1 00:00:02,122 --> 00:00:03,703 [straining] 2 00:00:03,803 --> 00:00:05,105 - I still can't believe this is happening. 3 00:00:05,205 --> 00:00:06,826 - Oh, it's happening. 4 00:00:06,926 --> 00:00:08,468 - I used to love the Sacramento Children's Theater 5 00:00:08,568 --> 00:00:09,950 when I was a kid. 6 00:00:10,050 --> 00:00:11,871 If only little theater dork Sarah 7 00:00:11,971 --> 00:00:14,314 knew that one day they would be putting on her play, 8 00:00:14,414 --> 00:00:16,636 "Unsung Sheroes." 9 00:00:16,736 --> 00:00:17,797 What? 10 00:00:17,897 --> 00:00:18,758 - Usually you say the full title. 11 00:00:18,858 --> 00:00:20,360 - "A Musical Celebration 12 00:00:20,460 --> 00:00:21,421 of Groundbreaking Women from Sacagawea to Sotomayor"? 13 00:00:21,501 --> 00:00:22,802 We don't have time for that. 14 00:00:22,902 --> 00:00:25,445 Oh, did I pack Greta Thunberg's raincoat? 15 00:00:25,545 --> 00:00:27,087 - Yes. It's with Joan Jett's leather pants 16 00:00:27,187 --> 00:00:28,688 and Jane Fonda's leotard. - Okay. 17 00:00:28,788 --> 00:00:30,370 Ready? 18 00:00:30,470 --> 00:00:32,692 Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. 19 00:00:32,792 --> 00:00:34,534 [laughing] Okay. 20 00:00:34,634 --> 00:00:36,336 - I'm gonna miss you. - I'm gonna miss you. 21 00:00:36,436 --> 00:00:37,857 But I'll be back for Christmas. 22 00:00:37,957 --> 00:00:39,779 Maybe sooner if staying with my parents 23 00:00:39,879 --> 00:00:41,541 drives me absolutely insane. 24 00:00:41,641 --> 00:00:43,063 - Well, you're welcome to be here instead 25 00:00:43,163 --> 00:00:44,424 when my parents come visit. 26 00:00:44,524 --> 00:00:46,546 - I'm actually bummed I'm gonna miss them. 27 00:00:46,646 --> 00:00:47,947 - That's because they're on their best behaviour 28 00:00:48,047 --> 00:00:49,109 when you're around. 29 00:00:49,209 --> 00:00:50,750 Otherwise, they never stop arguing. 30 00:00:50,850 --> 00:00:52,192 They are the only people 31 00:00:52,292 --> 00:00:53,953 to get kicked out of a Jimmy Buffett concert 32 00:00:54,053 --> 00:00:56,556 for literally fighting over a cheeseburger in paradise. 33 00:00:56,656 --> 00:00:58,358 - Okay. 34 00:00:58,458 --> 00:00:59,919 Do you want me to cancel? 35 00:01:00,019 --> 00:01:01,921 Because if you do, just say the word and I will. 36 00:01:02,021 --> 00:01:03,083 - No, I'll be fine. 37 00:01:03,183 --> 00:01:04,324 - Okay, great. 38 00:01:04,424 --> 00:01:05,605 Because you know, I got time off from work 39 00:01:05,705 --> 00:01:07,807 and packing all this stuff was just a lot. 40 00:01:07,907 --> 00:01:09,209 Aw! 41 00:01:09,309 --> 00:01:11,091 - Oh, we didn't pack Dolly Parton's wig. 42 00:01:11,191 --> 00:01:13,933 - Oh, that's okay. I'll just wear it in the car. 43 00:01:14,033 --> 00:01:15,575 Pulling it off? 44 00:01:15,675 --> 00:01:16,816 - Yeah. 45 00:01:16,916 --> 00:01:18,978 [laughter] 46 00:01:19,078 --> 00:01:22,142 [glass clinking] 47 00:01:22,242 --> 00:01:23,903 - Hear me, hear me. 48 00:01:24,003 --> 00:01:25,905 - Actually, it's "ye." 49 00:01:26,005 --> 00:01:27,307 - Who the hell is ye? 50 00:01:27,407 --> 00:01:28,228 - You know, yeah, just keep going. 51 00:01:28,328 --> 00:01:30,750 - A toast to Tom Hayworth 52 00:01:30,850 --> 00:01:34,394 on making "The New York Times" Best Seller list. 53 00:01:34,494 --> 00:01:36,396 - Ah, it's not that big a deal. It's only number nine. 54 00:01:36,496 --> 00:01:37,637 - It is a big deal. 55 00:01:37,737 --> 00:01:38,638 - I know. It's a huge deal! 56 00:01:38,738 --> 00:01:39,799 Number nine, baby! Whoo! 57 00:01:39,899 --> 00:01:41,041 I did it! [all cheer] 58 00:01:41,141 --> 00:01:42,482 It is so strange knowing 59 00:01:42,582 --> 00:01:44,244 how we're gonna pay the mortgage this month. 60 00:01:44,344 --> 00:01:46,926 What is this odd sensation that I'm having? 61 00:01:47,026 --> 00:01:49,129 - Could it be that you're happy? 62 00:01:49,229 --> 00:01:50,490 - Is this what that feels like? 63 00:01:50,590 --> 00:01:51,931 - Hey, are you around this week? 64 00:01:52,031 --> 00:01:53,653 I could use some backup with my parents. 65 00:01:53,753 --> 00:01:55,615 - Oh, I'm sorry. I know they're a handful. 66 00:01:55,715 --> 00:01:57,177 I'm just really busy at work. 67 00:01:57,277 --> 00:01:58,498 - Oh, did you get a design job? 68 00:01:58,598 --> 00:02:00,980 - I wish. Dumb law stuff at the firm. 69 00:02:01,080 --> 00:02:03,583 I turned down a chance to design a billiard room. 70 00:02:03,683 --> 00:02:04,904 - Like in "Clue"? 71 00:02:05,004 --> 00:02:07,147 - Yes. Imagine all the murders. 72 00:02:07,247 --> 00:02:09,189 - Well, you could always swing by my slice of paradise. 73 00:02:09,289 --> 00:02:10,870 I think your parents are cool. 74 00:02:10,970 --> 00:02:13,433 And Jimmy is my second-favourite Buffett. 75 00:02:13,533 --> 00:02:15,075 Behind Warren, of course. - Thanks. 76 00:02:15,175 --> 00:02:16,756 But are you sure? 77 00:02:16,856 --> 00:02:18,798 Now that they're retired, they have more energy to argue. 78 00:02:18,898 --> 00:02:21,481 - Denise, come on. We're practically family. 79 00:02:21,581 --> 00:02:22,682 I dated your sister. 80 00:02:22,782 --> 00:02:25,044 I could have been your brother-in-law. 81 00:02:25,144 --> 00:02:26,606 - You are my brother-in-law. 82 00:02:26,706 --> 00:02:28,808 - Thanks. That's really sweet of you to say. 83 00:02:28,908 --> 00:02:31,251 [upbeat music] 84 00:02:31,351 --> 00:02:33,673 - ♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey! ♪ 85 00:02:37,917 --> 00:02:40,620 - Huh. 86 00:02:40,720 --> 00:02:44,104 Honey, did Connor give the twins cash again? 87 00:02:44,204 --> 00:02:46,586 [smooth R&B music] 88 00:02:46,686 --> 00:02:48,268 Oh, this is sex cash. 89 00:02:48,368 --> 00:02:49,709 - Remember? 90 00:02:49,809 --> 00:02:51,271 We said if you made it to the Best Sellers list, 91 00:02:51,371 --> 00:02:52,832 we'd have sex on the stacks of cash 92 00:02:52,932 --> 00:02:54,594 like a couple of bank robbers? 93 00:02:54,694 --> 00:02:57,117 - And you agreed because you assumed it would never happen? 94 00:02:57,217 --> 00:02:58,958 - Well, it was either this or the other thing, 95 00:02:59,058 --> 00:03:00,560 and I am never doing the other thing. 96 00:03:00,660 --> 00:03:02,802 - [chuckles] It's gonna be so much better than last year 97 00:03:02,902 --> 00:03:04,684 when we had to do this on a single paycheque. 98 00:03:04,784 --> 00:03:06,726 - I felt so dirty cashing it. - Did you? 99 00:03:06,826 --> 00:03:12,292 ♪ ♪ 100 00:03:12,392 --> 00:03:14,053 - Tom? - Mm-hmm? 101 00:03:14,153 --> 00:03:16,015 - You okay? - Yeah, I'm okay. 102 00:03:16,115 --> 00:03:18,298 - You thinking about our getaway driver who got caught? 103 00:03:18,398 --> 00:03:19,459 Don't worry. 104 00:03:19,559 --> 00:03:21,901 It just means more dinero for us. 105 00:03:22,001 --> 00:03:24,824 - [chuckles] Seeing all this cash laid out here like this-- 106 00:03:24,924 --> 00:03:27,026 - Yeah, I know. It's a little gross. 107 00:03:27,126 --> 00:03:30,390 I really was hoping they'd give us new dollar bills, but-- 108 00:03:30,490 --> 00:03:31,831 maybe we could put a sheet on top. 109 00:03:31,931 --> 00:03:33,393 - No. 110 00:03:33,493 --> 00:03:35,315 Well, yeah, probably just-- this is very gross. 111 00:03:35,415 --> 00:03:37,317 But... [sighs] 112 00:03:37,417 --> 00:03:39,279 What if this is it for me? - Oh, God. 113 00:03:39,379 --> 00:03:41,921 - No, I mean, what if my career has reached its peak? 114 00:03:42,021 --> 00:03:44,404 - And...11 hours. 115 00:03:44,504 --> 00:03:45,645 - What? 116 00:03:45,745 --> 00:03:48,127 - You managed 11 hours of happiness 117 00:03:48,227 --> 00:03:49,729 before you started to worry. 118 00:03:49,829 --> 00:03:52,252 - I'm not worried, I'm-- oh, my God. 119 00:03:52,352 --> 00:03:53,853 Oh, my God, what if I'm worried? 120 00:03:53,953 --> 00:03:55,855 - Tom, you got on the Best Sellers list. 121 00:03:55,955 --> 00:03:58,698 That is a big deal! You should be ecstatic! 122 00:03:58,798 --> 00:04:01,301 I'm still glowing from redecorating Gretchen's room, 123 00:04:01,401 --> 00:04:03,263 and that was two months ago. 124 00:04:03,363 --> 00:04:05,825 You should do something to savour this moment. 125 00:04:05,925 --> 00:04:08,147 - You mean like see a magic show? 126 00:04:08,247 --> 00:04:09,669 I guess there's this new close-up guy 127 00:04:09,769 --> 00:04:11,671 who's doing some pretty innovative stuff 128 00:04:11,771 --> 00:04:13,032 with cups and balls. 129 00:04:13,132 --> 00:04:15,755 - Or you could grab some of this gross money, 130 00:04:15,855 --> 00:04:17,437 which has sunscreen on it. 131 00:04:17,537 --> 00:04:19,359 Oh, I hope that's sunscreen. - Okay. 132 00:04:19,459 --> 00:04:21,961 - And buy something to celebrate. 133 00:04:22,061 --> 00:04:23,483 - Yeah, you know what? I'm gonna do it. 134 00:04:23,583 --> 00:04:25,445 Right after I see that magic show. 135 00:04:25,545 --> 00:04:26,806 Or no, instead of the magic show. 136 00:04:26,906 --> 00:04:28,848 That's better. [chuckles] 137 00:04:28,948 --> 00:04:31,611 So, uh, should we still... 138 00:04:31,711 --> 00:04:32,892 - I think we need to burn the sheets. 139 00:04:32,992 --> 00:04:34,294 - Oh, thank God. [groans softly] 140 00:04:34,394 --> 00:04:35,415 ♪ ♪ 141 00:04:35,515 --> 00:04:37,056 - Mom, Dad, 142 00:04:37,156 --> 00:04:39,058 the constant bickering has to stop. 143 00:04:39,158 --> 00:04:40,580 It's toxic. 144 00:04:40,680 --> 00:04:42,222 No, no, let me finish. 145 00:04:42,322 --> 00:04:43,823 It's infecting your relationship with me 146 00:04:43,923 --> 00:04:45,925 and my kids, okay? 147 00:04:47,206 --> 00:04:49,068 - Oh, just stop it, Jay! - No, you stop it! 148 00:04:49,168 --> 00:04:50,470 - [sighs] - Oh, you couldn't take-- 149 00:04:50,570 --> 00:04:52,352 - I hope they take it as well as you did. 150 00:04:52,452 --> 00:04:54,073 - Woman, I'm just getting started! 151 00:04:54,173 --> 00:04:55,835 - [groans] 152 00:04:55,935 --> 00:04:57,016 You two aren't even in the apartment and you're already... 153 00:04:57,096 --> 00:04:58,318 [laughter] 154 00:04:58,418 --> 00:05:00,480 Hugging? - Denise! 155 00:05:00,580 --> 00:05:02,802 Your father is so hilarious. He just told me a joke. 156 00:05:02,902 --> 00:05:04,244 It's like I'm living with Steve Harvey. 157 00:05:04,344 --> 00:05:06,606 - Oh, no, no, no, no. He is much funnier. 158 00:05:06,706 --> 00:05:07,727 Oh! 159 00:05:07,827 --> 00:05:09,249 But hey, I do look good in a suit! 160 00:05:09,349 --> 00:05:10,610 [laughter] 161 00:05:10,710 --> 00:05:13,092 - Wow, look at you two, getting along. 162 00:05:13,192 --> 00:05:16,095 - Yeah, yeah, we are just so happy to see you. 163 00:05:16,195 --> 00:05:17,937 - Yes. - And our grandbabies. 164 00:05:18,037 --> 00:05:19,859 Where's Kelvin? Does he have a moustache yet? 165 00:05:19,959 --> 00:05:21,261 And if not, why not? 166 00:05:21,361 --> 00:05:22,742 - They are on their way back from the park. 167 00:05:22,842 --> 00:05:24,063 both: Mm. - But we can get you settled. 168 00:05:24,163 --> 00:05:25,465 You two can sleep in my bedroom, 169 00:05:25,565 --> 00:05:26,906 and I will sleep on the couch. 170 00:05:27,006 --> 00:05:28,107 - Ah. - Oh, no need. 171 00:05:28,207 --> 00:05:29,989 We're just gonna stay in the RV. 172 00:05:30,089 --> 00:05:31,431 - What RV? 173 00:05:31,531 --> 00:05:32,472 - After we sold our dental practice, 174 00:05:32,572 --> 00:05:34,073 then we bought an RV. 175 00:05:34,173 --> 00:05:36,636 You might say it's our... - Wait for it. 176 00:05:36,736 --> 00:05:38,758 - Molar home. [both laugh] 177 00:05:38,858 --> 00:05:40,440 - I told you. It's like he's Steve Harvey. 178 00:05:40,540 --> 00:05:41,641 I told you! - Oh, no, no, no, no. 179 00:05:41,741 --> 00:05:43,002 Steve RV. 180 00:05:43,102 --> 00:05:44,844 - Uh-uh! You are so bad! - Huh? Huh? [laughs] 181 00:05:44,944 --> 00:05:46,406 - [chuckles dryly] Very bad. 182 00:05:46,506 --> 00:05:48,848 [both laughing] - Anyway, yeah, yeah, yeah. 183 00:05:48,948 --> 00:05:52,372 We drove it all the way from Tampa Bay. 184 00:05:52,472 --> 00:05:54,694 - You chose to drive cross-country 185 00:05:54,794 --> 00:05:56,215 in a confined space together? 186 00:05:56,315 --> 00:05:57,977 - Oh, RV life is so fun. 187 00:05:58,077 --> 00:05:59,659 It's like we're on a non-stop vacation. 188 00:05:59,759 --> 00:06:01,301 - Mm-hmm. 189 00:06:01,401 --> 00:06:03,142 - Our vacations were the worst. You two always fought. 190 00:06:03,242 --> 00:06:04,944 - Oh, Denise, you're exaggerating. 191 00:06:05,044 --> 00:06:06,185 - We're banned from Spirit Airlines, 192 00:06:06,285 --> 00:06:08,287 and they need customers. 193 00:06:09,248 --> 00:06:10,750 - Hey, honey. 194 00:06:10,850 --> 00:06:13,313 I took your advice on enjoying the fruits of my success, 195 00:06:13,413 --> 00:06:14,634 and I did it. 196 00:06:14,734 --> 00:06:16,796 I actually bought myself something. 197 00:06:16,896 --> 00:06:19,319 - That's great, but I've had a long day. 198 00:06:19,419 --> 00:06:21,521 Could I see your R2-D2 199 00:06:21,621 --> 00:06:24,083 or wearable Hobbit feet or whatever later? 200 00:06:24,183 --> 00:06:25,445 - I got something even better. Come on. 201 00:06:25,545 --> 00:06:26,606 I gotta show you right now. Sorry. Come on. 202 00:06:26,706 --> 00:06:28,328 [lively island music] 203 00:06:28,428 --> 00:06:31,050 Ta-da! 204 00:06:31,150 --> 00:06:32,492 - You bought a hot tub? 205 00:06:32,592 --> 00:06:34,293 - I did. I bought a hot tub. 206 00:06:34,393 --> 00:06:36,576 Always wanted one, now I got one. 207 00:06:36,676 --> 00:06:37,857 - I'm surprised. 208 00:06:37,957 --> 00:06:39,619 Hot tub doesn't exactly scream, "Tom." 209 00:06:39,719 --> 00:06:41,260 - Yeah, I know. 210 00:06:41,360 --> 00:06:42,782 But growing up, our next-door neighbours had a hot tub, 211 00:06:42,882 --> 00:06:45,345 and I was always so jealous listening to them 212 00:06:45,445 --> 00:06:47,667 soaking in the tub and popping Frescas. 213 00:06:47,767 --> 00:06:48,908 Always sounded like 214 00:06:49,008 --> 00:06:51,070 they were having such a blast, you know? 215 00:06:51,170 --> 00:06:52,832 So I think they did a lot of hardcore drugs. 216 00:06:52,932 --> 00:06:54,594 All right, you want to take this bad boy out for a spin? 217 00:06:54,694 --> 00:06:55,835 - Hells yeah. 218 00:06:55,935 --> 00:06:57,557 I choose to jacuzz. - Yeah. 219 00:06:57,657 --> 00:06:59,038 - I'm gonna put on my bathing suit! 220 00:06:59,138 --> 00:07:01,200 - I'm gonna pop a Fresca! 221 00:07:01,300 --> 00:07:03,523 [Fresca pops] 222 00:07:03,623 --> 00:07:04,764 Oh, boy. 223 00:07:04,864 --> 00:07:07,527 [chuckling] That's a little spicy. 224 00:07:07,627 --> 00:07:10,329 - Ultimately, it's about taking responsibility, 225 00:07:10,429 --> 00:07:13,212 about accepting the blame for your actions. 226 00:07:13,312 --> 00:07:16,896 Until you do that, you'll always be adrift. 227 00:07:16,996 --> 00:07:18,938 Anyways, that's what I think "Margaritaville" is about. 228 00:07:19,038 --> 00:07:20,259 both: Mm. 229 00:07:20,359 --> 00:07:22,221 - That's a great interpretation, Connor. 230 00:07:22,321 --> 00:07:24,263 - It is so nice to see people your age 231 00:07:24,363 --> 00:07:26,225 getting into real music. 232 00:07:26,325 --> 00:07:28,027 - Yeah. 233 00:07:28,127 --> 00:07:30,269 - Look, look--what are your thoughts on "Jamaica Mistaica"? 234 00:07:30,369 --> 00:07:32,632 - I think we've covered enough of Jimmy Buffett's catalogue. 235 00:07:32,732 --> 00:07:34,273 - Can I tell you the chicken is just amazing? 236 00:07:34,373 --> 00:07:35,995 I have eaten every bite. 237 00:07:36,095 --> 00:07:37,517 - Oh, here, baby. You can have a piece of mine. 238 00:07:37,617 --> 00:07:39,078 - Oh, thank you. - Absolutely. 239 00:07:39,178 --> 00:07:41,200 Here you go there. - Mm. [chuckles] 240 00:07:41,300 --> 00:07:42,181 - You know, there's more in the kitchen, 241 00:07:42,261 --> 00:07:43,883 so you can just stop that. 242 00:07:43,983 --> 00:07:45,084 [both laughing] - Oh, you got me. 243 00:07:45,184 --> 00:07:46,806 - [chuckles] - And Connor, 244 00:07:46,906 --> 00:07:49,088 your place is even nicer than JoJo said. 245 00:07:49,188 --> 00:07:51,330 - How is JoJo, by the way? - Oh, she is great. 246 00:07:51,430 --> 00:07:54,133 You know she's gonna be on "Influencer Lagoon All-Stars"? 247 00:07:54,233 --> 00:07:55,895 - Yeah, think she's got a real shot to win it too, 248 00:07:55,995 --> 00:07:58,217 if she takes down that D'Amelio sister from season-- 249 00:07:58,317 --> 00:08:00,339 [clears throat] I mean I watch sports. 250 00:08:00,439 --> 00:08:01,521 [chuckling] I don't watch that kind of stuff. 251 00:08:01,601 --> 00:08:02,662 - [chuckling] Oh. Huh. 252 00:08:02,762 --> 00:08:04,704 - You two were such a cute couple. 253 00:08:04,804 --> 00:08:06,065 You seeing anyone now? 254 00:08:06,165 --> 00:08:09,549 - No, but I'm out there. You know, on the apps. 255 00:08:09,649 --> 00:08:10,950 The dating apps. 256 00:08:11,050 --> 00:08:13,072 Kinda like going to a bar, but on your phone. 257 00:08:13,172 --> 00:08:14,393 - We know what apps are. 258 00:08:14,493 --> 00:08:15,555 I mean, we're old, but we're not that old. 259 00:08:15,655 --> 00:08:16,756 [both laugh] 260 00:08:16,856 --> 00:08:17,757 - I am just so grateful that 261 00:08:17,857 --> 00:08:20,239 I met Jay the old-fashioned way. 262 00:08:20,339 --> 00:08:23,322 - Her father's horse kicked my car. 263 00:08:23,422 --> 00:08:24,764 Remember that? - That was the day. 264 00:08:24,864 --> 00:08:26,125 - That was the day. [chuckles] 265 00:08:26,225 --> 00:08:28,127 - They seem really happy. 266 00:08:28,227 --> 00:08:29,689 - I know. 267 00:08:29,789 --> 00:08:32,932 And I'm gonna get to the bottom of it. 268 00:08:33,032 --> 00:08:35,214 - Ay-yi-yi. - Oh, yeah. 269 00:08:35,314 --> 00:08:36,856 It's nice, right? - Mm! 270 00:08:36,956 --> 00:08:39,258 - Actually, it's a little loud. 271 00:08:39,358 --> 00:08:40,700 [electronic beep] There we go. 272 00:08:40,800 --> 00:08:44,183 - This might be the best idea you have ever had. 273 00:08:44,283 --> 00:08:45,384 - Well, you're the one who talked me into 274 00:08:45,484 --> 00:08:46,746 spending it myself, so. 275 00:08:46,846 --> 00:08:48,027 - That's right. 276 00:08:48,127 --> 00:08:49,629 This is the best idea I've ever had. 277 00:08:49,729 --> 00:08:50,950 - [chuckles] 278 00:08:51,050 --> 00:08:54,754 Mm! Feel that heat. 104 on the dot. 279 00:08:54,854 --> 00:08:57,436 - It's perfect. - Fantastic. 280 00:08:57,536 --> 00:08:59,719 It's a little chlorine-y, though, right? 281 00:08:59,819 --> 00:09:02,161 - No, I think it smells fine. - Okay, cool. 282 00:09:02,261 --> 00:09:04,443 Water's a little hard, though. - What? Hard? 283 00:09:04,543 --> 00:09:06,205 - No, I'm just saying we should probably use a softener. 284 00:09:06,305 --> 00:09:07,807 It's like a pH thing. 285 00:09:07,907 --> 00:09:09,649 - The water feels like water. 286 00:09:09,749 --> 00:09:11,811 Maybe you should just, you know, enjoy it. 287 00:09:11,911 --> 00:09:13,332 - Totally. 288 00:09:13,432 --> 00:09:16,395 Let the hot tub take the wheel. - Yeah. [sighs] 289 00:09:17,717 --> 00:09:18,858 What is it? - What? 290 00:09:18,958 --> 00:09:20,580 Nothing, nothing. [chuckles] 291 00:09:20,680 --> 00:09:22,261 Just the electric meter's going crazy. 292 00:09:22,361 --> 00:09:24,303 Didn't really think about what this'll do to our power bill. 293 00:09:24,403 --> 00:09:27,346 - Okay, let's swap places. - Okay. 294 00:09:27,446 --> 00:09:29,148 How's this gonna help lower our bill? 295 00:09:29,248 --> 00:09:31,030 - It'll prevent you from seeing the meter. 296 00:09:31,130 --> 00:09:32,311 - Right. 297 00:09:32,411 --> 00:09:34,514 Well, this is perfect. 298 00:09:34,614 --> 00:09:36,235 Whoo! Tub life! 299 00:09:36,335 --> 00:09:37,597 - Mm. 300 00:09:37,697 --> 00:09:38,878 - Okay, I can see into Mrs. Kim's house. 301 00:09:38,978 --> 00:09:40,439 And if I can see her, then she can see me. 302 00:09:40,539 --> 00:09:42,882 - Mrs. Kim is not looking at you. 303 00:09:42,982 --> 00:09:45,324 Can you please focus? We're in a hot tub! 304 00:09:45,424 --> 00:09:48,167 I'm wearing a swimsuit. Do the math. 305 00:09:48,267 --> 00:09:50,770 - Oh. Yeah, well... 306 00:09:50,870 --> 00:09:53,713 math was always one of my favourite subjects. 307 00:09:54,874 --> 00:09:56,976 Oh, you gotta be kidding me. 308 00:09:57,076 --> 00:09:58,778 - Tom! - Got a dead bee. 309 00:09:58,878 --> 00:10:00,459 Got a dead bee in here. Don't worry, I got it. 310 00:10:00,559 --> 00:10:01,821 Whoa, I don't got it! It's alive. 311 00:10:01,921 --> 00:10:03,222 It is very much alive! 312 00:10:03,322 --> 00:10:04,403 We might be dealing with a murder hornet here. 313 00:10:04,483 --> 00:10:05,625 I'm gonna go get a knife. 314 00:10:05,725 --> 00:10:07,667 - Right behind you. 315 00:10:07,767 --> 00:10:10,630 [quirky upbeat music] 316 00:10:10,730 --> 00:10:12,752 ♪ ♪ 317 00:10:12,852 --> 00:10:14,473 [laughter] - Who thought of that? 318 00:10:14,573 --> 00:10:15,915 - Okay, enough. 319 00:10:16,015 --> 00:10:17,436 You two are usually at each other's throats 320 00:10:17,536 --> 00:10:19,518 and now you're all sweet and affectionate. 321 00:10:19,618 --> 00:10:22,201 It's too much. What is going on? 322 00:10:22,301 --> 00:10:25,004 - Well, if you must know... 323 00:10:25,104 --> 00:10:27,406 your father and I have been seeing a couples therapist. 324 00:10:27,506 --> 00:10:29,528 - We're learning to listen to each other's needs 325 00:10:29,628 --> 00:10:31,010 and be more flexible. - Mm-hmm. 326 00:10:31,110 --> 00:10:32,371 - Couples therapy. 327 00:10:32,471 --> 00:10:33,973 Sarah's gonna be so mad she missed this. 328 00:10:34,073 --> 00:10:35,054 - Judith-- that's our therapist... 329 00:10:35,154 --> 00:10:36,375 - Yeah. 330 00:10:36,475 --> 00:10:38,938 - She taught us all about savouring life. 331 00:10:39,038 --> 00:10:40,339 Speaking of, 332 00:10:40,439 --> 00:10:43,142 there is a gorgeous bridge out there 333 00:10:43,242 --> 00:10:46,505 that I would love to stare at with a gorgeous lady. 334 00:10:46,605 --> 00:10:48,748 - Survey says you're talking about me. 335 00:10:48,848 --> 00:10:50,509 [both laugh] - Come on. 336 00:10:50,609 --> 00:10:53,192 - Oh, yes. Thank you. 337 00:10:53,292 --> 00:10:55,194 - Watch yourself. - Okay. Thank you. 338 00:10:55,294 --> 00:10:56,395 - Maybe they really have changed. 339 00:10:56,495 --> 00:10:57,837 - Yeah, cool, whatever. 340 00:10:57,937 --> 00:10:59,719 Hey, you really need to see this profile. 341 00:10:59,819 --> 00:11:01,841 - Oh, Connor, I don't want to see your dating apps. 342 00:11:01,941 --> 00:11:03,242 Let me guess. 343 00:11:03,342 --> 00:11:04,964 She likes "The Office" and is pretty random. 344 00:11:05,064 --> 00:11:07,526 - I was swiping through new singles in the area and... 345 00:11:07,626 --> 00:11:10,930 [sighs] I came across this. 346 00:11:11,030 --> 00:11:13,492 - Huh. That thirsty lady looks like my mom. 347 00:11:13,592 --> 00:11:15,334 Oh, that thirsty lady is my mom. 348 00:11:15,434 --> 00:11:17,336 - Yeah. I don't have an age setting on right now. 349 00:11:17,436 --> 00:11:19,438 I'm trying out some new stuff. 350 00:11:23,082 --> 00:11:25,144 - Oh, hey. There you are. 351 00:11:25,244 --> 00:11:26,385 How was your walk? 352 00:11:26,485 --> 00:11:28,227 - Great. Invigorating. 353 00:11:28,327 --> 00:11:30,830 - Okay, well, the kids are already asleep 354 00:11:30,930 --> 00:11:32,832 and your father's having a land shower. 355 00:11:32,932 --> 00:11:34,353 - A what? 356 00:11:34,453 --> 00:11:35,955 - That's what we "RV people" call 357 00:11:36,055 --> 00:11:37,516 a shower inside of a building. 358 00:11:37,616 --> 00:11:39,118 Hey, are you okay? 359 00:11:39,218 --> 00:11:42,081 You were awfully quiet on the drive back from Connor's. 360 00:11:42,181 --> 00:11:44,243 - I know what's going on. You're cheating on Dad. 361 00:11:44,343 --> 00:11:45,805 - Cheating? No. 362 00:11:45,905 --> 00:11:48,007 - Yes. I saw you on Connor's app. 363 00:11:48,107 --> 00:11:50,409 He has no age setting 'cause he's trying some stuff. 364 00:11:50,509 --> 00:11:52,011 - Wait. It's not what you think. 365 00:11:52,111 --> 00:11:53,532 - Oh, so I didn't see 366 00:11:53,632 --> 00:11:55,735 a profile pic of you suggestively eating ice cream 367 00:11:55,835 --> 00:11:57,977 in a sweater I bought you for Christmas? 368 00:11:58,077 --> 00:12:00,099 - Uh, okay, well, it's partly what you think. 369 00:12:00,199 --> 00:12:01,661 - Ugh! - But--oh. 370 00:12:01,761 --> 00:12:02,742 - I need a drink. 371 00:12:02,842 --> 00:12:04,103 - Hey, hey, hey, Tammy. 372 00:12:04,203 --> 00:12:06,625 I got a match that says she's DTF. 373 00:12:06,725 --> 00:12:09,628 Now look, I also Desire True Friendship, 374 00:12:09,728 --> 00:12:11,110 but does that mean that she doesn't wanna-- 375 00:12:11,210 --> 00:12:12,551 - No, no, no, no, no. Jay, Jay. 376 00:12:12,651 --> 00:12:14,353 [chuckles] 377 00:12:14,453 --> 00:12:17,636 - What is happening? 378 00:12:17,736 --> 00:12:19,959 - Oh, h-hey, Denise. 379 00:12:20,059 --> 00:12:21,440 How was your walk? 380 00:12:21,540 --> 00:12:23,362 - Honey, this is what I'm trying to tell you. 381 00:12:23,462 --> 00:12:25,484 No one is cheating. - [sighs] 382 00:12:25,584 --> 00:12:28,047 - Your father and I are... 383 00:12:28,147 --> 00:12:30,930 in an open relationship. 384 00:12:31,030 --> 00:12:32,772 [quirky dramatic music] 385 00:12:32,872 --> 00:12:34,493 - Oh. 386 00:12:34,593 --> 00:12:35,935 It's just an open relationship. 387 00:12:36,035 --> 00:12:37,136 both: Yes. 388 00:12:37,236 --> 00:12:39,779 - [laughing] Okay, that's great. 389 00:12:39,879 --> 00:12:41,100 - Denise, have some class. 390 00:12:41,200 --> 00:12:43,182 - Okay, all right. 391 00:12:43,282 --> 00:12:44,944 So you're in an open relationship. 392 00:12:45,044 --> 00:12:47,386 So you're just, like, what, doing it with other couples? 393 00:12:47,486 --> 00:12:48,627 - [laughing] No, no, no, of course not. 394 00:12:48,727 --> 00:12:49,909 That's swinging. 395 00:12:50,009 --> 00:12:50,990 - [laughing] That's a common mistake. 396 00:12:51,090 --> 00:12:52,271 - Look, look, look, Denise. 397 00:12:52,371 --> 00:12:54,874 Your mother and I, we are very much in love. 398 00:12:54,974 --> 00:12:56,675 - Mm-hmm. 399 00:12:56,775 --> 00:13:01,520 - But we're also on individual journeys of sexual exploration. 400 00:13:01,620 --> 00:13:02,882 - So when you said that 401 00:13:02,982 --> 00:13:04,443 you were listening to each other's needs, 402 00:13:04,543 --> 00:13:06,125 you're talking about those needs? 403 00:13:06,225 --> 00:13:07,727 - And we've met some very lovely people. 404 00:13:07,827 --> 00:13:08,968 It's not all sexual. - No, no. 405 00:13:09,068 --> 00:13:11,290 Well, it's mostly sexual. 406 00:13:11,390 --> 00:13:12,691 - It is mostly sexual. 407 00:13:12,791 --> 00:13:13,893 - Please stop saying sexual. 408 00:13:13,993 --> 00:13:15,294 - Okay, fine. Sensual. 409 00:13:15,394 --> 00:13:16,976 - Oh, that's so much worse. 410 00:13:17,076 --> 00:13:20,179 - Denise, we really didn't want you to find out this way. 411 00:13:20,279 --> 00:13:22,301 - Or at all. 412 00:13:22,401 --> 00:13:23,702 - I'm gonna go take a land shower. 413 00:13:23,802 --> 00:13:24,904 - Okay. 414 00:13:25,004 --> 00:13:27,827 [upbeat steel drum music] 415 00:13:27,927 --> 00:13:30,309 ♪ ♪ 416 00:13:30,409 --> 00:13:31,871 - Rule 12, 417 00:13:31,971 --> 00:13:33,392 you must remain seated in the hot tub at all times. 418 00:13:33,492 --> 00:13:35,514 Rule 13, no fingers in the jets. 419 00:13:35,614 --> 00:13:36,956 Rule 14, no splashing. 420 00:13:37,056 --> 00:13:38,317 Rule 15, no laughing. 421 00:13:38,417 --> 00:13:39,759 It could be mistaken for screaming, 422 00:13:39,859 --> 00:13:41,320 which might cause alarm. 423 00:13:41,420 --> 00:13:43,162 Now, has anyone had diarrhoea in the past couple weeks? 424 00:13:43,262 --> 00:13:45,124 - Should we just watch a movie? - Yeah. 425 00:13:45,224 --> 00:13:48,167 - Okay, but you guys are missing out on rule 16. 426 00:13:48,267 --> 00:13:50,049 Rule 16 is have fun! 427 00:13:50,149 --> 00:13:52,171 - Oh, excuse me. Can you grab me one, sweetie? 428 00:13:52,271 --> 00:13:53,692 ♪ ♪ 429 00:13:53,792 --> 00:13:54,974 Left me hanging. 430 00:13:55,074 --> 00:13:56,415 - Wow. 431 00:13:56,515 --> 00:13:59,018 - Sure seems like we're in hot water with her. 432 00:13:59,118 --> 00:14:01,020 - Jay, now is not the time for Steve Harvey. 433 00:14:01,120 --> 00:14:02,341 - You're right. 434 00:14:02,441 --> 00:14:03,742 - Although that was clever. - Thank you. 435 00:14:03,842 --> 00:14:06,425 - Look at them in there. Disgusting. 436 00:14:06,525 --> 00:14:09,989 - Okay, emotions are obviously high. 437 00:14:10,089 --> 00:14:11,710 Why don't we try one of your calming techniques? 438 00:14:11,810 --> 00:14:13,312 Just close your eyes. 439 00:14:13,412 --> 00:14:17,516 Now, imagine you're holding an energy gem in one hand 440 00:14:17,616 --> 00:14:21,881 and, like, a moonshine incense crystal in the other. 441 00:14:21,981 --> 00:14:23,963 - Are you making up crystals? 442 00:14:24,063 --> 00:14:25,444 - It's not my area of expertise. 443 00:14:25,544 --> 00:14:28,487 - I'm going inside. 444 00:14:28,587 --> 00:14:30,409 - I have never seen her this upset. 445 00:14:30,509 --> 00:14:32,651 I should go talk to her. - No. I'll do it. 446 00:14:32,751 --> 00:14:34,533 I'm the one who swiped on her mom. 447 00:14:34,633 --> 00:14:35,614 - Mm. 448 00:14:35,714 --> 00:14:37,696 - Hey, Jay, Tamara. 449 00:14:37,796 --> 00:14:38,898 How those jets treating you? 450 00:14:38,998 --> 00:14:40,379 - Oh, perfect! 451 00:14:40,479 --> 00:14:42,701 - Think I should alert them to the risk of filter fungus? 452 00:14:42,801 --> 00:14:44,663 - Tom, it's a two-day-old hot tub. 453 00:14:44,763 --> 00:14:46,425 - Let's keep the hands above water, guys. 454 00:14:46,525 --> 00:14:48,567 Just for--for fun. Keep 'em up there! 455 00:14:49,448 --> 00:14:52,071 - Why can't they be like normal old folk? 456 00:14:52,171 --> 00:14:53,592 They should be telling people to get off their lawn, 457 00:14:53,692 --> 00:14:55,674 not getting it on with people on their lawn. 458 00:14:55,774 --> 00:14:56,795 - Are they doing that? 459 00:14:56,895 --> 00:14:58,437 - Probably. I don't know. 460 00:14:58,537 --> 00:14:59,798 - I know this must be rough, 461 00:14:59,898 --> 00:15:01,560 but you were dreading them coming here 462 00:15:01,660 --> 00:15:03,322 because of how much they bicker. 463 00:15:03,422 --> 00:15:05,204 Now they're getting along. Isn't that better? 464 00:15:05,304 --> 00:15:07,406 - They are driving a sex barge across the country. 465 00:15:07,506 --> 00:15:08,928 - I get it, okay? 466 00:15:09,028 --> 00:15:10,850 No one wants to picture their parents doing it, 467 00:15:10,950 --> 00:15:13,412 smashing off the side of Route 66, 468 00:15:13,512 --> 00:15:15,414 up against the St. Louis Arch, 469 00:15:15,514 --> 00:15:16,936 looking over Niagara Falls, 470 00:15:17,036 --> 00:15:19,939 maybe using the energy from the Red Rocks to... 471 00:15:20,039 --> 00:15:21,140 really get after-- 472 00:15:21,240 --> 00:15:22,381 - Connor. 473 00:15:22,481 --> 00:15:24,583 - Yeah, sorry. I kinda want an RV. 474 00:15:24,683 --> 00:15:26,785 But the point is they're not actually hurting anyone. 475 00:15:26,885 --> 00:15:28,948 Unlike when my dad straight up cheated on my mom 476 00:15:29,048 --> 00:15:30,789 or when Emily cheated on me. 477 00:15:30,889 --> 00:15:32,271 They're just being honest with each other 478 00:15:32,371 --> 00:15:34,633 and it's making them happy. 479 00:15:34,733 --> 00:15:37,716 Maybe it's possible something can be weird and pretty gross, 480 00:15:37,816 --> 00:15:40,839 but also not wrong? 481 00:15:40,939 --> 00:15:42,761 - I hate that you're giving me a lot to think about. 482 00:15:42,861 --> 00:15:45,084 - I know, right? Not usually my thing. 483 00:15:45,184 --> 00:15:46,445 Hey, could you actually text Sarah 484 00:15:46,545 --> 00:15:48,407 and tell her I'm being super smart and sensitive? 485 00:15:48,507 --> 00:15:50,129 [lively music] 486 00:15:50,229 --> 00:15:52,011 - You know what? I'm getting in there. 487 00:15:52,111 --> 00:15:54,493 - Good for you, honey. You deserve to enjoy it. 488 00:15:54,593 --> 00:15:55,814 - No, I want to make sure 489 00:15:55,914 --> 00:15:57,096 their suits don't get sucked into the intake. 490 00:15:57,196 --> 00:15:58,817 Jay's wearing some baggy trunks. 491 00:15:58,917 --> 00:16:01,020 - Okay, Tom. 492 00:16:01,120 --> 00:16:03,702 The idea was to get something that would make you happy, 493 00:16:03,802 --> 00:16:05,784 and I'm feeling like that is not this. 494 00:16:05,884 --> 00:16:07,546 - What are you talking about? I love the hot tub. 495 00:16:07,646 --> 00:16:09,348 It's so relaxing. 496 00:16:09,448 --> 00:16:11,630 Don't I look relaxed? 497 00:16:11,730 --> 00:16:17,116 ♪ ♪ 498 00:16:17,216 --> 00:16:18,717 - Okay, fine. 499 00:16:18,817 --> 00:16:19,898 I've been a stress case since we bought this thing. 500 00:16:19,978 --> 00:16:21,120 What do you want me to say? I'm miserable. 501 00:16:21,220 --> 00:16:22,922 - So then just return it and get something else. 502 00:16:23,022 --> 00:16:24,603 - Like what? 503 00:16:24,703 --> 00:16:26,285 A car loses half its value once you drive it off the lot, 504 00:16:26,385 --> 00:16:27,646 you get a new computer, 505 00:16:27,746 --> 00:16:29,568 boom, they come out with a better one, and... 506 00:16:29,668 --> 00:16:31,130 I know I'm not cool enough to pull off a banjo. 507 00:16:31,230 --> 00:16:32,251 - There's gotta be something 508 00:16:32,351 --> 00:16:33,812 that you can spend that money on. 509 00:16:33,912 --> 00:16:35,214 - What if there's not? 510 00:16:35,314 --> 00:16:37,896 What if I'm incapable of enjoying myself? 511 00:16:37,996 --> 00:16:39,898 - Massage chair? - They catch fire. 512 00:16:39,998 --> 00:16:45,884 ♪ ♪ 513 00:16:47,806 --> 00:16:51,190 - Hey, I saw the truck from Hot Tub Depot. 514 00:16:51,290 --> 00:16:54,513 - Yup, she's gone. 515 00:16:54,613 --> 00:16:56,615 I don't think that grass is ever growing back. 516 00:16:57,416 --> 00:16:59,878 - Well, I have been thinking 517 00:16:59,978 --> 00:17:02,041 of ways that you could use the money. 518 00:17:02,141 --> 00:17:04,163 There's a wizarding camp. 519 00:17:04,263 --> 00:17:05,604 Don't worry. It's mostly adults. 520 00:17:05,704 --> 00:17:08,607 - No, no, I've--I've given up. 521 00:17:08,707 --> 00:17:09,969 I don't think there's anything 522 00:17:10,069 --> 00:17:11,250 I could buy for myself that'll make me happy. 523 00:17:11,350 --> 00:17:13,572 - Aw, Tom. I'm sorry. 524 00:17:13,672 --> 00:17:15,774 - No, it's okay. I know what I wanna spend the money. 525 00:17:15,874 --> 00:17:18,137 Making you happy. 526 00:17:18,237 --> 00:17:20,139 I want you to quit your job at the firm 527 00:17:20,239 --> 00:17:21,940 and focus on your design business full-time. 528 00:17:22,040 --> 00:17:23,742 - Tom, that's crazy. What? 529 00:17:23,842 --> 00:17:25,944 - What are you talking about? You did the same thing for me. 530 00:17:26,044 --> 00:17:29,748 I wanna take my book money and do that for you. 531 00:17:29,848 --> 00:17:31,991 - [sighs] I mean, that would be amazing, 532 00:17:32,091 --> 00:17:33,552 but the firm is steady work. 533 00:17:33,652 --> 00:17:35,194 The design thing, who knows? 534 00:17:35,294 --> 00:17:37,556 - I do. 535 00:17:37,656 --> 00:17:40,359 You are so talented. 536 00:17:40,459 --> 00:17:42,161 [soft dramatic music] 537 00:17:42,261 --> 00:17:44,883 - Tom, I don't know if I could let you do that for me. 538 00:17:44,983 --> 00:17:48,087 - Oh, well, this isn't for you. This is for me. 539 00:17:48,187 --> 00:17:50,289 Yeah, this is totally selfish. 540 00:17:50,389 --> 00:17:52,091 I have this weird thing about 541 00:17:52,191 --> 00:17:54,293 my wife being fulfilled and not miserable. 542 00:17:54,393 --> 00:17:55,494 It's, like... - Mm. 543 00:17:55,594 --> 00:17:56,735 - I don't know, it's kind of my kink. 544 00:17:56,835 --> 00:17:59,538 - Ugh, you sick man. 545 00:17:59,638 --> 00:18:00,739 Thank you. 546 00:18:00,839 --> 00:18:03,702 - See, you, you're my hot tub. 547 00:18:03,802 --> 00:18:05,464 - Mm. 548 00:18:05,564 --> 00:18:07,946 And you are my filter fungus. 549 00:18:08,046 --> 00:18:09,508 - [chuckling] That's right. 550 00:18:09,608 --> 00:18:10,489 'Cause you're never getting rid of me. 551 00:18:10,569 --> 00:18:12,791 - Mm-hmm. [chuckling and smooching] 552 00:18:12,891 --> 00:18:14,153 [soft upbeat music] 553 00:18:14,253 --> 00:18:16,115 Mm. 554 00:18:16,215 --> 00:18:17,596 Mrs. Kim is watching us. 555 00:18:17,696 --> 00:18:19,598 - See, I told you. 556 00:18:19,698 --> 00:18:20,759 - You know what? 557 00:18:20,859 --> 00:18:22,761 Let her. - All right. 558 00:18:22,861 --> 00:18:27,866 ♪ ♪ 559 00:18:28,787 --> 00:18:29,968 - Hey. - Oh, well, hey, baby girl. 560 00:18:30,068 --> 00:18:32,291 - Hey. - Can we talk? 561 00:18:32,391 --> 00:18:33,292 - Of course. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. 562 00:18:33,392 --> 00:18:34,333 Come on out. 563 00:18:34,433 --> 00:18:36,055 - Well, we were thinking 564 00:18:36,155 --> 00:18:38,377 the last thing that we want is for you to feel uncomfortable. 565 00:18:38,477 --> 00:18:39,898 - Yeah, so tomorrow, 566 00:18:39,998 --> 00:18:42,741 we're gonna climb inside Susan and get out of here. 567 00:18:42,841 --> 00:18:44,383 Susan's what we call the RV. 568 00:18:44,483 --> 00:18:47,025 - Oh, um, no. You don't have to do that. 569 00:18:47,125 --> 00:18:49,908 I just wanted to apologise for how I reacted. 570 00:18:50,008 --> 00:18:52,191 That was not my best moment. 571 00:18:52,291 --> 00:18:53,672 - Oh, we understand. 572 00:18:53,772 --> 00:18:55,554 It must've come as such a shock. 573 00:18:55,654 --> 00:18:56,915 And looking back, 574 00:18:57,015 --> 00:18:59,078 I would say that my photo with the ice cream 575 00:18:59,178 --> 00:19:00,879 was a little suggestive. 576 00:19:00,979 --> 00:19:03,242 - In mine, I'm holding a banjo. 577 00:19:03,342 --> 00:19:05,444 Which is pretty cool. [chuckles] 578 00:19:05,544 --> 00:19:07,806 - Well, I also just shouldn't have been so judgmental. 579 00:19:07,906 --> 00:19:09,848 - No, no, baby. It's okay. 580 00:19:09,948 --> 00:19:12,851 - No, it's not. You two never judge me. 581 00:19:12,951 --> 00:19:14,413 Even when I came out as gay 582 00:19:14,513 --> 00:19:17,376 or changed from pre-med to folklore and mythology. 583 00:19:17,476 --> 00:19:19,258 - Yeah, that was tough. 584 00:19:19,358 --> 00:19:21,180 - All you ever wanted was for me to be happy, 585 00:19:21,280 --> 00:19:22,381 and I want the same for you. 586 00:19:22,481 --> 00:19:24,783 - Sweetie, we are happy. We are. 587 00:19:24,883 --> 00:19:27,106 - Yeah, and we are so proud of you 588 00:19:27,206 --> 00:19:29,468 and the life that you built here with Sarah. 589 00:19:29,568 --> 00:19:30,829 - Thank you. - Yeah. 590 00:19:30,929 --> 00:19:32,111 - I love you both. 591 00:19:32,211 --> 00:19:33,272 - We love you. - Aw, we love you too. 592 00:19:33,372 --> 00:19:35,754 - You know that. [both chuckle] 593 00:19:35,854 --> 00:19:39,758 - And I can't believe I'm saying this, but Dad... 594 00:19:39,858 --> 00:19:42,000 - Mm-hmm? 595 00:19:42,100 --> 00:19:44,563 - The banjo's not gonna get you a lot of swipes. 596 00:19:44,663 --> 00:19:46,445 - I tried to tell him. 597 00:19:46,545 --> 00:19:48,046 - Really? - Yeah. 598 00:19:48,146 --> 00:19:50,129 - Hey! - Oh, there he is! 599 00:19:50,229 --> 00:19:53,292 - How was your first official day as a designer? 600 00:19:53,392 --> 00:19:54,573 - Amazing. 601 00:19:54,673 --> 00:19:57,536 No legal briefs, no documents redaction. 602 00:19:57,636 --> 00:19:59,778 I wore sneakers. [both laugh] 603 00:19:59,878 --> 00:20:00,859 - Well, you know what? 604 00:20:00,959 --> 00:20:03,382 If you're happy, then I'm happy. 605 00:20:03,482 --> 00:20:04,943 And I want you to know something. 606 00:20:05,043 --> 00:20:06,084 I'm gonna stop getting in my head so much. 607 00:20:06,164 --> 00:20:08,867 I'm done worrying about every little thing. 608 00:20:08,967 --> 00:20:09,828 - I love hearing that. 609 00:20:09,928 --> 00:20:11,470 Ooh, also 610 00:20:11,570 --> 00:20:12,651 I met this new contractor that I'm gonna partner with. 611 00:20:12,731 --> 00:20:14,032 Come meet him. - What, he's here right now? 612 00:20:14,132 --> 00:20:15,634 - Mm-hmm. - Oh, cool. 613 00:20:15,734 --> 00:20:18,357 [dramatic saxophone sting] 614 00:20:18,457 --> 00:20:19,438 What the hell? 615 00:20:19,538 --> 00:20:21,680 - Hey, I'm Santiago. 616 00:20:21,780 --> 00:20:23,602 - Hey, I'm Tom. 617 00:20:23,702 --> 00:20:26,004 - Also known as the man who brought us together. 618 00:20:26,104 --> 00:20:29,568 - Oh. [chuckles] I-I wouldn't say that. 619 00:20:29,668 --> 00:20:31,450 - I would. I mean, if it wasn't for you, this... 620 00:20:31,550 --> 00:20:32,931 [clicks tongue] Wouldn't be happening. 621 00:20:33,031 --> 00:20:35,694 - So what exactly, uh, is happening? 622 00:20:35,794 --> 00:20:39,057 - Thank you so much for making your wife available to me. 623 00:20:39,157 --> 00:20:42,941 - [chuckling weakly] Well, she's all yours. 624 00:20:43,041 --> 00:20:45,504 I love that I did this. 625 00:20:45,604 --> 00:20:47,606 So great. 626 00:20:49,488 --> 00:20:50,709 - No ice cream, no candy, no gum in the tub. 627 00:20:50,809 --> 00:20:51,710 In fact, you know what? 628 00:20:51,810 --> 00:20:53,111 No sugary substances at all, 629 00:20:53,211 --> 00:20:54,833 unless you have a medical issue, which-- 630 00:20:54,933 --> 00:20:56,635 yeah, you can come tell me about privately. 631 00:20:56,735 --> 00:20:57,996 What else? Okay, rule number nine. 632 00:20:58,096 --> 00:20:59,478 Guys, no politics, okay? 633 00:20:59,578 --> 00:21:01,720 Weather talk is allowed, even encouraged. 634 00:21:01,820 --> 00:21:03,121 Speaking of which, 635 00:21:03,221 --> 00:21:04,923 you should all be on the lookout for storms. 636 00:21:05,023 --> 00:21:07,706 Remember, precipitation equals... 637 00:21:09,668 --> 00:21:11,009 Evacuation. 638 00:21:11,109 --> 00:21:13,452 We'll work more on that later. Yes, Gretchen? 639 00:21:13,552 --> 00:21:14,993 - Could you please explain the verbal warning system again? 640 00:21:15,073 --> 00:21:16,815 - Great question. [all groan] 641 00:21:16,915 --> 00:21:18,577 - Gretchen! - What? 642 00:21:18,677 --> 00:21:19,978 I don't want to commit a tub flub. 643 00:21:20,078 --> 00:21:22,080 - You guys gotta start taking her lead.