1 00:00:08,229 --> 00:00:10,229 [theme music playing] 2 00:00:33,979 --> 00:00:35,979 [ominous music playing] 3 00:00:42,604 --> 00:00:45,896 [man] I don't know. Boss is pushing my team the hardest. 4 00:00:45,979 --> 00:00:48,396 Wants the harvesters running doubles. 5 00:00:48,479 --> 00:00:51,354 [woman] You think he's hard on you because we're not from here? 6 00:00:51,437 --> 00:00:54,604 I doubt he gives a shit where we're from. 7 00:00:54,687 --> 00:00:56,854 The proles on my shift do. 8 00:00:56,937 --> 00:01:00,521 Don't like having an extro for a manager. 9 00:01:00,604 --> 00:01:03,479 Fletcher, have you made friends with any local kids? 10 00:01:03,562 --> 00:01:06,354 Yeah. Been hanging out with a few of them. 11 00:01:06,437 --> 00:01:09,687 Talk kind of strange. But other than that, they seem cool. 12 00:01:09,771 --> 00:01:12,396 -They're all modded like me. -What about Sedgewick? 13 00:01:12,479 --> 00:01:15,437 -Has he made any friends? -[Fletcher] I, um-- 14 00:01:15,521 --> 00:01:19,146 -I don't really know, Mom. -[father] Right. Of course, he hasn't. 15 00:01:19,229 --> 00:01:22,104 Fletcher, can you keep an eye on him for me? 16 00:01:22,187 --> 00:01:24,729 -You know how he is. -[father] He needs to learn to adapt. 17 00:01:24,812 --> 00:01:25,896 [mother] You're too hard on him. 18 00:01:25,979 --> 00:01:29,812 Poor kid's the only unmodded 16-year-old for a hundred light-years. 19 00:01:29,896 --> 00:01:31,271 -[dishes clatter] -[father] Bullshit. 20 00:01:31,354 --> 00:01:35,312 It's about character or lack of it. 21 00:01:35,396 --> 00:01:38,562 -No amount of modding would fix that. -[mother] Not his fault. 22 00:01:38,646 --> 00:01:42,021 Dumped onto a frostbit, fucking colony world. 23 00:01:42,104 --> 00:01:43,437 [father scoffs] Not his fault. 24 00:01:43,521 --> 00:01:45,604 [mother] I know he can be difficult, but maybe if you-- 25 00:01:45,687 --> 00:01:48,187 [father] Sedgewick's always had it too easy. 26 00:01:48,271 --> 00:01:51,604 How is he gonna learn to adapt if he doesn't even try? 27 00:02:07,312 --> 00:02:08,562 [Sedgewick] I'm coming with you. 28 00:02:08,646 --> 00:02:12,354 -Not a good idea, Sedge. -What, you think I'm afraid? 29 00:02:12,437 --> 00:02:13,979 No, I just don't-- 30 00:02:14,062 --> 00:02:17,437 Look, I know everything's so fucking easy for you. 31 00:02:17,521 --> 00:02:20,896 But don't worry about me. I can take care of myself. 32 00:02:22,396 --> 00:02:24,396 Look, I know it bothers you for some reason that-- 33 00:02:24,479 --> 00:02:25,729 "Some reason"? 34 00:02:25,812 --> 00:02:27,104 You know what it feels like, 35 00:02:27,187 --> 00:02:29,771 always having my little brother be better than me? 36 00:02:29,854 --> 00:02:32,104 -Not my fault. -Then we move to this fucking ice ball, 37 00:02:32,187 --> 00:02:34,354 and every kid's modded like you. 38 00:02:34,437 --> 00:02:38,062 "Different." That's what the grownups say, but they mean "better." 39 00:02:39,562 --> 00:02:40,937 Fine. 40 00:02:41,021 --> 00:02:43,354 If you're coming, hurry up and get dressed. 41 00:02:43,437 --> 00:02:45,437 [dramatic music playing] 42 00:02:50,812 --> 00:02:52,812 [machine whirring] 43 00:02:59,687 --> 00:03:01,479 Hey, Sedge, check it out. 44 00:03:02,062 --> 00:03:04,771 [Sedgewick] Quit screwing around. It'll scan you. 45 00:03:07,187 --> 00:03:08,229 Whatever. 46 00:03:09,896 --> 00:03:11,187 [workers coughing] 47 00:03:14,104 --> 00:03:15,896 [male worker 1] Look at that one, not modded. 48 00:03:15,979 --> 00:03:17,979 -[female worker] Hey, extro! -[male worker 2] Not modded? 49 00:03:18,062 --> 00:03:19,437 [male worker 3] Get modded. 50 00:03:19,521 --> 00:03:21,687 [male worker 4] Look, look at that one. 51 00:03:23,187 --> 00:03:25,937 [speaks in foreign language] 52 00:03:26,021 --> 00:03:27,687 [indistinct chattering] 53 00:03:27,771 --> 00:03:31,479 [male worker 5] Bet you wish you were back on Earth! [laughing] 54 00:03:31,562 --> 00:03:32,687 [male worker 6] Extro. 55 00:03:34,521 --> 00:03:35,937 [upbeat music playing] 56 00:03:36,771 --> 00:03:38,312 [Brume speaking in foreign language] 57 00:03:38,396 --> 00:03:40,146 [Brume] To my chest, to my chest. I got it. 58 00:03:40,812 --> 00:03:42,062 Hey, hey. 59 00:03:42,146 --> 00:03:42,979 Hey. 60 00:03:46,021 --> 00:03:46,854 Oh, yes. 61 00:03:51,437 --> 00:03:53,979 [Brume speaking in foreign language] 62 00:03:54,062 --> 00:03:55,104 [Pressima laughing] 63 00:03:55,187 --> 00:03:56,979 -Lame. -Four, guys. 64 00:04:01,687 --> 00:04:03,271 Oh, Fletch. 65 00:04:03,354 --> 00:04:04,271 Hey, Logan. 66 00:04:06,354 --> 00:04:08,062 -[Fletcher chuckles] -[Logan] Who's that? 67 00:04:08,854 --> 00:04:10,687 Sedgewick. My brother. 68 00:04:10,771 --> 00:04:12,646 [Brume speaking in foreign language] 69 00:04:12,729 --> 00:04:15,271 So, so, so... Extro. 70 00:04:15,354 --> 00:04:17,854 Not modded. Why you bring him? 71 00:04:17,937 --> 00:04:20,771 -He-- He wanted to see the Frostwhales. -[group laughs] 72 00:04:20,854 --> 00:04:25,937 Okay. So... you run fast, extro? 73 00:04:26,021 --> 00:04:29,354 -Fast enough. -[group laughs] 74 00:04:29,437 --> 00:04:30,437 [Logan] We'll see. 75 00:04:30,521 --> 00:04:33,562 [chattering in foreign language] 76 00:04:34,104 --> 00:04:35,146 Benga. 77 00:04:48,854 --> 00:04:49,979 [grunting] 78 00:04:57,896 --> 00:05:01,437 [Sedgewick] These whales, how big are they anyway? 79 00:05:01,521 --> 00:05:03,979 [speaks in foreign language] 80 00:05:04,062 --> 00:05:05,312 -What's that mean? -[Oxo chuckles] 81 00:05:05,396 --> 00:05:08,271 It means fucking big, extro! 82 00:05:08,354 --> 00:05:12,812 Big enough to eat you up, one bite. 83 00:05:18,729 --> 00:05:19,562 You scared? 84 00:05:20,729 --> 00:05:21,896 Fuck off, Brume. 85 00:05:22,729 --> 00:05:24,437 [Brume laughing] 86 00:05:34,396 --> 00:05:35,646 [Logan] Okay, stop. 87 00:05:37,312 --> 00:05:39,312 Whales don't like the machines. 88 00:05:39,396 --> 00:05:41,687 The sound. Too much. 89 00:05:41,771 --> 00:05:44,479 Once they are off the ice, then... [speaks in foreign language] 90 00:05:44,562 --> 00:05:46,937 Frostwhales, up. 91 00:05:47,687 --> 00:05:50,937 Fucking danger. Okay? 92 00:05:52,187 --> 00:05:54,021 Whales break ice for breathing. 93 00:05:54,521 --> 00:05:56,729 They won't stop till they breach. 94 00:05:57,604 --> 00:06:00,604 They always hit seven times. 95 00:06:00,687 --> 00:06:02,729 [speaking foreign language] Seven. 96 00:06:02,812 --> 00:06:05,229 Minimum... seven. 97 00:06:05,312 --> 00:06:09,354 When Frostwhales hit, we run from here... 98 00:06:10,854 --> 00:06:11,896 to there. 99 00:06:16,229 --> 00:06:17,312 Got it, Fletch? 100 00:06:17,729 --> 00:06:18,729 Benga. 101 00:06:19,646 --> 00:06:21,229 How about you, extro? 102 00:06:21,896 --> 00:06:24,229 Uh, yeah. Right. 103 00:06:24,646 --> 00:06:25,771 Benga. 104 00:06:25,854 --> 00:06:27,812 When the Frostwhales hit... 105 00:06:29,354 --> 00:06:30,396 we go. 106 00:07:04,354 --> 00:07:05,646 Whoa. 107 00:07:24,521 --> 00:07:26,229 Sedge, we have to go. 108 00:07:26,312 --> 00:07:28,187 -Sedge, snap out of it. -[Logan] Get ready! 109 00:07:28,271 --> 00:07:29,854 -We have to go. -[Logan] Go! 110 00:07:29,937 --> 00:07:31,979 We have to go now, Sedge! 111 00:07:32,062 --> 00:07:33,562 Run! 112 00:07:34,729 --> 00:07:36,271 [Fletcher] Sedge, let's go! 113 00:07:40,771 --> 00:07:41,896 [suspenseful music playing] 114 00:07:42,187 --> 00:07:44,187 [Sedgewick panting] 115 00:07:51,104 --> 00:07:52,771 [group whooping] 116 00:07:55,354 --> 00:07:56,187 [Logan] Three hits! 117 00:07:56,937 --> 00:07:57,771 Run! 118 00:08:00,562 --> 00:08:01,562 Sedge! 119 00:08:03,687 --> 00:08:04,604 [Oxo whoops] 120 00:08:04,687 --> 00:08:06,146 [grunts] Fuck. 121 00:08:06,937 --> 00:08:08,229 Come on, man! 122 00:08:09,187 --> 00:08:10,479 Come on! 123 00:08:13,271 --> 00:08:16,187 Ow! 124 00:08:16,771 --> 00:08:17,771 [Oxo whooping] 125 00:08:17,854 --> 00:08:20,771 [Logan] Benga, benga! On your own, Fletch. 126 00:08:20,854 --> 00:08:22,979 Oh, fuck, my leg! 127 00:08:23,062 --> 00:08:24,437 Fletcher! 128 00:08:25,562 --> 00:08:26,562 I got you. 129 00:08:28,021 --> 00:08:29,646 [grunts] Come on. 130 00:08:30,229 --> 00:08:31,771 [grunts] Come on! 131 00:08:32,812 --> 00:08:36,937 Come on! Come on, run, you fucking extro! 132 00:08:39,521 --> 00:08:41,437 -[Brume] You can do it! -[Logan] Run! 133 00:08:43,396 --> 00:08:44,229 [Brume] Run! 134 00:08:49,396 --> 00:08:52,312 [both yelling] 135 00:08:54,229 --> 00:08:56,979 [bellowing] 136 00:08:57,562 --> 00:08:58,562 [dramatic music playing] 137 00:09:11,104 --> 00:09:15,354 [Oxo whoops, then speaks in foreign language] 138 00:09:15,437 --> 00:09:17,104 -Logan. -[Logan] Sometimes... 139 00:09:17,687 --> 00:09:18,979 six hit. 140 00:09:19,729 --> 00:09:21,771 [Fletcher] Fuck... off. 141 00:09:21,854 --> 00:09:23,354 [all laughing] 142 00:09:23,437 --> 00:09:25,646 [Logan] Amazing run, Sedge. 143 00:09:25,979 --> 00:09:27,104 [Fletcher groans] 144 00:09:27,771 --> 00:09:29,146 [Logan] Benga, benga. 145 00:09:29,521 --> 00:09:30,521 [Sedgewick] Wow. 146 00:09:31,646 --> 00:09:32,812 That's amazing. 147 00:09:33,312 --> 00:09:35,562 [Fletcher] Yeah. Yeah, it is. 148 00:09:36,812 --> 00:09:38,187 [Logan laughs] 149 00:09:38,271 --> 00:09:40,687 [Logan speaking in foreign language] 150 00:09:41,521 --> 00:09:43,479 -[Oxo laughing] -[Fletcher] Holy shit. 151 00:09:43,562 --> 00:09:46,646 That was crazy. The size of that thing. 152 00:09:46,729 --> 00:09:48,604 -[Sedgewick] Yeah, for sure. -[Fletcher] Big, right? 153 00:09:48,687 --> 00:09:50,354 Huge. Hey. 154 00:09:50,437 --> 00:09:51,854 [chattering in foreign language] 155 00:09:56,604 --> 00:09:57,812 [Fletcher] Ha! 156 00:10:01,479 --> 00:10:03,146 Hey, Sedge, you coming? 157 00:10:09,812 --> 00:10:10,646 Yeah. 158 00:10:12,312 --> 00:10:13,979 Yeah. I'm coming. 159 00:10:14,062 --> 00:10:17,479 You see the way it sucked in that breath? Crazy. 160 00:10:17,562 --> 00:10:21,729 Never would have seen shit like that back on Earth. That was amazing. 161 00:10:22,229 --> 00:10:24,354 [Sedgewick chuckles] Yeah. I know. 162 00:10:25,104 --> 00:10:26,104 Amazing. 163 00:10:40,437 --> 00:10:42,437 [theme music playing]