1 00:00:01,646 --> 00:00:02,827 - Chapter 15. 2 00:00:02,927 --> 00:00:04,589 The Hayworth siblings usually had Thanksgiving 3 00:00:04,689 --> 00:00:06,191 with their parents in Sacramento, 4 00:00:06,291 --> 00:00:07,913 but this year, they were hosting, 5 00:00:08,013 --> 00:00:09,514 and the pressure was on. 6 00:00:09,614 --> 00:00:11,116 Their mother had seemed down lately, 7 00:00:11,216 --> 00:00:12,097 so they were going above and beyond 8 00:00:12,177 --> 00:00:14,480 to create the perfect day. 9 00:00:14,580 --> 00:00:17,083 - I love that Connor hired a caterer, huh, guys? 10 00:00:17,183 --> 00:00:18,845 - Yeah. It's going to be so easy! 11 00:00:18,945 --> 00:00:20,887 - I mean, it's a little weird that someone else is cooking, 12 00:00:20,987 --> 00:00:24,611 but I guess the real tradition of Thanksgiving is eating. 13 00:00:24,711 --> 00:00:26,813 - The real tradition of Thanksgiving is smallpox 14 00:00:26,913 --> 00:00:28,415 and stolen land. - Yeah. 15 00:00:28,515 --> 00:00:30,417 I guess I kind of walked right into that one, huh? 16 00:00:30,517 --> 00:00:32,540 - Not all facts are fun, Tom. - Okay. 17 00:00:32,640 --> 00:00:36,504 - Ah, two bottles of mezcal? Oh, your sister's coming. 18 00:00:36,604 --> 00:00:37,905 - Yeah. It'll be fine. 19 00:00:38,005 --> 00:00:40,268 It'll be great because it's Thanksgiving, 20 00:00:40,368 --> 00:00:42,871 and she's my sister, and it'll be great. 21 00:00:42,971 --> 00:00:44,272 And I'll be fine. 22 00:00:44,372 --> 00:00:46,034 - Yeah. See? Denise gets it. 23 00:00:46,134 --> 00:00:47,356 Thanksgiving is about family. 24 00:00:47,456 --> 00:00:49,037 It's about traditions. It's about-- 25 00:00:49,137 --> 00:00:51,840 [steel drums playing gently] 26 00:00:51,940 --> 00:00:53,362 - Steel drums? 27 00:00:53,462 --> 00:01:00,370 ♪ ♪ 28 00:01:00,470 --> 00:01:01,771 - What is happening? 29 00:01:01,871 --> 00:01:06,677 - Welcome to the Caribbean! Pilgrim colada? 30 00:01:13,444 --> 00:01:15,266 - Connor, I don't get what happened here. 31 00:01:15,366 --> 00:01:16,748 You thought "traditional Thanksgiving" 32 00:01:16,848 --> 00:01:20,111 and went straight to... Caribbean? 33 00:01:20,211 --> 00:01:21,913 - Well, this is all for Mom, right? 34 00:01:22,013 --> 00:01:23,074 She hasn't been herself lately, 35 00:01:23,174 --> 00:01:24,436 really ever since I had to cancel 36 00:01:24,536 --> 00:01:25,757 that trip to Turks and Caicos 37 00:01:25,857 --> 00:01:27,639 because you guys wanted to be all together 38 00:01:27,739 --> 00:01:29,041 as a family or whatever. 39 00:01:29,141 --> 00:01:30,803 - Yeah, kind of the point of the holiday. 40 00:01:30,903 --> 00:01:32,565 - So I thought to myself, 41 00:01:32,665 --> 00:01:35,088 "If I can't bring Mom to the Turks and the Caicos, 42 00:01:35,188 --> 00:01:37,931 might as well bring the Turks and the Caicos to her." 43 00:01:38,031 --> 00:01:40,654 Mixing it up on the skillet! We got my man, JP. 44 00:01:40,754 --> 00:01:42,255 - It is Jean Pierre. 45 00:01:42,355 --> 00:01:44,458 - He's the best private Caribbean chef in town. 46 00:01:44,558 --> 00:01:47,741 He cooks for Christian Bale. JP, hit them with the menu. 47 00:01:47,841 --> 00:01:51,025 - We have conch fritters in a tomato vinaigrette, 48 00:01:51,125 --> 00:01:53,708 followed by a slow-roasted jerk turkey 49 00:01:53,808 --> 00:01:56,190 and a simple goat water. 50 00:01:56,290 --> 00:01:58,953 - Connor, this is so, so great. 51 00:01:59,053 --> 00:02:02,477 And, Jean Pierre, thank you for sharing your culture with us. 52 00:02:02,577 --> 00:02:03,879 - Mm. 53 00:02:03,979 --> 00:02:05,441 - Merci. 54 00:02:05,541 --> 00:02:07,162 - We're not doing regular turkey? 55 00:02:07,262 --> 00:02:09,405 What about Mom's creamed onion casserole? 56 00:02:09,505 --> 00:02:12,008 We wanna do all mom stuff, you know, the classics. 57 00:02:12,108 --> 00:02:13,810 - Okay, yeah, no, I'm a little conflicted here 58 00:02:13,910 --> 00:02:17,373 because I do like moving away from Euro-centric paradigm-- 59 00:02:17,473 --> 00:02:19,456 - This guy was really hard to book, okay? 60 00:02:19,556 --> 00:02:22,539 He cooks for Christian Bale! - Why is that a selling point? 61 00:02:22,639 --> 00:02:23,880 - Yeah, how many times a week does Christian Bale 62 00:02:23,961 --> 00:02:24,982 eat Caribbean food? 63 00:02:25,082 --> 00:02:26,463 - Can we just try to enjoy this day? 64 00:02:26,563 --> 00:02:28,185 For Mom. 65 00:02:28,285 --> 00:02:29,907 - Totally. I'm easy. Yup. 66 00:02:30,007 --> 00:02:31,309 - For Mom. - Cool. 67 00:02:31,409 --> 00:02:32,910 - Okay. 68 00:02:33,010 --> 00:02:34,672 - Hey, Jean Pierre. Hey, buddy. 69 00:02:34,772 --> 00:02:35,954 I noticed you got 70 00:02:36,054 --> 00:02:37,275 a couple spare onions kicking around here. 71 00:02:37,375 --> 00:02:38,516 - What about cooking those grits 72 00:02:38,616 --> 00:02:39,558 in a plant-based oil, huh? 73 00:02:39,658 --> 00:02:41,119 - I do things a certain way. 74 00:02:41,219 --> 00:02:42,160 - Totally. - Yeah. 75 00:02:42,260 --> 00:02:43,322 No, well, we respect that. 76 00:02:43,422 --> 00:02:46,005 - Understood. Yeah. 77 00:02:46,105 --> 00:02:47,406 - But do you have any marshmallows? 78 00:02:47,506 --> 00:02:49,288 You got to have yams with marshmallows, right? 79 00:02:49,388 --> 00:02:50,730 - [growls] 80 00:02:50,830 --> 00:02:53,012 - [slurps drink] 81 00:02:53,112 --> 00:02:55,855 I am loving this Thanksgiving! 82 00:02:55,955 --> 00:02:58,939 No cooking, alcohol in a pineapple. 83 00:02:59,039 --> 00:03:00,981 Viva Turks and Caicos. 84 00:03:01,081 --> 00:03:03,584 Do you wanna go walk barefoot in the sand? 85 00:03:03,684 --> 00:03:07,188 It's basically a free pedicure. 86 00:03:07,288 --> 00:03:09,330 Denise? Free pedi? 87 00:03:10,291 --> 00:03:14,155 - Sorry. I was just mentally preparing for Joanne. 88 00:03:14,255 --> 00:03:15,597 - Oh, I thought her name was JoJo? 89 00:03:15,697 --> 00:03:18,880 - The Internet calls her JoJo, which is a child's name. 90 00:03:18,980 --> 00:03:20,442 I didn't even want her to be here. 91 00:03:20,542 --> 00:03:22,604 Usually she just goes back to Tampa, 92 00:03:22,704 --> 00:03:24,607 but our parents are on another Jimmy Buffett Cruise, 93 00:03:24,707 --> 00:03:26,048 so they asked me to invite her. 94 00:03:26,148 --> 00:03:27,890 - Come on. It's Thanksgiving. 95 00:03:27,990 --> 00:03:31,734 Maybe this is a perfect time for you two to clear the slate. 96 00:03:31,834 --> 00:03:35,458 Wouldn't it feel great to repair that family bond? 97 00:03:35,558 --> 00:03:36,900 - Don't you have a brother you never call? 98 00:03:37,000 --> 00:03:38,261 - That's different. He's awful. 99 00:03:38,361 --> 00:03:39,543 [doorbell rings] 100 00:03:39,643 --> 00:03:41,645 - Oh, God. 101 00:03:44,328 --> 00:03:45,229 - Easy there. 102 00:03:45,329 --> 00:03:47,151 You're gonna get a brain freeze. 103 00:03:47,251 --> 00:03:51,596 - That's what I'm going for. 104 00:03:51,696 --> 00:03:53,718 - [screams] Denise! 105 00:03:53,818 --> 00:03:55,720 Sara! Look at my two gorgeous gay sisters! 106 00:03:55,820 --> 00:03:59,084 - Oh. You can just say sisters. 107 00:03:59,184 --> 00:04:01,447 - Joanne, also known as JoJo, 108 00:04:01,547 --> 00:04:03,569 was Denise's carefree younger sister. 109 00:04:03,669 --> 00:04:05,571 Emphasis on the carefree. 110 00:04:05,671 --> 00:04:08,214 She called herself a travel influencer, 111 00:04:08,314 --> 00:04:09,335 whatever that meant. 112 00:04:09,435 --> 00:04:10,336 Like most siblings, 113 00:04:10,436 --> 00:04:11,898 Denise loved her sister, 114 00:04:11,998 --> 00:04:13,500 but she didn't always like her. 115 00:04:13,600 --> 00:04:15,902 - Oh, wow. That's so nice. 116 00:04:16,002 --> 00:04:16,923 You didn't have to bring anything. 117 00:04:17,003 --> 00:04:18,665 - Hmm? Oh! 118 00:04:18,765 --> 00:04:21,348 This is just trash from my car. Can you do something with it? 119 00:04:21,448 --> 00:04:22,510 - Hi. - Aloha! 120 00:04:22,610 --> 00:04:24,472 - Hey! - Hello, Hayworth clan. 121 00:04:24,572 --> 00:04:25,993 It has been years! 122 00:04:26,093 --> 00:04:28,556 Connor, Tom, looking fine as ever. 123 00:04:28,656 --> 00:04:30,558 - Happy Thanksgiving. - Welcome to the islands. 124 00:04:30,658 --> 00:04:32,400 - And, Marina, you look so good, 125 00:04:32,500 --> 00:04:34,563 I thought Tom left you and married a younger woman! 126 00:04:34,663 --> 00:04:38,046 - Oh, stop! 127 00:04:38,146 --> 00:04:39,768 I mean, thank you so much, Joanne. 128 00:04:39,868 --> 00:04:41,650 - Auntie! - Up here! 129 00:04:41,750 --> 00:04:43,532 - Kelvin? Shamiah? 130 00:04:43,632 --> 00:04:45,655 When did you two get so grown? 131 00:04:45,755 --> 00:04:48,017 Hey, you wanna watch me make a TikTok? 132 00:04:48,117 --> 00:04:49,539 - Yes! - Yeah! 133 00:04:49,639 --> 00:04:51,541 - Oh, we try to limit their social media. 134 00:04:51,641 --> 00:04:55,385 - Oh, me too. 12 hours a day max. 135 00:04:55,485 --> 00:04:57,347 Now, where can I get one of those pineapples? 136 00:04:57,447 --> 00:04:58,669 - Right this way. 137 00:04:58,769 --> 00:05:01,432 - So, remember, it's just one day. 138 00:05:01,532 --> 00:05:03,034 And today is supposed to be about family. 139 00:05:03,134 --> 00:05:04,395 - Yes. - So... oh, my God. 140 00:05:04,495 --> 00:05:08,039 Stupid Connor and his stupid sand! 141 00:05:08,139 --> 00:05:09,641 What was I saying? 142 00:05:09,741 --> 00:05:13,044 - Family. - Right. Family. So important. 143 00:05:13,144 --> 00:05:15,367 - So important. Yeah. - Yeah. 144 00:05:15,467 --> 00:05:18,931 - What up, Japes? We almost done with the... 145 00:05:19,031 --> 00:05:20,132 Oh, what's that smell? 146 00:05:20,232 --> 00:05:22,415 Is that creamed onion casserole? 147 00:05:22,515 --> 00:05:26,139 - That is the smell of tradition... and onions. 148 00:05:26,239 --> 00:05:27,540 I asked him to make that. 149 00:05:27,640 --> 00:05:28,621 - I thought you said you were good. 150 00:05:28,721 --> 00:05:30,664 - I was good. Now I'm great 151 00:05:30,764 --> 00:05:32,305 since we're adding some of the Hayworth stuff in the mix. 152 00:05:32,405 --> 00:05:33,467 - It's just, Connor, we agreed to catering, 153 00:05:33,567 --> 00:05:35,389 not necessarily Caribbean catering. 154 00:05:35,489 --> 00:05:37,431 Although, we love your culture and appreciate the diversity 155 00:05:37,531 --> 00:05:38,953 we're adding to our holiday. 156 00:05:39,053 --> 00:05:40,755 - Mm. 157 00:05:40,855 --> 00:05:42,877 - Look, I paid for JP, 158 00:05:42,977 --> 00:05:44,839 which means I'm in charge here, okay? 159 00:05:44,939 --> 00:05:47,001 JP, can we throw in some, maybe some pineapples in here? 160 00:05:47,101 --> 00:05:48,443 - You know what? His name is Jean Pierre. 161 00:05:48,543 --> 00:05:49,564 And that's gross. 162 00:05:49,664 --> 00:05:51,566 - Creamed onion casserole is gross. 163 00:05:51,666 --> 00:05:53,368 - So because it's your money we don't get a say 164 00:05:53,468 --> 00:05:54,730 in our own family traditions? That's gross! 165 00:05:54,830 --> 00:05:55,771 - Hey, Sarah. - Connor! 166 00:05:55,871 --> 00:05:57,573 - This is embarrassing! 167 00:05:57,673 --> 00:05:58,734 - Let go. Your being ridiculous. 168 00:05:58,834 --> 00:06:00,336 - Hey, you're being--stop it. Stop. 169 00:06:00,436 --> 00:06:01,477 - You're both being ridiculous! - I'm being ridiculous? 170 00:06:01,557 --> 00:06:02,538 I'm--I'm trying to help! 171 00:06:02,638 --> 00:06:04,640 - Oh! 172 00:06:06,643 --> 00:06:08,505 [doorbell rings] 173 00:06:08,605 --> 00:06:10,227 all: Mom. 174 00:06:10,327 --> 00:06:11,308 - Okay. So sorry. 175 00:06:11,408 --> 00:06:13,410 Sorry. Sorry. 176 00:06:14,852 --> 00:06:17,094 - So sorry. 177 00:06:18,215 --> 00:06:19,196 - Connor's ruining Thanksgiving. 178 00:06:19,296 --> 00:06:20,718 - These two are being so annoying. 179 00:06:20,818 --> 00:06:22,039 - Okay, first, let me say, 180 00:06:22,139 --> 00:06:23,441 cultural diversity is essential, but-- 181 00:06:23,541 --> 00:06:25,683 - It's all over for me. 182 00:06:25,783 --> 00:06:27,485 - Your mother got some bad news. 183 00:06:27,585 --> 00:06:30,369 - Mom, what's going on? - I can't talk about it. 184 00:06:30,469 --> 00:06:32,971 - Oh, my God. Oh, my God. She's got melanoma. 185 00:06:33,071 --> 00:06:34,573 She sits outside in the sun like a raisin. 186 00:06:34,673 --> 00:06:36,215 Of course, she's got melanoma. 187 00:06:36,315 --> 00:06:37,737 - Why would your mind immediately go there? 188 00:06:37,837 --> 00:06:39,899 It's probably her colon. - Guys, stop fighting! 189 00:06:39,999 --> 00:06:42,061 The important thing is, Mom is dying! 190 00:06:42,161 --> 00:06:43,623 - It's none of those things. It's worse! 191 00:06:43,723 --> 00:06:45,725 I didn't get menopause! 192 00:06:48,248 --> 00:06:49,509 - We're going to have a baby brother? 193 00:06:49,609 --> 00:06:50,831 - The musical. 194 00:06:50,931 --> 00:06:52,993 I wasn't cast in "Menopause: The Musical!" 195 00:06:53,093 --> 00:06:54,234 - Oh, my God, Mom. 196 00:06:54,334 --> 00:06:55,596 - Mom, we thought you were dying. 197 00:06:55,696 --> 00:06:57,758 - It's the death of my career! 198 00:06:57,858 --> 00:07:00,361 I'm too old for "Menopause"? Then there are no roles left. 199 00:07:00,461 --> 00:07:02,644 Who am I if I'm not treading the boards? 200 00:07:02,744 --> 00:07:04,205 - I think it's trodding? 201 00:07:04,305 --> 00:07:07,209 - Mom, look, Turks and Caicos! 202 00:07:07,309 --> 00:07:10,372 - I'm not in the mood. - Come here. 203 00:07:10,472 --> 00:07:11,573 - Well, should we return the sand? 204 00:07:11,673 --> 00:07:12,975 - Forget about the sand. 205 00:07:13,075 --> 00:07:14,777 - I wish I could. It's 2,000 pounds of sand. 206 00:07:14,877 --> 00:07:17,780 - Guys, this is serious. She's in a really bad place. 207 00:07:17,880 --> 00:07:19,102 We need to make today great for Mom. 208 00:07:19,202 --> 00:07:20,783 - Okay. Yeah. 209 00:07:20,883 --> 00:07:23,426 I mean, normally Thanksgiving is our special day of fighting, 210 00:07:23,526 --> 00:07:25,468 but I say we just put that aside for today. 211 00:07:25,568 --> 00:07:26,870 - Agreed. - Mm-hmm. 212 00:07:26,970 --> 00:07:28,392 - Now, if you two can stop bickering about the food 213 00:07:28,492 --> 00:07:31,475 and let Jean Pierre do his job, we can comfort Mom. 214 00:07:31,575 --> 00:07:32,596 - Okay. Can we-- - Hey, but you're the one-- 215 00:07:32,696 --> 00:07:33,998 - Ah-bap-bap-bap. 216 00:07:34,098 --> 00:07:35,559 - Oh-- - Bap. 217 00:07:35,659 --> 00:07:38,042 [light music] 218 00:07:38,142 --> 00:07:39,323 Mom. 219 00:07:39,423 --> 00:07:42,607 ♪ ♪ 220 00:07:42,707 --> 00:07:44,209 - Hey, sweetie. You seen the chef? 221 00:07:44,309 --> 00:07:45,811 - He left out the back. 222 00:07:45,911 --> 00:07:47,372 He said you were the worst people he's ever cooked for, 223 00:07:47,472 --> 00:07:49,775 and he cooked for Christian Bale. 224 00:07:49,875 --> 00:07:51,897 - Okay. This is fine. 225 00:07:51,997 --> 00:07:53,339 - Not a big deal. We can handle this. 226 00:07:53,439 --> 00:07:54,620 - We can cook dinner ourselves. 227 00:07:54,720 --> 00:07:56,022 I mean, he left us all the ingredients. 228 00:07:56,122 --> 00:07:57,103 - Yeah. - Yeah. 229 00:07:57,203 --> 00:07:59,986 - Yeah. 230 00:08:00,086 --> 00:08:01,748 - We're worse than Christian Bale? 231 00:08:01,848 --> 00:08:03,470 - So, basically, what I'm doing now is a mix 232 00:08:03,570 --> 00:08:05,432 of, like, product ambassador, 233 00:08:05,532 --> 00:08:08,916 content creator and, like, overall multi-hyphenate. 234 00:08:09,016 --> 00:08:11,318 - Ah! So many roles. 235 00:08:11,418 --> 00:08:13,040 So it pays well? 236 00:08:13,140 --> 00:08:15,082 - Well, it's not always money per se. 237 00:08:15,182 --> 00:08:16,924 It's usually perks like offer codes, 238 00:08:17,024 --> 00:08:19,407 party invites, free diet soup. 239 00:08:19,507 --> 00:08:20,849 - Oh. 240 00:08:20,949 --> 00:08:22,410 So you're still being subsidized by Mom and Dad? 241 00:08:22,510 --> 00:08:24,252 - I'm building my brand, Denise. 242 00:08:24,352 --> 00:08:25,454 - She's building her brand. 243 00:08:25,554 --> 00:08:28,417 - Oh, yeah? And that's the brand of... 244 00:08:28,517 --> 00:08:29,898 I'm sorry. What skill do you possess? 245 00:08:29,998 --> 00:08:31,620 I know it's not graphic design, 246 00:08:31,720 --> 00:08:33,262 because you dropped out of school after one semester. 247 00:08:33,362 --> 00:08:35,545 - Hey, is the drummer playing Chaka Khan? 248 00:08:35,645 --> 00:08:37,347 - It's the skill of building an audience. 249 00:08:37,447 --> 00:08:39,068 And Mom and Dad aren't subsidizing me, 250 00:08:39,168 --> 00:08:40,870 they're investing in me. 251 00:08:40,970 --> 00:08:42,112 - Oh. Wanna know the last time 252 00:08:42,212 --> 00:08:43,714 Mom and Dad spent money on me? 253 00:08:43,814 --> 00:08:45,556 I was 11, and I wanted a soda. 254 00:08:45,656 --> 00:08:48,759 - Speaking of childhood, should we go check in on the kids? 255 00:08:48,859 --> 00:08:50,861 - Yeah. I'll go. 256 00:08:53,184 --> 00:08:55,046 - I know. Clear the slate. 257 00:08:55,146 --> 00:08:56,287 It just drives me crazy 258 00:08:56,387 --> 00:08:57,649 how much our parents enable her. 259 00:08:57,749 --> 00:09:00,131 And it's not like they have money to spare. 260 00:09:00,231 --> 00:09:02,093 Mm! - Brain freeze? 261 00:09:02,193 --> 00:09:04,336 - Yes! Finally. 262 00:09:04,436 --> 00:09:06,698 - Okay. Connor, you chop vegetables. 263 00:09:06,798 --> 00:09:08,100 Sarah, gravy? 264 00:09:08,200 --> 00:09:09,862 - Okay. Yeah. 265 00:09:09,962 --> 00:09:13,586 [upbeat music] 266 00:09:13,686 --> 00:09:15,688 - Oh! 267 00:09:16,009 --> 00:09:18,011 - Oh, yeah. 268 00:09:19,773 --> 00:09:20,874 Nice. 269 00:09:20,974 --> 00:09:22,275 - Hey hey hey! 270 00:09:22,375 --> 00:09:24,638 - That's not-- both: Oh. 271 00:09:24,738 --> 00:09:26,080 [oven bell dings] - Oh! 272 00:09:26,180 --> 00:09:28,342 - Moment of truth. 273 00:09:30,024 --> 00:09:32,026 - Oh! - Smells good. 274 00:09:33,067 --> 00:09:35,209 - Guys, are we pulling this off? 275 00:09:35,309 --> 00:09:38,113 - These yams look, dare I say, delicioso. 276 00:09:39,034 --> 00:09:40,896 - I think I'm, like, a legit chef. 277 00:09:40,996 --> 00:09:43,539 - Mom's going to love this. Mom, you're going to love this! 278 00:09:43,639 --> 00:09:45,381 - Coming. 279 00:09:45,481 --> 00:09:46,742 It's hard to hustle with one foot in the grave. 280 00:09:46,842 --> 00:09:48,184 What is it? 281 00:09:48,284 --> 00:09:49,545 - Ta-da! 282 00:09:49,645 --> 00:09:51,587 - It's a work in progress, but... 283 00:09:51,687 --> 00:09:52,909 - You did all this yourselves? 284 00:09:53,009 --> 00:09:54,350 - Just the three of us. 285 00:09:54,450 --> 00:09:56,393 - We made Thanksgiving on our own! 286 00:09:56,493 --> 00:09:58,915 - First the theater doesn't need me, 287 00:09:59,015 --> 00:10:01,718 and now my own children. 288 00:10:01,818 --> 00:10:04,682 I'm useless. Useless! 289 00:10:04,782 --> 00:10:06,824 [sobbing] 290 00:10:14,592 --> 00:10:17,896 - Muriel, come on, now. 291 00:10:17,996 --> 00:10:20,178 - What--what are you doing? 292 00:10:20,278 --> 00:10:22,941 - Two generations of hotties on a beautiful beach? 293 00:10:23,041 --> 00:10:25,044 This is premium content! 294 00:10:26,365 --> 00:10:28,668 Okay. I see you, Muriel. 295 00:10:28,768 --> 00:10:31,270 Turn up. Sad girl fall. 296 00:10:31,370 --> 00:10:33,953 Hmm, this is so tragic. 297 00:10:34,053 --> 00:10:36,476 - You may think you and your sister have nothing in common, 298 00:10:36,576 --> 00:10:38,919 but you share one key thing. 299 00:10:39,019 --> 00:10:40,440 - Ready to reject whatever this is. 300 00:10:40,540 --> 00:10:42,543 - You both have good hearts. 301 00:10:43,864 --> 00:10:46,327 - Maybe. 302 00:10:46,427 --> 00:10:47,768 She is trying to cheer Muriel up, 303 00:10:47,868 --> 00:10:49,290 which is more than what we're doing. 304 00:10:49,390 --> 00:10:50,812 - Just talk to her. 305 00:10:50,912 --> 00:10:52,213 It would be nice to have 306 00:10:52,313 --> 00:10:55,236 at least one heartwarming family moment today. 307 00:10:57,199 --> 00:11:00,582 - Hey-o. What's clucking, turkeys? 308 00:11:00,682 --> 00:11:02,945 - I don't think it's going to come from Marshall. 309 00:11:03,045 --> 00:11:04,667 - Yeah. 310 00:11:04,767 --> 00:11:06,509 - Mind if we switch over to the game? 311 00:11:06,609 --> 00:11:07,950 - Not now. The toy group is about to go on. 312 00:11:08,050 --> 00:11:09,472 - Yeah, Shamiah, honey, 313 00:11:09,572 --> 00:11:10,673 Thanksgiving tradition is clear. 314 00:11:10,773 --> 00:11:11,995 We watch football. 315 00:11:12,095 --> 00:11:14,838 This is not a day to watch... 316 00:11:14,938 --> 00:11:19,763 oh, the most cuddly ball of fur I've ever seen. 317 00:11:19,863 --> 00:11:21,645 - It's an Affenpinscher. - You've got to be 318 00:11:21,745 --> 00:11:23,487 affin' kidding me. 319 00:11:23,587 --> 00:11:26,290 Oh, I just want to hug that little guy. 320 00:11:26,390 --> 00:11:28,933 [steel drums playing moodily] 321 00:11:29,033 --> 00:11:30,655 ♪ ♪ 322 00:11:30,755 --> 00:11:33,098 - Hey, man, maybe play something a little more upbeat? 323 00:11:33,198 --> 00:11:36,101 [playing upbeat music] 324 00:11:36,201 --> 00:11:38,383 ♪ ♪ 325 00:11:38,483 --> 00:11:40,486 - Okay. Maybe just take a five? 326 00:11:42,448 --> 00:11:43,629 - Mom, we're sorry we upset you. 327 00:11:43,729 --> 00:11:45,511 - Yeah, we just wanted to make you proud. 328 00:11:45,611 --> 00:11:48,354 - It's not your fault. And I am proud of you. 329 00:11:48,454 --> 00:11:51,838 I raised three beautiful, self-sufficient children 330 00:11:51,938 --> 00:11:55,462 who don't need me and won't miss me when I die. 331 00:11:57,384 --> 00:11:58,325 - Mom... - No, thank you. 332 00:11:58,425 --> 00:11:59,606 I don't need it. - No, let us... 333 00:11:59,706 --> 00:12:00,688 - I don't need it! Thank you. 334 00:12:00,788 --> 00:12:03,931 - Oh, no. I hate when she does this. 335 00:12:04,031 --> 00:12:05,933 - We did too good a job. We made her feel unnecessary. 336 00:12:06,033 --> 00:12:07,535 - Almost like she would have been happier 337 00:12:07,635 --> 00:12:09,537 if we just ruined Thanksgiving. 338 00:12:09,637 --> 00:12:11,059 - I think the Pilgrims ruined it just fine. 339 00:12:11,159 --> 00:12:12,621 - The Pilgrims invented Thanksgiving. 340 00:12:12,721 --> 00:12:15,363 - Not now. How do we make her feel better? 341 00:12:16,605 --> 00:12:18,067 - Wait a second. 342 00:12:18,167 --> 00:12:20,109 What if we did ruin Thanksgiving? 343 00:12:20,209 --> 00:12:22,591 We trash one dish, tell her we screwed up. 344 00:12:22,691 --> 00:12:24,353 She has to swoop in, fix it, save the day. 345 00:12:24,453 --> 00:12:25,715 - I love that! Okay. 346 00:12:25,815 --> 00:12:27,817 So which dish should we ruin? 347 00:12:28,418 --> 00:12:30,200 - Uh... - No! Not my green beans. 348 00:12:30,300 --> 00:12:31,842 Come on, what about Tom's gross casserole? 349 00:12:31,942 --> 00:12:33,523 - Yeah, that's fine by me. That thing is gross. 350 00:12:33,623 --> 00:12:35,926 - It's incredibly gross, but it's tradition. 351 00:12:36,026 --> 00:12:38,929 [light tense music] 352 00:12:39,029 --> 00:12:41,212 ♪ ♪ 353 00:12:41,312 --> 00:12:43,314 - Get out--no! 354 00:12:44,435 --> 00:12:45,777 Stop it, Thomas! 355 00:12:45,877 --> 00:12:50,101 ♪ ♪ 356 00:12:50,201 --> 00:12:51,743 - Hey, can we talk for a second? 357 00:12:51,843 --> 00:12:54,386 - What, are you upset because Mom and Dad gave me their car? 358 00:12:54,486 --> 00:12:57,169 - They gave you their car? 359 00:12:58,250 --> 00:13:00,593 Mm. [breathes deeply] 360 00:13:00,693 --> 00:13:05,798 Okay. Uh, Joanne, I... 361 00:13:05,898 --> 00:13:11,044 JoJo, I feel like I've been unfair. 362 00:13:11,144 --> 00:13:14,928 I know that I'm super critical of you and your lifestyle 363 00:13:15,028 --> 00:13:17,731 and your career and your relationships... 364 00:13:17,831 --> 00:13:19,613 - You can just say et cetera. 365 00:13:19,713 --> 00:13:22,917 - Well, I just wanted to say I'm... 366 00:13:25,079 --> 00:13:27,081 Sorry. 367 00:13:27,642 --> 00:13:28,984 Hmm. 368 00:13:29,084 --> 00:13:30,105 - What are you doing? 369 00:13:30,205 --> 00:13:31,947 - Shh! 370 00:13:32,047 --> 00:13:35,351 I'm bringing people together. 371 00:13:35,451 --> 00:13:37,913 - I just feel like we're so different. 372 00:13:38,013 --> 00:13:39,395 [cell phone chimes] 373 00:13:39,495 --> 00:13:41,998 We just have, um, different paths in life... 374 00:13:42,098 --> 00:13:43,159 [cell phone chimes] 375 00:13:43,259 --> 00:13:44,601 And different... 376 00:13:44,701 --> 00:13:45,762 [cell phone chimes] 377 00:13:45,862 --> 00:13:47,404 Values. [cell phone chiming] 378 00:13:47,504 --> 00:13:49,246 - Do you need to get that? - No. 379 00:13:49,346 --> 00:13:51,348 I mean, if you don't mind. 380 00:13:53,110 --> 00:13:54,451 Oh, my God! 381 00:13:54,551 --> 00:13:55,613 - What? Did Dad have a heart attack? 382 00:13:55,713 --> 00:13:57,415 - Kelvin and Shamiah are going viral! 383 00:13:57,515 --> 00:13:59,657 - Viral how? - I made a video of them 384 00:13:59,757 --> 00:14:01,219 going to town in Gretchen's candy room. 385 00:14:01,319 --> 00:14:03,761 You need to monetize these likes. 386 00:14:05,403 --> 00:14:07,185 - You want me to monetize my children? 387 00:14:07,285 --> 00:14:10,068 - Yeah. Deadass. Tweens make bank on TikTok. 388 00:14:10,168 --> 00:14:11,990 - I can't believe you posted my kids online 389 00:14:12,090 --> 00:14:13,752 without my permission! 390 00:14:13,852 --> 00:14:15,795 - We were just having fun. What is the big deal? 391 00:14:15,895 --> 00:14:18,037 - The big deal is that you don't think about anyone else, 392 00:14:18,137 --> 00:14:19,719 and I'm sick of it. 393 00:14:19,819 --> 00:14:21,561 I can't believe I was apologizing to you... 394 00:14:21,661 --> 00:14:22,802 deadass! 395 00:14:22,902 --> 00:14:24,084 - That's not how you use that. 396 00:14:24,184 --> 00:14:26,206 Ugh, this is typical Denise. 397 00:14:26,306 --> 00:14:28,288 Always judgy. Always uptight. 398 00:14:28,388 --> 00:14:29,650 - You think I want to get this uptight? 399 00:14:29,750 --> 00:14:32,092 You think I wouldn't love to just be on a pier all day 400 00:14:32,192 --> 00:14:33,454 learning how to play the mandolin? 401 00:14:33,554 --> 00:14:35,216 I would love to play the mandolin! 402 00:14:35,316 --> 00:14:38,579 - It's a lute, and I'm getting really good. 403 00:14:38,679 --> 00:14:40,501 - Well, I can't do that because I'm a grown-up, 404 00:14:40,601 --> 00:14:42,103 and have responsibilities. 405 00:14:42,203 --> 00:14:45,106 And unlike you, I have a little think called shame. 406 00:14:45,206 --> 00:14:47,309 - Damn, Denise, if this is really how you feel, 407 00:14:47,409 --> 00:14:48,750 why did you even invite me here? 408 00:14:48,850 --> 00:14:50,853 - Because Mom and Dad made me, and I should have said no. 409 00:14:52,855 --> 00:14:54,036 - Wow. 410 00:14:54,136 --> 00:14:56,999 [punchy music] 411 00:14:57,099 --> 00:14:59,082 ♪ ♪ 412 00:14:59,182 --> 00:15:01,184 - [quietly] Go, go. 413 00:15:01,985 --> 00:15:03,286 [all groan] 414 00:15:03,386 --> 00:15:05,368 - Come on! What kind of call was that? 415 00:15:05,468 --> 00:15:06,850 If that Boxer snout is not breed standard, 416 00:15:06,950 --> 00:15:08,492 I don't know what is! 417 00:15:08,592 --> 00:15:11,375 - I told you Sanchez has a bias against working dogs. 418 00:15:11,475 --> 00:15:13,818 - Yeah, well, 50 bucks says the Brussels Griffon 419 00:15:13,918 --> 00:15:15,099 is going to take Best in Show. 420 00:15:15,199 --> 00:15:17,201 - I'll take your money, old man. 421 00:15:19,203 --> 00:15:20,905 - Nope. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. 422 00:15:21,005 --> 00:15:22,547 - Okay. Guys, guys, guys, guys. 423 00:15:22,647 --> 00:15:25,711 Let's just... let's just settle this like adults. 424 00:15:25,811 --> 00:15:29,395 - Yes, let's relax and calmly destroy this meal for Mom. 425 00:15:29,495 --> 00:15:32,318 - Whoa. Hey! No. 426 00:15:32,418 --> 00:15:34,600 Look, if anything, we should destroy the casserole, right? 427 00:15:34,700 --> 00:15:36,242 That's what made Mom cry. - No, No, no, no, no, no, no. 428 00:15:36,342 --> 00:15:37,764 - You and your stupid traditions! 429 00:15:37,864 --> 00:15:40,407 - Your only tradition is criticizing other traditions! 430 00:15:40,507 --> 00:15:42,168 Look, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys. 431 00:15:42,268 --> 00:15:44,091 - What? 432 00:15:44,191 --> 00:15:46,213 - Is--you smell something burning? 433 00:15:46,313 --> 00:15:47,574 - Oh, God! - Oh, no, no, no! 434 00:15:47,674 --> 00:15:48,736 - Oh! All right... 435 00:15:48,836 --> 00:15:50,297 Uh... 436 00:15:50,397 --> 00:15:51,619 - Okay... - Aah! 437 00:15:51,719 --> 00:15:53,621 - Oh! 438 00:15:53,721 --> 00:15:55,783 - Oh, God! It got worse! - It's so much worse! 439 00:15:55,883 --> 00:15:56,985 - Uh, look, uh, Lupe said 440 00:15:57,085 --> 00:15:58,506 there's a fire extinguisher somewhere. 441 00:15:58,606 --> 00:15:59,868 - Okay. What do we do? What do we do? What do we do? 442 00:15:59,968 --> 00:16:01,149 - What do we do? What do we do? - You're the oldest! 443 00:16:01,249 --> 00:16:02,991 - Sand! Get as much as you can! 444 00:16:03,091 --> 00:16:04,393 - Okay! 445 00:16:04,493 --> 00:16:06,034 - Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on! 446 00:16:06,134 --> 00:16:08,277 - Okay. Okay. Okay. Oh my God. 447 00:16:08,377 --> 00:16:10,199 - Why isn't it going out? Mom! 448 00:16:10,299 --> 00:16:11,640 - Coming in hot! 449 00:16:11,740 --> 00:16:15,244 ♪ ♪ 450 00:16:15,344 --> 00:16:16,646 [smoke alarm beeping] 451 00:16:16,746 --> 00:16:18,087 Yeah! 452 00:16:18,187 --> 00:16:20,010 Whoo! 453 00:16:20,110 --> 00:16:23,113 [smoke alarm beeping] 454 00:16:28,479 --> 00:16:29,740 - What have you done? 455 00:16:29,840 --> 00:16:31,842 - Sorry, Mom. 456 00:16:32,924 --> 00:16:35,386 [gentle music] 457 00:16:35,486 --> 00:16:38,309 ♪ ♪ 458 00:16:38,409 --> 00:16:40,392 - Okay. Mom's in charge now. 459 00:16:40,492 --> 00:16:41,873 Come on, everyone, we have a dinner to produce. 460 00:16:41,973 --> 00:16:43,715 Tom, you're on silverware. Sarah, find me 461 00:16:43,815 --> 00:16:46,679 whatever spices you have in this tiny little kitchen. 462 00:16:46,779 --> 00:16:49,642 - Mom's back. 463 00:16:49,742 --> 00:16:50,803 - So you were right. 464 00:16:50,903 --> 00:16:54,928 The Pomeranian dominated. College fund. 465 00:16:55,028 --> 00:16:57,931 - Okay, I got this, I got this, okay? 466 00:16:58,031 --> 00:16:59,813 - Special day of drinking? - Special day of drinking. 467 00:16:59,913 --> 00:17:02,856 ♪ ♪ 468 00:17:02,956 --> 00:17:04,578 - What exactly is this? 469 00:17:04,678 --> 00:17:06,941 - Spaghetti casserole with a vegan corn dog crust. 470 00:17:07,041 --> 00:17:08,502 We have limited options. 471 00:17:08,602 --> 00:17:10,384 - It smells great, Mom. 472 00:17:10,484 --> 00:17:12,387 - Hey, I'm sorry about your kitchen. 473 00:17:12,487 --> 00:17:14,789 - Lupe's going to kill me. - Stop the chit-chat, people! 474 00:17:14,889 --> 00:17:16,911 Let's go! Move it! Move it! Move it! Come on! Let's go! Go! 475 00:17:17,011 --> 00:17:18,713 Get the lead out! 476 00:17:18,813 --> 00:17:22,478 ♪ ♪ 477 00:17:22,578 --> 00:17:24,600 - Hey. 478 00:17:24,700 --> 00:17:27,083 - [groans] Don't worry. I am heading out soon. 479 00:17:27,183 --> 00:17:28,884 I'm just seeing if any Black Friday deals 480 00:17:28,984 --> 00:17:30,767 have started. 481 00:17:30,867 --> 00:17:36,733 - Um, look, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. 482 00:17:36,833 --> 00:17:39,216 For real this time. 483 00:17:39,316 --> 00:17:42,219 I guess a part of me is jealous of your life 484 00:17:42,319 --> 00:17:45,943 because you get to do whatever you want. 485 00:17:46,043 --> 00:17:47,345 Even when we were kids, 486 00:17:47,445 --> 00:17:49,447 our parents never asked anything of you. 487 00:17:51,209 --> 00:17:53,912 - Because they never expected anything from me. 488 00:17:54,012 --> 00:17:56,234 You're their golden child. 489 00:17:56,334 --> 00:17:59,077 Yes, I can get into whatever club I want, 490 00:17:59,177 --> 00:18:01,200 I get free bikinis sent to me, 491 00:18:01,300 --> 00:18:02,921 I've literally never paid for brunch... 492 00:18:03,021 --> 00:18:04,323 - I hope this is heading somewhere. 493 00:18:04,423 --> 00:18:08,888 - But I have always been jealous of you. 494 00:18:08,988 --> 00:18:10,530 - For what? 495 00:18:10,630 --> 00:18:13,112 - Because you have everything that matters. 496 00:18:13,753 --> 00:18:16,376 A beautiful family, a meaningful job, 497 00:18:16,476 --> 00:18:18,478 a loving wife and crap. 498 00:18:20,320 --> 00:18:22,863 But I don't have any of that. 499 00:18:22,963 --> 00:18:25,906 I'm just... broke and single. 500 00:18:26,006 --> 00:18:28,269 Hot, broke and single. 501 00:18:28,369 --> 00:18:31,252 - Well, in the spirit of Thanksgiving... 502 00:18:32,173 --> 00:18:33,555 - In the spirit of Thanksgiving. 503 00:18:33,655 --> 00:18:36,218 - Oh! - Oh. 504 00:18:37,259 --> 00:18:39,081 - Sorry. 505 00:18:39,181 --> 00:18:42,264 Sorry, I just wanted some, uh--some fresh air. 506 00:18:44,547 --> 00:18:45,968 Okay. 507 00:18:46,068 --> 00:18:47,570 [whispering] We got our heartwarming family moment. 508 00:18:47,670 --> 00:18:49,752 - [whispering] We did. I'm going to go back to it now. 509 00:18:51,794 --> 00:18:54,818 - She's fun. - She's fun. Yeah. 510 00:18:54,918 --> 00:18:59,103 Hey, Jo, if you're free around Christmas, 511 00:18:59,203 --> 00:19:01,745 maybe you could come back and visit us? 512 00:19:01,845 --> 00:19:04,508 - I would love to stay through Christmas! 513 00:19:04,608 --> 00:19:06,110 - Through? 514 00:19:06,210 --> 00:19:08,793 I--uh, not through Christmas. I didn't say through. 515 00:19:08,893 --> 00:19:10,395 - Okay. Here's the thing. 516 00:19:10,495 --> 00:19:12,397 This brand deal I had with Courtyard by Marriott 517 00:19:12,497 --> 00:19:15,360 fell through, so I was kind of homeless-ish. 518 00:19:15,460 --> 00:19:17,963 But now I'm not! 519 00:19:18,063 --> 00:19:19,885 - Now you're not! Because you're staying... 520 00:19:19,985 --> 00:19:21,046 - Here. 521 00:19:21,146 --> 00:19:22,248 - Okay. - Yeah. 522 00:19:22,348 --> 00:19:25,051 - Well... of course! - Yay! 523 00:19:25,151 --> 00:19:26,733 - Yeah. Yeah. 524 00:19:26,833 --> 00:19:30,417 - It's going to be so much fun. - So much fun. 525 00:19:30,517 --> 00:19:32,519 - Yay! 526 00:19:34,040 --> 00:19:36,263 - Tom was right. Traditions are important. 527 00:19:36,363 --> 00:19:38,305 Just not the ones he thought. 528 00:19:38,405 --> 00:19:39,907 All his mom wanted was to feel like there 529 00:19:40,007 --> 00:19:42,229 was still a role for her. So they made that happen 530 00:19:42,329 --> 00:19:43,471 by upholding 531 00:19:43,571 --> 00:19:45,273 the most important tradition of all, 532 00:19:45,373 --> 00:19:48,436 turning Thanksgiving into their special day of fighting. 533 00:19:48,536 --> 00:19:49,457 - Tom, are you going to help us clean up 534 00:19:49,537 --> 00:19:50,679 or just let the women do it? 535 00:19:50,779 --> 00:19:52,841 - Yeah, Tom. - Same goes for you, Connor. 536 00:19:52,941 --> 00:19:54,483 - I'm not done eating. 537 00:19:54,583 --> 00:19:56,044 - You always say that to get out of cleaning up. 538 00:19:56,144 --> 00:19:57,766 - I have a very healthy appetite! 539 00:19:57,866 --> 00:19:59,688 - And you always say you have a very healthy appetite... 540 00:19:59,788 --> 00:20:02,772 - You clearly just put more on your plate when we started-- 541 00:20:02,872 --> 00:20:06,436 - My beautiful babies. - You're not even chewing! 542 00:20:14,124 --> 00:20:16,347 - Tom, you have to wash both sides of the plate! 543 00:20:16,447 --> 00:20:17,868 - I've washed a dish before. 544 00:20:17,968 --> 00:20:20,311 - Have you, though? 545 00:20:20,411 --> 00:20:23,114 - Oh, man. Mom took down our video. 546 00:20:23,214 --> 00:20:25,116 Dang it! We were going to be famous. 547 00:20:25,216 --> 00:20:31,123 - JoJo tagged me in a selfie, and I got six new followers! 548 00:20:31,223 --> 00:20:33,525 I'm a viral! 549 00:20:33,625 --> 00:20:36,949 - Hey, yo, Steve, can you play some dishwashing music? 550 00:20:38,711 --> 00:20:42,054 [playing steel drums gently] 551 00:20:42,154 --> 00:20:48,902 ♪ ♪ 552 00:20:49,002 --> 00:20:50,343 - Come on, Tom, give us a shimmy. 553 00:20:50,443 --> 00:20:53,487 Give us a shimmy. Give us a shimmy!