1 00:00:01,125 --> 00:00:02,916 MOBIUS: You weren't born to be king, Loki. 2 00:00:03,000 --> 00:00:06,583 You were born to cause pain and suffering and death. 3 00:00:09,083 --> 00:00:10,500 RENSLAYER: The Time-Keepers are all 4 00:00:10,583 --> 00:00:12,625 that stand between us and full-scale calamity. 5 00:00:12,708 --> 00:00:14,500 MOBIUS: For all time. RENSLAYER: Always. 6 00:00:14,666 --> 00:00:16,541 Why am I locked in here? 7 00:00:16,625 --> 00:00:18,625 You were disloyal to the TVA. 8 00:00:18,708 --> 00:00:21,208 HUNTER B-15: You were in the Time-Keepers' chambers. They weren't real. 9 00:00:21,291 --> 00:00:23,916 -And why does that change anything? -That changes everything! 10 00:00:25,333 --> 00:00:27,000 MOBIUS: The nexus event the two of you caused, 11 00:00:27,083 --> 00:00:30,000 whatever that connection is, can bring this whole place down. 12 00:00:30,625 --> 00:00:33,125 This is new for me. Back on Lamentis... 13 00:00:34,833 --> 00:00:37,041 I can help you if you trust me. 14 00:00:40,125 --> 00:00:43,375 SYLVIE: The person we're after is beyond The Void at the end of time. 15 00:00:44,125 --> 00:00:47,250 That thing is just their guard dog protecting the only way in. 16 00:00:47,333 --> 00:00:49,583 -How do we get past the guard dog? -I'm gonna enchant it. 17 00:00:49,666 --> 00:00:50,875 She's pretty confident. 18 00:00:57,000 --> 00:00:58,125 Go! 19 00:01:21,125 --> 00:01:22,250 SAM: Way to go, Tic Tac! 20 00:01:22,333 --> 00:01:23,583 HOPE: That's how you punch. 21 00:01:23,666 --> 00:01:24,833 BLACK PANTHER: Wakanda forever! 22 00:01:24,916 --> 00:01:26,166 ANT-MAN: You haven't heard of me. 23 00:01:26,250 --> 00:01:27,750 -Let me put you on hold. -Dance-off, bro. 24 00:01:27,958 --> 00:01:30,041 THOR: A friend from work. ROGERS: I can do this all day. 25 00:01:30,125 --> 00:01:32,041 -Yeah, I know. -HANK: I'll show you ferocity. 26 00:01:32,125 --> 00:01:33,750 CAPTAIN MARVEL: Higher, further, faster, baby. 27 00:01:33,833 --> 00:01:34,916 LOKI: We have a Hulk. 28 00:01:35,000 --> 00:01:37,791 KORG: We're gonna jump on that spaceship and get out of here. Wanna come? 29 00:01:51,916 --> 00:01:54,208 MAN: We think of time as a one-way motion. 30 00:01:54,291 --> 00:01:55,833 NEIL ARMSTRONG: One small step for man... 31 00:01:55,916 --> 00:01:57,250 GRETA THUNBERG: How dare they! 32 00:02:03,500 --> 00:02:04,625 MALALA YOUSAFZAI: My dream... 33 00:02:04,708 --> 00:02:08,125 NELSON MANDELA: We have fought for the right to experience peace. 34 00:02:13,666 --> 00:02:15,375 LOKI: Glorious purpose! 35 00:02:15,458 --> 00:02:17,833 WOMAN: Motivated by women throughout the world. 36 00:02:17,916 --> 00:02:19,750 VISION: What is grief, if not love persevering? 37 00:02:19,833 --> 00:02:20,833 MAYA ANGELOU: I will rise. 38 00:02:21,208 --> 00:02:22,541 SYLVIE: Open your eyes. 39 00:03:30,125 --> 00:03:32,541 Aren't you gonna tell me not to kick the door in? 40 00:03:35,583 --> 00:03:37,083 It never made a difference. 41 00:03:38,500 --> 00:03:41,875 Well, if you think it's a bad idea, I prefer you to speak your mind. 42 00:03:42,875 --> 00:03:45,500 No. Nothing to say. 43 00:03:46,500 --> 00:03:47,625 That'll be a first. 44 00:03:56,916 --> 00:03:57,916 Everything okay? 45 00:03:58,291 --> 00:04:00,250 Yeah. Just need a moment. 46 00:04:01,291 --> 00:04:02,291 Right. 47 00:04:04,875 --> 00:04:07,166 -It's just, you normally... -Loki, shut up. 48 00:04:07,250 --> 00:04:09,125 I was pruned before you even existed. 49 00:04:09,208 --> 00:04:11,500 I have been waiting for this moment my entire life. 50 00:04:11,583 --> 00:04:14,333 I just need a second to get my head straight, okay? 51 00:04:14,416 --> 00:04:16,083 Sure. Of course. 52 00:04:49,208 --> 00:04:50,625 Hey, y'all. 53 00:04:52,833 --> 00:04:53,916 SYLVIE: You again? 54 00:04:54,458 --> 00:04:57,791 Welcome to The Citadel at the End of Time. 55 00:04:58,375 --> 00:04:59,375 Come on. 56 00:04:59,458 --> 00:05:01,208 MISS MINUTES: Congratulations. 57 00:05:01,291 --> 00:05:04,250 Y'all had an awfully long journey to get here. 58 00:05:04,875 --> 00:05:06,791 He's impressed. 59 00:05:06,875 --> 00:05:08,000 Who's impressed? 60 00:05:08,750 --> 00:05:10,625 He Who Remains. 61 00:05:12,208 --> 00:05:14,000 And who is he? 62 00:05:14,083 --> 00:05:17,625 He created all and he controls all. 63 00:05:17,708 --> 00:05:22,583 At the end, it is only He Who Remains. 64 00:05:22,666 --> 00:05:25,583 And he wants to offer you a deal. 65 00:05:25,666 --> 00:05:28,583 He's been making a few creative adjustments, 66 00:05:28,666 --> 00:05:33,625 and he's worked it out so we can reinsert both of y'all back into the Timeline 67 00:05:33,708 --> 00:05:36,291 in a way that won't disrupt things. 68 00:05:36,375 --> 00:05:38,583 -"Won't disrupt things"? -MISS MINUTES: Mmm-hmm. 69 00:05:38,666 --> 00:05:41,458 The TVA can keep doin' its vital work 70 00:05:41,541 --> 00:05:45,166 and y'all can live the lives you've always wanted. 71 00:05:45,750 --> 00:05:47,375 And what have we always wanted? 72 00:05:47,458 --> 00:05:49,791 MISS MINUTES: Now, don't play coy with me, mister. 73 00:05:50,875 --> 00:05:53,583 You know how you got into this mess. 74 00:05:53,666 --> 00:05:54,916 What? 75 00:05:55,000 --> 00:05:57,375 MISS MINUTES: The Battle of New York, silly. 76 00:05:57,458 --> 00:06:01,708 You versus those self-righteous Avengers. 77 00:06:01,791 --> 00:06:04,750 How would you like to win? 78 00:06:05,583 --> 00:06:07,041 But not just there. 79 00:06:08,041 --> 00:06:10,125 You can kill Thanos. 80 00:06:13,375 --> 00:06:16,958 You want the Infinity Gauntlet? Yours. 81 00:06:18,041 --> 00:06:21,166 Throne of Asgard? No problem. 82 00:06:22,666 --> 00:06:24,583 What about you, missy? 83 00:06:24,666 --> 00:06:27,291 All those years on the run. 84 00:06:27,375 --> 00:06:30,166 Desperate, alone. 85 00:06:30,250 --> 00:06:36,291 How would you like to wake up tomorrow with just a lifetime of happy memories? 86 00:06:38,291 --> 00:06:40,791 Two Lokis in the same place. 87 00:06:41,958 --> 00:06:43,333 Both of us... 88 00:06:44,833 --> 00:06:46,583 together on the Timeline. 89 00:06:48,208 --> 00:06:51,125 It's crazy, but he could make it work. 90 00:06:53,208 --> 00:06:54,250 All of it. 91 00:06:55,041 --> 00:06:56,125 Everything. 92 00:06:56,208 --> 00:06:58,916 Exactly the way you've always wanted. 93 00:06:59,625 --> 00:07:02,625 And you can have it all, together. 94 00:07:07,208 --> 00:07:08,583 It's fiction. 95 00:07:10,916 --> 00:07:13,000 We write our own destiny now. 96 00:07:13,125 --> 00:07:17,125 Oh, sure you do. Good luck with that. 97 00:07:23,458 --> 00:07:24,541 Come on. 98 00:07:39,833 --> 00:07:40,833 MISS MINUTES: Hey, there. 99 00:07:40,916 --> 00:07:42,791 -What took you so long? -Sorry. 100 00:07:42,875 --> 00:07:44,625 Some things had to get worked out, 101 00:07:44,708 --> 00:07:47,333 but I'm downloadin' the files you need now. 102 00:07:51,958 --> 00:07:53,375 This isn't what I asked for. 103 00:07:53,458 --> 00:07:56,083 I know, but he thinks this'll be more useful. 104 00:07:56,875 --> 00:07:57,875 Who? 105 00:07:57,958 --> 00:07:59,250 Happy readin'. 106 00:08:10,250 --> 00:08:11,750 LOKI: He Who Remains. 107 00:08:12,708 --> 00:08:14,250 SYLVIE: Not for much longer. 108 00:08:54,541 --> 00:08:56,750 Are we sure he's even still alive? 109 00:09:30,625 --> 00:09:33,125 ...same person. 110 00:09:33,208 --> 00:09:37,416 I mean, it's a little unnatural. But... 111 00:09:38,750 --> 00:09:39,958 Wow! 112 00:09:43,666 --> 00:09:44,875 Wild. 113 00:09:48,166 --> 00:09:49,583 He Who Remains. 114 00:09:49,666 --> 00:09:50,875 He Who Remains. 115 00:09:51,541 --> 00:09:53,583 She still calls me that? 116 00:09:53,666 --> 00:09:56,041 Creepy, right? But... 117 00:09:57,500 --> 00:09:58,500 I like it. 118 00:10:02,250 --> 00:10:06,250 Come on. Come on, let's talk in my office. 119 00:10:15,291 --> 00:10:17,083 Not what you were expecting, hmm? 120 00:10:19,833 --> 00:10:22,416 You're just... a man. 121 00:10:22,625 --> 00:10:23,666 Mmm. 122 00:10:23,750 --> 00:10:24,916 Flesh and blood. 123 00:10:26,625 --> 00:10:29,291 -Don't tell me I'm a disappointment. -No. 124 00:10:30,000 --> 00:10:31,750 Just a little bit easier to kill. 125 00:10:52,625 --> 00:10:53,625 Come on in. 126 00:11:04,875 --> 00:11:05,875 HE WHO REMAINS: One... 127 00:11:09,250 --> 00:11:10,250 Two. 128 00:11:13,416 --> 00:11:15,708 Please, take a seat. 129 00:11:21,375 --> 00:11:23,375 Uh, Loki. 130 00:11:25,916 --> 00:11:27,041 Loki. 131 00:11:29,500 --> 00:11:30,708 Two sugars. 132 00:11:51,958 --> 00:11:54,458 -I said I wasn't to be disturbed. 133 00:11:54,541 --> 00:11:56,500 Well, then you're not gonna be happy to see me. 134 00:11:58,625 --> 00:12:00,000 He's back. 135 00:12:03,875 --> 00:12:06,083 If anyone was ever gonna make it back from The Void, 136 00:12:06,166 --> 00:12:07,500 I suppose it was gonna be you. 137 00:12:07,583 --> 00:12:11,500 Oh, well, you know, one man's Void is another man's piece of cake. 138 00:12:16,041 --> 00:12:18,291 -So, you're gonna prune me? -I like that idea. 139 00:12:18,375 --> 00:12:21,583 But, you know, my standards might be a little bit higher in that area than yours. 140 00:12:21,666 --> 00:12:24,791 -You know, with close personal friends. -I'm sorry, Mobius. 141 00:12:26,000 --> 00:12:28,083 I couldn't let you get in the way of our mission. 142 00:12:28,166 --> 00:12:29,166 Mission? 143 00:12:29,250 --> 00:12:32,500 The Time-Keepers are fake. We're all Variants. What mission? 144 00:12:32,583 --> 00:12:36,208 It can't have been for nothing. That's why I had to prune you. 145 00:12:37,416 --> 00:12:39,333 Hunter D-90 to my office, immediately. 146 00:12:39,416 --> 00:12:42,625 Yeah. Sorry, Ravonna. That's not gonna work out the way you think it is, 147 00:12:43,125 --> 00:12:45,416 now that we know your secret. 148 00:12:46,708 --> 00:12:47,958 What did you do? 149 00:12:51,500 --> 00:12:53,583 HUNTER U-92: Stay alert, she's close. 150 00:12:57,875 --> 00:13:01,041 Secure the perimeter. I've got her. 151 00:13:10,500 --> 00:13:12,083 Stand down, B-15. 152 00:13:12,166 --> 00:13:13,625 You need to listen to me. 153 00:13:13,708 --> 00:13:16,458 -HUNTER U-92: There'll be time for that. -Just wait. 154 00:13:17,125 --> 00:13:19,250 What the hell is going on here? 155 00:13:20,333 --> 00:13:21,791 Judge Renslayer. 156 00:13:21,875 --> 00:13:22,916 What? 157 00:13:23,416 --> 00:13:26,291 Who are you? And what the hell are you doing in my school? 158 00:13:31,208 --> 00:13:32,500 How? 159 00:13:32,583 --> 00:13:34,416 We have a lot to talk about. 160 00:13:36,791 --> 00:13:39,000 Been a long journey for you, hasn't it? 161 00:13:40,125 --> 00:13:42,375 Lot of running, lot of pain. 162 00:13:45,708 --> 00:13:48,375 You're a flea on the back of a dragon. 163 00:13:48,458 --> 00:13:50,125 In for one hell of a ride. 164 00:13:51,083 --> 00:13:52,666 But you did manage to hang on. 165 00:13:53,708 --> 00:13:56,000 Mmm-hmm. I guess that counts for something. 166 00:13:56,083 --> 00:13:58,166 I'm not sure you quite understand the situation. 167 00:13:58,916 --> 00:13:59,916 You've lost. 168 00:14:01,416 --> 00:14:02,583 We found you. 169 00:14:04,791 --> 00:14:06,750 Duh. Of course you did. 170 00:14:07,625 --> 00:14:08,625 -Whoa! 171 00:14:08,708 --> 00:14:10,000 A swing and a miss. 172 00:14:10,083 --> 00:14:11,375 - 173 00:14:11,458 --> 00:14:13,041 So, we're still doing that, hmm? 174 00:14:14,125 --> 00:14:16,250 Let's get all this out of the way. 175 00:14:20,541 --> 00:14:21,541 Okay. 176 00:14:22,583 --> 00:14:23,583 Here we go. 177 00:14:27,416 --> 00:14:29,708 You can't kill me because 178 00:14:30,666 --> 00:14:33,291 I already know what's going to happen. 179 00:14:35,500 --> 00:14:36,500 See? 180 00:14:41,958 --> 00:14:43,041 It's a parlor trick. 181 00:14:43,125 --> 00:14:44,458 Okay. 182 00:14:44,541 --> 00:14:49,916 Don't you wonder how I'm able to get out of the way just before you kill me? 183 00:14:50,000 --> 00:14:52,708 No. It's because of that little TemPad you have there. 184 00:14:52,791 --> 00:14:53,791 HE WHO REMAINS: Right. 185 00:14:53,875 --> 00:14:59,500 But how do I already have it loaded up with everything I need to know 186 00:14:59,583 --> 00:15:02,833 to keep from being killed by you two? 187 00:15:04,083 --> 00:15:05,125 It's easy. 188 00:15:05,208 --> 00:15:07,166 I know it all. 189 00:15:08,250 --> 00:15:10,041 And I've seen it all. 190 00:15:12,125 --> 00:15:14,791 Everything you guys did on Lamentis, I saw. 191 00:15:15,333 --> 00:15:19,208 All the stuff the TVA didn't know about, I knew. 192 00:15:19,291 --> 00:15:23,125 All the scheming, all the... 193 00:15:23,250 --> 00:15:25,000 ...talking. 194 00:15:26,708 --> 00:15:29,958 That little look by the lake. 195 00:15:32,041 --> 00:15:35,291 Quite sentimental, very touching stuff, by the way. 196 00:15:36,583 --> 00:15:37,916 No. 197 00:15:38,000 --> 00:15:41,958 No, we broke out of your little game. That's how we got here. 198 00:15:42,041 --> 00:15:43,833 HE WHO REMAINS: No, wrong. 199 00:15:43,916 --> 00:15:47,958 Every step you took to get here, 200 00:15:48,041 --> 00:15:50,333 Lamentis, The Void, 201 00:15:51,333 --> 00:15:55,541 I paved the road. 202 00:15:57,833 --> 00:15:58,916 You... 203 00:16:00,916 --> 00:16:02,500 You just walked down it. 204 00:16:06,625 --> 00:16:09,541 And I have the rest, uh, right here. 205 00:16:10,500 --> 00:16:12,208 Everything that's, uh... 206 00:16:13,375 --> 00:16:17,250 that's going to happen. There's only one way this can go. 207 00:16:17,333 --> 00:16:19,250 Then why are we here? 208 00:16:19,333 --> 00:16:20,583 Oh, come on. 209 00:16:21,708 --> 00:16:25,583 You know you can't get to the end until you've been changed by the journey. 210 00:16:25,666 --> 00:16:28,458 This stuff, it needs to happen. 211 00:16:29,208 --> 00:16:34,916 To get us all in the right mindset to finish the quest. 212 00:16:35,875 --> 00:16:37,166 -Right. -HE WHO REMAINS: Right. 213 00:16:37,250 --> 00:16:38,583 So, it's all a game. 214 00:16:38,666 --> 00:16:42,333 It's all... a manipulation. 215 00:16:42,416 --> 00:16:47,583 Interesting, that your head would go to that. 216 00:16:49,083 --> 00:16:50,458 Sylvie, 217 00:16:51,000 --> 00:16:53,000 you think you can trust this guy? 218 00:16:53,083 --> 00:16:55,750 -Don't listen to him. -"Don't listen to him." 219 00:16:55,833 --> 00:17:00,666 Do you think you're even capable of trusting anyone at all? 220 00:17:06,250 --> 00:17:08,875 I think people are ready to hear a little truth now. 221 00:17:08,958 --> 00:17:10,666 You know, like the TVA is a lie. 222 00:17:10,750 --> 00:17:12,541 But what if it's a necessary one? 223 00:17:13,750 --> 00:17:15,666 Someone created the Time-Keepers. 224 00:17:15,750 --> 00:17:18,583 They created this whole place. They gave us all purpose. 225 00:17:18,666 --> 00:17:20,875 I have to believe they had a reason. 226 00:17:20,958 --> 00:17:24,250 No, because I've seen the horror waiting for people when they get pruned 227 00:17:24,333 --> 00:17:26,125 and there's nothing necessary about that. 228 00:17:26,208 --> 00:17:29,125 You know what would happen if we didn't prune the Timeline? 229 00:17:29,208 --> 00:17:31,125 -MOBIUS: What? -Chaos. Death. 230 00:17:31,208 --> 00:17:32,208 Free will? 231 00:17:32,333 --> 00:17:34,375 Free will? 232 00:17:34,458 --> 00:17:38,250 Only one person gets free will. The one in charge. 233 00:17:43,625 --> 00:17:47,208 "Friends across time, allies to the end." 234 00:17:47,291 --> 00:17:49,416 -Shut up. -MOBIUS: That was so beautiful. 235 00:17:49,500 --> 00:17:52,833 And then you sent me to die. What happened to you? 236 00:17:53,416 --> 00:17:55,333 Nothing, Mobius. I didn't change. 237 00:17:55,416 --> 00:17:57,041 You didn't change? You betrayed me. 238 00:17:57,125 --> 00:17:58,875 No, no. You betrayed me! 239 00:18:00,583 --> 00:18:03,916 I looked out for you, hung my neck out for you, 240 00:18:04,500 --> 00:18:08,250 and you suffer a crisis of faith and turn to those Variants? 241 00:18:09,375 --> 00:18:10,625 Eons of friendship. 242 00:18:11,583 --> 00:18:14,916 And you threw it all away on a couple of Lokis. 243 00:18:15,000 --> 00:18:18,125 No, Mobius. I didn't betray you. 244 00:18:20,625 --> 00:18:25,500 We can't take away people's free will, Ravonna. Do you not see that? 245 00:18:26,708 --> 00:18:28,958 -What are you doing? -What I need to do. 246 00:18:29,583 --> 00:18:30,791 Wait, stop. 247 00:18:30,875 --> 00:18:34,583 Look, maybe we can build this into something better together. 248 00:18:34,708 --> 00:18:36,791 I'm sorry, Mobius. 249 00:18:38,083 --> 00:18:39,375 I'm not gonna let you go. 250 00:18:41,458 --> 00:18:42,458 RENSLAYER: Please, Mobius. 251 00:18:43,875 --> 00:18:45,083 Even with that... 252 00:18:46,708 --> 00:18:48,291 you're of no danger to me. 253 00:18:48,375 --> 00:18:49,916 Is that what you think? 254 00:18:50,708 --> 00:18:51,875 Let's see. 255 00:18:59,625 --> 00:19:00,958 Back here again. 256 00:19:06,458 --> 00:19:07,541 Go ahead. 257 00:19:20,833 --> 00:19:22,125 Where are you gonna go? 258 00:19:24,208 --> 00:19:25,708 In search of free will. 259 00:19:31,208 --> 00:19:35,416 I understand your moral objections to what the TVA does. 260 00:19:37,666 --> 00:19:42,833 And my methods are deceptive. 261 00:19:43,833 --> 00:19:46,416 But the mission, it never was. 262 00:19:47,166 --> 00:19:51,583 Without the me, without the TVA... 263 00:19:54,416 --> 00:19:55,625 everything burns. 264 00:19:58,666 --> 00:20:00,333 Then what are you so afraid of? 265 00:20:09,958 --> 00:20:11,416 Me. 266 00:20:13,625 --> 00:20:15,416 And just who are you? 267 00:20:15,500 --> 00:20:19,541 Oh, I've been dubbed many names by many people. 268 00:20:21,125 --> 00:20:24,708 A ruler, a conqueror. 269 00:20:26,708 --> 00:20:29,541 He Who Remains, a jerk. 270 00:20:30,875 --> 00:20:34,916 But it's... it's not as simple as a name. 271 00:20:45,208 --> 00:20:48,708 Eons ago, before the TVA, 272 00:20:48,791 --> 00:20:54,000 a variant of myself lived on Earth in the 31st century. 273 00:20:55,166 --> 00:20:56,500 He was a scientist 274 00:20:56,583 --> 00:21:02,625 and he discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own. 275 00:21:02,708 --> 00:21:07,000 At the same time, other versions of us were learning the same thing. 276 00:21:07,916 --> 00:21:12,958 Naturally, they made contact. And for a while, there was peace. 277 00:21:13,041 --> 00:21:16,416 Narcissistic, self-congratulatory peace. 278 00:21:17,000 --> 00:21:20,166 "I love your shoes." "I love your hair." "Oh, man, nice nose." "Thanks, man." 279 00:21:20,250 --> 00:21:21,333 Et cetera. 280 00:21:22,041 --> 00:21:25,250 They shared technology and knowledge. 281 00:21:26,541 --> 00:21:30,166 Using the best of their universes to improve the others. 282 00:21:31,541 --> 00:21:32,541 However... 283 00:21:34,041 --> 00:21:38,708 not every version of me 284 00:21:38,791 --> 00:21:41,750 was so... so pure of heart. 285 00:21:43,541 --> 00:21:48,583 To some of us, new worlds meant only one thing, 286 00:21:48,666 --> 00:21:51,708 new lands to be conquered. 287 00:21:52,833 --> 00:21:54,833 The peace between realities... 288 00:21:58,166 --> 00:22:02,125 ...erupted into all-out war, 289 00:22:02,208 --> 00:22:06,500 each variant fighting to preserve their universe 290 00:22:06,583 --> 00:22:09,500 and annihilate the others. 291 00:22:12,208 --> 00:22:15,500 ...ladies and gentlemen, of everything and everyone. 292 00:22:15,583 --> 00:22:18,958 And then the Time-Keepers came along and saved us all. 293 00:22:19,708 --> 00:22:26,041 Amen 294 00:22:27,791 --> 00:22:29,791 No. 295 00:22:29,875 --> 00:22:33,250 Nope, this is where we diverge from the dogma. 296 00:22:33,333 --> 00:22:36,333 That first variant encountered a creature 297 00:22:37,208 --> 00:22:40,416 created from all the tears in reality, 298 00:22:40,500 --> 00:22:43,791 capable of consuming time and space itself. 299 00:22:43,875 --> 00:22:44,875 A creature... 300 00:22:46,583 --> 00:22:48,125 you both know. 301 00:22:49,625 --> 00:22:50,916 Alioth. 302 00:22:51,000 --> 00:22:52,500 HE WHO REMAINS: Bingo! 303 00:22:52,583 --> 00:22:57,250 I harnessed the beast's power and began experimenting on it. 304 00:23:01,291 --> 00:23:04,041 I weaponized Alioth 305 00:23:06,000 --> 00:23:09,291 and I ended... I ended the Multiversal War. 306 00:23:11,750 --> 00:23:13,708 Once I isolated our timeline, 307 00:23:14,958 --> 00:23:17,125 all I had to do was manage the flow of time 308 00:23:17,208 --> 00:23:19,083 and prevent any further branches. 309 00:23:19,166 --> 00:23:21,625 Hence, the TVA. 310 00:23:21,708 --> 00:23:25,583 Hence, the Time-Keepers and a highly efficient bureaucracy. 311 00:23:25,666 --> 00:23:30,958 ...and ages of cosmic harmony. 312 00:23:31,041 --> 00:23:32,416 Hence... 313 00:23:33,291 --> 00:23:34,458 you're welcome. 314 00:23:41,000 --> 00:23:44,583 You came to kill the devil, right? 315 00:23:46,541 --> 00:23:47,666 Well, guess what? 316 00:23:48,833 --> 00:23:51,250 I keep you safe. 317 00:23:51,333 --> 00:23:56,916 And if you think I'm evil, well, 318 00:23:58,458 --> 00:24:03,208 just wait till you meet my variants. 319 00:24:08,750 --> 00:24:12,208 And that's the gambit. 320 00:24:14,000 --> 00:24:18,083 Stifling order or cataclysmic chaos. 321 00:24:18,875 --> 00:24:21,541 You may hate the dictator, but something... 322 00:24:21,625 --> 00:24:24,541 ...far worse is gonna fill that void if you depose of him. 323 00:24:28,375 --> 00:24:30,916 I've lived a million lifetimes. 324 00:24:32,375 --> 00:24:34,500 I've gone through every scenario. 325 00:24:34,583 --> 00:24:36,625 This is the only way. 326 00:24:38,000 --> 00:24:39,083 The TVA, 327 00:24:40,416 --> 00:24:41,833 it works. 328 00:24:41,916 --> 00:24:45,041 Or you're a liar. 329 00:24:49,250 --> 00:24:50,375 Or I'm a liar. 330 00:24:53,000 --> 00:24:54,083 So you just... 331 00:24:55,333 --> 00:25:00,125 continue to prune innocent timelines? 332 00:25:00,208 --> 00:25:01,208 Mmm-mmm. 333 00:25:03,333 --> 00:25:04,333 You two would. 334 00:25:06,375 --> 00:25:08,791 There's two options! One... 335 00:25:10,250 --> 00:25:13,625 you kill me and destroy all this, so you don't just have one devil, 336 00:25:13,708 --> 00:25:16,125 you have an infinite amount. Or... 337 00:25:17,291 --> 00:25:18,291 you two. 338 00:25:19,125 --> 00:25:20,541 You two run the thing. 339 00:25:21,333 --> 00:25:22,333 You're lying. 340 00:25:25,791 --> 00:25:27,791 Why would you give up being in control? 341 00:25:35,666 --> 00:25:36,666 Buddy... 342 00:25:39,375 --> 00:25:40,375 I'm tired. 343 00:25:42,833 --> 00:25:45,041 And I'm older. 344 00:25:47,291 --> 00:25:48,583 I'm older than I look. 345 00:25:51,416 --> 00:25:56,166 This game is for the young, the hungry. 346 00:26:00,416 --> 00:26:02,458 I've gone through a lot of scenarios... 347 00:26:03,500 --> 00:26:06,708 trying to find the right person to take this spot. 348 00:26:09,291 --> 00:26:12,500 It turns out that person came in two. 349 00:26:16,083 --> 00:26:19,916 But it's definitely you two. 350 00:26:21,708 --> 00:26:23,958 So, no more lies. 351 00:26:25,083 --> 00:26:28,833 You kill me and the Sacred Timeline is completely exposed. 352 00:26:28,916 --> 00:26:30,250 Multiversal War. 353 00:26:30,333 --> 00:26:36,333 Or you take over and return to the TVA as its benevolent rulers. 354 00:26:36,833 --> 00:26:41,291 Tell the workforce who they are and why they do what they do. 355 00:26:42,708 --> 00:26:47,208 You treated real people's lives like some kind of game. 356 00:26:47,833 --> 00:26:52,000 It's not personal, it's practical. 357 00:26:52,083 --> 00:26:54,166 It was personal to me. 358 00:26:54,250 --> 00:26:58,458 Grow up! Grow up, Sylvie! 359 00:26:59,125 --> 00:27:01,041 Murderer! Hypocrite! 360 00:27:05,625 --> 00:27:10,416 We've all done horrible, terrible, horrific things. 361 00:27:14,750 --> 00:27:17,833 But now, we, you... 362 00:27:19,875 --> 00:27:23,166 have a chance to do them for a good reason. 363 00:27:48,916 --> 00:27:50,458 We just crossed... 364 00:27:51,791 --> 00:27:53,166 the threshold. 365 00:27:59,833 --> 00:28:01,541 -Oh. 366 00:28:18,041 --> 00:28:19,250 So, I fibbed. 367 00:28:21,250 --> 00:28:24,625 I fibbed earlier when I said I know how everything's going to go. I... 368 00:28:25,250 --> 00:28:28,958 ...everything up to a certain point, 369 00:28:29,041 --> 00:28:30,875 and that point was about... 370 00:28:33,875 --> 00:28:36,458 seven, eight, nine, ten seconds ago. 371 00:28:41,708 --> 00:28:42,958 But now I have no idea. 372 00:28:43,041 --> 00:28:45,500 No idea how the rest of this is going to go. 373 00:28:48,625 --> 00:28:49,791 I'm being candid. 374 00:28:53,708 --> 00:28:54,708 So, that's it? 375 00:28:57,333 --> 00:28:58,416 That's it? 376 00:28:59,375 --> 00:29:02,375 This is what happens at the end of time? 377 00:29:03,625 --> 00:29:06,833 And now you're just gonna sit there with all that freedom and... 378 00:29:08,500 --> 00:29:10,583 let us decide your fate? 379 00:29:10,666 --> 00:29:11,833 Yes! 380 00:29:11,916 --> 00:29:14,458 Yes! Yes! What's the worst that can happen? 381 00:29:15,333 --> 00:29:16,333 You either... 382 00:29:17,208 --> 00:29:20,041 take over and my life's work continues 383 00:29:20,125 --> 00:29:25,583 or you plunge a blade in my chest and an infinite amount of me... 384 00:29:27,041 --> 00:29:30,708 start another Multiversal War. And I just... 385 00:29:35,833 --> 00:29:38,125 Reincarnation, baby. 386 00:29:38,208 --> 00:29:42,166 No, it's just another lie. 387 00:29:42,250 --> 00:29:44,875 Another manipulation. 388 00:29:46,541 --> 00:29:48,291 Oh. 389 00:29:48,375 --> 00:29:49,416 No lie. 390 00:29:51,291 --> 00:29:52,458 No manipulation. 391 00:30:12,833 --> 00:30:13,833 Wow. 392 00:30:20,625 --> 00:30:21,708 I love this. 393 00:30:25,041 --> 00:30:29,125 I love... all this honesty. 394 00:30:37,125 --> 00:30:38,625 Feels like a fresh start. 395 00:30:51,125 --> 00:30:52,708 -Oh, holy... - 396 00:30:52,791 --> 00:30:54,541 -SYLVIE: What're you doing? -Hang on a moment. 397 00:30:54,625 --> 00:30:56,791 Let's just talk about it. 398 00:30:56,875 --> 00:30:59,250 Well, how about we finish what we started and kill him? 399 00:31:04,708 --> 00:31:06,458 -What if he's telling the truth? -So what? 400 00:31:06,541 --> 00:31:07,833 -I believe him. -Believe what? 401 00:31:07,916 --> 00:31:09,625 That a bazillion boogeymen will turn up 402 00:31:09,708 --> 00:31:11,375 just because we give people free will? 403 00:31:11,458 --> 00:31:13,291 -He's a liar, Loki. -So am I. 404 00:31:13,375 --> 00:31:16,000 And I don't think he was lying. Not about that. 405 00:31:16,083 --> 00:31:18,583 Insane? Yes. But maybe he was telling the truth. 406 00:31:18,666 --> 00:31:21,000 Better hurry. Timeline's already branching. 407 00:31:21,083 --> 00:31:23,333 -So, what are you suggesting? -That we think about it. 408 00:31:23,416 --> 00:31:25,541 And what precisely is there to think about? 409 00:31:25,625 --> 00:31:27,750 Weren't you listening to what he was saying? 410 00:31:27,833 --> 00:31:28,833 That's the gambit. 411 00:31:29,416 --> 00:31:31,708 Remove the dictator and what fills the void? 412 00:31:33,625 --> 00:31:34,625 Ah. 413 00:31:35,833 --> 00:31:37,166 You want the throne? 414 00:31:37,833 --> 00:31:40,083 No, that's not it. No. 415 00:31:40,750 --> 00:31:43,416 -I don't believe you. -Sylvie, the universe is in the balance, 416 00:31:43,500 --> 00:31:46,250 everything we know to be true. Everything. 417 00:31:47,375 --> 00:31:49,083 I know the TVA has hurt us both. 418 00:31:49,166 --> 00:31:50,791 But what if by taking him out, 419 00:31:50,875 --> 00:31:53,625 we risk unleashing something even worse? 420 00:31:54,750 --> 00:31:58,708 All I'm suggesting is we just take a minute to think about it. 421 00:32:00,083 --> 00:32:03,041 I promise you from my heart this isn't about a throne. 422 00:32:03,125 --> 00:32:05,166 What was I thinking trusting you? 423 00:32:06,958 --> 00:32:08,583 Has this whole thing been a con? 424 00:32:08,666 --> 00:32:09,666 Really? 425 00:32:11,166 --> 00:32:12,791 That's what you think of me... 426 00:32:14,125 --> 00:32:15,708 after all this time? 427 00:32:15,791 --> 00:32:17,041 Sure. Why not? 428 00:32:18,458 --> 00:32:20,666 Evil Loki's master plan comes together. 429 00:32:21,541 --> 00:32:24,750 Well, you never trusted me, did you? What was the point? 430 00:32:26,083 --> 00:32:29,958 Can't you see? This is bigger than our experience. 431 00:32:30,958 --> 00:32:32,666 Why aren't we seeing this the same way? 432 00:32:34,375 --> 00:32:35,833 Because you can't trust... 433 00:32:38,333 --> 00:32:39,833 and I can't be trusted. 434 00:32:42,250 --> 00:32:43,875 Then I guess we're in a pickle. 435 00:32:44,500 --> 00:32:45,500 Sylvie, wait. 436 00:32:46,750 --> 00:32:48,166 Wait. 437 00:33:14,333 --> 00:33:17,000 -Sylvie. Sylvie. - 438 00:33:17,083 --> 00:33:19,750 Maybe he's lying! Maybe he's not. 439 00:33:19,833 --> 00:33:22,708 The cost of getting this wrong is too great. 440 00:33:22,791 --> 00:33:24,333 Fine. Do it. 441 00:33:25,250 --> 00:33:27,833 Kill me. Take your throne. 442 00:33:27,916 --> 00:33:29,041 No. 443 00:33:45,000 --> 00:33:46,875 Sylvie, stop. Stop. 444 00:33:46,958 --> 00:33:50,041 - 445 00:33:54,416 --> 00:33:55,416 Stop. 446 00:34:02,750 --> 00:34:03,750 Stop. 447 00:34:09,333 --> 00:34:10,916 I've been where you are. 448 00:34:15,333 --> 00:34:17,166 I've felt what you feel. 449 00:34:21,416 --> 00:34:23,125 Don't ask me how I know. 450 00:34:25,916 --> 00:34:27,083 All I know... 451 00:34:29,666 --> 00:34:31,416 is I don't wanna hurt you. 452 00:34:34,541 --> 00:34:35,916 I don't want a throne. 453 00:34:39,333 --> 00:34:40,333 I just... 454 00:34:47,791 --> 00:34:49,666 I just want you to be okay. 455 00:34:53,458 --> 00:34:55,458 - 456 00:35:11,916 --> 00:35:13,291 But I'm not you. 457 00:35:22,750 --> 00:35:25,833 - 458 00:35:31,000 --> 00:35:32,333 HE WHO REMAINS: Incredible. 459 00:35:44,875 --> 00:35:46,833 Aren't you gonna beg for your life? 460 00:35:59,291 --> 00:36:00,500 I'll see you soon. 461 00:36:23,791 --> 00:36:26,125 - 462 00:37:19,833 --> 00:37:21,250 MOBIUS: No turning back now. 463 00:37:22,958 --> 00:37:25,041 Who said anything about turning back? 464 00:37:30,083 --> 00:37:31,166 "For all time." 465 00:37:34,708 --> 00:37:35,708 "Always." 466 00:38:47,291 --> 00:38:49,416 MAN: Copy. Reporting to the armory, sir. 467 00:39:07,083 --> 00:39:10,166 That's, what, 63 new branches in this unit alone? 468 00:39:10,250 --> 00:39:12,458 Does he want us to just let them all branch? 469 00:39:12,541 --> 00:39:15,125 -At this point, how are we gonna stop it? -We can't! 470 00:39:15,208 --> 00:39:16,208 What? 471 00:39:17,083 --> 00:39:18,166 What'd you say? 472 00:39:19,166 --> 00:39:20,291 It's done, Mobius. 473 00:39:21,041 --> 00:39:22,416 We made a terrible mistake. 474 00:39:22,500 --> 00:39:23,958 -What's done? - What? 475 00:39:24,625 --> 00:39:26,208 We freed the Timeline. 476 00:39:26,291 --> 00:39:29,708 We found him beyond the storm. 477 00:39:29,791 --> 00:39:32,083 A Citadel at the End of Time. 478 00:39:32,166 --> 00:39:35,000 He's terrifying. He planned everything. 479 00:39:35,083 --> 00:39:37,250 He's seen everything. He knows everything. 480 00:39:37,333 --> 00:39:38,541 It's complicated. Okay? 481 00:39:38,625 --> 00:39:40,166 -Right. -But someone is coming. 482 00:39:40,250 --> 00:39:43,041 Countless different versions of a very dangerous person. 483 00:39:43,125 --> 00:39:45,208 And they're all set on war. We need to prepare. 484 00:39:45,291 --> 00:39:47,250 Take it easy. You're an analyst, right? 485 00:39:47,333 --> 00:39:48,958 -What division are you from? -What? 486 00:39:49,041 --> 00:39:52,125 -What are you talking about? -Who are you? What's your name? 487 00:39:52,208 --> 00:39:54,125 Boots on the ground now. Archives. 488 00:39:55,291 --> 00:39:56,291 Who are you?