1 00:00:01,616 --> 00:00:03,078 - Chapter Six. 2 00:00:03,178 --> 00:00:04,139 With the Hayworths living so near each other, 3 00:00:04,219 --> 00:00:05,441 it was easy for the cousins 4 00:00:05,541 --> 00:00:06,722 to spend quality time together, 5 00:00:06,822 --> 00:00:09,285 or at the very least, time together. 6 00:00:09,385 --> 00:00:11,327 - These are the moments they'll treasure. 7 00:00:11,427 --> 00:00:12,889 - Hey, guys. 8 00:00:12,989 --> 00:00:14,992 There's a bear in the apartment! 9 00:00:16,353 --> 00:00:17,895 - Your plates are so shiny. 10 00:00:17,995 --> 00:00:19,497 - [gasps] I got them for Denise. 11 00:00:19,597 --> 00:00:22,661 This artist that we love upcycles artifacts of violence. 12 00:00:22,761 --> 00:00:25,464 These used to be tear gas canisters. 13 00:00:25,564 --> 00:00:27,466 - Imagine my delight Christmas morning. 14 00:00:27,566 --> 00:00:28,988 - Hey, are you guys free on Friday? 15 00:00:29,088 --> 00:00:31,431 I'm throwing a birthday dinner for Emily. 16 00:00:31,531 --> 00:00:32,832 - Emily, your ex-wife, Emily? 17 00:00:32,932 --> 00:00:34,554 - No, the Emily that threads my brows. 18 00:00:34,654 --> 00:00:36,356 Yes, that Emily. 19 00:00:36,456 --> 00:00:37,558 Now that she's fully moved down here, 20 00:00:37,658 --> 00:00:38,959 we gotta learn to get along, you know? 21 00:00:39,059 --> 00:00:40,641 - That's a very healthy attitude, 22 00:00:40,741 --> 00:00:43,925 considering you used to be a little competitive. 23 00:00:44,025 --> 00:00:45,567 - No, we were a lot competitive. 24 00:00:45,667 --> 00:00:47,609 - I'm never fully comfortable around Emily. 25 00:00:47,709 --> 00:00:48,971 She's like a beautiful ice sculpture 26 00:00:49,071 --> 00:00:50,533 that burns when you touch it. 27 00:00:50,633 --> 00:00:52,535 - Yeah, I always got the sense she didn't like me, 28 00:00:52,635 --> 00:00:55,418 mostly 'cause she was always very mean to me. 29 00:00:55,518 --> 00:00:59,223 - I kind of miss Emily's pushy, boss-lady confidence 30 00:00:59,323 --> 00:01:02,787 and how she's just so unapologetic about her power 31 00:01:02,887 --> 00:01:06,591 and--but Team Connor. 32 00:01:06,691 --> 00:01:09,034 - Is she bringing that guy that she's been seeing? 33 00:01:09,134 --> 00:01:10,916 - Who? Alec? 34 00:01:11,016 --> 00:01:12,959 I don't know. She didn't say, and I didn't ask. 35 00:01:13,059 --> 00:01:15,361 But if he shows up, that's totally fine. 36 00:01:15,461 --> 00:01:16,463 You know, what, do you think I'm, like, worried 37 00:01:16,543 --> 00:01:19,967 that he's gonna be more successful 38 00:01:20,067 --> 00:01:22,890 and better looking than me and, you know, 39 00:01:22,990 --> 00:01:24,892 maybe have a house owned by a different, 40 00:01:24,992 --> 00:01:26,614 more famous celebrity? 41 00:01:26,714 --> 00:01:28,176 Those aren't things I think about. 42 00:01:28,276 --> 00:01:30,459 - If you're inviting us because you want our, 43 00:01:30,559 --> 00:01:33,102 you know, emotional support, of course we will be there. 44 00:01:33,202 --> 00:01:36,185 - No, I'm inviting you because I ordered too much shrimp. 45 00:01:36,285 --> 00:01:37,627 - Hmm. 46 00:01:37,727 --> 00:01:40,190 - Did someone say something about a bear? 47 00:01:40,290 --> 00:01:42,653 [upbeat music] 48 00:01:44,935 --> 00:01:45,797 - ♪ You got something else ♪ 49 00:01:45,897 --> 00:01:47,198 ♪ You're different ♪ 50 00:01:47,298 --> 00:01:48,680 ♪ Pique my interest, wait a minute ♪ 51 00:01:48,780 --> 00:01:50,442 [indistinct chatter] 52 00:01:50,542 --> 00:01:52,084 - Classic Emily. 53 00:01:52,184 --> 00:01:54,567 A dinner in her honor, and she's not even here yet. 54 00:01:54,667 --> 00:01:56,409 - It's called being fashionably late. 55 00:01:56,509 --> 00:01:58,091 - Okay, just admit it. You have a crush on her. 56 00:01:58,191 --> 00:01:59,132 - I do not. 57 00:01:59,232 --> 00:02:00,814 She just makes me think of 58 00:02:00,914 --> 00:02:02,656 what my life would be like if I had that kind of-- 59 00:02:02,756 --> 00:02:04,218 - Obscene family wealth? 60 00:02:04,318 --> 00:02:05,179 Globetrotting career? 61 00:02:05,279 --> 00:02:06,260 - Perfect teeth? 62 00:02:06,360 --> 00:02:07,381 The kind of body you can only get 63 00:02:07,481 --> 00:02:09,304 with a $500 a week private trainer? 64 00:02:09,404 --> 00:02:11,546 - I was gonna say bravado, but, yeah, all that stuff too. 65 00:02:11,646 --> 00:02:12,788 - Actually, the teeth are veneers, 66 00:02:12,888 --> 00:02:14,590 and Grant charges $750. 67 00:02:14,690 --> 00:02:16,232 What? [overlapping chatter] 68 00:02:16,332 --> 00:02:18,554 - Just kinda, like, crept up on us. 69 00:02:18,654 --> 00:02:19,836 - Oh, my gosh. I missed you! 70 00:02:19,936 --> 00:02:21,938 - I missed you. Hi. 71 00:02:22,979 --> 00:02:25,042 Yeah. - Okay. 72 00:02:25,142 --> 00:02:27,084 Okay. - You look so great. 73 00:02:27,184 --> 00:02:28,246 Better than great. [laughs] 74 00:02:28,346 --> 00:02:29,807 Like the moon. 75 00:02:29,907 --> 00:02:31,209 - Sorry that we're late. 76 00:02:31,309 --> 00:02:32,290 It's just, you know, my last day 77 00:02:32,390 --> 00:02:33,452 with Gretchen this week, so we wanted 78 00:02:33,552 --> 00:02:35,814 to make it count, right? 79 00:02:35,914 --> 00:02:37,977 - Yeah, and then Mommy let me have ice cream for dinner! 80 00:02:38,077 --> 00:02:40,099 - Well, it was frozen yogurt with fruit on top. 81 00:02:40,199 --> 00:02:41,581 - No, it was gummy worms. 82 00:02:41,681 --> 00:02:42,983 - Ooh, don't let this one ever talk 83 00:02:43,083 --> 00:02:45,185 to the Securities and Exchange Commission, right? 84 00:02:45,285 --> 00:02:47,027 - [laughs] - Gretchen, 85 00:02:47,127 --> 00:02:48,229 go find Lupe and tell her 86 00:02:48,329 --> 00:02:49,710 that you're ready for bed, okay? 87 00:02:49,810 --> 00:02:51,813 - Okay. - Okay. 88 00:02:53,014 --> 00:02:56,718 So obviously, this is super weird, 89 00:02:56,818 --> 00:02:59,882 but I still consider you guys family, 90 00:02:59,982 --> 00:03:03,686 and I'm sorry for making things so, you know, ugh. 91 00:03:03,786 --> 00:03:06,530 - Look, if it's cool with Connor, it's cool with us. 92 00:03:06,630 --> 00:03:08,452 - Oh, Tom. You're here. 93 00:03:08,552 --> 00:03:10,534 - I've been here the whole time. 94 00:03:10,634 --> 00:03:12,296 - If you say so, right? 95 00:03:12,396 --> 00:03:13,738 [laughter] 96 00:03:13,838 --> 00:03:16,702 - Hey! Happy birthday! 97 00:03:16,802 --> 00:03:19,465 - Hi. So--yeah-- 98 00:03:19,565 --> 00:03:21,967 Oh, okay. Mm, thank you. 99 00:03:23,970 --> 00:03:25,512 - A lot of people are excited to see you. 100 00:03:25,612 --> 00:03:27,114 You wanna do a lap? 101 00:03:27,214 --> 00:03:28,635 - Yeah. Let's catch up, 102 00:03:28,735 --> 00:03:31,118 after I catch up with an Aperol spritz, mm? 103 00:03:31,218 --> 00:03:33,161 - I will not move from the spot. 104 00:03:33,261 --> 00:03:34,762 - Okay. You have to calm down. - Okay. 105 00:03:34,862 --> 00:03:36,044 - You first, I insist. 106 00:03:36,144 --> 00:03:38,607 - No, you go first. - My liege. 107 00:03:38,707 --> 00:03:41,130 - Okay. [laughs] 108 00:03:41,230 --> 00:03:43,833 - They are handling it well. 109 00:03:46,596 --> 00:03:48,698 - You know, with Emily seeing someone, 110 00:03:48,798 --> 00:03:50,941 probably won't be long before Connor starts dating. 111 00:03:51,041 --> 00:03:52,423 - Mm. - Us Hayworth men 112 00:03:52,523 --> 00:03:53,744 don't stay off the market for long. 113 00:03:53,844 --> 00:03:55,346 - [coughs] 114 00:03:55,446 --> 00:03:57,228 "Us Hayworth men"? 115 00:03:57,328 --> 00:03:58,750 - For your information, I was very popular 116 00:03:58,850 --> 00:03:59,951 with the ladies in college. 117 00:04:00,051 --> 00:04:01,553 - College was a long time ago. 118 00:04:01,653 --> 00:04:02,915 You just picked up an appetizer and said, 119 00:04:03,015 --> 00:04:04,357 "Who's ready to pâté?" 120 00:04:04,457 --> 00:04:07,440 [both laugh] 121 00:04:07,540 --> 00:04:08,962 - It's actually a solid joke. 122 00:04:09,062 --> 00:04:10,564 - Sorry, mi amor, your game is gone. 123 00:04:10,664 --> 00:04:13,167 - I could talk to any lady that I want 124 00:04:13,267 --> 00:04:14,288 at this party right now. 125 00:04:14,388 --> 00:04:16,250 - Oh, sweetie, 126 00:04:16,350 --> 00:04:18,373 you wouldn't last five minutes. 127 00:04:18,473 --> 00:04:20,735 - Is that a challenge? Okay. Game on. 128 00:04:20,835 --> 00:04:23,258 Allow me to show you how smooth I can be. 129 00:04:23,358 --> 00:04:25,141 [crashing] - Oh. 130 00:04:25,241 --> 00:04:27,824 Okay. Bit of a rocky start. 131 00:04:27,924 --> 00:04:30,166 - Just--sorry, um... 132 00:04:31,247 --> 00:04:33,831 - Did you go with the satin or silk pillowcase for Emily? 133 00:04:33,931 --> 00:04:35,553 - Actually, I went a different way. 134 00:04:35,653 --> 00:04:37,935 I got her "An Oral History of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire." 135 00:04:39,457 --> 00:04:41,039 It's a book from a used bookstore. 136 00:04:41,139 --> 00:04:43,001 - You got a woman who owns a Prada toothbrush 137 00:04:43,101 --> 00:04:45,484 a pre-owned book about people who died in a sweatshop? 138 00:04:45,584 --> 00:04:47,286 - No, I saved a tree 139 00:04:47,386 --> 00:04:49,789 while sharing an important moment in U.S. labor history. 140 00:04:50,750 --> 00:04:52,492 What? I would love this if someone gave it to me. 141 00:04:52,592 --> 00:04:54,094 - Of course you would love this 142 00:04:54,194 --> 00:04:55,736 because you enjoy this stuff. 143 00:04:55,836 --> 00:04:57,378 - I feel like you are not saying something. 144 00:04:57,478 --> 00:04:58,980 - Okay. 145 00:04:59,080 --> 00:05:02,103 For my last birthday, I strongly hinted 146 00:05:02,203 --> 00:05:03,425 that I wanted bath bombs 147 00:05:03,525 --> 00:05:06,789 by telling you, "I want bath bombs," 148 00:05:06,889 --> 00:05:08,190 and instead, you got me-- 149 00:05:08,290 --> 00:05:10,793 - That adorable bralette made of natural fibers. 150 00:05:10,893 --> 00:05:13,196 - It was a burlap bralette that was very itchy. 151 00:05:13,296 --> 00:05:15,318 I'm just concerned it's gonna be an awkward moment 152 00:05:15,418 --> 00:05:17,681 where Emily's opening up your sweatshop book 153 00:05:17,781 --> 00:05:19,163 in front of all her fancy friends. 154 00:05:19,263 --> 00:05:21,886 - Opening gifts at the party? What, is she five? 155 00:05:21,986 --> 00:05:23,808 - Well, maybe she's just 156 00:05:23,908 --> 00:05:26,351 unencumbered by social norms and... 157 00:05:27,913 --> 00:05:29,174 Sorry. 158 00:05:29,274 --> 00:05:30,256 Team Connor! [laughs] 159 00:05:30,356 --> 00:05:32,458 - Okay. 160 00:05:32,558 --> 00:05:34,180 Hey, guys. 161 00:05:34,280 --> 00:05:36,022 What did you get Emily for her birthday? 162 00:05:36,122 --> 00:05:38,185 - Oh, a bottle of perfume. 163 00:05:38,285 --> 00:05:39,907 - Yeah, we know it's her favorite 'cause one time 164 00:05:40,007 --> 00:05:43,391 she sprayed it in my face when she thought I was a mugger. 165 00:05:43,491 --> 00:05:44,793 It was pretty clear it was me. 166 00:05:44,893 --> 00:05:47,355 I mean, it was in broad daylight. 167 00:05:47,455 --> 00:05:50,239 - Denise thinks that Emily is going to hate my gift, 168 00:05:50,339 --> 00:05:52,341 but you guys always like what I get you, right? 169 00:05:53,222 --> 00:05:55,525 - Oh, my God. Yeah. Totally. - Mm. 170 00:05:55,625 --> 00:05:57,247 - What kind of gifts has Sarah given you 171 00:05:57,347 --> 00:05:58,649 over the years that you just love so much? 172 00:05:58,749 --> 00:05:59,810 - Yeah. 173 00:05:59,910 --> 00:06:01,051 - Specifically? - Mm-hmm. 174 00:06:01,151 --> 00:06:02,293 - Hmm... - So many. 175 00:06:02,393 --> 00:06:04,255 - Yeah, it's hard to choose just one. 176 00:06:04,355 --> 00:06:05,777 - You can pick as many as you want. 177 00:06:05,877 --> 00:06:07,098 - Thanks, Denise. 178 00:06:07,198 --> 00:06:10,222 I would say the charcoal deodorant 179 00:06:10,322 --> 00:06:13,466 definitely worked and did not give me a rash. 180 00:06:13,566 --> 00:06:15,308 - Yes. Tempeh cookbook. 181 00:06:15,408 --> 00:06:17,991 - "Tempeh to Z," a classic. 182 00:06:18,091 --> 00:06:19,593 - She loved it. - Oh, good. 183 00:06:19,693 --> 00:06:22,756 So, if pressed, would you say 184 00:06:22,856 --> 00:06:26,240 that my gift giving is, I don't know... 185 00:06:26,340 --> 00:06:28,163 - You...unique. - You. 186 00:06:28,263 --> 00:06:29,324 - Oh, I was-- both: Unique. 187 00:06:29,424 --> 00:06:31,046 - Oh, that's so nice. 188 00:06:31,146 --> 00:06:32,127 - Excuse us for a second. 189 00:06:32,227 --> 00:06:33,969 Tom is on a mission. - Oh. 190 00:06:34,069 --> 00:06:36,252 - So we're just gonna go over here. 191 00:06:36,352 --> 00:06:38,695 - Okay, I'm gonna go ask Connor. 192 00:06:38,795 --> 00:06:40,797 - Sure. Let's keep digging this hole. 193 00:06:42,239 --> 00:06:44,702 - Target acquired, J.A.R.V.I.S. 194 00:06:44,802 --> 00:06:47,145 J.A.R.V.I.S., Iron Man's operating system. 195 00:06:47,245 --> 00:06:49,707 - You should definitely talk to her about Iron Man 196 00:06:49,807 --> 00:06:51,309 and all that cool stuff in the comics 197 00:06:51,409 --> 00:06:52,991 that was left out of the movies. 198 00:06:53,091 --> 00:06:56,235 She'll probably throw her underwear at you. 199 00:06:56,335 --> 00:06:58,998 - Hey. I'm Tom. I'm Connor's brother. 200 00:06:59,098 --> 00:07:01,081 - Oh, hi. I'm Linda. 201 00:07:01,181 --> 00:07:02,522 Emily and I were sorority sisters. 202 00:07:02,622 --> 00:07:03,644 Tri-Delts! 203 00:07:03,744 --> 00:07:05,125 - Oh! [both laugh] 204 00:07:05,225 --> 00:07:07,248 I always kind of wanted to pledge myself, but-- 205 00:07:07,348 --> 00:07:09,651 - You don't look like you do well with hazings. 206 00:07:09,751 --> 00:07:12,313 - No, you'd be surprised. [both laugh] 207 00:07:14,676 --> 00:07:16,138 What do you do for a living? - I'm in real estate. 208 00:07:16,238 --> 00:07:18,220 - Okay. That must be great in the San Francisco market. 209 00:07:18,320 --> 00:07:20,463 - It is, but I'm actually looking to expand 210 00:07:20,563 --> 00:07:21,785 further outside the city. 211 00:07:21,885 --> 00:07:23,306 - Oh, okay. 212 00:07:23,406 --> 00:07:24,788 It's "farther." 213 00:07:24,888 --> 00:07:26,270 - I'm sorry, what? 214 00:07:26,370 --> 00:07:28,192 - It was just, uh, you said "further." 215 00:07:28,292 --> 00:07:30,274 I think you meant "farther." It's a common mistake. 216 00:07:30,374 --> 00:07:32,757 Farther is for physical distance. 217 00:07:32,857 --> 00:07:34,439 But it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. 218 00:07:34,539 --> 00:07:35,761 You were saying you're in real estate. 219 00:07:35,861 --> 00:07:37,042 - If you'll excuse me, I need to get 220 00:07:37,142 --> 00:07:39,405 a little farther away from you. 221 00:07:39,505 --> 00:07:42,789 - Okay. It's a sick burn. 222 00:07:43,510 --> 00:07:46,173 Ah. So close to five minutes. 223 00:07:46,273 --> 00:07:48,936 - You made it-- 56, 57, 58 seconds. 224 00:07:49,036 --> 00:07:50,578 - Look, I'm just getting started, okay. 225 00:07:50,678 --> 00:07:51,859 Hold my drink. - Oh. 226 00:07:51,959 --> 00:07:53,181 - I'm going back in. 227 00:07:53,281 --> 00:07:54,502 - Okay. 228 00:07:54,602 --> 00:07:55,784 - Actually, give that to me. 229 00:07:55,884 --> 00:07:57,346 I don't know what to do with my hands. 230 00:07:57,446 --> 00:08:00,189 [soft rock music playing] 231 00:08:00,289 --> 00:08:01,591 - So I was looking around, 232 00:08:01,691 --> 00:08:05,195 and I didn't see those Tibetan sound bowls... 233 00:08:05,295 --> 00:08:06,396 the ones I got you last Christmas. 234 00:08:06,496 --> 00:08:08,078 - Oh, yeah. No, I never opened those. 235 00:08:08,178 --> 00:08:09,640 - But it was a gift. 236 00:08:09,740 --> 00:08:12,163 - Yeah, you suck at gifts. You didn't know that? 237 00:08:12,263 --> 00:08:13,965 - I've been trying to get her there. 238 00:08:14,065 --> 00:08:15,687 - After you got me that novel about that girl in Peru 239 00:08:15,787 --> 00:08:17,689 who gets cancer... - "Fernanda's Miracle." 240 00:08:17,789 --> 00:08:19,331 - And that bracelet made by genius women... 241 00:08:19,431 --> 00:08:21,053 - Indigenous women, and it was an anklet. 242 00:08:21,153 --> 00:08:22,735 - I just started tossing your gifts in the closet 243 00:08:22,835 --> 00:08:25,138 without unwrapping 'em. 244 00:08:25,238 --> 00:08:27,240 You never got me a puppy, did you? 245 00:08:27,721 --> 00:08:28,702 Think we're running low on shrimp? 246 00:08:28,802 --> 00:08:30,384 I bet we are, oh. 247 00:08:30,484 --> 00:08:31,825 Good on shrimp? 248 00:08:31,925 --> 00:08:34,028 - Okay. So I'm a bad gift giver. 249 00:08:34,128 --> 00:08:35,390 - Yes. - Yes. 250 00:08:35,490 --> 00:08:37,592 So Emily's gonna start opening gifts soon. 251 00:08:37,692 --> 00:08:38,954 I need to swap mine out. 252 00:08:39,054 --> 00:08:42,117 Should I re-gift something of Connor's? 253 00:08:42,217 --> 00:08:43,359 - Oh, well, that is exactly 254 00:08:43,459 --> 00:08:44,640 what a go-getter like Emily would think. 255 00:08:44,740 --> 00:08:46,883 - You need to stop. 256 00:08:46,983 --> 00:08:49,085 - Hey. - Hey. 257 00:08:49,185 --> 00:08:51,248 - Thank you for throwing this. - Oh, yeah, of course. 258 00:08:51,348 --> 00:08:53,370 - I don't wanna brag, but are we kind of, like, 259 00:08:53,470 --> 00:08:57,215 killing this whole divorce thing, like, best exes ever? 260 00:08:57,315 --> 00:09:00,499 - Right, living our best lives, thriving. 261 00:09:00,599 --> 00:09:03,142 - Moving on, dating. 262 00:09:03,242 --> 00:09:04,984 - Uh-huh. - I mean, I-- 263 00:09:05,084 --> 00:09:07,146 I am dating. - Right. 264 00:09:07,246 --> 00:09:08,748 - Are you? 265 00:09:08,848 --> 00:09:11,071 - No, not yet. 266 00:09:11,171 --> 00:09:12,673 You know, I've mostly just been focusing on, like, 267 00:09:12,773 --> 00:09:16,317 work and Gretchen, leg day. - Right. 268 00:09:16,417 --> 00:09:18,039 - But it's cool, you know. 269 00:09:18,139 --> 00:09:20,402 I'd actually love to meet, um... 270 00:09:20,502 --> 00:09:22,204 - Oh, Alec. - Alec, right. 271 00:09:22,304 --> 00:09:23,485 - You know, I was gonna invite him, 272 00:09:23,585 --> 00:09:24,506 but then I figured, you know, it's, like, 273 00:09:24,586 --> 00:09:26,008 just too soon for that. 274 00:09:26,108 --> 00:09:28,050 - What? No. No. It's cool. 275 00:09:28,150 --> 00:09:29,572 - Oh, yeah. You sound cool about it. 276 00:09:29,672 --> 00:09:30,773 - No, I mean, the night's young. 277 00:09:30,873 --> 00:09:32,896 Why don't you tell him to-- 278 00:09:32,996 --> 00:09:34,618 tell him to cruise? 279 00:09:34,718 --> 00:09:36,500 - You don't want that. - No, seriously. Text him. 280 00:09:36,600 --> 00:09:38,903 - Okay. If you insist. 281 00:09:39,003 --> 00:09:40,264 Consider him texted. 282 00:09:40,364 --> 00:09:42,347 - Cool. [both chuckle] 283 00:09:42,447 --> 00:09:44,069 You want to meet him, right, Lupe? 284 00:09:44,169 --> 00:09:46,171 - Nope. 285 00:09:46,812 --> 00:09:48,314 - Cool. 286 00:09:48,414 --> 00:09:50,757 - ♪ Ooh, bop ♪ 287 00:09:50,857 --> 00:09:52,839 - The thing they don't tell you about Model U.N. 288 00:09:52,939 --> 00:09:54,201 is how cutthroat it is. 289 00:09:54,301 --> 00:09:56,844 - Oh, sorry. I have to take this. 290 00:09:56,944 --> 00:09:58,125 - ♪ No, you're never gonna get it ♪ 291 00:09:58,225 --> 00:10:00,408 - For 40 years, Magneto is Scarlet Witch's father 292 00:10:00,508 --> 00:10:02,250 and then suddenly, retcon! 293 00:10:02,350 --> 00:10:04,252 What? [chuckles] 294 00:10:04,352 --> 00:10:07,496 See, for me, escape rooms aren't about the puzzle, right? 295 00:10:07,596 --> 00:10:09,018 It's about building a world. 296 00:10:09,118 --> 00:10:11,220 - Nope. - Lupe, please. 297 00:10:11,320 --> 00:10:13,423 - ♪ No, you're never gonna get it ♪ 298 00:10:13,523 --> 00:10:15,305 - Tom's pride needs some alcohol. 299 00:10:15,405 --> 00:10:16,867 - This crowd is not sophisticated enough 300 00:10:16,967 --> 00:10:18,108 for my space camp anecdotes. 301 00:10:18,208 --> 00:10:20,231 Of course you don't "go to space." 302 00:10:20,331 --> 00:10:23,675 I mean, space camp is to prepare you for space. 303 00:10:23,775 --> 00:10:27,639 - [laughing] Yeah, yeah. 304 00:10:27,739 --> 00:10:29,722 So I--I told Emily to invite Alec, 305 00:10:29,822 --> 00:10:30,703 and now my brain kinda feels like 306 00:10:30,783 --> 00:10:31,724 it's having a heart attack. 307 00:10:31,824 --> 00:10:33,126 - Alec, the new boyfriend? 308 00:10:33,226 --> 00:10:35,128 - No, Alec Baldwin, the voice of Boss Baby. 309 00:10:35,228 --> 00:10:36,569 Wh-- 310 00:10:36,669 --> 00:10:38,171 - You said you were okay with him coming over? 311 00:10:38,271 --> 00:10:39,653 - Wow, congratulations, Denise. 312 00:10:39,753 --> 00:10:41,335 You caught me in a lie. - Connor... 313 00:10:41,435 --> 00:10:42,817 - I know I made you guys think that I'm, like, 314 00:10:42,917 --> 00:10:44,659 totally fine right now... - I never thought that. 315 00:10:44,759 --> 00:10:46,301 - But I am not totally fine, okay? 316 00:10:46,401 --> 00:10:47,662 I don't want Alec to come here, 317 00:10:47,762 --> 00:10:49,865 but I can't tell Emily that and show weakness. 318 00:10:49,965 --> 00:10:51,827 So, what, I'm just supposed to let this Alec guy show up 319 00:10:51,927 --> 00:10:53,669 at my house that I own and walk around 320 00:10:53,769 --> 00:10:55,151 like he's so great and I'm just some loser? 321 00:10:55,251 --> 00:10:56,513 [groans] 322 00:10:56,613 --> 00:10:58,114 I'm all in my head, man. 323 00:10:58,214 --> 00:11:00,117 Is this what it feels like to be you, Tom? 324 00:11:00,217 --> 00:11:02,319 - Pretty much, yeah. - Oh, I hate it. 325 00:11:02,419 --> 00:11:04,422 - Yeah, it's not great. - [grunts] 326 00:11:06,464 --> 00:11:07,926 [upbeat music] 327 00:11:08,026 --> 00:11:09,367 - I got it. 328 00:11:09,467 --> 00:11:11,169 So Alec can't come to the party 329 00:11:11,269 --> 00:11:13,252 if there's no party, right? 330 00:11:13,352 --> 00:11:16,095 So what if I tell everyone the shrimp is bad 331 00:11:16,195 --> 00:11:17,497 and they gotta go home and brace for impact? 332 00:11:17,597 --> 00:11:19,179 Tom, you can fake diarrhea, right? 333 00:11:19,279 --> 00:11:20,660 - How would I fake diarrhea? 334 00:11:20,760 --> 00:11:21,702 - That's a good point. 335 00:11:21,802 --> 00:11:23,023 It's gotta be the real thing. 336 00:11:23,123 --> 00:11:25,125 That's on you, man. - What? 337 00:11:26,807 --> 00:11:28,189 - Okay. I'll try. 338 00:11:28,289 --> 00:11:29,551 If you're not ready to meet this Alec guy, 339 00:11:29,651 --> 00:11:31,193 that is totally understandable. 340 00:11:31,293 --> 00:11:32,634 Okay, just tell Emily that. 341 00:11:32,734 --> 00:11:33,876 It is not a sign of weakness. 342 00:11:33,976 --> 00:11:35,558 - You want me to admit 343 00:11:35,658 --> 00:11:37,039 that I can't handle meeting her new boyfriend 344 00:11:37,139 --> 00:11:38,401 because this divorce has sucked me 345 00:11:38,501 --> 00:11:39,722 into a black hole of my own emotions? 346 00:11:39,822 --> 00:11:41,404 - A black hole isn't actually a hole. 347 00:11:41,504 --> 00:11:42,766 It's compressed star matter-- 348 00:11:42,866 --> 00:11:45,049 I hear it. I hear myself now. Sorry. 349 00:11:45,149 --> 00:11:47,571 - Fine. I'll tell her the truth. 350 00:11:47,671 --> 00:11:49,253 I'll admit I don't want her boyfriend to come. 351 00:11:49,353 --> 00:11:53,739 ♪ ♪ 352 00:11:53,839 --> 00:11:56,502 Hey, Em. Um, so speaking of Alec-- 353 00:11:56,602 --> 00:11:57,543 - You know, he's gonna love your place. 354 00:11:57,643 --> 00:11:58,945 He's a huge Matt Damon fan. 355 00:11:59,045 --> 00:12:00,787 He has "Adjustment Bureau" on Blu-ray. 356 00:12:00,887 --> 00:12:02,469 - Hmm, I mean, that's lesser Damon, 357 00:12:02,569 --> 00:12:05,993 but anyways, I was thinking maybe... 358 00:12:06,093 --> 00:12:07,434 he shouldn't come. 359 00:12:07,534 --> 00:12:09,477 - Okay, because, like, having him here 360 00:12:09,577 --> 00:12:10,918 is gonna make you feel awkward? 361 00:12:11,018 --> 00:12:13,682 - What? No. I just--it's getting late, 362 00:12:13,782 --> 00:12:16,805 and I don't want him to, you know, 363 00:12:16,905 --> 00:12:18,327 show up when the party's winding down. 364 00:12:18,427 --> 00:12:19,809 - Okay. You know, he's gonna make you awkward. 365 00:12:19,909 --> 00:12:21,611 So I'm just gonna let him know not to come. 366 00:12:21,711 --> 00:12:22,732 - I'm not awkward. You're awkward. 367 00:12:22,832 --> 00:12:24,614 - Okay. - And I changed my mind. 368 00:12:24,714 --> 00:12:26,657 I want him here. 369 00:12:26,757 --> 00:12:28,579 Hey, everybody! 370 00:12:28,679 --> 00:12:30,581 A few minutes ago, I invited 371 00:12:30,681 --> 00:12:33,625 Emily's new boyfriend, Alec, to the party. 372 00:12:33,725 --> 00:12:35,947 - What is he doing? - Crashing and burning. 373 00:12:36,047 --> 00:12:38,110 - So now that everyone knows that, 374 00:12:38,210 --> 00:12:39,552 can't back out of it. 375 00:12:39,652 --> 00:12:41,233 It's a done deal. 376 00:12:41,333 --> 00:12:45,478 So that's just great, isn't it? 377 00:12:45,578 --> 00:12:47,441 Anyways, there's tons of shrimp. 378 00:12:47,541 --> 00:12:49,543 Please eat the shrimp. Okay. 379 00:12:51,465 --> 00:12:52,607 - Cool. 380 00:12:52,707 --> 00:12:53,568 - I'm gonna have to go this way. 381 00:12:53,668 --> 00:12:54,489 There's nothing over there. 382 00:12:54,589 --> 00:12:57,532 ♪ ♪ 383 00:12:57,632 --> 00:13:01,176 - Any women left to scare away? - Okay. 384 00:13:01,276 --> 00:13:02,538 I'd like to see you try and talk 385 00:13:02,638 --> 00:13:04,300 to one of these people for five minutes. 386 00:13:04,400 --> 00:13:06,222 - [scoffs] Easy, peasy. 387 00:13:06,322 --> 00:13:09,306 I might be a little older, have a few more miles on me, 388 00:13:09,406 --> 00:13:11,508 but I could still go all night. 389 00:13:11,608 --> 00:13:12,710 - Oh, okay. 390 00:13:12,810 --> 00:13:14,812 Uh, how about this guy? 391 00:13:16,254 --> 00:13:18,156 - Okay. 392 00:13:18,256 --> 00:13:20,078 Hold this. - All right. 393 00:13:20,178 --> 00:13:21,520 - I know what to do with my hands. 394 00:13:21,620 --> 00:13:23,162 - [chuckles] 395 00:13:23,262 --> 00:13:26,165 - Oh, that--no, never mind. Thanks. 396 00:13:26,265 --> 00:13:29,449 [chuckles] I'm Marina. 397 00:13:29,549 --> 00:13:32,733 Are you friends with the ex-bride or the ex-groom? 398 00:13:32,833 --> 00:13:35,256 - I'm Max, and I'm kind of ex-friends with both. 399 00:13:35,356 --> 00:13:36,898 - Sounds like there's a backstory there, 400 00:13:36,998 --> 00:13:38,540 a good five minutes at least. 401 00:13:38,640 --> 00:13:40,702 - No. I'm kidding. I'm friends with both of them. 402 00:13:40,802 --> 00:13:43,545 - Yeah, it's never good to take sides with the exes. 403 00:13:43,645 --> 00:13:46,309 Oh, I'm about to sneeze. Sorry. 404 00:13:46,409 --> 00:13:47,590 I just--after having three kids, 405 00:13:47,690 --> 00:13:49,672 I don't have the best-- [chuckles] 406 00:13:49,772 --> 00:13:50,994 The best bladder control. 407 00:13:51,094 --> 00:13:52,676 - Okay. - Oh. 408 00:13:52,776 --> 00:13:54,678 Whew. Okay, false alarm. 409 00:13:54,778 --> 00:13:57,041 You were saying? - You know, I should say hi 410 00:13:57,141 --> 00:13:59,764 to a friend over there. - Right. 411 00:13:59,864 --> 00:14:01,286 Was it the three kids part or the bladder thing? 412 00:14:01,386 --> 00:14:02,247 A bit of both? Okay. 413 00:14:02,347 --> 00:14:04,349 Nice meeting you. 414 00:14:06,792 --> 00:14:08,534 That was just a warm-up. - Okay. 415 00:14:08,634 --> 00:14:09,976 - ♪ Ooh, bop ♪ 416 00:14:10,076 --> 00:14:11,898 - I go to concerts all the time. 417 00:14:11,998 --> 00:14:14,942 The last one I saw was-- 418 00:14:15,042 --> 00:14:17,665 well, it was "The Wiggles," but before that-- 419 00:14:17,765 --> 00:14:19,267 huh, it was also "The Wiggles." 420 00:14:19,367 --> 00:14:20,628 They're actually kinda good. - Sorry. 421 00:14:20,728 --> 00:14:23,031 I have to take this. 422 00:14:23,131 --> 00:14:25,274 [both laughing] - I know. 423 00:14:25,374 --> 00:14:27,877 Oh, Sorry. For a second there I thought I was leaking. 424 00:14:27,977 --> 00:14:29,278 I'm wearing a real bra for once, 425 00:14:29,378 --> 00:14:30,840 and I didn't put the nursing pads in it. 426 00:14:30,940 --> 00:14:31,941 And sometimes you look down and it's, like, 427 00:14:32,021 --> 00:14:34,564 ah, wet t-shirt contest. 428 00:14:34,664 --> 00:14:37,127 And I see I've tanked this one too. 429 00:14:37,227 --> 00:14:38,329 Moving on. 430 00:14:38,429 --> 00:14:40,011 - ♪ Bop ♪ 431 00:14:40,111 --> 00:14:43,975 - You think Emily would want a partially used candle 432 00:14:44,075 --> 00:14:46,618 or some lightly worn Nike Air Maxes? 433 00:14:46,718 --> 00:14:49,782 - Oh, here it is, 434 00:14:49,882 --> 00:14:52,705 your gift graveyard. - [gasps] 435 00:14:52,805 --> 00:14:54,267 Oh, my God. These are all mine. 436 00:14:54,367 --> 00:14:57,751 Ah! Oh, this was a "Topple the Patriarchy" mug, 437 00:14:57,851 --> 00:14:59,433 and a build-your-own composting kit? 438 00:14:59,533 --> 00:15:01,075 I'm sorry, but these presents are fantastic. 439 00:15:01,175 --> 00:15:03,077 - Yeah. 440 00:15:03,177 --> 00:15:04,599 - I'm gonna keep them. - They'd be happier with you. 441 00:15:04,699 --> 00:15:05,880 - Yeah. 442 00:15:05,980 --> 00:15:09,525 ♪ ♪ 443 00:15:09,625 --> 00:15:13,970 - So...feel like making another run at it, or... 444 00:15:14,070 --> 00:15:15,652 Yeah, me neither. 445 00:15:15,752 --> 00:15:18,135 - This used to be so easy for me. 446 00:15:18,235 --> 00:15:19,456 It's like ever since I've had kids, 447 00:15:19,556 --> 00:15:22,740 I've forgotten how to be around grown-ups. 448 00:15:22,840 --> 00:15:24,983 - Oh, come on. 449 00:15:25,083 --> 00:15:26,184 It's not that bad. 450 00:15:26,284 --> 00:15:27,185 - [sneezes] 451 00:15:27,285 --> 00:15:29,468 ♪ ♪ 452 00:15:29,568 --> 00:15:31,650 Ah. Just got worse. 453 00:15:32,892 --> 00:15:34,073 - Oh. 454 00:15:34,173 --> 00:15:35,995 ♪ ♪ 455 00:15:36,095 --> 00:15:39,159 - Oh, my God. Linda, silk pillowcase! 456 00:15:39,259 --> 00:15:40,400 You know, I've been dying for one of these, 457 00:15:40,500 --> 00:15:41,562 but it's the kind of thing 458 00:15:41,662 --> 00:15:42,963 that I would never get for myself. 459 00:15:43,063 --> 00:15:44,805 Okay. 460 00:15:44,905 --> 00:15:46,527 - Oh, here it comes. 461 00:15:46,627 --> 00:15:48,370 - Don't worry. I took care of it. 462 00:15:48,470 --> 00:15:50,092 - Took care of it? Who are you, Ray Donovan? 463 00:15:50,192 --> 00:15:53,696 - From Tom and Marina. - Uh-- 464 00:15:53,796 --> 00:15:56,139 - Let's see, "The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, 465 00:15:56,239 --> 00:15:58,261 An Oral History." Okay. 466 00:15:58,361 --> 00:16:00,784 - That's not--we didn't-- - And it's used. 467 00:16:00,884 --> 00:16:03,587 Message received, Tom. Moving on. 468 00:16:03,687 --> 00:16:05,830 - Did you switch the cards? - All right. 469 00:16:05,930 --> 00:16:08,833 From Sarah and Denise. 470 00:16:08,933 --> 00:16:10,795 How did you know this is my signature scent? 471 00:16:10,895 --> 00:16:12,718 - I just knew. - No, that was-- 472 00:16:12,818 --> 00:16:14,520 - Oh, my God, enough, Tom. All right, so just 473 00:16:14,620 --> 00:16:16,042 write this down, Sarah and Denise. 474 00:16:16,142 --> 00:16:18,284 - I cannot believe you did that. 475 00:16:18,384 --> 00:16:21,007 That was positively Emily-esque. 476 00:16:21,107 --> 00:16:22,409 Way to own your power. 477 00:16:22,509 --> 00:16:25,933 - I'm still tingling. [both chuckling] 478 00:16:26,033 --> 00:16:28,216 - [clears throat] - [whispers] Sorry. 479 00:16:28,316 --> 00:16:29,777 ♪ ♪ 480 00:16:29,877 --> 00:16:31,259 - So where is this guy? 481 00:16:31,359 --> 00:16:32,541 How long am I supposed to wait? 482 00:16:32,641 --> 00:16:33,982 - Okay, look, Connor, I could tell 483 00:16:34,082 --> 00:16:35,144 that you didn't want Alec to come, 484 00:16:35,244 --> 00:16:37,146 so I just told him not to. 485 00:16:37,246 --> 00:16:39,228 - What? I made it pretty clear that I want him to come. 486 00:16:39,328 --> 00:16:40,670 Did you not hear my big announcement? 487 00:16:40,770 --> 00:16:42,552 - See, yeah, that's kinda what did it for me. 488 00:16:42,652 --> 00:16:44,875 - Oh, I see what's going on here. 489 00:16:44,975 --> 00:16:46,276 You would feel awkward. 490 00:16:46,376 --> 00:16:47,217 That's why you don't want him to come. 491 00:16:47,297 --> 00:16:49,200 - Uh, no. - You're afraid. 492 00:16:49,300 --> 00:16:50,281 - I'm not afraid. You're afraid. 493 00:16:50,381 --> 00:16:51,923 - You know what? 494 00:16:52,023 --> 00:16:53,765 If you're gonna be all weird about this Alec situation, 495 00:16:53,865 --> 00:16:55,127 maybe I should just call this party off. 496 00:16:55,227 --> 00:16:56,648 - No, you can't just take my cake away. 497 00:16:56,748 --> 00:16:58,090 - Yeah, I can. 498 00:16:58,190 --> 00:16:59,191 What, is there some kind of birthday cake law? 499 00:16:59,271 --> 00:17:00,172 - Yeah, actually, there is. 500 00:17:00,272 --> 00:17:01,694 - I'm the host, okay? 501 00:17:01,794 --> 00:17:03,656 Until you blow out the candles, this is host cake. 502 00:17:03,756 --> 00:17:04,818 - It has my name on it! 503 00:17:04,918 --> 00:17:06,219 - Oh, yeah? 504 00:17:06,319 --> 00:17:08,943 - Oh, my gosh! You ruined my cake! 505 00:17:09,043 --> 00:17:10,504 - Why don't you get Alec to buy you a new one? 506 00:17:10,604 --> 00:17:12,707 - Because there is no Alec! 507 00:17:12,807 --> 00:17:15,430 [all gasping] 508 00:17:15,530 --> 00:17:17,352 Oh, my God. Look what you did. 509 00:17:17,452 --> 00:17:19,575 - What's going on? 510 00:17:20,456 --> 00:17:21,837 - Oh, hey. sweetie. - Hi. 511 00:17:21,937 --> 00:17:24,721 we were just, you know, playing around. 512 00:17:24,821 --> 00:17:27,244 - Oh, yeah, just having fun. [laughs] 513 00:17:27,344 --> 00:17:29,687 - Yeah. - Yeah, oh. 514 00:17:29,787 --> 00:17:31,008 - Yeah, I thought you guys were, like, 515 00:17:31,108 --> 00:17:32,209 fighting or something. 516 00:17:32,309 --> 00:17:34,452 - No, no. - Oh, no, no, no, baby girl. 517 00:17:34,552 --> 00:17:36,334 - I had a nightmare. Do you think you could 518 00:17:36,434 --> 00:17:38,537 check under my bed for bat monsters? 519 00:17:38,637 --> 00:17:40,499 - Yeah, of course, but I promise you, 520 00:17:40,599 --> 00:17:41,941 there's nothing there. 521 00:17:42,041 --> 00:17:44,464 - But if there is, you know Mommy and Daddy 522 00:17:44,564 --> 00:17:46,226 will take it down fast, right? 523 00:17:46,326 --> 00:17:47,908 - That's true. 524 00:17:48,008 --> 00:17:49,549 Let's go. - Let's go check it out. 525 00:17:49,649 --> 00:17:50,871 - [sighs] 526 00:17:50,971 --> 00:17:53,674 [soft music] 527 00:17:53,774 --> 00:17:58,640 ♪ ♪ 528 00:17:58,740 --> 00:18:00,562 - So how do you know Emily? 529 00:18:00,662 --> 00:18:02,524 ♪ ♪ 530 00:18:02,624 --> 00:18:04,166 - What? - Or are you friends 531 00:18:04,266 --> 00:18:05,328 with Connor? - What are you doing? 532 00:18:05,428 --> 00:18:06,569 - Hi, I'm Tom. 533 00:18:06,669 --> 00:18:09,012 I'm a novelist. 534 00:18:09,112 --> 00:18:11,114 You probably haven't read any of my work. 535 00:18:12,916 --> 00:18:14,819 - I'm Marina. - Oh, Marina. 536 00:18:14,919 --> 00:18:16,981 What a beautiful name. 537 00:18:17,081 --> 00:18:20,045 - I'm, um... I'm a stay-at-home mom. 538 00:18:21,326 --> 00:18:22,548 Former lawyer. 539 00:18:22,648 --> 00:18:24,670 And I'm thinking of eating this floor cake. 540 00:18:24,770 --> 00:18:26,712 - Well, not to brag, but one time, 541 00:18:26,812 --> 00:18:29,235 I ate a dinosaur chicken nugget 542 00:18:29,335 --> 00:18:30,997 that I peeled off my toddler's foot. 543 00:18:31,097 --> 00:18:34,081 - [gasps] Oh, so you have kids? 544 00:18:34,181 --> 00:18:37,124 - Oh, way too many. 545 00:18:37,224 --> 00:18:38,166 - [laughs] 546 00:18:38,266 --> 00:18:41,129 [uplifting music] 547 00:18:41,229 --> 00:18:44,173 ♪ ♪ 548 00:18:44,273 --> 00:18:45,975 - You do realize Gretchen 549 00:18:46,075 --> 00:18:48,618 just tricked us into reading her five books? 550 00:18:48,718 --> 00:18:50,820 - I mean, your unicorn voice was pretty on point. 551 00:18:50,920 --> 00:18:52,863 - Oh, that's kind of you to say. 552 00:18:52,963 --> 00:18:53,984 - [giggles] - What about you? 553 00:18:54,084 --> 00:18:55,586 You became that magical tree. 554 00:18:55,686 --> 00:18:57,308 - The forest is full of wonder. 555 00:18:57,408 --> 00:18:58,990 - [laughs] 556 00:18:59,090 --> 00:19:01,372 So why'd you lie? 557 00:19:02,734 --> 00:19:05,437 - I wanted you to think that I was 558 00:19:05,537 --> 00:19:08,080 handling this whole divorce thing better than you. 559 00:19:08,180 --> 00:19:09,602 I mean, you're doing so well. 560 00:19:09,702 --> 00:19:11,044 Every time I call, 561 00:19:11,144 --> 00:19:12,926 I can hear your family in the background 562 00:19:13,026 --> 00:19:16,570 talking and laughing, making fun of Tom. 563 00:19:16,670 --> 00:19:18,853 And Gretchen just goes on and on about, like, 564 00:19:18,953 --> 00:19:21,055 how happy she is with her cousins, 565 00:19:21,155 --> 00:19:25,060 and I just, you know, 566 00:19:25,160 --> 00:19:27,603 wanted you to think I'm doing okay too. 567 00:19:29,445 --> 00:19:31,307 I don't know if you've heard, but I'm kind of 568 00:19:31,407 --> 00:19:33,910 the most competitive person in the world. 569 00:19:34,010 --> 00:19:36,233 - Mm, I--I don't know. I think I am. 570 00:19:36,333 --> 00:19:39,236 - No, I am. - No, I think I am. 571 00:19:39,336 --> 00:19:43,121 - Mm-mm. Well, you were willing to throw this party for me. 572 00:19:43,221 --> 00:19:46,124 So I guess, you know, you win. 573 00:19:46,224 --> 00:19:48,166 - Emily, I only threw this party 574 00:19:48,266 --> 00:19:51,370 to convince you I'm doing okay. 575 00:19:51,470 --> 00:19:52,892 Tom would call that irony. 576 00:19:52,992 --> 00:19:54,414 - Oh, God. He's so exhausting. 577 00:19:54,514 --> 00:19:56,696 - Oh, I know, but trust me, 578 00:19:56,796 --> 00:19:59,179 I'm still struggling with this whole thing. 579 00:19:59,279 --> 00:20:02,223 I'm a mess. - Aww. 580 00:20:02,323 --> 00:20:04,425 That's nice to hear. - Oh, yeah? 581 00:20:04,525 --> 00:20:06,868 - Yeah. - [chuckles] It is? 582 00:20:06,968 --> 00:20:08,230 - So what do we do now? 583 00:20:08,330 --> 00:20:10,032 - Get back down there and salvage some cake. 584 00:20:10,132 --> 00:20:12,154 - No, I mean, with us? 585 00:20:12,254 --> 00:20:15,858 - I guess we just keep trying to get better at this. 586 00:20:17,460 --> 00:20:19,362 We have to for Gretchen. 587 00:20:19,462 --> 00:20:20,684 - For Gretchen. Yeah. 588 00:20:20,784 --> 00:20:27,292 ♪ ♪ 589 00:20:27,392 --> 00:20:30,135 - I like leaving someone else's birthday with presents. 590 00:20:30,235 --> 00:20:34,680 Oh, and one of these is for you. 591 00:20:37,924 --> 00:20:39,666 - A bath bomb! - Mm-hmm. 592 00:20:39,766 --> 00:20:42,069 - Thank you. - Yeah. 593 00:20:42,169 --> 00:20:44,171 - Did you... - Steal it from Connor? Yeah. 594 00:20:46,293 --> 00:20:47,435 - Yeah, I'm gonna take this too. 595 00:20:47,535 --> 00:20:49,537 Go, go, go, go, go! 596 00:20:50,819 --> 00:20:52,821 - Oh, man. I should have taken the orchid. 597 00:20:54,703 --> 00:20:57,567 [man singing in Spanish] 598 00:20:57,667 --> 00:21:04,555 ♪ ♪ 599 00:21:07,198 --> 00:21:09,460 - [speaking Spanish] 600 00:21:09,560 --> 00:21:16,448 ♪ ♪