1 00:00:00,959 --> 00:00:03,795 [Brenda Lee's "I'm Sorry"] 2 00:00:03,795 --> 00:00:05,464 KEEF: We are not Kubby! 3 00:00:05,464 --> 00:00:07,466 [crowd clamoring] 4 00:00:07,466 --> 00:00:09,635 Yeah, okay. 5 00:00:09,635 --> 00:00:12,095 ♪ ♪ 6 00:00:12,095 --> 00:00:13,305 [heavy impact] 7 00:00:16,517 --> 00:00:18,560 BRENDA LEE: ♪ I'm sorry ♪ 8 00:00:18,560 --> 00:00:19,686 ♪ ♪ 9 00:00:19,686 --> 00:00:21,563 KEEF: Okay. 10 00:00:21,563 --> 00:00:23,649 I think I need to see somebody. 11 00:00:23,649 --> 00:00:27,069 BRENDA LEE: ♪ I'm sorry ♪ 12 00:00:27,069 --> 00:00:29,404 ‐ Keef Knight got knocked the fuck out! 13 00:00:29,404 --> 00:00:31,406 ‐ Who is this somebody he's talking about? 14 00:00:31,406 --> 00:00:32,616 ‐ I hope he's a boxing coach, 15 00:00:32,616 --> 00:00:34,284 'cause that punch was slow as hell. 16 00:00:34,284 --> 00:00:35,577 VOICE 1: Ooh, that's good. 17 00:00:35,577 --> 00:00:37,329 ‐ I think he's talking about a professional. 18 00:00:37,329 --> 00:00:38,330 You know... 19 00:00:38,330 --> 00:00:39,331 [whispers] A therapist. 20 00:00:39,331 --> 00:00:40,624 ‐ Hell, no. 21 00:00:40,624 --> 00:00:42,334 ‐ Who better to cure his ills than us, baby? 22 00:00:42,334 --> 00:00:44,086 [laughter] 23 00:00:44,086 --> 00:00:47,464 ‐ Now that's the kind of therapy I could use‐‐ a little drinky‐drink. 24 00:00:47,464 --> 00:00:49,716 ‐ There you go again, stigmatizing therapy. 25 00:00:49,716 --> 00:00:51,468 ‐ Come on, now. 26 00:00:51,468 --> 00:00:53,428 You know the minute you let somebody in your head, they take over. 27 00:00:53,428 --> 00:00:56,723 How come he can't walk it off just like any other self‐respecting Black man? 28 00:00:56,723 --> 00:00:58,809 ‐ Because that walk never ends. 29 00:00:58,809 --> 00:01:00,269 ‐ Hell, if it wasn't for pain, 30 00:01:00,269 --> 00:01:02,312 Black people would've never invented the blues. 31 00:01:02,312 --> 00:01:05,107 ‐ ♪ Da, dun, a da‐da, got punched in the face ♪ 32 00:01:05,107 --> 00:01:06,692 ‐ [laughs] ‐ ♪ Da, dun, a da‐da ♪ 33 00:01:06,692 --> 00:01:08,485 ‐ ♪ By a big‐ass koala ♪ 34 00:01:08,485 --> 00:01:11,697 ‐ And that is why he needs to go to therapy. 35 00:01:11,697 --> 00:01:13,448 ‐ Uh‐uh, this bitch talkin'. ‐ I see, so you know everything. 36 00:01:13,448 --> 00:01:16,868 ‐ What if it cures him and he never talks to us again? 37 00:01:16,868 --> 00:01:18,078 ‐ Bam! 38 00:01:18,078 --> 00:01:19,913 ‐ Mm, look who. Where have you been? 39 00:01:19,913 --> 00:01:22,499 ‐ Minding my own goddamn business, that's where. 40 00:01:22,499 --> 00:01:24,876 ‐ You should talk to your boy. He's gonna do some things. 41 00:01:24,876 --> 00:01:26,003 ‐ I'll try. 42 00:01:26,003 --> 00:01:28,005 But it ain't about him talking to us. 43 00:01:28,005 --> 00:01:31,216 It's about him doing what he needs to do to get right with this shit. 44 00:01:31,216 --> 00:01:33,594 And if that means doing it with others, so be it. 45 00:01:33,594 --> 00:01:36,722 'Cause I got plans for Keef Knight. 46 00:01:38,056 --> 00:01:41,393 [mellow rock music] 47 00:01:41,393 --> 00:01:48,442 ♪ ♪ 48 00:01:55,073 --> 00:01:56,283 ‐ [sighs] 49 00:01:56,283 --> 00:01:57,951 MRS. CHANG: Hello, there. 50 00:02:00,203 --> 00:02:02,414 What are you doing, Keef Knight? 51 00:02:02,414 --> 00:02:04,082 ‐ Oh, just basking in the glow 52 00:02:04,082 --> 00:02:06,293 of my own artistic achievements, Mrs. Chang. 53 00:02:06,293 --> 00:02:09,129 ‐ No, I mean in the drawing, what are you doing? 54 00:02:09,129 --> 00:02:12,132 ‐ Oh, being tackled by the police. 55 00:02:12,132 --> 00:02:13,508 ‐ Well, I don't like it. 56 00:02:13,508 --> 00:02:15,969 ‐ Yeah, I didn't like being tackled, either, 57 00:02:15,969 --> 00:02:18,472 but my shrink said I should draw about it, you know? 58 00:02:18,472 --> 00:02:21,725 It's actually been pretty cathartic‐‐ writing about myself. 59 00:02:21,725 --> 00:02:25,270 ‐ I meant I don't like the drawing. 60 00:02:25,270 --> 00:02:28,857 Oh, tell Gunther if he misses one more mahjong night, 61 00:02:28,857 --> 00:02:30,317 he's out of the league. 62 00:02:30,317 --> 00:02:35,947 ♪ ♪ 63 00:02:35,947 --> 00:02:37,949 [door opens] ‐ Yep. 64 00:02:37,949 --> 00:02:39,701 Sweet. 65 00:02:42,329 --> 00:02:43,747 ‐ Oh. Oh, shit. 66 00:02:43,747 --> 00:02:46,124 Look at that, right? 67 00:02:46,124 --> 00:02:47,793 ‐ Yeah. ‐ Shit. 68 00:02:47,793 --> 00:02:50,671 [chuckling] Oh. 69 00:02:50,671 --> 00:02:52,422 Hey. 70 00:02:52,422 --> 00:02:56,677 Please do not be alarmed by any repositioning of items in the flat. 71 00:02:56,677 --> 00:03:00,097 I am practicing the ancient art of bong shui. 72 00:03:00,097 --> 00:03:01,807 KEEF: Oh. 73 00:03:01,807 --> 00:03:03,225 Well, nothing has changed. 74 00:03:03,225 --> 00:03:05,727 ‐ Yeah, it's a subtle art. 75 00:03:05,727 --> 00:03:07,479 ‐ All right, well, you do you. 76 00:03:07,479 --> 00:03:08,939 I'm gonna get started on my journal. 77 00:03:08,939 --> 00:03:10,565 ‐ Awesome. 78 00:03:10,565 --> 00:03:12,234 CLOVIS: As much as she making off that journal, 79 00:03:12,234 --> 00:03:15,278 Dr. Peggy need to be writing that shit for him, you feel me? 80 00:03:15,278 --> 00:03:18,657 ‐ Yeah, you can't put a price on self‐care, you know? 81 00:03:18,657 --> 00:03:20,534 CLOVIS: I'm not. That's why I got a barber. 82 00:03:20,534 --> 00:03:22,661 ‐ You are absolutely right, Clovis, 83 00:03:22,661 --> 00:03:26,456 but at least I'm not taking advice from a marker anymore. 84 00:03:26,456 --> 00:03:29,209 ♪ ♪ 85 00:03:29,209 --> 00:03:31,962 Any final remarks? 86 00:03:31,962 --> 00:03:33,839 [chuckles] 87 00:03:33,839 --> 00:03:35,841 GUNTHER: I love you. ‐ Well. 88 00:03:35,841 --> 00:03:37,717 [knock at door] Cool. 89 00:03:41,304 --> 00:03:42,931 Anybody? ‐ I have a cell phone. 90 00:03:42,931 --> 00:03:44,933 If they wanna meet, they'll probably just text or call. 91 00:03:44,933 --> 00:03:46,726 ‐ Yeah, I'm high, and I just sat down, 92 00:03:46,726 --> 00:03:49,104 so I won't be standing up for a while. 93 00:03:49,104 --> 00:03:50,647 [knock at door] 94 00:03:50,647 --> 00:03:52,190 Oh, no, don't get up. I got it. 95 00:03:53,900 --> 00:03:56,611 ‐ Keef Knight, the comic Avenger. 96 00:03:56,611 --> 00:03:58,572 ‐ Do I know you? 97 00:03:58,572 --> 00:04:00,740 ‐ No. No one ever remembers. 98 00:04:00,740 --> 00:04:02,742 That's for you. 99 00:04:02,742 --> 00:04:04,369 You've been served. 100 00:04:04,369 --> 00:04:06,788 Again. [chuckles] 101 00:04:06,788 --> 00:04:08,707 Yeah, but hey, 102 00:04:08,707 --> 00:04:11,084 way to keep it 100 with your comic in the Bay Arean. 103 00:04:11,084 --> 00:04:12,711 That's‐‐that's pretty dope. 104 00:04:12,711 --> 00:04:14,796 CLOVIS: Discombobulated. Look at you. 105 00:04:14,796 --> 00:04:16,673 GUNTHER: You know, for being a freelance cartoonist, 106 00:04:16,673 --> 00:04:19,926 you sure do a lot of dealings with the legal system. 107 00:04:19,926 --> 00:04:21,511 CLOVIS: You definitely do. 108 00:04:21,511 --> 00:04:23,013 Bloom and Hill coming back for what, round two? [chuckles] 109 00:04:23,013 --> 00:04:24,389 GUNTHER: More like round three. Are you‐‐ 110 00:04:24,389 --> 00:04:26,767 ‐ No, it's the cop who tackled me. 111 00:04:26,767 --> 00:04:28,059 He's suing me. 112 00:04:28,059 --> 00:04:29,811 ‐ What? KEEF: He's suing me. 113 00:04:29,811 --> 00:04:31,521 GUNTHER: For what? 114 00:04:31,521 --> 00:04:34,149 Did you hurt his hand when he punched you in the back of the head? 115 00:04:34,149 --> 00:04:35,776 ‐ Uh, no, for defamation. 116 00:04:35,776 --> 00:04:39,070 He's claiming that he was triggered by the comic strip. 117 00:04:39,070 --> 00:04:40,489 GUNTHER: Wow. 118 00:04:40,489 --> 00:04:43,033 That is actually more absurd than what I just said. 119 00:04:43,033 --> 00:04:44,284 ‐ Well, how is he saying that he was triggered? 120 00:04:44,284 --> 00:04:46,787 I‐‐I was the one who was slammed on the ground. 121 00:04:46,787 --> 00:04:49,456 ‐ Okay, when people say that cops aren't trigger happy, 122 00:04:49,456 --> 00:04:51,082 show 'em that shit, man. 123 00:04:51,082 --> 00:04:53,001 ‐ I think I have to get a lawyer or something, 124 00:04:53,001 --> 00:04:54,878 somebody who's not gonna charge me an arm and a leg. 125 00:04:54,878 --> 00:04:56,463 ‐ Don't go back to the Lawyers for the Arts. 126 00:04:56,463 --> 00:04:57,881 They keep fucking you, man. 127 00:04:57,881 --> 00:05:00,550 ‐ Okay, for the last time, they're not fucking me over. 128 00:05:00,550 --> 00:05:02,552 I gave up the rights to Toast‐N‐Butter. 129 00:05:02,552 --> 00:05:03,762 I let 'em go. 130 00:05:05,972 --> 00:05:08,225 But yes, I do have to find a different lawyer 131 00:05:08,225 --> 00:05:10,769 than these people, 'cause they‐‐ they keep fucking me. 132 00:05:10,769 --> 00:05:12,187 CLOVIS: Mm‐hmm. 133 00:05:12,187 --> 00:05:14,523 Hey, well‐‐hey, hey, look. I ain't worried, man. 134 00:05:14,523 --> 00:05:16,691 I ain't worried. I believe in you. 135 00:05:16,691 --> 00:05:18,026 [door slams] 136 00:05:18,026 --> 00:05:19,903 [whispers] Hey. 137 00:05:19,903 --> 00:05:21,154 I'm worried. 138 00:05:27,327 --> 00:05:29,246 [door bell jingles] 139 00:05:29,246 --> 00:05:32,040 TRINA: You just had to go sit at our table, huh? 140 00:05:32,040 --> 00:05:35,544 ‐ Yeah, I wanted to make things as awkward as possible. 141 00:05:35,544 --> 00:05:38,004 ‐ Smart of you to call me. I'm sure it wasn't easy. 142 00:05:38,004 --> 00:05:40,757 ‐ Well, you know, we didn't necessarily end on the greatest of terms, 143 00:05:40,757 --> 00:05:43,176 but I have not had much luck with lawyers. 144 00:05:43,176 --> 00:05:44,511 ‐ No. 145 00:05:44,511 --> 00:05:46,179 My mom said he's either really broke 146 00:05:46,179 --> 00:05:48,390 or he's got zero understanding about what he put me through. 147 00:05:48,390 --> 00:05:49,599 ‐ Ouch. 148 00:05:49,599 --> 00:05:51,268 ‐ Well, you know, she never liked you. 149 00:05:51,268 --> 00:05:52,978 ‐ Really? 150 00:05:52,978 --> 00:05:56,565 Now so many small, innocuous incidents make so much sense now. 151 00:05:56,565 --> 00:05:58,608 [both chuckle] 152 00:05:58,608 --> 00:06:01,278 ‐ I'm happy that you're doing well, Keef. 153 00:06:01,278 --> 00:06:02,737 I‐‐I mean that. 154 00:06:02,737 --> 00:06:06,074 I‐‐I thought I got it, but I didn't, not fully. 155 00:06:06,074 --> 00:06:09,661 But this comic, Keef, it says it all. 156 00:06:09,661 --> 00:06:11,913 It's raw and it's powerful. 157 00:06:11,913 --> 00:06:13,582 People are really paying attention. 158 00:06:13,582 --> 00:06:14,833 KEEF: Yeah. 159 00:06:14,833 --> 00:06:16,960 Apparently, Officer Wyatt agrees with you. 160 00:06:16,960 --> 00:06:19,129 ‐ Mm. Good news on that front. 161 00:06:19,129 --> 00:06:21,965 So I spoke with the reps at the SFPD, 162 00:06:21,965 --> 00:06:25,343 and the department feels just as blindsided by Wyatt as you do, 163 00:06:25,343 --> 00:06:28,138 and they want nothing more than to make this whole thing go away. 164 00:06:28,138 --> 00:06:30,932 ‐ Oh, my God. Oh, my God, thank you. 165 00:06:30,932 --> 00:06:33,435 I knew you were the right person to call. Thank you very much. 166 00:06:33,435 --> 00:06:35,520 Why did you bury the lede, by the way? 167 00:06:35,520 --> 00:06:37,856 ‐ [chuckles] They‐‐they want something from you, first, though. 168 00:06:37,856 --> 00:06:39,274 KEEF: Okay. 169 00:06:39,274 --> 00:06:41,943 ‐ So they want you to sit down with the officer and have 170 00:06:41,943 --> 00:06:46,406 a frank discussion about police‐community relations. 171 00:06:46,406 --> 00:06:48,450 ‐ [chuckling] Like, over a beer? 172 00:06:48,450 --> 00:06:50,493 [laughs] 173 00:06:50,493 --> 00:06:52,329 ‐ Actually, yeah. They did mention beer. 174 00:06:52,329 --> 00:06:54,414 Plus the press. 175 00:06:54,414 --> 00:06:57,000 They also want a social media presence at the Brighton Sports Bar. 176 00:06:57,000 --> 00:06:59,669 ‐ Wait, hold up, hold up. Let me just rewind for a second. 177 00:06:59,669 --> 00:07:01,212 Wanna make sure I'm hearing you correctly. 178 00:07:01,212 --> 00:07:02,839 In order to squash this, 179 00:07:02,839 --> 00:07:05,300 they want me to have a beer summit with the guy, 180 00:07:05,300 --> 00:07:08,345 like, Obama with the professor and the cop? 181 00:07:08,345 --> 00:07:11,848 ‐ So you say your piece. He says his. What's the harm in that? 182 00:07:11,848 --> 00:07:13,558 KEEF: I mean, it's bullshit. 183 00:07:13,558 --> 00:07:16,519 They're using me so they can make it seem like they're doing something. 184 00:07:16,519 --> 00:07:20,023 ‐ And if you turn them down, you spend the next three years in court. 185 00:07:20,023 --> 00:07:21,691 You're finally back on track. 186 00:07:21,691 --> 00:07:25,987 You don't want this lawsuit hanging over your head. 187 00:07:25,987 --> 00:07:28,156 You're a smart guy, Keef. 188 00:07:28,156 --> 00:07:30,283 Make the smart choice. 189 00:07:30,283 --> 00:07:33,995 [slow bassy music] 190 00:07:33,995 --> 00:07:36,414 ‐ Yeah, you know, I don't know, dude. 191 00:07:36,414 --> 00:07:37,999 ‐ Okay, what's the worst that could happen? 192 00:07:37,999 --> 00:07:40,460 I have a beer with the guy, he drops the lawsuit, 193 00:07:40,460 --> 00:07:41,878 and this whole thing goes away. 194 00:07:41,878 --> 00:07:43,588 ‐ You both get drunk, he pulls his gun, 195 00:07:43,588 --> 00:07:45,465 blows your head off all over the walls. 196 00:07:45,465 --> 00:07:47,717 ‐ That's your concern? Really? 197 00:07:47,717 --> 00:07:49,344 ‐ Yes. CLOVIS: Word. 198 00:07:49,344 --> 00:07:51,513 ‐ My main concern is that you're letting SFPD 199 00:07:51,513 --> 00:07:53,473 have their way with you in a public forum. 200 00:07:53,473 --> 00:07:55,684 ‐ Man, I say do it, man. 201 00:07:55,684 --> 00:07:58,812 Dude, you go in there, you smile your smile, you sip your beer, 202 00:07:58,812 --> 00:08:00,980 drop a couple smoke pellets, poof. 203 00:08:00,980 --> 00:08:03,650 Disappear like Bruce Wayne right into the night. 204 00:08:03,650 --> 00:08:06,236 ‐ Okay, well, first off, it's gonna be daylight. 205 00:08:06,236 --> 00:08:08,571 Secondly, where's he gonna get smoke pellets? 206 00:08:08,571 --> 00:08:10,240 They're very hard to find. I've looked, and‐‐ 207 00:08:10,240 --> 00:08:13,326 ‐ And third, you have to give in order to get, right? 208 00:08:13,326 --> 00:08:15,787 And I think this is the smartest give. 209 00:08:15,787 --> 00:08:17,372 Well, that's what Trina thinks. 210 00:08:17,372 --> 00:08:19,207 ‐ [chuckles] ‐ Mm, yeah, real good. 211 00:08:19,207 --> 00:08:20,417 She want him. She want the D. 212 00:08:20,417 --> 00:08:22,752 ‐ Stop it. She's my lawyer, okay? 213 00:08:22,752 --> 00:08:25,130 She gave me advice. Good advice. 214 00:08:25,130 --> 00:08:27,090 ‐ How good was the advice? ‐ You know what? 215 00:08:27,090 --> 00:08:28,717 I think you should do it. 216 00:08:28,717 --> 00:08:31,052 Make them think they're using you, 217 00:08:31,052 --> 00:08:34,097 and then you take that platform and you hijack it 218 00:08:34,097 --> 00:08:38,017 and you say everything you've ever wanted to say about community‐police relations. 219 00:08:38,017 --> 00:08:40,603 You make them squirm. 220 00:08:40,603 --> 00:08:42,772 I'll draft up some, uh, talking points for you. 221 00:08:42,772 --> 00:08:44,566 ‐ I'm good. Don't need talking points. 222 00:08:44,566 --> 00:08:46,776 ‐ I've seen you talk. You need talking points. 223 00:08:46,776 --> 00:08:48,570 ‐ Yeah, you definitely need talking points. 224 00:08:48,570 --> 00:08:50,071 If not, you start fumfering, bro. 225 00:08:50,071 --> 00:08:51,614 ‐ Start what? ‐ Look, you start fumfering. 226 00:08:51,614 --> 00:08:53,491 I ain't got time to explain it. Your word of the day. 227 00:08:53,491 --> 00:08:55,326 See, and what happens when you start fumfering, 228 00:08:55,326 --> 00:08:58,163 you have a slide down a slippery slope to, "What the fuck is Keef on?" 229 00:08:58,163 --> 00:09:00,331 ‐ Okay, okay. 230 00:09:00,331 --> 00:09:03,126 Just to clarify, you say don't do it, 231 00:09:03,126 --> 00:09:04,878 you say get in, get out, get it done, 232 00:09:04,878 --> 00:09:09,424 and you say blow this entire thing up using my rage and indignation. 233 00:09:09,424 --> 00:09:11,843 ‐ Yeah. ‐ Absolutely. 234 00:09:11,843 --> 00:09:15,221 [Pher's "Murky"] 235 00:09:15,221 --> 00:09:16,973 ‐ My head hurts. 236 00:09:16,973 --> 00:09:20,101 ♪ ♪ 237 00:09:20,101 --> 00:09:22,103 SINGER: ♪ It gets so ♪ 238 00:09:22,103 --> 00:09:26,066 ♪ Murky ♪ 239 00:09:26,066 --> 00:09:30,236 ♪ Loving what you know ♪ 240 00:09:30,236 --> 00:09:35,366 ♪ But I keep on swimming ♪ 241 00:09:35,366 --> 00:09:38,995 ♪ Swimming, babe, further up the road ♪ 242 00:09:38,995 --> 00:09:42,832 ♪ ♪ 243 00:09:42,832 --> 00:09:45,668 [vocalizing] 244 00:09:45,668 --> 00:09:47,420 ‐ [sighs] 245 00:09:47,420 --> 00:09:52,383 ♪ ♪ 246 00:10:08,650 --> 00:10:10,735 [sighs] 247 00:10:16,449 --> 00:10:18,701 Psst. 248 00:10:18,701 --> 00:10:20,703 You mad at me? 249 00:10:20,703 --> 00:10:24,499 [scoffs] I don't care. 250 00:10:24,499 --> 00:10:25,542 Bah. 251 00:10:29,212 --> 00:10:30,296 Hey. 252 00:10:30,296 --> 00:10:32,382 I don't care what Dr. Peggy says. 253 00:10:35,844 --> 00:10:39,347 I need you to do‐‐okay. 254 00:10:41,099 --> 00:10:45,728 Look, I know I always act like I don't need you around. 255 00:10:45,728 --> 00:10:48,690 I always throw you in the trash. 256 00:10:48,690 --> 00:10:52,402 Always make fun of you. I get it. 257 00:10:52,402 --> 00:10:54,737 That's on me. That's my bad. 258 00:10:54,737 --> 00:10:57,240 But right now, let's just forget about that 259 00:10:57,240 --> 00:11:01,119 because I need you, you see? 260 00:11:01,119 --> 00:11:04,706 I need you to do that thing, that marker thing 261 00:11:04,706 --> 00:11:07,876 that‐‐that, uh, that‐‐that you do. 262 00:11:11,546 --> 00:11:13,256 Okay, look, I'm... [sighs] 263 00:11:13,256 --> 00:11:15,842 I'm scared, all right? I'm very scared. 264 00:11:15,842 --> 00:11:18,052 I just don't wanna do the wrong thing again, 265 00:11:18,052 --> 00:11:22,140 so I need you to tell me what to do. 266 00:11:22,140 --> 00:11:24,392 Or Trash Can, you know? 267 00:11:24,392 --> 00:11:26,102 Like, where has he been? Just‐‐ 268 00:11:26,102 --> 00:11:27,604 ‐ Yo, whoa. ‐ Huh? 269 00:11:29,355 --> 00:11:31,065 ‐ Who the fuck are you talking to? 270 00:11:31,065 --> 00:11:34,319 ‐ I'm just, uh‐‐ I'm practicing for tomorrow, so... 271 00:11:34,319 --> 00:11:37,614 [sniffles] You know, what I was gonna say and, like... 272 00:11:37,614 --> 00:11:40,283 ‐ Oh, shit. Um, you're gonna do it? 273 00:11:40,283 --> 00:11:44,120 ‐ Yeah. I think it's the smart move. 274 00:11:44,120 --> 00:11:46,497 GUNTHER: Wait, who thinks it's a smart move? 275 00:11:46,497 --> 00:11:48,374 ‐ I think it's the smart move. 276 00:11:48,374 --> 00:11:51,085 ‐ Yo, can I sway your vote? 277 00:11:51,085 --> 00:11:53,796 ‐ Nope. ‐ Gonna do it. Okay. 278 00:11:53,796 --> 00:11:56,925 Well, can you practice quieter? 279 00:11:56,925 --> 00:11:59,344 ‐ Okay. ‐ Good night. 280 00:11:59,344 --> 00:12:00,803 ‐ Yeah, good night. 281 00:12:00,803 --> 00:12:02,764 ‐ You shouldn't be drinking soda this late. 282 00:12:02,764 --> 00:12:04,933 ‐ Yeah. 283 00:12:04,933 --> 00:12:08,645 ♪ ♪ 284 00:12:08,645 --> 00:12:11,397 [door closes] 285 00:12:11,397 --> 00:12:16,110 I'm not crazy, dude. Just fucking... 286 00:12:16,110 --> 00:12:18,071 The fuck. 287 00:12:25,787 --> 00:12:29,415 [The 1865's "John Browns Gat"] 288 00:12:29,415 --> 00:12:32,502 [sirens wailing] 289 00:12:32,502 --> 00:12:35,171 [overlapping police chatter] 290 00:12:35,171 --> 00:12:42,178 ♪ ♪ 291 00:12:45,932 --> 00:12:47,809 [camera shutters clicking] 292 00:12:47,809 --> 00:12:49,769 LIEUTENANT SVOBODA: This is your chance to tell your side of the story. 293 00:12:49,769 --> 00:12:52,563 Everything's gonna be okay. 294 00:12:52,563 --> 00:12:54,065 Hey, Keef Knight. 295 00:12:54,065 --> 00:12:55,608 Michael Svoboda. ‐ Hey. 296 00:12:55,608 --> 00:12:57,068 ‐ Lieutenant in charge of public affairs. 297 00:12:57,068 --> 00:12:58,903 This is Officer Wyatt. 298 00:12:58,903 --> 00:13:01,072 ‐ Yeah, we've met. 299 00:13:03,032 --> 00:13:05,159 ‐ [chuckles] Right, okay. 300 00:13:05,159 --> 00:13:07,620 ‐ Look, if we could just get this over with... 301 00:13:07,620 --> 00:13:09,122 SVOBODA: Yeah, yeah. You know what? 302 00:13:09,122 --> 00:13:11,207 It'll be great. 303 00:13:11,207 --> 00:13:14,585 ‐ [inhales] He's just asking for trouble, man. 304 00:13:14,585 --> 00:13:16,838 ‐ Trouble? ‐ Yeah. 305 00:13:16,838 --> 00:13:18,756 He's behind enemy lines. 306 00:13:18,756 --> 00:13:20,967 What happens if a cop reaches out for a handshake, 307 00:13:20,967 --> 00:13:24,262 Keef freaks out and just collapses on the floor in fetal position? 308 00:13:24,262 --> 00:13:27,348 ‐ [chuckling] 309 00:13:27,348 --> 00:13:29,142 What? I'm sorry, dude. 310 00:13:29,142 --> 00:13:30,476 Keef in the fetal position, though? 311 00:13:30,476 --> 00:13:32,770 Come on. ‐ I don't think you get it, man. 312 00:13:32,770 --> 00:13:35,356 This is a dangerous game he's playing. 313 00:13:35,356 --> 00:13:37,275 ‐ A'ight, well, what's the worst thing that can happen to him? 314 00:13:37,275 --> 00:13:40,111 [Jade Stone & Luv's "Come Home With Me"] 315 00:13:40,111 --> 00:13:42,572 ‐ Keef orders a Guinness. 316 00:13:42,572 --> 00:13:44,657 Cop mistakes the can for a pistol. 317 00:13:44,657 --> 00:13:47,493 [indistinct chatter] 318 00:13:47,493 --> 00:13:49,662 They shoot him with a gun. 319 00:13:49,662 --> 00:13:52,331 ‐ Damn. 320 00:13:52,331 --> 00:13:54,959 What's the second‐worst thing that could happen to him? 321 00:13:54,959 --> 00:13:58,296 ‐ Cop at the bar's eating some mixed nuts. 322 00:13:58,296 --> 00:14:01,215 Peanut goes down the wrong tube. He starts choking. 323 00:14:01,215 --> 00:14:04,635 Keef pops up, ready to administer the Heimlich. 324 00:14:04,635 --> 00:14:06,554 They shoot him with a gun. 325 00:14:06,554 --> 00:14:09,265 ♪ ♪ 326 00:14:09,265 --> 00:14:11,267 ‐ [coughs] ‐ Hey. 327 00:14:11,267 --> 00:14:14,145 ‐ Keef gets a phone call. He picks up his cell phone. [cell phone trills] 328 00:14:14,145 --> 00:14:16,230 They shoot him with a gun. 329 00:14:16,230 --> 00:14:20,109 Keef gives a friendly wave to a person at the end of the bar. 330 00:14:20,109 --> 00:14:22,653 They shoot him with a gun. 331 00:14:22,653 --> 00:14:23,863 Keef sneezes. ‐ [sneezes] 332 00:14:23,863 --> 00:14:25,823 GUNTHER: They shoot him with a gun. 333 00:14:25,823 --> 00:14:27,825 Keef quietly reads a book. 334 00:14:27,825 --> 00:14:29,702 They shoot him with a gun. 335 00:14:29,702 --> 00:14:32,163 Keef takes a bite of his house salad. 336 00:14:32,163 --> 00:14:37,460 ♪ ♪ 337 00:14:37,460 --> 00:14:39,754 They shoot him with a gun. 338 00:14:39,754 --> 00:14:42,715 ♪ ♪ 339 00:14:42,715 --> 00:14:44,342 ‐ Damn. 340 00:14:44,342 --> 00:14:45,718 ‐ He's dead. 341 00:14:45,718 --> 00:14:47,970 ♪ ♪ 342 00:14:47,970 --> 00:14:50,014 ‐ We smoke too much weed. 343 00:14:50,014 --> 00:14:53,142 ‐ I don't even think that's a real thing. ‐ Mm‐hmm. 344 00:14:53,142 --> 00:14:56,187 [camera shutters clicking] 345 00:14:56,187 --> 00:14:59,398 [indistinct chatter] 346 00:14:59,398 --> 00:15:02,151 ‐ [takes deep breath] 347 00:15:05,780 --> 00:15:09,408 So you, uh, draw comics? 348 00:15:09,408 --> 00:15:11,744 ‐ Yeah. ‐ My kid likes to draw. 349 00:15:13,538 --> 00:15:14,872 Well, maybe not. [chuckles] 350 00:15:14,872 --> 00:15:16,666 I don't know what the hell he likes anymore. 351 00:15:16,666 --> 00:15:18,918 But you don't want to talk about my kid. 352 00:15:18,918 --> 00:15:20,586 ‐ I‐‐I don't, no. 353 00:15:20,586 --> 00:15:22,380 Uh, look. 354 00:15:22,380 --> 00:15:24,173 There's so much that I need to say to you. 355 00:15:24,173 --> 00:15:25,550 ‐ Yeah, I know. ‐ So‐‐[sighs] 356 00:15:25,550 --> 00:15:28,302 ‐ It's just‐‐it's my kid. 357 00:15:28,302 --> 00:15:30,930 I was always this badass hero cop, 358 00:15:30,930 --> 00:15:33,391 and then he saw that thing you drew, and‐‐and‐‐ 359 00:15:33,391 --> 00:15:36,310 well, all of a sudden, I'm the thug. 360 00:15:36,310 --> 00:15:39,856 Which, I know, me complaining about being stereotyped is, 361 00:15:39,856 --> 00:15:41,899 "It's all so unfair." [chuckles] 362 00:15:41,899 --> 00:15:43,442 But‐‐ ‐ Yeah, okay, look. 363 00:15:43,442 --> 00:15:45,903 There‐‐there are some things that I would like to say to you 364 00:15:45,903 --> 00:15:48,030 if you'll allow me to say those things. 365 00:15:48,030 --> 00:15:49,949 ‐ Well, sure. ‐ Okay. 366 00:15:49,949 --> 00:15:51,742 What I wanted to say on a card so‐‐ 367 00:15:51,742 --> 00:15:53,661 ‐ Well, that's a good idea. 368 00:15:53,661 --> 00:15:55,580 "What happened to protect and serve?" 369 00:15:55,580 --> 00:15:58,749 ‐ Which is a question that I was gonna ask you, so‐‐ 370 00:15:58,749 --> 00:16:00,042 ‐ Yeah, hey‐‐ ‐ 'Cause I wrote it, so‐‐ 371 00:16:00,042 --> 00:16:01,669 ‐ Failed you on that one. 372 00:16:01,669 --> 00:16:04,005 [soft dramatic music] 373 00:16:04,005 --> 00:16:07,091 "I did nothing wrong, yet found myself tackled to the ground." 374 00:16:07,091 --> 00:16:10,928 ‐ And it was not soft. It hurt a lot. 375 00:16:10,928 --> 00:16:14,015 ‐ I bet it did. I'm a pretty big guy. 376 00:16:14,015 --> 00:16:17,185 Oh, that's a good point. ‐ Which one? 377 00:16:17,185 --> 00:16:20,146 ‐ "We, the untrained civilians, have to be calm and unflinching 378 00:16:20,146 --> 00:16:22,815 with guns pointed in our faces." 379 00:16:22,815 --> 00:16:25,776 Huh, I never looked at it that way before. 380 00:16:25,776 --> 00:16:27,195 [note cards slap on bar] 381 00:16:27,195 --> 00:16:29,071 Well, I'm thirsty as balls. 382 00:16:29,071 --> 00:16:31,240 We grabbin' beers or what? 383 00:16:31,240 --> 00:16:33,326 [sighs] 384 00:16:36,495 --> 00:16:38,915 ‐ Turns out, she called 911 on her own gardeners. [chuckles] 385 00:16:38,915 --> 00:16:41,083 ‐ [chuckles sarcastically] Funny cop stories. 386 00:16:41,083 --> 00:16:42,418 ‐ Oh, I got a million. 387 00:16:42,418 --> 00:16:43,836 ‐ The six you told were just fine. 388 00:16:43,836 --> 00:16:45,755 So... 389 00:16:45,755 --> 00:16:47,423 Okay. 390 00:16:47,423 --> 00:16:48,883 ‐ Oh, we're done? 391 00:16:51,135 --> 00:16:53,346 All right, whatever, man. It's your show. 392 00:16:53,346 --> 00:16:55,806 ‐ It's a show, that's for sure. 393 00:16:55,806 --> 00:16:58,476 It's just not my show. 394 00:16:58,476 --> 00:16:59,560 [camera shutters clicking] 395 00:16:59,560 --> 00:17:01,687 ‐ Come on, everybody's watching. 396 00:17:01,687 --> 00:17:04,732 [camera shutters clicking] 397 00:17:11,030 --> 00:17:14,867 That wasn't so hard. 398 00:17:14,867 --> 00:17:16,702 ‐ Everything good? 399 00:17:16,702 --> 00:17:18,955 You feel heard, Keef? We can put this to bed? 400 00:17:18,955 --> 00:17:20,915 ‐ The sooner, the better. 401 00:17:20,915 --> 00:17:22,458 [overlapping crosstalk] 402 00:17:22,458 --> 00:17:23,834 ‐ Guys, guys, guys. 403 00:17:23,834 --> 00:17:27,505 Uh, please remember to tag this with SFPDDaresToCare. 404 00:17:27,505 --> 00:17:29,006 Okay? 405 00:17:29,006 --> 00:17:31,926 ‐ A lot was said behind closed doors, 406 00:17:31,926 --> 00:17:38,808 but something that deserves to be said in public is I'm sorry. 407 00:17:38,808 --> 00:17:40,434 ‐ Yeah. 408 00:17:51,445 --> 00:17:53,948 ‐ Now it's your turn, Keef. 409 00:17:53,948 --> 00:17:57,243 ‐ My turn to what? ‐ Apologize to Officer Wyatt. 410 00:17:59,829 --> 00:18:01,372 ‐ Oh, I get it now. 411 00:18:01,372 --> 00:18:03,249 ‐ Oh, you hear that, folks? Mr. Knight gets it now. 412 00:18:03,249 --> 00:18:07,003 He better understands the challenges facing the SFPD. 413 00:18:07,003 --> 00:18:08,629 JOURNALIST: Mr. Knight, Mr. Knight, I have a question. 414 00:18:08,629 --> 00:18:10,298 ‐ That's not what I‐‐ that's not‐‐ 415 00:18:10,298 --> 00:18:13,134 I didn't say those things. I mean, it's not that I don't‐‐ 416 00:18:13,134 --> 00:18:16,095 JOURNALIST: Mr. Knight, we'd like to hear it from you. 417 00:18:16,095 --> 00:18:19,015 ‐ [chuckles] Okay. 418 00:18:19,015 --> 00:18:22,310 I'm so sorry to do this to you, folks, but, um, 419 00:18:22,310 --> 00:18:24,145 everybody out. 420 00:18:24,145 --> 00:18:26,606 This is between me and Wyatt. If you could just... 421 00:18:26,606 --> 00:18:30,484 ‐ Okay, okay, folks. Thank‐‐thank you so much. Thanks, guys. 422 00:18:30,484 --> 00:18:32,820 [indistinct chatter] 423 00:18:32,820 --> 00:18:34,155 Thanks, everybody. 424 00:18:39,118 --> 00:18:42,496 All right. [sighs] 425 00:18:42,496 --> 00:18:43,998 ‐ Oh, no. That includes you, too. 426 00:18:43,998 --> 00:18:45,249 ‐ What? 427 00:18:45,249 --> 00:18:46,917 ‐ Oh, you can go as well. I mean, he's fine. 428 00:18:46,917 --> 00:18:49,503 You're fine, right? 429 00:18:49,503 --> 00:18:52,882 You're safe. He's safe. 430 00:18:52,882 --> 00:18:54,300 [camera shutters clicking] 431 00:18:54,300 --> 00:18:56,636 SVOBODA: All right, guys! Everybody's good. 432 00:18:56,636 --> 00:18:59,055 [indistinct chatter] 433 00:19:05,394 --> 00:19:08,856 ‐ Did you mean any of those words you said earlier? 434 00:19:08,856 --> 00:19:10,650 I mean, that's all I need to leave here with right now, 435 00:19:10,650 --> 00:19:13,235 is the truth, and then‐‐ then I can go. 436 00:19:18,574 --> 00:19:20,743 ‐ Look, my boss said come down here. 437 00:19:20,743 --> 00:19:23,913 I say sorry, you say sorry. 438 00:19:23,913 --> 00:19:26,290 And I don't have to keep riding a desk. 439 00:19:26,290 --> 00:19:31,087 So just fucking apologize so I can get out of here. 440 00:19:31,087 --> 00:19:33,464 ‐ Nice to meet you, Officer Wyatt. 441 00:19:33,464 --> 00:19:35,466 I've been wondering where you were hiding. 442 00:19:35,466 --> 00:19:38,386 ‐ [chuckles] I don't hide from shit. 443 00:19:38,386 --> 00:19:39,887 You need to apologize. 444 00:19:39,887 --> 00:19:41,555 I was my kid's fucking hero. 445 00:19:41,555 --> 00:19:44,809 Now he's all confused 'cause of that comic strip you drew. 446 00:19:46,394 --> 00:19:49,271 ‐ I'm out, man. 447 00:19:49,271 --> 00:19:52,525 ‐ Hey, cartoon man! You don't get it. 448 00:19:52,525 --> 00:19:54,694 We're under siege out there. 449 00:19:54,694 --> 00:19:57,530 We've got seconds to assess whether a threat is genuine. 450 00:19:57,530 --> 00:19:59,490 ‐ You're under siege? 451 00:19:59,490 --> 00:20:02,702 I just‐‐I'm so sorry. I didn't‐‐don't think I heard you correctly. 452 00:20:02,702 --> 00:20:05,913 You're the one under siege? 453 00:20:05,913 --> 00:20:07,123 ‐ Yep. 454 00:20:07,123 --> 00:20:09,333 ‐ I was stapling fucking flyers to a wall. 455 00:20:09,333 --> 00:20:11,627 ‐ Yeah, a stapler could be a potential threat. 456 00:20:11,627 --> 00:20:14,505 ‐ [scoffs and laughs] 457 00:20:14,505 --> 00:20:15,965 You know, just when I thought this day 458 00:20:15,965 --> 00:20:19,885 couldn't get any more stupid and absurd, 459 00:20:19,885 --> 00:20:22,263 you went and said that shit. 460 00:20:22,263 --> 00:20:26,100 ‐ Go ahead, make jokes. 461 00:20:26,100 --> 00:20:28,352 You got off easy this time. 462 00:20:28,352 --> 00:20:31,063 Next time, we're not gonna be so nice, 463 00:20:31,063 --> 00:20:33,816 so you better fuckin' lighten up. 464 00:20:33,816 --> 00:20:36,777 [slow dramatic music] 465 00:20:36,777 --> 00:20:39,196 ♪ ♪ 466 00:20:39,196 --> 00:20:42,241 ‐ Let's talk about those perceived threats, shall we? 467 00:20:42,241 --> 00:20:44,160 Those nuts, for example. 468 00:20:44,160 --> 00:20:46,912 If I were to throw those nuts in your face, 469 00:20:46,912 --> 00:20:48,664 could that be perceived as a threat? 470 00:20:48,664 --> 00:20:50,833 If I were to splash beer on you, 471 00:20:50,833 --> 00:20:52,835 would that be considered a threat? 472 00:20:52,835 --> 00:20:54,378 ‐ If it's intentional, then yes. 473 00:20:54,378 --> 00:20:55,379 ‐ Okay. 474 00:20:55,379 --> 00:20:56,922 Well, in that case, 475 00:20:56,922 --> 00:20:59,759 it's a good thing you don't have your gun on you because 476 00:20:59,759 --> 00:21:02,887 I would be dead right now. 477 00:21:02,887 --> 00:21:04,638 ‐ [chuckles] 478 00:21:04,638 --> 00:21:07,475 [indistinct chatter] 479 00:21:07,475 --> 00:21:09,602 Don't push me. 480 00:21:09,602 --> 00:21:12,897 ‐ That is for giving jaywalking tickets to poor people. 481 00:21:12,897 --> 00:21:17,902 And that is for answering Cookout Karen's 911 calls 482 00:21:17,902 --> 00:21:20,488 when Black folks are just trying to get something to eat. 483 00:21:20,488 --> 00:21:24,158 ‐ Consider yourself warned. ‐ Ooh, I've been warned. 484 00:21:24,158 --> 00:21:26,869 That one is for all the times your police report 485 00:21:26,869 --> 00:21:29,789 didn't match the video. 486 00:21:29,789 --> 00:21:33,209 ‐ One more flick, and I will arrest you for assaulting an officer. 487 00:21:33,209 --> 00:21:34,960 ♪ ♪ 488 00:21:34,960 --> 00:21:36,462 Don't do it. 489 00:21:36,462 --> 00:21:43,469 ♪ ♪ 490 00:21:49,725 --> 00:21:52,728 [The Jolly Boys' cover of "I Fought the Law"] 491 00:21:52,728 --> 00:21:57,650 ♪ ♪ 492 00:21:57,650 --> 00:22:00,986 [door buzzes, locks] 493 00:22:00,986 --> 00:22:03,864 SINGER: ♪ Breaking rocks in the hot sun ♪ 494 00:22:03,864 --> 00:22:07,284 ♪ I fought the law and the law won ♪ 495 00:22:07,284 --> 00:22:10,329 ♪ I fought the law and the law won ♪ 496 00:22:10,329 --> 00:22:13,666 ♪ I needed money 'cause I had none ♪ 497 00:22:13,666 --> 00:22:17,002 ♪ I fought the law and the law won ♪ 498 00:22:17,002 --> 00:22:19,964 ♪ I fought the law and the law won ♪ 499 00:22:19,964 --> 00:22:21,340 ♪ [screams] ♪ 500 00:22:21,340 --> 00:22:25,052 ♪ ♪ 501 00:22:25,052 --> 00:22:28,055 [cell phone ringing] 502 00:22:32,726 --> 00:22:33,894 ‐ Hello? 503 00:22:33,894 --> 00:22:35,104 ‐ [as Rocky] Hey, yo, Adrienne. 504 00:22:35,104 --> 00:22:36,730 [chuckles] 505 00:22:36,730 --> 00:22:40,359 How you doin'? It's me, Rocky. [chuckles] 506 00:22:40,359 --> 00:22:42,027 [normally] I'm sorry. I know how much you hate that. 507 00:22:42,027 --> 00:22:44,947 Um, got a lot to catch up on, you know? 508 00:22:44,947 --> 00:22:47,491 ‐ Where are you, Keef? You sound totally weird. 509 00:22:47,491 --> 00:22:50,703 ‐ Uh, figuratively, um, I'm in a better place. 510 00:22:50,703 --> 00:22:53,330 Literally, I'm in jail. 511 00:22:53,330 --> 00:22:56,584 It's just me, a couple of drunks, 512 00:22:56,584 --> 00:22:59,420 and kind of a old, white dude here. 513 00:22:59,420 --> 00:23:01,088 Could be a professor. 514 00:23:01,088 --> 00:23:03,340 He also could be a domestic terrorist. 515 00:23:03,340 --> 00:23:08,596 Anyway, that is, uh, all just a precursor to say, 516 00:23:08,596 --> 00:23:11,682 look, I know we said that we would spare each other 517 00:23:11,682 --> 00:23:14,059 the heartache of our fucked‐up selves, 518 00:23:14,059 --> 00:23:16,103 but are we really that bad? 519 00:23:16,103 --> 00:23:20,774 I think we should‐‐ I think we should give it a shot. 520 00:23:20,774 --> 00:23:24,153 ‐ You sound like a completely different person. 521 00:23:24,153 --> 00:23:28,699 ‐ Well, same Keef, but, uh, I'm in a better place now, 522 00:23:28,699 --> 00:23:30,576 so I'll let you‐‐ 523 00:23:30,576 --> 00:23:32,828 ‐ Time's up, beer flicker. 524 00:23:32,828 --> 00:23:36,040 ‐ Uh, and I have got to go. 525 00:23:36,040 --> 00:23:37,666 ‐ W‐wait. KEEF: All right? 526 00:23:37,666 --> 00:23:39,251 ‐ W‐w‐what were you‐‐ KEEF: Bye. 527 00:23:39,251 --> 00:23:40,878 ‐ Okay. 528 00:23:40,878 --> 00:23:42,296 [line clicks] 529 00:23:42,296 --> 00:23:43,923 [mellow music] 530 00:23:43,923 --> 00:23:46,800 Beer flicker? 531 00:23:46,800 --> 00:23:48,677 [chuckles] 532 00:23:48,677 --> 00:23:53,223 ♪ ♪ 533 00:23:53,223 --> 00:23:55,476 KEEF: Okay. 534 00:23:55,476 --> 00:24:02,524 ♪ ♪ 535 00:24:06,904 --> 00:24:08,822 [sighs] 536 00:24:08,822 --> 00:24:10,699 Thank you. 537 00:24:10,699 --> 00:24:13,494 Thank you for not helping me. 538 00:24:13,494 --> 00:24:17,122 I appreciate that. [chuckles] 539 00:24:20,876 --> 00:24:22,294 All right, then. Okay. 540 00:24:22,294 --> 00:24:24,421 [door buzzes] 541 00:24:26,131 --> 00:24:27,591 GUNTHER: Oh! 542 00:24:27,591 --> 00:24:29,218 ‐ There we go, my boy. ‐ Okay! 543 00:24:29,218 --> 00:24:32,346 ‐ So what was it like? Did you get some prison tats? 544 00:24:32,346 --> 00:24:35,975 ‐ I was in there for an hour and 15 minutes, so no. 545 00:24:35,975 --> 00:24:38,018 ‐ That was a long way to go for some street cred. 546 00:24:38,018 --> 00:24:39,687 KEEF: [chuckles] ‐ Street cred? 547 00:24:39,687 --> 00:24:41,438 This nigga ain't Gucci Mane. 548 00:24:41,438 --> 00:24:43,399 Shit, he ain't even Martha Stewart. Look at him. 549 00:24:43,399 --> 00:24:45,192 ‐ Mm, fun fact. 550 00:24:45,192 --> 00:24:47,152 I snitched on all three of you. 551 00:24:47,152 --> 00:24:48,779 ‐ Are you serious? 552 00:24:48,779 --> 00:24:50,322 ‐ You'll be fine. It's not cocaine, right? 553 00:24:50,322 --> 00:24:52,116 ‐ So was it worth it? 554 00:24:52,116 --> 00:24:54,410 ‐ I don't know. Maybe. 555 00:24:54,410 --> 00:24:57,246 Just wish I'd made a bigger impact, you know? 556 00:24:57,246 --> 00:25:00,457 ‐ Uh, well, kind of think you did. 557 00:25:00,457 --> 00:25:03,419 [DUCKWRTH's "WAKE UP!"] 558 00:25:03,419 --> 00:25:05,754 ♪ ♪ 559 00:25:05,754 --> 00:25:07,631 JOURNALIST 1: Mr. Knight, Mr. Knight. 560 00:25:07,631 --> 00:25:10,300 JOURNALIST 2: How does it feel to stand up against the police department? 561 00:25:10,300 --> 00:25:13,637 JOURNALIST 3: Mr. Knight, are you going to use your comic to fight racial injustice? 562 00:25:13,637 --> 00:25:15,848 [indistinct chatter] JOURNALIST 4: Are you going to run for office? 563 00:25:15,848 --> 00:25:17,933 JOURNALIST 5: Is this the start of a new movement? 564 00:25:17,933 --> 00:25:19,685 ‐ Yeah! [laughs] 565 00:25:19,685 --> 00:25:21,812 And so it begins. 566 00:25:21,812 --> 00:25:24,106 SINGER: ♪ One, two, three, wake up ♪ 567 00:25:24,106 --> 00:25:26,567 ♪ Whoa ♪ 568 00:25:26,567 --> 00:25:28,527 ♪ Wake up, whoa ♪ 569 00:25:28,527 --> 00:25:30,654 ♪ Oh, wake up ♪ 570 00:25:30,654 --> 00:25:33,115 ♪ Whoa ♪ 571 00:25:33,115 --> 00:25:35,117 ♪ Wake up, whoa ♪ 572 00:25:35,117 --> 00:25:36,952 ♪ Oh, yeah ♪ 573 00:25:36,952 --> 00:25:38,495 RAPPER: ♪ This is your wake up call ♪ 574 00:25:38,495 --> 00:25:40,164 ♪ Courtesy of my fist ♪ SINGER: ♪ Yeah ♪ 575 00:25:40,164 --> 00:25:41,749 ♪ That purposely met your jaw ♪ 576 00:25:41,749 --> 00:25:43,333 ♪ And nigga, no, I never miss ♪ 577 00:25:43,333 --> 00:25:44,918 ♪ This is a courtesy warning ♪ 578 00:25:44,918 --> 00:25:46,545 ♪ Know that the wolves are swarming ♪ 579 00:25:46,545 --> 00:25:48,213 ♪ And know if it rains tonight ♪ 580 00:25:48,213 --> 00:25:49,840 ♪ You probably won't make it till morning ♪ 581 00:25:49,840 --> 00:25:52,926 ♪ Good damn, I'm the man with the whole world in his hand ♪ 582 00:25:52,926 --> 00:25:56,221 ♪ From LA up to Iran, we just blitzing through the land ♪ 583 00:25:56,221 --> 00:25:58,015 ♪ Good damn, I'm the man ♪ 584 00:25:58,015 --> 00:25:59,641 ♪ With the whole world in his hand ♪ 585 00:25:59,641 --> 00:26:01,268 ♪ If you're sleeping we're the reason ♪ 586 00:26:01,268 --> 00:26:02,936 ♪ Why you woke up once again ♪ 587 00:26:02,936 --> 00:26:06,023 SINGER: ♪ Wake up, whoa ♪ 588 00:26:06,023 --> 00:26:08,150 ♪ Wake up, whoa ♪ 589 00:26:08,150 --> 00:26:10,319 ♪ Oh, wake up ♪ 590 00:26:10,319 --> 00:26:12,946 ♪ ♪ 591 00:26:12,946 --> 00:26:15,157 ♪ Wake up ♪