1 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:07,000 Downloaded from YTS.MX 2 00:00:08,000 --> 00:00:13,000 Official YIFY movies site: YTS.MX 3 00:00:50,869 --> 00:00:51,869 It frustrates me 4 00:00:52,086 --> 00:00:54,478 that women's rock bands are so bad. 5 00:00:55,260 --> 00:01:00,086 Some bands in the States try to make real feminist rock. 6 00:01:00,434 --> 00:01:03,739 But that's nothing compared to the creativity of men's bands. 7 00:01:04,260 --> 00:01:08,217 Somehow girls never touched a guitar. 8 00:01:13,608 --> 00:01:15,565 Most of the girls have given up. 9 00:01:15,826 --> 00:01:21,130 They were bored, or they needed time for dates or other things. 10 00:01:21,391 --> 00:01:24,391 I sacrificed most of my youth for this. 11 00:01:24,652 --> 00:01:29,391 Few are ready. Probably rightly, because few make it. 12 00:01:38,478 --> 00:01:42,565 "A rocker, a doubter, a loner, a devil woman , a wild cat, 13 00:01:42,826 --> 00:01:46,608 a storm child who fled frightened Detroit ... " 14 00:01:50,826 --> 00:01:56,086 SINCE 1973, SUZI QUATRO HAS SOLD MORE THAN 55 MILLION RECORDS WORLDWIDE. 15 00:02:04,347 --> 00:02:06,173 Do you want to rock out? 16 00:02:06,695 --> 00:02:11,521 SUZI WAS THE FIRST BASSIST TO BECOME A REAL ROCK STAR. 17 00:02:12,173 --> 00:02:17,695 She went ahead and opened the doors for us women. 18 00:02:18,086 --> 00:02:20,869 She was a real pioneer 19 00:02:21,304 --> 00:02:22,913 as a rock 'n' roller. 20 00:02:26,434 --> 00:02:30,260 When we started in 1964, 1965, 1966 21 00:02:30,565 --> 00:02:34,043 there were hardly any girl bands. Almost no. 22 00:02:34,478 --> 00:02:38,739 Sure, there were early pioneers 23 00:02:40,086 --> 00:02:42,956 who played in rock bands. 24 00:02:43,391 --> 00:02:46,260 Great musicians, but always in the background. 25 00:02:46,521 --> 00:02:49,478 Suzi was the one who made it 26 00:02:49,739 --> 00:02:54,521 to hit the mainstream with a series of top ten hits worldwide . 27 00:02:54,782 --> 00:02:56,521 She was the first. 28 00:02:57,347 --> 00:02:59,391 Have you done something really new? 29 00:02:59,739 --> 00:03:01,782 Have you been successful with it? 30 00:03:02,000 --> 00:03:03,913 How long did your career last? 31 00:03:04,130 --> 00:03:05,608 Did it have substance? 32 00:03:06,652 --> 00:03:08,217 Have you been innovative 33 00:03:08,521 --> 00:03:10,304 Suzi was innovative, without question. 34 00:03:12,913 --> 00:03:15,304 It was just amazing. 35 00:03:15,565 --> 00:03:18,304 Shivers run through your body, 36 00:03:18,565 --> 00:03:22,652 you freak out and ask yourself: Did I really just hear that? 37 00:03:23,000 --> 00:03:25,086 Suzi war glaubwürdig. 38 00:03:25,956 --> 00:03:29,739 A young woman with her guitar all in leather 39 00:03:30,608 --> 00:03:32,478 the audience goes crazy! 40 00:03:33,000 --> 00:03:34,260 Til today. 41 00:03:35,565 --> 00:03:37,130 Today's kids 42 00:03:37,739 --> 00:03:43,565 don’t know Suzi anymore and that’s sad for the kids themselves. 43 00:03:43,869 --> 00:03:46,782 It's a shame because they should. 44 00:03:47,173 --> 00:03:49,782 Especially those who want to get into the music business 45 00:03:50,000 --> 00:03:52,608 should take a close look at Suzi Quatro. 46 00:03:54,826 --> 00:04:00,260 Most successful artists only realize afterwards 47 00:04:00,695 --> 00:04:04,347 that one for success and fame 48 00:04:04,782 --> 00:04:08,086 always has to make big compromises. 49 00:04:08,391 --> 00:04:09,565 Huge. 50 00:04:10,347 --> 00:04:13,391 Huge! - How do you cope with it 51 00:04:13,869 --> 00:04:19,043 that you have to pay a price that the public cannot see? 52 00:04:21,565 --> 00:04:27,000 You have to say goodbye to a comfortable, perfect life. 53 00:04:27,260 --> 00:04:32,130 I knew that when I was with the band for the first time . 54 00:05:54,347 --> 00:05:57,000 W-J-B-K! 55 00:05:57,478 --> 00:06:01,217 This is what radio sounds like in Detroit! 56 00:06:03,434 --> 00:06:06,739 Hey Suzi Q what's up 57 00:06:08,521 --> 00:06:10,782 Frequency 1500. 58 00:06:14,347 --> 00:06:16,913 WJ Radio, Detroit. 59 00:06:17,695 --> 00:06:20,739 I was born Susan Kay Quatro. 60 00:06:21,565 --> 00:06:26,000 My parents were Arthur and Helen Quatro. 61 00:06:26,652 --> 00:06:31,347 My father didn't want his four daughters to remain dependent. 62 00:06:31,608 --> 00:06:34,000 He raised us to be brave people. 63 00:06:34,478 --> 00:06:37,347 He loved my mother very much, for more than 50 years. 64 00:06:37,608 --> 00:06:40,826 My mother was rather strict. I was very close to her. 65 00:06:41,130 --> 00:06:45,434 She was probably the only one who really knew me. 66 00:06:45,695 --> 00:06:49,956 I couldn't fool her. When I came home when I was 13 or 14 years old 67 00:06:50,217 --> 00:06:53,478 and drank or smoked a beer, 68 00:06:53,739 --> 00:06:57,608 she called from the other end of the house: "Susan, come here! 69 00:06:57,956 --> 00:07:00,652 You smoked and drank. " I couldn't lie. 70 00:07:01,521 --> 00:07:05,304 As for principles, I come after my mother. 71 00:07:05,565 --> 00:07:08,086 She was Catholic and very strict. 72 00:07:08,478 --> 00:07:12,434 She put me on the track, which I follow to this day. 73 00:07:12,695 --> 00:07:17,521 Besides that, there is the artistic in me, I got that from my father. 74 00:07:18,000 --> 00:07:19,521 I love this song... 75 00:07:21,347 --> 00:07:23,173 ..."Heart of my heart". 76 00:07:24,869 --> 00:07:26,304 It reminds me... 77 00:07:28,043 --> 00:07:29,086 ... of childhood. 78 00:07:29,608 --> 00:07:32,434 We were five children in a very musical family. 79 00:07:32,695 --> 00:07:36,260 My father played various instruments in different bands. 80 00:07:36,521 --> 00:07:39,304 We had millions of hours of music. 81 00:07:39,695 --> 00:07:41,826 I learned to drum, piano ... 82 00:07:42,173 --> 00:07:44,086 We were very happy. 83 00:07:44,478 --> 00:07:45,521 {\ an1} SISTER 84 00:07:45,782 --> 00:07:47,478 We sang all the time. 85 00:07:47,869 --> 00:07:50,173 Mickey was confused as a child. 86 00:07:50,565 --> 00:07:53,695 He was seen on TV as a child prodigy. 87 00:07:54,000 --> 00:08:00,217 Suzi had the entertainer gene. She could pull people under her spell, was funny and easy-going. 88 00:08:00,695 --> 00:08:05,000 Dad was thrilled that we were all following in his footsteps. 89 00:08:05,565 --> 00:08:10,130 In January 1956, the whole family watched the Ed Sullivan Show. 90 00:08:10,434 --> 00:08:13,347 Elvis appeared, and when he did so ... 91 00:08:14,347 --> 00:08:15,347 There... 92 00:08:15,913 --> 00:08:19,391 At the age of five and a half I knew at once : 93 00:08:19,739 --> 00:08:21,739 I will do that. 94 00:08:22,478 --> 00:08:24,173 Nobody said to her: 95 00:08:24,434 --> 00:08:27,000 "You can't do that, you're a girl." 96 00:08:27,217 --> 00:08:29,478 She wanted to be like Elvis. 97 00:08:29,739 --> 00:08:31,565 "That's cool, I'll do that." 98 00:08:31,826 --> 00:08:35,695 And that's exactly what makes rock 'n' roll. 99 00:08:36,217 --> 00:08:38,695 Right after the Beatles' appearance 100 00:08:38,956 --> 00:08:42,956 we girls talked on the phone about how great they were. 101 00:08:43,304 --> 00:08:46,695 Patti suggested they start a girl band. 102 00:08:46,956 --> 00:08:48,826 And we all: "Yes!" 103 00:08:49,086 --> 00:08:53,478 The first band consisted of neighborhood children, including two pairs of sisters. 104 00:08:53,913 --> 00:08:57,869 I still remember exactly, Nan said: "I play the drums!" 105 00:08:58,347 --> 00:09:00,695 And Mary Lou: "I do the rhythm guitar!" 106 00:09:01,130 --> 00:09:03,652 Patti: "Me the lead guitar!" And I: "Hello?" 107 00:09:04,086 --> 00:09:09,086 She said, "You play bass." So I asked my father for a bass. 108 00:09:09,608 --> 00:09:11,565 He gave me this 109 00:09:12,913 --> 00:09:16,478 I plugged it in and said: "Yes!" 110 00:09:16,913 --> 00:09:20,956 A crucial moment in my life 111 00:09:21,391 --> 00:09:23,434 to start with this band 112 00:09:23,913 --> 00:09:27,434 for the first time on stage with the three songs we could. 113 00:09:27,826 --> 00:09:30,043 Three identical chords in three songs. 114 00:09:31,565 --> 00:09:35,043 And I stood up there with the bass and thought 115 00:09:36,000 --> 00:09:38,000 "That's it. That's my thing. 116 00:09:39,434 --> 00:09:41,217 Forever. " 117 00:09:41,652 --> 00:09:44,826 The guitar always looked too big because it was so small. 118 00:09:45,260 --> 00:09:47,086 Why didn't she want a smaller one? 119 00:09:47,521 --> 00:09:51,608 There is this little woman, she is really short 120 00:09:52,913 --> 00:09:55,782 and play that huge, heavy bass. 121 00:09:56,000 --> 00:09:58,608 And it looks like light as a feather. 122 00:09:59,869 --> 00:10:04,043 We got better and better, put out a single. 123 00:10:04,304 --> 00:10:06,565 Suzi was 14, I was 16. 124 00:10:07,173 --> 00:10:12,913 The girl garage band sings "What a Way to Die". That was punk before there was punk. 125 00:10:13,130 --> 00:10:16,913 Five Catholic girls are doing a drinking and party song. 126 00:10:17,130 --> 00:10:18,695 It became very well known. 127 00:10:30,826 --> 00:10:36,000 We performed in a gym with no stage. 128 00:10:36,434 --> 00:10:40,217 Someone said: "We don't see the singer, put her on a table." 129 00:10:40,478 --> 00:10:42,608 So then I stood up there. 130 00:10:43,217 --> 00:10:46,130 I looked at the people and did: 131 00:10:47,826 --> 00:10:50,695 They winced. I thought, "You guys like that." 132 00:10:54,826 --> 00:10:58,217 My father allowed me to drop out of school and tour. 133 00:10:58,739 --> 00:11:04,782 Then I didn't have to go to school anymore, spend the night with friends and so on ... 134 00:11:05,043 --> 00:11:06,565 I was on tour! 135 00:11:10,608 --> 00:11:13,173 Five gigs a night in clubs 136 00:11:13,608 --> 00:11:16,391 I shouldn't have been allowed in. 137 00:11:16,695 --> 00:11:19,478 And I still remember that I thought: 138 00:11:19,913 --> 00:11:22,913 "All of my friends are in school 139 00:11:23,826 --> 00:11:26,652 and I'm not one of them anymore? " 140 00:11:27,260 --> 00:11:30,956 So I missed part of growing up. 141 00:11:31,391 --> 00:11:37,130 That probably explains that vulnerable part of me, even if I'm a tough girl. 142 00:11:37,391 --> 00:11:39,739 That part never grew up. 143 00:11:40,086 --> 00:11:44,217 And I longed to be with them again 144 00:11:44,521 --> 00:11:49,913 but I couldn't go back because I had found my thing. 145 00:11:55,652 --> 00:12:00,304 "I'm Suitcase Lizzie from Detroit City, try my wings. 146 00:12:01,260 --> 00:12:03,434 {\ an1} I'm Suitcase Lizzie from Detroit City 147 00:12:03,695 --> 00:12:04,869 {\ an1} and I can do anything. " 148 00:12:05,086 --> 00:12:06,608 {\ an1} POEMS AND MEMORIES 149 00:12:07,000 --> 00:12:10,260 Your advantage: you are not only good, 150 00:12:10,521 --> 00:12:13,956 they look good too: The Pleasure Seekers! 151 00:12:29,521 --> 00:12:33,608 When my older sister's husband started managing the band 152 00:12:33,869 --> 00:12:37,652 he said: "More headlights on Suzi, 153 00:12:37,913 --> 00:12:39,913 she is the front woman. " 154 00:12:40,434 --> 00:12:42,869 Somehow I always knew that 155 00:12:43,086 --> 00:12:46,434 and developed my craft under this auspices. 156 00:12:46,782 --> 00:12:50,695 We got into the concert industry through my brother . 157 00:12:51,217 --> 00:12:54,173 {\ an1} He brought in Hendrix, the Rolling Stones, 158 00:12:54,434 --> 00:12:58,043 {\ an1} organized festival gigs everywhere . He was THE promoter. 159 00:12:58,478 --> 00:13:02,000 When I had the agency it was so easy 160 00:13:02,260 --> 00:13:04,304 to promote the girls. 161 00:13:05,086 --> 00:13:08,217 From 1965 to 1970 I took her to all the shows 162 00:13:08,478 --> 00:13:12,130 helped them with the record deal, did everything. 163 00:13:22,826 --> 00:13:27,478 When I got home for the first time , I called my friends: 164 00:13:27,739 --> 00:13:30,521 "I'm back!" Nobody wanted to talk to me. 165 00:13:31,000 --> 00:13:33,782 You were jealous 166 00:13:34,739 --> 00:13:36,608 because I broke out. 167 00:13:37,173 --> 00:13:42,217 If you live in Detroit, you always have to hit the gas. It's just like that. 168 00:13:42,565 --> 00:13:45,391 The kids didn't want to go to the car factories 169 00:13:45,652 --> 00:13:47,565 don't end up like their parents did. 170 00:13:47,956 --> 00:13:51,000 There's nothing else there. LA has the beach 171 00:13:51,260 --> 00:13:53,000 New York has everything. 172 00:13:53,260 --> 00:13:56,826 There's nothing in Detroit, you just want to get away. 173 00:13:57,347 --> 00:14:01,478 We were the first female band to play hard rock. 174 00:14:01,869 --> 00:14:06,478 We didn't make girls grumble. We came from Detroit, after all. 175 00:14:06,869 --> 00:14:11,000 Detroit was the capital of hard rock. Detroit was unique. 176 00:14:11,260 --> 00:14:16,565 When we first saw the Pleasure Seekers, so all in white, so ... 177 00:14:17,608 --> 00:14:19,391 We didn't know what they wanted. 178 00:14:19,826 --> 00:14:22,391 But they couldn't deny Detroit. 179 00:14:22,652 --> 00:14:25,956 They were hard rockers anyway. 180 00:14:32,739 --> 00:14:35,173 After the covers came their own songs. 181 00:14:35,434 --> 00:14:38,043 And then we went to New York 182 00:14:38,347 --> 00:14:43,652 and got a contract with Mercury Records through the head of ABC management . 183 00:14:47,391 --> 00:14:51,956 I quickly realized that there are a lot of big mouths in the rock business. 184 00:14:52,608 --> 00:14:56,565 There were many dangers lurking, many agents and clubs were dodgy. 185 00:14:56,826 --> 00:15:01,043 I figured it out quickly and got myself a big mouth 186 00:15:01,304 --> 00:15:03,304 that scared off the idiots. 187 00:15:04,000 --> 00:15:08,521 There was no success. None of the singles became a hit. 188 00:15:08,956 --> 00:15:12,652 But we were known because we were all a girl band and different. 189 00:15:13,043 --> 00:15:16,304 We were just out and about, performed with everyone. 190 00:15:16,826 --> 00:15:20,391 When we got home everything was different. 191 00:15:20,913 --> 00:15:23,217 We were suddenly out of date. 192 00:15:23,695 --> 00:15:27,260 In 1969 we played at a festival. 193 00:15:27,739 --> 00:15:33,565 There were bands like MC 5, Frijid Pink, Alice Cooper ... 194 00:15:34,000 --> 00:15:38,130 Very casual, barefoot and in jeans ... 195 00:15:38,739 --> 00:15:40,869 And we were a show band 196 00:15:41,086 --> 00:15:44,217 appeared in outfits. We were completely out. 197 00:15:46,043 --> 00:15:50,000 All of a sudden there was that hard Detroit rock sound. 198 00:15:50,608 --> 00:15:54,695 Arlene remarried and wanted to take care of the children. 199 00:15:54,956 --> 00:15:56,608 Dafür kam Nancy. 200 00:15:56,956 --> 00:16:00,217 She could really crank it up. What a voice! 201 00:16:06,565 --> 00:16:11,000 I told Suzi it was out of date and we needed a new voice. 202 00:16:11,391 --> 00:16:13,956 Without renewal, they would not have survived. 203 00:16:14,478 --> 00:16:17,739 {\ an3} You would have remained a show band. 204 00:16:19,260 --> 00:16:21,826 I never liked cradle. That wasn't my band. 205 00:16:22,043 --> 00:16:26,652 I liked to stay in the second row, thinking to myself: "First of all, be good." 206 00:16:26,913 --> 00:16:30,217 I became a good bassist, I could jam. 207 00:16:30,478 --> 00:16:33,608 She wasn't just in the second row. She was both. 208 00:16:33,956 --> 00:16:39,869 But then we just had to get a little tougher. 209 00:16:41,608 --> 00:16:47,391 Suzi was from Detroit, just like The Stooges. 210 00:16:48,043 --> 00:16:52,434 Detroit was very dark then and ... - It still is. 211 00:16:54,173 --> 00:16:58,173 Detroit has its own heartbeat. 212 00:16:59,173 --> 00:17:03,000 And it has a lot to do with the auto industry. 213 00:17:03,260 --> 00:17:06,869 And with black and white and rich and poor. That does something. 214 00:17:07,565 --> 00:17:10,521 You are in Eastown! Welcome to the heart of Detroit. 215 00:17:10,782 --> 00:17:14,000 Warm applause for the band Cradle! 216 00:17:18,695 --> 00:17:22,956 The drummer said at the time that we had to get more serious 217 00:17:23,434 --> 00:17:27,434 say something, write yourself, get political ... 218 00:17:28,217 --> 00:17:29,086 Why? 219 00:17:29,347 --> 00:17:34,086 It robbed me of the fun of the band, I didn't feel good like that. 220 00:17:34,391 --> 00:17:40,304 We wanted a record deal. That was more than difficult back then. 221 00:17:40,956 --> 00:17:46,521 No matter how good we were, the tie wouldn't sign us. 222 00:17:46,869 --> 00:17:48,826 We could get pregnant 223 00:17:49,043 --> 00:17:52,130 Or fall in love, eventually take it too easy. 224 00:17:52,391 --> 00:17:55,826 It was so difficult, we were utterly unnerved. 225 00:17:56,217 --> 00:17:58,304 And Suzi got impatient. 226 00:17:59,130 --> 00:18:01,217 I've always just waited. 227 00:18:01,565 --> 00:18:03,130 Ever since Cradle started. 228 00:18:03,434 --> 00:18:09,173 Honestly, since I started when I was 14, I've been waiting for my chance. 229 00:18:09,695 --> 00:18:14,391 Mickie Most came with Jeff Beck from London for a Motown recording. 230 00:18:14,695 --> 00:18:18,000 MICKIE MOST PRODUCED HITS FOR THE ANIMALS, HERMAN'S HERMITS ... 231 00:18:18,260 --> 00:18:23,260 My brother found out about this and asked him to see the girls' tapes. 232 00:18:23,695 --> 00:18:28,000 My brother arranged that with Mickie Most. He always wanted to help us. 233 00:18:28,478 --> 00:18:31,043 And we played. 234 00:18:31,521 --> 00:18:33,000 We have played, 235 00:18:33,217 --> 00:18:35,782 Nancy sang and then I came. 236 00:18:36,000 --> 00:18:39,086 Very cool. "Now one of me: 237 00:18:39,652 --> 00:18:41,173 'Brain Confusion'." 238 00:18:41,434 --> 00:18:42,782 Just like that. 239 00:18:59,347 --> 00:19:01,826 When we were done, he pretended 240 00:19:02,347 --> 00:19:07,086 went to the back and said: "Do you want to make an album?" 241 00:19:09,043 --> 00:19:13,478 And I said, "Yes, I would have. What are you doing?" 242 00:19:14,000 --> 00:19:15,521 Völliger Blödsinn. 243 00:19:16,173 --> 00:19:18,869 He said, "I'm a producer." - "Really?" 244 00:19:19,086 --> 00:19:21,217 I played stupid. 245 00:19:25,000 --> 00:19:26,652 He probably liked my way. 246 00:19:26,913 --> 00:19:31,304 He asked, "Would you like to come to the Motown studio tonight? 247 00:19:31,782 --> 00:19:33,782 You alone? " I said," Okay. " 248 00:19:34,086 --> 00:19:35,956 So I went there. 249 00:19:36,260 --> 00:19:41,000 This is the studio, Studio 8, where all the hits were made. 250 00:19:41,565 --> 00:19:46,260 He put me in here with Jeff Beck and Cozy Powell. 251 00:19:46,869 --> 00:19:51,695 We jammed here and played the song "Cissy Strut". 252 00:19:58,826 --> 00:20:01,652 Mickie ordered my brother to New York. 253 00:20:02,086 --> 00:20:07,391 He made an offer. I had to talk to the nurses about that. 254 00:20:07,782 --> 00:20:11,826 He made an offer to Suzi through my brother. 255 00:20:12,043 --> 00:20:13,739 And he ... 256 00:20:15,043 --> 00:20:16,217 only wanted her. 257 00:20:19,260 --> 00:20:21,956 Mickey told my father and Patti 258 00:20:22,521 --> 00:20:25,956 that Mickie Most only wanted me and not the band. 259 00:20:26,173 --> 00:20:30,130 And they decided not to tell me about it 260 00:20:30,391 --> 00:20:33,478 because they wanted him to take the whole band. 261 00:20:33,739 --> 00:20:36,260 That was really not very nice. 262 00:20:36,521 --> 00:20:41,391 Blocking someone's path is never okay. 263 00:20:41,956 --> 00:20:47,173 Patti wanted it so badly. So it got very emotional. 264 00:20:47,652 --> 00:20:49,782 My family was very loving. 265 00:20:50,000 --> 00:20:55,086 We were all very close, our parents were great, it was an ideal world. 266 00:20:55,347 --> 00:20:59,347 Until I got older and just had to leave. 267 00:21:03,826 --> 00:21:07,695 {\ an3} You continued with Cradle for two more years. Patti went to the band Fanny. 268 00:21:09,521 --> 00:21:10,913 Your assessment, 269 00:21:11,304 --> 00:21:15,739 how we felt about her departure, 270 00:21:16,000 --> 00:21:19,695 very different from what I felt. 271 00:21:20,043 --> 00:21:22,347 They were devastated. 272 00:21:22,608 --> 00:21:25,956 And so do I, emotionally. 273 00:21:26,608 --> 00:21:30,173 It was really difficult for me, but I left anyway. 274 00:21:35,826 --> 00:21:40,391 "Through the astral plane to the heavenly gate, my spirit rises higher and higher. 275 00:21:41,478 --> 00:21:44,260 On angel wings to the light 276 00:21:45,347 --> 00:21:48,173 I leave everyone else behind. " 277 00:21:56,000 --> 00:21:58,260 I went to London 278 00:21:58,652 --> 00:22:02,304 with this bass that was heavier than me and with a suitcase. 279 00:22:02,608 --> 00:22:05,173 I lived in a room as big as ... 280 00:22:05,695 --> 00:22:06,913 Very tiny. 281 00:22:07,130 --> 00:22:08,347 A tiny bed 282 00:22:08,608 --> 00:22:11,913 a sink, a broken mirror, no toilet, 283 00:22:12,130 --> 00:22:14,391 a coat hook. That's how I lived. 284 00:22:14,695 --> 00:22:17,217 From the beautiful house in Grosse Pointe 285 00:22:17,478 --> 00:22:21,347 with a Cadillac in the driveway and good food 286 00:22:21,869 --> 00:22:26,782 I came to a tiny room with no money, no friends, no family. 287 00:22:28,521 --> 00:22:31,956 I didn't do anything, didn't know anyone, didn't go out. 288 00:22:33,173 --> 00:22:37,000 That was probably the absolute low point in my life. 289 00:22:46,391 --> 00:22:51,000 {\ an1} Mickie gave me a chance that I wanted to use, that was clear. 290 00:22:51,217 --> 00:22:54,913 But I cried myself to sleep very often. 291 00:22:55,130 --> 00:22:57,956 Tumbled to the floor crying. 292 00:22:58,304 --> 00:23:00,086 Longing, crying. 293 00:23:00,347 --> 00:23:01,565 Longing, crying. 294 00:23:02,000 --> 00:23:06,913 But I never thought of going back home. 295 00:23:07,434 --> 00:23:11,956 I don't know if her parents called me or I called them. 296 00:23:12,434 --> 00:23:15,869 They were worried because Suzi was going to London. 297 00:23:16,478 --> 00:23:19,391 And I said, "Don't worry, I'll take care of you." 298 00:23:19,652 --> 00:23:22,782 From then on I felt responsible for her. 299 00:23:23,347 --> 00:23:28,304 Suzi called Mickie one night and said she was not doing well. 300 00:23:28,956 --> 00:23:34,347 He jumped out of bed, packed medicine and drove to her. 301 00:23:34,869 --> 00:23:36,347 He was a father figure. 302 00:23:36,608 --> 00:23:40,565 She had a great father, she wasn't looking for a replacement 303 00:23:40,826 --> 00:23:43,260 but he took care of her in business. 304 00:23:43,652 --> 00:23:48,000 I'm alone in London, I miss my family, but I want to make it. 305 00:23:48,565 --> 00:23:51,695 My dad asked if I don't want to come for Thanksgiving 306 00:23:52,000 --> 00:23:54,086 But I hated flying and said no 307 00:23:54,347 --> 00:23:57,739 And, most importantly, I didn't want to come back without a hit. 308 00:23:58,043 --> 00:24:03,478 My father recorded conversations with a tape recorder 309 00:24:03,739 --> 00:24:08,826 asked the others what to say. And then he sent me the tape. 310 00:24:09,217 --> 00:24:10,434 I was really excited! 311 00:24:11,000 --> 00:24:14,086 Suzi plays bass well, but not that great. 312 00:24:14,826 --> 00:24:17,652 In other words, she's not such a great bassist ... 313 00:24:17,913 --> 00:24:21,260 Suzi is sloppy! She is very sloppy ... 314 00:24:21,521 --> 00:24:24,695 She doesn't have good technique. - She doesn't want to be sloppy. 315 00:24:24,956 --> 00:24:28,347 But it is. It's one of her mistakes, and she would admit it. 316 00:24:28,608 --> 00:24:29,695 She's too fast. 317 00:24:30,217 --> 00:24:33,826 Lots of unsightly things. I asked myself: 318 00:24:34,478 --> 00:24:38,391 "Why are you saying all this, and why are you sending this to me too?" 319 00:24:38,652 --> 00:24:42,434 Someone I spoke to about it said: 320 00:24:42,695 --> 00:24:48,565 "Maybe he was just pissed off that you left without the other girls." 321 00:24:48,826 --> 00:24:53,739 Somehow I could understand his demeanor. He was a family man. 322 00:24:54,217 --> 00:24:59,086 "I love you children equally. You are all talented and great." That's how he was. 323 00:24:59,347 --> 00:25:02,043 I guess I really pissed him off. 324 00:25:02,304 --> 00:25:03,739 Patti said: 325 00:25:04,173 --> 00:25:09,478 "Perhaps my soul was darkened for some time when you left. 326 00:25:09,739 --> 00:25:11,913 I had to get rid of a lot. " 327 00:25:12,391 --> 00:25:18,173 Suzi always had the urge to become a rock star . A successful musician. 328 00:25:18,434 --> 00:25:21,043 She was ready to do anything for that. 329 00:25:21,782 --> 00:25:25,739 It doesn't happen often. Some just want to make music. 330 00:25:26,000 --> 00:25:28,826 She wanted to be successful, to be a star. 331 00:25:29,304 --> 00:25:31,000 To make it 332 00:25:32,217 --> 00:25:34,652 you have to be determined. 333 00:25:35,130 --> 00:25:37,869 You have to get everything out of the way. 334 00:25:38,304 --> 00:25:40,739 I really wanted to. 335 00:25:41,217 --> 00:25:44,913 When you are young, you live that determination. 336 00:25:45,130 --> 00:25:48,913 If you lack this urge, this ambition, 337 00:25:49,521 --> 00:25:54,000 you might be lucky, but you never get to the top. 338 00:25:54,260 --> 00:25:57,869 This is not for the faint of heart. 339 00:25:59,260 --> 00:26:02,173 PRESS AGENT FOR THE BEATLES AND SUZI QUATRO 340 00:26:02,434 --> 00:26:04,173 Mickie called me: 341 00:26:04,434 --> 00:26:08,869 "I found a singer, do you do the press work for her?" 342 00:26:09,260 --> 00:26:12,217 And she sat there in the middle of the room 343 00:26:12,739 --> 00:26:15,260 with her curly hair and such. 344 00:26:15,913 --> 00:26:18,478 You immediately felt a difference. 345 00:26:18,956 --> 00:26:22,304 She was different from the female singers one knew. 346 00:26:22,652 --> 00:26:26,565 Somehow she was completely herself. Some people are 347 00:26:27,217 --> 00:26:28,956 somehow special. 348 00:26:29,260 --> 00:26:33,391 The bridge must be a complete contrast to the verse. 349 00:26:34,217 --> 00:26:38,739 We do it like this: Try the bass, I want to hear it. 350 00:26:39,043 --> 00:26:41,956 If I know the bass line in the middle 351 00:26:42,173 --> 00:26:45,739 I know what to look for when arranging. 352 00:26:46,173 --> 00:26:49,086 He knew what I wasn't, not what I was. 353 00:26:49,347 --> 00:26:51,565 We tried to find out. 354 00:26:51,826 --> 00:26:54,782 I was a rocker. It was clear to him 355 00:26:55,130 --> 00:26:58,173 but he could n't quite put it on a record. 356 00:26:58,521 --> 00:27:01,173 We did a few pieces in the studio 357 00:27:01,434 --> 00:27:05,434 worked with different people, but it didn't work. 358 00:27:05,869 --> 00:27:09,130 Call me as soon as you have an idea 359 00:27:09,695 --> 00:27:14,695 and play it for me. And if there's something to it, you go on. 360 00:27:15,000 --> 00:27:18,913 There's no point if you finish something and then I don't like it. 361 00:27:19,130 --> 00:27:22,086 Line by line, and if I like it, that's great. 362 00:27:22,347 --> 00:27:24,347 Good. - See you tomorrow. 363 00:27:24,608 --> 00:27:26,608 Good. - Don't let me down. 364 00:27:26,869 --> 00:27:28,521 Thank you. Bye. - Bye. 365 00:27:28,913 --> 00:27:32,086 It was starting to annoy me that nothing was happening. 366 00:27:32,478 --> 00:27:34,782 He made a record with her 367 00:27:35,217 --> 00:27:37,826 which strangely came first in Portugal. 368 00:27:45,521 --> 00:27:47,086 That was really weird. 369 00:27:55,304 --> 00:27:58,695 I guess if you can for a year 370 00:27:59,000 --> 00:28:02,739 in a poor furnished room 371 00:28:03,000 --> 00:28:06,000 lived in London like all of us 372 00:28:06,304 --> 00:28:08,652 do you want something to change. 373 00:28:09,043 --> 00:28:14,434 I said to Mickie, "I need a band, I have to perform. I'm unhappy! 374 00:28:14,869 --> 00:28:19,000 I can't just sit around in the room and write songs and nothing happens. " 375 00:28:19,347 --> 00:28:23,217 Back then I was still playing with the Nashville Teens. 376 00:28:23,652 --> 00:28:29,391 I was just about to go to sleep in my little furnished place in Notting Hill 377 00:28:29,913 --> 00:28:35,043 when I got a call on the payphone that everyone in the house shared. 378 00:28:35,347 --> 00:28:39,739 "Hey, come over! Suzi needs a guitarist." 379 00:28:40,086 --> 00:28:43,173 And I asked: "Suzi? Which Suzi?" 380 00:28:43,608 --> 00:28:44,478 "Suzi Quatro!" 381 00:28:45,000 --> 00:28:48,478 I went then and when I came in 382 00:28:49,434 --> 00:28:52,478 Suzi sat on the floor playing Scrabble. 383 00:28:53,130 --> 00:28:55,652 She looked up and did ... 384 00:28:56,956 --> 00:29:00,826 A small, somewhat unkempt lady from America. Pretty. 385 00:29:01,565 --> 00:29:05,652 We fell in love. He took care of me. 386 00:29:06,000 --> 00:29:10,826 Mickie always said if I hadn't fallen in love with my great guitarist 387 00:29:11,043 --> 00:29:15,260 if he'd got me a bodyguard. But Lenny had his fists. 388 00:29:15,521 --> 00:29:18,521 The band developed their sound. With my songs. 389 00:29:19,000 --> 00:29:20,826 They all came from boogie rock. 390 00:29:21,130 --> 00:29:23,782 The quatro band worked immediately. 391 00:29:24,391 --> 00:29:27,434 The right people just came together. 392 00:29:27,695 --> 00:29:31,608 We went on tour with Slade. I was the opener. 20 minutes. 393 00:29:31,869 --> 00:29:33,391 All own songs. 394 00:29:33,652 --> 00:29:39,826 Back then, opening up Slade meant getting thrown into the lions' den. 395 00:29:40,130 --> 00:29:42,695 She could hold her own. 396 00:29:42,956 --> 00:29:45,608 I thought: "The lady dares something." 397 00:29:45,869 --> 00:29:49,565 You could tell it worked, she would do it. 398 00:29:56,217 --> 00:29:58,739 "While waiting for the storm 399 00:29:59,000 --> 00:30:01,000 the work gets tough. 400 00:30:01,260 --> 00:30:03,347 I hope it's worth the wait. " 401 00:30:05,347 --> 00:30:09,304 One evening the phone rang at home. 402 00:30:09,695 --> 00:30:11,869 It was Nicky Chinn. He said to Mickie: 403 00:30:12,086 --> 00:30:15,913 "We're making hit records and we'd love to meet you." 404 00:30:16,130 --> 00:30:17,782 Mickie liked the way 405 00:30:18,130 --> 00:30:23,695 that took courage. So Mickie said, "Come to the office tomorrow at 11 o'clock." 406 00:30:24,130 --> 00:30:26,739 I knew what records Nicky and Mike were doing 407 00:30:27,173 --> 00:30:32,391 and said to Mickie, "Chinn and Chapman would be good producers for Suzi." 408 00:30:32,695 --> 00:30:34,173 He just said, "Oh." 409 00:30:34,434 --> 00:30:37,695 The next morning I heard him organize this on the phone. 410 00:30:38,043 --> 00:30:42,173 He asked: "You know Suzi Quatro, don't you?" 411 00:30:42,434 --> 00:30:46,217 I said, "Yeah, I've seen her in the office a few times." 412 00:30:46,652 --> 00:30:50,043 He said, "I've been recording with her for months. 413 00:30:50,521 --> 00:30:54,043 But I'm not getting it right 414 00:30:54,652 --> 00:30:57,608 I'm not getting any further with her. 415 00:30:58,739 --> 00:31:03,086 Would you like to write and produce a song for her ? " 416 00:31:03,347 --> 00:31:05,956 Mike Chapman appeared on RAK Records. 417 00:31:06,260 --> 00:31:08,608 He said, "Play your set." 418 00:31:09,000 --> 00:31:13,652 So we played our live set, boogie stuff, a bit of rock 'n' roll. 419 00:31:14,043 --> 00:31:19,304 He said: "Okay, I have a few ideas. I'll call you tomorrow." 420 00:31:19,565 --> 00:31:24,739 But he called in the evening: "Come tomorrow, I think I've got it." 421 00:31:25,000 --> 00:31:26,608 They wrote "Can the Can". 422 00:31:27,347 --> 00:31:29,000 Mickie listened to it. 423 00:31:29,304 --> 00:31:31,434 He just said: "Yes!" 424 00:31:31,869 --> 00:31:35,086 I listen to one to two hundred songs a day. 425 00:31:35,608 --> 00:31:36,913 And with one 426 00:31:37,130 --> 00:31:41,391 As a demo tape or played on the piano, something happens. 427 00:31:41,652 --> 00:31:43,391 You get goose bumps. 428 00:31:43,782 --> 00:31:46,260 You just know: it is! 429 00:31:46,565 --> 00:31:49,652 I knew she was a bass player and also 430 00:31:50,000 --> 00:31:55,826 that Mickie didn't do much with the bass on their records. 431 00:31:56,043 --> 00:31:59,869 It was more about her face and her voice, 432 00:32:00,478 --> 00:32:03,043 the appearance of a 19-year-old. 433 00:32:03,478 --> 00:32:07,130 In "Can the Can" the bass played a central role. 434 00:32:07,391 --> 00:32:08,478 By the: 435 00:32:12,782 --> 00:32:15,130 Very hard and driving. 436 00:32:15,565 --> 00:32:17,130 And just cool. 437 00:32:17,869 --> 00:32:20,869 He said, "Sing higher." I did. 438 00:32:21,086 --> 00:32:24,130 "So high now." I did. "So high now." 439 00:32:24,391 --> 00:32:28,739 "I am at the limit with my chest voice." And Mike: "That's what it's about." 440 00:32:29,000 --> 00:32:30,695 Ich: "Was?" Er: "Ja." 441 00:32:31,000 --> 00:32:32,217 I why?" 442 00:32:32,478 --> 00:32:37,173 "In this position your voice has a very special quality." 443 00:32:37,608 --> 00:32:42,347 Mickie Most thought it was a little too slow. So they made it faster. 444 00:32:42,739 --> 00:32:47,739 That's why Suzi's voice sounds a bit shrill on the upper notes. 445 00:32:48,217 --> 00:32:53,434 Mickie wanted to talk about my outfit because it was going to be a number one hit. 446 00:32:53,695 --> 00:32:56,565 I wanted leather, he was against it. 447 00:32:57,086 --> 00:33:00,260 But I really wanted to because I was such an Elvis fan. 448 00:33:00,521 --> 00:33:03,000 Then he said: "Good. A jumpsuit." 449 00:33:03,391 --> 00:33:07,434 I'll never forget like Mickie at our dining table 450 00:33:07,869 --> 00:33:09,869 {\ an1} drew a leather catsuit . 451 00:33:10,304 --> 00:33:12,956 {\ an1} That's how he wanted to see Suzi on stage, 452 00:33:13,173 --> 00:33:14,304 {\ an1} entirely in leather. 453 00:33:14,695 --> 00:33:18,913 Like Jane Fonda in "Barbarella", that was his inspiration. 454 00:33:19,304 --> 00:33:21,391 "That's what we're working with," he said. 455 00:33:21,826 --> 00:33:25,869 The record was on on my first photo shoot. 456 00:33:26,608 --> 00:33:31,000 Gered Mankowitz took photos, the song was playing and I was wearing my first leather suit. 457 00:33:32,000 --> 00:33:34,478 It was an important moment because he said: 458 00:33:35,043 --> 00:33:37,521 "Show me the Suzi Quatro look!" 459 00:33:37,782 --> 00:33:40,695 And everything just came ... 460 00:33:41,347 --> 00:33:43,086 And I did ... 461 00:33:43,782 --> 00:33:45,391 {\ an1} Whack! An important moment. 462 00:33:45,652 --> 00:33:47,478 {\ an1} The plate matches the look. 463 00:33:47,739 --> 00:33:50,608 {\ an1} The picture always reminds me of that moment. 464 00:33:51,000 --> 00:33:54,217 "You want a Suzi Quatro look?" And already I had it. 465 00:33:56,434 --> 00:33:59,217 {\ an1} That was when I became Suzi Quatro. 466 00:33:59,956 --> 00:34:03,347 We were at "Top of the Pops" on Tuesday, 467 00:34:03,739 --> 00:34:06,347 it was broadcast on Thursday. 468 00:34:06,826 --> 00:34:10,391 Back then everyone was watching "Top of the Pops". It was so to speak 469 00:34:10,695 --> 00:34:12,043 the Holy Grail. 470 00:34:12,478 --> 00:34:14,695 Everyone wanted to appear there. 471 00:34:15,956 --> 00:34:19,739 If that worked, you knew: the foot is in the door! 472 00:34:48,782 --> 00:34:51,739 I only have this "Can the Can!" heard. 473 00:34:52,043 --> 00:34:57,347 Just neurons and synapses that exploded in my brain. 474 00:34:57,739 --> 00:35:00,608 My brain literally exploded. 475 00:35:11,217 --> 00:35:13,869 Everyone said they were shocked. 476 00:35:14,086 --> 00:35:17,826 First reaction: what the hell is that? 477 00:35:34,043 --> 00:35:38,434 We were totally unknown on Wednesday. 478 00:35:39,043 --> 00:35:45,391 Suzi and I were watching Top of the Pops on our little black and white TV. 479 00:35:45,869 --> 00:35:48,782 Then it came and everyone freaked out. 480 00:35:50,304 --> 00:35:53,347 Just because. "Damn it, let's go have a beer!" 481 00:35:53,652 --> 00:35:59,130 Oh yeah, I remember when we went to the pub to have the Top of the Pops gig. 482 00:35:59,434 --> 00:36:02,260 I had no idea what to expect. 483 00:36:02,565 --> 00:36:05,478 We came in and everyone started screaming: 484 00:36:05,739 --> 00:36:08,565 "That is her!" Total chaos. 485 00:36:09,130 --> 00:36:11,869 I just thought, "Oh shit." It was scary. 486 00:36:12,130 --> 00:36:17,695 I ran out and knew this was the end of my life so far. 487 00:36:44,260 --> 00:36:48,217 She's really wild and just herself. 488 00:36:48,478 --> 00:36:51,565 She doesn't really look threatening 489 00:36:52,260 --> 00:36:55,086 she stands there with her boys 490 00:36:55,652 --> 00:37:00,869 and she is the leader. And it literally explodes 491 00:37:01,347 --> 00:37:04,086 for sheer talent 492 00:37:05,347 --> 00:37:07,695 Energy and youth and ... 493 00:37:09,869 --> 00:37:13,608 that makes them seem independent. 494 00:37:14,130 --> 00:37:16,086 And Suzi is tiny! 495 00:37:16,695 --> 00:37:19,304 A tiny person. 496 00:37:19,782 --> 00:37:24,521 Wow! A little girl like that makes so much noise! 497 00:37:24,869 --> 00:37:30,739 I had never seen a woman play an instrument in a band. 498 00:37:31,000 --> 00:37:36,478 It never occurred to me that there could be. 499 00:37:37,217 --> 00:37:38,782 You can see, 500 00:37:39,000 --> 00:37:43,521 what influence she had 501 00:37:44,521 --> 00:37:48,695 what symbolic power it had for so many musicians. 502 00:37:50,826 --> 00:37:55,043 Many musicians have taken Suzi Quatro as a role model. 503 00:37:55,347 --> 00:37:59,217 She was pretty much the only front woman in a band back then 504 00:37:59,478 --> 00:38:02,521 who sang and played an instrument. 505 00:38:02,782 --> 00:38:07,565 There weren't many. Were there any at all back then? 506 00:38:08,043 --> 00:38:12,043 That kind of elemental rock 'n' roll, roots rock, 507 00:38:12,304 --> 00:38:14,000 that she made 508 00:38:14,304 --> 00:38:19,217 had a big influence on what came next , punk rock. 509 00:38:19,695 --> 00:38:22,086 She wore a jumpsuit, she wore leather 510 00:38:22,434 --> 00:38:25,043 had a simple hairstyle. 511 00:38:25,391 --> 00:38:28,521 She was a natural beauty without much makeup. 512 00:38:28,913 --> 00:38:33,347 When attractive people don't act sexy, they look even more attractive. 513 00:38:33,652 --> 00:38:39,043 She had that perfect pouting, innocent face. Simply adorable. 514 00:38:39,565 --> 00:38:43,173 Maybe girls were taught 515 00:38:43,434 --> 00:38:46,391 not to strive for these things, 516 00:38:46,869 --> 00:38:49,304 to say, "I can't." 517 00:38:49,565 --> 00:38:53,695 And it took a Suzi Quatro first, who said: "Yes, it works." 518 00:38:54,043 --> 00:38:58,304 At the time I wanted to persuade Tina to join our band, 519 00:38:58,565 --> 00:39:00,304 even in college. 520 00:39:00,739 --> 00:39:02,739 I was ready to help him 521 00:39:03,000 --> 00:39:08,521 in his career, in his pastime, in everything he wanted to do. 522 00:39:09,173 --> 00:39:14,782 But I couldn't imagine it for me. I played folk guitar. 523 00:39:15,478 --> 00:39:16,913 And flute. 524 00:39:17,130 --> 00:39:19,478 And handbells. 525 00:39:20,000 --> 00:39:21,956 Tina said very wisely: 526 00:39:22,173 --> 00:39:27,000 "I don't know, rock 'n' roll is for young men. 527 00:39:27,347 --> 00:39:29,695 Not for nice girls. " 528 00:39:30,086 --> 00:39:32,652 I said, "That's not true. Look! 529 00:39:33,782 --> 00:39:37,391 Suzi Quatro. And she plays the bass 530 00:39:37,956 --> 00:39:42,304 and sings. And check out her cool outfit. 531 00:39:42,739 --> 00:39:46,000 {\ an1} Listen to it. She really rocks. She really can. 532 00:39:46,869 --> 00:39:50,000 Like a guy, maybe even better. " 533 00:39:51,391 --> 00:39:54,000 {\ an3} YOUR FIRST ALBUM "SUZI QUATRO" WAS: 534 00:39:54,652 --> 00:39:57,391 {\ an3} PLACE 2 IN AUSTRALIA, 32 IN GREAT BRITAIN, 535 00:39:57,652 --> 00:39:59,739 {\ an3} 5 IN AUSTRIA, 4 IN GERMANY, 536 00:40:00,000 --> 00:40:02,260 {\ an3} 72 IN ITALY 142 IN THE USA. 537 00:40:03,826 --> 00:40:05,173 Suzi was real. 538 00:40:05,478 --> 00:40:10,478 It came so much from inside her 539 00:40:11,347 --> 00:40:13,434 so unmistakable 540 00:40:13,782 --> 00:40:18,521 it was much more than just showing that women can make music. 541 00:40:19,130 --> 00:40:23,130 She showed us that we could be ourselves 542 00:40:23,608 --> 00:40:28,608 if we believed in ourselves enough. Because Suzi never questioned that. 543 00:40:28,956 --> 00:40:32,347 As a young teen I went to the teen club 544 00:40:33,000 --> 00:40:36,391 dropped a coin and heard "48 Crash". 545 00:41:59,217 --> 00:42:03,565 For me, "48 Crash" is their trademark. 546 00:42:04,000 --> 00:42:09,347 More than "Can the Can" and "Devil Gate Drive". One of their best songs. 547 00:42:09,782 --> 00:42:11,347 I sing along everywhere. 548 00:42:11,608 --> 00:42:16,608 Me, Suzi and Lenny sang the background for all of them. 549 00:42:17,434 --> 00:42:19,695 That was a lot of fun. 550 00:42:21,391 --> 00:42:24,304 There was a lot of rejection because Suzi was a woman. 551 00:42:24,565 --> 00:42:26,043 YOUR MOM WILL NOT LIKE YOU! 552 00:42:26,391 --> 00:42:28,652 She wasn't a Cilla Black or Lulu 553 00:42:28,913 --> 00:42:31,217 not a "normal" singer. 554 00:42:32,000 --> 00:42:36,434 She dared to play bass and damn well at that too. 555 00:42:36,695 --> 00:42:40,782 She dared to sing rock 'n' roll and she did it very well. 556 00:42:41,000 --> 00:42:45,391 {\ an3} And she dared to wear leather and really turn it up. 557 00:42:56,739 --> 00:42:59,782 She moved and played bass 558 00:43:00,000 --> 00:43:03,347 like a real bass player. And without a pick. 559 00:43:03,782 --> 00:43:09,217 She grabbed the strings and pounded on them like there was no tomorrow. 560 00:43:09,478 --> 00:43:12,478 And at the same time she sang 561 00:43:13,000 --> 00:43:14,826 which is really difficult. 562 00:43:15,565 --> 00:43:18,826 "DAYTON DEMON" DOES IT: 563 00:43:33,347 --> 00:43:37,086 The British press loved outsiders. 564 00:43:37,478 --> 00:43:43,521 But if you came out big, it would tear you apart. That happened with Suzi's performances and records. 565 00:43:43,782 --> 00:43:45,956 SEXIST TOOL OF CHAUVINISM 566 00:43:46,391 --> 00:43:50,391 Many of the New Musical Express writers were very political. 567 00:43:50,782 --> 00:43:53,565 Obviously all left students. 568 00:43:53,869 --> 00:43:58,043 "... UNDER THE FUTURE OF YOUR CHAUVINIST PRODUCERS." 569 00:43:58,304 --> 00:44:04,434 Many did not understand that a woman could be as successful as a man. 570 00:44:04,826 --> 00:44:06,260 Men yes, women no. 571 00:44:06,652 --> 00:44:08,565 I've sold a million records. 572 00:44:08,826 --> 00:44:14,260 That attracts the skeptics who want to pigeonhole you. 573 00:44:14,739 --> 00:44:19,347 Many thought my work was great, others said: "Commercial product." 574 00:44:19,608 --> 00:44:24,565 If there's one thing I'm not, it's a commercial product. 575 00:44:43,043 --> 00:44:46,826 That she made her way 576 00:44:47,173 --> 00:44:49,869 proves how much courage she has. 577 00:44:50,260 --> 00:44:55,043 Because rock music was a male-dominated business back then. 578 00:44:58,217 --> 00:45:01,434 Let's take a look at the butt of the year. 579 00:45:01,695 --> 00:45:03,000 Oh well 580 00:45:04,086 --> 00:45:07,652 What must Suzi Quatro have been through? 581 00:45:08,478 --> 00:45:12,478 in the beleaguered 70s. 582 00:45:12,956 --> 00:45:15,652 What we are experiencing today 583 00:45:16,217 --> 00:45:20,869 are just a holdover from when it was normal. 584 00:45:21,217 --> 00:45:23,347 A woman was not allowed to say anything. 585 00:45:23,782 --> 00:45:28,043 I never saw myself then or now as a woman 586 00:45:28,521 --> 00:45:32,130 who makes music. Gender is not important to me. 587 00:45:32,478 --> 00:45:37,043 I wasn't an emancier : "Look here, a girl can do that too." 588 00:45:37,304 --> 00:45:41,086 I wasn't like that. I just said, "Here I am." 589 00:45:42,695 --> 00:45:46,304 She has crossed the sex line. 590 00:45:46,695 --> 00:45:51,956 Today she is considered an icon. At least for most of the people I know. 591 00:45:52,739 --> 00:45:57,695 When we, L7, are interviewed today, gender issues rarely play a role. 592 00:45:57,956 --> 00:46:00,043 It used to be that way all the time. 593 00:46:00,304 --> 00:46:04,565 I guess the subject must have annoyed Suzi Quatro, 594 00:46:04,826 --> 00:46:07,695 since she probably didn't give a shit. 595 00:46:08,000 --> 00:46:10,304 We wanted to be like them. 596 00:46:10,652 --> 00:46:14,826 We wanted to have this strength, this belief in ourselves 597 00:46:15,043 --> 00:46:18,826 how she broadcast it. 598 00:46:19,217 --> 00:46:24,391 And as a young girl, you want that too. 599 00:46:38,000 --> 00:46:44,347 She could be perfectly pegged into this scene, this glam rock thing. 600 00:46:44,608 --> 00:46:48,434 She wasn't a glam rocker, but she was part of that development. 601 00:46:48,913 --> 00:46:51,695 We weren't a glam rock band. 602 00:46:52,173 --> 00:46:55,086 I never used lipstick. 603 00:46:55,565 --> 00:46:59,956 Only Suzi used to put on makeup for television or for taking photos. 604 00:47:00,260 --> 00:47:03,826 She made Marc Bolan, Slade, 605 00:47:04,608 --> 00:47:07,913 David Bowie, Sweet contesting first place. 606 00:47:08,695 --> 00:47:12,391 Yes, she was part of the glam rock scene. 607 00:47:12,739 --> 00:47:14,347 Mike kept coming up with new ideas. 608 00:47:15,000 --> 00:47:16,956 {\ an3} He thought everything through carefully 609 00:47:17,173 --> 00:47:21,826 {\ an3} and his sound engineer Pete Coleman knew what Mike wanted. 610 00:47:22,304 --> 00:47:26,956 I wanted Mike Chapman to produce Blondie 611 00:47:27,304 --> 00:47:32,130 because he wrote songs like "Ballroom Blitz", "Can the Can" or "48 Crash". 612 00:47:32,565 --> 00:47:36,869 {\ an1} He was a disciplinarian, he always came in riding breeches, 613 00:47:37,086 --> 00:47:41,739 {\ an1} with a steel helmet like MacArthur and a riding crop. 614 00:47:44,000 --> 00:47:47,608 "So we should do that again." 615 00:47:49,130 --> 00:47:51,043 Nobody is fooling him. 616 00:47:51,304 --> 00:47:56,347 He swings the whip until he gets exactly what he imagined. 617 00:47:56,826 --> 00:47:58,913 How are Suzi Quatro's songs created? 618 00:47:59,304 --> 00:48:03,652 We dealt very intensively with Suzi's character. 619 00:48:04,000 --> 00:48:08,347 She needs something wild because there is something untamed about her. 620 00:48:08,608 --> 00:48:11,173 She is very calm in private. 621 00:48:11,434 --> 00:48:15,695 But on a stage she becomes Mr. Hyde. 622 00:48:16,043 --> 00:48:19,217 I was totally inspired: "Let me go." 623 00:48:19,913 --> 00:48:22,000 I knocked out one by one. 624 00:48:22,347 --> 00:48:26,521 "Devil Gate Drive" was next. That was, in a way, the biggest hit. 625 00:48:32,652 --> 00:48:34,347 {\an1}"KÖNIG DES SUNSET STRIP" 626 00:48:34,608 --> 00:48:37,304 "Devil Gate Drive" ran a lot in my club 627 00:48:37,565 --> 00:48:40,695 because of the first line: Welcome to the crash! 628 00:49:44,000 --> 00:49:46,608 NOT IN THE CHARTS IN THE USA. 629 00:49:50,130 --> 00:49:51,782 1ST TOUR OF AUSTRALIA, 1974 630 00:49:52,043 --> 00:49:56,608 Mickie Most said: "The flight takes a long time. Wear what you want, 631 00:49:57,173 --> 00:50:01,652 but when you get out you have to be in leather because you are a legend. "-" Good. " 632 00:50:01,913 --> 00:50:06,304 That was the first time that there were noisy cameras. I loved it. 633 00:50:06,782 --> 00:50:11,043 An English band with an American lady. How long have you been together? 634 00:50:11,304 --> 00:50:14,608 I've always been together. - I wanted to hear that! 635 00:50:15,260 --> 00:50:18,913 How much longer will you be able to go on like this? 636 00:50:19,130 --> 00:50:21,043 Until nobody wants to see me anymore. 637 00:50:21,304 --> 00:50:25,000 When will that be? - I don't know. Maybe when I'm old and wrinkled. 638 00:50:25,260 --> 00:50:28,130 How do you see your image? - You're welcome? 639 00:50:28,391 --> 00:50:32,086 How was the reception here for you? - It was very beautiful. 640 00:50:32,608 --> 00:50:37,217 Where were you? We waited two hours. - Our luggage didn't come. 641 00:50:37,478 --> 00:50:39,695 We have an escort for you. - As? 642 00:50:39,956 --> 00:50:41,826 A motorcycle escort. - Yes? 643 00:50:42,043 --> 00:50:43,782 Did you know that? - no 644 00:50:44,217 --> 00:50:45,391 "ROCK-QUEEN" MOVED 645 00:50:45,652 --> 00:50:49,869 {\ an1} There were all these Hell's Angels at the airport. 646 00:50:50,260 --> 00:50:54,695 And in Australia they are not mothers-sons like they are here. 647 00:50:54,956 --> 00:50:56,739 They were to be taken seriously. 648 00:50:57,000 --> 00:51:00,000 There were many, and they were really scary. 649 00:51:01,478 --> 00:51:05,869 The single "Can the Can" hit # 1 in England in just three weeks. 650 00:51:06,086 --> 00:51:09,391 So far 200,000 pieces have been sold in Australia , 651 00:51:09,652 --> 00:51:11,652 more than any Beatles single. 652 00:51:12,043 --> 00:51:14,608 It's not that big in the US 653 00:51:14,913 --> 00:51:18,043 but in Europe she is the first lady of rock. 654 00:51:20,521 --> 00:51:25,217 I had never heard screeching like the one in Melbourne . 655 00:51:25,478 --> 00:51:27,565 2. AUSTRALIAN-TOUR, NOV. / DEZ. 1974 656 00:51:28,304 --> 00:51:30,956 We had huge amplifiers 657 00:51:31,565 --> 00:51:35,000 but they didn't win against the screaming audience. 658 00:51:36,391 --> 00:51:37,739 Hallo Melbourne! 659 00:51:43,304 --> 00:51:45,130 {\ an3} All my fans in Australia 660 00:51:45,391 --> 00:51:47,869 {\ an3} Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 661 00:51:48,086 --> 00:51:51,173 {\ an3} Buy my records so I can buy cars and houses. 662 00:51:51,782 --> 00:51:53,739 AUSTRALIA, PRESS CONFERENCE 663 00:51:54,000 --> 00:51:56,217 Do you have most of the fans here? 664 00:51:56,478 --> 00:51:57,739 Yes, in Australia. 665 00:51:58,000 --> 00:52:02,130 We are also in Germany a lot, we are everywhere. 666 00:52:02,956 --> 00:52:07,695 You shouldn't have made it in America yet . What do you think? 667 00:52:08,130 --> 00:52:10,608 I almost cursed, I'd rather not. 668 00:52:11,043 --> 00:52:16,434 In 1974 I came home for my first American tour. 669 00:52:16,869 --> 00:52:20,130 I had hits , so I came back successfully, which is what I wanted. 670 00:52:20,391 --> 00:52:21,826 SUZI COMES BACK AS A STAR 671 00:52:22,130 --> 00:52:25,956 First time since 1971, so I was very upset. 672 00:52:26,173 --> 00:52:29,434 Coming home to the family, oh my god! 673 00:52:29,869 --> 00:52:31,217 I had palpitations. 674 00:52:31,695 --> 00:52:36,217 {\ an1} I had left her and didn't know what it would be like. 675 00:52:36,608 --> 00:52:41,086 I went to my old room in the basement with Lenny . 676 00:52:41,434 --> 00:52:42,869 My clothes were gone. 677 00:52:43,565 --> 00:52:48,043 All the pictures were gone, the whole room was as if naked. 678 00:52:48,913 --> 00:52:51,347 "Where are my clothes?" I asked my mother. 679 00:52:51,608 --> 00:52:55,434 "Patti cut it up and made something out of it." 680 00:52:55,869 --> 00:52:59,652 I was erased from her life, as if I were no longer there. 681 00:52:59,913 --> 00:53:02,478 That was a real shock. It was very tough. 682 00:53:03,434 --> 00:53:05,913 {\ an1} I always felt sorry for Patti. 683 00:53:06,130 --> 00:53:09,434 She must have thought I had taken something from her. 684 00:53:09,695 --> 00:53:11,130 But I don't have that. 685 00:53:11,391 --> 00:53:15,782 You must feel guilty about leaving the family 686 00:53:16,086 --> 00:53:18,043 and project your crap on us. 687 00:53:18,304 --> 00:53:21,173 {\ an3} I BREAKED OFF MY SISTER 'S FINGERS. 688 00:53:21,434 --> 00:53:24,956 They were proud of me, but they also resented me 689 00:53:25,173 --> 00:53:28,217 and thought I had a carefree life. 690 00:53:28,739 --> 00:53:32,217 You're looking forward to "Hello!" But everyone is closing . That is hard. 691 00:53:32,695 --> 00:53:36,086 It would change if she did. 692 00:53:36,608 --> 00:53:41,043 But I don't notice anything. Something would also change 693 00:53:41,304 --> 00:53:45,521 if I gave it my all to have a famous sister. 694 00:53:45,782 --> 00:53:46,869 I don’t. 695 00:53:47,347 --> 00:53:51,173 Suzi is Suzi. She won't be pinned down. She protects herself. 696 00:53:51,739 --> 00:53:53,130 {\ an1} That's how it is. 697 00:53:56,782 --> 00:53:59,304 "Love is enough to share the burden 698 00:54:00,086 --> 00:54:02,347 or to heal the inner child? 699 00:54:02,608 --> 00:54:07,043 Or did something die on this endless road ? " 700 00:54:08,347 --> 00:54:12,956 {\ an3} Big applause for honest 5-finger rock: 701 00:54:33,391 --> 00:54:36,521 With the first album she made a club tour in 74. 702 00:54:36,956 --> 00:54:41,913 In late 74 she toured as the opening act for Uriah Heep. 703 00:54:42,260 --> 00:54:46,086 Und 75 bei Alice Coopers "Welcome to My Nightmare"-Tour. 704 00:54:47,043 --> 00:54:48,173 A great tour. 705 00:54:48,434 --> 00:54:53,826 We figured out who to take on the tour and she had time. 706 00:54:54,086 --> 00:54:58,217 We knew Suzi was great, she wouldn't disappoint the audience. 707 00:54:58,652 --> 00:55:04,000 I saw it as Alice Cooper's opener. And I was full of admiration. 708 00:55:04,347 --> 00:55:07,391 This little powerhouse 709 00:55:07,782 --> 00:55:09,869 the bass very deep, 710 00:55:10,173 --> 00:55:15,173 did a Chuck Berry thing on the giant stage of the Forum. 711 00:55:15,869 --> 00:55:18,000 We had a really good time. 712 00:55:18,478 --> 00:55:22,260 Six appearances in a row, then a day off 713 00:55:22,869 --> 00:55:25,130 then again six appearances and so on. 714 00:55:25,826 --> 00:55:28,739 We toured the UK, America 715 00:55:29,000 --> 00:55:32,782 Italy, Scandinavia and Japan. 716 00:55:33,173 --> 00:55:36,043 And now Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia. 717 00:55:36,565 --> 00:55:39,130 Are there any breaks? 718 00:55:39,913 --> 00:55:42,043 A couple of hours here and there. 719 00:55:42,608 --> 00:55:47,347 You were always on tour. And the more successful you were, the more. 720 00:55:47,608 --> 00:55:52,000 65 cities in 72 days. At that age you are indestructible. 721 00:55:53,043 --> 00:55:57,000 You're 20, 21, 22, always on the go. 722 00:55:57,260 --> 00:55:59,826 And full halls every evening. 723 00:56:00,304 --> 00:56:04,434 After the performance we sat somewhere 724 00:56:04,782 --> 00:56:08,608 a bottle of scotch showed up and we stayed up forever. 725 00:56:09,000 --> 00:56:13,826 Then back on the bus or the plane and do it all over again. 726 00:56:14,130 --> 00:56:15,913 Suzi Quatro drank beer, 727 00:56:17,043 --> 00:56:18,565 smoked cigarettes. 728 00:56:19,304 --> 00:56:22,000 I've never seen her use harder drugs. 729 00:56:22,434 --> 00:56:27,826 I wasn't a sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll girl. I didn't do any of that. 730 00:56:28,043 --> 00:56:31,652 I was the rock star only on stage. 731 00:56:32,304 --> 00:56:37,565 I like to be on stage like that, go home and live normally. 732 00:56:38,000 --> 00:56:42,043 You are always in leather on stage, very rocking. 733 00:56:42,391 --> 00:56:47,260 Have you ever thought about doing something else? 734 00:56:47,521 --> 00:56:52,956 Yes, I always picture myself singing love songs in an evening dress. 735 00:56:53,173 --> 00:56:56,173 Will you do it? - That was just a joke. 736 00:57:08,043 --> 00:57:12,173 I still remember the first Rolling Stone cover. 737 00:57:12,608 --> 00:57:15,043 I thought, "That's it! America is calling!" 738 00:57:22,956 --> 00:57:27,000 On the cover I thought, "Wow! You really did it." 739 00:57:27,260 --> 00:57:32,260 I think that's a yardstick. If you are on the cover, then you are who. 740 00:57:32,956 --> 00:57:36,130 I read about a club in LA 741 00:57:36,565 --> 00:57:39,000 der hieß "Rodney's English Disco". 742 00:57:39,217 --> 00:57:43,826 It was playing that British glitter sound that couldn't be heard here. 743 00:57:48,217 --> 00:57:53,782 I guess I started going to Rodney's in 1975 744 00:57:54,086 --> 00:57:55,478 and also to the "Sugar Shack". 745 00:57:57,826 --> 00:58:00,000 Man, did I dance on "Can the Can" 746 00:58:00,217 --> 00:58:01,826 und "Your Mama Won't Like Me"! 747 00:58:07,347 --> 00:58:11,956 It only took place in the discos and in the underground, 748 00:58:12,173 --> 00:58:14,347 before the radio picked it up. 749 00:58:14,739 --> 00:58:18,434 Once I left the club with a bunch of kids 750 00:58:18,695 --> 00:58:21,347 that we called "glitter animals", 751 00:58:23,000 --> 00:58:25,086 drove to LA airport 752 00:58:26,304 --> 00:58:29,260 to meet Suzi Quatro and her band. 753 00:58:32,217 --> 00:58:36,913 The musicians heard Suzi Quatro, many of the girls learned to play the guitar because of her. 754 00:58:37,260 --> 00:58:40,826 Many of them learned drums and bass because of her. 755 00:58:41,478 --> 00:58:43,913 Before that, they would never have dared to do it. 756 00:58:44,217 --> 00:58:46,304 Joan Jett was one of those 757 00:58:46,695 --> 00:58:51,782 who saw Suzi Quatro as a prototype. Because she really did it. 758 00:58:52,130 --> 00:58:58,521 Joan Jett looked exactly like Suzi Quatro. 759 00:58:58,869 --> 00:59:02,000 We had to dye her hair 760 00:59:02,521 --> 00:59:04,521 change clothes. 761 00:59:05,304 --> 00:59:09,217 She worked on the way to move 762 00:59:09,652 --> 00:59:12,521 to have everything from Suzi 763 00:59:12,826 --> 00:59:16,869 the corridor or the way she shakes her hair. 764 00:59:17,130 --> 00:59:20,173 "Joan, you are great! 765 00:59:20,956 --> 00:59:24,130 Be Joan and let Suzi be Suzi. " 766 00:59:24,695 --> 00:59:27,826 Your influence was crucial to me 767 00:59:28,217 --> 00:59:32,043 to find out who I was to find my style 768 00:59:32,739 --> 00:59:35,173 to become a personality of its own. 769 00:59:35,434 --> 00:59:38,434 And through her I got the strength 770 00:59:39,826 --> 00:59:40,826 to do it. 771 00:59:41,217 --> 00:59:48,043 We got to LA and made friends with Joan Jett and some of the Runaways. 772 00:59:48,478 --> 00:59:52,521 Joan was a great admirer 773 00:59:52,782 --> 00:59:56,347 really a big fan of Suzi. 774 00:59:57,260 --> 01:00:01,304 All the bands have always been in the Hyatt House, also known as the "Riot House". 775 01:00:01,739 --> 01:00:04,608 As soon as you went in, Joan Jett came running. 776 01:00:05,347 --> 01:00:07,565 "Give me an autograph!" She was always there. 777 01:00:07,956 --> 01:00:12,739 She's just running away. I know that, I've been with runaways for three years. 778 01:00:13,260 --> 01:00:16,913 There was a great magazine in Germany, the "Bravo". 779 01:00:17,130 --> 01:00:20,173 Suzi Quatro was often on the cover. 780 01:00:20,434 --> 01:00:22,217 It was big all over Europe. 781 01:00:23,000 --> 01:00:25,000 There were also posters in "Bravo". 782 01:00:25,434 --> 01:00:29,000 I put these posters up in my English disco. 783 01:00:29,260 --> 01:00:34,695 On one was Suzi Quatro in a leather bikini. 784 01:00:35,043 --> 01:00:39,000 And Joan Jett always sat in the corner where the poster was hanging. 785 01:00:39,695 --> 01:00:42,260 At some point the poster was gone. 786 01:00:44,739 --> 01:00:48,000 I had my own posters. I wouldn't have stolen from Rodney. 787 01:00:52,434 --> 01:00:57,130 In the States , the key to success is radio. 788 01:00:57,478 --> 01:00:59,782 If you're on the radio, you have a chance. 789 01:01:03,913 --> 01:01:08,260 In America we were on the radio all the time. Always 4 or 5 in a row. 790 01:01:08,826 --> 01:01:13,391 You arrive in a city and go to a broadcaster before going to the hotel. 791 01:01:13,695 --> 01:01:16,000 And then another transmitter and another. 792 01:01:16,913 --> 01:01:20,782 If you wanted to put a record in America back then 793 01:01:21,000 --> 01:01:24,043 Did you send guys out with plenty of cocaine? 794 01:01:24,304 --> 01:01:29,043 and if everyone was high the record might have been played a few times. 795 01:01:36,391 --> 01:01:40,260 {\ an3} RAK RECORDS 'NEW FEMALE STAR CONQUERS AMERICA! 796 01:01:41,304 --> 01:01:45,521 Mickie had had huge success in the United States. 797 01:01:45,956 --> 01:01:49,043 With the Animals, the Yardbirds and so on. 798 01:01:49,826 --> 01:01:53,086 But the people he worked with 799 01:01:53,347 --> 01:01:55,173 didn't understand Suzi. 800 01:01:55,739 --> 01:01:58,913 He just went to his people ... 801 01:01:59,304 --> 01:02:01,869 There's nothing wrong with Clive Davis either. 802 01:02:02,086 --> 01:02:06,478 I was in a bungalow at the Beverly Hills Hotel with Clive 803 01:02:06,739 --> 01:02:11,826 and played him "Can the Can" and "48 Crash". 804 01:02:12,043 --> 01:02:16,217 And all his talent scouts in the room said 805 01:02:16,478 --> 01:02:19,782 they would make huge hits out of it. 806 01:02:21,260 --> 01:02:24,000 His promoters couldn't do it. 807 01:02:24,478 --> 01:02:28,826 I thought she was going to be a star in America. But that didn't happen. 808 01:02:30,869 --> 01:02:32,347 {\ an1} COMPOSER AND PRODUCER 809 01:02:32,608 --> 01:02:34,217 When I heard the record I thought: 810 01:02:34,478 --> 01:02:37,304 "The best girl I've ever heard." 811 01:02:37,956 --> 01:02:42,826 But somehow this style of music never made it, I thought 812 01:02:43,217 --> 01:02:44,695 it is a sure-fire success. 813 01:02:45,043 --> 01:02:49,565 It was probably too early for the industry, too early for the market. 814 01:02:50,043 --> 01:02:51,478 They weren't ready for it. 815 01:02:52,000 --> 01:02:55,782 The states weren't ready 816 01:02:56,000 --> 01:02:58,434 there was even more macho. 817 01:02:58,695 --> 01:03:02,304 There was such a Lynyrd-Skynyrd attitude. 818 01:03:02,956 --> 01:03:09,478 The crowd here didn't like this British glam rock music. 819 01:03:10,478 --> 01:03:15,608 Something was missing from it. Something wasnâ € ™ t transferring. 820 01:03:15,869 --> 01:03:19,217 And after the Alice Cooper tour 821 01:03:19,565 --> 01:03:24,086 there was no real reason to bring her back to the States. 822 01:03:24,521 --> 01:03:28,869 There was nothing greater in sight for them. 823 01:03:29,347 --> 01:03:31,869 I did not understand. 824 01:03:32,565 --> 01:03:37,652 She never got over not being so successful in her own country. 825 01:03:37,913 --> 01:03:42,347 Because she should have been a big star here. 826 01:03:47,608 --> 01:03:49,913 We got married in England. 827 01:03:50,217 --> 01:03:53,521 We bought a house near his parents. 828 01:03:53,782 --> 01:03:57,521 We were very close, formed a unit, 829 01:03:57,869 --> 01:04:00,000 never got tempted ... 830 01:04:00,347 --> 01:04:03,217 As a personality he may have looked a little pale, 831 01:04:03,478 --> 01:04:09,173 but I think his stamina and stature were really important to her. 832 01:04:09,826 --> 01:04:14,260 I was aware that it was always about "Suzi". 833 01:04:14,521 --> 01:04:17,913 In my private life I have therefore tried 834 01:04:18,565 --> 01:04:21,086 to make it all the more important. 835 01:04:21,913 --> 01:04:25,521 And he knew I did. 836 01:04:26,000 --> 01:04:28,000 He should never be "Mr Quatro". 837 01:05:04,000 --> 01:05:07,739 Mr Udo, the promoter, said: 838 01:05:08,000 --> 01:05:10,391 "You have to do something for me." 839 01:05:10,652 --> 01:05:11,956 "Was denn?" 840 01:05:12,391 --> 01:05:14,086 "You just got married." 841 01:05:14,347 --> 01:05:18,782 That should be kept a secret, some idiot had leaked it. 842 01:05:19,173 --> 01:05:21,739 "That will upset Japanese fans. 843 01:05:22,304 --> 01:05:26,304 But when we play a wedding in Japan 844 01:05:26,565 --> 01:05:29,347 she will make up for that. " -" All right . " 845 01:05:30,652 --> 01:05:32,869 We didn't know what that meant. 846 01:05:33,173 --> 01:05:37,608 I had to put on a fucking kimono and shoes that were way too small 847 01:05:37,869 --> 01:05:39,608 waddle like a geisha. 848 01:05:40,000 --> 01:05:43,869 And that's when the Runaways came to town 849 01:05:44,130 --> 01:05:46,434 and were invited, of course. 850 01:05:46,826 --> 01:05:50,347 They looked at us like, "What the hell are you doing?" 851 01:05:51,260 --> 01:05:55,782 "You'll find out soon enough. In Japan that's called a doctorate." 852 01:06:04,000 --> 01:06:08,000 Slowly but surely I got the feeling 853 01:06:08,391 --> 01:06:11,565 that Nicky was exploiting my abilities. 854 01:06:12,478 --> 01:06:15,565 I didn't mean to feel that way, but he made me feel that way. 855 01:06:15,956 --> 01:06:17,869 Mike probably didn't like 856 01:06:18,217 --> 01:06:22,521 that Nicky was on the records as a songwriter . 857 01:06:23,739 --> 01:06:26,217 Nicky is a businessman, not a musician. 858 01:06:26,521 --> 01:06:32,652 I wanted to get started in America and he hadn't the faintest idea about the market there. 859 01:06:33,217 --> 01:06:35,521 So I went. 860 01:06:36,304 --> 01:06:39,434 When he split up with Nicky 861 01:06:39,695 --> 01:06:43,956 and no longer wanted to work for someone he had worked for, 862 01:06:44,173 --> 01:06:46,478 everyone thought, "That's it. Restart." 863 01:06:47,347 --> 01:06:51,217 In the contract with Mickie an album was agreed per year, 864 01:06:51,695 --> 01:06:54,608 and when Mike left there was a gap. 865 01:06:55,000 --> 01:06:59,217 So Mickie produced an album with me. 866 01:06:59,478 --> 01:07:02,000 Mickie Most produzierte "Aggro-Phobia". 867 01:07:07,260 --> 01:07:10,869 Mickie didn't have what it takes to produce me. 868 01:07:11,304 --> 01:07:16,086 The album wasn't bad, but Mickie couldn't do my edges. 869 01:07:16,521 --> 01:07:20,347 That's not the sound you want from Suzi and the band. 870 01:07:21,173 --> 01:07:24,260 {\ an3} "TEAR ME APART" ONLY TAKES 27TH PLACE IN GREAT BRITAIN. 871 01:07:35,130 --> 01:07:38,478 {\ an3} "AGGRO-PHOBIA" DOESN'T MAKE IT INTO THE US CHARTS. 872 01:07:38,739 --> 01:07:42,304 {\ an3} SUZIS US- LABEL WILL NOT RENEW YOUR CONTRACT. 873 01:07:45,913 --> 01:07:49,086 In the studio are Joan Jett and Suzi Quatro. 874 01:07:49,782 --> 01:07:51,434 {\ an1} How are you guys? - Fine. 875 01:07:51,695 --> 01:07:54,260 {\ an1} Suzi, haven't seen you for a long time. Some years. 876 01:07:54,521 --> 01:07:58,304 {\ an1} Suzi, do you know Joan was a big fan of yours? - Yes. 877 01:07:58,695 --> 01:08:02,739 She was at all of my appearances. And in the lobby of the Hyatt House. 878 01:08:03,086 --> 01:08:05,347 Now Joan's a rock star ... 879 01:08:05,608 --> 01:08:07,000 Right. 880 01:08:07,608 --> 01:08:11,304 Suzi, when is there another concert in LA? 881 01:08:11,565 --> 01:08:16,173 As soon as a new album comes out. We're changing the record label in America 882 01:08:16,434 --> 01:08:19,173 that's why it's a little quieter. 883 01:08:22,217 --> 01:08:25,782 "A place in your soul where you can live. 884 01:08:26,086 --> 01:08:29,304 Nobody knows him, there is nothing to be seen. 885 01:08:30,260 --> 01:08:33,000 The answers you're looking for are waiting there 886 01:08:33,260 --> 01:08:36,521 whether right or wrong, you decide. " 887 01:08:41,565 --> 01:08:45,347 A casting agent who worked for Happy Days asked me: 888 01:08:45,869 --> 01:08:51,000 "Do you think Debbie Harry would audition for that role on Happy Days?" 889 01:08:51,565 --> 01:08:56,739 I said, "It's not a role for Debbie Harry, it's a role for Suzi Quatro." 890 01:08:57,000 --> 01:08:58,173 My oldest daughter 891 01:08:58,826 --> 01:09:03,304 had a lot of Rolling Stone covers in her bathroom. 892 01:09:04,347 --> 01:09:10,000 I described the role to her and she said, "Sit on the toilet and look over there." 893 01:09:10,217 --> 01:09:13,000 And there was a cover picture of Suzi. 894 01:09:13,782 --> 01:09:17,956 I imagined this character to be very cute and sexy. 895 01:09:18,173 --> 01:09:20,695 We didn't need anything "hot". 896 01:09:21,000 --> 01:09:23,695 We weren't a TV show 897 01:09:23,956 --> 01:09:26,826 with big-breasted girls. 898 01:09:27,521 --> 01:09:30,478 We wanted pretty, sexy girls. 899 01:09:30,739 --> 01:09:35,173 So we were looking for someone sweet and cute, and that was Suzi. 900 01:09:35,652 --> 01:09:39,173 SUZI QUATRO GETS ITS OWN TV SHOW 901 01:09:39,652 --> 01:09:41,652 HAPPY DAYS FOR SUZI 902 01:09:42,217 --> 01:09:43,782 SUZI QUATRO MEETS FONZIE 903 01:09:44,043 --> 01:09:46,913 Es war total hip. "Fonzie" war so cool. 904 01:09:47,130 --> 01:09:50,956 And then suddenly Tuscadero came. Leather Tuscadero. 905 01:09:51,391 --> 01:09:55,478 And that was Suzi! And we all: "This is our Suzi!" 906 01:09:55,826 --> 01:09:56,826 Here, Leather! 907 01:09:57,130 --> 01:09:58,391 There she is. 908 01:10:03,043 --> 01:10:04,869 Hi, Joanie, what's up? 909 01:10:07,739 --> 01:10:10,652 I knew she was a rock 'n' roller 910 01:10:10,913 --> 01:10:14,956 but not that this incredibly small person 911 01:10:15,869 --> 01:10:17,652 {\ an1} had so much power. 912 01:10:19,217 --> 01:10:23,173 Suzi Quatro had to be taken seriously. 913 01:10:23,913 --> 01:10:29,086 You can tell right away that Richie Cunningham pretends to play the saxophone 914 01:10:29,347 --> 01:10:31,913 really silly in his university outfit, 915 01:10:32,130 --> 01:10:36,739 while she's obviously a real musician. 916 01:10:40,304 --> 01:10:43,086 Many people said to me: 917 01:10:44,217 --> 01:10:46,826 "I saw you on Happy Days. 918 01:10:47,043 --> 01:10:48,869 Leather Tuscadero!" 919 01:10:49,521 --> 01:10:51,869 The first couple of times I said 920 01:10:52,086 --> 01:10:55,086 "No! This is Suzi Quatro, man!" 921 01:10:55,826 --> 01:10:58,391 But people were so convinced. 922 01:11:00,260 --> 01:11:05,304 So after the first couple of times I just said, " Well ? What do you mean?" 923 01:11:06,000 --> 01:11:07,652 That made an impression 924 01:11:07,913 --> 01:11:12,304 and got Mike Chapman to make records with her again. 925 01:11:12,826 --> 01:11:14,956 We were still friends with Mike. 926 01:11:15,260 --> 01:11:18,043 I told Suzi we should get him back. 927 01:11:18,304 --> 01:11:22,217 He said, "Okay, I'll think about a song." 928 01:11:22,608 --> 01:11:26,913 A day later he called: "I have an idea. Can the band come?" 929 01:11:27,130 --> 01:11:28,217 "When?" - "Now!" 930 01:11:28,695 --> 01:11:33,086 That was a chance to bring Suzi back into the record world. 931 01:11:33,347 --> 01:11:34,521 And Mike took it. 932 01:11:34,956 --> 01:11:38,130 Mickie Most didn't know about it. We were under contract with him. 933 01:11:38,652 --> 01:11:43,956 Mike sent him the finished piece and Mickie said, "I'll listen to it." 934 01:11:44,173 --> 01:11:46,869 He didn't look happy at all. 935 01:11:47,086 --> 01:11:50,260 We went to his office and he hung up. 936 01:11:57,304 --> 01:12:00,782 Halfway through, he broke off: "It 'll be fine." 937 01:12:01,521 --> 01:12:04,173 And we thought, "He's not happy." 938 01:12:06,000 --> 01:12:11,217 "If You Can't Give Me Love" hit and we were on the road again. 939 01:12:15,304 --> 01:12:16,782 SUZI COMES BACK 940 01:12:27,260 --> 01:12:30,608 Immediately after that came "Stumblin 'In". 941 01:12:45,304 --> 01:12:47,739 The ballad with Chris Norman from Smokie 942 01:12:48,000 --> 01:12:50,478 is one of my favorite records from her. 943 01:12:51,217 --> 01:12:52,956 A huge success in America 944 01:12:53,173 --> 01:12:57,086 probably her biggest hit there, but things didn't go so well here. 945 01:13:16,260 --> 01:13:20,304 At that time Great Britain could n't do anything with a Suzi, 946 01:13:20,608 --> 01:13:24,521 who's not a glam rocker in leather with a big bass guitar. 947 01:13:24,782 --> 01:13:27,695 Nicky Chinn met the folks from Happy Days. 948 01:13:28,434 --> 01:13:29,956 And he told them 949 01:13:30,173 --> 01:13:35,043 "Happy Days" damage my fame as a rock star. 950 01:13:35,434 --> 01:13:38,304 I should stop. I have that too. 951 01:13:38,652 --> 01:13:41,086 Are you crazy? - Rich, I'll do this. 952 01:13:42,086 --> 01:13:43,043 Are you crazy? 953 01:13:45,217 --> 01:13:47,869 {\ an3} SUZI QUATRO PLAYED "HAPPY DAYS" IN THREE RELAYS 954 01:13:48,086 --> 01:13:51,000 It was great, I enjoyed every moment. 955 01:13:51,217 --> 01:13:56,826 They offered to develop my own series about Leather Tuscadero. 956 01:13:57,304 --> 01:14:03,000 I liked to play the role, but didn't want to do an offshoot of "Happy Days". 957 01:14:03,347 --> 01:14:04,782 Thank you, Milwaukee. 958 01:14:08,260 --> 01:14:11,130 We have rejected "Happy Days" for the past two years, 959 01:14:11,391 --> 01:14:16,521 otherwise I'm too focused on this role, then Suzi is just Leather Tuscadero. 960 01:14:16,869 --> 01:14:21,739 I've shown that I can act. Now we're going to look at scripts. 961 01:14:22,086 --> 01:14:24,043 She was offered a film 962 01:14:24,434 --> 01:14:29,739 About a true story in Australia, where rockers rule a town. 963 01:14:30,130 --> 01:14:31,782 She also refused. 964 01:14:32,304 --> 01:14:34,782 Nicky and Mike both lived in LA now. 965 01:14:35,260 --> 01:14:37,608 I thought I was rid of him. 966 01:14:37,956 --> 01:14:41,086 A year and a half later he bought a house 967 01:14:41,347 --> 01:14:44,826 three doors down on my Beverly Hills street. 968 01:14:45,304 --> 01:14:49,565 I thought to myself: "He knows something about business." 969 01:14:49,826 --> 01:14:52,869 So I said, "Nicky, I'm doing a record label 970 01:14:53,086 --> 01:14:54,304 and you run it! 971 01:14:54,652 --> 01:14:58,913 {\ an1} I find the talents, make the records, 972 01:14:59,304 --> 01:15:00,739 you run the business. " 973 01:15:01,304 --> 01:15:06,608 I said to Nicky it would be good for our label 974 01:15:07,000 --> 01:15:09,521 to have a star. 975 01:15:10,260 --> 01:15:11,695 Why not Suzi? 976 01:15:12,391 --> 01:15:14,391 Mike said to me: 977 01:15:15,391 --> 01:15:19,391 "I only work with those 978 01:15:20,000 --> 01:15:22,000 who are with my label. " 979 01:15:22,217 --> 01:15:24,000 Mike was my producer. 980 01:15:25,043 --> 01:15:28,347 Most of my hits were from him. I just thought: 981 01:15:29,565 --> 01:15:33,521 {\ an3} 1980 SUZI LEAVES MICKIE MOST AND SIGNS WITH DREAMLAND RECORDS. 982 01:15:47,000 --> 01:15:52,130 I made a deal with Robert Stigwood. It was about millions. 983 01:15:52,695 --> 01:15:55,608 That had to work, otherwise that was it. 984 01:15:56,347 --> 01:16:00,913 Mickie didn't believe it. I think you lost a lot of money. 985 01:16:01,782 --> 01:16:07,695 {\ an3} DESPITE GOOD CRITICS, "ROCK HARD" FAILS ON BAD SALES. 986 01:16:08,304 --> 01:16:10,347 It didn't work and that was it. 987 01:16:10,782 --> 01:16:15,565 {\ an1} The end of our partnership. Because he didn't do his job. 988 01:16:15,956 --> 01:16:17,043 And bye! 989 01:16:17,869 --> 01:16:21,434 Hi, my name is Suzi Quatro. I was already at "Countdown" in 1974 990 01:16:21,695 --> 01:16:24,260 and will still be there in 1984. 991 01:16:26,782 --> 01:16:30,347 If Suzi had started in the 80s 992 01:16:30,913 --> 01:16:33,391 would have made her a mega-star. 993 01:16:33,826 --> 01:16:39,086 "Can the Can" would certainly have become number 1 in America. 994 01:16:39,478 --> 01:16:42,391 I came from America and made it here. 995 01:16:42,652 --> 01:16:45,478 Here they were already so far, not in America. 996 01:16:45,869 --> 01:16:49,304 Then I did "Happy Days", and through "Leather Tuscadero" 997 01:16:49,565 --> 01:16:52,782 America was suddenly ready for a Joan Jett hit. 998 01:16:55,000 --> 01:17:00,608 {\ an3} In 1982 JOAN JETTS "I LOVE ROCK 'N' ROLL" WAS IN 1st PLACE FOR 7 WEEKS. 999 01:17:03,130 --> 01:17:09,000 {\ an3} In 1975 MICKIE MOST HAD PRODUCED THE ORIGINAL WITH THE ARROWS. 1000 01:17:10,130 --> 01:17:13,000 {\ an1} People thought it was me. "Top of the Pops" called: 1001 01:17:13,347 --> 01:17:15,739 "Oh, you're back!" - "No. 1002 01:17:16,304 --> 01:17:19,000 You were probably wrong. " 1003 01:17:23,000 --> 01:17:26,739 You think you've done everything, know what you need, what you want. 1004 01:17:27,000 --> 01:17:29,000 "I'm not going into the trap. 1005 01:17:29,217 --> 01:17:32,913 I don't, "shouted the fool. And yet you are here. 1006 01:17:45,521 --> 01:17:48,608 I always wanted to have children. I love children. 1007 01:17:49,217 --> 01:17:52,173 {\ an1} POPSTAR SUZI QUATRO FINALLY MOTHER AFTER 5 YEARS. 1008 01:17:52,434 --> 01:17:56,391 {\ an1} I've had as many front pages as Princess Diana. 1009 01:17:57,173 --> 01:18:00,956 That surprised me, it didn't fit my image. 1010 01:18:01,304 --> 01:18:04,217 I am a normal person, wanted children, a family. 1011 01:18:04,478 --> 01:18:08,652 And then there were 200 photographers in front of the hospital. 1012 01:18:08,913 --> 01:18:12,913 Lenny said to me, "Don't mess with mom now." 1013 01:18:13,130 --> 01:18:15,565 And I just thought, "How?" 1014 01:18:16,434 --> 01:18:19,000 "Don't forget that you are Suzi Quatro!" 1015 01:18:19,217 --> 01:18:24,608 What a stupid remark! Yes, I am Suzi Quatro, but also Laura's mother. 1016 01:18:25,043 --> 01:18:29,130 Since I was his livelihood, he wanted me to stay "Suzi". 1017 01:18:29,565 --> 01:18:30,652 Who is singing there? 1018 01:18:33,173 --> 01:18:35,000 1984 RICHARD TUCKEY IS BORN. 1019 01:18:35,304 --> 01:18:37,739 Richard. - It's not Richard! 1020 01:18:42,695 --> 01:18:45,478 She knows Mama is Suzi Quatro. 1021 01:18:45,739 --> 01:18:48,173 She points to the television: "Suzi Quatro". 1022 01:18:48,521 --> 01:18:52,565 She knows there is mama and mama who works. 1023 01:18:52,826 --> 01:18:57,782 She was with us recently. On the way home she only sang: "48 Crash". 1024 01:18:58,695 --> 01:19:01,913 They shouldn't become spoiled celebrity brats. 1025 01:19:02,130 --> 01:19:07,130 They both went to normal school and should live normally. 1026 01:19:07,565 --> 01:19:10,043 I grew up like that and had great parents. 1027 01:19:10,304 --> 01:19:12,000 My mother taught me fixed values. 1028 01:19:12,391 --> 01:19:14,347 I wanted that with them too. 1029 01:19:14,608 --> 01:19:17,000 I was just a normal mother. 1030 01:19:17,391 --> 01:19:20,652 Others didn't get along well with it. 1031 01:19:20,913 --> 01:19:23,173 After the kids were there 1032 01:19:23,434 --> 01:19:28,000 Lenny just ... kind of walked away. 1033 01:19:28,608 --> 01:19:31,565 He was always out, went to pubs, 1034 01:19:31,826 --> 01:19:35,478 somehow broke up with me, was distant. 1035 01:19:35,913 --> 01:19:39,739 {\ an1} When I did "Annie Get Your Gun", tried something different, 1036 01:19:40,000 --> 01:19:41,521 {\ an1} I sensed Lens disapproval. 1037 01:19:41,782 --> 01:19:44,565 {\ an1} He 'll deny it, but I felt it. 1038 01:19:45,217 --> 01:19:49,173 He wanted to do rock 'n' roll and not watch me do a musical. 1039 01:19:49,434 --> 01:19:50,913 It wasn't for Lenny. 1040 01:19:51,130 --> 01:19:52,782 I understand his grudge. 1041 01:19:53,130 --> 01:19:58,086 Go over there and I'll teach you how to hit properly. 1042 01:19:59,173 --> 01:20:02,217 You couldn't even teach me to spit wide ! 1043 01:20:06,173 --> 01:20:08,826 THE MUSICAL STARTS IN CHICHESTER. 1044 01:20:10,869 --> 01:20:12,695 According to enthusiastic reviews 1045 01:20:12,956 --> 01:20:14,652 IT CHANGES TO LONDON. 1046 01:20:15,086 --> 01:20:18,695 It was good that she was American. Definitely for the British audience. 1047 01:20:19,000 --> 01:20:22,695 But she can play and sing, has a great stage presence. 1048 01:20:22,956 --> 01:20:25,391 And Annie Oakley is a woman like her 1049 01:20:25,652 --> 01:20:28,000 a 19th century Suzi Quatro. 1050 01:20:33,478 --> 01:20:38,000 I've waited all my life for praise from my father. 1051 01:20:38,652 --> 01:20:41,695 I always hoped in vain for praise from my family. 1052 01:20:42,608 --> 01:20:46,565 I remember how I thought before the performance: 1053 01:20:47,000 --> 01:20:53,086 "Do I need praise from my father?" And when I was 36 I thought for the first time: 1054 01:20:53,521 --> 01:20:54,652 "I don't need it." 1055 01:20:55,000 --> 01:20:58,608 And he came: "Damn it, Suzi, I'm really proud!" 1056 01:20:59,086 --> 01:21:01,304 I had never heard that before. 1057 01:21:01,956 --> 01:21:02,956 No. 1058 01:21:06,434 --> 01:21:12,869 When she was doing Annie Get Your Gun, I was talking to someone from CBS in London. 1059 01:21:13,217 --> 01:21:15,000 He was very interested. 1060 01:21:15,260 --> 01:21:19,478 When the press wrote about her doing the musical 1061 01:21:19,739 --> 01:21:23,608 he said, "She can do that, of course, her decision. 1062 01:21:23,869 --> 01:21:27,000 But don't expect the UK audience 1063 01:21:27,304 --> 01:21:30,652 buys rock records from the same artist . " 1064 01:21:31,130 --> 01:21:32,826 {\ an1} Then: pantomime. 1065 01:21:33,043 --> 01:21:37,086 {\ an1} For a rock 'n' roller, that's the kiss of death in Great Britain. 1066 01:21:37,565 --> 01:21:38,956 The absolute kiss of death. 1067 01:21:39,260 --> 01:21:42,695 Lenny was starting to feel like Mr. Quatro. 1068 01:21:43,000 --> 01:21:46,869 As if he'd lost his balls somehow. 1069 01:21:47,304 --> 01:21:50,521 He stayed outside. And she didn't want to be kept small. 1070 01:21:50,782 --> 01:21:53,869 Very important for them: Nobody can stop them. 1071 01:21:54,173 --> 01:21:58,391 Not your own husband, nobody. Not the sisters. She always wants to go on. 1072 01:21:58,913 --> 01:22:00,391 Always step on the gas. 1073 01:22:01,000 --> 01:22:04,347 I will not be pigeonholed. 1074 01:22:04,782 --> 01:22:07,913 You want to trim my wings. 1075 01:22:08,391 --> 01:22:10,782 How can you do this to whoever? 1076 01:22:11,000 --> 01:22:17,000 Just because you love the Suzi Quatro with the bass does n't mean I'm just that. 1077 01:22:19,695 --> 01:22:22,000 I felt like doing so much. 1078 01:22:22,260 --> 01:22:26,739 I happened upon a book on Tallulah Bankhead. As if it had meant to me. 1079 01:22:27,086 --> 01:22:32,173 I started reading it and thought, "I'm writing a musical about the lady." 1080 01:22:32,565 --> 01:22:33,956 {\ an1} CO-AUTHOR TALLULAH 1081 01:22:34,173 --> 01:22:35,739 She had made a lot of rock music 1082 01:22:36,000 --> 01:22:37,695 and wanted to expand their spectrum. 1083 01:22:37,956 --> 01:22:41,043 With the Tallulah Bankhead musical, she could. 1084 01:22:41,478 --> 01:22:45,130 I liked her because I felt 1085 01:22:45,478 --> 01:22:47,086 that it could not be fathomed 1086 01:22:47,347 --> 01:22:48,695 nobody knew her inside. 1087 01:22:49,086 --> 01:22:51,000 She had this facade. 1088 01:22:51,217 --> 01:22:54,043 I've read everything about her 1089 01:22:54,304 --> 01:22:56,130 to get close to her. 1090 01:22:56,391 --> 01:22:58,478 She was lonely as a little girl. 1091 01:22:58,739 --> 01:23:02,391 Her father didn't love her, so she put on some kind of mask. 1092 01:23:02,869 --> 01:23:08,217 Tallulah was maladjusted. She cursed, smoked, drank, 1093 01:23:08,695 --> 01:23:10,086 she was bisexual. 1094 01:23:10,347 --> 01:23:13,695 She really was a formidable person. 1095 01:23:16,652 --> 01:23:19,652 I break all the rules. I do not care! 1096 01:23:20,086 --> 01:23:22,217 The world is full of hypocrites. 1097 01:23:22,652 --> 01:23:27,000 If only they would dare 1098 01:23:27,217 --> 01:23:29,173 to fly with me. 1099 01:23:30,000 --> 01:23:32,826 She had moved away from the family. 1100 01:23:33,173 --> 01:23:35,391 {\ an1} I've visited her a few times. 1101 01:23:36,043 --> 01:23:37,434 {\ an1} Our parents too. 1102 01:23:37,695 --> 01:23:41,260 We knew she was having problems with her husband 1103 01:23:41,521 --> 01:23:44,043 and that they would probably part. 1104 01:23:44,304 --> 01:23:48,913 But we weren't really included and suddenly the separation was there. 1105 01:23:49,304 --> 01:23:52,347 That was difficult because I'm a daddy child. 1106 01:23:52,608 --> 01:23:54,000 {\ an3} DAUGHTER 1107 01:23:54,347 --> 01:23:58,782 I gave him my dog so he wouldn't be alone. 1108 01:24:00,565 --> 01:24:03,260 It took me six years to break up 1109 01:24:03,521 --> 01:24:07,043 because I am Catholic and I wanted to be absolutely sure. 1110 01:24:07,521 --> 01:24:09,565 Either my marriage dies or I do. 1111 01:24:10,000 --> 01:24:11,565 And I wanted to live. 1112 01:24:15,782 --> 01:24:17,739 "The curtain is falling. 1113 01:24:19,739 --> 01:24:21,782 The applause echoed. 1114 01:24:22,043 --> 01:24:26,869 The crowd leaves the hall, only a lightbulb lights up the stage. 1115 01:24:27,173 --> 01:24:33,260 I stand there for a minute and listen to the sound of silence. 1116 01:24:35,304 --> 01:24:37,173 The thunder is over 1117 01:24:38,000 --> 01:24:40,608 I feel myself coming down. " 1118 01:24:54,130 --> 01:24:57,695 Suzi scores again and only has to hit one target. 1119 01:24:58,086 --> 01:25:00,130 {\ an1} ROCK JOURNALIST / AUTHOR 1120 01:25:00,391 --> 01:25:03,391 Suzi positioned herself very broadly, stayed open. 1121 01:25:04,086 --> 01:25:06,000 {\ an1} She went to the theater, 1122 01:25:06,260 --> 01:25:08,000 {\ an1} continued to tour. 1123 01:25:08,217 --> 01:25:10,347 {\ an1} She hosted a talk show, 1124 01:25:10,782 --> 01:25:13,739 {\ an1} starred in television films, had a radio show, 1125 01:25:14,000 --> 01:25:15,956 played on "Absolutely Fabulous". 1126 01:25:16,173 --> 01:25:20,739 I'm from Detroit. I don't talk. So: sex? Drugs? Rock 'n' roll? 1127 01:25:21,000 --> 01:25:22,000 Rock 'n' Roll. 1128 01:25:22,434 --> 01:25:26,260 This woman has so much energy 1129 01:25:26,565 --> 01:25:30,000 Personality, talent, that's crazy. 1130 01:25:30,695 --> 01:25:33,130 She could have done anything. 1131 01:25:33,782 --> 01:25:39,434 {\ an1} If she wants to write poetry or a novel , then she does it. 1132 01:25:40,000 --> 01:25:42,739 {\ an1} Here is Suzi Quatromit from the new "Quatrophonic" series. 1133 01:25:46,173 --> 01:25:49,260 Suzi Quatro, tonight on This is Your Life. 1134 01:25:49,652 --> 01:25:54,130 You paved the way for many other rock 'n' roll stars. 1135 01:25:54,391 --> 01:25:56,956 Suzi, you know you have inspired me a lot. 1136 01:25:57,173 --> 01:25:59,478 Chrissie Hynde from the Pretenders! 1137 01:26:04,130 --> 01:26:06,000 The honor of standing here ... 1138 01:26:07,086 --> 01:26:08,826 SUZI RECEIVES HONORARY DOCTOR. 1139 01:26:09,043 --> 01:26:10,869 Your options are limitless. 1140 01:26:30,695 --> 01:26:32,695 "Selling a lot of dreams, 1141 01:26:33,130 --> 01:26:35,173 tells many stories 1142 01:26:35,652 --> 01:26:37,608 many years passed. " 1143 01:26:42,826 --> 01:26:45,043 DETROIT, TODAY 1144 01:26:47,000 --> 01:26:50,260 As you get older you start to think: 1145 01:26:52,000 --> 01:26:56,000 "Could I have done without it all? 1146 01:26:56,608 --> 01:26:59,913 No. " But you think," Yes, indeed, 1147 01:27:00,130 --> 01:27:04,304 I should have been more willing to compromise or better said 1148 01:27:04,956 --> 01:27:07,782 I should have accepted some things better. " 1149 01:27:08,000 --> 01:27:11,304 There will always be a little void in me 1150 01:27:11,565 --> 01:27:14,391 because I would have liked to have had more time in Detroit 1151 01:27:14,652 --> 01:27:17,913 more time to just be a child. 1152 01:27:18,652 --> 01:27:22,304 I always wanted to get away. Now I may be sorry 1153 01:27:22,652 --> 01:27:26,130 but i was gone for so many years and it was a great time 1154 01:27:26,391 --> 01:27:29,478 For some reason I want to go back there 1155 01:27:29,869 --> 01:27:31,826 and I don't know why. 1156 01:27:32,043 --> 01:27:37,086 Do you expect the child to open the door for you? 1157 01:27:37,478 --> 01:27:41,478 I do. I see little Suzi, I feel her. 1158 01:27:42,000 --> 01:27:45,434 I could just go back to this life. 1159 01:27:45,826 --> 01:27:49,260 I've got it on the sidewalk in front of the house 1160 01:27:50,304 --> 01:27:54,652 looked for chalk lines because I used to paint there. 1161 01:27:55,304 --> 01:27:58,478 If little Suzi had opened the door ... 1162 01:27:59,000 --> 01:28:05,130 You stare at your old house, suddenly the door opens and she stands there ... 1163 01:28:05,652 --> 01:28:07,478 What would you say 1164 01:28:15,826 --> 01:28:17,173 I would say: 1165 01:28:17,608 --> 01:28:20,391 "Stay and enjoy it while you can. 1166 01:28:20,826 --> 01:28:25,217 It won't stay that way forever. " I would say." Take your time 1167 01:28:25,478 --> 01:28:27,347 don't run so fast. " 1168 01:28:29,043 --> 01:28:31,000 This is the little girl. 1169 01:28:31,652 --> 01:28:37,391 Maybe now I will turn to the little girl again. 1170 01:28:38,000 --> 01:28:42,652 I wouldn't say, "Don't go," just: "Don't run like that, 1171 01:28:42,913 --> 01:28:44,652 take your time with life. " 1172 01:28:45,043 --> 01:28:47,565 My mother said she let me go too early. 1173 01:28:47,826 --> 01:28:51,782 She said, "You always went where you wanted to go. 1174 01:28:52,869 --> 01:28:54,565 My little Susan. " 1175 01:29:02,000 --> 01:29:05,000 {\ an1} Helen Quatro died in 1992 at the age of 78. 1176 01:29:06,391 --> 01:29:09,043 I'll tell you something now 1177 01:29:09,826 --> 01:29:11,521 what I never wanted to say. 1178 01:29:13,130 --> 01:29:15,956 {\ an1} Arthur Quatro died in 2008 at the age of 94. 1179 01:29:17,521 --> 01:29:20,695 I take the risk, 1180 01:29:21,000 --> 01:29:23,260 won't fall on your face 1181 01:29:26,478 --> 01:29:31,695 I would give anything for a day with my parents . Everything! Just leave me a guitar. 1182 01:29:31,956 --> 01:29:36,260 You can have the rest. For a day this ... 1183 01:29:38,434 --> 01:29:40,347 ... unconditional love. 1184 01:29:45,826 --> 01:29:49,217 You can't buy that. Success cannot give you that. 1185 01:29:54,608 --> 01:29:57,652 Can you see it? I'm always like this. 1186 01:30:00,000 --> 01:30:04,565 I have to get tall Suzi out. Suzi Quatro. Does not work. 1187 01:30:08,956 --> 01:30:13,695 I said you would be free, no shackles to hold you. 1188 01:30:14,260 --> 01:30:18,913 I would like to introduce my backing singers . This is perhaps unusual 1189 01:30:19,260 --> 01:30:22,826 but they're not some "old" backing singers. 1190 01:30:23,043 --> 01:30:28,086 With an emphasis on "old" because they have been with me for almost 40 years. 1191 01:30:28,347 --> 01:30:30,521 And why? It's my sisters. 1192 01:30:31,086 --> 01:30:34,217 Please say hello to Patti, Nancy and Arlene! 1193 01:30:36,391 --> 01:30:39,086 You want a relationship 1194 01:30:39,347 --> 01:30:44,086 to your sisters who are sometimes unwilling to do so. 1195 01:30:44,478 --> 01:30:46,173 Exactly, they are not. 1196 01:30:46,608 --> 01:30:50,000 But I want to and I keep trying. 1197 01:30:53,130 --> 01:30:57,130 I got the lesson on the last Australian tour . 1198 01:30:57,391 --> 01:30:59,391 Sold out, great audience, 1199 01:30:59,869 --> 01:31:03,565 the band is great, I am doing a great job ! 1200 01:31:08,391 --> 01:31:12,956 And yet I needed praise from my sister. 1201 01:31:13,869 --> 01:31:16,869 She was in Brisbane and said, "Good concert." 1202 01:31:17,260 --> 01:31:18,826 Maybe a little more precisely? 1203 01:31:19,043 --> 01:31:22,652 A A graduate, a professional for languages ​​and words, 1204 01:31:22,913 --> 01:31:25,260 and she just says: "Good concert." 1205 01:31:25,695 --> 01:31:28,739 And again: why did I need this? Well, it was just like that. 1206 01:31:29,217 --> 01:31:33,130 I will never be a fan of Suzi Quatro. 1207 01:31:34,217 --> 01:31:35,217 No. 1208 01:31:36,782 --> 01:31:40,608 And that's not important either. I admire everything about her 1209 01:31:40,869 --> 01:31:45,565 and I think she will continue to be successful, but I will never be her fan. 1210 01:31:45,826 --> 01:31:47,391 Because she is my sister. 1211 01:31:48,869 --> 01:31:52,434 You have to love yourself. No matter what you do in life. 1212 01:31:52,826 --> 01:31:57,782 You have to find it within yourself, you can't always get it from outside. 1213 01:31:58,304 --> 01:32:02,434 Because the fans won't be on your deathbed. 1214 01:32:03,000 --> 01:32:04,000 They are not here. 1215 01:32:04,434 --> 01:32:09,347 It is important to be valued by those you love most. 1216 01:32:09,608 --> 01:32:12,130 That is exactly the reason. 1217 01:32:12,391 --> 01:32:15,913 Appreciated by those you love most. 1218 01:32:17,739 --> 01:32:22,217 Maybe that's their revenge. Because I didn't take her with me. 1219 01:32:22,478 --> 01:32:26,956 Maybe they just don't want to give me what I want. 1220 01:32:27,739 --> 01:32:31,217 Because I didn't give them what they wanted. 1221 01:32:31,695 --> 01:32:34,869 I think I've made my peace with it now . 1222 01:32:35,260 --> 01:32:40,521 It does not matter. I can wait for the rest of my life , it won't happen. 1223 01:32:40,913 --> 01:32:43,347 I have to be content with that. 1224 01:32:45,000 --> 01:32:48,913 I now realize I made it in spite of them. 1225 01:32:49,956 --> 01:32:53,478 But more importantly, I made it because of them. 1226 01:32:54,608 --> 01:32:59,478 I see the contradiction in this, but the two go together. 1227 01:33:01,000 --> 01:33:04,869 One can always regret: "If only I had ..." 1228 01:33:05,086 --> 01:33:09,956 But when you look at what you have, you can tell that none of it was a mistake. 1229 01:33:10,173 --> 01:33:12,478 Suzi didn't make any mistakes. 1230 01:33:12,869 --> 01:33:18,347 The mistake is they missed them. That's where the mistake lies. 1231 01:33:18,869 --> 01:33:22,478 In my opinion , Suzi has Quatro in the music world 1232 01:33:23,304 --> 01:33:26,173 played a crucial role. 1233 01:33:26,608 --> 01:33:30,956 She has shown incredible talent everywhere. 1234 01:33:31,608 --> 01:33:32,739 She is still there. 1235 01:33:33,173 --> 01:33:35,391 And she still packs it. 1236 01:33:35,956 --> 01:33:38,000 That’s something. 1237 01:33:39,869 --> 01:33:45,000 It should really get a lot more attention 1238 01:33:45,478 --> 01:33:50,478 much more honored in music history. 1239 01:33:51,391 --> 01:33:56,956 For being a band leader so early and having hits like that. 1240 01:33:57,260 --> 01:34:01,000 Suzi had a dream in Detroit 1241 01:34:02,434 --> 01:34:07,260 and after all these years she's still living that dream. 1242 01:34:07,739 --> 01:34:10,478 That’s great. 1243 01:34:13,086 --> 01:34:18,478 I think the positives far outweigh the negatives. 1244 01:34:18,826 --> 01:34:23,043 The downside is: you have to pay the price for it at some point. 1245 01:34:23,304 --> 01:34:25,695 You can be very lonely at some point 1246 01:34:25,956 --> 01:34:28,869 get tempted and think: 1247 01:34:29,130 --> 01:34:32,695 "I'd like to, but I'm in a relationship." 1248 01:34:32,956 --> 01:34:36,000 At some point, often, you speak to people 1249 01:34:37,173 --> 01:34:41,565 and don't know if they like Suzi Quatro or you. 1250 01:34:41,826 --> 01:34:44,000 That is the price of fame. 1251 01:34:46,521 --> 01:34:50,000 Sometimes you walk outside, look like shit 1252 01:34:50,304 --> 01:34:55,000 and someone asks, "Aren't you Suzi Quatro?" And you just think, "Oh God." 1253 01:34:56,391 --> 01:34:58,391 You are in the toilet 1254 01:34:59,000 --> 01:35:02,956 and someone slips pen and paper under the door for an autograph. 1255 01:35:03,173 --> 01:35:06,608 That happened to me. Sometimes it gets too intrusive. 1256 01:35:06,956 --> 01:35:10,782 I am committed to everyone who buys my records 1257 01:35:11,000 --> 01:35:13,173 everyone who comes to my concerts. 1258 01:35:13,782 --> 01:35:17,521 I am obliged to always do my best. 1259 01:35:18,000 --> 01:35:21,391 If you want an autograph, I have to do it. 1260 01:35:21,652 --> 01:35:25,217 How dare I get out of a bad mood 1261 01:35:25,608 --> 01:35:27,913 to sniff at one of them? 1262 01:35:28,347 --> 01:35:30,956 This is how I go about my appearances. 1263 01:35:31,347 --> 01:35:33,521 No matter what's going on in my life 1264 01:35:33,782 --> 01:35:36,521 when i do a show i do a show. 1265 01:35:36,782 --> 01:35:40,478 Then you get everything from me. All I have to give 1266 01:35:44,695 --> 01:35:45,782 {\ an1} SON 1267 01:35:46,000 --> 01:35:49,478 {\ an3} Your music keeps you young, is your only true love. 1268 01:35:50,608 --> 01:35:54,130 My son Richard kept saying for 25 years 1269 01:35:54,565 --> 01:35:57,000 that he wants to write songs. 1270 01:35:57,391 --> 01:36:00,043 Somehow the timing was never right. 1271 01:36:00,304 --> 01:36:03,347 But six months ago he said: "Mum, 1272 01:36:03,826 --> 01:36:06,304 I have to write a few songs with you. " 1273 01:36:06,826 --> 01:36:09,304 Just before you quit 1274 01:36:09,826 --> 01:36:11,565 did you have a good ... 1275 01:36:12,304 --> 01:36:14,782 Just let me again ... 1276 01:36:15,260 --> 01:36:18,000 He wants to remind me who I am. What did he mean by that? 1277 01:36:18,391 --> 01:36:23,000 He only gave me a few riffs, that was new territory for me 1278 01:36:23,304 --> 01:36:27,521 but somehow he pushed the Suzi Quatro button. 1279 01:36:27,782 --> 01:36:31,086 He touched that part of me and I left. 1280 01:36:34,043 --> 01:36:36,391 It should sound like me, but in the now. 1281 01:36:41,869 --> 01:36:45,652 {\an1}IM MÄRZ 2019 ERSCHEINT "NO CONTROL", IHR 24. ALBUM. 1282 01:37:11,260 --> 01:37:16,086 "Ich sehe die Welt in ihrer ganzen Pracht. Die Geschichte ist nun erzählt. 1283 01:37:16,347 --> 01:37:19,608 Und durch meine Augen grüße ich das Leben 1284 01:37:20,217 --> 01:37:23,217 und lasse meine Wahrheit sich entfalten." 1285 01:37:26,739 --> 01:37:32,000 Ich weiß noch, diese Sommernächte... Im Auto cruisen, in Prügeleien geraten... 1286 01:37:32,304 --> 01:37:34,652 Eine Bar nach der anderen, jede Nacht. 1287 01:38:04,608 --> 01:38:08,478 Lasst mich sein, wie ich bin. Wie auch immer das sein mag. 1288 01:38:42,347 --> 01:38:48,043 Ich glaub, ich hab das erreicht, wofür ich auf diese Welt gekommen bin. 1289 01:38:48,956 --> 01:38:53,739 Ich hab zwei wunderbare Kinder, eine wunderbare Enkelin, 1290 01:38:54,130 --> 01:38:55,826 eine gute zweite Ehe. 1291 01:38:56,043 --> 01:38:59,695 Immer noch sagen Frauen: "Du bist meine Heldin!" 1292 01:38:59,956 --> 01:39:02,695 und Männer: "Du hingst an meiner Wand." 1293 01:39:03,391 --> 01:39:06,695 Ich sage immer zu Rainer: "Das nehme ich gar nicht ernst. 1294 01:39:07,434 --> 01:39:11,347 Vielleicht war ich ein Pin-up, aber... 1295 01:39:12,521 --> 01:39:14,391 dieses Pin-up war Suzi Quatro." 1296 01:39:46,260 --> 01:39:52,391 Das Filmteam aus Australien hat mich interviewt, was mich sehr gefreut hat. 1297 01:39:52,652 --> 01:39:55,043 Ich fühlte mich sehr geehrt. 1298 01:39:55,521 --> 01:39:59,521 Am Ende sagte Liam, der Regisseur: "Schreib doch einen Song dafür!" 1299 01:39:59,782 --> 01:40:01,173 Und ich so: "Ach..." 1300 01:40:04,521 --> 01:40:09,565 Aber dann: "Das würde ich echt gern machen, denn da gibt's so viel zu sagen!" 1301 01:40:24,173 --> 01:40:28,521 {\an3}Sie kommt aus der Autostadt,sie ist einmalig. 1302 01:40:30,434 --> 01:40:35,173 {\an3}Ganz in Leder,bist deiner Zeit weit voraus. 1303 01:40:37,173 --> 01:40:42,695 {\an3}Dein Bass hängt so tief, du singst,als hinge dein Leben davon ab. 1304 01:40:43,521 --> 01:40:48,782 {\an3}Einmal nur mit dir "Can the Can"auf dem Devil Gate Drive. 1305 01:40:49,478 --> 01:40:54,130 {\an3}Suzi, du hast mich komplett verhext! 1306 01:40:55,826 --> 01:41:00,347 {\an3}Red Hot Rosie, ich will frei sein! 1307 01:41:01,826 --> 01:41:08,260 {\ an3} Rock 'n' Roll Rosie, Glycerine Queen, wild, unique Suzi. 1308 01:41:09,826 --> 01:41:15,043 {\ an3} Little Bitch Blue, the wild, unique Suzi Q. 1309 01:41:18,391 --> 01:41:23,086 {\ an3} She left home for London, lived in the hotel for a year. 1310 01:41:24,000 --> 01:41:29,304 {\ an3} roamed the streets to the beat of her fearless heart. 1311 01:41:32,652 --> 01:41:36,521 {\ an3} I'm only one of 50 million 1312 01:41:36,913 --> 01:41:41,000 {\ an3} that this star has enchanted ... 1313 01:41:55,478 --> 01:41:57,869 {\an3}Q - U - A - T - R - O! 1314 01:42:04,652 --> 01:42:08,000 {\ an3} You rocked into my soul! 1315 01:42:22,869 --> 01:42:26,434 {\ an3} I'm only one in 50 million. 1316 01:42:32,869 --> 01:42:36,869 {\ an3} There's no doubt you struck the spark. 1317 01:42:37,304 --> 01:42:40,739 {\ an3} Because I was there and saw "48 Crash". 1318 01:42:41,000 --> 01:42:42,000 {\ an3} The guys say: 1319 01:42:42,260 --> 01:42:45,347 {\ an3} "The world belongs to men!" and grin at one another. 1320 01:42:49,000 --> 01:42:51,869 {\ an3} But you scream: "I'm a rocker! 1321 01:42:52,086 --> 01:42:54,782 {\ an3} And you can do me! " 1322 01:43:29,347 --> 01:43:33,521 {\ an3} Subtitling: SUBS Hamburg Sigrun Kortas, Antje Harbeck