1 00:00:01,344 --> 00:00:02,687 - Chapter 11. 2 00:00:02,787 --> 00:00:04,009 In between work and raising kids, 3 00:00:05,109 --> 00:00:06,312 the Hayworths didn't have much time to get out 4 00:00:06,392 --> 00:00:08,055 and enjoy the finer things. 5 00:00:08,155 --> 00:00:10,700 It's bold, it's playful, a clear rejection 6 00:00:10,800 --> 00:00:13,064 of the modern realist aesthetic. 7 00:00:13,164 --> 00:00:15,268 - Note the use of color and movement. 8 00:00:15,368 --> 00:00:17,312 It really captures the idea of... 9 00:00:17,412 --> 00:00:19,596 being a cat on a spaceship. 10 00:00:19,696 --> 00:00:21,439 - So they settled for a student art show 11 00:00:21,539 --> 00:00:22,642 at the fancy private school 12 00:00:22,742 --> 00:00:24,325 where Connor sent his daughter. 13 00:00:24,425 --> 00:00:26,288 - This is the most brazen display of privilege 14 00:00:26,388 --> 00:00:28,392 that I've ever seen. 15 00:00:29,474 --> 00:00:31,297 But definitely the best wine I've ever had in my life. 16 00:00:31,397 --> 00:00:32,739 - I know, right? 17 00:00:32,840 --> 00:00:34,223 I wonder if I have a ziplock in my bag. 18 00:00:34,323 --> 00:00:35,505 - I mean, it ought to be. 19 00:00:35,605 --> 00:00:36,707 This place costs 40 grand a year. 20 00:00:36,807 --> 00:00:38,310 - $40,000? 21 00:00:38,410 --> 00:00:40,113 That's like the cost of one of those new hybrid minivans 22 00:00:40,213 --> 00:00:42,638 with parking sensors. 23 00:00:42,738 --> 00:00:44,521 Sorry, it's, like, my dream car. 24 00:00:44,621 --> 00:00:46,886 - So in a city that apparently can't afford 25 00:00:46,986 --> 00:00:48,689 counseling jobs like mine, 26 00:00:48,789 --> 00:00:50,332 some parent just coughed up 27 00:00:50,432 --> 00:00:52,828 $600 for a rainbow horsey? 28 00:00:52,838 --> 00:00:54,261 - This place is amazing, right? - Oh, amazing. 29 00:00:54,361 --> 00:00:55,543 - We were just saying that. 30 00:00:55,643 --> 00:00:56,485 - Yeah, it's not at all ridiculous. 31 00:00:56,565 --> 00:00:57,787 - I see you guys are admiring 32 00:00:57,887 --> 00:00:59,751 Gretchen's "Rainbow Horsey." 33 00:01:00,851 --> 00:01:03,516 But you're too late, this bad boy is riding home with me. 34 00:01:03,616 --> 00:01:05,680 - You paid 600 bucks for your own daughter's art? 35 00:01:05,780 --> 00:01:06,922 - $1,200, yeah. 36 00:01:07,022 --> 00:01:08,806 Part of a set with "Sparkle Horsey." 37 00:01:08,906 --> 00:01:10,929 - Mm. - Oh, guys, this is Allison. 38 00:01:11,029 --> 00:01:13,574 She's our headmaster, and she's the best. 39 00:01:13,674 --> 00:01:15,203 - It's so nice seeing all of our Windmount families 40 00:01:15,213 --> 00:01:16,822 raising money for our planetarium. 41 00:01:16,922 --> 00:01:18,826 - I'm surprised that you don't already have one. 42 00:01:18,926 --> 00:01:21,751 - We do, actually, but it still includes Pluto, 43 00:01:21,851 --> 00:01:23,394 so it's basically garbage. 44 00:01:24,494 --> 00:01:25,596 - Wow. 45 00:01:25,696 --> 00:01:27,640 - Oh! 46 00:01:27,740 --> 00:01:30,405 Camila. 47 00:01:30,505 --> 00:01:32,509 Look who it is. 48 00:01:34,953 --> 00:01:37,618 Frida Kahlo. We've talked about her. 49 00:01:37,718 --> 00:01:39,140 She's on those socks I gave you. 50 00:01:39,241 --> 00:01:41,384 - Oh, yeah, eyebrow lady. 51 00:01:41,485 --> 00:01:45,032 - Actually, Frida was more than an eyebrow lady and sock model. 52 00:01:45,132 --> 00:01:47,195 She employed a naive folk art style-- 53 00:01:47,295 --> 00:01:50,001 - Thanks, but we know who Frida is. 54 00:01:50,101 --> 00:01:51,283 We're Mexican American. 55 00:01:51,383 --> 00:01:53,006 She's like our Bruce Springsteen. 56 00:01:53,106 --> 00:01:55,250 - How wonderful. Hailey! 57 00:01:55,350 --> 00:01:57,815 Hailey here is in our Spanish immersion program. 58 00:01:57,914 --> 00:01:59,378 - Ah. - Isn't that right, Hailey? 59 00:01:59,478 --> 00:02:00,700 - I guess. - Yeah. 60 00:02:00,800 --> 00:02:03,145 This little girl speaks Spanish too. 61 00:02:03,245 --> 00:02:07,512 - [speaking Spanish] 62 00:02:07,612 --> 00:02:09,236 - [chuckles] 63 00:02:09,336 --> 00:02:11,279 Camila, say something. 64 00:02:11,379 --> 00:02:13,503 - Um, hola. 65 00:02:15,026 --> 00:02:16,529 Ooh, Thor! 66 00:02:16,629 --> 00:02:17,851 Oh! 67 00:02:17,951 --> 00:02:19,735 - Sorry, I just assumed she spoke Spanish. 68 00:02:19,835 --> 00:02:22,179 - No, she does. - Oh, of course. 69 00:02:22,279 --> 00:02:24,744 - No, really, she knows a lot about Mexican culture. 70 00:02:24,844 --> 00:02:27,148 - Oh, this has, like, everyone from Asgard. 71 00:02:27,248 --> 00:02:30,875 There's Odin, Sif, Fandral, Volstagg. 72 00:02:30,975 --> 00:02:33,360 - Someone's pronunciation is really coming along. 73 00:02:33,460 --> 00:02:35,684 - She knows a lot about a lot of cultures. 74 00:02:35,784 --> 00:02:38,088 [upbeat music] 75 00:02:38,188 --> 00:02:40,593 - ♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey ♪ 76 00:02:42,316 --> 00:02:44,139 - "Windmount Planetarium-- 77 00:02:44,239 --> 00:02:45,742 reaching for the stars!" 78 00:02:45,841 --> 00:02:47,865 I just wish Mrs. Adams were here to see this. 79 00:02:47,966 --> 00:02:49,349 - Hmm? - She was the old 80 00:02:49,449 --> 00:02:51,152 school counselor until a few months ago. 81 00:02:51,252 --> 00:02:52,795 - Oh, I'm so sorry. 82 00:02:52,895 --> 00:02:55,199 - Oh, no, she didn't die. She just snapped. 83 00:02:55,299 --> 00:02:57,764 Yeah, big-time. Full-blown bananas. 84 00:02:57,864 --> 00:03:01,010 - We prefer to say she suffered from mental exhaustion. 85 00:03:01,110 --> 00:03:03,575 - Oh, does that mean that you're looking for someone? 86 00:03:03,675 --> 00:03:05,698 Because Sarah is an amazing counselor. 87 00:03:05,798 --> 00:03:06,901 - What's that, now? - That's true. 88 00:03:07,001 --> 00:03:08,463 She's always giving unsolicited advice. 89 00:03:08,563 --> 00:03:09,826 She does it to me all the time. 90 00:03:09,926 --> 00:03:11,950 - Well, we're considering candidates now. 91 00:03:12,050 --> 00:03:13,833 I'd be happy to look over your CV. 92 00:03:13,933 --> 00:03:15,396 - That would be great. Right, Sarah? 93 00:03:15,496 --> 00:03:17,280 - Oh, uh... 94 00:03:17,380 --> 00:03:19,203 I'm just not sure that this is what I'm looking for. 95 00:03:19,303 --> 00:03:22,289 - Well, if it is, Connor knows where to find me. 96 00:03:22,389 --> 00:03:25,014 Bryce, don't touch the Play-Doh Venus de Milo. 97 00:03:25,114 --> 00:03:27,298 Excuse me. 98 00:03:27,398 --> 00:03:28,700 - Uh, what was that? 99 00:03:28,800 --> 00:03:29,862 - It sounded interesting. 100 00:03:29,962 --> 00:03:31,305 I mean, I'm even tempted. 101 00:03:31,405 --> 00:03:32,934 My school doesn't even have chalkboard erasers. 102 00:03:32,944 --> 00:03:34,192 - Wait, seriously? How do you, like-- 103 00:03:34,292 --> 00:03:36,416 - We don't have chalk either, so...doesn't really matter. 104 00:03:37,978 --> 00:03:39,963 - Do you really think that I would be a good fit here? 105 00:03:40,063 --> 00:03:42,748 I mean, there's a hand turkey over there for $800. 106 00:03:43,990 --> 00:03:45,372 - That's a steal. 107 00:03:45,472 --> 00:03:48,057 Couple Thanksgivings, that thing pays for itself. 108 00:03:48,156 --> 00:03:50,622 Not so fast. 109 00:03:50,722 --> 00:03:52,726 - Okay. 110 00:03:55,170 --> 00:03:56,393 - Can you believe it? 111 00:03:56,493 --> 00:03:58,837 Camila didn't recognize Frida Kahlo, 112 00:03:58,937 --> 00:03:59,918 and then she couldn't keep up 113 00:04:00,019 --> 00:04:01,322 with that white girl in Spanish. 114 00:04:01,422 --> 00:04:02,924 She's totally lost touch with her culture. 115 00:04:03,024 --> 00:04:04,367 - If it makes you feel any better, it's not like 116 00:04:04,467 --> 00:04:05,930 she's that plugged in to my culture either. 117 00:04:06,030 --> 00:04:07,373 - What is your culture? 118 00:04:07,473 --> 00:04:09,256 - Scottish? Irish? 119 00:04:09,356 --> 00:04:11,099 It's definitely an "ish." 120 00:04:11,199 --> 00:04:12,342 Although there's an old family story 121 00:04:12,442 --> 00:04:14,906 that we're 1/64 Cherokee. - Yeah. 122 00:04:15,005 --> 00:04:16,750 Your dad needs to stop bringing that up. 123 00:04:16,850 --> 00:04:19,394 - Oh, yeah, Thanksgiving is... so embarrassing. 124 00:04:19,494 --> 00:04:21,558 - You know, Camila had to choose a country 125 00:04:21,658 --> 00:04:24,884 for her school's world festival and she chose Canada. 126 00:04:24,984 --> 00:04:26,688 - That's where Wolverine's from. 127 00:04:26,788 --> 00:04:29,012 - Hey, that's right, sweetie. That's right! 128 00:04:29,112 --> 00:04:32,017 But yeah, no, maybe you want to focus on Mexico? 129 00:04:32,117 --> 00:04:34,582 You have a personal connection there. 130 00:04:34,682 --> 00:04:36,305 - I'm not really that Mexican. 131 00:04:36,405 --> 00:04:38,469 I'm more like you, Dad. 132 00:04:38,569 --> 00:04:40,312 - Does she think I'm Canadian? 133 00:04:40,412 --> 00:04:42,116 I guess I could pass. 134 00:04:42,216 --> 00:04:44,200 - "I'm not really that Mexican"? 135 00:04:44,300 --> 00:04:45,362 What happened? 136 00:04:45,462 --> 00:04:47,284 I used to sing lullabies in Spanish 137 00:04:47,385 --> 00:04:48,407 to her when she was little. 138 00:04:48,507 --> 00:04:50,451 We would watch Cri-Cri together! 139 00:04:50,551 --> 00:04:52,976 [sighs] My parents made a point to teach me about my culture. 140 00:04:53,076 --> 00:04:54,218 If I don't pass that on to Camila, 141 00:04:54,318 --> 00:04:56,983 I am failing them and her. 142 00:04:57,082 --> 00:04:59,086 - Welsh? Maybe I'm Welsh. 143 00:05:00,128 --> 00:05:02,132 Look, what can I do to help? 144 00:05:03,294 --> 00:05:04,436 - It would be great if we could 145 00:05:04,536 --> 00:05:05,999 speak some more Spanish around the house. 146 00:05:06,099 --> 00:05:08,203 - No problemo. Oh, look at that. 147 00:05:08,303 --> 00:05:09,686 I'm already doing it! [laughs] 148 00:05:09,786 --> 00:05:11,129 Though I might be a little rusty. 149 00:05:11,229 --> 00:05:12,451 - You practiced so much when we were dating. 150 00:05:12,551 --> 00:05:14,094 Why'd you stop? 151 00:05:14,194 --> 00:05:15,897 - Well, I asked you to marry me and you said yes. 152 00:05:15,997 --> 00:05:16,919 That's, like, mission accomplished. 153 00:05:16,999 --> 00:05:18,382 You know, what's the point? - Right. 154 00:05:18,481 --> 00:05:20,265 And I stopped pretending to care about "Star Trek." 155 00:05:20,365 --> 00:05:22,870 - You were faking it? Even with "Wrath of Khan"? 156 00:05:22,970 --> 00:05:25,194 - Which one was that? - Which--wow, okay. 157 00:05:25,294 --> 00:05:28,600 I guess our entire marriage is a lie, but, uh, 158 00:05:28,700 --> 00:05:30,724 look, I am going to step it up. 159 00:05:30,824 --> 00:05:33,429 Or as they say in Spanish-- 160 00:05:34,872 --> 00:05:35,553 [cell phone chimes] How do you say 161 00:05:35,633 --> 00:05:37,537 "step it up" in Spanish? 162 00:05:37,637 --> 00:05:39,300 - Step it up in Spanish. - Nope, never mind, never mind. 163 00:05:39,400 --> 00:05:41,183 Just undo. 164 00:05:41,283 --> 00:05:44,369 [light music] 165 00:05:50,260 --> 00:05:52,243 [chuckles] - I heard my name. 166 00:05:52,343 --> 00:05:53,406 What's happening? 167 00:05:53,506 --> 00:05:54,528 - Oh, we are speaking more Spanish 168 00:05:54,628 --> 00:05:56,451 because that is our heritage. 169 00:05:56,551 --> 00:05:58,575 Verdad, mi amor? - Sí, Mami. 170 00:05:58,675 --> 00:06:01,861 - Oh! Me mucho gusto, s'il vous plaît. 171 00:06:01,961 --> 00:06:03,905 - That's French. 172 00:06:04,005 --> 00:06:06,429 - Marina, "mucho" is not French. 173 00:06:06,529 --> 00:06:08,112 - Mm, good for you. 174 00:06:08,212 --> 00:06:10,837 There's nothing more important than our heritage. 175 00:06:10,937 --> 00:06:12,560 You know, we Cherokee have this saying-- 176 00:06:12,660 --> 00:06:14,244 - Dad! - No. 177 00:06:14,344 --> 00:06:15,305 - Hey, we talked about this. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy. 178 00:06:15,385 --> 00:06:16,648 We're a proud warrior people. - Dad! 179 00:06:16,748 --> 00:06:18,752 - You have got to stop. - And it's still happening. 180 00:06:23,400 --> 00:06:26,025 - Wow, Tom's really all in on this Spanish thing, huh? 181 00:06:26,125 --> 00:06:27,508 - He is. 182 00:06:27,608 --> 00:06:29,391 - He making any sense? - He is not. 183 00:06:29,491 --> 00:06:31,495 - Oh, whoops! 184 00:06:33,619 --> 00:06:36,284 - Congratulations. 185 00:06:36,384 --> 00:06:37,646 - Qué? 186 00:06:37,746 --> 00:06:38,808 - Hey, good news. 187 00:06:38,908 --> 00:06:40,932 You know that job at Gretchen's school? 188 00:06:41,032 --> 00:06:42,335 - The one I said wasn't for me? - I don't think so. 189 00:06:42,435 --> 00:06:43,978 This is the awesome counseling one. 190 00:06:44,078 --> 00:06:45,100 - That's the one. - Doesn't matter. 191 00:06:45,200 --> 00:06:46,121 Point is, I can get you an interview. 192 00:06:46,202 --> 00:06:47,865 - Oh, that'd be fantastic. 193 00:06:47,965 --> 00:06:49,828 Or it's at least worth considering. 194 00:06:49,928 --> 00:06:51,792 - Yep. I can pull some strings. 195 00:06:51,892 --> 00:06:53,074 - Please don't pull any strings. 196 00:06:53,174 --> 00:06:54,196 - But I like pulling strings. 197 00:06:54,296 --> 00:06:55,238 - If there's a string, let him pull it. 198 00:06:55,338 --> 00:06:56,440 - Maybe I don't want him to pull strings. 199 00:06:56,540 --> 00:06:57,883 - But these are such easy strings to pull. 200 00:06:57,983 --> 00:06:58,784 - It's like the strings want to be pulled. 201 00:06:58,865 --> 00:07:00,528 - Okay, no strings, no strings! 202 00:07:00,628 --> 00:07:02,331 This is exactly why I don't want to work there. 203 00:07:02,431 --> 00:07:05,016 That school is full of people who are using their privilege 204 00:07:05,116 --> 00:07:06,418 to get their kids at the head of the line. 205 00:07:06,518 --> 00:07:08,983 And now you are doing the same thing for me. 206 00:07:09,083 --> 00:07:10,666 - And? 207 00:07:10,766 --> 00:07:13,031 - I appreciate it, but no. 208 00:07:13,131 --> 00:07:14,553 - Okay, fine, but for the record, 209 00:07:14,653 --> 00:07:16,657 this is a very bad thank-you. 210 00:07:18,540 --> 00:07:20,544 - What? 211 00:07:21,666 --> 00:07:22,929 I want to work at a public school 212 00:07:23,029 --> 00:07:25,293 where I can do some real good. 213 00:07:25,393 --> 00:07:26,655 I mean, didn't you say that the counselor 214 00:07:26,755 --> 00:07:28,378 at your school was retiring soon? 215 00:07:28,478 --> 00:07:29,861 - That was before her hip replacement. 216 00:07:29,961 --> 00:07:31,985 Now she's walking around like she's 70 again. 217 00:07:32,085 --> 00:07:34,229 Look, being unemployed is taking a toll on you. 218 00:07:34,329 --> 00:07:35,792 This might not be the best job, 219 00:07:35,892 --> 00:07:37,796 but it's the best job right now. 220 00:07:37,896 --> 00:07:39,278 - Okay, maybe you're right. 221 00:07:39,378 --> 00:07:41,282 And we could really use the money. 222 00:07:41,382 --> 00:07:42,604 - Hell yeah, we could. 223 00:07:42,704 --> 00:07:44,047 I'd like to try a name-brand cereal for once. 224 00:07:44,147 --> 00:07:46,151 I'm tired of Rice Kraspies. 225 00:07:46,952 --> 00:07:48,415 - I love you. 226 00:07:48,515 --> 00:07:49,417 - I love you. 227 00:07:49,517 --> 00:07:51,420 - [rolling R] Rapido. 228 00:07:51,520 --> 00:07:53,825 - [rolling R] Rico. 229 00:07:53,925 --> 00:07:55,428 - [rolling R] Really feels like 230 00:07:55,528 --> 00:07:56,750 we're getting the hang of this. 231 00:07:56,850 --> 00:07:58,794 - I think so. I think so, yeah. 232 00:07:58,894 --> 00:08:00,637 - I know it looks ridiculous. 233 00:08:00,737 --> 00:08:02,521 - It does. 234 00:08:02,621 --> 00:08:03,963 - But we are trying to help Camila 235 00:08:04,063 --> 00:08:06,889 stay connected to her Mexican roots, so... 236 00:08:06,989 --> 00:08:08,411 - In this family? 237 00:08:08,511 --> 00:08:10,094 Good luck. 238 00:08:10,194 --> 00:08:11,577 - What does that mean? 239 00:08:11,677 --> 00:08:13,581 - It's like trying to find your car in a snowstorm. 240 00:08:13,681 --> 00:08:15,264 There's just so much white. 241 00:08:15,364 --> 00:08:16,666 [chuckles] 242 00:08:16,766 --> 00:08:18,069 [echoing eerily] White. 243 00:08:18,169 --> 00:08:19,552 - You want to get on the ball, right, 244 00:08:19,652 --> 00:08:22,998 and you want to give it a little wag, wag, wag. 245 00:08:23,098 --> 00:08:25,523 - There must be a higher SPF than 100. 246 00:08:25,623 --> 00:08:27,446 - [distorted laughter] 247 00:08:27,546 --> 00:08:28,568 both: ♪ One, two ♪ 248 00:08:28,668 --> 00:08:30,532 ♪ Princes kneel before you ♪ 249 00:08:30,632 --> 00:08:31,972 ♪ That's what I said now ♪ 250 00:08:32,074 --> 00:08:35,821 [both vocalizing] 251 00:08:35,921 --> 00:08:37,504 - Denise. - Yes? 252 00:08:37,604 --> 00:08:39,949 - Have you ever thought about how white this family is? 253 00:08:40,049 --> 00:08:41,752 - Oh, I've never stopped thinking about it. 254 00:08:41,852 --> 00:08:43,876 - They're eating macaroni salad out of a bread bowl. 255 00:08:43,976 --> 00:08:46,441 - Careful, guys, it's a little spicy. 256 00:08:46,540 --> 00:08:47,763 - Oh, my God. 257 00:08:47,863 --> 00:08:50,207 I brought the macaroni salad. 258 00:08:50,307 --> 00:08:52,492 The white is coming from inside the house! 259 00:08:52,592 --> 00:08:54,535 Everybody! Escuchenme! 260 00:08:54,635 --> 00:08:56,619 Next weekend, I am going to host 261 00:08:56,719 --> 00:08:58,903 a traditional Mexican dinner. 262 00:08:59,003 --> 00:09:00,506 Okay, vas a una fiesta! 263 00:09:00,606 --> 00:09:02,269 - Yeah. 264 00:09:02,369 --> 00:09:04,513 - Hooray, a theme night! 265 00:09:04,613 --> 00:09:06,076 - Not a theme night. 266 00:09:06,176 --> 00:09:08,000 It is my heritage and my children's heritage. 267 00:09:08,100 --> 00:09:11,406 So I will be making my family's 268 00:09:11,506 --> 00:09:12,889 traditional three-day mole. 269 00:09:12,989 --> 00:09:14,171 - Mmm. 270 00:09:14,271 --> 00:09:16,455 - Whoo! - Yeah! 271 00:09:16,555 --> 00:09:18,579 - Hey, so did Marina suddenly get, like, 272 00:09:18,679 --> 00:09:20,022 good at cooking or something? 273 00:09:20,122 --> 00:09:22,186 - No, that's why we brought the macaroni salad. 274 00:09:22,286 --> 00:09:24,470 We're excited, honey! Looking forward to it! 275 00:09:24,570 --> 00:09:26,774 This could be no bueno. 276 00:09:29,699 --> 00:09:32,605 [light music] 277 00:09:32,705 --> 00:09:34,729 - Hey! 278 00:09:34,829 --> 00:09:36,452 You got the interview all by yourself. 279 00:09:36,552 --> 00:09:38,135 - I did, yes. 280 00:09:38,235 --> 00:09:40,259 I guess you should've trusted me. 281 00:09:40,359 --> 00:09:41,861 Wait, what are you doing here? 282 00:09:41,961 --> 00:09:44,346 - Oh, um... 283 00:09:44,446 --> 00:09:46,270 just dropping off Gretchen. 284 00:09:46,370 --> 00:09:47,632 - It's 1:00 in the afternoon. 285 00:09:47,732 --> 00:09:49,155 - Yeah, right. Picking up Gretchen. 286 00:09:49,255 --> 00:09:50,758 - It's 1:00 in the afternoon. - Okay, fine. 287 00:09:50,858 --> 00:09:53,563 I got here early to wish you luck. 288 00:09:53,663 --> 00:09:56,127 Not that you'll need it. Wink, wink. 289 00:09:56,227 --> 00:09:57,931 - Connor, what's going on? - Nothing. 290 00:09:58,031 --> 00:09:59,894 Just got a real good feeling about this, wink, wink. 291 00:09:59,994 --> 00:10:01,137 - Okay, stop saying "wink, wink." 292 00:10:01,237 --> 00:10:02,699 What did you do? Did you pull those strings? 293 00:10:02,799 --> 00:10:03,862 - No, you told me not to do that, 294 00:10:03,962 --> 00:10:05,264 and I respected that. 295 00:10:05,364 --> 00:10:06,386 - Okay, good. 296 00:10:06,486 --> 00:10:07,909 - But after you got the interview, 297 00:10:08,009 --> 00:10:09,131 I remembered about that sculpture garden 298 00:10:09,211 --> 00:10:10,634 I'd been meaning to donate, and I donated it. 299 00:10:10,734 --> 00:10:13,679 - Connor! - Just greasing the wheel. 300 00:10:13,779 --> 00:10:15,082 - That's the problem, the grease. 301 00:10:15,182 --> 00:10:16,725 It's as bad as the strings. 302 00:10:16,825 --> 00:10:18,047 Now the whole interview is rigged! 303 00:10:18,147 --> 00:10:20,251 - Right? Now you can relax 304 00:10:20,351 --> 00:10:21,814 knowing it's a lock. 305 00:10:21,914 --> 00:10:23,417 They're probably not even interviewing anyone else. 306 00:10:23,517 --> 00:10:25,781 - Sarah, Allison is ready for you. 307 00:10:25,881 --> 00:10:27,885 - Oh, thank you. 308 00:10:28,606 --> 00:10:30,951 A lock, huh? 309 00:10:31,051 --> 00:10:33,756 So I guess there's nothing that I could say 310 00:10:33,856 --> 00:10:35,679 that would blow my chances. 311 00:10:35,779 --> 00:10:37,162 - I don't know where this is going. 312 00:10:37,262 --> 00:10:38,725 - Like telling her what I really think 313 00:10:38,825 --> 00:10:40,288 of this ridiculously entitled school 314 00:10:40,388 --> 00:10:41,730 and everyone in it. 315 00:10:41,830 --> 00:10:43,694 - Sarah, are you seriously saying 316 00:10:43,794 --> 00:10:44,836 that you're gonna tank this interview 317 00:10:44,915 --> 00:10:46,058 just 'cause you're mad at me? 318 00:10:46,158 --> 00:10:48,543 - No, I guess I wouldn't. 319 00:10:48,643 --> 00:10:51,208 Wink, wink. - Sarah, come on. 320 00:10:53,372 --> 00:10:55,535 - Mm-hmm. - Mm-hmm! 321 00:10:57,499 --> 00:10:59,763 Ah, of course you have squash courts. 322 00:10:59,863 --> 00:11:02,248 - That's racquetball, but we have both. 323 00:11:02,348 --> 00:11:05,454 I have to say, this is an impressive CV. 324 00:11:05,554 --> 00:11:07,057 - And you're sure that the CV 325 00:11:07,157 --> 00:11:08,860 is the only reason why I'm here? 326 00:11:08,960 --> 00:11:11,264 - Not the only reason. Your references obviously help. 327 00:11:11,364 --> 00:11:12,987 - Right, sure, good old Benjamin Franklin 328 00:11:13,087 --> 00:11:14,430 can be quite persuasive. 329 00:11:14,530 --> 00:11:16,153 - He did publish "The Pennsylvania Gazette" 330 00:11:16,253 --> 00:11:18,157 at only 23 years old. 331 00:11:18,257 --> 00:11:19,439 I mean... - I mean! 332 00:11:19,539 --> 00:11:20,641 - Right? - [laughs] 333 00:11:20,741 --> 00:11:22,645 Allison, how do you sleep at night? 334 00:11:22,745 --> 00:11:24,248 - On my side with a night guard. 335 00:11:24,348 --> 00:11:26,612 I'm a grinder. Why do you ask? 336 00:11:26,712 --> 00:11:29,017 - Just 'cause it would keep me up at night if I took money 337 00:11:29,117 --> 00:11:30,419 that could go to underfunded schools 338 00:11:30,519 --> 00:11:33,625 and instead spent it on shiny toys for the rich, 339 00:11:33,725 --> 00:11:35,629 like a butterfly atrium, 340 00:11:35,729 --> 00:11:38,233 a rock-climbing wall, an espresso bar. 341 00:11:38,333 --> 00:11:39,796 - It's a juice bar. 342 00:11:39,896 --> 00:11:41,880 They're children. 343 00:11:41,980 --> 00:11:43,804 Sarah, did I offend you somehow? 344 00:11:43,904 --> 00:11:45,847 - Yes, when you took a bribe from my brother. 345 00:11:45,947 --> 00:11:47,851 - What? - I want a job, 346 00:11:47,951 --> 00:11:50,295 but I don't want a job that can be bought. 347 00:11:50,395 --> 00:11:52,139 You may have your precious sculpture garden, 348 00:11:52,239 --> 00:11:53,702 but I have my integrity. 349 00:11:53,802 --> 00:11:56,106 So I think you're gonna have to find another candidate. 350 00:11:56,206 --> 00:11:57,629 [knock at door] - Excuse me, Allison. 351 00:11:57,729 --> 00:12:00,113 I wanted to let you know the next candidate is running late. 352 00:12:00,213 --> 00:12:02,197 - Thank you. 353 00:12:02,297 --> 00:12:03,479 - There are other candidates? 354 00:12:03,579 --> 00:12:05,363 - Of course. That's how job interviews work. 355 00:12:05,463 --> 00:12:07,006 - But my brother bought a sculpture garden. 356 00:12:07,106 --> 00:12:07,947 - Yes, and I told him that would not 357 00:12:08,027 --> 00:12:09,370 influence my decision. 358 00:12:09,470 --> 00:12:11,454 And then he said, "I totally get it, wink, wink," 359 00:12:11,554 --> 00:12:13,498 which was weird. - Oh, my God. 360 00:12:13,598 --> 00:12:15,461 - I'm not some sellout, Sarah. 361 00:12:15,561 --> 00:12:17,986 I also have integrity. 362 00:12:18,086 --> 00:12:20,029 And not that it matters, but by Windmount standards, 363 00:12:20,129 --> 00:12:21,873 your brother is a small fish. 364 00:12:21,973 --> 00:12:24,478 The founders of Pinterest send their kids here, 365 00:12:24,578 --> 00:12:26,561 Aiden and Constance Pinterest, great kids. 366 00:12:26,661 --> 00:12:29,166 - So clearly, I jumped to some conclusions. 367 00:12:29,266 --> 00:12:31,851 So, uh, you did mention a juice bar. 368 00:12:31,951 --> 00:12:33,815 Is that only open to students? 369 00:12:33,915 --> 00:12:35,918 - You should go. - I should go. 370 00:12:39,445 --> 00:12:41,588 - [sniffles] - Cómo estás? 371 00:12:41,689 --> 00:12:44,354 Porque tú... 372 00:12:44,454 --> 00:12:45,636 - [sniffles] 373 00:12:45,736 --> 00:12:47,439 - Crying? - I'm not crying. 374 00:12:47,539 --> 00:12:49,283 I was grinding chilies, and then I touched my eyes, 375 00:12:49,383 --> 00:12:51,807 and now I can't read my abuela's recipe. 376 00:12:51,907 --> 00:12:53,170 - Oh, I'll read it to you. - It's no help. 377 00:12:53,270 --> 00:12:54,532 There are no real measurements. 378 00:12:54,632 --> 00:12:57,017 How much cumin is a "whisper" of cumin? 379 00:12:57,117 --> 00:12:58,580 How much chicken is a "handful"? 380 00:12:58,680 --> 00:13:00,263 - Honey, it's gonna be okay. 381 00:13:00,363 --> 00:13:02,266 - How? I was supposed to give Camila 382 00:13:02,366 --> 00:13:04,110 one authentic Mexican experience, 383 00:13:04,210 --> 00:13:05,592 but the only decorations I could find 384 00:13:05,692 --> 00:13:07,877 are a novelty sombrero from my bachelorette party 385 00:13:07,977 --> 00:13:10,882 and a "People" magazine with Salma Hayek on the cover. 386 00:13:10,982 --> 00:13:12,405 - She was so good in "Fools Rush In." 387 00:13:12,505 --> 00:13:14,368 - Okay. 388 00:13:14,468 --> 00:13:17,334 And this three-day mole has taken me five days, 389 00:13:17,434 --> 00:13:20,099 and honestly, I could use another day or two. 390 00:13:20,199 --> 00:13:23,345 So, honey, tell me, how's this gonna be okay? 391 00:13:23,445 --> 00:13:25,469 - Well, I was just working on a book with Sofía, 392 00:13:25,569 --> 00:13:27,873 and look, she made us pasteles! 393 00:13:27,973 --> 00:13:29,997 - Damn it. Is that what I smell? 394 00:13:30,097 --> 00:13:32,040 I thought I was doing so good. 395 00:13:32,141 --> 00:13:34,445 - Honey, let's just tell everyone that you made it. 396 00:13:34,545 --> 00:13:36,008 I mean, I'm ghostwriting for her. 397 00:13:36,108 --> 00:13:38,693 She might as well ghost-cook for us. 398 00:13:38,793 --> 00:13:40,616 - No, no, pasteles are Puerto Rican! 399 00:13:40,716 --> 00:13:41,899 This whole night is about giving Camila 400 00:13:41,999 --> 00:13:43,902 something that's Mexican. 401 00:13:44,002 --> 00:13:47,308 - Hola, madame et monsieur. 402 00:13:47,408 --> 00:13:49,272 - Ooh, something smells amazing. 403 00:13:49,372 --> 00:13:51,115 - Yeah, we're not having that. - Okay. 404 00:13:51,215 --> 00:13:53,399 - Mom, that's quite an outfit. 405 00:13:53,499 --> 00:13:56,405 - I wore it as Anita in "West Side Story" 406 00:13:56,505 --> 00:13:57,767 at the community playhouse. 407 00:13:57,867 --> 00:14:00,893 - Your performance was caliente. 408 00:14:00,993 --> 00:14:02,736 - Well, it is Mexico night. 409 00:14:02,836 --> 00:14:06,103 - Again, not a theme night. And Anita is Puerto Rican. 410 00:14:06,203 --> 00:14:08,026 Does anyone know the difference? 411 00:14:08,126 --> 00:14:09,910 - Well, she is a fictional character. 412 00:14:10,010 --> 00:14:11,232 - Yes, and you probably 413 00:14:11,332 --> 00:14:12,173 shouldn't have been playing her. 414 00:14:12,254 --> 00:14:14,257 - I know, Anita wasn't the lead. 415 00:14:15,900 --> 00:14:17,604 - And there are the chilies. 416 00:14:17,704 --> 00:14:19,046 - Shall we? 417 00:14:19,146 --> 00:14:21,410 - Well, Lin-Manuel can play Hamilton. 418 00:14:21,510 --> 00:14:23,414 - Hey, Sarah, come on. 419 00:14:23,514 --> 00:14:24,536 - Hi. Hi. 420 00:14:24,636 --> 00:14:26,179 - So you're saying this is my fault? 421 00:14:26,279 --> 00:14:28,543 - I only went off on her because you riled me up. 422 00:14:28,643 --> 00:14:29,986 - Oh, this is just ridiculous. 423 00:14:30,086 --> 00:14:32,471 I clearly said "wink, wink." 424 00:14:32,571 --> 00:14:33,753 Why would I get them a sculpture garden 425 00:14:33,853 --> 00:14:35,516 if they're not gonna respect the "wink, wink"? 426 00:14:35,616 --> 00:14:37,640 - I like sculptures. - Yeah, I know you do, honey. 427 00:14:37,740 --> 00:14:40,205 And I'm so sick of everyone kissing up to the Pinterests. 428 00:14:40,305 --> 00:14:42,369 They're not that great. - Aiden's nice. 429 00:14:42,469 --> 00:14:45,134 - I am so humiliated right now. 430 00:14:45,234 --> 00:14:46,536 I mean, maybe it's for the best. 431 00:14:46,636 --> 00:14:48,299 I clearly don't belong here. 432 00:14:48,399 --> 00:14:51,906 - Hailey, unlock the door, please? 433 00:14:52,006 --> 00:14:54,110 You need to let your nanny take you to dressage. 434 00:14:54,210 --> 00:14:56,474 - Wow, that may be the most privileged sentence 435 00:14:56,574 --> 00:14:57,877 I've ever heard. 436 00:14:57,977 --> 00:14:59,720 - I feel bad for Hailey. 437 00:14:59,820 --> 00:15:01,924 Her parents, like, left her. 438 00:15:02,024 --> 00:15:03,727 - What do you mean? 439 00:15:03,827 --> 00:15:04,869 - You just can't go on a three-month ayahuasca retreat 440 00:15:04,950 --> 00:15:06,252 in the jungle with a kid. 441 00:15:06,352 --> 00:15:08,536 It's irresponsible. 442 00:15:08,636 --> 00:15:11,421 - Miss Allison tries to help, but she's not great at it. 443 00:15:11,521 --> 00:15:13,345 - Hailey. 444 00:15:13,445 --> 00:15:16,350 - I've been...so focused 445 00:15:16,450 --> 00:15:20,358 on planetariums and racquetball that... 446 00:15:20,458 --> 00:15:22,161 I completely forgot that these kids are just kids 447 00:15:22,261 --> 00:15:23,924 and they need help too. 448 00:15:24,024 --> 00:15:25,687 - If only there was someone smart enough to realize that 449 00:15:25,787 --> 00:15:28,312 and try to help get you this job. 450 00:15:29,875 --> 00:15:31,939 - Okay. 451 00:15:32,039 --> 00:15:33,061 - Hailey, it's gonna be okay. 452 00:15:33,161 --> 00:15:34,784 - Uh, hi again. 453 00:15:34,884 --> 00:15:38,230 - Oh, great, you're back. - Yeah, I'm sorry. 454 00:15:38,330 --> 00:15:41,296 I just thought maybe I could-- may I? 455 00:15:44,582 --> 00:15:46,585 - Be my guest. 456 00:15:47,868 --> 00:15:50,412 - Uh, hey, Hailey. 457 00:15:50,512 --> 00:15:52,136 I know that Miss Allison said that everything's 458 00:15:52,236 --> 00:15:54,620 gonna be okay, but I bet it doesn't feel like that. 459 00:15:54,720 --> 00:15:58,788 Sometimes things aren't okay, and... 460 00:15:58,888 --> 00:16:01,212 it's okay to not be okay. 461 00:16:03,015 --> 00:16:05,720 I'm sure that it's really hard having your mom and dad away, 462 00:16:05,820 --> 00:16:09,127 but you can talk to your nanny or Miss Allison. 463 00:16:09,227 --> 00:16:11,230 Or me. 464 00:16:12,833 --> 00:16:14,576 - Who are you? 465 00:16:14,676 --> 00:16:18,544 - Oh, um, I am--I'm not legally affiliated with the school, 466 00:16:18,644 --> 00:16:20,427 but the point is that there's a lot of people 467 00:16:20,527 --> 00:16:22,471 on this side of the door who want to help you. 468 00:16:22,571 --> 00:16:25,276 So you just-- you gotta open the door. 469 00:16:25,376 --> 00:16:28,281 [soft music] 470 00:16:28,381 --> 00:16:35,294 ♪ ♪ 471 00:16:35,394 --> 00:16:37,398 - Thank you. 472 00:16:37,919 --> 00:16:39,462 - Hey, do you think I could get a do-over 473 00:16:39,562 --> 00:16:41,565 on that interview? 474 00:16:42,207 --> 00:16:43,108 [festive music] 475 00:16:43,208 --> 00:16:44,351 - To Sarah. 476 00:16:44,451 --> 00:16:46,835 She's so employed! - [laughs] 477 00:16:46,935 --> 00:16:48,919 - We always knew you'd get another job. 478 00:16:49,019 --> 00:16:50,322 - Thank you. - Now we can use 479 00:16:50,422 --> 00:16:52,766 the Sarah emergency fund to buy that new boat. 480 00:16:52,866 --> 00:16:54,690 - Aye, aye, Captain. - Yeah. 481 00:16:54,790 --> 00:16:56,934 - I am so proud of you. 482 00:16:57,034 --> 00:17:00,059 You know, part of me thought that you would say something 483 00:17:00,159 --> 00:17:03,223 out of line in the interview and just, like, blow it. 484 00:17:03,325 --> 00:17:06,050 - What? That's--no, of course not. 485 00:17:08,815 --> 00:17:11,881 - Guys, this dinner is really important to Marina, okay? 486 00:17:11,981 --> 00:17:13,444 She put a lot of pressure on herself about it, 487 00:17:13,544 --> 00:17:15,247 so let's please be supportive. 488 00:17:15,347 --> 00:17:17,251 - Yeah, of course. - Okay, everyone! 489 00:17:17,351 --> 00:17:19,695 I hope you're enjoying your margaritas 490 00:17:19,795 --> 00:17:23,462 and the traditional Tamborazo Zacatecano music. 491 00:17:23,562 --> 00:17:26,948 Ah-ha-ha-hi! - Yes, that's my jam. 492 00:17:27,048 --> 00:17:29,272 - And, oh, after dinner-- ay, niños-- 493 00:17:29,372 --> 00:17:31,957 we're gonna play La Lotería if I find the cards, 494 00:17:32,057 --> 00:17:34,362 but first, let's eat some mole. 495 00:17:34,462 --> 00:17:35,764 Provecho! - Looks great. 496 00:17:35,864 --> 00:17:38,169 Doesn't it, guys? - Yes. Yeah, yeah. 497 00:17:38,269 --> 00:17:41,214 - Such a unique smell. 498 00:17:41,314 --> 00:17:43,318 So layered. - Okay. 499 00:17:45,362 --> 00:17:48,267 Mmm, delicioso. [laughs] 500 00:17:48,367 --> 00:17:50,551 [crunches] Okay, so I got, like, a-- 501 00:17:50,651 --> 00:17:52,555 I got a crunchy piece in there but, like, in a good way. 502 00:17:52,655 --> 00:17:55,480 - Oh, I wish that we could partake, but, you know, vegan. 503 00:17:55,580 --> 00:17:57,043 - Yeah, we would get right up in there, 504 00:17:57,143 --> 00:17:59,127 but, ugh, our darn beliefs. 505 00:17:59,227 --> 00:18:00,810 - I didn't forget about you. 506 00:18:00,910 --> 00:18:03,134 I made a vegan batch with tofu. 507 00:18:03,234 --> 00:18:05,298 - Oh, that is so thoughtful. 508 00:18:05,398 --> 00:18:07,181 - Yay. - Come on, come on. 509 00:18:07,281 --> 00:18:09,546 - Mmm, that is-- it's pretty good. 510 00:18:09,646 --> 00:18:10,748 - [coughs] 511 00:18:10,848 --> 00:18:12,110 Is it supposed to be this chocolatey? 512 00:18:12,210 --> 00:18:14,395 Is it dessert meat? 513 00:18:14,495 --> 00:18:17,080 - Mm, ugh. 514 00:18:17,180 --> 00:18:19,564 Guys, you don't-- you don't have to eat this. 515 00:18:19,664 --> 00:18:22,569 Don't eat it. Turn off the music. 516 00:18:22,669 --> 00:18:24,753 Turn off the music! 517 00:18:31,886 --> 00:18:33,349 - [clears throat] 518 00:18:33,449 --> 00:18:35,633 ♪ I like to be in America ♪ 519 00:18:35,733 --> 00:18:36,876 - Hey! - Mom. 520 00:18:36,976 --> 00:18:38,278 - ♪ Okay with me in America ♪ 521 00:18:38,378 --> 00:18:39,560 - Mom. - Cállate. 522 00:18:39,660 --> 00:18:41,444 - Excuse me. 523 00:18:41,544 --> 00:18:43,728 - Honey. 524 00:18:43,828 --> 00:18:45,932 Sofía Salazar made pasteles. They're on the counter. 525 00:18:46,032 --> 00:18:47,375 - Oh, hell yeah. 526 00:18:47,475 --> 00:18:49,298 - You know, this is like... 527 00:18:49,398 --> 00:18:50,981 Hershey's chicken. 528 00:18:51,081 --> 00:18:53,586 [soft music] 529 00:18:53,686 --> 00:18:56,231 - Oh, hey. 530 00:18:56,331 --> 00:18:58,715 Any chance that's the chilies? 531 00:18:58,815 --> 00:19:00,679 - I failed. 532 00:19:00,779 --> 00:19:02,883 Failed my parents, failed my people, 533 00:19:02,983 --> 00:19:04,686 I failed Camila. 534 00:19:04,786 --> 00:19:07,050 - Look, it's not cultural. 535 00:19:07,150 --> 00:19:09,094 You're just a-- 536 00:19:09,194 --> 00:19:10,697 you're a terrible cook. 537 00:19:10,797 --> 00:19:12,500 [both laugh] 538 00:19:12,600 --> 00:19:15,025 - That's sweet of you. 539 00:19:15,125 --> 00:19:18,431 This isn't about the food. It's about everything. 540 00:19:18,531 --> 00:19:20,034 I just-- I stopped making the effort. 541 00:19:20,134 --> 00:19:22,559 Camila was growing up here in an American house 542 00:19:22,659 --> 00:19:25,043 with American friends in an American school. 543 00:19:25,143 --> 00:19:28,570 - Not to mention that I'm extremely white. 544 00:19:28,670 --> 00:19:30,653 - You're so white. - [laughs] 545 00:19:30,753 --> 00:19:34,060 - And I was so tired. I was working, being a mom. 546 00:19:34,160 --> 00:19:36,264 I just let stuff slide. 547 00:19:36,364 --> 00:19:38,708 But my parents, they made such an effort 548 00:19:38,808 --> 00:19:40,912 to try to keep me, you know, connected to my roots. 549 00:19:41,012 --> 00:19:43,156 I just wish I could've passed that on to her. 550 00:19:43,256 --> 00:19:44,759 - Hey, you still can. 551 00:19:44,859 --> 00:19:47,444 - I don't know. What if it's too late? 552 00:19:47,544 --> 00:19:50,249 [baby crying] 553 00:19:50,349 --> 00:19:51,612 - No, no, you know, I'll get it. 554 00:19:51,712 --> 00:19:52,934 I'll get it. 555 00:19:53,034 --> 00:19:54,056 [clears throat] 556 00:19:54,156 --> 00:19:56,020 - [sniffles, sighs] 557 00:19:56,120 --> 00:19:57,422 - Hey, come here. 558 00:19:57,522 --> 00:19:59,526 You're gonna want to see this. 559 00:20:02,050 --> 00:20:06,158 - ♪ Los pollitos dicen pio, pio, pio ♪ 560 00:20:06,258 --> 00:20:08,001 ♪ Cuando tienen hambre ♪ 561 00:20:08,101 --> 00:20:09,644 - She remembers the words. 562 00:20:09,744 --> 00:20:10,887 - Come on, of course she does. 563 00:20:10,987 --> 00:20:12,029 You used to sing that to her every night 564 00:20:12,109 --> 00:20:13,652 when she was little. 565 00:20:13,752 --> 00:20:15,755 I think you're passing on more than you know. 566 00:20:29,260 --> 00:20:31,644 - Can I go back out there? Mexican night is fun. 567 00:20:31,744 --> 00:20:33,648 - Obvio. 568 00:20:33,748 --> 00:20:37,234 - Oh, and Grandpa's gonna use the mole to make sundaes. 569 00:20:38,958 --> 00:20:40,541 [upbeat music] 570 00:20:40,641 --> 00:20:42,644 - That might work, actually. 571 00:21:00,517 --> 00:21:02,521 - Muy bien. 572 00:21:10,615 --> 00:21:12,799 I'm sorry, are these actually helpful expressions? 573 00:21:12,899 --> 00:21:15,464 - For you? Sí, very useful. 574 00:21:20,794 --> 00:21:21,816 - Okay, I'm not doing this anymore. 575 00:21:21,916 --> 00:21:23,919 - Okay.