1 00:00:02,312 --> 00:00:03,893 - Chapter 13-- 2 00:00:03,993 --> 00:00:05,655 it was the first Halloween the Hayworth siblings 3 00:00:05,755 --> 00:00:07,897 had all been together since they were little, 4 00:00:07,997 --> 00:00:09,419 and they were making up for lost time. 5 00:00:09,519 --> 00:00:12,061 - Can you not crowd my arm while I'm scooping? 6 00:00:12,161 --> 00:00:14,023 - Can you not elbow me while I'm holding a knife? 7 00:00:14,123 --> 00:00:15,585 - Okay. - Ooh, easy, kids. 8 00:00:15,685 --> 00:00:18,908 - Hey, guys? I've been thinking about our group costume idea. 9 00:00:19,008 --> 00:00:20,670 How about we all go as superheroes? 10 00:00:20,770 --> 00:00:22,792 - Oh! - Oh! 11 00:00:22,892 --> 00:00:26,035 - I call Captain America! - Black Widow, obviously. 12 00:00:26,135 --> 00:00:27,236 - If we're talking, uh, superheroes, 13 00:00:27,336 --> 00:00:30,039 I call Lucretia Mott. 14 00:00:30,139 --> 00:00:32,001 19-century feminist? 15 00:00:32,101 --> 00:00:34,684 Started the women's suffrage movement? 16 00:00:34,784 --> 00:00:36,325 - It's a deep cut, Lulu. - Okay. 17 00:00:36,425 --> 00:00:39,248 - I've actually been working on an Iron Man costume. 18 00:00:39,348 --> 00:00:41,370 No spoilers, but it's going to make the Mark VI 19 00:00:41,470 --> 00:00:43,252 look like the Mark I. [chuckles] 20 00:00:43,352 --> 00:00:44,974 - Wait, why do you get to be Iron Man? 21 00:00:45,074 --> 00:00:47,056 I'm clearly the Tony Stark of the family. 22 00:00:47,156 --> 00:00:50,780 I'm rich. I invest in tech. 23 00:00:50,880 --> 00:00:52,181 I'm rich. 24 00:00:52,281 --> 00:00:53,502 - Come on, It's not just about money. 25 00:00:53,602 --> 00:00:56,305 Tony is also a clever wordsmith, much like myself. 26 00:00:56,405 --> 00:00:57,786 - Tom, no offense, but if Tony was here, 27 00:00:57,886 --> 00:00:59,188 he'd probably call you a dork 28 00:00:59,288 --> 00:01:01,951 and then blast you with his laser eyes. 29 00:01:02,051 --> 00:01:03,032 - What? [laughs] 30 00:01:03,132 --> 00:01:05,194 Iron Man doesn't have laser eyes. 31 00:01:05,294 --> 00:01:06,635 Who's the dork now? 32 00:01:06,735 --> 00:01:08,757 He has repulsor beams. 33 00:01:08,857 --> 00:01:10,799 [doorbell rings] 34 00:01:10,899 --> 00:01:12,401 - Everyone shut up. Emily's here. 35 00:01:12,501 --> 00:01:14,483 - Okay. 36 00:01:14,583 --> 00:01:16,044 - Can you please keep your crush 37 00:01:16,144 --> 00:01:17,966 on my brother's ex-wife down to a simmer? 38 00:01:18,066 --> 00:01:19,368 - It's not a crush. 39 00:01:19,468 --> 00:01:21,370 She's just objectively stunning in every way. 40 00:01:21,470 --> 00:01:23,292 - Hi! - Hi! Come in! 41 00:01:23,392 --> 00:01:24,813 - Oh, thank you. - Wow, you smell like a garden. 42 00:01:24,913 --> 00:01:26,375 - Oh, thanks! [chuckles] 43 00:01:26,475 --> 00:01:28,297 I'm just dropping off Gretchen. I won't be long. 44 00:01:28,397 --> 00:01:29,938 - Stay as long as you want. - Hi, everybody. 45 00:01:30,038 --> 00:01:31,460 - Hello. 46 00:01:31,560 --> 00:01:34,423 - Shamiah, Esteban, Alejandro, Kelvin, 47 00:01:34,523 --> 00:01:36,224 Camila, Marina. 48 00:01:36,324 --> 00:01:38,186 - Hey. 49 00:01:38,286 --> 00:01:40,949 - Hello. - Oh, hey, Tom. 50 00:01:41,049 --> 00:01:44,673 Sorry, just blended in with the background, so... 51 00:01:44,773 --> 00:01:46,434 - Oh, Aunt Emily, 52 00:01:46,534 --> 00:01:48,156 we're all going to be superheroes for Halloween. 53 00:01:48,256 --> 00:01:49,798 - Solve an argument for us. - Hmm? 54 00:01:49,898 --> 00:01:51,319 - Who should be Iron Man for Halloween, me or Tom? 55 00:01:51,419 --> 00:01:53,481 - Well, obviously Tom. - Thank you! 56 00:01:53,581 --> 00:01:55,243 - Yeah, because Halloween costumes are for children 57 00:01:55,343 --> 00:01:57,345 and adults who act like children. 58 00:01:59,307 --> 00:02:01,690 - Yeah, thank you. Thank you. - Mm-hmm. 59 00:02:01,790 --> 00:02:04,632 [upbeat music] 60 00:02:09,117 --> 00:02:11,699 - Sarah, Denise, your place is so cute. 61 00:02:11,799 --> 00:02:14,142 - Stop! - Stop. 62 00:02:14,242 --> 00:02:16,865 - Well, I'll see you all on All Hallows' Eve. 63 00:02:16,965 --> 00:02:20,188 - Ooh, fancy. 64 00:02:20,288 --> 00:02:23,191 - So Emily is joining us. 65 00:02:23,291 --> 00:02:25,994 First big holiday since the divorce. 66 00:02:26,094 --> 00:02:27,675 - Yeah, we thought it would be better for Gretchen 67 00:02:27,775 --> 00:02:29,077 to have us both there. 68 00:02:29,177 --> 00:02:30,758 - Yeah, definitely, totally progress, 69 00:02:30,858 --> 00:02:34,082 but have you two discussed boundaries? 70 00:02:34,182 --> 00:02:35,403 - No, we thought the divorce 71 00:02:35,503 --> 00:02:37,365 was a pretty good boundary, Sarah. 72 00:02:37,465 --> 00:02:39,167 [scoffs] - Okay, I just-- 73 00:02:39,267 --> 00:02:40,488 - All right, fam... [door closes] 74 00:02:40,588 --> 00:02:42,690 What time should we meet up on Friday to T-and-T? 75 00:02:42,790 --> 00:02:43,971 - You mean "trick or treat?" 76 00:02:44,071 --> 00:02:45,533 - Yeah, it's just shorter to say it like that. 77 00:02:45,633 --> 00:02:47,415 - It's absolutely not shorter. 78 00:02:47,515 --> 00:02:49,697 - Yeah, and it's "trick or treat," not "trick and treat." 79 00:02:49,797 --> 00:02:51,178 - Okay, professor. 80 00:02:51,278 --> 00:02:53,140 So should we get an early start, maybe 4:00 p.m.? 81 00:02:53,240 --> 00:02:54,782 - It's going to be awesome. 82 00:02:54,882 --> 00:02:57,545 I heard our neighbors give out king-size candy bars. 83 00:02:57,645 --> 00:02:59,226 - No, we got to trick-or-treat here. 84 00:02:59,326 --> 00:03:01,549 - Yeah, we can knock on ten doors in two minutes. 85 00:03:01,649 --> 00:03:03,150 I've timed it. 86 00:03:03,250 --> 00:03:05,392 - Daddy says it's about quality, not quantity. 87 00:03:05,492 --> 00:03:07,915 That's how you build wealth. - That's my girl. 88 00:03:08,015 --> 00:03:10,277 So 4:00 p.m., my place? - Wait, the kids are right. 89 00:03:10,377 --> 00:03:12,519 Why do you just assume that we would do it at your house? 90 00:03:12,619 --> 00:03:14,161 Because the neighborhood is richer? 91 00:03:14,261 --> 00:03:18,005 - [chuckles] No. 92 00:03:18,105 --> 00:03:19,767 Yeah. - I agree with Kel. 93 00:03:19,867 --> 00:03:21,128 We should do it here. 94 00:03:21,228 --> 00:03:22,810 This building goes all out for Halloween. 95 00:03:22,910 --> 00:03:24,171 - Also, Connor, it takes, like, 20 minutes 96 00:03:24,271 --> 00:03:25,973 to walk to your next-door neighbor. 97 00:03:26,073 --> 00:03:27,775 - It's not my fault the Carusos just put in a helipad. 98 00:03:27,875 --> 00:03:29,056 - Okay, I think we're all ignoring 99 00:03:29,156 --> 00:03:30,778 an obvious solution-- our neighborhood. 100 00:03:30,878 --> 00:03:32,259 The houses aren't that far apart. 101 00:03:32,359 --> 00:03:34,181 The neighbors are friendly. 102 00:03:34,281 --> 00:03:35,943 - We don't really know them, but we do wave at each other 103 00:03:36,043 --> 00:03:37,264 when we're taking out the trash. 104 00:03:37,364 --> 00:03:40,067 - Yeah, it's the Goldilocks of neighborhoods. 105 00:03:40,167 --> 00:03:41,548 - You guys are so suburban basic. 106 00:03:41,648 --> 00:03:43,070 - Glorifying the gentrified ideal. 107 00:03:43,170 --> 00:03:45,112 - How's going to you a compromise 108 00:03:45,212 --> 00:03:47,554 when we're already here? - That's not a compromise-- 109 00:03:47,654 --> 00:03:50,757 [all arguing] 110 00:03:50,857 --> 00:03:54,281 - [whistles loudly] 111 00:03:54,381 --> 00:03:56,082 - Wasn't sure I if knew how to do that. 112 00:03:56,182 --> 00:03:58,044 Guys! How about we trick-or-treat 113 00:03:58,144 --> 00:04:00,547 separately in our own neighborhoods? 114 00:04:02,549 --> 00:04:04,571 - Hmm. - Yeah. 115 00:04:04,671 --> 00:04:07,254 I mean, I guess we don't have to do everything together. 116 00:04:07,354 --> 00:04:09,175 - Fine by me-- that way I can be Iron Man 117 00:04:09,275 --> 00:04:11,097 without Tom getting all middle school about it. 118 00:04:11,197 --> 00:04:12,459 - Come on, I called it first. 119 00:04:12,559 --> 00:04:14,701 That's not fair. He's copying. 120 00:04:14,801 --> 00:04:17,464 [steady music] 121 00:04:17,564 --> 00:04:19,025 ♪ ♪ 122 00:04:19,125 --> 00:04:21,908 - Okay, say "Ragnarok," 123 00:04:22,008 --> 00:04:23,910 whatever that means. 124 00:04:24,010 --> 00:04:26,913 Tom! Gamora and I are waiting! Are you ready? 125 00:04:27,013 --> 00:04:29,756 [epic music plays] 126 00:04:29,856 --> 00:04:31,117 Oh, boy. 127 00:04:31,217 --> 00:04:36,522 ♪ ♪ 128 00:04:36,622 --> 00:04:39,325 - J.A.R.V.I.S., activate the Unibeam. 129 00:04:39,425 --> 00:04:41,888 ♪ ♪ 130 00:04:41,988 --> 00:04:44,210 Hang on. 131 00:04:44,310 --> 00:04:46,292 Oh. - [gasps] 132 00:04:46,392 --> 00:04:48,694 Cool. 133 00:04:48,794 --> 00:04:51,137 Is that Camila's night-light? 134 00:04:51,237 --> 00:04:52,698 Are those my gardening gloves? 135 00:04:52,798 --> 00:04:55,341 - I know! Can you believe this thing's homemade? 136 00:04:55,441 --> 00:04:57,503 - I feel like that question's is a trap. 137 00:04:57,603 --> 00:04:58,985 - Dad, look! 138 00:04:59,085 --> 00:05:00,906 Uncle Connor tagged you in a video. 139 00:05:01,006 --> 00:05:03,669 [epic music plays on phone] 140 00:05:03,769 --> 00:05:09,955 ♪ ♪ 141 00:05:10,055 --> 00:05:12,958 - Have you seen this? 142 00:05:13,058 --> 00:05:14,640 - I am the Iron Man. 143 00:05:14,740 --> 00:05:16,282 - There's no "the." 144 00:05:16,382 --> 00:05:17,923 It's just Iron Man, and his suit is ridiculous. 145 00:05:18,023 --> 00:05:19,925 How much do you think he spent on this? 146 00:05:20,025 --> 00:05:21,847 - Babe, that's why we are not seeing them tonight, okay? 147 00:05:21,947 --> 00:05:24,650 No fights, positive energy. 148 00:05:24,750 --> 00:05:29,014 Have you even noticed I am wearing a skintight jumpsuit? 149 00:05:29,114 --> 00:05:31,937 - Whoa, yes. Um, wow, okay. 150 00:05:32,037 --> 00:05:34,019 Yeah, you know what? [exhales sharply] 151 00:05:34,119 --> 00:05:36,662 Tony Stark is a ladies' man. 152 00:05:36,762 --> 00:05:38,784 - Oh. - What do you say, Natasha? 153 00:05:38,884 --> 00:05:41,827 Let's do this. Actually, you know what? 154 00:05:41,927 --> 00:05:44,389 I really got to pee, so just give me, like, 20, 25 minutes. 155 00:05:44,489 --> 00:05:46,552 I'll be right back. 156 00:05:46,652 --> 00:05:48,834 - Okay... 157 00:05:48,934 --> 00:05:50,355 done! 158 00:05:50,455 --> 00:05:53,198 Ta-da! - Ooh-hoo! 159 00:05:53,298 --> 00:05:56,041 "Votes for V-Vomen." 160 00:05:56,141 --> 00:05:57,803 - Yeah, I couldn't find a W, 161 00:05:57,903 --> 00:06:00,766 but must like Lucretia Mott, I persisted! 162 00:06:00,866 --> 00:06:02,647 - Ooh, look at these heroes. 163 00:06:02,747 --> 00:06:04,970 Kel, do the pose. 164 00:06:05,070 --> 00:06:07,612 - Oh! - Oh, yes! 165 00:06:07,712 --> 00:06:09,334 Okay, here's the plan. 166 00:06:09,434 --> 00:06:11,016 First, we're going to take family photos 167 00:06:11,116 --> 00:06:12,457 before all the chocolate stains. 168 00:06:12,557 --> 00:06:14,459 Then we're going to have a trick-or-treating marathon, 169 00:06:14,559 --> 00:06:16,141 and then we're going to wrap it up with caramel corn 170 00:06:16,241 --> 00:06:17,902 and Charlie Brown Halloween Special. 171 00:06:18,002 --> 00:06:20,665 - Um, I was wondering if I could go to Gaby's 172 00:06:20,765 --> 00:06:22,387 across the street tonight. 173 00:06:22,487 --> 00:06:23,968 She invited a couple girls from the cheer team to hang out. 174 00:06:24,048 --> 00:06:25,350 - I don't understand. 175 00:06:25,450 --> 00:06:27,072 How are you going to do that and trick or treat? 176 00:06:27,172 --> 00:06:29,074 - I wouldn't. I'd just do one. 177 00:06:29,174 --> 00:06:30,435 - So you're not going to Gaby's. 178 00:06:30,535 --> 00:06:32,597 - I want to go to Gaby's instead of trick or treating. 179 00:06:32,697 --> 00:06:34,159 - I don't follow. 180 00:06:34,259 --> 00:06:36,080 - [sighs] I'm saying... 181 00:06:36,180 --> 00:06:39,163 I'm too old for trick or treating. 182 00:06:39,263 --> 00:06:41,206 both: Oh. 183 00:06:41,306 --> 00:06:45,209 - O-of course, sweetie. - Yeah, that's--that's fine. 184 00:06:45,309 --> 00:06:46,811 If that's what you really want. 185 00:06:46,911 --> 00:06:48,373 Uh, we can walk you over. 186 00:06:48,473 --> 00:06:49,614 - That's okay. I'm already late. 187 00:06:49,714 --> 00:06:51,376 I'll be back by 9:00. Have fun! 188 00:06:51,476 --> 00:06:53,418 - Okay. Yeah, we will, and... 189 00:06:53,518 --> 00:06:55,540 She's gone. 190 00:06:55,640 --> 00:06:57,782 - Yeah. - We still have Kelvin. 191 00:06:57,882 --> 00:06:58,983 - We do. Yeah. - Of course! 192 00:06:59,083 --> 00:07:00,264 - Our son! [laughter] 193 00:07:00,364 --> 00:07:02,827 - We have two. - We have two kids. 194 00:07:02,927 --> 00:07:04,709 Where is Kel? [door opens] 195 00:07:04,809 --> 00:07:08,432 - Let's go! It's candy o'clock! Less talking, more knocking! 196 00:07:08,532 --> 00:07:10,675 - Did I see him leave? - I did not see him leave. 197 00:07:10,775 --> 00:07:14,158 [spooky rock music] 198 00:07:14,258 --> 00:07:18,042 - Oh, very good. You guys look amazing. 199 00:07:18,142 --> 00:07:20,765 - Daddy, your costume is the most awesome I've ever seen. 200 00:07:20,865 --> 00:07:22,807 - Honestly... me too. 201 00:07:22,907 --> 00:07:25,890 I can't necessarily, uh, sit down, per se, 202 00:07:25,990 --> 00:07:27,531 but sitting down is overrated. 203 00:07:27,631 --> 00:07:30,294 All right, one more. - Very good. [chuckles] 204 00:07:30,394 --> 00:07:31,856 - All right, time to T-and-T. 205 00:07:31,956 --> 00:07:33,137 Gretchen, go grab your candy bag. 206 00:07:33,237 --> 00:07:35,239 All right. 207 00:07:37,201 --> 00:07:38,983 - Oh, here, let me. 208 00:07:39,083 --> 00:07:41,085 I'll do it. There you go. 209 00:07:42,206 --> 00:07:43,107 - Can I just say... 210 00:07:43,207 --> 00:07:44,948 - Hmm? - I'm proud of us. 211 00:07:45,048 --> 00:07:47,751 First holiday since the divorce, making it look easy. 212 00:07:47,851 --> 00:07:49,433 - Yeah, we really are. 213 00:07:49,533 --> 00:07:51,555 You know, it's important that we do this for Gretchen. 214 00:07:51,655 --> 00:07:53,437 - I don't know why people think co-parenting is so hard. 215 00:07:53,537 --> 00:07:55,399 - Yeah, well, those people aren't us, right? 216 00:07:55,499 --> 00:07:57,241 - Exactly. 217 00:07:57,341 --> 00:07:58,762 All right, it's time to get a move on. 218 00:07:58,862 --> 00:08:00,524 You want to go throw your costume on? 219 00:08:00,624 --> 00:08:04,488 - Oh, yeah. [humming] 220 00:08:04,588 --> 00:08:07,210 I'm ready. 221 00:08:07,310 --> 00:08:09,373 - Seriously? That's your costume, cat ears? 222 00:08:09,473 --> 00:08:11,214 - Yeah, I'm a cat. 223 00:08:11,314 --> 00:08:14,017 Meow! - [chuckles] Okay. 224 00:08:14,117 --> 00:08:15,819 Yeah, it's just-- That's cool. 225 00:08:15,919 --> 00:08:18,462 I-I just kind of, you know, I went all out. 226 00:08:18,562 --> 00:08:19,983 - Right. 227 00:08:20,083 --> 00:08:21,304 - And you just threw on a headband. 228 00:08:21,404 --> 00:08:23,066 - Mm. 229 00:08:23,166 --> 00:08:25,869 Okay, how about we say that I'm a hedge fund manager 230 00:08:25,969 --> 00:08:27,190 who drove across town during rush hour 231 00:08:27,290 --> 00:08:28,792 to make it to her daughter's Halloween 232 00:08:28,892 --> 00:08:30,473 and put on cat ears to be festive? 233 00:08:30,573 --> 00:08:31,755 - I don't know. See, that's kind of a thinker. 234 00:08:31,855 --> 00:08:33,556 - Is it? 235 00:08:33,656 --> 00:08:34,938 - Maybe you should've just gone with the superhero theme. 236 00:08:35,018 --> 00:08:36,359 - Are you guys ready? 237 00:08:36,459 --> 00:08:38,521 - [gasps] Born ready. - Yeah, let's do this thing! 238 00:08:38,621 --> 00:08:42,165 [spooky music] 239 00:08:42,265 --> 00:08:45,448 - ♪ I'm bored in the middle of the night ♪ 240 00:08:45,548 --> 00:08:48,731 ♪ Something gave me quite a fright ♪ 241 00:08:48,831 --> 00:08:52,215 ♪ Oh, the wind made a strange sound ♪ 242 00:08:52,315 --> 00:08:56,819 ♪ The night the zombies came to town ♪ 243 00:08:56,919 --> 00:08:59,822 - Can I just say this is so...pleasant? 244 00:08:59,922 --> 00:09:02,785 - I know. A break from your family's drama-- 245 00:09:02,885 --> 00:09:05,588 it's like an emotional cleanse. - Ooh, can I-- 246 00:09:05,688 --> 00:09:07,190 - Yes, you can use that in your book. 247 00:09:07,290 --> 00:09:08,511 - Good, thank you. 248 00:09:08,611 --> 00:09:10,393 - [gasps] Veronica! 249 00:09:10,493 --> 00:09:12,435 - Oh, you're Veronica's parents? 250 00:09:12,535 --> 00:09:14,877 Camila talks about her all the time. 251 00:09:14,977 --> 00:09:18,241 I'm Marina. This is Tom and our thankfully sleeping twins. 252 00:09:18,341 --> 00:09:20,162 - Oh, how funny, we have twins, too. 253 00:09:20,262 --> 00:09:21,284 - What? - Ah! 254 00:09:21,384 --> 00:09:23,366 - I'm Juliet. This is Eduardo. 255 00:09:23,466 --> 00:09:25,808 - I love your Iron Man. Mark VII? 256 00:09:25,908 --> 00:09:28,290 - Good eye, sir. - I tried to do a group costume 257 00:09:28,390 --> 00:09:30,373 based on "The Eternals," but I got outvoted. 258 00:09:30,473 --> 00:09:33,055 - Their loss. Let me guess-- the Fourth Doctor. 259 00:09:33,155 --> 00:09:34,617 - No one beats Baker. - Right? 260 00:09:34,717 --> 00:09:36,058 - Although Tennant is a close second. 261 00:09:36,158 --> 00:09:38,180 - Right? - Sorry about my husband. 262 00:09:38,280 --> 00:09:40,022 - I was about to apologize for mine. 263 00:09:40,122 --> 00:09:41,864 And you are dressed as-- - Villanelle. 264 00:09:41,964 --> 00:09:43,586 - I love "Killing Eve." 265 00:09:43,686 --> 00:09:46,589 - Can I go to Veronica's house? We want to compare our candy. 266 00:09:46,689 --> 00:09:48,871 - Well, if it's okay with her parents? 267 00:09:48,971 --> 00:09:50,793 - What do you think, mi amor? 268 00:09:50,893 --> 00:09:53,235 - How about we all head back and treat ourselves 269 00:09:53,335 --> 00:09:54,797 to a bottle of wine? 270 00:09:54,897 --> 00:09:56,478 - Uh, twist my arm? - Thank God. 271 00:09:56,578 --> 00:09:59,802 I knew I liked you. Come on, follow us. 272 00:09:59,902 --> 00:10:01,683 - This couple is so cool. - I know. 273 00:10:01,783 --> 00:10:03,725 This never would've happened if we were with my family. 274 00:10:03,825 --> 00:10:05,407 - This is big, honey. 275 00:10:05,507 --> 00:10:07,809 We're making real-life neighborhood friends... 276 00:10:07,909 --> 00:10:09,911 like they do in the movies. 277 00:10:12,474 --> 00:10:13,815 [doorbell rings] all: Trick or treat! 278 00:10:13,915 --> 00:10:16,058 - I love your Halloween wreath. It's so spooky. 279 00:10:16,158 --> 00:10:18,180 - Oh, Kel, Did you say thank you? 280 00:10:18,280 --> 00:10:19,621 - Kel, wait for us! [knock at door] 281 00:10:19,721 --> 00:10:22,384 - Can't, I'm in the zone! - Kelvin, hey! 282 00:10:22,484 --> 00:10:25,227 - Hey! - Did he get faster this year? 283 00:10:25,327 --> 00:10:26,988 - I think we got slower. 284 00:10:27,088 --> 00:10:28,470 - Can I go around with Jason and Marcus? 285 00:10:28,570 --> 00:10:29,751 I can hit double the doors 286 00:10:29,851 --> 00:10:31,753 without you dragging me down, no offense. 287 00:10:31,853 --> 00:10:34,476 - First of all, yes offense, but sure. 288 00:10:34,576 --> 00:10:35,537 You just have to promise that you're-- 289 00:10:35,617 --> 00:10:37,659 - I will, thanks! 290 00:10:39,501 --> 00:10:41,202 - Trick or treat. 291 00:10:41,302 --> 00:10:43,204 - What are you, a superhero and a witch? 292 00:10:43,304 --> 00:10:46,648 - Oh, um, uh, we're both superheroes, actually. 293 00:10:46,748 --> 00:10:49,891 - Where are your kids? - It's, uh, just us. 294 00:10:49,991 --> 00:10:52,974 - Where are your husbands? - It's just us. 295 00:10:53,074 --> 00:10:55,416 - Uh-huh. - Oh... 296 00:10:55,516 --> 00:10:57,518 thank you. 297 00:10:58,519 --> 00:11:00,221 all: Trick or treat! 298 00:11:00,321 --> 00:11:02,383 [spooky music] 299 00:11:02,483 --> 00:11:05,186 - King-size, baby! - Wow. 300 00:11:05,286 --> 00:11:06,908 - Sweetie, you've already had two. 301 00:11:07,008 --> 00:11:09,070 Maybe save some for later? 302 00:11:09,170 --> 00:11:10,631 - Oh, don't be so stiff, Iron Man. 303 00:11:10,731 --> 00:11:12,754 She can eat it whenever she wants to. 304 00:11:12,854 --> 00:11:15,276 - I'm gonna agree with Mommy on this one. 305 00:11:15,376 --> 00:11:16,998 - Can you not undermine my parenting 306 00:11:17,098 --> 00:11:18,479 in front of Gretchen, please? 307 00:11:18,579 --> 00:11:20,601 - It's just a little candy. Who cares? 308 00:11:20,701 --> 00:11:22,643 - I care. She's going to be up till 3:00 in the morning. 309 00:11:22,743 --> 00:11:24,565 - Okay, well, she can stay with me, then. 310 00:11:24,665 --> 00:11:26,287 - No way, it's my weekend. 311 00:11:26,387 --> 00:11:28,769 - Can you walk any faster? Maybe you need some sugar. 312 00:11:28,869 --> 00:11:32,453 - I'm trying. It feels like I'm walking in ski boots. 313 00:11:32,553 --> 00:11:36,257 - Well, my cat shoes are quite comfortable. 314 00:11:36,357 --> 00:11:38,219 - Those aren't even cat shoes. 315 00:11:38,319 --> 00:11:40,741 - Yeah, it was a joke. What's a cat shoe? 316 00:11:40,841 --> 00:11:41,982 - Shoes a cat would wear. 317 00:11:42,082 --> 00:11:43,544 - Look, they gave me a ring light! 318 00:11:43,644 --> 00:11:44,785 - [gasps] So cool! - Wow! 319 00:11:44,885 --> 00:11:48,269 Nice! - I know, right? 320 00:11:48,369 --> 00:11:50,231 - Seems a little show-off-y, don't you think? 321 00:11:50,331 --> 00:11:51,752 - [scoffs] Says the man 322 00:11:51,852 --> 00:11:54,395 who spent thousands to look like a disco robot. 323 00:11:54,495 --> 00:11:56,917 - Iron Man is not a robot, okay? 324 00:11:57,017 --> 00:11:58,559 He's a rich guy in a suit. 325 00:11:58,659 --> 00:12:00,040 - Oh, okay, Tom. 326 00:12:00,140 --> 00:12:01,642 - Wow, that's a low blow. 327 00:12:01,742 --> 00:12:02,843 - Where is Tom, anyway? 328 00:12:02,943 --> 00:12:04,244 I thought your family was coming. 329 00:12:04,344 --> 00:12:05,926 - They're doing their own thing. 330 00:12:06,026 --> 00:12:07,488 They're probably having a terrible time. 331 00:12:07,588 --> 00:12:09,009 - Mm. 332 00:12:09,109 --> 00:12:12,092 [laughter] - Guys, this is insane. 333 00:12:12,192 --> 00:12:14,054 Our house has the exact same layout. 334 00:12:14,154 --> 00:12:16,416 - And the furniture-- I think we have the same couch, 335 00:12:16,516 --> 00:12:19,099 Oak Harbor sofa in dove gray? 336 00:12:19,199 --> 00:12:21,461 - Pearl white, but we almost went with the dove! 337 00:12:21,561 --> 00:12:25,085 - We almost bought the pearl! [laughter] 338 00:12:28,448 --> 00:12:29,990 - I liked the show, 339 00:12:30,090 --> 00:12:31,872 but it would've been better as a limited series. 340 00:12:31,972 --> 00:12:34,995 - Hello? I said the exact same thing to this one. 341 00:12:35,095 --> 00:12:37,878 - Call me basic, but I love this new orange-wine trend. 342 00:12:37,978 --> 00:12:42,122 - Same. It's like sauv blanc meets kombucha. 343 00:12:42,222 --> 00:12:44,364 I have that same sweater, but mine is in-- 344 00:12:44,464 --> 00:12:46,606 - Yellow? - How'd you know? 345 00:12:46,706 --> 00:12:49,089 - Because that's the color I wanted, and they were out. 346 00:12:49,189 --> 00:12:52,532 You stole my sweater! [laughing] What? 347 00:12:52,632 --> 00:12:54,214 - Oh, man. 348 00:12:54,314 --> 00:12:56,776 - Well, I guess we're just kind of like... 349 00:12:56,876 --> 00:13:00,340 very similar people. 350 00:13:00,440 --> 00:13:03,463 You know, I just can't get behind Prop 65. 351 00:13:03,563 --> 00:13:05,345 I mean, it seems like the right thing-- 352 00:13:05,445 --> 00:13:09,509 - But the distribution of the money isn't transparent enough. 353 00:13:09,609 --> 00:13:10,710 - Yeah. 354 00:13:10,810 --> 00:13:12,512 I was gonna say the exact same thing. 355 00:13:12,612 --> 00:13:14,234 - You heard that episode of "The Daily"? 356 00:13:14,334 --> 00:13:16,155 - We love that podcast. 357 00:13:16,255 --> 00:13:18,318 - Of course you do. - Huh. 358 00:13:18,418 --> 00:13:19,799 - Huh. 359 00:13:19,899 --> 00:13:22,322 [eerie music] 360 00:13:22,422 --> 00:13:24,524 - Is it getting hot in here? 361 00:13:24,624 --> 00:13:31,531 ♪ ♪ 362 00:13:31,631 --> 00:13:33,633 - Okay. 363 00:13:35,434 --> 00:13:37,296 - God, how far apart are these houses? 364 00:13:37,396 --> 00:13:39,058 - At least your boots aren't filling up with blood. 365 00:13:39,158 --> 00:13:41,100 Oh. Again. 366 00:13:41,200 --> 00:13:43,222 - Mom, Dad, look! A giant skeleton! 367 00:13:43,322 --> 00:13:45,264 - [gasps] Amazing! - Whoa! 368 00:13:45,364 --> 00:13:46,666 - Crazy! 369 00:13:46,766 --> 00:13:48,748 This is exhausting. 370 00:13:48,848 --> 00:13:51,590 - Yeah, well, no one told you to dress up like a toaster. 371 00:13:51,690 --> 00:13:53,272 - No, not that, 372 00:13:53,372 --> 00:13:56,796 just pretending everything's fine... 373 00:13:56,896 --> 00:13:58,717 - [sighs] - 'Cause it's not. 374 00:13:58,817 --> 00:14:00,880 - Yep. We're making each other miserable. 375 00:14:00,980 --> 00:14:02,321 I mean... 376 00:14:02,421 --> 00:14:04,964 maybe we shouldn't have done this together. 377 00:14:05,064 --> 00:14:07,806 - That would've been fine with me. I just... 378 00:14:07,906 --> 00:14:10,769 I just didn't... 379 00:14:10,869 --> 00:14:13,532 - You didn't want to give up having Halloween with Gretchen? 380 00:14:13,632 --> 00:14:17,856 - I guess not. - Yeah, me neither. 381 00:14:17,956 --> 00:14:21,260 and I don't even like Halloween. 382 00:14:21,360 --> 00:14:23,582 - Ah, we didn't do this for her. 383 00:14:23,682 --> 00:14:24,823 - Yeah. 384 00:14:24,923 --> 00:14:26,265 No, we were being selfish. 385 00:14:26,365 --> 00:14:29,428 Look at her. She doesn't need both of us here. 386 00:14:29,528 --> 00:14:31,310 - God, she's on, like, her 10th Sour Straw. 387 00:14:31,410 --> 00:14:32,591 - [chuckles] 388 00:14:32,691 --> 00:14:36,315 You know, maybe... 389 00:14:36,415 --> 00:14:41,079 maybe we should split up holidays for a while. 390 00:14:41,179 --> 00:14:43,802 - Ah, we'll be the cool divorced parents someday. 391 00:14:43,902 --> 00:14:46,845 - Yeah, absolutely. 392 00:14:46,945 --> 00:14:48,767 - Dibs on Christmas, though. 393 00:14:48,867 --> 00:14:50,729 - What? No, you cannot call dibs on Christmas. 394 00:14:50,829 --> 00:14:53,091 - I literally just did, so... - Oh. 395 00:14:53,191 --> 00:14:55,093 - Can we go home now? - Already? 396 00:14:55,193 --> 00:14:58,937 - So soon? - Okay. 397 00:14:59,037 --> 00:15:00,498 - This is good. - Mm. 398 00:15:00,598 --> 00:15:02,741 - It's important to have healthy boundaries. 399 00:15:02,841 --> 00:15:04,622 - [chuckles] You sound like your sister. 400 00:15:04,722 --> 00:15:07,025 - First I sound like Tom. Now I sound like my sister? 401 00:15:07,125 --> 00:15:08,506 Make up your mind. - I don't know. 402 00:15:08,606 --> 00:15:14,112 Maybe both of your siblings are rubbing off on you. 403 00:15:14,212 --> 00:15:16,294 - [sighs] 404 00:15:18,376 --> 00:15:20,118 I can't believe our kids don't need us anymore. 405 00:15:20,218 --> 00:15:21,479 - That's not true. 406 00:15:21,579 --> 00:15:23,641 They need us for food and shelter. 407 00:15:23,741 --> 00:15:25,523 - Not for long! 408 00:15:25,623 --> 00:15:28,286 Look at us--we're two adults sitting alone in an apartment 409 00:15:28,386 --> 00:15:30,388 in costumes that don't even match. 410 00:15:31,989 --> 00:15:33,771 - I kind of... 411 00:15:33,871 --> 00:15:35,773 wish we were hanging out with your family. 412 00:15:35,873 --> 00:15:38,776 Is that insane? - Ugh, no, me too. 413 00:15:38,876 --> 00:15:40,818 I kind of wanted to see Alejandro 414 00:15:40,918 --> 00:15:42,340 in his little Thor costume. 415 00:15:42,440 --> 00:15:45,022 [voice breaking] I bet he's wearing a tiny little wig 416 00:15:45,122 --> 00:15:47,265 on his head with a little helmet. 417 00:15:47,365 --> 00:15:49,307 - [voice breaking] And a teeny-tiny hammer? 418 00:15:49,407 --> 00:15:50,988 - It's so... 419 00:15:51,088 --> 00:15:52,510 - Hey, Moms! 420 00:15:52,610 --> 00:15:53,871 - Shamiah. 421 00:15:53,971 --> 00:15:55,673 - What were you crying about? 422 00:15:55,773 --> 00:15:57,274 - Nothing, just visualizing a baby. 423 00:15:57,374 --> 00:15:59,196 - Mm-hmm. - Why are you home so early? 424 00:15:59,296 --> 00:16:00,758 - We did a Ouija board, and the ghosts 425 00:16:00,858 --> 00:16:02,159 were making fun of Sienna's bucket hat. 426 00:16:02,259 --> 00:16:03,841 - That sounds awful. 427 00:16:03,941 --> 00:16:05,923 - It really wasn't. I was just ready to go home. 428 00:16:06,023 --> 00:16:07,244 - Poor thing. - It's okay. 429 00:16:07,344 --> 00:16:08,926 - I'm saying I was fine. [door opens] 430 00:16:09,026 --> 00:16:10,528 - Shh. [door closes] 431 00:16:10,628 --> 00:16:13,010 - Kel. - Guys, I cleaned up. 432 00:16:13,110 --> 00:16:15,733 - Get in this hug pile! 433 00:16:15,833 --> 00:16:17,775 - My sweet angel babies! 434 00:16:17,875 --> 00:16:19,496 - Okay, too much, Mom. 435 00:16:19,596 --> 00:16:20,618 - Yeah, that's a lot of kissing. 436 00:16:20,718 --> 00:16:21,819 Okay. 437 00:16:21,919 --> 00:16:25,983 [Tom exhales sharply] 438 00:16:26,083 --> 00:16:28,846 [clicking tongue] 439 00:16:32,689 --> 00:16:34,271 - Oh, you know, the color 440 00:16:34,371 --> 00:16:36,073 comes from contact with the grape skin. 441 00:16:36,173 --> 00:16:38,916 - You already mentioned that, and I already knew it. 442 00:16:39,016 --> 00:16:40,237 - Mm. [babies crying] 443 00:16:40,337 --> 00:16:41,838 - Are those our twins or yours? 444 00:16:41,938 --> 00:16:43,440 - Who can tell anymore? 445 00:16:43,540 --> 00:16:46,203 - We'll go check and grab some cookies. 446 00:16:46,303 --> 00:16:47,564 - Chocolate walnut from Tartine? 447 00:16:47,664 --> 00:16:48,925 - How'd you know? 448 00:16:49,025 --> 00:16:51,568 - I just did. - [chuckles] 449 00:16:51,668 --> 00:16:53,370 [crying continues] 450 00:16:53,470 --> 00:16:55,572 - I can't take it anymore. This couple is-- 451 00:16:55,672 --> 00:16:58,135 - Us. They're us, Tom. Can we please get out of here? 452 00:16:58,235 --> 00:16:59,816 - It's terrible. I mean, I don't get it. 453 00:16:59,916 --> 00:17:01,218 - We're too much alike. 454 00:17:01,318 --> 00:17:02,619 I don't want to have drinks with us. 455 00:17:02,719 --> 00:17:04,821 I spend all my time with us! I'm losing my mind. 456 00:17:04,921 --> 00:17:06,423 - And there's no spark. 457 00:17:06,523 --> 00:17:08,385 There's no conflict, no debate, unlike my family-- 458 00:17:08,485 --> 00:17:11,027 Whoa-kay. 459 00:17:11,127 --> 00:17:12,749 Do we like hanging out with my family? 460 00:17:12,849 --> 00:17:15,271 - No. Maybe. 461 00:17:15,371 --> 00:17:18,475 - I mean, we fight, but at least it's interesting. 462 00:17:18,575 --> 00:17:20,597 - Oh, my God. We're friends with your family. 463 00:17:20,697 --> 00:17:21,958 - Tom! - Oh-- 464 00:17:22,058 --> 00:17:23,640 - Have you checked out the new All Wings cross-trainer? 465 00:17:23,740 --> 00:17:24,761 - It's great. It's like running on air. 466 00:17:24,861 --> 00:17:26,402 We got to get going. 467 00:17:26,502 --> 00:17:28,084 - Cookies? - This was fun. 468 00:17:28,184 --> 00:17:30,647 - So great meeting you. - Let's do it again. 469 00:17:30,747 --> 00:17:32,408 - Oh, it was our pleasure. 470 00:17:32,508 --> 00:17:35,011 - If they reach out, we'll just say we're busy with kid stuff. 471 00:17:35,111 --> 00:17:36,773 - Oh, that was torture. 472 00:17:36,873 --> 00:17:40,937 If they ask us over, let's just say we're busy with kid stuff. 473 00:17:41,037 --> 00:17:43,059 [spooky music] 474 00:17:43,159 --> 00:17:46,863 - I got a box of French truffles, Swiss caramels. 475 00:17:46,963 --> 00:17:49,946 Dad, is Dogecoin worth anything? 476 00:17:50,046 --> 00:17:52,588 - It depends on the market, sweetie. 477 00:17:52,688 --> 00:17:56,472 - What's wrong, Daddy? - Nothing. I just-- 478 00:17:56,572 --> 00:17:59,996 I thought we'd get at least one T-and-T-er tonight. 479 00:18:00,096 --> 00:18:02,318 I think our house is too far from the road. 480 00:18:02,418 --> 00:18:04,640 - Aunt Sarah says our landscaping is hostile. 481 00:18:04,740 --> 00:18:06,842 [doorbell rings] 482 00:18:06,942 --> 00:18:09,645 both: T-and-T-ers! 483 00:18:09,745 --> 00:18:11,847 - Trick or treat! 484 00:18:11,947 --> 00:18:14,130 - Ooh! 485 00:18:14,230 --> 00:18:15,131 - Wow! 486 00:18:15,231 --> 00:18:16,772 - What are you guys doing here? 487 00:18:16,872 --> 00:18:19,695 - Just checking in to see how the other half Halloweens. 488 00:18:19,795 --> 00:18:21,857 - Oh, so your neighborhoods weren't fun? 489 00:18:21,957 --> 00:18:23,659 - Oh, we had the best time. 490 00:18:23,759 --> 00:18:24,900 - Oh, so fun. 491 00:18:25,000 --> 00:18:27,002 No tears at all. [chuckles] 492 00:18:28,724 --> 00:18:30,726 - Iron Man. 493 00:18:31,487 --> 00:18:33,489 - Iron Man. 494 00:18:34,209 --> 00:18:37,473 Oh, my God, that's so cool. 495 00:18:37,573 --> 00:18:39,074 - Yeah, so I'm not going to lie. 496 00:18:39,174 --> 00:18:42,397 Trick-or-treating with Emily was a little tough. 497 00:18:42,497 --> 00:18:45,400 Kind of wish we had all been together. 498 00:18:45,500 --> 00:18:47,002 - Oh, my gosh. - Oh, my gosh. 499 00:18:47,102 --> 00:18:49,364 - Me too. - Okay, 'cause us, too. 500 00:18:49,464 --> 00:18:51,406 - Connor, can I ask you something? 501 00:18:51,506 --> 00:18:53,368 - Hmm? - Do you have orange wine? 502 00:18:53,468 --> 00:18:55,931 - What's that? Sounds gross. 503 00:18:56,031 --> 00:18:58,934 - Halloween isn't usually a sentimental holiday. 504 00:18:59,034 --> 00:19:01,777 That's reserved for Christmas or Thanksgiving 505 00:19:01,877 --> 00:19:03,618 or a drunken Fourth of July. 506 00:19:03,718 --> 00:19:07,422 - Look, I'll trade you three lollipops for the Dogecoin. 507 00:19:07,522 --> 00:19:09,985 - Five. - Deal. 508 00:19:10,085 --> 00:19:11,907 - But this Halloween the Hayworths 509 00:19:12,007 --> 00:19:14,229 discovered that in spite of their differences... 510 00:19:14,329 --> 00:19:16,511 - Oh, you're just the cutest little god of mischief. 511 00:19:16,611 --> 00:19:17,953 Yes, you are! 512 00:19:18,053 --> 00:19:19,915 - In spite of all common sense, 513 00:19:20,015 --> 00:19:22,557 this family didn't just need to spend time together. 514 00:19:22,657 --> 00:19:24,159 They actually liked to. 515 00:19:24,259 --> 00:19:26,921 - Admit it, my suit is better. It's an exact replica. 516 00:19:27,021 --> 00:19:28,723 - Yeah, because you bought it. 517 00:19:28,823 --> 00:19:30,845 I made mine, just like Tony Stark. 518 00:19:30,945 --> 00:19:32,447 And, yeah, I know what you're thinking. 519 00:19:32,547 --> 00:19:34,449 J.A.R.V.I.S. is the one who actually made it. 520 00:19:34,549 --> 00:19:35,730 But who made J.A.R.V.I.S., huh? 521 00:19:35,830 --> 00:19:37,372 - I want to push you down so bad right now. 522 00:19:37,472 --> 00:19:38,813 - I want to push you down. 523 00:19:38,913 --> 00:19:39,814 - Oh, yeah? Laser eyes. 524 00:19:39,914 --> 00:19:41,916 - Repulsor beams! 525 00:19:44,479 --> 00:19:46,581 [person laughing evilly] 526 00:19:46,681 --> 00:19:49,023 - Connor, sit down. - No, I'm cool. 527 00:19:49,123 --> 00:19:50,705 - No, seriously, sit down. I can make some space. 528 00:19:50,805 --> 00:19:52,547 - No, seriously, I physically can't. I tried. 529 00:19:52,647 --> 00:19:54,148 - Aah! 530 00:19:54,248 --> 00:19:55,289 - Okay, maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing 531 00:19:55,369 --> 00:19:56,671 if our kids grew up a little bit. 532 00:19:56,771 --> 00:19:57,952 - Aah! 533 00:19:58,052 --> 00:19:59,554 - Yeah, I'm ready for them to be in college. 534 00:19:59,654 --> 00:20:02,837 - Can someone please wrangle these sugar-crazed monsters? 535 00:20:02,937 --> 00:20:04,939 I nominate one of the Iron Mans. 536 00:20:06,380 --> 00:20:07,281 - I got it. 537 00:20:07,381 --> 00:20:09,123 Halt! 538 00:20:09,223 --> 00:20:10,444 - Aah! 539 00:20:10,544 --> 00:20:12,446 - The Iron Man commands you! 540 00:20:12,546 --> 00:20:16,010 [epic music] 541 00:20:16,110 --> 00:20:17,131 Whoa! 542 00:20:17,231 --> 00:20:20,334 ♪ ♪ 543 00:20:20,434 --> 00:20:25,139 No! - Aah! 544 00:20:25,239 --> 00:20:30,064 ♪ ♪ 545 00:20:30,164 --> 00:20:32,426 - Now, that's how it's done. 546 00:20:32,526 --> 00:20:35,429 - It's just part of the job. 547 00:20:35,529 --> 00:20:36,430 - Wow! 548 00:20:36,530 --> 00:20:37,912 Good work, mi amor. 549 00:20:38,012 --> 00:20:39,673 - Thanks, Tom. 550 00:20:39,773 --> 00:20:41,915 You're a real hero. 551 00:20:42,015 --> 00:20:44,017 Bring it in. 552 00:20:48,662 --> 00:20:51,045 Sorry. Sometimes I forget how strong I am. 553 00:20:51,145 --> 00:20:53,146 - No, you don't.