1 00:00:38,747 --> 00:00:41,287 {\an8}sora no iro wa doushite 2 00:00:38,747 --> 00:00:41,287 {\an8}sora no iro wa doushite 3 00:00:38,747 --> 00:00:41,287 {\an8}sora no iro wa doushite 4 00:00:38,747 --> 00:00:41,287 {\an8}空の色はどうして 5 00:00:38,747 --> 00:00:41,287 {\an8}空の色はどうして 6 00:00:38,747 --> 00:00:41,287 {\an8}空の色はどうして 7 00:00:38,747 --> 00:00:41,287 The color of the sky, 8 00:00:38,747 --> 00:00:41,287 The color of the sky, 9 00:00:38,747 --> 00:00:41,287 The color of the sky, 10 00:00:41,287 --> 00:00:43,497 {\an8}aoku mieru no darou ka 11 00:00:41,287 --> 00:00:43,497 {\an8}aoku mieru no darou ka 12 00:00:41,287 --> 00:00:43,497 {\an8}aoku mieru no darou ka 13 00:00:41,287 --> 00:00:43,497 {\an8}青く見えるのだろうか 14 00:00:41,287 --> 00:00:43,497 {\an8}青く見えるのだろうか 15 00:00:41,287 --> 00:00:43,497 {\an8}青く見えるのだろうか 16 00:00:41,287 --> 00:00:43,497 why does it look blue? 17 00:00:41,287 --> 00:00:43,497 why does it look blue? 18 00:00:41,287 --> 00:00:43,497 why does it look blue? 19 00:00:43,667 --> 00:00:46,087 {\an8}kiiroi koe agete 20 00:00:43,667 --> 00:00:46,087 {\an8}kiiroi koe agete 21 00:00:43,667 --> 00:00:46,087 {\an8}kiiroi koe agete 22 00:00:43,667 --> 00:00:46,087 {\an8}黄色い声あげて 23 00:00:43,667 --> 00:00:46,087 {\an8}黄色い声あげて 24 00:00:43,667 --> 00:00:46,087 {\an8}黄色い声あげて 25 00:00:43,667 --> 00:00:46,087 Raising a yellow voice, 26 00:00:43,667 --> 00:00:46,087 Raising a yellow voice, 27 00:00:43,667 --> 00:00:46,087 Raising a yellow voice, 28 00:00:46,087 --> 00:00:50,087 {\an8}umareta kioku no shizukesa 29 00:00:46,087 --> 00:00:50,087 {\an8}umareta kioku no shizukesa 30 00:00:46,087 --> 00:00:50,087 {\an8}umareta kioku no shizukesa 31 00:00:46,087 --> 00:00:50,087 {\an8}生まれた 記憶の静けさ 32 00:00:46,087 --> 00:00:50,087 {\an8}生まれた 記憶の静けさ 33 00:00:46,087 --> 00:00:50,087 {\an8}生まれた 記憶の静けさ 34 00:00:46,087 --> 00:00:50,087 we're born 35 00:00:46,087 --> 00:00:50,087 we're born 36 00:00:46,087 --> 00:00:50,087 we're born 37 00:00:50,087 --> 00:00:54,047 {\an8}ao to kiiro ga mazariatte dekita 38 00:00:50,087 --> 00:00:54,047 {\an8}ao to kiiro ga mazariatte dekita 39 00:00:50,087 --> 00:00:54,047 {\an8}ao to kiiro ga mazariatte dekita 40 00:00:50,087 --> 00:00:54,047 {\an8}青と黄色が混ざりあって出来た 41 00:00:50,087 --> 00:00:54,047 {\an8}青と黄色が混ざりあって出来た 42 00:00:50,087 --> 00:00:54,047 {\an8}青と黄色が混ざりあって出来た 43 00:00:50,087 --> 00:00:54,047 And quiet memories are made of a mix of blue and yellow. 44 00:00:50,087 --> 00:00:54,047 And quiet memories are made of a mix of blue and yellow. 45 00:00:50,087 --> 00:00:54,047 And quiet memories are made of a mix of blue and yellow. 46 00:00:54,047 --> 00:00:55,257 {\an8}midori ni wa hana wo 47 00:00:54,047 --> 00:00:55,257 {\an8}midori ni wa hana wo 48 00:00:54,047 --> 00:00:55,257 {\an8}midori ni wa hana wo 49 00:00:54,047 --> 00:00:55,257 {\an8}緑には花を 50 00:00:54,047 --> 00:00:55,257 {\an8}緑には花を 51 00:00:54,047 --> 00:00:55,257 {\an8}緑には花を 52 00:00:54,047 --> 00:00:55,257 Flowers for green, 53 00:00:54,047 --> 00:00:55,257 Flowers for green, 54 00:00:54,047 --> 00:00:55,257 Flowers for green, 55 00:00:55,257 --> 00:00:58,057 {\an8}hana ni wa mizu wo boku ni wa yume wo 56 00:00:55,257 --> 00:00:58,057 {\an8}hana ni wa mizu wo boku ni wa yume wo 57 00:00:55,257 --> 00:00:58,057 {\an8}hana ni wa mizu wo boku ni wa yume wo 58 00:00:55,257 --> 00:00:58,057 {\an8}花には水を 僕には夢を 59 00:00:55,257 --> 00:00:58,057 {\an8}花には水を 僕には夢を 60 00:00:55,257 --> 00:00:58,057 {\an8}花には水を 僕には夢を 61 00:00:55,257 --> 00:00:58,057 water for flowers, and dreams for me. 62 00:00:55,257 --> 00:00:58,057 water for flowers, and dreams for me. 63 00:00:55,257 --> 00:00:58,057 water for flowers, and dreams for me. 64 00:00:59,677 --> 00:01:02,017 {\an8}zero ni tashite ima wo kakete 65 00:00:59,677 --> 00:01:02,017 {\an8}zero ni tashite ima wo kakete 66 00:00:59,677 --> 00:01:02,017 {\an8}zero ni tashite ima wo kakete 67 00:00:59,677 --> 00:01:02,017 {\an8}ゼロにたして 今をかけて 68 00:00:59,677 --> 00:01:02,017 {\an8}ゼロにたして 今をかけて 69 00:00:59,677 --> 00:01:02,017 {\an8}ゼロにたして 今をかけて 70 00:00:59,677 --> 00:01:02,017 Make it zero, bet the present. 71 00:00:59,677 --> 00:01:02,017 Make it zero, bet the present. 72 00:00:59,677 --> 00:01:02,017 Make it zero, bet the present. 73 00:01:02,017 --> 00:01:04,307 {\an8}nagareru akai chi moyou 74 00:01:02,017 --> 00:01:04,307 {\an8}nagareru akai chi moyou 75 00:01:02,017 --> 00:01:04,307 {\an8}nagareru akai chi moyou 76 00:01:02,017 --> 00:01:04,307 {\an8}流れる赤い血模様 77 00:01:02,017 --> 00:01:04,307 {\an8}流れる赤い血模様 78 00:01:02,017 --> 00:01:04,307 {\an8}流れる赤い血模様 79 00:01:02,017 --> 00:01:04,307 The flowing red is like blood, 80 00:01:02,017 --> 00:01:04,307 The flowing red is like blood, 81 00:01:02,017 --> 00:01:04,307 The flowing red is like blood, 82 00:01:04,477 --> 00:01:06,937 {\an8}sen wo hiite kara wo watte 83 00:01:04,477 --> 00:01:06,937 {\an8}sen wo hiite kara wo watte 84 00:01:04,477 --> 00:01:06,937 {\an8}sen wo hiite kara wo watte 85 00:01:04,477 --> 00:01:06,937 {\an8}線を引いて 殻を割って 86 00:01:04,477 --> 00:01:06,937 {\an8}線を引いて 殻を割って 87 00:01:04,477 --> 00:01:06,937 {\an8}線を引いて 殻を割って 88 00:01:04,477 --> 00:01:06,937 draw a line. Break the shell, 89 00:01:04,477 --> 00:01:06,937 draw a line. Break the shell, 90 00:01:04,477 --> 00:01:06,937 draw a line. Break the shell, 91 00:01:06,937 --> 00:01:09,277 {\an8}saita hana no moyou 92 00:01:06,937 --> 00:01:09,277 {\an8}saita hana no moyou 93 00:01:06,937 --> 00:01:09,277 {\an8}saita hana no moyou 94 00:01:06,937 --> 00:01:09,277 {\an8}咲いた花の模様 95 00:01:06,937 --> 00:01:09,277 {\an8}咲いた花の模様 96 00:01:06,937 --> 00:01:09,277 {\an8}咲いた花の模様 97 00:01:06,937 --> 00:01:09,277 like a blooming flower. 98 00:01:06,937 --> 00:01:09,277 like a blooming flower. 99 00:01:06,937 --> 00:01:09,277 like a blooming flower. 100 00:01:09,277 --> 00:01:11,567 {\an8}tsunagu teishiki fude wo motte 101 00:01:09,277 --> 00:01:11,567 {\an8}tsunagu teishiki fude wo motte 102 00:01:09,277 --> 00:01:11,567 {\an8}tsunagu teishiki fude wo motte 103 00:01:09,277 --> 00:01:11,567 {\an8}繋ぐ定式 筆を持って 104 00:01:09,277 --> 00:01:11,567 {\an8}繋ぐ定式 筆を持って 105 00:01:09,277 --> 00:01:11,567 {\an8}繋ぐ定式 筆を持って 106 00:01:09,277 --> 00:01:11,567 Connecting a formula, hold the brush. 107 00:01:09,277 --> 00:01:11,567 Connecting a formula, hold the brush. 108 00:01:09,277 --> 00:01:11,567 Connecting a formula, hold the brush. 109 00:01:11,697 --> 00:01:13,947 {\an8}torimodoshite iku inochi 110 00:01:11,697 --> 00:01:13,947 {\an8}torimodoshite iku inochi 111 00:01:11,697 --> 00:01:13,947 {\an8}torimodoshite iku inochi 112 00:01:11,697 --> 00:01:13,947 {\an8}取り戻していく命 113 00:01:11,697 --> 00:01:13,947 {\an8}取り戻していく命 114 00:01:11,697 --> 00:01:13,947 {\an8}取り戻していく命 115 00:01:11,697 --> 00:01:13,947 Reclaiming lives 116 00:01:11,697 --> 00:01:13,947 Reclaiming lives 117 00:01:11,697 --> 00:01:13,947 Reclaiming lives 118 00:01:13,947 --> 00:01:16,867 {\an8}me ni mienai ruuru e ima 119 00:01:13,947 --> 00:01:16,867 {\an8}me ni mienai ruuru e ima 120 00:01:13,947 --> 00:01:16,867 {\an8}me ni mienai ruuru e ima 121 00:01:13,947 --> 00:01:16,867 {\an8}目に見えないルールへ今 122 00:01:13,947 --> 00:01:16,867 {\an8}目に見えないルールへ今 123 00:01:13,947 --> 00:01:16,867 {\an8}目に見えないルールへ今 124 00:01:13,947 --> 00:01:16,867 Let's go now, towards those unseen rules 125 00:01:13,947 --> 00:01:16,867 Let's go now, towards those unseen rules 126 00:01:13,947 --> 00:01:16,867 Let's go now, towards those unseen rules 127 00:01:16,867 --> 00:01:19,747 {\an8}ikou, ikouru wo sagashi ni iku 128 00:01:16,867 --> 00:01:19,747 {\an8}ikou, ikouru wo sagashi ni iku 129 00:01:16,867 --> 00:01:19,747 {\an8}ikou, ikouru wo sagashi ni iku 130 00:01:16,867 --> 00:01:19,747 {\an8}行こう、イコールを探しに行く 131 00:01:16,867 --> 00:01:19,747 {\an8}行こう、イコールを探しに行く 132 00:01:16,867 --> 00:01:19,747 {\an8}行こう、イコールを探しに行く 133 00:01:16,867 --> 00:01:19,747 In search of an equals sign. 134 00:01:16,867 --> 00:01:19,747 In search of an equals sign. 135 00:01:16,867 --> 00:01:19,747 In search of an equals sign. 136 00:01:24,287 --> 00:01:26,457 {\an8}douka junsui na hajimari wo 137 00:01:24,287 --> 00:01:26,457 {\an8}douka junsui na hajimari wo 138 00:01:24,287 --> 00:01:26,457 {\an8}douka junsui na hajimari wo 139 00:01:24,287 --> 00:01:26,457 {\an8}どうか純粋な始まりを 140 00:01:24,287 --> 00:01:26,457 {\an8}どうか純粋な始まりを 141 00:01:24,287 --> 00:01:26,457 {\an8}どうか純粋な始まりを 142 00:01:24,287 --> 00:01:26,457 Who has a pure beginning, 143 00:01:24,287 --> 00:01:26,457 Who has a pure beginning, 144 00:01:24,287 --> 00:01:26,457 Who has a pure beginning, 145 00:01:26,627 --> 00:01:28,917 {\an8}shoudou ni kawaru hajimari mo 146 00:01:26,627 --> 00:01:28,917 {\an8}shoudou ni kawaru hajimari mo 147 00:01:26,627 --> 00:01:28,917 {\an8}shoudou ni kawaru hajimari mo 148 00:01:26,627 --> 00:01:28,917 {\an8}衝動に変わる始まりを 149 00:01:26,627 --> 00:01:28,917 {\an8}衝動に変わる始まりを 150 00:01:26,627 --> 00:01:28,917 {\an8}衝動に変わる始まりを 151 00:01:26,627 --> 00:01:28,917 and a beginning changed by impulses 152 00:01:26,627 --> 00:01:28,917 and a beginning changed by impulses 153 00:01:26,627 --> 00:01:28,917 and a beginning changed by impulses 154 00:01:29,127 --> 00:01:33,297 {\an8}seimeiryoku wo 「sangenshoku」 de hirogete 155 00:01:29,127 --> 00:01:33,297 {\an8}seimeiryoku wo 「sangenshoku」 de hirogete 156 00:01:29,127 --> 00:01:33,297 {\an8}seimeiryoku wo 「sangenshoku」 de hirogete 157 00:01:29,127 --> 00:01:33,297 {\an8}生命力を「三原色」で広げて 158 00:01:29,127 --> 00:01:33,297 {\an8}生命力を「三原色」で広げて 159 00:01:29,127 --> 00:01:33,297 {\an8}生命力を「三原色」で広げて 160 00:01:29,127 --> 00:01:33,297 Life force expanding in primary colors. 161 00:01:29,127 --> 00:01:33,297 Life force expanding in primary colors. 162 00:01:29,127 --> 00:01:33,297 Life force expanding in primary colors. 163 00:01:33,297 --> 00:01:35,507 {\an8}hakushi no jidai kako mo sute 164 00:01:33,297 --> 00:01:35,507 {\an8}hakushi no jidai kako mo sute 165 00:01:33,297 --> 00:01:35,507 {\an8}hakushi no jidai kako mo sute 166 00:01:33,297 --> 00:01:35,507 {\an8}白紙の時代 過去を乗せ 167 00:01:33,297 --> 00:01:35,507 {\an8}白紙の時代 過去を乗せ 168 00:01:33,297 --> 00:01:35,507 {\an8}白紙の時代 過去を乗せ 169 00:01:33,297 --> 00:01:35,507 A blank page era, throwing away the past, 170 00:01:33,297 --> 00:01:35,507 A blank page era, throwing away the past, 171 00:01:33,297 --> 00:01:35,507 A blank page era, throwing away the past, 172 00:01:35,677 --> 00:01:37,967 {\an8}kizukiage kizukasare 173 00:01:35,677 --> 00:01:37,967 {\an8}kizukiage kizukasare 174 00:01:35,677 --> 00:01:37,967 {\an8}kizukiage kizukasare 175 00:01:35,677 --> 00:01:37,967 {\an8}築き上げ気付かされ 176 00:01:35,677 --> 00:01:37,967 {\an8}築き上げ気付かされ 177 00:01:35,677 --> 00:01:37,967 {\an8}築き上げ気付かされ 178 00:01:35,677 --> 00:01:37,967 building up and being forced to realize 179 00:01:35,677 --> 00:01:37,967 building up and being forced to realize 180 00:01:35,677 --> 00:01:37,967 building up and being forced to realize 181 00:01:38,097 --> 00:01:40,347 {\an8}kuroku natte imada keshite 182 00:01:38,097 --> 00:01:40,347 {\an8}kuroku natte imada keshite 183 00:01:38,097 --> 00:01:40,347 {\an8}kuroku natte imada keshite 184 00:01:38,097 --> 00:01:40,347 {\an8}黒くなって 未だ消して 185 00:01:38,097 --> 00:01:40,347 {\an8}黒くなって 未だ消して 186 00:01:38,097 --> 00:01:40,347 {\an8}黒くなって 未だ消して 187 00:01:38,097 --> 00:01:40,347 And blackening in the end. 188 00:01:38,097 --> 00:01:40,347 And blackening in the end. 189 00:01:38,097 --> 00:01:40,347 And blackening in the end. 190 00:01:40,427 --> 00:01:43,057 {\an8}tsumiage tsugi wa doko e 191 00:01:40,427 --> 00:01:43,057 {\an8}tsumiage tsugi wa doko e 192 00:01:40,427 --> 00:01:43,057 {\an8}tsumiage tsugi wa doko e 193 00:01:40,427 --> 00:01:43,057 {\an8}積み上げ次はどこへ 194 00:01:40,427 --> 00:01:43,057 {\an8}積み上げ次はどこへ 195 00:01:40,427 --> 00:01:43,057 {\an8}積み上げ次はどこへ 196 00:01:40,427 --> 00:01:43,057 Where will it build up next? 197 00:01:40,427 --> 00:01:43,057 Where will it build up next? 198 00:01:40,427 --> 00:01:43,057 Where will it build up next? 199 00:01:43,057 --> 00:01:47,267 {\an8}aa bokura no ashita ni iro ga attara 200 00:01:43,057 --> 00:01:47,267 {\an8}aa bokura no ashita ni iro ga attara 201 00:01:43,057 --> 00:01:47,267 {\an8}aa bokura no ashita ni iro ga attara 202 00:01:43,057 --> 00:01:47,267 {\an8}ああ 僕らの明日に色があったら 203 00:01:43,057 --> 00:01:47,267 {\an8}ああ 僕らの明日に色があったら 204 00:01:43,057 --> 00:01:47,267 {\an8}ああ 僕らの明日に色があったら 205 00:01:43,057 --> 00:01:47,267 Ah, if our future had a color 206 00:01:43,057 --> 00:01:47,267 Ah, if our future had a color 207 00:01:43,057 --> 00:01:47,267 Ah, if our future had a color 208 00:01:47,517 --> 00:01:53,487 {\an8}me ni mieru iro ni saa egaite iku 209 00:01:47,517 --> 00:01:53,487 {\an8}me ni mieru iro ni saa egaite iku 210 00:01:47,517 --> 00:01:53,487 {\an8}me ni mieru iro ni saa egaite iku 211 00:01:47,517 --> 00:01:53,487 {\an8}目に見えるように さあ 描いていく 212 00:01:47,517 --> 00:01:53,487 {\an8}目に見えるように さあ 描いていく 213 00:01:47,517 --> 00:01:53,487 {\an8}目に見えるように さあ 描いていく 214 00:01:47,517 --> 00:01:53,487 I'd draw it in the colors that I see. 215 00:01:47,517 --> 00:01:53,487 I'd draw it in the colors that I see. 216 00:01:47,517 --> 00:01:53,487 I'd draw it in the colors that I see. 217 00:01:53,487 --> 00:01:55,487 218 00:22:31,927 --> 00:22:37,437 {\an7}yume no you na hanashi de ii 219 00:22:31,927 --> 00:22:37,437 {\an7}yume no you na hanashi de ii 220 00:22:31,927 --> 00:22:37,437 {\an7}夢のような話でいい 221 00:22:31,927 --> 00:22:37,437 {\an7}夢のような話でいい 222 00:22:31,927 --> 00:22:37,437 {\an1}It's ok even if the story sounds like a dream 223 00:22:31,927 --> 00:22:37,437 {\an1}It's ok even if the story sounds like a dream 224 00:22:37,387 --> 00:22:42,497 {\an7}mou ichido kikasete 225 00:22:37,387 --> 00:22:42,497 {\an7}mou ichido kikasete 226 00:22:37,387 --> 00:22:42,497 {\an7}もう一度聞かせて 227 00:22:37,387 --> 00:22:42,497 {\an7}もう一度聞かせて 228 00:22:37,387 --> 00:22:42,497 {\an1}Let me hear it again 229 00:22:37,387 --> 00:22:42,497 {\an1}Let me hear it again 230 00:22:56,417 --> 00:23:01,547 {\an7}kinou ga owaru nara, kyou mo owaru 231 00:22:56,417 --> 00:23:01,547 {\an7}kinou ga owaru nara, kyou mo owaru 232 00:22:56,417 --> 00:23:01,547 {\an7}昨日が終わるなら、今日も終わる 233 00:22:56,417 --> 00:23:01,547 {\an7}昨日が終わるなら、今日も終わる 234 00:22:56,417 --> 00:23:01,547 {\an1}If yesterday ended, today will end too 235 00:22:56,417 --> 00:23:01,547 {\an1}If yesterday ended, today will end too 236 00:23:01,717 --> 00:23:06,367 {\an7}sonna dareka ga kimeta ruuru 237 00:23:01,717 --> 00:23:06,367 {\an7}sonna dareka ga kimeta ruuru 238 00:23:01,717 --> 00:23:06,367 {\an7}そんな誰かが決めたルール 239 00:23:01,717 --> 00:23:06,367 {\an7}そんな誰かが決めたルール 240 00:23:01,717 --> 00:23:06,367 {\an1}That's just a rule that someone decided 241 00:23:01,717 --> 00:23:06,367 {\an1}That's just a rule that someone decided 242 00:23:07,157 --> 00:23:12,447 {\an7}hyakuoku nen demo ichinichi to sureba 243 00:23:07,157 --> 00:23:12,447 {\an7}hyakuoku nen demo ichinichi to sureba 244 00:23:07,157 --> 00:23:12,447 {\an7}100億年でも1日とすれば 245 00:23:07,157 --> 00:23:12,447 {\an7}100億年でも1日とすれば 246 00:23:07,157 --> 00:23:12,447 {\an1}Even a 100 million years, if we decide that's only one day away, 247 00:23:07,157 --> 00:23:12,447 {\an1}Even a 100 million years, if we decide that's only one day away, 248 00:23:12,507 --> 00:23:17,037 {\an7}sugu ni tadoritsukesou deshou 249 00:23:12,507 --> 00:23:17,037 {\an7}sugu ni tadoritsukesou deshou 250 00:23:12,507 --> 00:23:17,037 {\an7}直ぐにたどり着けそうでしょう 251 00:23:12,507 --> 00:23:17,037 {\an7}直ぐにたどり着けそうでしょう 252 00:23:12,507 --> 00:23:17,037 {\an1}Doesn't it sound like we can get there quick? 253 00:23:12,507 --> 00:23:17,037 {\an1}Doesn't it sound like we can get there quick? 254 00:23:17,417 --> 00:23:23,907 {\an7}toki ga nagaretatte kawaranai mono ga arun da 255 00:23:17,417 --> 00:23:23,907 {\an7}toki ga nagaretatte kawaranai mono ga arun da 256 00:23:17,417 --> 00:23:23,907 {\an7}時が流れたって 変わらないものがあるんだ 257 00:23:17,417 --> 00:23:23,907 {\an7}時が流れたって 変わらないものがあるんだ 258 00:23:17,417 --> 00:23:23,907 {\an1}There are things that remain the same even as the time passes 259 00:23:17,417 --> 00:23:23,907 {\an1}There are things that remain the same even as the time passes 260 00:23:23,747 --> 00:23:27,577 {\an7}sore dake wa Starry Night 261 00:23:23,747 --> 00:23:27,577 {\an7}sore dake wa Starry Night 262 00:23:23,747 --> 00:23:27,577 {\an7}それだけは Starry Night 263 00:23:23,747 --> 00:23:27,577 {\an7}それだけは Starry Night 264 00:23:23,747 --> 00:23:27,577 {\an1}That'll never change 265 00:23:23,747 --> 00:23:27,577 {\an1}That'll never change 266 00:23:28,527 --> 00:23:34,017 {\an7}yume no you na hanashi de ii 267 00:23:28,527 --> 00:23:34,017 {\an7}yume no you na hanashi de ii 268 00:23:28,527 --> 00:23:34,017 {\an7}夢のような話でいい 269 00:23:28,527 --> 00:23:34,017 {\an7}夢のような話でいい 270 00:23:28,527 --> 00:23:34,017 {\an1}It's ok even if the story sounds like a dream 271 00:23:28,527 --> 00:23:34,017 {\an1}It's ok even if the story sounds like a dream 272 00:23:33,847 --> 00:23:39,077 {\an7}shiranai yori shikatanai yori genjitsuteki da 273 00:23:33,847 --> 00:23:39,077 {\an7}shiranai yori shikatanai yori genjitsuteki da 274 00:23:33,847 --> 00:23:39,077 {\an7}知らないより しかたないより 現実的だ 275 00:23:33,847 --> 00:23:39,077 {\an7}知らないより しかたないより 現実的だ 276 00:23:33,847 --> 00:23:39,077 {\an1}It's more realistic than not knowing, or giving up 277 00:23:33,847 --> 00:23:39,077 {\an1}It's more realistic than not knowing, or giving up 278 00:23:39,007 --> 00:23:44,797 {\an7}hora, mou ichido koe wo kikasete 279 00:23:39,007 --> 00:23:44,797 {\an7}hora, mou ichido koe wo kikasete 280 00:23:39,007 --> 00:23:44,797 {\an7}ほら、もう一度 声を聴かせて 281 00:23:39,007 --> 00:23:44,797 {\an7}ほら、もう一度 声を聴かせて 282 00:23:39,007 --> 00:23:44,797 {\an1}Let me hear your voice once more 283 00:23:39,007 --> 00:23:44,797 {\an1}Let me hear your voice once more 284 00:23:44,647 --> 00:23:49,857 {\an7}sono omoi wa itsu made mo 285 00:23:44,647 --> 00:23:49,857 {\an7}sono omoi wa itsu made mo 286 00:23:44,647 --> 00:23:49,857 {\an7}その想いはいつまでも 287 00:23:44,647 --> 00:23:49,857 {\an7}その想いはいつまでも 288 00:23:44,647 --> 00:23:49,857 {\an1}That feeling will never change 289 00:23:44,647 --> 00:23:49,857 {\an1}That feeling will never change 290 00:23:50,137 --> 00:23:55,257 {\an7}kawarazu ni itsu made mo 291 00:23:50,137 --> 00:23:55,257 {\an7}kawarazu ni itsu made mo 292 00:23:50,137 --> 00:23:55,257 {\an7}変わらずにいつまでも 293 00:23:50,137 --> 00:23:55,257 {\an7}変わらずにいつまでも 294 00:23:50,137 --> 00:23:55,257 {\an1}and will be forever 295 00:23:50,137 --> 00:23:55,257 {\an1}and will be forever 296 00:23:55,207 --> 00:23:58,327 {\an7}kimi wo matteiru 297 00:23:55,207 --> 00:23:58,327 {\an7}kimi wo matteiru 298 00:23:55,207 --> 00:23:58,327 {\an7}君を待っている 299 00:23:55,207 --> 00:23:58,327 {\an7}君を待っている 300 00:23:55,207 --> 00:23:58,327 {\an1}waiting for you 301 00:23:55,207 --> 00:23:58,327 {\an1}waiting for you 302 00:23:57,907 --> 00:24:01,037 {\an1}Karaoke by Kylede Akamatsu 303 00:23:57,907 --> 00:24:01,037 {\an1}Karaoke by Kylede Akamatsu