1 00:00:34,963 --> 00:00:36,963 [crickets chirping] 2 00:00:43,463 --> 00:00:44,463 [squeaking] 3 00:00:45,588 --> 00:00:48,171 Five minutes to objective. Stay sharp, metalheads. 4 00:00:48,255 --> 00:00:50,671 Copy that! Countdown to mayhem. 5 00:00:50,755 --> 00:00:52,880 -We gonna let Rookie in on this? -Depends. 6 00:00:52,963 --> 00:00:56,255 -Hey, Rookie, your balls dropped yet? -What? 7 00:00:56,338 --> 00:00:58,255 Fuck you, Sui. I'm ready. 8 00:00:58,338 --> 00:01:01,796 You'll get your chance, boy, don't worry. We on schedule, Bob? 9 00:01:01,880 --> 00:01:04,588 [Bob the Robot] Affirmative. It appears the cargo is in the front car. 10 00:01:04,671 --> 00:01:06,838 Hey, Hawk, what are we stealing, anyway? 11 00:01:06,921 --> 00:01:08,338 It's a microchip, kid. 12 00:01:08,421 --> 00:01:10,921 [Hawk] Wanna know what that looks like? Your head's full of 'em. 13 00:01:11,005 --> 00:01:13,380 [Bob] Don't forget to look out for guardsĀ in the rear car. 14 00:01:13,463 --> 00:01:15,713 [thumping electronic music plays] 15 00:01:18,755 --> 00:01:20,921 [Hawk] Contact. Move up and match velocity. 16 00:01:21,005 --> 00:01:21,880 In position. 17 00:01:21,963 --> 00:01:23,338 I got a position for you. 18 00:01:23,421 --> 00:01:26,338 Really? Does it involve shoving my gun 19 00:01:26,421 --> 00:01:28,171 -up your ass? -[laughs] -[Hawk] We good to go, Bob? -[Bob] Roger that. 20 00:01:30,088 --> 00:01:31,546 The target is in the blind spot. 21 00:01:31,630 --> 00:01:34,046 You got till it reaches the other side of the tunnel to get in, 22 00:01:34,130 --> 00:01:36,046 -make the grab and get out. -Move out. 23 00:01:38,005 --> 00:01:41,338 Sui, Rookie, plant the magnetic mines on the guard car. 24 00:01:41,421 --> 00:01:43,171 [sarcastically] Great idea, boss. 25 00:01:43,255 --> 00:01:46,338 Give the high explosives to the lunatic and the new guy. 26 00:01:46,421 --> 00:01:47,838 What could go wrong? 27 00:01:47,963 --> 00:01:50,421 Ah, shut your grease trap. I got this. 28 00:01:59,046 --> 00:02:00,546 [Sui] Last one. 29 00:02:02,505 --> 00:02:04,088 -[squeals] -Ah ,shit! 30 00:02:06,005 --> 00:02:07,171 [beeping] 31 00:02:08,338 --> 00:02:09,671 [tires screeching] 32 00:02:11,838 --> 00:02:14,505 [alarm throbs] 33 00:02:14,755 --> 00:02:18,255 -What the fuck was that explosion? -Hate to say I told you so. 34 00:02:22,338 --> 00:02:23,921 Give us some covering fire, Kali. 35 00:02:29,088 --> 00:02:30,421 On the roof! 36 00:02:31,255 --> 00:02:32,255 [groans] That does it. 37 00:02:34,005 --> 00:02:36,005 [Kali] Wait! Just blow the mines... -[roars] -...you suicidal fuck. 38 00:02:40,338 --> 00:02:43,505 We're almost at the tunnel. We need to blow those mines now! 39 00:02:44,046 --> 00:02:45,630 Sui's not... clear. 40 00:02:45,713 --> 00:02:46,880 [Sui] Don't worry about me. 41 00:02:48,088 --> 00:02:49,046 Do it, Hawk! [beeps] 42 00:03:02,796 --> 00:03:03,630 Whoa! 43 00:03:03,713 --> 00:03:05,588 Well, that wasn't so... 44 00:03:06,213 --> 00:03:07,130 hard. 45 00:03:08,546 --> 00:03:09,380 Hawk! 46 00:03:09,880 --> 00:03:12,213 [Bob] Shit, did I mention the automatic guns? 47 00:03:12,713 --> 00:03:13,796 [engine roars] 48 00:03:19,921 --> 00:03:21,921 No, Bob, you didn't. 49 00:03:23,546 --> 00:03:25,088 Okay, let's pick it up. 50 00:03:25,171 --> 00:03:28,505 If this truck makes it through that tunnel, we are all fucked. 51 00:03:29,546 --> 00:03:31,838 [Sui] Rookie, get your lug-nuts up here. 52 00:03:32,963 --> 00:03:36,005 [Bob] Uh, wait a second. I'm getting a new energy reading. 53 00:03:36,088 --> 00:03:37,046 Oh, shit. 54 00:03:37,421 --> 00:03:41,588 Uh, fellas? I think Bob missed another detailĀ about the defenses. 55 00:03:42,005 --> 00:03:43,796 What do you mean, Kali? I don't-- 56 00:03:47,963 --> 00:03:49,255 Holy fucking shit! 57 00:03:49,338 --> 00:03:51,755 Hey, that was my friend you just dismantled, 58 00:03:51,838 --> 00:03:53,671 you giant walking dildo. 59 00:03:53,755 --> 00:03:56,088 [menacing music plays] 60 00:04:02,505 --> 00:04:04,421 Rookie, get below deck now. 61 00:04:09,338 --> 00:04:10,546 Ohh. 62 00:04:11,046 --> 00:04:13,380 Looks like this is your stop, big guy. 63 00:04:16,671 --> 00:04:18,213 -[Sui laughs] -[tires screeching] 64 00:04:25,088 --> 00:04:26,130 Huh? 65 00:04:27,130 --> 00:04:28,463 Kali, look out! 66 00:04:34,588 --> 00:04:35,421 Kali! 67 00:04:36,005 --> 00:04:37,671 [shouts] Fucker! 68 00:04:40,130 --> 00:04:41,421 [Bob] It's too heavily armored. 69 00:04:41,505 --> 00:04:44,255 You'll have to get inside and take out the defense CPU. 70 00:04:45,046 --> 00:04:46,921 Rookie, blow its brains out. 71 00:04:47,796 --> 00:04:49,755 -Copy that. -[beeping] 72 00:04:53,630 --> 00:04:55,005 [siren blares] 73 00:04:57,213 --> 00:05:01,088 [slowed] M-o-t-h-e-r-f-u-c-k-e-r! 74 00:05:03,338 --> 00:05:04,546 [Rookie panting] 75 00:05:08,380 --> 00:05:10,546 [Sui] Come on! You little pussy! 76 00:05:11,296 --> 00:05:14,171 God damn it, Rookie! What are you waiting for? 77 00:05:14,255 --> 00:05:16,171 Destroy this fucker's CPU. 78 00:05:19,171 --> 00:05:20,296 [grunts] 79 00:05:25,796 --> 00:05:27,505 [shouting] Oh, fuck! 80 00:05:28,255 --> 00:05:29,213 [gasps] 81 00:05:30,213 --> 00:05:33,463 [doom-laden music plays] 82 00:05:38,046 --> 00:05:38,921 [grunts] 83 00:05:42,171 --> 00:05:43,005 [gasps] 84 00:05:43,088 --> 00:05:44,005 [alarm blaring] 85 00:05:59,255 --> 00:06:01,880 [somber electronic music plays] 86 00:06:10,671 --> 00:06:11,546 [groans] 87 00:06:11,630 --> 00:06:13,630 [whirring] 88 00:06:36,046 --> 00:06:37,588 [approaching engine] 89 00:06:38,088 --> 00:06:39,921 [Bob] Holy shit, what a mess. 90 00:06:40,338 --> 00:06:41,796 What happened, Rookie? 91 00:06:42,005 --> 00:06:44,088 Mission accomplished, I guess. 92 00:06:44,963 --> 00:06:46,421 I've got the chip, but... 93 00:06:47,005 --> 00:06:47,963 everyone else... 94 00:06:48,838 --> 00:06:52,380 [chuckling] Don't worry, kid. I cried my first time too. 95 00:06:52,463 --> 00:06:54,380 Sui? What? 96 00:06:54,463 --> 00:06:57,963 Bob always makes a full backup of our brains before each mission. 97 00:06:58,046 --> 00:07:03,046 And Sui's brains, well, they don't take too much space on the old hard drive. 98 00:07:03,130 --> 00:07:04,588 I thought you were all dead. 99 00:07:05,046 --> 00:07:08,755 You should have read your contract, kid. Now come on, let's get outta here.