1 00:00:01,877 --> 00:00:05,380 [light orchestral music] 2 00:00:23,106 --> 00:00:26,652 [light orchestral music] 3 00:00:48,423 --> 00:00:51,385 [Patrick, voiceover] 4 00:00:48,423 --> 00:00:51,385 To narrate in detail 5 00:00:51,426 --> 00:00:53,345 either the whole story 6 00:00:53,387 --> 00:00:57,098 of my labors or even parts 7 00:00:53,387 --> 00:00:57,098 of it would take a long time. 8 00:00:59,894 --> 00:01:03,814 So, I shall tell 9 00:00:59,894 --> 00:01:03,814 you briefly how God, 10 00:01:03,856 --> 00:01:09,194 the all-holy one, often 11 00:01:03,856 --> 00:01:09,194 freed me from slavery 12 00:01:09,236 --> 00:01:13,281 and from 12 dangers 13 00:01:09,236 --> 00:01:13,281 which threatened my life, 14 00:01:13,323 --> 00:01:17,745 as well as from many 15 00:01:13,323 --> 00:01:17,745 snares and from things 16 00:01:17,786 --> 00:01:21,623 which I am unable 17 00:01:17,786 --> 00:01:21,623 to express in words. 18 00:01:50,569 --> 00:01:55,866 [dramatic orchestral music] 19 00:01:55,908 --> 00:01:58,285 [narrator] To find 20 00:01:55,908 --> 00:01:58,285 the real St. Patrick, 21 00:01:58,326 --> 00:02:01,538 you have to peel back 22 00:01:58,326 --> 00:02:01,538 centuries of legend and myth. 23 00:02:03,916 --> 00:02:05,333 [Henry] There's the image 24 00:02:05,375 --> 00:02:06,835 of him driving out 25 00:02:05,375 --> 00:02:06,835 snakes from Ireland. 26 00:02:06,877 --> 00:02:08,253 [Billy] The bishop 27 00:02:06,877 --> 00:02:08,253 with the miter 28 00:02:08,295 --> 00:02:10,089 and the staff and the crozier. 29 00:02:10,130 --> 00:02:11,632 [Elva] He's also associated 30 00:02:11,673 --> 00:02:13,759 very strongly 31 00:02:11,673 --> 00:02:13,759 with the shamrock. 32 00:02:13,801 --> 00:02:15,928 [Thomas] And then 33 00:02:13,801 --> 00:02:15,928 Shamrock gives us green. 34 00:02:15,970 --> 00:02:17,220 [Charles] People 35 00:02:15,970 --> 00:02:17,220 think he's Irish 36 00:02:17,262 --> 00:02:19,932 when in fact he's British. 37 00:02:19,974 --> 00:02:21,600 [Tim] Most of the preconception 38 00:02:21,642 --> 00:02:23,060 that we've got 39 00:02:21,642 --> 00:02:23,060 about St. Patrick 40 00:02:23,102 --> 00:02:24,937 actually is completely wrong. 41 00:02:28,523 --> 00:02:30,818 [narrator] Most of what we 42 00:02:28,523 --> 00:02:30,818 know about the real Patrick 43 00:02:30,859 --> 00:02:33,028 comes from his own 44 00:02:30,859 --> 00:02:33,028 5th century letter, 45 00:02:33,070 --> 00:02:36,239 known as the Confessio 46 00:02:33,070 --> 00:02:36,239 or Confession. 47 00:02:36,281 --> 00:02:38,700 It is one of the earliest 48 00:02:36,281 --> 00:02:38,700 surviving documents 49 00:02:38,742 --> 00:02:40,243 in Irish history. 50 00:02:43,497 --> 00:02:46,125 [Tim quoting 51 00:02:43,497 --> 00:02:46,125 Patrick's Confession in Latin] 52 00:02:46,166 --> 00:02:50,087 "I, Patrick, a sinner, 53 00:02:46,166 --> 00:02:50,087 least faithful of many." 54 00:02:50,129 --> 00:02:53,423 Those are the words that 55 00:02:50,129 --> 00:02:53,423 begin the history of Ireland. 56 00:02:55,759 --> 00:02:59,596 [dramatic orchestral music] 57 00:03:15,487 --> 00:03:17,906 [groaning] 58 00:03:24,287 --> 00:03:28,375 I am Patrick. 59 00:03:31,628 --> 00:03:32,921 I am a sinner, 60 00:03:37,968 --> 00:03:41,555 the most unsophisticated 61 00:03:37,968 --> 00:03:41,555 of people; 62 00:03:43,640 --> 00:03:46,894 the least among 63 00:03:43,640 --> 00:03:46,894 all the Christians; 64 00:03:48,395 --> 00:03:50,814 and, to some, the 65 00:03:48,395 --> 00:03:50,814 most contemptible. 66 00:03:52,816 --> 00:03:55,443 Patrick was writing 67 00:03:52,816 --> 00:03:55,443 his message to people 68 00:03:55,485 --> 00:03:59,447 who had allowed him to come 69 00:03:55,485 --> 00:03:59,447 here to Ireland as a missionary. 70 00:03:59,489 --> 00:04:02,201 There's various controversies 71 00:03:59,489 --> 00:04:02,201 that become associated 72 00:04:02,242 --> 00:04:05,913 with Patrick and he's defending 73 00:04:02,242 --> 00:04:05,913 his good name and character. 74 00:04:08,373 --> 00:04:12,377 [Patrick, voiceover] Even if 75 00:04:08,373 --> 00:04:12,377 I am imperfect in many things 76 00:04:12,419 --> 00:04:16,173 I want my brothers and 77 00:04:12,419 --> 00:04:16,173 relatives to know 78 00:04:12,419 --> 00:04:16,173 the sort of man 79 00:04:16,215 --> 00:04:19,384 I am, so that they 80 00:04:16,215 --> 00:04:19,384 may understand 81 00:04:19,426 --> 00:04:24,389 what it is to which I 82 00:04:19,426 --> 00:04:24,389 have committed my soul. 83 00:04:30,687 --> 00:04:35,483 [man speaking foreign language] 84 00:04:48,538 --> 00:04:49,998 [tutor] Again Patrick. 85 00:04:50,040 --> 00:04:52,834 [Potitus] Shouldn't we 86 00:04:50,040 --> 00:04:52,834 wait and see what happens? 87 00:04:52,876 --> 00:04:57,714 I understand the plight, 88 00:04:52,876 --> 00:04:57,714 but we still must collect. 89 00:04:57,756 --> 00:04:59,967 [Patrick, voiceover] I am 90 00:04:57,756 --> 00:04:59,967 the son of deacon Calpornius, 91 00:05:00,008 --> 00:05:04,179 as he was the son of the 92 00:05:00,008 --> 00:05:04,179 priest Potitus who belonged 93 00:05:04,221 --> 00:05:06,890 to the village of 94 00:05:04,221 --> 00:05:06,890 Bannavem Taburniae. 95 00:05:10,269 --> 00:05:14,564 [speaking foreign language] 96 00:05:14,606 --> 00:05:16,691 [narrator] Bannavem Taburniae 97 00:05:14,606 --> 00:05:16,691 was a village located 98 00:05:16,733 --> 00:05:19,027 somewhere along the 99 00:05:16,733 --> 00:05:19,027 western coast of Britain, 100 00:05:19,069 --> 00:05:21,780 which at the time was 101 00:05:19,069 --> 00:05:21,780 part of the Roman Empire. 102 00:05:23,490 --> 00:05:25,700 [Tim] The Roman Empire 103 00:05:23,490 --> 00:05:25,700 was disintegrating. 104 00:05:25,742 --> 00:05:27,953 The legions were called 105 00:05:25,742 --> 00:05:27,953 back to Rome to defend it 106 00:05:27,995 --> 00:05:29,454 against the barbarians. 107 00:05:29,496 --> 00:05:30,872 As the Roman administration 108 00:05:30,914 --> 00:05:34,209 and structures shrank 109 00:05:30,914 --> 00:05:34,209 in Britain it allowed 110 00:05:34,251 --> 00:05:36,878 for local leaders 111 00:05:34,251 --> 00:05:36,878 to come to the fore. 112 00:05:38,755 --> 00:05:40,257 All the gold coins first. 113 00:05:40,299 --> 00:05:41,424 Yes. 114 00:05:41,466 --> 00:05:43,177 We stack them here. 115 00:05:43,218 --> 00:05:45,095 [narrator] One of those 116 00:05:43,218 --> 00:05:45,095 leaders was Patrick's father, 117 00:05:45,137 --> 00:05:49,099 whom he also describes 118 00:05:45,137 --> 00:05:49,099 as a Decurion. 119 00:05:49,141 --> 00:05:51,059 - You understand? 120 00:05:49,141 --> 00:05:51,059 - Yes. 121 00:05:51,101 --> 00:05:52,269 [Thomas] The 122 00:05:51,101 --> 00:05:52,269 Decurions are basically 123 00:05:52,311 --> 00:05:54,021 the local Roman civil service. 124 00:05:54,062 --> 00:05:56,606 In other words, 125 00:05:54,062 --> 00:05:56,606 they keep the tax books. 126 00:05:57,482 --> 00:05:59,358 But if there was a shortfall, 127 00:05:59,400 --> 00:06:01,778 then it had to come out 128 00:05:59,400 --> 00:06:01,778 of their own resources. 129 00:06:01,820 --> 00:06:04,363 So, we find that in 130 00:06:01,820 --> 00:06:04,363 the late Roman Empire, 131 00:06:04,405 --> 00:06:06,658 a lot of these people 132 00:06:04,405 --> 00:06:06,658 began to join the church 133 00:06:06,700 --> 00:06:09,828 because they had an exemption 134 00:06:06,700 --> 00:06:09,828 or at least a tax rebate, 135 00:06:09,870 --> 00:06:10,954 shall we say. 136 00:06:10,996 --> 00:06:14,708 [speaking foreign language] 137 00:06:20,339 --> 00:06:21,965 [Charles] Patrick says, 138 00:06:22,007 --> 00:06:23,342 "Oh we didn't pay 139 00:06:22,007 --> 00:06:23,342 too much attention 140 00:06:23,382 --> 00:06:25,384 "to our religion," et cetera. 141 00:06:25,426 --> 00:06:27,262 It would suggest that his 142 00:06:25,426 --> 00:06:27,262 people were Christian, 143 00:06:27,304 --> 00:06:29,931 of course, but you 144 00:06:27,304 --> 00:06:29,931 know, money counts. 145 00:06:36,771 --> 00:06:39,316 The blood of Christ Jesus. 146 00:06:39,358 --> 00:06:41,484 Amen. 147 00:06:47,448 --> 00:06:49,659 Would you like some prunes? 148 00:06:49,701 --> 00:06:51,578 [Charles] These 149 00:06:49,701 --> 00:06:51,578 people were well off. 150 00:06:51,619 --> 00:06:53,205 They had a villa 151 00:06:51,619 --> 00:06:53,205 outside the town. 152 00:06:53,247 --> 00:06:55,207 They had male and 153 00:06:53,247 --> 00:06:55,207 female slaves. 154 00:06:59,502 --> 00:07:00,879 Slave! 155 00:07:04,716 --> 00:07:05,967 [Calpornius] Enjoy the bread. 156 00:07:08,220 --> 00:07:10,931 He would have been 157 00:07:08,220 --> 00:07:10,931 taught to read and write, 158 00:07:10,972 --> 00:07:13,975 not only so that he could 159 00:07:10,972 --> 00:07:13,975 take over the clerical aspect 160 00:07:14,017 --> 00:07:17,812 of his parents, 161 00:07:14,017 --> 00:07:17,812 but the tax aspect, 162 00:07:17,854 --> 00:07:20,690 which would have 163 00:07:17,854 --> 00:07:20,690 required literacy. 164 00:07:22,525 --> 00:07:26,363 [speaking foreign language] 165 00:07:35,997 --> 00:07:37,291 Much better. 166 00:07:38,875 --> 00:07:40,961 [narrator] Patrick 167 00:07:38,875 --> 00:07:40,961 had a bright future. 168 00:07:41,002 --> 00:07:44,631 But living on the edge of the 169 00:07:41,002 --> 00:07:44,631 Roman Empire was dangerous. 170 00:07:47,008 --> 00:07:48,135 11! 171 00:07:48,176 --> 00:07:50,345 [laughing] 172 00:07:52,013 --> 00:07:53,807 All right, here we go! 173 00:07:54,808 --> 00:07:56,517 [woman screaming] 174 00:07:56,559 --> 00:07:59,438 [suspenseful orchestral music] 175 00:07:59,479 --> 00:08:02,399 [woman screaming] 176 00:08:03,191 --> 00:08:05,568 [grunting] 177 00:08:13,076 --> 00:08:15,454 [grunting] 178 00:08:22,710 --> 00:08:26,423 [singing in foreign language] 179 00:08:38,226 --> 00:08:42,230 [narrator] Patrick was taken 180 00:08:38,226 --> 00:08:42,230 captive by Irish raiders. 181 00:08:49,446 --> 00:08:53,283 [dramatic orchestral music] 182 00:08:57,537 --> 00:08:58,830 [Thomas] The reason 183 00:08:57,537 --> 00:08:58,830 they didn't kill him 184 00:08:58,872 --> 00:09:00,415 was that he was valuable. 185 00:09:00,457 --> 00:09:02,334 Slaves are a 186 00:09:00,457 --> 00:09:02,334 valuable commodity. 187 00:09:04,419 --> 00:09:06,254 [Billy] He probably 188 00:09:04,419 --> 00:09:06,254 thought that he would 189 00:09:06,296 --> 00:09:08,173 never see his home again, 190 00:09:06,296 --> 00:09:08,173 never see his parents, 191 00:09:08,215 --> 00:09:09,590 never see his family. 192 00:09:13,094 --> 00:09:15,805 [Tim] It was a one-way 193 00:09:13,094 --> 00:09:15,805 ticket to the unknown. 194 00:09:16,723 --> 00:09:20,727 [singing in foreign language] 195 00:09:23,771 --> 00:09:25,899 [narrator] Patrick 196 00:09:23,771 --> 00:09:25,899 endured a dangerous voyage 197 00:09:25,940 --> 00:09:29,194 across the sea to the 198 00:09:25,940 --> 00:09:29,194 eastern coast of Ireland. 199 00:09:30,445 --> 00:09:31,946 [Tim] The Roman Britain view 200 00:09:31,988 --> 00:09:33,448 was Ireland was a place 201 00:09:33,490 --> 00:09:35,867 of Barbarians at the 202 00:09:33,490 --> 00:09:35,867 end of the world. 203 00:09:40,205 --> 00:09:41,540 [Elva] Clearly at this point 204 00:09:41,581 --> 00:09:42,916 there is some sort of market 205 00:09:42,957 --> 00:09:45,293 for British slaves in Ireland. 206 00:09:45,335 --> 00:09:48,088 And Patrick himself tells 207 00:09:45,335 --> 00:09:48,088 us that there are many, 208 00:09:48,129 --> 00:09:51,049 many of his countrymen 209 00:09:48,129 --> 00:09:51,049 who are also slaves 210 00:09:51,091 --> 00:09:52,342 in Ireland as well. 211 00:10:11,861 --> 00:10:14,030 [speaking foreign language] 212 00:10:14,072 --> 00:10:15,449 Get going, boy! 213 00:10:18,993 --> 00:10:22,372 Celtic people did not work 214 00:10:18,993 --> 00:10:22,372 with slaves the same way 215 00:10:22,414 --> 00:10:23,915 that the Romans did. 216 00:10:23,957 --> 00:10:25,959 They treated their slaves 217 00:10:23,957 --> 00:10:25,959 pretty badly, like cattle, 218 00:10:26,000 --> 00:10:28,128 and would've worked 219 00:10:26,000 --> 00:10:28,128 you until you died. 220 00:10:29,754 --> 00:10:31,923 [Elva] Particularly 221 00:10:29,754 --> 00:10:31,923 as a non-Irish slave, 222 00:10:31,965 --> 00:10:34,175 he would have been at an 223 00:10:31,965 --> 00:10:34,175 even greater disadvantage 224 00:10:34,217 --> 00:10:37,471 because he wouldn't have been 225 00:10:34,217 --> 00:10:37,471 recognized almost as a person. 226 00:10:37,512 --> 00:10:42,601 Presumably it is a sort of 227 00:10:37,512 --> 00:10:42,601 meant-to-be slavery for life. 228 00:10:44,978 --> 00:10:47,606 [Patrick] We had 229 00:10:44,978 --> 00:10:47,606 pulled back from God; 230 00:10:49,357 --> 00:10:51,692 we did not keep 231 00:10:49,357 --> 00:10:51,692 his commandments; 232 00:10:54,654 --> 00:11:00,619 and we did not listen 233 00:10:54,654 --> 00:11:00,619 to our priests who kept 234 00:11:00,660 --> 00:11:04,539 on warning us regarding 235 00:11:00,660 --> 00:11:04,539 our salvation. 236 00:11:08,709 --> 00:11:12,547 [dramatic orchestral music] 237 00:11:18,219 --> 00:11:20,763 And so the Lord poured 238 00:11:18,219 --> 00:11:20,763 upon us the heat 239 00:11:20,805 --> 00:11:25,726 of his anger and dispersed 240 00:11:20,805 --> 00:11:25,726 us among many peoples right 241 00:11:25,768 --> 00:11:28,980 out to the very 242 00:11:25,768 --> 00:11:28,980 ends of the earth, 243 00:11:29,022 --> 00:11:31,107 where now my utter 244 00:11:29,022 --> 00:11:31,107 insignificance 245 00:11:31,149 --> 00:11:34,444 is seen among these 246 00:11:31,149 --> 00:11:34,444 men of an alien land. 247 00:11:39,866 --> 00:11:43,161 [Father Swan] He begins to 248 00:11:39,866 --> 00:11:43,161 conclude that this has happened 249 00:11:43,203 --> 00:11:45,580 because I deserved it 250 00:11:43,203 --> 00:11:45,580 basically and this happened 251 00:11:45,622 --> 00:11:48,958 to shake me out of my 252 00:11:45,622 --> 00:11:48,958 complacency and to shake me 253 00:11:49,000 --> 00:11:52,337 out of a way of 254 00:11:49,000 --> 00:11:52,337 life I was living, 255 00:11:52,379 --> 00:11:54,130 in which God didn't 256 00:11:52,379 --> 00:11:54,130 matter for me. 257 00:12:01,471 --> 00:12:03,181 [Charles] The idea 258 00:12:01,471 --> 00:12:03,181 that he was now a slave, 259 00:12:03,223 --> 00:12:05,266 it's the world 260 00:12:03,223 --> 00:12:05,266 turned upside down. 261 00:12:19,489 --> 00:12:21,700 [Patrick, voiceover] I 262 00:12:19,489 --> 00:12:21,700 remained in death and unbelief 263 00:12:21,740 --> 00:12:25,036 until I was truly 264 00:12:21,740 --> 00:12:25,036 punished and, in truth, 265 00:12:25,078 --> 00:12:29,708 brought low by daily 266 00:12:25,078 --> 00:12:29,708 deprivations of 267 00:12:25,078 --> 00:12:29,708 hunger and nakedness. 268 00:12:37,215 --> 00:12:39,718 [clattering] 269 00:12:41,844 --> 00:12:43,804 [Charles] There would have 270 00:12:41,844 --> 00:12:43,804 been raiding parties 271 00:12:43,846 --> 00:12:46,558 learning military tactics 272 00:12:43,846 --> 00:12:46,558 and they had to go off 273 00:12:46,600 --> 00:12:49,603 and get the head of a 274 00:12:46,600 --> 00:12:49,603 person from another tribe. 275 00:12:49,644 --> 00:12:51,396 So these were dangerous people, 276 00:12:51,438 --> 00:12:52,897 they were dangerous to 277 00:12:51,438 --> 00:12:52,897 their own people as well. 278 00:12:52,939 --> 00:12:55,316 And it was under those 279 00:12:52,939 --> 00:12:55,316 conditions that he began 280 00:12:55,358 --> 00:12:58,819 to reflect upon 281 00:12:55,358 --> 00:12:58,819 himself, his life, 282 00:12:58,861 --> 00:13:02,657 and his relationship with 283 00:12:58,861 --> 00:13:02,657 God and the other world. 284 00:13:02,699 --> 00:13:07,579 [dramatic orchestral music] 285 00:13:07,621 --> 00:13:10,164 [Patrick, voiceover] There the 286 00:13:07,621 --> 00:13:10,164 Lord opened my understanding 287 00:13:10,206 --> 00:13:16,296 to my unbelief, 288 00:13:10,206 --> 00:13:16,296 so that however late, 289 00:13:16,337 --> 00:13:20,341 I might become conscious 290 00:13:16,337 --> 00:13:20,341 of my failings. 291 00:13:20,383 --> 00:13:23,553 Then remembering 292 00:13:20,383 --> 00:13:23,553 my need, I might turn 293 00:13:23,595 --> 00:13:27,682 with all my heart 294 00:13:23,595 --> 00:13:27,682 to the Lord my God. 295 00:13:27,724 --> 00:13:33,396 For it was He who looked 296 00:13:27,724 --> 00:13:33,396 after me before I knew Him. 297 00:13:33,438 --> 00:13:37,942 Indeed, as a father 298 00:13:33,438 --> 00:13:37,942 consoles his son, 299 00:13:39,611 --> 00:13:43,156 so He protected me. 300 00:13:47,868 --> 00:13:51,122 He's learning that God 301 00:13:47,868 --> 00:13:51,122 is a father he can trust, 302 00:13:51,164 --> 00:13:53,124 and who wants 303 00:13:51,164 --> 00:13:53,124 what's best for him. 304 00:13:53,166 --> 00:13:57,587 Then something began in him 305 00:13:53,166 --> 00:13:57,587 that was destined to continue. 306 00:14:02,216 --> 00:14:04,344 [Patrick, voiceover] 307 00:14:02,216 --> 00:14:04,344 I tended sheep every day, 308 00:14:04,385 --> 00:14:07,972 and I prayed frequently 309 00:14:04,385 --> 00:14:07,972 during the day. 310 00:14:08,014 --> 00:14:10,141 And more and more, 311 00:14:08,014 --> 00:14:10,141 the love of God 312 00:14:10,183 --> 00:14:13,060 and the fear of Him 313 00:14:10,183 --> 00:14:13,060 grew in me, and my faith 314 00:14:13,102 --> 00:14:16,773 was increased and my 315 00:14:13,102 --> 00:14:16,773 spirit was quickened, 316 00:14:16,815 --> 00:14:21,068 so that in a day 317 00:14:16,815 --> 00:14:21,068 I prayed up to 100 times, 318 00:14:21,110 --> 00:14:23,863 and almost as many 319 00:14:21,110 --> 00:14:23,863 in the night. 320 00:14:23,904 --> 00:14:26,199 Indeed, I even 321 00:14:23,904 --> 00:14:26,199 remained in the wood 322 00:14:26,240 --> 00:14:28,368 and on the mountain to pray. 323 00:14:29,327 --> 00:14:32,079 And come hail, rain or snow, 324 00:14:32,121 --> 00:14:37,460 I was up before dawn to pray; 325 00:14:32,121 --> 00:14:37,460 the Spirit was fervent in me. 326 00:14:39,920 --> 00:14:41,172 [Billy] Something 327 00:14:39,920 --> 00:14:41,172 new is happening, 328 00:14:41,214 --> 00:14:44,050 something that hadn't 329 00:14:41,214 --> 00:14:44,050 happened before. 330 00:14:44,091 --> 00:14:46,511 That personal 331 00:14:44,091 --> 00:14:46,511 relationship, the dimension 332 00:14:46,553 --> 00:14:48,638 of a personal 333 00:14:46,553 --> 00:14:48,638 relationship with God. 334 00:14:49,430 --> 00:14:51,558 This sears his soul. 335 00:14:51,599 --> 00:14:54,686 So much so that he describes it 336 00:14:54,728 --> 00:14:57,522 almost as a 337 00:14:54,728 --> 00:14:57,522 conversion experience. 338 00:15:05,238 --> 00:15:07,240 [narrator] Patrick's 339 00:15:05,238 --> 00:15:07,240 zeal for God grew 340 00:15:07,281 --> 00:15:10,702 so much that even though 341 00:15:07,281 --> 00:15:10,702 he was starving, he fasted. 342 00:15:12,912 --> 00:15:15,956 [Thomas] Fasting was the 343 00:15:12,912 --> 00:15:15,956 way you demonstrated you 344 00:15:15,998 --> 00:15:18,793 were really feeling 345 00:15:15,998 --> 00:15:18,793 your prayer. 346 00:15:18,835 --> 00:15:21,504 You were not just saying words. 347 00:15:29,721 --> 00:15:31,681 [Patrick, voiceover] 348 00:15:29,721 --> 00:15:31,681 It was there indeed, 349 00:15:31,723 --> 00:15:35,226 that one night I heard a voice. 350 00:15:36,143 --> 00:15:37,896 [God] Patrick. 351 00:15:37,937 --> 00:15:40,815 Well have you fasted. 352 00:15:40,857 --> 00:15:44,569 Very soon you are to 353 00:15:40,857 --> 00:15:44,569 travel to your homeland. 354 00:15:45,486 --> 00:15:48,656 Behold, your ship is prepared. 355 00:15:49,699 --> 00:15:51,992 [gasping] 356 00:15:53,077 --> 00:15:55,288 [dramatic orchestral music] 357 00:15:55,329 --> 00:15:57,957 [Patrick, voiceover] 358 00:15:55,329 --> 00:15:57,957 I took flight, leaving the man 359 00:15:57,998 --> 00:16:00,585 I had been bound 360 00:15:57,998 --> 00:16:00,585 to for six years. 361 00:16:00,627 --> 00:16:05,256 The ship was not nearby, 362 00:16:00,627 --> 00:16:05,256 but maybe 200 miles away 363 00:16:05,298 --> 00:16:09,009 where I had never been 364 00:16:05,298 --> 00:16:09,009 and where I knew nobody. 365 00:16:11,596 --> 00:16:13,932 [Charles] When you 366 00:16:11,596 --> 00:16:13,932 left your tribal group, 367 00:16:13,973 --> 00:16:16,267 you were really going 368 00:16:13,973 --> 00:16:16,267 into unknown territory 369 00:16:16,309 --> 00:16:18,728 and you were losing 370 00:16:16,309 --> 00:16:18,728 protection immediately. 371 00:16:20,104 --> 00:16:22,231 [narrator] The real challenge 372 00:16:22,273 --> 00:16:24,275 was traveling through 373 00:16:22,273 --> 00:16:24,275 Ireland as a foreigner. 374 00:16:24,317 --> 00:16:26,235 Although he could now 375 00:16:24,317 --> 00:16:26,235 speak the Irish language, 376 00:16:26,277 --> 00:16:29,614 his accent and appearance 377 00:16:26,277 --> 00:16:29,614 would give him away at once. 378 00:16:31,825 --> 00:16:35,286 The biggest danger is 379 00:16:31,825 --> 00:16:35,286 someone says, you're a slave. 380 00:16:36,287 --> 00:16:37,705 I'll find out 381 00:16:36,287 --> 00:16:37,705 where you come from 382 00:16:37,747 --> 00:16:39,916 and I'll take you back 383 00:16:37,747 --> 00:16:39,916 and I'll claim a reward. 384 00:16:39,958 --> 00:16:43,795 [dramatic orchestral music] 385 00:16:46,172 --> 00:16:48,675 [Patrick, voiceover] 386 00:16:46,172 --> 00:16:48,675 I traveled in the power of God, 387 00:16:48,716 --> 00:16:53,888 who directed my path towards 388 00:16:48,716 --> 00:16:53,888 the good, and I feared nothing. 389 00:16:56,265 --> 00:16:57,433 [Billy] He wasn't afraid 390 00:16:57,475 --> 00:16:59,393 because he had come to know God 391 00:16:59,435 --> 00:17:02,229 whose plans for Patrick's life 392 00:16:59,435 --> 00:17:02,229 were going to be worked out 393 00:17:02,271 --> 00:17:04,858 and realized, 394 00:17:02,271 --> 00:17:04,858 with Patrick's consent 395 00:17:04,899 --> 00:17:08,152 and with Patrick's 396 00:17:04,899 --> 00:17:08,152 cooperation in the Spirit. 397 00:17:17,996 --> 00:17:19,706 [Tim] In those days, 398 00:17:19,747 --> 00:17:21,582 Ireland was a patchwork quilt 399 00:17:19,747 --> 00:17:21,582 of little kingdoms. 400 00:17:21,624 --> 00:17:24,335 There were no roads, 401 00:17:21,624 --> 00:17:24,335 there were no towns. 402 00:17:26,086 --> 00:17:28,047 [Elva] This would have 403 00:17:26,086 --> 00:17:28,047 been mainly bog land. 404 00:17:28,088 --> 00:17:30,424 How would have Patrick 405 00:17:28,088 --> 00:17:30,424 concealed himself? 406 00:17:32,426 --> 00:17:33,928 [Thomas] You have to 407 00:17:32,426 --> 00:17:33,928 think of him in terms 408 00:17:33,970 --> 00:17:35,847 of the way prisoners 409 00:17:33,970 --> 00:17:35,847 of war have 410 00:17:35,889 --> 00:17:38,391 to get back over 411 00:17:35,889 --> 00:17:38,391 enemy territory. 412 00:17:38,432 --> 00:17:40,476 You've got to be 413 00:17:38,432 --> 00:17:40,476 fast on your feet, 414 00:17:40,518 --> 00:17:44,146 fast with your tongue, 415 00:17:40,518 --> 00:17:44,146 and keep your eyes wide open. 416 00:17:48,150 --> 00:17:50,695 [Charles] By being 417 00:17:48,150 --> 00:17:50,695 fairly stealthful, 418 00:17:50,737 --> 00:17:52,488 he could have worked his way 419 00:17:52,530 --> 00:17:54,240 to a point in 420 00:17:52,530 --> 00:17:54,240 which he knew there 421 00:17:54,281 --> 00:17:55,992 were ships leaving for Britain. 422 00:18:00,371 --> 00:18:02,957 [men chattering] 423 00:18:02,999 --> 00:18:04,876 [Patrick, voiceover] 424 00:18:02,999 --> 00:18:04,876 The ship was about to depart 425 00:18:04,918 --> 00:18:07,336 on the very day I arrived. 426 00:18:15,261 --> 00:18:17,263 I want to set sail with you. 427 00:18:20,266 --> 00:18:23,603 By no means are 428 00:18:20,266 --> 00:18:23,603 you coming with us! 429 00:18:24,854 --> 00:18:26,064 Go on! 430 00:18:27,815 --> 00:18:29,025 Go on! 431 00:18:39,368 --> 00:18:41,495 [Patrick, voiceover] 432 00:18:39,368 --> 00:18:41,495 I began to pray. 433 00:18:44,123 --> 00:18:46,250 And before I finished 434 00:18:44,123 --> 00:18:46,250 my prayer, 435 00:18:46,292 --> 00:18:49,003 I heard one of 436 00:18:46,292 --> 00:18:49,003 the crew shouting. 437 00:18:49,045 --> 00:18:50,463 Come quickly! 438 00:18:56,135 --> 00:18:59,138 Come on, we're 439 00:18:56,135 --> 00:18:59,138 taking you on faith. 440 00:18:59,179 --> 00:19:00,890 [narrator] Patrick was 441 00:18:59,179 --> 00:19:00,890 then asked to pledge himself 442 00:19:00,932 --> 00:19:03,350 to the crew through 443 00:19:00,932 --> 00:19:03,350 a Celtic tradition 444 00:19:03,392 --> 00:19:06,312 that involved sucking 445 00:19:03,392 --> 00:19:06,312 on their chests. 446 00:19:06,353 --> 00:19:08,022 These days we 447 00:19:06,353 --> 00:19:08,022 would shake hands. 448 00:19:08,064 --> 00:19:10,190 In those days that 449 00:19:08,064 --> 00:19:10,190 was a-- a way of bonding 450 00:19:10,232 --> 00:19:13,987 with each other to show that 451 00:19:10,232 --> 00:19:13,987 you would be loyal to them. 452 00:19:14,028 --> 00:19:16,739 He didn't want to do that 453 00:19:14,028 --> 00:19:16,739 because he was Christian. 454 00:19:19,199 --> 00:19:20,451 I can't. 455 00:19:28,751 --> 00:19:29,961 Go on. 456 00:19:31,963 --> 00:19:34,298 Move! 457 00:19:34,340 --> 00:19:36,759 [Patrick, voiceover] 458 00:19:34,340 --> 00:19:36,759 Despite this, 459 00:19:34,340 --> 00:19:36,759 I stayed with them 460 00:19:36,801 --> 00:19:39,053 but I hoped that some 461 00:19:36,801 --> 00:19:39,053 of them would come 462 00:19:39,095 --> 00:19:42,849 to faith in Jesus Christ, 463 00:19:39,095 --> 00:19:42,849 for they were all pagans. 464 00:19:42,890 --> 00:19:44,350 Give me that. 465 00:19:44,391 --> 00:19:45,685 Put that on. 466 00:19:45,726 --> 00:19:48,688 Load it. 467 00:19:48,729 --> 00:19:50,606 [Patrick, voiceover] 468 00:19:48,729 --> 00:19:50,606 And without further ado, 469 00:19:50,648 --> 00:19:52,232 we got underway. 470 00:19:52,274 --> 00:19:54,485 [Captain] Come on, put 471 00:19:52,274 --> 00:19:54,485 your back in it! Yah! 472 00:19:55,987 --> 00:19:59,949 There must be a 473 00:19:55,987 --> 00:19:59,949 tremendous sense of elation. 474 00:19:59,991 --> 00:20:01,159 "Yes! 475 00:20:01,200 --> 00:20:02,869 "This is right! 476 00:20:02,910 --> 00:20:06,831 "I have had a vision, 477 00:20:02,910 --> 00:20:06,831 I've followed God. 478 00:20:06,873 --> 00:20:08,916 It's worked out." 479 00:20:08,958 --> 00:20:11,460 [Thomas] The way 480 00:20:08,958 --> 00:20:11,460 Patrick remembers it, 481 00:20:11,502 --> 00:20:13,253 it's not his efforts 482 00:20:13,295 --> 00:20:16,590 or his good luck, 483 00:20:13,295 --> 00:20:16,590 but it's the grace of God. 484 00:20:28,895 --> 00:20:31,355 [Patrick, voiceover] 485 00:20:28,895 --> 00:20:31,355 We landed after three days 486 00:20:31,397 --> 00:20:34,525 and for the next 28 487 00:20:31,397 --> 00:20:34,525 days we made our way 488 00:20:34,567 --> 00:20:36,027 through the wilderness. 489 00:20:37,070 --> 00:20:40,865 [dramatic orchestral music] 490 00:20:42,909 --> 00:20:45,244 [Elva] Either the boat 491 00:20:42,909 --> 00:20:45,244 gets blown off course, 492 00:20:45,285 --> 00:20:47,538 they land beyond 493 00:20:45,285 --> 00:20:47,538 the Roman frontiers, 494 00:20:47,580 --> 00:20:49,957 or alternatively 495 00:20:47,580 --> 00:20:49,957 the port they arrive 496 00:20:49,999 --> 00:20:52,960 in may have been subject 497 00:20:49,999 --> 00:20:52,960 to barbarian raiding 498 00:20:53,002 --> 00:20:56,089 that's been laid-waste 499 00:20:53,002 --> 00:20:56,089 in some way. 500 00:20:56,130 --> 00:20:58,257 [Charles] Maybe they 501 00:20:56,130 --> 00:20:58,257 were going on a raid 502 00:20:58,298 --> 00:21:00,467 and didn't want to be seen. 503 00:21:00,509 --> 00:21:04,430 So, they land in a part of the 504 00:21:00,509 --> 00:21:04,430 country far from habitation. 505 00:21:11,478 --> 00:21:13,773 [Patrick, voiceover] 506 00:21:11,478 --> 00:21:13,773 When their food ran out, 507 00:21:13,814 --> 00:21:16,525 starvation overcame them. 508 00:21:17,985 --> 00:21:21,363 So now Christian, 509 00:21:17,985 --> 00:21:21,363 you explain to us 510 00:21:21,405 --> 00:21:23,199 how we're in this bad state. 511 00:21:24,242 --> 00:21:26,119 Your God is great 512 00:21:24,242 --> 00:21:26,119 and all powerful, 513 00:21:27,411 --> 00:21:29,872 so why are you not able 514 00:21:27,411 --> 00:21:29,872 to pray for us, huh? 515 00:21:31,165 --> 00:21:33,918 We who are on the very 516 00:21:31,165 --> 00:21:33,918 brink of starvation. 517 00:21:40,883 --> 00:21:43,385 Turn in trust... 518 00:21:45,471 --> 00:21:48,057 and with your whole heart 519 00:21:45,471 --> 00:21:48,057 to the Lord, 520 00:21:48,099 --> 00:21:54,230 my God to whom 521 00:21:48,099 --> 00:21:54,230 nothing is impossible, 522 00:21:54,272 --> 00:21:59,068 that today He may send 523 00:21:54,272 --> 00:21:59,068 food to satisfy you 524 00:21:59,110 --> 00:22:00,278 on your journey, 525 00:22:06,617 --> 00:22:10,204 for He has abundance everywhere. 526 00:22:12,873 --> 00:22:15,168 [roaring] 527 00:22:27,096 --> 00:22:29,347 [narrator] They made camp there 528 00:22:27,096 --> 00:22:29,347 for two nights, 529 00:22:29,389 --> 00:22:32,643 and they were well 530 00:22:29,389 --> 00:22:32,643 restored, for many of them 531 00:22:32,685 --> 00:22:37,064 had dropped out and had been 532 00:22:32,685 --> 00:22:37,064 left half dead by the roadside. 533 00:22:37,106 --> 00:22:41,235 And after this they 534 00:22:37,106 --> 00:22:41,235 thanked God mightily, 535 00:22:41,277 --> 00:22:44,446 and I became honorable 536 00:22:41,277 --> 00:22:44,446 in their eyes. 537 00:22:44,488 --> 00:22:46,866 [laughing] 538 00:22:54,372 --> 00:22:56,792 [dramatic orchestral music] 539 00:22:56,834 --> 00:22:59,128 [Patrick, voiceover] 540 00:22:56,834 --> 00:22:59,128 That very night, 541 00:22:56,834 --> 00:22:59,128 while I was sleeping, 542 00:22:59,170 --> 00:23:02,756 Satan strongly tried me. 543 00:23:02,798 --> 00:23:07,220 Something like an enormous 544 00:23:02,798 --> 00:23:07,220 rock fell on top of me 545 00:23:07,261 --> 00:23:10,639 and I lost all 546 00:23:07,261 --> 00:23:10,639 power over my limbs. 547 00:23:11,557 --> 00:23:13,059 [narrator] In his distress, 548 00:23:13,100 --> 00:23:14,977 Patrick says 549 00:23:13,100 --> 00:23:14,977 he called on Elias. 550 00:23:15,019 --> 00:23:17,063 [Billy] Elias in 551 00:23:15,019 --> 00:23:17,063 Latin means Elijah. 552 00:23:17,104 --> 00:23:19,523 And there are a number 553 00:23:17,104 --> 00:23:19,523 of people who believe 554 00:23:19,565 --> 00:23:21,275 it's a parallel with Christ 555 00:23:21,317 --> 00:23:24,611 on the cross who calls out 556 00:23:21,317 --> 00:23:24,611 "Eli Eli" as he was dying. 557 00:23:24,653 --> 00:23:25,529 Elias! 558 00:23:25,571 --> 00:23:27,365 Elias! 559 00:23:25,571 --> 00:23:27,365 Elias! 560 00:23:32,161 --> 00:23:35,331 [dramatic orchestral music] 561 00:23:35,373 --> 00:23:39,668 [Patrick, voiceover] 562 00:23:35,373 --> 00:23:39,668 Behold the sun's 563 00:23:35,373 --> 00:23:39,668 splendor fell on me 564 00:23:39,710 --> 00:23:43,547 and dispelled immediately all 565 00:23:39,710 --> 00:23:43,547 the heaviness from upon me. 566 00:23:45,507 --> 00:23:47,218 And I believe that Christ, 567 00:23:47,260 --> 00:23:50,971 my Lord assisted 568 00:23:47,260 --> 00:23:50,971 me and his Spirit 569 00:23:51,013 --> 00:23:53,557 had already cried 570 00:23:51,013 --> 00:23:53,557 out through me. 571 00:23:59,855 --> 00:24:03,276 As we traveled, 572 00:23:59,855 --> 00:24:03,276 the Lord looked after us 573 00:24:03,317 --> 00:24:08,322 with food, fire and 574 00:24:03,317 --> 00:24:08,322 dry shelter each day. 575 00:24:08,364 --> 00:24:12,118 And on the very night 576 00:24:08,364 --> 00:24:12,118 we reached humanity, 577 00:24:12,159 --> 00:24:14,120 we had no food left. 578 00:24:15,329 --> 00:24:17,248 [Captain] We're looking 579 00:24:15,329 --> 00:24:17,248 for food and lodging. 580 00:24:17,290 --> 00:24:18,624 Can you show us where? 581 00:24:19,417 --> 00:24:20,584 Can you take us? 582 00:24:22,253 --> 00:24:24,797 [narrator] For Patrick, 583 00:24:22,253 --> 00:24:24,797 finding civilization 584 00:24:24,838 --> 00:24:26,882 only led to more problems. 585 00:24:30,094 --> 00:24:33,973 [Patrick, voiceover] I was 586 00:24:30,094 --> 00:24:33,973 once again taken captive. 587 00:24:46,110 --> 00:24:47,278 Take him. 588 00:24:58,456 --> 00:24:59,706 [Patrick, voiceover] 589 00:24:58,456 --> 00:24:59,706 On the very first night 590 00:24:59,748 --> 00:25:01,000 I was with them, 591 00:25:01,041 --> 00:25:04,544 I received a divine revelation. 592 00:25:04,586 --> 00:25:10,717 [God] Patrick, you will 593 00:25:04,586 --> 00:25:10,717 remain with them for two 594 00:25:04,586 --> 00:25:10,717 months. 595 00:25:20,644 --> 00:25:22,021 [Patrick, voiceover] 596 00:25:20,644 --> 00:25:22,021 On the 60th night, 597 00:25:22,062 --> 00:25:25,441 this is exactly what happened. 598 00:25:25,483 --> 00:25:27,651 The Lord freed me 599 00:25:25,483 --> 00:25:27,651 from their hands. 600 00:25:38,536 --> 00:25:42,124 [grand orchestral music] 601 00:26:10,027 --> 00:26:11,195 Patrick? 602 00:26:14,781 --> 00:26:15,991 Oh, Patrick. 603 00:26:16,033 --> 00:26:17,201 My son. 604 00:26:17,243 --> 00:26:18,411 Patrick! 605 00:26:19,537 --> 00:26:20,662 He's alive. 606 00:26:20,704 --> 00:26:21,788 You're alive. 607 00:26:21,830 --> 00:26:24,124 Ohhh! 608 00:26:21,830 --> 00:26:24,124 Oh! 609 00:26:24,166 --> 00:26:26,584 [Calpornius] Thank God. 610 00:26:24,166 --> 00:26:26,584 We thought you were dead. 611 00:26:26,626 --> 00:26:30,172 [Thomas] Of all of the many 612 00:26:26,626 --> 00:26:30,172 slaves that were taken 613 00:26:30,214 --> 00:26:33,800 from the Roman Empire, 614 00:26:30,214 --> 00:26:33,800 we know the name of only one 615 00:26:33,842 --> 00:26:38,180 that was taken and 616 00:26:33,842 --> 00:26:38,180 escaped, Patrick. 617 00:26:39,306 --> 00:26:42,017 They gave me a son's welcome, 618 00:26:43,394 --> 00:26:46,604 and in good faith, begged me, 619 00:26:46,646 --> 00:26:52,319 after all those great 620 00:26:46,646 --> 00:26:52,319 tribulations I had been through, 621 00:26:52,361 --> 00:26:57,533 that I should go nowhere, 622 00:26:52,361 --> 00:26:57,533 nor ever leave them. 623 00:27:06,875 --> 00:27:09,627 Get you some bread! 624 00:27:09,669 --> 00:27:10,796 [Elva] The Patrick who returned 625 00:27:10,837 --> 00:27:12,089 to them was very different 626 00:27:12,131 --> 00:27:14,174 than the Patrick that had left, 627 00:27:14,216 --> 00:27:16,260 and his experiences 628 00:27:14,216 --> 00:27:16,260 had changed him so much 629 00:27:16,302 --> 00:27:18,137 as an individual that he 630 00:27:16,302 --> 00:27:18,137 was no longer interested 631 00:27:18,178 --> 00:27:21,181 in going back to the 632 00:27:18,178 --> 00:27:21,181 life as he had it. 633 00:27:24,935 --> 00:27:26,895 You're home Patrick. 634 00:27:26,937 --> 00:27:28,105 You're home. 635 00:27:36,363 --> 00:27:38,616 [narrator] Soon 636 00:27:36,363 --> 00:27:38,616 after his return, 637 00:27:38,656 --> 00:27:41,327 Patrick had another vision. 638 00:27:41,368 --> 00:27:45,205 [dramatic orchestral music] 639 00:27:53,130 --> 00:27:56,883 [Patrick, voiceover] A man 640 00:27:53,130 --> 00:27:56,883 named Victoricus arrived 641 00:27:56,925 --> 00:28:00,887 from Ireland with 642 00:27:56,925 --> 00:28:00,887 countless letters. 643 00:28:00,929 --> 00:28:06,393 He gave me one of them and I 644 00:28:00,929 --> 00:28:06,393 began to read what was in it. 645 00:28:06,435 --> 00:28:09,396 [Billy] In all probability 646 00:28:06,435 --> 00:28:09,396 it was someone 647 00:28:09,438 --> 00:28:11,273 that Patrick knew from Ireland. 648 00:28:15,569 --> 00:28:18,489 [Patrick, voiceover] 649 00:28:15,569 --> 00:28:18,489 The voice of the Irish? 650 00:28:18,531 --> 00:28:19,990 At that very moment, 651 00:28:20,032 --> 00:28:21,699 [thunder crashing] 652 00:28:21,741 --> 00:28:24,828 I thought I heard 653 00:28:21,741 --> 00:28:24,828 the voice of those 654 00:28:24,870 --> 00:28:30,543 around the Wood of Foclut which 655 00:28:24,870 --> 00:28:30,543 is close to the Western Sea. 656 00:28:30,584 --> 00:28:31,835 [woman] 'O Holy Boy-- 657 00:28:31,877 --> 00:28:33,462 [man] We beg you 658 00:28:31,877 --> 00:28:33,462 to come again-- 659 00:28:33,504 --> 00:28:35,839 [man 2] And walk among us. 660 00:28:35,881 --> 00:28:39,343 [Patrick, voiceover] 661 00:28:35,881 --> 00:28:39,343 I was brokenhearted 662 00:28:39,385 --> 00:28:41,803 and could not read 663 00:28:39,385 --> 00:28:41,803 anything more. 664 00:28:42,929 --> 00:28:46,058 And at that moment I woke up! 665 00:28:47,184 --> 00:28:50,854 [breathing heavily] 666 00:28:50,896 --> 00:28:55,150 [dramatic orchestral music] 667 00:28:55,192 --> 00:28:57,110 [Henry] That transforms Patrick. 668 00:28:57,152 --> 00:29:01,740 That is his call 669 00:28:57,152 --> 00:29:01,740 to be a missionary. 670 00:29:10,123 --> 00:29:13,335 I was not quick in accepting 671 00:29:13,377 --> 00:29:15,379 what He had made clear to me 672 00:29:18,340 --> 00:29:20,092 and the Spirit reminded me. 673 00:29:23,929 --> 00:29:27,766 [speaking foreign language] 674 00:29:41,113 --> 00:29:42,239 [Patrick, voiceover] 675 00:29:41,113 --> 00:29:42,239 And the Lord 676 00:29:42,281 --> 00:29:43,907 was merciful to me thousands 677 00:29:43,949 --> 00:29:46,910 upon thousands of times 678 00:29:43,949 --> 00:29:46,910 because He saw what was 679 00:29:46,952 --> 00:29:51,415 within me and that I was ready 680 00:29:51,457 --> 00:29:53,375 but I did not know 681 00:29:51,457 --> 00:29:53,375 what I should do 682 00:29:53,417 --> 00:29:55,043 about the state of my life. 683 00:30:03,552 --> 00:30:05,763 The blood of Christ Jesus. 684 00:30:05,804 --> 00:30:09,808 [woman] We beg you to come 685 00:30:05,804 --> 00:30:09,808 again and walk among us. 686 00:30:13,061 --> 00:30:14,354 Amen. 687 00:30:32,665 --> 00:30:35,208 Can I speak with you? 688 00:30:35,250 --> 00:30:41,632 [Thomas] No one in Christianity 689 00:30:35,250 --> 00:30:41,632 before the 16th century 690 00:30:35,250 --> 00:30:41,632 thinks you 691 00:30:41,674 --> 00:30:43,759 can just have a ministry because 692 00:30:41,674 --> 00:30:43,759 you just have a ministry. 693 00:30:43,801 --> 00:30:46,178 You have to think of 694 00:30:43,801 --> 00:30:46,178 ministry through the ministry 695 00:30:46,219 --> 00:30:47,429 of the church. 696 00:30:49,848 --> 00:30:51,057 What brings you here? 697 00:30:52,392 --> 00:30:56,021 I wish to be a cleric. 698 00:31:00,693 --> 00:31:02,068 [narrator] Patrick 699 00:31:00,693 --> 00:31:02,068 had to work his way 700 00:31:02,110 --> 00:31:05,531 up the ranks to become 701 00:31:02,110 --> 00:31:05,531 a bishop. 702 00:31:05,572 --> 00:31:09,951 Bishops can ordain priests 703 00:31:05,572 --> 00:31:09,951 so you can create a hierarchy 704 00:31:09,993 --> 00:31:12,120 that will survive 705 00:31:09,993 --> 00:31:12,120 after your death. 706 00:31:12,162 --> 00:31:16,625 You have to have a bishop in 707 00:31:12,162 --> 00:31:16,625 order to establish a Church. 708 00:31:16,667 --> 00:31:18,960 [speaking foreign language] 709 00:31:19,002 --> 00:31:20,796 Amen. 710 00:31:20,838 --> 00:31:23,089 [Billy] The style 711 00:31:20,838 --> 00:31:23,089 of formation training 712 00:31:23,131 --> 00:31:27,177 would have been mentoring 713 00:31:23,131 --> 00:31:27,177 in basic responsibilities 714 00:31:27,219 --> 00:31:29,221 of how to celebrate 715 00:31:27,219 --> 00:31:29,221 the liturgy, 716 00:31:29,262 --> 00:31:31,097 pastoral duties towards people, 717 00:31:31,139 --> 00:31:34,059 preaching, sacramental 718 00:31:31,139 --> 00:31:34,059 celebration. 719 00:31:36,144 --> 00:31:38,980 I'm here to learn 720 00:31:36,144 --> 00:31:38,980 about the Lord. 721 00:31:39,022 --> 00:31:40,399 There are many scrolls. 722 00:31:40,440 --> 00:31:42,568 [narrator] 723 00:31:40,440 --> 00:31:42,568 It's believed that Patrick's 724 00:31:42,609 --> 00:31:44,027 apprenticeship took him 725 00:31:42,609 --> 00:31:44,027 to Gaul, Northern France, 726 00:31:44,069 --> 00:31:45,487 for a time. 727 00:31:48,365 --> 00:31:50,158 [Thomas] It would 728 00:31:48,365 --> 00:31:50,158 have been the equivalent 729 00:31:50,200 --> 00:31:54,120 of going from 730 00:31:50,200 --> 00:31:54,120 Alaska to New York. 731 00:31:54,162 --> 00:31:56,956 If he wanted to meet 732 00:31:54,162 --> 00:31:56,956 lots of other Christians 733 00:31:56,998 --> 00:31:59,668 whom he could talk 734 00:31:56,998 --> 00:31:59,668 to about theology 735 00:31:59,710 --> 00:32:02,254 and about faith 736 00:31:59,710 --> 00:32:02,254 and about belief, 737 00:32:02,295 --> 00:32:05,131 then Gaul would be 738 00:32:02,295 --> 00:32:05,131 the place to go. 739 00:32:05,173 --> 00:32:06,425 [laughing] 740 00:32:06,466 --> 00:32:09,219 Of course it was 741 00:32:06,466 --> 00:32:09,219 always, you know. 742 00:32:13,891 --> 00:32:15,517 [narrator] During 743 00:32:13,891 --> 00:32:15,517 his training, 744 00:32:15,559 --> 00:32:17,603 Patrick developed 745 00:32:15,559 --> 00:32:17,603 a close friendship 746 00:32:17,644 --> 00:32:20,480 with a young clergyman in 747 00:32:17,644 --> 00:32:20,480 whom he felt he could confide. 748 00:32:22,190 --> 00:32:23,400 Felix. 749 00:32:27,195 --> 00:32:28,488 I am a sinner. 750 00:32:30,407 --> 00:32:32,117 I must confess what I have done. 751 00:32:33,952 --> 00:32:35,788 [Patrick, voiceover] 752 00:32:33,952 --> 00:32:35,788 Once when I was anxious 753 00:32:35,829 --> 00:32:39,291 and worried I hinted 754 00:32:35,829 --> 00:32:39,291 to my dearest friend 755 00:32:39,332 --> 00:32:42,502 about something I 756 00:32:39,332 --> 00:32:42,502 had done one day, 757 00:32:42,544 --> 00:32:45,171 indeed in one hour of my youth, 758 00:32:45,213 --> 00:32:49,092 for I had not then 759 00:32:45,213 --> 00:32:49,092 prevailed over my sinfulness 760 00:32:49,134 --> 00:32:52,095 and I was not a believer 761 00:32:49,134 --> 00:32:52,095 in the true God. 762 00:32:53,764 --> 00:32:55,724 [narrator] 763 00:32:53,764 --> 00:32:55,724 Many have tried to guess 764 00:32:55,766 --> 00:32:57,476 what Patrick's boyhood 765 00:32:55,766 --> 00:32:57,476 sin might have been. 766 00:32:57,517 --> 00:32:59,269 Some say it was immorality. 767 00:32:59,311 --> 00:33:02,481 Others, idolatry 768 00:32:59,311 --> 00:33:02,481 or even murder. 769 00:33:02,522 --> 00:33:04,942 But the truth is 770 00:33:02,522 --> 00:33:04,942 that no one knows, 771 00:33:04,983 --> 00:33:06,944 because Patrick 772 00:33:04,983 --> 00:33:06,944 doesn't tell us. 773 00:33:11,406 --> 00:33:13,325 Am I ever to be forgiven? 774 00:33:24,670 --> 00:33:26,421 You are forgiven. 775 00:33:34,387 --> 00:33:35,973 [mentor] Patrick. 776 00:33:56,493 --> 00:34:00,288 [dramatic orchestral music] 777 00:34:11,174 --> 00:34:12,592 [father] Patrick! 778 00:34:13,969 --> 00:34:15,178 You have a visitor. 779 00:34:16,346 --> 00:34:17,639 Felix. 780 00:34:18,640 --> 00:34:20,183 Patrick. 781 00:34:20,225 --> 00:34:22,268 Please, help yourself. 782 00:34:24,437 --> 00:34:26,648 What is it that brings 783 00:34:24,437 --> 00:34:26,648 you all the way out here? 784 00:34:31,361 --> 00:34:36,324 It appears that you are to 785 00:34:31,361 --> 00:34:36,324 be given the rank of bishop. 786 00:34:46,835 --> 00:34:48,086 I am unworthy. 787 00:34:49,046 --> 00:34:51,715 It is the will of the elders. 788 00:34:57,345 --> 00:34:59,222 This is quite a surprise. 789 00:34:59,264 --> 00:35:00,599 I'm not sure I-- 790 00:35:00,640 --> 00:35:02,059 I am expected in 791 00:35:00,640 --> 00:35:02,059 Cardiff by nightfall. 792 00:35:02,100 --> 00:35:03,268 I must go. 793 00:35:03,309 --> 00:35:05,437 Of course. 794 00:35:07,814 --> 00:35:09,024 Wait! 795 00:35:10,734 --> 00:35:14,571 [dramatic orchestral music] 796 00:36:06,832 --> 00:36:10,836 [singing in foreign language] 797 00:36:42,742 --> 00:36:46,788 [speaking foreign language] 798 00:36:48,206 --> 00:36:49,499 Amen. 799 00:36:55,005 --> 00:36:56,381 Go in peace, friend. 800 00:37:00,052 --> 00:37:02,512 [Patrick, voiceover] 801 00:37:00,052 --> 00:37:02,512 Many were forbidding 802 00:37:00,052 --> 00:37:02,512 my mission. 803 00:37:02,554 --> 00:37:05,932 Behind my back, they 804 00:37:02,554 --> 00:37:05,932 were telling stories. 805 00:37:05,974 --> 00:37:07,184 To Ireland? 806 00:37:08,894 --> 00:37:10,395 Well, why would 807 00:37:08,894 --> 00:37:10,395 this man put himself 808 00:37:10,436 --> 00:37:13,565 in danger among enemies 809 00:37:10,436 --> 00:37:13,565 who do not know God? 810 00:37:13,606 --> 00:37:15,400 For what reason? 811 00:37:15,441 --> 00:37:17,360 [Billy] People thought 812 00:37:15,441 --> 00:37:17,360 that this mission was crazy, 813 00:37:17,402 --> 00:37:19,362 the Irish people were 814 00:37:17,402 --> 00:37:19,362 beyond redemption, 815 00:37:19,404 --> 00:37:22,532 that even the Roman Empire 816 00:37:19,404 --> 00:37:22,532 had not gone that far, 817 00:37:22,574 --> 00:37:25,994 and that his efforts 818 00:37:22,574 --> 00:37:25,994 to Christianize Ireland 819 00:37:26,036 --> 00:37:27,370 were doomed to failure. 820 00:37:27,412 --> 00:37:29,247 [Bishop] They're savages! 821 00:37:27,412 --> 00:37:29,247 These heathen! 822 00:37:35,879 --> 00:37:37,964 [Elva] Patrick really 823 00:37:35,879 --> 00:37:37,964 believes that if he preaches 824 00:37:38,006 --> 00:37:41,384 to the end of the earth this 825 00:37:38,006 --> 00:37:41,384 will complete God's mission 826 00:37:41,426 --> 00:37:43,720 and will usher in 827 00:37:41,426 --> 00:37:43,720 the Second Coming, 828 00:37:43,762 --> 00:37:46,223 which Patrick presumably 829 00:37:43,762 --> 00:37:46,223 hoped would happen 830 00:37:46,264 --> 00:37:48,100 in his lifetime and maybe even 831 00:37:48,141 --> 00:37:50,060 as a result of his activities. 832 00:37:59,069 --> 00:38:00,486 [narrator] Against all odds, 833 00:38:00,528 --> 00:38:02,655 Patrick was eventually 834 00:38:00,528 --> 00:38:02,655 permitted 835 00:38:02,697 --> 00:38:05,408 to return to Ireland 836 00:38:02,697 --> 00:38:05,408 as a missionary bishop. 837 00:38:06,952 --> 00:38:08,620 While the British 838 00:38:06,952 --> 00:38:08,620 Church most likely 839 00:38:08,661 --> 00:38:10,329 funded the mission continually, 840 00:38:10,371 --> 00:38:12,373 some scholars 841 00:38:10,371 --> 00:38:12,373 believe that Patrick 842 00:38:12,415 --> 00:38:14,500 paid the initial cost himself. 843 00:38:16,753 --> 00:38:18,755 [Elva] He sells his nobility, 844 00:38:18,797 --> 00:38:20,506 which I take to be a 845 00:38:18,797 --> 00:38:20,506 reference to him selling, 846 00:38:20,548 --> 00:38:22,926 essentially his inheritance. 847 00:38:22,968 --> 00:38:24,928 It's almost like a 848 00:38:22,968 --> 00:38:24,928 form of seed funding, 849 00:38:24,970 --> 00:38:27,055 which will enable him 850 00:38:24,970 --> 00:38:27,055 to get to Ireland. 851 00:38:33,352 --> 00:38:37,190 I imagine that Patrick's 852 00:38:33,352 --> 00:38:37,190 parents had fully expected him 853 00:38:37,232 --> 00:38:40,693 to take on the role, as maybe 854 00:38:37,232 --> 00:38:40,693 the heir of the family. 855 00:38:43,446 --> 00:38:46,324 [Charles] He would have been 856 00:38:43,446 --> 00:38:46,324 opting out of any 857 00:38:43,446 --> 00:38:46,324 responsibility 858 00:38:46,365 --> 00:38:48,201 for running estates, et cetera. 859 00:39:03,675 --> 00:39:06,136 This does not 860 00:39:03,675 --> 00:39:06,136 have to be, Patrick. 861 00:39:08,263 --> 00:39:12,142 It is the will of God. 862 00:39:30,869 --> 00:39:32,037 For the journey. 863 00:39:38,877 --> 00:39:42,714 [Patrick, voiceover] 864 00:39:38,877 --> 00:39:42,714 Many gifts were 865 00:39:38,877 --> 00:39:42,714 offered to me with sorrow 866 00:39:42,755 --> 00:39:45,591 and tears and I offended them 867 00:39:45,633 --> 00:39:49,221 and went against the will 868 00:39:45,633 --> 00:39:49,221 of some of my elders. 869 00:39:52,932 --> 00:39:54,309 Father. 870 00:40:14,746 --> 00:40:16,789 [Patrick, voiceover] 871 00:40:14,746 --> 00:40:16,789 It was not my grace, 872 00:40:16,831 --> 00:40:22,795 but God who conquered in me 873 00:40:16,831 --> 00:40:22,795 and who resisted them all 874 00:40:22,837 --> 00:40:27,717 that I might come to the Irish 875 00:40:22,837 --> 00:40:27,717 nations to preach the gospel. 876 00:40:33,223 --> 00:40:37,227 [dramatic orchestral music] 877 00:40:45,026 --> 00:40:47,862 [Father Swan] In terms of the 878 00:40:45,026 --> 00:40:47,862 challenge of it, 879 00:40:45,026 --> 00:40:47,862 it was just awesome. 880 00:40:47,904 --> 00:40:50,365 He didn't know what he 881 00:40:47,904 --> 00:40:50,365 faced, possible death 882 00:40:50,407 --> 00:40:54,244 and persecution, more 883 00:40:50,407 --> 00:40:54,244 slavery, imprisonment. 884 00:40:56,079 --> 00:40:57,580 [narrator] Patrick 885 00:40:56,079 --> 00:40:57,580 was not the first bishop 886 00:40:57,622 --> 00:40:59,457 to be sent to Ireland. 887 00:40:59,498 --> 00:41:01,626 He was preceded by a 888 00:40:59,498 --> 00:41:01,626 man named Palladius 889 00:41:01,667 --> 00:41:04,837 who had been sent by 890 00:41:01,667 --> 00:41:04,837 the pope a year earlier. 891 00:41:04,879 --> 00:41:08,300 [Thomas] Palladius is most 892 00:41:04,879 --> 00:41:08,300 likely ministering 893 00:41:08,341 --> 00:41:11,719 to a slave community 894 00:41:08,341 --> 00:41:11,719 and to traders. 895 00:41:11,761 --> 00:41:15,140 So, there were Christians 896 00:41:11,761 --> 00:41:15,140 in Ireland, and in fact, 897 00:41:15,181 --> 00:41:19,269 Patrick never assumes 898 00:41:15,181 --> 00:41:19,269 that he converts people 899 00:41:19,311 --> 00:41:21,980 from nothing to Christianity. 900 00:41:32,740 --> 00:41:34,826 [narrator] According 901 00:41:32,740 --> 00:41:34,826 to the Annals of Ulster, 902 00:41:34,867 --> 00:41:38,663 Patrick arrived in Ireland 903 00:41:34,867 --> 00:41:38,663 sometime in AD 432. 904 00:41:38,704 --> 00:41:42,292 Exactly where he 905 00:41:38,704 --> 00:41:42,292 went is not known. 906 00:41:42,334 --> 00:41:44,794 But we do know that 907 00:41:42,334 --> 00:41:44,794 according to Irish law, 908 00:41:44,836 --> 00:41:47,380 Patrick was still a fugitive. 909 00:41:50,425 --> 00:41:53,552 [Thomas] Probably he stayed 910 00:41:50,425 --> 00:41:53,552 far away from the places 911 00:41:53,594 --> 00:41:55,554 that he had been enslaved. 912 00:41:55,596 --> 00:41:58,975 You get a constant sense that 913 00:41:55,596 --> 00:41:58,975 Patrick is living on his wits. 914 00:42:08,067 --> 00:42:11,863 [Billy] He seems to be pervaded 915 00:42:08,067 --> 00:42:11,863 by the spirit of mission 916 00:42:11,904 --> 00:42:13,865 that is taking him beyond 917 00:42:13,906 --> 00:42:15,783 and abroad bringing the gospel 918 00:42:15,825 --> 00:42:19,745 where it had not reached 919 00:42:15,825 --> 00:42:19,745 before out to the very edge, 920 00:42:19,787 --> 00:42:22,832 out to the very 921 00:42:19,787 --> 00:42:22,832 periphery of Ireland. 922 00:42:32,384 --> 00:42:34,677 He seems to have this 923 00:42:32,384 --> 00:42:34,677 collective consciousness 924 00:42:34,719 --> 00:42:41,100 of the Irish as a nation, 925 00:42:34,719 --> 00:42:41,100 so that leaves him free 926 00:42:41,142 --> 00:42:43,644 to go wherever those Irish 927 00:42:41,142 --> 00:42:43,644 people are to be found. 928 00:42:48,107 --> 00:42:51,403 He's responding just 929 00:42:48,107 --> 00:42:51,403 purely on faith that God 930 00:42:51,444 --> 00:42:53,405 would take him where 931 00:42:51,444 --> 00:42:53,405 he wanted him to go 932 00:42:53,446 --> 00:42:55,532 and where he would 933 00:42:53,446 --> 00:42:55,532 give witness. 934 00:42:59,452 --> 00:43:01,454 [Tim] Patrick was equipped for 935 00:42:59,452 --> 00:43:01,454 the job because he would 936 00:43:01,496 --> 00:43:03,373 have been able to 937 00:43:01,496 --> 00:43:03,373 communicate to the Irish 938 00:43:03,415 --> 00:43:05,833 and bring Christianity by 939 00:43:03,415 --> 00:43:05,833 talking to them more or less 940 00:43:05,875 --> 00:43:07,043 in their own tongue. 941 00:43:08,878 --> 00:43:10,796 [narrator] 942 00:43:08,878 --> 00:43:10,796 Evangelizing the Irish 943 00:43:10,838 --> 00:43:12,798 would prove to be 944 00:43:10,838 --> 00:43:12,798 a challenging task. 945 00:43:12,840 --> 00:43:15,676 Although Christianity was 946 00:43:12,840 --> 00:43:15,676 present in parts of Ireland, 947 00:43:15,718 --> 00:43:18,471 the country was 948 00:43:15,718 --> 00:43:18,471 predominantly pagan. 949 00:43:18,513 --> 00:43:22,392 [speaking foreign language] 950 00:43:26,271 --> 00:43:31,067 Though I am not from this 951 00:43:26,271 --> 00:43:31,067 land, I spent many years here. 952 00:43:31,109 --> 00:43:33,069 And I have returned 953 00:43:31,109 --> 00:43:33,069 with a message. 954 00:43:35,029 --> 00:43:36,781 What is the message you bring? 955 00:43:42,579 --> 00:43:45,498 If you let me inside, 956 00:43:42,579 --> 00:43:45,498 I will tell you. 957 00:43:51,170 --> 00:43:54,299 [Thomas] It's a big deal 958 00:43:51,170 --> 00:43:54,299 if you become a Christian 959 00:43:54,340 --> 00:43:57,885 because you're changing a 960 00:43:54,340 --> 00:43:57,885 set of gods for one God. 961 00:43:57,927 --> 00:43:59,845 You're buying into a 962 00:43:57,927 --> 00:43:59,845 different calendar. 963 00:43:59,887 --> 00:44:03,099 You're changing the 964 00:43:59,887 --> 00:44:03,099 people you associate with. 965 00:44:03,141 --> 00:44:05,435 It's far more like 966 00:44:03,141 --> 00:44:05,435 thinking of someone 967 00:44:05,477 --> 00:44:08,187 who lives in a completely 968 00:44:05,477 --> 00:44:08,187 Buddhist society 969 00:44:08,229 --> 00:44:09,730 becoming a Christian. 970 00:44:17,572 --> 00:44:19,782 And the prophet Hosea says, 971 00:44:19,824 --> 00:44:24,829 "Those who were not my 972 00:44:19,824 --> 00:44:24,829 people I will call my people, 973 00:44:24,870 --> 00:44:28,333 and her who was not beloved 974 00:44:24,870 --> 00:44:28,333 I will call my beloved. 975 00:44:28,374 --> 00:44:30,751 And in the very place 976 00:44:28,374 --> 00:44:30,751 where it was said to them, 977 00:44:30,793 --> 00:44:33,712 you are not my people, 978 00:44:33,754 --> 00:44:36,508 they will be called 979 00:44:33,754 --> 00:44:36,508 sons of the living God." 980 00:44:44,807 --> 00:44:47,018 Who among you heeds the call? 981 00:44:48,811 --> 00:44:51,730 [Billy] The content of 982 00:44:48,811 --> 00:44:51,730 his message is not doomsday. 983 00:44:51,772 --> 00:44:54,942 It's preaching the love 984 00:44:51,772 --> 00:44:54,942 of God, and how others 985 00:44:54,984 --> 00:44:58,279 can come to know God as 986 00:44:54,984 --> 00:44:58,279 a person-loving father, 987 00:44:58,321 --> 00:44:59,738 just as he did. 988 00:45:18,007 --> 00:45:22,220 [Patrick, voiceover] Truly it 989 00:45:18,007 --> 00:45:22,220 is our task to cast our nets 990 00:45:22,261 --> 00:45:26,599 and catch a great multitude 991 00:45:22,261 --> 00:45:26,599 and crowd for God; 992 00:45:26,641 --> 00:45:29,726 to make sure that there 993 00:45:26,641 --> 00:45:29,726 are clergy everywhere 994 00:45:29,768 --> 00:45:36,609 to baptize and preach 995 00:45:29,768 --> 00:45:36,609 to a people who are in need. 996 00:45:39,529 --> 00:45:43,449 Baptism for early 997 00:45:39,529 --> 00:45:43,449 Christians was the moment 998 00:45:43,491 --> 00:45:46,536 of commitment when you 999 00:45:43,491 --> 00:45:46,536 became a true Christian. 1000 00:45:46,578 --> 00:45:50,498 And it was believed in the 1001 00:45:46,578 --> 00:45:50,498 early Church that baptism 1002 00:45:50,540 --> 00:45:51,624 was the one point in your life 1003 00:45:51,666 --> 00:45:53,543 when your sins were washed away. 1004 00:45:55,211 --> 00:45:56,921 [narrator] For the Irish, 1005 00:45:56,962 --> 00:45:58,381 baptism had a 1006 00:45:56,962 --> 00:45:58,381 deeper significance 1007 00:45:58,423 --> 00:46:01,509 because of their mythology. 1008 00:46:01,551 --> 00:46:04,178 [Charles] Water was 1009 00:46:01,551 --> 00:46:04,178 associated with kingship. 1010 00:46:04,220 --> 00:46:07,973 These waters all flowed 1011 00:46:04,220 --> 00:46:07,973 together, entered the ocean, 1012 00:46:08,015 --> 00:46:10,976 and returns as rain and 1013 00:46:08,015 --> 00:46:10,976 falls upon the earth 1014 00:46:11,018 --> 00:46:13,062 creating the great 1015 00:46:11,018 --> 00:46:13,062 cycle of life. 1016 00:46:20,236 --> 00:46:22,905 [Elva] Having baptisms, having 1017 00:46:20,236 --> 00:46:22,905 these public rituals 1018 00:46:22,947 --> 00:46:26,409 in which people 1019 00:46:22,947 --> 00:46:26,409 identify as Christians 1020 00:46:26,451 --> 00:46:30,037 is really powerful and is 1021 00:46:26,451 --> 00:46:30,037 probably one that transfers 1022 00:46:30,079 --> 00:46:32,248 over quite easily 1023 00:46:30,079 --> 00:46:32,248 and is something 1024 00:46:32,290 --> 00:46:34,709 which the pagans 1025 00:46:32,290 --> 00:46:34,709 could also understand 1026 00:46:34,751 --> 00:46:36,252 and could see its significance. 1027 00:46:42,216 --> 00:46:44,302 [Patrick, voiceover] 1028 00:46:42,216 --> 00:46:44,302 And I am greatly 1029 00:46:42,216 --> 00:46:44,302 in God's debt. 1030 00:46:45,344 --> 00:46:48,598 He has given me a great grace, 1031 00:46:48,640 --> 00:46:51,850 that through me many 1032 00:46:48,640 --> 00:46:51,850 people might be reborn 1033 00:46:51,892 --> 00:46:56,063 and later brought 1034 00:46:51,892 --> 00:46:56,063 to perfection. 1035 00:46:56,105 --> 00:47:00,985 And also, that from among 1036 00:46:56,105 --> 00:47:00,985 them everywhere clerics 1037 00:47:01,026 --> 00:47:03,488 should be ordained 1038 00:47:01,026 --> 00:47:03,488 to serve this people, 1039 00:47:03,529 --> 00:47:06,198 who have but recently 1040 00:47:03,529 --> 00:47:06,198 come to belief. 1041 00:47:08,326 --> 00:47:13,539 And again, 1042 00:47:08,326 --> 00:47:13,539 "Go into all the world 1043 00:47:13,581 --> 00:47:16,250 and preach the gospel 1044 00:47:13,581 --> 00:47:16,250 to every creature. 1045 00:47:16,292 --> 00:47:22,465 He who believes and is 1046 00:47:16,292 --> 00:47:22,465 baptized will be saved. 1047 00:47:26,636 --> 00:47:32,141 He who does not believe 1048 00:47:26,636 --> 00:47:32,141 will be condemned." 1049 00:47:44,195 --> 00:47:45,488 Now go. 1050 00:47:50,785 --> 00:47:53,538 [Billy] Patrick's ministry 1051 00:47:50,785 --> 00:47:53,538 was extremely effective. 1052 00:47:53,579 --> 00:47:56,415 Each time a new 1053 00:47:53,579 --> 00:47:56,415 priest was ordained, 1054 00:47:56,457 --> 00:47:59,669 then you had the 1055 00:47:56,457 --> 00:47:59,669 center of a community. 1056 00:47:59,711 --> 00:48:02,254 He was trying to 1057 00:47:59,711 --> 00:48:02,254 create small communities 1058 00:48:02,296 --> 00:48:06,133 of Christians because 1059 00:48:02,296 --> 00:48:06,133 that is how Christianity 1060 00:48:06,175 --> 00:48:08,427 spread through the Roman Empire. 1061 00:48:09,846 --> 00:48:11,972 [narrator] 1062 00:48:09,846 --> 00:48:11,972 As Patrick's ministry grew, 1063 00:48:12,014 --> 00:48:14,099 he trained other clerics 1064 00:48:12,014 --> 00:48:14,099 to continue his work 1065 00:48:14,141 --> 00:48:16,268 and went on to the 1066 00:48:14,141 --> 00:48:16,268 next community. 1067 00:48:17,770 --> 00:48:19,689 [Charles] As that went on 1068 00:48:17,770 --> 00:48:19,689 year after year after year, 1069 00:48:19,731 --> 00:48:22,066 his mission was 1070 00:48:19,731 --> 00:48:22,066 extremely successful. 1071 00:48:25,486 --> 00:48:30,241 And so it shall be in the 1072 00:48:25,486 --> 00:48:30,241 last days, says the Lord, 1073 00:48:30,282 --> 00:48:35,538 that I will pour out my 1074 00:48:30,282 --> 00:48:35,538 Spirit upon all flesh 1075 00:48:35,580 --> 00:48:38,624 and your sons and your 1076 00:48:35,580 --> 00:48:38,624 daughters shall prophesy, 1077 00:48:40,125 --> 00:48:44,213 and your young men 1078 00:48:40,125 --> 00:48:44,213 shall see visions, 1079 00:48:44,255 --> 00:48:48,384 and your old men 1080 00:48:44,255 --> 00:48:48,384 shall dream dreams; 1081 00:48:48,426 --> 00:48:53,347 and indeed, in that 1082 00:48:48,426 --> 00:48:53,347 time on my manservants 1083 00:48:53,389 --> 00:48:57,976 and my maidservants I 1084 00:48:53,389 --> 00:48:57,976 will pour out my Spirit; 1085 00:48:58,977 --> 00:49:00,271 and they shall prophesy. 1086 00:49:06,527 --> 00:49:09,614 The bread of heaven 1087 00:49:06,527 --> 00:49:09,614 in Christ Jesus. 1088 00:49:09,655 --> 00:49:11,616 [woman] Amen. 1089 00:49:11,657 --> 00:49:13,910 [Patrick] How has this 1090 00:49:11,657 --> 00:49:13,910 happened in Ireland? 1091 00:49:13,950 --> 00:49:19,707 Never before did they know 1092 00:49:13,950 --> 00:49:19,707 of God except to serve idols 1093 00:49:19,749 --> 00:49:21,125 and unclean things. 1094 00:49:24,211 --> 00:49:26,631 Yet recently, what a change. 1095 00:49:31,218 --> 00:49:33,679 [Billy] Christianity was 1096 00:49:31,218 --> 00:49:33,679 beginning to take hold. 1097 00:49:33,721 --> 00:49:35,807 That's the transformation 1098 00:49:33,721 --> 00:49:35,807 he marvels at. 1099 00:49:35,848 --> 00:49:38,935 And he's saying, "Listen, 1100 00:49:35,848 --> 00:49:38,935 don't believe the evidence 1101 00:49:38,975 --> 00:49:42,396 of my word only, 1102 00:49:38,975 --> 00:49:42,396 look what's happening." 1103 00:49:42,438 --> 00:49:45,650 [all chattering] 1104 00:49:45,691 --> 00:49:47,318 [Patrick, voiceover] 1105 00:49:45,691 --> 00:49:47,318 They have become 1106 00:49:47,359 --> 00:49:49,111 a prepared people of the Lord, 1107 00:49:49,153 --> 00:49:53,324 and they are now 1108 00:49:49,153 --> 00:49:53,324 called sons of God. 1109 00:49:53,365 --> 00:49:55,992 And the Irish leaders' 1110 00:49:53,365 --> 00:49:55,992 sons and daughters 1111 00:49:56,034 --> 00:50:00,790 are seen to become the 1112 00:49:56,034 --> 00:50:00,790 monks and virgins of Christ. 1113 00:50:02,291 --> 00:50:03,668 [laughing] 1114 00:50:03,709 --> 00:50:06,504 [bell ringing] 1115 00:50:08,380 --> 00:50:10,299 [dramatic orchestral music] 1116 00:50:10,341 --> 00:50:12,176 [narrator] But while 1117 00:50:10,341 --> 00:50:12,176 Patrick had great success 1118 00:50:12,217 --> 00:50:16,054 among the pagans in Ireland, 1119 00:50:12,217 --> 00:50:16,054 he quickly lost favor 1120 00:50:16,096 --> 00:50:18,182 with the Church 1121 00:50:16,096 --> 00:50:18,182 back in Britain. 1122 00:50:24,647 --> 00:50:28,776 Patrick is preaching the 1123 00:50:24,647 --> 00:50:28,776 Gospel in a way very different 1124 00:50:28,818 --> 00:50:30,319 to the way other Christians 1125 00:50:30,361 --> 00:50:32,905 are preaching 1126 00:50:30,361 --> 00:50:32,905 the Gospel in Ireland. 1127 00:50:32,947 --> 00:50:34,907 There were rules 1128 00:50:32,947 --> 00:50:34,907 and stipulations 1129 00:50:34,949 --> 00:50:36,534 by the church at the time. 1130 00:50:36,575 --> 00:50:38,828 Bishops were not to stray out 1131 00:50:38,870 --> 00:50:42,164 beyond their own dioceses or 1132 00:50:38,870 --> 00:50:42,164 own areas of responsibility. 1133 00:50:42,206 --> 00:50:45,751 In Patrick we see 1134 00:50:42,206 --> 00:50:45,751 something different. 1135 00:50:45,793 --> 00:50:47,712 [narrator] It's also believed 1136 00:50:45,793 --> 00:50:47,712 that Patrick ministered 1137 00:50:47,753 --> 00:50:50,339 in the Irish language 1138 00:50:47,753 --> 00:50:50,339 instead of Latin 1139 00:50:50,381 --> 00:50:51,924 and established 1140 00:50:50,381 --> 00:50:51,924 many monasteries 1141 00:50:51,966 --> 00:50:54,635 for the ordination 1142 00:50:51,966 --> 00:50:54,635 of uneducated people. 1143 00:50:55,887 --> 00:50:58,305 I mean, who is this 1144 00:50:55,887 --> 00:50:58,305 man to do such things? 1145 00:50:59,264 --> 00:51:00,725 And who does he think he is? 1146 00:51:04,603 --> 00:51:06,772 [narrator] Patrick's 1147 00:51:04,603 --> 00:51:06,772 superiors started digging 1148 00:51:06,814 --> 00:51:10,150 for anything they could 1149 00:51:06,814 --> 00:51:10,150 find to discredit him. 1150 00:51:15,280 --> 00:51:17,992 [Patrick] On one occasion, 1151 00:51:15,280 --> 00:51:17,992 a blessed Irish woman 1152 00:51:18,034 --> 00:51:23,039 of noble birth whom I had 1153 00:51:18,034 --> 00:51:23,039 baptized came back to us. 1154 00:51:23,831 --> 00:51:25,041 I must see Patrick. 1155 00:51:34,383 --> 00:51:36,010 What brings you here, child? 1156 00:51:37,302 --> 00:51:39,471 I received a divine 1157 00:51:37,302 --> 00:51:39,471 revelation from a messenger 1158 00:51:39,513 --> 00:51:43,392 of God who advised me to 1159 00:51:39,513 --> 00:51:43,392 become a virgin of Christ. 1160 00:51:43,434 --> 00:51:45,352 Thanks be to God. 1161 00:51:45,394 --> 00:51:49,523 [Thomas] If a woman decides to 1162 00:51:45,394 --> 00:51:49,523 become a virgin, a female monk, 1163 00:51:49,565 --> 00:51:53,235 she can only do that with 1164 00:51:49,565 --> 00:51:53,235 the permission of her father. 1165 00:51:53,277 --> 00:51:57,656 They have brought this 1166 00:51:53,277 --> 00:51:57,656 girl up and this girl 1167 00:51:57,698 --> 00:52:02,620 is now no benefit to 1168 00:51:57,698 --> 00:52:02,620 the family at all. 1169 00:52:02,661 --> 00:52:04,496 [Patrick, voiceover] This, of 1170 00:52:02,661 --> 00:52:04,496 course, is not to the liking 1171 00:52:04,538 --> 00:52:07,625 of their fathers and they 1172 00:52:04,538 --> 00:52:07,625 have to suffer persecutions 1173 00:52:07,666 --> 00:52:10,920 and false accusations 1174 00:52:07,666 --> 00:52:10,920 from their parents. 1175 00:52:10,962 --> 00:52:13,005 God has called 1176 00:52:10,962 --> 00:52:13,005 me to serve Him. 1177 00:52:14,590 --> 00:52:17,718 [speaking foreign language] 1178 00:52:17,760 --> 00:52:19,053 Go home. 1179 00:52:19,095 --> 00:52:23,057 [dramatic orchestral music] 1180 00:52:26,142 --> 00:52:29,981 [speaking foreign language] 1181 00:52:32,316 --> 00:52:33,943 [Patrick, voiceover] 1182 00:52:32,316 --> 00:52:33,943 Yet despite this, 1183 00:52:33,985 --> 00:52:36,528 their number keeps increasing. 1184 00:52:36,570 --> 00:52:38,990 [vocalizing] 1185 00:52:43,035 --> 00:52:44,954 [narrator] Another 1186 00:52:43,035 --> 00:52:44,954 challenge Patrick faced 1187 00:52:44,996 --> 00:52:48,248 was protecting his Irish 1188 00:52:44,996 --> 00:52:48,248 converts from slave traders. 1189 00:52:48,290 --> 00:52:51,167 In his second writing, 1190 00:52:48,290 --> 00:52:51,167 the Epistola, 1191 00:52:51,209 --> 00:52:52,878 Patrick responds to the attacks 1192 00:52:52,920 --> 00:52:56,132 of a British warlord 1193 00:52:52,920 --> 00:52:56,132 named Coroticus. 1194 00:52:58,258 --> 00:53:01,303 He is a slaver who has 1195 00:52:58,258 --> 00:53:01,303 taken some of the people 1196 00:53:01,345 --> 00:53:04,222 that Patrick has 1197 00:53:01,345 --> 00:53:04,222 converted to Christianity. 1198 00:53:04,264 --> 00:53:08,894 And his men killed many 1199 00:53:04,264 --> 00:53:08,894 people because people 1200 00:53:08,936 --> 00:53:12,356 don't go willingly into slavery. 1201 00:53:12,397 --> 00:53:17,653 -[dramatic orchestral music] 1202 00:53:12,397 --> 00:53:17,653 -[vocalizing] 1203 00:53:23,241 --> 00:53:25,703 [Patrick, voiceover] 1204 00:53:23,241 --> 00:53:25,703 They are blood-stained; 1205 00:53:25,744 --> 00:53:27,538 blood-stained with the blood 1206 00:53:27,579 --> 00:53:30,666 of innocent Christians, 1207 00:53:30,708 --> 00:53:33,752 whose numbers I have 1208 00:53:30,708 --> 00:53:33,752 given birth to in God 1209 00:53:33,794 --> 00:53:35,838 and confirmed in Christ. 1210 00:53:38,256 --> 00:53:40,843 [vocalizing] 1211 00:54:15,920 --> 00:54:19,715 I sent a letter by a holy 1212 00:54:15,920 --> 00:54:19,715 priest, with clerics, 1213 00:54:19,757 --> 00:54:22,551 to ask that Coroticus 1214 00:54:19,757 --> 00:54:22,551 and his men return to us 1215 00:54:22,593 --> 00:54:25,763 some of the baptized 1216 00:54:22,593 --> 00:54:25,763 prisoners they had captured. 1217 00:54:26,889 --> 00:54:28,224 They scoffed at them. 1218 00:54:30,226 --> 00:54:33,269 [Father Swan] The people who 1219 00:54:30,226 --> 00:54:33,269 were responsible for 1220 00:54:30,226 --> 00:54:33,269 the slaughter 1221 00:54:33,311 --> 00:54:36,190 of his newly baptized Christians 1222 00:54:33,311 --> 00:54:36,190 were nominally Christian, 1223 00:54:36,232 --> 00:54:39,151 which gives him the authority 1224 00:54:36,232 --> 00:54:39,151 to excommunicate them, 1225 00:54:39,193 --> 00:54:41,153 to declare what 1226 00:54:39,193 --> 00:54:41,153 was already true, 1227 00:54:41,195 --> 00:54:43,781 basically the people who 1228 00:54:41,195 --> 00:54:43,781 are responsible for murder 1229 00:54:43,822 --> 00:54:45,741 can no longer be 1230 00:54:43,822 --> 00:54:45,741 called Christian. 1231 00:54:45,783 --> 00:54:48,410 Patrick, by 1232 00:54:45,783 --> 00:54:48,410 writing this letter, 1233 00:54:48,452 --> 00:54:51,247 is making a formal 1234 00:54:48,452 --> 00:54:51,247 statement, which says, 1235 00:54:51,287 --> 00:54:55,126 "Coroticus, unless you 1236 00:54:51,287 --> 00:54:55,126 change, you are damned. 1237 00:54:56,668 --> 00:54:59,713 And God will back 1238 00:54:56,668 --> 00:54:59,713 me on this one!" 1239 00:55:01,632 --> 00:55:03,341 [Patrick] 1240 00:55:01,632 --> 00:55:03,341 The church mourns 1241 00:55:03,383 --> 00:55:05,385 and weeps for its 1242 00:55:03,383 --> 00:55:05,385 sons and daughters 1243 00:55:05,427 --> 00:55:09,765 who were taken away and 1244 00:55:05,427 --> 00:55:09,765 exported to far distant lands, 1245 00:55:09,807 --> 00:55:14,019 where grave sin openly 1246 00:55:09,807 --> 00:55:14,019 flourishes without shame, 1247 00:55:14,061 --> 00:55:17,648 where freeborn people 1248 00:55:14,061 --> 00:55:17,648 have been sold off, 1249 00:55:17,689 --> 00:55:20,692 Christians reduced to slavery. 1250 00:55:26,907 --> 00:55:29,367 [sobbing] 1251 00:56:12,870 --> 00:56:17,875 I do not know what to say, 1252 00:56:12,870 --> 00:56:17,875 or how I can say any more, 1253 00:56:17,916 --> 00:56:21,670 about the children 1254 00:56:17,916 --> 00:56:21,670 of God who are dead, 1255 00:56:24,215 --> 00:56:26,342 whom the sword has 1256 00:56:24,215 --> 00:56:26,342 touched so cruelly. 1257 00:56:29,594 --> 00:56:34,766 All I can do is what is written: 1258 00:56:29,594 --> 00:56:34,766 "Weep with those who weep"; 1259 00:56:36,643 --> 00:56:41,023 and again: "If one 1260 00:56:36,643 --> 00:56:41,023 member suffers pain, 1261 00:56:43,067 --> 00:56:45,527 let all the members 1262 00:56:43,067 --> 00:56:45,527 suffer the pain with it." 1263 00:56:56,121 --> 00:56:58,082 [Patrick, voiceover] 1264 00:56:56,121 --> 00:56:58,082 The evil of evil people 1265 00:56:58,123 --> 00:57:00,458 has prevailed over us. 1266 00:57:00,500 --> 00:57:04,546 We have been made as if we 1267 00:57:00,500 --> 00:57:04,546 were complete outsiders. 1268 00:57:04,588 --> 00:57:09,093 For them, it is a disgrace 1269 00:57:04,588 --> 00:57:09,093 that we are from Ireland. 1270 00:57:11,678 --> 00:57:15,099 [Charles] He said, "They hate us 1271 00:57:11,678 --> 00:57:15,099 because we are Irish." 1272 00:57:15,140 --> 00:57:17,268 That's extraordinary. 1273 00:57:17,309 --> 00:57:19,603 That Patrick had come to 1274 00:57:17,309 --> 00:57:19,603 feel himself to be just 1275 00:57:19,644 --> 00:57:21,813 as Irish as his followers. 1276 00:57:25,567 --> 00:57:28,320 Let it be read 1277 00:57:25,567 --> 00:57:28,320 before all the people, 1278 00:57:28,362 --> 00:57:31,365 especially in the presence 1279 00:57:28,362 --> 00:57:31,365 of Coroticus himself. 1280 00:57:34,534 --> 00:57:37,537 God may inspire them to come 1281 00:57:34,534 --> 00:57:37,537 back to their right senses, 1282 00:57:38,914 --> 00:57:40,249 however late it may be. 1283 00:57:44,002 --> 00:57:45,837 [Elizabeth] Unfortunately, 1284 00:57:44,002 --> 00:57:45,837 we simply don't know 1285 00:57:45,879 --> 00:57:48,090 if Coroticus returned 1286 00:57:45,879 --> 00:57:48,090 any of the slaves. 1287 00:57:48,132 --> 00:57:51,009 And I think it's probably 1288 00:57:48,132 --> 00:57:51,009 unlikely that he did. 1289 00:57:51,051 --> 00:57:53,262 But simply that is 1290 00:57:51,051 --> 00:57:53,262 something that the sources 1291 00:57:53,304 --> 00:57:55,347 just don't show us. 1292 00:57:58,600 --> 00:58:02,229 [light orchestral music] 1293 00:58:06,024 --> 00:58:09,694 [Patrick, voiceover] I wish 1294 00:58:06,024 --> 00:58:09,694 to leave them to go to Britain. 1295 00:58:09,736 --> 00:58:13,490 I would willingly do this, 1296 00:58:09,736 --> 00:58:13,490 and I am prepared for this, 1297 00:58:13,531 --> 00:58:17,786 as if to visit my home 1298 00:58:13,531 --> 00:58:17,786 country and my parents. 1299 00:58:17,828 --> 00:58:20,289 Not only that, but I 1300 00:58:17,828 --> 00:58:20,289 would like to go to Gaul 1301 00:58:20,331 --> 00:58:23,041 to visit the brothers 1302 00:58:20,331 --> 00:58:23,041 and see the faces 1303 00:58:23,083 --> 00:58:25,961 of the saints of my Lord. 1304 00:58:26,003 --> 00:58:29,965 God knows what I would 1305 00:58:26,003 --> 00:58:29,965 dearly like to do. 1306 00:58:31,633 --> 00:58:36,054 But I am bound in the 1307 00:58:31,633 --> 00:58:36,054 Spirit, who assures me 1308 00:58:36,096 --> 00:58:42,227 that if I were to do this, 1309 00:58:36,096 --> 00:58:42,227 I would be held guilty. 1310 00:58:42,269 --> 00:58:45,689 And I fear, also, to lose 1311 00:58:42,269 --> 00:58:45,689 the work which I began, 1312 00:58:45,730 --> 00:58:51,903 not so much I, but Christ 1313 00:58:45,730 --> 00:58:51,903 the Lord, who told me 1314 00:58:51,945 --> 00:58:54,572 to come here to be 1315 00:58:51,945 --> 00:58:54,572 with these people 1316 00:58:54,614 --> 00:58:56,492 for the rest of my life. 1317 00:59:02,122 --> 00:59:05,000 Tell us this secret 1318 00:59:02,122 --> 00:59:05,000 you know about Patrick. 1319 00:59:06,418 --> 00:59:09,296 Patrick isn't the 1320 00:59:06,418 --> 00:59:09,296 man people think he is. 1321 00:59:12,883 --> 00:59:15,344 He's committed 1322 00:59:12,883 --> 00:59:15,344 unpardonable sins. 1323 00:59:18,972 --> 00:59:20,598 Tell me everything you know. 1324 00:59:21,558 --> 00:59:25,229 [dramatic orchestral music] 1325 00:59:27,189 --> 00:59:29,066 [narrator] As Patrick's 1326 00:59:27,189 --> 00:59:29,066 mission expanded 1327 00:59:29,107 --> 00:59:31,818 throughout Ireland, 1328 00:59:29,107 --> 00:59:31,818 he wandered between territories 1329 00:59:31,860 --> 00:59:33,820 owned by different tribes. 1330 00:59:38,534 --> 00:59:41,786 [Billy] A lot of those tribes 1331 00:59:38,534 --> 00:59:41,786 were at war or at least 1332 00:59:41,828 --> 00:59:43,621 at rivalry with each other. 1333 00:59:43,663 --> 00:59:47,042 The whole country of Ireland 1334 00:59:43,663 --> 00:59:47,042 was certainly not unified. 1335 00:59:50,546 --> 00:59:53,507 [narrator] Crossing 1336 00:59:50,546 --> 00:59:53,507 territorial boundaries 1337 00:59:50,546 --> 00:59:53,507 was dangerous. 1338 00:59:53,549 --> 00:59:56,676 The only people who were able 1339 00:59:53,549 --> 00:59:56,676 to travel freely were poets, 1340 00:59:56,718 --> 00:59:59,179 tribal leaders and their sons. 1341 01:00:01,014 --> 01:00:02,766 Patrick talks about 1342 01:00:01,014 --> 01:00:02,766 traveling with the sons 1343 01:00:02,807 --> 01:00:06,061 of petty kings, probably 1344 01:00:02,807 --> 01:00:06,061 as a kind of bodyguard. 1345 01:00:06,103 --> 01:00:08,355 But also, as people he 1346 01:00:06,103 --> 01:00:08,355 was educating as he moved 1347 01:00:08,397 --> 01:00:09,731 about the countryside. 1348 01:00:12,609 --> 01:00:15,112 [Patrick, voiceover] 1349 01:00:12,609 --> 01:00:15,112 Every day there is the chance 1350 01:00:15,153 --> 01:00:20,158 that I will be killed, 1351 01:00:15,153 --> 01:00:20,158 surrounded, or taken 1352 01:00:15,153 --> 01:00:20,158 into slavery, 1353 01:00:20,200 --> 01:00:21,910 or some other such happening. 1354 01:00:36,341 --> 01:00:40,262 [speaking foreign language] 1355 01:00:46,268 --> 01:00:49,354 [light harp music] 1356 01:01:00,031 --> 01:01:02,618 What brings you back, Roman? 1357 01:01:03,494 --> 01:01:06,163 We come in peace. 1358 01:01:06,204 --> 01:01:08,957 [Patrick, voiceover] 1359 01:01:06,204 --> 01:01:08,957 Sometimes I gave presents 1360 01:01:06,204 --> 01:01:08,957 to kings, 1361 01:01:08,999 --> 01:01:11,376 over and above the 1362 01:01:08,999 --> 01:01:11,376 wages I gave their sons 1363 01:01:11,418 --> 01:01:13,753 who traveled with me. 1364 01:01:13,795 --> 01:01:14,963 [Elva] They're a bit like gangs. 1365 01:01:15,005 --> 01:01:17,007 He has to pay protection money. 1366 01:01:17,048 --> 01:01:19,092 [Thomas] And of course, 1367 01:01:17,048 --> 01:01:19,092 that is always going to be seen 1368 01:01:19,134 --> 01:01:22,346 as problematic, 1369 01:01:19,134 --> 01:01:22,346 because it's no more than 1370 01:01:22,387 --> 01:01:24,055 greasing the wheels. 1371 01:01:27,892 --> 01:01:29,019 Is this all? 1372 01:01:29,060 --> 01:01:32,730 [ominous orchestral music] 1373 01:01:35,275 --> 01:01:36,818 Take him. 1374 01:01:39,696 --> 01:01:41,198 [Patrick, voiceover] 1375 01:01:39,696 --> 01:01:41,198 On that day 1376 01:01:41,239 --> 01:01:43,575 they avidly sought to kill me. 1377 01:01:43,617 --> 01:01:45,785 [grunting] 1378 01:01:48,955 --> 01:01:50,374 [grunting] 1379 01:01:50,415 --> 01:01:52,250 [yelling] 1380 01:01:53,460 --> 01:01:54,628 [grunting] 1381 01:01:54,670 --> 01:01:56,213 Enough! 1382 01:01:56,254 --> 01:01:58,340 [Patrick, voiceover] 1383 01:01:56,254 --> 01:01:58,340 But the time had not yet come. 1384 01:02:04,804 --> 01:02:07,182 [exhaling] 1385 01:02:10,561 --> 01:02:15,773 Still they looted us, 1386 01:02:10,561 --> 01:02:15,773 took everything of value, 1387 01:02:15,815 --> 01:02:17,317 and bound me in iron. 1388 01:02:21,154 --> 01:02:24,658 On the 14th day, 1389 01:02:21,154 --> 01:02:24,658 the Lord set me free 1390 01:02:24,700 --> 01:02:29,037 from their power; all our 1391 01:02:24,700 --> 01:02:29,037 possessions were returned 1392 01:02:29,079 --> 01:02:31,122 to us for God's sake 1393 01:02:31,164 --> 01:02:35,293 and for the sake of the close 1394 01:02:31,164 --> 01:02:35,293 friendship we had previously. 1395 01:02:43,093 --> 01:02:47,097 This is who we 1396 01:02:43,093 --> 01:02:47,097 confess and adore, 1397 01:02:47,138 --> 01:02:50,767 [all] One God in 1398 01:02:47,138 --> 01:02:50,767 Trinity of sacred name. 1399 01:02:50,808 --> 01:02:52,269 Amen. 1400 01:02:53,562 --> 01:02:55,188 [Tim] He'd make 1401 01:02:53,562 --> 01:02:55,188 a congregation. 1402 01:02:55,230 --> 01:02:56,773 He'd go to the next 1403 01:02:55,230 --> 01:02:56,773 little place where 1404 01:02:56,814 --> 01:02:59,067 they didn't 1405 01:02:56,814 --> 01:02:59,067 like the look of him, 1406 01:02:59,109 --> 01:03:00,652 and the same thing would 1407 01:02:59,109 --> 01:03:00,652 happen all over again. 1408 01:03:00,694 --> 01:03:02,153 So he's imprisoned many times. 1409 01:03:02,195 --> 01:03:05,865 [dramatic orchestral music] 1410 01:03:05,907 --> 01:03:07,743 [narrator] Patrick 1411 01:03:05,907 --> 01:03:07,743 also had to strike deals 1412 01:03:07,784 --> 01:03:11,663 with a group of people 1413 01:03:07,784 --> 01:03:11,663 he calls judges. 1414 01:03:11,705 --> 01:03:13,373 [Elva] Patrick, 1415 01:03:11,705 --> 01:03:13,373 very interestingly, 1416 01:03:13,415 --> 01:03:15,584 does not say 1417 01:03:13,415 --> 01:03:15,584 who the judges are. 1418 01:03:15,626 --> 01:03:18,002 I think he's making 1419 01:03:15,626 --> 01:03:18,002 deals with local druids, 1420 01:03:18,044 --> 01:03:20,297 that he's asking 1421 01:03:18,044 --> 01:03:20,297 them for safe passage 1422 01:03:20,338 --> 01:03:22,173 through their territories. 1423 01:03:22,215 --> 01:03:23,883 He's probably asking 1424 01:03:22,215 --> 01:03:23,883 them for permission 1425 01:03:23,925 --> 01:03:25,510 to engage in preaching. 1426 01:03:29,180 --> 01:03:31,015 [narrator] The druids 1427 01:03:29,180 --> 01:03:31,015 were a powerful force 1428 01:03:31,057 --> 01:03:32,643 in fifth century Ireland. 1429 01:03:32,684 --> 01:03:34,311 These Celtic religious leaders 1430 01:03:34,352 --> 01:03:36,187 were part of a pagan priesthood 1431 01:03:36,229 --> 01:03:39,232 that supervised sacred rites, 1432 01:03:36,229 --> 01:03:39,232 presided over public 1433 01:03:39,274 --> 01:03:43,278 and private disputes, 1434 01:03:39,274 --> 01:03:43,278 and were said to be prophets. 1435 01:03:45,155 --> 01:03:47,198 I suppose they would 1436 01:03:45,155 --> 01:03:47,198 have been the people 1437 01:03:47,240 --> 01:03:48,950 that Patrick would 1438 01:03:47,240 --> 01:03:48,950 have been facing. 1439 01:03:48,992 --> 01:03:52,454 They would have been the rivals 1440 01:03:48,992 --> 01:03:52,454 to Patrick's new ministry. 1441 01:03:55,290 --> 01:03:56,500 You do get the impression 1442 01:03:56,541 --> 01:03:58,293 that there must have 1443 01:03:56,541 --> 01:03:58,293 been many clashes. 1444 01:04:00,128 --> 01:04:02,964 [goat bleating] 1445 01:04:07,719 --> 01:04:10,555 [narrator] Legend has it 1446 01:04:07,719 --> 01:04:10,555 that such a clash happened 1447 01:04:10,597 --> 01:04:12,516 on the Hill of Slane. 1448 01:04:12,557 --> 01:04:15,143 Patrick's seventh century 1449 01:04:12,557 --> 01:04:15,143 biographer MuirchĂș 1450 01:04:15,185 --> 01:04:19,773 tells how Patrick opposed the 1451 01:04:15,185 --> 01:04:19,773 druids, and defied a king. 1452 01:04:23,694 --> 01:04:26,237 [Patrick, voiceover] They held 1453 01:04:23,694 --> 01:04:26,237 and celebrated their 1454 01:04:23,694 --> 01:04:26,237 pagan feast 1455 01:04:26,279 --> 01:04:30,784 on the same night on which 1456 01:04:26,279 --> 01:04:30,784 holy Patrick celebrated Easter. 1457 01:04:30,826 --> 01:04:33,953 They also had a custom, which 1458 01:04:30,826 --> 01:04:33,953 was announced to all publicly, 1459 01:04:33,995 --> 01:04:37,499 that whoever lit a fire on 1460 01:04:33,995 --> 01:04:37,499 that night before it was lit 1461 01:04:37,541 --> 01:04:41,670 in the king's house, 1462 01:04:37,541 --> 01:04:41,670 would have forfeited his life. 1463 01:04:53,515 --> 01:04:55,767 It shone in the 1464 01:04:53,515 --> 01:04:55,767 night and it was seen 1465 01:04:55,809 --> 01:04:59,771 by almost all of the people 1466 01:04:55,809 --> 01:04:59,771 who lived in the plain, 1467 01:04:59,813 --> 01:05:03,525 and as they saw it they all 1468 01:04:59,813 --> 01:05:03,525 gazed at it and wondered. 1469 01:05:06,277 --> 01:05:10,114 [dramatic orchestral music] 1470 01:05:20,751 --> 01:05:24,128 Who is the man who has dared 1471 01:05:20,751 --> 01:05:24,128 to do such a wicked thing 1472 01:05:24,170 --> 01:05:25,505 in my kingdom? 1473 01:05:28,466 --> 01:05:30,677 We do not know 1474 01:05:28,466 --> 01:05:30,677 who has done this, 1475 01:05:32,303 --> 01:05:35,265 King, may you live forever! 1476 01:05:37,100 --> 01:05:40,103 Unless this fire which 1477 01:05:37,100 --> 01:05:40,103 we see is extinguished 1478 01:05:40,144 --> 01:05:41,897 on this same night on 1479 01:05:40,144 --> 01:05:41,897 which it has been lit, 1480 01:05:41,938 --> 01:05:44,399 then it will never be 1481 01:05:41,938 --> 01:05:44,399 extinguished at all 1482 01:05:46,109 --> 01:05:49,987 and it will spread 1483 01:05:46,109 --> 01:05:49,987 over the whole country 1484 01:05:50,029 --> 01:05:53,658 and it will reign 1485 01:05:50,029 --> 01:05:53,658 in all eternity. 1486 01:05:58,996 --> 01:06:00,916 [Billy] It's a prophecy 1487 01:06:00,957 --> 01:06:03,752 that the light of 1488 01:06:00,957 --> 01:06:03,752 Christianity triumphs 1489 01:06:03,794 --> 01:06:07,964 over every evil, 1490 01:06:03,794 --> 01:06:07,964 over every secular authority. 1491 01:06:08,005 --> 01:06:10,508 And the fire would 1492 01:06:08,005 --> 01:06:10,508 never go out. 1493 01:06:21,394 --> 01:06:24,021 I think we should 1494 01:06:21,394 --> 01:06:24,021 continue to move northwest 1495 01:06:24,063 --> 01:06:27,150 and eventually be able 1496 01:06:24,063 --> 01:06:27,150 to split up and cross 1497 01:06:27,191 --> 01:06:28,401 into higher country. 1498 01:06:33,323 --> 01:06:35,116 My dear friends. 1499 01:06:35,158 --> 01:06:36,827 Such a surprise to see you. 1500 01:06:39,329 --> 01:06:41,122 [Patrick, voiceover] 1501 01:06:39,329 --> 01:06:41,122 They came and put my sins 1502 01:06:41,164 --> 01:06:44,334 against my hard 1503 01:06:41,164 --> 01:06:44,334 work as a bishop. 1504 01:06:44,375 --> 01:06:46,377 The charge they 1505 01:06:44,375 --> 01:06:46,377 brought against me 1506 01:06:46,419 --> 01:06:49,464 was something from 1507 01:06:46,419 --> 01:06:49,464 30 years earlier, 1508 01:06:49,506 --> 01:06:53,301 which I had admitted 1509 01:06:49,506 --> 01:06:53,301 before I was even a deacon. 1510 01:06:53,343 --> 01:06:54,845 I am a sinner. 1511 01:06:54,886 --> 01:06:56,721 Patrick isn't the 1512 01:06:54,886 --> 01:06:56,721 man people think he is. 1513 01:06:56,763 --> 01:06:58,139 [Patrick] I must 1514 01:06:56,763 --> 01:06:58,139 confess what I have done. 1515 01:06:58,181 --> 01:06:59,474 He's committed 1516 01:06:58,181 --> 01:06:59,474 unpardonable sins. 1517 01:06:59,516 --> 01:07:00,642 [Patrick] Am I ever 1518 01:06:59,516 --> 01:07:00,642 to be forgiven? 1519 01:07:00,684 --> 01:07:02,059 Tell me everything you know. 1520 01:07:04,980 --> 01:07:06,523 [Billy] This friend of his 1521 01:07:06,564 --> 01:07:08,483 disclosed the sin of Patrick 1522 01:07:08,525 --> 01:07:12,654 and that this has been 1523 01:07:08,525 --> 01:07:12,654 used to discredit him. 1524 01:07:21,830 --> 01:07:24,123 [Patrick, voiceover] 1525 01:07:21,830 --> 01:07:24,123 This hit me very hard, 1526 01:07:24,165 --> 01:07:27,669 so much so that it seemed 1527 01:07:24,165 --> 01:07:27,669 I was about to fall, 1528 01:07:27,711 --> 01:07:30,296 both here and in eternity. 1529 01:07:45,937 --> 01:07:48,147 [grunting] 1530 01:07:48,189 --> 01:07:50,692 [screaming] 1531 01:07:52,569 --> 01:07:57,198 [dramatic orchestral music] 1532 01:07:57,240 --> 01:08:00,994 I am very sorry for 1533 01:07:57,240 --> 01:08:00,994 my dearest friend, 1534 01:08:03,329 --> 01:08:07,542 to whom I trusted even my soul. 1535 01:08:19,470 --> 01:08:23,850 That same night I saw in a 1536 01:08:19,470 --> 01:08:23,850 vision some writing before 1537 01:08:19,470 --> 01:08:23,850 my dishonored face. 1538 01:08:25,602 --> 01:08:27,604 [God] We have seen 1539 01:08:25,602 --> 01:08:27,604 with anger the face 1540 01:08:27,645 --> 01:08:31,024 of our chosen one with his 1541 01:08:27,645 --> 01:08:31,024 name laid bare of respect. 1542 01:08:37,154 --> 01:08:38,406 [Patrick, voiceover] 1543 01:08:37,154 --> 01:08:38,406 God did not say, 1544 01:08:38,448 --> 01:08:40,241 you have seen with anger, 1545 01:08:40,283 --> 01:08:43,828 but "we have seen 1546 01:08:40,283 --> 01:08:43,828 with anger" as if 1547 01:08:43,870 --> 01:08:46,664 in this matter He 1548 01:08:43,870 --> 01:08:46,664 were joined to me. 1549 01:08:53,588 --> 01:08:55,172 Patrick, 1550 01:08:57,092 --> 01:08:58,301 the boat is ready, 1551 01:08:59,176 --> 01:09:00,511 and it's time to go. 1552 01:09:01,429 --> 01:09:05,266 [dramatic orchestral music] 1553 01:09:12,231 --> 01:09:14,109 I am not finished. 1554 01:09:30,125 --> 01:09:31,375 Damn him! 1555 01:09:35,171 --> 01:09:38,049 He powerfully came to my aid 1556 01:09:38,091 --> 01:09:44,221 in this battering so 1557 01:09:38,091 --> 01:09:44,221 that I did not slip badly 1558 01:09:44,263 --> 01:09:48,518 into the wreckage of 1559 01:09:44,263 --> 01:09:48,518 sin and into infamy. 1560 01:09:52,730 --> 01:09:54,231 I pray God 1561 01:09:56,233 --> 01:10:03,199 that it may not be charged 1562 01:09:56,233 --> 01:10:03,199 against them as sin. 1563 01:10:05,743 --> 01:10:07,411 Amen. 1564 01:10:12,959 --> 01:10:16,838 [dramatic orchestral music] 1565 01:10:19,007 --> 01:10:20,884 [narrator] As 1566 01:10:19,007 --> 01:10:20,884 Patrick got older, 1567 01:10:20,925 --> 01:10:23,636 criticism of his mission 1568 01:10:20,925 --> 01:10:23,636 and methods had only grown, 1569 01:10:23,678 --> 01:10:27,348 which prompted him to 1570 01:10:23,678 --> 01:10:27,348 write the Confessio. 1571 01:10:31,061 --> 01:10:33,104 [Patrick, voiceover] Maybe when 1572 01:10:31,061 --> 01:10:33,104 I baptized all those thousands, 1573 01:10:33,146 --> 01:10:36,440 I hoped to get even half 1574 01:10:33,146 --> 01:10:36,440 a penny from one of them? 1575 01:10:36,482 --> 01:10:40,862 Tell me and I will 1576 01:10:36,482 --> 01:10:40,862 return it to you! 1577 01:10:40,904 --> 01:10:43,656 Or when the Lord ordained 1578 01:10:40,904 --> 01:10:43,656 clergy everywhere through me 1579 01:10:43,698 --> 01:10:49,787 as his mediocre instrument, 1580 01:10:43,698 --> 01:10:49,787 and I gave my ministry 1581 01:10:49,829 --> 01:10:52,707 to them for free, 1582 01:10:49,829 --> 01:10:52,707 did I even charge them 1583 01:10:52,749 --> 01:10:56,127 the cost of my shoes? 1584 01:10:56,169 --> 01:11:01,132 Tell it against me and I will 1585 01:10:56,169 --> 01:11:01,132 all the more return it to you! 1586 01:11:06,262 --> 01:11:08,932 [Father Swan] He scrupulously 1587 01:11:06,262 --> 01:11:08,932 defends himself saying 1588 01:11:08,973 --> 01:11:11,308 that his motives and his reasons 1589 01:11:11,350 --> 01:11:14,520 for his presence in Ireland, 1590 01:11:11,350 --> 01:11:14,520 for his return to Ireland 1591 01:11:14,562 --> 01:11:16,689 was nothing except 1592 01:11:14,562 --> 01:11:16,689 that the Irish would come 1593 01:11:16,731 --> 01:11:19,609 to know Christ and come to 1594 01:11:16,731 --> 01:11:19,609 know the Father as he did. 1595 01:11:23,529 --> 01:11:25,573 [narrator] It's 1596 01:11:23,529 --> 01:11:25,573 believed that Patrick 1597 01:11:25,615 --> 01:11:28,201 was ordered to give up his 1598 01:11:25,615 --> 01:11:28,201 mission and return to Britain. 1599 01:11:30,078 --> 01:11:32,371 [Elva] Patrick 1600 01:11:30,078 --> 01:11:32,371 faces this question, 1601 01:11:32,413 --> 01:11:36,667 "If I'm not accepted by the 1602 01:11:32,413 --> 01:11:36,667 hierarchy of the British 1603 01:11:32,413 --> 01:11:36,667 Church, 1604 01:11:36,709 --> 01:11:40,671 is my mission something 1605 01:11:36,709 --> 01:11:40,671 which is acceptable?" 1606 01:11:45,218 --> 01:11:48,263 His ultimate line of 1607 01:11:45,218 --> 01:11:48,263 defense is to say, 1608 01:11:48,304 --> 01:11:50,598 "I'm carrying on 1609 01:11:48,304 --> 01:11:50,598 with my mission. 1610 01:11:50,640 --> 01:11:52,683 I'm not going to 1611 01:11:50,640 --> 01:11:52,683 go back to Britain 1612 01:11:52,725 --> 01:11:54,894 because I have been chosen 1613 01:11:52,725 --> 01:11:54,894 to be a bishop by God." 1614 01:12:03,569 --> 01:12:05,196 [Billy] Patrick went AWOL. 1615 01:12:06,447 --> 01:12:09,742 And we just don't know 1616 01:12:06,447 --> 01:12:09,742 how that all panned out. 1617 01:12:10,952 --> 01:12:13,704 He said that he wanted 1618 01:12:10,952 --> 01:12:13,704 to spend the rest 1619 01:12:13,746 --> 01:12:17,667 of his life in Ireland because 1620 01:12:13,746 --> 01:12:17,667 that's what God demanded. 1621 01:12:17,708 --> 01:12:21,296 Therefore, we've got to guess 1622 01:12:17,708 --> 01:12:21,296 that he never did go back. 1623 01:12:23,089 --> 01:12:26,301 [Patrick] I pray that 1624 01:12:23,089 --> 01:12:26,301 God give me perseverance, 1625 01:12:26,342 --> 01:12:29,470 and that he grant me to 1626 01:12:26,342 --> 01:12:29,470 bear faithful witness 1627 01:12:29,512 --> 01:12:34,017 to Him right up to my 1628 01:12:29,512 --> 01:12:34,017 passing from this life, 1629 01:12:34,058 --> 01:12:36,811 for the sake of my God. 1630 01:12:40,773 --> 01:12:42,150 [narrator] Patrick 1631 01:12:40,773 --> 01:12:42,150 died sometime 1632 01:12:42,192 --> 01:12:44,235 in the late fifth century. 1633 01:12:44,277 --> 01:12:46,737 The exact date, location, 1634 01:12:44,277 --> 01:12:46,737 and circumstances 1635 01:12:46,779 --> 01:12:48,823 of his death are unknown. 1636 01:12:51,201 --> 01:12:53,744 Later traditions claimed 1637 01:12:51,201 --> 01:12:53,744 that he died of old age 1638 01:12:53,786 --> 01:12:56,956 on March 17th, AD 461 1639 01:12:56,998 --> 01:12:59,542 and was buried in 1640 01:12:56,998 --> 01:12:59,542 Saul, Northern Ireland. 1641 01:13:00,584 --> 01:13:02,837 Nearby at Down Cathedral, 1642 01:13:02,879 --> 01:13:07,258 this granite slab marks the 1643 01:13:02,879 --> 01:13:07,258 traditional spot of his burial. 1644 01:13:07,300 --> 01:13:11,179 [dramatic orchestral music] 1645 01:13:18,435 --> 01:13:20,437 Not long after Patrick's death, 1646 01:13:20,479 --> 01:13:23,733 the Roman Empire fell, 1647 01:13:20,479 --> 01:13:23,733 and Western Europe drifted 1648 01:13:23,774 --> 01:13:25,776 into the Dark Ages. 1649 01:13:25,818 --> 01:13:28,487 But Patrick's work 1650 01:13:25,818 --> 01:13:28,487 was not in vain. 1651 01:13:32,033 --> 01:13:34,202 [Billy] As Christianity 1652 01:13:32,033 --> 01:13:34,202 established itself, 1653 01:13:34,244 --> 01:13:37,580 as it became more 1654 01:13:34,244 --> 01:13:37,580 vibrant, it became known 1655 01:13:37,621 --> 01:13:40,250 as the Land of Saints and 1656 01:13:37,621 --> 01:13:40,250 Scholars, and that led, 1657 01:13:40,291 --> 01:13:43,878 in turn, to a whole 1658 01:13:40,291 --> 01:13:43,878 proliferation of 1659 01:13:40,291 --> 01:13:43,878 Christian missionaries 1660 01:13:43,920 --> 01:13:47,506 leaving Ireland and 1661 01:13:43,920 --> 01:13:47,506 flooding continental Europe. 1662 01:13:51,427 --> 01:13:53,804 Patrick's story began 1663 01:13:51,427 --> 01:13:53,804 a chain of events 1664 01:13:53,846 --> 01:13:57,392 that is quite remarkable 1665 01:13:53,846 --> 01:13:57,392 in the impact that it had. 1666 01:14:01,187 --> 01:14:03,189 [Tim] He wore out many 1667 01:14:01,187 --> 01:14:03,189 more pairs of sandals 1668 01:14:03,231 --> 01:14:05,608 in death than he did in life. 1669 01:14:05,649 --> 01:14:07,902 And he's still going, 1670 01:14:05,649 --> 01:14:07,902 people are still reading 1671 01:14:05,649 --> 01:14:07,902 his Confession 1672 01:14:07,944 --> 01:14:10,654 and still being 1673 01:14:07,944 --> 01:14:10,654 interested in Christianity 1674 01:14:10,696 --> 01:14:12,740 because he wrote 1675 01:14:10,696 --> 01:14:12,740 his message down. 1676 01:14:24,961 --> 01:14:28,256 [Patrick, voiceover] I pray 1677 01:14:24,961 --> 01:14:28,256 for those who believe in 1678 01:14:28,298 --> 01:14:31,968 and have reverence for God. 1679 01:14:32,009 --> 01:14:36,389 Some of them may come upon 1680 01:14:32,009 --> 01:14:36,389 this writing which Patrick, 1681 01:14:36,431 --> 01:14:39,934 a sinner, wrote in Ireland. 1682 01:14:39,976 --> 01:14:43,479 May none of them ever say 1683 01:14:39,976 --> 01:14:43,479 that whatever little I did 1684 01:14:43,520 --> 01:14:49,068 or made known to please God 1685 01:14:43,520 --> 01:14:49,068 was done through ignorance. 1686 01:14:49,110 --> 01:14:53,656 Instead, you can judge 1687 01:14:49,110 --> 01:14:53,656 and believe in all truth 1688 01:14:53,697 --> 01:14:57,910 that it was a gift of God. 1689 01:14:59,745 --> 01:15:04,208 This is my confession 1690 01:14:59,745 --> 01:15:04,208 before I die. 1691 01:15:04,250 --> 01:15:08,087 [dramatic orchestral music] 1692 01:15:18,931 --> 01:15:22,768 [dramatic orchestral music] 1693 01:17:40,072 --> 01:17:42,658 [vocalizing] 1694 01:17:46,496 --> 01:17:50,333 [dramatic orchestral music]