1 00:00:02,001 --> 00:00:04,003 ♪ 2 00:00:23,414 --> 00:00:26,069 《星际迷航:下层甲板》前情提要... 3 00:00:26,113 --> 00:00:28,854 未知的船只,你已经漂流到了克林贡太空。 4 00:00:28,898 --> 00:00:30,682 KEY'LOR:他们正在给武器充电。 5 00:00:30,726 --> 00:00:32,989 -所有系统都在断电。-这不可能! 6 00:00:34,121 --> 00:00:35,644 [所有人尖叫] 7 00:00:37,124 --> 00:00:38,777 指挥部掌握了有关袭击的新情报 8 00:00:38,821 --> 00:00:40,649 从最近几个月来看。 9 00:00:40,692 --> 00:00:41,693 它们都是非联邦船只。 10 00:00:41,737 --> 00:00:43,217 这到底是什么东西? 11 00:00:43,260 --> 00:00:45,219 小心!那是创世装置! 12 00:00:45,262 --> 00:00:47,438 这些用于改造行星。 13 00:00:47,482 --> 00:00:48,831 你可以重新排列我们的分子。 14 00:00:48,874 --> 00:00:50,528 [所有人尖叫] 15 00:00:50,572 --> 00:00:52,226 BOIMLER:所有这些船只都没有被摧毁。 16 00:00:52,269 --> 00:00:53,749 它们被偷了。 17 00:00:53,792 --> 00:00:55,316 -有人知道是谁干的吗?-有人撒谎 18 00:00:55,359 --> 00:00:56,969 -致我的下级军官。-[尖叫声] 19 00:00:57,013 --> 00:00:58,580 他们叛变并关闭了我们的系统。 20 00:00:58,623 --> 00:01:00,930 [喘气]同样的事情也发生在我的船上。 21 00:01:00,973 --> 00:01:03,889 现在有人把目标瞄准了前星际舰队军官。 22 00:01:03,933 --> 00:01:05,935 我们必须找到洛迦诺。 23 00:01:05,978 --> 00:01:07,241 -[尖叫] -BOIMLER 和 TENDI:水手! 24 00:01:08,068 --> 00:01:09,808 -[喘气] -T'LYN:她已经被传送了 25 00:01:09,852 --> 00:01:11,419 -离开星球。-缺口? 26 00:01:11,462 --> 00:01:12,811 你到底在这干什么? 27 00:01:12,855 --> 00:01:15,292 我们会一起制造一些麻烦。 28 00:01:15,336 --> 00:01:18,513 旁白:现在,结论。 29 00:01:25,607 --> 00:01:27,174 乔什:呃,我不知道,尼克。 30 00:01:27,217 --> 00:01:29,350 星爆机动被禁止是有原因的。 31 00:01:29,393 --> 00:01:32,048 -我们飞得太近了... -是的,这太危险了 32 00:01:32,092 --> 00:01:33,789 对于除新星中队以外的任何人。 33 00:01:33,832 --> 00:01:36,139 我们是学院多年来最好的飞行员。 34 00:01:36,183 --> 00:01:38,359 如果成功的话,我们将成为传奇。 35 00:01:38,402 --> 00:01:40,187 [笑]你已经是一个传奇了。 36 00:01:40,229 --> 00:01:41,971 不是我们毕业之后。 37 00:01:42,014 --> 00:01:44,146 我们将被分配到舰队中的不同船只。 38 00:01:44,191 --> 00:01:45,844 在那里,我们将成为无名小卒。 39 00:01:45,888 --> 00:01:47,237 韦斯知道。他已经经历过了。 40 00:01:47,281 --> 00:01:48,934 我本来就不是一个无名小卒。 41 00:01:48,978 --> 00:01:51,328 我不知道整个星暴事件。 42 00:01:51,372 --> 00:01:52,634 乔什,你确定吗? 43 00:01:52,676 --> 00:01:54,375 -[吮吸牙齿] -哦,来吧,韦斯。 44 00:01:54,418 --> 00:01:56,899 想象一下皮卡德船长会多么自豪 45 00:01:56,942 --> 00:01:58,247 当他听到你的成就时。 46 00:01:58,292 --> 00:02:00,163 -水手:嘿,嘿,西托。-呃哦,贾克萨, 47 00:02:00,207 --> 00:02:02,122 -你的粉丝俱乐部发现了我们。-西托。 48 00:02:02,165 --> 00:02:03,427 西托,西托。好吧,我刚出去 49 00:02:03,471 --> 00:02:05,081 我的第一次异形历史研讨会—— 50 00:02:05,125 --> 00:02:06,604 这很难说,异形历史。 51 00:02:06,648 --> 00:02:08,170 啊,我们要了解保护者, 52 00:02:08,215 --> 00:02:09,520 新地——你已经了解他们了吗? 53 00:02:09,564 --> 00:02:11,043 他们太酷了。嗯,我认为他们是。 54 00:02:11,087 --> 00:02:12,306 我们要了解他们。我还不知道, 55 00:02:12,349 --> 00:02:13,350 但我认为他们非常酷。 56 00:02:13,394 --> 00:02:14,873 你说得对,我喜欢这个。 57 00:02:14,917 --> 00:02:16,484 -[轻笑] -现在我感觉我正在上课。 58 00:02:16,527 --> 00:02:17,659 -[笑]-其他人可以说话 59 00:02:17,702 --> 00:02:18,703 每隔一段时间,尼克。 60 00:02:18,747 --> 00:02:20,183 别听他的。 61 00:02:20,227 --> 00:02:22,577 你听起来就像我一年级时的样子。 62 00:02:22,620 --> 00:02:24,144 我-如果我们要成功的话 63 00:02:24,187 --> 00:02:26,537 我们需要在模拟器中记录更多的时间。 64 00:02:26,581 --> 00:02:27,625 扯掉什么? 65 00:02:27,669 --> 00:02:29,149 毕业典礼的一个惊喜。 66 00:02:29,192 --> 00:02:30,715 别担心。 67 00:02:30,759 --> 00:02:32,543 什么样的惊喜? 68 00:02:32,587 --> 00:02:35,198 据说这会让我们成为传奇, 69 00:02:35,242 --> 00:02:37,896 但我敢打赌这是所有人都会记住的唯一名字 70 00:02:37,940 --> 00:02:40,203 -是洛迦诺。-决不。 71 00:02:40,247 --> 00:02:42,858 -他们会记住新星中队。-哇! 72 00:02:42,901 --> 00:02:44,903 [欢呼] 73 00:02:44,947 --> 00:02:46,470 缺口? 74 00:02:46,514 --> 00:02:48,168 我是这里的囚犯吗? 75 00:02:48,211 --> 00:02:52,041 什么?不,我从罗慕伦人和克林贡人手中救了你。 76 00:02:52,084 --> 00:02:53,738 已将您传送至新星一号。 77 00:02:53,781 --> 00:02:55,175 我不需要储蓄。 78 00:02:55,218 --> 00:02:57,220 我什至无法告诉你我有多幸运。 79 00:02:57,264 --> 00:02:59,614 你正是我现在所需要的人。 80 00:02:59,656 --> 00:03:01,224 时机再好不过了。 81 00:03:01,268 --> 00:03:02,965 这是我们一直想回到学院的。 82 00:03:03,008 --> 00:03:04,706 那时我几乎不认识你。 83 00:03:04,749 --> 00:03:06,360 [笑]哦,来吧。 84 00:03:06,403 --> 00:03:08,884 你实际上是新星中队的初级成员。 85 00:03:08,927 --> 00:03:12,496 我们回来了,但现在我们是新星舰队。 86 00:03:12,540 --> 00:03:14,759 新星什么? 87 00:03:14,803 --> 00:03:16,892 [喘气] 88 00:03:21,375 --> 00:03:23,420 ♪ 89 00:03:54,016 --> 00:03:56,018 ♪ 90 00:04:26,048 --> 00:04:28,093 ♪ 91 00:04:31,967 --> 00:04:34,317 瓦瑟里:弗里曼上尉,根据你的报告, 92 00:04:34,361 --> 00:04:37,277 我们现在有无可争议的证据表明尼古拉斯·洛迦诺 93 00:04:37,320 --> 00:04:40,367 是所有针对非联邦船只的袭击的幕后黑手。 94 00:04:40,409 --> 00:04:42,412 现在他带走了我的一名军官。 95 00:04:42,456 --> 00:04:43,848 如果我们动作快的话 96 00:04:43,892 --> 00:04:45,894 我们仍然可以追踪他的曲速轨迹。 97 00:04:45,937 --> 00:04:48,331 不幸的是,没有快速行动 98 00:04:48,375 --> 00:04:49,724 在这样的情况下。 99 00:04:49,767 --> 00:04:51,334 什么情况? 100 00:04:51,378 --> 00:04:53,467 洛迦诺协调船上叛变 101 00:04:53,510 --> 00:04:56,078 来自十多个非联邦行星。 102 00:04:56,121 --> 00:04:57,253 如果我们做了伤害别人的事 103 00:04:57,297 --> 00:04:58,689 克林贡人或罗慕伦人... 104 00:04:58,733 --> 00:05:00,169 他们背弃了自己的世界 105 00:05:00,212 --> 00:05:01,344 当他们对抗他们的队长时。 106 00:05:01,388 --> 00:05:03,041 在不流血的政变中。 107 00:05:03,085 --> 00:05:05,130 我们不能第一个开火。现在, 108 00:05:05,174 --> 00:05:07,176 我们已经在与大使沟通 109 00:05:07,219 --> 00:05:08,960 来自曾经纠缠于此的世界。 110 00:05:09,004 --> 00:05:10,484 我命令你们俩 111 00:05:10,527 --> 00:05:11,746 站下来。直到这件事整理完毕, 112 00:05:11,789 --> 00:05:14,705 我们不能冒引发战争的风险。 113 00:05:14,749 --> 00:05:16,968 啊! 我们的时间不多了! 114 00:05:21,669 --> 00:05:25,237 呃,不错的船。非常...白而且...呃... 115 00:05:25,281 --> 00:05:26,369 没有其他的。 116 00:05:26,413 --> 00:05:28,153 谢谢。我自己设计的。 117 00:05:28,197 --> 00:05:30,460 这里没有星际舰队的地毯或木镶板。 118 00:05:30,504 --> 00:05:33,071 我无法告诉你它对游戏规则的改变有多大 119 00:05:33,115 --> 00:05:34,421 拥有一名星际舰队军官 120 00:05:34,464 --> 00:05:36,118 加入我们的事业。 121 00:05:36,161 --> 00:05:38,686 想象一下指挥部发现后他们脸上的表情 122 00:05:38,729 --> 00:05:40,601 一位海军上将的女儿叛逃了。 123 00:05:40,644 --> 00:05:42,385 [强笑] 是啊。 124 00:05:42,429 --> 00:05:44,387 让我们把它粘在那些笨蛋身上吧。 125 00:05:44,431 --> 00:05:46,346 顺便问一下,我们到底是如何把它粘在那些笨蛋身上的呢? 126 00:05:46,389 --> 00:05:49,610 哦,别担心。每个人都即将找到答案。 127 00:05:49,653 --> 00:05:51,873 很酷。一点也不凶险。 128 00:05:52,874 --> 00:05:55,529 -怎么了,拜纳斯?-[拜纳尔说] 129 00:05:55,572 --> 00:05:59,359 打开子空间通道。所有频段均覆盖象限。 130 00:05:59,402 --> 00:06:00,882 我看起来怎么样? 131 00:06:00,925 --> 00:06:02,579 自信,但是,你知道,就像以一种令人毛骨悚然的方式。 132 00:06:02,623 --> 00:06:04,625 完美的。这就是我的目的。 133 00:06:04,668 --> 00:06:06,409 [电子颤音] 134 00:06:06,453 --> 00:06:08,150 队长,我们正在接收信号。 135 00:06:08,193 --> 00:06:10,848 -它正在所有频道上播出。-在屏幕上。 136 00:06:12,284 --> 00:06:13,242 [喘气]水手。 137 00:06:13,285 --> 00:06:14,852 你好,阿尔法象限。 138 00:06:14,896 --> 00:06:16,724 独立队长尼克·洛迦诺在这里 139 00:06:16,767 --> 00:06:19,466 给那些感觉自己是事后诸葛亮的人的一条信息。 140 00:06:19,509 --> 00:06:21,903 -他看起来像汤姆·帕里斯。-我没看到。 141 00:06:21,946 --> 00:06:24,558 您可能听说过有关船只的恐怖故事 142 00:06:24,601 --> 00:06:27,996 过去几个月被摧毁了,但那是一个谎言。 143 00:06:28,039 --> 00:06:30,607 他们没有被摧毁,而是被解放了。 144 00:06:31,695 --> 00:06:34,611 他们是第一个完全独立的人的一部分, 145 00:06:34,655 --> 00:06:37,179 阿尔法象限中未结盟的舰队。 146 00:06:37,222 --> 00:06:38,702 嗯,马奇们想要一句话。 147 00:06:38,746 --> 00:06:41,836 如果你厌倦了冒着生命危险 148 00:06:41,879 --> 00:06:43,315 对于没有灵魂的官僚船长 149 00:06:43,359 --> 00:06:44,578 谁连你的名字都不知道 150 00:06:44,621 --> 00:06:46,971 如果你害怕遵守命令 151 00:06:47,015 --> 00:06:48,408 无能的指挥官 152 00:06:48,451 --> 00:06:50,279 谁未能登上权力宝座, 153 00:06:50,322 --> 00:06:52,977 如果你被困在下层甲板上 154 00:06:53,021 --> 00:06:56,807 那么我邀请您加入我们的 Detrion 系统。 155 00:06:56,851 --> 00:06:59,157 他们有一样的脸。它们是相同的。 156 00:06:59,201 --> 00:07:00,811 不,我只是没看到。 157 00:07:00,855 --> 00:07:03,335 Detrion,一个被遗忘的系统现在受到保护 158 00:07:03,379 --> 00:07:06,295 由我坚不可摧的特雷纳盾牌。 159 00:07:06,338 --> 00:07:08,036 哎呀,他为什么这么生气? 160 00:07:08,079 --> 00:07:09,646 洛迦诺被逐出星际舰队。 161 00:07:09,690 --> 00:07:11,256 他杀死了他的一名小队成员 162 00:07:11,300 --> 00:07:12,649 执行禁止的飞行动作, 163 00:07:12,693 --> 00:07:14,608 然后试图掩盖它。 164 00:07:14,651 --> 00:07:16,523 显然,他的情绪行为与他的罪责相冲突。 165 00:07:16,566 --> 00:07:18,350 是的,他是个[哔]洞。 166 00:07:18,394 --> 00:07:21,571 万一有人想强行闯入 167 00:07:21,615 --> 00:07:23,138 我买了一点保险 168 00:07:23,181 --> 00:07:26,924 黑市佛伦吉创世装置。 169 00:07:26,968 --> 00:07:29,231 这些可以改写整个世界的原子组成。 170 00:07:29,274 --> 00:07:31,146 他可以消灭他选择的任何星球上的生命。 171 00:07:31,189 --> 00:07:33,061 男人已经失去理智了。 172 00:07:33,104 --> 00:07:35,455 联邦、克林贡帝国、 173 00:07:35,498 --> 00:07:36,978 罗慕兰帝国, 174 00:07:37,021 --> 00:07:40,416 每个人都必须尊重新星舰队。 175 00:07:40,460 --> 00:07:42,549 说到这里,我这里有一个军官 176 00:07:42,592 --> 00:07:44,507 谁知道如何向权力说真话。 177 00:07:44,551 --> 00:07:47,118 贝克特,愿意告诉他们星际舰队到底是什么样子吗? 178 00:07:47,162 --> 00:07:49,556 哦。呃...嘿。 179 00:07:49,599 --> 00:07:51,471 大家怎么样? 180 00:07:51,514 --> 00:07:54,604 我有一个重要的信息要送给所有下层的人。 181 00:07:54,648 --> 00:07:56,084 ——这家伙太糟糕了!-什么? 182 00:07:56,127 --> 00:07:57,738 他是个白痴,他的计划也很愚蠢。 183 00:07:57,781 --> 00:07:59,087 他会把你们都杀了因为他只关心 184 00:07:59,130 --> 00:08:00,741 -关于他自己。[咕噜声]-[咕噜声] 185 00:08:00,784 --> 00:08:02,830 -[拜纳尔说] -有人阻止她。 186 00:08:02,873 --> 00:08:04,179 结束那个传输! 187 00:08:04,222 --> 00:08:05,702 阿塔女孩。 188 00:08:05,746 --> 00:08:08,096 Cerritoscrew,这是船长。 189 00:08:08,139 --> 00:08:10,838 我即将违抗直接命令 190 00:08:10,881 --> 00:08:12,404 并展开救援 191 00:08:12,448 --> 00:08:14,058 中尉初级水手。 192 00:08:14,102 --> 00:08:16,017 现在我不能问你们任何人 193 00:08:16,060 --> 00:08:18,062 加入我。如果我们活下来, 194 00:08:18,106 --> 00:08:20,108 军事法庭是保证, 195 00:08:20,151 --> 00:08:22,589 但如果我等待的话我会被诅咒的 196 00:08:22,632 --> 00:08:25,461 让政治家来决定她的命运。 197 00:08:25,505 --> 00:08:28,116 -我和你在一起,船长。-我们都是。 198 00:08:28,159 --> 00:08:30,074 -让我来对付他们!-让我们[哔][哔]起来。 199 00:08:30,118 --> 00:08:31,685 你知道我和你在一起。 200 00:08:31,728 --> 00:08:33,513 我相信在这种情况下唯一的反应是 201 00:08:33,556 --> 00:08:35,427 塞里托斯特朗。 202 00:08:35,471 --> 00:08:38,779 所有部门都在检查。每个人都想提供帮助。 203 00:08:38,822 --> 00:08:41,738 谢谢。现在我们只需要弄清楚 204 00:08:41,782 --> 00:08:44,828 我们到底是怎么越过那该死的盾牌的。 205 00:08:44,872 --> 00:08:47,701 我想我可以帮忙。 206 00:08:49,441 --> 00:08:51,356 贝克特,你让我们看起来像个笑话 207 00:08:51,400 --> 00:08:52,488 在象限前面。 208 00:08:52,532 --> 00:08:54,011 我的整个计划。 209 00:08:54,055 --> 00:08:55,230 [咕哝] 210 00:08:55,273 --> 00:08:56,971 什么?阻止她。 211 00:08:57,014 --> 00:08:58,538 [裤子,喘气] 212 00:09:01,976 --> 00:09:05,240 -呃,电脑,循环气闸。-啊啊! 213 00:09:06,371 --> 00:09:09,723 好吧,你是我的大副。耶。 214 00:09:09,766 --> 00:09:11,725 我的小伙伴。请不要爆炸。 215 00:09:11,768 --> 00:09:13,857 计算机、命令代码覆盖、 216 00:09:13,901 --> 00:09:17,600 呃,06107.2? 217 00:09:17,644 --> 00:09:19,733 电脑:欢迎,卡罗尔·弗里曼船长。 218 00:09:19,776 --> 00:09:21,343 是的!我知道这会派上用场。 219 00:09:21,386 --> 00:09:23,345 将系统控制转移到命令面板。 220 00:09:28,742 --> 00:09:30,744 洛迦诺:她是怎么让引擎上线的? 221 00:09:30,787 --> 00:09:32,659 没关系。摧毁它。 222 00:09:32,702 --> 00:09:35,226 不,没有创世装置,你背叛的队长们 223 00:09:35,270 --> 00:09:37,054 会找到办法突破我们的盾牌。 224 00:09:37,098 --> 00:09:39,579 不过没关系,罗慕兰人是出了名的宽容。 225 00:09:39,622 --> 00:09:42,712 -正确的?-我们必须阻止她! 226 00:09:50,981 --> 00:09:52,983 D'ERIKA:姐姐,你怎么敢?! 227 00:09:53,027 --> 00:09:55,638 把这些星际舰队的外来者带到这里, 228 00:09:55,682 --> 00:09:57,031 羞辱我们的房子。 229 00:09:57,074 --> 00:09:59,468 Tendi女士,请让我解释一下…… 230 00:09:59,511 --> 00:10:02,166 呃,退下吧,队长。你在这里没有权力。 231 00:10:02,210 --> 00:10:03,646 我知道这看起来很糟糕 232 00:10:03,690 --> 00:10:04,865 但你不想让星际舰队难堪吗 233 00:10:04,908 --> 00:10:06,083 炫耀实力? 234 00:10:06,127 --> 00:10:07,389 我们是违反命令而来的。 235 00:10:07,432 --> 00:10:09,565 帮助我们会让他们看起来很弱。 236 00:10:09,609 --> 00:10:12,394 唔。这听起来确实很诱人。 237 00:10:12,437 --> 00:10:14,483 我从来没有听说过Trynar Shield。 238 00:10:14,526 --> 00:10:15,571 只要毁掉它就可以了。 239 00:10:15,615 --> 00:10:17,399 没办法,腾迪二号。 240 00:10:17,442 --> 00:10:19,096 塞里托斯只是没有武器。 241 00:10:19,140 --> 00:10:21,272 我们需要一艘有足够火力来打洞的船。 242 00:10:21,316 --> 00:10:22,796 我们只是借用它,真的。 243 00:10:22,839 --> 00:10:24,101 我们会立即归还。 244 00:10:24,145 --> 00:10:25,799 嗯,这是一艘军舰, 245 00:10:25,842 --> 00:10:27,670 不是《剑与鞘》的二手副本。 246 00:10:27,714 --> 00:10:29,498 我知道这是一个很大的要求 247 00:10:29,541 --> 00:10:31,021 但如果不是有紧急情况我是不会来找你的。 248 00:10:31,065 --> 00:10:32,893 这个人有我的朋友德埃里卡。 249 00:10:32,936 --> 00:10:34,285 我正在监督合并 250 00:10:34,329 --> 00:10:36,070 两个大型犯罪集团。 251 00:10:36,113 --> 00:10:37,941 我现在不能和联邦勾结。 252 00:10:37,985 --> 00:10:39,421 对不起,姐姐。 253 00:10:39,464 --> 00:10:41,553 我们明白,德埃里卡女士。 254 00:10:41,597 --> 00:10:43,686 我们感谢您的考虑。 255 00:10:43,730 --> 00:10:44,687 我们得再找一个... 256 00:10:44,731 --> 00:10:48,038 我要求战斗易货! 257 00:10:48,082 --> 00:10:49,910 [喘气] 258 00:10:54,828 --> 00:10:58,179 [咕噜声]好吧,GD,让我们希望这个旧浴缸 259 00:10:58,222 --> 00:10:59,615 可以使其变形。 260 00:11:01,356 --> 00:11:02,705 通讯电脑,到底是什么?! 261 00:11:02,749 --> 00:11:04,620 计算机:接近警报。 262 00:11:04,664 --> 00:11:06,143 [喘气]哦,[哔]。 263 00:11:08,102 --> 00:11:10,713 [水手咕哝] 264 00:11:14,195 --> 00:11:16,545 计算机:护盾强度为 90%。 265 00:11:16,588 --> 00:11:18,721 我的 Trynar Shield 具有双向作用。 266 00:11:18,765 --> 00:11:20,592 它使船只进出。 267 00:11:20,636 --> 00:11:23,508 是的,我想我忘记了,因为这个名字太愚蠢了。 268 00:11:23,552 --> 00:11:26,337 哦,三个拜纳尔,对吧。可以要三个拜纳尔吗? 269 00:11:26,381 --> 00:11:28,644 听着,你为什么不在车站停靠呢? 270 00:11:28,688 --> 00:11:30,211 如果你真的不想加入我的话 271 00:11:30,254 --> 00:11:31,995 我送你上路。 272 00:11:32,039 --> 00:11:33,910 让你得到一台行星谋杀机器? 273 00:11:33,954 --> 00:11:35,520 呃,不,谢谢。 274 00:11:35,564 --> 00:11:36,783 我给你一个千载难逢的机会。 275 00:11:36,826 --> 00:11:39,089 -你可以参与... -不。 276 00:11:53,625 --> 00:11:56,193 D'ERIKA:“以物易物”的规则很简单。 277 00:11:56,237 --> 00:11:57,847 双方各选出一名战士。 278 00:11:57,891 --> 00:12:00,284 如果你打败了我,我就借给你一艘战舰。 279 00:12:00,328 --> 00:12:02,417 但如果你输了,你的队长就会 280 00:12:02,460 --> 00:12:04,680 把 Cerritosto 交给我。 281 00:12:06,508 --> 00:12:07,814 交易。 282 00:12:11,339 --> 00:12:13,384 啊! 283 00:12:13,428 --> 00:12:14,864 她就像一个半沙克斯。 284 00:12:14,908 --> 00:12:15,865 你确定我们有人可以带走她吗? 285 00:12:15,909 --> 00:12:18,259 哦,是的,我们有这个。 286 00:12:19,347 --> 00:12:21,697 塞里托冠军赛将... 287 00:12:21,741 --> 00:12:24,047 -你喜欢?-[咕哝] 288 00:12:24,091 --> 00:12:25,919 ...博士。米格莱莫。 289 00:12:25,962 --> 00:12:28,530 [窒息]什么?! 290 00:12:28,573 --> 00:12:30,097 [笑声] 291 00:12:33,013 --> 00:12:35,015 好啦好啦。我需要找个地方躲起来。 292 00:12:35,058 --> 00:12:36,973 哦,危险且不可预测的太空碎片。 293 00:12:39,976 --> 00:12:42,892 坚持住,GD 这会很艰难。 294 00:12:49,029 --> 00:12:50,073 呃... 295 00:13:02,346 --> 00:13:03,957 -[警报声] -人类已锁定目标。 296 00:13:04,000 --> 00:13:05,697 [两人都哭了] 297 00:13:05,741 --> 00:13:07,874 你们为洛迦诺这样的混蛋工作做什么? 298 00:13:07,917 --> 00:13:09,919 他根本不关心利益。 299 00:13:09,963 --> 00:13:11,573 这对我们来说意味着更多的利润。 300 00:13:11,616 --> 00:13:13,270 收购规则 91 怎么样? 301 00:13:13,314 --> 00:13:15,185 “你的老板只值他付给你的钱。” 302 00:13:15,229 --> 00:13:18,406 洛迦诺不是我们的老板。我们自己做决定。 303 00:13:18,449 --> 00:13:20,669 你忘记了规则 289: 304 00:13:20,712 --> 00:13:23,628 先拍,后算利润。 305 00:13:23,672 --> 00:13:25,805 [邪恶的笑声] 306 00:13:25,848 --> 00:13:26,849 [紧张] 307 00:13:30,722 --> 00:13:32,333 计算机,排出冷却液蒸气。 308 00:13:34,509 --> 00:13:36,206 [哭出来] 309 00:13:46,782 --> 00:13:49,654 呸! 我们的传感器被毁了。我们失去了她。 310 00:13:53,093 --> 00:13:54,311 [叹气] 311 00:13:57,924 --> 00:13:59,882 拜托,女士,也许我们可以解决这个问题 312 00:13:59,926 --> 00:14:01,449 一碗美味的粘液。 313 00:14:01,492 --> 00:14:02,798 [咕噜声] 314 00:14:04,539 --> 00:14:05,714 哇哦。 315 00:14:07,629 --> 00:14:09,631 我得找新的治疗师重新开始,不是吗? 316 00:14:09,674 --> 00:14:12,286 WW-哇!啊啊! 317 00:14:12,329 --> 00:14:15,506 -她要杀了他。-博士。米格利莫,把你的羽绒服弄松。 318 00:14:15,550 --> 00:14:16,899 蓬松你的羽绒服! 319 00:14:16,943 --> 00:14:19,206 -太丢脸了。-只是把它弄松了! 320 00:14:19,249 --> 00:14:21,861 [阴险的笑声] 321 00:14:21,904 --> 00:14:23,210 [咕哝声,尖叫声] 322 00:14:23,253 --> 00:14:27,127 [抽鼻子、打喷嚏] 323 00:14:27,170 --> 00:14:29,172 祝福你,亲爱的。等等,发生了什么事? 324 00:14:29,216 --> 00:14:30,695 我曾经和B'eth一起训练。 325 00:14:30,739 --> 00:14:32,915 她有严重的过敏症。 326 00:14:32,959 --> 00:14:36,701 噢嗬!接受我轻浮的拳头吧,你这个肮脏的恶魔。 327 00:14:36,745 --> 00:14:38,138 凯啊!凯啊! 328 00:14:38,181 --> 00:14:41,924 -[打喷嚏] -呃!鼻涕。 329 00:14:42,969 --> 00:14:44,753 -[全都倒吸一口冷气] -[Migleemo 呻吟] 330 00:14:44,796 --> 00:14:48,278 战斗易货贸易的冠军是B'eth。 331 00:14:48,322 --> 00:14:49,932 有人给她拿来吸入器。 332 00:14:49,976 --> 00:14:51,368 交易就是交易,船长。 333 00:14:51,412 --> 00:14:53,370 塞里托斯矿。 334 00:15:00,551 --> 00:15:02,336 转移你的船的控制代码,船长, 335 00:15:02,379 --> 00:15:05,295 否则我们的剑将会变得更加血腥。 336 00:15:05,339 --> 00:15:08,168 [叹气] 协议就是协议,但你必须知道 337 00:15:08,211 --> 00:15:09,952 洛迦诺只是为了自己。 338 00:15:09,996 --> 00:15:11,649 他也攻击过你们的同类。 339 00:15:11,693 --> 00:15:13,738 哦,我会在我自己的时间里对付他。 340 00:15:19,135 --> 00:15:22,834 等待。我有比喜瑞都更让你想要的东西。 341 00:15:22,878 --> 00:15:25,359 [笑]我是海盗女王,姐姐。 342 00:15:25,402 --> 00:15:27,056 除了一艘船我还想要什么? 343 00:15:27,100 --> 00:15:30,407 -我。-[全都喘气] 344 00:15:30,451 --> 00:15:32,148 -滕迪,你在做什么?-看, 345 00:15:32,192 --> 00:15:33,845 你想要冬季星座的情妇 346 00:15:33,889 --> 00:15:35,673 回来为家人工作多年。 347 00:15:35,717 --> 00:15:37,849 如果你给我们一艘战舰,我就会回来。 348 00:15:37,893 --> 00:15:39,068 -不!-滕迪,你不能... 349 00:15:39,112 --> 00:15:41,592 安静!让你回到我身边 350 00:15:41,636 --> 00:15:44,073 不仅仅意味着一些微不足道的支援船。 351 00:15:44,117 --> 00:15:46,075 Cerritosis 并不逊色。 352 00:15:46,119 --> 00:15:47,598 她是加州的瑰宝…… 353 00:15:47,642 --> 00:15:48,686 安迪,闭嘴。 354 00:15:48,730 --> 00:15:50,384 你有一个交易,姐妹。 355 00:15:50,427 --> 00:15:52,516 我们有一艘猎户座驱逐舰来救援你。 356 00:15:52,560 --> 00:15:54,649 但我期待你回到这里 357 00:15:54,692 --> 00:15:56,433 即使你没能拯救你的朋友。 358 00:15:56,477 --> 00:15:58,305 我们不会。 359 00:16:04,093 --> 00:16:05,268 水手:该死,曲速引擎坏了, 360 00:16:05,312 --> 00:16:07,140 生命维持系统损坏了。 361 00:16:07,183 --> 00:16:09,359 我不想这么说,但我想我必须在某个地方让你出发 362 00:16:09,403 --> 00:16:11,840 在任何人追上之前。对不起,伙计。 363 00:16:11,883 --> 00:16:14,408 电脑,这个星系里有无生命的行星吗? 364 00:16:14,451 --> 00:16:17,672 电脑:Detrion 9 无法维持生命。 365 00:16:17,715 --> 00:16:19,630 嗯,听起来像是一场派对。规划路线。 366 00:16:31,425 --> 00:16:34,645 FREEMAN:哇哦,看看那东西有多大。 367 00:16:34,689 --> 00:16:37,387 呃,队长,我们有麻烦了。 368 00:16:37,431 --> 00:16:39,781 啊! 给我那个猎户座。 369 00:16:39,824 --> 00:16:41,565 弗里曼船长。 370 00:16:41,609 --> 00:16:44,046 很高兴这么快再次讲话。 371 00:16:44,090 --> 00:16:46,266 这艘战舰完全无法使用。 372 00:16:46,309 --> 00:16:48,094 你说过你会帮助我们。 373 00:16:48,137 --> 00:16:50,748 我说过我会把报应借给你的。 374 00:16:50,792 --> 00:16:52,837 我们从未讨论过它的状况。 375 00:16:52,881 --> 00:16:54,013 这不公平! 376 00:16:54,056 --> 00:16:56,885 不,但它非常像猎户座。 377 00:16:56,928 --> 00:16:58,582 很快再见,德瓦纳。 378 00:16:59,148 --> 00:17:00,758 比卢普斯,报告。 379 00:17:00,802 --> 00:17:02,891 这东西是遗迹了 一半的系统都被炸了。 380 00:17:02,934 --> 00:17:04,719 可能需要几个月的时间才能做好战斗准备。 381 00:17:04,762 --> 00:17:06,547 FREEMAN:我们没有几个月的时间。 382 00:17:06,589 --> 00:17:08,679 别担心,队长,我有最好的团队在努力。 383 00:17:08,723 --> 00:17:11,290 我们可以跳过生命维持系统。也许重新调整盾牌的路线。 384 00:17:11,334 --> 00:17:12,988 我们需要拆卸曲速引擎 385 00:17:13,031 --> 00:17:14,337 更不用说管道了。 386 00:17:14,381 --> 00:17:15,817 谁关心导管,利维克? 387 00:17:15,859 --> 00:17:17,688 我们应该重点关注火力和发动机。 388 00:17:17,732 --> 00:17:20,691 您不能仅仅激活某些系统;还要激活某些系统。他们是依赖的。 389 00:17:20,734 --> 00:17:22,040 他们不必是这样! 390 00:17:22,084 --> 00:17:23,954 伙计们,我们需要达成共识。 391 00:17:23,999 --> 00:17:26,522 我相信我可以促进这一点。 392 00:17:26,567 --> 00:17:27,611 哦,天哪,哦,天哪,哦,天哪。 393 00:17:27,655 --> 00:17:28,917 你要进行心灵融合吗? 394 00:17:28,960 --> 00:17:32,094 侵入性较小的东西。 395 00:17:32,138 --> 00:17:34,444 -[欢快的钢琴音乐演奏]-[船号角吹响] 396 00:17:34,488 --> 00:17:37,273 卢瑟福:嗯,我会比送奶工的马更快乐。 397 00:17:37,317 --> 00:17:39,710 你知道你在说什么,利维克先生。 398 00:17:39,754 --> 00:17:42,148 你是一个乐于助人的人 399 00:17:42,191 --> 00:17:45,325 乡下人的智慧,我的上流朋友。 400 00:17:45,368 --> 00:17:48,719 我确实声明,我们已经达成妥协。 401 00:17:48,763 --> 00:17:50,025 为什么这有效? 402 00:17:50,069 --> 00:17:52,071 不合逻辑的策略有时会导致 403 00:17:52,114 --> 00:17:53,507 逻辑解决方案。 404 00:17:53,550 --> 00:17:56,031 [吸鼻子] 很漂亮。 405 00:17:56,075 --> 00:17:57,076 [雷声隆隆] 406 00:17:57,119 --> 00:17:59,295 水手:那到底是什么? 407 00:17:59,339 --> 00:18:01,080 计算机:七级离子风暴。 408 00:18:01,123 --> 00:18:03,908 建议使用备用标题,否则会发生损坏。 409 00:18:03,952 --> 00:18:05,432 [雷声隆隆] 410 00:18:09,175 --> 00:18:11,960 [咕噜声]哦,[哔哔声]罗慕伦人! 411 00:18:14,745 --> 00:18:16,312 星际舰队的猪! 412 00:18:16,356 --> 00:18:17,922 停止你可悲的逃跑尝试 413 00:18:17,966 --> 00:18:19,533 并移交设备。 414 00:18:19,576 --> 00:18:21,448 水手:哈,没想到我会见到罗慕伦人 415 00:18:21,491 --> 00:18:22,666 接受人类的命令。 416 00:18:22,710 --> 00:18:24,625 我们不接受订单。 417 00:18:24,668 --> 00:18:26,975 洛迦诺给了我们闲暇时计划的自由。 418 00:18:27,018 --> 00:18:28,803 哦,所以你的阴谋需要一个人,是吗? 419 00:18:28,846 --> 00:18:30,021 你自己不能做吗? 420 00:18:30,065 --> 00:18:31,980 错误的!他是我们游戏中的棋子 421 00:18:32,023 --> 00:18:33,547 12维国际象棋! 422 00:18:33,590 --> 00:18:35,505 -没错,水手。-啊啊! 423 00:18:37,725 --> 00:18:39,161 你可能很难相信, 424 00:18:39,205 --> 00:18:41,120 但我们是平等的联盟。 425 00:18:41,163 --> 00:18:42,947 一个被你包围的人。 426 00:18:52,522 --> 00:18:54,611 洛迦诺:这场风暴只会变得更加严重。 427 00:18:54,655 --> 00:18:56,744 关闭引擎,我们可以重新开始 428 00:18:56,787 --> 00:18:57,788 -没有任何... -[咕哝] 429 00:18:57,832 --> 00:18:58,876 嘿,停下来! 430 00:19:02,576 --> 00:19:04,708 你在干什么?这场风暴会把你撕裂。 431 00:19:04,752 --> 00:19:06,319 噢,该死! 432 00:19:06,362 --> 00:19:07,972 你担心什么?我们很好。 433 00:19:08,016 --> 00:19:09,365 她在里面坚持不了十分钟。 434 00:19:09,409 --> 00:19:11,411 那么我们就会失去讨价还价的能力。 435 00:19:11,454 --> 00:19:14,414 呃,进去拿那个设备。 436 00:19:14,457 --> 00:19:17,591 对不起,你在给我下命令吗? 437 00:19:17,634 --> 00:19:19,462 我以为我们是平等的联盟。 438 00:19:19,506 --> 00:19:21,943 没有创世纪炸弹我们仍然可以获利。 439 00:19:21,986 --> 00:19:23,640 我们需要变得强大。 440 00:19:23,684 --> 00:19:25,642 你们这些胆小鬼。我自己来做。 441 00:19:31,300 --> 00:19:32,780 [静电噼啪声] 442 00:19:32,823 --> 00:19:35,261 [雷声隆隆] 443 00:19:46,750 --> 00:19:48,535 [嘟嘟] 444 00:19:48,578 --> 00:19:50,493 哦,这已经过时了,贝克特。 445 00:19:50,537 --> 00:19:52,713 在我们被撕裂之前交出设备。 446 00:19:52,756 --> 00:19:55,759 哇,他对你很着迷,女孩。 447 00:19:55,803 --> 00:19:57,587 尼克,我知道你为什么讨厌星际舰队。 448 00:19:57,631 --> 00:19:59,285 这并不是因为你们有深厚的联系 449 00:19:59,328 --> 00:20:01,243 与下级军官。你生气是因为 450 00:20:01,287 --> 00:20:02,810 你被学院开除了。 451 00:20:02,853 --> 00:20:05,378 洛迦诺:我不是。我读过你的文件。 452 00:20:05,421 --> 00:20:07,162 我和你一样讨厌命令结构。 453 00:20:07,206 --> 00:20:09,077 不,我并不总是同意命令,当然, 454 00:20:09,120 --> 00:20:10,513 但我相信使命。 455 00:20:10,557 --> 00:20:13,124 西托呢?她无缘无故地死了。 456 00:20:13,168 --> 00:20:15,126 她为自己的信仰献出了自己的生命。 457 00:20:15,170 --> 00:20:16,693 你不能从她那里夺走这一点。 458 00:20:16,737 --> 00:20:18,521 我以为你比其他人都聪明。 459 00:20:18,565 --> 00:20:20,523 听起来你只是另一个辩护者 460 00:20:20,567 --> 00:20:22,308 对于一个损坏的系统。 461 00:20:22,351 --> 00:20:24,266 嘿,星际舰队并不完美。他们总是搞砸。 462 00:20:24,310 --> 00:20:26,442 但最终,他们正在努力做正确的事情。 463 00:20:26,486 --> 00:20:28,096 我没有向你的舰队开一枪 464 00:20:28,139 --> 00:20:29,532 但你却将他们置于危险之中。 465 00:20:29,576 --> 00:20:30,577 那么乔什呢? 466 00:20:30,620 --> 00:20:32,231 那不是我的错。 467 00:20:32,274 --> 00:20:35,103 如果——如果我那些愚蠢的教授让我们练习就好了。 468 00:20:35,146 --> 00:20:37,366 乔希是因为你的自负而死的,伙计。 469 00:20:37,410 --> 00:20:39,716 住口!住口!住口! 470 00:20:39,760 --> 00:20:41,327 洛迦诺。 471 00:20:41,370 --> 00:20:42,937 刚刚有东西出现在系统之外。 472 00:20:42,980 --> 00:20:45,418 这是一艘猎户座驱逐舰,而且体型巨大。 473 00:20:45,461 --> 00:20:47,202 FREEMAN:就是这样,各位。 474 00:20:47,246 --> 00:20:48,856 我们只有一次机会。 475 00:20:48,899 --> 00:20:50,771 代理队长,你准备好了吗? 476 00:20:50,814 --> 00:20:52,686 我已经得到了这个,但我想要你回来 477 00:20:52,729 --> 00:20:54,035 完成后接受指挥。 478 00:20:54,078 --> 00:20:55,819 你和我都。 479 00:20:55,863 --> 00:20:57,995 - 船长的声音真的很好听。-谢谢。 480 00:20:58,039 --> 00:20:59,736 塞里托斯,我命令你—— 481 00:20:59,780 --> 00:21:01,129 嘿,你到底是谁? 482 00:21:01,172 --> 00:21:03,174 布拉德沃德·博伊姆勒代理上尉,长官。 483 00:21:03,218 --> 00:21:05,438 向右调转那艘船。 484 00:21:05,481 --> 00:21:07,527 是的先生。但首先我必须救出我的朋友。 485 00:21:07,570 --> 00:21:09,006 你无法穿过那个盾牌。 486 00:21:09,050 --> 00:21:11,052 我不是。弗里曼船长是。 487 00:21:11,095 --> 00:21:13,184 -什-什么?- 舵手,带我们充分冲动。 488 00:21:13,228 --> 00:21:14,621 我需要我们拥有的一切。 489 00:21:27,764 --> 00:21:29,244 正在接近屏障,队长。 490 00:21:29,288 --> 00:21:30,680 -等一下。-结构完整性 491 00:21:30,724 --> 00:21:32,203 失败了,先生。 492 00:21:32,247 --> 00:21:34,205 最大冲量。船长指望我们。 493 00:21:34,249 --> 00:21:36,817 等等吧。现在! 494 00:21:45,216 --> 00:21:47,306 不不不不不。不! 495 00:21:48,872 --> 00:21:51,092 [喊叫] 496 00:22:02,843 --> 00:22:04,061 在关闭之前,充满冲动。 497 00:22:08,805 --> 00:22:11,155 哇,我从来没有见过有人使用船长的游艇。 498 00:22:11,199 --> 00:22:12,635 我确实声明。 499 00:22:12,679 --> 00:22:15,377 你说盾牌是坚不可摧的。 500 00:22:15,421 --> 00:22:17,379 我不知道他们会向它扔一艘战舰。 501 00:22:17,423 --> 00:22:19,381 这是一场灾难。我们必须离开这里。 502 00:22:19,425 --> 00:22:20,556 不,要坚定。 503 00:22:20,600 --> 00:22:22,036 你必须听从我的命令。 504 00:22:22,079 --> 00:22:25,344 这是我的计划和我的系统。啊? 505 00:22:25,387 --> 00:22:27,128 啊! 该死的拜纳斯。 506 00:22:27,171 --> 00:22:29,086 然后你就可以自己留在这里了。 507 00:22:29,130 --> 00:22:30,436 [呻吟] 508 00:22:30,479 --> 00:22:33,569 [雷声隆隆] 509 00:22:33,613 --> 00:22:36,050 继续跑吧。我不需要你们任何人。 510 00:22:36,093 --> 00:22:37,225 [嘟] 511 00:22:37,268 --> 00:22:39,401 是的!最后。 512 00:22:39,445 --> 00:22:42,230 无处可藏,中尉。 513 00:22:46,277 --> 00:22:47,322 哇! 514 00:22:49,063 --> 00:22:50,107 是的。 515 00:22:50,151 --> 00:22:52,109 抱歉,女孩,看来我必须这么做 516 00:22:52,153 --> 00:22:53,937 就在这里带你离开球场。 517 00:22:53,981 --> 00:22:55,765 爆炸性地形改造将开始 518 00:22:55,809 --> 00:22:57,506 五分钟后。 519 00:22:57,550 --> 00:22:59,465 哈,佛伦吉炸弹,带有佛伦吉声音。 520 00:22:59,508 --> 00:23:01,380 没想到,但我喜欢它。 521 00:23:02,468 --> 00:23:03,469 [喘气] 522 00:23:03,512 --> 00:23:05,079 远离我的创世纪设备。 523 00:23:05,122 --> 00:23:07,081 太晚了,尼克。我开始倒计时。 524 00:23:07,124 --> 00:23:08,778 好的?我们必须离开这里。 525 00:23:08,822 --> 00:23:11,346 哦拜托。我以全班第一的成绩毕业。 526 00:23:11,390 --> 00:23:13,174 你以为我不知道如何拆除炸弹吗? 527 00:23:13,217 --> 00:23:15,524 首先,你还没毕业。 528 00:23:15,568 --> 00:23:17,308 [两人都咕哝着] 529 00:23:17,352 --> 00:23:20,616 其次,那东西对任何人来说都太危险了。 530 00:23:20,660 --> 00:23:22,313 我本可以成为星际舰队中最好的飞行员。 531 00:23:22,357 --> 00:23:25,055 不要让愤怒定义你的生活。 532 00:23:25,099 --> 00:23:27,667 你击晕了所有这些船员,但你没有杀死他们。 533 00:23:27,710 --> 00:23:29,756 因为在内心深处你并不是杀人犯。 534 00:23:29,799 --> 00:23:31,888 对不起,但我确实是这样。 535 00:23:31,932 --> 00:23:34,021 我完美的生活被夺走了, 536 00:23:34,064 --> 00:23:36,153 现在我又把它拿回来了。 537 00:23:36,197 --> 00:23:38,547 我不会动,尼克。 538 00:23:38,591 --> 00:23:39,853 那你就是个傻瓜。 539 00:23:47,600 --> 00:23:49,384 [喘气]妈妈?你是怎么突破盾牌的? 540 00:23:49,428 --> 00:23:51,647 [笑]我们向它扔了一艘战舰。 541 00:23:51,691 --> 00:23:52,779 带我们离开这里。 542 00:23:52,822 --> 00:23:54,781 不,我们必须拯救洛迦诺。 543 00:23:54,824 --> 00:23:57,479 他重新启动了护盾。我拿不到锁。 544 00:23:57,523 --> 00:23:59,438 水手:尼克,请跟我们走吧。 545 00:23:59,481 --> 00:24:01,222 米拉布,帆已张开。 546 00:24:01,265 --> 00:24:04,181 -我们没时间了。-水手:拜托,尼克! 547 00:24:04,225 --> 00:24:05,618 现在就充满冲动。 548 00:24:12,538 --> 00:24:13,626 [沮丧的咕哝] 549 00:24:13,669 --> 00:24:14,757 -[铃声] -哈! 550 00:24:14,801 --> 00:24:16,542 下次设置更短的计时器。 551 00:24:16,585 --> 00:24:18,979 要停用爆炸,请插入 552 00:24:19,022 --> 00:24:20,720 两小节拉丁码。 553 00:24:20,763 --> 00:24:23,374 他们在炸弹上设置了付费专区?!费伦这个傻瓜…… 554 00:24:55,189 --> 00:24:58,540 瓦瑟里:你故意无视星际舰队的命令。 555 00:24:58,584 --> 00:25:00,847 我准备承担全部责任 556 00:25:00,890 --> 00:25:02,631 感谢我的行动,先生。 557 00:25:02,675 --> 00:25:05,504 我应该指控你不服从命令 558 00:25:05,547 --> 00:25:07,941 但你设法建立了外交关系 559 00:25:07,984 --> 00:25:09,986 第一次与猎户座。 560 00:25:10,030 --> 00:25:13,990 指挥部的每个人都……对你的工作感到满意。 561 00:25:14,034 --> 00:25:16,340 [急促地呼气]谢谢你,上将。 562 00:25:16,384 --> 00:25:19,213 如果我可以问的话,发生了什么事 563 00:25:19,256 --> 00:25:21,563 与洛迦诺结盟的外星军官? 564 00:25:21,607 --> 00:25:22,956 我猜想他们是躲起来了。 565 00:25:22,999 --> 00:25:24,914 由于没有开枪, 566 00:25:24,958 --> 00:25:27,569 星际舰队避免了后果。 567 00:25:27,613 --> 00:25:30,267 哦,现在我们必须对付新的 M 级星球 568 00:25:30,311 --> 00:25:32,792 创世装置爆炸时形成的。 569 00:25:32,835 --> 00:25:34,750 -FREEMAN:稳定吗?-似乎如此。 570 00:25:34,794 --> 00:25:37,144 我们称其为洛迦诺,因为他的原子 571 00:25:37,187 --> 00:25:38,711 被包含在变形中 572 00:25:38,754 --> 00:25:40,147 星云的。 573 00:25:40,190 --> 00:25:41,278 我们希望有一天能够利用这个星球 574 00:25:41,322 --> 00:25:42,715 作为难民的家。 575 00:25:42,758 --> 00:25:45,979 然后我想他毕竟做了一些好事。 576 00:25:46,022 --> 00:25:47,371 还有最后一件事 577 00:25:47,415 --> 00:25:49,722 关于你的中尉。 578 00:25:50,984 --> 00:25:53,029 -卢瑟福:水手!-[笑声] 579 00:25:54,770 --> 00:25:57,338 嘿,简单。我在创世纪爆炸中没能幸存 580 00:25:57,381 --> 00:25:58,861 就是为了让我能被抱死。 581 00:25:58,905 --> 00:26:00,123 我们真的很高兴 582 00:26:00,167 --> 00:26:01,211 -你回来了。-谢谢,博伊姆斯。 583 00:26:01,255 --> 00:26:03,649 我感觉我真的回来了 584 00:26:03,692 --> 00:26:05,520 有一段时间以来的第一次。 585 00:26:05,564 --> 00:26:07,174 我到处都是 586 00:26:07,217 --> 00:26:08,305 过去几个月。 587 00:26:08,349 --> 00:26:09,916 我正在处理一些重的东西 588 00:26:09,959 --> 00:26:12,222 并把它发泄在其他人身上。 589 00:26:12,266 --> 00:26:14,529 -对不起。- 不接受道歉。 590 00:26:14,573 --> 00:26:16,270 因为无论发生什么,我们都会为您服务。 591 00:26:16,313 --> 00:26:18,098 是的,我想我现在已经掌握了。 592 00:26:18,141 --> 00:26:21,144 你知道,我什至可能会尝试一次不要自我破坏。 593 00:26:21,188 --> 00:26:22,668 我看看情况如何。 594 00:26:22,711 --> 00:26:24,800 呵呵,听起来非常健康。 595 00:26:24,844 --> 00:26:26,846 好吧,大家都闭嘴,包括我。 596 00:26:26,889 --> 00:26:28,674 让我们喝醉吧。 597 00:26:28,717 --> 00:26:30,023 哦,感谢上帝。你在这。[笑声] 598 00:26:31,067 --> 00:26:33,635 -利维克。-卢瑟福。 599 00:26:33,679 --> 00:26:35,245 等等,我以为你们现在互相喜欢了。 600 00:26:35,289 --> 00:26:36,899 不不不。只有当我们吐温时。 601 00:26:36,943 --> 00:26:38,901 也许你需要提高你的领导能力, 602 00:26:38,945 --> 00:26:40,207 卢瑟福先生。 603 00:26:40,250 --> 00:26:42,644 好家伙。有人得了船长热。 604 00:26:42,688 --> 00:26:44,646 哦,我听起来像“队长”吗? 605 00:26:44,690 --> 00:26:47,127 因为兰塞姆对我担任队长感到非常满意。 606 00:26:47,170 --> 00:26:49,172 我喜欢这一切完全没有冲昏你的头脑。 607 00:26:49,216 --> 00:26:50,521 你知道吗,博伊斯? 608 00:26:50,565 --> 00:26:52,219 我认为这确实对你有用。 609 00:26:52,262 --> 00:26:53,916 这是一个很好的外观。你应该告诉我妈妈 610 00:26:53,960 --> 00:26:55,222 -你想要船长的课程。-博伊姆勒:真的吗? 611 00:26:55,265 --> 00:26:56,615 你认为她会这么做吗? 612 00:26:56,658 --> 00:26:57,877 -那是谁?-我的前任指挥官 613 00:26:57,920 --> 00:26:59,922 -索克尔船长。-什么?! 614 00:26:59,966 --> 00:27:02,185 但如果他想让你回到瓦肯舰队怎么办? 615 00:27:02,229 --> 00:27:04,057 经过今天的事件,我确信他做到了。 616 00:27:04,100 --> 00:27:06,973 但相反,我更喜欢集中我的时间 617 00:27:07,016 --> 00:27:09,105 成为你的科学好友。 618 00:27:09,149 --> 00:27:11,020 哦!如果你不是故意的,就别这么说。 619 00:27:11,064 --> 00:27:13,370 我为什么要说一些我无意的话? 620 00:27:13,414 --> 00:27:15,285 哦,伙计,这是最好的。一切都很顺利。 621 00:27:15,329 --> 00:27:16,896 哦,这是我们高喊“下层甲板”的时候。 622 00:27:16,939 --> 00:27:18,898 我不知道。我们经常这样做。 623 00:27:18,941 --> 00:27:20,160 哦,来吧。这是我最喜欢的。 624 00:27:20,203 --> 00:27:22,379 呃……好吧,好吧。 625 00:27:22,423 --> 00:27:24,643 全体:下层甲板!下层甲板! 626 00:27:24,686 --> 00:27:27,471 下层甲板!下层甲板! 627 00:27:27,515 --> 00:27:28,647 下层甲板!下层甲板! 628 00:27:28,690 --> 00:27:30,561 -[清喉咙]-哦,嘿,妈妈。 629 00:27:30,605 --> 00:27:31,693 我们正要吵闹。 630 00:27:31,737 --> 00:27:32,694 你想加入我们吗? 631 00:27:32,738 --> 00:27:36,306 [叹气]中尉。 632 00:27:36,350 --> 00:27:39,092 你被要求返回猎户座。 633 00:27:39,135 --> 00:27:41,007 -你姐姐派了一艘船来。-已经? 634 00:27:41,050 --> 00:27:43,139 德埃里卡不会浪费任何时间。 635 00:27:43,183 --> 00:27:44,706 本着海贼的精神, 636 00:27:44,750 --> 00:27:46,316 也许你应该干脆拒绝去。 637 00:27:46,360 --> 00:27:49,798 不,这是我必须为自己做的事情。 638 00:27:56,022 --> 00:27:57,676 不可能是这样吧? 639 00:27:57,719 --> 00:28:00,766 我的意思是,谁来帮我处理等离子导管? 640 00:28:00,809 --> 00:28:03,159 我不在的时候让他们远离任何堆积物,好吗? 641 00:28:03,203 --> 00:28:05,727 -好。-好。 642 00:28:13,169 --> 00:28:14,301 你认为他们会给她时间吗 643 00:28:14,344 --> 00:28:15,476 做一点科学? 644 00:28:15,519 --> 00:28:16,999 不太可能但有可能。 645 00:28:17,043 --> 00:28:18,697 有事告诉我那些猎户座已经咬掉了 646 00:28:18,740 --> 00:28:19,959 比他们能咀嚼的要多得多。 647 00:28:20,002 --> 00:28:21,743 是的。坦迪热爱星际舰队。 648 00:28:21,787 --> 00:28:23,397 -她很快就会回来。-快点。 649 00:28:23,440 --> 00:28:25,399 我们需要进行一些中尉分级工作。 650 00:28:25,442 --> 00:28:27,053 -我们的下一次简报会是什么时候?-0900。 651 00:28:27,096 --> 00:28:29,751 与修理扭曲歧管有关。 652 00:28:29,795 --> 00:28:31,884 嘿,那是卢瑟福的东西。你会玩得很开心的。 653 00:28:31,927 --> 00:28:33,189 [微弱的笑声]是的。 654 00:28:33,233 --> 00:28:35,278 使用扭曲流形不会出错。 655 00:28:50,250 --> 00:28:51,425 [叹气] 656 00:28:52,818 --> 00:28:54,994 你已经得到了这个。 657 00:28:58,824 --> 00:29:00,826 ♪ 658 00:29:05,831 --> 00:29:08,834 由 WGBH access.wgbh.org 媒体访问小组提供说明文字 659 00:29:56,882 --> 00:29:58,361 [男子模仿武器射击] 660 00:30:00,320 --> 00:30:04,320 叽叽喳喳。 1 00:00:02,001 --> 00:00:04,003 ♪ 2 00:00:23,414 --> 00:00:26,069 Previously on Star Trek: Lower Decks... 3 00:00:26,113 --> 00:00:28,854 Unknown vessel, you have drifted into Klingon space. 4 00:00:28,898 --> 00:00:30,682 KEY'LOR: They are charging weapons. 5 00:00:30,726 --> 00:00:32,989 -All systems are losing power. -That's impossible! 6 00:00:34,121 --> 00:00:35,644 [all scream] 7 00:00:37,124 --> 00:00:38,777 Command has new intel on the attacks 8 00:00:38,821 --> 00:00:40,649 from the last couple of months. 9 00:00:40,692 --> 00:00:41,693 They've all been non-Federation ships. 10 00:00:41,737 --> 00:00:43,217 What even is this thing? 11 00:00:43,260 --> 00:00:45,219 Careful! That's a Genesis Device! 12 00:00:45,262 --> 00:00:47,438 These are used to terraform planets. 13 00:00:47,482 --> 00:00:48,831 You could have rearranged our molecules. 14 00:00:48,874 --> 00:00:50,528 [all scream] 15 00:00:50,572 --> 00:00:52,226 BOIMLER: All those ships, they aren't being destroyed. 16 00:00:52,269 --> 00:00:53,749 They're being stolen. 17 00:00:53,792 --> 00:00:55,316 -Does anybody know who did this? -Someone fed lies 18 00:00:55,359 --> 00:00:56,969 -to my lower officers. -[screams] 19 00:00:57,013 --> 00:00:58,580 They mutinied and shut down our systems. 20 00:00:58,623 --> 00:01:00,930 [gasps] The same thing happened on my ship. 21 00:01:00,973 --> 00:01:03,889 Now someone's targeting ex-Starfleet officers. 22 00:01:03,933 --> 00:01:05,935 We have to find Locarno. 23 00:01:05,978 --> 00:01:07,241 -[screams] -BOIMLER and TENDI: Mariner! 24 00:01:08,068 --> 00:01:09,808 -[gasps] -T'LYN: She has been transportd 25 00:01:09,852 --> 00:01:11,419 -off planet. -Nick? 26 00:01:11,462 --> 00:01:12,811 What the hell are you doing here? 27 00:01:12,855 --> 00:01:15,292 We're gonna cause some trouble together. 28 00:01:15,336 --> 00:01:18,513 NARRATOR: And now, the conclusion. 29 00:01:25,607 --> 00:01:27,174 JOSH: Uh, I don't know, Nick. 30 00:01:27,217 --> 00:01:29,350 The Starburst Maneuver's banned for a reason. 31 00:01:29,393 --> 00:01:32,048 -We'd be flying too close... -Yeah, it's dangerous as hell 32 00:01:32,092 --> 00:01:33,789 for anyone other than Nova Squadron. 33 00:01:33,832 --> 00:01:36,139 We're the best pilots the Academy's seen in years. 34 00:01:36,183 --> 00:01:38,359 Pulling it off would make us legends. 35 00:01:38,402 --> 00:01:40,187 [laughs] You're already a legend. 36 00:01:40,229 --> 00:01:41,971 Not after we graduate. 37 00:01:42,014 --> 00:01:44,146 We'll be assigned to different ships across the fleet. 38 00:01:44,191 --> 00:01:45,844 Out there, we'll be nobodies. 39 00:01:45,888 --> 00:01:47,237 Wes knows. He's lived it. 40 00:01:47,281 --> 00:01:48,934 I wasn't a nobody. 41 00:01:48,978 --> 00:01:51,328 And I don't know about this whole Starburst thing. 42 00:01:51,372 --> 00:01:52,634 Josh, are you sure? 43 00:01:52,676 --> 00:01:54,375 -[sucks teeth] -Oh, come on, Wes. 44 00:01:54,418 --> 00:01:56,899 Just imagine how proud Captain Picard will be 45 00:01:56,942 --> 00:01:58,247 when he hears what you pulled off. 46 00:01:58,292 --> 00:02:00,163 -MARINER: Hey, hey, Sito. -Uh-oh, Jaxa, 47 00:02:00,207 --> 00:02:02,122 -your fan club spotted us. -Sito. 48 00:02:02,165 --> 00:02:03,427 Sito, Sito. Okay, I just got out 49 00:02:03,471 --> 00:02:05,081 of my first xeno-history seminar-- 50 00:02:05,125 --> 00:02:06,604 that is hard to say, xeno-history. 51 00:02:06,648 --> 00:02:08,170 Ah, we're gonna learn about the Preservers, 52 00:02:08,215 --> 00:02:09,520 the Xindi-- do you know about them already? 53 00:02:09,564 --> 00:02:11,043 They're so cool. Well, I think they are. 54 00:02:11,087 --> 00:02:12,306 We're gonna learn about 'em. I don't know yet, 55 00:02:12,349 --> 00:02:13,350 but I assume that they're very cool. 56 00:02:13,394 --> 00:02:14,873 You were right, I love this. 57 00:02:14,917 --> 00:02:16,484 -[chuckles] -Now I feel like I'm in class. 58 00:02:16,527 --> 00:02:17,659 -[laughs] -Other people are allowed to talk 59 00:02:17,702 --> 00:02:18,703 every once in a while, Nick. 60 00:02:18,747 --> 00:02:20,183 Don't listen to him. 61 00:02:20,227 --> 00:02:22,577 You sound like just me when I was a first-year. 62 00:02:22,620 --> 00:02:24,144 I-If we're gonna pull this off, 63 00:02:24,187 --> 00:02:26,537 we need to log way more hours in the simulator. 64 00:02:26,581 --> 00:02:27,625 Pull what off? 65 00:02:27,669 --> 00:02:29,149 A surprise for the commencement. 66 00:02:29,192 --> 00:02:30,715 Don't worry about it. 67 00:02:30,759 --> 00:02:32,543 What kind of surprise? 68 00:02:32,587 --> 00:02:35,198 Supposedly something that will make us all legends, 69 00:02:35,242 --> 00:02:37,896 but I'll bet the only name anyone's gonna remember 70 00:02:37,940 --> 00:02:40,203 -is Locarno. -No way. 71 00:02:40,247 --> 00:02:42,858 -They'll remember Nova Squadron. -Whoo! 72 00:02:42,901 --> 00:02:44,903 [cheering] 73 00:02:44,947 --> 00:02:46,470 Nick? 74 00:02:46,514 --> 00:02:48,168 Am I a prisoner here? 75 00:02:48,211 --> 00:02:52,041 What? No. I saved you from those Romulans and Klingons. 76 00:02:52,084 --> 00:02:53,738 Beamed you right up here to the Nova One. 77 00:02:53,781 --> 00:02:55,175 I didn't need saving. 78 00:02:55,218 --> 00:02:57,220 I can't even tell you how lucky I am. 79 00:02:57,264 --> 00:02:59,614 You're exactly who I need right now. 80 00:02:59,656 --> 00:03:01,224 The timing couldn't be better. 81 00:03:01,268 --> 00:03:02,965 It's what we always wanted back at the Academy. 82 00:03:03,008 --> 00:03:04,706 I barely knew you then. 83 00:03:04,749 --> 00:03:06,360 [laughs] Oh, come on. 84 00:03:06,403 --> 00:03:08,884 You were practically a junior member of Nova Squadron. 85 00:03:08,927 --> 00:03:12,496 We're back, but now we're Nova Fleet. 86 00:03:12,540 --> 00:03:14,759 Nova what? 87 00:03:14,803 --> 00:03:16,892 [gasps] 88 00:03:21,375 --> 00:03:23,420 ♪ 89 00:03:54,016 --> 00:03:56,018 ♪ 90 00:04:26,048 --> 00:04:28,093 ♪ 91 00:04:31,967 --> 00:04:34,317 VASSERY: Captain Freeman, due to your reports, 92 00:04:34,361 --> 00:04:37,277 we now have indisputable evidence that Nicholas Locarno 93 00:04:37,320 --> 00:04:40,367 has been behind all the attacks on non-Federation ships. 94 00:04:40,409 --> 00:04:42,412 And now he's taken one of my officers. 95 00:04:42,456 --> 00:04:43,848 If we move fast, 96 00:04:43,892 --> 00:04:45,894 we can still track his warp trajectory. 97 00:04:45,937 --> 00:04:48,331 Unfortunately, there's no moving fast 98 00:04:48,375 --> 00:04:49,724 in a situation like this. 99 00:04:49,767 --> 00:04:51,334 What situation? 100 00:04:51,378 --> 00:04:53,467 Locarno has coordinated mutinies on ships 101 00:04:53,510 --> 00:04:56,078 from over a dozen non-Federation planets. 102 00:04:56,121 --> 00:04:57,253 If we did something that injurd 103 00:04:57,297 --> 00:04:58,689 a Klingon or a Romulan... 104 00:04:58,733 --> 00:05:00,169 They turned their backs on their worlds 105 00:05:00,212 --> 00:05:01,344 when they moved against their captains. 106 00:05:01,388 --> 00:05:03,041 In bloodless coups. 107 00:05:03,085 --> 00:05:05,130 We can't be the first to open fire. Now, 108 00:05:05,174 --> 00:05:07,176 we're already communicating with ambassadors 109 00:05:07,219 --> 00:05:08,960 from the worlds that have been tangled in this. 110 00:05:09,004 --> 00:05:10,484 I'm ordering both of you 111 00:05:10,527 --> 00:05:11,746 to stand down. Until this is sorted, 112 00:05:11,789 --> 00:05:14,705 we can't risk igniting a war. 113 00:05:14,749 --> 00:05:16,968 Ugh! We're running out of time! 114 00:05:21,669 --> 00:05:25,237 Uh, nice ship. Very... white and... uh... 115 00:05:25,281 --> 00:05:26,369 nothing else. 116 00:05:26,413 --> 00:05:28,153 Thanks. I designed it myself. 117 00:05:28,197 --> 00:05:30,460 None of the Starfleet carpets or wood paneling in here. 118 00:05:30,504 --> 00:05:33,071 I can't tell you how much of a game changer it is 119 00:05:33,115 --> 00:05:34,421 to have a Starfleet officer 120 00:05:34,464 --> 00:05:36,118 join our cause. 121 00:05:36,161 --> 00:05:38,686 Imagine the looks on their faces when Command finds out 122 00:05:38,729 --> 00:05:40,601 an admiral's daughter defected. 123 00:05:40,644 --> 00:05:42,385 [forced laugh] Hell yeah. 124 00:05:42,429 --> 00:05:44,387 Let's stick it to those chumps. 125 00:05:44,431 --> 00:05:46,346 And how exactly are we sticking it to those chumps, by the way? 126 00:05:46,389 --> 00:05:49,610 Oh, don't worry. Everyone's about to find out. 127 00:05:49,653 --> 00:05:51,873 Very cool. Not ominous at all. 128 00:05:52,874 --> 00:05:55,529 -What up, Bynars? -[speaks Bynar] 129 00:05:55,572 --> 00:05:59,359 Open a subspace channel. All bands quadrant-wide. 130 00:05:59,402 --> 00:06:00,882 How do I look? 131 00:06:00,925 --> 00:06:02,579 Confident, but, you know, like in a creepy way. 132 00:06:02,623 --> 00:06:04,625 Perfect. That's what I'm going for. 133 00:06:04,668 --> 00:06:06,409 [electronic trilling] 134 00:06:06,453 --> 00:06:08,150 Captain, we're picking up a transmission. 135 00:06:08,193 --> 00:06:10,848 -It's going out on all channels. -On screen. 136 00:06:12,284 --> 00:06:13,242 [gasps] Mariner. 137 00:06:13,285 --> 00:06:14,852 Hello, Alpha Quadrant. 138 00:06:14,896 --> 00:06:16,724 Independent Captain Nick Locarno here 139 00:06:16,767 --> 00:06:19,466 with a message for anyone who feels like an afterthought. 140 00:06:19,509 --> 00:06:21,903 -He looks like Tom Paris. -I don't see it. 141 00:06:21,946 --> 00:06:24,558 You may have been told scary stories of ships 142 00:06:24,601 --> 00:06:27,996 being destroyed these past few months, but that was a lie. 143 00:06:28,039 --> 00:06:30,607 They weren't destroyed, they were liberated. 144 00:06:31,695 --> 00:06:34,611 They're part of the first totally independent, 145 00:06:34,655 --> 00:06:37,179 unaligned fleet in the Alpha Quadrant. 146 00:06:37,222 --> 00:06:38,702 Um, the Maquis would like a word. 147 00:06:38,746 --> 00:06:41,836 If you're tired of risking your life 148 00:06:41,879 --> 00:06:43,315 for soulless bureaucratic captains 149 00:06:43,359 --> 00:06:44,578 who don't even know your name, 150 00:06:44,621 --> 00:06:46,971 if you fear following the ordes 151 00:06:47,015 --> 00:06:48,408 of incompetent commanders 152 00:06:48,451 --> 00:06:50,279 who failed into seats of power, 153 00:06:50,322 --> 00:06:52,977 if you're stuck on the lower decks, 154 00:06:53,021 --> 00:06:56,807 then I invite you to join us in the Detrion system. 155 00:06:56,851 --> 00:06:59,157 They have, like, the same face. They're identical. 156 00:06:59,201 --> 00:07:00,811 No, I just don't see it. 157 00:07:00,855 --> 00:07:03,335 Detrion, a forgotten system now protected 158 00:07:03,379 --> 00:07:06,295 by my indestructible Trynar Shield. 159 00:07:06,338 --> 00:07:08,036 Geesh, why is he so mad? 160 00:07:08,079 --> 00:07:09,646 Locarno was kicked out of Starfleet. 161 00:07:09,690 --> 00:07:11,256 He got one of his squad killed 162 00:07:11,300 --> 00:07:12,649 performing a banned flight maneuver, 163 00:07:12,693 --> 00:07:14,608 then tried to cover it up. 164 00:07:14,651 --> 00:07:16,523 Clearly, his emotional behavior conflicts with his culpability. 165 00:07:16,566 --> 00:07:18,350 Yeah, he's an [bleep] hole. 166 00:07:18,394 --> 00:07:21,571 And in case anyone wants to try and force their way in, 167 00:07:21,615 --> 00:07:23,138 I've acquired a little insurance, 168 00:07:23,181 --> 00:07:26,924 a black market Ferengi Genesis Device. 169 00:07:26,968 --> 00:07:29,231 Those can rewrite the atomic composition of entire worlds. 170 00:07:29,274 --> 00:07:31,146 He could wipe out life on any planet he chooses. 171 00:07:31,189 --> 00:07:33,061 The man has lost his mind. 172 00:07:33,104 --> 00:07:35,455 The Federation, the Klingon Empire, 173 00:07:35,498 --> 00:07:36,978 the Romulan Empire, 174 00:07:37,021 --> 00:07:40,416 everyone has to respect Nova Fleet. 175 00:07:40,460 --> 00:07:42,549 Speaking of, I have an officer here 176 00:07:42,592 --> 00:07:44,507 who knows how to speak truth to power. 177 00:07:44,551 --> 00:07:47,118 Beckett, care to tell them what Starfleet's really like? 178 00:07:47,162 --> 00:07:49,556 Oh. Uh... Hey. 179 00:07:49,599 --> 00:07:51,471 What up, everyone? 180 00:07:51,514 --> 00:07:54,604 I have an important message for all you lower deckers out there. 181 00:07:54,648 --> 00:07:56,084 -This guy sucks! -What? 182 00:07:56,127 --> 00:07:57,738 He's an idiot and his plan is stupid. 183 00:07:57,781 --> 00:07:59,087 He's gonna get you all killed 'cause he only cares 184 00:07:59,130 --> 00:08:00,741 -about himself. [grunts] -[grunts] 185 00:08:00,784 --> 00:08:02,830 -[speaks Bynar] -Somebody stop her. 186 00:08:02,873 --> 00:08:04,179 End that transmission! 187 00:08:04,222 --> 00:08:05,702 Attagirl. 188 00:08:05,746 --> 00:08:08,096 Cerritoscrew, this is the captain. 189 00:08:08,139 --> 00:08:10,838 I am about to disobey a direct order 190 00:08:10,881 --> 00:08:12,404 and stage a rescue 191 00:08:12,448 --> 00:08:14,058 of Lieutenant Junior Grade Mariner. 192 00:08:14,102 --> 00:08:16,017 Now, I can't ask any of you 193 00:08:16,060 --> 00:08:18,062 to join me. If we survive, 194 00:08:18,106 --> 00:08:20,108 the court-martial is guarantee, 195 00:08:20,151 --> 00:08:22,589 but I will be damned if I wait 196 00:08:22,632 --> 00:08:25,461 for politicians to decide her fate. 197 00:08:25,505 --> 00:08:28,116 -I'm with you, Captain. -We all are. 198 00:08:28,159 --> 00:08:30,074 -Let me at 'em! -Let's [bleep] [bleep] up. 199 00:08:30,118 --> 00:08:31,685 You know I'm with you. 200 00:08:31,728 --> 00:08:33,513 I believe the only response in this situation is 201 00:08:33,556 --> 00:08:35,427 Cerritosstrong. 202 00:08:35,471 --> 00:08:38,779 All departments checking in. Everyone wants to help. 203 00:08:38,822 --> 00:08:41,738 Thank you. Now we just have to figure out 204 00:08:41,782 --> 00:08:44,828 how the hell we're getting past that damn shield. 205 00:08:44,872 --> 00:08:47,701 I think I can help with that. 206 00:08:49,441 --> 00:08:51,356 Beckett, you just made us look like a joke 207 00:08:51,400 --> 00:08:52,488 in front of the quadrant. 208 00:08:52,532 --> 00:08:54,011 Kind of my entire plan. 209 00:08:54,055 --> 00:08:55,230 [grunts] 210 00:08:55,273 --> 00:08:56,971 What? Stop her. 211 00:08:57,014 --> 00:08:58,538 [pants, gasps] 212 00:09:01,976 --> 00:09:05,240 -Uh, Computer, cycle airlock. -Aah! 213 00:09:06,371 --> 00:09:09,723 All right, you are my first officer. Yay. 214 00:09:09,766 --> 00:09:11,725 My little buddy. Please, no exploding. 215 00:09:11,768 --> 00:09:13,857 Computer, command code override, 216 00:09:13,901 --> 00:09:17,600 uh, 06107.2? 217 00:09:17,644 --> 00:09:19,733 COMPUTER: Welcome, Captain Carol Freeman. 218 00:09:19,776 --> 00:09:21,343 Yes! I knew that would come in handy. 219 00:09:21,386 --> 00:09:23,345 Transfer system controls to the command panel. 220 00:09:28,742 --> 00:09:30,744 LOCARNO: How did she even get the engines online? 221 00:09:30,787 --> 00:09:32,659 It doesn't matter. Destroy it. 222 00:09:32,702 --> 00:09:35,226 No. Without the Genesis Device, the captains you betrayed 223 00:09:35,270 --> 00:09:37,054 will find a way to get through our shields. 224 00:09:37,098 --> 00:09:39,579 But that's okay, Romulans are famously forgiving. 225 00:09:39,622 --> 00:09:42,712 -Right? -We have to stop her! 226 00:09:50,981 --> 00:09:52,983 D'ERIKA: How dare you, sister?! 227 00:09:53,027 --> 00:09:55,638 Bringing these Starfleet outsiders here, 228 00:09:55,682 --> 00:09:57,031 shaming our house. 229 00:09:57,074 --> 00:09:59,468 Ms. Tendi, if you'll only let me explain... 230 00:09:59,511 --> 00:10:02,166 Eh, stand down, Captain. You have no authority here. 231 00:10:02,210 --> 00:10:03,646 I know this looks bad, 232 00:10:03,690 --> 00:10:04,865 but wouldn't you like to embarrass Starfleet 233 00:10:04,908 --> 00:10:06,083 with a show of strength? 234 00:10:06,127 --> 00:10:07,389 We're here against orders. 235 00:10:07,432 --> 00:10:09,565 Helping us will make them look weak. 236 00:10:09,609 --> 00:10:12,394 Hmm. That does sound enticing. 237 00:10:12,437 --> 00:10:14,483 I've never heard of a Trynar Shield. 238 00:10:14,526 --> 00:10:15,571 Just destroy it. 239 00:10:15,615 --> 00:10:17,399 No can do, Tendi Two. 240 00:10:17,442 --> 00:10:19,096 The Cerritosjust doesn't have the weapons for it. 241 00:10:19,140 --> 00:10:21,272 We need a ship with enough firepower to punch a hole. 242 00:10:21,316 --> 00:10:22,796 We'd just be borrowing it, really. 243 00:10:22,839 --> 00:10:24,101 We'll give it right back. 244 00:10:24,145 --> 00:10:25,799 Um, it's a warship, 245 00:10:25,842 --> 00:10:27,670 not a used copy of Sword and Scabbard. 246 00:10:27,714 --> 00:10:29,498 I know, it's a big ask, 247 00:10:29,541 --> 00:10:31,021 but I wouldn't have come to you if it wasn't an emergency. 248 00:10:31,065 --> 00:10:32,893 This guy has my friend, D'Erika. 249 00:10:32,936 --> 00:10:34,285 I'm overseeing the merger 250 00:10:34,329 --> 00:10:36,070 of two massive criminal enterprises. 251 00:10:36,113 --> 00:10:37,941 I can't collude with the Federation right now. 252 00:10:37,985 --> 00:10:39,421 Sorry, sis. 253 00:10:39,464 --> 00:10:41,553 We understand, Mistress D'Erika. 254 00:10:41,597 --> 00:10:43,686 We thank you for your consideration. 255 00:10:43,730 --> 00:10:44,687 We'll have to find another... 256 00:10:44,731 --> 00:10:48,038 I demand Barter By Combat! 257 00:10:48,082 --> 00:10:49,910 [gasps] 258 00:10:54,828 --> 00:10:58,179 [grunts] All right, G.D., let's hope this old tub 259 00:10:58,222 --> 00:10:59,615 can make it to warp. 260 00:11:01,356 --> 00:11:02,705 Com-Computer, what the hell?! 261 00:11:02,749 --> 00:11:04,620 COMPUTER: Proximity alert. 262 00:11:04,664 --> 00:11:06,143 [gasps] Oh, [bleep]. 263 00:11:08,102 --> 00:11:10,713 [Mariner grunts] 264 00:11:14,195 --> 00:11:16,545 COMPUTER: Shields at 90%. 265 00:11:16,588 --> 00:11:18,721 My Trynar Shield works both ways. 266 00:11:18,765 --> 00:11:20,592 It keeps ships out and in. 267 00:11:20,636 --> 00:11:23,508 Yeah, I guess it slipped my mind because the name is so stupid. 268 00:11:23,552 --> 00:11:26,337 Oh, the three Bynars, right. Can you have three Bynars? 269 00:11:26,381 --> 00:11:28,644 Look, why don't you just dock at the station? 270 00:11:28,688 --> 00:11:30,211 If you really don't want to join me, 271 00:11:30,254 --> 00:11:31,995 I'll send you on your way. 272 00:11:32,039 --> 00:11:33,910 And let you get your hands on a planetary murder machine? 273 00:11:33,954 --> 00:11:35,520 Uh, no, thanks. 274 00:11:35,564 --> 00:11:36,783 I'm offering you the chance of a lifetime. 275 00:11:36,826 --> 00:11:39,089 -You could be part... -Nope. 276 00:11:53,625 --> 00:11:56,193 D'ERIKA: The rules of Barter By Combat are simple. 277 00:11:56,237 --> 00:11:57,847 Each side selects a warrior. 278 00:11:57,891 --> 00:12:00,284 If yours defeats mine, I'll lend you a battleship. 279 00:12:00,328 --> 00:12:02,417 But if you lose, your captain will 280 00:12:02,460 --> 00:12:04,680 surrender the Cerritosto me. 281 00:12:06,508 --> 00:12:07,814 Deal. 282 00:12:11,339 --> 00:12:13,384 Ah! 283 00:12:13,428 --> 00:12:14,864 She's like a Shaxs-and-a-half. 284 00:12:14,908 --> 00:12:15,865 Are you sure we have anyone who can take her? 285 00:12:15,909 --> 00:12:18,259 Oh, yeah, we've got this. 286 00:12:19,347 --> 00:12:21,697 The Cerritoschampion will be... 287 00:12:21,741 --> 00:12:24,047 -You like that? -[grunting] 288 00:12:24,091 --> 00:12:25,919 ...Dr. Migleemo. 289 00:12:25,962 --> 00:12:28,530 [chokes] What?! 290 00:12:28,573 --> 00:12:30,097 [laughter] 291 00:12:33,013 --> 00:12:35,015 Come on, come on. I need somewhere to hide. 292 00:12:35,058 --> 00:12:36,973 Ooh, dangerous and unpredictable space debris. 293 00:12:39,976 --> 00:12:42,892 Hang on, G.D. This is gonna be rough. 294 00:12:49,029 --> 00:12:50,073 Uh... 295 00:13:02,346 --> 00:13:03,957 -[alarm blaring] -The human has target lock. 296 00:13:04,000 --> 00:13:05,697 [both cry out] 297 00:13:05,741 --> 00:13:07,874 What are you guys doing working for a jerk like Locarno? 298 00:13:07,917 --> 00:13:09,919 He doesn't care about profit at all. 299 00:13:09,963 --> 00:13:11,573 That means more profit for us. 300 00:13:11,616 --> 00:13:13,270 What about Rule of Acquisition 91? 301 00:13:13,314 --> 00:13:15,185 "Your boss is only worth what he pays you." 302 00:13:15,229 --> 00:13:18,406 Locarno is not our boss. We make our own decisions. 303 00:13:18,449 --> 00:13:20,669 And you're forgetting rule 289: 304 00:13:20,712 --> 00:13:23,628 shoot first, count profits later. 305 00:13:23,672 --> 00:13:25,805 [evil laughter] 306 00:13:25,848 --> 00:13:26,849 [straining] 307 00:13:30,722 --> 00:13:32,333 Computer, vent coolant vapor. 308 00:13:34,509 --> 00:13:36,206 [crying out] 309 00:13:46,782 --> 00:13:49,654 Bah! Our sensors are ruined. We've lost her. 310 00:13:53,093 --> 00:13:54,311 [sighs] 311 00:13:57,924 --> 00:13:59,882 Please, madam, perhaps we can settle this 312 00:13:59,926 --> 00:14:01,449 over a delicious bowl of slime. 313 00:14:01,492 --> 00:14:02,798 [grunting] 314 00:14:04,539 --> 00:14:05,714 Whoa. 315 00:14:07,629 --> 00:14:09,631 I'm gonna have to start over with a new therapist, aren't I? 316 00:14:09,674 --> 00:14:12,286 W-W-Whoa! Aah! 317 00:14:12,329 --> 00:14:15,506 -She's going to kill him. -Dr. Migleemo, fluff your down. 318 00:14:15,550 --> 00:14:16,899 Fluff your down! 319 00:14:16,943 --> 00:14:19,206 -It's embarrassing. -Just fluff it! 320 00:14:19,249 --> 00:14:21,861 [sinister laughter] 321 00:14:21,904 --> 00:14:23,210 [grunts, squawks] 322 00:14:23,253 --> 00:14:27,127 [sniffling, sneezes] 323 00:14:27,170 --> 00:14:29,172 Bless you, dear. Wait, what's happening? 324 00:14:29,216 --> 00:14:30,695 I used to train with B'eth. 325 00:14:30,739 --> 00:14:32,915 She has really bad allergies. 326 00:14:32,959 --> 00:14:36,701 Oh-ho! Accept my flappity fisticuffs, you foul fiend. 327 00:14:36,745 --> 00:14:38,138 Kyah! Kyah! 328 00:14:38,181 --> 00:14:41,924 -[sneezes] -Ew! The snot. 329 00:14:42,969 --> 00:14:44,753 -[all gasp] -[Migleemo groans] 330 00:14:44,796 --> 00:14:48,278 The champion of Barter By Combat is B'eth. 331 00:14:48,322 --> 00:14:49,932 Somebody get her her inhaler. 332 00:14:49,976 --> 00:14:51,368 A deal's a deal, Captain. 333 00:14:51,412 --> 00:14:53,370 The Cerritosis mine. 334 00:15:00,551 --> 00:15:02,336 Transfer your ship's control codes, Captain, 335 00:15:02,379 --> 00:15:05,295 or our swords will get considerably bloodier. 336 00:15:05,339 --> 00:15:08,168 [sighs] A deal's a deal, but you must know 337 00:15:08,211 --> 00:15:09,952 Locarno was only out for himself. 338 00:15:09,996 --> 00:15:11,649 He's attacked your kind as well. 339 00:15:11,693 --> 00:15:13,738 Oh, I'll deal with him in my own time. 340 00:15:19,135 --> 00:15:22,834 Wait. I have something you want more than the Cerritos. 341 00:15:22,878 --> 00:15:25,359 [laughs] I'm a pirate queen, sister. 342 00:15:25,402 --> 00:15:27,056 What would I want more than a ship? 343 00:15:27,100 --> 00:15:30,407 -Me. -[all gasp] 344 00:15:30,451 --> 00:15:32,148 -Tendi, what are you doing? -Look, 345 00:15:32,192 --> 00:15:33,845 you've wanted the Mistress of the Winter Constellations 346 00:15:33,889 --> 00:15:35,673 back working for the family for years. 347 00:15:35,717 --> 00:15:37,849 If you give us a battleship, I'll come back. 348 00:15:37,893 --> 00:15:39,068 -No! -Tendi, you can't... 349 00:15:39,112 --> 00:15:41,592 Silence! Having you back at my side 350 00:15:41,636 --> 00:15:44,073 would mean more than some measly support ship. 351 00:15:44,117 --> 00:15:46,075 The Cerritosis not measly. 352 00:15:46,119 --> 00:15:47,598 She is the gem of the Calif... 353 00:15:47,642 --> 00:15:48,686 Andy, shut up. 354 00:15:48,730 --> 00:15:50,384 You have a deal, sister. 355 00:15:50,427 --> 00:15:52,516 We have an Orion destroyer for your rescue. 356 00:15:52,560 --> 00:15:54,649 But I expect you to return here 357 00:15:54,692 --> 00:15:56,433 even if you fail to save your friend. 358 00:15:56,477 --> 00:15:58,305 We won't. 359 00:16:04,093 --> 00:16:05,268 MARINER: Damn, warp drive's out, 360 00:16:05,312 --> 00:16:07,140 life support's damaged. 361 00:16:07,183 --> 00:16:09,359 I hate to say it, but I think I got to set you off somewhere 362 00:16:09,403 --> 00:16:11,840 before anyone catches up. Sorry, buddy. 363 00:16:11,883 --> 00:16:14,408 Computer, are there any lifeless planets in this system? 364 00:16:14,451 --> 00:16:17,672 COMPUTER: Detrion 9 is incapable of supporting life. 365 00:16:17,715 --> 00:16:19,630 Well, sounds like a party. Plot a course. 366 00:16:31,425 --> 00:16:34,645 FREEMAN: Whoa, look at the size of that thing. 367 00:16:34,689 --> 00:16:37,387 Uh, Captain, we have a problem. 368 00:16:37,431 --> 00:16:39,781 Ugh! Get me that Orion. 369 00:16:39,824 --> 00:16:41,565 Captain Freeman. 370 00:16:41,609 --> 00:16:44,046 A pleasure to speak again so soon. 371 00:16:44,090 --> 00:16:46,266 This warship is totally inoperable. 372 00:16:46,309 --> 00:16:48,094 You said you were going to help us. 373 00:16:48,137 --> 00:16:50,748 I said I would lend you theRetribution. 374 00:16:50,792 --> 00:16:52,837 We never discussed its condition. 375 00:16:52,881 --> 00:16:54,013 This isn't fair! 376 00:16:54,056 --> 00:16:56,885 No. But it is extremely Orion. 377 00:16:56,928 --> 00:16:58,582 See you soon, D'Vana. 378 00:16:59,148 --> 00:17:00,758 Billups, report. 379 00:17:00,802 --> 00:17:02,891 This thing's a relic. Half the systems are fried. 380 00:17:02,934 --> 00:17:04,719 It could take months to get it battle-ready. 381 00:17:04,762 --> 00:17:06,547 FREEMAN: We don't have months. 382 00:17:06,589 --> 00:17:08,679 Don't worry, Captain, I've got my best team working on it. 383 00:17:08,723 --> 00:17:11,290 We could skip life support. Maybe reroute the shields. 384 00:17:11,334 --> 00:17:12,988 We need to disassemble the warp drive, 385 00:17:13,031 --> 00:17:14,337 not to mention the conduits. 386 00:17:14,381 --> 00:17:15,817 Who cares about the conduits, Livik? 387 00:17:15,859 --> 00:17:17,688 We should focus on firepower and engines. 388 00:17:17,732 --> 00:17:20,691 You can't just activate some systems; they're dependent. 389 00:17:20,734 --> 00:17:22,040 They don't have to be! 390 00:17:22,084 --> 00:17:23,954 Guys, we need to get on the same page. 391 00:17:23,999 --> 00:17:26,522 I believe I can facilitate that. 392 00:17:26,567 --> 00:17:27,611 Oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh. 393 00:17:27,655 --> 00:17:28,917 Are you gonna do a mind meld? 394 00:17:28,960 --> 00:17:32,094 Something less invasive. 395 00:17:32,138 --> 00:17:34,444 -[upbeat piano music playing] -[ship horn blows] 396 00:17:34,488 --> 00:17:37,273 RUTHERFORD: Well, I'll be happier than a milkman's horse. 397 00:17:37,317 --> 00:17:39,710 You know what you're talking about, Mr. Livik. 398 00:17:39,754 --> 00:17:42,148 And you are a heapin' helpin' 399 00:17:42,191 --> 00:17:45,325 of country-fried intellect, my genteel friend. 400 00:17:45,368 --> 00:17:48,719 I do declare, we've settled upon a compromise. 401 00:17:48,763 --> 00:17:50,025 Why does this work? 402 00:17:50,069 --> 00:17:52,071 Illogical tactics can sometimes lead 403 00:17:52,114 --> 00:17:53,507 to logical solutions. 404 00:17:53,550 --> 00:17:56,031 [sniffles] It's beautiful. 405 00:17:56,075 --> 00:17:57,076 [thunder rumbling] 406 00:17:57,119 --> 00:17:59,295 MARINER: What the hell is that? 407 00:17:59,339 --> 00:18:01,080 COMPUTER: A level seven ion storm. 408 00:18:01,123 --> 00:18:03,908 Recommend an alternate heading, or damage will occur. 409 00:18:03,952 --> 00:18:05,432 [thunder rumbling] 410 00:18:09,175 --> 00:18:11,960 [grunts] Oh, [bleep] Romulans! 411 00:18:14,745 --> 00:18:16,312 Starfleet swine! 412 00:18:16,356 --> 00:18:17,922 Cease your pathetic attempts to flee 413 00:18:17,966 --> 00:18:19,533 and hand over the Device. 414 00:18:19,576 --> 00:18:21,448 MARINER: Huh, never thought I'd see Romulans 415 00:18:21,491 --> 00:18:22,666 taking orders from a human. 416 00:18:22,710 --> 00:18:24,625 We do not take orders. 417 00:18:24,668 --> 00:18:26,975 Locarno's given us the freedom to scheme at our leisure. 418 00:18:27,018 --> 00:18:28,803 Oh, so you need a human for your scheming, huh? 419 00:18:28,846 --> 00:18:30,021 You can't do it on your own? 420 00:18:30,065 --> 00:18:31,980 False! He is a pawn in our game 421 00:18:32,023 --> 00:18:33,547 of 12-dimensional chess! 422 00:18:33,590 --> 00:18:35,505 -That's right, Mariner. -Aah! 423 00:18:37,725 --> 00:18:39,161 It may be hard for you to believe, 424 00:18:39,205 --> 00:18:41,120 but we are a coalition of equals. 425 00:18:41,163 --> 00:18:42,947 One that has you surrounded. 426 00:18:52,522 --> 00:18:54,611 LOCARNO: That storm is only getting worse. 427 00:18:54,655 --> 00:18:56,744 Power down engines and we can start over 428 00:18:56,787 --> 00:18:57,788 -without any... -[grunts] 429 00:18:57,832 --> 00:18:58,876 Hey, stop! 430 00:19:02,576 --> 00:19:04,708 What are you doing? That storm will rip you apart. 431 00:19:04,752 --> 00:19:06,319 Aw, damn it! 432 00:19:06,362 --> 00:19:07,972 What are you worried about? We're fine. 433 00:19:08,016 --> 00:19:09,365 She won't last ten minutes in there. 434 00:19:09,409 --> 00:19:11,411 Then we'll lose our bargaining power. 435 00:19:11,454 --> 00:19:14,414 Ugh, get in there and get that Device. 436 00:19:14,457 --> 00:19:17,591 I'm sorry, are you giving me an order? 437 00:19:17,634 --> 00:19:19,462 I thought we were a coalition of equals. 438 00:19:19,506 --> 00:19:21,943 We can still profit without a Genesis bomb. 439 00:19:21,986 --> 00:19:23,640 We need to be powerful. 440 00:19:23,684 --> 00:19:25,642 You cowards. I'll do it myself. 441 00:19:31,300 --> 00:19:32,780 [static crackling] 442 00:19:32,823 --> 00:19:35,261 [thunder rumbling] 443 00:19:46,750 --> 00:19:48,535 [bleep] 444 00:19:48,578 --> 00:19:50,493 Oh, this is getting old, Beckett. 445 00:19:50,537 --> 00:19:52,713 Hand over the Device before we get ripped apart. 446 00:19:52,756 --> 00:19:55,759 Whew, he is obsessed with you, girl. 447 00:19:55,803 --> 00:19:57,587 Nick, I know why you hate Starfleet. 448 00:19:57,631 --> 00:19:59,285 And it isn't because you have some deep connection 449 00:19:59,328 --> 00:20:01,243 with junior officers. You're pissed because 450 00:20:01,287 --> 00:20:02,810 you got booted from the Academ. 451 00:20:02,853 --> 00:20:05,378 LOCARNO: I am not. I've read your file. 452 00:20:05,421 --> 00:20:07,162 I hate command structure just like you. 453 00:20:07,206 --> 00:20:09,077 No, I-I don't always agree with orders, sure, 454 00:20:09,120 --> 00:20:10,513 but I believe in the mission. 455 00:20:10,557 --> 00:20:13,124 What about Sito? She died for no reason. 456 00:20:13,168 --> 00:20:15,126 She gave her life for what she believed in. 457 00:20:15,170 --> 00:20:16,693 You can't take that from her. 458 00:20:16,737 --> 00:20:18,521 I thought you were smarter than everyone else. 459 00:20:18,565 --> 00:20:20,523 Sounds like you're just another apologist 460 00:20:20,567 --> 00:20:22,308 for a broken system. 461 00:20:22,351 --> 00:20:24,266 Hey, Starfleet's not perfect. They mess up all the time. 462 00:20:24,310 --> 00:20:26,442 But in the end, they're trying to do what's right. 463 00:20:26,486 --> 00:20:28,096 I didn't take a single shot at your fleet, 464 00:20:28,139 --> 00:20:29,532 but you put them in danger. 465 00:20:29,576 --> 00:20:30,577 And what about Josh? 466 00:20:30,620 --> 00:20:32,231 That wasn't my fault. 467 00:20:32,274 --> 00:20:35,103 If-if my stupid professors had just let us practice. 468 00:20:35,146 --> 00:20:37,366 Josh died because of your ego, man. 469 00:20:37,410 --> 00:20:39,716 Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! 470 00:20:39,760 --> 00:20:41,327 Locarno. 471 00:20:41,370 --> 00:20:42,937 Something just appeared outside the system. 472 00:20:42,980 --> 00:20:45,418 It's an Orion destroyer, and it's massive. 473 00:20:45,461 --> 00:20:47,202 FREEMAN: This is it, people. 474 00:20:47,246 --> 00:20:48,856 We only get one shot. 475 00:20:48,899 --> 00:20:50,771 Are you ready, acting captain? 476 00:20:50,814 --> 00:20:52,686 I've got this, but I want you back 477 00:20:52,729 --> 00:20:54,035 to take command when you're done. 478 00:20:54,078 --> 00:20:55,819 You and me both. 479 00:20:55,863 --> 00:20:57,995 -Really good captain voice. -Thank you. 480 00:20:58,039 --> 00:20:59,736 Cerritos, I ordered you to-- 481 00:20:59,780 --> 00:21:01,129 Hey, who the hell are you? 482 00:21:01,172 --> 00:21:03,174 Acting Captain Bradward Boimler, sir. 483 00:21:03,218 --> 00:21:05,438 Turn that ship around right no. 484 00:21:05,481 --> 00:21:07,527 Yes, sir. But first I have to rescue my friend. 485 00:21:07,570 --> 00:21:09,006 You can't get through that shield. 486 00:21:09,050 --> 00:21:11,052 I'm not. Captain Freeman is. 487 00:21:11,095 --> 00:21:13,184 -Wh-What? -Helm, take us to full impulse. 488 00:21:13,228 --> 00:21:14,621 I need everything we've got. 489 00:21:27,764 --> 00:21:29,244 Approaching the barrier, Captain. 490 00:21:29,288 --> 00:21:30,680 -Wait for it. -Structural integrity's 491 00:21:30,724 --> 00:21:32,203 failing, sir. 492 00:21:32,247 --> 00:21:34,205 Maximum impulse. The captain's counting on us. 493 00:21:34,249 --> 00:21:36,817 Wait for it. Now! 494 00:21:45,216 --> 00:21:47,306 No, no, no, no, no. No! 495 00:21:48,872 --> 00:21:51,092 [cries out] 496 00:22:02,843 --> 00:22:04,061 Full impulse, before it closes. 497 00:22:08,805 --> 00:22:11,155 Wow, I've never actually seen someone use the captain's yacht. 498 00:22:11,199 --> 00:22:12,635 I do declare. 499 00:22:12,679 --> 00:22:15,377 You said the shield was impenetrable. 500 00:22:15,421 --> 00:22:17,379 I didn't know they were gonna throw a battleship at it. 501 00:22:17,423 --> 00:22:19,381 This is a disaster. We have to get out of here. 502 00:22:19,425 --> 00:22:20,556 No, stand firm. 503 00:22:20,600 --> 00:22:22,036 You have to follow my orders. 504 00:22:22,079 --> 00:22:25,344 This is my plan and my system. Huh? 505 00:22:25,387 --> 00:22:27,128 Ugh! Damn Bynars. 506 00:22:27,171 --> 00:22:29,086 Then you can stay here on your own. 507 00:22:29,130 --> 00:22:30,436 [groans] 508 00:22:30,479 --> 00:22:33,569 [thunder rumbling] 509 00:22:33,613 --> 00:22:36,050 Go ahead and run. I don't need any of you. 510 00:22:36,093 --> 00:22:37,225 [beep] 511 00:22:37,268 --> 00:22:39,401 Yes! Finally. 512 00:22:39,445 --> 00:22:42,230 Nowhere else to hide, Lieutenant. 513 00:22:46,277 --> 00:22:47,322 Whoa! 514 00:22:49,063 --> 00:22:50,107 Yes. 515 00:22:50,151 --> 00:22:52,109 Sorry, girl, looks like I got to 516 00:22:52,153 --> 00:22:53,937 take you off the field right here. 517 00:22:53,981 --> 00:22:55,765 Explosive terraformation will initiate 518 00:22:55,809 --> 00:22:57,506 in five minutes. 519 00:22:57,550 --> 00:22:59,465 Huh, Ferengi bomb with a Ferengi voice. 520 00:22:59,508 --> 00:23:01,380 Didn't expect that, but I like it. 521 00:23:02,468 --> 00:23:03,469 [gasps] 522 00:23:03,512 --> 00:23:05,079 Get away from my Genesis Device. 523 00:23:05,122 --> 00:23:07,081 It's too late, Nick. I started the countdown. 524 00:23:07,124 --> 00:23:08,778 All right? We have to clear out of here. 525 00:23:08,822 --> 00:23:11,346 Oh, please. I graduated top of my class. 526 00:23:11,390 --> 00:23:13,174 You think I don't know how to disarm a bomb? 527 00:23:13,217 --> 00:23:15,524 First off, you didn't graduate. 528 00:23:15,568 --> 00:23:17,308 [both grunting] 529 00:23:17,352 --> 00:23:20,616 And second, that thing is too dangerous for anyone. 530 00:23:20,660 --> 00:23:22,313 I could have been the best pilot in Starfleet. 531 00:23:22,357 --> 00:23:25,055 Don't let that anger define your life. 532 00:23:25,099 --> 00:23:27,667 You stunned all those crews, you didn't kill them. 533 00:23:27,710 --> 00:23:29,756 Because deep down you're not a murderer. 534 00:23:29,799 --> 00:23:31,888 I'm sorry, but I really am. 535 00:23:31,932 --> 00:23:34,021 My perfect life was taken from me, 536 00:23:34,064 --> 00:23:36,153 and now I'm getting it back. 537 00:23:36,197 --> 00:23:38,547 I'm not moving, Nick. 538 00:23:38,591 --> 00:23:39,853 Then you're a fool. 539 00:23:47,600 --> 00:23:49,384 [gasps] Mom? How did you get through the shield? 540 00:23:49,428 --> 00:23:51,647 [laughs] We threw a battleship at it. 541 00:23:51,691 --> 00:23:52,779 Get us out of here. 542 00:23:52,822 --> 00:23:54,781 No. We have to save Locarno. 543 00:23:54,824 --> 00:23:57,479 He's reactivated the shields. I can't get a lock. 544 00:23:57,523 --> 00:23:59,438 MARINER: Nick, please come with us. 545 00:23:59,481 --> 00:24:01,222 Mirab, with sails unfurled. 546 00:24:01,265 --> 00:24:04,181 -We're out of time. -MARINER: Please, Nick! 547 00:24:04,225 --> 00:24:05,618 Full impulse, now. 548 00:24:12,538 --> 00:24:13,626 [frustrated grunt] 549 00:24:13,669 --> 00:24:14,757 -[chimes] -Ha! 550 00:24:14,801 --> 00:24:16,542 Next time set a shorter timer. 551 00:24:16,585 --> 00:24:18,979 To deactivate detonation, please insert 552 00:24:19,022 --> 00:24:20,720 two bars of latinum. 553 00:24:20,763 --> 00:24:23,374 They put a paywall on a bomb?! Stupid Feren... 554 00:24:55,189 --> 00:24:58,540 VASSERY: You willfully disregarded Starfleet orders. 555 00:24:58,584 --> 00:25:00,847 And I am prepared to take full responsibility 556 00:25:00,890 --> 00:25:02,631 for my actions, sir. 557 00:25:02,675 --> 00:25:05,504 I should have you charged with insubordination, 558 00:25:05,547 --> 00:25:07,941 but you managed to open diplomatic relations 559 00:25:07,984 --> 00:25:09,986 with the Orions for the first time. 560 00:25:10,030 --> 00:25:13,990 Everyone at Command is... pleased with your work. 561 00:25:14,034 --> 00:25:16,340 [exhales sharply] Thank you, Admiral. 562 00:25:16,384 --> 00:25:19,213 And if I may ask, what happened to 563 00:25:19,256 --> 00:25:21,563 the alien officers who allied with Locarno? 564 00:25:21,607 --> 00:25:22,956 I imagine they're in hiding. 565 00:25:22,999 --> 00:25:24,914 Since there were no shots fire, 566 00:25:24,958 --> 00:25:27,569 Starfleet avoided repercussion. 567 00:25:27,613 --> 00:25:30,267 Oh, now we have to deal with the new M-Class planet 568 00:25:30,311 --> 00:25:32,792 that formed when the Genesis Device exploded. 569 00:25:32,835 --> 00:25:34,750 -FREEMAN: Is it stable? -Seems so. 570 00:25:34,794 --> 00:25:37,144 We're calling it Locarno because his atoms 571 00:25:37,187 --> 00:25:38,711 were included in the transmogrification 572 00:25:38,754 --> 00:25:40,147 of the nebula. 573 00:25:40,190 --> 00:25:41,278 We hope to use the planet someday 574 00:25:41,322 --> 00:25:42,715 as a home for refugees. 575 00:25:42,758 --> 00:25:45,979 Then I guess he did some good after all. 576 00:25:46,022 --> 00:25:47,371 There is one last piece of business 577 00:25:47,415 --> 00:25:49,722 regarding your lieutenant. 578 00:25:50,984 --> 00:25:53,029 -RUTHERFORD: Mariner! -[laughter] 579 00:25:54,770 --> 00:25:57,338 Hey, easy. I didn't survive a Genesis explosion 580 00:25:57,381 --> 00:25:58,861 just so I could get hugged to death. 581 00:25:58,905 --> 00:26:00,123 We're just really happy 582 00:26:00,167 --> 00:26:01,211 -you're back. -Thanks, Boims. 583 00:26:01,255 --> 00:26:03,649 I feel like I really am back 584 00:26:03,692 --> 00:26:05,520 for the first time in a while. 585 00:26:05,564 --> 00:26:07,174 I've been kind of all over the place 586 00:26:07,217 --> 00:26:08,305 the past few months. 587 00:26:08,349 --> 00:26:09,916 I was processing some heavy stuff 588 00:26:09,959 --> 00:26:12,222 and taking it out on everyone else. 589 00:26:12,266 --> 00:26:14,529 -I'm sorry. -Apology not accepted. 590 00:26:14,573 --> 00:26:16,270 Because we're here for you no matter what. 591 00:26:16,313 --> 00:26:18,098 Yeah, I think I have a handle on it now. 592 00:26:18,141 --> 00:26:21,144 You know, I-I might even try not self-sabotaging for once. 593 00:26:21,188 --> 00:26:22,668 I'll see how that goes. 594 00:26:22,711 --> 00:26:24,800 Huh, that sounds remarkably healthy. 595 00:26:24,844 --> 00:26:26,846 Okay, everybody shut up, me included. 596 00:26:26,889 --> 00:26:28,674 Let's get drunk. 597 00:26:28,717 --> 00:26:30,023 Oh, thank God. There you are. [chuckles] 598 00:26:31,067 --> 00:26:33,635 -Livik. -Rutherford. 599 00:26:33,679 --> 00:26:35,245 Wait, I thought you guys liked each other now. 600 00:26:35,289 --> 00:26:36,899 No, no, no. Only when we're Twaining. 601 00:26:36,943 --> 00:26:38,901 Perhaps you need to work on your leadership skills, 602 00:26:38,945 --> 00:26:40,207 Mr. Rutherford. 603 00:26:40,250 --> 00:26:42,644 Oh, boy. Someone's got captain fever. 604 00:26:42,688 --> 00:26:44,646 Oh, do I sound "captainy" to you? 605 00:26:44,690 --> 00:26:47,127 Because Ransom was very happy with my captaining. 606 00:26:47,170 --> 00:26:49,172 I like how this has in no way gone to your head. 607 00:26:49,216 --> 00:26:50,521 You know what, Boims? 608 00:26:50,565 --> 00:26:52,219 I think this is really working for you. 609 00:26:52,262 --> 00:26:53,916 This is a good look. You should tell my mom 610 00:26:53,960 --> 00:26:55,222 -you want captain's lessons. -BOIMLER: Really? 611 00:26:55,265 --> 00:26:56,615 You think she'd do that? 612 00:26:56,658 --> 00:26:57,877 -Who was that? -My former commander, 613 00:26:57,920 --> 00:26:59,922 -Captain Sokel. -What?! 614 00:26:59,966 --> 00:27:02,185 But what if he wanted you to return to the Vulcan fleet? 615 00:27:02,229 --> 00:27:04,057 After today's events, I'm sure he did. 616 00:27:04,100 --> 00:27:06,973 But instead, I prefer to focus my time 617 00:27:07,016 --> 00:27:09,105 on becoming your science bestie. 618 00:27:09,149 --> 00:27:11,020 Oh! Don't you say that if you don't mean it. 619 00:27:11,064 --> 00:27:13,370 Why would I say anything I do not mean? 620 00:27:13,414 --> 00:27:15,285 Oh, man, this is the best. Everything's working out. 621 00:27:15,329 --> 00:27:16,896 Ooh, this is when we chant "lower decks." 622 00:27:16,939 --> 00:27:18,898 I don't know. We kinda do it a lot. 623 00:27:18,941 --> 00:27:20,160 Oh, come on. It's my favorite. 624 00:27:20,203 --> 00:27:22,379 Uh... okay, fine. 625 00:27:22,423 --> 00:27:24,643 ALL: Lower decks! Lower decks! 626 00:27:24,686 --> 00:27:27,471 Lower decks! Lower decks! 627 00:27:27,515 --> 00:27:28,647 Lower decks! Lower decks! 628 00:27:28,690 --> 00:27:30,561 -[clears throat] -Oh, hey, Mom. 629 00:27:30,605 --> 00:27:31,693 We were just about to get rowdy. 630 00:27:31,737 --> 00:27:32,694 Do you want to join us? 631 00:27:32,738 --> 00:27:36,306 [sighs] Lieutenant. 632 00:27:36,350 --> 00:27:39,092 You've been requested to return to Orion. 633 00:27:39,135 --> 00:27:41,007 -Your sister sent a ship. -Already? 634 00:27:41,050 --> 00:27:43,139 D'Erika doesn't waste any time. 635 00:27:43,183 --> 00:27:44,706 In the spirit of being a pirate, 636 00:27:44,750 --> 00:27:46,316 perhaps you should simply refuse to go. 637 00:27:46,360 --> 00:27:49,798 No, this is something I have to do for myself. 638 00:27:56,022 --> 00:27:57,676 This can't be it, right? 639 00:27:57,719 --> 00:28:00,766 I mean, who's gonna help me with the plasma conduits? 640 00:28:00,809 --> 00:28:03,159 Keep them clear of any buildup while I'm gone, okay? 641 00:28:03,203 --> 00:28:05,727 -Okey dokey. -Okey dokey. 642 00:28:13,169 --> 00:28:14,301 Do you think they'll give her time 643 00:28:14,344 --> 00:28:15,476 to do a little science? 644 00:28:15,519 --> 00:28:16,999 Unlikely but possible. 645 00:28:17,043 --> 00:28:18,697 Something tells me those Orions have bit off 646 00:28:18,740 --> 00:28:19,959 a lot more than they can chew. 647 00:28:20,002 --> 00:28:21,743 Yeah. Tendi loves Starfleet. 648 00:28:21,787 --> 00:28:23,397 -She'll be back in no time. -Come on. 649 00:28:23,440 --> 00:28:25,399 We got some lieutenant junior grading to do. 650 00:28:25,442 --> 00:28:27,053 -When's our next briefing? -0900. 651 00:28:27,096 --> 00:28:29,751 Something to do with repairs to the warp manifold. 652 00:28:29,795 --> 00:28:31,884 Hey, that's Rutherford stuff. You'll have fun. 653 00:28:31,927 --> 00:28:33,189 [weak chuckle] Yeah. 654 00:28:33,233 --> 00:28:35,278 Can't go wrong with a warp manifold. 655 00:28:50,250 --> 00:28:51,425 [sighs] 656 00:28:52,818 --> 00:28:54,994 You've got this. 657 00:28:58,824 --> 00:29:00,826 ♪ 658 00:29:05,831 --> 00:29:08,834 Captioned by Media Access Group at WGBH access.wgbh.org 659 00:29:56,882 --> 00:29:58,361 [man imitates weapons firing] 660 00:30:00,320 --> 00:30:04,320 Chirp.