1 00:00:02,707 --> 00:00:03,849 - Chapter 12-- ever since childhood, 2 00:00:03,949 --> 00:00:06,251 the Hayworth siblings loved to play games. 3 00:00:06,351 --> 00:00:08,614 And that tradition continued with game night at Connor's. 4 00:00:08,714 --> 00:00:10,216 Tom and Marina were looking forward 5 00:00:10,316 --> 00:00:12,498 to an evening of good food, big laughs, 6 00:00:12,598 --> 00:00:14,060 and making the loser cry. 7 00:00:14,160 --> 00:00:16,983 Babysitter's all set. We're ready to roll. 8 00:00:17,083 --> 00:00:19,986 - Well, I just ordered a $29 pizza 9 00:00:20,086 --> 00:00:22,069 for a $30-an-hour babysitter. 10 00:00:22,169 --> 00:00:23,911 I know you can't put a price tag on fun, 11 00:00:24,011 --> 00:00:27,275 but, oh, I just did, it's $149. 12 00:00:27,375 --> 00:00:29,237 - Come on, game night's gonna be great. 13 00:00:29,337 --> 00:00:31,800 Connor bought Giant Jenga, and then, you know, 14 00:00:31,900 --> 00:00:35,323 maybe later we can make the night really special. 15 00:00:35,423 --> 00:00:37,246 - All right. We can have sex. 16 00:00:37,346 --> 00:00:38,647 - Oh. 17 00:00:38,747 --> 00:00:40,449 - Oh, you weren't talking about sex. 18 00:00:40,549 --> 00:00:42,091 - No, I was talking about playing "Settlers of Catan." 19 00:00:42,191 --> 00:00:46,135 But hey, your idea works, too. 20 00:00:46,235 --> 00:00:48,238 I mean, I like it better. It works better. 21 00:00:50,440 --> 00:00:51,061 Oh! 22 00:00:51,161 --> 00:00:54,825 - Wow! Good for Connor! 23 00:00:54,925 --> 00:00:57,348 Who is that? - I don't know. 24 00:00:57,448 --> 00:00:59,450 He didn't tell me he was dating anybody. 25 00:01:02,133 --> 00:01:04,395 Oh, no. 26 00:01:04,495 --> 00:01:06,518 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. 27 00:01:06,618 --> 00:01:08,620 [crash] - Oh! 28 00:01:09,541 --> 00:01:11,523 [crunch] 29 00:01:11,623 --> 00:01:14,407 - That's my garage! - That's my Jessica! 30 00:01:14,507 --> 00:01:17,530 [upbeat music] 31 00:01:17,630 --> 00:01:19,632 ♪ ♪ 32 00:01:22,195 --> 00:01:24,257 - How do you know Jessica? - How do you know Jessica? 33 00:01:24,357 --> 00:01:25,819 Connor, you were kissing her. 34 00:01:25,919 --> 00:01:27,181 You go first. 35 00:01:27,281 --> 00:01:28,742 - Okay, well, a couple of weeks ago, 36 00:01:28,842 --> 00:01:30,064 I was at this tech conference, 37 00:01:30,164 --> 00:01:32,186 and there was a panel on blockchain regulation, 38 00:01:32,286 --> 00:01:33,828 which, honestly, it's gonna dampen the growth 39 00:01:33,928 --> 00:01:35,270 of the crypto market. both: Connor. 40 00:01:35,370 --> 00:01:38,513 - Okay, cool. Anyways, there was this intelligent, 41 00:01:38,613 --> 00:01:41,556 successful, ambitious smoke show sitting next to me. 42 00:01:41,656 --> 00:01:44,760 I make a joke about Elon Musk. She laughs. 43 00:01:44,860 --> 00:01:46,602 We've been dating ever since. 44 00:01:46,702 --> 00:01:48,444 Now, how is she your Jessica? 45 00:01:48,544 --> 00:01:50,326 - Well, she isn't... 46 00:01:50,426 --> 00:01:52,769 not anymore... 47 00:01:52,869 --> 00:01:54,771 but she was. 48 00:01:54,871 --> 00:01:57,454 - What's going on? - Something dramatic. 49 00:01:57,554 --> 00:01:59,817 - Jessica broke my heart... 50 00:01:59,917 --> 00:02:01,579 at summer camp. 51 00:02:01,679 --> 00:02:04,862 - She's Camp Girl? I'm gonna need more wine. 52 00:02:04,962 --> 00:02:06,584 - You know about this? - Vaguely. 53 00:02:06,684 --> 00:02:09,027 He told me, but I always tuned out the details. 54 00:02:09,127 --> 00:02:10,749 - Hmm. - It was an idyllic summer-- 55 00:02:10,849 --> 00:02:12,350 Camp Caribou. 56 00:02:12,450 --> 00:02:15,674 Each night, the fireflies would light up the woods. 57 00:02:15,774 --> 00:02:16,956 In the early-morning dawn, 58 00:02:17,056 --> 00:02:19,038 you might catch a glimpse of a black-tailed deer. 59 00:02:19,138 --> 00:02:21,961 - Why are you talking like you're narrating a book? 60 00:02:22,061 --> 00:02:24,484 - Because the saga of me and Jessica 61 00:02:24,584 --> 00:02:26,927 is a chapter in my book, remember? 62 00:02:27,027 --> 00:02:28,729 It was that summer that Sarah and I went to Caribou, 63 00:02:28,829 --> 00:02:31,051 you went to that lacrosse camp? - Best summer ever. 64 00:02:31,151 --> 00:02:33,414 I averaged, like, three goals a game. 65 00:02:33,514 --> 00:02:34,975 I slept with my stick every night. 66 00:02:35,075 --> 00:02:37,939 - Jessica and I were inseparable that summer. 67 00:02:38,039 --> 00:02:40,782 Each night we'd sneak off down to the lake 68 00:02:40,882 --> 00:02:43,745 and talk about our love of Stephen King novels 69 00:02:43,845 --> 00:02:44,986 and the Counting Crows. 70 00:02:45,086 --> 00:02:46,869 - I can see why you tuned out the details. 71 00:02:46,969 --> 00:02:48,390 - Our final night at camp, 72 00:02:48,490 --> 00:02:49,872 we were supposed to meet at the farewell dance. 73 00:02:49,972 --> 00:02:51,674 I made a leather bracelet for her. 74 00:02:51,774 --> 00:02:54,597 I even carved her initials into it. 75 00:02:54,697 --> 00:02:56,599 But Jessica never showed. - Aww. 76 00:02:56,699 --> 00:02:59,122 You must have been so sad and cute. 77 00:02:59,222 --> 00:03:01,805 - The next morning we boarded different busses home, 78 00:03:01,905 --> 00:03:03,527 never to meet again. 79 00:03:03,627 --> 00:03:05,089 I don't know-- I heard this rumor after that 80 00:03:05,189 --> 00:03:07,011 that she'd met this other boy down at the docks. 81 00:03:07,111 --> 00:03:09,574 It just kind of messed with my head. 82 00:03:09,674 --> 00:03:11,696 That fall, in got a B-minus in AP bio, 83 00:03:11,796 --> 00:03:13,218 and I guess that was it. 84 00:03:13,318 --> 00:03:14,499 You know, that was the beginning of the end. 85 00:03:14,599 --> 00:03:16,661 - Yeah, your life really went downhill. 86 00:03:16,761 --> 00:03:21,026 You're stuck with three beautiful children, a hot wife. 87 00:03:21,126 --> 00:03:24,150 - No, no, I mean, come on, you guys are great. 88 00:03:24,250 --> 00:03:27,674 - "You guys are great"? - Well, she's coming back. 89 00:03:27,774 --> 00:03:29,636 I invited her to game night. 90 00:03:29,736 --> 00:03:31,438 She just had to go home and walk her dog. 91 00:03:31,538 --> 00:03:33,280 - Wait, what? She's coming back here? Now? 92 00:03:33,380 --> 00:03:34,922 - Yeah, should I put on some Counting Crows? 93 00:03:35,022 --> 00:03:36,603 - Okay. 94 00:03:36,703 --> 00:03:38,325 I'm sorry, man, I don't think I'm ready for this. 95 00:03:38,425 --> 00:03:40,047 - You had, like, 20 years to get ready for this. 96 00:03:40,147 --> 00:03:41,208 - Tom, we can't leave. 97 00:03:41,308 --> 00:03:43,411 We're already 60 nonrefundable dollars in. 98 00:03:43,511 --> 00:03:44,412 [door opens] 99 00:03:44,512 --> 00:03:45,774 - Party time. - Hey! 100 00:03:45,874 --> 00:03:47,936 - Hey! - What happened to your garage? 101 00:03:48,036 --> 00:03:51,780 - Tom crashed into it after he saw Connor's new girlfriend. 102 00:03:51,880 --> 00:03:53,502 - Whoa! - Ooh! 103 00:03:53,602 --> 00:03:55,785 - She must really be something. - Sarah, it's Jessica. 104 00:03:55,885 --> 00:03:58,107 - Hmm? - Camp Girl, Jessica. 105 00:03:58,207 --> 00:04:01,871 - [gasps] No frickin' way. - She must really be something. 106 00:04:01,971 --> 00:04:03,353 - She's coming over here now, for game night. 107 00:04:03,453 --> 00:04:05,115 - Wow! Wow! 108 00:04:05,215 --> 00:04:06,957 - You remember how brutal that was for me. 109 00:04:07,057 --> 00:04:08,719 - Yeah, I mean, you cried on my shoulder 110 00:04:08,819 --> 00:04:10,000 the entire way home from camp. 111 00:04:10,100 --> 00:04:12,042 - Well, not the entire way home. 112 00:04:12,142 --> 00:04:13,604 - It was, like, a six-hour drive, 113 00:04:13,704 --> 00:04:14,966 and you sobbed through my sweater. 114 00:04:15,066 --> 00:04:16,567 Tom, it was traumatic. 115 00:04:16,667 --> 00:04:18,049 I mean, I'm not saying this just as your sister, 116 00:04:18,149 --> 00:04:20,131 but as a newly employed therapist, 117 00:04:20,231 --> 00:04:21,973 I don't think it's healthy for you to see this woman. 118 00:04:22,073 --> 00:04:24,616 - Connor, this is too soon. - It's been decades. 119 00:04:24,716 --> 00:04:26,018 I'm not uninviting her. 120 00:04:26,118 --> 00:04:28,020 - And the babysitter meter's running. 121 00:04:28,120 --> 00:04:29,942 - Exactly. You get it. 122 00:04:30,042 --> 00:04:32,345 So what game are we playing first? 123 00:04:32,445 --> 00:04:34,227 - Oh, I think we should probably wait for Jessica. 124 00:04:34,327 --> 00:04:36,590 - Man, in my experience, waiting for Jessica 125 00:04:36,690 --> 00:04:37,791 is not a great idea. 126 00:04:37,891 --> 00:04:39,633 I'm getting a drink. 127 00:04:39,733 --> 00:04:42,476 - That's actually a pretty good burn, Tom. 128 00:04:42,576 --> 00:04:44,478 - You're paying 30 an hour, too? 129 00:04:44,578 --> 00:04:46,040 But your kids are older. 130 00:04:46,140 --> 00:04:47,602 - Babysitting is one big hustle. 131 00:04:47,702 --> 00:04:51,967 - Exactly. We have to pay extra so that they're CPR-certified? 132 00:04:52,067 --> 00:04:53,648 I've never once seen them use that. 133 00:04:53,748 --> 00:04:55,651 Total rip-off. - Well... 134 00:04:55,751 --> 00:04:57,653 - And we're going out again next Friday. 135 00:04:57,753 --> 00:04:59,615 Sofia Salazar is doing a tasting menu 136 00:04:59,715 --> 00:05:00,656 for her new restaurant. 137 00:05:00,756 --> 00:05:02,218 I'm so tired of her. 138 00:05:02,318 --> 00:05:04,901 If only she weren't a magician with duck fat. 139 00:05:05,001 --> 00:05:06,983 Maybe you could sit for us. 140 00:05:07,083 --> 00:05:08,665 - Oh, well, we were actually gonna go 141 00:05:08,765 --> 00:05:09,866 to a friend's gallery show, 142 00:05:09,966 --> 00:05:12,429 and I was gonna ask you to sit for us. 143 00:05:12,529 --> 00:05:14,111 - Hang on. 144 00:05:14,211 --> 00:05:17,194 Care to make game night a little more interesting? 145 00:05:17,294 --> 00:05:19,397 - More interesting than a Tom/Connor love triangle? 146 00:05:19,497 --> 00:05:21,119 What do you got? 147 00:05:21,219 --> 00:05:23,521 - The loser babysits for the winner next Friday-- 148 00:05:23,621 --> 00:05:25,764 whoever wins the most games tonight. 149 00:05:25,864 --> 00:05:27,125 [clicking tongue] - Ooh. 150 00:05:27,225 --> 00:05:29,268 Now you're talking. You got yourself a bet. 151 00:05:30,749 --> 00:05:32,051 - You're gonna regret this. 152 00:05:32,151 --> 00:05:34,574 The wins are diaper-wrecking machines. 153 00:05:34,674 --> 00:05:36,215 Alejandro's ding-dong has a mind of its own. 154 00:05:36,315 --> 00:05:37,777 It's like a broken sprinkler. 155 00:05:37,877 --> 00:05:39,058 - We're not gonna be changing any diapers. 156 00:05:39,158 --> 00:05:40,820 We're gonna be out on the town, 157 00:05:40,920 --> 00:05:43,183 while two moody tweens force you to learn TikTok dances. 158 00:05:43,283 --> 00:05:44,865 Mm. - [gasps] 159 00:05:44,965 --> 00:05:47,067 You know, Tom seems fragile. 160 00:05:47,167 --> 00:05:49,029 Maybe we should reschedule. 161 00:05:49,129 --> 00:05:52,393 - Tom always seems fragile. He's our little teacup. 162 00:05:52,493 --> 00:05:55,236 - Well, I got some liquid courage--chamomile. 163 00:05:55,336 --> 00:05:57,038 I think I'm gonna be good. Yeah, I'm gonna be fine. 164 00:05:57,138 --> 00:05:58,640 - Tom, no need to put on a brave face. 165 00:05:58,740 --> 00:05:59,761 You don't have to do this. 166 00:05:59,861 --> 00:06:01,123 - Yes, we do. - We do, Lulu. 167 00:06:01,223 --> 00:06:04,126 - Look, I'm actually excited to see Jessica. 168 00:06:04,226 --> 00:06:05,648 It's a chance for me to get closure on something 169 00:06:05,748 --> 00:06:07,650 that's haunted me for years. 170 00:06:07,750 --> 00:06:09,372 Who did she ditch me for that night? 171 00:06:09,472 --> 00:06:12,856 - No. No, no, no. Tom, no. You should not confront her. 172 00:06:12,956 --> 00:06:14,858 I mean, you know, sometimes closure 173 00:06:14,958 --> 00:06:16,780 is more painful than it is helpful. 174 00:06:16,880 --> 00:06:18,662 - And I don't want you to make things weird. 175 00:06:18,762 --> 00:06:21,625 - And I need you to be sharp tonight. 176 00:06:21,725 --> 00:06:24,228 - Okay. [slurps] 177 00:06:24,328 --> 00:06:26,991 [grunts] It's a little-- it's a little hot. 178 00:06:27,091 --> 00:06:29,594 - Oh, boy. So, um, about that wager... 179 00:06:29,694 --> 00:06:31,717 - Mm-mm. We shook on it. 180 00:06:31,817 --> 00:06:33,078 - Every woman that I'm interested in, 181 00:06:33,178 --> 00:06:34,760 one of you guys has a problem with. 182 00:06:34,860 --> 00:06:36,322 I mean, first, Lindsay, now this? 183 00:06:36,422 --> 00:06:38,044 I mean, if you guys don't want your brother 184 00:06:38,144 --> 00:06:41,047 to date people you know, stop meeting hot people! 185 00:06:41,147 --> 00:06:43,209 Seriously, though, Tom, I like Jessica, okay? 186 00:06:43,309 --> 00:06:45,812 Please don't blow this thing up. 187 00:06:45,912 --> 00:06:48,535 - Yeah, I mean... 188 00:06:48,635 --> 00:06:51,178 look, maybe closure is overrated. 189 00:06:51,278 --> 00:06:53,020 I'll just... 190 00:06:53,120 --> 00:06:54,221 let it go. [chuckles] 191 00:06:54,321 --> 00:06:55,663 - Mm. - Cool. 192 00:06:55,763 --> 00:06:57,024 - ♪ Let it go ♪ 193 00:06:57,124 --> 00:06:58,947 ♪ Let it go ♪ 194 00:06:59,047 --> 00:06:59,707 [chuckles] - [both groan] 195 00:06:59,807 --> 00:07:01,910 ♪ I'm gonna let it go ♪ 196 00:07:02,010 --> 00:07:03,752 - He's not gonna let it go. - Mm-mm. 197 00:07:03,852 --> 00:07:05,954 - Lulu, honey, could you join me in the other room, please? 198 00:07:06,054 --> 00:07:08,057 - Okay. 199 00:07:09,778 --> 00:07:10,920 You see what a mess Tom is? 200 00:07:11,020 --> 00:07:12,281 We cannot lose. - Lulu... 201 00:07:12,381 --> 00:07:13,763 - Marina and Tom better have a bucket, 202 00:07:13,863 --> 00:07:15,645 because we are gonna mop the floor with them. 203 00:07:15,745 --> 00:07:16,886 That's a good line. I should use that. 204 00:07:16,986 --> 00:07:18,849 - Listen, you know how Tom wants to find out 205 00:07:18,949 --> 00:07:20,210 which guy Camp Girl ditched him for? 206 00:07:20,310 --> 00:07:21,852 - Yeah. That's all he can think about. 207 00:07:21,952 --> 00:07:23,654 You can't win game night when that's on your brain. 208 00:07:23,754 --> 00:07:25,956 - Well, that guy was me. 209 00:07:29,400 --> 00:07:32,143 - Camp Girl was Dock Girl? - Mm-hmm. 210 00:07:32,243 --> 00:07:33,705 - You didn't tell me Tom was part of that story. 211 00:07:33,805 --> 00:07:34,906 - Well, I was too embarrassed. 212 00:07:35,006 --> 00:07:36,748 You know, Jessica was my bunkmate 213 00:07:36,848 --> 00:07:38,430 and my first lesbian crush, 214 00:07:38,530 --> 00:07:41,834 and she was so cool and pretty and fun. 215 00:07:41,934 --> 00:07:43,436 - And your brother's girlfriend. 216 00:07:43,536 --> 00:07:45,438 - [sighs] That last night 217 00:07:45,538 --> 00:07:48,401 I went down to the dock because I was so depressed. 218 00:07:48,501 --> 00:07:50,243 I never thought I was gonna see her again, 219 00:07:50,343 --> 00:07:53,287 and I-I couldn't tell her how I felt. 220 00:07:53,387 --> 00:07:57,051 And so I sat there watching the reflection 221 00:07:57,151 --> 00:07:59,814 of the fireflies on the water's surface. 222 00:07:59,914 --> 00:08:01,015 - You and Tom are so related. 223 00:08:01,115 --> 00:08:02,417 - And then, suddenly, 224 00:08:02,517 --> 00:08:05,420 through the mist, there she was. 225 00:08:05,520 --> 00:08:09,384 And she put her arm around me, and we kissed, and-- 226 00:08:09,484 --> 00:08:12,388 - And she never met Tom for that dance. 227 00:08:12,488 --> 00:08:14,230 - I caused Tom so much pain. 228 00:08:14,330 --> 00:08:16,232 If he confronts Jessica and the truth comes out, 229 00:08:16,332 --> 00:08:18,554 he will never forgive me. - You don't know that. 230 00:08:18,654 --> 00:08:20,396 This was a million years ago. - He has no concept of time. 231 00:08:20,496 --> 00:08:23,440 He's like a dog. - Okay, you were a kid. 232 00:08:23,540 --> 00:08:24,921 Stop beating yourself up. 233 00:08:25,021 --> 00:08:26,443 And who knows? 234 00:08:26,543 --> 00:08:28,085 Maybe when Jessica drove off, 235 00:08:28,185 --> 00:08:29,246 she realized she was dating Connor, 236 00:08:29,346 --> 00:08:31,208 and why would she want to do that? 237 00:08:31,308 --> 00:08:32,850 And she'll never come back. - Oh, please, oh, please. 238 00:08:32,950 --> 00:08:34,332 [doorbell rings] 239 00:08:34,432 --> 00:08:36,054 - You know, to be fair, we didn't give the universe 240 00:08:36,154 --> 00:08:38,496 enough time to manifest that. - [sighs] 241 00:08:38,596 --> 00:08:40,338 - So, you're cool, right? - Yeah, I'm cool. 242 00:08:40,438 --> 00:08:42,421 Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. Hey, I'm like The Fonz. 243 00:08:42,521 --> 00:08:43,822 [imitating The Fonz] Hey! 244 00:08:43,922 --> 00:08:46,625 [chuckles] - Mm. 245 00:08:46,725 --> 00:08:48,768 - There you are. 246 00:08:51,330 --> 00:08:53,273 You look great. - Thanks. 247 00:08:53,373 --> 00:08:56,276 - Uh, Jessica, this is Marina and my brother, Tom. 248 00:08:56,376 --> 00:08:58,198 - Hey. Oh, wait, did-- [chuckles] 249 00:08:58,298 --> 00:08:59,840 Did we go to camp together? 250 00:08:59,940 --> 00:09:01,442 Or--I don't know, did we? I can't remember. 251 00:09:01,542 --> 00:09:03,644 But maybe you do. - We did? 252 00:09:03,744 --> 00:09:06,047 - Huh. - Huh. Tom. 253 00:09:06,147 --> 00:09:08,169 - And this is my sister. 254 00:09:08,269 --> 00:09:09,611 - Oh, my God, Sarah! 255 00:09:09,711 --> 00:09:12,454 - [giggles] You remember me. 256 00:09:12,554 --> 00:09:14,556 - We are not winning game night. 257 00:09:17,519 --> 00:09:19,141 - This is so crazy-- I mean, what are the odds 258 00:09:19,241 --> 00:09:21,344 that I went to camp with Tom and Sarah, 259 00:09:21,444 --> 00:09:22,585 and now I'm dating Connor? 260 00:09:22,685 --> 00:09:24,067 I guess I have a thing for the Hayworth-- 261 00:09:24,167 --> 00:09:26,549 - Men, Hayworth men. 262 00:09:26,649 --> 00:09:28,351 [chuckles] What a charming bunch. 263 00:09:28,451 --> 00:09:29,913 Actually, you'd even like my dad. 264 00:09:30,013 --> 00:09:31,915 But that'd be weird. 265 00:09:32,015 --> 00:09:33,998 - It's just a small world, I guess. 266 00:09:34,098 --> 00:09:35,880 You know, so much to catch up on... 267 00:09:35,980 --> 00:09:37,161 if you want to. 268 00:09:37,261 --> 00:09:39,123 Or not. Or whatever. I mean, I don't care. 269 00:09:39,223 --> 00:09:41,085 - Yeah, I don't think we want to. We came to game. 270 00:09:41,185 --> 00:09:43,929 And this team is gonna crush it. 271 00:09:44,029 --> 00:09:47,092 - It is weird. Now I have all these memories flooding back. 272 00:09:47,192 --> 00:09:49,415 Sarah, do you remember-- - I do. I do. 273 00:09:49,515 --> 00:09:52,018 Good old Camp Caribou. Whoo! 274 00:09:52,118 --> 00:09:54,340 [chuckles] That's--you know, that is such a cute jacket. 275 00:09:54,440 --> 00:09:55,641 Do you want me to hang it up? Actually, you know what? 276 00:09:55,721 --> 00:09:57,143 You should probably come with me, 277 00:09:57,243 --> 00:09:58,244 in case I forget which closet I put it in, 278 00:09:58,324 --> 00:09:59,626 because the closet space here is-- 279 00:09:59,726 --> 00:10:02,069 Aah! So many closets. So come on with. Okay. 280 00:10:02,169 --> 00:10:03,951 - Okay. - Perfect. 281 00:10:04,051 --> 00:10:08,155 And I will talk to Tom about how tonight is going to go. 282 00:10:08,255 --> 00:10:10,998 - ♪ The cold never bothered me anyway ♪ 283 00:10:11,098 --> 00:10:12,440 [whispering] It's going great. 284 00:10:12,540 --> 00:10:14,602 - So what is your life like now? 285 00:10:14,702 --> 00:10:16,204 I have so many questions. 286 00:10:16,304 --> 00:10:19,127 You know, where do you live? What do you do? 287 00:10:19,227 --> 00:10:21,530 - Well, I'm CTO of an app company. 288 00:10:21,630 --> 00:10:23,973 - We kissed. You remember that, right? 289 00:10:24,073 --> 00:10:25,534 The last day of camp on the dock. 290 00:10:25,634 --> 00:10:27,497 - How could I not? 291 00:10:27,597 --> 00:10:29,179 - You were supposed to meet Tom at the dance, 292 00:10:29,279 --> 00:10:30,500 but you kissed me. 293 00:10:30,600 --> 00:10:32,142 - Yeah, and you kissed me back. 294 00:10:32,242 --> 00:10:34,184 - I did. I did. 295 00:10:34,284 --> 00:10:36,386 - Oh, Sarah... 296 00:10:36,486 --> 00:10:37,588 we can't. 297 00:10:37,688 --> 00:10:40,231 I'm with Connor now. - What? 298 00:10:40,331 --> 00:10:42,313 Oh, no, Jessica, I'm not hitting on you. 299 00:10:42,413 --> 00:10:45,116 I just wanted to get you alone. Okay, that sounds bad. 300 00:10:45,216 --> 00:10:46,918 - And you brought me to a storage closet. 301 00:10:47,018 --> 00:10:48,079 - Yeah, I'm seeing the optics now. 302 00:10:48,179 --> 00:10:49,561 Listen, here's the thing-- 303 00:10:49,661 --> 00:10:53,886 Tom doesn't know about you and me and the dock, 304 00:10:53,986 --> 00:10:55,928 and I would really appreciate it if we kept it that way. 305 00:10:56,028 --> 00:10:58,251 He would be devastated if he knew 306 00:10:58,351 --> 00:11:01,014 that I was the reason why you didn't make it to the dance. 307 00:11:01,114 --> 00:11:03,697 - But that was so long ago. - Yeah. 308 00:11:03,797 --> 00:11:05,298 Tom's a writer now, 309 00:11:05,398 --> 00:11:09,303 and, um, you're literally a chapter in his book. 310 00:11:09,403 --> 00:11:12,306 - Whoa. That's a lot. - Yeah. Tom's a lot. 311 00:11:12,406 --> 00:11:14,028 Kind of dodged a bullet on that one. 312 00:11:14,128 --> 00:11:15,029 [both chuckle] 313 00:11:15,129 --> 00:11:16,831 But can we agree to protect him? 314 00:11:16,931 --> 00:11:18,313 - Absolutely. - Okay. 315 00:11:18,413 --> 00:11:20,235 - I guess it wasn't our finest moment. 316 00:11:20,335 --> 00:11:24,159 - No, no, but it was a moment 317 00:11:24,259 --> 00:11:25,401 - For me too. 318 00:11:25,501 --> 00:11:28,083 I mean, that--that was when I realized I was bi. 319 00:11:28,183 --> 00:11:31,127 It was the most amazing summer... 320 00:11:31,227 --> 00:11:33,089 until the summer that I interned at Oracle 321 00:11:33,189 --> 00:11:35,091 and realized how tech was gonna change everything. 322 00:11:35,191 --> 00:11:36,312 - Yeah, you're definitely with the right Hayworth. 323 00:11:36,393 --> 00:11:37,934 All right, let's go. 324 00:11:38,034 --> 00:11:39,416 - You know what? Connor's right. 325 00:11:39,516 --> 00:11:41,258 I'm overthinking this. This all happened so long ago. 326 00:11:41,358 --> 00:11:44,782 I mean, who even cares anymore? 327 00:11:44,882 --> 00:11:47,625 - [mouths words] - Guess what this is. 328 00:11:47,725 --> 00:11:49,227 Me, not caring. 329 00:11:49,327 --> 00:11:51,189 You know who's ready to crush game night? 330 00:11:51,289 --> 00:11:53,311 This guy. - That's the spirit. 331 00:11:53,411 --> 00:11:55,073 You're gonna crush it. 332 00:11:55,173 --> 00:11:58,237 - Hey, Marina, I was thinking about what you said earlier, 333 00:11:58,337 --> 00:12:01,080 and I think that maybe we should call off the bet. 334 00:12:01,180 --> 00:12:04,524 I just noticed that Sarah's really exhausted, so... 335 00:12:04,624 --> 00:12:06,626 - Huh. 336 00:12:07,507 --> 00:12:09,509 Bet's a bet, Denise. 337 00:12:11,151 --> 00:12:12,893 - [mouths words] 338 00:12:12,993 --> 00:12:14,855 - Oh. 339 00:12:14,955 --> 00:12:16,377 You know what? You're right. 340 00:12:16,477 --> 00:12:18,819 Bet's a bet. Let's do this thing. 341 00:12:18,919 --> 00:12:22,303 And let's sweeten the deal. Loser babysits for a month. 342 00:12:22,403 --> 00:12:24,986 - A high roller. I likes. 343 00:12:25,086 --> 00:12:28,430 [dramatic music] 344 00:12:28,530 --> 00:12:30,432 ♪ ♪ 345 00:12:30,532 --> 00:12:33,436 - You guys okay? 346 00:12:33,536 --> 00:12:36,199 - It's a person. - Bedspring. 347 00:12:36,299 --> 00:12:37,640 - I said it's a person. - You can't talk. 348 00:12:37,740 --> 00:12:40,283 - So intense--like the guys at Pali Capital 349 00:12:40,383 --> 00:12:42,085 trying to get in on Squarespace. 350 00:12:42,185 --> 00:12:43,407 - Uh, pasta. 351 00:12:43,507 --> 00:12:45,169 - I made that reference a couple weeks ago. 352 00:12:45,269 --> 00:12:47,091 - Ponytail. - None of these guys got it. 353 00:12:47,191 --> 00:12:49,293 - Slinky. Tornado. 354 00:12:49,393 --> 00:12:51,015 - So, Tom, you're a writer now? - Squigglies. 355 00:12:51,115 --> 00:12:52,417 - You always did love books. 356 00:12:52,517 --> 00:12:55,260 - Oh, so you do remember that summer. 357 00:12:55,360 --> 00:12:58,143 - Curlicue. Slip 'N Slide. 358 00:12:58,243 --> 00:13:00,305 - Well, I remember some things, I mean, 359 00:13:00,405 --> 00:13:02,388 but most of that summer is a blur. 360 00:13:02,488 --> 00:13:04,470 - Oh, yeah, totally. I mean, for me, too. 361 00:13:04,570 --> 00:13:06,552 I barely remember it, but I also do remember a lot of it. 362 00:13:06,652 --> 00:13:08,074 - More pasta. - Tom. 363 00:13:08,174 --> 00:13:09,435 - What? - Game night. Focus. 364 00:13:09,535 --> 00:13:12,078 - And time. Boom, we're up. 365 00:13:12,178 --> 00:13:14,721 - Shirley Temple. A person? 366 00:13:14,821 --> 00:13:17,204 - All right, let's see what I have to draw here. 367 00:13:17,304 --> 00:13:18,345 You probably don't remember that dance. 368 00:13:18,425 --> 00:13:20,087 both: Tom! - Sorry. 369 00:13:20,187 --> 00:13:21,569 - Take your time, Tom. Run out the clock. 370 00:13:21,669 --> 00:13:23,331 - I'd say he's not always like this, 371 00:13:23,431 --> 00:13:25,293 but he's literally always like this. 372 00:13:25,393 --> 00:13:28,336 - It's a thing. 373 00:13:28,436 --> 00:13:30,458 - A ball. The moon. 374 00:13:30,558 --> 00:13:33,181 A...coconut. 375 00:13:33,281 --> 00:13:34,343 - Wonder what I'm gonna wear Friday. 376 00:13:34,443 --> 00:13:36,185 - An eyeball, an ovary. - Maybe stilettos. 377 00:13:36,285 --> 00:13:38,187 - Something that says I'm a winner. 378 00:13:38,287 --> 00:13:40,109 - Draw something else. 379 00:13:40,209 --> 00:13:42,912 - Sorry, it's like I'm just kind of distracted. 380 00:13:43,012 --> 00:13:44,754 - Okay, this isn't gonna work. 381 00:13:44,854 --> 00:13:47,557 Jessica, I'm sorry, I have a lot riding on this game. 382 00:13:47,657 --> 00:13:51,522 Why didn't you meet Tom that night at the camp dance? 383 00:13:51,622 --> 00:13:53,364 - W-what? 384 00:13:53,464 --> 00:13:55,286 - She brought it up first, not me. 385 00:13:55,386 --> 00:13:56,607 - Jessica, you don't have to answer this. 386 00:13:56,707 --> 00:13:58,329 - Exactly. Your mouth, your choice. 387 00:13:58,429 --> 00:14:00,492 - Not that it matters, but time. 388 00:14:00,592 --> 00:14:02,173 - Okay, um... 389 00:14:02,273 --> 00:14:05,917 the truth is I... 390 00:14:07,279 --> 00:14:10,222 Got food poisoning that night. 391 00:14:10,322 --> 00:14:12,385 I, um, told one of the counselors to tell you, 392 00:14:12,485 --> 00:14:14,187 but obviously that didn't happen. 393 00:14:14,287 --> 00:14:16,289 I-I'm so sorry. 394 00:14:17,891 --> 00:14:19,272 - Wow. 395 00:14:19,372 --> 00:14:22,476 Uh, yeah, I guess that's all I needed to hear. 396 00:14:22,576 --> 00:14:23,837 Thank you. 397 00:14:23,937 --> 00:14:26,040 - Great. - Okay, we're good. 398 00:14:26,140 --> 00:14:29,203 - Finally, closure. 399 00:14:29,303 --> 00:14:31,946 - It was a lollipop. [chuckles] 400 00:14:34,028 --> 00:14:36,171 Okay, I just ran this into Connor's garage. 401 00:14:36,271 --> 00:14:37,172 - Car. - Bumper. 402 00:14:37,272 --> 00:14:38,574 - Department of Motor... 403 00:14:38,674 --> 00:14:39,895 - Vehicles. Vehicle? - Yes. 404 00:14:39,995 --> 00:14:41,737 - That was too easy. - Rigged. 405 00:14:41,837 --> 00:14:44,420 - You're just jealous. Go ahead, baby. 406 00:14:44,520 --> 00:14:47,183 - Um, food poisoning. - Vomit. 407 00:14:47,283 --> 00:14:49,426 Sickness. Give more clues. 408 00:14:49,526 --> 00:14:51,228 - I'm sorry, Jessica, you said food poisoning? 409 00:14:51,328 --> 00:14:52,549 all: Tom! [buzzer sounds] 410 00:14:52,649 --> 00:14:54,431 - Have you never played a game before? 411 00:14:54,531 --> 00:14:55,753 - This says zebra. 412 00:14:55,853 --> 00:14:56,994 - You've been Taboo'd. 413 00:14:57,094 --> 00:14:58,476 - I just can't get this out of my head. 414 00:14:58,576 --> 00:14:59,997 Everyone at camp eats the same food, 415 00:15:00,097 --> 00:15:01,839 and you're the only one who got sick? 416 00:15:01,939 --> 00:15:03,441 - How could you possibly know that? 417 00:15:03,541 --> 00:15:05,483 - I was very close to the nurse. 418 00:15:05,583 --> 00:15:06,965 - I bet it was those jellybeans that your mom gave you 419 00:15:07,065 --> 00:15:08,607 in that care package-- do you remember that? 420 00:15:08,707 --> 00:15:10,369 - I did like those jelly beans. 421 00:15:10,469 --> 00:15:12,491 - My daughter has a whole candy room--I'll hook you up. 422 00:15:12,591 --> 00:15:14,373 - Hang on. [buzzer sounds] 423 00:15:14,473 --> 00:15:16,295 You can't get food poisoning from jelly beans. 424 00:15:16,395 --> 00:15:18,418 - Now you're a toxicologist? - Oh, time. 425 00:15:18,518 --> 00:15:20,660 It's our turn. Okay. 426 00:15:20,760 --> 00:15:23,063 This is an athletic event played at a diamond. 427 00:15:23,163 --> 00:15:24,745 - I'm sorry. It just doesn't add up. 428 00:15:24,845 --> 00:15:27,187 Please tell me. I mean, I won't be mad. 429 00:15:27,287 --> 00:15:29,069 It was Matt Stillman from bunk 12, wasn't it? 430 00:15:29,169 --> 00:15:30,751 - Tom, it's been a real pleasure, 431 00:15:30,851 --> 00:15:32,193 but I think you should leave. 432 00:15:32,293 --> 00:15:33,474 - Oh, come on, I just--I need to know. 433 00:15:33,574 --> 00:15:35,236 Please. I won't be mad, I swear. 434 00:15:35,336 --> 00:15:36,437 - Fine. 435 00:15:36,537 --> 00:15:38,320 The truth is it was Matt Spillman. 436 00:15:38,420 --> 00:15:39,521 - Stillman. - Stillman. 437 00:15:39,621 --> 00:15:41,643 - Matt Stillman! I knew it. I knew it! 438 00:15:41,743 --> 00:15:44,727 All these years-- oh, Matt Stillman. 439 00:15:44,827 --> 00:15:45,968 - He and I went swimming that night, 440 00:15:46,068 --> 00:15:47,370 and then we kissed on the dock. 441 00:15:47,470 --> 00:15:49,532 I'm sorry, I was a dumb teenager. 442 00:15:49,632 --> 00:15:52,575 - [sighs] Wow. 443 00:15:52,675 --> 00:15:54,938 This is actual closure. 444 00:15:55,038 --> 00:15:58,061 You know, I thought, before, I had closure, 445 00:15:58,161 --> 00:16:02,146 but this is, like-- this is, like, real closure. 446 00:16:02,246 --> 00:16:06,671 Thank you, Jessica. Our chapter is now completed. 447 00:16:06,771 --> 00:16:09,754 And I can go complete my chapter. 448 00:16:09,854 --> 00:16:11,877 [chuckles] Whew! 449 00:16:11,977 --> 00:16:13,518 [chuckles] Feels good, doesn't it? 450 00:16:13,618 --> 00:16:14,920 - Should we call it a night? 451 00:16:15,020 --> 00:16:16,642 - When the host tell setup to go, you go, so... 452 00:16:16,742 --> 00:16:18,524 - No! We are tied. [buzzer sounding] 453 00:16:18,624 --> 00:16:20,246 Absolutely not. 454 00:16:20,346 --> 00:16:22,488 - When we start game night, we finish night. 455 00:16:22,588 --> 00:16:24,330 [buzzer sputters] 456 00:16:24,430 --> 00:16:25,972 I think we broke it. 457 00:16:26,072 --> 00:16:26,933 - It's not a good one. - Ooh. 458 00:16:27,033 --> 00:16:28,335 - Ooh. Ooh. - You're gonna fail. 459 00:16:28,435 --> 00:16:29,336 - Ooh. - Whoa. 460 00:16:29,436 --> 00:16:32,099 - No, no, no, no. all: Oh! 461 00:16:32,199 --> 00:16:33,981 - Pew! - Okay. All right, calm down. 462 00:16:34,081 --> 00:16:35,663 She has to put it on the top still. 463 00:16:35,763 --> 00:16:39,627 Don't screw up. Don't get too nervous. 464 00:16:39,727 --> 00:16:42,130 Oh, my gosh. Don't--no. 465 00:16:45,173 --> 00:16:47,836 - High cinco. - Matt Stillman couldn't swim. 466 00:16:47,936 --> 00:16:49,558 - Oh, God. - No, not again. 467 00:16:49,658 --> 00:16:52,762 - Matt Stillman couldn't swim. He was terrified of water. 468 00:16:52,862 --> 00:16:55,084 Remember he had that meltdown at that kayak race? 469 00:16:55,184 --> 00:16:57,447 Yet you're saying that the two of you were swimming around 470 00:16:57,547 --> 00:16:59,369 like a couple of water nymphs? 471 00:16:59,469 --> 00:17:01,812 - Tom, we are so close to winning. 472 00:17:01,912 --> 00:17:03,413 - Maybe I should go. - No, no, no. 473 00:17:03,513 --> 00:17:05,976 Tom, you should go. He just called you a nymph. 474 00:17:06,076 --> 00:17:07,538 - Why can't this be a normal game night? 475 00:17:07,638 --> 00:17:09,901 - You're acting crazy. - This is just like "Saw." 476 00:17:10,001 --> 00:17:11,983 This is just like the movie "Saw." 477 00:17:12,083 --> 00:17:13,785 - So embarrassing. We're, like, in front of people-- 478 00:17:13,885 --> 00:17:17,229 - Embarrassing? - [all shouting] 479 00:17:17,329 --> 00:17:20,312 - Stop! Stop! It wasn't Matt Stillman, okay? 480 00:17:20,412 --> 00:17:22,574 It was me. I kissed Jessica. I'm sorr-- 481 00:17:29,262 --> 00:17:31,384 I'm sorry. 482 00:17:33,787 --> 00:17:38,132 - The blocks fell during your turn, so... 483 00:17:38,232 --> 00:17:40,915 But that's not important right now. 484 00:17:42,436 --> 00:17:45,139 - You've been hiding this from me for over 20 years? 485 00:17:45,239 --> 00:17:47,142 - I was hoping that you would forget about it? 486 00:17:47,242 --> 00:17:48,944 - You dried my tears on the bus ride home, 487 00:17:49,044 --> 00:17:51,667 and the whole time, you knew you were the cause of them. 488 00:17:51,767 --> 00:17:53,108 - I'm sorry, okay? 489 00:17:53,208 --> 00:17:55,351 I felt awful about it then, and I feel awful now. 490 00:17:55,451 --> 00:17:56,993 I didn't mean to betray you. 491 00:17:57,093 --> 00:17:58,554 - Why did you do it? - I don't know! 492 00:17:58,654 --> 00:18:00,196 I don't know, okay? 493 00:18:00,296 --> 00:18:02,759 I-I had feelings for a girl for the first time ever, 494 00:18:02,859 --> 00:18:05,482 and... 495 00:18:05,582 --> 00:18:07,985 I was ashamed and confused. 496 00:18:10,708 --> 00:18:13,451 If I told you the truth then, it would have meant coming out, 497 00:18:13,551 --> 00:18:15,553 and I couldn't even come out to myself. 498 00:18:16,834 --> 00:18:18,897 - Oh. 499 00:18:18,997 --> 00:18:20,538 I'm sorry. 500 00:18:20,638 --> 00:18:22,861 I-I didn't know. 501 00:18:22,961 --> 00:18:26,305 - It's okay. You couldn't have known. 502 00:18:26,405 --> 00:18:28,307 - No, I've been self-centered. 503 00:18:28,407 --> 00:18:29,909 I mean... 504 00:18:30,009 --> 00:18:31,390 this whole time I thought 505 00:18:31,490 --> 00:18:35,155 that Jessica was a chapter in my book, but... 506 00:18:35,255 --> 00:18:38,298 I mean, she's really a chapter in yours. 507 00:18:40,701 --> 00:18:42,703 - Thank you. 508 00:18:44,064 --> 00:18:46,247 - You want to-- Should we hug? 509 00:18:46,347 --> 00:18:49,170 - No, not really. - Oh, okay. 510 00:18:49,270 --> 00:18:51,272 Come here. 511 00:18:54,075 --> 00:18:56,538 Look, Sarah, we got to be more open with each other. 512 00:18:56,638 --> 00:18:58,460 - Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. 513 00:18:58,560 --> 00:18:59,942 - Is there anything else from the past 514 00:19:00,042 --> 00:19:01,984 that you want to get off your chest? 515 00:19:02,084 --> 00:19:03,586 - Stop. No, that was it. 516 00:19:03,686 --> 00:19:05,668 - Okay. 517 00:19:05,768 --> 00:19:08,071 - I'm the one who broke Dad's train set. 518 00:19:08,171 --> 00:19:12,356 - I got grounded for that! - I know. Choo-choo! 519 00:19:12,456 --> 00:19:13,837 - Well, I would've won 520 00:19:13,937 --> 00:19:16,200 if your husband was capable of normal human behavior. 521 00:19:16,300 --> 00:19:18,843 - Hey, I take no pleasure in this. 522 00:19:18,943 --> 00:19:22,166 That's a lie. I am taking so much pleasure in this. 523 00:19:22,266 --> 00:19:23,968 - This is not a good look on you. 524 00:19:24,068 --> 00:19:28,453 - You ditched my brother to kiss my sister. 525 00:19:28,553 --> 00:19:29,775 - Is that weird for you? - No. 526 00:19:29,875 --> 00:19:31,817 Come on, it was, like, a million years ago. 527 00:19:31,917 --> 00:19:35,341 And unlike them, I'm actually a functioning adult. 528 00:19:35,441 --> 00:19:38,144 - It's quite a family. - You have no idea. 529 00:19:38,244 --> 00:19:40,907 - Maybe our next date can be just the two of us. 530 00:19:41,007 --> 00:19:43,630 - Why, was this night not romantic enough for you? 531 00:19:43,730 --> 00:19:45,752 - [chuckles] 532 00:19:45,852 --> 00:19:48,556 - Hey, I'm making Peanut Butter White Russians. 533 00:19:48,656 --> 00:19:50,318 Who wants some? 534 00:19:50,418 --> 00:19:52,320 - Uh, yes, please. - Yeah. 535 00:19:52,420 --> 00:19:54,562 - You don't spend that much time 536 00:19:54,662 --> 00:19:55,844 with your siblings, do you? 537 00:19:55,944 --> 00:19:57,686 - No. No, no, no. Of course not. 538 00:19:57,786 --> 00:19:59,608 Yeah, we only do game night, like, once a month. 539 00:19:59,708 --> 00:20:01,009 - Oh. 540 00:20:01,109 --> 00:20:03,332 - I guess we do do brunch every weekend. 541 00:20:03,432 --> 00:20:05,094 And Sarah I see all the time now, 542 00:20:05,194 --> 00:20:06,656 'cause she's actually a counselor 543 00:20:06,756 --> 00:20:08,097 at my daughter's school. 544 00:20:08,197 --> 00:20:09,859 For Halloween, we're all going trick-or-treating 545 00:20:09,959 --> 00:20:10,820 with the kids. 546 00:20:10,920 --> 00:20:11,861 We're doing, like, a group theme. 547 00:20:11,961 --> 00:20:13,303 I'll put you on the costume thread. 548 00:20:13,403 --> 00:20:15,665 And Marina I watch all the 49ers games with. 549 00:20:15,765 --> 00:20:18,949 Denise, she's, like, a adviser/consultant 550 00:20:19,049 --> 00:20:20,110 to my business now. 551 00:20:20,210 --> 00:20:21,472 And sometimes we'll just call each other, 552 00:20:21,572 --> 00:20:24,155 just out of the blue, for no reason, just to say hi. 553 00:20:24,255 --> 00:20:26,257 - [chuckles awkwardly] 554 00:20:28,059 --> 00:20:29,601 - This isn't gonna work, is it? 555 00:20:29,701 --> 00:20:31,883 - [exhales sharply] 556 00:20:31,983 --> 00:20:33,986 It was fun. 557 00:20:34,626 --> 00:20:38,050 - Okay, who's ready for an early bedtime? 558 00:20:38,150 --> 00:20:40,533 [babies crying] Wonderful. 559 00:20:40,633 --> 00:20:42,095 - Look, we shouldn't be that late. 560 00:20:42,195 --> 00:20:43,776 And if you want to order pizza or something, that's cool. 561 00:20:43,876 --> 00:20:45,178 We'll pay you back. 562 00:20:45,278 --> 00:20:47,380 - Tom, we won the bet. you don't have to be nice. 563 00:20:47,480 --> 00:20:48,702 - Hold on. 564 00:20:48,802 --> 00:20:52,306 I have a proposition for you. 565 00:20:52,406 --> 00:20:54,628 Double or nothing-- two months of babysitting. 566 00:20:54,728 --> 00:20:56,030 No blackout dates, 567 00:20:56,130 --> 00:20:58,393 no heads-up, no pretending like you're not home. 568 00:20:58,493 --> 00:21:00,955 - Two months? - Two months. 569 00:21:01,055 --> 00:21:02,557 - What about dinner with Sofía? 570 00:21:02,657 --> 00:21:04,239 I mean, technically, she's my boss. 571 00:21:04,339 --> 00:21:06,682 - Two months of babysitting, Tom. 572 00:21:06,782 --> 00:21:09,645 Set it up. - Uh, what's happening? 573 00:21:09,745 --> 00:21:11,968 - Well, looks like it's game night again. 574 00:21:12,068 --> 00:21:14,410 Hey, uh, you never met my college girlfriend, did you? 575 00:21:14,510 --> 00:21:15,892 [both chuckle] 576 00:21:15,992 --> 00:21:17,454 - Arianna. 577 00:21:17,554 --> 00:21:19,696 How could I forget? - All right. 578 00:21:19,796 --> 00:21:21,939 [chuckles] Very funny. - Mm. 579 00:21:22,039 --> 00:21:23,500 - Just to clarify, that was a-- 580 00:21:23,600 --> 00:21:25,603 that was a joke, right?