1 00:00:16,400 --> 00:00:17,572 1.1. 2 00:00:17,641 --> 00:00:19,331 You're over Mr. Macisaac. 3 00:00:19,331 --> 00:00:21,365 No way, do it again. 4 00:00:21,400 --> 00:00:22,365 Officer #2: Hey, man. 5 00:00:22,469 --> 00:00:23,434 Officer #1: His truck has to go to impound. 6 00:00:23,469 --> 00:00:24,848 Can you get his kids out of the cab, 7 00:00:24,848 --> 00:00:27,503 take 'em to the station 'til the next of kin sorted out? 8 00:00:27,538 --> 00:00:29,503 Man, there's somethin' wrong with your machine. 9 00:00:29,538 --> 00:00:31,365 We'll give you another test at the station. 10 00:00:31,400 --> 00:00:32,365 I'm tellin' you 11 00:00:32,400 --> 00:00:33,331 there's somethin' wrong with your machine. 12 00:00:33,365 --> 00:00:34,469 I haven't been drinkin'. 13 00:00:34,503 --> 00:00:35,883 What's your buddy doin'? 14 00:00:38,262 --> 00:00:39,469 Hey! 15 00:00:40,676 --> 00:00:42,227 You leave my kids alone! 16 00:00:42,296 --> 00:00:44,296 Don't touch my kids! - Sir. 17 00:00:44,296 --> 00:00:45,365 Dad! 18 00:00:49,021 --> 00:00:49,986 You crazy, eh? 19 00:00:50,021 --> 00:00:51,641 You ready to settle down? 20 00:00:51,676 --> 00:00:52,848 You piece of shit. 21 00:00:52,917 --> 00:00:55,331 If you hurt my kids I'll kill ya, I swear to God. 22 00:01:13,607 --> 00:01:15,538 I come through now 23 00:01:16,848 --> 00:01:19,814 me who, what, when, how 24 00:01:19,883 --> 00:01:21,676 catch a wave now 25 00:01:28,365 --> 00:01:29,572 like a freezer 26 00:01:29,572 --> 00:01:30,883 like the day before 27 00:01:30,917 --> 00:01:32,055 fast but you movin' slow 28 00:01:32,055 --> 00:01:34,434 but you wouldn't know 29 00:01:34,469 --> 00:01:35,917 but it's time to go 30 00:01:47,917 --> 00:01:51,089 but I'm back 31 00:01:51,089 --> 00:01:53,917 harder in the second act 32 00:01:55,089 --> 00:01:57,089 a matter of fact 33 00:01:57,089 --> 00:02:00,055 we got power on the track 34 00:02:04,021 --> 00:02:05,469 it 35 00:02:06,676 --> 00:02:07,952 and puttin' to work 36 00:02:35,089 --> 00:02:37,538 Fingers still got it. -Mhm. 37 00:02:37,607 --> 00:02:39,434 Marcie, you sure you don't want me 38 00:02:39,469 --> 00:02:40,676 to put the straightening comb on it? 39 00:02:40,710 --> 00:02:43,365 No, Mom. I like this, this is great. 40 00:02:43,434 --> 00:02:44,676 You know ya coulda done that yourself. 41 00:02:44,710 --> 00:02:46,848 Yeah, well why would I do that when I got you? 42 00:02:46,917 --> 00:02:47,848 Oh, actually I gotta- 43 00:02:47,917 --> 00:02:49,124 go for . 44 00:02:49,158 --> 00:02:51,676 Well, at least you can just say goodbye to your father. 45 00:02:51,745 --> 00:02:52,641 Austin! 46 00:02:52,641 --> 00:02:55,779 Jesus, woman, you tryin' to wake the dead? 47 00:02:55,814 --> 00:02:57,021 Mornin', Dad. 48 00:02:58,089 --> 00:02:59,503 Look at you. 49 00:02:59,538 --> 00:03:01,021 Why you all dolled up? 50 00:03:01,193 --> 00:03:04,089 Me and your mom may have a potential gig. 51 00:03:04,158 --> 00:03:05,055 Hey, Patsy. 52 00:03:05,089 --> 00:03:06,883 Marcie, Patsy's here. 53 00:03:06,917 --> 00:03:08,193 Oh, hey cuz. 54 00:03:08,745 --> 00:03:12,089 Oh, you're out here pretty early. 55 00:03:12,158 --> 00:03:13,538 Hey. 56 00:03:15,227 --> 00:03:16,641 Hey. 57 00:03:17,814 --> 00:03:19,676 What's, uh, what's goin' on? 58 00:03:19,676 --> 00:03:20,848 Go on, tell her. 59 00:03:20,883 --> 00:03:23,676 Best just to rip the bandage right off. 60 00:03:24,676 --> 00:03:26,814 What happened? Wes call of the wedding? 61 00:03:29,331 --> 00:03:31,917 Marcie, Reverend Walters had a heart attack last night. 62 00:03:31,986 --> 00:03:33,848 He's gonna be fine but not in time 63 00:03:33,883 --> 00:03:35,710 for the wedding on Friday. 64 00:03:36,193 --> 00:03:38,676 Wes spoke to Reverend Slaughter and- 65 00:03:38,710 --> 00:03:39,745 I gotta go. 66 00:03:39,814 --> 00:03:40,676 Come on. 67 00:03:40,745 --> 00:03:41,745 I gotta-I gotta go. 68 00:03:41,814 --> 00:03:42,745 I'm gonna be late. 69 00:03:42,814 --> 00:03:43,745 We're family. 70 00:03:43,814 --> 00:03:45,055 I don't have Mom. 71 00:03:45,089 --> 00:03:47,021 I need you in her spot. 72 00:03:47,055 --> 00:03:48,469 It's important. 73 00:03:53,848 --> 00:03:55,848 Anyone but him. 74 00:03:58,193 --> 00:03:59,400 I'm sorry. 75 00:04:23,193 --> 00:04:25,952 How did you know I needed this? 76 00:04:25,986 --> 00:04:26,952 Because I know. 77 00:04:28,089 --> 00:04:29,572 It's cold. 78 00:04:29,607 --> 00:04:32,779 Come on, you're not going soft on your auntie. 79 00:04:32,814 --> 00:04:34,021 No. 80 00:04:44,089 --> 00:04:45,710 See, baby. 81 00:04:45,745 --> 00:04:48,158 That's what I'm talkin' about. 82 00:04:48,193 --> 00:04:51,227 Thank you so much for this Aunt Rolanda. 83 00:04:51,262 --> 00:04:52,641 Always baby. 84 00:05:06,296 --> 00:05:08,158 A little heavy on the pedal. 85 00:05:08,158 --> 00:05:10,158 Constable Myers. 86 00:05:10,158 --> 00:05:12,641 How was Martinique this morning? 87 00:05:12,641 --> 00:05:13,883 Big and brisk. 88 00:05:14,193 --> 00:05:15,158 I don't know how you do it. 89 00:05:15,193 --> 00:05:16,986 That shit is cold. 90 00:05:17,021 --> 00:05:18,158 It's not so bad. 91 00:05:18,193 --> 00:05:21,021 I got you doing 90 in a 50, 92 00:05:21,055 --> 00:05:24,848 but, uh, I think I'm gonna let this one slide. 93 00:05:25,779 --> 00:05:28,021 No, no, no, no, come on. 94 00:05:28,055 --> 00:05:29,503 I'll take my medicine. 95 00:05:30,262 --> 00:05:32,089 You have yourself a good morning, Marcie. 96 00:05:45,365 --> 00:05:46,676 Where is this girl? 97 00:05:46,676 --> 00:05:48,641 Pam, do you know how to mute this damn thing? 98 00:05:48,676 --> 00:05:49,883 Judge Foster lost his shit last week 99 00:05:49,952 --> 00:05:50,883 when it went off in court. 100 00:05:50,952 --> 00:05:51,814 Yeah. 101 00:05:51,848 --> 00:05:53,848 I did that already, it didn't work. 102 00:05:53,883 --> 00:05:55,676 You guys miss that ferry, you're gonna be late for court. 103 00:05:55,710 --> 00:05:57,021 We're waiting for the newbie. 104 00:05:57,089 --> 00:05:59,158 Why would you hire a corporate lawyer to work for Legal Aid? 105 00:05:59,158 --> 00:06:00,227 I don't get it. 106 00:06:00,262 --> 00:06:01,434 Does she even know what time court starts? 107 00:06:01,469 --> 00:06:03,814 Those corporate types, they work on bankers' hours. 108 00:06:03,883 --> 00:06:05,365 You even know what bankers' hours are? 109 00:06:05,400 --> 00:06:06,262 Sorry, I'm late. 110 00:06:06,296 --> 00:06:07,434 You better get goin'. 111 00:06:07,469 --> 00:06:09,952 If you're late Colleen will have your asses. 112 00:06:10,021 --> 00:06:11,779 He's not wrong about that. 113 00:06:11,814 --> 00:06:13,021 We thought we'd show Marcie the ropes 114 00:06:13,055 --> 00:06:14,400 since it's her first plea day. 115 00:06:14,434 --> 00:06:16,365 Well that's nice but I want you on time. 116 00:06:16,400 --> 00:06:19,193 I hear enough trash talk about Legal Aid. 117 00:06:19,227 --> 00:06:21,745 Besides, Marcie your client's here. 118 00:06:21,779 --> 00:06:23,021 Oh. 119 00:06:26,745 --> 00:06:28,572 I thought you quit smoking? 120 00:06:31,365 --> 00:06:33,400 You're sure about hiring your protégé, eh? 121 00:06:33,434 --> 00:06:35,262 Oh, yeah. Marcie's great. 122 00:06:37,917 --> 00:06:40,124 This is real time, Mr. Macisaac. 123 00:06:40,193 --> 00:06:41,365 Willy. 124 00:06:42,434 --> 00:06:43,779 People only call me mister 125 00:06:43,848 --> 00:06:45,089 if they're about to give me shit. 126 00:06:45,124 --> 00:06:46,365 Impaired driving. 127 00:06:46,400 --> 00:06:47,710 Lie. 128 00:06:47,745 --> 00:06:49,021 Resisting arrest. 129 00:06:49,055 --> 00:06:50,021 Bullshit. 130 00:06:50,055 --> 00:06:51,021 Assault. 131 00:06:51,055 --> 00:06:53,089 Assault? 132 00:06:53,124 --> 00:06:55,296 It was a-a touch football tat. 133 00:06:55,365 --> 00:06:56,883 Wasn't nothin'. 134 00:06:56,883 --> 00:06:58,710 This is your fourth DUI. 135 00:07:00,055 --> 00:07:01,296 I can talk to the Crown about a suspension- 136 00:07:01,296 --> 00:07:02,676 A suspension? 137 00:07:04,193 --> 00:07:05,779 Do you know what I do for a livin'? 138 00:07:05,779 --> 00:07:06,986 I drive. 139 00:07:07,503 --> 00:07:08,952 Big trucks. 140 00:07:08,952 --> 00:07:10,331 I got a special licence. 141 00:07:10,365 --> 00:07:11,469 It's insured. 142 00:07:11,503 --> 00:07:12,331 I can't lose my licence. 143 00:07:12,331 --> 00:07:13,469 Well, you should have thought- 144 00:07:13,503 --> 00:07:15,089 Bitch, look at me. 145 00:07:16,469 --> 00:07:18,262 I can't lose my licence. 146 00:07:20,331 --> 00:07:22,089 Mr. Macisaac. 147 00:07:22,124 --> 00:07:23,952 You get three seconds to apologize 148 00:07:23,952 --> 00:07:26,779 or this bitch will no longer be your lawyer. 149 00:07:28,089 --> 00:07:29,055 One. 150 00:07:29,779 --> 00:07:30,952 Two. 151 00:07:32,745 --> 00:07:33,779 I'm sorry. 152 00:07:41,952 --> 00:07:43,158 I'm sorry. 153 00:07:47,021 --> 00:07:48,021 Please. 154 00:07:51,193 --> 00:07:52,986 Help me. 155 00:07:53,021 --> 00:07:54,262 Okay. 156 00:07:54,296 --> 00:07:56,089 You tell me everything. 157 00:07:58,503 --> 00:08:01,331 Me and my son were at the baseball game. 158 00:08:01,365 --> 00:08:02,503 My little girl Becky, 159 00:08:02,538 --> 00:08:03,917 she, uh- 160 00:08:03,986 --> 00:08:05,227 Get it girl, come on! 161 00:08:05,262 --> 00:08:07,538 She plays for one of the South End teams. 162 00:08:07,538 --> 00:08:09,021 All I'm doin' is cheering her on. 163 00:08:09,055 --> 00:08:10,365 Are you friggen blind, uh? 164 00:08:10,400 --> 00:08:12,331 And one of those stuck up arseholes- 165 00:08:12,365 --> 00:08:13,848 Is this Dr. Webster? 166 00:08:13,848 --> 00:08:14,883 Yeah. 167 00:08:16,331 --> 00:08:18,883 He tells me I can't cheer on my own kid. 168 00:08:18,917 --> 00:08:20,158 Screw that. 169 00:08:20,193 --> 00:08:21,158 Come on. 170 00:08:21,193 --> 00:08:22,193 Hey, back up. 171 00:08:22,227 --> 00:08:23,400 Good eye. 172 00:08:23,848 --> 00:08:25,365 You wanna sit down and shut up now? 173 00:08:25,400 --> 00:08:27,365 You wanna leave it alone Webster? 174 00:08:34,262 --> 00:08:37,193 Next thing, I'm going back to the truck with the kids. 175 00:08:38,400 --> 00:08:40,986 We're just gonna grab some supper when- 176 00:08:41,021 --> 00:08:42,193 Good evening, Sir. 177 00:08:42,193 --> 00:08:44,193 Outta nowhere I got this cop on me. 178 00:08:44,193 --> 00:08:45,883 Let me see your licence and registration. 179 00:08:45,917 --> 00:08:47,848 Asking if I'd been drinkin'. 180 00:08:47,883 --> 00:08:49,158 Were you? 181 00:08:49,400 --> 00:08:51,021 No. 182 00:08:51,262 --> 00:08:53,055 But I see that arsehole lookin' 183 00:08:53,089 --> 00:08:54,055 and I know- 184 00:08:55,262 --> 00:08:56,745 I know he's the one that set this up. 185 00:08:58,193 --> 00:08:59,158 Okay. 186 00:09:00,986 --> 00:09:02,158 Okay, Mr. Macisaac. 187 00:09:02,227 --> 00:09:03,400 I got this. 188 00:09:31,124 --> 00:09:32,917 Marcie. 189 00:09:32,952 --> 00:09:34,124 Avery. 190 00:09:35,917 --> 00:09:37,538 When did you get back? 191 00:09:38,296 --> 00:09:41,193 Uh, you look good, rested. 192 00:09:42,572 --> 00:09:43,572 Macisaac. 193 00:09:43,607 --> 00:09:45,227 You're working for Legal Aid. 194 00:09:45,262 --> 00:09:47,262 Yeah, you're working for the Crown. 195 00:09:47,262 --> 00:09:48,952 Well, that's- 196 00:09:48,986 --> 00:09:50,572 What a difference a year makes, right? 197 00:09:50,607 --> 00:09:53,089 Yeah well, Defence or Crown, criminal law is criminal law. 198 00:09:53,124 --> 00:09:55,089 That's not what you used to say. 199 00:09:55,952 --> 00:09:57,538 Uh, the Macisaac case? 200 00:09:57,572 --> 00:09:58,952 Yeah, um- 201 00:09:59,089 --> 00:10:00,572 The guy's a drunk, it's his fourth DUI. 202 00:10:00,572 --> 00:10:01,779 He's done. 203 00:10:01,814 --> 00:10:02,779 The two convictions is a minor. 204 00:10:02,848 --> 00:10:04,158 Shouldn't be part of this conversation. 205 00:10:04,227 --> 00:10:05,296 It's on his record. 206 00:10:05,365 --> 00:10:07,917 'Cause a lousy lawyer gave a teenager lousy advice. 207 00:10:07,952 --> 00:10:09,917 My client's a recovering alcoholic. 208 00:10:09,952 --> 00:10:10,848 He says he was dry. 209 00:10:10,883 --> 00:10:12,158 What else is he gonna say? 210 00:10:12,227 --> 00:10:13,572 You're sure the test is good? 211 00:10:13,572 --> 00:10:14,986 Discovery. 212 00:10:17,227 --> 00:10:18,400 You know, you wouldn't appear on a DUI 213 00:10:18,434 --> 00:10:20,089 for one of your fat cat M&M clients, 214 00:10:20,089 --> 00:10:21,469 yet here you are. 215 00:10:22,227 --> 00:10:24,952 Marcie Diggs at Legal Aid. 216 00:10:24,986 --> 00:10:25,814 Such a waste. 217 00:10:25,848 --> 00:10:27,262 Not your business. 218 00:10:27,296 --> 00:10:29,262 Let's do this, 219 00:10:29,262 --> 00:10:30,434 can we file a joint petition 220 00:10:30,434 --> 00:10:31,986 to the register of motor vehicles, 221 00:10:32,021 --> 00:10:34,089 that way Macisaac can hold onto his licence beyond 222 00:10:34,089 --> 00:10:35,089 the next five days? 223 00:10:35,089 --> 00:10:36,262 Come on, Marcie. 224 00:10:36,262 --> 00:10:37,883 Look, if your client wants to talk, plead- 225 00:10:37,917 --> 00:10:39,055 Your favourite word. 226 00:10:46,262 --> 00:10:47,917 Let's just say, um- 227 00:10:49,262 --> 00:10:51,400 three year suspension, six months in custody 228 00:10:51,434 --> 00:10:52,986 and we can talk. 229 00:10:53,227 --> 00:10:55,021 Otherwise I'll see you in court. 230 00:10:59,607 --> 00:11:03,469 Hopefully, before that, now that you're back. 231 00:11:05,952 --> 00:11:07,538 No, I'll see you in court. 232 00:11:22,469 --> 00:11:24,124 So help me God if you don't get away from me. 233 00:11:24,158 --> 00:11:25,986 I'm gonna get that money. 234 00:11:32,331 --> 00:11:34,021 Ainslie MacKay? 235 00:11:34,055 --> 00:11:36,296 Lee, what are you doing here? 236 00:11:36,331 --> 00:11:37,676 Pam. 237 00:11:37,710 --> 00:11:40,296 Wow, this is the last place I expected to see you. 238 00:11:40,331 --> 00:11:41,296 How are you? 239 00:11:41,331 --> 00:11:42,469 Seriously? 240 00:11:43,469 --> 00:11:44,503 Come on, roomie, 241 00:11:44,503 --> 00:11:46,296 we were on the same cycle in the senior year. 242 00:11:46,331 --> 00:11:48,296 We're past the bullshit, aren't we? 243 00:11:49,158 --> 00:11:50,296 I'm awful. 244 00:11:52,296 --> 00:11:54,986 They're so beautiful. 245 00:11:55,021 --> 00:11:56,469 Probably why I kept making them. 246 00:11:56,469 --> 00:11:58,124 Wow. 247 00:11:58,158 --> 00:12:00,055 She looks so much like Estelle. 248 00:12:00,400 --> 00:12:03,055 'Course your sister doesn't have that hair but... 249 00:12:07,021 --> 00:12:08,193 I'm sorry. 250 00:12:09,055 --> 00:12:10,089 No. -I didn't- 251 00:12:10,124 --> 00:12:12,089 You didn't shove the oxy up my nose. 252 00:12:13,227 --> 00:12:17,089 My family are incredibly unforgiving assholes. 253 00:12:17,124 --> 00:12:18,089 Who knew? 254 00:12:21,021 --> 00:12:22,193 Why are you awful? 255 00:12:23,089 --> 00:12:24,331 What's going on? 256 00:12:25,089 --> 00:12:27,021 James Brown back there. 257 00:12:27,055 --> 00:12:30,021 It's my former lawyer, Teddy Jones. 258 00:12:31,193 --> 00:12:33,055 Mr. Jones agreed to help me find 259 00:12:33,055 --> 00:12:33,952 my kids' deadbeat dad. 260 00:12:33,986 --> 00:12:36,055 It's a couple thousand dollars, he said. 261 00:12:36,089 --> 00:12:37,572 And the dumpster fire of a human 262 00:12:37,607 --> 00:12:39,710 sends me a bill for $50,000. 263 00:12:39,745 --> 00:12:41,227 Are you serious? 264 00:12:41,227 --> 00:12:43,021 Tells me to have daddy pay it. 265 00:12:45,400 --> 00:12:46,952 Anyway, Teddy has a- 266 00:12:47,262 --> 00:12:50,089 a garnishee order on my bank account. 267 00:12:50,124 --> 00:12:52,503 Just my luck, my twins' father suddenly calls me 268 00:12:52,538 --> 00:12:53,710 out of the blue. 269 00:12:53,745 --> 00:12:55,193 Bitch has got my money. 270 00:12:56,641 --> 00:12:59,538 If I can't get the garnishee order lifted by Friday then 271 00:12:59,572 --> 00:13:02,124 most of my kids' money ends up in Teddy's bank account. 272 00:13:02,158 --> 00:13:03,779 Who's representing you? 273 00:13:08,124 --> 00:13:11,124 No, you're fired. 274 00:13:11,124 --> 00:13:12,296 I'll be your lawyer. 275 00:13:13,296 --> 00:13:14,434 Are you sure? 276 00:13:15,607 --> 00:13:16,779 Definitely. 277 00:13:16,814 --> 00:13:17,779 Not. 278 00:13:17,814 --> 00:13:19,607 It's not happening, Pam. 279 00:13:19,641 --> 00:13:20,779 She's a MacKay. 280 00:13:20,814 --> 00:13:23,124 Last count there was a hospital, a street, 281 00:13:23,158 --> 00:13:25,158 the poly-sci building at St. Mary's- 282 00:13:25,193 --> 00:13:26,779 She's raising four kids on social assistance. 283 00:13:26,779 --> 00:13:29,607 All I'm asking for is three days. 284 00:13:30,296 --> 00:13:31,434 Colleen, please tell me this isn't just 285 00:13:31,469 --> 00:13:32,814 because of her last name. 286 00:13:32,848 --> 00:13:35,779 'Cause if we were talking about a Downey or a Brooks- 287 00:13:35,779 --> 00:13:37,469 Or a Beales or a Smith, 288 00:13:37,469 --> 00:13:38,779 you're damn right it would be different 289 00:13:38,814 --> 00:13:40,124 because it is different. 290 00:13:40,158 --> 00:13:41,434 Do you know any black families 291 00:13:41,469 --> 00:13:42,641 with the same access to the Premier's Office 292 00:13:42,676 --> 00:13:44,607 that the MacKay's or your family has, 293 00:13:44,607 --> 00:13:46,158 for that matter? 294 00:13:46,193 --> 00:13:47,193 So, no. 295 00:13:47,227 --> 00:13:50,055 Ms. MacKay will have to seek help elsewhere. 296 00:13:50,676 --> 00:13:52,089 Bye Pam. 297 00:14:15,193 --> 00:14:16,331 Hey. 298 00:14:17,572 --> 00:14:20,331 Aunt Rolanda, this is the friend I told you about. 299 00:14:20,365 --> 00:14:23,331 Hi, Marcie says you're the best. 300 00:14:23,365 --> 00:14:25,503 Help make this foolishness go away. 301 00:14:25,538 --> 00:14:26,676 I'll try. 302 00:14:26,710 --> 00:14:28,503 Now, the prosecutor's decision 303 00:14:28,538 --> 00:14:29,676 to charge you is an overreach. 304 00:14:29,710 --> 00:14:31,193 Unfortunately, with cases involving 305 00:14:31,193 --> 00:14:33,227 sexual misconduct allegations, 306 00:14:33,262 --> 00:14:34,676 the Crown tends to cast a wide net. 307 00:14:34,710 --> 00:14:37,400 Look, I just supervised Jameson House. 308 00:14:37,434 --> 00:14:39,710 You know, other than a hi or a bye, 309 00:14:39,745 --> 00:14:42,193 I've never had contact with the kids. 310 00:14:42,227 --> 00:14:43,365 The Crown contends and believes 311 00:14:43,400 --> 00:14:44,365 that they can prove you knew 312 00:14:44,400 --> 00:14:45,641 the kids were being raped. 313 00:14:45,676 --> 00:14:46,572 Henry. 314 00:14:46,641 --> 00:14:47,641 And turned a blind eye. 315 00:14:47,676 --> 00:14:48,814 No! 316 00:14:48,848 --> 00:14:51,331 My God, I am gonna be sick. 317 00:14:51,365 --> 00:14:53,158 Aunt Rolanda, listen to me. 318 00:14:53,848 --> 00:14:56,193 Anyone that knows you, 319 00:14:56,227 --> 00:14:58,814 knows that you're good, right? 320 00:14:59,745 --> 00:15:01,227 Everyone will. 321 00:15:03,676 --> 00:15:05,641 Avery's gonna take care of this. 322 00:15:07,434 --> 00:15:11,917 Hey, we've got you. 323 00:15:28,434 --> 00:15:29,469 If you're renting 324 00:15:29,503 --> 00:15:31,296 you can ignore the mortgage and property stuff 325 00:15:31,331 --> 00:15:33,296 but you do need to list your employment insurance income. 326 00:15:33,331 --> 00:15:34,952 See? Here. 327 00:15:34,986 --> 00:15:36,917 I just won't suck up to Colleen. 328 00:15:36,952 --> 00:15:38,400 It's not like exceptions haven't been made 329 00:15:38,434 --> 00:15:39,538 before for other people. 330 00:15:39,607 --> 00:15:42,572 Yeah, but not anyone from the MacKay family though. 331 00:15:42,607 --> 00:15:44,400 I noticed your parents still have that slip 332 00:15:44,434 --> 00:15:45,296 over at the squadron. 333 00:15:45,296 --> 00:15:46,917 I don't suppose there's any chance- 334 00:15:46,952 --> 00:15:48,262 Are you talking about that little Penga? 335 00:15:48,262 --> 00:15:49,883 Is it vacant? 336 00:15:49,917 --> 00:15:51,917 I don't know, I guess I'd have to check. 337 00:15:52,745 --> 00:15:53,779 Hey, Reg. 338 00:15:53,779 --> 00:15:55,607 So, I picked up a DUI yesterday 339 00:15:55,607 --> 00:15:57,883 and I'm wondering how do I get a licence suspension 340 00:15:57,917 --> 00:15:59,745 reversed without Crown consent? 341 00:15:59,779 --> 00:16:01,262 Are you taking the ferry over to court? 342 00:16:01,296 --> 00:16:03,676 No, I'm playing hide and seek with Crown witnesses. 343 00:16:03,676 --> 00:16:05,227 They take his licence away from him already? 344 00:16:05,296 --> 00:16:06,676 Nah uh. 345 00:16:06,710 --> 00:16:09,021 Then you need to get the charges kicked before they do. 346 00:16:09,021 --> 00:16:11,365 Must be nice to be the chosen child. 347 00:16:11,400 --> 00:16:12,503 Meaning? 348 00:16:12,572 --> 00:16:14,331 Well, it's just Wednesday there was no position. 349 00:16:14,365 --> 00:16:16,503 By Friday, Colleen's hiring you. 350 00:16:16,503 --> 00:16:17,503 I know at least five other people 351 00:16:17,538 --> 00:16:18,503 who'd kill at this gig. 352 00:16:18,572 --> 00:16:20,986 But she chose you without competition, 353 00:16:21,021 --> 00:16:22,469 so you're the chosen child. 354 00:16:22,503 --> 00:16:25,469 Hm, and still I'd have to live three lifetimes 355 00:16:25,503 --> 00:16:27,469 to even come close to your privilege. 356 00:16:29,641 --> 00:16:31,227 Well my family- 357 00:16:31,296 --> 00:16:33,227 No, listen. No, I'm not mad. 358 00:16:33,296 --> 00:16:34,193 I'm just sayin' if I were you, 359 00:16:34,262 --> 00:16:36,848 I'd rich girl magic my situation every day. 360 00:16:37,641 --> 00:16:38,676 Gotta go. 361 00:17:02,055 --> 00:17:03,538 Dr. Webster. 362 00:17:03,572 --> 00:17:04,883 I talked to Mr. Mueller. 363 00:17:04,917 --> 00:17:06,296 He said I don't have to speak to you. 364 00:17:06,365 --> 00:17:08,055 Okay, sure. 365 00:17:08,055 --> 00:17:10,021 So you prefer that I subpoena you then? 366 00:17:10,055 --> 00:17:11,883 Look, your client's a loudmouth. 367 00:17:11,917 --> 00:17:12,952 I asked him to be quiet, 368 00:17:12,986 --> 00:17:15,296 that's when I smelled alcohol on his breath. 369 00:17:15,365 --> 00:17:17,572 And so you called the police on him? 370 00:17:17,607 --> 00:17:18,607 What? 371 00:17:18,641 --> 00:17:20,538 No, I didn't call anyone. 372 00:17:20,572 --> 00:17:21,848 Now, if you'll excuse me, 373 00:17:21,883 --> 00:17:24,365 I really have to get back to work. 374 00:17:30,917 --> 00:17:34,710 Why isn't Jacob Palmer on your witness list, Avery? 375 00:17:37,055 --> 00:17:38,607 William Macisaac is here. 376 00:17:38,676 --> 00:17:40,296 I'll be right out. 377 00:17:40,365 --> 00:17:41,883 Mr. Macisaac, do we have an appointment? 378 00:17:41,917 --> 00:17:42,883 My boss called. 379 00:17:42,917 --> 00:17:44,055 He wants me to drive tomorrow. 380 00:17:44,055 --> 00:17:45,021 Thought you should know. 381 00:17:45,055 --> 00:17:46,055 No way. 382 00:17:46,089 --> 00:17:47,848 No, tell him no. 383 00:17:47,883 --> 00:17:49,538 Right, right. 384 00:17:49,572 --> 00:17:51,365 If I get fired you gonna pay my bills? 385 00:17:51,400 --> 00:17:54,055 Look, the Crown is offering you a deal. 386 00:17:54,089 --> 00:17:54,986 It's six months, 387 00:17:54,986 --> 00:17:56,676 three years licence suspension. 388 00:17:56,710 --> 00:17:58,779 No, no way. 389 00:17:58,814 --> 00:17:59,883 That's what they're offering. 390 00:17:59,917 --> 00:18:03,986 Look, I know I can be an arsehole. 391 00:18:05,434 --> 00:18:06,848 I get that. 392 00:18:06,917 --> 00:18:08,745 But my kids? 393 00:18:10,124 --> 00:18:12,641 The only time I've ever gotten into trouble, 394 00:18:12,641 --> 00:18:14,607 is when I'm lookin' out for them. 395 00:18:15,883 --> 00:18:17,952 That's the way it's suppose to be, isn't it? 396 00:18:19,814 --> 00:18:22,607 I-I don't know, I-I never had that. 397 00:18:22,641 --> 00:18:24,814 But when they think of me, 398 00:18:24,814 --> 00:18:27,848 I want them to think of the guy that got their back, 399 00:18:27,883 --> 00:18:30,745 not some drunk who'd put 'em in danger. 400 00:18:33,986 --> 00:18:35,089 I'll- 401 00:18:35,124 --> 00:18:36,089 I'll see you when I get back 402 00:18:36,124 --> 00:18:37,779 from the , okay? 403 00:18:37,814 --> 00:18:40,779 Hey, you got a cold, right? 404 00:18:40,814 --> 00:18:42,124 Yeah. 405 00:18:42,124 --> 00:18:43,952 Why don't you take a sick day? 406 00:18:45,124 --> 00:18:47,021 Nah. 407 00:18:47,089 --> 00:18:48,089 Take two. 408 00:18:49,193 --> 00:18:51,469 I guess I only got three left. 409 00:18:51,503 --> 00:18:52,572 Yeah. 410 00:18:52,572 --> 00:18:54,089 And let me get back to work here, okay? 411 00:18:54,124 --> 00:18:55,607 Don't be just droppin' by. 412 00:18:55,641 --> 00:18:56,607 All right. 413 00:18:56,607 --> 00:18:57,607 All right? 414 00:18:57,607 --> 00:18:58,814 Marcie? 415 00:19:00,503 --> 00:19:01,676 Let's walk. 416 00:19:03,055 --> 00:19:04,745 The Crown offered you a deal on the Macisaac case. 417 00:19:04,814 --> 00:19:05,952 Not formally. 418 00:19:06,021 --> 00:19:06,986 Let's be done with this Marcie. 419 00:19:07,055 --> 00:19:07,607 Look, you want to stick it to Avery Mueller, 420 00:19:07,607 --> 00:19:08,469 do it on your own dime. 421 00:19:08,538 --> 00:19:10,365 That's not what I'm doing- 422 00:19:10,400 --> 00:19:12,158 I don't want you using Legal Aid's resources, 423 00:19:12,193 --> 00:19:14,848 my limited taxpayer sponsored resources 424 00:19:14,848 --> 00:19:16,676 to nurse a grudge. 425 00:19:16,676 --> 00:19:18,572 You're not at M&M anymore. 426 00:19:18,607 --> 00:19:20,676 Well, my office is a storage room 427 00:19:20,676 --> 00:19:22,676 so I'm pretty clear on that. 428 00:19:25,021 --> 00:19:25,917 As far as I can tell, 429 00:19:25,952 --> 00:19:27,676 the police had no reasonable suspicion 430 00:19:27,710 --> 00:19:29,538 for Willy's roadside test. 431 00:19:30,848 --> 00:19:32,538 The assault charge? 432 00:19:32,538 --> 00:19:33,814 He was lookin' out for his kids, 433 00:19:33,848 --> 00:19:36,193 something any good father would do. 434 00:19:36,193 --> 00:19:39,021 It's messy, but it's a good case. 435 00:19:42,538 --> 00:19:44,089 Yeah, okay. 436 00:19:44,158 --> 00:19:45,572 Wrap it up by Friday or I'm sending you 437 00:19:45,607 --> 00:19:47,883 to the Clayton Park office though, all right? 438 00:19:47,917 --> 00:19:48,917 Understood? 439 00:19:54,089 --> 00:19:55,503 Nice, eh? 440 00:19:55,538 --> 00:19:56,745 Mhm. 441 00:19:56,814 --> 00:19:58,193 I grew up on Dhalia, 442 00:19:58,193 --> 00:20:00,021 one of the flower streets. 443 00:20:00,021 --> 00:20:01,745 This view never gets old. 444 00:20:01,814 --> 00:20:02,779 Gregor, 445 00:20:02,848 --> 00:20:04,814 never would have taken you for a darkness boy. 446 00:20:05,848 --> 00:20:07,986 You were very coy on the phone. 447 00:20:08,021 --> 00:20:09,538 How can I help you? 448 00:20:09,572 --> 00:20:11,158 You remember Ainslie MacKay, 449 00:20:11,193 --> 00:20:12,676 Leslie MacKay's girl? 450 00:20:12,710 --> 00:20:13,676 Oh, the addict. 451 00:20:13,710 --> 00:20:14,710 Yeah. 452 00:20:14,745 --> 00:20:16,021 That was a waste. 453 00:20:16,676 --> 00:20:18,917 She needs help, legal help 454 00:20:18,986 --> 00:20:20,503 and I wanted to bring her into Legal Aid 455 00:20:20,538 --> 00:20:21,538 but Colleen- 456 00:20:21,572 --> 00:20:22,434 Oh, Pam. No, no. 457 00:20:22,469 --> 00:20:23,296 As Chair of the Executive you could- 458 00:20:23,331 --> 00:20:24,434 I'd love to help you. 459 00:20:24,469 --> 00:20:25,331 Look, if Colleen says the case isn't right, 460 00:20:25,365 --> 00:20:27,021 then there's nothing I can do. 461 00:20:27,021 --> 00:20:29,055 It's just because of her last name. 462 00:20:29,089 --> 00:20:30,986 Postal codes and last names are important. 463 00:20:31,021 --> 00:20:32,814 You know this, Pam. 464 00:20:33,021 --> 00:20:34,572 It's Colleen's call. 465 00:20:35,193 --> 00:20:38,021 It's her show so, I'm sorry. 466 00:20:40,641 --> 00:20:41,848 Of course. 467 00:20:46,055 --> 00:20:49,883 Mr. Palmer, your name's not on the Crown's witness list. 468 00:20:49,917 --> 00:20:51,710 Why is that? 469 00:20:51,710 --> 00:20:52,986 I refused to testify. 470 00:20:53,021 --> 00:20:55,021 I hate informing. I'm a socialist. 471 00:20:56,572 --> 00:20:59,365 And you made the 911 call? 472 00:21:00,021 --> 00:21:02,021 Yeah, I thought it was anonymous. 473 00:21:02,089 --> 00:21:05,089 What makes you believe Mr. Macisaac was intoxicated? 474 00:21:05,124 --> 00:21:06,883 Some dads hit Barely's before the game 475 00:21:06,917 --> 00:21:09,779 and I saw Willy there drinkin'. 476 00:21:19,917 --> 00:21:20,917 That's it. 477 00:21:20,952 --> 00:21:21,917 I'm done. 478 00:21:21,952 --> 00:21:23,814 We have an agreement. 479 00:21:23,848 --> 00:21:24,986 I want my cheque and I want the money 480 00:21:25,055 --> 00:21:26,158 for Becca's cleats. 481 00:21:26,227 --> 00:21:26,848 You ain't keepin' my kids from me. 482 00:21:26,883 --> 00:21:27,607 Becky! 483 00:21:27,676 --> 00:21:29,572 Miles, come on, let's go. 484 00:21:29,572 --> 00:21:30,779 Come on. 485 00:21:33,814 --> 00:21:34,952 Later. 486 00:21:34,986 --> 00:21:36,227 Love you. 487 00:21:38,262 --> 00:21:39,779 You are my good in the world. 488 00:21:39,814 --> 00:21:41,055 See you in a week. 489 00:21:42,262 --> 00:21:43,814 Love you, Dad. 490 00:21:44,607 --> 00:21:45,986 The cleats, it's-it's-it's fine. 491 00:21:46,055 --> 00:21:47,089 I got it. 492 00:21:47,089 --> 00:21:48,469 Yeah. 493 00:21:51,262 --> 00:21:52,986 Hi, I'm, uh, Marcie Diggs. 494 00:21:53,055 --> 00:21:54,883 I'm Mr. Macisaac's lawyer. 495 00:21:59,055 --> 00:21:59,676 Please tell me you weren't drinking 496 00:21:59,745 --> 00:22:01,986 before your daughter's game. 497 00:22:01,986 --> 00:22:04,021 See what I'm dealing with here? 498 00:22:05,124 --> 00:22:05,952 Yeah, I had a beer. 499 00:22:05,986 --> 00:22:07,021 You're an alcoholic. 500 00:22:07,055 --> 00:22:08,986 You don't get to have one. 501 00:22:09,021 --> 00:22:10,986 Marcie, I am under it here, look. 502 00:22:13,986 --> 00:22:15,986 She's taking my kids from me. 503 00:22:16,641 --> 00:22:19,641 So yeah, so I didn't call my sponsor and I had a drink. 504 00:22:19,641 --> 00:22:22,296 Marcie, I had one beer. 505 00:22:28,848 --> 00:22:30,262 You got $50? 506 00:22:31,158 --> 00:22:32,917 I thought you were supposed to be free? 507 00:22:32,986 --> 00:22:34,952 Just hand it over and stop talkin'. 508 00:22:37,193 --> 00:22:38,607 Great. 509 00:22:43,331 --> 00:22:45,124 This is for the cleats. 510 00:22:45,986 --> 00:22:48,296 He owes me this 20 times over. 511 00:22:48,331 --> 00:22:50,986 You tell your client that my lawyer's gonna make sure 512 00:22:51,021 --> 00:22:53,021 the judge knows about the missing payments. 513 00:22:53,055 --> 00:22:54,193 Your bag, it's, uh- 514 00:22:54,227 --> 00:22:56,055 huh, that's a Louis Vuitton. 515 00:22:56,124 --> 00:22:58,952 It's a $1700 bag, hm. 516 00:22:59,227 --> 00:23:00,296 If you take Willy to court, 517 00:23:00,331 --> 00:23:02,331 a judge might not see things your way. 518 00:23:03,193 --> 00:23:07,021 Hey, Willy turned down a deal from the prosecutor 519 00:23:07,055 --> 00:23:08,607 because he would rather go to jail 520 00:23:08,676 --> 00:23:09,917 then have his kids believe 521 00:23:09,952 --> 00:23:11,779 that he'd put them in any kind of danger. 522 00:23:11,814 --> 00:23:14,917 You, you're walking around with a $1700 purse 523 00:23:14,917 --> 00:23:17,262 on your arm and your daughter needs cleats. 524 00:23:17,296 --> 00:23:18,883 From where I sit, 525 00:23:18,917 --> 00:23:20,607 if this is a contest for best parent, 526 00:23:20,676 --> 00:23:22,055 he wins. 527 00:23:22,089 --> 00:23:23,917 Loser's going to jail anyway. 528 00:23:24,400 --> 00:23:25,952 Not if I can help it. 529 00:23:28,227 --> 00:23:29,434 Your Honour, 530 00:23:29,469 --> 00:23:31,227 my client was detained without being made aware 531 00:23:31,227 --> 00:23:33,193 of his right to Duty Counsel. Any evidence- 532 00:23:33,227 --> 00:23:35,400 Mr. Macisaac submitted to a roadside test 533 00:23:35,400 --> 00:23:36,262 voluntarily, Your Honour. 534 00:23:36,296 --> 00:23:38,021 Roadside test, not formal breathalyzer. 535 00:23:38,055 --> 00:23:39,883 It is our submission that consent provided 536 00:23:39,917 --> 00:23:41,227 at the scene remains in force 537 00:23:41,227 --> 00:23:42,952 until it's been withdrawn. 538 00:23:42,986 --> 00:23:44,365 Your Honour, a person can terminate questioning 539 00:23:44,400 --> 00:23:45,883 by the police at any time. 540 00:23:45,917 --> 00:23:46,917 This is no different than- 541 00:23:46,952 --> 00:23:47,917 That's correct. 542 00:23:47,952 --> 00:23:49,124 Your Honour, 543 00:23:49,158 --> 00:23:50,641 the defendant had the right to refuse the breathalyzer 544 00:23:50,710 --> 00:23:52,262 at the detachment and he didn't do that. 545 00:23:52,296 --> 00:23:55,089 So the fact a defendant with Grade 10 education 546 00:23:55,124 --> 00:23:57,124 doesn't know their legal rights means 547 00:23:57,193 --> 00:23:59,745 they don't get the benefit of those rights. 548 00:23:59,745 --> 00:24:00,814 It's okay, Mr. Mueller. 549 00:24:00,883 --> 00:24:02,986 Ms. Diggs, now this is your client's, 550 00:24:03,021 --> 00:24:04,193 what is it here, his third? 551 00:24:04,262 --> 00:24:05,986 No, it's his fourth DUI. 552 00:24:05,986 --> 00:24:07,365 Two of those offences were when he was a minor 553 00:24:07,434 --> 00:24:09,365 and should be removed from his record. 554 00:24:09,434 --> 00:24:12,193 This is his first DUI in nearly a decade. 555 00:24:12,262 --> 00:24:13,193 Excuse me, I'm sorry. 556 00:24:13,262 --> 00:24:14,227 It's just you're saying that 557 00:24:14,296 --> 00:24:16,158 like it's some kind of great achievement here. 558 00:24:16,193 --> 00:24:17,952 Now, you're not suggesting your client's worthy 559 00:24:17,986 --> 00:24:20,296 of a prize for not driving drunk? 560 00:24:20,331 --> 00:24:22,124 Of course not, Your Honour. 561 00:24:22,124 --> 00:24:22,986 Yeah, I didn't think so. 562 00:24:23,021 --> 00:24:24,021 Look, Ms. Diggs. 563 00:24:24,055 --> 00:24:26,469 There's no bridges violation here, all right? 564 00:24:26,503 --> 00:24:28,158 I have no doubt your client, 565 00:24:28,158 --> 00:24:30,021 due to his previous interactions with the police, 566 00:24:30,055 --> 00:24:31,814 would have been aware of his right to counsel. 567 00:24:31,814 --> 00:24:34,296 Your motion to dismiss the criminal code charges is denied. 568 00:24:34,331 --> 00:24:35,952 Thank you, counsels. 569 00:24:36,296 --> 00:24:37,296 You should get out while you still can. 570 00:24:37,331 --> 00:24:39,124 Oh, I'm just getting started. 571 00:24:55,021 --> 00:24:57,124 Colleen, I am so sorry. 572 00:24:57,124 --> 00:24:58,331 Going to Gregor was a dick move and I- 573 00:24:58,365 --> 00:24:59,538 Don't even try 574 00:24:59,572 --> 00:25:02,021 your forgiveness permission nonsense with me, Pam. 575 00:25:02,021 --> 00:25:03,021 I figured you'd try and back channel. 576 00:25:03,055 --> 00:25:04,158 I just thought you'd be better at it. 577 00:25:04,193 --> 00:25:07,021 I finished reviewing your friend's file. 578 00:25:07,055 --> 00:25:08,986 Ms. MacKay passed the financial means test 579 00:25:09,021 --> 00:25:11,055 so Legal Aid can take on her case. 580 00:25:11,089 --> 00:25:13,089 Ah, that is such a relief, thank you. 581 00:25:13,124 --> 00:25:15,400 It does have to go to the Clayton Park office though. 582 00:25:15,434 --> 00:25:17,021 What? No, that's gonna take months. 583 00:25:17,055 --> 00:25:18,365 The optics of you representing Ms. MacKay, 584 00:25:18,365 --> 00:25:19,538 they don't look good. 585 00:25:19,572 --> 00:25:21,538 Oh okay, well, what if it's not me? 586 00:25:21,538 --> 00:25:24,055 What if I can find someone else in our office 587 00:25:24,089 --> 00:25:25,296 to take the case? 588 00:25:26,193 --> 00:25:27,365 How 'bout it? 589 00:25:59,331 --> 00:26:00,814 Marcie. 590 00:26:02,262 --> 00:26:04,400 This whole thing with you and Rolanda, 591 00:26:06,158 --> 00:26:07,572 you gotta let it go. 592 00:26:09,089 --> 00:26:10,262 Rolanda was sad. 593 00:26:11,434 --> 00:26:15,400 And that sadness had led her take her own life. 594 00:26:16,607 --> 00:26:18,021 She did that. 595 00:26:21,158 --> 00:26:22,607 It's your right to see it that way. 596 00:26:22,607 --> 00:26:24,779 No, there's-there's no other way to see it. 597 00:26:25,607 --> 00:26:29,779 My baby sister killed herself. 598 00:26:31,572 --> 00:26:32,572 That's the end of it. 599 00:26:34,158 --> 00:26:35,434 Rolanda would not want you breaking 600 00:26:35,434 --> 00:26:37,814 your word to Patsy in her name. 601 00:26:40,503 --> 00:26:42,952 I'm not settin' foot in that church, Daddy. 602 00:26:44,952 --> 00:26:47,400 I'm not gonna sit there and listen 603 00:26:47,434 --> 00:26:49,089 to Reverend Slaughter talk about 604 00:26:49,089 --> 00:26:51,917 love and peace and forgiveness 605 00:26:51,952 --> 00:26:54,262 when Rolanda wouldn't give none of that. 606 00:26:54,296 --> 00:26:56,917 Now, I don't care about all that. 607 00:26:56,917 --> 00:26:59,089 You and Rolanda was tight. 608 00:26:59,124 --> 00:27:00,331 I know this. 609 00:27:00,400 --> 00:27:03,296 And, and she meant- 610 00:27:04,021 --> 00:27:06,607 But even though she was 15 years younger she- 611 00:27:12,158 --> 00:27:13,986 she was my best friend. 612 00:27:16,021 --> 00:27:19,021 But I mourn my baby sister, Marcie. 613 00:27:22,469 --> 00:27:23,848 You ran. 614 00:27:25,124 --> 00:27:26,193 I didn't. 615 00:27:26,227 --> 00:27:27,469 You ran. 616 00:27:32,021 --> 00:27:33,848 And now here we are. 617 00:27:35,400 --> 00:27:38,021 I need you to be the bigger person here. 618 00:27:47,158 --> 00:27:48,124 I can't, Dad. 619 00:27:52,607 --> 00:27:53,538 I won't. 620 00:28:11,710 --> 00:28:12,710 Home arrest for two years 621 00:28:12,710 --> 00:28:14,158 for you to take the plea deal- 622 00:28:14,227 --> 00:28:15,158 Why are you talking to her about a guilty plea? 623 00:28:15,227 --> 00:28:17,193 You said that you would take care of this. 624 00:28:17,227 --> 00:28:18,572 And I can if she pleads, Marcie. 625 00:28:18,572 --> 00:28:19,538 No, you're not getting it. 626 00:28:19,538 --> 00:28:20,745 If she pleads guilty, 627 00:28:20,745 --> 00:28:23,124 that's all anyone up home is gonna remember. 628 00:28:23,193 --> 00:28:24,572 They're not gonna see the nuance of all of this. 629 00:28:24,572 --> 00:28:25,572 Just listen to me. 630 00:28:25,572 --> 00:28:26,641 Just listen for a second, okay? 631 00:28:26,710 --> 00:28:29,538 The Crown is pushing for 10 years on this. 632 00:28:29,572 --> 00:28:30,917 Ten years? 633 00:28:31,124 --> 00:28:33,193 If you take the plea deal, this ends today. 634 00:28:33,227 --> 00:28:35,055 I'm sorry, Marcie, but that's my best advice here. 635 00:28:35,089 --> 00:28:36,055 Ten years. 636 00:28:37,089 --> 00:28:40,296 My God, Patsy will be grown. 637 00:28:40,365 --> 00:28:43,607 The people of Preston, they know me. 638 00:28:44,124 --> 00:28:47,089 They know that I would never do something ugly 639 00:28:47,124 --> 00:28:48,089 like this. 640 00:28:48,124 --> 00:28:50,089 We can trust them, right Marcie? 641 00:28:50,124 --> 00:28:52,055 We can trust them. 642 00:29:00,814 --> 00:29:02,296 We gonna be fine. 643 00:29:22,089 --> 00:29:23,434 Morning Iris. 644 00:29:23,469 --> 00:29:24,779 Marcie, King Kunta, Kiss It Better, 645 00:29:24,779 --> 00:29:26,469 and Nothing Compares 2 U, 646 00:29:26,469 --> 00:29:27,503 the Prince version. 647 00:29:28,607 --> 00:29:29,745 Patsy and West asked the guests for three songs 648 00:29:29,779 --> 00:29:31,124 for the reception playlist. 649 00:29:31,158 --> 00:29:32,124 Those are mine. 650 00:29:32,158 --> 00:29:33,193 King Kunta? 651 00:29:33,227 --> 00:29:34,745 Well, the church aunties will love that. 652 00:29:34,779 --> 00:29:35,607 It's one file. 653 00:29:35,676 --> 00:29:36,745 It would be such a huge help. 654 00:29:36,779 --> 00:29:37,607 Come on, Doug. 655 00:29:37,710 --> 00:29:39,607 I'm in conference until Monday. 656 00:29:39,641 --> 00:29:41,538 Can't help you Pam, sorry. 657 00:29:41,607 --> 00:29:43,434 Hey, do you have a minute? 658 00:29:43,434 --> 00:29:44,641 Uh, what's up? 659 00:29:44,641 --> 00:29:46,124 Could you take over Ainslie MacKay's file? 660 00:29:46,124 --> 00:29:46,986 Oh, no, no, no, no. 661 00:29:47,021 --> 00:29:48,676 I am up to my eyeballs here, I'm sorry. 662 00:29:48,745 --> 00:29:49,607 Really, please? 663 00:29:49,641 --> 00:29:50,883 It'll-it'll just be one day of work. 664 00:29:50,917 --> 00:29:53,124 Listen, if I don't figure out this DUI, 665 00:29:53,158 --> 00:29:54,124 Colleen's gonna send it to the Clayton Park Office. 666 00:29:54,158 --> 00:29:55,400 Park Office. 667 00:29:56,469 --> 00:29:58,262 Maybe I was wrong about you. 668 00:29:59,158 --> 00:30:01,089 No maybes about it. 669 00:30:01,124 --> 00:30:02,089 Sorry. 670 00:30:03,503 --> 00:30:04,745 Reggie, how come I haven't heard about my deal? 671 00:30:04,779 --> 00:30:06,193 Hey Reg, 672 00:30:06,262 --> 00:30:07,469 I was just wondering if- 673 00:30:07,469 --> 00:30:09,779 Judge Killcoyne is a stickler for details. 674 00:30:09,814 --> 00:30:11,296 The Crown screwed up. 675 00:30:11,331 --> 00:30:13,124 I need help with this. 676 00:30:13,124 --> 00:30:15,572 Two weeks, they'll come crawling for a deal. 677 00:30:15,607 --> 00:30:16,641 Trust me. 678 00:30:16,676 --> 00:30:18,124 Well, they better. 679 00:30:18,124 --> 00:30:19,089 Um, okay. 680 00:30:22,124 --> 00:30:24,021 I think you left these on my desk by accident. 681 00:30:24,089 --> 00:30:25,021 Oh, I'm done with them. 682 00:30:25,089 --> 00:30:26,021 It's just filing. 683 00:30:26,089 --> 00:30:27,193 Marcie, girl. 684 00:30:27,262 --> 00:30:29,021 I know you're used to being catered to hand and foot 685 00:30:29,089 --> 00:30:30,365 at that big old firm 686 00:30:30,434 --> 00:30:31,607 but I don't get people on line for you, 687 00:30:31,641 --> 00:30:33,124 I don't bring you coffee, 688 00:30:33,124 --> 00:30:34,055 and I don't file. 689 00:30:34,089 --> 00:30:35,124 See, I'm intake. 690 00:30:35,124 --> 00:30:37,124 Folks come in here all scruffy and messed up, 691 00:30:37,124 --> 00:30:38,158 like a stray dog. 692 00:30:38,193 --> 00:30:40,296 I settle 'em down, I clean them off, 693 00:30:40,296 --> 00:30:42,262 and I make 'em all nice for you lawyers. 694 00:30:42,296 --> 00:30:43,296 It's a lot of garbage. 695 00:30:43,331 --> 00:30:45,089 I don't need anymore. 696 00:30:45,124 --> 00:30:46,262 You understand? 697 00:30:46,296 --> 00:30:47,779 I guess I do now. 698 00:30:47,779 --> 00:30:48,676 Good stuff. 699 00:30:48,710 --> 00:30:50,986 I like what you're doing with the place. 700 00:30:55,641 --> 00:30:57,055 You got a visitor. 701 00:30:58,779 --> 00:31:01,814 Child, don't you be ignoring my phone calls. 702 00:31:03,331 --> 00:31:06,400 You are working in a storage closet. 703 00:31:06,434 --> 00:31:08,089 It's a conference room, Mom. 704 00:31:08,158 --> 00:31:09,193 What's up? 705 00:31:09,193 --> 00:31:10,572 You serious about not walkin' 706 00:31:10,641 --> 00:31:12,089 that girl down the aisle? 707 00:31:12,158 --> 00:31:13,503 Dad can do it. 708 00:31:13,538 --> 00:31:14,710 It'll be beautiful. 709 00:31:14,745 --> 00:31:15,814 I don't know why she didn't ask him 710 00:31:15,848 --> 00:31:16,745 in the first place. 711 00:31:20,193 --> 00:31:21,158 Are you okay? 712 00:31:21,193 --> 00:31:22,641 I'm gonna be all right. 713 00:31:22,676 --> 00:31:24,055 Gimme this. 714 00:31:24,883 --> 00:31:26,400 You don't even know what you're taking. 715 00:31:27,400 --> 00:31:28,676 Mom? 716 00:31:29,848 --> 00:31:31,158 Are you really that hardhearted? 717 00:31:32,158 --> 00:31:33,193 I'm not gonna be a hypocrite. 718 00:31:33,193 --> 00:31:34,434 Why? 719 00:31:34,503 --> 00:31:36,848 Because you're better than 99% of the population? 720 00:31:36,883 --> 00:31:38,365 20% alcohol. 721 00:31:43,158 --> 00:31:44,365 I'm sorry, Mom. 722 00:31:44,400 --> 00:31:46,193 I gotta-I gotta go. 723 00:31:46,193 --> 00:31:48,227 Marcie, you hearin' me? 724 00:31:48,262 --> 00:31:50,400 You gotta come through for Patsy. 725 00:32:02,745 --> 00:32:04,745 Ease up on the gas, would ya? 726 00:32:04,917 --> 00:32:06,745 Hi Constable Myers, hey. 727 00:32:08,227 --> 00:32:09,814 It's weird seeing you here. 728 00:32:09,848 --> 00:32:12,745 I'm just here to see a prosecutor, you? 729 00:32:12,745 --> 00:32:15,572 Uh, same. 730 00:32:15,814 --> 00:32:17,158 This was nice. 731 00:32:17,227 --> 00:32:18,779 I'll catch ya on Monday. 732 00:32:18,814 --> 00:32:20,607 If the waves are good. 733 00:32:25,607 --> 00:32:28,883 Willy took cough syrup an hour before the cops arrested him, 734 00:32:28,917 --> 00:32:29,952 and I checked, 735 00:32:29,952 --> 00:32:32,262 the medicine he was taking was 20% alcohol in it. 736 00:32:32,296 --> 00:32:34,779 So this is your play, the cough syrup defence? 737 00:32:34,814 --> 00:32:36,917 Doesn't matter if it was beer or cough syrup, Marcie. 738 00:32:36,952 --> 00:32:37,986 Drunk is drunk. 739 00:32:38,021 --> 00:32:39,400 So you're just gonna screw with this guy's life 740 00:32:39,434 --> 00:32:40,400 because he had a cold? 741 00:32:40,434 --> 00:32:41,434 You wanna know what I think? 742 00:32:41,434 --> 00:32:42,745 I think your client is a drunk 743 00:32:42,779 --> 00:32:43,917 who chose to get behind the wheel 744 00:32:43,917 --> 00:32:45,227 and put his kids in harm's way. 745 00:32:45,262 --> 00:32:46,503 If your client is ready to cut his driver's licence 746 00:32:46,503 --> 00:32:48,158 in two and plead guilty- -That's not gonna happen. 747 00:32:48,227 --> 00:32:49,917 Okay, then just a heads up. 748 00:32:49,952 --> 00:32:51,779 We're adding more charges to the information. 749 00:32:51,779 --> 00:32:54,710 Paperwork's probably being filed as we speak. 750 00:32:54,745 --> 00:32:56,296 What charge? 751 00:32:56,331 --> 00:32:58,400 It's criminal negligence. 752 00:32:58,434 --> 00:33:00,469 Marcie, if you talk to your client 753 00:33:00,503 --> 00:33:01,814 and get him to change his plea, 754 00:33:01,848 --> 00:33:03,814 I will work with you on sentencing. 755 00:33:05,710 --> 00:33:07,296 You're out of options. 756 00:33:13,710 --> 00:33:14,883 You made me believe I could count on you. 757 00:33:14,917 --> 00:33:16,503 She told me the Clayton Park office 758 00:33:16,503 --> 00:33:17,814 will make this a priority. 759 00:33:17,814 --> 00:33:18,883 Priority? 760 00:33:18,952 --> 00:33:20,055 What? 761 00:33:20,124 --> 00:33:21,710 Why didn't you tell me you couldn't do this? 762 00:33:21,779 --> 00:33:23,469 I've got one day. 763 00:33:23,469 --> 00:33:24,676 One day. 764 00:33:24,676 --> 00:33:25,538 What if I found you someone else? 765 00:33:25,607 --> 00:33:26,572 I'll pay for it. 766 00:33:26,641 --> 00:33:27,848 Oh, oh, you'll pay for it. 767 00:33:27,883 --> 00:33:30,848 Well, that will be a fun story for you 768 00:33:30,883 --> 00:33:32,883 to tell the good folks at the Halifax Club. 769 00:33:38,952 --> 00:33:40,503 I'm sorry. 770 00:33:49,400 --> 00:33:50,676 I don't know what else to do. 771 00:33:50,710 --> 00:33:52,193 I know. 772 00:33:52,193 --> 00:33:54,434 I don't how to explain this to my kids . 773 00:33:56,469 --> 00:33:58,503 Pam. -Reggie, I'm with a client. 774 00:33:58,538 --> 00:34:01,779 Ask Teddy for his timesheets, his calendar. 775 00:34:01,848 --> 00:34:03,572 Forget about the Bar Society. 776 00:34:03,607 --> 00:34:05,434 Build a criminal case. 777 00:34:08,745 --> 00:34:10,365 Let's go over this again. 778 00:34:10,400 --> 00:34:12,400 In Officer Hussey's notes, 779 00:34:12,434 --> 00:34:13,952 he says that he walks up to you, 780 00:34:14,021 --> 00:34:15,676 you exit the vehicle- 781 00:34:15,710 --> 00:34:16,641 No. 782 00:34:16,710 --> 00:34:18,572 But I need you to break this down for me. 783 00:34:18,572 --> 00:34:19,572 It's not right. 784 00:34:19,607 --> 00:34:20,883 Detail it out. 785 00:34:22,745 --> 00:34:24,572 Uh, all right, um- 786 00:34:26,055 --> 00:34:28,503 I was walking back to my truck, 787 00:34:28,538 --> 00:34:29,607 me and the kids. 788 00:34:29,676 --> 00:34:31,503 And we get in the cab. 789 00:34:32,400 --> 00:34:34,710 I pulled the keys down from my visor. 790 00:34:36,089 --> 00:34:40,400 There's a flyer underneath my windshield blade and 791 00:34:40,434 --> 00:34:42,227 now I'm pissed off. 792 00:34:43,400 --> 00:34:45,883 I get out, grab the flyer, 793 00:34:45,917 --> 00:34:47,434 and next thing I know 794 00:34:47,469 --> 00:34:49,745 the cops are all up my ass. 795 00:34:49,779 --> 00:34:51,538 When did you see the cops? 796 00:34:51,572 --> 00:34:52,952 Uh, I just told you. 797 00:34:53,021 --> 00:34:54,365 Just tell me again. 798 00:34:54,400 --> 00:34:56,779 When I got the friggen' flyer. 799 00:34:57,710 --> 00:34:59,848 When you were outside of your truck? 800 00:34:59,883 --> 00:35:00,952 Yeah. 801 00:35:03,986 --> 00:35:04,986 What? 802 00:35:05,814 --> 00:35:07,365 Wha-what's the joke? 803 00:35:07,434 --> 00:35:08,434 He wasn't driving. 804 00:35:08,469 --> 00:35:10,641 He wasn't behind the wheel. 805 00:35:10,641 --> 00:35:13,021 When Willy Macisaac was asked to submit to a breathalyzer, 806 00:35:13,089 --> 00:35:15,469 he wasn't in care and control of his vehicle. 807 00:35:15,503 --> 00:35:16,469 Where's you proof, Marcie? 808 00:35:16,538 --> 00:35:18,400 Take it up with your arresting officer. 809 00:35:18,434 --> 00:35:19,779 Bottom line, 810 00:35:19,814 --> 00:35:21,434 you can't establish the elements of the crime. 811 00:35:21,469 --> 00:35:23,572 You can't have a DUI without the D. 812 00:35:23,607 --> 00:35:24,883 That's clever. - Mhm. 813 00:35:24,952 --> 00:35:26,089 But we already established from the timeline 814 00:35:26,124 --> 00:35:28,434 that Mr. McIsaac was in care and control 815 00:35:28,469 --> 00:35:30,952 of his vehicle at least an hour before the roadside test. 816 00:35:30,952 --> 00:35:31,952 That's enough to support charges. 817 00:35:31,952 --> 00:35:32,848 No. 818 00:35:32,883 --> 00:35:34,572 The cops are overzealous, Avery, 819 00:35:34,607 --> 00:35:36,503 and you know this. 820 00:35:36,538 --> 00:35:38,124 A parent who was drinking 821 00:35:38,124 --> 00:35:39,986 calls in a complaint over my client 822 00:35:40,021 --> 00:35:41,779 and then the police run a roadside test 823 00:35:41,814 --> 00:35:43,021 when he wasn't even behind the wheel? 824 00:35:43,089 --> 00:35:45,434 How do they know that he wasn't parking his truck 825 00:35:45,469 --> 00:35:46,503 and cabbing it? - Come on, Marcie. 826 00:35:46,538 --> 00:35:47,814 No, you come on. 827 00:35:47,848 --> 00:35:50,538 You withdraw the charges or, you know what, 828 00:35:50,607 --> 00:35:52,676 we'll both go in front of Judge Spinks on Monday morning 829 00:35:52,710 --> 00:35:54,676 and we both know that's not gonna be good for you. 830 00:35:55,952 --> 00:35:57,400 What's it gonna be? 831 00:36:12,021 --> 00:36:13,365 Mr. Jones? 832 00:36:14,848 --> 00:36:15,814 Pam Maclean, 833 00:36:15,848 --> 00:36:17,676 Ainslie MacKay's lawyer. 834 00:36:17,710 --> 00:36:19,538 I took a look at your billings. 835 00:36:19,572 --> 00:36:22,021 You had billed Ainslie $1000 836 00:36:22,021 --> 00:36:24,641 for a 10 minute phone call on March 13th. 837 00:36:24,676 --> 00:36:26,710 But according to Facebook, 838 00:36:26,745 --> 00:36:29,089 you were in Cuba at an all-inclusive 839 00:36:29,158 --> 00:36:30,710 with no cell service. 840 00:36:32,021 --> 00:36:34,710 I'm sure that's just a clerical error. 841 00:36:34,745 --> 00:36:36,469 I'll speak to my assistant. 842 00:36:36,503 --> 00:36:37,676 Okay. 843 00:36:38,710 --> 00:36:40,745 There are 50 or so entries here 844 00:36:40,779 --> 00:36:42,848 and for half of those you were either travelling, 845 00:36:42,848 --> 00:36:45,641 in court on other cases or at lunch. 846 00:36:45,676 --> 00:36:47,848 Clerical error or fraud? 847 00:36:47,883 --> 00:36:49,607 I mean, I've only been at this for four years, 848 00:36:49,676 --> 00:36:52,469 so maybe I need a judge to decide. 849 00:36:53,503 --> 00:36:54,745 Or the RCMP. 850 00:36:58,572 --> 00:36:59,814 What do you want? 851 00:37:01,745 --> 00:37:03,814 Let's start with you signing this consent 852 00:37:03,848 --> 00:37:06,641 saying the garnishee has been satisfied in full. 853 00:37:25,089 --> 00:37:26,434 Be right out. 854 00:37:28,917 --> 00:37:29,917 Hi. 855 00:37:29,917 --> 00:37:30,917 Say thank you. 856 00:37:30,917 --> 00:37:32,814 Oh. 857 00:37:32,883 --> 00:37:34,883 Oh, this is so nice. 858 00:37:39,745 --> 00:37:40,917 It's done. 859 00:37:40,952 --> 00:37:42,814 Crown's withdrawing the charges. 860 00:37:42,883 --> 00:37:44,055 Yeah? 861 00:37:45,089 --> 00:37:46,641 Ah, we did it. 862 00:37:48,158 --> 00:37:49,745 You did it. 863 00:37:50,572 --> 00:37:51,814 You said, "I got this." 864 00:37:51,848 --> 00:37:53,814 And I thought that was just words. 865 00:37:55,917 --> 00:37:57,572 I'm nobody to you. 866 00:37:58,986 --> 00:38:01,814 And you still had my back 867 00:38:01,814 --> 00:38:04,158 so thank you, thank you. 868 00:38:06,952 --> 00:38:08,124 Honestly Willy, 869 00:38:09,021 --> 00:38:10,848 I hope we never meet again. 870 00:38:11,986 --> 00:38:13,641 That's fair. 871 00:38:19,986 --> 00:38:21,986 I knew you'd fit right in. 872 00:38:22,641 --> 00:38:23,607 Good work. 873 00:38:23,641 --> 00:38:24,986 Thanks. 874 00:38:25,021 --> 00:38:26,227 Big plans this weekend? 875 00:38:26,262 --> 00:38:28,814 Yeah, I think I'm gonna go to my cousin's wedding. 876 00:38:57,848 --> 00:38:59,676 Everything turned out perfectly. 877 00:38:59,710 --> 00:39:01,124 That's actually Patsy 878 00:39:01,193 --> 00:39:02,227 of course she- 879 00:39:05,917 --> 00:39:07,917 You are a disgrace to this community. 880 00:39:07,952 --> 00:39:09,021 Reverend. 881 00:39:09,055 --> 00:39:10,296 What? 882 00:39:10,365 --> 00:39:12,883 I will tell you the same thing I tell the thieves, 883 00:39:12,883 --> 00:39:14,883 and the pimps and the dealers. 884 00:39:14,917 --> 00:39:16,710 We don't want you. 885 00:39:16,745 --> 00:39:19,055 Ain't no shelter here for you. 886 00:39:19,089 --> 00:39:21,710 You're gonna act like you don't know me. 887 00:39:21,710 --> 00:39:24,227 Ms. Brooks, Mr. Glasgow! 888 00:39:24,262 --> 00:39:25,676 Not in this church, 889 00:39:25,710 --> 00:39:27,124 in people's homes, 890 00:39:27,193 --> 00:39:28,745 in this community. 891 00:39:29,434 --> 00:39:31,607 We are done with filth like you. 892 00:39:37,745 --> 00:39:38,952 Rolanda. 893 00:39:41,883 --> 00:39:43,607 Marcie. 894 00:39:48,262 --> 00:39:49,848 Take me home. 895 00:39:57,193 --> 00:39:58,848 Marcie! 896 00:39:59,848 --> 00:40:00,779 Marcie! 897 00:40:24,331 --> 00:40:26,883 You have one unheard message. 898 00:40:28,055 --> 00:40:29,193 Hey, C. 899 00:40:30,365 --> 00:40:34,158 The water is amazing today. 900 00:40:34,917 --> 00:40:36,400 I tried to wait for you, baby 901 00:40:36,400 --> 00:40:39,055 but I had to go without you. 902 00:40:40,779 --> 00:40:42,400 Keep an eye on Patsy. 903 00:40:42,400 --> 00:40:44,055 She's gonna need you. 904 00:40:45,917 --> 00:40:47,883 Uh, tell your Daddy, 905 00:40:47,883 --> 00:40:49,779 I am good now. 906 00:40:49,848 --> 00:40:50,848 Rolanda! 907 00:40:53,227 --> 00:40:55,021 If you could see what I see. 908 00:40:56,296 --> 00:40:59,331 It's the most amazing place in the world. 909 00:41:03,089 --> 00:41:04,917 And I love you baby. 910 00:41:09,434 --> 00:41:10,779 Rolanda! 911 00:41:12,917 --> 00:41:14,124 Rolanda! 912 00:41:18,296 --> 00:41:19,814 Rolanda! 913 00:41:54,952 --> 00:41:57,021 When I mentioned Cuba, 914 00:41:57,089 --> 00:42:00,124 that was the beginning of the end for him. 915 00:42:01,021 --> 00:42:02,365 Key to the slip. 916 00:42:02,400 --> 00:42:04,469 You can keep your boat there for the year. 917 00:42:16,469 --> 00:42:17,503 Avery? 918 00:42:17,538 --> 00:42:18,814 Hey. -Hey. 919 00:42:20,365 --> 00:42:23,021 How, uh, how you gettin' home? 920 00:42:23,055 --> 00:42:25,883 Just, uh, I got two feet and a heartbeat. 921 00:42:25,917 --> 00:42:27,158 Hey, easy, easy. 922 00:42:36,055 --> 00:42:37,503 Go home Avery. 923 00:42:39,021 --> 00:42:41,814 Marcie, Rolanda I- 924 00:42:43,986 --> 00:42:45,814 The system let her down, it- 925 00:42:46,331 --> 00:42:47,917 I should have been there for you. 926 00:42:47,986 --> 00:42:49,158 Not the system. 927 00:42:49,572 --> 00:42:50,745 Us. 928 00:42:52,883 --> 00:42:54,055 Good night.