1 00:00:01,576 --> 00:00:04,637 - Chapter 18: Tom had a secret. 2 00:00:04,737 --> 00:00:06,838 And it was a fact of life in the Hayworth family, 3 00:00:06,938 --> 00:00:09,420 Tom was not good at keeping secrets. 4 00:00:10,780 --> 00:00:12,361 - Oh, my God, is she hallucinating? 5 00:00:12,461 --> 00:00:13,521 - No, it's a parasitic twin 6 00:00:13,621 --> 00:00:14,422 that lives in the back of her head. 7 00:00:14,502 --> 00:00:15,842 - Tom! - Sorry. 8 00:00:15,942 --> 00:00:17,443 - What happened to my leftover noodles? 9 00:00:17,543 --> 00:00:18,724 - Denise and I ate them. 10 00:00:18,824 --> 00:00:20,004 - Tom! - Sorry. 11 00:00:20,104 --> 00:00:22,005 - Oh, I don't need a children's menu. 12 00:00:22,105 --> 00:00:23,206 - Sarah just got her first period. 13 00:00:23,306 --> 00:00:24,807 - Tom! - Sorry. 14 00:00:24,907 --> 00:00:26,447 - And now, he'd just seen his brother 15 00:00:26,547 --> 00:00:29,809 hooking up with his sister's wife's sister. 16 00:00:29,909 --> 00:00:31,910 Oh, my God. 17 00:00:32,230 --> 00:00:33,571 Oh, my God. 18 00:00:33,671 --> 00:00:36,372 Tom was doing his best to keep the secret to himself. 19 00:00:36,472 --> 00:00:37,973 I saw Connor and JoJo having... 20 00:00:38,073 --> 00:00:39,573 [stammers] 21 00:00:39,673 --> 00:00:40,894 Preparing for sexual intercourse. 22 00:00:40,994 --> 00:00:42,815 - What? How do you... 23 00:00:42,915 --> 00:00:44,616 preparing for sexual intercourse? 24 00:00:44,716 --> 00:00:45,616 - Earlier when I went by his place. 25 00:00:45,716 --> 00:00:46,736 They didn't see me. 26 00:00:46,836 --> 00:00:48,137 - And you're sure that's what you saw? 27 00:00:48,237 --> 00:00:49,658 - I don't know, maybe they're 28 00:00:49,758 --> 00:00:52,219 putting each other's clothes on, 29 00:00:52,319 --> 00:00:54,300 doing a really bad job on account of all the... 30 00:00:54,400 --> 00:00:56,141 French kissing. - [sighs] 31 00:00:56,241 --> 00:00:58,942 Denise's sister and your brother? 32 00:00:59,042 --> 00:01:00,823 Well, I guess now that you know, 33 00:01:00,923 --> 00:01:02,304 it won't stay a secret for long. 34 00:01:02,404 --> 00:01:05,545 - Come on, I waited almost 24 hours to tell you. 35 00:01:05,645 --> 00:01:07,586 - I was asleep for a lot of that, doesn't count. 36 00:01:07,686 --> 00:01:08,786 - Hmm. 37 00:01:08,886 --> 00:01:10,427 - And now, I'm going back to bed. 38 00:01:10,527 --> 00:01:11,948 - How can you sleep knowing this? 39 00:01:12,048 --> 00:01:13,308 - Like a baby. 40 00:01:13,408 --> 00:01:15,790 Sleep is the only place where I get to be alone. 41 00:01:15,890 --> 00:01:17,470 - Yeah, but come on, it's a lot to take in. 42 00:01:17,570 --> 00:01:19,191 I mean, should I tell Connor that I know? 43 00:01:19,291 --> 00:01:20,392 - [snoring] - Should I-- 44 00:01:20,492 --> 00:01:21,992 - [snoring] 45 00:01:22,092 --> 00:01:23,353 - Oh, my--how does she do that? 46 00:01:23,453 --> 00:01:28,115 [upbeat music] 47 00:01:28,215 --> 00:01:30,956 - Look at them, they might as well just take off their pants 48 00:01:31,056 --> 00:01:32,877 and do it right there on the scones. 49 00:01:32,977 --> 00:01:34,358 - Wow, so blatant. 50 00:01:34,458 --> 00:01:35,839 You have to talk to Connor. 51 00:01:35,939 --> 00:01:37,399 I mean, what they do is their business, 52 00:01:37,499 --> 00:01:39,400 but I hate keeping a secret from Denise. 53 00:01:39,500 --> 00:01:40,961 - I know. Denise tried to talk to me 54 00:01:41,061 --> 00:01:42,762 earlier and I had to pretend there was a bee in my eye. 55 00:01:42,862 --> 00:01:46,083 You can't pretend a bee, Marina, it's obvious. 56 00:01:46,183 --> 00:01:47,124 - What's obvious? 57 00:01:47,224 --> 00:01:48,965 - Coffee... 58 00:01:49,065 --> 00:01:50,926 is so obvious, right? 59 00:01:51,026 --> 00:01:53,026 [chuckles] 60 00:01:54,467 --> 00:01:57,609 Oh, my God, is it... is that bee in here again? 61 00:01:57,709 --> 00:01:58,809 Oh, not again. 62 00:01:58,909 --> 00:02:00,970 - Okay, you can never commit a crime. 63 00:02:01,070 --> 00:02:03,851 - Hey, Marina, what's it been like working back at the firm? 64 00:02:03,951 --> 00:02:06,373 - Well, it's not how I plan on going back 65 00:02:06,473 --> 00:02:08,373 but since the whole Sofía memoir thing happened, 66 00:02:08,473 --> 00:02:09,854 we needed a little bit more income. 67 00:02:09,954 --> 00:02:11,615 - Well, I hope that you still have time 68 00:02:11,715 --> 00:02:13,656 to plan our first Condor Girls overnight. 69 00:02:13,756 --> 00:02:16,137 - Please, I stole highlighters at work. 70 00:02:16,237 --> 00:02:17,738 [gasps and laughter] - I can't wait. 71 00:02:17,838 --> 00:02:19,659 Our first Condor Girls camp out. 72 00:02:19,759 --> 00:02:21,139 all: Caw-caw! 73 00:02:21,239 --> 00:02:22,860 - Well, the campsite is gonna be in our living room 74 00:02:22,960 --> 00:02:23,940 'cause it's January. 75 00:02:24,040 --> 00:02:25,301 Caw-caw? 76 00:02:25,401 --> 00:02:27,502 - Now, the theme is female friendship, 77 00:02:27,602 --> 00:02:30,263 so come prepared with your favorite sisterhood-themed song 78 00:02:30,363 --> 00:02:33,825 or poem or pair of jeans that magically fits everybody. 79 00:02:33,925 --> 00:02:35,386 Caw-caw! all: Caw-caw! 80 00:02:35,486 --> 00:02:38,187 - And while the girl cousins are doing Condor Girl stuff, 81 00:02:38,287 --> 00:02:40,828 Kelvin, Tom, and I are gonna do some man stuff. 82 00:02:40,928 --> 00:02:43,049 Video games, pizza, beer. 83 00:02:44,610 --> 00:02:46,831 Tom can handle one beer. - Light beer. 84 00:02:46,931 --> 00:02:48,111 - Bam. 85 00:02:48,211 --> 00:02:49,832 - Well, Denise, looks like that leaves us. 86 00:02:49,932 --> 00:02:51,033 What do you say to a sister night? 87 00:02:51,133 --> 00:02:53,474 - Yes, finally. I've hardly seen you. 88 00:02:53,574 --> 00:02:55,715 You're always doing night yoga or sleeping all day 89 00:02:55,815 --> 00:02:57,075 'cause you're tired from that night yoga. 90 00:02:57,175 --> 00:02:58,236 - Mm-hmm. [laughs] 91 00:02:58,336 --> 00:03:00,077 - Night yoga? - Yeah. 92 00:03:00,177 --> 00:03:01,838 It's yoga but you do it in the middle of the night. 93 00:03:01,938 --> 00:03:05,479 - Oh, yes, I've also heard of this trend. 94 00:03:05,579 --> 00:03:06,800 - I want to try that. - No, you don't. 95 00:03:06,900 --> 00:03:08,901 - Okay. 96 00:03:10,782 --> 00:03:13,043 - Hey, come here. Come here. 97 00:03:13,143 --> 00:03:14,924 - You okay? 98 00:03:15,024 --> 00:03:17,084 Look a little paler than usual. Are you sweating? 99 00:03:17,184 --> 00:03:18,165 - Yeah, sweating? 100 00:03:18,265 --> 00:03:20,346 Kind of like I'm doing some night yoga? 101 00:03:21,627 --> 00:03:22,887 - It's a real thing. - Oh, come on. 102 00:03:22,987 --> 00:03:24,288 I saw you and JoJo. 103 00:03:24,388 --> 00:03:25,888 The other day I came over here to return my watch 104 00:03:25,988 --> 00:03:28,290 and saw you guys all... 105 00:03:28,390 --> 00:03:30,851 kissy, kissy. - Oh, my God. 106 00:03:30,951 --> 00:03:33,252 - When did this start? - Christmas. 107 00:03:33,352 --> 00:03:34,813 - When the whole family was here? 108 00:03:34,913 --> 00:03:37,094 - No, we waited till you guys were in the driveway. 109 00:03:37,194 --> 00:03:39,194 Look, at first it was just... 110 00:03:40,395 --> 00:03:43,096 Kissy, kissy but then it turned into something real. 111 00:03:43,196 --> 00:03:44,457 - Oh, okay, well, if it's so real, 112 00:03:44,557 --> 00:03:45,397 then when are you gonna tell Denise about it? 113 00:03:45,477 --> 00:03:47,658 - Maybe next week? 114 00:03:47,758 --> 00:03:49,499 Maybe never. - Connor, come on. 115 00:03:49,599 --> 00:03:50,980 You can't keep a thing like this a secret. 116 00:03:51,080 --> 00:03:52,821 More importantly, I can't. 117 00:03:52,921 --> 00:03:55,242 - I just need more time, okay? I mean, look at them. 118 00:03:57,403 --> 00:03:59,104 When JoJo first got here, her and Denise 119 00:03:59,204 --> 00:04:00,384 could hardly stand each other. 120 00:04:00,484 --> 00:04:01,705 Now, they're getting along better than ever. 121 00:04:01,805 --> 00:04:03,546 I don't want to mess that up. - We're heading out. 122 00:04:03,646 --> 00:04:04,706 - Thanks for coming. 123 00:04:04,806 --> 00:04:06,187 - Thank you. Everything was delicious. 124 00:04:06,287 --> 00:04:07,948 I should get home and rest up for midnight pilates. 125 00:04:08,048 --> 00:04:10,189 I hope I get the mean instructor tonight. 126 00:04:10,289 --> 00:04:12,109 - Ooh, yeah, I heard he's rough. 127 00:04:12,209 --> 00:04:14,410 - Yeah, you guys might actually be worse at this than me. 128 00:04:16,411 --> 00:04:18,112 - I brought so much sick camping gear 129 00:04:18,212 --> 00:04:19,433 for the little Condor Girls. 130 00:04:19,533 --> 00:04:21,434 I got sub-zero sleeping bags, 131 00:04:21,534 --> 00:04:24,435 titanium hiking poles, bear alarms. 132 00:04:24,535 --> 00:04:26,036 - I brought graham crackers. 133 00:04:26,136 --> 00:04:27,957 - Great, something we'll actually use. 134 00:04:28,057 --> 00:04:30,118 Can you drop that off in the kitchen? 135 00:04:30,218 --> 00:04:31,838 - Yeah. - Thank you. 136 00:04:31,938 --> 00:04:33,479 You need to tell her. 137 00:04:33,579 --> 00:04:35,240 - No, I do not. 138 00:04:35,340 --> 00:04:38,001 - Listen, unlike Tom, I can keep a secret. 139 00:04:38,101 --> 00:04:39,442 I just don't want to. 140 00:04:39,542 --> 00:04:41,002 - Look, I have an idea. 141 00:04:41,102 --> 00:04:42,683 You're scared to tell Denise 142 00:04:42,783 --> 00:04:44,044 because you know how she's going to react, right? 143 00:04:44,144 --> 00:04:45,525 - Yeah. - Well, what if I could 144 00:04:45,625 --> 00:04:47,565 set the table? 145 00:04:47,665 --> 00:04:49,206 - What? 146 00:04:49,306 --> 00:04:50,447 - Set the table. - I know, I heard you. 147 00:04:50,547 --> 00:04:51,567 What table? What do you mean? - Set... 148 00:04:51,667 --> 00:04:52,768 just, you know, trust me. 149 00:04:52,868 --> 00:04:54,088 - Okay, have fun with the girls tonight. 150 00:04:54,188 --> 00:04:55,529 - Thanks. - JoJo and I 151 00:04:55,629 --> 00:04:57,330 are going to watch a dating show that she likes 152 00:04:57,430 --> 00:04:59,411 where no one can have sex-- 153 00:04:59,511 --> 00:05:01,212 or everyone has to have sex, I can't remember. 154 00:05:01,312 --> 00:05:04,373 - [laughs] That's funny, Denise. 155 00:05:04,473 --> 00:05:06,934 Connor loves those shows, too. 156 00:05:07,034 --> 00:05:08,295 - Do I? - Yeah. 157 00:05:08,395 --> 00:05:09,976 You do, and when you think about it, 158 00:05:10,076 --> 00:05:11,416 you and JoJo have a lot in common, you know? 159 00:05:11,516 --> 00:05:14,217 It's like, they both like travel, fitness. 160 00:05:14,317 --> 00:05:16,579 Whoa, I just had an insane idea. 161 00:05:16,679 --> 00:05:18,820 This is, like--this is insane. 162 00:05:18,920 --> 00:05:20,300 What if we got those two together? 163 00:05:20,400 --> 00:05:22,381 - Whoa, Tom. [laughs] 164 00:05:22,481 --> 00:05:25,303 That is--I've never even considered that. 165 00:05:25,403 --> 00:05:28,784 I mean, Denise, what do you think of this crazy idea? 166 00:05:28,884 --> 00:05:31,585 - Uh, yeah, that would be insane, literally. 167 00:05:31,685 --> 00:05:33,426 - You think? - I mean, Connor, 168 00:05:33,526 --> 00:05:36,027 you've been dating like a shark lately. 169 00:05:36,127 --> 00:05:37,588 Like, if you stop moving through women, you'll die. 170 00:05:37,688 --> 00:05:39,549 - That's a bit of an overstatement. 171 00:05:39,649 --> 00:05:42,230 - And anyone who dates JoJo is left in shambles. 172 00:05:42,330 --> 00:05:44,351 She's like a tornado and if you combine those two 173 00:05:44,451 --> 00:05:47,352 you get a sharknado-- a love sharknado. 174 00:05:47,452 --> 00:05:49,033 I mean, it would be a mess-- 175 00:05:49,133 --> 00:05:50,794 not just for them, but for all of us. 176 00:05:50,894 --> 00:05:54,076 It would end in tears and fighting and choosing sides, 177 00:05:54,176 --> 00:05:55,316 and then next thing you know, 178 00:05:55,416 --> 00:05:56,677 we're having three different Christmases. 179 00:05:56,777 --> 00:05:59,158 But good idea, Tom. [laughter] 180 00:05:59,258 --> 00:06:00,138 All right, bye for real this time. 181 00:06:00,218 --> 00:06:01,119 - Okay. - Bye. 182 00:06:01,219 --> 00:06:03,760 - Okay, then. [door closes] 183 00:06:03,860 --> 00:06:06,321 What the hell, Tom? Now I can never tell her. 184 00:06:06,421 --> 00:06:08,322 - I'm sorry, I was trying to set the table. 185 00:06:08,422 --> 00:06:09,683 - With what, grenades? 186 00:06:09,783 --> 00:06:11,483 - Now Denise is going to be all in my head. 187 00:06:11,583 --> 00:06:13,284 - What do you mean? - I mean, she tends to be right 188 00:06:13,384 --> 00:06:14,885 about, like, everything. 189 00:06:14,985 --> 00:06:16,486 I mean, think about it. She had me pegged. 190 00:06:16,586 --> 00:06:18,567 I'm always comparing myself to a shark. 191 00:06:18,667 --> 00:06:20,367 I don't want my relationship to blow up this family. 192 00:06:20,467 --> 00:06:21,848 I kind of like this family, Tom! 193 00:06:21,948 --> 00:06:24,129 - Relax. Denise just needs to get used to the idea. 194 00:06:24,229 --> 00:06:26,050 It's kind of like Sarah when she first met Marina. 195 00:06:26,150 --> 00:06:27,851 both: Yeah. 196 00:06:27,951 --> 00:06:30,212 - Wait, what? What does that mean? 197 00:06:30,312 --> 00:06:33,013 - Uh... - I'm gonna take off. 198 00:06:33,113 --> 00:06:35,934 - Okay, I kind of misspoke. 199 00:06:36,034 --> 00:06:37,335 - Did Sarah not like me? 200 00:06:37,435 --> 00:06:39,016 - No, it wasn't that she didn't like you. 201 00:06:39,116 --> 00:06:40,977 It was more of a gradual warming, 202 00:06:41,077 --> 00:06:42,738 like the Earth. 203 00:06:42,838 --> 00:06:45,939 - I can't believe it. - But hey, she likes you now. 204 00:06:46,039 --> 00:06:49,080 Right? Right? 205 00:06:51,241 --> 00:06:52,182 Oh, no. 206 00:06:52,282 --> 00:06:54,363 [doorbell rings] 207 00:06:55,443 --> 00:06:57,444 - Hey. - Hey. 208 00:06:58,725 --> 00:07:00,225 I thought we could squeeze in a little night yoga 209 00:07:00,325 --> 00:07:01,506 in the late afternoon. 210 00:07:01,606 --> 00:07:03,227 - Sure. 211 00:07:03,327 --> 00:07:07,029 Um, don't you have to get back for sister night though? 212 00:07:07,129 --> 00:07:09,990 Won't Denise, maybe, get a little suspicious? 213 00:07:10,090 --> 00:07:12,711 - Actually, I've been thinking. 214 00:07:12,811 --> 00:07:14,792 Denise and I are in a good place now. 215 00:07:14,892 --> 00:07:16,433 Maybe we should tell her? 216 00:07:16,533 --> 00:07:18,534 Who knows, she might even be happy for us. 217 00:07:19,294 --> 00:07:21,295 - Or she might not. I bet not. 218 00:07:22,696 --> 00:07:24,156 - What do you mean? - I just-- 219 00:07:24,256 --> 00:07:25,717 I don't think Denise has a great 220 00:07:25,817 --> 00:07:27,438 opinion on my dating life. 221 00:07:27,538 --> 00:07:29,879 She thinks I've been kind of going through women. 222 00:07:29,979 --> 00:07:31,520 - Mm, doesn't bother me. 223 00:07:31,620 --> 00:07:34,881 I've been in plenty of failed relationships, too. 224 00:07:34,981 --> 00:07:38,043 - Yeah, so do you worry that maybe we're one of those 225 00:07:38,143 --> 00:07:41,484 love sharknados? - [laughs] What? 226 00:07:41,584 --> 00:07:44,726 - A tornado shark combo, but in relationship form. 227 00:07:44,826 --> 00:07:46,526 - Okay, what is your deal? 228 00:07:46,626 --> 00:07:48,287 You're calling me a shark? - No. 229 00:07:48,387 --> 00:07:52,089 No, you'd be the tornado. - Thank you? 230 00:07:52,189 --> 00:07:53,850 - Let's say things get bad between us. 231 00:07:53,950 --> 00:07:56,531 I don't want to make it weird between you and Denise 232 00:07:56,631 --> 00:07:58,852 or me and Denise or you and Sarah 233 00:07:58,952 --> 00:08:00,293 because Sarah's married to Denise. 234 00:08:00,393 --> 00:08:03,294 - Yeah, yeah, no. I'm aware of all of this. 235 00:08:03,394 --> 00:08:05,775 Connor, this is crazy. We just started dating. 236 00:08:05,875 --> 00:08:07,536 - I know, I'm just worried 237 00:08:07,636 --> 00:08:09,957 what's going to happen when we stop. 238 00:08:11,438 --> 00:08:13,439 - Yeah. - I... 239 00:08:14,239 --> 00:08:16,340 - I'm gonna call that a red flag. 240 00:08:16,440 --> 00:08:17,901 - [sighs] - You know what? 241 00:08:18,001 --> 00:08:20,002 This whole thing was a mistake. 242 00:08:22,883 --> 00:08:24,103 [whistle blows] 243 00:08:24,203 --> 00:08:26,985 - All right, welcome to the sisterhood. 244 00:08:27,085 --> 00:08:29,906 Caw-caw! all: Caw-caw! 245 00:08:30,006 --> 00:08:33,107 - Okay, everybody throw on your sister hoodies, huh. 246 00:08:33,207 --> 00:08:34,668 And remember what tonight is about. 247 00:08:34,768 --> 00:08:37,189 It is all about girls always supporting girls. 248 00:08:37,289 --> 00:08:39,150 - [scoffs] 249 00:08:39,250 --> 00:08:42,392 - So, um, if everyone wants to get unpacked and settle in 250 00:08:42,492 --> 00:08:43,392 and we'll start activities. 251 00:08:43,492 --> 00:08:45,433 both: Yay. 252 00:08:45,533 --> 00:08:47,514 - What? What was that? 253 00:08:47,614 --> 00:08:49,075 - Oh, nothing. 254 00:08:49,175 --> 00:08:50,876 I was just remembering the first time we met. 255 00:08:50,976 --> 00:08:52,836 Do you remember? - Of course. 256 00:08:52,936 --> 00:08:54,837 Yeah, we went to that restaurant. 257 00:08:54,937 --> 00:08:56,318 It was so fun. And I said to Tom, 258 00:08:56,418 --> 00:08:58,079 I said, "Tom, this new girlfriend, she's a keeper." 259 00:08:58,179 --> 00:09:00,000 - Really? - Really. 260 00:09:00,100 --> 00:09:02,121 - So you knew that we were going to be friends right away? 261 00:09:02,221 --> 00:09:04,762 - Of course. - Huh. 262 00:09:04,862 --> 00:09:08,123 - I mean, you know, not-- not right away, right away. 263 00:09:08,223 --> 00:09:09,244 - Speak on that. 264 00:09:09,344 --> 00:09:10,684 - You know, we were so different. 265 00:09:10,784 --> 00:09:13,166 I really wanted to go to that little vegetarian café, 266 00:09:13,266 --> 00:09:17,007 and you insisted on the very fancy white tablecloth place 267 00:09:17,107 --> 00:09:19,288 and paying for everything. - Oh. 268 00:09:19,388 --> 00:09:21,649 Yeah, gosh, what was I thinking? 269 00:09:21,749 --> 00:09:23,130 I guess I was just really proud 270 00:09:23,230 --> 00:09:25,691 to be the first in my family to go through college 271 00:09:25,791 --> 00:09:29,773 and then get through law school and join a big law firm. 272 00:09:29,873 --> 00:09:31,374 So... - Right, yes. 273 00:09:31,474 --> 00:09:33,955 And I love that about you. It's amazing. 274 00:09:36,396 --> 00:09:38,397 Just talked a lot about the expense account. 275 00:09:39,397 --> 00:09:40,658 - The expense account that paid for 276 00:09:40,758 --> 00:09:42,759 all the food that you were complaining about? 277 00:09:44,400 --> 00:09:46,181 - It was such a long-- it was so-- 278 00:09:46,281 --> 00:09:48,542 - Such a long time ago. - Such a long time ago. 279 00:09:48,642 --> 00:09:50,643 Good thing we're way past that. 280 00:09:51,883 --> 00:09:53,624 - Oh, boy. 281 00:09:53,724 --> 00:09:56,025 There is some drama going on between mummy and Aunt Marina. 282 00:09:56,125 --> 00:09:58,626 - I am so glad I'm not a Condor Girl. 283 00:09:58,726 --> 00:10:00,387 - Hey, Kel, are you ready for guy's night? 284 00:10:00,487 --> 00:10:01,668 - I guess. 285 00:10:01,768 --> 00:10:03,348 - I cannot believe this. 286 00:10:03,448 --> 00:10:05,109 Marina just texted me about what's going on. 287 00:10:05,209 --> 00:10:09,031 - Okay, what do you mean? 288 00:10:09,131 --> 00:10:10,271 - About the two of them. 289 00:10:10,371 --> 00:10:11,792 I mean, I guess it's all out in the open now. 290 00:10:11,892 --> 00:10:14,193 - [sighs] Denise, I just want you to know 291 00:10:14,293 --> 00:10:16,274 I feel terrible about the whole thing. 292 00:10:16,374 --> 00:10:18,395 - Yeah, it's gonna get messy. - Right? 293 00:10:18,495 --> 00:10:20,156 - But I don't want to think about that right now. 294 00:10:20,256 --> 00:10:21,437 - I wish I could stop thinking about it. 295 00:10:21,537 --> 00:10:23,557 Every time I close my eyes, I see them kissing. 296 00:10:23,657 --> 00:10:25,078 I mean, of all the women in the world, 297 00:10:25,178 --> 00:10:26,519 Connor's got to sleep with your sister? 298 00:10:26,619 --> 00:10:27,479 What? [chuckles] 299 00:10:27,579 --> 00:10:29,700 - Uh, what? 300 00:10:30,781 --> 00:10:31,721 - What? - What? 301 00:10:31,821 --> 00:10:33,002 - What? - What? 302 00:10:33,102 --> 00:10:34,642 - What were you talking about? 303 00:10:34,742 --> 00:10:36,363 - Marina finding out that Sarah didn't like her 304 00:10:36,463 --> 00:10:37,724 when they first met, but I'd like to focus on 305 00:10:37,824 --> 00:10:40,085 what you were talking about. - Um... 306 00:10:40,185 --> 00:10:41,726 - Uncle Tom, you ready to go? - You bet. 307 00:10:41,826 --> 00:10:43,166 - We're gonna need a few minutes. 308 00:10:43,266 --> 00:10:45,267 - Yeah, we're actually gonna need a few minutes. 309 00:10:47,308 --> 00:10:49,969 - Twins are asleep. Who wants smores? 310 00:10:50,069 --> 00:10:52,290 - Oh, smores are at 8:00 p.m. 311 00:10:52,390 --> 00:10:54,131 Right now we're playing Guess the Celebrity, 312 00:10:54,231 --> 00:10:55,412 but with women in STEM. 313 00:10:55,512 --> 00:10:57,933 - Do I wear glasses? - I have no idea. 314 00:10:58,033 --> 00:10:59,814 - Am I dead? - Kind of wish I was. 315 00:10:59,914 --> 00:11:01,215 - They're just warming up. 316 00:11:01,315 --> 00:11:02,155 I think they're really gonna like it. 317 00:11:02,235 --> 00:11:03,976 - Of course you do. 318 00:11:04,076 --> 00:11:05,496 - Okay. Hey. 319 00:11:05,596 --> 00:11:07,337 Can we just sidebar real quick? 320 00:11:07,437 --> 00:11:10,379 Uh, not to put my therapist cap on, but it kind of feels like 321 00:11:10,479 --> 00:11:13,380 you're hanging on to some resentments from before. 322 00:11:13,480 --> 00:11:15,821 - No, no resentment. No. 323 00:11:15,921 --> 00:11:18,822 When we met, I wasn't sure we'd be friends either. 324 00:11:18,922 --> 00:11:20,623 - Oh, okay. - Yeah. 325 00:11:20,723 --> 00:11:22,464 - Yeah, fine. - [laughs] 326 00:11:22,564 --> 00:11:25,345 - Just curious, what about me did you not immediately love? 327 00:11:25,445 --> 00:11:28,187 - Aww, um, I don't know. 328 00:11:28,287 --> 00:11:30,588 I guess I thought you were a little inflexible. 329 00:11:30,688 --> 00:11:32,028 - Inflexible. - Yeah. 330 00:11:32,128 --> 00:11:35,390 You know, like how a stick is inflexible in the mud 331 00:11:35,490 --> 00:11:39,472 and it's just complaining about how muddy the mud is. 332 00:11:39,572 --> 00:11:42,193 [laughter] 333 00:11:42,293 --> 00:11:44,074 - That's actually, that's something that we have 334 00:11:44,174 --> 00:11:45,955 in common because you complain a lot too. 335 00:11:46,055 --> 00:11:48,116 - Oh, do I now? - Yeah, you sure do. 336 00:11:48,216 --> 00:11:50,077 Like, when you complain about money 337 00:11:50,177 --> 00:11:52,118 in front of me and Denise who have way less than you. 338 00:11:52,218 --> 00:11:54,359 I mean, look around, you have a kitchen and a dining room 339 00:11:54,459 --> 00:11:55,999 and a living room that aren't all the same room. 340 00:11:56,099 --> 00:11:57,520 - Well, we also have three kids. 341 00:11:57,620 --> 00:11:59,041 - No one told you to have three kids. 342 00:11:59,141 --> 00:12:01,362 - Learn how twins work. - Are we gonna have smores? 343 00:12:01,462 --> 00:12:03,763 - [gasp] Of course, honey. - What's a campsite 344 00:12:03,863 --> 00:12:05,524 without smores? - Yes. 345 00:12:05,624 --> 00:12:06,884 Who's a stick in the mud now, huh? 346 00:12:06,984 --> 00:12:08,165 - Sorry, I can't hear you. 347 00:12:08,265 --> 00:12:10,946 The acoustics are so bad in my giant mansion. 348 00:12:12,707 --> 00:12:15,248 - [sighs] I have had a day. 349 00:12:15,348 --> 00:12:17,329 I hope you have a sister night box of wine. 350 00:12:17,429 --> 00:12:20,330 - Oh, sister night's postponed indefinitely. 351 00:12:20,430 --> 00:12:22,691 I found out about you and Connor. 352 00:12:22,791 --> 00:12:24,692 - Great. Here we go. 353 00:12:24,792 --> 00:12:27,213 - Dating my brother-in-law without telling me? 354 00:12:27,313 --> 00:12:28,854 You didn't think that was shady? 355 00:12:28,954 --> 00:12:29,895 - The last thing I need right now 356 00:12:29,995 --> 00:12:31,775 is a lecture from Saint Denise. 357 00:12:31,875 --> 00:12:34,257 And we're not dating. - Okay, hooking up or whatever. 358 00:12:34,357 --> 00:12:36,358 I don't read "Teen Vogue." - No, we're done. 359 00:12:37,558 --> 00:12:38,779 He started acting all weird. 360 00:12:38,879 --> 00:12:40,740 We fought and then we broke it off. 361 00:12:40,840 --> 00:12:42,100 - Hey, you lied to me. 362 00:12:42,200 --> 00:12:44,581 I thought we turned a corner, JoJo. 363 00:12:44,681 --> 00:12:47,102 - I was gonna tell you. 364 00:12:47,202 --> 00:12:49,023 Just... 365 00:12:49,123 --> 00:12:51,705 felt like it was gonna be different. 366 00:12:51,805 --> 00:12:53,145 I don't know what happened. 367 00:12:53,245 --> 00:12:55,026 I guess, I'm just too much of a mess for him. 368 00:12:55,126 --> 00:12:56,907 - Too much of a mess for Connor? 369 00:12:57,007 --> 00:12:58,548 - He said we were destroying the family 370 00:12:58,648 --> 00:13:01,229 with a love sharknado? 371 00:13:01,329 --> 00:13:03,270 - A love sharknado? He said that? 372 00:13:03,370 --> 00:13:06,271 - Yeah. 373 00:13:06,371 --> 00:13:09,032 - Okay, well, I'm gonna go lay on your bed. 374 00:13:09,132 --> 00:13:11,353 - Okay, yeah. 375 00:13:11,453 --> 00:13:14,115 I'll bring you some tea. 376 00:13:14,215 --> 00:13:16,216 To be clear, I'm still mad at you. 377 00:13:18,417 --> 00:13:19,917 [gunfire over TV speakers] 378 00:13:20,017 --> 00:13:22,238 - You win again. Can I please go to bed now? 379 00:13:22,338 --> 00:13:23,679 - Come on, one more. One more round. 380 00:13:23,779 --> 00:13:25,200 - Connor, it's getting late. 381 00:13:25,300 --> 00:13:27,881 - [sighs] Okay. - Night, uncles. 382 00:13:27,981 --> 00:13:29,241 - Goodnight. - Night. 383 00:13:29,341 --> 00:13:31,042 [gunfire continues] 384 00:13:31,142 --> 00:13:32,803 - You okay, man? - Yup. 385 00:13:32,903 --> 00:13:37,645 I'm good, just pretending these killer cyborgs are my feelings. 386 00:13:37,745 --> 00:13:39,086 - [sighs] Look, man. 387 00:13:39,186 --> 00:13:41,327 I'm sorry about meddling with you and JoJo. 388 00:13:41,427 --> 00:13:45,209 I screwed it up and then I screwed it up again. 389 00:13:45,309 --> 00:13:47,690 And then I bought these chips that no one liked. 390 00:13:47,790 --> 00:13:49,571 - Ah, it's not your fault. 391 00:13:49,671 --> 00:13:52,412 I mean, you did really let us down with those chips, 392 00:13:52,512 --> 00:13:55,173 but I should've just told Denise from the beginning. 393 00:13:55,273 --> 00:13:57,654 Maybe then I'd still have a shot with JoJo. 394 00:13:57,754 --> 00:14:00,296 - Man, you-- you really like her, huh? 395 00:14:00,396 --> 00:14:02,216 - Yeah. 396 00:14:02,316 --> 00:14:05,938 Now I can't look at a shark or a tornado without feeling sad. 397 00:14:06,038 --> 00:14:10,020 And that sucks because I used to love both of those things. 398 00:14:10,120 --> 00:14:12,701 No, no, no. Oh, come--lag, man. 399 00:14:12,801 --> 00:14:14,262 You see the lag? - Yeah, no. 400 00:14:14,362 --> 00:14:16,623 This isn't misplaced anger. - The lag. 401 00:14:16,723 --> 00:14:18,704 - Wow, beautiful friendship bracelet. 402 00:14:18,804 --> 00:14:20,705 - Thanks, yours too. - Thanks. 403 00:14:20,805 --> 00:14:22,806 - Mum, you're doing it wrong. 404 00:14:23,486 --> 00:14:25,907 - Well, this is my first friendship bracelet. 405 00:14:26,007 --> 00:14:29,549 Okay, unlike Aunt Sarah, I never went to Camp Caribou. 406 00:14:29,649 --> 00:14:31,510 My summer camp was a fire hydrant 407 00:14:31,610 --> 00:14:33,230 in the middle of the street. - Okay. 408 00:14:33,330 --> 00:14:34,711 Should we move on to worksheets? 409 00:14:34,811 --> 00:14:36,072 - They're still making bracelets. 410 00:14:36,172 --> 00:14:37,993 - But we have a schedule. And after worksheets, 411 00:14:38,093 --> 00:14:39,913 we have She-rades. - Is that-- 412 00:14:40,013 --> 00:14:42,194 - Feminist charades, yeah. - Okay, well. 413 00:14:42,294 --> 00:14:45,316 How about we just let the girls do what they want to do? 414 00:14:45,416 --> 00:14:47,157 Smores? - [gasps] Yes. 415 00:14:47,257 --> 00:14:50,918 - Or, or we could stick to the sisterhood agenda. 416 00:14:51,018 --> 00:14:53,480 You know, women supporting women? 417 00:14:53,580 --> 00:14:55,821 - Do you two need some space? 418 00:14:57,021 --> 00:14:59,202 - Okay, here's a She-rade for you. 419 00:14:59,302 --> 00:15:00,403 - Mm-hmm. - "Hi, my name is Sarah. 420 00:15:00,503 --> 00:15:02,043 "I have purple hair, 421 00:15:02,143 --> 00:15:05,205 and my personality is a coexist bumper sticker." 422 00:15:05,305 --> 00:15:06,485 - Wow, well, that's not a charade 423 00:15:06,585 --> 00:15:08,046 because you just told me the answer. 424 00:15:08,146 --> 00:15:10,327 Fine, my turn. "The other parents at the PTA 425 00:15:10,427 --> 00:15:12,208 are literally killing me." Grumble, grumble, sip. 426 00:15:12,308 --> 00:15:14,129 - I don't grumble, grumble. 427 00:15:14,229 --> 00:15:15,450 - "Hmm, it's wine 30, gotta have my juice." 428 00:15:15,550 --> 00:15:17,851 - You gave me that T-shirt! 429 00:15:17,951 --> 00:15:19,952 - Did you just... - I did. 430 00:15:20,392 --> 00:15:22,373 [screams] 431 00:15:22,473 --> 00:15:25,294 [screams] Oh. 432 00:15:25,394 --> 00:15:27,575 Ow, that sweater had chunky buttons! 433 00:15:27,675 --> 00:15:29,256 - Well, those marshmallows are really dense. 434 00:15:29,356 --> 00:15:31,817 [air horn blows] 435 00:15:31,917 --> 00:15:34,138 - Condor Girls. 436 00:15:34,238 --> 00:15:35,979 - Caw-Caw! - Oh! 437 00:15:36,079 --> 00:15:39,260 - Uh, your Aunt Marina and I were just practicing 438 00:15:39,360 --> 00:15:42,342 some radical honesty and working out some of our issues. 439 00:15:42,442 --> 00:15:45,303 - Exactly. You know how you and your cousins are besties 440 00:15:45,403 --> 00:15:48,424 but sometimes they do little things that annoy you? 441 00:15:48,524 --> 00:15:49,545 - No. - Never. 442 00:15:49,645 --> 00:15:51,226 - Gretchen and Shamiah are perfect. 443 00:15:51,326 --> 00:15:54,067 - Okay. - [chuckles] 444 00:15:54,167 --> 00:15:56,748 - Look, we're sorry that you-- that you had to see that. 445 00:15:56,848 --> 00:15:58,869 - Yeah. - So, why don't we 446 00:15:58,969 --> 00:16:01,750 just sip some hot cocoa and read Kate Bush lyrics? 447 00:16:01,850 --> 00:16:03,951 - Oh, or could we have a marshmallow fight? 448 00:16:04,051 --> 00:16:06,793 - Well, Aunt Sarah really worked hard 449 00:16:06,893 --> 00:16:08,754 at creating a schedule for us. 450 00:16:08,854 --> 00:16:12,395 So, let's follow that plan. 451 00:16:12,495 --> 00:16:14,596 [gasp] 452 00:16:14,696 --> 00:16:18,118 Oh, it's on. [all screaming] 453 00:16:18,218 --> 00:16:19,719 - Attack! 454 00:16:19,819 --> 00:16:21,880 Yeah, attack! [screams] 455 00:16:21,980 --> 00:16:23,981 - Thanks, Uncle Tommy. 456 00:16:24,741 --> 00:16:26,162 - I'm worried about JoJo. 457 00:16:26,262 --> 00:16:28,563 She hasn't posted on social media in hours. 458 00:16:28,663 --> 00:16:29,803 - Wait, are you serious? 459 00:16:29,903 --> 00:16:31,144 Do you know where she is? Should we call the cops? 460 00:16:31,224 --> 00:16:32,765 - Oh, she just went to get coffee, 461 00:16:32,865 --> 00:16:34,325 but she would've posted a million selfies by now. 462 00:16:34,425 --> 00:16:36,086 - Oh. 463 00:16:36,186 --> 00:16:38,167 Yeah, I mean, Connor's not himself either. 464 00:16:38,267 --> 00:16:40,008 I've actually never seen him so down. 465 00:16:40,108 --> 00:16:41,448 I mean, he was pretty broken up when they cancelled 466 00:16:41,548 --> 00:16:44,730 "Crank Yankers," but this is like some whole other level. 467 00:16:44,830 --> 00:16:46,331 - I really screwed this up. 468 00:16:46,431 --> 00:16:48,572 - No, come on. It's my fault too. 469 00:16:48,672 --> 00:16:50,012 - Yeah, it's mostly your fault. 470 00:16:50,112 --> 00:16:51,813 - 50/50. - 70/30. 471 00:16:51,913 --> 00:16:53,334 -Mm, it's hard to, kind of, put a number on it. 472 00:16:53,434 --> 00:16:56,335 - We were definitely getting along better than ever, 473 00:16:56,435 --> 00:16:59,617 but maybe she was in such a good mood because 474 00:16:59,717 --> 00:17:01,578 she's in love. 475 00:17:01,678 --> 00:17:03,298 - [sighs] 476 00:17:03,398 --> 00:17:05,900 I feel bad. What should we do? - What can we do? 477 00:17:06,000 --> 00:17:08,361 Maybe they'll talk and get back together. 478 00:17:10,522 --> 00:17:13,283 - Or... - I already don't like this. 479 00:17:14,964 --> 00:17:17,905 - Ooh. - Girls still asleep? 480 00:17:18,005 --> 00:17:20,306 - Yeah. Giggling all night will really take it out of you. 481 00:17:20,406 --> 00:17:22,307 - I guess we pulled it off. Made them have too much fun. 482 00:17:22,407 --> 00:17:24,408 - Mm-hmm, yeah. 483 00:17:25,728 --> 00:17:27,509 I'm sorry about yesterday. 484 00:17:27,609 --> 00:17:30,711 You know, when we first met, I was really impressed by you. 485 00:17:30,811 --> 00:17:33,792 And yeah, a little intimidated. 486 00:17:33,892 --> 00:17:36,673 I mean, you're an attorney who can do handstands 487 00:17:36,773 --> 00:17:39,795 and also makes killer pancakes. - [scoffs] 488 00:17:39,895 --> 00:17:41,796 - I mean, I don't really like calling women badass, but... 489 00:17:41,896 --> 00:17:43,797 - It probably applies? - Yes. 490 00:17:43,897 --> 00:17:46,078 - Yes, thank you. - Mm-hmm. 491 00:17:46,178 --> 00:17:47,438 - Listen, you're not a complainer. 492 00:17:47,538 --> 00:17:49,119 I mean, yes, you complain, 493 00:17:49,219 --> 00:17:51,000 but about stuff that really matters. 494 00:17:51,100 --> 00:17:54,201 I complain about traffic and Tom. 495 00:17:54,301 --> 00:17:55,802 - [laughs] 496 00:17:55,902 --> 00:17:57,643 Okay, so can we just put this behind us 497 00:17:57,743 --> 00:17:59,164 where it should've stayed all along? 498 00:17:59,264 --> 00:18:00,644 - Yes, fighting about the past 499 00:18:00,744 --> 00:18:02,125 is something that Tom and Connor do. 500 00:18:02,225 --> 00:18:04,566 - [groans] Brothers are the worst. 501 00:18:04,666 --> 00:18:08,488 - Well, luckily, you have a sister. 502 00:18:08,588 --> 00:18:09,928 - Are you trying to make me cry? 503 00:18:10,028 --> 00:18:11,889 - Oh, get in here. [laughs] 504 00:18:11,989 --> 00:18:13,850 - Stop! - Don't push me. 505 00:18:13,950 --> 00:18:15,931 - You were being so loud. 506 00:18:16,031 --> 00:18:18,492 Gretchen was snoring all night. - It was so annoying. 507 00:18:18,592 --> 00:18:20,413 - Wow, we really brought them together. 508 00:18:20,513 --> 00:18:22,054 - Mm-hmm. 509 00:18:22,154 --> 00:18:23,335 Caw-caw. 510 00:18:23,435 --> 00:18:24,535 - Can we go home? 511 00:18:24,635 --> 00:18:25,856 I don't want to walk in a park. 512 00:18:25,956 --> 00:18:27,416 - Oh, come on, it's nice to be outside. 513 00:18:27,516 --> 00:18:29,577 Look, it's a fountain. 514 00:18:29,677 --> 00:18:31,258 - I know you're trying to cheer me up, 515 00:18:31,358 --> 00:18:33,719 but I have a fountain at home. - Well, you don't have this. 516 00:18:35,520 --> 00:18:37,861 - JoJo? - Have you guys seen Kelvin? 517 00:18:37,961 --> 00:18:40,502 Denise texted that he got attacked by a goose. 518 00:18:40,602 --> 00:18:42,823 - Ooh, I probably should've scripted Denise's half of this. 519 00:18:42,923 --> 00:18:45,465 - Whoa, what are the chances 520 00:18:45,565 --> 00:18:48,226 of you two being in the same place at the same time? 521 00:18:48,326 --> 00:18:51,227 - Okay, guessing there's no violent goose on the loose. 522 00:18:51,327 --> 00:18:53,108 - The only goose that's attacking right now 523 00:18:53,208 --> 00:18:54,669 is a love goose. 524 00:18:54,769 --> 00:18:57,030 - Really wish I'd done a quick pass on this one. 525 00:18:57,130 --> 00:18:58,350 - Look, JoJo, I don't know what's going on here, 526 00:18:58,450 --> 00:18:59,471 but I had nothing to do with this. 527 00:18:59,571 --> 00:19:01,112 - Me neither. 528 00:19:01,212 --> 00:19:03,873 Look, whatever weird romantic comedy thing 529 00:19:03,973 --> 00:19:06,394 you two are trying to pull off isn't going to work, okay? 530 00:19:06,494 --> 00:19:07,635 I already know how Connor feels. 531 00:19:07,735 --> 00:19:08,955 - No, you don't. 532 00:19:09,055 --> 00:19:11,716 The words Connor said were not his. 533 00:19:11,816 --> 00:19:13,677 They were mine. 534 00:19:13,777 --> 00:19:17,679 - So, you broke us up and now you're here to tell us 535 00:19:17,779 --> 00:19:19,080 we're actually perfect for each other? 536 00:19:19,180 --> 00:19:21,921 - Whoa, no. I would never say that. 537 00:19:22,021 --> 00:19:25,082 Do I think this relationship would last? 538 00:19:25,182 --> 00:19:27,764 No, I don't think so. - Kay. 539 00:19:27,864 --> 00:19:29,645 - Will there be screaming and crying? 540 00:19:29,745 --> 00:19:31,285 Absolutely. - Mm. 541 00:19:31,385 --> 00:19:33,406 - But I don't think you should just give up 542 00:19:33,506 --> 00:19:35,207 because I think you're gonna fail. 543 00:19:35,307 --> 00:19:39,029 You two deserve a chance to fail on your own. 544 00:19:40,189 --> 00:19:41,370 - Thanks? - Okay. 545 00:19:41,470 --> 00:19:43,531 - Yeah. - Think about it like this. 546 00:19:43,631 --> 00:19:47,733 Denise is just a girl standing in front of a boy, 547 00:19:47,833 --> 00:19:51,134 and a girl and that boy's brother, 548 00:19:51,234 --> 00:19:53,255 asking them to keep dating each other 549 00:19:53,355 --> 00:19:56,457 because they obviously want to. 550 00:19:56,557 --> 00:19:57,937 - What do you think about this? 551 00:19:58,037 --> 00:19:58,978 - I think this is all very weird. 552 00:19:59,078 --> 00:20:00,619 - Yeah. - Yeah. 553 00:20:00,719 --> 00:20:04,460 But there is nothing hotter than proving my sister wrong. 554 00:20:04,560 --> 00:20:07,222 [Sixpence None the Richer's "Kiss Me" playing] 555 00:20:07,322 --> 00:20:11,704 ♪ ♪ 556 00:20:11,804 --> 00:20:13,184 - ♪ Kiss me ♪ - We don't need a soundtrack. 557 00:20:13,284 --> 00:20:14,545 - No? Okay. 558 00:20:14,645 --> 00:20:16,946 - Chapter 27: The story of Tom's virginity 559 00:20:17,046 --> 00:20:18,267 - ended... - Oh, let me just kind of, sorry. 560 00:20:18,367 --> 00:20:19,667 Wrong button. [chuckles] 561 00:20:19,767 --> 00:20:21,768 Continue. 562 00:20:24,849 --> 00:20:26,190 - Hey, did you know about these two? 563 00:20:26,290 --> 00:20:27,671 - Of course. 564 00:20:27,771 --> 00:20:29,272 - Well, it's been hard to keep it secret. 565 00:20:29,372 --> 00:20:31,573 - I have more secrets than you can possibly imagine. 566 00:20:33,613 --> 00:20:37,435 - So, if they have kids, what would they be to us? 567 00:20:37,535 --> 00:20:38,476 - I looked it up. 568 00:20:38,576 --> 00:20:39,716 It's still just nieces and nephews. 569 00:20:39,816 --> 00:20:41,197 - Well, that's disappointing. 570 00:20:41,297 --> 00:20:43,758 So, all those times you had to leave late at night 571 00:20:43,858 --> 00:20:45,839 were just excuses to go meet up with Connor? 572 00:20:45,939 --> 00:20:47,520 Like, when you had to wait in line 573 00:20:47,620 --> 00:20:49,921 till 3:00 a.m. for a limited edition eyebrow pencil? 574 00:20:50,021 --> 00:20:51,642 - No, that was real, and it was worth it. 575 00:20:51,742 --> 00:20:53,643 - I'm just happy it's all out in the open, 576 00:20:53,743 --> 00:20:55,243 except definitely don't tell the kids. 577 00:20:55,343 --> 00:20:57,004 Yeah, I'm not ready to tell Gretchen yet. 578 00:20:57,104 --> 00:20:58,685 - Lips sealed. - Yeah, of course. 579 00:20:58,785 --> 00:21:00,526 - When are you gonna tell Gretchen? 580 00:21:00,626 --> 00:21:01,726 - Are you kidding me, Tom? 581 00:21:01,826 --> 00:21:03,207 You can't keep a secret from a kid? 582 00:21:03,307 --> 00:21:04,367 - No, I can. 583 00:21:04,467 --> 00:21:05,768 I just have to take all the kids 584 00:21:05,868 --> 00:21:06,969 to a science museum tomorrow, 585 00:21:07,069 --> 00:21:08,729 but I can totally keep it quiet. 586 00:21:08,829 --> 00:21:11,291 - I'll take them. - We'll take them. 587 00:21:11,391 --> 00:21:12,611 And I will not complain about 588 00:21:12,711 --> 00:21:14,812 the very distinct smell in the planetarium, 589 00:21:14,912 --> 00:21:16,373 even though it's really bad. - Unbearable. 590 00:21:16,473 --> 00:21:17,693 - Oh, yes. - So stinky. 591 00:21:17,793 --> 00:21:18,474 - So stinky, right? - The worst. 592 00:21:18,554 --> 00:21:20,555 - Like ham.