1 00:00:00,634 --> 00:00:04,436 Ring) (soft 50s music) 2 00:00:04,505 --> 00:00:05,904 Betty: Nice to see you. 3 00:00:07,808 --> 00:00:09,708 ♪ but I wanna try 4 00:00:09,843 --> 00:00:10,809 ♪ I wanna try ♪ 5 00:00:10,811 --> 00:00:11,977 Good to see you, girl. -Thank you. 6 00:00:11,979 --> 00:00:14,145 (guests chattering) 7 00:00:14,181 --> 00:00:15,447 Betty: How ya doin'? 8 00:00:15,582 --> 00:00:16,815 Thank you so much. 9 00:00:16,851 --> 00:00:18,450 (soft music) (guests chattering) 10 00:00:18,585 --> 00:00:19,918 Lucy: Hey, aunt jojo. 11 00:00:20,621 --> 00:00:21,587 What do you think? 12 00:00:21,722 --> 00:00:23,322 What's going on here? 13 00:00:23,457 --> 00:00:26,057 Hey, this is your surprise. 14 00:00:26,093 --> 00:00:27,492 You're not supposed to see. 15 00:00:28,562 --> 00:00:29,728 No thank you. 16 00:00:29,730 --> 00:00:31,029 You never relax. 17 00:00:33,734 --> 00:00:35,934 Maybe it'll help get the bug out of your ass. 18 00:00:36,070 --> 00:00:37,269 You got a problem? 19 00:00:37,404 --> 00:00:39,137 Reed: Your problem with me, is what I hear. 20 00:00:40,041 --> 00:00:41,440 Calling me a disgrace. 21 00:00:41,575 --> 00:00:43,408 Telling lucy she can't trust me? 22 00:00:43,410 --> 00:00:44,777 You don't know nothin' about me. 23 00:00:44,912 --> 00:00:46,245 (ominous music) 24 00:00:46,247 --> 00:00:47,646 (echoing) I need to go. 25 00:00:47,781 --> 00:00:49,048 Where are you going? 26 00:00:50,418 --> 00:00:51,783 I am good to that girl. 27 00:00:53,421 --> 00:00:55,053 What do you do for this family? 28 00:00:55,756 --> 00:00:57,689 And I'm the disgrace? 29 00:00:57,691 --> 00:00:59,758 How many times have you been in jail? 30 00:00:59,893 --> 00:01:00,892 In and out. 31 00:01:00,928 --> 00:01:02,094 Seven? 32 00:01:02,696 --> 00:01:03,829 Eight? 33 00:01:04,965 --> 00:01:07,299 Wanna know how many times I've been in jail? 34 00:01:07,434 --> 00:01:08,567 None. 35 00:01:08,569 --> 00:01:11,703 So you don't get to tell anyone. 36 00:01:11,772 --> 00:01:15,640 You better back off my face. 37 00:01:15,642 --> 00:01:18,510 (scoffs) you think you're hard, don'cha? 38 00:01:20,114 --> 00:01:21,647 I want an apology. 39 00:01:21,782 --> 00:01:24,049 I am not about to let some old lady jailbird 40 00:01:24,184 --> 00:01:25,818 Talk smack about me. 41 00:01:25,953 --> 00:01:28,052 (ominous music) 42 00:01:28,089 --> 00:01:28,987 Lucy: Happy birthday, mom. 43 00:01:29,123 --> 00:01:30,388 Thank you. It's beautiful. 44 00:01:30,424 --> 00:01:31,323 (whack) (reed grunts) 45 00:01:31,458 --> 00:01:32,524 (whack) (thud) 46 00:01:32,659 --> 00:01:33,992 (ominous music) 47 00:01:33,994 --> 00:01:35,060 Reed? Oh my god! 48 00:01:35,129 --> 00:01:37,262 Someone call 911!! 49 00:01:37,264 --> 00:01:39,264 Hey, come on, reed, breathe. 50 00:01:39,266 --> 00:01:43,335 (lucy sobs) (sombre music) 51 00:01:43,470 --> 00:01:44,603 Lucy: No. 52 00:01:46,273 --> 00:01:47,438 Come on. 53 00:01:48,109 --> 00:01:50,075 Wake up, please. 54 00:01:50,144 --> 00:01:56,114 (tense dramatic music) 55 00:01:56,117 --> 00:02:01,085 ♪ 56 00:02:03,090 --> 00:02:04,889 I've been found guilty. 57 00:02:04,925 --> 00:02:05,824 I'm going back in, miss marcie. 58 00:02:05,959 --> 00:02:07,225 Nothin' you can do about that. 59 00:02:07,261 --> 00:02:08,494 Miss jojo, 60 00:02:08,629 --> 00:02:10,829 There's still your sentencing. 61 00:02:10,964 --> 00:02:12,564 And you might go back in, 62 00:02:12,600 --> 00:02:15,066 But how long you go back in is yet to be determined. 63 00:02:15,136 --> 00:02:17,569 And I think you'll be able to serve your time 64 00:02:17,605 --> 00:02:20,271 In provincial prison as opposed to federal prison, 65 00:02:20,307 --> 00:02:23,975 Which means you'll be able to see your family. 66 00:02:23,977 --> 00:02:25,444 If they wanna see me. 67 00:02:25,446 --> 00:02:27,012 They will want to see you. 68 00:02:27,915 --> 00:02:29,514 Has betty been in touch? 69 00:02:29,550 --> 00:02:32,117 I thought she might show up in court. 70 00:02:33,154 --> 00:02:35,854 No, but I'll reach out. 71 00:02:35,856 --> 00:02:39,992 We'll ask her to be a character witness in your hearing. 72 00:02:39,994 --> 00:02:41,727 She's gonna wanna speak up for you. 73 00:02:41,729 --> 00:02:45,463 You think the judge might go easy, miss marcie? 74 00:02:45,499 --> 00:02:46,999 Marcie: On sentencing? 75 00:02:47,001 --> 00:02:49,268 After everything that you've been through, 76 00:02:49,403 --> 00:02:51,336 I think there's a good chance, 77 00:02:51,338 --> 00:02:54,539 As long as it's reflected in the pre-sentence report. 78 00:02:54,542 --> 00:02:58,677 But everything I've gone through has landed me in prison. 79 00:02:58,679 --> 00:03:01,547 Once I get that pre-sentence report, 80 00:03:01,682 --> 00:03:03,548 I will talk to the crown. 81 00:03:03,551 --> 00:03:04,816 And I think he's going to agree 82 00:03:04,852 --> 00:03:07,819 On a joint sentence recommendation. 83 00:03:07,855 --> 00:03:09,688 As long as he and I are on a united front, 84 00:03:09,690 --> 00:03:11,122 That judge is gonna listen. 85 00:03:12,226 --> 00:03:14,092 You just can't lose hope, miss jojo. 86 00:03:15,029 --> 00:03:20,899 (tense music) 87 00:03:20,901 --> 00:03:24,135 (boat horn tooting) 88 00:03:25,039 --> 00:03:25,904 Tell me you're kidding with this. 89 00:03:25,906 --> 00:03:27,305 I know. 90 00:03:28,209 --> 00:03:29,641 It's absolutely beautiful here. 91 00:03:30,444 --> 00:03:31,442 It's a bit out of the way 92 00:03:31,478 --> 00:03:33,311 But I should bring my dog here this weekend. 93 00:03:33,447 --> 00:03:34,646 Please don't. 94 00:03:35,549 --> 00:03:37,449 You know this is seaview park. 95 00:03:37,584 --> 00:03:39,517 The land you're standing on used to be africville. 96 00:03:39,519 --> 00:03:40,585 Okay. 97 00:03:40,621 --> 00:03:44,056 Right, so, that's what the field trip's all about. 98 00:03:44,058 --> 00:03:46,391 It's where my client grew up. 99 00:03:46,393 --> 00:03:48,526 It's all gone now, except for this church. 100 00:03:49,463 --> 00:03:51,129 It's not the original of course. 101 00:03:51,131 --> 00:03:54,666 That was torn down with the rest of her community. 102 00:03:54,801 --> 00:03:56,468 Steve: Jojo carvery killed a man, marcie. 103 00:03:56,537 --> 00:03:57,802 I'm sorry she lost her church, but- 104 00:03:57,838 --> 00:03:59,404 No, no, she lost her community. 105 00:03:59,539 --> 00:04:00,672 Her life was stolen from her, 106 00:04:00,708 --> 00:04:02,708 And when the city took her family's land 107 00:04:02,710 --> 00:04:03,742 That was the beginning of the end. 108 00:04:03,744 --> 00:04:05,310 Steve: Look, the jury wasn't persuaded 109 00:04:05,346 --> 00:04:07,745 And you know this sob story is not gonna work on me. 110 00:04:07,781 --> 00:04:10,148 Marcie: Okay, but a twenty year sentence, steve, 111 00:04:10,217 --> 00:04:11,683 Come on! 112 00:04:11,818 --> 00:04:13,551 After everything this woman's been through? 113 00:04:13,621 --> 00:04:15,353 What about reed izard? 114 00:04:15,489 --> 00:04:16,354 His family? 115 00:04:16,390 --> 00:04:17,489 What about what they've been through? 116 00:04:17,558 --> 00:04:19,357 Or how about the six other violent crimes 117 00:04:19,426 --> 00:04:21,025 Jojo's been convicted of? 118 00:04:21,061 --> 00:04:23,628 Okay, she has ptsd, steve. 119 00:04:23,630 --> 00:04:24,963 And the psych eval will attribute it 120 00:04:25,098 --> 00:04:26,698 To her time in federal prison. 121 00:04:26,734 --> 00:04:29,768 She was terrorized in there by another inmate, 122 00:04:29,770 --> 00:04:31,436 And when she tried to fight back, 123 00:04:31,438 --> 00:04:34,172 She was put in solitary confinement for months. 124 00:04:34,241 --> 00:04:35,240 Come on, she's on meds. 125 00:04:35,242 --> 00:04:36,374 She's doing therapy. 126 00:04:36,510 --> 00:04:38,710 That's very sad, marcie, and I-I mean that, 127 00:04:38,845 --> 00:04:39,911 But it's not my concern. 128 00:04:39,913 --> 00:04:41,579 My concern is keeping a convicted killer 129 00:04:41,615 --> 00:04:42,580 Off the streets. 130 00:04:42,616 --> 00:04:43,782 Let's just wait and see 131 00:04:43,851 --> 00:04:45,784 What the pre-sentencing report says. 132 00:04:46,987 --> 00:04:49,120 I think if you see jojo's life all laid out, 133 00:04:49,189 --> 00:04:50,188 You'll reconsider. 134 00:04:50,190 --> 00:04:51,289 I've already seen it. 135 00:04:51,292 --> 00:04:52,256 But I... 136 00:04:52,293 --> 00:04:53,191 It arrived after you called. 137 00:04:53,327 --> 00:04:55,294 I-I read it before I came over here. 138 00:04:55,429 --> 00:04:56,695 I called half hour ago. 139 00:04:56,697 --> 00:04:57,862 Steve: Well, there wasn't much in there to be honest, 140 00:04:57,898 --> 00:04:59,164 And certainly nothing to convince me 141 00:04:59,233 --> 00:05:01,066 Your client deserves leniency. 142 00:05:01,068 --> 00:05:02,333 (marcie scoffs) 143 00:05:02,335 --> 00:05:03,601 Well, thanks for getting me out of the office, marcie. 144 00:05:03,637 --> 00:05:05,203 I appreciate it. I'll see ya. 145 00:05:13,280 --> 00:05:14,946 What the hell is all this percy? 146 00:05:14,948 --> 00:05:16,348 You wanted change. 147 00:05:16,350 --> 00:05:19,417 Oh, the realtor's coming by tomorrow. 148 00:05:19,453 --> 00:05:21,219 You voted for this, colleen, remember? 149 00:05:21,288 --> 00:05:23,087 Everyone under one roof. 150 00:05:23,123 --> 00:05:24,222 Wait, you're selling the building? 151 00:05:24,291 --> 00:05:25,757 Well, there's more than enough room for everyone 152 00:05:25,826 --> 00:05:27,225 At clayton park. 153 00:05:27,828 --> 00:05:28,694 (colleen sighs) 154 00:05:28,829 --> 00:05:29,795 Nance, you gettin' this? 155 00:05:29,797 --> 00:05:30,762 Nancy: Yes, but neil- 156 00:05:30,798 --> 00:05:31,697 Yeah, keep rollin'! 157 00:05:31,832 --> 00:05:33,031 According to these bozos, 158 00:05:33,166 --> 00:05:35,767 I'm not allowed to drink in my own home! 159 00:05:35,803 --> 00:05:36,768 Bottoms up, baby- 160 00:05:36,903 --> 00:05:38,370 (bottles clattering) 161 00:05:38,505 --> 00:05:39,571 Nancy: Oh my god! 162 00:05:39,573 --> 00:05:41,039 Nance, nance! Police brutality! 163 00:05:41,041 --> 00:05:42,240 Neil: See how it went down? 164 00:05:42,375 --> 00:05:43,642 Total lawlessness! 165 00:05:43,644 --> 00:05:45,309 We got those bastards! 166 00:05:45,346 --> 00:05:46,911 This video very clearly shows you 167 00:05:46,980 --> 00:05:48,780 Throwing a punch at a police officer. 168 00:05:48,915 --> 00:05:50,681 Doesn't change the fact that they barged in 169 00:05:50,718 --> 00:05:53,552 And accused me of drunk driving with no evidence whatsoever. 170 00:05:53,554 --> 00:05:54,853 Well, you look pretty drunk. 171 00:05:54,922 --> 00:05:57,289 I was drunk because I was in my own house, 172 00:05:57,291 --> 00:05:59,657 Drinking to excess, which is legal for me to do! 173 00:05:59,693 --> 00:06:01,526 Assaulting a police officer, however... 174 00:06:01,528 --> 00:06:02,927 I'll plea to that, whatever. 175 00:06:02,963 --> 00:06:05,197 But I'm not lettin' this dui thing go. 176 00:06:05,332 --> 00:06:07,199 My fans are gonna lose their minds when they hear about it. 177 00:06:07,334 --> 00:06:08,266 Fans? 178 00:06:08,302 --> 00:06:09,601 Of my news site. 179 00:06:09,670 --> 00:06:11,569 Plus I just started a podcast a few months ago. 180 00:06:11,638 --> 00:06:13,938 My subscriber base is about to take off. 181 00:06:14,007 --> 00:06:15,540 Cops don't know who they're dealin' with. 182 00:06:15,675 --> 00:06:17,308 Neil, it's really not a good idea 183 00:06:17,344 --> 00:06:18,543 To make your own arrest a cause celeb. 184 00:06:18,678 --> 00:06:19,945 Look, he's got me in a chokehold. 185 00:06:20,080 --> 00:06:21,012 Ow! Ow! 186 00:06:21,048 --> 00:06:22,013 Nancy: They're arresting him. 187 00:06:22,082 --> 00:06:23,949 Neil: Hey! Hey you! You! Buddy! 188 00:06:24,084 --> 00:06:25,483 Who's that guy that you're yelling at? 189 00:06:25,519 --> 00:06:26,518 Neil: Police brutality! 190 00:06:26,520 --> 00:06:27,886 Oh yeah, him? 191 00:06:27,888 --> 00:06:29,187 Lives in my neighbourhood. 192 00:06:29,223 --> 00:06:30,455 Shady. 193 00:06:30,590 --> 00:06:32,090 Drug dealer's my guess. 194 00:06:32,225 --> 00:06:37,829 (tense music) 195 00:06:37,898 --> 00:06:39,898 Mr. Broward. 196 00:06:39,900 --> 00:06:40,965 Help you? 197 00:06:40,967 --> 00:06:42,834 My name's marcie diggs. 198 00:06:42,870 --> 00:06:44,235 Jojo carvery's attorney. 199 00:06:46,073 --> 00:06:47,839 Can I talk to you about the pre-sentence report 200 00:06:47,908 --> 00:06:49,040 That you wrote? 201 00:06:49,076 --> 00:06:50,175 Okay, but make it quick. 202 00:06:50,244 --> 00:06:51,776 I'm due to testify any minute. 203 00:06:51,779 --> 00:06:54,913 That report is barely three pages long 204 00:06:54,982 --> 00:06:57,249 And all it talks about is her criminal record. 205 00:06:57,384 --> 00:06:59,851 I'm her probation officer, not her biographer. 206 00:06:59,887 --> 00:07:01,119 Okay, but you, 207 00:07:01,254 --> 00:07:03,255 You mentioned nothing about her background 208 00:07:03,390 --> 00:07:05,457 Or her upbringing. 209 00:07:05,592 --> 00:07:06,991 Did you even talk to her? 210 00:07:08,595 --> 00:07:11,062 Her sister? Her boss? 211 00:07:11,098 --> 00:07:13,665 Jojo's been working in a bakery for the last six years 212 00:07:13,800 --> 00:07:16,400 And her boss says she's the most reliable employee 213 00:07:16,437 --> 00:07:17,735 That he's ever had. 214 00:07:17,771 --> 00:07:20,905 She's also a 62 year old with a rap sheet as long as my arm. 215 00:07:20,941 --> 00:07:23,675 Look, I've been down this road with jojo. 216 00:07:23,810 --> 00:07:26,144 I'm guessin' I know her better than you. 217 00:07:26,213 --> 00:07:30,081 Oh, so you're saying that this is your second or third time 218 00:07:30,150 --> 00:07:31,883 Writing a report for jojo and what? 219 00:07:31,952 --> 00:07:35,420 You just recycle the same half-assed document 220 00:07:35,422 --> 00:07:36,787 You wrote back then, huh? 221 00:07:39,927 --> 00:07:42,894 Bill: You wanna go all ken burns on the life of jojo carvery, 222 00:07:42,930 --> 00:07:44,295 Be my guest. 223 00:07:46,700 --> 00:07:48,900 Can you tell me what your husband was yelling 224 00:07:48,936 --> 00:07:50,268 At the officers? 225 00:07:51,205 --> 00:07:52,303 Well, there was some bad language. 226 00:07:52,305 --> 00:07:54,238 That's okay, I won't judge. 227 00:07:54,274 --> 00:07:57,275 "why the heck am I being harassed in my own home?" 228 00:07:57,410 --> 00:07:58,977 He didn't say heck, but... 229 00:07:59,112 --> 00:08:00,845 And what made your husband so belligerent? 230 00:08:00,914 --> 00:08:02,881 Well, neil runs a news blog. 231 00:08:03,016 --> 00:08:06,318 It covers local policing, municipal politics. 232 00:08:08,255 --> 00:08:12,557 He also has a podcast with a steadily growing listenership. 233 00:08:13,593 --> 00:08:15,260 He thought maybe he was being harassed 234 00:08:15,262 --> 00:08:16,528 Because of his reporting. 235 00:08:16,597 --> 00:08:18,462 Avery: Hm. Can you tell me how long you were home 236 00:08:18,499 --> 00:08:19,797 Before the police arrived? 237 00:08:19,833 --> 00:08:21,399 Twenty, maybe thirty minutes. 238 00:08:21,435 --> 00:08:23,134 Avery: And would you agree that your husband was intoxicated 239 00:08:23,136 --> 00:08:24,202 When they arrived? 240 00:08:24,271 --> 00:08:26,471 Yes but only because he'd gotten into the whiskey 241 00:08:26,473 --> 00:08:27,539 Once we arrived home. 242 00:08:27,674 --> 00:08:28,907 So he was drunk and pretty hostile 243 00:08:28,976 --> 00:08:30,308 Right outta the gate, it sounds like. 244 00:08:30,344 --> 00:08:32,744 Nancy: No, I wouldn't say hostile. 245 00:08:32,879 --> 00:08:34,712 Neil just gets worked up sometimes. 246 00:08:34,781 --> 00:08:36,113 Avery: Worked up to the extent 247 00:08:36,149 --> 00:08:38,115 That he threw a punch at officer james. 248 00:08:40,086 --> 00:08:41,419 Mrs. Boyle? 249 00:08:42,589 --> 00:08:44,288 Did your husband throw a punch at officer james? 250 00:08:44,324 --> 00:08:45,623 Yes or no? 251 00:08:46,226 --> 00:08:47,225 Yes. 252 00:08:47,227 --> 00:08:48,560 Avery: Thank you. 253 00:08:48,562 --> 00:08:52,664 (tense music) 254 00:08:52,666 --> 00:08:53,831 Marcie: Dad? 255 00:08:54,268 --> 00:08:55,233 What? 256 00:08:55,368 --> 00:08:57,302 What are you doing here? 257 00:08:57,304 --> 00:08:59,170 Austin: Just dropping by to see my girl. 258 00:08:59,306 --> 00:09:01,039 Say hi, get caught up. 259 00:09:02,175 --> 00:09:05,443 Get a little legal advice while I'm at it. 260 00:09:05,479 --> 00:09:07,579 Well you caught me at a really bad time, dad. 261 00:09:07,648 --> 00:09:08,980 I'm just here to get some files 262 00:09:09,016 --> 00:09:10,648 And I'm heading right back to court. 263 00:09:10,684 --> 00:09:12,651 It's this situation with your mother. 264 00:09:12,653 --> 00:09:15,920 Tommy, you know, he plays bass in the band? 265 00:09:15,989 --> 00:09:17,355 He's divorced. 266 00:09:17,991 --> 00:09:19,457 He, uh, he told me 267 00:09:19,526 --> 00:09:22,427 He moved out after a fight just for two weeks, 268 00:09:22,496 --> 00:09:25,063 But his wife's lawyer said he'd relinquished all claims 269 00:09:25,065 --> 00:09:26,398 To the family home. 270 00:09:26,400 --> 00:09:27,732 The judge agreed. 271 00:09:27,867 --> 00:09:30,001 Are we really talking about divorce right now? 272 00:09:30,037 --> 00:09:31,403 Austin: No, it's just... 273 00:09:32,639 --> 00:09:34,406 I don't know, I could lose my claim to the house 274 00:09:34,541 --> 00:09:36,674 Because I went to stay with your sister a few days. 275 00:09:37,878 --> 00:09:40,011 I can't be the one who you talk to about this stuff. 276 00:09:40,047 --> 00:09:41,779 You-you get that, right? 277 00:09:41,848 --> 00:09:43,814 Well, can you find me someone? 278 00:09:44,751 --> 00:09:46,217 Like a- 279 00:09:46,219 --> 00:09:48,286 Like a divorce lawyer? 280 00:09:48,421 --> 00:09:50,021 I need to know where I stand. 281 00:09:50,090 --> 00:09:51,489 Let me think about it. 282 00:09:51,558 --> 00:09:53,257 Um, I'll find you someone. 283 00:09:53,293 --> 00:09:54,459 Today? -Yes. 284 00:09:54,594 --> 00:09:55,827 I-I have to run. 285 00:09:58,899 --> 00:09:59,831 Love you. 286 00:09:59,900 --> 00:10:01,299 I love you, too. 287 00:10:01,434 --> 00:10:06,137 (gentle music) 288 00:10:06,272 --> 00:10:08,306 Michelle: So this is an example of the peyote stitch 289 00:10:08,441 --> 00:10:10,308 From the natoaganeg first nation 290 00:10:11,979 --> 00:10:14,112 Ah, the man of the hour, 291 00:10:14,114 --> 00:10:15,914 My reliably late ex-husband. 292 00:10:16,049 --> 00:10:17,248 (group snickers) 293 00:10:17,317 --> 00:10:19,617 Michelle: Bring it up. Thank you. 294 00:10:19,686 --> 00:10:21,986 And just in, under the wire, 295 00:10:21,988 --> 00:10:25,857 We have that sample of appliqué stitching that I promised you. 296 00:10:30,197 --> 00:10:32,397 Can you imagine the panic I felt when I realized 297 00:10:32,532 --> 00:10:34,799 I didn't have any samples from eskasoni? 298 00:10:34,801 --> 00:10:37,068 Well, no fear of me telling anyone from home. 299 00:10:37,804 --> 00:10:39,070 How long you here for? 300 00:10:40,140 --> 00:10:41,672 Grab some lunch? 301 00:10:41,708 --> 00:10:43,475 We're here for another few days. 302 00:10:43,477 --> 00:10:44,742 We? 303 00:10:44,811 --> 00:10:46,077 Me and dad. 304 00:10:46,813 --> 00:10:47,945 Your dad's here? 305 00:10:48,081 --> 00:10:50,081 What brings the chief to the big, bad city? 306 00:10:52,386 --> 00:10:53,518 Chemo. 307 00:10:53,587 --> 00:10:54,985 Cancer's in his liver. 308 00:10:56,123 --> 00:10:58,289 Doctor's recommending "aggressive" treatment. 309 00:10:58,358 --> 00:10:59,724 Oh, michelle, I'm sorry. 310 00:11:01,128 --> 00:11:02,460 He's being stoic. 311 00:11:03,063 --> 00:11:03,961 You know him. 312 00:11:03,997 --> 00:11:05,196 I do. 313 00:11:06,500 --> 00:11:07,765 No, no. 314 00:11:09,669 --> 00:11:10,568 Doug: I'd like to see him. 315 00:11:10,637 --> 00:11:12,737 Doug. It's not a good idea. 316 00:11:12,872 --> 00:11:14,105 Doesn't he understand that you and I have moved on 317 00:11:14,174 --> 00:11:15,173 From what happened? 318 00:11:15,175 --> 00:11:16,307 So has melanie. 319 00:11:16,309 --> 00:11:17,509 Michelle: Oh he understands. 320 00:11:17,511 --> 00:11:19,444 He thinks we're both fools for even talking to you. 321 00:11:20,580 --> 00:11:22,146 Well, give him my best. 322 00:11:22,816 --> 00:11:24,115 I will. 323 00:11:24,250 --> 00:11:26,317 He'll be delighted. 324 00:11:26,353 --> 00:11:27,551 (both chuckle) 325 00:11:29,456 --> 00:11:31,856 Judge morrison: What exactly is it you think is missing from this, 326 00:11:31,925 --> 00:11:33,191 Ms. Diggs? 327 00:11:33,260 --> 00:11:34,859 Marcie: Well, it reduces jojo to her criminal record. 328 00:11:34,928 --> 00:11:38,229 There's nothing about her life, her job, her family. 329 00:11:38,231 --> 00:11:40,265 Your honour, everything my colleague is discussing here, 330 00:11:40,400 --> 00:11:41,999 Ms. Carvery's background and life experience, 331 00:11:42,035 --> 00:11:43,134 Would be covered in her 332 00:11:43,269 --> 00:11:44,669 Impact of race and culture assessment. 333 00:11:44,804 --> 00:11:47,439 Marcie: Your honour, the irca provided by mr. Broward, 334 00:11:47,574 --> 00:11:50,808 A white male with no connection to the black community, 335 00:11:50,877 --> 00:11:53,544 Simply fails to capture the social 336 00:11:53,679 --> 00:11:56,948 And psychological fallout the decimation of africville 337 00:11:57,017 --> 00:11:58,549 Had on jojo. 338 00:11:58,551 --> 00:12:02,420 The impact of being ousted from her home as a child. 339 00:12:02,422 --> 00:12:04,622 Why, because the city of halifax didn't want blacks 340 00:12:04,691 --> 00:12:06,758 Living on such a choice piece of land? 341 00:12:06,893 --> 00:12:09,928 I simply feel the court owes jojo 342 00:12:09,930 --> 00:12:11,662 A fair hearing of her story. 343 00:12:11,732 --> 00:12:14,298 Steve: And we submit the court owes it to the family of the victim 344 00:12:14,367 --> 00:12:17,301 To carry out justice swiftly and without delay, your honour. 345 00:12:19,372 --> 00:12:21,839 Ms. Diggs, you have 72 hours to proffer 346 00:12:21,975 --> 00:12:24,008 An amendment irca to this court. 347 00:12:24,044 --> 00:12:26,544 Any new information that you find, 348 00:12:26,580 --> 00:12:29,180 The court will take it into account. 349 00:12:29,216 --> 00:12:32,117 (tense music) 350 00:12:34,788 --> 00:12:37,121 In front of seaview united. 351 00:12:37,124 --> 00:12:39,456 The original one, before it was torn down. 352 00:12:39,493 --> 00:12:41,860 Church was the first thing to go. 353 00:12:41,995 --> 00:12:43,862 The city had come in the middle of the night. 354 00:12:43,997 --> 00:12:46,331 That's how they did it, house by house. 355 00:12:47,934 --> 00:12:49,767 Must have been so awful. 356 00:12:49,770 --> 00:12:52,270 Betty: Every day, another house gone. 357 00:12:52,272 --> 00:12:54,005 My aunt refused to leave. 358 00:12:54,074 --> 00:12:55,139 They bulldozed her place 359 00:12:55,208 --> 00:12:57,341 While she was away overnight in the hospital. 360 00:12:57,377 --> 00:12:59,877 She didn't even get the $500 they were offering. 361 00:13:01,347 --> 00:13:02,814 They said africville was a slum, 362 00:13:02,949 --> 00:13:04,949 That's why we couldn't stay. 363 00:13:04,951 --> 00:13:06,884 But we had backyards, gardens. 364 00:13:06,920 --> 00:13:08,152 We'd get up in the morning, 365 00:13:08,155 --> 00:13:10,387 Run down to the sea and jump in the water. 366 00:13:11,958 --> 00:13:13,891 Places they put us were the slums. 367 00:13:18,298 --> 00:13:20,965 Marcie: Mm, you girls look so happy. 368 00:13:21,001 --> 00:13:22,800 Betty: Jojo wanted to go home. 369 00:13:23,703 --> 00:13:25,503 One day she just started walking. 370 00:13:25,638 --> 00:13:27,572 Police picked her up and that's how she got sent 371 00:13:27,641 --> 00:13:28,840 To a foster family. 372 00:13:28,975 --> 00:13:30,241 Just like that? 373 00:13:30,243 --> 00:13:32,243 Betty: Social worker said our mother was overwhelmed, 374 00:13:32,312 --> 00:13:34,445 Said she couldn't handle jojo. 375 00:13:34,514 --> 00:13:35,780 She'd just had our baby brother. 376 00:13:35,849 --> 00:13:36,981 She was afraid if she argued, 377 00:13:36,983 --> 00:13:38,916 They'd take him away too, and me. 378 00:13:40,019 --> 00:13:41,986 And how long was jojo gone? 379 00:13:42,022 --> 00:13:43,187 About a year. 380 00:13:43,190 --> 00:13:45,590 She came back and got into mischief, 381 00:13:45,659 --> 00:13:46,991 Shoplifting and such. 382 00:13:48,261 --> 00:13:50,728 Later on, she took up with some fast boys. 383 00:13:50,864 --> 00:13:52,263 They were the ones got her involved in that robbery 384 00:13:52,299 --> 00:13:54,231 Where someone got killed. 385 00:13:54,267 --> 00:13:55,867 And jojo was eighteen? 386 00:13:55,936 --> 00:13:57,134 Betty: Right. 387 00:13:57,136 --> 00:13:59,070 Eight years she was in prison. 388 00:13:59,205 --> 00:14:01,339 That was what really changed her. 389 00:14:01,341 --> 00:14:03,875 She wasn't the sister I remembered anymore. 390 00:14:04,010 --> 00:14:05,309 That girl was gone. 391 00:14:08,215 --> 00:14:11,950 Marcie: Is-is that why you didn't come to jojo's trial? 392 00:14:13,720 --> 00:14:15,086 Things have been hard for my daughter 393 00:14:15,155 --> 00:14:17,021 Since what happened to reed. 394 00:14:17,023 --> 00:14:18,556 Lucy doesn't wanna know jojo anymore, 395 00:14:18,691 --> 00:14:20,591 And I'm just trying to keep the peace. 396 00:14:22,996 --> 00:14:26,630 Who do you think might remember jojo 397 00:14:26,666 --> 00:14:28,566 From before she went to prison? 398 00:14:28,701 --> 00:14:30,167 Might wanna speak up for her? 399 00:14:30,203 --> 00:14:32,704 You could try her lawyer, anthony barclay. 400 00:14:32,706 --> 00:14:34,305 He said jojo was innocent. 401 00:14:34,341 --> 00:14:35,506 Would have done anything for her. 402 00:14:35,542 --> 00:14:36,974 Barclay? - Mmhmm. 403 00:14:39,045 --> 00:14:40,111 Colleen: Officer james, 404 00:14:40,113 --> 00:14:42,013 What can you tell me about this man? 405 00:14:44,551 --> 00:14:45,582 Right there, 406 00:14:45,619 --> 00:14:47,518 Watching you arrest my client. 407 00:14:47,554 --> 00:14:48,519 Officer james: Just a gawker. 408 00:14:48,555 --> 00:14:49,654 Colleen: Did you get a name? 409 00:14:49,723 --> 00:14:50,955 Take a statement? 410 00:14:51,024 --> 00:14:52,657 Avery: I'm sorry, your honour, but where is this going? 411 00:14:52,726 --> 00:14:54,191 Colleen: I think it's obvious. 412 00:14:54,227 --> 00:14:56,126 This gentleman needs to be on the witness list. 413 00:14:56,162 --> 00:14:58,062 Judge paulson: Well, if you can find him, ms. Mcdonnell, 414 00:14:58,197 --> 00:14:59,797 The court will hear his testimony. 415 00:15:04,037 --> 00:15:06,070 You crappy piece of crap! 416 00:15:07,206 --> 00:15:08,606 Garbage machine! 417 00:15:08,675 --> 00:15:09,873 Hello? 418 00:15:10,743 --> 00:15:11,709 Hi. 419 00:15:11,711 --> 00:15:12,977 Hi. - Sorry. 420 00:15:13,913 --> 00:15:14,846 Did you have an appointment? 421 00:15:14,981 --> 00:15:18,082 Um, I'm actually looking for anthony barclay? 422 00:15:18,084 --> 00:15:19,350 Oh, that's me! 423 00:15:20,487 --> 00:15:23,821 Anthony barclay who represented jojo carvery 424 00:15:23,890 --> 00:15:25,222 Forty years ago? 425 00:15:27,227 --> 00:15:29,761 Ah, that would be my dad. 426 00:15:29,763 --> 00:15:31,162 Tony junior. 427 00:15:32,899 --> 00:15:34,365 (train horn tooting) 428 00:15:37,270 --> 00:15:38,903 Tony: Amazed I found this without harriet. 429 00:15:38,905 --> 00:15:40,838 Her filing system's a bit baroque. 430 00:15:40,907 --> 00:15:43,040 You ever think of hiring some help for harriet? 431 00:15:43,109 --> 00:15:44,776 Oh, she'd never allow it. 432 00:15:44,778 --> 00:15:46,511 Plus, she works cheap. 433 00:15:46,646 --> 00:15:48,512 Business isn't exactly booming. 434 00:15:48,514 --> 00:15:49,514 Yeah. 435 00:15:49,649 --> 00:15:51,348 Well, I'll spread the word. 436 00:15:52,652 --> 00:15:54,319 I appreciate that. -Mmmhmm. 437 00:15:54,454 --> 00:15:56,353 Tony: Okay, this is the mother lode. 438 00:15:56,389 --> 00:15:57,956 All dad's notes on the case, 439 00:15:58,091 --> 00:15:59,057 All the filings. 440 00:15:59,059 --> 00:16:00,391 What do you need exactly? 441 00:16:00,393 --> 00:16:02,126 Marcie: Well, betty said that your dad 442 00:16:02,261 --> 00:16:04,062 Thought that jojo was innocent. 443 00:16:04,064 --> 00:16:07,131 Is, is there anything in there that might tell me why? 444 00:16:08,101 --> 00:16:09,767 Tony: Police reports, 445 00:16:09,769 --> 00:16:11,568 All the witness statements. 446 00:16:15,442 --> 00:16:16,707 Okay. 447 00:16:17,243 --> 00:16:18,609 This is why. 448 00:16:19,746 --> 00:16:21,111 This is why right here. 449 00:16:21,881 --> 00:16:25,016 (ominous music) 450 00:16:25,018 --> 00:16:26,351 Wendell brown. 451 00:16:27,554 --> 00:16:29,954 It's one of the boys that she was arrested with. 452 00:16:30,023 --> 00:16:32,857 He testified that she wasn't a part of the robbery 453 00:16:32,992 --> 00:16:34,892 But the judge cautioned the jury 454 00:16:34,961 --> 00:16:38,496 That the statement had limited probative value. 455 00:16:38,498 --> 00:16:39,930 I guess 'cause he saw it as wendell 456 00:16:40,000 --> 00:16:41,699 Trying to help out his girlfriend. 457 00:16:41,701 --> 00:16:46,237 (tense music) 458 00:16:46,306 --> 00:16:50,641 You know she served eight years for a first time offence? 459 00:16:50,643 --> 00:16:53,544 If this would have just been properly considered, 460 00:16:54,981 --> 00:16:56,914 It would have changed everything for her. 461 00:16:57,951 --> 00:16:59,384 (seagulls squawking) (boat horn tooting) 462 00:16:59,519 --> 00:17:00,852 Michelle: He asked to see you. 463 00:17:01,721 --> 00:17:03,587 Really? - Yeah. 464 00:17:03,656 --> 00:17:05,756 No cursing, no yelling. 465 00:17:05,792 --> 00:17:08,459 No screwing up his face like he wants to spit. 466 00:17:08,528 --> 00:17:11,095 It was just, "oh yeah, doug. 467 00:17:11,164 --> 00:17:12,563 "have him come by." 468 00:17:13,800 --> 00:17:15,132 Did he say why? 469 00:17:16,736 --> 00:17:18,436 He's facing the end of his life. 470 00:17:19,739 --> 00:17:21,739 Maybe the chief's ready to let go of old grudges. 471 00:17:22,609 --> 00:17:24,042 Let you come back home. 472 00:17:26,479 --> 00:17:28,412 Wouldn't wanna get my hopes up. 473 00:17:28,415 --> 00:17:30,481 But what else could it be? 474 00:17:30,616 --> 00:17:33,484 Doug, I think this could really be it. 475 00:17:37,690 --> 00:17:40,091 Percy: All right, so just up here is the lunch room. 476 00:17:40,093 --> 00:17:41,959 I'll take you down to the basement after to, uh- 477 00:17:42,028 --> 00:17:43,027 Hey colleen. 478 00:17:43,029 --> 00:17:45,029 This is rick, the realtor. 479 00:17:45,031 --> 00:17:46,097 Rick. 480 00:17:46,232 --> 00:17:47,498 Rick says we can have the building on the market 481 00:17:47,567 --> 00:17:49,200 By the end of the week. 482 00:17:49,335 --> 00:17:50,501 Wait, this week? 483 00:17:51,771 --> 00:17:52,503 Wait, you're expecting us to pack up and be out- 484 00:17:52,539 --> 00:17:53,637 (phone ringing) 485 00:17:53,706 --> 00:17:55,039 Dammit! 486 00:17:55,041 --> 00:17:56,673 Percy, we really need to talk about this. 487 00:17:56,709 --> 00:17:58,675 My door is always open, colleen. 488 00:17:59,512 --> 00:18:00,912 Hey neil, what's up? 489 00:18:01,047 --> 00:18:02,513 Neil: I found him for ya, coll! 490 00:18:02,515 --> 00:18:03,848 Found who? 491 00:18:03,850 --> 00:18:05,116 Don't-don't call me coll. 492 00:18:05,185 --> 00:18:06,584 Neil: Our mysterious witness. 493 00:18:06,586 --> 00:18:08,519 Same guy the entire halifax pd 494 00:18:08,521 --> 00:18:10,387 Had no idea whatsoever how to find. 495 00:18:10,423 --> 00:18:11,689 How did you find him? 496 00:18:11,758 --> 00:18:13,925 Cctv footage from the corner store. 497 00:18:14,060 --> 00:18:15,059 He lives around here, 498 00:18:15,128 --> 00:18:16,861 Figured he'd show up on camera at some point. 499 00:18:16,863 --> 00:18:18,963 Six hours of footage later... 500 00:18:20,366 --> 00:18:22,666 Okay, how do we find this guy? 501 00:18:22,702 --> 00:18:24,668 Neil: Three doors down from my house. 502 00:18:26,606 --> 00:18:27,872 Marcie: This conviction 503 00:18:27,874 --> 00:18:30,675 Is where everything started to go wrong for jojo. 504 00:18:30,810 --> 00:18:32,342 Eight years in prison 505 00:18:32,378 --> 00:18:35,446 And her sister says she was irrevocably changed. 506 00:18:35,448 --> 00:18:38,015 And after that came the mental illness, 507 00:18:38,084 --> 00:18:39,750 The drug abuse, the alcohol abuse- 508 00:18:39,819 --> 00:18:43,020 The multiple convictions, the parole violations. 509 00:18:43,089 --> 00:18:46,090 And now it looks like she may have been innocent. 510 00:18:46,092 --> 00:18:49,360 Well, she's found guilty by a judge and jury. 511 00:18:49,495 --> 00:18:52,964 Steve, the system is supposed to rehabilitate people 512 00:18:53,099 --> 00:18:54,098 Not ruin them. 513 00:18:54,233 --> 00:18:55,233 What-what do you want, marcie? 514 00:18:55,235 --> 00:18:56,500 I don't have a time machine. 515 00:18:56,569 --> 00:18:57,968 Take this into account! 516 00:18:59,005 --> 00:19:00,638 Okay, as long as you return the favour. 517 00:19:00,707 --> 00:19:06,644 (ominous music) 518 00:19:06,713 --> 00:19:09,647 ♪ 519 00:19:09,649 --> 00:19:12,449 (background chatter) 520 00:19:12,485 --> 00:19:15,987 (heavy rock music) 521 00:19:16,122 --> 00:19:17,188 Colleen: Hello, um- 522 00:19:17,257 --> 00:19:19,190 I understand a paul mcphail lives here. 523 00:19:19,259 --> 00:19:20,591 Would that be you? 524 00:19:20,627 --> 00:19:22,193 (heavy rock music) 525 00:19:22,328 --> 00:19:24,028 I represent one of your neighbours, neil boyle? 526 00:19:24,097 --> 00:19:25,596 I don't know any neil. 527 00:19:25,632 --> 00:19:28,332 Ah, you were a witness to an altercation last month? 528 00:19:28,334 --> 00:19:30,067 My client was arrested in front of his home- 529 00:19:30,103 --> 00:19:31,535 Don't know what you're talking about. 530 00:19:31,604 --> 00:19:33,070 Actually, you were caught on camera 531 00:19:33,106 --> 00:19:35,006 Watching the whole thing transpire. 532 00:19:35,141 --> 00:19:36,373 We would-we would love for you to testify- 533 00:19:36,442 --> 00:19:37,641 No. 534 00:19:39,312 --> 00:19:40,744 Think of it as an opportunity 535 00:19:40,780 --> 00:19:42,213 To stand up against police- 536 00:19:42,348 --> 00:19:43,214 (door slams) 537 00:19:43,349 --> 00:19:45,416 Hey! (scoffs) 538 00:19:45,485 --> 00:19:46,817 I can have you subpoenaed! 539 00:19:48,488 --> 00:19:49,420 Hey dad. 540 00:19:49,489 --> 00:19:51,155 No, I'm sorry, I just, 541 00:19:51,157 --> 00:19:52,089 I've been in the middle of- 542 00:19:52,158 --> 00:19:53,624 Austin: I know, you always are. 543 00:19:53,693 --> 00:19:56,494 But you said you were gonna find me someone, today. 544 00:19:56,496 --> 00:19:58,028 Actually, I did! 545 00:19:58,064 --> 00:20:01,699 I did. I found I think someone really great. 546 00:20:01,701 --> 00:20:02,633 I will send you his contacts. 547 00:20:02,702 --> 00:20:03,701 Austin: That's great. 548 00:20:03,703 --> 00:20:04,902 (phone beeps) 549 00:20:06,839 --> 00:20:09,240 Daddy, actually I-I've gotta-I've gotta take this call. 550 00:20:09,375 --> 00:20:10,307 Austin: Okay, I love you. 551 00:20:10,443 --> 00:20:11,642 I love you, too. 552 00:20:13,913 --> 00:20:15,245 Marcie diggs. 553 00:20:15,281 --> 00:20:16,913 Hdm bailiff: Ms. Diggs, I'm calling about wendell brown. 554 00:20:16,950 --> 00:20:18,315 Ah, you found him. 555 00:20:18,384 --> 00:20:19,383 Hdm bailiff: We did. 556 00:20:19,385 --> 00:20:20,684 Wendell brown? - That's right. 557 00:20:20,753 --> 00:20:22,720 I'm gonna come in on your operation, 558 00:20:22,722 --> 00:20:25,456 We gotta establish a few ground rules. 559 00:20:25,458 --> 00:20:28,259 I bring certain resources to the table, 560 00:20:28,261 --> 00:20:30,895 So I say how business gets done. 561 00:20:30,897 --> 00:20:31,996 Okay grandpa. 562 00:20:32,065 --> 00:20:34,097 Plus 20% of the take. 563 00:20:34,968 --> 00:20:35,866 (car door shuts) 564 00:20:36,002 --> 00:20:36,933 Hey there. 565 00:20:36,970 --> 00:20:38,068 Hey. 566 00:20:38,104 --> 00:20:39,136 Marcie: How's business? 567 00:20:39,272 --> 00:20:40,404 You're our afternoon rush. 568 00:20:40,406 --> 00:20:41,738 Marcie: (chuckles) oh. 569 00:20:41,774 --> 00:20:43,206 Well, in that case. 570 00:20:43,743 --> 00:20:44,875 Hey. 571 00:20:48,281 --> 00:20:49,446 Thank you. 572 00:20:52,585 --> 00:20:54,218 Sorry it's a little warm, 573 00:20:54,220 --> 00:20:55,218 We ran outta ice. 574 00:20:55,255 --> 00:20:56,353 I can go get some. 575 00:20:56,389 --> 00:20:57,587 Wendell: Yeah. 576 00:21:01,227 --> 00:21:04,361 So you wouldn't happen to be wendell brown? 577 00:21:06,099 --> 00:21:07,164 Can I help you? 578 00:21:07,166 --> 00:21:09,566 I wanted to talk to you about jojo carvery. 579 00:21:11,804 --> 00:21:13,771 Danny, it's time to go inside. 580 00:21:13,773 --> 00:21:14,972 But I got ice! 581 00:21:14,974 --> 00:21:16,907 Wendell: Go inside now. I'll be right in. 582 00:21:18,644 --> 00:21:20,711 She really needs your help. 583 00:21:20,780 --> 00:21:22,245 And I know that you helped her before. 584 00:21:22,282 --> 00:21:26,517 Please, don't contact me or my family again. 585 00:21:26,652 --> 00:21:34,591 (tense music) 586 00:21:38,598 --> 00:21:39,864 Judge paulson: Where's your witness, counsellor? 587 00:21:39,999 --> 00:21:40,998 Sorry, your honour. 588 00:21:41,133 --> 00:21:42,966 I had a feeling mr. Mcphail might not show up. 589 00:21:43,002 --> 00:21:44,735 He didn't show a lot of enthusiasm 590 00:21:44,870 --> 00:21:46,003 For the idea when we spoke. 591 00:21:46,138 --> 00:21:47,138 Avery: Your honour, all due respect, 592 00:21:47,273 --> 00:21:48,606 This is just a delay tactic. 593 00:21:48,741 --> 00:21:51,275 It's not for counsel to determine the value 594 00:21:51,277 --> 00:21:52,543 Of mr. Mcphail's testimony. 595 00:21:52,612 --> 00:21:55,313 My client has every right to have this witness' testimony 596 00:21:55,448 --> 00:21:56,647 Entered into the record. 597 00:21:56,716 --> 00:21:59,282 Judge paulson: Okay, let's reconvene this afternoon. 598 00:21:59,319 --> 00:22:03,220 I'll send someone to fetch the elusive mr. Mcphail, 599 00:22:03,289 --> 00:22:05,790 And if he's not here, we'll talk about next steps. 600 00:22:05,792 --> 00:22:07,057 Thank you. 601 00:22:18,271 --> 00:22:20,271 Did you have anything to do with this? 602 00:22:20,273 --> 00:22:21,605 That's aggressive. 603 00:22:21,607 --> 00:22:23,641 What a liar that man is! 604 00:22:23,643 --> 00:22:27,110 "oh, I'll just stay at emily's for a few days, cool off. 605 00:22:27,146 --> 00:22:28,979 "everything's just fine." 606 00:22:29,048 --> 00:22:31,114 And then boom! This attack! 607 00:22:31,150 --> 00:22:32,249 It's just lawyer-speak. 608 00:22:32,318 --> 00:22:33,350 I know it feels hardass- 609 00:22:33,386 --> 00:22:35,185 You're in this, aren't you, marcie? 610 00:22:35,988 --> 00:22:37,287 I just gave him a name. 611 00:22:37,323 --> 00:22:38,488 So you're on his side? 612 00:22:38,524 --> 00:22:40,591 I'm not on anyone's side, mom. 613 00:22:40,660 --> 00:22:42,326 Hm. You tell him this. 614 00:22:42,328 --> 00:22:45,796 If he wants to play hardball, I can play hardball too! 615 00:22:52,138 --> 00:22:57,574 My girls, they think I should let old grudges go. 616 00:22:59,879 --> 00:23:02,279 Forget how you made my girls a punchline. 617 00:23:04,617 --> 00:23:07,084 Especially now, michelle says. 618 00:23:07,153 --> 00:23:08,485 I gather you disagree. 619 00:23:11,223 --> 00:23:13,090 Now that you're a father, 620 00:23:14,260 --> 00:23:16,427 I wonder if you can understand how you'd feel 621 00:23:18,064 --> 00:23:20,231 If someone were to hurt your children. 622 00:23:20,366 --> 00:23:21,565 Doug: No offence tom, 623 00:23:21,700 --> 00:23:24,701 But my daughters, your granddaughters, 624 00:23:24,737 --> 00:23:26,636 Are almost fully grown up. 625 00:23:26,672 --> 00:23:29,173 This is some pretty old ground we're covering. 626 00:23:29,242 --> 00:23:32,309 And I should be over it, is that it? 627 00:23:32,378 --> 00:23:33,944 Why am I here? 628 00:23:34,079 --> 00:23:35,378 Because you owe me. 629 00:23:36,716 --> 00:23:37,848 Is that right? 630 00:23:37,983 --> 00:23:41,351 After all the pain you caused, you're damn right you do. 631 00:23:45,591 --> 00:23:47,858 I'm not going to get better. 632 00:23:47,860 --> 00:23:49,292 I know that. 633 00:23:51,998 --> 00:23:54,798 I need you to help me to arrange my death. 634 00:23:56,002 --> 00:23:58,869 Help me find a doctor who will assist, 635 00:23:58,905 --> 00:24:01,872 And make sure the process goes smoothly. 636 00:24:03,609 --> 00:24:06,143 I wanna be able to do it while I'm still capable 637 00:24:06,212 --> 00:24:08,479 Of administering the drug to myself. 638 00:24:08,548 --> 00:24:09,713 Doug: Sure. 639 00:24:10,449 --> 00:24:12,349 Assisted dying is legal. 640 00:24:12,485 --> 00:24:13,917 And it's my choice. 641 00:24:15,888 --> 00:24:18,188 The girls won't understand. 642 00:24:18,257 --> 00:24:19,523 What? 643 00:24:19,658 --> 00:24:21,358 (sombre music) 644 00:24:21,394 --> 00:24:22,559 You have to tell them. 645 00:24:22,695 --> 00:24:26,497 Once everything is in place, only then. 646 00:24:27,433 --> 00:24:29,166 You can say nothing to michelle. 647 00:24:33,105 --> 00:24:34,505 You wanna come home? 648 00:24:36,308 --> 00:24:38,776 This is how you make restitution. 649 00:24:38,778 --> 00:24:44,048 (sombre music) 650 00:24:44,183 --> 00:24:45,415 (doug sighs) 651 00:24:46,585 --> 00:24:47,884 Wendell brown? 652 00:24:48,921 --> 00:24:51,321 Lord, when have I heard that name last? 653 00:24:52,124 --> 00:24:53,356 (chuckles) 654 00:24:54,560 --> 00:24:56,393 Was he your boyfriend? 655 00:24:56,395 --> 00:24:57,595 Jojo: Oh, more than that. 656 00:24:57,597 --> 00:24:58,996 He was a friend. 657 00:25:00,266 --> 00:25:03,000 He wrote me in jail for years. 658 00:25:03,736 --> 00:25:05,002 Said it changed him, 659 00:25:06,805 --> 00:25:08,371 Seeing me go away. 660 00:25:09,308 --> 00:25:11,742 Never cared that much about himself. 661 00:25:11,744 --> 00:25:14,077 But he realized someone he loved 662 00:25:15,481 --> 00:25:20,450 Could be hurt by his actions. 663 00:25:21,521 --> 00:25:24,654 So he turned things around. 664 00:25:24,690 --> 00:25:26,557 Well it seems like he's had a good life. 665 00:25:26,626 --> 00:25:28,626 He's got a granddaughter. 666 00:25:28,628 --> 00:25:29,626 A home. 667 00:25:29,662 --> 00:25:32,296 He was always very smart. (chuckles) 668 00:25:32,365 --> 00:25:33,931 And a beautiful writer. 669 00:25:34,000 --> 00:25:36,833 Oh, I saved every one of his letters. 670 00:25:38,804 --> 00:25:41,305 You wouldn't happen to know 671 00:25:41,307 --> 00:25:43,106 Where I'd find those letters now? 672 00:25:43,142 --> 00:25:44,774 Oh, betty holds onto 'em for me, 673 00:25:44,810 --> 00:25:46,844 Along with a few mementos. 674 00:25:50,649 --> 00:25:51,915 What did he say? 675 00:25:52,552 --> 00:25:53,917 Can you come home? 676 00:25:54,887 --> 00:25:56,520 That's not what he wanted to discuss. 677 00:25:56,655 --> 00:25:57,888 But then what? 678 00:25:58,925 --> 00:26:00,924 It was, um, a private conversation. 679 00:26:00,993 --> 00:26:01,992 Oh. 680 00:26:02,127 --> 00:26:02,993 Doug: I can't talk about it, michelle. 681 00:26:02,995 --> 00:26:04,128 You're kidding me. 682 00:26:04,130 --> 00:26:04,995 You're shutting me out? 683 00:26:05,031 --> 00:26:06,630 What the hell's going on here? 684 00:26:07,633 --> 00:26:08,798 I'm sorry. 685 00:26:10,303 --> 00:26:11,468 You know what, 686 00:26:11,537 --> 00:26:14,405 This is feeling a bit too much like old times right now. 687 00:26:21,414 --> 00:26:24,848 It's great to finally meet you mr. Mcphail. 688 00:26:24,850 --> 00:26:27,685 Clerk: You can swear on a holy book or affirm. 689 00:26:27,687 --> 00:26:28,885 No. 690 00:26:30,956 --> 00:26:34,157 Do you promise to tell the truth at the very least? 691 00:26:34,193 --> 00:26:35,992 (paul sighs) 692 00:26:39,532 --> 00:26:41,565 What would you like me to do here? 693 00:26:41,567 --> 00:26:44,635 Colleen: Your honour, we feel he has relevant evidence to give. 694 00:26:44,704 --> 00:26:46,870 Um, we'd like him to remain in custody 695 00:26:46,872 --> 00:26:49,439 Given the difficulty in obtaining his presence. 696 00:26:49,475 --> 00:26:51,441 Judge paulson: Mr. Mcphail, we're going to give you time 697 00:26:51,477 --> 00:26:52,843 To think about her decision 698 00:26:52,978 --> 00:26:55,478 And seek independent legal counsel. 699 00:26:55,514 --> 00:26:58,849 We're here till 4:30 and back tomorrow morning at 9:30. 700 00:26:58,851 --> 00:27:00,250 Whatever. 701 00:27:00,386 --> 00:27:01,652 You're the judge. 702 00:27:02,922 --> 00:27:06,924 Sheriff, please show our mysterious friend to his cell. 703 00:27:24,076 --> 00:27:25,475 (doorbell rings) 704 00:27:28,280 --> 00:27:31,482 So, what's going on? 705 00:27:31,617 --> 00:27:33,550 I just got a voicemail from your mother. 706 00:27:34,820 --> 00:27:37,087 I think I might've made things worse. 707 00:27:37,123 --> 00:27:40,157 Marcie: Dad, why would you send her that letter? 708 00:27:40,292 --> 00:27:42,760 Tony said it was in my best interests. 709 00:27:42,762 --> 00:27:43,694 Thank you. 710 00:27:43,829 --> 00:27:45,095 Mom thinks you declared war. 711 00:27:45,097 --> 00:27:47,731 Well, he said we had to come out swingin'. 712 00:27:47,767 --> 00:27:49,132 Thanks, tony. 713 00:27:51,103 --> 00:27:52,169 What you got there? 714 00:27:52,304 --> 00:27:56,539 Some letters written by a man who was madly in love 715 00:27:57,109 --> 00:27:58,241 Forty years ago. 716 00:27:58,277 --> 00:27:59,676 I remember that feeling. 717 00:28:01,647 --> 00:28:03,213 Never goes away exactly. 718 00:28:04,283 --> 00:28:07,918 Changes, deepens. (chuckles) 719 00:28:07,920 --> 00:28:09,886 Lord knows it gets a little bit messy. 720 00:28:11,123 --> 00:28:12,923 But no, 721 00:28:12,925 --> 00:28:14,858 That kinda love never goes away. 722 00:28:16,595 --> 00:28:18,195 Hm. 723 00:28:18,330 --> 00:28:26,336 (soft ambient music) 724 00:28:26,338 --> 00:28:31,374 Marcie: That woman who you wrote that beautiful letter to, 725 00:28:31,444 --> 00:28:33,610 She's facing the rest of her life in prison. 726 00:28:35,247 --> 00:28:36,714 Possibly dying there. 727 00:28:41,420 --> 00:28:42,686 Will you help her? 728 00:28:42,688 --> 00:28:50,426 (soft ambient music) 729 00:28:55,100 --> 00:28:59,035 (background chatter) 730 00:28:59,037 --> 00:29:00,104 Percy: Okay. 731 00:29:04,944 --> 00:29:07,177 (phone ringing) 732 00:29:08,848 --> 00:29:10,247 Hey neil, everything okay? 733 00:29:10,249 --> 00:29:12,249 Neil: Everything is definitely not okay. 734 00:29:12,384 --> 00:29:15,485 I'm texting you a photo I took last night. 735 00:29:15,521 --> 00:29:19,123 (tense music) 736 00:29:19,258 --> 00:29:20,257 It's mcphail! 737 00:29:20,259 --> 00:29:21,158 Neil: Our guy's back on the streets. 738 00:29:21,293 --> 00:29:22,926 I thought he'd been jailed for contempt. 739 00:29:23,061 --> 00:29:24,394 He was! 740 00:29:26,064 --> 00:29:29,732 My brother, reed, was a good man. 741 00:29:30,703 --> 00:29:32,603 He didn't always do things right, 742 00:29:32,738 --> 00:29:35,272 But he didn't deserve to die like that. 743 00:29:35,274 --> 00:29:36,273 (door squeaks open) 744 00:29:36,408 --> 00:29:38,475 Flora: He was the perfect older brother. 745 00:29:38,610 --> 00:29:42,312 He checked in on me, ran off bad boyfriends. 746 00:29:43,782 --> 00:29:47,250 All he was doing that day was trying to have a conversation. 747 00:29:48,154 --> 00:29:49,820 She didn't have to kill him. 748 00:29:49,955 --> 00:29:51,755 (tense music) 749 00:29:51,757 --> 00:29:53,223 (door squeaks open) 750 00:29:53,358 --> 00:29:59,229 (soft ambient music) 751 00:29:59,364 --> 00:30:03,167 ♪ 752 00:30:03,302 --> 00:30:06,870 Man came out of the bedroom waving a hunting rifle. 753 00:30:07,005 --> 00:30:08,771 My boy emmett had a pistol. 754 00:30:09,975 --> 00:30:12,508 Bullet went right through the guy's neck. 755 00:30:12,545 --> 00:30:15,445 We ran outta that house screaming at jojo to drive. 756 00:30:15,581 --> 00:30:17,914 And jojo had no idea what had happened? 757 00:30:18,984 --> 00:30:20,950 Didn't even know why we were there. 758 00:30:21,921 --> 00:30:24,454 But she went to jail longer than me. 759 00:30:25,825 --> 00:30:27,491 Marcie: Thank you, mr. Brown. 760 00:30:27,493 --> 00:30:29,159 Thank you, ms. Diggs, 761 00:30:29,161 --> 00:30:31,961 For giving me the opportunity to come here, 762 00:30:31,997 --> 00:30:33,930 See jojo, 763 00:30:33,999 --> 00:30:35,899 And tell you how sorry I am. 764 00:30:37,002 --> 00:30:38,268 For all of it. 765 00:30:42,508 --> 00:30:44,741 Steve: Mr. Brown, you applied for a pardon 10 years ago. 766 00:30:44,810 --> 00:30:45,709 Did you get it? 767 00:30:45,844 --> 00:30:46,777 Yeah. 768 00:30:46,912 --> 00:30:48,078 Steve: So now your record's spotless. 769 00:30:48,080 --> 00:30:49,446 It's like that murder didn't even happen. 770 00:30:49,515 --> 00:30:51,815 That man's death changed my life. 771 00:30:51,884 --> 00:30:54,784 Steve: You wrote to jojo for many years after her conviction, 772 00:30:54,854 --> 00:30:56,953 But you stopped after she got out. 773 00:30:56,989 --> 00:30:58,488 Why'd you stop? 774 00:30:58,490 --> 00:31:01,491 We just fell outta touch. 775 00:31:01,560 --> 00:31:02,959 Steve: Did it have anything to do with the fact 776 00:31:02,995 --> 00:31:05,796 That jojo was almost immediately convicted again 777 00:31:05,931 --> 00:31:07,731 Of yet another violent crime? 778 00:31:07,733 --> 00:31:09,166 Assault causing bodily harm. 779 00:31:09,168 --> 00:31:10,467 Wendell: No. 780 00:31:10,469 --> 00:31:12,669 Steve: Maybe she didn't seem so innocent to you anymore. 781 00:31:13,973 --> 00:31:15,639 And then she just kept getting into trouble after that, 782 00:31:15,774 --> 00:31:16,873 Didn't she? 783 00:31:16,876 --> 00:31:18,041 I-I didn't know anything about the- 784 00:31:18,043 --> 00:31:19,509 Steve: Why would you? 785 00:31:19,578 --> 00:31:21,377 You were trying to turn your life around, right? 786 00:31:21,413 --> 00:31:22,646 Trying to make amends for a crime 787 00:31:22,715 --> 00:31:24,047 That was clearly eating away at you. 788 00:31:24,049 --> 00:31:26,049 I mean, that's the real reason you're here today, isn't it? 789 00:31:26,051 --> 00:31:27,718 To make amends? 790 00:31:27,720 --> 00:31:29,453 Find absolution? 791 00:31:30,789 --> 00:31:31,988 You may not be able to bring that man you killed 792 00:31:32,057 --> 00:31:34,057 Back to life, but, you know, 793 00:31:34,093 --> 00:31:37,461 Maybe if you save jojo, well, all will be forgiven. 794 00:31:37,596 --> 00:31:40,631 The thing is mr. Brown, jojo never had your problem. 795 00:31:42,034 --> 00:31:44,935 She was never bothered by her conscience the way you were. 796 00:31:46,071 --> 00:31:48,405 And that's clearly seen in her extensive 797 00:31:48,540 --> 00:31:52,275 And violent criminal record that spans forty years. 798 00:32:03,055 --> 00:32:04,387 Doug: You didn't return my texts. 799 00:32:06,425 --> 00:32:08,492 I'm sorry about yesterday. 800 00:32:08,627 --> 00:32:11,094 He's my father and he's likely going to die. 801 00:32:12,331 --> 00:32:14,530 I'm on a bit of an emotional knife edge, I'm just... 802 00:32:15,067 --> 00:32:16,133 I get it. 803 00:32:16,268 --> 00:32:18,034 Michelle: That's the rational part. 804 00:32:18,070 --> 00:32:20,837 The irrational part is you keeping things from me. 805 00:32:20,839 --> 00:32:23,239 After everything we went through. 806 00:32:23,275 --> 00:32:27,610 All the lies and all my anger at you just came rushing back. 807 00:32:27,680 --> 00:32:29,212 That's not so irrational. 808 00:32:29,214 --> 00:32:31,214 And I know he's sworn you to secrecy or whatever, 809 00:32:31,283 --> 00:32:35,585 But I'm the one that has to cope with him dying. 810 00:32:36,855 --> 00:32:39,088 I'm the one that has to tell his grandkids. 811 00:32:39,992 --> 00:32:41,257 I gotta get back in there. 812 00:32:41,293 --> 00:32:42,592 I'll come with you. 813 00:32:45,064 --> 00:32:46,530 I'd rather you didn't, doug. 814 00:32:52,270 --> 00:32:53,136 Colleen: Hey. 815 00:32:53,271 --> 00:32:54,203 Hey, what's up? 816 00:32:54,239 --> 00:32:56,406 I'm just about to deal with this meeting. 817 00:32:56,442 --> 00:32:58,908 Neil sent me this photo. 818 00:32:58,978 --> 00:33:00,543 Our guy is back on the street. 819 00:33:01,780 --> 00:33:03,113 It's funny, huh? 820 00:33:04,516 --> 00:33:05,882 What's going on here, avery? 821 00:33:07,286 --> 00:33:09,686 Look, let's just do six months on the dui charges 822 00:33:09,688 --> 00:33:11,421 And we'll dismiss the other ones. 823 00:33:14,293 --> 00:33:17,761 He's an undercover cop, isn't he? (chuckles) 824 00:33:19,064 --> 00:33:21,365 Neil figures this whole thing is a vendetta against him 825 00:33:21,500 --> 00:33:23,433 Because of his hard-hitting police reporting. 826 00:33:23,568 --> 00:33:25,735 Okay, your client has an inflated sense 827 00:33:25,804 --> 00:33:27,170 Of his own importance. 828 00:33:27,172 --> 00:33:28,438 All right, so this cop, 829 00:33:28,474 --> 00:33:30,173 Probably working some other case, 830 00:33:30,242 --> 00:33:32,776 Must be huge, maybe rcmp, 831 00:33:32,845 --> 00:33:35,579 Basically blunders his way onto camera, 832 00:33:35,714 --> 00:33:37,748 Potentially blowing his cover. 833 00:33:39,251 --> 00:33:40,483 Idiot. 834 00:33:42,121 --> 00:33:45,055 So, should I expect a stay of the charges? 835 00:33:45,190 --> 00:33:46,122 If your client can promise 836 00:33:46,158 --> 00:33:48,125 To keep his curiosity in check, yeah. 837 00:33:48,127 --> 00:33:49,393 As if. (scoffs) 838 00:33:50,862 --> 00:33:53,196 I'll, uh, I'll be expecting the paperwork, avery. 839 00:33:56,835 --> 00:34:00,704 Jojo worked six years in mr. Mason's bakery, no issues. 840 00:34:00,839 --> 00:34:03,173 He told me she was the best employee he ever had. 841 00:34:03,242 --> 00:34:05,675 Marcie: So no drugs, no alcohol? 842 00:34:05,744 --> 00:34:07,977 Run-ins with the police during that time? 843 00:34:08,013 --> 00:34:10,614 Betty: No, the bakery was good for her. 844 00:34:10,749 --> 00:34:13,683 Things only changed when her shift got moved around. 845 00:34:14,420 --> 00:34:16,219 Jojo needs structure. 846 00:34:16,255 --> 00:34:19,289 Only found out once she talked to the psychiatrist, 847 00:34:19,358 --> 00:34:21,557 She's got social anxiety. 848 00:34:22,561 --> 00:34:24,694 That's why the night shift worked out. 849 00:34:24,730 --> 00:34:26,028 But now that we know what she needs, 850 00:34:26,065 --> 00:34:27,563 She can get treatment. 851 00:34:27,599 --> 00:34:30,767 Marcie: So you believe your sister's capable of a productive, 852 00:34:30,769 --> 00:34:31,968 Positive life? 853 00:34:32,037 --> 00:34:33,570 Betty: Absolutely, yes, she is. 854 00:34:33,572 --> 00:34:35,705 She just needs that structure, 855 00:34:35,707 --> 00:34:36,973 That support. 856 00:34:37,109 --> 00:34:40,577 Mrs. Henson, if jojo is released on probation, 857 00:34:40,646 --> 00:34:43,080 Who is there to provide that support? 858 00:34:43,215 --> 00:34:45,115 Can she rely on you? 859 00:34:45,184 --> 00:34:47,951 (tense music) 860 00:34:48,020 --> 00:34:49,152 I... 861 00:34:49,822 --> 00:34:50,921 I'm not sure if... 862 00:34:52,691 --> 00:34:54,056 Judge morrison: Pardon, mrs. Henson? 863 00:34:55,027 --> 00:34:56,392 I-I don't know. 864 00:34:59,297 --> 00:35:02,065 My family has been through so much. 865 00:35:02,067 --> 00:35:03,866 A man dead on my floor. 866 00:35:07,206 --> 00:35:08,872 I just don't know. 867 00:35:08,941 --> 00:35:12,208 (pensive music) 868 00:35:12,244 --> 00:35:13,376 (phone ringing) 869 00:35:15,114 --> 00:35:17,079 Neil, it's too early for updates. 870 00:35:17,116 --> 00:35:18,681 We won't hear anything back from the crown for at least- 871 00:35:18,750 --> 00:35:21,684 Neil: Colleen, I just got a call from someone at the hpd. 872 00:35:21,753 --> 00:35:22,752 A superintendent. 873 00:35:22,887 --> 00:35:23,887 What did he say? 874 00:35:23,956 --> 00:35:25,488 Steve: She said she wanted me to, quote, 875 00:35:25,491 --> 00:35:27,023 "pay her a little visit". 876 00:35:27,092 --> 00:35:28,158 Asap. 877 00:35:28,293 --> 00:35:29,225 What's goin' on? 878 00:35:29,361 --> 00:35:30,494 I thought this was over with? 879 00:35:30,629 --> 00:35:31,794 Ah... 880 00:35:33,231 --> 00:35:34,364 Percy: You wanted to talk about the amalgamation timeline? 881 00:35:34,433 --> 00:35:35,699 Colleen: Neil, I'll meet you there. 882 00:35:36,768 --> 00:35:37,967 I do. 883 00:35:38,837 --> 00:35:40,770 But I can't right now. 884 00:35:40,772 --> 00:35:43,573 Change can be scary, colleen. 885 00:35:43,609 --> 00:35:45,075 Colleen: Of course. 886 00:35:45,077 --> 00:35:46,409 I voted for you didn't I? 887 00:35:47,079 --> 00:35:48,845 The candidate of change. 888 00:35:48,914 --> 00:35:51,848 Maybe this wasn't the change you were after. 889 00:35:54,419 --> 00:35:56,519 We'll have to talk about it later, percy. 890 00:35:56,588 --> 00:36:03,559 (soft tense music) 891 00:36:04,730 --> 00:36:06,196 Petrie: Don't worry, we have it in hand. 892 00:36:09,801 --> 00:36:12,401 Mr. Boyle, thank you for coming in. 893 00:36:15,540 --> 00:36:18,474 I just wanted to personally apologize to you 894 00:36:18,544 --> 00:36:20,076 For all the fuss. 895 00:36:20,212 --> 00:36:22,045 Colleen: Sorry, why is my client here? 896 00:36:22,047 --> 00:36:23,079 We thought it only fair 897 00:36:23,148 --> 00:36:26,115 To compensate mr. Boyle for his trouble. 898 00:36:31,156 --> 00:36:32,422 Ten thousand dollars? 899 00:36:32,491 --> 00:36:35,759 Petrie: Consideration for any inconvenience suffered. 900 00:36:35,894 --> 00:36:38,228 And you want my client to forgo a civil suit. 901 00:36:38,363 --> 00:36:41,898 Petrie: And we'd ask that mr. Boyle agree to not discuss 902 00:36:42,033 --> 00:36:44,668 The night of his arrest with anyone. 903 00:36:44,670 --> 00:36:48,571 Neil: I have seen a lot of police nonsense 904 00:36:48,607 --> 00:36:50,507 In my twenty plus years of journalism, 905 00:36:50,509 --> 00:36:53,877 But I have never seen anything this inept. 906 00:36:53,879 --> 00:36:56,046 Neil. -This shady, this corrupt! 907 00:36:56,181 --> 00:36:58,514 Mister- - and I'll tell you somethin', lady, 908 00:36:58,550 --> 00:37:01,784 No amount of dirty cop money will shut me up! 909 00:37:04,890 --> 00:37:06,389 (colleen clears throat) 910 00:37:06,391 --> 00:37:12,395 (sombre music) 911 00:37:12,397 --> 00:37:18,268 ♪ 912 00:37:18,337 --> 00:37:24,340 (suspenseful music) 913 00:37:24,376 --> 00:37:25,875 (keys jangling) 914 00:37:25,877 --> 00:37:32,682 (suspenseful music) 915 00:37:40,959 --> 00:37:42,225 Doug: I won't do it. 916 00:37:43,362 --> 00:37:44,761 Not the way that you want. 917 00:37:46,931 --> 00:37:48,365 What is that supposed to mean? 918 00:37:48,500 --> 00:37:52,168 Doug: I'll help you die at the time and the means of your choosing, 919 00:37:52,204 --> 00:37:54,370 But I won't let you keep this from your daughters. 920 00:37:54,406 --> 00:37:57,440 You think you have the right to set the terms? 921 00:37:57,509 --> 00:37:59,276 I offered you redemption. 922 00:37:59,411 --> 00:38:01,344 You offered me a dead end. 923 00:38:02,281 --> 00:38:04,447 You said do this and I can come home. 924 00:38:04,582 --> 00:38:05,648 But I'll never be able to come home, 925 00:38:05,717 --> 00:38:08,285 Because your daughters will never forgive me. 926 00:38:08,420 --> 00:38:09,953 And you know it. 927 00:38:10,088 --> 00:38:11,354 You owe me! 928 00:38:11,489 --> 00:38:15,125 You told me lying to michelle was unforgivable. 929 00:38:15,260 --> 00:38:17,227 You banished me from my home for it, 930 00:38:17,229 --> 00:38:19,195 And now you want us to do it together? 931 00:38:19,831 --> 00:38:25,468 (soft ominous music) 932 00:38:25,603 --> 00:38:27,337 She'll try to talk me out of it. 933 00:38:28,407 --> 00:38:29,739 I can't. 934 00:38:30,809 --> 00:38:32,342 I fall apart when she cries. 935 00:38:38,550 --> 00:38:39,616 I'll help you. 936 00:38:39,618 --> 00:38:44,487 (sombre music) 937 00:38:44,622 --> 00:38:45,955 Judge morrison: Ms. Carvery, 938 00:38:46,091 --> 00:38:48,958 Do you have anything you'd like to say before sentencing? 939 00:38:58,103 --> 00:39:00,503 My lawyer, miss marcie, 940 00:39:00,572 --> 00:39:04,373 She's worked hard to tell you the story of my life. 941 00:39:05,577 --> 00:39:09,379 No one's ever cared enough to ask how I got here. 942 00:39:10,382 --> 00:39:11,947 Why I did what I did. 943 00:39:14,786 --> 00:39:18,754 I think I learned as much from hearing my story 944 00:39:19,657 --> 00:39:21,391 As you did, your honour. 945 00:39:22,594 --> 00:39:24,593 And I guess we both came to the same conclusion. 946 00:39:25,831 --> 00:39:27,230 I should go to prison. 947 00:39:28,633 --> 00:39:31,067 Maybe for life. 948 00:39:31,136 --> 00:39:32,568 It's where I belong. 949 00:39:32,703 --> 00:39:33,803 Jojo. 950 00:39:33,872 --> 00:39:36,206 Jojo: There's nothin' outside for me. 951 00:39:36,341 --> 00:39:38,875 I can't be like other people, 952 00:39:38,877 --> 00:39:39,875 Good people, 953 00:39:39,911 --> 00:39:41,277 Like my sister betty. 954 00:39:43,415 --> 00:39:48,284 I just end up hurting everybody. 955 00:39:50,622 --> 00:39:51,621 I think it's... 956 00:39:53,892 --> 00:39:56,092 I don't know how else to be. 957 00:39:57,396 --> 00:40:00,029 (sombre music) 958 00:40:00,031 --> 00:40:06,001 But I wanna thank you for hearing my story, your honour. 959 00:40:08,640 --> 00:40:12,175 And I thank miss marcie for tellin' it. 960 00:40:12,244 --> 00:40:18,181 (soft dramatic music) 961 00:40:18,250 --> 00:40:22,986 ♪ 962 00:40:25,791 --> 00:40:30,226 N 40 years ago, ms. Carvery, 963 00:40:30,361 --> 00:40:34,497 Some might say you've had plenty of opportunities to reform. 964 00:40:34,632 --> 00:40:35,564 On the other hand, 965 00:40:35,600 --> 00:40:37,534 That questionable prosecution 966 00:40:37,536 --> 00:40:39,835 Does seem to have set you on a path 967 00:40:39,871 --> 00:40:42,338 That robbed you of the emotional stability 968 00:40:42,407 --> 00:40:46,409 Necessary to build a decent life. 969 00:40:46,478 --> 00:40:50,045 Nonetheless, you have taken a man's life. 970 00:40:51,750 --> 00:40:54,283 I'm sentencing you to five years, 971 00:40:55,420 --> 00:40:59,088 Two years less a day in a provincial prison 972 00:40:59,157 --> 00:41:01,691 And three years probation. 973 00:41:01,760 --> 00:41:05,695 During that time you will receive psychiatric counselling. 974 00:41:05,764 --> 00:41:09,565 The system had a hand in creating you, ms. Carvery. 975 00:41:09,601 --> 00:41:12,035 You are a product of our neglect. 976 00:41:12,037 --> 00:41:14,904 As is, sadly, the death of reed izard. 977 00:41:15,039 --> 00:41:17,040 But that neglect ends here. 978 00:41:18,477 --> 00:41:19,809 We won't give up on you. 979 00:41:21,046 --> 00:41:22,111 We're adjourned. 980 00:41:22,247 --> 00:41:23,612 Sheriff: All rise. 981 00:41:24,649 --> 00:41:26,682 (sombre music) 982 00:41:26,684 --> 00:41:27,983 You're out in two years. 983 00:41:30,322 --> 00:41:31,620 You're gonna be okay. 984 00:41:31,656 --> 00:41:32,789 Jojo. 985 00:41:38,463 --> 00:41:40,830 I'll be there when you get out. 986 00:41:40,965 --> 00:41:42,932 I'm not giving up on you either. 987 00:41:43,001 --> 00:41:49,004 (sombre music) 988 00:41:49,040 --> 00:41:52,308 ♪ 989 00:41:52,310 --> 00:41:54,410 Judge paulson: Congratulations on how you handled the case. 990 00:41:54,479 --> 00:41:55,712 It was a strange one. 991 00:41:55,847 --> 00:41:56,946 I've had stranger, 992 00:41:56,982 --> 00:41:59,415 But I will say this was in the top three. 993 00:41:59,484 --> 00:42:00,616 (chuckles) 994 00:42:00,652 --> 00:42:01,951 I don't think you're aware 995 00:42:02,086 --> 00:42:04,687 I'm on the selection board for judgeships. 996 00:42:04,723 --> 00:42:06,890 No. No, I wasn't. 997 00:42:07,025 --> 00:42:08,758 We've been looking for new blood. 998 00:42:08,827 --> 00:42:11,027 I saw that you put in an application? 999 00:42:11,029 --> 00:42:12,161 I did. 1000 00:42:12,230 --> 00:42:14,030 You'll get a call next week. 1001 00:42:14,032 --> 00:42:15,164 Be ready. 1002 00:42:15,233 --> 00:42:21,236 (gentle guitar music) 1003 00:42:21,273 --> 00:42:33,316 ♪ 1004 00:42:33,385 --> 00:42:34,583 (michelle sobs) 1005 00:42:36,721 --> 00:42:37,787 Avery: Hey. 1006 00:42:37,856 --> 00:42:39,121 Marcie: Hey. 1007 00:42:39,157 --> 00:42:40,056 Long day, huh? 1008 00:42:40,191 --> 00:42:41,323 Mm. 1009 00:42:42,527 --> 00:42:45,127 Oh, this is niiiice. 1010 00:42:45,163 --> 00:42:46,596 Something you could get used to? 1011 00:42:46,665 --> 00:42:47,597 Marcie: Uhhh... 1012 00:42:47,732 --> 00:42:48,731 Avery: Oh. -Thank you. 1013 00:42:48,733 --> 00:42:50,400 Got a call from audra. 1014 00:42:50,535 --> 00:42:53,102 Audra. Oh, from m&m? 1015 00:42:53,237 --> 00:42:55,504 Yeah, she said your mother came by the office 1016 00:42:55,540 --> 00:42:56,905 Looking for a divorce lawyer. 1017 00:42:57,942 --> 00:42:59,475 And according to audra, 1018 00:42:59,544 --> 00:43:01,877 She wanted the meanest one they had. 1019 00:43:01,913 --> 00:43:03,813 ♪ heart and a soul that are mine to keep 1020 00:43:03,948 --> 00:43:05,214 ♪ hate will keep ya runnin' 1021 00:43:05,283 --> 00:43:08,751 ♪ but love'll bring you to your knees 1022 00:43:08,753 --> 00:43:11,220 ♪ can I get an amen ♪ 1023 00:43:11,289 --> 00:43:12,688 (marcie sighs)