1 00:00:01,512 --> 00:00:02,653 - Chapter seven. 2 00:00:02,753 --> 00:00:04,534 Tom, Connor and Sarah had a rich tradition 3 00:00:04,634 --> 00:00:07,096 of ridiculous arguments, but today, 4 00:00:07,196 --> 00:00:08,498 they were on their best behavior. 5 00:00:08,598 --> 00:00:11,460 - Connor, where might I find more napkins? 6 00:00:11,560 --> 00:00:13,782 - Oh, I believe they're in the closet, Sarah. 7 00:00:13,882 --> 00:00:15,303 - Thank you. 8 00:00:15,403 --> 00:00:16,324 - It was the anniversary of their parents, 9 00:00:16,404 --> 00:00:17,625 Marshall and Muriel, 10 00:00:17,725 --> 00:00:18,906 and they were determined not to ruin it, 11 00:00:19,006 --> 00:00:20,708 like they'd ruined every other anniversary. 12 00:00:20,808 --> 00:00:23,150 - You had to throw my food on the ground? 13 00:00:23,250 --> 00:00:24,751 - They confine those ducks and force feed them-- 14 00:00:24,851 --> 00:00:26,472 - Enough! 15 00:00:26,572 --> 00:00:28,994 - There are a million signs. Do not touch the animals! 16 00:00:29,094 --> 00:00:30,396 - If a dolphin holds out a flipper, 17 00:00:30,496 --> 00:00:32,437 you don't leave him hanging. - Enough! 18 00:00:32,537 --> 00:00:34,399 - You just had to pick a fight with the red knight. 19 00:00:34,499 --> 00:00:36,280 - Um, he was wearing Skechers. 20 00:00:36,380 --> 00:00:37,642 I'm just supposed to let that go? 21 00:00:37,742 --> 00:00:39,323 - Every single year. 22 00:00:39,423 --> 00:00:40,604 - This year is gonna be different. 23 00:00:40,704 --> 00:00:41,645 We're in a groove now. 24 00:00:41,745 --> 00:00:43,006 We don't argue like we used to. 25 00:00:43,106 --> 00:00:45,088 - What? Connor! 26 00:00:45,188 --> 00:00:47,049 - Wow, I really set myself up there, huh? 27 00:00:47,149 --> 00:00:50,452 - What is "Alicia Silverstick" doing in your closet? 28 00:00:50,552 --> 00:00:53,615 - First of all, his name is "Stickolas Cage." 29 00:00:53,715 --> 00:00:55,296 - Okay, I'm guessing there's a backstory 30 00:00:55,396 --> 00:00:56,577 that we're gonna have to hear about? 31 00:00:56,677 --> 00:00:59,139 - 1995, family trip to Yosemite, 32 00:00:59,239 --> 00:01:01,681 these two find a stick and start arguing over it. 33 00:01:03,363 --> 00:01:05,104 That's it, that's the end of the backstory. 34 00:01:05,204 --> 00:01:06,865 - So to be clear, it's just a stick? 35 00:01:06,965 --> 00:01:08,347 - No, it's a lucky stick. 36 00:01:08,447 --> 00:01:09,748 - Yeah. We got locked in the cabin 37 00:01:09,848 --> 00:01:11,669 and used this stick to break a window. 38 00:01:11,769 --> 00:01:15,433 - And you said it got lost. - It did, and then I found it. 39 00:01:15,533 --> 00:01:18,115 - My--that's my stick! Stop it! 40 00:01:18,215 --> 00:01:19,196 You know it! - Hey, guys? 41 00:01:19,296 --> 00:01:20,677 Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys! 42 00:01:20,777 --> 00:01:22,078 - [grunting] 43 00:01:22,178 --> 00:01:24,880 - Every single year. 44 00:01:24,980 --> 00:01:27,022 [upbeat music] 45 00:01:29,584 --> 00:01:30,885 - 42 years together. - If you'd told me 46 00:01:30,985 --> 00:01:33,247 I'd settle down with the same woman for 42 years, 47 00:01:33,347 --> 00:01:35,489 I would have said, "You're dreaming, pal." 48 00:01:35,589 --> 00:01:37,170 - Wow, so romantic. 49 00:01:37,270 --> 00:01:39,272 - It's a love story for the ages. 50 00:01:41,554 --> 00:01:43,736 - You're just abandoning us there with the stick twins? 51 00:01:43,836 --> 00:01:45,577 - Sorry, I got a text from Amanda Conley. 52 00:01:45,677 --> 00:01:47,339 She's, like, the top book agent in New York. 53 00:01:47,439 --> 00:01:48,860 She agreed to read some chapters of my novel. 54 00:01:48,960 --> 00:01:50,301 - [gasps] - I don't know how to sign off. 55 00:01:50,401 --> 00:01:52,423 It's, like, "Sincerely"? "Fondly"? 56 00:01:52,523 --> 00:01:54,104 "Humbly yours." What am I doing? 57 00:01:54,204 --> 00:01:56,466 I might as well just send back, like, a heart emoji. 58 00:01:56,566 --> 00:01:58,948 - Wow, you are nervous, even for you. 59 00:01:59,048 --> 00:02:00,990 - Yeah, it's just--this is, like, a big deal. 60 00:02:01,090 --> 00:02:05,514 I mean, after Jeremiah's plan tanked and my agent dropped me, 61 00:02:05,614 --> 00:02:07,235 I wasn't sure if-- 62 00:02:07,335 --> 00:02:09,197 if anyone would want this next book. 63 00:02:09,297 --> 00:02:11,759 - Yeah, um, at some point, you're gonna have 64 00:02:11,859 --> 00:02:14,401 to tell your family that the book is about them. 65 00:02:14,501 --> 00:02:17,583 - You said that legally I don't have to, so... 66 00:02:18,744 --> 00:02:20,486 - Okay, all I'm saying is if I had had the stick, 67 00:02:20,586 --> 00:02:22,127 then maybe I wouldn't be unemployed, 68 00:02:22,227 --> 00:02:24,129 and President Sanders would be in his second term. 69 00:02:24,229 --> 00:02:26,171 - Wait, you want Deion Sanders to be president, too? 70 00:02:26,271 --> 00:02:28,092 - Who? - Neon Deion. 71 00:02:28,192 --> 00:02:29,613 Who are you talking about? 72 00:02:29,713 --> 00:02:31,535 - Sending to Amanda now. 73 00:02:31,635 --> 00:02:33,637 [phone notification whooshes] 74 00:02:35,919 --> 00:02:38,861 - "This is the story of the Hayworth family, 75 00:02:38,961 --> 00:02:40,222 "three siblings who loved each other, 76 00:02:40,322 --> 00:02:42,584 but money sometimes got in the way." 77 00:02:42,684 --> 00:02:44,626 - No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. 78 00:02:44,726 --> 00:02:46,147 - Wait, Tom, is this your book? 79 00:02:46,247 --> 00:02:48,789 - Oh, you sent it to Connor 80 00:02:48,889 --> 00:02:50,350 instead of Conley. 81 00:02:50,450 --> 00:02:51,672 That's bad. 82 00:02:51,772 --> 00:02:53,513 - Oh, my God. Your book is about us? 83 00:02:53,613 --> 00:02:55,515 - What? No. 84 00:02:55,615 --> 00:02:56,836 - Tom! - Give me back my phone. 85 00:02:56,936 --> 00:02:58,117 - Give him back his phone! - How do I delete? 86 00:02:58,217 --> 00:03:00,218 How do I delete? - Connor, double back! 87 00:03:01,059 --> 00:03:03,601 Sto--Tom! - Hey! 88 00:03:03,701 --> 00:03:05,683 - Stop it! Get over here! 89 00:03:05,783 --> 00:03:07,204 Tom-- - Tom's fast. 90 00:03:07,304 --> 00:03:09,306 - Like a gazelle. - Tom! 91 00:03:10,627 --> 00:03:12,569 - What is this, asparagus? 92 00:03:12,669 --> 00:03:13,650 - Oh, no, no. - Do it, Connor, do it. 93 00:03:13,750 --> 00:03:15,051 - No, no, no, no, no, no! - Do it. 94 00:03:15,151 --> 00:03:16,332 - No, no, no, no, no. 95 00:03:16,432 --> 00:03:19,154 No-- [screams and laughs] 96 00:03:20,755 --> 00:03:22,297 Stop. [laughs] 97 00:03:22,397 --> 00:03:23,538 Not cool. 98 00:03:23,638 --> 00:03:25,219 - "The Hayworth family 99 00:03:25,319 --> 00:03:27,141 "was as cracked and uneven 100 00:03:27,241 --> 00:03:30,543 as the sun-scorched streets of suburban Sacramento." 101 00:03:30,643 --> 00:03:31,864 Wow. 102 00:03:31,964 --> 00:03:33,986 - Sarah, can I just please-- 103 00:03:34,086 --> 00:03:35,287 [phone notification whooshes, phones dinging] 104 00:03:35,367 --> 00:03:37,029 - Well, since the book is about us, 105 00:03:37,129 --> 00:03:39,070 I think that "us" should get to read it. 106 00:03:39,170 --> 00:03:40,792 - [breathing heavily] 107 00:03:40,892 --> 00:03:43,914 Hey, guys--guys, I was gonna change the names 108 00:03:44,014 --> 00:03:46,877 and kind of fudge the details. I'll tell you what. 109 00:03:46,977 --> 00:03:48,838 You guys just delete the e-mail now, 110 00:03:48,938 --> 00:03:51,160 and then I'll send you the whole thing when it's finished. 111 00:03:51,260 --> 00:03:53,442 And we should really be celebrating Mom and Dad, right? 112 00:03:53,542 --> 00:03:55,544 It's their anniversary. Let's celebrate them! 113 00:03:59,907 --> 00:04:02,329 - Are we in the book, Daddy? - Uh... 114 00:04:02,429 --> 00:04:05,092 - "These days, Tom's home was the perfect chrysalis 115 00:04:05,192 --> 00:04:07,053 of dashed hopes." 116 00:04:07,153 --> 00:04:09,155 Yeah, I'm not the audience for this. 117 00:04:10,476 --> 00:04:13,579 - Thomas Chandler Hayworth. - Here we go. 118 00:04:13,679 --> 00:04:14,820 - Don't worry. If it gets ugly, 119 00:04:14,920 --> 00:04:16,741 we just get in the car and start driving. 120 00:04:16,841 --> 00:04:17,982 - You really think it's gonna be that bad? 121 00:04:18,082 --> 00:04:19,263 - I've had a bag packed ever since 122 00:04:19,363 --> 00:04:21,105 you started writing the book. 123 00:04:21,205 --> 00:04:23,207 - Look, I don't think you guys come off that bad. 124 00:04:24,047 --> 00:04:25,549 - We love it! 125 00:04:25,649 --> 00:04:28,431 - This is the best anniversary present ever. 126 00:04:28,531 --> 00:04:30,272 When Brenda finds out I have a book written about me, 127 00:04:30,372 --> 00:04:32,114 she's gonna lose it. [chuckling] 128 00:04:32,214 --> 00:04:34,476 - Wait, what? You guys are cool with this? 129 00:04:34,576 --> 00:04:36,077 Even the part about Dad having an affair? 130 00:04:36,177 --> 00:04:38,599 - That was my favorite part. Muriel really let him have it. 131 00:04:38,699 --> 00:04:39,880 - I had no idea how ol' Marshall 132 00:04:39,980 --> 00:04:41,922 was gonna get out of that one. 133 00:04:42,022 --> 00:04:43,924 - Now, remember, your mother is an actress. 134 00:04:44,024 --> 00:04:45,085 So when you make the movie, 135 00:04:45,185 --> 00:04:46,606 I would like the role of Muriel. 136 00:04:46,706 --> 00:04:49,648 Don't choose someone obvious like Reese Witherspoon. 137 00:04:49,748 --> 00:04:50,809 - I don't think that's gonna be an issue. 138 00:04:50,909 --> 00:04:52,291 - Yeah, Tommy, the Marshall character? 139 00:04:52,391 --> 00:04:53,972 Let me throw this out there. 140 00:04:54,072 --> 00:04:56,414 What if he's, like, a private eye with a dark past? 141 00:04:56,514 --> 00:04:57,775 - Yeah, that's not really the tone-- 142 00:04:57,875 --> 00:04:59,216 - Or it's, like, "What's this guy running from?" 143 00:04:59,316 --> 00:05:01,318 Maybe he's running from himself. 144 00:05:02,999 --> 00:05:04,380 - Great note. 145 00:05:04,480 --> 00:05:06,222 I'm just glad that you guys are cool with it. 146 00:05:06,322 --> 00:05:08,384 I mean, maybe Sarah and Connor will be cool with it, too. 147 00:05:08,484 --> 00:05:09,825 both: Tom! - Wow. 148 00:05:09,925 --> 00:05:11,867 Really got to stop setting myself up like that. 149 00:05:11,967 --> 00:05:14,309 - Tom, this book makes me look like a maniac, okay? 150 00:05:14,409 --> 00:05:16,350 "Over one particularly busy weekend, 151 00:05:16,450 --> 00:05:18,352 "Sarah stormed out of Whole Foods, a Gap Kids, 152 00:05:18,452 --> 00:05:20,313 and a community theater production of 'Fun Home.'" 153 00:05:20,413 --> 00:05:21,915 - You did all those things. 154 00:05:22,015 --> 00:05:23,556 - That doesn't mean you have to tell everybody! 155 00:05:23,656 --> 00:05:24,957 And in this book, I'm always raising my voice, 156 00:05:25,057 --> 00:05:27,159 and in real life, I never raise my voice! 157 00:05:27,259 --> 00:05:30,122 Okay, sometimes I raise my voice, 158 00:05:30,222 --> 00:05:32,363 but I am the only character who speaks in all caps. 159 00:05:32,463 --> 00:05:33,725 - At least you come off like an adult, okay? 160 00:05:33,825 --> 00:05:35,366 Every other page, Tom had me saying, 161 00:05:35,466 --> 00:05:37,247 "Dope," and wearing Gucci tracksuits. 162 00:05:37,347 --> 00:05:39,729 - You do wear those. - Ironically! 163 00:05:39,829 --> 00:05:42,051 Your book makes me look like some kind of rich doofus 164 00:05:42,151 --> 00:05:43,412 who spends his money like a child. 165 00:05:43,512 --> 00:05:45,014 Is that really what you think of me? 166 00:05:45,114 --> 00:05:47,376 - Well, you are eating the twins' vanilla puffs. 167 00:05:47,476 --> 00:05:49,057 - They're nutritious. 168 00:05:49,157 --> 00:05:51,659 - Guys, all writers write about their family. 169 00:05:51,759 --> 00:05:54,261 Nora Ephron said, "Everything is copy." 170 00:05:54,361 --> 00:05:56,623 - Do not use Nora Ephron against me. 171 00:05:56,723 --> 00:05:59,666 - All I'm saying is that all stories come from real life. 172 00:05:59,766 --> 00:06:01,828 - What about John Wick, Tom? Hmm? 173 00:06:01,928 --> 00:06:03,789 Is that based on real life? 174 00:06:03,889 --> 00:06:05,891 - [sighs] - Seriously, is it? 175 00:06:07,932 --> 00:06:09,354 - I knew the anniversary was gonna be a mess, 176 00:06:09,454 --> 00:06:12,396 but my money was on that dumb stick. 177 00:06:12,496 --> 00:06:14,158 And calling it "Stickolas Cage" 178 00:06:14,258 --> 00:06:16,259 when "Bark Wahlberg" was right there? 179 00:06:17,380 --> 00:06:19,382 Barky Bark? 180 00:06:20,543 --> 00:06:22,324 Are you mad at something in Tom's book, too? 181 00:06:22,424 --> 00:06:24,086 - No, I'm mad at you. 182 00:06:24,186 --> 00:06:25,887 - Me? What did I do? 183 00:06:25,987 --> 00:06:27,989 - Glad you asked. 184 00:06:29,150 --> 00:06:31,572 "As the unfortunate souls who married into the family, 185 00:06:31,672 --> 00:06:34,134 "Denise and Marina had their own club, 186 00:06:34,234 --> 00:06:37,177 "'The Normals,' who spent their every free moment gossiping 187 00:06:37,277 --> 00:06:39,178 and complaining about the Hayworths." 188 00:06:39,278 --> 00:06:41,140 - Oh, my God. He put that in there? 189 00:06:41,240 --> 00:06:42,181 - You didn't read it? - No. 190 00:06:42,281 --> 00:06:43,462 I stopped reading Tom's work 191 00:06:43,562 --> 00:06:44,903 when I realized he just wants to hear, 192 00:06:45,003 --> 00:06:47,205 "It's great, keep going!" So I just say that. 193 00:06:48,806 --> 00:06:51,348 - Marina, you told Tom about our secret club, 194 00:06:51,448 --> 00:06:53,470 which is supposed to be secret. - I'm sorry. 195 00:06:53,570 --> 00:06:55,392 I think I was in the tub with a glass of wine, 196 00:06:55,492 --> 00:06:58,354 and Tom came in, and he started talking about his family, 197 00:06:58,454 --> 00:06:59,755 and it just slipped out. 198 00:06:59,855 --> 00:07:01,517 You know how tub wine is. 199 00:07:01,617 --> 00:07:04,199 - I told you things I would never want Sarah to know. 200 00:07:04,299 --> 00:07:07,481 Like, "Denise dreaded summer because it meant more exposure 201 00:07:07,581 --> 00:07:09,443 to Sarah's Eleanor Roosevelt tattoo." 202 00:07:09,543 --> 00:07:10,844 - Oh! - How am I supposed 203 00:07:10,944 --> 00:07:12,245 to trust you now? - I'm sorry. 204 00:07:12,345 --> 00:07:15,248 I screwed up, okay. But you know what? 205 00:07:15,348 --> 00:07:16,969 That doesn't affect what you and I have. 206 00:07:17,069 --> 00:07:18,410 - You think we can just 207 00:07:18,510 --> 00:07:21,053 go back to the way things were? [scoffs] 208 00:07:21,153 --> 00:07:22,614 How do I know if I tell you a secret, 209 00:07:22,714 --> 00:07:24,215 you're not thinking about Tom the whole time? 210 00:07:24,315 --> 00:07:26,657 - Don't say that! After all we've been through? 211 00:07:26,757 --> 00:07:28,058 - I can't even look at you right now. 212 00:07:28,158 --> 00:07:31,141 I'm not mad. I'm just hurt. 213 00:07:31,241 --> 00:07:35,104 And I think we may need some time apart. 214 00:07:35,204 --> 00:07:37,146 - No. Denise, please! 215 00:07:37,246 --> 00:07:39,247 Give me another chance! 216 00:07:41,169 --> 00:07:42,030 - I don't want to be in the gym. 217 00:07:42,130 --> 00:07:43,591 You go in the gym! 218 00:07:43,691 --> 00:07:44,612 - Guys, I don't even know if this thing 219 00:07:44,692 --> 00:07:45,673 is getting published. 220 00:07:45,773 --> 00:07:46,794 - But once it's published, 221 00:07:46,894 --> 00:07:48,435 it'll be too late for us to complain. 222 00:07:48,535 --> 00:07:50,156 - Yeah. We're complaining now, okay? 223 00:07:50,256 --> 00:07:53,439 You have a decision to make. It's either us or the book. 224 00:07:53,539 --> 00:07:56,762 - Yeah, yeah, he's right. It's us or the book. 225 00:07:56,862 --> 00:07:58,123 - What does that even mean? 226 00:07:58,223 --> 00:07:59,284 What, you're not gonna see me anymore? 227 00:07:59,384 --> 00:08:00,645 - The kids will still want to hang out, 228 00:08:00,745 --> 00:08:01,966 but we're done talking to you. 229 00:08:02,066 --> 00:08:03,087 - Yeah, we'll still have Christmas, 230 00:08:03,187 --> 00:08:04,108 but you're not getting any presents, 231 00:08:04,188 --> 00:08:05,609 and he's rich, so your loss. 232 00:08:05,709 --> 00:08:07,411 - Come on, you guys are being ridiculous. 233 00:08:07,511 --> 00:08:08,812 - Oh, oh, we're being ridiculous? 234 00:08:08,912 --> 00:08:10,453 - Oh, we're being ridiculous. 235 00:08:10,553 --> 00:08:12,014 - Oh, ridiculous! How original for a writer 236 00:08:12,114 --> 00:08:14,056 to call a woman "ridiculous." 237 00:08:14,156 --> 00:08:15,858 What's next, "hysterical"? 238 00:08:15,958 --> 00:08:17,539 - What's next, "hysterical"? - What am I, crazy? 239 00:08:17,639 --> 00:08:19,100 - You're just copying everything that she's saying. 240 00:08:19,200 --> 00:08:20,862 - We're all seeing it come out now! 241 00:08:20,962 --> 00:08:24,264 - You're arguing about Tom's lovely book? 242 00:08:24,364 --> 00:08:25,826 If it's not one thing, it's another. 243 00:08:25,926 --> 00:08:28,188 - Let's skedaddle, let these kids fight it out. 244 00:08:28,288 --> 00:08:30,710 - Look, Tom, your book ruined Mom and Dad's special day. 245 00:08:30,810 --> 00:08:32,791 - No, guys, please don't leave. Okay? 246 00:08:32,891 --> 00:08:34,673 Can we just go talk someplace? 247 00:08:34,773 --> 00:08:36,775 - I mean, I guess we can go to the wine cellar. 248 00:08:37,775 --> 00:08:39,197 - You have a wine cellar? - Yeah. 249 00:08:39,297 --> 00:08:40,678 There's, like, a bunch of rooms you haven't seen. 250 00:08:40,778 --> 00:08:43,400 [mellow music] 251 00:08:43,500 --> 00:08:46,883 Fun fact, this is actually Matt Damon's old panic room. 252 00:08:46,983 --> 00:08:50,126 - This is perfect. We can have some wine, 253 00:08:50,226 --> 00:08:52,808 get some stuff off of our chest. 254 00:08:52,908 --> 00:08:54,489 - You would love that, wouldn't you? 255 00:08:54,589 --> 00:08:56,571 You're always up for a little Cab and blab. 256 00:08:56,671 --> 00:08:57,892 - You know who else hated gossip? 257 00:08:57,992 --> 00:08:59,654 Eleanor Roosevelt. - Sarah-- 258 00:08:59,754 --> 00:09:01,755 - You said that you found her strength and intelligence sexy. 259 00:09:03,276 --> 00:09:04,417 - Look, guys, if we're just gonna fight, 260 00:09:04,517 --> 00:09:06,459 I don't want Mom and Dad to hear. 261 00:09:06,559 --> 00:09:07,860 - Ah, Tom, no! 262 00:09:07,960 --> 00:09:09,141 - We're not leaving until we settle this. 263 00:09:09,241 --> 00:09:10,582 - Yeah, we're not leaving, 264 00:09:10,682 --> 00:09:12,544 'cause I don't know the code to open that door. 265 00:09:12,644 --> 00:09:13,905 - Tom! - What is wrong with you? 266 00:09:14,005 --> 00:09:15,186 - Nice going, Tom! 267 00:09:15,286 --> 00:09:17,108 - What, me? What about this guy? 268 00:09:17,208 --> 00:09:19,150 Who has a panic room and forgets the code? 269 00:09:19,250 --> 00:09:21,752 - I didn't forget the code, Tom. 270 00:09:21,852 --> 00:09:23,853 I never bothered to learn it. 271 00:09:26,415 --> 00:09:27,476 - How about "them apples"? 272 00:09:27,576 --> 00:09:28,637 - Punch in Ben Affleck's birthday. 273 00:09:28,737 --> 00:09:29,718 - Oh, "We Bought A Zoo!" - Sarah. 274 00:09:29,818 --> 00:09:31,199 - Sorry. 275 00:09:31,299 --> 00:09:34,042 - How is there not a corkscrew in a wine cellar? 276 00:09:34,142 --> 00:09:36,564 [cell phone buzzes] 277 00:09:36,664 --> 00:09:38,565 - I just got a text from Amanda, the agent. 278 00:09:38,665 --> 00:09:39,686 She said she wants to talk in an hour. 279 00:09:39,786 --> 00:09:41,728 That's gotta be good, right? - Yeah. 280 00:09:41,828 --> 00:09:44,530 - Okay, I gotta get out of here. 281 00:09:44,630 --> 00:09:45,731 Oh, I gotta get out of here. 282 00:09:45,831 --> 00:09:47,253 Is there, like, a security company? 283 00:09:47,353 --> 00:09:49,975 Mom? Dad? 284 00:09:50,075 --> 00:09:52,016 Camila? - Camila! 285 00:09:52,116 --> 00:09:54,218 - I got it. In the kitchen, 286 00:09:54,318 --> 00:09:55,940 there's a binder with the code in it. 287 00:09:56,040 --> 00:09:58,222 Yeah, it's in, like, a 2-inch thick Staples brand binder. 288 00:09:58,322 --> 00:10:00,463 Like, a sky blue swirl pattern 289 00:10:00,563 --> 00:10:02,585 with gold speckles on it. It should be in the top drawer 290 00:10:02,685 --> 00:10:04,687 to the right of the stove, left of the mini fridge. 291 00:10:06,248 --> 00:10:09,911 - You know all those details, but not the code? 292 00:10:10,011 --> 00:10:11,953 - Connie. Okay. 293 00:10:12,053 --> 00:10:13,474 I'm on it. 294 00:10:13,574 --> 00:10:14,555 Don't worry about it. 295 00:10:14,655 --> 00:10:16,517 Yeah. 296 00:10:16,617 --> 00:10:19,239 The chuckleheads locked themselves in the wine cellar. 297 00:10:19,339 --> 00:10:22,201 - Our son has a wine cellar? Take that, Brenda. 298 00:10:22,301 --> 00:10:24,323 - Yeah, and he gave me an overly specific description 299 00:10:24,423 --> 00:10:26,365 of where the binder is. 300 00:10:26,465 --> 00:10:28,767 Let's see. 301 00:10:28,867 --> 00:10:30,768 Bingo, binder. 302 00:10:30,868 --> 00:10:33,210 That was fun to say. There's the code. 303 00:10:33,310 --> 00:10:36,213 So let me call Connor back. 304 00:10:36,313 --> 00:10:38,314 Or-- - Or what? 305 00:10:39,515 --> 00:10:41,517 - You hear that, Mur? 306 00:10:43,078 --> 00:10:46,501 Huh? Nobody arguing about anything. 307 00:10:46,601 --> 00:10:50,625 So if we can't find the code right away-- 308 00:10:50,725 --> 00:10:52,866 - I'm reading you like the morning paper, 309 00:10:52,966 --> 00:10:54,508 and the headline is, 310 00:10:54,608 --> 00:10:57,150 "Couple finally enjoys nice anniversary." 311 00:10:57,250 --> 00:10:59,512 ♪ ♪ 312 00:10:59,612 --> 00:11:02,875 - They can't find the code. - Oh, what happened? 313 00:11:02,975 --> 00:11:04,756 Did they fall asleep while you were describing the binder? 314 00:11:04,856 --> 00:11:06,357 - Ha! Good one. 315 00:11:06,457 --> 00:11:08,399 - No. Not for you. 316 00:11:08,499 --> 00:11:09,520 - Guys, can we just work together 317 00:11:09,620 --> 00:11:10,521 to try to get out of here? 318 00:11:10,621 --> 00:11:12,162 I have that call in 45 minutes, 319 00:11:12,262 --> 00:11:16,806 and I can't do it with all your faces just looking at me. 320 00:11:16,906 --> 00:11:19,328 Or you guys playing tug of war over a piece of bark. 321 00:11:19,428 --> 00:11:21,170 - This is not just a piece of bark, okay? 322 00:11:21,270 --> 00:11:23,692 It's a symbol how Connor takes whatever he wants 323 00:11:23,792 --> 00:11:25,133 like a selfish baby. 324 00:11:25,233 --> 00:11:27,054 - Tom's stupid book was right. 325 00:11:27,154 --> 00:11:28,576 You do blow everything up. 326 00:11:28,676 --> 00:11:30,577 "Oh, the universe is so unfair, 327 00:11:30,677 --> 00:11:32,679 denying me my right to the stick." 328 00:11:34,200 --> 00:11:35,541 - All right. You know what? 329 00:11:35,641 --> 00:11:36,983 I want you to have "Alicia Silverstick," 330 00:11:37,083 --> 00:11:39,264 to prove, despite what you and Tom think, 331 00:11:39,364 --> 00:11:41,066 that I am not some vegan rage werewolf. 332 00:11:41,166 --> 00:11:42,667 - Mm, you know what? 333 00:11:42,767 --> 00:11:44,068 I think you should have the stick 334 00:11:44,168 --> 00:11:46,270 as a sign of my non-immaturity. 335 00:11:46,370 --> 00:11:48,312 - You can just say maturity. 336 00:11:48,412 --> 00:11:50,834 - [mockingly] You can just say maturity. 337 00:11:50,934 --> 00:11:52,635 - Can I borrow your shoe? 338 00:11:52,735 --> 00:11:54,317 I learned this trick in college. 339 00:11:54,417 --> 00:11:55,678 - I'm not letting you borrow my shoe. 340 00:11:55,778 --> 00:11:57,239 - Denise, you could be mad at me sober 341 00:11:57,339 --> 00:11:59,841 or mad at me drinking $500 wine. 342 00:11:59,941 --> 00:12:01,943 Your choice. 343 00:12:05,026 --> 00:12:10,050 ♪ ♪ 344 00:12:10,150 --> 00:12:13,693 - I think the movie Muriel would have a Southern accent. 345 00:12:13,793 --> 00:12:15,895 - Now this? This is the life. 346 00:12:15,995 --> 00:12:18,597 [cell phone buzzing] 347 00:12:19,838 --> 00:12:21,699 - Yellow? Hey, Con. 348 00:12:21,799 --> 00:12:24,141 No, we have looked all over for it. 349 00:12:24,241 --> 00:12:26,783 Yeah, listen, hang tight. Don't lose hope. 350 00:12:26,883 --> 00:12:29,225 - Looks like I'm not the only actor in the family. 351 00:12:29,325 --> 00:12:31,307 - Hey, Kelvie. The Marshall character, right? 352 00:12:31,407 --> 00:12:32,588 So he's sitting in his office. 353 00:12:32,688 --> 00:12:35,991 He's got this haunted look on his face, 354 00:12:36,091 --> 00:12:38,473 and in through the door walks this dame, 355 00:12:38,573 --> 00:12:41,796 and I'm talking gams for days. 356 00:12:41,896 --> 00:12:43,077 [upbeat music] 357 00:12:43,177 --> 00:12:45,179 [bottle thunking] - [sighs] 358 00:12:46,540 --> 00:12:48,962 ♪ ♪ 359 00:12:49,062 --> 00:12:50,843 - Just stop! 360 00:12:50,943 --> 00:12:52,765 I have the most important call of my life, 361 00:12:52,865 --> 00:12:54,246 and you guys are driving me crazy. 362 00:12:54,346 --> 00:12:55,967 - I'm trying to help. 363 00:12:56,067 --> 00:12:58,049 - Just put some muscle into it! 364 00:12:58,149 --> 00:12:59,971 - [gasps] 365 00:13:00,071 --> 00:13:02,253 ♪ ♪ 366 00:13:02,353 --> 00:13:04,334 - No. 367 00:13:04,434 --> 00:13:05,735 - You know what really hurts, Tom? 368 00:13:05,835 --> 00:13:07,337 I thought we were getting along better than ever. 369 00:13:07,437 --> 00:13:09,138 Like, I--I really felt that. 370 00:13:09,238 --> 00:13:11,660 - So did I. But you were just taking notes. 371 00:13:11,760 --> 00:13:13,262 - Using us. 372 00:13:13,362 --> 00:13:14,903 - Oh, man, this is why I didn't want you guys to read it 373 00:13:15,003 --> 00:13:16,224 until it was finished, but now you have, 374 00:13:16,324 --> 00:13:17,705 and I don't know what to do. It's, like, 375 00:13:17,805 --> 00:13:19,427 if I stop writing the book, I won't have any money. 376 00:13:19,527 --> 00:13:21,068 And if I don't have any money, then Marina has 377 00:13:21,168 --> 00:13:23,670 to go back to work at some sleazy law firm. 378 00:13:23,770 --> 00:13:26,192 She probably meets some slick tax attorney who's bilingual, 379 00:13:26,292 --> 00:13:28,154 by the way, and my kids will start calling him Papi, 380 00:13:28,254 --> 00:13:30,196 and I'll be out in the street and alone with no family, 381 00:13:30,296 --> 00:13:31,336 wishing I hadn't quit beginner Spanish 382 00:13:31,416 --> 00:13:32,638 because I can't roll my Rs. 383 00:13:32,738 --> 00:13:34,279 [flatly] Churro, churr-- 384 00:13:34,379 --> 00:13:35,280 I still can't do it! 385 00:13:35,380 --> 00:13:36,681 [frustrated laugh] 386 00:13:36,781 --> 00:13:38,002 - [rolling Rs] Churro. 387 00:13:38,102 --> 00:13:39,723 - Ah, it's so fricking hot in here, right? 388 00:13:39,823 --> 00:13:40,964 It's like, it's like, 1,000 degrees! 389 00:13:41,064 --> 00:13:42,245 Are we gonna run out of oxygen at some point? 390 00:13:42,345 --> 00:13:43,386 [cell phone buzzing] That's it, that's her. 391 00:13:43,466 --> 00:13:45,728 I can feel it. Yep, okay. 392 00:13:45,828 --> 00:13:46,729 What do I do? What do I do? 393 00:13:46,829 --> 00:13:49,051 - Answer it. Be cool. 394 00:13:49,151 --> 00:13:50,092 - Okay, yeah. I can do that. 395 00:13:50,192 --> 00:13:51,253 [exhales] 396 00:13:51,353 --> 00:13:53,214 Let me just kinda--hmm, okay. 397 00:13:53,314 --> 00:13:55,376 [cell phone buzzing] 398 00:13:55,476 --> 00:13:57,538 Just gonna-- 399 00:13:57,638 --> 00:14:00,440 [clearing throat continuously] 400 00:14:03,323 --> 00:14:04,944 [cell phone buzzing] 401 00:14:05,044 --> 00:14:06,145 [clears throat] 402 00:14:06,245 --> 00:14:07,306 - Tom. - Yeah, I got it. 403 00:14:07,406 --> 00:14:08,547 [clears throat] 404 00:14:08,647 --> 00:14:10,869 - Tom Hayworth, we meet at last. 405 00:14:10,969 --> 00:14:12,190 - Hey, Amanda, how's it hanging? 406 00:14:12,290 --> 00:14:13,991 Going--how--how you going? 407 00:14:14,091 --> 00:14:15,713 How's it going with you? [chuckles nervously] 408 00:14:15,813 --> 00:14:17,795 But, seriously, how are you doing? 409 00:14:17,895 --> 00:14:19,436 - [laughs] So anyway, 410 00:14:19,536 --> 00:14:21,798 we are having the best time in Yosemite 411 00:14:21,898 --> 00:14:23,599 until we're out on this hike, and the kids find 412 00:14:23,699 --> 00:14:26,762 this dang stick that your grandmother 413 00:14:26,862 --> 00:14:29,444 and I called "Stevie Sticks." - Mm-hmm. 414 00:14:29,544 --> 00:14:30,925 [both laughing] 415 00:14:31,025 --> 00:14:33,407 - Fleetwood Mac? Anybody? 416 00:14:33,507 --> 00:14:35,489 - Fleetwood Mac? 417 00:14:35,589 --> 00:14:37,171 Oh, yeah, no, it's old. 418 00:14:37,271 --> 00:14:39,893 - Anyway, your mom and dads fought so much over this stick 419 00:14:39,993 --> 00:14:41,494 that we locked them in the cabin 420 00:14:41,594 --> 00:14:43,255 and spent some peace and quiet out on the deck. 421 00:14:43,355 --> 00:14:44,497 - So just like today. 422 00:14:44,597 --> 00:14:45,497 - Yeah! - That's right. 423 00:14:45,597 --> 00:14:47,139 - Isn't that something? 424 00:14:47,239 --> 00:14:49,300 - I just wanted to say again how nice it is 425 00:14:49,400 --> 00:14:51,142 to have the opportunity to be able to speak with you, 426 00:14:51,242 --> 00:14:52,583 and just the fact that you called back so quickly 427 00:14:52,683 --> 00:14:55,986 is the cherry on top of a sundae that is-- 428 00:14:56,086 --> 00:14:58,068 I'm sorry. What was the question? 429 00:14:58,168 --> 00:14:59,829 - How are you? - Oh, uh, good. 430 00:14:59,929 --> 00:15:01,711 Well. I'm well. How are you? 431 00:15:01,811 --> 00:15:03,912 - Great. Let's talk about your book. 432 00:15:04,012 --> 00:15:05,314 - I can change the whole thing. [chuckles nervously] 433 00:15:05,414 --> 00:15:07,916 - I love it. - Oh! 434 00:15:08,016 --> 00:15:10,198 'Kay, okay. Wow. 435 00:15:10,298 --> 00:15:12,239 - Yeah, the whole rich, middle, poor thing. 436 00:15:12,339 --> 00:15:13,720 Ugh, it's very "now." 437 00:15:13,820 --> 00:15:15,122 - I wouldn't say we're poor. 438 00:15:15,222 --> 00:15:17,564 - And I love "The Normals." 439 00:15:17,664 --> 00:15:19,565 Never have two women needed each other more. 440 00:15:19,665 --> 00:15:22,888 They are a great pair. I see a spin-off. 441 00:15:22,988 --> 00:15:26,011 But I do have some thoughts on the characters. 442 00:15:26,111 --> 00:15:27,572 - Coolio. 443 00:15:27,672 --> 00:15:29,894 - Uh, this Sarah, she's-- 444 00:15:29,994 --> 00:15:31,895 how do I say this? 445 00:15:31,995 --> 00:15:33,257 Unlikable. 446 00:15:33,357 --> 00:15:35,578 She's so angry and shouty, 447 00:15:35,678 --> 00:15:37,780 and people, they don't want to be angry all the time. 448 00:15:37,880 --> 00:15:39,862 I can't sell angry. 449 00:15:39,962 --> 00:15:41,343 Does she have to be so political? 450 00:15:41,443 --> 00:15:42,864 - What is wrong with political? 451 00:15:42,964 --> 00:15:44,306 - Why don't we just make her a fun lesbian? 452 00:15:44,406 --> 00:15:46,908 Like Rosie O'Donnell in the '90s? 453 00:15:47,008 --> 00:15:49,950 - Huh, why--I hadn't thought about that. 454 00:15:50,050 --> 00:15:51,271 - Oh, let me get ahead of you. 455 00:15:51,371 --> 00:15:52,953 It's not offensive. I'm bi. 456 00:15:53,053 --> 00:15:55,755 I like mostly everyone, which is a "me" problem. 457 00:15:55,855 --> 00:15:59,918 But, Connor, he comes off a little bit like a-- 458 00:16:00,018 --> 00:16:01,600 - Doofus? - A dummy. 459 00:16:01,700 --> 00:16:03,001 - I was gonna say dummy. 460 00:16:03,101 --> 00:16:04,122 - Yeah, how did he get all his money? 461 00:16:04,222 --> 00:16:05,763 I'm just not buying it. 462 00:16:05,863 --> 00:16:08,485 How about you make him a villain? 463 00:16:08,585 --> 00:16:09,526 Like, an evil genius, 464 00:16:09,626 --> 00:16:11,488 like a Bernie Madoff type? 465 00:16:11,588 --> 00:16:13,570 He steals money from Tom and Sarah. 466 00:16:13,670 --> 00:16:15,051 Ooh, you could give him 467 00:16:15,151 --> 00:16:16,532 a little nasty little kink, you know? 468 00:16:16,632 --> 00:16:18,534 We could market to the "Fifty Shades" crowd. 469 00:16:18,634 --> 00:16:21,496 - Ah, well, I mean, you're the expert. 470 00:16:21,596 --> 00:16:25,419 - Okay, make those changes, and we might have a book here. 471 00:16:25,519 --> 00:16:27,701 I can pull you right up to the top where you belong. 472 00:16:27,801 --> 00:16:29,803 You in? 473 00:16:35,087 --> 00:16:37,029 - [chuckles] 474 00:16:37,129 --> 00:16:39,131 I can't. 475 00:16:41,132 --> 00:16:44,155 - Was that a can or a can't? 476 00:16:44,255 --> 00:16:46,196 What was it? 477 00:16:46,296 --> 00:16:47,517 - The thing is, Amanda, 478 00:16:47,617 --> 00:16:49,619 these characters that you're talking about... 479 00:16:51,260 --> 00:16:54,043 I mean, I love them. 480 00:16:54,143 --> 00:16:56,285 You say that Sarah is too angry, 481 00:16:56,385 --> 00:16:59,848 but I see a woman who stands up so fiercely 482 00:16:59,948 --> 00:17:01,449 for what she believes in. 483 00:17:01,549 --> 00:17:05,012 And, yeah, she has a tendency to leave places 484 00:17:05,112 --> 00:17:07,654 or be asked to leave places, 485 00:17:07,754 --> 00:17:11,497 but that's just because she cares so much. 486 00:17:11,597 --> 00:17:13,499 I wish I cared about anything 487 00:17:13,599 --> 00:17:16,221 as much as Sarah cares about... 488 00:17:16,321 --> 00:17:18,143 everything. 489 00:17:18,243 --> 00:17:20,465 - I do care. - And, yeah, I can see 490 00:17:20,565 --> 00:17:22,466 where it looks like Connor lives his life 491 00:17:22,566 --> 00:17:24,308 like Tom Hanks in "Big," 492 00:17:24,408 --> 00:17:26,630 but where you see that as immature and impulsive, 493 00:17:26,730 --> 00:17:29,232 I see his childlike optimism. 494 00:17:29,332 --> 00:17:31,073 Connor believes anything is possible. 495 00:17:31,173 --> 00:17:32,835 - I dream impossible dreams. 496 00:17:32,935 --> 00:17:34,596 - And, yeah, your version might sell more copies, 497 00:17:34,696 --> 00:17:37,198 but I want everyone to see their family in this-- 498 00:17:37,298 --> 00:17:38,840 everything that's flawed, 499 00:17:38,940 --> 00:17:43,163 and everything that's wonderful about them. 500 00:17:43,263 --> 00:17:45,565 [warm music] 501 00:17:45,665 --> 00:17:49,048 And if you're not okay with that, then... 502 00:17:49,148 --> 00:17:50,689 you know what? I'm not the author for you. 503 00:17:50,789 --> 00:17:52,010 - Okay, Tom! 504 00:17:52,110 --> 00:17:54,172 - Ay, mi amor. 505 00:17:54,272 --> 00:17:56,054 - Huh. 506 00:17:56,154 --> 00:17:57,735 I thought with all the trouble you had with your last book, 507 00:17:57,835 --> 00:17:59,457 you know, with it not selling, 508 00:17:59,557 --> 00:18:02,939 you'd be a little bit more open for advice. 509 00:18:03,039 --> 00:18:04,581 But, I mean, honestly, if you wanna-- 510 00:18:04,681 --> 00:18:06,302 [phone clicks] - Oh. 511 00:18:06,402 --> 00:18:08,584 - I hung up on her. - Oh, yeah, you did! 512 00:18:08,684 --> 00:18:10,746 - Whoo! - Whoo! 513 00:18:10,846 --> 00:18:11,907 - Oh, my God. What did I do? 514 00:18:12,007 --> 00:18:13,508 I hung up on her. - Oh! 515 00:18:13,608 --> 00:18:14,629 - You stormed out of the call! 516 00:18:14,729 --> 00:18:15,790 I would have done the same thing. 517 00:18:15,890 --> 00:18:17,471 - Very impulsive. 518 00:18:17,571 --> 00:18:19,193 Way to be immature, Tom. I love that. 519 00:18:19,293 --> 00:18:20,674 - But what do I do now? 520 00:18:20,774 --> 00:18:22,676 - You finish the book. I want to see what happens. 521 00:18:22,776 --> 00:18:24,677 - Are you sure? You guys are okay with that? 522 00:18:24,777 --> 00:18:26,879 - Yeah, it's fine. No one reads anymore. 523 00:18:26,979 --> 00:18:28,761 - At least there's some women in this one. 524 00:18:28,861 --> 00:18:31,203 - So they're back together. 525 00:18:31,303 --> 00:18:32,684 - Reunited, yeah. 526 00:18:32,784 --> 00:18:34,645 [laughter] 527 00:18:34,745 --> 00:18:35,966 I want what they have. - I missed you. 528 00:18:36,066 --> 00:18:37,408 - I have so many things to gossip about. 529 00:18:37,508 --> 00:18:39,049 - Can we never let our spouses get between us again? 530 00:18:39,149 --> 00:18:40,730 - Yes. 531 00:18:40,830 --> 00:18:43,132 [both sighing] 532 00:18:43,232 --> 00:18:44,373 - Oh, thank you. 533 00:18:44,473 --> 00:18:45,775 - Yeah. - Vino? 534 00:18:45,875 --> 00:18:47,876 - Oh, thank you. 535 00:18:48,437 --> 00:18:50,338 Well, 536 00:18:50,438 --> 00:18:51,739 now that I have no agent, 537 00:18:51,839 --> 00:18:53,541 guess I'm gonna need all the luck I can get. 538 00:18:53,641 --> 00:18:54,742 I think it's time for me to take custody 539 00:18:54,842 --> 00:18:56,784 of old "Charles Stickens" here. 540 00:18:56,884 --> 00:18:58,545 - Tom-- - Okay. 541 00:18:58,645 --> 00:19:00,427 - That's not funny, come on. [overlapping chatter] 542 00:19:00,527 --> 00:19:02,388 - Tom had been scared of the wrong thing. 543 00:19:02,488 --> 00:19:05,190 He was afraid that the book would tear his family apart. 544 00:19:05,290 --> 00:19:07,713 But if the past few months had taught the Hayworths anything, 545 00:19:07,813 --> 00:19:10,355 it was that they had a bond that was unbreakable. 546 00:19:10,455 --> 00:19:11,916 Oh! 547 00:19:12,016 --> 00:19:12,837 [all screaming] - Oh! 548 00:19:12,937 --> 00:19:15,039 - Oh! - Oh! 549 00:19:15,139 --> 00:19:16,079 - No! - No! 550 00:19:16,179 --> 00:19:19,062 [all groaning] 551 00:19:20,103 --> 00:19:22,084 - Oh! - Oh, no! 552 00:19:22,184 --> 00:19:24,186 all: No, no, no, no, no, no! 553 00:19:26,027 --> 00:19:27,249 - Oh, my God. 554 00:19:27,349 --> 00:19:29,811 [door whooshes] 555 00:19:29,911 --> 00:19:31,912 all: [chuckle nervously] 556 00:19:32,593 --> 00:19:34,174 - Happy anniversary! 557 00:19:34,274 --> 00:19:35,295 - Happy anniversary. - Yeah! 558 00:19:35,395 --> 00:19:37,417 - Yay! - Yeah! 559 00:19:37,517 --> 00:19:38,818 [door whooshes] 560 00:19:38,918 --> 00:19:40,920 - Oh, wait-- - No, wait-- 561 00:19:42,841 --> 00:19:43,682 - Okay, guys. This is a little exciting. 562 00:19:43,762 --> 00:19:45,504 It's time for a dramatic reading 563 00:19:45,604 --> 00:19:46,945 from an upcoming bestseller 564 00:19:47,045 --> 00:19:48,826 that's very personal to all of us. 565 00:19:48,926 --> 00:19:50,948 It's drawn from our very own family. 566 00:19:51,048 --> 00:19:52,589 So without further ado, I give you, 567 00:19:52,689 --> 00:19:54,991 "A Kill Too Far: 568 00:19:55,091 --> 00:19:56,993 Book One of the Marshall Chronicles" 569 00:19:57,093 --> 00:19:58,714 by Marshall Hayworth. 570 00:19:58,814 --> 00:20:00,516 [cheers and applause] - [whistling] 571 00:20:00,616 --> 00:20:02,157 - Yeah! - Grandpa! 572 00:20:02,257 --> 00:20:04,279 - "Chapter one. 573 00:20:04,379 --> 00:20:07,842 "Marshall Hayworth's hands were registered as lethal weapons. 574 00:20:07,942 --> 00:20:11,485 "The only thing darker than his smoky eyes was his past. 575 00:20:11,585 --> 00:20:13,046 There was a knock at the door." [cell phone buzzing] 576 00:20:13,146 --> 00:20:15,208 - "In walked trouble, 577 00:20:15,308 --> 00:20:17,690 perched on the prettiest pins he'd ever seen." 578 00:20:17,790 --> 00:20:19,411 - That's me. [chuckles] 579 00:20:19,511 --> 00:20:21,173 - Amanda? - Listen, Tom. 580 00:20:21,273 --> 00:20:22,534 I've been thinking about everything you said, 581 00:20:22,634 --> 00:20:24,456 and it really resonated with me. 582 00:20:24,556 --> 00:20:26,137 Made me think about my own family. 583 00:20:26,237 --> 00:20:27,858 Ugh, they're a bunch of screwups, too. 584 00:20:27,958 --> 00:20:29,139 - Well, I didn't exactly call them-- 585 00:20:29,239 --> 00:20:30,981 - So if you're game, I would love 586 00:20:31,081 --> 00:20:32,702 to take you on as a client. 587 00:20:32,802 --> 00:20:35,244 Let's sell that book of yours. 588 00:20:36,205 --> 00:20:37,666 - Really? - Well, I guess you could say 589 00:20:37,766 --> 00:20:40,429 I just have this soft spot for sibling stories. 590 00:20:40,529 --> 00:20:43,631 Also, three of my clients just got canceled for racist tweets, 591 00:20:43,731 --> 00:20:45,513 so I need to sell something. 592 00:20:45,613 --> 00:20:46,714 But here's the thing. 593 00:20:46,814 --> 00:20:48,515 I hang up on you. You don't hang up on me. 594 00:20:48,615 --> 00:20:50,617 - Absolutely, understood. 595 00:20:51,738 --> 00:20:54,000 - No, I need you to keep talking so I can hang up. 596 00:20:54,100 --> 00:20:55,441 - Oh, okay, well, in that case, 597 00:20:55,541 --> 00:20:57,403 let me just say it's a thrill-- 598 00:20:57,503 --> 00:20:58,523 to--are you--hello? 599 00:20:58,623 --> 00:21:00,005 You still--okay. 600 00:21:00,105 --> 00:21:01,846 [Lizzo's "Good as Hell"] 601 00:21:01,946 --> 00:21:04,128 - "'Well, then, you've come to the right place,' 602 00:21:04,228 --> 00:21:06,490 "replied Marshall, taking a pull off of the Scotch 603 00:21:06,590 --> 00:21:09,172 he kept in his desk drawer, a snub-nosed..." 604 00:21:09,272 --> 00:21:12,535 - ♪ I do my hair toss, check my nails ♪ 605 00:21:12,635 --> 00:21:15,017 ♪ Baby, how you feelin'? Feelin' good as hell ♪ 606 00:21:15,117 --> 00:21:17,339 ♪ Hair toss, check my nails ♪ 607 00:21:17,439 --> 00:21:20,862 ♪ Baby, how you feelin'? Feelin' good as hell ♪ 608 00:21:20,962 --> 00:21:22,543 ♪ Feelin' good as hell ♪ 609 00:21:22,643 --> 00:21:24,945 ♪ Baby, how you feelin'? Feelin' good as hell ♪ 610 00:21:25,045 --> 00:21:31,891 ♪ ♪