1 00:00:00,883 --> 00:00:04,343 - NARRATOR: Every state has its folklore, tall tales and legends, 2 00:00:05,178 --> 00:00:10,808 but sometimes there is a darker story, a tale not so much told as whispered. 3 00:00:15,647 --> 00:00:17,267 [train horn blaring in the distance] 4 00:00:27,659 --> 00:00:30,119 [footsteps approaching] 5 00:00:32,831 --> 00:00:34,541 [floorboard creaking] 6 00:00:40,756 --> 00:00:41,966 - Shh... 7 00:00:53,894 --> 00:00:54,984 No questions. 8 00:01:05,238 --> 00:01:06,988 [wind howling] 9 00:01:15,958 --> 00:01:16,918 - Mama? 10 00:01:18,585 --> 00:01:19,875 [intense music playing] 11 00:01:33,851 --> 00:01:34,941 - [whispering] Almost there. 12 00:02:00,210 --> 00:02:02,090 [train horn blaring in the distance] 13 00:02:12,138 --> 00:02:13,598 [girl breathing heavily] 14 00:02:34,828 --> 00:02:36,498 [train horn blares closer] 15 00:02:46,132 --> 00:02:47,262 Time to go. 16 00:02:52,387 --> 00:02:53,217 [necks crack] 17 00:02:59,269 --> 00:03:00,229 [gasps] 18 00:03:02,148 --> 00:03:03,768 [train blaring] 19 00:03:11,448 --> 00:03:13,738 Jump. - No. 20 00:03:14,994 --> 00:03:18,334 - Hannah... you're almost there. 21 00:03:19,456 --> 00:03:20,366 - No. 22 00:03:22,918 --> 00:03:24,378 [Hannah screams] 23 00:03:25,671 --> 00:03:26,671 [grunting] 24 00:03:34,930 --> 00:03:37,060 [horn blaring] 25 00:03:48,068 --> 00:03:49,028 [gasps] 26 00:03:49,111 --> 00:03:51,781 [phone buzzing] 27 00:03:56,035 --> 00:03:57,405 Hannah Stolsfiss... 28 00:03:58,495 --> 00:04:01,705 - MAN: I'm-- I'm sorry. Can you speak up? I'm looking for Hannah Sullivan. 29 00:04:02,916 --> 00:04:06,126 - Uh... Sorry, no. T-- This is. 30 00:04:06,252 --> 00:04:08,882 - MAN: [sighs] Thank God. OK, I know you don't do fieldwork, 31 00:04:08,964 --> 00:04:10,924 but you're the only engineer to answer. 32 00:04:11,050 --> 00:04:12,010 - Who is this? 33 00:04:12,218 --> 00:04:13,388 - BLAKE: It's Blake Bendtner. 34 00:04:13,468 --> 00:04:16,468 I'm with the power department. I work in maintenance with your boss. 35 00:04:17,681 --> 00:04:20,431 - You know what time it is? - BLAKE: 12:17 a.m. 36 00:04:20,517 --> 00:04:23,807 Grab your gear and two Red Bulls. We got an emergency. 37 00:04:36,783 --> 00:04:38,283 [ladder creaking] 38 00:04:58,055 --> 00:05:00,515 [train horn blaring far away] 39 00:05:02,935 --> 00:05:04,805 [blaring louder] 40 00:05:21,620 --> 00:05:25,000 - AUTOMATED VOICE: Take 140th Avenue to Banwell Bridge. 41 00:05:28,210 --> 00:05:29,170 [brakes screech] 42 00:05:40,264 --> 00:05:41,144 Rerouting. 43 00:05:44,185 --> 00:05:45,225 [gear shifts] 44 00:06:14,798 --> 00:06:18,138 - BLAKE: Hey! Over here. 45 00:06:20,762 --> 00:06:23,272 I needed you, like, yesterday. The hell have you been? 46 00:06:24,141 --> 00:06:26,521 - Got lost. - You get the Red Bull? 47 00:06:28,187 --> 00:06:31,567 You have no idea how much taurine I have to ingest to keep this motor running. 48 00:06:31,773 --> 00:06:32,863 - Found some in my fridge. 49 00:06:34,026 --> 00:06:36,356 - No, it's... birkin brand. 50 00:06:36,904 --> 00:06:37,864 [opens can] 51 00:06:40,366 --> 00:06:41,736 [windmill creaking loudly] 52 00:06:44,995 --> 00:06:46,655 [slurps loudly] 53 00:06:46,747 --> 00:06:47,827 Ah! 54 00:06:48,832 --> 00:06:50,082 - Uh... 55 00:06:50,167 --> 00:06:52,497 I should tell you, I-- I-- I have never worked on one of these rigs before. 56 00:06:52,586 --> 00:06:54,666 - BLAKE: Well, today is your lucky day. 57 00:06:56,631 --> 00:06:57,671 It's gonna be a long night. 58 00:06:58,133 --> 00:07:00,683 - What about backup in Des Moines? - They are two hours out. 59 00:07:00,761 --> 00:07:02,511 We're up to our ankles in shit crick here. 60 00:07:02,596 --> 00:07:04,926 The longer we stand here chit chatting about it, 61 00:07:05,015 --> 00:07:07,845 further we drift down shit river towards shit falls. 62 00:07:09,061 --> 00:07:12,191 - So we got comm problems? - We got three issues. 63 00:07:12,398 --> 00:07:16,438 First, is all communications are down, we got no anemometer data, 64 00:07:16,568 --> 00:07:18,568 no wind speed readings, OK? 65 00:07:18,653 --> 00:07:21,453 Two, we got a yaw here, the blades are out of alignment. 66 00:07:21,698 --> 00:07:24,578 That means if that sucker gets hit with the right gust of wind... 67 00:07:25,577 --> 00:07:29,537 You ever seen one of those YouTube compilation videos on turbine fails? 68 00:07:29,623 --> 00:07:32,213 - No. - Well, I have. 69 00:07:32,334 --> 00:07:36,054 They got one, looks like somebody chucked an M18 into a ceiling fan. 70 00:07:36,630 --> 00:07:37,920 - What's issue three? 71 00:07:38,465 --> 00:07:40,545 - 'Bout half an hour, megastorm hits. 72 00:07:40,675 --> 00:07:44,715 A local meteorologist is predicting 20 to 30 mile per hour winds, 73 00:07:44,805 --> 00:07:47,305 but he's always wrong, so I'm guessing 40. 74 00:07:47,682 --> 00:07:49,062 We're gonna be rocking and rolling up there 75 00:07:49,143 --> 00:07:52,233 like a cocaine fueled carnival cruise line and that's if we're lucky. 76 00:07:52,438 --> 00:07:54,228 - OK. - All right, so all you gotta do 77 00:07:54,315 --> 00:07:56,105 is just basically fix everything. 78 00:07:56,275 --> 00:07:57,395 OK? I'll get you up there. 79 00:07:58,485 --> 00:07:59,315 - Wait. 80 00:08:01,071 --> 00:08:02,411 Where is the malfunction? 81 00:08:04,116 --> 00:08:05,236 - Where do you think it is? 82 00:08:05,993 --> 00:08:07,243 Top of the world. 83 00:08:07,619 --> 00:08:09,039 [intense music playing]