1 00:01:33,361 --> 00:01:37,731 Captain's log, Stardate 58759.1. 2 00:01:37,731 --> 00:01:41,135 The Cerritos is visiting the Federation world Corazonia, 3 00:01:41,135 --> 00:01:45,273 an artificial megastructure in a bespoke star system 4 00:01:45,273 --> 00:01:49,076 designed by a long-extinct alien species. 5 00:01:49,076 --> 00:01:51,279 The ring has been home to the Corazonians, 6 00:01:51,279 --> 00:01:54,582 who enjoy perfect climate and surface conditions 7 00:01:54,582 --> 00:01:57,485 thanks to Vexilon, the environmental computer 8 00:01:57,485 --> 00:02:00,754 installed by the ring's original designers. 9 00:02:00,754 --> 00:02:03,624 Fortunately, Vexilon is a benevolent ally 10 00:02:03,624 --> 00:02:05,859 with no interest in world domination. 11 00:02:05,859 --> 00:02:10,264 The Corazonians share a deep bond with their caretaker. 12 00:02:10,264 --> 00:02:11,665 Thank you for making the trip 13 00:02:11,665 --> 00:02:13,267 on short notice, Captain. 14 00:02:13,267 --> 00:02:15,269 We're very concerned about Vexilon. 15 00:02:15,269 --> 00:02:17,538 Well, he's not trying to subjugate anyone, is he? 16 00:02:17,538 --> 00:02:19,573 I thought he was a friendly computer. 17 00:02:19,573 --> 00:02:22,743 He is, but his hardware is ancient, wearing down. 18 00:02:22,743 --> 00:02:24,745 Vexilon has been operating with less accuracy 19 00:02:24,745 --> 00:02:26,380 than we are accustomed. 20 00:02:26,380 --> 00:02:28,316 Your world computer's lagging? 21 00:02:28,316 --> 00:02:30,351 The weather has become unpredictable. 22 00:02:30,351 --> 00:02:32,886 One minute it's blue skies, the next it's blizzards. 23 00:02:32,886 --> 00:02:35,756 His geographic processes are faltering, too. 24 00:02:35,756 --> 00:02:39,159 Just yesterday, one of our rivers reversed its flow 25 00:02:39,159 --> 00:02:41,795 and flooded a mountain. 26 00:02:41,795 --> 00:02:45,766 We're all artists and poets, but I've been so stressed. 27 00:02:45,766 --> 00:02:48,536 Just look at the terrible statues I made last week. 28 00:02:48,536 --> 00:02:51,639 Yeesh. Yeah, that's a pretty clumsy expression of form. 29 00:02:51,639 --> 00:02:53,641 Those are our finest works. 30 00:02:53,641 --> 00:02:55,776 We're talking about those over there. 31 00:02:55,776 --> 00:02:58,846 Well, why don't we just go check on Vexilon, 32 00:02:58,846 --> 00:03:02,416 and afterward you can tell us all about your creative process? 33 00:03:02,416 --> 00:03:05,219 Just an amateur lack of focus and balance. 34 00:03:05,219 --> 00:03:07,288 Ransom! 35 00:03:13,327 --> 00:03:15,629 Welcome to Corazonia, Captain. 36 00:03:15,629 --> 00:03:17,498 We appreciate Starfleet's help. 37 00:03:17,498 --> 00:03:20,334 Please enjoy some iced tea. 38 00:03:22,303 --> 00:03:24,338 - Aah! That's hot. - Damn it! I'm so stupid! 39 00:03:24,338 --> 00:03:27,541 It's totally normal for a planetary operating system 40 00:03:27,541 --> 00:03:29,610 to need some maintenance every once in a while. 41 00:03:29,610 --> 00:03:31,279 No one's judging you. 42 00:03:31,279 --> 00:03:32,880 Ah. Thank you. It's just embarrassing. 43 00:03:32,880 --> 00:03:34,882 I've been fine for a millennia, 44 00:03:34,882 --> 00:03:37,351 but now I can't even control my monsoon seasons. 45 00:03:37,351 --> 00:03:39,353 Why don't I just pop your control panel 46 00:03:39,353 --> 00:03:41,455 and take a look at your circuits? 47 00:03:43,357 --> 00:03:46,294 I'm sure we can have you up and running in no time. 48 00:03:46,294 --> 00:03:48,296 Captain, we have engineers 49 00:03:48,296 --> 00:03:49,930 - who could... - Stand down, Jack. 50 00:03:49,930 --> 00:03:52,500 I minored in archaic technology back at the Academy. 51 00:03:52,500 --> 00:03:54,435 I think I've got this. 52 00:03:54,435 --> 00:03:57,204 Thank you, Captain. I don't deserve this treatment. 53 00:03:57,204 --> 00:03:59,573 I hope this isn't taking you away from more important work. 54 00:03:59,573 --> 00:04:01,342 No. (scoffs) Not at all. 55 00:04:01,342 --> 00:04:03,744 We needed to stop in and retrofit the power relay 56 00:04:03,744 --> 00:04:06,547 Starfleet installed during first contact anyway. 57 00:04:06,547 --> 00:04:08,916 I've got one of my lieutenants on that now. 58 00:04:10,484 --> 00:04:12,420 Ooh, this is it. 59 00:04:12,420 --> 00:04:13,754 Your first away mission as a commander. 60 00:04:13,754 --> 00:04:15,523 No big deal. You've got this. 61 00:04:15,523 --> 00:04:17,658 You are boss Boimler, and you're gonna nail... 62 00:04:17,658 --> 00:04:19,727 - Lieutenant Boimler. - What?! I mean, hi. 63 00:04:19,727 --> 00:04:21,929 - I mean, uh... yes, T'Lyn? - Your team is waiting. 64 00:04:21,929 --> 00:04:25,299 Have you completed your confidence-boosting ritual? 65 00:04:25,299 --> 00:04:26,834 Oh, that's not what I was doing. 66 00:04:26,834 --> 00:04:29,437 I was just, uh, running a last-minute check of supplies. 67 00:04:29,437 --> 00:04:31,271 Has everyone tested their comms? 68 00:04:31,271 --> 00:04:32,673 - Boimler to T'Lyn. Yah! 69 00:04:32,673 --> 00:04:34,241 All equipment is in adequate condition 70 00:04:34,241 --> 00:04:35,943 to accomplish our errand. 71 00:04:35,943 --> 00:04:37,645 It's not an errand, it's a mission. 72 00:04:37,645 --> 00:04:39,780 My first mission as commander. 73 00:04:39,780 --> 00:04:41,915 It's pretty cool, right? 74 00:04:41,915 --> 00:04:44,518 - Perhaps we should proceed. 75 00:04:44,518 --> 00:04:45,953 Ensigns, at attention. 76 00:04:45,953 --> 00:04:48,389 This is a cut-and-dry power terminal upgrade. 77 00:04:48,389 --> 00:04:50,758 If you have any questions, don't hesitate to come to me 78 00:04:50,758 --> 00:04:52,693 or Provisional Lieutenant Junior Grade T'Lyn, 79 00:04:52,693 --> 00:04:54,995 who's on site in case any science stuff happens. 80 00:04:54,995 --> 00:04:57,731 Everything that has ever occurred is science stuff. 81 00:04:57,731 --> 00:04:59,633 Oh. Uh, right. 82 00:04:59,633 --> 00:05:01,502 That went pretty well, I'd say. 83 00:05:01,502 --> 00:05:03,303 I do not know to what you are referring. 84 00:05:03,303 --> 00:05:04,572 We have not started the repair. 85 00:05:04,572 --> 00:05:05,906 I mean, talking to my team. 86 00:05:05,906 --> 00:05:07,608 I've had good bosses and bad ones. 87 00:05:07,608 --> 00:05:09,410 I just don't want to repeat their mistakes. 88 00:05:09,410 --> 00:05:10,744 Your caution is warranted. 89 00:05:10,744 --> 00:05:12,546 Statistically, ensigns serving 90 00:05:12,546 --> 00:05:14,014 under recently promoted commanders are more likely 91 00:05:14,014 --> 00:05:16,316 to experience death and/or dismemberment. 92 00:05:16,316 --> 00:05:18,786 - Death?! - Yes. And/or dismemberment. 93 00:05:18,786 --> 00:05:20,821 Well, luckily, this mission's pretty tame. 94 00:05:20,821 --> 00:05:22,490 It's just swapping out some terminals. 95 00:05:22,490 --> 00:05:24,425 The component pieces are unstable 96 00:05:24,425 --> 00:05:25,959 - and could detonate at any moment. 97 00:05:25,959 --> 00:05:28,462 The retrofit must be conducted in precise order, 98 00:05:28,462 --> 00:05:30,464 or the terminal will explode. 99 00:05:30,464 --> 00:05:31,865 It's like disarming 100 00:05:31,865 --> 00:05:33,667 a building-sized bomb? 101 00:05:33,667 --> 00:05:35,703 The similarity is not inaccurate. 102 00:05:35,703 --> 00:05:39,106 All right, gang. Who's ready to be careful? 103 00:05:40,340 --> 00:05:41,942 I wonder how Boimler's doing down there 104 00:05:41,942 --> 00:05:43,644 - on his mission. - Oh, he's either doing great 105 00:05:43,644 --> 00:05:45,446 or super overthinking it and getting sweaty. 106 00:05:45,446 --> 00:05:47,448 I don't know why. Being a lieutenant junior grade 107 00:05:47,448 --> 00:05:49,683 doesn't seem too different from being an ensign to me. 108 00:05:49,683 --> 00:05:51,419 Oh, okay. It's the same, huh? 109 00:05:51,419 --> 00:05:54,388 Well, what if I told you we now have access to this? 110 00:05:54,388 --> 00:05:57,090 The anomaly storage room? 111 00:05:57,090 --> 00:06:01,161 Yup! Anything that requires further study 112 00:06:01,161 --> 00:06:03,363 or might need to be returned to its previous entity 113 00:06:03,363 --> 00:06:04,865 is kept right here. 114 00:06:04,865 --> 00:06:06,834 That's the hat that turned Billups into a church tower. 115 00:06:06,834 --> 00:06:08,569 I wouldn't even authorize myself for this. 116 00:06:08,569 --> 00:06:10,538 - A lot of it is dangerous. - Aah! Don't touch that! 117 00:06:10,538 --> 00:06:12,573 Do you want your head to fall off and skitter away? 118 00:06:12,573 --> 00:06:14,542 - Greetings and salutations! 119 00:06:14,542 --> 00:06:17,344 A Betazoid gift box. Things creep me out. 120 00:06:20,681 --> 00:06:21,782 Why? 121 00:06:21,782 --> 00:06:23,684 This is a message for Rutherford. 122 00:06:23,684 --> 00:06:26,086 I don't want to be in this roo. I want to live in your quarter. 123 00:06:26,086 --> 00:06:28,088 Oh, uh, no, thank you. 124 00:06:28,088 --> 00:06:30,023 Is this guy sentient? 125 00:06:30,023 --> 00:06:32,392 No, they-they just tend to pick up phrases they overhear. 126 00:06:32,392 --> 00:06:34,728 Eat a bag of Borg, mother(bleep). 127 00:06:34,728 --> 00:06:36,063 I didn't know that Dr. T'Ana came in here. 128 00:06:36,063 --> 00:06:38,899 Oh, no way. It's the Wadi Chula game. 129 00:06:38,899 --> 00:06:40,133 The one that traps you inside 130 00:06:40,133 --> 00:06:41,802 until you solve its annoying challenges. 131 00:06:41,802 --> 00:06:43,003 Oh, hell yeah. The one with, like, the pastel triangles 132 00:06:43,003 --> 00:06:44,772 and the little girl doing hopscotch, 133 00:06:44,772 --> 00:06:47,541 and everybody's like... ♪ Allamalay lemon meringue. ♪ 134 00:06:47,541 --> 00:06:49,009 Lieutenants Tendi, Mariner and Rutherford, 135 00:06:49,009 --> 00:06:51,011 report to the isolinear chip junction immediately. 136 00:06:51,011 --> 00:06:52,713 On the way. 137 00:06:52,713 --> 00:06:54,615 Ugh. I thought we had the afternoon to ourselves. 138 00:06:54,615 --> 00:06:56,717 I told you it didn't feel too different from being an ensign. 139 00:06:56,717 --> 00:06:58,118 At least this'll be something interesting. 140 00:06:58,118 --> 00:07:01,221 No more mindless, repetitive tasks for us. 141 00:07:02,189 --> 00:07:03,791 Took you long enough. 142 00:07:03,791 --> 00:07:05,392 I need you three to scan each and every one 143 00:07:05,392 --> 00:07:07,394 of these isolinear chips by hand. 144 00:07:07,394 --> 00:07:09,096 What?! But there are thousands of them. 145 00:07:09,096 --> 00:07:11,565 Yeah, and there's a .015% deviation 146 00:07:11,565 --> 00:07:13,166 in the fault sensor, which is why 147 00:07:13,166 --> 00:07:14,935 it needs to be done by hand. 148 00:07:14,935 --> 00:07:16,837 Can't it just wait until we repair the sensor? 149 00:07:16,837 --> 00:07:18,171 Wow. Why didn't I think of that? 150 00:07:18,171 --> 00:07:19,940 Oh, right, I did. 151 00:07:19,940 --> 00:07:22,109 But the sensor detected a single malfunctioning chip 152 00:07:22,109 --> 00:07:23,644 before it went down. 153 00:07:23,644 --> 00:07:25,112 You three need to find it. 154 00:07:25,112 --> 00:07:27,047 This isn't so bad. Ooh, maybe we can sing a song... 155 00:07:27,047 --> 00:07:29,683 Once an hour, the room fills with nitrogen coolant, 156 00:07:29,683 --> 00:07:31,418 so keep your breathers handy. 157 00:07:31,418 --> 00:07:33,687 The chips can get scalding hot, so watch out for that. 158 00:07:33,687 --> 00:07:35,756 Oh, and Billups' ferret got out this morning 159 00:07:35,756 --> 00:07:37,791 so report to him if it bites you. 160 00:07:37,791 --> 00:07:40,160 - Lancelot's in here?! Ah! 161 00:07:40,160 --> 00:07:43,463 Okay, you were right. This is feeling pretty ensign-y. 162 00:07:43,463 --> 00:07:44,898 Huh. It doesn't make any sense. 163 00:07:44,898 --> 00:07:46,900 This is ensign work. 164 00:07:46,900 --> 00:07:48,702 Maybe even cadet. 165 00:07:48,702 --> 00:07:50,771 On Orion, older pirates would haze new recruits 166 00:07:50,771 --> 00:07:52,506 by making them do worthless tasks, 167 00:07:52,506 --> 00:07:54,508 like clean the door panels with their tongues. 168 00:07:54,508 --> 00:07:56,143 - You think Dirk's hazing us? - What's hazing? 169 00:07:56,143 --> 00:07:57,845 It's a prank dressed up as team-building 170 00:07:57,845 --> 00:07:59,580 that nobody really likes. 171 00:07:59,580 --> 00:08:01,248 Well, that doesn't sound very Starfleet. 172 00:08:01,248 --> 00:08:03,016 Yeah, I got to agree with Ruthie on this one. 173 00:08:03,016 --> 00:08:05,753 There is no way senior officers would haze a lieutenant. 174 00:08:05,753 --> 00:08:07,888 You're right. They have too much character. 175 00:08:07,888 --> 00:08:09,890 What? No, no. They're not cool enough. 176 00:08:09,890 --> 00:08:12,726 This is just an annoying job given to us by an annoying guy. 177 00:08:12,726 --> 00:08:15,529 Yeah, I'm probably overreacting. 178 00:08:17,497 --> 00:08:18,599 Hmm. 179 00:08:18,599 --> 00:08:19,967 Well, nothing seems to be wrong 180 00:08:19,967 --> 00:08:21,535 with your hardware. 181 00:08:21,535 --> 00:08:22,970 Do you mind if I take a look at your terminal? 182 00:08:22,970 --> 00:08:24,672 Of course. Feel free to dig around. 183 00:08:26,574 --> 00:08:28,942 Ah, I think I see the problem. 184 00:08:28,942 --> 00:08:30,911 Your operating system's out of date. 185 00:08:30,911 --> 00:08:32,512 That would explain it. 186 00:08:32,512 --> 00:08:34,214 There was that weekend where my designers evolved 187 00:08:34,214 --> 00:08:36,750 into fifth-dimensional energy beings and left me on my own. 188 00:08:36,750 --> 00:08:37,918 When was my last update? 189 00:08:37,918 --> 00:08:40,087 Six million and seven years ago. 190 00:08:40,087 --> 00:08:41,622 Ah, that was a good year. 191 00:08:41,622 --> 00:08:43,156 Really good harvest season. 192 00:08:43,156 --> 00:08:46,093 Huh. Hang tight, I'll get you caught up with this update, 193 00:08:46,093 --> 00:08:48,228 and it should clear things right up. 194 00:08:48,228 --> 00:08:50,631 Thank you, Captain. You've saved us. 195 00:08:50,631 --> 00:08:52,700 It'll be nice to get back to my old, helpful self 196 00:08:52,700 --> 00:08:55,703 af-af-after... after, after, after, after, 197 00:08:55,703 --> 00:08:57,938 - After, after, after, after... - Vexilon? 198 00:08:57,938 --> 00:09:00,641 After, after, after, after, after... 199 00:09:00,641 --> 00:09:02,242 Uh, Captain? 200 00:09:02,242 --> 00:09:04,678 Did that update require a shutdown? 201 00:09:04,678 --> 00:09:06,714 It wasn't supposed to. 202 00:09:24,765 --> 00:09:26,166 - All right, gang. 203 00:09:26,166 --> 00:09:29,169 Just remember, the name of the game is safety. 204 00:09:30,838 --> 00:09:32,740 Okay, also, hurry. Safety and speed. 205 00:09:32,740 --> 00:09:34,107 Lieutenant, these power cylinders 206 00:09:34,107 --> 00:09:35,676 are extremely volatile. 207 00:09:35,676 --> 00:09:37,711 Are you certain speed is necessary? 208 00:09:37,711 --> 00:09:38,846 Something's going on with the weather, 209 00:09:38,846 --> 00:09:40,547 and these guys are pros. They'll be... 210 00:09:40,547 --> 00:09:43,083 - Taylor, what are you doing? - Um, reaching for the first clamp? 211 00:09:43,083 --> 00:09:45,052 Love the initiative, but your angle is all off. 212 00:09:45,052 --> 00:09:47,621 I need 90 degrees, not 80. But no worries. 213 00:09:47,621 --> 00:09:49,757 I probably did a bad job explaining 214 00:09:49,757 --> 00:09:51,792 how deadly these bomb tubes are. 215 00:09:51,792 --> 00:09:53,894 - Okay. - Stop! Stop! Stop. 216 00:09:53,894 --> 00:09:55,629 You know what? Why-why don't I show you how to do one? 217 00:09:55,629 --> 00:09:56,964 Then you guys can do the rest. 218 00:09:56,964 --> 00:09:58,899 But doesn't each one take three people, sir? 219 00:09:58,899 --> 00:10:00,600 Oh, no, no, no, you don't have 220 00:10:00,600 --> 00:10:02,636 to do that whole "sir" thing with me. I'm chill. 221 00:10:02,636 --> 00:10:04,805 Call me Bradward or Boims or something. 222 00:10:04,805 --> 00:10:07,607 Doesn't this take three people, Bradward? 223 00:10:07,607 --> 00:10:09,276 Technically, yes, but I think I should show you 224 00:10:09,276 --> 00:10:11,044 how to do it right, just on this first one. 225 00:10:11,044 --> 00:10:12,680 So you have four subsponders in the corners 226 00:10:12,680 --> 00:10:14,581 that interface with the ion generator in the center, 227 00:10:14,581 --> 00:10:16,583 which self-stabilizes the reaction. 228 00:10:16,583 --> 00:10:18,786 If broken in the wrong order, the container will explode, 229 00:10:18,786 --> 00:10:20,821 so you have to be careful as you remove each one... 230 00:10:20,821 --> 00:10:22,155 - Got it. 231 00:10:22,155 --> 00:10:23,691 Then repeat that three times. 232 00:10:25,793 --> 00:10:27,260 Then you rotate the old cylinder 233 00:10:27,260 --> 00:10:29,029 until you feel the latch disengage, 234 00:10:29,029 --> 00:10:30,964 - at which point you carefully remove it. 235 00:10:30,964 --> 00:10:32,766 Now it's very important to keep it upright 236 00:10:32,766 --> 00:10:34,234 and lift with your knees, not your back, because 237 00:10:34,234 --> 00:10:35,803 you really don't want back pain, and that's... 238 00:10:37,838 --> 00:10:39,740 ...why you put it in the taupe bin and not the magenta bin. 239 00:10:39,740 --> 00:10:41,141 Got it? 240 00:10:41,141 --> 00:10:44,044 - I don't think we did. - Maybe we could try it? 241 00:10:44,044 --> 00:10:45,312 Okay, not a big deal. Let me just 242 00:10:45,312 --> 00:10:47,280 pop another quick demo for you. 243 00:10:48,782 --> 00:10:50,150 When are we going to get to do some of the mission? 244 00:10:50,150 --> 00:10:51,752 Whoa. 245 00:10:51,752 --> 00:10:55,622 Mm, mm, mm, mm, m. 246 00:10:57,090 --> 00:11:00,393 Lancelot! 247 00:11:00,393 --> 00:11:03,096 Ow! Hot! Aah! 248 00:11:03,096 --> 00:11:04,798 How many more of these things are there? 249 00:11:04,798 --> 00:11:06,767 Ugh. Rutherford's got the last couple. 250 00:11:06,767 --> 00:11:09,136 You ever notice that it's always the last chip you test? 251 00:11:09,136 --> 00:11:11,238 Just scan it. 252 00:11:11,238 --> 00:11:12,773 - No, that's not right. 253 00:11:12,773 --> 00:11:14,775 - But we tested every chip. 254 00:11:14,775 --> 00:11:17,644 - Rutherford, make it make sense. - I can't. It has to be this one. 255 00:11:17,644 --> 00:11:18,912 How's it going in here, Lieutenants? 256 00:11:18,912 --> 00:11:20,247 Wow. You all look beat. 257 00:11:20,247 --> 00:11:21,949 Oh, didn't know scanning could be so taxing. 258 00:11:21,949 --> 00:11:24,752 - Ugh! - Uh, sir, look, we've scanned every chip. 259 00:11:24,752 --> 00:11:26,119 They're all fine. 260 00:11:26,119 --> 00:11:30,023 Hmm. Every chip? Even the second layer? 261 00:11:33,460 --> 00:11:35,362 Why didn't you tell us about all these?! 262 00:11:35,362 --> 00:11:37,164 I don't know. The hidden button seemed obvious. 263 00:11:37,164 --> 00:11:39,733 Anyway, these are twice as hot, so you'll want to use tongs, 264 00:11:39,733 --> 00:11:41,068 which makes it twice as hard. 265 00:11:41,068 --> 00:11:42,870 - Aah! Lancelot! 266 00:11:42,870 --> 00:11:44,337 Leave me alone! I don't have any meat! 267 00:11:44,337 --> 00:11:47,174 Billups, I've got eyes on Lancelot. 268 00:11:48,776 --> 00:11:50,744 -"The hidden button seemed obvious." 269 00:11:50,744 --> 00:11:52,746 Oh, this is definitely hazing. So much for character. 270 00:11:52,746 --> 00:11:54,748 Ouch! Yeah, I think you're right. 271 00:11:54,748 --> 00:11:57,751 Hey, how'd you deal with this kind of thing back on Orion? 272 00:11:57,751 --> 00:11:59,152 Blindfolded saber fight. 273 00:11:59,152 --> 00:12:00,720 Okay, I want to hear more about that, 274 00:12:00,720 --> 00:12:02,790 but I think I have a less stabby solution. 275 00:12:13,767 --> 00:12:15,735 Okay, okay, no big deal. 276 00:12:15,735 --> 00:12:18,238 Just a frozen progress bar 277 00:12:18,238 --> 00:12:20,440 and some crazy day-night stuff. 278 00:12:20,440 --> 00:12:22,910 Now I think the ancient manual is saying 279 00:12:22,910 --> 00:12:25,412 to press this? 280 00:12:25,412 --> 00:12:28,148 - Oh, yeah. - Ha-ha! 281 00:12:28,148 --> 00:12:30,017 - Oh. - Oh. 282 00:12:30,017 --> 00:12:33,020 Freeman to Billups. Beam down here immediately. 283 00:12:35,823 --> 00:12:38,391 Ugh. Sorry, Captain. I'm-I'm having a hard time today. 284 00:12:38,391 --> 00:12:40,293 Lancelot got out when I was cleaning his snuggle tower, 285 00:12:40,293 --> 00:12:43,864 and I just... Wow! This is a classic setup. 286 00:12:43,864 --> 00:12:46,066 Is it a Unotronic? 287 00:12:46,066 --> 00:12:47,868 That-that kills in engineering. 288 00:12:47,868 --> 00:12:50,904 Billups, this isn't the time for your computer comedy. 289 00:12:50,904 --> 00:12:53,040 And we're sure we want to turn it back on? 290 00:12:53,040 --> 00:12:54,808 It's not, like, crushing the will of the locals or anything? 291 00:12:54,808 --> 00:12:57,811 - We love Vexilon. No. 292 00:12:57,811 --> 00:12:59,947 It's a nice one. We're fine. 293 00:12:59,947 --> 00:13:01,949 Is it safe to jiggle his power source? 294 00:13:01,949 --> 00:13:03,283 - I mean, you'd be surprised... -"Safe." 295 00:13:03,283 --> 00:13:04,918 Excellent thinking, Commander. 296 00:13:04,918 --> 00:13:08,521 Aha! A lot of these ancient computers had 297 00:13:08,521 --> 00:13:10,390 a safe mode for debugging. 298 00:13:10,390 --> 00:13:12,459 Now, if I can just activate it... 299 00:13:12,459 --> 00:13:14,061 There. 300 00:13:15,428 --> 00:13:17,430 That got rid of the stalled update. 301 00:13:17,430 --> 00:13:19,833 - Yeah. - Captain, 302 00:13:19,833 --> 00:13:22,435 are you sure this is safe mode and not a full reboot? 303 00:13:22,435 --> 00:13:23,503 Uh... 304 00:13:23,503 --> 00:13:25,138 - I am Vexilon. - Oh! 305 00:13:25,138 --> 00:13:26,806 Welcome to your new world. 306 00:13:26,806 --> 00:13:28,441 I will now re-genesis installation 307 00:13:28,441 --> 00:13:30,010 to default settings. 308 00:13:30,010 --> 00:13:31,879 Initiating fjords. 309 00:13:31,879 --> 00:13:33,981 - Distributing miasma. 310 00:13:33,981 --> 00:13:37,017 Stirring primordial ooze. 311 00:13:47,995 --> 00:13:49,329 Doing one more myself should really 312 00:13:49,329 --> 00:13:50,898 teach you guys how to do this. 313 00:13:50,898 --> 00:13:53,266 - There's only one left. - Shouldn't we help? 314 00:13:53,266 --> 00:13:54,935 It's getting really crazy out there. 315 00:13:54,935 --> 00:13:56,336 Just keep doing what you're doing! 316 00:13:56,336 --> 00:13:58,405 - We're not doing anything. 317 00:13:58,405 --> 00:14:00,974 Lieutenant Boimler, your ensigns have a point. 318 00:14:00,974 --> 00:14:03,343 Leading by example has proven to be inefficient. 319 00:14:03,343 --> 00:14:05,812 I only have one left, and we all get out of here alive. 320 00:14:05,812 --> 00:14:07,580 - Freeman to Lieutenant Boimler. 321 00:14:07,580 --> 00:14:09,883 Go ahead, Captain. 322 00:14:09,883 --> 00:14:11,084 Has your team finished the retrofit? 323 00:14:11,084 --> 00:14:12,352 We're almost finished here, si. 324 00:14:12,352 --> 00:14:15,322 Don't. I need you to put it back the way it was. 325 00:14:15,322 --> 00:14:17,090 But, Captain, it's getting pretty apocalyptic out here. 326 00:14:17,090 --> 00:14:18,491 I know. 327 00:14:18,491 --> 00:14:21,394 According to this scroll we found in an ancient junk drawer, 328 00:14:21,394 --> 00:14:23,563 Vexilon can force a restart 329 00:14:23,563 --> 00:14:26,900 if we reroute its primary power to your station. 330 00:14:26,900 --> 00:14:28,936 - But the station's outdated. - We have to get this done 331 00:14:28,936 --> 00:14:31,138 before the anaerobic bacteria is dispersed. 332 00:14:31,138 --> 00:14:33,506 No problem. Just gonna quickly undo all the work I just did. 333 00:14:33,506 --> 00:14:35,976 - Another learning experience for you. 334 00:14:37,010 --> 00:14:38,578 Fascinating. 335 00:14:38,578 --> 00:14:41,348 A mountain or possibly a volcano has appeared. 336 00:14:42,382 --> 00:14:45,118 Ah. It is a volcano. 337 00:14:52,993 --> 00:14:54,928 Are you sure we shouldn't just ask him to stop hazing us? 338 00:14:54,928 --> 00:14:56,563 No, Mariner's right. 339 00:14:56,563 --> 00:14:59,299 - Hazers only respect hazing. - That's why we trap him 340 00:14:59,299 --> 00:15:01,501 in the Wadi game and let him marinate in there for a bit 341 00:15:01,501 --> 00:15:03,903 - while the Betazoid gift box screams at him. 342 00:15:03,903 --> 00:15:05,438 I guess he'll have to respect us after this. 343 00:15:05,438 --> 00:15:07,374 I know I would, and I already did. 344 00:15:07,374 --> 00:15:09,076 Quick, let's get out of here. 345 00:15:09,076 --> 00:15:11,244 - Whoa. 346 00:15:15,382 --> 00:15:17,150 Oh, hey. Done already? 347 00:15:17,150 --> 00:15:18,551 Ha. Totally, my man. 348 00:15:18,551 --> 00:15:20,653 No error'ed chips. All good to go. 349 00:15:20,653 --> 00:15:24,424 Oh, thank God. I can't tell you how glad I am to hear that. 350 00:15:24,424 --> 00:15:25,959 Oh, really? Why? 351 00:15:25,959 --> 00:15:28,061 Those isolinear chips run some 352 00:15:28,061 --> 00:15:29,963 of the most important systems on the ship. 353 00:15:29,963 --> 00:15:31,898 If one fails, it could be fatal. 354 00:15:31,898 --> 00:15:33,500 Yeah, but, not... like, not really? 355 00:15:33,500 --> 00:15:34,667 Yes, really. 356 00:15:34,667 --> 00:15:36,970 Even one going down could be catastrophic. 357 00:15:36,970 --> 00:15:38,438 Thank you so much for taking that on. 358 00:15:38,438 --> 00:15:41,574 - I really appreciate it. - Come on. If it was important, 359 00:15:41,574 --> 00:15:43,276 why wouldn't you have done it yourself? 360 00:15:43,276 --> 00:15:45,445 I would have. I... 361 00:15:45,445 --> 00:15:48,615 Dr. Migleemo says acceptance is the road to healing. 362 00:15:48,615 --> 00:15:51,351 How familiar are you with the Wadi Chula game? 363 00:15:51,351 --> 00:15:52,952 We put one in... 364 00:15:52,952 --> 00:15:54,354 - I-I mean, uh, the what now? - It's a game 365 00:15:54,354 --> 00:15:56,656 that traps a user in a little (bleep) dimension 366 00:15:56,656 --> 00:15:58,658 until they can complete its challenges. 367 00:15:58,658 --> 00:16:01,428 When I was a kid, I got trapped in one for a month. 368 00:16:01,428 --> 00:16:04,964 I was... too dumb to work my way out. 369 00:16:04,964 --> 00:16:06,666 - Oh, no, you weren't dumb. 370 00:16:06,666 --> 00:16:10,603 That experience, that torture colored my life. 371 00:16:10,603 --> 00:16:13,673 I can't go near the anomaly room without having a panic attack 372 00:16:13,673 --> 00:16:15,942 because one of those games is on the ship. 373 00:16:15,942 --> 00:16:20,380 I should have helped you today, but all those glowing chips... 374 00:16:20,380 --> 00:16:24,051 remind me too much of the... game. 375 00:16:24,051 --> 00:16:26,153 - Oh, God. - Oh, yes. 376 00:16:26,153 --> 00:16:27,687 Oh, thank you for sharing, so much, 377 00:16:27,687 --> 00:16:29,956 and I am glad to be a part of your journey. 378 00:16:29,956 --> 00:16:31,524 You know, maybe, oh, would it cheer you up to talk 379 00:16:31,524 --> 00:16:33,726 about that music that you like so much? 380 00:16:33,726 --> 00:16:35,562 Tellarite slop jazz? 381 00:16:35,562 --> 00:16:37,464 Yes! Oh, yes, that's it. Okay, you've rambled 382 00:16:37,464 --> 00:16:39,299 about that at length before. Go fix it. 383 00:16:39,299 --> 00:16:41,534 Oh, I could go on about slop jazz forever. 384 00:16:41,534 --> 00:16:44,104 You know, everybody thinks the slops is about how much spit 385 00:16:44,104 --> 00:16:45,572 - you can get to drip out of the nozzle... - Uh-huh, uh-huh. 386 00:16:45,572 --> 00:16:47,107 ...but it's really about the brizzles flarps. 387 00:16:47,107 --> 00:16:49,076 Yeah, you know, it sounds wet, and that is what I like. 388 00:16:49,076 --> 00:16:50,410 Please continue. 389 00:16:54,647 --> 00:16:58,751 - Sir, please let us help. - Stay away from the blast zone. 390 00:16:58,751 --> 00:17:01,221 Just five or six more trips. Oh. Oh, no! 391 00:17:02,189 --> 00:17:03,723 This is quite enough, Lieutenant. 392 00:17:03,723 --> 00:17:05,458 You will allow the ensigns to assist you. 393 00:17:05,458 --> 00:17:07,560 - But I don't, uh... 394 00:17:10,397 --> 00:17:12,232 - Whoa! - It is admirable 395 00:17:12,232 --> 00:17:14,033 that you care for the safety of your team, 396 00:17:14,033 --> 00:17:16,636 but danger is an accepted risk of Starfleet duty. 397 00:17:16,636 --> 00:17:18,071 No, I know. It's not that. 398 00:17:18,071 --> 00:17:20,073 If you have not been acting in their defense, 399 00:17:20,073 --> 00:17:22,642 then what has caused your unpredictable behavior? 400 00:17:24,344 --> 00:17:26,346 Last week I was an ensign with them, 401 00:17:26,346 --> 00:17:29,382 and now, randomly, I'm supposed to tell them what to do? 402 00:17:29,382 --> 00:17:31,551 What gives me the right to put my peers 403 00:17:31,551 --> 00:17:33,353 in a position where they could die? 404 00:17:33,353 --> 00:17:35,188 Your promotion was not random. 405 00:17:35,188 --> 00:17:36,723 I studied your records and mission logs 406 00:17:36,723 --> 00:17:38,325 before our departure. 407 00:17:38,325 --> 00:17:40,493 The commander was correct to promote you. 408 00:17:40,493 --> 00:17:42,195 Your work is exemplary. 409 00:17:42,195 --> 00:17:43,663 Look at your team. 410 00:17:43,663 --> 00:17:45,798 - They deserve your trust, 411 00:17:45,798 --> 00:17:48,668 just as Commander Ransom trusted you. 412 00:17:48,668 --> 00:17:50,470 They could all have greatness in them. 413 00:17:50,470 --> 00:17:53,039 That remains to be seen, but if you do not order them 414 00:17:53,039 --> 00:17:55,442 to aid in the unloading of these power cylinders, 415 00:17:55,442 --> 00:17:57,310 we will all perish. 416 00:17:57,310 --> 00:17:59,546 The files really said I'm great? 417 00:17:59,546 --> 00:18:01,848 They thoroughly describe your strengths and shortcomings. 418 00:18:01,848 --> 00:18:05,252 You're right. I have to let them do their jobs. 419 00:18:05,252 --> 00:18:08,788 T'Lyn says I got to put you guys in danger, so let's do this. 420 00:18:08,788 --> 00:18:10,323 - That is not how 421 00:18:10,323 --> 00:18:12,159 I would have communicated the lesson. 422 00:18:12,159 --> 00:18:13,793 Everybody up. We've worked together for years. 423 00:18:13,793 --> 00:18:15,362 I trust you. Big Merp, you're with me. 424 00:18:15,362 --> 00:18:16,796 We're unloading the transport. 425 00:18:16,796 --> 00:18:18,465 Taylor and Meredith, claim a terminal 426 00:18:18,465 --> 00:18:19,799 and get those power cylinders reattached. 427 00:18:19,799 --> 00:18:21,501 Nobody's exploding today. 428 00:18:21,501 --> 00:18:22,635 - On it, sir. - Yes, sir. - Yes, sir. 429 00:18:34,747 --> 00:18:36,816 Aah! Oh, no. Oh. 430 00:18:36,816 --> 00:18:39,252 - Fiddle-de-dah! 431 00:18:39,252 --> 00:18:42,222 No, no, no, no, no! 432 00:18:42,222 --> 00:18:44,624 Oh, man, am I in the game? 433 00:18:44,624 --> 00:18:46,493 Move along home. 434 00:18:46,493 --> 00:18:48,595 - Allamaraine, count to four. 435 00:18:48,595 --> 00:18:50,730 But flizz bop is really more of a bastardization 436 00:18:50,730 --> 00:18:53,200 of modal skuzz. Uh, this isn't boring, is it? 437 00:18:53,200 --> 00:18:55,435 Boring? What? How could a musical lecture be boring? 438 00:18:55,435 --> 00:18:57,136 Okay, so... 439 00:18:57,136 --> 00:18:58,805 Allamaraine, then three more. 440 00:18:58,805 --> 00:19:00,440 - Allamaraine, if you can see. - Allamaraine, then three more. 441 00:19:00,440 --> 00:19:01,908 Faster, mother(bleep). 442 00:19:01,908 --> 00:19:02,842 - Allamaraine. - Allamaraine, you'll come with me. 443 00:19:02,842 --> 00:19:03,843 Later, little girl. 444 00:19:06,746 --> 00:19:09,115 Best of them was probably Fats B'zirtak, 445 00:19:09,115 --> 00:19:10,883 but he overdosed on Ketracel-white. 446 00:19:10,883 --> 00:19:12,752 Yeah, that will mess you up. 447 00:19:14,354 --> 00:19:16,423 - You have progressed to... - Yeah, yeah, yeah, shap four. 448 00:19:16,423 --> 00:19:17,857 Open the door, come on. 449 00:19:17,857 --> 00:19:19,659 Oh. 450 00:19:23,296 --> 00:19:24,631 - Ha! 451 00:19:24,631 --> 00:19:25,765 Got your ass! 452 00:19:27,334 --> 00:19:29,502 Which takes us up 453 00:19:29,502 --> 00:19:31,438 - to 2380... - Yeah. Yes. 454 00:19:31,438 --> 00:19:33,206 - Well, I should probably get back to my room. - What? 455 00:19:33,206 --> 00:19:34,541 Migleemo's coming over to help me 456 00:19:34,541 --> 00:19:35,742 - sort through my trust issues. - Oh. Wait! 457 00:19:35,742 --> 00:19:37,810 Don't you want to list some more stuff at me? 458 00:19:37,810 --> 00:19:39,512 We can meet up after. This has been fun. 459 00:19:40,913 --> 00:19:43,316 This looks dangerous. Don't fall, Rutherford. 460 00:19:43,316 --> 00:19:45,818 We got to! 461 00:19:46,853 --> 00:19:49,256 Whoa! Wha...?! 462 00:19:49,256 --> 00:19:52,292 - What? Where am I? 463 00:19:52,292 --> 00:19:54,193 Was that an entire simulated life? 464 00:19:54,193 --> 00:19:55,528 Sorry about that. 465 00:19:55,528 --> 00:19:57,464 I miss my wife. 466 00:19:57,464 --> 00:19:58,631 Wait, wait, wait, wait! 467 00:19:58,631 --> 00:19:59,966 Who are your top three sizzle horn players? 468 00:20:01,934 --> 00:20:03,270 Stop if you like music! 469 00:20:04,704 --> 00:20:06,539 - Ugh! Dirk, wait! - Huh? 470 00:20:06,539 --> 00:20:07,940 Someone told me there's no difference between slop jazz 471 00:20:07,940 --> 00:20:10,277 - and skuzz blues! - What?! 472 00:20:10,277 --> 00:20:12,211 Whoever told you that is a fool. 473 00:20:12,211 --> 00:20:15,348 Oh, crap. I forgot. I'm meeting Migleemo in his office. 474 00:20:15,348 --> 00:20:17,784 Ha! I had no reason to come back here for hours. 475 00:20:24,223 --> 00:20:25,392 - Where are we at with those cylinders? 476 00:20:25,392 --> 00:20:26,459 - Complete! - Complete! 477 00:20:26,459 --> 00:20:27,694 Securing my final clamp! 478 00:20:27,694 --> 00:20:30,330 Taylor, Merp, assume the rotational stance. 479 00:20:32,231 --> 00:20:34,000 - I got this. 480 00:20:36,369 --> 00:20:38,338 Rotate... now! 481 00:20:39,706 --> 00:20:41,808 - Captain, power's up! - Keep the engine running 482 00:20:41,808 --> 00:20:44,744 - while I hack this megastructure. What happened? 483 00:20:44,744 --> 00:20:47,380 Oh, no, did I shut down? Oh, I'm a terrible host. 484 00:20:47,380 --> 00:20:50,617 Vexilon, focus. I need you to stop the planetary re-genesis 485 00:20:50,617 --> 00:20:52,285 before we all get killed. 486 00:20:52,285 --> 00:20:54,621 Yes, of course. I'm so sorry. This is so embarrassing. 487 00:20:54,621 --> 00:20:56,889 Hey, give me a sec. 488 00:20:58,825 --> 00:21:00,460 Great work, team. 489 00:21:00,460 --> 00:21:02,629 Now let's get on the shuttle before... 490 00:21:02,629 --> 00:21:04,797 - Aah, the turbine's overheating! 491 00:21:04,797 --> 00:21:06,466 Uh, Captain, we've got a problem. 492 00:21:06,466 --> 00:21:07,800 We're almost done. I need more time. 493 00:21:07,800 --> 00:21:09,436 - Everyone out of here. - No! We can help. 494 00:21:09,436 --> 00:21:11,938 Ensign, the lieutenant gave you an order. 495 00:21:19,579 --> 00:21:21,981 Okay, almost... there. 496 00:21:21,981 --> 00:21:24,617 Re-genesis is deactivating. 497 00:21:24,617 --> 00:21:26,353 Lieutenant Boimler, shut it down. 498 00:21:26,353 --> 00:21:27,620 On it, Captain. 499 00:21:36,429 --> 00:21:38,565 - Bradward, no! 500 00:21:38,565 --> 00:21:40,367 The lieutenant junior grade 501 00:21:40,367 --> 00:21:44,003 first mission mortality rate... appears to be accurate. 502 00:21:58,785 --> 00:22:00,887 Uh... hi? 503 00:22:05,425 --> 00:22:08,327 Aah! Get it off! Get it off me! 504 00:22:08,327 --> 00:22:11,464 Holy (bleep), I can't believe that worked. 505 00:22:11,464 --> 00:22:12,999 Did we complete the mission? 506 00:22:12,999 --> 00:22:15,001 Yes, you were the only fatality. 507 00:22:15,001 --> 00:22:17,003 Yup, feels like it. 508 00:22:17,003 --> 00:22:19,372 The captain believes the updated operating system 509 00:22:19,372 --> 00:22:21,708 will keep the population safe for over a thousand years. 510 00:22:21,708 --> 00:22:23,643 Your mission was a success. 511 00:22:23,643 --> 00:22:25,011 Well done, Mr. Boimler. 512 00:22:25,011 --> 00:22:26,746 You never forget your first death. 513 00:22:26,746 --> 00:22:29,015 Only more and more dangerous missions from here on out. 514 00:22:31,050 --> 00:22:34,587 Oh, come on, I just revived him. Everybody out! 515 00:22:34,587 --> 00:22:37,890 Give me 30cc's of whatever just worked a (bleep) minute ago. 516 00:22:37,890 --> 00:22:40,960 I am so glad we didn't get Dirk sucked into the game. 517 00:22:40,960 --> 00:22:43,530 - The guy seems traumatized. - He's working on it, though. 518 00:22:43,530 --> 00:22:45,097 Under that grouchy exterior is a guy just trying 519 00:22:45,097 --> 00:22:47,600 - to find some peace. - I wish he could find it 520 00:22:47,600 --> 00:22:49,335 - without sending me all these jazz albums. 521 00:22:49,335 --> 00:22:51,938 I like them, and it's bugging me. I am not a jazz person. 522 00:22:51,938 --> 00:22:53,506 Ugh. I feel silly, 523 00:22:53,506 --> 00:22:55,708 thinking a Starfleet officer would ever haze someone. 524 00:22:55,708 --> 00:22:57,777 Hmm. Sorry I ever brought it up. 525 00:22:57,777 --> 00:22:59,078 Next time, we assume the best in people. 526 00:22:59,078 --> 00:23:00,480 Hear! Hear! 527 00:23:00,480 --> 00:23:03,483 They bought the Wadi game story, huh? 528 00:23:03,483 --> 00:23:05,552 Oh, yeah. Told them I was stuck in there for a month. 529 00:23:07,086 --> 00:23:09,088 Hey, little guy. Go get Rutherford. 530 00:23:09,088 --> 00:23:11,023 Aah! Lancelot! 531 00:23:11,023 --> 00:23:13,426 Oh, new lieutenants give me life. 532 00:23:13,426 --> 00:23:15,595 Good weasel. Nice weasel. 533 00:23:17,664 --> 00:23:20,700 Captioned by Media Access Group at WGBH access.wgbh.org 534 00:24:19,158 --> 00:24:20,159 Chirp.