1 00:00:01,241 --> 00:00:03,903 - So how's the design job going with Santiago? 2 00:00:04,003 --> 00:00:06,066 - Ugh. He's a terrible contractor. 3 00:00:06,166 --> 00:00:08,148 He keeps on making changes without my approval, 4 00:00:08,248 --> 00:00:10,430 and then when I ask him why he did it, he's all like, 5 00:00:10,530 --> 00:00:12,152 "It's better this way." 6 00:00:12,252 --> 00:00:14,194 - So patronising. - Mom, I think that's enough. 7 00:00:14,294 --> 00:00:17,197 - Enough? Oh, no, Camila, I could go on and on. 8 00:00:17,297 --> 00:00:19,359 - No, the juice. - Oh. 9 00:00:19,459 --> 00:00:21,801 - Mm, Marina is still arguing with her 10 00:00:21,901 --> 00:00:23,683 hunky contractor, huh? 11 00:00:23,783 --> 00:00:25,845 Your own personal Cuban Missile Crisis. 12 00:00:25,945 --> 00:00:27,407 Bet you're pretty happy about that. 13 00:00:27,507 --> 00:00:29,489 - Ha-ha. - Get it? 'Cause he's Cuban. 14 00:00:29,589 --> 00:00:30,890 - Yeah, I got it. - And the missile 15 00:00:30,990 --> 00:00:31,972 - would be his... - Yeah, no, I said 16 00:00:32,072 --> 00:00:33,533 I got it, man. Look... 17 00:00:33,633 --> 00:00:35,255 I just want what's best for her, you know? 18 00:00:35,355 --> 00:00:37,337 And if that means that her partnership with Santiago 19 00:00:37,437 --> 00:00:40,620 blows up, and she partners with a less attractive, 20 00:00:40,720 --> 00:00:44,824 possibly female contractor... so be it. 21 00:00:44,924 --> 00:00:46,506 - And I can't say anything about the way he treats me, 22 00:00:46,606 --> 00:00:48,548 'cause then I'll be labeled as "difficult." 23 00:00:48,648 --> 00:00:50,430 - Marina, this is classic workplace sexism. 24 00:00:50,530 --> 00:00:51,671 You have to speak up. 25 00:00:51,771 --> 00:00:53,473 She's right. 26 00:00:53,573 --> 00:00:55,755 Your voice is the strongest antiseptic to the infection 27 00:00:55,855 --> 00:00:57,437 - that is the patriarchy. - Whoa. 28 00:00:57,537 --> 00:00:59,119 Where did that come from? 29 00:00:59,219 --> 00:01:00,840 - Oh, Mom got me a book called "Your Voice is 30 00:01:00,940 --> 00:01:02,722 "the Strongest Antiseptic to the Infection 31 00:01:02,822 --> 00:01:04,804 - That is the Patriarchy." - Of course she did. 32 00:01:04,904 --> 00:01:05,966 - You gotta stand up to this guy. 33 00:01:06,066 --> 00:01:07,447 - You know what? Mija, you're right. 34 00:01:07,547 --> 00:01:09,089 I'm gonna go to him and I'm gonna tell him 35 00:01:09,189 --> 00:01:11,891 that he needs to treat me with some respect, 36 00:01:11,991 --> 00:01:13,933 and if he doesn't want to, 37 00:01:14,033 --> 00:01:15,255 then I don't wanna work with him. 38 00:01:15,355 --> 00:01:18,738 - Yes, do it for all women in male-dominated spaces. 39 00:01:18,838 --> 00:01:20,180 - Yes! - Lean in! 40 00:01:20,280 --> 00:01:21,341 - Whoo! - Yeah! 41 00:01:21,441 --> 00:01:22,862 Can I have some of that OJ? 42 00:01:22,962 --> 00:01:25,585 - Yeah, go ahead and wash down your male entitlement. 43 00:01:25,685 --> 00:01:27,507 - Woman does the work and you reap the spoils. 44 00:01:27,607 --> 00:01:29,229 Gaslighter. 45 00:01:29,329 --> 00:01:30,590 But I'm thirsty. 46 00:01:30,690 --> 00:01:32,032 Not your moment, buddy. 47 00:01:32,132 --> 00:01:33,553 Just trust me, walk away. 48 00:01:33,653 --> 00:01:35,955 [upbeat music] 49 00:01:36,055 --> 00:01:39,098 ♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey ♪ 50 00:01:40,099 --> 00:01:41,281 - You seem like you're in a good mood. 51 00:01:41,381 --> 00:01:42,562 Your investments back up? 52 00:01:42,662 --> 00:01:44,164 I'm working on it. 53 00:01:44,264 --> 00:01:46,526 You know, falling to the bottom of the 1% of the 1% 54 00:01:46,626 --> 00:01:49,329 has really made me rethink my spending habits. 55 00:01:49,429 --> 00:01:51,331 I now look at the price before I buy things. 56 00:01:51,431 --> 00:01:53,493 - Oh my God. That must be horrible. 57 00:01:53,593 --> 00:01:54,854 - You know a gallon of milk costs 20 bucks? 58 00:01:54,954 --> 00:01:57,297 - It does not. That's not even close. 59 00:01:57,397 --> 00:01:59,619 Lupe sent me the receipt. 60 00:01:59,719 --> 00:02:01,501 - This is because you had one gallon of milk 61 00:02:01,601 --> 00:02:02,862 delivered from an artisanal market 62 00:02:02,962 --> 00:02:04,264 all the way across town. 63 00:02:04,364 --> 00:02:05,705 Plus you tipped the guy 9 bucks. 64 00:02:05,805 --> 00:02:07,867 - We had to send him back for cereal. 65 00:02:07,967 --> 00:02:09,469 I guess I got to start budgeting. 66 00:02:09,569 --> 00:02:11,431 - Did someone say budgeting? - Oh, crap. 67 00:02:11,531 --> 00:02:13,193 - That word's like my bat signal. 68 00:02:13,293 --> 00:02:15,755 If you're trying to save money, today is coupon day. 69 00:02:15,855 --> 00:02:16,796 Speak on that. 70 00:02:16,896 --> 00:02:19,199 Oh, Connor, Connor, baby, 71 00:02:19,299 --> 00:02:21,521 ho ho ho. 72 00:02:21,621 --> 00:02:25,205 Coupon day is a magical day once a month 73 00:02:25,305 --> 00:02:27,807 when coupons are worth double. 74 00:02:27,907 --> 00:02:30,009 - Denise, Connor's still worth millions. 75 00:02:30,109 --> 00:02:31,931 I'm not sure he's going to get into couponing. 76 00:02:32,031 --> 00:02:33,253 - Exploiting a financial system 77 00:02:33,353 --> 00:02:35,255 to increase asset retention? 78 00:02:35,355 --> 00:02:36,776 Literally my bread and butter. 79 00:02:36,876 --> 00:02:38,578 Ah, would you look at that? 80 00:02:38,678 --> 00:02:39,899 A coupon for bread and butter. 81 00:02:39,999 --> 00:02:40,800 - Wanna cruise the aisles with me? 82 00:02:40,880 --> 00:02:42,582 I'm down. 83 00:02:42,682 --> 00:02:45,465 I can break in my new Elite Executive Black Card. 84 00:02:45,565 --> 00:02:47,707 Every purchase earns me double points on yacht rentals. 85 00:02:47,807 --> 00:02:49,749 It's kinda like a coupon, right? 86 00:02:49,849 --> 00:02:51,751 - Starting to regret this. - The only two people who have 87 00:02:51,851 --> 00:02:53,893 - this card are me and Rihanna. - Please stop. 88 00:02:54,494 --> 00:02:56,676 Hola. How's it going? 89 00:02:56,776 --> 00:02:58,778 - It's going as quickly as possible. 90 00:03:00,780 --> 00:03:02,842 - Sorry... is this semi-gloss? 91 00:03:02,942 --> 00:03:04,484 I definitely said flat. 92 00:03:04,584 --> 00:03:05,845 - I got semi-gloss instead. 93 00:03:05,945 --> 00:03:07,127 Without asking me? 94 00:03:07,227 --> 00:03:08,328 - Trust me, it's better this way. 95 00:03:08,428 --> 00:03:10,049 That's it. 96 00:03:10,149 --> 00:03:12,132 Santiago, you can't treat me like this anymore. 97 00:03:12,232 --> 00:03:13,693 Like what? 98 00:03:13,793 --> 00:03:14,974 - You second guess my work, you change things 99 00:03:15,074 --> 00:03:16,496 without my approval. 100 00:03:16,596 --> 00:03:18,778 And I grew up with enough of this machista crap. 101 00:03:18,878 --> 00:03:20,660 I don't need it at work too. 102 00:03:20,760 --> 00:03:22,782 So unless you can treat me with some professional respect, 103 00:03:22,882 --> 00:03:24,884 I think we should part ways. 104 00:03:26,045 --> 00:03:27,467 I'm sorry. 105 00:03:27,567 --> 00:03:28,788 - See, I knew you were going to go there. 106 00:03:28,888 --> 00:03:29,949 And listen--what did you say? 107 00:03:30,049 --> 00:03:31,511 I'm a bad communicator. 108 00:03:31,611 --> 00:03:33,233 I've been working on it in therapy. 109 00:03:33,333 --> 00:03:34,674 Therapy? 110 00:03:34,774 --> 00:03:36,916 - The hardest remodel of all is the soul. 111 00:03:37,016 --> 00:03:38,998 I grew up with five brothers and a dad 112 00:03:39,098 --> 00:03:41,401 that never said "I love you." 113 00:03:41,501 --> 00:03:42,962 But that's just a justification. 114 00:03:43,062 --> 00:03:45,044 That is not an excuse, as Dr. Friedman says. 115 00:03:45,144 --> 00:03:46,566 Oh. 116 00:03:46,666 --> 00:03:48,168 - The reason I switched to semi-glass 117 00:03:48,268 --> 00:03:49,729 is because this family has three kids and a dog. 118 00:03:49,829 --> 00:03:51,371 - And they're gonna need-- - And they need something 119 00:03:51,471 --> 00:03:54,254 that wipes. Of course. 120 00:03:54,354 --> 00:03:56,896 Still getting a handle on this design thing. 121 00:03:56,996 --> 00:04:00,139 - Well, you have a real talent for it. 122 00:04:00,239 --> 00:04:02,342 And I would know, because I have worked with 123 00:04:02,442 --> 00:04:04,744 a lot of folks who don't know their wicker from their rattan. 124 00:04:04,844 --> 00:04:06,886 - Thank you. [laughs] 125 00:04:08,247 --> 00:04:09,509 Wow, so this went well. 126 00:04:09,609 --> 00:04:11,150 [both laughing] 127 00:04:11,250 --> 00:04:14,874 - So what's on the schedule for today, boss? 128 00:04:14,974 --> 00:04:16,756 Oh, I don't know. 129 00:04:16,856 --> 00:04:19,799 I was planning on having stormed out by now. 130 00:04:19,899 --> 00:04:21,721 I even had a good burn for when I left. 131 00:04:21,821 --> 00:04:23,523 - Ooh, yeah? What was it? 132 00:04:23,623 --> 00:04:25,004 Forget your stud finder. 133 00:04:25,104 --> 00:04:27,106 You're gonna need a new designer finder. 134 00:04:28,267 --> 00:04:30,330 - I mean... - Yeah, it's a fun area, but-- 135 00:04:30,430 --> 00:04:31,611 - Yeah, but, no, there's something there. 136 00:04:31,711 --> 00:04:32,852 - Yeah. - Yeah. 137 00:04:32,952 --> 00:04:34,534 So you're telling me 138 00:04:34,634 --> 00:04:36,696 I can use these two coupons on the same item? 139 00:04:36,796 --> 00:04:38,218 Oh yeah. 140 00:04:38,318 --> 00:04:39,779 Because that one is from the manufacturer, 141 00:04:39,879 --> 00:04:41,821 and that one is from the store. It's called stacking. 142 00:04:41,921 --> 00:04:43,943 The store hates it, but there's nothing they can do about it. 143 00:04:44,043 --> 00:04:45,545 - Oh, you're bad. - Then why does it feel 144 00:04:45,645 --> 00:04:47,106 - so good? - Ha ha ha. 145 00:04:47,206 --> 00:04:49,208 Okay, one more thing. 146 00:04:50,410 --> 00:04:51,711 My lucky fanny pack. 147 00:04:51,811 --> 00:04:54,394 - I'll wear it proudly. - I know you will. 148 00:04:54,494 --> 00:04:55,955 Okay. 149 00:04:56,055 --> 00:04:57,917 Connor, this is where we part. 150 00:04:58,017 --> 00:04:59,719 I can't have you slowing me down. 151 00:04:59,819 --> 00:05:02,402 I'll see you on the other side. 152 00:05:02,502 --> 00:05:05,485 [Muzak playing] 153 00:05:05,585 --> 00:05:12,472 ♪ ♪ 154 00:05:28,888 --> 00:05:30,430 Whoa, whoa. 155 00:05:30,530 --> 00:05:31,951 - Nice fanny pack. - Thanks. 156 00:05:32,051 --> 00:05:33,673 It's limited edish. 157 00:05:33,773 --> 00:05:36,075 Mm, so fashion forward. 158 00:05:36,175 --> 00:05:39,078 [Muzak continues] 159 00:05:39,178 --> 00:05:42,842 ♪ ♪ 160 00:05:42,942 --> 00:05:44,243 - Don't judge me. I like sardines. 161 00:05:44,343 --> 00:05:46,806 ♪ ♪ 162 00:05:46,906 --> 00:05:50,029 - Mm. - Mmm... 163 00:05:53,272 --> 00:05:54,213 [beep] 164 00:05:54,313 --> 00:05:56,376 A gallon of milk is $4? 165 00:05:56,476 --> 00:05:57,737 Wow. 166 00:05:57,837 --> 00:06:00,259 Inflation's a bitch. 167 00:06:00,359 --> 00:06:01,781 Following me? 168 00:06:01,881 --> 00:06:03,943 Chh, you wish. 169 00:06:04,043 --> 00:06:05,785 You've been following me since the frozen food aisle. 170 00:06:05,885 --> 00:06:07,587 - Ah? I bet the security footage 171 00:06:07,687 --> 00:06:09,909 would say otherwise. 172 00:06:10,009 --> 00:06:11,511 - Ugh. - Oh, I actually have 173 00:06:11,611 --> 00:06:13,032 a coupon for that. 174 00:06:13,132 --> 00:06:14,394 - Oh, is that what the fanny pack is for? 175 00:06:14,494 --> 00:06:16,716 2 bucks off your detergent. 176 00:06:16,816 --> 00:06:18,678 - Don't tell anyone. - Call me old-fashioned, 177 00:06:18,778 --> 00:06:20,159 but I can't take a coupon from a stranger. 178 00:06:20,259 --> 00:06:23,122 In that case, I'm Connor. 179 00:06:23,222 --> 00:06:24,964 Nikki. 180 00:06:25,064 --> 00:06:26,526 - Will that be cash or card? - Uh, card. 181 00:06:26,626 --> 00:06:28,247 - Are you gonna enter in your phone number 182 00:06:28,347 --> 00:06:30,129 - for the member discount? - I'm not a member. 183 00:06:30,229 --> 00:06:32,792 - You can use mine. Give me your phone. 184 00:06:36,796 --> 00:06:38,177 There. Now you have my number 185 00:06:38,277 --> 00:06:40,299 - for, you know, groceries. - Sorry. 186 00:06:40,399 --> 00:06:42,422 - Your card won't go through. - Oh, can you try it again? 187 00:06:42,522 --> 00:06:44,263 I really need these points. 188 00:06:44,363 --> 00:06:46,346 - [beeping] - Yeah, sorry. No. 189 00:06:46,446 --> 00:06:48,588 Mm, all right, I'll pay cash. 190 00:06:48,688 --> 00:06:50,830 - If I had a dollar for every time my card got declined, 191 00:06:50,930 --> 00:06:52,932 it would never get declined. 192 00:06:53,853 --> 00:06:54,994 Surprise. 193 00:06:55,094 --> 00:06:56,075 Hey! 194 00:06:56,175 --> 00:06:57,837 What are you doing here? 195 00:06:57,937 --> 00:07:00,039 - Well, I could tell you'd been having a rough time at work. 196 00:07:00,139 --> 00:07:01,961 So I swung by Morningstar's, picked up your favourite drink. 197 00:07:02,061 --> 00:07:03,483 Six shots of espresso? 198 00:07:03,583 --> 00:07:04,644 And nine pumps of hazelnut. 199 00:07:04,744 --> 00:07:06,686 I was embarrassed ordering it. 200 00:07:06,786 --> 00:07:08,007 - Oh my God, honey, this is perfect. 201 00:07:08,107 --> 00:07:09,689 Thank you. 202 00:07:09,789 --> 00:07:11,531 Oh, and by the way, I had that talk with Santiago. 203 00:07:11,631 --> 00:07:13,292 - Oh. What happened? Did he storm out? 204 00:07:13,392 --> 00:07:14,974 Ugh, I hate that. 205 00:07:15,074 --> 00:07:16,255 - Well, that's what I was expecting. 206 00:07:16,355 --> 00:07:18,177 - He's a jerk, all right? Good riddance. 207 00:07:18,277 --> 00:07:19,819 You know, If you need help, I can roll up my sleeves 208 00:07:19,919 --> 00:07:23,342 and call some new contractors. 209 00:07:23,442 --> 00:07:26,225 - Hey Marine--oh, hey, Tom, it's good to see you. 210 00:07:26,325 --> 00:07:28,508 - Hey, Santiago, you're still here 211 00:07:28,608 --> 00:07:31,030 with that... very strong handshake. 212 00:07:31,130 --> 00:07:34,714 - We actually talked and hashed everything out this morning. 213 00:07:34,814 --> 00:07:36,195 So isn't that great? 214 00:07:36,295 --> 00:07:38,758 Wow, so great, so great. 215 00:07:38,858 --> 00:07:39,819 - Oh, by the way, honey, can you do dinner 216 00:07:39,899 --> 00:07:41,240 without me tonight? 217 00:07:41,340 --> 00:07:42,542 Santiago and I need to grab a bite and work late. 218 00:07:42,622 --> 00:07:44,684 - Oh, okay, you guys are having dinner together, 219 00:07:44,784 --> 00:07:46,966 you and, uh, Santiago? 220 00:07:47,066 --> 00:07:49,128 - Yeah, we got slammed with a request from our client. 221 00:07:49,228 --> 00:07:52,652 - "I said vintage subway tiles." 222 00:07:52,752 --> 00:07:54,614 [laughter] Oh my gosh. 223 00:07:54,714 --> 00:07:57,657 She sounds exactly like that. [both laughing] 224 00:07:57,757 --> 00:07:59,419 Don't do that. 225 00:07:59,519 --> 00:08:01,340 Or...don't do that. 226 00:08:01,440 --> 00:08:02,422 Come to our house. 227 00:08:02,522 --> 00:08:04,904 I'll grill up some steaks. 228 00:08:05,004 --> 00:08:06,986 - You haven't touched the grill in a year. 229 00:08:07,086 --> 00:08:08,267 Well, all the more reason. 230 00:08:08,367 --> 00:08:10,029 It's grill season, baby. 231 00:08:10,129 --> 00:08:11,390 Steaks sound great. 232 00:08:11,490 --> 00:08:13,032 - Yeah. - All right, then. 233 00:08:13,132 --> 00:08:14,073 That's a date. 234 00:08:14,173 --> 00:08:15,314 Well, it's not a date. 235 00:08:15,414 --> 00:08:16,876 That's kind of a weird way to put it. 236 00:08:16,976 --> 00:08:19,118 It's just three people hanging out, two of which 237 00:08:19,218 --> 00:08:21,901 are committed to each other for life. Ha. 238 00:08:22,942 --> 00:08:25,244 - What did you take? Like eight cheese samples? 239 00:08:25,344 --> 00:08:27,366 - Hey, if they wanted one per customer, 240 00:08:27,466 --> 00:08:30,209 they should've set a sign that said one per customer. 241 00:08:30,309 --> 00:08:32,011 Oh, look at this jerk. 242 00:08:32,111 --> 00:08:34,093 - You don't-- you don't like that car? 243 00:08:34,193 --> 00:08:35,695 It's just rich people 244 00:08:35,795 --> 00:08:37,457 thinking they can take two parking spots 245 00:08:37,557 --> 00:08:39,018 like they own the world. 246 00:08:39,118 --> 00:08:40,139 - Yeah. - Meanwhile, we're cutting 247 00:08:40,239 --> 00:08:41,340 coupons just to get by. 248 00:08:41,440 --> 00:08:43,543 - Yeah, I mean, they probably just, 249 00:08:43,643 --> 00:08:45,625 you know, didn't want someone in this lot 250 00:08:45,725 --> 00:08:47,467 to ding their nice car. 251 00:08:47,567 --> 00:08:48,928 Probably happens all the time, and they were tired of it. 252 00:08:49,008 --> 00:08:51,671 But, yeah, to hell with him or her. 253 00:08:51,771 --> 00:08:53,232 I don't know who owns it. 254 00:08:53,332 --> 00:08:55,114 - Well, you know, this has been nice. 255 00:08:55,214 --> 00:08:56,636 You have my number now. 256 00:08:56,736 --> 00:08:58,718 So maybe I'll meet you at the deli counter sometime. 257 00:08:58,818 --> 00:09:02,562 - Totally, yeah. I'm gonna, um... 258 00:09:02,662 --> 00:09:04,283 call a bus. 259 00:09:04,383 --> 00:09:07,246 [light music] 260 00:09:07,346 --> 00:09:09,248 ♪ ♪ 261 00:09:09,348 --> 00:09:12,251 Connor, where are you going? 262 00:09:12,351 --> 00:09:18,257 ♪ ♪ 263 00:09:18,357 --> 00:09:20,259 - Wait a second. These don't look right. 264 00:09:20,359 --> 00:09:21,861 - Now if you've cranked up that heat, 265 00:09:21,961 --> 00:09:24,463 slap those steaks on the grill for about four minutes. 266 00:09:24,563 --> 00:09:27,106 - Is it four minutes total or four minutes on each side? 267 00:09:27,206 --> 00:09:29,589 - Hey grill master. - Hey--oh! 268 00:09:29,689 --> 00:09:30,710 Hey. 269 00:09:30,810 --> 00:09:32,912 It's just a little grill humour. 270 00:09:33,012 --> 00:09:34,714 Hello, Mrs. Cow? 271 00:09:34,814 --> 00:09:37,036 Unfortunately, I have some bad news about your husband. 272 00:09:37,136 --> 00:09:38,878 - Do you need help? - No, not at all. 273 00:09:38,978 --> 00:09:40,199 What are you talking about? 274 00:09:40,299 --> 00:09:42,201 This is my domain, or my bro-main. 275 00:09:42,301 --> 00:09:44,604 - You know, if you want to put something on there, 276 00:09:44,704 --> 00:09:46,686 I have a spicy marinade recipe that is-- 277 00:09:46,786 --> 00:09:47,927 We don't want that. 278 00:09:48,027 --> 00:09:49,609 Marina likes her meat plain. 279 00:09:49,709 --> 00:09:52,091 - I don't know, it might be interesting to try something 280 00:09:52,191 --> 00:09:54,534 with a, you know, some more flavour. 281 00:09:54,634 --> 00:09:56,135 - Why? Why would you say that? 282 00:09:56,235 --> 00:09:57,657 Plain meat's always been good to you. 283 00:09:57,757 --> 00:10:00,379 I'm sure it's not the most exciting recipe, 284 00:10:00,479 --> 00:10:02,942 but it's reliable. 285 00:10:03,042 --> 00:10:04,183 - What? - What? Nothing. 286 00:10:04,283 --> 00:10:05,865 Hear that sizzle? 287 00:10:05,965 --> 00:10:07,707 Looks like it's time to get these bad boys off the pit. 288 00:10:07,807 --> 00:10:09,629 Oh--okay! 289 00:10:09,729 --> 00:10:11,891 Dinner and a show, right? 290 00:10:13,973 --> 00:10:15,555 - Well, I get why she thought you were poor. 291 00:10:15,655 --> 00:10:17,196 I did give you a fanny pack full of coupons 292 00:10:17,296 --> 00:10:19,278 and took you to a grocery store called Sav-Eez. 293 00:10:19,378 --> 00:10:20,640 But she made it very clear 294 00:10:20,740 --> 00:10:22,001 how she feels about rich people. 295 00:10:22,101 --> 00:10:23,162 And I'm rich. 296 00:10:23,262 --> 00:10:24,403 [gasp] You're what? 297 00:10:24,503 --> 00:10:26,005 I'm serious. 298 00:10:26,105 --> 00:10:30,690 She seemed so cool and funny and smart. 299 00:10:30,790 --> 00:10:33,332 Ugh, sometimes being a millionaire sucks. 300 00:10:33,432 --> 00:10:35,454 - Yeah, that's why I chose not to do it. 301 00:10:35,554 --> 00:10:37,496 - [phone vibrates] - Hello. 302 00:10:37,596 --> 00:10:40,099 - Hey it's Nikki from the grocery store. 303 00:10:40,199 --> 00:10:42,942 I think we may have swapped a bag at checkout. 304 00:10:43,042 --> 00:10:45,905 I'm pretty sure I didn't buy Thick Boy protein powder. 305 00:10:46,005 --> 00:10:47,466 - Oh yeah, it looks like I have yours too. 306 00:10:47,566 --> 00:10:50,109 - Well, you know, I can come by and swap bags. 307 00:10:50,209 --> 00:10:53,793 - Okay, great, yeah, I'll text you the address. 308 00:10:53,893 --> 00:10:55,514 Okay, I'll see you soon. 309 00:10:55,614 --> 00:10:58,397 - Yeah [stammers] bye n--bye now. 310 00:10:58,497 --> 00:11:01,360 [doorbell rings] 311 00:11:01,460 --> 00:11:02,521 Hey! 312 00:11:02,621 --> 00:11:04,163 Hi. 313 00:11:04,263 --> 00:11:06,485 I'm sorry. I'm a little confused. 314 00:11:06,585 --> 00:11:08,968 Is this your house? 315 00:11:09,068 --> 00:11:11,751 - Yeah, so funny story. Um... 316 00:11:13,993 --> 00:11:18,618 No, yeah, no, I just work here for her. 317 00:11:18,718 --> 00:11:20,740 - It's her house. - This is what? 318 00:11:20,840 --> 00:11:23,542 - And she is super rich. So lame. 319 00:11:23,642 --> 00:11:26,125 ♪ ♪ 320 00:11:29,368 --> 00:11:32,151 - So, yeah, I basically just manage things around here. 321 00:11:32,251 --> 00:11:33,713 It's Denise's place. 322 00:11:33,813 --> 00:11:36,796 She is a super high net worth individual. 323 00:11:36,896 --> 00:11:39,859 She actually invented... Go-Gurt. 324 00:11:40,940 --> 00:11:42,561 - Oh, wow. - Yeah. 325 00:11:42,661 --> 00:11:45,244 Okay, Connor, this is so... 326 00:11:45,344 --> 00:11:47,366 true, so true. 327 00:11:47,466 --> 00:11:49,649 You know, one day, I thought to myself, 328 00:11:49,749 --> 00:11:51,951 what if people could suck dairy from a tube? 329 00:11:53,112 --> 00:11:54,373 So here we are. 330 00:11:54,473 --> 00:11:56,295 - Well, I'm a big fan. - Of course you are. 331 00:11:56,395 --> 00:11:58,778 You know, why don't you sit on my very expensive couch, 332 00:11:58,878 --> 00:12:02,201 and my houseboy will get you some iced tea? 333 00:12:05,684 --> 00:12:06,866 Houseboy? 334 00:12:06,966 --> 00:12:08,547 All right, let's chow down. 335 00:12:08,647 --> 00:12:11,190 I gave these a healthy char. 336 00:12:11,290 --> 00:12:13,492 Yep, the tougher the better. 337 00:12:16,135 --> 00:12:17,677 - [thud] - I could, uh... 338 00:12:17,777 --> 00:12:19,759 I could bring some fruit salad. 339 00:12:19,859 --> 00:12:21,320 Oh, it's not that bad. 340 00:12:21,420 --> 00:12:23,362 You know, when my grandfather taught me how to grill, 341 00:12:23,462 --> 00:12:26,485 he would always say, [speaking in Spanish] 342 00:12:26,585 --> 00:12:29,288 [laughter] 343 00:12:29,388 --> 00:12:31,290 - Well, my grandfather used to say, 344 00:12:31,390 --> 00:12:33,773 Marina, [speaking in Spanish] 345 00:12:33,873 --> 00:12:35,214 Totally. 346 00:12:35,314 --> 00:12:40,419 [speaking in Spanish] 347 00:12:40,519 --> 00:12:42,381 - Ah! [laughing] 348 00:12:42,481 --> 00:12:44,143 That's great. 349 00:12:44,243 --> 00:12:45,945 - Tom. - I was just explaining 350 00:12:46,045 --> 00:12:47,306 how my other grandfather was murdered 351 00:12:47,406 --> 00:12:49,408 in the Cuban Revolution. 352 00:12:50,489 --> 00:12:52,311 And his memory lives on. 353 00:12:52,411 --> 00:12:53,672 That's great. 354 00:12:53,772 --> 00:12:55,354 Thank you for sharing that story with us. 355 00:12:55,454 --> 00:12:56,515 Does anyone want a beer? 356 00:12:56,615 --> 00:12:58,477 Yeah, yeah, I'll take one. 357 00:12:58,577 --> 00:12:59,598 - Here you go. Oh, you know what? 358 00:12:59,698 --> 00:13:01,200 I forgot the opener. 359 00:13:01,300 --> 00:13:03,322 - I'll go grab it. - Oh, no need, no need. 360 00:13:03,422 --> 00:13:06,125 - Uh-- [giggle] Increíble. 361 00:13:06,225 --> 00:13:09,488 - Yeah, totally in-cre-íble. 362 00:13:09,588 --> 00:13:10,569 - Want me to do you? - Sure. 363 00:13:10,669 --> 00:13:12,131 No, no, no, I'll do her. 364 00:13:12,231 --> 00:13:14,653 Thanks. I'll be the one doing her. 365 00:13:14,753 --> 00:13:16,655 Let me just get the right angle here. 366 00:13:16,755 --> 00:13:17,937 [bang] 367 00:13:18,037 --> 00:13:19,498 You know, I can open that. 368 00:13:19,598 --> 00:13:21,260 I said I got it, all right? 369 00:13:21,360 --> 00:13:23,062 - Tom, you're scuffing the table. 370 00:13:23,162 --> 00:13:24,303 - You know what, I saw this in a movie once. 371 00:13:24,403 --> 00:13:25,624 - Oh-- - Oh God, no. 372 00:13:25,724 --> 00:13:26,625 - Don't do that. - I got it. 373 00:13:26,725 --> 00:13:28,027 Put the beer down. 374 00:13:28,127 --> 00:13:29,188 - [mumbling] I...got it... 375 00:13:29,288 --> 00:13:31,290 [grunts] Ah. 376 00:13:32,131 --> 00:13:34,133 [clatter] 377 00:13:34,453 --> 00:13:35,955 Are you okay? 378 00:13:36,055 --> 00:13:36,916 No, I'm fine. 379 00:13:37,016 --> 00:13:38,477 I'm fine. 380 00:13:38,577 --> 00:13:41,060 This beer tastes like blood. 381 00:13:44,663 --> 00:13:46,365 - Is your boss okay with me being here? 382 00:13:46,465 --> 00:13:50,529 - Oh yeah, especially now that she's drinking... 383 00:13:50,629 --> 00:13:53,652 one of her most expensive bottles of wine. 384 00:13:53,752 --> 00:13:55,414 - Well, this isn't the worst place in the world to work. 385 00:13:55,514 --> 00:13:56,936 Yeah. 386 00:13:57,036 --> 00:13:58,617 - I mean, I spend all my days putting 387 00:13:58,717 --> 00:14:00,379 thermometers up dog butts. 388 00:14:00,479 --> 00:14:03,062 So you're a paralegal, huh? 389 00:14:03,162 --> 00:14:04,223 No, but, seriously, you're a vet, right? 390 00:14:04,323 --> 00:14:05,384 Vet tech. 391 00:14:05,484 --> 00:14:06,705 And I actually really love it. 392 00:14:06,805 --> 00:14:08,707 I prefer animals over people, so... 393 00:14:08,807 --> 00:14:11,310 - My daughter's been begging me for a puppy. 394 00:14:11,410 --> 00:14:13,072 And she's pretty hard to say no to. 395 00:14:13,172 --> 00:14:14,633 - You have a daughter? - Yeah, I'm divorced. 396 00:14:14,733 --> 00:14:17,156 It's a...whole thing. 397 00:14:17,256 --> 00:14:18,958 - I get it. Been there. 398 00:14:19,058 --> 00:14:21,240 - You're divorced too? - Several years now. 399 00:14:21,340 --> 00:14:22,922 Not to brag, but I was married and divorced 400 00:14:23,022 --> 00:14:24,884 before I turned 27, so... 401 00:14:24,984 --> 00:14:26,605 - Yeah, I'm on track to have a midlife crisis 402 00:14:26,705 --> 00:14:28,707 by the time I'm 35. 403 00:14:29,868 --> 00:14:31,570 To making mistakes early. 404 00:14:31,670 --> 00:14:32,611 [clink] 405 00:14:32,711 --> 00:14:34,713 Oh, houseboy. 406 00:14:35,594 --> 00:14:37,056 - Houseboy! - Coming. 407 00:14:37,156 --> 00:14:38,257 Sorry. 408 00:14:38,357 --> 00:14:39,538 You have to come clean. 409 00:14:39,638 --> 00:14:40,579 I don't want to be here anymore. 410 00:14:40,679 --> 00:14:41,981 Then just go. 411 00:14:42,081 --> 00:14:43,582 - I'm not going to leave and let you continue 412 00:14:43,682 --> 00:14:46,225 to lie to this woman in my yogurt mansion. 413 00:14:46,325 --> 00:14:48,267 - I just need a little more time. 414 00:14:48,367 --> 00:14:50,429 - Fine. I'm going to make myself a snack. 415 00:14:50,529 --> 00:14:52,311 - No, you can't. I'm supposed to be the houseboy. 416 00:14:52,411 --> 00:14:53,913 Okay. 417 00:14:54,013 --> 00:14:56,996 Houseboy, I'd love a grilled cheese. 418 00:14:57,096 --> 00:14:59,558 - Coming right up. A grilled cheese? 419 00:14:59,658 --> 00:15:01,200 I don't know how to make one of those. 420 00:15:01,300 --> 00:15:02,721 - That was the simplest thing I could think of. 421 00:15:02,821 --> 00:15:05,004 - Oh, if you're making grilled cheese, I want in on that. 422 00:15:05,104 --> 00:15:07,206 - I'll make it a grilled cheese for two. 423 00:15:07,306 --> 00:15:09,088 [speaking in Spanish] 424 00:15:09,188 --> 00:15:10,809 You guys all done with work? 425 00:15:10,909 --> 00:15:12,611 Because I heard a lot of laughing there. 426 00:15:12,711 --> 00:15:14,453 It didn't sound like work, but, I mean, what do I know? 427 00:15:14,553 --> 00:15:16,415 I'm not in "the biz." 428 00:15:16,515 --> 00:15:17,456 - Tom, is something bothering you? 429 00:15:17,556 --> 00:15:19,138 No, nothing. 430 00:15:19,238 --> 00:15:21,620 I mean, I guess a little bit of jaw pain. 431 00:15:21,720 --> 00:15:22,962 - Great, so you're not jealous. - Of course I'm jealous. 432 00:15:23,042 --> 00:15:24,743 How can I not be jealous? 433 00:15:24,843 --> 00:15:27,426 You guys are all BFFs with your work jokes, and your Spanish, 434 00:15:27,526 --> 00:15:29,468 and your perfectly symmetrical faces. 435 00:15:29,568 --> 00:15:30,990 How am I supposed to compete with that? 436 00:15:31,090 --> 00:15:32,431 - You don't need to compete with that. 437 00:15:32,531 --> 00:15:34,033 He's just some guy that I work with. 438 00:15:34,133 --> 00:15:36,195 - Oh, so you're telling me that you've never pictured him 439 00:15:36,295 --> 00:15:37,516 as an underwear model? Because I have. 440 00:15:37,616 --> 00:15:38,958 Let me tell you something. He's pulling it off. 441 00:15:39,058 --> 00:15:41,640 - Okay, fine, he's objectively attractive. 442 00:15:41,740 --> 00:15:43,402 Oh! Ho ho ho! 443 00:15:43,502 --> 00:15:45,764 - But you want to know what he isn't? 444 00:15:45,864 --> 00:15:47,446 He isn't the kind of guy who brings me 445 00:15:47,546 --> 00:15:48,767 my favourite coffee to work because he 446 00:15:48,867 --> 00:15:50,569 thinks I'm having a bad day. 447 00:15:50,669 --> 00:15:53,412 He isn't the kind of guy who supports me to quit my job 448 00:15:53,512 --> 00:15:54,894 because he knows that I'm trying 449 00:15:54,994 --> 00:15:58,377 to chase my dream of becoming an interior designer. 450 00:15:58,477 --> 00:16:00,900 - I guess I did do all those things. 451 00:16:01,000 --> 00:16:05,384 - There is no competition because I choose you, okay? 452 00:16:05,484 --> 00:16:08,687 And I would choose you over and over again. 453 00:16:11,130 --> 00:16:12,751 Thank you. 454 00:16:12,851 --> 00:16:14,853 - [deep voice] You're welcome. 455 00:16:15,534 --> 00:16:16,495 - There's not just like a little part of you 456 00:16:16,575 --> 00:16:17,876 - that might want to-- - Ay, dios mío. 457 00:16:17,976 --> 00:16:19,038 I'm going to go shower. 458 00:16:19,138 --> 00:16:20,439 You're crazy. 459 00:16:20,539 --> 00:16:22,701 He's a frickin' smokeshow. 460 00:16:24,503 --> 00:16:27,406 Okay, grilled cheese, 461 00:16:27,506 --> 00:16:30,209 which is...no doy, 462 00:16:30,309 --> 00:16:32,311 bread and cheese. 463 00:16:33,232 --> 00:16:37,256 And I'm going to go ahead and cook it in the-- 464 00:16:37,356 --> 00:16:40,339 - On the stove. - ...on the stove, obviously. 465 00:16:40,439 --> 00:16:41,700 Come on, who's the houseboy here? 466 00:16:41,800 --> 00:16:43,802 [chuckles] 467 00:16:44,443 --> 00:16:48,707 Okay, easy peasy, grilled cheesy. 468 00:16:48,807 --> 00:16:50,269 Connor! 469 00:16:50,369 --> 00:16:52,471 [groans] 470 00:16:52,571 --> 00:16:54,873 What did we say about you touching the stove? 471 00:16:54,973 --> 00:16:57,356 Uh, who is this? 472 00:16:57,456 --> 00:16:59,398 - Oh, this is Lupe. She... 473 00:16:59,498 --> 00:17:02,481 - She's the... next door neighbour. 474 00:17:02,581 --> 00:17:04,563 Yeah, she's also super rich. 475 00:17:04,663 --> 00:17:06,665 Right, Lupe? 476 00:17:08,627 --> 00:17:10,569 Yes. I'm wealthy. 477 00:17:10,669 --> 00:17:12,331 My father made his fortune in blood diamonds, 478 00:17:12,431 --> 00:17:14,093 so I grew up in privilege. 479 00:17:14,193 --> 00:17:16,495 But I always knew that our wealth came at a price, 480 00:17:16,595 --> 00:17:18,857 which is why I have devoted myself to philanthropy 481 00:17:18,957 --> 00:17:21,660 and running my foundation, the Lupe Moreno Initiative, 482 00:17:21,760 --> 00:17:23,502 which seeks to repair the damage 483 00:17:23,602 --> 00:17:26,625 caused by the unethical harvesting of mine diamonds. 484 00:17:26,725 --> 00:17:28,467 Whoa. 485 00:17:28,567 --> 00:17:30,809 Sometimes I forget all that. 486 00:17:31,690 --> 00:17:34,613 - And you don't want Connor touching the stove? 487 00:17:35,694 --> 00:17:38,437 - There was once a fire at our summer home in Vienna. 488 00:17:38,537 --> 00:17:41,200 Ever since, I have made it my mission to campaign 489 00:17:41,300 --> 00:17:42,801 against open flame. 490 00:17:42,901 --> 00:17:44,843 Anyway, I'm going to return to my mansion next door now 491 00:17:44,943 --> 00:17:47,666 with my dry cleaning. 492 00:17:49,908 --> 00:17:51,990 I wear men's pants. 493 00:17:54,833 --> 00:17:56,295 Okay. 494 00:17:56,395 --> 00:17:59,818 Does anyone want to tell me what's going on? 495 00:17:59,918 --> 00:18:01,920 Connor? 496 00:18:03,081 --> 00:18:04,183 She's my housekeeper. 497 00:18:04,283 --> 00:18:06,385 Denise is my sister-in-law. 498 00:18:06,485 --> 00:18:07,946 I'm not a houseboy. 499 00:18:08,046 --> 00:18:10,048 I'm a-I'm a mansion boy, a mansion man. 500 00:18:11,210 --> 00:18:12,471 I'm sorry. 501 00:18:12,571 --> 00:18:14,713 - Ugh. I should have known when you said 502 00:18:14,813 --> 00:18:16,815 you had to call a bus. 503 00:18:19,138 --> 00:18:21,180 You don't deserve to use coupons. 504 00:18:24,343 --> 00:18:25,884 My mom was right. 505 00:18:25,984 --> 00:18:28,287 I'm only attracted to liars and guys who play bass. 506 00:18:28,387 --> 00:18:29,888 Look, I'm sorry, all right? 507 00:18:29,988 --> 00:18:31,130 That was dumb. 508 00:18:31,230 --> 00:18:32,651 It's just that, I don't know. 509 00:18:32,751 --> 00:18:35,134 We met and we clicked, and it was great. 510 00:18:35,234 --> 00:18:37,936 And then...you said you hated rich guys. 511 00:18:38,036 --> 00:18:39,818 And I didn't want you to hate me. 512 00:18:39,918 --> 00:18:41,340 So you lied? 513 00:18:41,440 --> 00:18:43,582 - Yeah, but not about everything. 514 00:18:43,682 --> 00:18:45,944 I mean, besides being one of the Bay Area's leading 515 00:18:46,044 --> 00:18:47,906 private equity investors, I really am that guy 516 00:18:48,006 --> 00:18:49,508 that you met at the store. 517 00:18:49,608 --> 00:18:52,030 I'm a divorced dad of an awesome daughter. 518 00:18:52,130 --> 00:18:54,132 And I like you. 519 00:18:56,094 --> 00:18:57,636 And I like saving money with coupons. 520 00:18:57,736 --> 00:18:59,718 - Oh my--it's literally just free money 521 00:18:59,818 --> 00:19:02,341 - sitting on the table. - That's what I'm saying! 522 00:19:03,462 --> 00:19:07,626 So would you...consider giving me a second chance? 523 00:19:10,749 --> 00:19:12,411 I did like the fanny pack. 524 00:19:12,511 --> 00:19:14,513 Is that a "yes"? 525 00:19:16,435 --> 00:19:18,437 Maybe. 526 00:19:18,917 --> 00:19:22,160 - I'll take it. I got a "maybe." 527 00:19:24,122 --> 00:19:25,344 Hola. 528 00:19:25,444 --> 00:19:26,785 Oh, hey. 529 00:19:26,885 --> 00:19:28,467 - Sorry about dinner last night. 530 00:19:28,567 --> 00:19:29,828 Oh, that's all right. 531 00:19:29,928 --> 00:19:31,790 I've had worse steak. 532 00:19:31,890 --> 00:19:33,892 Actually, I haven't. 533 00:19:35,093 --> 00:19:37,196 - Uh, this is going to sound silly, 534 00:19:37,296 --> 00:19:40,999 but Tom is a little sensitive about us working together, 535 00:19:41,099 --> 00:19:43,202 especially because you're, well, 536 00:19:43,302 --> 00:19:44,723 you've looked in the mirror. 537 00:19:44,823 --> 00:19:48,207 Anyway, I told him that obviously 538 00:19:48,307 --> 00:19:50,489 everything between us is just business. 539 00:19:50,589 --> 00:19:52,591 Totally. 540 00:19:53,472 --> 00:19:54,813 Unless it's not. 541 00:19:54,913 --> 00:19:56,695 Ha, right. 542 00:19:56,795 --> 00:19:57,816 What? 543 00:19:57,916 --> 00:19:59,618 Marina... 544 00:19:59,718 --> 00:20:02,821 [jazzy seductive music] 545 00:20:02,921 --> 00:20:04,102 Let's stop playing games. 546 00:20:04,202 --> 00:20:05,464 - Oh, I--I-- 547 00:20:05,564 --> 00:20:07,146 I didn't know we were playing games. 548 00:20:07,246 --> 00:20:08,587 W-what games? 549 00:20:08,687 --> 00:20:10,429 Scrabble? 550 00:20:10,529 --> 00:20:12,471 Yahtzee? 551 00:20:12,571 --> 00:20:16,555 ♪ ♪ 552 00:20:16,655 --> 00:20:18,397 - [alarm clock beeping] - [gasps] 553 00:20:18,497 --> 00:20:21,840 - Good morning mi esposa hermosa. 554 00:20:21,940 --> 00:20:24,062 [alarm stops] Breakfast in bed for milady. 555 00:20:25,904 --> 00:20:27,646 I'm "sor"? 556 00:20:27,746 --> 00:20:29,368 - Yeah, well it was supposed to say "sorry," 557 00:20:29,468 --> 00:20:30,929 but I ran out of berries. 558 00:20:31,029 --> 00:20:32,571 Oh. 559 00:20:32,671 --> 00:20:36,335 - I just wanted to say I'm "sor" for yesterday. 560 00:20:36,435 --> 00:20:38,056 I was being insecure and jealous. 561 00:20:38,156 --> 00:20:41,980 And plus I'd had that half of beer, so... 562 00:20:42,080 --> 00:20:43,502 Anyway, I just want you to know if you 563 00:20:43,602 --> 00:20:45,504 tell me that you're not attracted to Santiago, 564 00:20:45,604 --> 00:20:47,546 I 100% trust you. 565 00:20:47,646 --> 00:20:49,728 I won't spend another moment worrying about it. 566 00:20:50,689 --> 00:20:52,691 Me either. 567 00:20:55,574 --> 00:20:57,956 - I was going to spend the summer in the Hamptons, 568 00:20:58,056 --> 00:21:00,319 but the humidity, oh, I'm over it. 569 00:21:00,419 --> 00:21:02,000 - Darling, you must go to Menorca. 570 00:21:02,100 --> 00:21:03,442 It's the new Mallorca. 571 00:21:03,542 --> 00:21:06,965 - How funny, my newest horse is from Menorca. 572 00:21:07,065 --> 00:21:09,007 - That's a scream. [both laugh] 573 00:21:09,107 --> 00:21:10,449 Are you guys almost finished? 574 00:21:10,549 --> 00:21:11,730 - What's that, houseboy? - It's getting late. 575 00:21:11,830 --> 00:21:13,412 I'm hungry. 576 00:21:13,512 --> 00:21:15,414 - Why don't you make yourself a grilled cheese? 577 00:21:15,514 --> 00:21:16,935 [laughter] 578 00:21:17,035 --> 00:21:18,977 - Gretchen, do you know how to unlock the stove? 579 00:21:19,077 --> 00:21:21,620 - The houseboy has quite the attitude. 580 00:21:21,720 --> 00:21:23,622 - Yeah, I'm thinking about replacing him with a robot. 581 00:21:23,722 --> 00:21:25,724 Now that's an idea.