1 00:00:01,076 --> 00:00:03,669 ♪ The Great North ♪ 2 00:00:03,746 --> 00:00:04,986 ♪ Here we live, oh, oh ♪ 3 00:00:05,006 --> 00:00:06,488 ♪ Here we'll stay, oh, whoo ♪ 4 00:00:06,565 --> 00:00:08,081 ♪ From longest night to longest day ♪ 5 00:00:08,217 --> 00:00:11,552 ♪ In the Great North. ♪ 6 00:00:14,015 --> 00:00:16,164 (cheering) 7 00:00:16,258 --> 00:00:17,407 JUDY: Good morning, 8 00:00:17,426 --> 00:00:19,910 my aurora imaginary-best-friend-ealis. 9 00:00:19,928 --> 00:00:22,021 So, you know how I've been doing some investigative journalism 10 00:00:22,172 --> 00:00:25,024 for the school newspaper about the Saved by the Spells? 11 00:00:25,175 --> 00:00:26,525 They were a school secret society or something? 12 00:00:26,676 --> 00:00:30,254 Uh, they were a school secret society or everything. 13 00:00:30,347 --> 00:00:32,514 25 years ago, a group of students 14 00:00:32,533 --> 00:00:34,274 calling themselves the Saved by the Spells 15 00:00:34,368 --> 00:00:37,685 pulled off the most legendary prank in school history when, 16 00:00:37,705 --> 00:00:40,372 in the cover of darkness, they mowed 17 00:00:40,599 --> 00:00:43,208 Keanu Reeves's face into the soccer field. 18 00:00:43,435 --> 00:00:44,859 People could recognize Keanu's face 19 00:00:44,953 --> 00:00:46,453 from the grass on a soccer field? 20 00:00:46,605 --> 00:00:49,289 Uh, no, but they left behind a note saying, 21 00:00:49,383 --> 00:00:52,367 "We mowed Keanu Reeves's face into the soccer field," 22 00:00:52,444 --> 00:00:54,369 and then everyone was like, "Oh, wow." 23 00:00:54,463 --> 00:00:55,462 So, yesterday, 24 00:00:55,556 --> 00:00:57,281 someone emailed me an anonymous tip 25 00:00:57,299 --> 00:00:59,058 to search the school's decommissioned practice mine, 26 00:00:59,285 --> 00:01:02,210 where, for years, all Lone Moose children were prepared 27 00:01:02,229 --> 00:01:03,970 for an inevitable life of work underground. 28 00:01:04,065 --> 00:01:06,047 There, I found this. 29 00:01:06,067 --> 00:01:07,399 It's basically an instruction manual 30 00:01:07,626 --> 00:01:09,384 for starting my own chapter of the Spells. 31 00:01:09,553 --> 00:01:12,220 You know having a secret society has always been my dream. 32 00:01:12,239 --> 00:01:13,572 A secret club is very fun. 33 00:01:13,723 --> 00:01:15,390 It reminds me of the secret girls trips to Cabo 34 00:01:15,409 --> 00:01:17,150 I used to take with Sarah McLachlan, 35 00:01:17,303 --> 00:01:18,744 Ani DiFranco and Joan Osborne. 36 00:01:18,821 --> 00:01:21,154 Why were they secret? To ward off the paparazzi? 37 00:01:21,248 --> 00:01:22,897 -To ward off Dave Grohl. -Oh. 38 00:01:22,917 --> 00:01:24,808 I love me some Davey G, but they were girls trips. 39 00:01:24,901 --> 00:01:27,327 It was Joan Osborne's idea to tell him that "Cabo" was code 40 00:01:27,479 --> 00:01:28,979 for taco night at Baja Fresh. 41 00:01:28,997 --> 00:01:30,738 So we'd go for a 45-minute dinner at Baja Fresh 42 00:01:30,758 --> 00:01:32,591 with Dave Grohl, and then leave for the airport 43 00:01:32,818 --> 00:01:35,260 to spend two weeks living it up in Cabo without him. 44 00:01:35,412 --> 00:01:37,429 Noted. When planning a girls trip to Cabo, 45 00:01:37,581 --> 00:01:39,581 keep it hush-hush around David Grohl. 46 00:01:39,675 --> 00:01:41,100 Oh, my gosh, is that... 47 00:01:41,251 --> 00:01:44,161 Yes. The CB parts that were on backorder finally arrived. 48 00:01:44,179 --> 00:01:46,179 Hey, Ham and Judy, you guys want to get in 49 00:01:46,332 --> 00:01:49,516 on this sweet CB radio action after school today? 50 00:01:49,668 --> 00:01:51,610 Sorry, Moon, we're busy. 51 00:01:51,761 --> 00:01:53,612 -We are? -Yes. You know. 52 00:01:53,763 --> 00:01:55,839 The meeting about the thing. 53 00:01:55,858 --> 00:01:57,449 Ham, I think your sister is insinuating 54 00:01:57,601 --> 00:02:00,452 that you two might be getting up to mild teenage shenanigans 55 00:02:00,679 --> 00:02:02,362 that she would prefer I not know about. 56 00:02:02,514 --> 00:02:04,364 -I fixed it. -TRUCKER (over radio): This is HJ Hank. 57 00:02:04,516 --> 00:02:06,366 -Breaker, breaker, looking for some takers. -Uh, oh... 58 00:02:06,518 --> 00:02:07,851 -Okay. Uh... -I'll be in the third stall of the bathroom 59 00:02:07,944 --> 00:02:09,444 -at the church. -Dad. 60 00:02:09,463 --> 00:02:11,279 We didn't even get to hear where to meet HJ Hank. 61 00:02:11,373 --> 00:02:13,615 -Okay. -Uh, I forgot to tell you that the best channel on here 62 00:02:13,709 --> 00:02:15,709 -is channel eight. -Oh, that's where Ham and I 63 00:02:15,878 --> 00:02:18,303 made our trucker friend during our CB radio phase. 64 00:02:18,455 --> 00:02:19,696 Ruff Barkins. 65 00:02:19,789 --> 00:02:21,640 He'd drive up and down the highway nearby every day 66 00:02:21,809 --> 00:02:23,867 looking for his stolen dog Honk. 67 00:02:24,036 --> 00:02:25,293 -Did he ever find him? -I don't know. 68 00:02:25,312 --> 00:02:26,961 Mom figured out how to steal cable, 69 00:02:26,981 --> 00:02:28,872 and we never turned the CB radio on again. 70 00:02:28,891 --> 00:02:31,984 Well, we'd better get to school so you kids aren't late. 71 00:02:32,060 --> 00:02:34,561 Dad, can I try channel eight when I get home? 72 00:02:34,655 --> 00:02:36,713 -If you insist, son. -Yes. 73 00:02:36,806 --> 00:02:38,215 TRUCKER 2: This is Toe-Sucking Tony. 74 00:02:38,233 --> 00:02:39,825 -Pull off them socks. -(chuckling): Ah! Okay. 75 00:02:40,052 --> 00:02:41,051 Good Lord. 76 00:02:41,069 --> 00:02:42,235 WOLF: Who looks better for drinks 77 00:02:42,329 --> 00:02:43,720 with my boy Cheesecake tonight? 78 00:02:43,739 --> 00:02:46,390 Mr. Cool Button Down or my main man Johnny T-Shirt? 79 00:02:46,408 --> 00:02:47,741 I don't know. Cheesecake is crazy, 80 00:02:47,893 --> 00:02:49,334 so I'd wear a life jacket, a helmet 81 00:02:49,486 --> 00:02:50,669 and a bunch of extra underwear. 82 00:02:50,896 --> 00:02:52,320 Yeah, anything can happen 83 00:02:52,339 --> 00:02:53,821 with the C and C Cheesecake Factory. 84 00:02:53,841 --> 00:02:55,415 You want to come along tonight? 85 00:02:55,567 --> 00:02:57,325 I think I'll stick to book club with Alyson and Jerry. 86 00:02:57,344 --> 00:02:58,752 We're reading the first installment 87 00:02:58,846 --> 00:03:00,179 of Boggitha Johns: Swamp Detective. 88 00:03:00,330 --> 00:03:02,906 Look at us. I'm gonna drink beers with Cheesecake, 89 00:03:02,999 --> 00:03:04,165 and you're in a book club with your brother 90 00:03:04,185 --> 00:03:05,500 and my sister's boss. 91 00:03:05,627 --> 00:03:07,686 We're like the cover of Fun Marriage Magazine. 92 00:03:07,837 --> 00:03:09,521 JUDY: Ham and I have gathered you here today 93 00:03:09,690 --> 00:03:11,339 for a special opportunity. 94 00:03:11,433 --> 00:03:14,509 We're starting an exclusive, top secret 95 00:03:14,603 --> 00:03:16,086 secret society tonight. 96 00:03:16,104 --> 00:03:18,530 Fine, I'll cancel with my other secret society. 97 00:03:18,682 --> 00:03:20,440 Oh, you mean you and your little brother going through 98 00:03:20,592 --> 00:03:22,534 your yearbook and putting an X next to everyone 99 00:03:22,761 --> 00:03:26,020 -who's been mean to you? -And that's an X on Bethany. 100 00:03:26,040 --> 00:03:28,432 Meet us tonight at the school's decommissioned practice mine 101 00:03:28,450 --> 00:03:30,876 for the inaugural induction ceremony 102 00:03:31,103 --> 00:03:34,362 of Saved by the Spells: The Next Generation. 103 00:03:34,456 --> 00:03:37,365 (gasps) Wait. The Saved by the Spells? 104 00:03:37,384 --> 00:03:39,109 The ones who did that legendary prank? 105 00:03:39,127 --> 00:03:41,869 Mowing Keanu's perfect face on the soccer field? 106 00:03:41,964 --> 00:03:43,129 The very same. 107 00:03:43,282 --> 00:03:44,281 -Okay. -I'm in. -Why not? 108 00:03:44,374 --> 00:03:45,632 Judy, I just want you to know 109 00:03:45,784 --> 00:03:47,300 that if we get caught, I'll ask the judge 110 00:03:47,453 --> 00:03:49,119 to let me serve your time, too. 111 00:03:49,121 --> 00:03:51,021 Okay. Thanks, Gill. Thanks. 112 00:03:51,790 --> 00:03:52,880 Okay, I'm off to buy 113 00:03:52,975 --> 00:03:54,624 some book club snacks at Val-U-Buy. 114 00:03:54,643 --> 00:03:55,734 Do you have my number written on your arm 115 00:03:55,885 --> 00:03:57,461 in case of a Cheesecake emergency? 116 00:03:57,554 --> 00:03:59,479 -A-check a-mate. -Hon, you've got to stop 117 00:03:59,631 --> 00:04:02,223 saying "checkmate" when you just mean "yes." 118 00:04:02,243 --> 00:04:03,408 But it sounds so cool. 119 00:04:03,560 --> 00:04:05,485 Goodbye, my little book-club Bedelia. 120 00:04:05,637 --> 00:04:07,246 Mwah. 121 00:04:07,473 --> 00:04:08,305 (radio whirs) 122 00:04:08,398 --> 00:04:10,231 It's Bacon Bear with a 10-2. 123 00:04:10,325 --> 00:04:12,734 My heater's a-going and my manners are showing. 124 00:04:12,902 --> 00:04:15,812 I'm looking for a trucker by the name of Ruff Barkins. 125 00:04:15,831 --> 00:04:17,905 BEEF (Southern accent): Breaker, did you say Ruff Barkins? 126 00:04:18,000 --> 00:04:20,166 -Is that you, Ruff? -(regular accent): I'm his... (clears throat) 127 00:04:20,243 --> 00:04:22,486 (Southern accent): I'm his brother, Tuff Barkins. 128 00:04:22,579 --> 00:04:24,337 Ruff's been missing for a while now. 129 00:04:24,431 --> 00:04:26,098 He was looking for his dog Honk, 130 00:04:26,249 --> 00:04:28,508 but he went a-Barkins up the wrong tree. 131 00:04:28,660 --> 00:04:30,936 Oh, no, the dognappers got him, too? 132 00:04:31,087 --> 00:04:32,662 That's what I think. 133 00:04:32,681 --> 00:04:35,665 But let me start way back at the beginning of the story. 134 00:04:35,759 --> 00:04:38,277 My brother Ruff started long-haul trucking at 13. 135 00:04:38,428 --> 00:04:40,020 His feet couldn't reach the pedals, 136 00:04:40,172 --> 00:04:41,338 so that's where I came in, 137 00:04:41,431 --> 00:04:42,948 down there pressing them with my hands. 138 00:04:43,099 --> 00:04:44,841 JUDY: It is my grave 139 00:04:44,860 --> 00:04:46,601 and distinguished honor as high council 140 00:04:46,695 --> 00:04:49,513 of Saved by the Spells: The Next Generation 141 00:04:49,606 --> 00:04:50,622 to welcome you all. 142 00:04:50,774 --> 00:04:52,532 Now, before I swear you in, 143 00:04:52,684 --> 00:04:55,368 I must warn you, this is a secret society. 144 00:04:55,521 --> 00:04:58,630 No one can ever know you're a member, especially no adults. 145 00:04:58,857 --> 00:05:01,133 -But what about my... -No, Gill, you can't tell your mom, 146 00:05:01,284 --> 00:05:02,467 even if she is your best friend. 147 00:05:02,694 --> 00:05:05,045 Okay, first things first, according to the almanac, 148 00:05:05,197 --> 00:05:07,714 we all get to make up at least one rule for the club. 149 00:05:07,808 --> 00:05:10,809 -Ham? -Okay, my rule is... 150 00:05:11,036 --> 00:05:12,477 that we all be best friends forever, 151 00:05:12,629 --> 00:05:14,721 and we never forget what we mean to each other. 152 00:05:14,815 --> 00:05:16,648 My rule is the same as Ham's. 153 00:05:16,800 --> 00:05:18,966 My rule is we start talking about those pranks. 154 00:05:19,061 --> 00:05:20,727 Okay, yes. 155 00:05:20,879 --> 00:05:22,228 I thought we could pay homage to the original Spells 156 00:05:22,381 --> 00:05:25,398 by building a giant papier-mâché Keanu Reeves head 157 00:05:25,492 --> 00:05:27,567 and setting it ablaze, and then leaving a note 158 00:05:27,719 --> 00:05:28,976 telling everyone we did it. 159 00:05:28,996 --> 00:05:31,071 I've already got all the supplies we need right here. 160 00:05:31,165 --> 00:05:32,647 This makes no sense. I love it. 161 00:05:32,741 --> 00:05:34,499 Could we get in big trouble for starting a fire 162 00:05:34,651 --> 00:05:35,742 on school property? Yes. 163 00:05:35,952 --> 00:05:37,485 But being a part of a secret club 164 00:05:37,579 --> 00:05:40,038 that pulls off a dangerous prank is what every kid dreams of, 165 00:05:40,265 --> 00:05:42,507 and I believe there's a reason we got the anonymous tip 166 00:05:42,734 --> 00:05:45,235 leading us to the Spells on this auspicious anniversary, 167 00:05:45,253 --> 00:05:47,253 and that reason is destiny. 168 00:05:47,406 --> 00:05:48,755 Oh! I thought of my rule. 169 00:05:48,849 --> 00:05:50,423 During the prank, we have to sing my favorite song, 170 00:05:50,576 --> 00:05:53,076 the Chili's Baby Back Ribs jingle. 171 00:05:53,169 --> 00:05:54,761 Ugh, fine, sure. (clears throat) 172 00:05:54,913 --> 00:05:56,763 And so, it is foretold. 173 00:05:56,915 --> 00:05:58,248 On the vernal equinox, 174 00:05:58,417 --> 00:06:00,025 Keanu's approximate half-birthday, 175 00:06:00,252 --> 00:06:02,419 the prank shall be so. 176 00:06:02,437 --> 00:06:03,770 And remember, don't tell any adults, 177 00:06:03,864 --> 00:06:05,989 or we could get in big trouble. 178 00:06:06,758 --> 00:06:07,866 Oh, Spello. 179 00:06:08,093 --> 00:06:10,535 -GOLOVKIN: Attention, class. -Oh, no, no, no, no. 180 00:06:10,687 --> 00:06:13,930 I'd like you to meet our new student Joey TicTac. 181 00:06:14,023 --> 00:06:15,265 What up, what up? 182 00:06:15,283 --> 00:06:17,125 BOTH: Undercover Principal Day. 183 00:06:20,196 --> 00:06:22,105 What is Undercover Principal Day? 184 00:06:22,198 --> 00:06:24,441 Every year, Gibbons spends one day, chosen at random, 185 00:06:24,459 --> 00:06:25,942 posing as a teen to try to find out 186 00:06:25,961 --> 00:06:27,460 what's going on with the students here. 187 00:06:27,554 --> 00:06:29,295 And every year, he tries a different persona. 188 00:06:29,448 --> 00:06:31,372 HAM: Christian Devilsbane, goth kid. 189 00:06:31,466 --> 00:06:32,632 Go, team. 190 00:06:32,726 --> 00:06:34,284 -JUDY: Kip Willikers. -Howdy. 191 00:06:34,377 --> 00:06:36,395 And this year, he's that. 192 00:06:36,546 --> 00:06:39,398 What's up, my fellow millennials? Let's YouTube. 193 00:06:39,549 --> 00:06:42,459 (exhales) What is that loud noise? 194 00:06:42,477 --> 00:06:44,385 (inhales) Oh, it's my breathing. 195 00:06:44,479 --> 00:06:46,646 (hoarse): My body feels like a wet sack of rats. 196 00:06:46,798 --> 00:06:49,466 -What happened last night? -You don't remember? 197 00:06:49,484 --> 00:06:51,317 Who knew book club would be such a rager? 198 00:06:51,412 --> 00:06:54,746 Jerry and Alyson texted I never even showed up to book club. 199 00:06:54,898 --> 00:06:56,248 I know I went to Val-U-Buy, 200 00:06:56,475 --> 00:06:57,974 and there were free wine samples... 201 00:06:58,067 --> 00:07:00,252 -(gasps) Wolf! What is that? -WOLF: My B button. 202 00:07:00,479 --> 00:07:02,646 Are we saying "B button"? Is that what we say? 203 00:07:02,664 --> 00:07:04,164 Oh, something went very wrong. 204 00:07:04,316 --> 00:07:05,482 Cheesecake and I always agree: 205 00:07:05,651 --> 00:07:08,093 whatever happens, no body modifications. 206 00:07:08,320 --> 00:07:09,669 We got to go see him and find out 207 00:07:09,763 --> 00:07:11,988 what the helly happened to my belly. 208 00:07:12,081 --> 00:07:14,433 Okay, so, it is bad that Gibbons decided 209 00:07:14,660 --> 00:07:16,342 to do undercover principal on the same week 210 00:07:16,511 --> 00:07:19,345 that we revived the Spells, but he only does it for a day, 211 00:07:19,440 --> 00:07:22,182 so if we just avoid-- Hello! (laughs) 212 00:07:22,334 --> 00:07:24,017 -Hi. -What's up, barf bags? 213 00:07:24,169 --> 00:07:25,444 Mind if Joey gets to know-y? 214 00:07:25,595 --> 00:07:27,963 Who wants to tell me their life story first? 215 00:07:27,965 --> 00:07:29,355 Oh, wonderful. 216 00:07:29,508 --> 00:07:32,025 I love how "Gangnam Style" you all are. 217 00:07:32,177 --> 00:07:34,511 Anyway, gonna go peep my epic new locker. 218 00:07:34,604 --> 00:07:36,346 Oh, and I can't wait for tonight's meeting 219 00:07:36,364 --> 00:07:38,364 (whispers): of Saved by the Spells. 220 00:07:38,517 --> 00:07:41,518 Thanks for the invite, Crisp-dog. 221 00:07:41,536 --> 00:07:46,523 Crispin, did you invite Joey TicTac to our secret society? 222 00:07:46,541 --> 00:07:48,208 I know what it's like to be a new student. 223 00:07:48,302 --> 00:07:49,526 I didn't want Joey to feel 224 00:07:49,544 --> 00:07:51,194 the deep sense of isolation I felt. 225 00:07:51,213 --> 00:07:53,213 You were instantly popular. Everyone had a crush on you. 226 00:07:53,307 --> 00:07:54,698 -And yet... -What should we do? 227 00:07:54,716 --> 00:07:55,790 Should we cancel the meeting? 228 00:07:55,809 --> 00:07:57,200 If we start driving right now, 229 00:07:57,219 --> 00:07:58,459 we can be in Arkansas in three weeks. 230 00:07:58,479 --> 00:08:00,461 Or should we go ahead with the meeting, 231 00:08:00,522 --> 00:08:02,889 but we also frame Joey TicTac for murder? 232 00:08:02,983 --> 00:08:04,674 -Cover our bases? -I love that you would go 233 00:08:04,726 --> 00:08:07,560 that hard, Kima, but I don't think that we have to. 234 00:08:07,654 --> 00:08:09,896 Principal Gibbons is probably coming because he thinks 235 00:08:10,048 --> 00:08:11,898 we're up to something bad, so we'll just make sure 236 00:08:11,992 --> 00:08:13,474 he thinks it's a nice friendship club, 237 00:08:13,568 --> 00:08:14,642 and we won't say anything about the prank. 238 00:08:14,736 --> 00:08:17,162 Okay, so, I'll go tell Joey TicTac 239 00:08:17,313 --> 00:08:19,239 not to tell Gibbons about the prank. 240 00:08:19,333 --> 00:08:20,724 Crispin, no. 241 00:08:20,742 --> 00:08:23,818 Wait, Cheesecake lives in a trailer behind the bar? 242 00:08:23,837 --> 00:08:25,987 Uh-oh, someone sounds jealous. 243 00:08:26,081 --> 00:08:27,564 Oh, hey, guys. Want to go get a drink? 244 00:08:27,733 --> 00:08:28,990 Yes. Wait, no. 245 00:08:29,009 --> 00:08:31,158 -Why did I say yes? -That's Cheesecake for you. 246 00:08:31,178 --> 00:08:33,011 Hey, C-cake, know anything about this? 247 00:08:33,162 --> 00:08:34,237 Oof. Nope. 248 00:08:34,406 --> 00:08:35,847 (whistles) She's a beaut, though. 249 00:08:36,074 --> 00:08:37,331 What is that, aquamarine? 250 00:08:37,392 --> 00:08:38,758 So you don't remember last night, either? 251 00:08:38,910 --> 00:08:41,411 Mm, last thing I remember, we went to Junkyard Kyle's 252 00:08:41,546 --> 00:08:42,670 for the Junker Jump. 253 00:08:42,689 --> 00:08:44,505 Oh, we met up with my main man Old Jody Jr. 254 00:08:44,525 --> 00:08:46,416 Let's go see if he knows anything. 255 00:08:46,434 --> 00:08:47,433 It's about a ten-minute walk. 256 00:08:47,510 --> 00:08:49,176 How many beers are you each gonna need? 257 00:08:49,196 --> 00:08:51,588 I'll just grab a 12-pack and we'll stop for more on the way. 258 00:08:51,606 --> 00:08:55,182 (chuckles) Didn't expect to see you three back so soon. 259 00:08:55,202 --> 00:08:57,869 -Wait, I was here last night? -Yep, for the Junker Jump. 260 00:08:57,979 --> 00:09:00,872 People come from far and wide to put bricks on gas pedals 261 00:09:01,024 --> 00:09:02,541 and launch old cars into the quarry. 262 00:09:02,709 --> 00:09:04,859 Did either of you pierce my husband's belly button? 263 00:09:04,953 --> 00:09:06,878 Ma'am, I did not pierce that B button. 264 00:09:07,105 --> 00:09:08,772 I really wish you guys would stop saying "B button." 265 00:09:08,790 --> 00:09:10,774 -That's what it's called. -It's the medical term. 266 00:09:10,792 --> 00:09:12,717 We'd love to know what happened to us last night. 267 00:09:12,794 --> 00:09:15,369 I did sell you some of my homemade moonshine. 268 00:09:15,463 --> 00:09:17,130 This stuff will shake up the old Etch A Sketch. 269 00:09:17,299 --> 00:09:18,631 Similar thing happened to me once. 270 00:09:18,708 --> 00:09:20,617 I took mushrooms and, well, blah, blah, blah, 271 00:09:20,619 --> 00:09:22,060 I woke up the next morning married 272 00:09:22,287 --> 00:09:25,546 to my brother Old Jesse Jr.'s ex-wife Sharon Sr. 273 00:09:25,566 --> 00:09:27,624 It wasn't until the next time I took mushrooms 274 00:09:27,717 --> 00:09:30,235 that I remembered the wedding ceremony. 275 00:09:30,386 --> 00:09:32,128 My point is, probably the best way to find out 276 00:09:32,147 --> 00:09:34,464 what happened is to buy some more moonshine 277 00:09:34,482 --> 00:09:35,907 and follow in your own footsteps. 278 00:09:36,059 --> 00:09:38,225 Five bucks a pop, and the truth is yours. 279 00:09:38,303 --> 00:09:39,636 It's a good deal. 280 00:09:39,654 --> 00:09:40,912 Okay, but let's only get drunk enough 281 00:09:41,139 --> 00:09:43,323 to remember what happened, and no drunker. 282 00:09:43,475 --> 00:09:45,475 Well, it is already 4:00 p.m. 283 00:09:45,568 --> 00:09:47,977 -(laughs) Somewhere. -Yeah. Here. 284 00:09:47,996 --> 00:09:49,921 -It's 4:00 p.m. here. -(laughs) 285 00:09:49,998 --> 00:09:51,331 Yeah, you get it. 286 00:09:51,499 --> 00:09:53,316 JUDY: Okay, the papier-mâché prank head is hidden. 287 00:09:53,409 --> 00:09:57,337 Now, we know Gibbons only ever poses as a student for one day. 288 00:09:57,489 --> 00:09:58,597 So we'll just show him a good, wholesome time, 289 00:09:58,748 --> 00:10:00,173 and tomorrow, things will go back to normal. 290 00:10:00,267 --> 00:10:02,675 Smash that "what up" button, fam. 291 00:10:02,828 --> 00:10:04,936 This is gonna be straight Tide Pod. 292 00:10:05,088 --> 00:10:07,272 Great! (clears throat) Well, we're just gonna do 293 00:10:07,423 --> 00:10:09,182 what we do at all our secret meetings and, uh, 294 00:10:09,334 --> 00:10:12,352 go around and say something nice about someone else. 295 00:10:12,446 --> 00:10:15,280 I'll start. Uh... Kima is a great friend. 296 00:10:15,431 --> 00:10:18,024 Gill looks like a peanut. 297 00:10:18,176 --> 00:10:19,433 Thank you, Kima. 298 00:10:19,453 --> 00:10:21,344 My favorite thing about Ham is that when he sees 299 00:10:21,363 --> 00:10:23,121 that I'm falling asleep, he'll puts Oreos 300 00:10:23,272 --> 00:10:24,772 on my eyes to block the light. 301 00:10:24,791 --> 00:10:27,066 Uh, and Joey, something nice to tell you, 302 00:10:27,127 --> 00:10:28,460 even though you're new, 303 00:10:28,687 --> 00:10:31,371 is that it's like we've known you for years. 304 00:10:31,465 --> 00:10:32,964 Oh, wow, thank you. 305 00:10:33,116 --> 00:10:35,133 You've made me feel so welcome here. 306 00:10:35,284 --> 00:10:37,043 Mm, y'okay, well, that's our time. 307 00:10:37,195 --> 00:10:38,862 Got to get home and do our homework 308 00:10:38,864 --> 00:10:41,197 because of how much we love school. 309 00:10:41,290 --> 00:10:43,032 Well, I think he bought it. 310 00:10:43,051 --> 00:10:44,567 And tomorrow, he goes back to being Gibbons, 311 00:10:44,569 --> 00:10:46,728 and we get back to planning our prank. 312 00:10:47,964 --> 00:10:50,023 -You got to be kidding me. -What's up? 313 00:10:53,044 --> 00:10:55,153 Joey, you're back? 314 00:10:55,322 --> 00:10:56,729 Today's a schi-zool day, isn't it? 315 00:10:56,823 --> 00:10:59,491 I couldn't miss tonight's Spells meeting for the world. 316 00:10:59,642 --> 00:11:01,217 Audi five million. Dab. 317 00:11:01,219 --> 00:11:03,511 Look, he's probably just trying to get us to slip up. 318 00:11:03,513 --> 00:11:05,905 But the prank isn't until Friday, so we just need to do 319 00:11:06,057 --> 00:11:07,314 the same thing we did last night, 320 00:11:07,334 --> 00:11:08,908 and I'm sure he'll lose interest. 321 00:11:09,060 --> 00:11:11,318 ♪ It sucks when you wanna burn Keanu ♪ 322 00:11:11,487 --> 00:11:13,004 ♪ You make the papier-mâché ♪ 323 00:11:13,231 --> 00:11:14,898 ♪ But then it's Undercover Principal Day ♪ 324 00:11:14,916 --> 00:11:16,399 ♪ We don't wanna grow up ♪ 325 00:11:16,568 --> 00:11:17,842 ♪ It makes us wanna throw up ♪ 326 00:11:17,994 --> 00:11:19,660 ♪ 'Cause you can't burn a big head ♪ 327 00:11:19,721 --> 00:11:21,513 ♪ When you're old and lame and stupid and dead ♪ 328 00:11:21,664 --> 00:11:23,348 ♪ We don't wanna age, we just wanna rage ♪ 329 00:11:23,499 --> 00:11:27,001 ♪ 'Cause we found an old book under an old birdcage. ♪ 330 00:11:27,095 --> 00:11:28,594 Ugh, not again. 331 00:11:28,689 --> 00:11:30,188 This is fun and all, but we just keep getting very drunk 332 00:11:30,415 --> 00:11:33,249 on moonshine every night and we're no closer to the truth. 333 00:11:33,268 --> 00:11:36,602 Uh, baby, was that big tattoo of purple grapes always there? 334 00:11:36,697 --> 00:11:38,938 Oh, no, no, no, no, no. 335 00:11:39,032 --> 00:11:41,366 This ends now. Wake up, Cheesecake. 336 00:11:41,535 --> 00:11:44,185 (grunts) What's up? We doing mimosas? 337 00:11:44,204 --> 00:11:46,112 -Good morning, Judy. -Uh, hey, Dad. 338 00:11:46,264 --> 00:11:48,948 Let's say you were in a group. 339 00:11:49,100 --> 00:11:50,450 Like a fishing group? 340 00:11:50,602 --> 00:11:53,937 Sure. And there was a big fishing, uh, thing coming up, 341 00:11:53,955 --> 00:11:57,716 but there was one fishing friend that you didn't want to come 342 00:11:57,867 --> 00:12:00,293 because that friend would get you in really big trouble 343 00:12:00,445 --> 00:12:03,796 with the principal, uh, at your, um, boat. 344 00:12:03,890 --> 00:12:05,615 This fish thing, does it coincide 345 00:12:05,633 --> 00:12:07,208 with the vernal equinox? 346 00:12:07,302 --> 00:12:08,709 Yes. Wait, how did you... 347 00:12:08,729 --> 00:12:13,306 (gasps) You were in the original Saved by the Spells? 348 00:12:13,458 --> 00:12:15,066 I can neither confirm nor deny. 349 00:12:15,293 --> 00:12:17,235 Nor do I know who might have sent an anonymous tip 350 00:12:17,386 --> 00:12:20,463 to Judy Tobin at the school paper suggesting she may want 351 00:12:20,482 --> 00:12:22,723 to investigate the decommissioned practice mine. 352 00:12:22,743 --> 00:12:25,501 Well, I got your anonymous tip and I restarted the club, 353 00:12:25,503 --> 00:12:27,412 but then Principal Gibbons decided to do 354 00:12:27,563 --> 00:12:29,822 -Undercover Principal this week. -Oh, dear. 355 00:12:29,899 --> 00:12:32,250 And now he won't leave, and the prank is tonight. 356 00:12:32,419 --> 00:12:34,327 And if he busts us, we'll be in huge trouble. 357 00:12:34,479 --> 00:12:35,828 Well, if he keeps coming back, 358 00:12:35,981 --> 00:12:37,480 maybe he's not trying to bust you. 359 00:12:37,615 --> 00:12:39,591 Maybe he just enjoys the camaraderie. 360 00:12:39,742 --> 00:12:43,595 You know, being part of a group can make a person feel special, 361 00:12:43,746 --> 00:12:46,247 and those friendships can never be replaced, 362 00:12:46,341 --> 00:12:48,825 long after your fellow club members have graduated 363 00:12:48,843 --> 00:12:50,843 and moved on to Juneau or Fairbanks 364 00:12:50,996 --> 00:12:53,271 or the hustle and bustle of Indianapolis. 365 00:12:53,348 --> 00:12:55,089 You'll miss those days so terribly, 366 00:12:55,108 --> 00:12:57,183 you'll find yourself jonesing for some... 367 00:12:57,335 --> 00:12:58,851 (gasps) Jones. Joan. Joan Osborne. 368 00:12:59,004 --> 00:13:00,612 Dave Grohl! (gasps) That's it. 369 00:13:00,763 --> 00:13:03,172 We'll take him to Baja Fresh. Metaphorically speaking. 370 00:13:03,191 --> 00:13:04,674 I don't know what you're talking about, 371 00:13:04,692 --> 00:13:07,026 but if it helps keep the secret, I'm all for it. 372 00:13:07,103 --> 00:13:08,953 Good lunch-er-noon, my Spells. 373 00:13:09,105 --> 00:13:10,847 If you're noticing that I'm in an amazing mood, 374 00:13:10,865 --> 00:13:13,866 there is a reason for that, and I'm gonna tell you about it. 375 00:13:13,943 --> 00:13:15,701 Oh, great, another Judy-centered lunchtime. 376 00:13:15,854 --> 00:13:19,022 Yes, it is centered on me because I figured something out. 377 00:13:19,040 --> 00:13:20,540 Gibbons is obviously hanging around us 378 00:13:20,634 --> 00:13:23,359 to catch us doing a big prank, so we just have to invite him 379 00:13:23,378 --> 00:13:25,528 to do a small prank we won't get in trouble for, 380 00:13:25,530 --> 00:13:26,971 and then do the real one later that night. 381 00:13:27,140 --> 00:13:28,881 That's right, we'll take Dave Grohl 382 00:13:29,034 --> 00:13:31,792 for tacos at Baja Fresh at 6:00 p.m. 383 00:13:31,812 --> 00:13:34,145 and then the rest of us will go to Cabo at 10:00. 384 00:13:34,297 --> 00:13:37,056 Ooh, I'm gonna get the Baja Bowl with the wild-cut crispy wahoo. 385 00:13:37,150 --> 00:13:40,043 We're not actually going to Baja Fre-- oh, oh, oh. 386 00:13:40,061 --> 00:13:41,711 Hi, hi, hi, hi. 387 00:13:41,729 --> 00:13:43,713 What's the dealio, squad goals? 388 00:13:43,731 --> 00:13:45,882 What are all my best friends Venmoing about? 389 00:13:45,900 --> 00:13:47,717 It's the vernal equinox, so the Spells 390 00:13:47,735 --> 00:13:49,977 -got to be doing something. -Joey's right. 391 00:13:49,996 --> 00:13:52,722 Tonight's the big night of the big prank. 392 00:13:52,740 --> 00:13:55,224 So, we'll meet up in the parking lot at 6:00 p.m. 393 00:13:55,243 --> 00:13:57,151 -just like we planned. -And after that, 394 00:13:57,170 --> 00:13:58,652 we go to Baja Fresh? 395 00:13:58,672 --> 00:14:00,004 BOTH: Crispin, no. 396 00:14:00,156 --> 00:14:01,414 Hey, Judy, wait up. 397 00:14:01,566 --> 00:14:03,249 I just wanted to say thanks again 398 00:14:03,401 --> 00:14:04,917 for inviting me to the prank tonight. 399 00:14:05,011 --> 00:14:08,071 Well, you're part of the group, I guess. 400 00:14:08,239 --> 00:14:10,406 Yeah, I've never had friends like this before. 401 00:14:10,408 --> 00:14:12,925 I was six-foot-two by the time I was eight 402 00:14:13,019 --> 00:14:15,244 and kids always thought I was a teacher or the principal, 403 00:14:15,263 --> 00:14:16,913 so eventually I just became one. 404 00:14:16,931 --> 00:14:19,098 I mean, I plan to become one. I'm 15. 405 00:14:19,192 --> 00:14:22,676 Any-Howard the Duck, I'm really excited for tonight. 406 00:14:22,845 --> 00:14:24,845 I'm gonna RT and fave it. 407 00:14:25,014 --> 00:14:26,422 So, when my at-that-point ex-wife 408 00:14:26,515 --> 00:14:28,182 Sharon Sr. and I took mushrooms together 409 00:14:28,201 --> 00:14:29,759 -for the fifth time... -Enough. 410 00:14:29,777 --> 00:14:31,536 If we have one more night like we've been having, 411 00:14:31,763 --> 00:14:33,779 we're gonna end up in a human centipede with Cheesecake. 412 00:14:33,874 --> 00:14:35,448 -I call middle. -No fair. 413 00:14:35,600 --> 00:14:37,450 We're not leaving until you tell us what happened. 414 00:14:37,602 --> 00:14:40,420 Until then, no more moonshine for us or you. 415 00:14:40,529 --> 00:14:41,454 Oh, I don't drink. 416 00:14:41,606 --> 00:14:43,548 Old Jody Jr. is old clean and sober. 417 00:14:43,699 --> 00:14:46,050 But sure, yeah, here's-- yeah, I'll tell you what happened. 418 00:14:46,277 --> 00:14:48,535 Cheesecake and Wolf showed up at the Junker Jump 419 00:14:48,597 --> 00:14:49,795 19 sheets to the wind. 420 00:14:49,890 --> 00:14:51,464 And you, Honeybee, showed up with someone 421 00:14:51,558 --> 00:14:54,117 named Barbara, the wine sample lady from Val-U-Buy, 422 00:14:54,210 --> 00:14:56,953 and I sold all of you some of my world-famous moonshine. 423 00:14:56,971 --> 00:14:58,638 You began making increasingly wild bets 424 00:14:58,732 --> 00:15:00,899 on which car would fly the farthest in the Junker Jump. 425 00:15:01,008 --> 00:15:02,458 HONEYBEE: Who were we betting with? You? 426 00:15:02,477 --> 00:15:04,068 Oh, no, I'm sober from that, too. 427 00:15:04,220 --> 00:15:05,645 You bet with each other. 428 00:15:05,739 --> 00:15:07,388 The loser had to get a B button piercing 429 00:15:07,482 --> 00:15:09,632 -from the winner. -I tagged that tum? 430 00:15:09,651 --> 00:15:12,301 Yep. Night two, after you guys had more moonshine, 431 00:15:12,395 --> 00:15:14,061 Honeybee, you lost a bet with Wolf 432 00:15:14,139 --> 00:15:15,580 and had to get a tattoo of his choosing. 433 00:15:15,731 --> 00:15:18,416 And as everyone knows, Wolf, well, he loves purple grapes. 434 00:15:18,567 --> 00:15:20,660 I think what I love most about them 435 00:15:20,812 --> 00:15:22,069 is how purple they are. 436 00:15:22,163 --> 00:15:23,496 Now, night three, you actually tried 437 00:15:23,648 --> 00:15:25,665 to gamble your dad's van in the Junker Jump 438 00:15:25,741 --> 00:15:27,166 before Junkyard Kyle stepped in 439 00:15:27,260 --> 00:15:29,093 and bet that you couldn't join the Navy. 440 00:15:29,245 --> 00:15:30,670 Turns out, uh, you could. 441 00:15:30,764 --> 00:15:32,004 Shore leave is gonna be sick! 442 00:15:32,098 --> 00:15:33,506 But I think you're off the hook 443 00:15:33,658 --> 00:15:35,841 since you all signed up under the name Boggitha Johns? 444 00:15:35,936 --> 00:15:38,177 WOLF: But wait, why didn't you just tell us what happened 445 00:15:38,271 --> 00:15:39,829 the first time we asked you? 446 00:15:39,922 --> 00:15:41,831 Honestly, I've been trying to unload that moonshine for years. 447 00:15:41,891 --> 00:15:43,090 I need the jars. 448 00:15:43,259 --> 00:15:45,092 I'm starting a new jelly company called Old Jammy Jr. 449 00:15:45,170 --> 00:15:47,111 Now, tell me again why you're getting a tattoo 450 00:15:47,338 --> 00:15:48,762 of a glass of milk. 451 00:15:48,782 --> 00:15:50,064 To go with Honeybee's tattoo. 452 00:15:50,116 --> 00:15:52,175 Because we go together like grapes and milk. 453 00:15:52,193 --> 00:15:54,360 (chuckles) You know, you dip the grape in the milk 454 00:15:54,512 --> 00:15:55,936 and you eat it. So refreshing. 455 00:15:56,030 --> 00:15:58,790 Aw, now it's like our B buttons are married, too. 456 00:15:59,017 --> 00:16:00,199 Look at us, making mistakes together 457 00:16:00,293 --> 00:16:02,627 and then making them again so all our mistakes match. 458 00:16:02,854 --> 00:16:05,621 We're like the cover of Solid Marriage Magazine. 459 00:16:06,691 --> 00:16:08,615 Well, I think we got all the litter. 460 00:16:08,635 --> 00:16:10,193 Great prank, guys. 461 00:16:10,211 --> 00:16:11,694 That's the prank? 462 00:16:11,787 --> 00:16:13,379 We're the Saved by the Spells, for ALF's sake. 463 00:16:13,531 --> 00:16:15,364 This could be our last night together. 464 00:16:15,383 --> 00:16:17,550 I mean, you never know whose dad might suddenly get a new job 465 00:16:17,702 --> 00:16:19,869 in another state and won't be here on Monday. 466 00:16:19,962 --> 00:16:21,813 Sorry, Joey, but we aren't like the old Spells. 467 00:16:21,964 --> 00:16:24,465 We're not gonna do some big thing. 468 00:16:24,633 --> 00:16:29,045 It's like our new motto says: "We just pick up all the litter, 469 00:16:29,063 --> 00:16:30,530 and that's the whole prank." 470 00:16:32,383 --> 00:16:34,141 Oh, Keanu, heed our call, 471 00:16:34,160 --> 00:16:35,809 bless this field with your mighty jaw. 472 00:16:35,887 --> 00:16:39,572 Your face and eyes we invoke, for a bodacious prank, 473 00:16:39,724 --> 00:16:41,165 of legend spoke. 474 00:16:42,335 --> 00:16:45,169 ♪ Give me my baby back, baby back, bab... ♪ 475 00:16:45,321 --> 00:16:47,563 -Guys, my rule? -Ugh. 476 00:16:47,656 --> 00:16:49,841 ♪ I want my baby back, baby back, baby back ♪ 477 00:16:50,068 --> 00:16:53,327 ♪ Chili's Baby Back Ribs. ♪ 478 00:16:53,346 --> 00:16:56,422 GIBBONS: Well, ecsqueeze me very much. 479 00:16:56,574 --> 00:16:58,665 -Joey? -That's not Joey, Crispin. 480 00:16:58,760 --> 00:17:00,852 -That's Principal Gibbons. -Oh. 481 00:17:01,003 --> 00:17:03,688 But you got to admit, he looks a lot like Joey. 482 00:17:07,769 --> 00:17:10,436 Principal Gibbons, we-we thought you were not here. 483 00:17:10,530 --> 00:17:13,698 I came back to hole-punch a recipe for my recipe binder, 484 00:17:13,849 --> 00:17:16,609 and imagine my surprise at finding this dangerous, 485 00:17:16,761 --> 00:17:20,263 big prank that is not allowed but also probably 486 00:17:20,281 --> 00:17:22,540 made some people feel left out. 487 00:17:22,767 --> 00:17:23,857 Go home, all of you. 488 00:17:23,877 --> 00:17:25,209 I'll see you on Monday after I've decided 489 00:17:25,361 --> 00:17:27,453 what the punishment is for something bad 490 00:17:27,605 --> 00:17:30,456 and hurtful like this. 491 00:17:30,608 --> 00:17:33,826 Oh. What if Gibbons was one of us? 492 00:17:33,887 --> 00:17:35,628 I've got an idea where the dognappers 493 00:17:35,722 --> 00:17:37,446 might have taken Ruff and Honk. 494 00:17:37,465 --> 00:17:39,706 There's an abandoned weigh station near Death Cliff 495 00:17:39,801 --> 00:17:41,392 I found using online satellite maps. 496 00:17:41,544 --> 00:17:43,877 -Now, if you want, I can go there myself. -(regular accent): No! 497 00:17:43,897 --> 00:17:46,547 (Southern accent): I mean, I happen to be right near there. 498 00:17:46,641 --> 00:17:49,716 So I can investigate since I know it's your bedtime. 499 00:17:49,811 --> 00:17:51,294 How do you know it's my bedtime? 500 00:17:51,312 --> 00:17:52,737 Well, I just figured you adhered 501 00:17:52,964 --> 00:17:55,298 to the trucker's standard sleep scale. 502 00:17:55,391 --> 00:17:57,817 -Oh, of course I do. -And Bacon Bear, 503 00:17:57,969 --> 00:18:01,228 don't forget to polish your gear and hose down your mud flaps. 504 00:18:01,322 --> 00:18:03,897 That's trucker talk for brush your teeth and wash your face. 505 00:18:03,917 --> 00:18:06,992 GIBBONS: Judy Tobin to the principal's office, please. 506 00:18:07,145 --> 00:18:09,736 -Judy... -Look, before you give me a very bad punishment 507 00:18:09,905 --> 00:18:12,906 which I definitely deserve, I know I took the wrong lesson 508 00:18:13,000 --> 00:18:15,334 from Joan Osborne's most popular song. 509 00:18:15,486 --> 00:18:17,002 "Pensacola"? "Crazy Baby?" 510 00:18:17,155 --> 00:18:18,337 I meant "One of Us." 511 00:18:18,431 --> 00:18:20,431 I have a feeling that when you were 15, 512 00:18:20,600 --> 00:18:22,174 you didn't have a group of friends. 513 00:18:22,327 --> 00:18:24,176 And you really were very tall. 514 00:18:24,329 --> 00:18:26,512 And now that you're the principal, well, it's like, 515 00:18:26,664 --> 00:18:29,999 in the song, what if you got to be one of us? 516 00:18:30,001 --> 00:18:33,277 ♪ Just a stranger on the soccer field ♪ 517 00:18:33,504 --> 00:18:36,948 ♪ Trying to burn a big head. ♪ 518 00:18:37,099 --> 00:18:38,357 I'm sorry we lied to you. 519 00:18:38,451 --> 00:18:41,193 Thank you, but of course, I don't have any idea 520 00:18:41,287 --> 00:18:42,620 what you're talking about. 521 00:18:42,771 --> 00:18:44,438 Okay. But for what it's worth, 522 00:18:44,457 --> 00:18:48,292 if you were our age, I would totally be your friend. 523 00:18:48,444 --> 00:18:51,111 Well, I appreciate that, Judy, but unfortunately, 524 00:18:51,131 --> 00:18:52,521 the ringleader behind the prank 525 00:18:52,540 --> 00:18:54,039 will still be expelled from school. 526 00:18:54,134 --> 00:18:56,692 I have no choice but to expel... 527 00:18:56,785 --> 00:18:58,194 Joey TicTac, forever. 528 00:18:58,212 --> 00:19:01,364 I know you were all very, very good friends with Joey. 529 00:19:01,457 --> 00:19:03,624 -Some might even say best friends. -Mm. 530 00:19:03,643 --> 00:19:05,459 So that will have to be punishment enough 531 00:19:05,553 --> 00:19:07,219 for your involvement with this character 532 00:19:07,372 --> 00:19:09,814 who was truly a rebel and a bit of a maverick. 533 00:19:09,965 --> 00:19:12,041 Oh, and Judy, I've gone ahead and closed 534 00:19:12,059 --> 00:19:14,393 the school's decommissioned practice mine. 535 00:19:14,545 --> 00:19:16,729 -I understand. -I should probably close 536 00:19:16,805 --> 00:19:19,048 the school's decommissioned practice meatpacking plant 537 00:19:19,066 --> 00:19:21,475 as well, but I'm just so swamped with work. 538 00:19:21,494 --> 00:19:24,720 I just hope no MC Skat Kats on the high council 539 00:19:24,739 --> 00:19:26,647 get any cray-cray ideas. 540 00:19:26,666 --> 00:19:29,500 BEEF (Southern accent): Bacon Bear, guess who's sitting next to me. 541 00:19:29,727 --> 00:19:32,003 -(barks) -Is that Honk? You found him? 542 00:19:32,154 --> 00:19:34,505 I found them. They were right where you said, 543 00:19:34,657 --> 00:19:37,249 tied to a ticking time bomb on the railroad tracks. 544 00:19:37,402 --> 00:19:39,177 (higher-pitched): Bacon Bear, this is Ruff Barkins. 545 00:19:39,253 --> 00:19:41,179 I don't know how to thank you. 546 00:19:41,255 --> 00:19:43,347 Well, you could stop by my house. 547 00:19:43,574 --> 00:19:44,740 I'll give you the address. 548 00:19:44,759 --> 00:19:47,501 I wish we could, but while I was rescuing Ruff, 549 00:19:47,595 --> 00:19:50,688 somebody took my cat Puff Meow-kins. 550 00:19:50,839 --> 00:19:53,098 Dang. You guys can't catch a break. 551 00:19:53,193 --> 00:19:56,843 Also, never give out your address over a CB radio, son. 552 00:19:56,863 --> 00:20:00,272 Never. Now, we could sure use some ideas 553 00:20:00,425 --> 00:20:03,259 on where a cat-napping ring might be around these parts. 554 00:20:03,352 --> 00:20:06,704 But I don't suppose you've got the time to help us. 555 00:20:06,931 --> 00:20:08,614 I can move some things around. 556 00:20:08,691 --> 00:20:10,041 JUDY: Hey, Dad. 557 00:20:10,210 --> 00:20:12,451 Got to head out for a bit. I have a... study group. 558 00:20:12,545 --> 00:20:16,455 Aha. So the fishing thing must have gone well. 559 00:20:16,532 --> 00:20:17,806 It did not. 560 00:20:17,808 --> 00:20:19,625 And are they in any trouble? 561 00:20:19,719 --> 00:20:23,036 I can neither confirm nor deny literally anything about them. 562 00:20:23,056 --> 00:20:24,222 As it is written. 563 00:20:24,373 --> 00:20:26,557 So that's it for the new Saved by the Spells? 564 00:20:26,784 --> 00:20:28,467 -The what by the what? -Wonderful. 565 00:20:28,561 --> 00:20:31,896 Hey, speaking of secrets, this was on the porch for you. 566 00:20:32,047 --> 00:20:34,957 I wonder who could have left it there. 567 00:20:34,959 --> 00:20:37,109 ♪ ♪ 568 00:20:45,578 --> 00:20:48,637 By the power vested in me as high council, 569 00:20:48,731 --> 00:20:51,582 and in honor of our fallen brother Joey TicTac, 570 00:20:51,692 --> 00:20:53,325 I hereby declare this meeting 571 00:20:53,419 --> 00:20:56,479 of the Saved by the Spells: The Next Generation, 572 00:20:56,572 --> 00:20:59,648 bada boom, bada bing, to have started. 573 00:20:59,667 --> 00:21:03,819 ♪ We go together ♪ 574 00:21:03,838 --> 00:21:07,247 ♪ We go together like brownies and cheese ♪ 575 00:21:07,267 --> 00:21:10,659 ♪ Pickles and oatmeal, like church bells and peas ♪ 576 00:21:10,678 --> 00:21:14,179 ♪ We go together like milk and grapes ♪ 577 00:21:14,332 --> 00:21:16,107 ♪ Chicken and peanut butter ♪ 578 00:21:16,276 --> 00:21:17,924 ♪ Bologna and crepes ♪ 579 00:21:18,019 --> 00:21:21,837 ♪ We go together like grapes and milk ♪ 580 00:21:21,930 --> 00:21:25,024 ♪ Perfect combo, smooth as silk ♪ 581 00:21:25,118 --> 00:21:28,286 ♪ We go together, we go together. ♪ 582 00:21:28,513 --> 00:21:30,604 Captioning sponsored by BENTO BOX ENTERTAINMENT 583 00:21:30,623 --> 00:21:32,456 and TOYOTA. 584 00:21:32,683 --> 00:21:34,959 Captioned by Media Access Group at WGBH access.wgbh.org