1 00:00:15,503 --> 00:00:16,883 I didn't do anything. 2 00:00:16,883 --> 00:00:18,503 Renee, I need you to remove the bra. 3 00:00:18,538 --> 00:00:20,193 No. I didn't do it. 4 00:00:20,227 --> 00:00:23,193 If you didn't steal the $50 from your teacher's purse. 5 00:00:23,572 --> 00:00:25,124 She saw you near her desk. 6 00:00:25,158 --> 00:00:26,227 No. - I know you did it. 7 00:00:26,434 --> 00:00:28,503 Either you remove it or I'll have to. 8 00:00:28,538 --> 00:00:30,193 Do you understand, Renee? 9 00:00:30,227 --> 00:00:31,193 Let's go, girl. 10 00:00:36,676 --> 00:00:38,021 What's this? 11 00:00:41,193 --> 00:00:43,158 Renee, I have to place you under arrest. 12 00:00:45,365 --> 00:00:47,883 Renee Joy, I'm arresting you for drug possession. 13 00:00:47,917 --> 00:00:49,986 You have the right to retain and instruct a lawyer 14 00:00:50,021 --> 00:00:51,365 without delay. 15 00:00:51,400 --> 00:00:53,021 You also have the right to free and immediate legal advice- 16 00:00:54,469 --> 00:00:55,434 Marcie! 17 00:00:55,469 --> 00:00:56,365 Mom. 18 00:00:56,434 --> 00:01:01,227 I wanted you to be the first to see this. 19 00:01:04,227 --> 00:01:05,538 How's it lookin'? 20 00:01:05,572 --> 00:01:06,607 You both look really good. 21 00:01:08,607 --> 00:01:10,572 Your mother and I haven't been on the same bill 22 00:01:10,607 --> 00:01:11,952 since we were teenagers. 23 00:01:15,572 --> 00:01:16,952 Special guest? 24 00:01:18,021 --> 00:01:20,021 Someone else playin' with you next week? 25 00:01:20,952 --> 00:01:22,572 Well I said renowned. 26 00:01:22,572 --> 00:01:24,089 Mom, you're, uh 27 00:01:24,124 --> 00:01:25,607 you're crushin' it in this photo. 28 00:01:25,676 --> 00:01:26,917 Wow. 29 00:01:29,365 --> 00:01:32,538 You really got your ass on your back about this? 30 00:01:32,572 --> 00:01:33,952 Austin. 31 00:01:35,607 --> 00:01:37,400 Nah, it's, uh, 32 00:01:37,434 --> 00:01:38,572 it's good, sweetheart. 33 00:01:45,434 --> 00:01:49,400 Well, that's $300 pissed away. 34 00:01:53,538 --> 00:01:56,331 Two female cops strip searching a 15-year-old. 35 00:01:57,021 --> 00:01:58,193 It's not a good look, Carol. 36 00:01:58,227 --> 00:02:00,434 Resisting arrest for narcotics possession. 37 00:02:00,469 --> 00:02:03,158 Yeah, pills that Renee used to treat her anxiety. 38 00:02:03,158 --> 00:02:06,296 There are numerous studies of MDMA and its benefits. 39 00:02:06,331 --> 00:02:07,296 Show me the prescription. 40 00:02:07,331 --> 00:02:09,089 Okay. 41 00:02:09,124 --> 00:02:10,607 We'll agree to move this to youth justice conference 42 00:02:10,641 --> 00:02:13,158 if she pleads to the drug charge and the resisting 43 00:02:13,193 --> 00:02:14,021 with six months probation. 44 00:02:14,021 --> 00:02:15,676 The search was bad. 45 00:02:15,710 --> 00:02:18,089 You drop the drug charge and we're good. 46 00:02:18,124 --> 00:02:20,124 Renee will admit to the resisting, 47 00:02:20,158 --> 00:02:22,469 and once the terms of the outcome plan are complete, 48 00:02:22,503 --> 00:02:24,021 she walks away clean, 49 00:02:24,089 --> 00:02:25,158 no criminal record. 50 00:02:25,193 --> 00:02:26,331 Without admission to the drug charge, 51 00:02:26,365 --> 00:02:27,710 my boss isn't gonna go for that. 52 00:02:27,779 --> 00:02:28,986 Neither will I. 53 00:02:31,745 --> 00:02:33,158 Mr. Lincoln? 54 00:02:33,538 --> 00:02:35,331 Are you lost? -No, Carol. 55 00:02:35,365 --> 00:02:37,331 I'm exactly where I need to be. 56 00:02:39,158 --> 00:02:40,503 Mr. and Mrs. Joy? 57 00:02:40,503 --> 00:02:42,158 Renee pleading guilty 58 00:02:42,193 --> 00:02:43,434 to something she didn't do 59 00:02:43,469 --> 00:02:45,158 doesn't sound right to us. 60 00:02:45,158 --> 00:02:47,538 We also agreed that jeopardizing Renee's future 61 00:02:47,607 --> 00:02:49,676 with a criminal trial is not the best idea either. 62 00:02:49,710 --> 00:02:51,986 We've changed our minds. 63 00:02:52,021 --> 00:02:53,262 We can change our minds. 64 00:02:53,296 --> 00:02:56,676 Obviously Mr. and Mrs. Joy have some concerns 65 00:02:56,676 --> 00:02:59,365 about their daughter being talked into a plea. 66 00:02:59,434 --> 00:03:01,055 With respect, 67 00:03:01,124 --> 00:03:03,434 you know Mr. and Mrs. Joy have no real legal say 68 00:03:03,503 --> 00:03:05,055 in my defence of Renee. 69 00:03:05,055 --> 00:03:06,676 Mm, you are too polite, 70 00:03:06,710 --> 00:03:07,710 do you know that? 71 00:03:07,745 --> 00:03:12,296 My motion to replace you as Renee's counsel. 72 00:03:15,883 --> 00:03:18,158 Give me a call when you know who's on first. 73 00:03:19,607 --> 00:03:21,572 I need a minute with Mr. Lincoln. 74 00:03:22,710 --> 00:03:24,124 Thanks. 75 00:03:26,641 --> 00:03:28,089 Don't do this. 76 00:03:28,158 --> 00:03:29,745 We can't all get along, Marcie. 77 00:03:29,745 --> 00:03:32,158 Three girls across the entire country 78 00:03:32,193 --> 00:03:34,089 received the Hanson Scholarship for Dance. 79 00:03:34,124 --> 00:03:36,676 You know how close to the bone the Joys are living. 80 00:03:36,710 --> 00:03:38,848 I mean, this scholarship for Renee, 81 00:03:38,883 --> 00:03:40,503 it-it gives her a chance to level up. 82 00:03:40,538 --> 00:03:42,434 It gives her a chance to pick from the best 83 00:03:42,503 --> 00:03:43,607 private schools in the entire country. 84 00:03:43,607 --> 00:03:47,055 Curtis and Juilliard become real options for her. 85 00:03:47,089 --> 00:03:49,227 You know how fast that disappears 86 00:03:49,262 --> 00:03:51,055 if she ends up with a drug charge 87 00:03:51,089 --> 00:03:52,710 or any kind of criminal record? 88 00:03:52,745 --> 00:03:56,503 Girl, you just don't get it, do ya? 89 00:03:56,538 --> 00:03:58,158 Uh, we're not done here. 90 00:03:58,193 --> 00:03:59,400 Oh, we're done. 91 00:03:59,434 --> 00:04:00,434 Stay outta my way. 92 00:04:00,469 --> 00:04:01,779 Back at ya. 93 00:04:07,883 --> 00:04:09,745 My friends in the media, 94 00:04:11,607 --> 00:04:12,814 good morning. 95 00:04:12,883 --> 00:04:15,883 Remember back in the day 96 00:04:15,917 --> 00:04:17,503 when you acted up in class, 97 00:04:17,572 --> 00:04:20,848 the teacher might of tapped you upside the head. 98 00:04:20,917 --> 00:04:24,710 Nowadays, you act up you get sent to the office. 99 00:04:24,745 --> 00:04:26,745 Police don't get called. 100 00:04:27,434 --> 00:04:29,538 Look, school business, 101 00:04:29,572 --> 00:04:31,883 teachers' business 102 00:04:31,917 --> 00:04:36,503 has no call being police business. 103 00:04:36,572 --> 00:04:39,158 This is why I am filing a complaint 104 00:04:39,227 --> 00:04:41,400 against the Halifax Police Department 105 00:04:41,434 --> 00:04:43,124 and the Halifax School Board 106 00:04:43,158 --> 00:04:45,848 with the Human Rights Commission. 107 00:04:45,917 --> 00:04:48,572 No student should ever have to suffer 108 00:04:48,607 --> 00:04:51,400 the disgusting and degrading treatment 109 00:04:51,434 --> 00:04:53,469 that my client, Renee Joy 110 00:04:53,503 --> 00:04:57,469 received at the hands of our city's finest. 111 00:05:02,365 --> 00:05:06,883 When my husband was sick, he gave this man $30,000, 112 00:05:06,917 --> 00:05:10,952 $10,00 for a proper funeral for Anastasios, 113 00:05:10,986 --> 00:05:12,814 $20,000 more for me, 114 00:05:13,952 --> 00:05:15,400 a nest egg. 115 00:05:15,469 --> 00:05:17,469 I trusted that man. 116 00:05:17,503 --> 00:05:19,917 You should be objecting to this theatre. 117 00:05:19,986 --> 00:05:22,779 Objecting would make her more sympathetic to the judge. 118 00:05:23,193 --> 00:05:24,400 You don't need that. 119 00:05:24,469 --> 00:05:27,365 I never thought Olympia's little Markos 120 00:05:27,400 --> 00:05:28,848 would steal from us. 121 00:05:29,400 --> 00:05:31,365 Thief! 122 00:05:31,400 --> 00:05:32,365 Is he here? - Order! 123 00:05:32,400 --> 00:05:33,331 Is he here? - Order! 124 00:05:33,365 --> 00:05:34,641 Ma. 125 00:05:35,986 --> 00:05:37,538 Mrs. Laird? 126 00:05:37,538 --> 00:05:38,848 Lairtes. - Lairtes. 127 00:05:38,848 --> 00:05:39,848 Ma'am, allow the judge- 128 00:05:39,848 --> 00:05:41,883 They are wrong about my son. 129 00:05:53,365 --> 00:05:54,952 Ms. Lairtes, I appreciate how hard this is- 130 00:05:54,986 --> 00:05:57,158 So why aren't you listening to me? 131 00:05:57,710 --> 00:05:58,676 Hm? 132 00:05:58,710 --> 00:06:00,538 When I tell you to object, 133 00:06:00,572 --> 00:06:01,848 I want you to object. 134 00:06:01,883 --> 00:06:03,400 Mark, let me try my case. 135 00:06:03,434 --> 00:06:05,572 No, no, no, don't talk to me like I'm some know nothing 136 00:06:05,607 --> 00:06:06,779 off the street. 137 00:06:06,848 --> 00:06:08,779 I graduated from Princeton, okay? 138 00:06:08,814 --> 00:06:10,710 Lexpert called me one of the top 10 lawyers 139 00:06:10,745 --> 00:06:12,021 in the country, top 10. 140 00:06:12,055 --> 00:06:14,400 Mark, I wasn't- -I'm QC, Doug. 141 00:06:14,400 --> 00:06:15,917 Are you QC? 142 00:06:15,952 --> 00:06:18,434 And you've been disbarred, and you're broke. 143 00:06:18,434 --> 00:06:20,021 I'm just trying to keep you out of prison 144 00:06:20,055 --> 00:06:21,400 for the rest of your life. 145 00:06:23,641 --> 00:06:26,365 Tomorrow I need you to be less polished, 146 00:06:26,400 --> 00:06:27,917 a little more humble. 147 00:06:29,607 --> 00:06:30,883 Humble? 148 00:06:32,055 --> 00:06:33,710 That's what you're here for, Doug. 149 00:06:33,745 --> 00:06:34,952 You're a prop. 150 00:06:35,021 --> 00:06:37,607 Because nothing says humble more than a Legal Aid lawyer. 151 00:06:44,952 --> 00:06:45,952 Marcie? 152 00:06:46,745 --> 00:06:47,917 What's up? 153 00:06:47,952 --> 00:06:49,917 I'd rather not have this office a part of a side show. 154 00:06:51,745 --> 00:06:52,986 Well, I'll try my best. 155 00:06:53,055 --> 00:06:54,745 Percy Lincoln, forget the side show, 156 00:06:54,745 --> 00:06:56,400 it's a damn Cirque du Soleil. 157 00:06:56,434 --> 00:06:58,779 You know, that's-that's how he wins, right. 158 00:06:59,641 --> 00:07:02,986 Everyone is so worried about being labelled a racist, 159 00:07:03,021 --> 00:07:04,883 sexist, fill in the blank that they're 160 00:07:04,952 --> 00:07:07,021 just going to roll over and give him whatever he wants. 161 00:07:07,089 --> 00:07:09,641 I'm not saying roll over. 162 00:07:09,676 --> 00:07:12,641 Just remember Percy Lincoln is a street fighter. 163 00:07:13,814 --> 00:07:14,986 Let him bring it. 164 00:07:14,986 --> 00:07:16,986 Don't lead with that. -Why? 165 00:07:16,986 --> 00:07:18,986 Your presentation of the facts is accurate 166 00:07:19,021 --> 00:07:20,607 but be more persuasive. Make a case- 167 00:07:20,641 --> 00:07:21,986 You know I've done over a hundred of these. 168 00:07:21,986 --> 00:07:23,986 I think it's um- - And delete that. 169 00:07:23,986 --> 00:07:25,986 Try Executive Intake Officer. 170 00:07:25,986 --> 00:07:26,848 That's not my title though, 171 00:07:26,917 --> 00:07:28,503 I'm Intake Coordinator. 172 00:07:28,503 --> 00:07:29,986 Sure but don't you want to get with a guy 173 00:07:29,986 --> 00:07:31,434 who can handle an executive? 174 00:07:31,469 --> 00:07:33,503 I'm not sure we're fishing in the same pond. 175 00:07:33,538 --> 00:07:37,331 Iris Alfrieda Beals? Alfrieda? 176 00:07:37,365 --> 00:07:39,641 Kill that, no man wants to date his grandmother. 177 00:07:39,676 --> 00:07:40,986 Eff off Reggie! 178 00:07:41,021 --> 00:07:41,986 Uhuhuhuhuh! 179 00:07:43,848 --> 00:07:45,676 Pam didn't hook you up with Tinder? 180 00:07:45,710 --> 00:07:46,848 I'll take a pass on that, thanks. 181 00:07:46,917 --> 00:07:48,503 What's wrong with a bar? 182 00:07:48,538 --> 00:07:50,503 Drunk guys, loud music, can't talk, 183 00:07:50,503 --> 00:07:52,089 having your ass grabbed every two seconds. 184 00:07:52,124 --> 00:07:53,710 Shall I continue? 185 00:07:53,779 --> 00:07:55,917 I met both my wives at a pow-wow. 186 00:07:55,952 --> 00:07:56,917 Same pow-wow. 187 00:07:56,952 --> 00:07:57,952 Different pond. 188 00:07:57,986 --> 00:08:01,055 How about Senior Director of Intake? 189 00:08:01,089 --> 00:08:02,400 That's good. 190 00:08:02,434 --> 00:08:04,365 My brother met his wife at work. 191 00:08:06,572 --> 00:08:08,538 Yeah, I don't see that happening. 192 00:08:09,021 --> 00:08:10,572 Iris is looking for a boy. 193 00:08:10,607 --> 00:08:12,021 Oh, good luck. 194 00:08:12,883 --> 00:08:14,469 Why are your socks off? 195 00:08:14,503 --> 00:08:15,710 Feet sore. 196 00:08:16,986 --> 00:08:20,021 No churches, married men, and no boys from Preston, 197 00:08:20,055 --> 00:08:21,814 unless you know for sure they're not related to you. 198 00:08:21,848 --> 00:08:23,434 10K. - Is she serious? 199 00:08:23,503 --> 00:08:24,503 Oh yeah, it's a thing. 200 00:08:24,538 --> 00:08:25,917 Oh, we're closed. 201 00:08:27,158 --> 00:08:29,331 Hi, sorry, I'm a little early. 202 00:08:31,400 --> 00:08:33,055 Oh, you forgot one. 203 00:08:33,089 --> 00:08:34,055 No cops. 204 00:08:35,400 --> 00:08:36,572 See you in the morning. 205 00:08:36,641 --> 00:08:37,848 Goodnight. 206 00:08:42,089 --> 00:08:44,883 So uh, why'd you want to become a lawyer? 207 00:08:47,055 --> 00:08:50,055 I wanted to save lives but, uh, 208 00:08:50,055 --> 00:08:52,021 I hated the sight of blood. 209 00:08:52,055 --> 00:08:54,021 You were saving lives at M&M. 210 00:08:54,055 --> 00:08:56,400 You'd be surprised. 211 00:08:56,400 --> 00:08:57,400 What about you? 212 00:08:57,400 --> 00:08:58,917 Why'd you become RCMP? 213 00:08:58,952 --> 00:09:00,952 It was the only way I could think about 214 00:09:00,986 --> 00:09:02,676 hurting my old man. 215 00:09:02,745 --> 00:09:04,469 Why, was he a criminal or something? 216 00:09:04,469 --> 00:09:05,917 No, he's in your business. 217 00:09:05,952 --> 00:09:09,469 Defence, uh, criminal law, big stuff. 218 00:09:09,503 --> 00:09:12,021 Drug trafficking, major crimes. 219 00:09:12,089 --> 00:09:14,952 Well, that must have made for an interesting Thanksgiving. 220 00:09:14,952 --> 00:09:15,952 I don't know. 221 00:09:15,952 --> 00:09:17,779 He left when I was four so- 222 00:09:18,883 --> 00:09:20,124 Thanksgiving, Easter, 223 00:09:20,124 --> 00:09:21,779 Christmas they're actually awesome. 224 00:09:21,814 --> 00:09:22,952 You like rice pudding? 225 00:09:22,986 --> 00:09:25,814 Yeah, I-I,I like the baked kind. 226 00:09:25,883 --> 00:09:27,779 Oh, the oldie kind. - Right? 227 00:09:27,814 --> 00:09:29,434 My mom she used to- - Brother! 228 00:09:30,952 --> 00:09:32,469 We're all back there, man. 229 00:09:32,503 --> 00:09:33,469 What's happening? 230 00:09:33,503 --> 00:09:34,710 Ah, you didn't hear? 231 00:09:34,779 --> 00:09:36,469 That dickhead Percy Lincoln filed a Human Rights complaint 232 00:09:36,538 --> 00:09:37,814 against HPD. 233 00:09:37,814 --> 00:09:39,952 Constitutional bullshit asshole lawyers. 234 00:09:42,710 --> 00:09:44,124 My manners, sorry, 235 00:09:44,158 --> 00:09:45,262 Jack Nicolas. 236 00:09:45,296 --> 00:09:47,089 Like the golfer but spelled different. 237 00:09:47,124 --> 00:09:48,089 Mm. 238 00:09:48,124 --> 00:09:49,089 Asshole lawyer, 239 00:09:49,124 --> 00:09:50,710 nice to meet you. 240 00:09:51,952 --> 00:09:53,779 Ah, I'm gonna head out. - No. 241 00:09:53,779 --> 00:09:56,193 Jack, the cooler Nicolas 242 00:09:56,262 --> 00:09:59,055 was just about to head back over to our buddies and you, 243 00:09:59,986 --> 00:10:01,641 you're going to let me finish telling you 244 00:10:01,676 --> 00:10:04,089 about my mother's rice pudding. 245 00:10:04,124 --> 00:10:05,538 Disappear Jack. 246 00:10:12,089 --> 00:10:14,641 that you know your sun 247 00:10:54,952 --> 00:10:55,952 Hey. 248 00:10:57,814 --> 00:10:58,883 I'm not supposed to be talking to you. 249 00:10:58,952 --> 00:11:01,952 Mom and dad said that you're not our lawyer anymore. 250 00:11:03,296 --> 00:11:07,124 Your parents don't get to make that decision. 251 00:11:07,158 --> 00:11:11,848 I'm your lawyer and I want to continue doing that. 252 00:11:11,883 --> 00:11:13,814 Mr. Lincoln said that those two police officers 253 00:11:13,848 --> 00:11:15,676 didn't follow the rules. 254 00:11:15,710 --> 00:11:17,227 They weren't allowed to touch me like that. 255 00:11:17,296 --> 00:11:19,503 He said he'd get the charges dropped. 256 00:11:20,021 --> 00:11:21,641 Here's the thing, Renee. 257 00:11:22,641 --> 00:11:24,469 The courts don't move fast. 258 00:11:25,641 --> 00:11:28,055 And with Mr. Lincoln, 259 00:11:28,124 --> 00:11:30,814 it could be this time next year 260 00:11:30,848 --> 00:11:33,641 and this mess is still hanging over your head. 261 00:11:34,848 --> 00:11:38,124 Your scholarship, it might not still be an option. 262 00:11:38,158 --> 00:11:39,883 And what makes your way different? 263 00:11:39,917 --> 00:11:42,158 I want to move your case to something that we call 264 00:11:42,193 --> 00:11:45,021 a Youth Justice Conference, YJC. 265 00:11:45,021 --> 00:11:48,055 If I'm able to do that, 266 00:11:48,124 --> 00:11:50,021 you'd have to admit to a drug charge, 267 00:11:50,021 --> 00:11:52,227 but only after completing the outcome plan. 268 00:11:52,296 --> 00:11:54,641 This could be as simple as meeting a therapist 269 00:11:54,676 --> 00:11:55,952 for your anxiety. 270 00:11:55,986 --> 00:11:57,814 And then you'd be done. 271 00:11:59,021 --> 00:12:02,089 No criminal record. 272 00:12:02,124 --> 00:12:03,917 A lady from the scholarship committee 273 00:12:03,917 --> 00:12:06,055 wants to meet with mom and dad. 274 00:12:06,089 --> 00:12:08,779 They're refusing to see her. 275 00:12:08,814 --> 00:12:11,089 Mom and Dad are saying I'm being all about myself, 276 00:12:11,124 --> 00:12:13,952 not thinking about the family. 277 00:12:13,986 --> 00:12:16,055 But I really don't want to lose that scholarship. 278 00:12:17,710 --> 00:12:19,538 What do you want me to do? 279 00:12:23,986 --> 00:12:26,745 Your Honour, Council is trying to exploit this family's 280 00:12:26,779 --> 00:12:28,779 financial need for his own political agenda. 281 00:12:28,779 --> 00:12:31,055 Wow, defame me to my face, girl. 282 00:12:31,089 --> 00:12:34,710 Ms. Joy is the recipient of the Hanson Scholarship. 283 00:12:34,745 --> 00:12:36,641 Ooh, prestigious. 284 00:12:36,710 --> 00:12:38,986 She intends to continue her high school education 285 00:12:39,055 --> 00:12:41,676 at the National Conservatory of Dance in the fall 286 00:12:41,710 --> 00:12:43,365 and I'm concerned that 287 00:12:43,400 --> 00:12:46,952 if this case is dragged through the courts and the news media 288 00:12:46,986 --> 00:12:50,089 this well deserved award Ms. Joy's earned will be lost. 289 00:12:50,124 --> 00:12:52,227 The best interest of the child, your Honour. 290 00:12:52,262 --> 00:12:54,779 There's no evidence that my clients don't have 291 00:12:54,779 --> 00:12:57,055 their daughter's best interest in mind. 292 00:12:57,089 --> 00:13:00,986 All of this other nonsense is irrelevant. 293 00:13:02,193 --> 00:13:03,952 Not to me, Mr.Lincoln. 294 00:13:03,986 --> 00:13:05,986 Now I find your filing on behalf of the parents 295 00:13:06,021 --> 00:13:08,676 taints their impartiality in this matter. 296 00:13:08,710 --> 00:13:11,296 Request for a change of council is denied. 297 00:13:11,331 --> 00:13:14,814 I'll see you in court tomorrow, Miss Diggs. 298 00:13:14,814 --> 00:13:16,021 It's all good. 299 00:13:16,055 --> 00:13:18,193 I only need the parents to file my human rights complaint. 300 00:13:18,262 --> 00:13:20,365 Are you still going to push this? 301 00:13:20,434 --> 00:13:22,814 Percy Lincoln don't drop that easy, sister. 302 00:13:32,089 --> 00:13:34,055 Thank you, thank you, thank you. 303 00:13:37,400 --> 00:13:38,814 Okay, hey, Mama. 304 00:13:41,262 --> 00:13:42,676 Who are your friends? 305 00:13:42,676 --> 00:13:44,676 Oh, Mama talked to a few people last night. 306 00:13:44,676 --> 00:13:46,986 They know if Markos is innocent, 307 00:13:46,986 --> 00:13:49,158 he is able to get some of his money back. 308 00:13:49,193 --> 00:13:51,400 He'd make sure they were repaid, 309 00:13:51,434 --> 00:13:52,814 first in line. 310 00:13:54,124 --> 00:13:56,262 Got your mother bribing people. 311 00:13:56,296 --> 00:13:57,986 I say something wrong? 312 00:13:58,021 --> 00:13:59,641 No, no Mama. 313 00:13:59,641 --> 00:14:01,365 Come on, you did excellent. 314 00:14:03,262 --> 00:14:04,469 Isn't that right, Doug? 315 00:14:08,365 --> 00:14:10,055 Mark's lucky to have you. -Thank you. 316 00:14:10,055 --> 00:14:11,227 All rise, 317 00:14:11,710 --> 00:14:13,158 court is now in session. 318 00:14:23,400 --> 00:14:26,400 Our money was in his trust account but 319 00:14:26,400 --> 00:14:29,055 he told us he could invest it someplace safe, 320 00:14:29,055 --> 00:14:31,503 like a GIC account or something 321 00:14:31,538 --> 00:14:33,434 until we found a home that we liked. 322 00:14:33,503 --> 00:14:38,331 He told us to put extra money in our pocket after closing. 323 00:14:38,538 --> 00:14:43,262 We found a house but when we were ready for closing, 324 00:14:43,331 --> 00:14:44,917 our money was gone. 325 00:14:44,986 --> 00:14:47,262 My wife left. 326 00:14:47,331 --> 00:14:49,227 I got depressed. 327 00:14:49,262 --> 00:14:52,055 Like I couldn't get out of bed, you know. 328 00:14:53,158 --> 00:14:54,331 I had nothing. 329 00:14:55,331 --> 00:14:56,400 You left me with nothing. 330 00:15:07,124 --> 00:15:08,400 Hey. - Hey. 331 00:15:08,434 --> 00:15:12,986 Okay, so this is what happens when we're not here. 332 00:15:13,021 --> 00:15:15,814 A girl has to amuse herself somehow. 333 00:15:16,331 --> 00:15:19,434 Well, I hope that you've added playful to your profile. 334 00:15:19,469 --> 00:15:20,400 Oh god, 335 00:15:20,400 --> 00:15:22,158 I was so disturbed by Doug's feet 336 00:15:22,227 --> 00:15:23,158 I didn't send it. 337 00:15:24,400 --> 00:15:29,296 Oh well, maybe you want to give live humans a chance. 338 00:15:29,331 --> 00:15:31,469 Hey, your parents are gigging tonight, cool! 339 00:15:31,469 --> 00:15:32,710 Yeah. 340 00:15:32,745 --> 00:15:34,469 Wait, Wanda. -Keep away from our daughter! 341 00:15:34,469 --> 00:15:36,400 What makes you think you know what's best for Renee? 342 00:15:36,434 --> 00:15:37,503 We're her parents! 343 00:15:37,503 --> 00:15:38,607 Mrs. Joy do you want to take this into my office? 344 00:15:38,676 --> 00:15:40,400 You've got Renee thinking that we are the enemy. 345 00:15:40,434 --> 00:15:42,469 She wants the scholarship that she earned. 346 00:15:42,469 --> 00:15:44,469 We found the money for the ballet shoes, 347 00:15:44,503 --> 00:15:46,124 and tap shoes and tights. 348 00:15:46,124 --> 00:15:47,262 We paid for the lessons, 349 00:15:47,331 --> 00:15:49,296 and forced her to go even when she didn't want to 350 00:15:49,296 --> 00:15:51,434 because we know what's best for her, 351 00:15:51,469 --> 00:15:52,434 for our daughter. 352 00:15:52,469 --> 00:15:53,848 Should I dial 911 here? 353 00:15:53,917 --> 00:15:56,434 Mr.Lincoln is going to represent us, all of us. 354 00:15:56,469 --> 00:15:57,469 And that is final. 355 00:15:57,469 --> 00:15:58,365 Renee is no longer your concern. 356 00:15:58,400 --> 00:15:59,538 Hey! 357 00:15:59,572 --> 00:16:01,469 What?! 358 00:16:01,503 --> 00:16:07,986 [ominous music } 359 00:16:10,710 --> 00:16:13,469 This case belongs in Youth Justice Conference. 360 00:16:13,503 --> 00:16:15,400 Instead it's all over Twitter. 361 00:16:15,469 --> 00:16:16,641 Hashtag hands off. 362 00:16:16,676 --> 00:16:18,434 The police are on my ass on this. 363 00:16:19,538 --> 00:16:21,538 Make the human rights complaint go away. 364 00:16:21,538 --> 00:16:24,469 Otherwise no pleas, no YJC, no breaks. 365 00:16:24,503 --> 00:16:26,331 Give her a chance, Carol. 366 00:16:26,538 --> 00:16:28,296 You know this isn't right. 367 00:16:28,331 --> 00:16:30,538 Are we ready to proceed ladies? 368 00:16:30,607 --> 00:16:32,021 Uh, your Honour, 369 00:16:32,055 --> 00:16:34,021 I'd like to request an adjournment. 370 00:16:34,055 --> 00:16:36,572 I feel Ms. Chan and I are getting closer- 371 00:16:36,641 --> 00:16:37,538 The Crown is prepared to proceed, 372 00:16:37,607 --> 00:16:39,193 your Honour. 373 00:16:39,641 --> 00:16:41,503 Might I remind Ms. Chan 374 00:16:41,538 --> 00:16:43,952 that given the summary nature of the charges, 375 00:16:43,986 --> 00:16:46,400 it might be in the best interest of justice 376 00:16:46,469 --> 00:16:48,538 to send Miss Joy's case to YJC. 377 00:16:48,538 --> 00:16:50,986 We are prepared to proceed with the trial. 378 00:16:52,572 --> 00:16:55,124 Let's bring everyone in. 379 00:16:57,021 --> 00:16:58,469 I didn't think I'd be able to make it. 380 00:16:58,503 --> 00:17:00,572 It's all right, I already ordered for you. 381 00:17:03,089 --> 00:17:04,607 Fish and salad. 382 00:17:04,676 --> 00:17:05,607 Trying to make a point? 383 00:17:05,607 --> 00:17:06,952 Why, are you self-conscious? 384 00:17:08,572 --> 00:17:10,021 Well I talked to Marcie. 385 00:17:10,055 --> 00:17:11,434 The fix is in. 386 00:17:11,469 --> 00:17:12,607 My god, that's awesome Dad! 387 00:17:12,641 --> 00:17:13,538 When am I gonna find out? 388 00:17:13,538 --> 00:17:15,469 Someone should call you from M&M 389 00:17:15,538 --> 00:17:17,572 about the articling position by the end of next week. 390 00:17:17,607 --> 00:17:18,607 Great. 391 00:17:24,676 --> 00:17:26,124 What's this? 392 00:17:26,779 --> 00:17:29,469 Mom is throwing me a graduation party in Eskasoni. 393 00:17:29,538 --> 00:17:31,503 A little pot luck kind of thing. 394 00:17:32,986 --> 00:17:34,503 You know that I'm kind of persona non grata 395 00:17:34,538 --> 00:17:36,158 at the reserve. 396 00:17:37,365 --> 00:17:39,262 I thought Mom could talk to Grandpa. 397 00:17:39,296 --> 00:17:40,641 It's crazy, you should be there. 398 00:17:40,710 --> 00:17:43,331 Just because you made some errors in judgement- 399 00:17:43,365 --> 00:17:44,607 No. 400 00:17:44,641 --> 00:17:46,089 I was a shit human being. 401 00:17:46,124 --> 00:17:47,331 Mhm. 402 00:17:48,124 --> 00:17:50,538 But all that drama with Mom and all of the 403 00:17:50,572 --> 00:17:53,193 stuff with your old firm, that's in the past. 404 00:17:53,227 --> 00:17:55,055 And Grandpa shouldn't be using his position as Chief 405 00:17:55,089 --> 00:17:57,262 to work out some grudge he has against you. 406 00:17:59,469 --> 00:18:03,641 I mean, Mom is a way happier person without you. 407 00:18:04,779 --> 00:18:06,331 I'm going to get her to talk to Grandpa. 408 00:18:06,365 --> 00:18:07,641 Just leave it, Leah. 409 00:18:07,641 --> 00:18:09,331 I'll deal with it. 410 00:18:11,503 --> 00:18:13,124 Just leave it okay? 411 00:18:25,296 --> 00:18:28,055 Okay, these are the hard copies 412 00:18:28,124 --> 00:18:30,055 of the investment agreements signed by my clients. 413 00:18:32,158 --> 00:18:34,262 Default language is on paragraph 26. 414 00:18:35,262 --> 00:18:37,469 Fraud wasn't included as grounds for default? 415 00:18:37,469 --> 00:18:38,676 No. 416 00:18:56,331 --> 00:18:58,296 I'm not submitting forged documents. 417 00:18:59,641 --> 00:19:01,676 You're gonna act like you're above this? 418 00:19:02,641 --> 00:19:04,089 Excuse me? 419 00:19:04,158 --> 00:19:07,227 You defended child killers, right? 420 00:19:07,262 --> 00:19:09,641 I mean, a white guy killed kids in your community 421 00:19:09,676 --> 00:19:11,503 and you helped set him free, 422 00:19:11,538 --> 00:19:14,055 so let's drop the high and mighty act, okay Prop? 423 00:19:14,055 --> 00:19:15,296 Ms. - Marko! 424 00:19:19,538 --> 00:19:20,538 We're done. 425 00:19:21,814 --> 00:19:25,676 Please, I'm sorry for my son but he's a good person. 426 00:19:25,710 --> 00:19:27,400 Ma'am, I wish that were true. 427 00:19:29,538 --> 00:19:30,710 It's okay. 428 00:19:30,745 --> 00:19:32,193 Where you going? 429 00:19:32,572 --> 00:19:34,538 We're in court in 30 minutes. 430 00:19:35,538 --> 00:19:37,503 Good afternoon Officer McManus. 431 00:19:38,538 --> 00:19:41,331 You're familiar with Section 8 of the Charter: 432 00:19:41,365 --> 00:19:42,710 the right to be secure against 433 00:19:42,745 --> 00:19:45,193 unnecessary search and seizure? 434 00:19:45,227 --> 00:19:47,503 Officer Lewis and I followed protocol. 435 00:19:47,538 --> 00:19:48,572 Protocol? 436 00:19:48,572 --> 00:19:51,503 Protocol is to drag a 15-year-old 437 00:19:51,538 --> 00:19:52,676 out of her classroom 438 00:19:52,710 --> 00:19:53,503 in front of her peers 439 00:19:53,538 --> 00:19:55,607 and subject her to a strip search? 440 00:19:55,676 --> 00:19:57,538 That's not exactly how that happened. 441 00:19:57,538 --> 00:19:59,331 Mm, is it also protocol 442 00:19:59,365 --> 00:20:02,538 to restrain a minor with such force 443 00:20:02,572 --> 00:20:04,538 as to cause the bruising 444 00:20:04,538 --> 00:20:06,572 in Defence Exhibit 12? 445 00:20:07,710 --> 00:20:10,021 I held her with force I considered reasonable. 446 00:20:11,710 --> 00:20:13,676 My client is crying, 447 00:20:13,710 --> 00:20:15,710 asking you and your partner to stop, 448 00:20:15,745 --> 00:20:16,814 saying that you're hurting her. 449 00:20:16,848 --> 00:20:17,710 That's reasonable? 450 00:20:17,745 --> 00:20:19,572 Objection your Honour, argumentative. 451 00:20:19,572 --> 00:20:21,538 The Supreme Court would disagree. 452 00:20:21,538 --> 00:20:23,710 In R.v. Golden, 453 00:20:23,710 --> 00:20:24,917 the Court ruled: 454 00:20:24,917 --> 00:20:27,400 a strip search will always be unreasonable 455 00:20:27,434 --> 00:20:29,400 if it is carried out abusively, 456 00:20:29,400 --> 00:20:31,434 or for the purpose of humiliating 457 00:20:31,503 --> 00:20:33,124 and punishing the arrestee. 458 00:20:33,158 --> 00:20:34,710 We're aware of the Supreme Court's ruling, Ms. Diggs. 459 00:20:34,745 --> 00:20:36,434 Can we move this along? 460 00:20:36,503 --> 00:20:37,710 One last question. 461 00:20:38,262 --> 00:20:40,572 Did you actually find the $50 462 00:20:40,607 --> 00:20:42,572 which formed the basis of your search? 463 00:20:42,572 --> 00:20:44,572 We found narcotics concealed- 464 00:20:44,607 --> 00:20:46,021 That wasn't the question. 465 00:20:47,262 --> 00:20:50,503 Did you find the $50 on my client? 466 00:20:51,745 --> 00:20:54,676 The money was found in another student's desk. 467 00:20:54,710 --> 00:20:56,089 Another student, 468 00:20:56,158 --> 00:20:58,503 a student you didn't subject to a humiliating 469 00:20:58,538 --> 00:21:00,055 and abusive strip search? 470 00:21:00,055 --> 00:21:02,572 Thank you, Officer McManus. 471 00:21:02,607 --> 00:21:04,434 No further questions. 472 00:21:09,676 --> 00:21:12,262 And we are adjourned. 473 00:21:18,469 --> 00:21:19,641 Carson? 474 00:21:38,607 --> 00:21:39,814 Renee? 475 00:21:43,331 --> 00:21:45,779 I thought I told you that you didn't have to be here today? 476 00:21:47,779 --> 00:21:49,227 Yeah Marcie, I don't- 477 00:21:49,779 --> 00:21:51,745 I don't want to be at home anymore. 478 00:21:52,917 --> 00:21:54,262 I can't stay. 479 00:22:04,365 --> 00:22:05,710 We were so worried. 480 00:22:05,710 --> 00:22:07,331 Thank you for calling us. 481 00:22:08,883 --> 00:22:10,365 What were you thinking? 482 00:22:10,365 --> 00:22:11,917 I'm sorry we ever allowed you to apply for that scholarship. 483 00:22:11,986 --> 00:22:15,952 You know, I think Renee is feeling a little overwhelmed. 484 00:22:15,986 --> 00:22:17,296 Come on, we're going home. 485 00:22:17,331 --> 00:22:18,503 No, not until you agree 486 00:22:18,538 --> 00:22:20,296 to drop the Human Rights thing. 487 00:22:20,331 --> 00:22:22,503 Renee- - You are a minor. 488 00:22:22,538 --> 00:22:24,883 We make decisions for our family, for you. 489 00:22:24,883 --> 00:22:26,158 Mrs. Joy, perhaps if you just- 490 00:22:26,193 --> 00:22:28,227 We're done entertaining this selfishness. 491 00:22:28,296 --> 00:22:29,503 Oh, self, you see! 492 00:22:29,710 --> 00:22:30,848 You know, 493 00:22:30,883 --> 00:22:32,400 five kids in one room, 494 00:22:32,469 --> 00:22:33,883 everything being a hand-me-down, 495 00:22:33,952 --> 00:22:35,538 and the smell of fried food 496 00:22:35,572 --> 00:22:37,538 that you can't get out of your skin. 497 00:22:38,538 --> 00:22:40,331 I don't want that for me. 498 00:22:44,331 --> 00:22:46,296 We're done here, let's go Wanda. 499 00:23:02,538 --> 00:23:03,952 I'm sorry Renee. 500 00:23:04,572 --> 00:23:06,538 Yeah, I told you it was a stupid idea. 501 00:23:08,538 --> 00:23:10,607 My 15-year-old client 502 00:23:10,641 --> 00:23:12,434 is refusing to go home with her parents. 503 00:23:12,434 --> 00:23:13,917 The girl that was strip searched? 504 00:23:13,917 --> 00:23:17,021 The case Percy Lincoln wants to take on? 505 00:23:17,055 --> 00:23:19,296 My advice, take her to Phoenix House 506 00:23:19,365 --> 00:23:21,262 and let Percy Lincoln have it. 507 00:23:21,296 --> 00:23:24,021 Col, I grew up with a couple girls like Renee. 508 00:23:24,055 --> 00:23:27,710 Super talented, gifted, but poor. 509 00:23:27,745 --> 00:23:31,814 And life, the wrong boy, drugs, violence, envy, 510 00:23:31,883 --> 00:23:34,400 they can just ruin that potential so fast. 511 00:23:34,434 --> 00:23:36,710 I just want her to have her shot. 512 00:23:36,745 --> 00:23:37,779 Do you hear yourself? 513 00:23:37,848 --> 00:23:39,503 You're her lawyer. 514 00:23:39,538 --> 00:23:40,607 Period. 515 00:23:40,676 --> 00:23:42,400 Made the paper. 516 00:23:42,434 --> 00:23:45,572 Oh, you got Ballard as your judge. 517 00:23:45,607 --> 00:23:47,021 You're screwed. 518 00:23:47,055 --> 00:23:48,745 Ballard's a police judge. 519 00:23:48,779 --> 00:23:50,262 His wife is an RCMP Sergeant. 520 00:23:50,296 --> 00:23:52,641 His father was a Lieutenant with HPD 521 00:23:52,710 --> 00:23:54,986 and his daughter is a Detective. 522 00:23:55,055 --> 00:23:58,365 He tore into a female prosecutor 3 months ago 523 00:23:58,400 --> 00:24:00,365 because he felt her defence of the police 524 00:24:00,400 --> 00:24:01,710 was not up to par. 525 00:24:01,745 --> 00:24:03,779 She filed a complaint with the judicial council 526 00:24:03,814 --> 00:24:05,331 but withdrew before the hearing. 527 00:24:05,365 --> 00:24:06,607 He hates women. 528 00:24:07,641 --> 00:24:08,986 Alright, well. 529 00:24:09,021 --> 00:24:10,745 Thank god it's Friday. 530 00:24:20,021 --> 00:24:21,883 I've got to learn from the clerk 531 00:24:21,952 --> 00:24:23,917 that one of my lawyers didn't show up for court. 532 00:24:24,814 --> 00:24:26,607 You have to get someone else to step in for me. 533 00:24:26,641 --> 00:24:28,503 You're in the middle of a trial. 534 00:24:28,503 --> 00:24:29,641 The client wants me to submit evidence 535 00:24:29,676 --> 00:24:30,814 that I believe to be fraudulent. 536 00:24:30,848 --> 00:24:32,158 Then ignore it. 537 00:24:32,158 --> 00:24:33,641 Ignore it and have your ass back in that courtroom 538 00:24:33,676 --> 00:24:34,814 Monday morning. 539 00:24:34,848 --> 00:24:36,262 No excuses. 540 00:24:40,607 --> 00:24:45,021 me right baby 541 00:24:45,089 --> 00:24:50,262 is fuss and fight 542 00:24:53,089 --> 00:24:56,365 Your parents are so amazing. 543 00:24:56,434 --> 00:24:58,434 Thanks for telling me about this. 544 00:24:58,469 --> 00:24:59,676 Oh yeah, of course. 545 00:25:00,365 --> 00:25:01,883 How's your week going? 546 00:25:01,917 --> 00:25:03,365 Good, good. 547 00:25:03,917 --> 00:25:06,055 I'm a little behind in my paperwork. 548 00:25:06,089 --> 00:25:08,710 Looking backward isn't my strong suit, 549 00:25:08,745 --> 00:25:11,572 which is probably why I'm friends with my exes. 550 00:25:14,745 --> 00:25:15,986 Is that Iris? 551 00:25:19,089 --> 00:25:21,055 I think someone could use a lifeline. 552 00:25:21,986 --> 00:25:23,365 Excuse me. 553 00:25:29,883 --> 00:25:31,607 Yeah, give it up. Give it up. 554 00:25:31,676 --> 00:25:33,021 Give it up. -Thank you. 555 00:25:35,710 --> 00:25:37,883 Hey, look what the cat dragged out. 556 00:25:43,503 --> 00:25:45,400 Mom, you killed it! 557 00:25:45,434 --> 00:25:46,848 You killed it! 558 00:25:49,572 --> 00:25:51,400 How ya doing baby girl? 559 00:25:51,400 --> 00:25:52,572 Hi Daddy! 560 00:25:52,641 --> 00:25:53,745 That was so good Daddy. 561 00:25:53,745 --> 00:25:54,917 Oh, thank you darling. 562 00:25:54,986 --> 00:25:56,917 Your father's solo got real. 563 00:25:56,986 --> 00:25:58,710 What can I get you Velma? 564 00:25:58,710 --> 00:25:59,710 A Harvey Wallbanger? 565 00:25:59,779 --> 00:26:02,814 No, hot tea and lemon, thanks sweetheart. 566 00:26:02,814 --> 00:26:04,745 He just seemed really nice in his profile 567 00:26:04,779 --> 00:26:06,434 so I thought I would try it... 568 00:26:06,469 --> 00:26:07,158 Nice? 569 00:26:07,227 --> 00:26:08,158 Nice is nothing. 570 00:26:08,227 --> 00:26:09,469 My mailman is nice, 571 00:26:09,469 --> 00:26:10,848 I'm not dating my mailman. 572 00:26:10,917 --> 00:26:13,089 Well what you got against mailmen, hm? 573 00:26:13,124 --> 00:26:14,745 Good money and benefits. 574 00:26:15,503 --> 00:26:17,158 Mom, this is Pam MacLean. 575 00:26:17,227 --> 00:26:19,469 Hi, it's so nice to meet you. 576 00:26:19,503 --> 00:26:20,469 And for the record, 577 00:26:20,503 --> 00:26:22,227 I have nothing against mailmen. 578 00:26:22,262 --> 00:26:24,745 In fact my first boyfriend from high school, 579 00:26:24,779 --> 00:26:27,572 he's actually now the COO of Canada Post. 580 00:26:28,572 --> 00:26:29,883 Don't mind her. 581 00:26:29,917 --> 00:26:31,089 Hi! 582 00:26:32,779 --> 00:26:35,227 Oh, your mom gives the best hugs! 583 00:26:35,262 --> 00:26:37,227 Doing good Iris? - Mhm. 584 00:26:37,262 --> 00:26:38,158 How's your mom? 585 00:26:38,227 --> 00:26:40,469 Good, got a better social life than I have. 586 00:26:40,503 --> 00:26:41,952 Oh, uh. 587 00:26:43,124 --> 00:26:44,572 I better borrow my daughter 588 00:26:44,607 --> 00:26:46,572 before I get all Janet Jackson up in here. 589 00:26:50,227 --> 00:26:51,745 Go easy now. 590 00:26:51,779 --> 00:26:53,469 I don't want that fabric to pucker. 591 00:26:54,055 --> 00:26:55,434 Wasn't cheap. 592 00:26:56,952 --> 00:26:58,124 You should be ashamed, 593 00:26:58,158 --> 00:26:59,469 your little girl had to go to school 594 00:26:59,469 --> 00:27:01,158 to learn how to sew. 595 00:27:02,296 --> 00:27:04,055 Grandma Diggs would be rolling in her grave. 596 00:27:04,124 --> 00:27:05,158 Hm. 597 00:27:05,193 --> 00:27:06,193 Let her roll, 598 00:27:06,227 --> 00:27:07,848 I knew my Marcie. 599 00:27:10,158 --> 00:27:11,986 You wasn't nothing like your sisters. 600 00:27:13,676 --> 00:27:15,193 Don't get me wrong, 601 00:27:15,193 --> 00:27:17,952 I love all my girls, 602 00:27:17,986 --> 00:27:20,986 but your sisters are workers. 603 00:27:22,883 --> 00:27:24,503 You're a boss. 604 00:27:25,296 --> 00:27:29,055 I knew my girl was going to blow things up. 605 00:27:30,055 --> 00:27:33,158 The best thing for me to do was get out of your way. 606 00:27:33,986 --> 00:27:35,503 Now, when you're ready to sew- 607 00:27:38,193 --> 00:27:41,814 Hm, my girl's got game. 608 00:27:44,021 --> 00:27:45,193 Let's do it. 609 00:27:45,986 --> 00:27:47,503 Honey, we're back on. 610 00:27:47,538 --> 00:27:48,814 Let's do this. 611 00:27:50,883 --> 00:27:52,641 Care to do the intro? 612 00:27:52,676 --> 00:27:53,676 Are you serious? 613 00:27:53,710 --> 00:27:54,952 Come on. 614 00:28:04,124 --> 00:28:06,262 One, two, three, four. 615 00:28:07,572 --> 00:28:09,607 Ladies and gentlemen, 616 00:28:09,641 --> 00:28:11,296 welcome back to the stage 617 00:28:11,365 --> 00:28:14,745 the sensational Velma Diggs with special guest, 618 00:28:14,745 --> 00:28:17,710 Austin Diggs, my parents. 619 00:28:23,400 --> 00:28:25,227 Alright, let's go. 620 00:28:33,952 --> 00:28:36,021 I'll be right back. 621 00:28:38,883 --> 00:28:40,710 Can I get three Rum & Waters please? 622 00:28:40,745 --> 00:28:41,917 On me. 623 00:28:44,917 --> 00:28:46,745 Renee ran away from home. 624 00:28:47,607 --> 00:28:49,434 We're tearing this family apart 625 00:28:49,434 --> 00:28:50,365 and I don't know about you 626 00:28:50,365 --> 00:28:51,193 but I'm not comfortable with this. 627 00:28:51,227 --> 00:28:52,952 So step back then. 628 00:28:52,952 --> 00:28:55,124 You promise not to jeopardize Renee's scholarship 629 00:28:55,193 --> 00:28:57,021 and I will step back. 630 00:28:57,055 --> 00:28:58,538 Promises? 631 00:28:58,572 --> 00:29:01,021 Girl, ain't no promises when you're at war. 632 00:29:01,089 --> 00:29:02,917 You understand that's what's happening here? 633 00:29:02,952 --> 00:29:04,158 Yeah, but what about this family? 634 00:29:04,193 --> 00:29:05,641 This shit would have never went down 635 00:29:05,676 --> 00:29:08,158 if Renee was a student at Sacred Heart. 636 00:29:08,158 --> 00:29:09,331 This case, 637 00:29:09,365 --> 00:29:12,503 it is just a beautiful fact patterned to show 638 00:29:12,538 --> 00:29:14,986 how shitty policing works for us at the bottom. 639 00:29:16,021 --> 00:29:18,124 Even if it means ruining this girl's shot? 640 00:29:18,158 --> 00:29:19,952 Big picture Marcie, 641 00:29:20,917 --> 00:29:22,503 big picture. 642 00:29:24,607 --> 00:29:25,814 Thanks for the drinks. 643 00:29:42,296 --> 00:29:44,262 Alright, we're going to keep our legs together, 644 00:29:44,296 --> 00:29:46,021 and we're going to look forward so we know where we're going, 645 00:29:46,089 --> 00:29:47,779 we have the water in front of us, 646 00:29:47,814 --> 00:29:49,021 we're going to push up into a pop up. 647 00:29:49,089 --> 00:29:50,469 One, two, three. 648 00:29:52,296 --> 00:29:53,331 That's it. Let's try one more time. 649 00:29:53,331 --> 00:29:55,676 Find your balance, let's do it again. 650 00:29:56,814 --> 00:29:58,572 Legs together and push up. 651 00:29:58,607 --> 00:30:00,089 We're gonna pop up. 652 00:30:00,124 --> 00:30:01,089 Girls, we're gonna- 653 00:30:02,607 --> 00:30:04,021 Hey, you okay? 654 00:30:10,296 --> 00:30:11,538 I'm pretty good at reading 655 00:30:11,607 --> 00:30:13,572 if a woman is interested or not. 656 00:30:14,089 --> 00:30:16,021 Said every man who's not. 657 00:30:16,089 --> 00:30:18,917 Okay, so I walked right into that one. 658 00:30:21,296 --> 00:30:23,262 What are we doing here? 659 00:30:23,296 --> 00:30:26,193 I like you Marcie and I'm pretty sure you like me too. 660 00:30:26,262 --> 00:30:26,986 But being a cop, 661 00:30:27,021 --> 00:30:29,193 it's a big part about who I am, 662 00:30:29,262 --> 00:30:32,986 who I'm friends with at work and outside of work. 663 00:30:33,021 --> 00:30:35,021 It's who I confide in and I don't- 664 00:30:36,883 --> 00:30:40,710 I hate the way those girls just looked at me. 665 00:30:40,779 --> 00:30:43,262 Carson those girls didn't grow up thinking 666 00:30:43,296 --> 00:30:45,021 the police are your friends. 667 00:30:45,089 --> 00:30:46,676 I mean, that's the way I grew up too. 668 00:30:46,676 --> 00:30:49,021 I was raised to fear the police 669 00:30:49,055 --> 00:30:51,158 'cause they can shoot you if you don't do what they say. 670 00:30:51,158 --> 00:30:52,503 That doesn't make sense to me, 671 00:30:52,503 --> 00:30:53,814 there are black cops. 672 00:30:53,814 --> 00:30:55,158 It's not only about race, 673 00:30:55,158 --> 00:30:56,779 it's about the uniform. 674 00:30:57,848 --> 00:30:59,089 Seeing you, 675 00:30:59,710 --> 00:31:02,262 the way you went after McManus. 676 00:31:02,331 --> 00:31:04,262 Look, I like you. 677 00:31:04,331 --> 00:31:05,503 I do, I... 678 00:31:06,227 --> 00:31:07,641 I really like you. 679 00:31:08,745 --> 00:31:10,227 But my POV of the world doesn't change 680 00:31:10,227 --> 00:31:11,641 'cause I like you. 681 00:31:12,262 --> 00:31:14,089 And I'm not going to go easy on the cops 682 00:31:14,158 --> 00:31:15,262 because I like you. 683 00:31:15,331 --> 00:31:16,917 That's just not me. 684 00:31:19,572 --> 00:31:21,193 You've got to be good with that. 685 00:31:23,227 --> 00:31:24,193 Marcie! 686 00:31:27,158 --> 00:31:29,883 Yes! 687 00:31:29,917 --> 00:31:31,124 I gotta get back to them, 688 00:31:33,021 --> 00:31:34,193 so, 689 00:31:40,365 --> 00:31:42,055 I'll see you around. 690 00:31:42,089 --> 00:31:44,883 let me tell you, 691 00:31:44,917 --> 00:31:47,021 let me show you 692 00:31:51,986 --> 00:31:53,883 You behind in your filing, too? 693 00:31:53,917 --> 00:31:57,055 No, just researching exigent circumstances 694 00:31:57,089 --> 00:31:58,745 for strip searches. 695 00:31:58,814 --> 00:32:01,296 Friday night was a blast. 696 00:32:01,296 --> 00:32:03,089 Your parents are the shit. 697 00:32:06,296 --> 00:32:08,089 No offer from the Crown? 698 00:32:09,779 --> 00:32:11,917 Not-not unless I can get Percy to back down 699 00:32:11,952 --> 00:32:13,952 off of his human rights suit. 700 00:32:15,227 --> 00:32:16,469 I don't know, 701 00:32:16,503 --> 00:32:19,124 for some reason he believes this case of police misconduct 702 00:32:19,158 --> 00:32:20,779 is too special to let go. 703 00:32:20,814 --> 00:32:22,641 Special? 704 00:32:22,710 --> 00:32:23,779 Bring him in here. 705 00:32:23,814 --> 00:32:25,021 I'll open up my files 706 00:32:25,055 --> 00:32:27,124 and he can see how unspecial this girl's case is. 707 00:32:31,986 --> 00:32:33,227 Show me. 708 00:32:42,952 --> 00:32:44,296 You just don't give up. 709 00:32:44,296 --> 00:32:47,262 You said you were focused on the big picture. 710 00:32:48,986 --> 00:32:50,952 Fifteen cases, 711 00:32:50,986 --> 00:32:52,227 Legal Aid cases, 712 00:32:52,262 --> 00:32:54,124 all with allegations of police misconduct. 713 00:32:54,158 --> 00:32:55,331 Give me the names. 714 00:32:55,400 --> 00:32:57,055 You know I can't do that. 715 00:32:57,089 --> 00:32:59,124 But you can find the names 716 00:32:59,158 --> 00:33:01,469 using the provincial court filing numbers 717 00:33:01,503 --> 00:33:03,193 on this slip of paper. 718 00:33:03,227 --> 00:33:04,331 Not interested. 719 00:33:04,365 --> 00:33:05,331 That's a lie. 720 00:33:06,538 --> 00:33:07,607 You want to go after the police, 721 00:33:07,676 --> 00:33:10,814 well I'm Willy Wonka offering you a golden ticket. 722 00:33:10,848 --> 00:33:12,779 All you gotta do is just 723 00:33:12,814 --> 00:33:14,641 drop this Human Rights complaint. 724 00:33:15,296 --> 00:33:16,745 A bird in the hand. 725 00:33:16,779 --> 00:33:20,055 Young mother tased for allegedly stealing formula. 726 00:33:20,089 --> 00:33:23,021 Construction worker beaten by two off-duty cops. 727 00:33:23,021 --> 00:33:26,296 College kid shot by the police 728 00:33:26,331 --> 00:33:27,676 for fitting the description. 729 00:33:28,745 --> 00:33:31,365 You want to go after two rogue cops 730 00:33:31,434 --> 00:33:33,021 or the system? 731 00:33:37,400 --> 00:33:39,365 Okay, I, I don't know where she is. 732 00:33:47,021 --> 00:33:48,365 Your Honour, 733 00:33:48,365 --> 00:33:50,986 we'd like to call Olympia Lairtes 734 00:33:51,021 --> 00:33:52,227 to the stand. 735 00:33:52,296 --> 00:33:53,296 Objection your Honour, 736 00:33:53,331 --> 00:33:54,365 unfair surprise. 737 00:33:54,365 --> 00:33:55,572 Your Honour, 738 00:33:55,607 --> 00:33:58,365 this witness only approached our office last night. 739 00:33:58,400 --> 00:34:00,296 The witness is the Defendant's mother. 740 00:34:00,331 --> 00:34:02,296 She's been a critical part of the defence strategy. 741 00:34:02,365 --> 00:34:05,296 Her testimony may violate lawyer/client privilege. 742 00:34:05,365 --> 00:34:07,055 The Defence is trying to create privilege 743 00:34:07,089 --> 00:34:09,227 where none exists at law. 744 00:34:09,262 --> 00:34:10,400 Your Honour, Mrs. Lairtes has- 745 00:34:10,400 --> 00:34:11,848 Hey. 746 00:34:12,917 --> 00:34:14,089 What's up? 747 00:34:15,262 --> 00:34:16,917 I'm going to take a plea. 748 00:34:16,952 --> 00:34:17,986 What? 749 00:34:18,021 --> 00:34:19,089 No, no, I'm not putting her through this. 750 00:34:19,124 --> 00:34:20,331 Make a plea. 751 00:34:23,193 --> 00:34:24,745 Your Honour, if I may request a recess 752 00:34:24,745 --> 00:34:25,952 to speak to the prosecution. 753 00:34:27,400 --> 00:34:29,089 You sure? 754 00:34:29,089 --> 00:34:31,227 Yeah. 755 00:34:31,262 --> 00:34:32,227 Come on. 756 00:34:35,779 --> 00:34:36,917 Your Honour, 757 00:34:36,952 --> 00:34:38,814 we have determined that the best place 758 00:34:38,883 --> 00:34:41,745 to resolve the allegations against my client 759 00:34:41,745 --> 00:34:43,814 is Youth Justice Conference. 760 00:34:43,883 --> 00:34:46,365 The restorative justice nature of that process 761 00:34:46,400 --> 00:34:49,296 will enable Miss Joy to take responsibility for her crime 762 00:34:49,365 --> 00:34:52,814 without her bright future being marred by a criminal record. 763 00:34:52,883 --> 00:34:56,089 Crown is in, uh, agreement with this plan, Ms.Chan? 764 00:34:56,089 --> 00:34:57,089 Yes, your Honour. 765 00:34:58,607 --> 00:35:00,193 Well, I respect the spirit of cooperation 766 00:35:00,227 --> 00:35:02,503 between the defence and the prosecution. 767 00:35:02,538 --> 00:35:06,296 However, it is my belief that handing this trial at this time 768 00:35:06,331 --> 00:35:08,331 and moving this case to Youth Justice Conference 769 00:35:08,365 --> 00:35:11,331 would not best serve the course of justice. 770 00:35:11,331 --> 00:35:13,469 The recommendation is denied. 771 00:35:13,503 --> 00:35:15,469 We are adjourned until 2:00 ladies. 772 00:35:17,296 --> 00:35:18,296 All rise. 773 00:35:42,607 --> 00:35:43,986 I'm stalking you. 774 00:35:46,607 --> 00:35:48,055 Ms. Diggs. 775 00:35:48,089 --> 00:35:49,814 I didn't realize you lived on the Dartmouth side 776 00:35:49,814 --> 00:35:50,814 of the bridge. 777 00:35:50,814 --> 00:35:52,021 All my life. 778 00:35:52,538 --> 00:35:54,503 Ms. Diggs, if you'll excuse me, 779 00:35:54,538 --> 00:35:55,986 it's probably not a good idea 780 00:35:55,986 --> 00:35:57,469 for us to be speaking outside of court, 781 00:35:57,503 --> 00:36:00,193 given that you currently have a case before me. 782 00:36:00,193 --> 00:36:03,055 I don't think that we'd be the first lawyer and judge 783 00:36:03,055 --> 00:36:04,572 to run into each other waiting for the ferry. 784 00:36:04,572 --> 00:36:07,641 I mean, there's only one. 785 00:36:09,193 --> 00:36:10,572 Do you know Percy Lincoln? 786 00:36:11,641 --> 00:36:12,572 I'm aware of Mr. Lincoln. 787 00:36:12,641 --> 00:36:15,400 He's making a lot of noise about our case. 788 00:36:15,400 --> 00:36:17,503 Yes, he has the cops in his sights, 789 00:36:17,538 --> 00:36:18,917 yet again. 790 00:36:18,986 --> 00:36:20,572 You know I thought so too, 791 00:36:20,641 --> 00:36:22,400 but then, well, you know, 792 00:36:22,400 --> 00:36:25,055 it's common knowledge the judicial council 793 00:36:25,089 --> 00:36:29,538 investigated a complaint of police bias against you 794 00:36:29,572 --> 00:36:31,434 just a few months ago. 795 00:36:31,503 --> 00:36:34,021 And, you know, you start to wonder, 796 00:36:34,055 --> 00:36:38,021 it's one thing going after dirty cops but, 797 00:36:38,055 --> 00:36:40,400 trying to take down a police judge, hmmm. 798 00:36:41,469 --> 00:36:42,503 I've been fair. 799 00:36:43,917 --> 00:36:44,986 In my case? 800 00:36:44,986 --> 00:36:49,331 Uhhh, no, I-I would have to disagree at best. 801 00:36:49,365 --> 00:36:50,986 Oh, I see, 802 00:36:51,434 --> 00:36:53,021 this is a shake down. 803 00:36:53,917 --> 00:36:55,538 I could report you to the bar. 804 00:36:56,883 --> 00:36:59,227 Do you like being a lawyer, Ms. Diggs? 805 00:36:59,227 --> 00:37:01,089 Depends on the day, your Honour. 806 00:37:02,400 --> 00:37:03,607 What about you? 807 00:37:05,089 --> 00:37:06,641 Do you like being a judge? 808 00:37:14,124 --> 00:37:16,124 I was raised in a community where 809 00:37:16,124 --> 00:37:19,089 loyalty and trust run deep. 810 00:37:20,124 --> 00:37:21,572 Where a handshake, 811 00:37:22,952 --> 00:37:25,469 a person's word still means something. 812 00:37:25,469 --> 00:37:29,262 I have abused and exploited these tenets 813 00:37:30,434 --> 00:37:31,641 for my own gain. 814 00:37:33,296 --> 00:37:35,262 I brought shame to my mother 815 00:37:37,572 --> 00:37:40,572 and I brought shame to the, 816 00:37:40,607 --> 00:37:42,400 the memory of my father. 817 00:37:46,021 --> 00:37:48,607 I am truly sorry for what I have done to you. 818 00:37:50,296 --> 00:37:52,710 I've broken your trust. 819 00:37:53,572 --> 00:37:57,572 And I hope that one day, 820 00:37:59,503 --> 00:38:01,538 you can give me your forgiveness. 821 00:38:22,124 --> 00:38:23,296 Council, 822 00:38:24,331 --> 00:38:26,572 I've had a moment to, um, 823 00:38:26,641 --> 00:38:29,641 reconsider the facts in this case 824 00:38:29,676 --> 00:38:33,158 and the law as it pertains to those facts. 825 00:38:34,400 --> 00:38:36,124 Given the circumstances 826 00:38:36,158 --> 00:38:38,814 surrounding the strip search of Miss Joy, 827 00:38:38,848 --> 00:38:42,331 it is clear that the search was not appropriate. 828 00:38:42,365 --> 00:38:44,055 As a result, 829 00:38:44,124 --> 00:38:46,641 the joint motion to move these proceedings 830 00:38:46,676 --> 00:38:48,296 to Youth Justice Conference 831 00:38:51,434 --> 00:38:52,641 is granted. 832 00:38:54,193 --> 00:38:57,021 Miss Joy, good luck to you. 833 00:38:57,572 --> 00:38:59,676 And we are adjourned. 834 00:38:59,710 --> 00:39:01,400 All rise. 835 00:39:18,262 --> 00:39:19,434 Hey. 836 00:39:25,193 --> 00:39:26,400 So, I'm- 837 00:39:27,641 --> 00:39:29,538 I'm guessing Grandpa said no. 838 00:39:29,572 --> 00:39:30,572 What gave it away? 839 00:39:30,607 --> 00:39:32,607 The only time you ever brought us to the beach 840 00:39:32,676 --> 00:39:33,745 was to give us bad news. 841 00:39:38,572 --> 00:39:40,193 Congratulations. 842 00:39:44,193 --> 00:39:45,572 Thank you. 843 00:39:47,607 --> 00:39:48,607 It's okay, 844 00:39:49,572 --> 00:39:51,193 I'm not going to go. 845 00:39:51,710 --> 00:39:54,193 You have just as much right to be in Eskasoni 846 00:39:54,227 --> 00:39:55,572 as anybody else. 847 00:39:58,572 --> 00:40:00,365 I agreed to the ban. 848 00:40:01,434 --> 00:40:03,607 Why, I thought you- -I have my reason. 849 00:40:07,262 --> 00:40:09,227 I was an associate of Don Sterling, 850 00:40:11,469 --> 00:40:14,089 the best criminal lawyer in all the province. 851 00:40:14,089 --> 00:40:16,227 I wanted to impress him more than anything. 852 00:40:17,572 --> 00:40:19,745 And this case came in, Wayne Davies, 853 00:40:19,779 --> 00:40:22,158 white guy accused of killing this Indian kid. 854 00:40:23,641 --> 00:40:25,434 Don asked me to be on the team 855 00:40:26,607 --> 00:40:29,607 and I knew I was just a face but to be chosen, 856 00:40:31,124 --> 00:40:32,538 I didn't care. 857 00:40:35,538 --> 00:40:36,745 And I knew, 858 00:40:36,779 --> 00:40:38,745 not provably but in my gut that the, 859 00:40:40,296 --> 00:40:42,538 the alibi witness that we were using was lying. 860 00:40:45,193 --> 00:40:46,572 I said nothing, 861 00:40:48,538 --> 00:40:50,331 and I did nothing. 862 00:40:53,262 --> 00:40:56,710 And Davies got off and killed two more kids from Eskasoni. 863 00:40:56,745 --> 00:40:58,572 You knew the witness was lying? 864 00:40:58,607 --> 00:41:00,607 Just wanted acceptance from them 865 00:41:00,607 --> 00:41:02,296 more than my own community. 866 00:41:05,676 --> 00:41:07,607 There was a lot of anger towards me 867 00:41:07,641 --> 00:41:11,676 and your mom and you guys. 868 00:41:11,710 --> 00:41:13,676 It was just easier for me to go. 869 00:41:13,676 --> 00:41:16,469 You agreed to be banned from your own community. 870 00:41:17,296 --> 00:41:18,469 It was that easy to leave us. 871 00:41:18,503 --> 00:41:19,607 Easy? 872 00:41:19,607 --> 00:41:22,365 Your sisters won't even talk to me anymore. 873 00:41:22,434 --> 00:41:24,607 But I needed to preserve our family's place. 874 00:41:26,262 --> 00:41:27,848 For you kids and for your mom. 875 00:41:28,641 --> 00:41:30,227 It was the best thing. 876 00:41:34,538 --> 00:41:36,572 So you let them celebrate you, 877 00:41:37,676 --> 00:41:39,469 and I'll fight my own battles. 878 00:42:22,572 --> 00:42:24,365 Hey. -Hey. 879 00:42:27,710 --> 00:42:29,538 Coffee and donuts. 880 00:42:31,400 --> 00:42:32,848 It's a peace offering. 881 00:42:33,710 --> 00:42:35,193 Marcie, I want you to be you. 882 00:42:39,538 --> 00:42:40,710 It's a dozen donuts. 883 00:42:42,365 --> 00:42:44,331 Wonder what I'm going to do with all of these. 884 00:42:44,986 --> 00:42:46,572 Well I might know someone. 885 00:42:57,572 --> 00:42:59,607 Can I have a piece of that? 886 00:42:59,676 --> 00:43:02,641 everything you want 887 00:43:02,641 --> 00:43:06,607 way to fast for me 888 00:43:08,814 --> 00:43:13,572 we're so far away