307 So, Janine said, "The principal wants to see you," 425 00:27:29,308 --> 00:27:30,867 and I thought, "Oh, what now?" 426 00:27:30,868 --> 00:27:32,947 So, I trotted along, and the principal says, 427 00:27:32,948 --> 00:27:35,467 "Do you know you've been nominated for a police commendation 428 00:27:35,468 --> 00:27:38,467 "for tracing the supply of killer drugs back to the factory? 429 00:27:38,468 --> 00:27:41,205 "I suppose I'd better stump up and give you your own lab." 430 00:27:41,206 --> 00:27:42,448 - No. - Yeah. 431 00:27:42,450 --> 00:27:43,476 Photos from the scene 432 00:27:43,477 --> 00:27:46,550 have been sent to the international drug investigation database, 433 00:27:46,551 --> 00:27:52,301 and this is all the result of you spotting that unknown, so check you. 434 00:27:57,668 --> 00:28:02,168 Must be hard... with your mum's investigation going on. 435 00:28:03,268 --> 00:28:05,185 Yeah, it has been hard. 436 00:28:05,988 --> 00:28:08,238 Feeling kept out of things. 437 00:28:10,228 --> 00:28:12,728 Daniel MacAfee came into SIFA. 438 00:28:13,428 --> 00:28:14,762 What did he say? 439 00:28:14,828 --> 00:28:18,328 He said he needed to get in touch with you. 440 00:28:24,468 --> 00:28:27,027 Look, it's clear there's been sterling work 441 00:28:27,028 --> 00:28:29,747 on retrieving and reassembling these remains. 442 00:28:29,748 --> 00:28:31,787 The hyoid bone was a significant find. 443 00:28:31,788 --> 00:28:33,108 Thank you. 444 00:28:33,188 --> 00:28:36,947 But you haven't linked anyone to these remains or productions. 445 00:28:36,948 --> 00:28:39,067 You've got a size ten boot print. 446 00:28:39,068 --> 00:28:42,187 Three of the people you're looking at are size ten. I'm size ten. 447 00:28:42,188 --> 00:28:45,987 Not one DNA match out of your five persons of interest. 448 00:28:45,988 --> 00:28:49,107 Nothing gained from your positional with Vincent Keir. 449 00:28:49,108 --> 00:28:51,347 Nothing solid on Jimmy Levin. 450 00:28:51,348 --> 00:28:53,507 And you still haven't spoken to MacAfee. 451 00:28:53,508 --> 00:28:56,507 As I said, boss, I don't want him to know we're interested in him. 452 00:28:56,508 --> 00:28:57,508 We are! 453 00:28:58,868 --> 00:29:02,147 Circumstantial evidence coming out of your ears, 454 00:29:02,148 --> 00:29:05,147 but nothing that would stand up in court. 455 00:29:05,148 --> 00:29:06,867 And to add insult to injury, 456 00:29:06,868 --> 00:29:08,107 your statement to the press 457 00:29:08,108 --> 00:29:10,387 effectively guaranteed tying the whole thing up 458 00:29:10,388 --> 00:29:12,305 by the end of the week. 459 00:29:15,228 --> 00:29:17,395 Sorry I'm late. It's fine. 460 00:29:18,748 --> 00:29:20,787 Do you want to get a coffee? 461 00:29:20,788 --> 00:29:22,548 No. 462 00:29:24,068 --> 00:29:25,908 Do you want to walk? 463 00:29:25,988 --> 00:29:27,428 Yeah. 464 00:29:31,908 --> 00:29:33,347 What did you want? 465 00:29:33,348 --> 00:29:36,348 I wanted to ask you about my father. 466 00:29:36,468 --> 00:29:37,718 What about him? 467 00:29:39,548 --> 00:29:41,382 What you think he did. 468 00:29:42,148 --> 00:29:44,108 So you can tell him? 469 00:29:44,188 --> 00:29:46,107 I'm not speaking to him. 470 00:29:46,108 --> 00:29:48,775 I don't know if I can trust you. 471 00:29:51,148 --> 00:29:52,588 I'm not my dad. 472 00:29:55,268 --> 00:29:56,768 I can see him now. 473 00:29:58,228 --> 00:29:59,478 I'm not my dad. 474 00:30:01,668 --> 00:30:04,347 We're not going to be possible if I tell you. 475 00:30:04,348 --> 00:30:05,748 I know that. 476 00:30:05,828 --> 00:30:08,987 But we're not very possible now, are we? 477 00:30:08,988 --> 00:30:10,468 No, but we were. 478 00:30:10,548 --> 00:30:11,948 I know. 479 00:30:12,028 --> 00:30:13,948 We were. 480 00:30:14,028 --> 00:30:17,778 We really were. I've never felt... Me neither. 481 00:30:21,668 --> 00:30:22,668 I'm ready. 482 00:30:25,868 --> 00:30:27,707 Your dad and Izzy had a thing. 483 00:30:27,708 --> 00:30:30,468 2001? Yeah. 484 00:30:31,708 --> 00:30:36,625 Your dad and Izzy and my mum and Drew all hung out together. 485 00:30:37,388 --> 00:30:39,388 DI McKinven's got proof. 486 00:30:40,308 --> 00:30:43,148 Was my dad at Tall Ships? 487 00:30:43,228 --> 00:30:46,395 He told Izzy that he was with your mum. 488 00:30:47,228 --> 00:30:48,628 He wasn't. 489 00:30:51,708 --> 00:30:53,948 Hey, he's right. 490 00:30:54,028 --> 00:30:55,268 Eh... 491 00:30:56,468 --> 00:30:58,987 He's a fucking bastard for doing it in front of everybody, 492 00:30:58,988 --> 00:31:02,068 but... we haven't got the evidence. 493 00:31:03,948 --> 00:31:07,148 All that work... and hope... 494 00:31:07,228 --> 00:31:08,788 ...and the money. 495 00:31:09,908 --> 00:31:11,667 "Whit's fur ye'll no go by ye." 496 00:31:11,668 --> 00:31:13,908 Do you think that's true? 497 00:31:13,988 --> 00:31:17,068 I think... I think it's true. 498 00:31:17,148 --> 00:31:19,188 Excuse me. 499 00:31:20,868 --> 00:31:22,068 Oh. 500 00:31:23,348 --> 00:31:25,787 Daniel? What can I do for you? 501 00:31:25,788 --> 00:31:28,747 My dad did work on Secrets when it was a tyre place. 502 00:31:28,748 --> 00:31:31,307 Bought bags of cement and six bollards, 503 00:31:31,308 --> 00:31:33,642 fitted them in the car park. 504 00:31:34,148 --> 00:31:36,828 August 14th, 2001. 505 00:31:36,908 --> 00:31:39,188 Two days after Tall Ships. 506 00:31:39,268 --> 00:31:40,987 I don't know what any of it means. 507 00:31:40,988 --> 00:31:42,068 All right. 508 00:31:42,148 --> 00:31:44,347 I appreciate you letting me know, 509 00:31:44,348 --> 00:31:49,265 but would you be willing to put that down in statement form? 510 00:31:49,908 --> 00:31:51,108 Yeah. 511 00:33:18,177 --> 00:33:19,725 Philip MacAfee, 512 00:33:20,447 --> 00:33:22,697 I'm arresting you under Section One 513 00:33:22,698 --> 00:33:25,446 of the Criminal Justice Act 2016 514 00:33:25,447 --> 00:33:28,887 for the abduction and murder of Marie Monroe in 2001. 515 00:33:28,888 --> 00:33:31,388 You've got the wrong guy, pal. 516 00:33:38,291 --> 00:33:40,250 Were you at the Tall Ships Festival 517 00:33:40,251 --> 00:33:44,085 at Dundee City Quay, Sunday, August 12th, 2001? 518 00:33:45,331 --> 00:33:47,331 No comment. 519 00:33:47,411 --> 00:33:49,570 Did you arrange to meet Marie Monroe there, 520 00:33:49,571 --> 00:33:52,155 or anywhere else, that evening? 521 00:33:52,491 --> 00:33:53,811 No comment. 522 00:33:55,971 --> 00:33:59,650 Your wife's diary states that you weren't with her 523 00:33:59,651 --> 00:34:02,530 and that your son Daniel was staying with his grandmother. 524 00:34:02,531 --> 00:34:05,281 Could you tell us where you were? 525 00:34:08,051 --> 00:34:11,370 I made it clear my client would be giving a "no comment" interview. 526 00:34:11,371 --> 00:34:12,491 I remember. 527 00:34:17,691 --> 00:34:19,690 Drew Cubbin gave this phone to us. 528 00:34:19,691 --> 00:34:21,770 Do you recognise this phone? 529 00:34:21,771 --> 00:34:25,211 It's 18 years old. It's a pay-as-you-go. 530 00:34:25,291 --> 00:34:29,570 Our Digital Investigation Unit was able to retrieve data from it. 531 00:34:29,571 --> 00:34:33,531 Texts from you to Drew Cubbin. 532 00:34:33,611 --> 00:34:36,050 From Izzy Alessi to Drew Cubbin. 533 00:34:36,051 --> 00:34:38,130 From Marie Monroe to Drew Cubbin. 534 00:34:38,131 --> 00:34:39,798 Making arrangements. 535 00:34:39,851 --> 00:34:42,491 Arrangements to meet. 536 00:34:42,571 --> 00:34:45,211 Arrangements to buy drugs. 537 00:34:45,291 --> 00:34:48,708 Would you like to say anything about that? 538 00:34:49,931 --> 00:34:54,598 They were able to retrieve a few voicemail messages, too. 539 00:34:57,971 --> 00:34:59,490 Oh, hi, darling. 540 00:34:59,491 --> 00:35:02,690 Can you meet me at Izzy's tomorrow at two? We won't have long. 541 00:35:02,691 --> 00:35:04,156 Izzy can fetch the girls from school, 542 00:35:04,157 --> 00:35:05,850 but I'll need to get them back over at four 543 00:35:05,851 --> 00:35:08,330 cos Phil's going over, and he'll want Iz to himself. 544 00:35:08,331 --> 00:35:10,651 Hey! Ring me, you bastard. 545 00:35:10,731 --> 00:35:12,490 I'm bored. And lonely. 546 00:35:12,491 --> 00:35:14,531 And horny. 547 00:35:16,211 --> 00:35:17,890 Do you recognise that voice? 548 00:35:17,891 --> 00:35:19,391 It's Marie Monroe. 549 00:35:19,393 --> 00:35:21,555 Drew Cubbin confirms that he and Marie 550 00:35:21,556 --> 00:35:23,770 would sometimes meet for sex at Izzy's. 551 00:35:23,771 --> 00:35:29,021 We retrieved the headboard from a bed that Izzy had at the time. 552 00:35:30,011 --> 00:35:32,178 Do you recognise that bed? 553 00:35:34,211 --> 00:35:37,878 Traces of semen on it match your DNA profile. 554 00:35:39,011 --> 00:35:41,011 How do you explain that? 555 00:35:42,731 --> 00:35:45,290 Do you recognise these, Mr MacAfee? 556 00:35:45,291 --> 00:35:50,050 These boots were recovered from the Secrets car park in Lochee, 557 00:35:50,051 --> 00:35:53,930 under one of the bollards you installed, August 14th, 2001. 558 00:35:53,931 --> 00:35:56,691 Those dark stains are blood. 559 00:35:56,771 --> 00:35:59,730 The blood matches the DNA profile of Marie Monroe. 560 00:35:59,731 --> 00:36:05,065 We were also able to extract a DNA profile from inside the boots. 561 00:36:06,091 --> 00:36:07,508 It matches yours. 562 00:36:08,531 --> 00:36:11,210 A boot print in the soil at the dump site 563 00:36:11,211 --> 00:36:14,931 is a match with the sole of these boots. 564 00:36:15,011 --> 00:36:19,690 Can you explain why your boot has Marie Monroe's blood on it... 565 00:36:19,691 --> 00:36:23,775 ...and left a print where her remains were dumped? 566 00:36:26,971 --> 00:36:32,471 We know Marie was wearing a pink dress on the day she went missing. 567 00:36:33,411 --> 00:36:36,291 Do you remember that dress at all? 568 00:36:38,811 --> 00:36:41,228 Marie's movements are unknown 569 00:36:41,251 --> 00:36:44,850 after she left Izzy Alessi at Tall Ships at 8.20pm. 570 00:36:44,851 --> 00:36:48,410 We believe she may have met someone and been driven somewhere, 571 00:36:48,411 --> 00:36:50,130 as no-one saw her walking home, 572 00:36:50,131 --> 00:36:53,250 which is what she told Izzy she was going to do. 573 00:36:53,251 --> 00:36:55,291 Do you have any idea 574 00:36:55,371 --> 00:36:57,530 where Marie Monroe might have been that night? 575 00:36:57,531 --> 00:37:00,365 Or what she might have been doing? 576 00:37:01,051 --> 00:37:04,050 Or who she might have been doing it with? 577 00:37:04,051 --> 00:37:07,218 You don't treat Izzy right. Cut it out. 578 00:37:10,651 --> 00:37:13,330 Marie's remains were recovered three months 579 00:37:13,331 --> 00:37:15,650 after she was last seen alive. 580 00:37:15,651 --> 00:37:17,611 We can't be precise 581 00:37:17,691 --> 00:37:21,441 about the circumstances surrounding her death. 582 00:37:27,571 --> 00:37:29,821 But we do know some things. 583 00:37:29,971 --> 00:37:32,130 Her hyoid bone was broken. 584 00:37:32,131 --> 00:37:36,891 The break is consistent with Marie having been throttled. 585 00:37:36,971 --> 00:37:41,388 We're thinking this is the most likely cause of death. 586 00:37:44,011 --> 00:37:47,490 After she was killed, her body was dismembered. 587 00:37:47,491 --> 00:37:49,611 Whoever did it 588 00:37:49,691 --> 00:37:54,275 cut through the flesh of her legs and arms with a knife. 589 00:37:54,331 --> 00:37:57,081 Cut through the bones with a saw. 590 00:37:57,571 --> 00:37:59,610 It's clear from the direction of the cuts 591 00:37:59,611 --> 00:38:02,690 Marie's body was on its front when they did that. 592 00:38:02,691 --> 00:38:06,443 Perhaps they didn't want to look at her face when they did it, 593 00:38:06,444 --> 00:38:07,930 so they rolled her over. 594 00:38:07,931 --> 00:38:10,848 Do you have any opinion about that? 595 00:38:30,251 --> 00:38:31,411 Hello? 596 00:38:31,491 --> 00:38:33,450 It's Neil. Can you talk? 597 00:38:33,451 --> 00:38:34,811 Yeah. 598 00:38:34,891 --> 00:38:36,210 Phil MacAfee's been charged. 599 00:38:36,211 --> 00:38:38,450 We charged him with murder, 600 00:38:38,451 --> 00:38:40,091 abduction, assault, 601 00:38:40,171 --> 00:38:42,410 dismemberment, concealment of a body, 602 00:38:42,411 --> 00:38:44,330 attempt to pervert the course of justice. 603 00:38:44,331 --> 00:38:46,370 We've thrown the book at him. 604 00:38:46,371 --> 00:38:48,570 He is one of the most cold and calculated bastards 605 00:38:48,571 --> 00:38:50,321 I've ever dealt with. 606 00:38:52,291 --> 00:38:53,458 Are you there? 607 00:38:53,491 --> 00:38:54,571 Yeah. 608 00:38:55,691 --> 00:38:57,770 I just need to let it sink in. 609 00:38:57,771 --> 00:38:59,355 I'll call you back. 610 00:38:59,371 --> 00:39:01,971 Bye. OK, all right. 611 00:39:34,371 --> 00:39:36,530 Well, who needs a confession 612 00:39:36,531 --> 00:39:39,850 when you've got forensic evidence as brilliant as that? Yes! 613 00:39:39,851 --> 00:39:41,291 Sorry we're late. 614 00:39:41,371 --> 00:39:44,130 The Super wanted to buy us a drink. Right, come on. 615 00:39:44,131 --> 00:39:46,210 Well, what is everybody having? Trina's buying. 616 00:39:46,211 --> 00:39:49,610 Oh! I have to get back to my dogs. But you wanna join us? 617 00:39:49,611 --> 00:39:51,250 You wanna come get drunk in the country? 618 00:39:51,251 --> 00:39:53,370 Oh, sounds fun. What do you reckon, boss? 619 00:39:53,371 --> 00:39:56,810 Ah, thanks for asking, Kathy, but I'll get drunk in town. 620 00:39:56,811 --> 00:39:58,890 Trina, you get drunk wherever you like, of course. 621 00:39:58,891 --> 00:40:01,170 I'll get drunk with you, boss. Thank you, though. 622 00:40:01,171 --> 00:40:03,171 Have you spoken to Emma? 623 00:40:03,251 --> 00:40:07,418 Yeah. Yeah. We're going to drop in on her just now. 624 00:40:09,251 --> 00:40:13,771 The reason I'm not coming back to Kathy's is... 625 00:40:15,611 --> 00:40:18,361 ...I would say something foolish. 626 00:40:22,491 --> 00:40:23,991 I would love that. 627 00:40:29,971 --> 00:40:31,571 Emma. 628 00:40:32,811 --> 00:40:34,611 I missed you. 629 00:41:22,011 --> 00:41:24,345 Welcome, everyone. 630 00:41:25,091 --> 00:41:29,925 We are gathered here to celebrate the life of Marie Monroe. 631 00:41:37,371 --> 00:41:41,621 Emma, I've decided not to come. 632 00:41:42,571 --> 00:41:44,330 It meant a lot you wanted me there, 633 00:41:44,331 --> 00:41:47,748 but I doubt the others will feel the same. 634 00:41:51,011 --> 00:41:52,595 I'm leaving Dundee. 635 00:41:53,891 --> 00:41:55,725 My flat's up for sale. 636 00:41:58,171 --> 00:42:03,171 I want to give wherever I get to the Nardonis and the Kumars. 637 00:42:03,931 --> 00:42:07,265 I'm so sorry I won't see you before I go.