1 00:00:02,504 --> 00:00:03,946 Move it, newbies. 2 00:00:03,947 --> 00:00:05,889 - Sorry. - Sorry. 3 00:00:05,890 --> 00:00:07,123 How did he know we were new? 4 00:00:07,124 --> 00:00:08,900 Maybe 'cause we're cowering in fear. 5 00:00:08,901 --> 00:00:10,118 Speak for yourselves. 6 00:00:10,119 --> 00:00:11,879 I can't wait to meet our chief resident. 7 00:00:11,880 --> 00:00:14,198 Rumor has it she's a real hard-ass. 8 00:00:14,199 --> 00:00:16,275 Oh! 9 00:00:16,276 --> 00:00:17,777 That must be her. 10 00:00:20,460 --> 00:00:22,170 Oh, God, she's terrifying. 11 00:00:22,847 --> 00:00:24,289 Hello, everyone. 12 00:00:24,290 --> 00:00:26,367 You must be the internal medicine residents. 13 00:00:26,368 --> 00:00:27,852 Yes, ma'am. Here and ready. 14 00:00:27,853 --> 00:00:29,562 Oh, gosh. What a pleasure to meet you. 15 00:00:29,563 --> 00:00:31,190 Should we go around and introduce ourselves? 16 00:00:31,191 --> 00:00:33,175 - Excellent idea. I'm Daniel Kutcher. - Mm. 17 00:00:33,176 --> 00:00:35,001 I went to Duke, and I've published 18 00:00:35,002 --> 00:00:36,903 in The New England Journal of Medicine. 19 00:00:36,904 --> 00:00:38,513 Two times. 20 00:00:38,514 --> 00:00:40,038 Very impressive. 21 00:00:40,039 --> 00:00:41,682 Uh, I'm Lexie Gilani. 22 00:00:41,683 --> 00:00:43,626 - Mm-hmm. - I grew up here in Southern California. 23 00:00:43,627 --> 00:00:45,221 I had a dog named Duke 24 00:00:45,222 --> 00:00:47,890 - that I successfully diagnosed with parvo. - Oh. 25 00:00:47,891 --> 00:00:49,016 He died. 26 00:00:49,017 --> 00:00:51,360 I'm very nervous. 27 00:00:51,361 --> 00:00:52,561 I'm Caleb Sommers. 28 00:00:52,562 --> 00:00:53,813 He/Him. 29 00:00:53,814 --> 00:00:56,065 I just returned from Guatemala, 30 00:00:56,066 --> 00:00:58,401 where I practiced medicine in the rain forest 31 00:00:58,402 --> 00:01:00,653 and I got a tapeworm. 32 00:01:00,654 --> 00:01:01,704 Wow. 33 00:01:01,705 --> 00:01:04,240 What an exceptional group of people. 34 00:01:04,241 --> 00:01:05,616 I'm Carol Kenney. 35 00:01:05,617 --> 00:01:07,743 I'm very into secondary infections, 36 00:01:07,744 --> 00:01:10,372 and I am so excited to be here! 37 00:01:14,918 --> 00:01:17,128 Will we be starting rounds right away? 38 00:01:17,129 --> 00:01:21,257 I hope so. I've waited a long time for this day. 39 00:01:21,258 --> 00:01:23,926 A long time to be... chief resident? 40 00:01:23,927 --> 00:01:25,428 Me? 41 00:01:25,429 --> 00:01:27,023 You think I'm chief resident? 42 00:01:27,024 --> 00:01:29,056 No! No, this is my first day. 43 00:01:29,057 --> 00:01:30,824 I'm an intern, just like you. 44 00:01:30,825 --> 00:01:32,560 But you have a clipboard. 45 00:01:32,561 --> 00:01:34,437 Yes. I love clipboards. 46 00:01:34,438 --> 00:01:37,163 But you have a long coat, like a resident. 47 00:01:37,164 --> 00:01:38,355 Oh, it's not a long coat. 48 00:01:38,356 --> 00:01:40,214 I'm just short. 49 00:01:40,215 --> 00:01:42,512 But you're... 50 00:01:42,513 --> 00:01:44,141 Older. Yes, I know. 51 00:01:44,142 --> 00:01:45,893 Yeah. This is my second career. 52 00:01:45,894 --> 00:01:47,575 I mean, I always wanted to be a doctor, 53 00:01:47,576 --> 00:01:49,618 but life got away from me. 54 00:01:49,619 --> 00:01:50,619 Oh. 55 00:01:50,620 --> 00:01:52,621 Were you in a coma? 56 00:01:52,622 --> 00:01:53,731 No. 57 00:01:53,732 --> 00:01:55,124 Got married young, had kids, 58 00:01:55,125 --> 00:01:56,459 taught high school science. 59 00:01:56,460 --> 00:01:57,960 So, why med school? 60 00:01:57,961 --> 00:01:59,095 I lost a bet. 61 00:01:59,096 --> 00:02:00,796 No, I'm kidding. 62 00:02:00,797 --> 00:02:03,174 My marriage fell apart. 63 00:02:03,175 --> 00:02:05,134 My husband went off to find himself, 64 00:02:05,135 --> 00:02:07,470 and now he's sleeping on his sister's futon, 65 00:02:07,471 --> 00:02:10,139 and I'm a doctor, so life is good. 66 00:02:10,140 --> 00:02:13,142 So, if you're an intern, then where's the chief resident? 67 00:02:13,143 --> 00:02:14,935 Start the patient in 24 on vancomycin, 68 00:02:14,936 --> 00:02:16,259 and order a CVC stat. 69 00:02:16,260 --> 00:02:18,160 I need a spinal tap kit in room eight 70 00:02:18,161 --> 00:02:20,954 and a central line in rooms ten and 11, and good morning. 71 00:02:20,955 --> 00:02:23,319 I am Dr. Maya Jacobs, your chief resident. 72 00:02:23,320 --> 00:02:25,488 - Whoa. - Hey, Dr. Jacobs. 73 00:02:25,489 --> 00:02:27,990 They thought I was you. Isn't that funny? 74 00:02:27,991 --> 00:02:29,325 Very. 75 00:02:29,326 --> 00:02:31,051 Internal medicine residents, 76 00:02:31,052 --> 00:02:33,232 welcome to Loyola Memorial Hospital. 77 00:02:33,233 --> 00:02:34,330 Today, you are doctors. 78 00:02:34,331 --> 00:02:38,501 Oh, my God, it's so exciting, I just... 79 00:02:38,502 --> 00:02:40,378 This year will be the hardest of your life. 80 00:02:40,379 --> 00:02:43,172 The learning curve is steep, and the hours are demanding. 81 00:02:43,173 --> 00:02:44,715 Many residents don't survive. 82 00:02:44,716 --> 00:02:47,343 Some quit or, worse, become dentists. 83 00:02:47,344 --> 00:02:49,912 Geez. 84 00:02:49,913 --> 00:02:51,004 You have a comment? 85 00:02:51,005 --> 00:02:52,029 I'm sorry. 86 00:02:52,030 --> 00:02:53,182 Did not mean to interrupt. 87 00:02:53,183 --> 00:02:54,558 It's just that fear is 88 00:02:54,559 --> 00:02:56,141 a terrible way to motivate people. 89 00:02:56,142 --> 00:02:57,911 I-I was a teacher, and I found that 90 00:02:57,912 --> 00:03:00,396 my students responded best to encouragement. 91 00:03:00,397 --> 00:03:02,930 And, you know, neuroscience is completely behind this. Oh. 92 00:03:02,931 --> 00:03:04,427 I read a great article in The Lancet. 93 00:03:04,428 --> 00:03:05,518 I will send it to you. 94 00:03:05,519 --> 00:03:06,927 You're gonna need my log-in. 95 00:03:06,928 --> 00:03:10,465 Username is CarolKenKen, and password is MamaDoc63. 96 00:03:10,466 --> 00:03:11,658 I am your boss, 97 00:03:11,659 --> 00:03:13,233 not your friend. 98 00:03:13,234 --> 00:03:14,609 I'm here for two reasons: 99 00:03:14,610 --> 00:03:15,893 to teach you how to save lives 100 00:03:15,894 --> 00:03:17,752 and to determine which of you can cut it 101 00:03:17,753 --> 00:03:19,320 and which of you can't. 102 00:03:19,321 --> 00:03:21,063 Let's move. 103 00:03:21,064 --> 00:03:22,922 Was she looking at me when she said that? 104 00:03:22,923 --> 00:03:25,300 She looked right at me. Wow, she is fast. 105 00:03:26,866 --> 00:03:29,534 Ah, new crop of interns. 106 00:03:29,535 --> 00:03:32,871 Is it just me, or do they get younger every year? 107 00:03:32,872 --> 00:03:35,207 Not just you, Dr. Frost. 108 00:03:35,208 --> 00:03:37,377 I think one of them brought their mom. 109 00:03:41,547 --> 00:03:43,215 Patient is a 38-year-old male, 110 00:03:43,216 --> 00:03:45,342 admitted four days after a minor car accident, 111 00:03:45,343 --> 00:03:47,177 complaining of fatigue and headaches. 112 00:03:47,178 --> 00:03:50,389 What are his related health factors, Dr. Sommers? 113 00:03:50,390 --> 00:03:52,057 Huh? Uh, bluh, di-di-di-dah. 114 00:03:52,058 --> 00:03:54,393 Uh, looks like a history of migraines? 115 00:03:54,394 --> 00:03:56,520 Correct. Next time, be prepared. 116 00:03:56,521 --> 00:03:58,449 She can't yell at what she can't see. 117 00:04:00,149 --> 00:04:01,525 You think his migraines 118 00:04:01,526 --> 00:04:03,235 have something to do with this? 119 00:04:03,236 --> 00:04:06,238 Here. Here you go. I always carry a spare. 120 00:04:06,239 --> 00:04:09,776 Aw. The gel pen my neighbor Phyllis got me in Japan. 121 00:04:12,578 --> 00:04:14,746 And how do your migraines typically present? 122 00:04:14,747 --> 00:04:16,039 Dizziness. 123 00:04:16,040 --> 00:04:17,249 I get those flashy lights. 124 00:04:17,250 --> 00:04:18,417 Wh-What are they called? 125 00:04:18,418 --> 00:04:19,634 - Aur... - Auras. 126 00:04:19,635 --> 00:04:21,068 Yeah, my uncle had migraines like that. 127 00:04:21,069 --> 00:04:23,427 They're commonly stress-related, and... 128 00:04:23,428 --> 00:04:25,215 Long story short, 129 00:04:25,216 --> 00:04:26,591 yoga helped him with his migraines 130 00:04:26,592 --> 00:04:29,470 but not with his alcoholism, and he died. 131 00:04:31,055 --> 00:04:32,931 Next steps. Dr. Kutcher. 132 00:04:32,932 --> 00:04:35,600 Probable causes include subdural hematoma, 133 00:04:35,601 --> 00:04:36,935 Chiari malformation. 134 00:04:36,936 --> 00:04:38,437 Start with a head CT and blood work. 135 00:04:38,438 --> 00:04:39,730 Excellent, Dr. Kutcher. 136 00:04:39,731 --> 00:04:42,941 That is how, and when, to speak on rounds. 137 00:04:42,942 --> 00:04:44,109 Let's move. 138 00:04:44,110 --> 00:04:46,069 No, what did she say? 139 00:04:46,070 --> 00:04:48,572 Head CT? Is that a CAT scan? 140 00:04:48,573 --> 00:04:49,781 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 141 00:04:49,782 --> 00:04:51,007 CT is a CAT scan. 142 00:04:51,008 --> 00:04:52,399 You'll have the results this afternoon. 143 00:04:52,400 --> 00:04:54,286 Oh, thanks. Sorry, I'm a mess. 144 00:04:54,287 --> 00:04:55,579 This has been stressful. 145 00:04:55,580 --> 00:04:57,031 Oh, of course it has. 146 00:04:57,032 --> 00:04:59,624 Uh, here. Need a hair tie? 147 00:04:59,625 --> 00:05:01,585 Yes. 148 00:05:01,586 --> 00:05:03,670 Thank you. What are you, Dr. Mary Poppins? 149 00:05:03,671 --> 00:05:05,922 No. 150 00:05:05,923 --> 00:05:06,990 No, no, no. 151 00:05:06,991 --> 00:05:08,091 But if you need a tissue, 152 00:05:08,092 --> 00:05:10,969 I have Kleenex hidden all over my body. 153 00:05:10,970 --> 00:05:12,637 Dr. Kenney! 154 00:05:12,638 --> 00:05:14,390 Sorry. 155 00:05:15,975 --> 00:05:17,851 Wow, rounds are intense. 156 00:05:17,852 --> 00:05:20,270 I feel like I've aged a thousand years. 157 00:05:20,271 --> 00:05:22,606 No offense, Carol. 158 00:05:22,607 --> 00:05:24,316 You think that's intense? 159 00:05:24,317 --> 00:05:26,860 Try teaching 40 ninth-graders how to dissect a frog. 160 00:05:26,861 --> 00:05:29,030 You'll find out who the serial killers are. 161 00:05:30,656 --> 00:05:32,657 Anyone want an energy boost? 162 00:05:32,658 --> 00:05:33,825 Banana me. 163 00:05:33,826 --> 00:05:34,993 Daniel? 164 00:05:34,994 --> 00:05:36,787 No, thanks. I create my own energy. 165 00:05:36,788 --> 00:05:39,831 I'll take one. 166 00:05:39,832 --> 00:05:42,626 Guys, these are super fresh. Hyup! 167 00:05:42,627 --> 00:05:46,381 I got them this morning from a Whole Foods dumpster. 168 00:05:47,882 --> 00:05:50,675 That's okay. I'll get something from the cafeteria. 169 00:05:50,676 --> 00:05:52,226 You better hurry. Dr. Jacobs said 170 00:05:52,227 --> 00:05:54,805 we had a two-minute break, and that was 90 seconds ago. 171 00:05:54,806 --> 00:05:56,681 Ah, that's just an expression. 172 00:05:56,682 --> 00:05:58,016 She can't actually mean... 173 00:05:58,017 --> 00:05:59,684 Two minutes are up. 174 00:05:59,685 --> 00:06:01,983 I hope you feel rejuvenated, 175 00:06:01,984 --> 00:06:03,814 because I have your assignments. 176 00:06:03,815 --> 00:06:05,716 Dr. Sommers and Dr. Gilani, you'll be assisting 177 00:06:05,717 --> 00:06:07,651 a senior attending on a patient workup. 178 00:06:07,652 --> 00:06:10,237 Wow, senior attending on our first day. 179 00:06:10,238 --> 00:06:12,364 Dr. Kutcher, excellent work on rounds. 180 00:06:12,365 --> 00:06:14,190 You'll do follow-up on Car Crash. 181 00:06:14,191 --> 00:06:17,236 My own patient? Yes, Danny! 182 00:06:20,206 --> 00:06:21,883 Dr. Kenney, 183 00:06:21,884 --> 00:06:23,708 you'll be collecting stool samples. 184 00:06:23,709 --> 00:06:26,182 Stool samples? 185 00:06:26,183 --> 00:06:27,587 Oh, hey. 186 00:06:27,588 --> 00:06:29,423 Uh, you know, 187 00:06:29,424 --> 00:06:31,174 maybe I could assist Dr. Kutcher. 188 00:06:31,175 --> 00:06:33,250 I had a really good rapport with his patient's wife. 189 00:06:33,251 --> 00:06:35,220 No, thanks. Danny's good. 190 00:06:35,221 --> 00:06:37,931 Oh, I saw on the white board there was 191 00:06:37,932 --> 00:06:40,516 a patient with a secondary infection, and I am very in... 192 00:06:40,517 --> 00:06:42,432 Dr. Kenney... 193 00:06:42,433 --> 00:06:44,768 I realize you're excited to be here 194 00:06:44,769 --> 00:06:47,170 at this late stage of your life, 195 00:06:47,171 --> 00:06:50,280 but this is how hospitals work. 196 00:06:50,281 --> 00:06:51,639 There's a chain of command. 197 00:06:51,640 --> 00:06:53,331 When a senior doctor gives an order, 198 00:06:53,332 --> 00:06:54,856 a junior doctor follows it. 199 00:06:54,857 --> 00:06:58,592 So, let's try this again. 200 00:06:58,593 --> 00:07:01,661 Dr. Kenney, you'll be collecting stool samples. 201 00:07:01,662 --> 00:07:03,956 Yes, Carol! 202 00:07:08,993 --> 00:07:12,555 Well, Mr. Bans is on the morphine choo choo to sleepy town, 203 00:07:12,556 --> 00:07:13,758 so I guess we just... What's that?! 204 00:07:13,759 --> 00:07:15,292 What did I do? What did I do? What did I do? 205 00:07:15,293 --> 00:07:16,469 Oh, it's me. 206 00:07:18,096 --> 00:07:21,182 Oh, today is so stressful, huh? 207 00:07:21,183 --> 00:07:23,267 I mean, we're the doctors now. 208 00:07:23,268 --> 00:07:25,255 If se screw up, someone could die. 209 00:07:25,256 --> 00:07:27,772 - What's that? - Go to sleep, Mr. Bans. 210 00:07:27,773 --> 00:07:29,106 Shh. 211 00:07:29,107 --> 00:07:30,775 I'm just glad I got paired with you. 212 00:07:30,776 --> 00:07:33,042 You seem pretty cool, aside from eating trash food. 213 00:07:33,043 --> 00:07:35,321 Aw. You're my favorite, too. 214 00:07:35,322 --> 00:07:37,657 I'm the first person in my family to go to college, 215 00:07:37,658 --> 00:07:40,584 much less be a doctor, so I feel this crazy pressure 216 00:07:40,585 --> 00:07:41,619 to do well. 217 00:07:41,620 --> 00:07:43,287 I get it. 218 00:07:43,288 --> 00:07:45,456 I don't need to walk a mile in your shoes, 219 00:07:45,457 --> 00:07:46,999 because I own your shoes, 220 00:07:47,000 --> 00:07:48,877 and I'm wearing them right now. 221 00:07:49,961 --> 00:07:51,671 Wh-What I'm trying to say is... 222 00:07:51,672 --> 00:07:53,465 is that we're the same. 223 00:07:54,883 --> 00:07:57,635 Hello! Dr. Stephen Frost. Senior attending. 224 00:07:57,636 --> 00:07:59,470 Department chair. Please... 225 00:07:59,471 --> 00:08:01,749 - hold your applause. - Dr. Frost, it's an honor. 226 00:08:01,750 --> 00:08:04,266 - My name is Doctor... - And look who's here. 227 00:08:04,267 --> 00:08:06,686 Caleb, how are you, kiddo? 228 00:08:06,687 --> 00:08:08,479 Stephen! 229 00:08:08,480 --> 00:08:10,439 I-I mean, uh, Dr. Frost. 230 00:08:10,440 --> 00:08:13,317 Uh, I didn't realize that you were the senior attending. 231 00:08:13,318 --> 00:08:14,818 - You two know each other? - Know each other? 232 00:08:14,819 --> 00:08:17,446 I've been friends with the Sommers forever. 233 00:08:17,447 --> 00:08:20,782 I taught this little guy how to ski. 234 00:08:20,783 --> 00:08:23,159 Pizza pie. French fries. Pizza pie. 235 00:08:23,160 --> 00:08:25,954 Come here, you. Oh, I got you! 236 00:08:25,955 --> 00:08:29,999 Wow, a noogie between two adult men. Very cool. 237 00:08:31,168 --> 00:08:34,337 Ah, shoot. An appendix blew. 238 00:08:34,338 --> 00:08:36,840 Troublesome organ. 239 00:08:36,841 --> 00:08:40,009 Tell you what, do a full workup on Mr. Bans 240 00:08:40,010 --> 00:08:41,678 before his paracentesis. 241 00:08:41,679 --> 00:08:44,180 Good to see you, Dr. Sommers. 242 00:08:44,181 --> 00:08:46,934 And nice meeting you, Caleb's friend. 243 00:08:49,728 --> 00:08:50,771 What? 244 00:08:51,730 --> 00:08:52,814 What? 245 00:08:52,815 --> 00:08:54,315 Where I come from, 246 00:08:54,316 --> 00:08:56,944 pizza pies and French fries are foods. 247 00:09:00,197 --> 00:09:01,864 Oh, Doctor. Excuse me, Doctor? 248 00:09:01,865 --> 00:09:04,158 Oh. Oh, wow. 249 00:09:04,159 --> 00:09:06,909 You mean me. 250 00:09:06,910 --> 00:09:09,872 That is so nice to hear. "Doctor". 251 00:09:09,873 --> 00:09:11,207 Can you please help us? 252 00:09:11,208 --> 00:09:13,167 No, I can't. I'm sorry. 253 00:09:13,168 --> 00:09:14,768 You're Dr. Kutcher's patient. 254 00:09:14,769 --> 00:09:17,772 See, there's this whole hierarchy about who does what, 255 00:09:17,773 --> 00:09:19,346 and it sounds so silly, 256 00:09:19,347 --> 00:09:21,718 but I could get in a ton of trouble if I help you. 257 00:09:21,719 --> 00:09:23,219 Although, why did I become a doctor? 258 00:09:23,220 --> 00:09:24,554 To help people. 259 00:09:24,555 --> 00:09:27,036 Nice people who call me "doctor". 260 00:09:29,393 --> 00:09:31,520 The doctor is in. 261 00:09:33,063 --> 00:09:35,064 So, what's on your mind? 262 00:09:35,065 --> 00:09:37,567 Is his I.V. in right? He kind of rolled over. 263 00:09:37,568 --> 00:09:40,817 Yeah, that looks fine. Has he been scratching at it? 264 00:09:40,818 --> 00:09:42,572 Yeah, he's been really itchy. 265 00:09:42,573 --> 00:09:45,408 Itchy? When did you first notice that? 266 00:09:45,409 --> 00:09:46,909 A month or so ago. 267 00:09:46,910 --> 00:09:48,870 So, before the accident? 268 00:09:48,871 --> 00:09:50,413 And the migraines, were those also... 269 00:09:50,414 --> 00:09:51,538 Thanks, Nurse. I'll get right in. 270 00:09:51,539 --> 00:09:53,083 Um, I was never here. 271 00:09:55,252 --> 00:09:58,130 Don't worry, this is perfectly normal. 272 00:09:59,423 --> 00:10:02,050 Hi. I got a page. Everything okay? 273 00:10:02,051 --> 00:10:03,469 Um... 274 00:10:11,935 --> 00:10:14,730 Are those... stool samples? 275 00:10:23,614 --> 00:10:25,615 Unbelievable. 276 00:10:25,616 --> 00:10:28,284 Dr. Kenney, are you trying to get kicked out of the program? 277 00:10:28,285 --> 00:10:31,163 It's not Dr. Kenney. 278 00:10:33,123 --> 00:10:35,392 Okay, it's me. 279 00:10:35,393 --> 00:10:37,460 Look, the patient's wife called me in here. 280 00:10:37,461 --> 00:10:38,961 You know, I think there's something more 281 00:10:38,962 --> 00:10:40,129 going on with him. 282 00:10:40,130 --> 00:10:41,798 Oh, my gosh, do you? 283 00:10:41,799 --> 00:10:43,299 Did you crack the case? 284 00:10:43,300 --> 00:10:44,634 Yes, by listening. 285 00:10:44,635 --> 00:10:46,594 I'm a regular Angela Lansbury. 286 00:10:46,595 --> 00:10:48,262 Stop talking about your friends. 287 00:10:49,640 --> 00:10:51,641 You should go talk to her. 288 00:10:51,642 --> 00:10:53,309 And you should mind your own business 289 00:10:53,310 --> 00:10:54,477 and finish your shower. 290 00:10:54,478 --> 00:10:56,104 Here, let me help you. 291 00:10:56,105 --> 00:10:57,814 - Whoa! - Whoa! 292 00:10:57,815 --> 00:11:01,693 Code blue, room 522. 293 00:11:01,694 --> 00:11:03,986 Code blue, room 522. 294 00:11:03,987 --> 00:11:05,321 Excuse me. 295 00:11:05,322 --> 00:11:07,199 Excuse me. Coming through. 296 00:11:08,507 --> 00:11:10,175 You've got to be kidding me. 297 00:11:12,725 --> 00:11:14,602 Hi, Dr. Jacobs. 298 00:11:18,824 --> 00:11:21,170 Okay, let me explain. 299 00:11:21,171 --> 00:11:22,672 I was trying to help... 300 00:11:22,673 --> 00:11:24,507 You can help by following orders. 301 00:11:24,508 --> 00:11:26,808 Yes, I made a mistake, but I... 302 00:11:26,809 --> 00:11:28,803 Dr. Kenney, this isn't about one mistake. 303 00:11:28,804 --> 00:11:30,013 This is about you. 304 00:11:30,014 --> 00:11:31,347 Being a doctor's not an item 305 00:11:31,348 --> 00:11:32,849 to check off your bucket list. 306 00:11:32,850 --> 00:11:34,341 - Ooh. - Ooh. 307 00:11:34,342 --> 00:11:35,810 Someone who can't follow orders 308 00:11:35,811 --> 00:11:37,646 is someone who can't be a good doctor. 309 00:11:39,565 --> 00:11:42,401 I-I don't even have a bucket list. 310 00:11:43,402 --> 00:11:45,361 I have a vision board. 311 00:11:51,158 --> 00:11:53,359 - Oh, come on! - Anything else I should know about you? 312 00:11:53,360 --> 00:11:54,903 Did you bike here on your yacht? 313 00:11:56,252 --> 00:11:59,070 You are taking this a little far. 314 00:11:59,071 --> 00:12:03,032 Oh, am I, Warren Buffett Zuckerberg Tesla Starbucks?! 315 00:12:04,451 --> 00:12:06,869 Excuse me. Someone's trying to salvage 316 00:12:06,870 --> 00:12:08,746 what's left of their dignity here. 317 00:12:08,747 --> 00:12:10,957 Sorry, Carol. Just turns out 318 00:12:10,958 --> 00:12:12,750 Caleb's not a woke bae. 319 00:12:12,751 --> 00:12:15,828 I would never say that. It's cultural appropriation. 320 00:12:15,829 --> 00:12:17,641 - I didn't know that... - I never would've opened up... 321 00:12:17,642 --> 00:12:19,117 - the attending was Dr. Frost! - to you if I knew you were a privileged 322 00:12:19,118 --> 00:12:21,383 - little rich kid! - I can't know a doctor here? 323 00:12:21,384 --> 00:12:24,844 - Why would I have ever... - Hand goes up, mouths go shut. 324 00:12:25,646 --> 00:12:27,939 Dang, you were a teacher. 325 00:12:27,940 --> 00:12:30,651 Teacher of the Year eight times, but who's counting? 326 00:12:31,652 --> 00:12:33,195 So... 327 00:12:33,196 --> 00:12:34,988 how's your patient? 328 00:12:34,989 --> 00:12:39,577 - Our patient is, uh... - Uh... 329 00:12:40,953 --> 00:12:42,287 You know... 330 00:12:42,288 --> 00:12:44,039 I could have had a normal retirement 331 00:12:44,040 --> 00:12:45,540 like all my friends. 332 00:12:45,541 --> 00:12:47,167 Book club. Wine. 333 00:12:47,168 --> 00:12:49,086 Maybe get into pot. 334 00:12:50,952 --> 00:12:53,329 But no, I had to become a doctor. 335 00:12:54,136 --> 00:12:56,351 I was so excited for my first day, 336 00:12:56,352 --> 00:12:58,126 and it's been a disaster. 337 00:12:58,127 --> 00:13:01,153 If I had a patient to care for, I would be all over it. 338 00:13:01,154 --> 00:13:03,630 But if you two want to stay in here and fight, 339 00:13:03,631 --> 00:13:05,174 that's your choice. 340 00:13:08,898 --> 00:13:13,402 I feel ashamed but also motivated. 341 00:13:16,364 --> 00:13:19,199 Don't mind me... just doing my job. 342 00:13:19,200 --> 00:13:21,743 Not going anywhere near your patients. 343 00:13:21,744 --> 00:13:23,412 Sure. Whatever you want. 344 00:13:25,039 --> 00:13:26,873 Okay, it's been ten seconds, 345 00:13:26,874 --> 00:13:28,875 and you haven't talked about yourself in the third person. 346 00:13:28,876 --> 00:13:31,420 What's wrong? 347 00:13:32,342 --> 00:13:34,468 Know my patient, car crash guy? 348 00:13:34,469 --> 00:13:36,637 - Mr. Clark? - His results came back. 349 00:13:36,638 --> 00:13:38,593 It's cancer, isn't it? 350 00:13:38,594 --> 00:13:40,391 Yeah. Dr. Jacobs confirmed it. 351 00:13:40,392 --> 00:13:41,809 Mm. 352 00:13:41,810 --> 00:13:43,185 You knew, though. 353 00:13:43,186 --> 00:13:46,032 Well, I suspected, based on what his wife told me, 354 00:13:46,033 --> 00:13:47,481 but I wasn't sure. 355 00:13:47,482 --> 00:13:49,984 I wish I was wrong. Does he know? 356 00:13:49,985 --> 00:13:51,902 Dr. Jacobs told me to tell him. 357 00:13:51,903 --> 00:13:54,864 I don't know how. This is my first day. 358 00:13:54,865 --> 00:13:58,617 I thought I'd save at least six lives. 359 00:13:58,618 --> 00:14:00,828 But now I got to go in there and say, 360 00:14:00,829 --> 00:14:03,131 "Bad news, dude, it's the big C." 361 00:14:03,132 --> 00:14:06,060 Uh, no. Not like that, no. 362 00:14:08,170 --> 00:14:10,838 Be honest, but be kind. 363 00:14:10,839 --> 00:14:14,050 You know, people beat this, so give them hope. 364 00:14:14,051 --> 00:14:15,676 That's good. 365 00:14:15,677 --> 00:14:16,927 That's good advice. 366 00:14:16,928 --> 00:14:18,169 Okay. 367 00:14:18,170 --> 00:14:20,571 - Will you tell him? - No. 368 00:14:20,572 --> 00:14:24,518 No. I've been given strict orders to stay in my lane, so... 369 00:14:24,519 --> 00:14:25,853 Look, you've got this. 370 00:14:25,854 --> 00:14:27,688 Just draw from your own experience. 371 00:14:27,689 --> 00:14:29,929 Here: What's the worst thing that's ever happened to you? 372 00:14:34,112 --> 00:14:37,949 My birthday is July 5, so everyone's pretty partied out. 373 00:14:40,357 --> 00:14:43,025 Okay, I'll help you. 374 00:14:43,026 --> 00:14:45,027 Okay. I've removed the catheter. 375 00:14:45,028 --> 00:14:47,655 Hey, how are you feeling, Mr. Bans? 376 00:14:47,656 --> 00:14:49,639 Hello. Wow. 377 00:14:49,640 --> 00:14:51,349 That's a lot of fluid. 378 00:14:52,178 --> 00:14:54,912 Your dad will be so proud. 379 00:14:54,913 --> 00:14:57,722 - I'm gonna send him a picture of this. - Um... 380 00:14:57,723 --> 00:15:01,043 Or maybe I give it to him at Christmas. 381 00:15:01,044 --> 00:15:05,349 It was actually Dr. Gilani, sir, who led the procedure. 382 00:15:05,350 --> 00:15:08,568 Oh. Well, then, nice work, Dr. Gilani. 383 00:15:08,569 --> 00:15:10,302 Would your parents like this for Christmas? 384 00:15:10,303 --> 00:15:13,663 Uh, no, thank you. They already have so many. 385 00:15:13,664 --> 00:15:15,147 Lucky them. 386 00:15:15,148 --> 00:15:18,735 Nice work again, you two. 387 00:15:22,565 --> 00:15:24,566 Nice of you to throw me a bone. 388 00:15:24,567 --> 00:15:26,068 Okay. 389 00:15:26,069 --> 00:15:28,071 Do you want to know something? 390 00:15:29,531 --> 00:15:33,367 I only got into this program off the wait list. 391 00:15:33,368 --> 00:15:35,911 All right? My-my dad had to pull some strings. 392 00:15:35,912 --> 00:15:38,497 That's what I meant when I said that we're the same. 393 00:15:38,498 --> 00:15:43,086 You're afraid that you don't belong, and so am I. 394 00:15:46,381 --> 00:15:48,590 Thanks for your honesty. 395 00:15:48,591 --> 00:15:50,218 We good? 396 00:15:53,073 --> 00:15:55,366 Wait list, huh? Whew! 397 00:15:55,367 --> 00:15:57,034 That is embarrassing. 398 00:15:57,035 --> 00:15:59,620 You should not have told me. 399 00:15:59,621 --> 00:16:01,665 I'm a talker. 400 00:16:04,584 --> 00:16:07,795 Uh, Mr. and Mrs. Clark, 401 00:16:07,796 --> 00:16:11,090 uh, I'm here to, um, 402 00:16:11,091 --> 00:16:15,512 talk and, uh... 403 00:16:18,390 --> 00:16:21,767 Doug, Sharon, 404 00:16:21,768 --> 00:16:23,769 the results aren't what we hoped. 405 00:16:23,770 --> 00:16:25,397 Doug has cancer. 406 00:16:26,239 --> 00:16:28,440 I-I know that this is hard to hear, 407 00:16:28,441 --> 00:16:30,651 but the good news is we caught it early. 408 00:16:30,652 --> 00:16:33,070 Dr. Kutcher and I are bringing in an oncologist 409 00:16:33,071 --> 00:16:35,489 to speak with you, and we'll stay here with you... 410 00:16:43,206 --> 00:16:44,924 Dr. Kenney. 411 00:16:44,925 --> 00:16:46,449 You spoke to Daniel's patient. 412 00:16:46,450 --> 00:16:48,419 Okay, you know what? 413 00:16:48,420 --> 00:16:50,546 I am getting tired of being treated 414 00:16:50,547 --> 00:16:52,699 like a meddling old lady. 415 00:16:52,700 --> 00:16:55,745 I am a meddling old doctor. 416 00:16:57,066 --> 00:16:59,317 Okay, yes, I have made some mistakes, 417 00:16:59,318 --> 00:17:00,760 and if you want to kick me out, fine. 418 00:17:00,761 --> 00:17:02,854 But Daniel's patient needed me, and I am not 419 00:17:02,855 --> 00:17:05,231 going to apologize for helping. I was good at it. 420 00:17:05,232 --> 00:17:07,701 - Dr. Kenney, you... - And I'm good at it because I'm old. 421 00:17:07,702 --> 00:17:08,703 Yeah. 422 00:17:10,121 --> 00:17:11,663 You think a woman my age 423 00:17:11,664 --> 00:17:14,541 should just disappear into the woods and knit. 424 00:17:14,542 --> 00:17:16,334 But I see the world 425 00:17:16,335 --> 00:17:18,336 in a different way than when I was 28. 426 00:17:18,337 --> 00:17:21,089 I know that life doesn't work out the way you want it to. 427 00:17:21,090 --> 00:17:22,690 I know that at least one of your kids 428 00:17:22,691 --> 00:17:24,109 is gonna be a disappointment. 429 00:17:25,678 --> 00:17:27,137 I know all kinds of stuff 430 00:17:27,138 --> 00:17:29,097 that you won't know for another 20 years. 431 00:17:29,098 --> 00:17:33,143 And guess what, my age is what's gonna make me a great doctor. 432 00:17:33,144 --> 00:17:36,133 - Are you done? - Am I done? I am just getting started. 433 00:17:36,134 --> 00:17:37,605 Wait, I said that, I said that. 434 00:17:37,606 --> 00:17:39,024 Yes, I am done. 435 00:17:40,776 --> 00:17:43,312 Good. Because even though you disobeyed orders, 436 00:17:43,313 --> 00:17:44,779 I was gonna say thank you. 437 00:17:44,780 --> 00:17:46,328 Oh. 438 00:17:46,329 --> 00:17:48,897 Giving bad news is difficult. You handled it well. 439 00:17:48,898 --> 00:17:52,234 Oh. Well, thank you. 440 00:17:55,875 --> 00:17:57,834 And I'm sorry I yelled. 441 00:17:57,835 --> 00:18:00,808 This last six seconds has shown me a completely new side of you. 442 00:18:03,340 --> 00:18:05,175 I enforce discipline. 443 00:18:05,176 --> 00:18:07,177 It doesn't mean I'm heartless. 444 00:18:07,178 --> 00:18:09,268 I get it. I understand now. 445 00:18:09,269 --> 00:18:10,351 Understand what? 446 00:18:10,352 --> 00:18:11,568 You know, you. 447 00:18:11,569 --> 00:18:13,850 Under that steely disciplinarian, 448 00:18:13,851 --> 00:18:15,685 there's a real human being there. 449 00:18:15,686 --> 00:18:18,145 Were your parents strict? I bet they never 450 00:18:18,146 --> 00:18:19,856 let you make a mistake, you poor thing. 451 00:18:19,857 --> 00:18:21,524 - Nope. - No, really... 452 00:18:21,525 --> 00:18:23,734 It's such a shame. Expecting perfection 453 00:18:23,735 --> 00:18:25,528 can really hinder a child's development. 454 00:18:25,529 --> 00:18:27,425 You know, neuroscience is behind that, too. 455 00:18:27,426 --> 00:18:29,450 I still have that article. I will send it to you. 456 00:18:35,166 --> 00:18:38,211 May I recommend the strawberry granola low-fat parfait? 457 00:18:41,287 --> 00:18:43,546 Stephen Frost, senior attending. 458 00:18:43,547 --> 00:18:44,964 Oh, pleasure to meet you. 459 00:18:44,965 --> 00:18:47,550 I'm Dr. Carol Kenney, intern. 460 00:18:47,551 --> 00:18:49,595 Oh, it's you. 461 00:18:50,974 --> 00:18:52,555 - You're that intern. - Yes. 462 00:18:52,556 --> 00:18:55,225 I'm the old intern. Your local circus freak. 463 00:18:55,226 --> 00:18:57,160 Put me on a train and show me to America. 464 00:18:57,161 --> 00:18:59,396 No. 465 00:18:59,397 --> 00:19:02,440 I mean, yes, your age is unusual, 466 00:19:02,441 --> 00:19:04,943 but you're also the intern who... 467 00:19:04,944 --> 00:19:07,070 Oh, who Dr. Jacobs hates. Yes, that's me. 468 00:19:07,071 --> 00:19:09,846 I was gonna say "who triggered the code blue". 469 00:19:09,847 --> 00:19:11,950 I see I've made a great first impression. 470 00:19:11,951 --> 00:19:15,078 Well, you've made this place much more exciting. 471 00:19:15,079 --> 00:19:17,060 All the life-and-death stuff 472 00:19:17,061 --> 00:19:19,374 was getting a little blah. 473 00:19:21,710 --> 00:19:25,047 Can I buy you that parfait? Purely out of respect. 474 00:19:26,163 --> 00:19:28,591 Yes, Dr. Frost, you can buy me a yogurt. 475 00:19:28,592 --> 00:19:31,427 But have you seen an intern's salary? 476 00:19:31,428 --> 00:19:33,889 It's disgraceful. Do you mind if I get four? They're small. 477 00:19:37,273 --> 00:19:39,107 Thank you for getting us back on track 478 00:19:39,108 --> 00:19:42,611 with your teacher mind games. We learned a valuable lesson... 479 00:19:42,612 --> 00:19:43,737 You're burying the lede. 480 00:19:43,738 --> 00:19:45,405 Caleb got in off the wait list. 481 00:19:45,406 --> 00:19:47,407 Oh, that's great. 482 00:19:47,408 --> 00:19:48,784 Can I join you? 483 00:19:48,785 --> 00:19:51,286 Ooh, look at Daniel, respecting Carol. 484 00:19:51,287 --> 00:19:53,331 Carol, because she is very old... 485 00:19:54,707 --> 00:19:56,583 ... brings great wisdom to our group. 486 00:19:56,584 --> 00:19:58,669 - Like a village elder... - Thank you, Daniel. 487 00:19:58,670 --> 00:19:59,837 I accept your apology. 488 00:19:59,838 --> 00:20:01,797 Oh, there you are. 489 00:20:03,299 --> 00:20:05,133 What's happening? 490 00:20:05,134 --> 00:20:06,625 Oh, they know each other. 491 00:20:06,626 --> 00:20:07,970 Hi, Mom. 492 00:20:07,971 --> 00:20:09,578 - Mom? - Oh, hi, honey. 493 00:20:09,579 --> 00:20:11,922 - I didn't know you worked at Loyola on Tuesdays. - I don't. 494 00:20:11,923 --> 00:20:13,642 I switched shifts just so I can see you 495 00:20:13,643 --> 00:20:14,793 on your very first day. 496 00:20:14,794 --> 00:20:18,048 Oh, my gosh, look at you in your doctor coat. 497 00:20:18,049 --> 00:20:19,439 I know, right? 498 00:20:19,440 --> 00:20:21,483 - I'm so proud of you, Mom. - Aw, thank you. 499 00:20:21,484 --> 00:20:22,860 Um, everyone, 500 00:20:22,861 --> 00:20:24,458 this is my daughter Jenny. 501 00:20:24,459 --> 00:20:25,545 She's a pharma rep. 502 00:20:25,546 --> 00:20:27,823 - Jenny, this is everyone. - Enchanté. 503 00:20:27,824 --> 00:20:30,951 That's French, and yes, I speak it. 504 00:20:30,952 --> 00:20:33,328 Oh. Hola, señor. 505 00:20:33,329 --> 00:20:35,706 ¿Dónde está la biblioteca? 506 00:20:35,707 --> 00:20:37,767 Uh, el hospital no tiene una biblioteca. 507 00:20:38,668 --> 00:20:41,545 I quit after a year. 508 00:20:41,546 --> 00:20:43,547 Okay. Honey, can you stay? 509 00:20:43,548 --> 00:20:45,382 Ugh, I wish. I got to work. 510 00:20:45,383 --> 00:20:47,694 These boner pills aren't gonna sell themselves. 511 00:20:48,970 --> 00:20:50,470 - I'm so proud of you. - Aw. 512 00:20:50,471 --> 00:20:53,348 Okay. Text me later. Bye, Mom's friends. 513 00:20:53,349 --> 00:20:55,893 Carol... 514 00:20:55,894 --> 00:20:57,695 Don't even think about it. 515 00:20:57,696 --> 00:20:59,187 I understand that you wouldn't want 516 00:20:59,188 --> 00:21:00,680 your daughter to date him, but... 517 00:21:00,681 --> 00:21:02,024 Nope. Not you, either. 518 00:21:02,025 --> 00:21:03,692 You guys are disgusting. 519 00:21:03,693 --> 00:21:05,694 Fine, Carol, I'll date your daughter. 520 00:21:05,695 --> 00:21:09,281 Nobody dates my daughter. You understand? 521 00:21:09,282 --> 00:21:10,908 Tell me you understand. 522 00:21:12,285 --> 00:21:14,244 We understand, Carol. 523 00:21:14,245 --> 00:21:15,704 Thank you. 524 00:21:15,705 --> 00:21:17,222 Daniel, put your napkin in your lap.