1 00:00:08,970 --> 00:00:10,970 [Major] This is so hard. 2 00:00:12,050 --> 00:00:13,591 Uh... 3 00:00:13,691 --> 00:00:15,691 I've been here before, million times. 4 00:00:19,212 --> 00:00:21,213 The pain never goes away. 5 00:00:25,014 --> 00:00:27,014 I just don't know what to say. 6 00:00:30,495 --> 00:00:31,475 It's a leaving card, John. 7 00:00:31,575 --> 00:00:33,576 Just put "all the best in your new job." 8 00:00:35,456 --> 00:00:36,557 Yeah. 9 00:00:36,657 --> 00:00:38,657 [exhales] 10 00:00:39,777 --> 00:00:41,778 Are you all right, mate? 11 00:00:43,418 --> 00:00:44,839 Yeah, 12 00:00:44,939 --> 00:00:47,199 just things are getting to me lately, you know, it's like... 13 00:00:47,299 --> 00:00:49,300 -[clattering] -[woman gasps] 14 00:00:50,460 --> 00:00:51,841 Shit! 15 00:00:51,941 --> 00:00:52,881 [woman] Oh, my God. 16 00:00:52,981 --> 00:00:54,281 I'm going to jump. 17 00:00:54,381 --> 00:00:56,242 Don't do it mate. Wait. 18 00:00:56,342 --> 00:00:57,762 Have we got a negotiator? 19 00:00:57,862 --> 00:00:59,242 I'll do it. 20 00:00:59,342 --> 00:01:01,523 No, you won't. Now one of you's must have done the course? 21 00:01:01,623 --> 00:01:03,364 Some things in life don't need a course. 22 00:01:03,464 --> 00:01:05,604 Yeah. And this isn't one of them. 23 00:01:05,704 --> 00:01:07,084 Roy. 24 00:01:07,184 --> 00:01:08,685 I've been there. 25 00:01:08,785 --> 00:01:09,885 I died, 26 00:01:09,985 --> 00:01:12,586 I know what he's messing with better than anyone. 27 00:01:14,146 --> 00:01:16,147 [indistinct radio chatter] 28 00:01:16,987 --> 00:01:17,807 I'll do it! 29 00:01:17,907 --> 00:01:18,968 Give us a minute! 30 00:01:19,068 --> 00:01:21,068 Sorry. 31 00:01:21,788 --> 00:01:23,289 I've got this. 32 00:01:23,389 --> 00:01:25,549 [indistinct radio chatter] 33 00:01:29,470 --> 00:01:32,211 It's all right mate, you don't have to do this. 34 00:01:32,311 --> 00:01:35,372 You could talk to someone, get some therapy. 35 00:01:35,472 --> 00:01:37,532 I've had therapy. You've seen me having therapy. 36 00:01:37,632 --> 00:01:39,693 Oh. Yeah, right, that's you, yeah. 37 00:01:39,793 --> 00:01:41,133 How's it going? 38 00:01:41,233 --> 00:01:42,894 How does it look like it's going? 39 00:01:42,994 --> 00:01:44,494 Shit. 40 00:01:44,594 --> 00:01:45,694 [stuttering] 41 00:01:45,794 --> 00:01:47,455 This isn't the answer to your problems, pal. 42 00:01:47,555 --> 00:01:49,595 I'm sick of being ignored. 43 00:01:50,396 --> 00:01:52,696 Now I'm centre of attention. 44 00:01:52,796 --> 00:01:54,017 You'll all remember this. 45 00:01:54,117 --> 00:01:56,097 [Carver] Whoa, whoa, no, no, no. Whoa, whoa. 46 00:01:56,197 --> 00:01:58,138 I remember you! I remember you! 47 00:01:58,238 --> 00:02:01,258 I've seen you a few times in Kelly's office. 48 00:02:01,358 --> 00:02:03,499 Yeah, yeah. You're an alcoholic, aren't you? 49 00:02:03,599 --> 00:02:04,739 That's confidential actually. 50 00:02:04,839 --> 00:02:05,860 Jeez. Sorry, sorry. 51 00:02:05,960 --> 00:02:08,020 [Major] What's all this? 52 00:02:08,120 --> 00:02:09,100 Nothing. 53 00:02:09,200 --> 00:02:10,821 Have you been going to Kelly's office? 54 00:02:10,921 --> 00:02:13,442 No. No, a couple of times. 55 00:02:13,962 --> 00:02:14,742 What for? 56 00:02:14,842 --> 00:02:16,102 Nothing. It's not important. 57 00:02:16,202 --> 00:02:17,783 [indistinct] 58 00:02:17,883 --> 00:02:19,063 What was he in there for? 59 00:02:19,163 --> 00:02:20,943 I don't know, but it was emotional. 60 00:02:21,043 --> 00:02:22,024 I think he wanted... 61 00:02:22,124 --> 00:02:24,604 Hey! You just said that's confidential! 62 00:02:27,245 --> 00:02:28,505 You're back together with her, aren't you? 63 00:02:28,605 --> 00:02:31,066 No, of course not. I've hardly seen her. 64 00:02:31,166 --> 00:02:32,907 You have. I've seen you together. 65 00:02:33,007 --> 00:02:35,427 In corners, whispering. 66 00:02:35,527 --> 00:02:37,228 That's to do with something else. 67 00:02:37,328 --> 00:02:39,328 I couldn't take it if you were back together. 68 00:02:40,208 --> 00:02:42,209 I couldn't live with that betrayal. 69 00:02:44,810 --> 00:02:45,870 Not again. 70 00:02:45,970 --> 00:02:47,230 -[whimpering] -[people exclaiming] 71 00:02:47,330 --> 00:02:49,331 [Carver] John! 72 00:02:50,171 --> 00:02:51,511 What are you doing? 73 00:02:51,611 --> 00:02:52,472 What the fuck! 74 00:02:52,572 --> 00:02:53,992 This is just your emotions again. 75 00:02:54,092 --> 00:02:55,112 There's nothing going on. 76 00:02:55,212 --> 00:02:56,993 Why should I believe you? 77 00:02:57,093 --> 00:02:59,093 [people exclaiming] 78 00:02:59,813 --> 00:03:01,874 I'll tell you why. 79 00:03:01,974 --> 00:03:03,314 Your marriage is over! 80 00:03:03,414 --> 00:03:06,915 We're all free agents, so if I was seeing Kelly, 81 00:03:07,015 --> 00:03:08,396 then I'd tell you to your face, 82 00:03:08,496 --> 00:03:11,376 because I'd have nothing to hide, would I? 83 00:03:19,138 --> 00:03:21,139 Yeah. I suppose. 84 00:03:22,379 --> 00:03:24,420 Now get back over the ledge, you soft twat. 85 00:03:32,302 --> 00:03:34,082 Oh this is high. 86 00:03:34,182 --> 00:03:36,203 Oh. Oh no. 87 00:03:36,303 --> 00:03:41,204 [whimpering] 88 00:03:41,304 --> 00:03:44,005 I'm actually struggling a bit. 89 00:03:44,105 --> 00:03:45,925 Can you shuffle round and give me a hand? 90 00:03:46,025 --> 00:03:48,326 Me? No, it's dangerous. 91 00:03:48,426 --> 00:03:49,486 You're about to kill yourself, 92 00:03:49,586 --> 00:03:51,587 what do you care if it's dangerous? 93 00:03:53,627 --> 00:03:55,608 -[screams] -[people exclaiming] 94 00:03:55,708 --> 00:03:57,708 Careful! 95 00:03:58,829 --> 00:04:00,829 [Major screaming] 96 00:04:02,029 --> 00:04:04,030 [music playing] 97 00:04:06,030 --> 00:04:08,031 [squealing] 98 00:04:09,071 --> 00:04:10,852 Pull me up pull me up! 99 00:04:10,952 --> 00:04:12,952 Get me leg over. Get me leg over. 100 00:04:13,792 --> 00:04:15,933 Steady, steady, steady. 101 00:04:16,033 --> 00:04:17,894 Oh, yeah. 102 00:04:17,994 --> 00:04:19,534 Cheers, pal. You alright? 103 00:04:19,634 --> 00:04:21,634 Oh, my God. 104 00:04:23,715 --> 00:04:25,575 I'm OK. 105 00:04:25,675 --> 00:04:28,056 It's these mood swings I've been having. 106 00:04:28,156 --> 00:04:29,136 You had us worried there. 107 00:04:29,236 --> 00:04:30,017 Yeah. 108 00:04:30,117 --> 00:04:31,577 That was very high, Roy. 109 00:04:31,677 --> 00:04:32,897 I'll make you a nice cup of tea. 110 00:04:32,997 --> 00:04:34,998 Two sugars? 111 00:04:38,599 --> 00:04:40,599 I'll get myself down then, shall I? 112 00:04:45,881 --> 00:04:47,141 [grunts] 113 00:04:47,241 --> 00:04:49,242 [static crackling] 114 00:04:50,802 --> 00:04:51,942 Witness protection? 115 00:04:52,042 --> 00:04:53,183 Why would we do that, 116 00:04:53,283 --> 00:04:54,943 there's a specialist Witpro unit. 117 00:04:55,043 --> 00:04:58,104 In this instance the subject has specifically requested 118 00:04:58,204 --> 00:04:59,944 that you two handle his case. 119 00:05:00,044 --> 00:05:01,865 Oh fuck. Don't tell me. 120 00:05:01,965 --> 00:05:03,345 Cleasby? Again? 121 00:05:03,445 --> 00:05:04,946 You're the only officers he trusts. 122 00:05:05,046 --> 00:05:07,346 If he had any sense, he'd want protecting from us. 123 00:05:07,446 --> 00:05:09,827 He's a valuable source. His life is in danger. 124 00:05:09,927 --> 00:05:10,747 Good. 125 00:05:10,847 --> 00:05:12,027 Look it's not difficult, 126 00:05:12,127 --> 00:05:14,548 just give him his new identity, it's all in here. 127 00:05:14,648 --> 00:05:18,069 I thought I should give you a simple case. Stress-free. 128 00:05:18,169 --> 00:05:21,810 After all, today's Pancake Day. 129 00:05:23,730 --> 00:05:24,951 What's she on about? 130 00:05:25,051 --> 00:05:26,671 No idea. 131 00:05:26,771 --> 00:05:27,631 Pancake Day. 132 00:05:27,731 --> 00:05:29,592 We don't understand, boss. Do we? 133 00:05:29,692 --> 00:05:31,032 No. 134 00:05:31,132 --> 00:05:32,913 Pancake Day. 135 00:05:33,013 --> 00:05:36,354 Oh. Oh, you mean my application for me promotion, boss, yeah? 136 00:05:36,454 --> 00:05:37,274 No. 137 00:05:37,374 --> 00:05:38,474 All right, Carver, we all know 138 00:05:38,574 --> 00:05:39,494 you've got your sights set on higher things. 139 00:05:39,574 --> 00:05:40,755 That's not what I'm talking about. 140 00:05:40,855 --> 00:05:42,855 Look, could you give us a minute, please, mate? 141 00:05:44,656 --> 00:05:46,436 It's all about you, isn't it, Roy? 142 00:05:46,536 --> 00:05:47,276 [sobbing] 143 00:05:47,376 --> 00:05:49,417 Yeah, right now, it is, yeah. 144 00:05:50,657 --> 00:05:54,158 No, I was talking about how Major's due to die today. 145 00:05:54,258 --> 00:05:56,719 I was being subtle. 146 00:05:56,819 --> 00:05:58,919 Anyway, you wanted to talk to me about your promotion? 147 00:05:59,019 --> 00:06:00,400 No. I want to talk about John. 148 00:06:00,500 --> 00:06:02,640 Oh, make your mind up, DI Carver. 149 00:06:02,740 --> 00:06:06,762 Or should I say, Superintendent Carver. 150 00:06:06,862 --> 00:06:07,962 Superintendent? 151 00:06:08,062 --> 00:06:09,722 You wouldn't have been my first choice, Roy, 152 00:06:09,822 --> 00:06:12,423 but the panel saw something in you that I don't. 153 00:06:13,063 --> 00:06:14,203 Congratulations. 154 00:06:14,303 --> 00:06:15,164 Thanks, boss. 155 00:06:15,264 --> 00:06:16,404 And it's perfect timing, 156 00:06:16,504 --> 00:06:18,585 just in case, you know, your partner does... 157 00:06:19,785 --> 00:06:20,965 No, we can't give up on him, boss. 158 00:06:21,065 --> 00:06:22,165 There must be something we can do. 159 00:06:22,265 --> 00:06:24,006 I haven't given up. Dr Parfit... 160 00:06:24,106 --> 00:06:25,566 Dr Parfit's useless. 161 00:06:25,666 --> 00:06:28,287 All she's done is build that shitty little robot. 162 00:06:28,387 --> 00:06:31,328 Searching the web for pretty little teapot. 163 00:06:31,428 --> 00:06:33,688 If you'll both just let me finish, please. 164 00:06:33,788 --> 00:06:34,569 Sorry. 165 00:06:34,669 --> 00:06:37,009 Yes, Dr Parfit has let us down. 166 00:06:37,109 --> 00:06:39,870 So I looked for outside assistance. 167 00:06:40,750 --> 00:06:42,751 Private sector. 168 00:06:44,671 --> 00:06:48,332 You helped when Millikan Biotech were victims of crime. 169 00:06:48,432 --> 00:06:50,753 So, I asked them to return the favour. 170 00:06:51,993 --> 00:06:53,213 So which one's the AI? 171 00:06:53,313 --> 00:06:54,534 Hard to tell, right? 172 00:06:54,634 --> 00:06:57,615 I made sure the AI components conformed to human- 173 00:06:57,715 --> 00:06:59,775 [Roxy] The one with the USB port in his head? 174 00:06:59,875 --> 00:07:00,695 Yeah there is that. 175 00:07:00,795 --> 00:07:02,376 Jesus. What is he a PlayStation 2? 176 00:07:02,476 --> 00:07:04,456 It's vestigial. 177 00:07:04,556 --> 00:07:05,937 I've made improvements. 178 00:07:06,037 --> 00:07:07,017 Graphene nanotubes? 179 00:07:07,117 --> 00:07:07,937 Of course. 180 00:07:08,037 --> 00:07:08,817 Convolutional networks? 181 00:07:08,917 --> 00:07:09,858 Naturally. 182 00:07:09,958 --> 00:07:10,738 Sentinel Prime? 183 00:07:10,838 --> 00:07:12,838 Character from Transformers 3. 184 00:07:13,439 --> 00:07:14,979 Oh, DI Carver. This is... 185 00:07:15,079 --> 00:07:16,099 Yeah, we've met. 186 00:07:16,199 --> 00:07:17,020 Right. 187 00:07:17,120 --> 00:07:17,940 Can you fix him? 188 00:07:18,040 --> 00:07:19,140 Yeah. 189 00:07:19,240 --> 00:07:22,061 Good. Because she's been, no offence, useless. 190 00:07:22,161 --> 00:07:24,301 Literally brought a man back from the dead. 191 00:07:24,401 --> 00:07:26,102 I'd have to examine the AI first. 192 00:07:26,202 --> 00:07:27,782 Whoa, whoa. Don't tell him he's dying. 193 00:07:27,882 --> 00:07:28,943 He doesn't know. 194 00:07:29,043 --> 00:07:29,983 He must've noticed. 195 00:07:30,083 --> 00:07:31,223 The drop in functionality, 196 00:07:31,323 --> 00:07:34,024 the inability to pursue rational thought. 197 00:07:34,124 --> 00:07:35,384 That's perfectly normal for him. 198 00:07:35,484 --> 00:07:36,625 Yeah. 199 00:07:36,725 --> 00:07:39,785 Also, his dad doesn't know he's AI. 200 00:07:39,885 --> 00:07:41,626 I told him I'm the AI. 201 00:07:41,726 --> 00:07:42,746 Well, imagine how you'd feel 202 00:07:42,846 --> 00:07:44,947 if you found out your kid was part-robot. 203 00:07:45,047 --> 00:07:45,867 Totally awesome. 204 00:07:45,967 --> 00:07:47,967 Yeah. So cool. 205 00:07:48,928 --> 00:07:50,428 So listen, I was wondering 206 00:07:50,528 --> 00:07:53,149 what your plans are for the weekend. 207 00:07:53,249 --> 00:07:54,789 I've got these vouchers for Laser Quest 208 00:07:54,889 --> 00:07:57,370 Johnnie, I'm going home. 209 00:07:59,130 --> 00:08:01,131 Back to Spain. 210 00:08:02,531 --> 00:08:04,532 What? 211 00:08:06,132 --> 00:08:08,353 The Chelsea Bridge case, it's not solved. 212 00:08:08,453 --> 00:08:11,013 I came here to help on the case and I have done. 213 00:08:12,654 --> 00:08:14,794 But they've got no idea who the real villain is. 214 00:08:14,894 --> 00:08:16,795 Cleasby said it's probably someone in the police. 215 00:08:16,895 --> 00:08:18,035 Leave it, John. 216 00:08:18,135 --> 00:08:19,176 Look, who was a powerful figure in the police? 217 00:08:19,256 --> 00:08:21,256 -Back then... -I said drop it! 218 00:08:27,698 --> 00:08:29,698 Sorry, Johnnie. 219 00:08:33,939 --> 00:08:35,940 Nothing to keep me here now. 220 00:08:48,103 --> 00:08:51,164 John, this is the new AI expert. 221 00:08:51,264 --> 00:08:52,804 She's going to help with some of your issues. 222 00:08:52,904 --> 00:08:54,205 Hey. Good to meet you. 223 00:08:54,305 --> 00:08:56,045 I want my dad. 224 00:08:56,145 --> 00:08:58,146 Why's he leaving me again? 225 00:08:59,506 --> 00:09:01,406 What did I do wrong? 226 00:09:01,506 --> 00:09:03,827 Wow. He really is confused. 227 00:09:04,947 --> 00:09:06,288 So what can you do about it? 228 00:09:06,388 --> 00:09:08,508 Some basic neuromorphic implants should stabilise him. 229 00:09:08,948 --> 00:09:09,729 That simple? 230 00:09:09,829 --> 00:09:11,369 I've never had those resources. 231 00:09:11,469 --> 00:09:15,010 What I do have is passion and commitment... 232 00:09:15,110 --> 00:09:17,470 Great, I'll let you know when we organise a jumble sale. 233 00:09:18,351 --> 00:09:19,451 Look, I've just been promoted. 234 00:09:19,551 --> 00:09:20,611 So I'm going to have more say 235 00:09:20,711 --> 00:09:23,012 in how things are run in this department. 236 00:09:23,112 --> 00:09:23,892 So you do this... 237 00:09:23,992 --> 00:09:25,993 Sorry, do you need to... 238 00:09:30,274 --> 00:09:32,354 Fucking hell! Sorry... 239 00:09:41,717 --> 00:09:43,217 Listen mate, do us a favour. 240 00:09:43,317 --> 00:09:47,278 Stop trying to commit suicide every five minutes, would ya? 241 00:09:49,759 --> 00:09:51,659 Because I'm such a disappointment to him. 242 00:09:51,759 --> 00:09:54,520 I mean, here's you, with your big promotion, 243 00:09:57,041 --> 00:09:58,341 Going nowhere. 244 00:09:58,441 --> 00:10:00,482 This is your mood swings talking, John. 245 00:10:01,362 --> 00:10:03,362 It'll pass, mate. 246 00:10:04,042 --> 00:10:06,043 Yeah. 247 00:10:11,884 --> 00:10:14,905 Open the door, Carver, I'm gonna do it. 248 00:10:15,005 --> 00:10:17,006 I can't take it anymore! 249 00:10:18,126 --> 00:10:20,127 Central locker, John. 250 00:10:35,130 --> 00:10:37,431 Lindsay Murdoch? That's a girls' name. 251 00:10:37,531 --> 00:10:39,432 When it's spelt with an A, it's a boy's name. 252 00:10:39,532 --> 00:10:41,272 You gave me a girl's name on purpose. 253 00:10:41,372 --> 00:10:43,193 If I had my way you'd be Billy Shitpants. 254 00:10:43,293 --> 00:10:45,753 You're Lindsay Murdoch. Get used to it, Cleasby. 255 00:10:45,853 --> 00:10:47,074 Don't call him Cleasby. 256 00:10:47,174 --> 00:10:48,234 What? 257 00:10:48,334 --> 00:10:49,634 Nobody knows his name's Cleasby. 258 00:10:49,734 --> 00:10:50,754 But we know it is Cleasby. 259 00:10:50,854 --> 00:10:52,195 That's why I'm calling him Cleasby. 260 00:10:52,295 --> 00:10:54,115 OK, OK! It's Lindsay Murdoch! 261 00:10:54,215 --> 00:10:56,216 I knew you'd warm to it, Lindsay. 262 00:10:57,096 --> 00:11:00,497 So what's the deal? Where do I live? What do I do? 263 00:11:03,898 --> 00:11:05,898 After you, 264 00:11:06,979 --> 00:11:08,399 Lindsay. 265 00:11:08,499 --> 00:11:10,500 [doorbell dinging] 266 00:11:12,980 --> 00:11:19,002 [chuckles] Look who it is. Luke Skywalker and R2D2. 267 00:11:19,102 --> 00:11:20,322 Gilbert and Ryle? 268 00:11:20,422 --> 00:11:22,283 We're called Jamie and Hilary now. 269 00:11:22,383 --> 00:11:24,483 I'm Jamie, he's Hilary. 270 00:11:24,583 --> 00:11:27,404 Hungry, DI Major? Here, have a chip. 271 00:11:27,504 --> 00:11:31,165 You know, a chip. Like in a computer. 272 00:11:31,265 --> 00:11:32,525 Why aren't you two in prison? 273 00:11:32,625 --> 00:11:36,486 We co-operated. Gave information on other bent coppers. 274 00:11:36,586 --> 00:11:39,807 In exchange for a quiet early retirement. 275 00:11:39,907 --> 00:11:41,408 Quiet as a mouse. 276 00:11:41,508 --> 00:11:44,168 You know, mouse, like on a computer... 277 00:11:44,268 --> 00:11:45,088 For fuck's sake Simon, 278 00:11:45,188 --> 00:11:47,189 will you give it a rest for once? 279 00:11:49,229 --> 00:11:50,370 It's Hilary. 280 00:11:50,470 --> 00:11:52,170 You remember your old pal Cleasby, don't you? 281 00:11:52,270 --> 00:11:53,451 Stop calling me Cleasby! 282 00:11:53,551 --> 00:11:54,611 Sorry, Cleasby. 283 00:11:54,711 --> 00:11:56,331 You remember your old pal Cleasby, don't you? 284 00:11:56,431 --> 00:11:58,612 Old pal? He shot me in the chest. 285 00:11:58,712 --> 00:12:00,212 Oh, this is a fucking nightmare. 286 00:12:00,312 --> 00:12:01,813 Why would you put me with these two? 287 00:12:01,913 --> 00:12:04,213 Because these are your guardian angels from now on. 288 00:12:04,313 --> 00:12:07,054 They want a quiet life, you want a quiet life. 289 00:12:07,154 --> 00:12:08,815 I think someone's been watching me. 290 00:12:08,915 --> 00:12:10,055 You're paranoid, Cleasby. 291 00:12:10,155 --> 00:12:11,295 Stop calling me Cleasby! 292 00:12:11,395 --> 00:12:13,056 It's watertight. 293 00:12:13,156 --> 00:12:15,056 I've not told anyone apart from my dad, 294 00:12:15,156 --> 00:12:16,176 and neither has Carver. 295 00:12:16,276 --> 00:12:17,097 We're professionals. 296 00:12:17,197 --> 00:12:18,697 What? You told your dad? 297 00:12:18,797 --> 00:12:21,418 Yeah, I've been trying to build a closer relationship with him. 298 00:12:21,518 --> 00:12:23,858 -He's a cop. He's trustworthy. -But that's not the point. 299 00:12:23,958 --> 00:12:25,459 Is he? Is he trustworthy? 300 00:12:25,559 --> 00:12:26,659 We'll soon find out if he is, won't we? 301 00:12:26,759 --> 00:12:27,779 What's that supposed to mean? 302 00:12:27,879 --> 00:12:29,060 Well, if someone does kill Cleasby, 303 00:12:29,160 --> 00:12:30,380 we'll know your dad's responsible. 304 00:12:30,480 --> 00:12:32,261 And when no one kills him, we'll know Dad's clean. 305 00:12:32,361 --> 00:12:33,341 So it's an experiment? 306 00:12:33,441 --> 00:12:34,621 Yeah, if you like. 307 00:12:34,721 --> 00:12:36,762 An experiment? I don't want to be an experiment. 308 00:12:37,762 --> 00:12:39,462 I want to be relocated. Again. 309 00:12:39,562 --> 00:12:42,343 So do I. Not with him this time. 310 00:12:42,443 --> 00:12:44,444 I'm sorry, Simon. I've had enough. 311 00:12:46,084 --> 00:12:47,424 It's Hilary. 312 00:12:47,524 --> 00:12:50,425 Look, you're all safe, yeah, stop worrying. 313 00:12:50,525 --> 00:12:52,746 But if anything happens to me, 314 00:12:52,846 --> 00:12:56,807 anything at all, then your dad will get the blame. 315 00:12:58,327 --> 00:12:59,788 Doesn't seem fair. 316 00:12:59,888 --> 00:13:01,948 What? You mean, I should make sure 317 00:13:02,048 --> 00:13:03,589 Dad's not the only person 318 00:13:03,689 --> 00:13:04,789 that knows where you are? 319 00:13:04,889 --> 00:13:06,069 -What? No, I don't... -No, no, no, no. No, no. 320 00:13:06,169 --> 00:13:07,430 No, you're right. 321 00:13:07,530 --> 00:13:10,090 I'm not having my dad get the blame if you get killed. 322 00:13:10,770 --> 00:13:12,391 Thanks, Cleasby. 323 00:13:12,491 --> 00:13:14,491 Fucking dickhead. 324 00:13:14,811 --> 00:13:18,673 His name's Cleasby! Liam Cleasby! 325 00:13:18,773 --> 00:13:19,913 He works in there 326 00:13:20,013 --> 00:13:21,833 and he's on the witness protection programme! 327 00:13:21,933 --> 00:13:23,234 John, shut up. What are you doing? 328 00:13:23,334 --> 00:13:26,955 Liam Cleasby! A lot of bad guys want that information! 329 00:13:27,055 --> 00:13:28,075 Shut up! 330 00:13:28,175 --> 00:13:29,795 That's him! He's here! 331 00:13:29,895 --> 00:13:30,876 Remember that face. 332 00:13:30,976 --> 00:13:31,916 Shut up! 333 00:13:32,016 --> 00:13:33,436 Look, I'm not having you blame my dad. 334 00:13:33,536 --> 00:13:34,917 I won't blame your dad. I'll blame you! 335 00:13:35,017 --> 00:13:36,277 Liam Cle- 336 00:13:36,377 --> 00:13:39,598 Not Lindsay Murdoch, Liam Cleasby! 337 00:13:39,698 --> 00:13:41,558 Sir! That guy in the coffee shop. 338 00:13:41,658 --> 00:13:43,119 -DI Carver. -Yeah, Witpro cover blown. 339 00:13:43,219 --> 00:13:44,159 Very dangerous individual. 340 00:13:44,259 --> 00:13:45,199 -Do not go in there. -At the coffee... 341 00:13:45,299 --> 00:13:47,400 Tell everybody you know. Liam Cleason. 342 00:13:47,500 --> 00:13:49,500 ...Queen Street, now! 343 00:13:54,102 --> 00:13:55,482 Dozy fucking gobshite! 344 00:13:55,582 --> 00:13:57,082 Alright, Roy, you've made your point. 345 00:13:57,182 --> 00:13:58,563 They all need relocating now 346 00:13:58,663 --> 00:14:00,723 just because you couldn't keep your fuckin big mouth shut. 347 00:14:00,823 --> 00:14:03,124 Look I didn't want you pinning anything on my dad. 348 00:14:03,224 --> 00:14:04,124 Well, you shouldn't have told 349 00:14:04,224 --> 00:14:06,225 your friggin dad then, should you! 350 00:14:12,226 --> 00:14:14,287 -Where are you going now? -Fuck off! 351 00:14:14,387 --> 00:14:16,687 Roxy. Roxy. 352 00:14:16,787 --> 00:14:18,688 The sooner you sort him out the better. 353 00:14:18,788 --> 00:14:20,208 Slight change of plan there. 354 00:14:20,308 --> 00:14:21,449 But you said you'd fix him. 355 00:14:21,549 --> 00:14:23,449 I said I could. Didn't say I would. 356 00:14:23,549 --> 00:14:25,130 Well why did you come here in the first place? 357 00:14:25,230 --> 00:14:26,650 Fact finding expedition. 358 00:14:26,750 --> 00:14:28,891 See If I could pick up anything useful. 359 00:14:28,991 --> 00:14:30,991 Which I did. 360 00:14:32,952 --> 00:14:35,012 She made me a very attractive offer. 361 00:14:35,112 --> 00:14:36,693 No, you can't go, 362 00:14:36,793 --> 00:14:38,793 you have got a commitment to SIU. 363 00:14:39,153 --> 00:14:39,933 To Major. 364 00:14:40,033 --> 00:14:41,174 Why would you want me to stay? 365 00:14:41,274 --> 00:14:42,494 You've said it yourself, 366 00:14:42,594 --> 00:14:45,555 I've been, "no offence", useless. 367 00:14:47,635 --> 00:14:50,416 Dr Parfit, what can I do? 368 00:14:50,516 --> 00:14:52,517 How can I save him? 369 00:14:55,998 --> 00:14:56,898 Fuck, no. Wait. 370 00:14:56,998 --> 00:14:58,378 Carver, Major. There's been a hit, 371 00:14:58,478 --> 00:14:59,899 on a witness protection client. 372 00:14:59,999 --> 00:15:01,999 Hospital now! 373 00:15:09,041 --> 00:15:09,861 Is he dead? 374 00:15:09,961 --> 00:15:11,962 No. No thanks to you. 375 00:15:12,362 --> 00:15:14,362 Good. 376 00:15:15,002 --> 00:15:17,003 I'm going to get a Twix. 377 00:15:22,124 --> 00:15:23,705 Gilbert. 378 00:15:23,805 --> 00:15:25,105 What happened? 379 00:15:25,205 --> 00:15:27,106 Have a wild guess. 380 00:15:27,206 --> 00:15:29,206 I got bloody shot, didn't I? 381 00:15:30,046 --> 00:15:30,947 Again. 382 00:15:31,047 --> 00:15:31,947 Where's Cleasby? 383 00:15:32,047 --> 00:15:33,347 Oh, I'm gonna stop you there, Roy, 384 00:15:33,447 --> 00:15:35,268 we definitely have to call him Lindsay Murdoch. 385 00:15:35,368 --> 00:15:37,368 That ship's fucking sailed, mate. 386 00:15:37,808 --> 00:15:39,809 It happened just after you left. 387 00:15:43,010 --> 00:15:45,170 CCTV footage come through. 388 00:15:46,771 --> 00:15:48,071 [Ryle] Weird-looking guy came in, 389 00:15:48,171 --> 00:15:49,311 Cleasby recognised him. 390 00:15:49,411 --> 00:15:50,712 Oh, not again... 391 00:15:50,812 --> 00:15:52,812 Oh, shit. He's got a gun. 392 00:15:53,892 --> 00:15:55,893 Get away! 393 00:15:57,373 --> 00:15:58,914 Oh, not again. 394 00:15:59,014 --> 00:15:59,834 Did you push him? 395 00:15:59,934 --> 00:16:00,674 No. 396 00:16:00,774 --> 00:16:01,794 It looks like you pushed him. 397 00:16:01,894 --> 00:16:02,715 What's he saying? 398 00:16:02,815 --> 00:16:03,515 Nothing. 399 00:16:03,615 --> 00:16:05,615 -Can I have a look? -No. 400 00:16:08,616 --> 00:16:10,677 Oh chip pan in the face! 401 00:16:10,777 --> 00:16:12,817 Bloody hell. Look what we missed. 402 00:16:18,259 --> 00:16:19,199 He talking yet? 403 00:16:19,299 --> 00:16:21,299 He said the lawyers name, Churchland. 404 00:16:22,340 --> 00:16:24,080 Soon as he's lucid we'll find out 405 00:16:24,180 --> 00:16:26,181 who she's working for. 406 00:16:28,661 --> 00:16:30,322 The hitman's in a bed next door, 407 00:16:30,422 --> 00:16:32,362 they've moved Cleasby to a secret location. 408 00:16:32,462 --> 00:16:33,523 Good. Where? 409 00:16:33,623 --> 00:16:35,523 No... I mean secret from you. 410 00:16:35,623 --> 00:16:37,484 He said not to tell you, ever. 411 00:16:37,584 --> 00:16:40,124 And I don't blame him, because you're a security threat 412 00:16:40,224 --> 00:16:42,445 who told his dad where Cleasby was. 413 00:16:42,545 --> 00:16:44,205 I tell Dad everything about work. 414 00:16:44,305 --> 00:16:45,286 Everything? 415 00:16:45,386 --> 00:16:47,526 Yeah. We've been helping each other out. 416 00:16:47,626 --> 00:16:51,127 You're an absolute fucking bellend! 417 00:16:51,227 --> 00:16:52,808 Kelly was right! 418 00:16:52,908 --> 00:16:54,908 Your dad's bent! 419 00:16:55,708 --> 00:16:56,729 Kelly? 420 00:16:56,829 --> 00:16:58,409 Yeah, she said your dad was dodgy, right? 421 00:16:58,509 --> 00:17:01,010 And I ignored her because I was trying to protect you! 422 00:17:01,110 --> 00:17:02,290 Oh Right! 423 00:17:02,390 --> 00:17:03,650 So you have been talking to Kelly. 424 00:17:03,750 --> 00:17:05,651 Not fucking half as much as I should have. 425 00:17:05,751 --> 00:17:07,751 -You... -Yeah, go on. 426 00:17:10,592 --> 00:17:12,913 Go on, there you go. Run off to Daddy! 427 00:17:15,433 --> 00:17:17,434 To tell him he's being framed, 428 00:17:18,434 --> 00:17:20,435 by you. 429 00:17:22,195 --> 00:17:24,596 He put our lives in danger. 430 00:17:25,436 --> 00:17:27,436 We could have you for negligence. 431 00:17:30,757 --> 00:17:32,758 Sorry. 432 00:17:33,278 --> 00:17:35,298 Or we could have him done for battery. 433 00:17:35,398 --> 00:17:36,659 You know, battery. Like a... 434 00:17:36,759 --> 00:17:40,720 Simon, I swear I'll turn that fucking thing off myself. 435 00:17:41,560 --> 00:17:43,561 It's Hilary. 436 00:17:44,121 --> 00:17:46,121 [grunts] 437 00:17:57,084 --> 00:17:58,304 Kelly! 438 00:17:58,404 --> 00:17:59,305 [banging at door] 439 00:17:59,405 --> 00:18:00,745 Kelly! 440 00:18:00,845 --> 00:18:01,905 Kel! 441 00:18:02,005 --> 00:18:03,066 Oh, OK. 442 00:18:03,166 --> 00:18:05,546 It's John's dad. He's behind the whole thing. 443 00:18:05,646 --> 00:18:07,587 The picture you showed me, you was right. 444 00:18:07,687 --> 00:18:08,947 Clifford knows the hitman, 445 00:18:09,047 --> 00:18:10,948 and he's probably got the lawyer working for him as well, 446 00:18:11,048 --> 00:18:13,048 and now he's using John. 447 00:18:14,529 --> 00:18:17,609 Shouldn't you be telling Dennett or somebody? 448 00:18:23,371 --> 00:18:25,371 I fucked up, Kel. 449 00:18:25,691 --> 00:18:27,732 I mean, I, I don't know what to do. 450 00:18:28,532 --> 00:18:29,913 My partner hates me. 451 00:18:30,013 --> 00:18:31,193 He's dying. 452 00:18:31,293 --> 00:18:32,573 And now the only person that could have saved him 453 00:18:32,653 --> 00:18:34,654 has resigned because of me. 454 00:18:35,494 --> 00:18:37,594 It's my fault. 455 00:18:37,694 --> 00:18:39,695 I'm sorry I didn't listen to you. 456 00:18:42,696 --> 00:18:44,696 Roy. 457 00:18:45,096 --> 00:18:47,097 I don't know what to do. 458 00:19:06,862 --> 00:19:08,002 Where's John now? 459 00:19:08,102 --> 00:19:09,923 He's gone to tell his dad that I'm onto him. 460 00:19:10,023 --> 00:19:12,023 We need to stop that. I'm gonna get my coat. 461 00:19:14,224 --> 00:19:16,224 -Start the car! -Okay. 462 00:19:16,865 --> 00:19:18,865 OK, let's try Clifford's hotel first. 463 00:19:24,186 --> 00:19:25,767 [Majors] He accused you, Dad. 464 00:19:25,867 --> 00:19:28,628 Said you set up the attempt on Cleasby. 465 00:19:29,468 --> 00:19:30,288 Attempt? 466 00:19:30,388 --> 00:19:31,688 So he survived then, did he? 467 00:19:31,788 --> 00:19:32,409 He's fine. 468 00:19:32,509 --> 00:19:34,449 They got the hitman too. 469 00:19:34,549 --> 00:19:36,530 They'll interview him when he comes round. 470 00:19:36,630 --> 00:19:38,490 Offer him a deal. 471 00:19:38,590 --> 00:19:40,451 Where's Cleasby now? 472 00:19:40,551 --> 00:19:42,611 Dad, you don't get it. 473 00:19:42,711 --> 00:19:45,012 Carver thinks you were involved in Chelsea Bridge. 474 00:19:45,112 --> 00:19:46,012 He wants to arrest you. 475 00:19:46,112 --> 00:19:48,133 I'm not too worried about DI Carver. 476 00:19:48,233 --> 00:19:49,173 Good. 477 00:19:49,273 --> 00:19:50,693 Because I'm going to clear your name. 478 00:19:50,793 --> 00:19:52,794 Then you can stay here, with me, 479 00:19:55,074 --> 00:19:56,015 we can go to Laser Quest-- 480 00:19:56,115 --> 00:19:58,155 I'm not worried about your robot pal 481 00:19:59,476 --> 00:20:01,476 because 482 00:20:01,796 --> 00:20:04,037 he won't be a problem for much longer. 483 00:20:06,397 --> 00:20:08,978 I heard some whispers at SIU. 484 00:20:09,078 --> 00:20:12,519 The AI cop's going to be dead by tomorrow. 485 00:20:15,320 --> 00:20:17,020 What? 486 00:20:17,120 --> 00:20:18,300 Something about his AI bit 487 00:20:18,400 --> 00:20:22,581 and his human bit being incompatible. 488 00:20:22,681 --> 00:20:23,782 I don't understand the science 489 00:20:23,882 --> 00:20:25,982 but basically, 490 00:20:26,082 --> 00:20:27,983 his emotions are fucked, 491 00:20:28,083 --> 00:20:30,083 and he's going to crash. 492 00:20:34,084 --> 00:20:35,625 Sorry, son. 493 00:20:35,725 --> 00:20:37,725 I know he's a friend of yours. 494 00:20:45,447 --> 00:20:47,648 John, it was all there, John. 495 00:20:49,288 --> 00:20:51,289 [Carver] John's dying. 496 00:20:52,089 --> 00:20:54,190 You didn't listen. 497 00:20:54,290 --> 00:20:56,290 John. 498 00:21:24,297 --> 00:21:25,358 It's all gone to shit. 499 00:21:25,458 --> 00:21:27,438 Cleasby survived, 500 00:21:27,538 --> 00:21:29,539 they're going to offer Pigtails a deal. 501 00:21:29,859 --> 00:21:30,479 There he is. 502 00:21:30,579 --> 00:21:32,579 [Carver] Clifford! 503 00:21:33,100 --> 00:21:33,920 Where's John? 504 00:21:34,020 --> 00:21:35,600 He ran off, 505 00:21:35,700 --> 00:21:37,701 seemed upset about something. 506 00:21:39,181 --> 00:21:41,682 Roy, we need to go. 507 00:21:41,782 --> 00:21:43,782 John's out there, on his own, on Pancake Day. 508 00:21:46,303 --> 00:21:47,643 Finish your drink. 509 00:21:47,743 --> 00:21:49,744 I'll come back for you. 510 00:21:51,224 --> 00:21:53,585 And you think I'll be sitting here waiting? 511 00:21:55,425 --> 00:21:57,166 Roy! 512 00:21:57,266 --> 00:21:59,266 Off you go. 513 00:22:16,911 --> 00:22:18,931 [Major] These things are getting to me lately. 514 00:22:19,031 --> 00:22:21,032 [Clifford] His emotions are fucked, he's gonna crash. 515 00:22:22,872 --> 00:22:23,973 Oh, fuck. Ugh! 516 00:22:24,073 --> 00:22:25,213 Am I dying? 517 00:22:25,313 --> 00:22:27,734 [Carver] No, I swear on me mum's life. 518 00:22:27,834 --> 00:22:30,014 [Major] These are mood swings, I've been having, 519 00:22:30,114 --> 00:22:33,655 I've seen you together. In corners, whispering. 520 00:22:33,755 --> 00:22:34,695 [groans] 521 00:22:34,795 --> 00:22:35,896 That's to do with something else. 522 00:22:35,996 --> 00:22:37,416 I couldn't live with that betrayal. 523 00:22:37,516 --> 00:22:38,336 Not again. 524 00:22:38,436 --> 00:22:39,337 [Clifford] AI cop... 525 00:22:39,437 --> 00:22:40,817 -[overlapping audio] -...dead. 526 00:22:40,917 --> 00:22:41,577 Pancake Day. 527 00:22:41,677 --> 00:22:42,457 [Major] Am I dying? 528 00:22:42,557 --> 00:22:43,738 I'm not gonna tell ya. 529 00:22:43,838 --> 00:22:45,298 [grunting] 530 00:22:45,398 --> 00:22:47,059 Am I dying? 531 00:22:47,159 --> 00:22:49,159 [distorted] Am I dying? 532 00:22:50,760 --> 00:22:51,540 [groans] 533 00:22:51,640 --> 00:22:53,640 [Clifford] Sorry, Johnnie. 534 00:22:54,320 --> 00:22:56,321 Nothing to keep me here now.