1 00:03:32,441 --> 00:03:36,441 Kay. Hi, it's Mike Adler here from Creswick Police. 2 00:03:36,650 --> 00:03:39,191 Look, I'm just calling about your mum. 3 00:03:39,400 --> 00:03:41,941 The neighbours haven't seen her in a few days. 4 00:03:42,150 --> 00:03:45,108 I've been by her house, without much luck. 5 00:03:45,316 --> 00:03:47,983 And I was just wondering if you'd heard from her. 6 00:03:48,191 --> 00:03:52,108 Could you give me a call when you can? Thanks. 7 00:04:19,400 --> 00:04:20,608 Gran? 8 00:04:43,108 --> 00:04:44,566 Gran? 9 00:05:06,650 --> 00:05:08,066 Gran? 10 00:05:20,108 --> 00:05:21,525 Mum? 11 00:05:26,108 --> 00:05:27,525 Gran? 12 00:05:32,150 --> 00:05:33,691 Wait. 13 00:05:33,900 --> 00:05:35,858 Just… wait out here. 14 00:06:06,191 --> 00:06:07,608 Mum? 15 00:06:29,650 --> 00:06:31,858 You should set up in my old room. 16 00:06:40,191 --> 00:06:41,650 What? 17 00:06:43,733 --> 00:06:45,316 - Kay, what? - Nothing. 18 00:06:45,525 --> 00:06:46,733 Call straightaway if she… 19 00:06:46,941 --> 00:06:48,358 - Yeah, I will. - OK. 20 00:06:58,608 --> 00:07:00,025 Does your mum still drive? 21 00:07:00,233 --> 00:07:03,608 Sometimes. But her car's still at the house. 22 00:07:03,816 --> 00:07:07,608 - And... any medical problems? - No. 23 00:07:07,816 --> 00:07:09,733 She's in her 80s. She forgets things. 24 00:07:09,941 --> 00:07:13,150 She managed to flood the house last Christmas. 25 00:07:13,358 --> 00:07:14,941 And when was the last time you spoke to her? 26 00:07:15,150 --> 00:07:16,733 It's been a while. 27 00:07:17,733 --> 00:07:19,816 Could... you be more specific? 28 00:07:20,025 --> 00:07:21,650 Um… 29 00:07:21,858 --> 00:07:23,066 Well, in situations like this, 30 00:07:23,275 --> 00:07:25,441 we... we need to come up with a time line. 31 00:07:25,650 --> 00:07:29,275 When Alex called last night, he said he hadn't noticed 32 00:07:29,483 --> 00:07:32,316 your mum leave the house for a few days, maybe a week. 33 00:07:32,525 --> 00:07:33,733 So, if we can figure out 34 00:07:33,941 --> 00:07:35,816 who the last person was to speak to her, we can... 35 00:07:36,025 --> 00:07:37,775 - Yeah, of course, yeah. - ..figure out exactly who… 36 00:07:37,983 --> 00:07:39,275 Sorry. Um… 37 00:07:39,483 --> 00:07:41,525 It's been a few weeks. 38 00:07:42,566 --> 00:07:44,316 Work's been crazy. You know how it is. 39 00:07:50,525 --> 00:07:52,483 And what did you talk about? 40 00:07:54,233 --> 00:07:56,025 Nothing, really. Normal stuff. 41 00:07:57,650 --> 00:08:00,191 She didn't mention anything about a holiday, 42 00:08:00,400 --> 00:08:01,983 appointment out of town, visiting friends? 43 00:08:02,191 --> 00:08:04,650 No. Nothing like that. 44 00:08:05,983 --> 00:08:07,900 We'll organise the overall search strategy. 45 00:08:08,108 --> 00:08:09,358 OK. 46 00:08:09,566 --> 00:08:11,816 - Did you bring a recent photo? - Yeah. 47 00:08:21,566 --> 00:08:24,108 This was taken late last year. 48 00:08:46,733 --> 00:08:48,316 Jesus Christ. 49 00:08:55,441 --> 00:08:57,525 Great... 50 00:11:03,441 --> 00:11:05,650 She's been putting food out for Chester. 51 00:11:15,608 --> 00:11:17,900 Is your boss OK with you taking time off? 52 00:11:18,108 --> 00:11:19,525 Yeah. 53 00:11:22,608 --> 00:11:24,025 Well, no. 54 00:11:25,691 --> 00:11:27,650 I stopped working at the gallery. 55 00:11:27,858 --> 00:11:29,275 Since when? 56 00:11:30,400 --> 00:11:31,816 A while. 57 00:11:34,691 --> 00:11:36,150 What are you doing for money? 58 00:11:36,358 --> 00:11:39,233 I've got some decent shifts back at the bar. 59 00:11:41,108 --> 00:11:42,983 Still planning on going back to uni? 60 00:11:43,191 --> 00:11:44,191 I don't know, Kay. 61 00:11:44,400 --> 00:11:46,525 So, what, you're just gonna work in a bar for the rest of your life? 62 00:11:46,733 --> 00:11:48,483 Yeah, maybe. 63 00:11:55,691 --> 00:11:57,275 I'm glad you're here. 64 00:11:59,108 --> 00:12:01,650 I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing. 65 00:12:07,025 --> 00:12:08,858 I think you're doing it. 66 00:12:33,233 --> 00:12:35,400 Edna! 67 00:12:37,525 --> 00:12:39,441 Edna?! 68 00:12:45,400 --> 00:12:48,233 - Edna! - Mum! 69 00:12:50,191 --> 00:12:51,608 Edna?! 70 00:12:54,275 --> 00:12:55,900 Edna?! 71 00:12:56,108 --> 00:12:57,941 Mum?! 72 00:13:03,441 --> 00:13:04,858 Edna?! 73 00:13:09,858 --> 00:13:11,275 Edna?! 74 00:13:12,525 --> 00:13:14,858 Edna?! 75 00:13:16,025 --> 00:13:18,150 We'll regroup first thing tomorrow. 76 00:13:18,358 --> 00:13:21,316 We should check the trail by St Georges Lake. 77 00:13:21,525 --> 00:13:23,941 Gran used to take me there all the time when I was a kid. 78 00:14:19,483 --> 00:14:21,066 Gran? 79 00:14:25,316 --> 00:14:26,733 Jamie? 80 00:14:28,858 --> 00:14:30,900 Hi, Sam. 81 00:14:31,108 --> 00:14:32,900 What are you up to? 82 00:14:35,275 --> 00:14:36,775 Patrolling. 83 00:14:36,983 --> 00:14:38,941 OK. 84 00:14:41,775 --> 00:14:43,775 Did you find her yet? 85 00:14:46,150 --> 00:14:47,608 No, not yet. 86 00:14:50,025 --> 00:14:52,025 When was the last time you saw her? 87 00:14:52,233 --> 00:14:54,066 Not for ages. 88 00:14:54,275 --> 00:14:57,358 Dad doesn't like me coming over anymore. 89 00:14:58,525 --> 00:14:59,941 Why's that? 90 00:15:05,483 --> 00:15:07,316 Smells weird. 91 00:15:08,691 --> 00:15:10,775 Can I have a go? 92 00:15:10,983 --> 00:15:12,233 I'm allowed. 93 00:15:13,816 --> 00:15:15,691 You're 18! 94 00:15:15,900 --> 00:15:17,441 When did that happen? 95 00:15:20,441 --> 00:15:21,858 Oh! 96 00:15:23,691 --> 00:15:25,816 Thanks, Jamie. I really needed that. 97 00:15:26,025 --> 00:15:27,608 I might go inside. It's freezing. 98 00:15:27,816 --> 00:15:30,900 Do you want to come in? Make you a Milo? 99 00:15:34,525 --> 00:15:35,816 Nah. 100 00:15:37,483 --> 00:15:38,900 That's OK. 101 00:16:26,358 --> 00:16:28,400 It's D after that bit, not E. 102 00:16:28,608 --> 00:16:30,275 How do you know? 103 00:16:30,483 --> 00:16:32,983 Gran taught me. 104 00:16:33,191 --> 00:16:34,858 Of course she did. 105 00:16:38,275 --> 00:16:40,066 I could never get the curl of the fingers right. 106 00:16:40,275 --> 00:16:42,566 I think she gave up on me at a certain point. 107 00:16:43,983 --> 00:16:45,900 Are these locks new too? 108 00:16:50,358 --> 00:16:52,191 I think she was scared. 109 00:16:52,400 --> 00:16:54,483 Scared? Of what? 110 00:16:57,566 --> 00:16:59,483 She called me a few weeks ago. 111 00:16:59,691 --> 00:17:02,316 She thought someone was coming into the house. 112 00:17:02,525 --> 00:17:04,025 What? Why? 113 00:17:04,233 --> 00:17:06,816 Doors were left open, the lights were left on, 114 00:17:07,025 --> 00:17:08,858 she... the... 115 00:17:09,858 --> 00:17:11,233 ..armchair had shifted. 116 00:17:11,441 --> 00:17:12,858 Well… 117 00:17:13,941 --> 00:17:15,316 ..did you tell the police? 118 00:17:15,525 --> 00:17:16,941 She forgets things. 119 00:17:17,150 --> 00:17:18,483 You know what she's like. It was her. 120 00:17:18,691 --> 00:17:20,358 Well, why didn't you call me? I could have driven up here. 121 00:17:20,566 --> 00:17:22,066 I mean, what if she was… 122 00:18:23,900 --> 00:18:25,358 What was that? 123 00:18:26,983 --> 00:18:28,441 Kay? 124 00:18:28,650 --> 00:18:30,358 Don't know. 125 00:19:05,733 --> 00:19:07,191 What is that? 126 00:21:03,816 --> 00:21:05,441 What... what's wrong? 127 00:21:05,650 --> 00:21:07,066 Nothing. 128 00:21:08,941 --> 00:21:10,441 Go to sleep. 129 00:23:25,233 --> 00:23:26,733 Mum? 130 00:23:35,983 --> 00:23:37,400 Where...? 131 00:23:37,608 --> 00:23:39,233 Where have you been? 132 00:23:52,441 --> 00:23:54,108 Tea? 133 00:23:55,650 --> 00:23:56,941 Are you OK? 134 00:23:57,150 --> 00:23:58,650 One sugar, right? 135 00:23:58,858 --> 00:24:01,275 - Gran! - Oh! 136 00:24:06,441 --> 00:24:09,025 About half an hour ago. 137 00:24:09,233 --> 00:24:11,441 No, she's... she's not hurt. 138 00:24:11,650 --> 00:24:15,400 She's... As far as I can tell. She won't tell me anything. 139 00:24:17,233 --> 00:24:20,358 Whenever I ask, she just changes the subject, acts like nothing happened. 140 00:24:20,566 --> 00:24:22,400 Like she hasn't been gone for three days. 141 00:24:23,608 --> 00:24:26,441 Yeah, I don't wanna push her. I just... I just hope she's OK. 142 00:24:27,775 --> 00:24:30,566 Yeah. Thanks, Mike. Yeah, I will. Bye. 143 00:24:38,775 --> 00:24:40,566 - Any chest pain? - No. 144 00:24:40,775 --> 00:24:43,441 Breathlessness? Dysuria? 145 00:24:43,650 --> 00:24:45,191 Dysuria? 146 00:24:45,400 --> 00:24:46,775 Does it hurt to pee? 147 00:24:46,983 --> 00:24:48,983 Oh. No. 148 00:24:49,191 --> 00:24:50,608 Neither of those things. 149 00:24:51,858 --> 00:24:54,608 Would you mind taking a slow walk to your daughter and back? 150 00:24:58,900 --> 00:25:02,358 - Edna, when's your birthday? - April 10th. 151 00:25:02,566 --> 00:25:04,233 And how about your granddaughter's? 152 00:25:04,441 --> 00:25:05,858 March 3rd. 153 00:25:07,775 --> 00:25:08,941 Good. 154 00:25:09,150 --> 00:25:10,400 See? 155 00:25:10,608 --> 00:25:12,358 This one worries about me. 156 00:25:12,566 --> 00:25:14,650 - May I? - Mm-hm. 157 00:25:16,900 --> 00:25:18,941 Do you know how you got this bruise? 158 00:25:22,233 --> 00:25:24,941 Oh... I must have knocked it. 159 00:25:25,150 --> 00:25:26,400 Clumsy. 160 00:25:26,608 --> 00:25:28,316 Just to be safe, I'm going to recommend 161 00:25:28,525 --> 00:25:30,316 that you not be by yourself for the next couple of weeks. 162 00:25:30,525 --> 00:25:33,441 - Is that really necessary? - Sorry, Edna. I insist. 163 00:25:33,650 --> 00:25:35,900 House arrest it is, then. 164 00:25:59,483 --> 00:26:01,816 Well, tell them it's a family emergency. 165 00:26:04,025 --> 00:26:06,275 Yeah, I know that, but he's perfectly capable. 166 00:26:08,608 --> 00:26:10,816 Uh-huh. A week, maybe two. 167 00:26:11,025 --> 00:26:12,650 Well, what do you expect...? 168 00:26:13,733 --> 00:26:16,233 Yeah. Fine. Fine, email it. 169 00:26:21,733 --> 00:26:23,358 I've gotta go, Luce. 170 00:26:40,441 --> 00:26:42,150 What's that? 171 00:26:49,108 --> 00:26:51,358 Do you know where you were, Mum? 172 00:26:52,816 --> 00:26:55,191 - Where? - No, I'm asking you. 173 00:26:57,191 --> 00:27:00,108 I suppose I went out. 174 00:27:00,316 --> 00:27:01,691 Out where? 175 00:27:01,900 --> 00:27:04,858 If I'd known you'd call the police, I would have stayed home. 176 00:27:05,066 --> 00:27:07,275 There's blood on your nightgown. 177 00:27:10,441 --> 00:27:11,858 Do you need help? 178 00:27:13,525 --> 00:27:14,775 With what? 179 00:27:14,983 --> 00:27:17,608 There are Post-it notes everywhere, Mum. 180 00:27:19,275 --> 00:27:22,316 It's my house. I can decorate it however I want. 181 00:27:22,525 --> 00:27:24,775 Just tell me what happened! 182 00:27:24,983 --> 00:27:26,733 Look, can we just take it easy today? 183 00:27:26,941 --> 00:27:28,941 Gran must be exhausted. 184 00:28:14,483 --> 00:28:16,483 Gran? 185 00:28:19,733 --> 00:28:20,900 Oh. 186 00:28:22,483 --> 00:28:23,900 Got your tea. 187 00:28:24,108 --> 00:28:25,775 What service! 188 00:28:27,733 --> 00:28:29,650 Sorry about Mum. 189 00:28:29,858 --> 00:28:31,483 She was worried about you. 190 00:28:31,691 --> 00:28:33,400 We all were. 191 00:28:45,150 --> 00:28:46,983 I had to stop wearing it. 192 00:28:47,191 --> 00:28:50,608 They say you shrink with age, but my fingers just keep getting fatter. 193 00:28:52,316 --> 00:28:53,733 It's lovely. 194 00:28:53,941 --> 00:28:55,816 It's yours. 195 00:28:58,316 --> 00:28:59,733 Gran, I can't take this. 196 00:28:59,941 --> 00:29:01,608 You might need it one day. 197 00:29:02,691 --> 00:29:04,858 And your mother's already had a go. 198 00:29:15,483 --> 00:29:17,108 Wow, you cleaned up. 199 00:29:22,691 --> 00:29:24,650 Please leave it. I've got a system. 200 00:29:26,941 --> 00:29:29,483 - What are you doing? - Work. 201 00:29:39,358 --> 00:29:42,275 Look at this. 202 00:29:51,483 --> 00:29:53,525 Guess I was. 203 00:29:55,150 --> 00:29:57,025 Wow. 204 00:29:59,233 --> 00:30:00,900 He could draw. 205 00:30:02,150 --> 00:30:03,400 Yeah. 206 00:30:03,608 --> 00:30:05,941 God, I haven't seen this for years. 207 00:30:12,441 --> 00:30:13,941 Wait. What's this? 208 00:30:14,150 --> 00:30:15,025 Oh... 209 00:30:15,233 --> 00:30:18,608 Oh, that was on the property when your grandparents inherited it. 210 00:30:19,608 --> 00:30:22,108 My great-grandfather lived there. 211 00:30:22,316 --> 00:30:25,691 - By himself? - Yeah. There were all these stories. 212 00:30:25,900 --> 00:30:27,983 Apparently, his mind wasn't all there in the end, 213 00:30:28,191 --> 00:30:30,150 and nobody knew how bad it was. 214 00:30:31,275 --> 00:30:34,441 I don't think he was cared for like he should have been, you know? 215 00:30:34,650 --> 00:30:36,233 Mm. 216 00:30:36,441 --> 00:30:38,150 I was happy to see it go. 217 00:30:38,358 --> 00:30:41,025 Mum used to threaten to lock me in it when I was being a brat. 218 00:30:45,941 --> 00:30:48,525 Is that the same window as the one on the door downstairs? 219 00:30:48,733 --> 00:30:50,316 Yeah. 220 00:30:50,525 --> 00:30:52,983 Yeah, when they tore it down, they saved some of the windows 221 00:30:53,191 --> 00:30:55,941 and used them to build into this place. 222 00:30:59,358 --> 00:31:01,358 Can you keep an eye on her for a few hours tomorrow? 223 00:31:01,566 --> 00:31:03,900 - Where are you going? - Back to Melbourne. 224 00:31:04,108 --> 00:31:07,233 - You going back to work? - No. I... 225 00:31:07,441 --> 00:31:10,025 I've booked a tour of a retirement place. 226 00:31:13,025 --> 00:31:14,650 You can't put Gran in a home. 227 00:31:14,858 --> 00:31:17,150 You heard her before. She doesn't know where she was. 228 00:31:17,358 --> 00:31:18,691 I don't think she can remember. 229 00:31:18,900 --> 00:31:20,941 That's not what I heard. 230 00:31:23,525 --> 00:31:25,400 She can't live on her own anymore, Sam. 231 00:31:25,608 --> 00:31:28,775 - Well, why can't she move in with you? - Because that's not practical. 232 00:31:28,983 --> 00:31:30,191 There's plenty of room at your place. 233 00:31:30,400 --> 00:31:32,608 No, it's not about room. She has to be watched. 234 00:31:32,816 --> 00:31:34,691 Well, isn't that how it works? 235 00:31:34,900 --> 00:31:37,816 Your mum changes your nappies and then you change hers? 236 00:31:46,566 --> 00:31:49,483 You need to be on the same side as me for this. 237 00:31:51,650 --> 00:31:53,316 Does Gran even get a say? 238 00:31:57,275 --> 00:31:59,025 This is what's best for Gran. 239 00:32:43,566 --> 00:32:45,566 What noise? 240 00:32:45,775 --> 00:32:48,525 No. I didn't hear any noise. 241 00:32:48,733 --> 00:32:51,608 I told you. I told you it's nothing. 242 00:32:52,816 --> 00:32:54,233 There's no-one. 243 00:32:54,441 --> 00:32:56,275 You're scaring me. 244 00:32:56,483 --> 00:32:57,900 Mum? 245 00:33:10,400 --> 00:33:11,983 Are you alright? 246 00:33:15,358 --> 00:33:17,025 Are you leaving? 247 00:33:18,191 --> 00:33:19,608 No, Mum. 248 00:33:24,608 --> 00:33:26,025 That's good. 249 00:33:32,316 --> 00:33:34,400 Will you be alright now? 250 00:33:44,900 --> 00:33:45,941 Mum? 251 00:33:56,608 --> 00:33:57,983 Mum, what is it? 252 00:34:05,816 --> 00:34:07,316 It's here. 253 00:34:09,066 --> 00:34:10,941 Under the bed. 254 00:34:12,566 --> 00:34:15,108 No, there's nothing under the bed, Mum. 255 00:34:17,025 --> 00:34:18,358 Are you sure? 256 00:34:18,566 --> 00:34:19,983 Yes. 257 00:34:25,566 --> 00:34:27,275 Will you check for me? 258 00:34:32,316 --> 00:34:33,650 Please. 259 00:34:38,483 --> 00:34:40,025 See? Nothing. 260 00:34:41,275 --> 00:34:42,983 You didn't look. 261 00:35:20,275 --> 00:35:21,483 Ow! 262 00:35:21,691 --> 00:35:23,191 Shit! Oh! 263 00:35:24,441 --> 00:35:25,650 Oh! 264 00:35:26,816 --> 00:35:28,566 You did that on purpose. 265 00:35:28,775 --> 00:35:30,816 - Did what? - You dropped that on purpose! 266 00:35:31,025 --> 00:35:33,191 - Why would I do that? - I don't know. 267 00:35:33,400 --> 00:35:36,025 - Did you hit your head? - Yes! Yes! Yes. 268 00:36:02,150 --> 00:36:05,358 Now, you mentioned your mother has some cognitive impairment? 269 00:36:06,858 --> 00:36:08,691 Yeah, I... I don't really know. 270 00:36:08,900 --> 00:36:11,650 She forgets things. She's started wandering. 271 00:36:11,858 --> 00:36:15,066 Well, the staff here are on call 24/7. 272 00:36:15,275 --> 00:36:18,941 Think of it as independent living with the edges taken off. 273 00:36:25,483 --> 00:36:26,650 Just in here. 274 00:36:26,858 --> 00:36:29,525 This side of the building has ocean views. 275 00:36:30,900 --> 00:36:32,733 Handrails in every room, 276 00:36:32,941 --> 00:36:34,441 high toilet seat, 277 00:36:34,650 --> 00:36:38,275 mobility aids if your mother needs help getting in and out of bed. 278 00:36:38,483 --> 00:36:42,691 No, she's fine with that kind of stuff. She's fit, she's active. I... 279 00:36:43,775 --> 00:36:46,483 I'm not even sure she's ready for a place like this. 280 00:36:46,691 --> 00:36:48,566 Well, it's five-star living. 281 00:36:50,233 --> 00:36:52,691 Then there's the lifestyle and therapy programs, 282 00:36:52,900 --> 00:36:55,275 disability support, computer classes. 283 00:36:55,483 --> 00:36:57,775 Your mum'll make friends in no time. 284 00:36:57,983 --> 00:37:00,816 The rec room is decked out, and every Sunday night... 285 00:37:36,400 --> 00:37:40,941 ♪ The things, the things I'd do for you 286 00:37:43,525 --> 00:37:46,608 ♪ I would change November showers 287 00:37:46,816 --> 00:37:50,483 ♪ To red roses in June 288 00:37:50,691 --> 00:37:56,566 ♪ These are the things, the things I'd do for you 289 00:37:58,566 --> 00:38:00,650 ♪ Though I'm not a great musician... ♪ 290 00:38:00,858 --> 00:38:02,233 Dance with me, Kimmy. 291 00:38:02,441 --> 00:38:03,858 ♪ I have always had... ♪ 292 00:38:04,066 --> 00:38:05,400 Sorry? 293 00:38:05,608 --> 00:38:07,441 Dance with me, Sammy. 294 00:38:11,066 --> 00:38:13,150 - Ah! - Oh, no... 295 00:38:13,358 --> 00:38:15,858 Yes! Here we go. 296 00:38:16,066 --> 00:38:17,900 Oh, boy. 297 00:38:18,108 --> 00:38:19,941 - Do you know the cha-cha? - Absolutely not. 298 00:38:20,150 --> 00:38:21,358 Time for a lesson. 299 00:38:21,566 --> 00:38:24,441 One, two, three. And one, two, three. 300 00:38:24,650 --> 00:38:26,733 And one, two, three. 301 00:38:26,941 --> 00:38:29,858 - And... It's the cha-cha! - OK. 302 00:38:30,066 --> 00:38:33,400 And... under arm for the lady. 303 00:38:33,608 --> 00:38:35,150 - Oh, "the lady". - And again. 304 00:38:35,358 --> 00:38:37,233 And one more for Sammy. 305 00:38:39,316 --> 00:38:42,025 ♪ As late 306 00:38:42,233 --> 00:38:44,816 ♪ As the hour... ♪ 307 00:38:45,025 --> 00:38:47,566 This one always gets me. 308 00:38:47,775 --> 00:38:50,191 ♪ I beg you, please 309 00:38:50,400 --> 00:38:51,608 ♪ Stay a... ♪ 310 00:38:51,816 --> 00:38:53,941 Do you ever get lonely out here by yourself? 311 00:38:55,691 --> 00:38:57,900 ♪ As late 312 00:38:59,316 --> 00:39:01,275 ♪ As the hour... ♪ 313 00:39:01,483 --> 00:39:03,941 Jamie doesn't come around here much anymore, does he? 314 00:39:04,150 --> 00:39:06,566 - ♪ Cling to me... ♪ - Who? 315 00:39:06,775 --> 00:39:08,858 Jamie from next door. 316 00:39:10,316 --> 00:39:11,608 Oh. 317 00:39:11,816 --> 00:39:13,316 The retard. 318 00:39:13,525 --> 00:39:16,358 ♪ Clear that here 319 00:39:16,566 --> 00:39:19,608 ♪ Is an atmosphere 320 00:39:19,816 --> 00:39:21,525 ♪ We should share... ♪ 321 00:39:21,733 --> 00:39:23,691 How... 322 00:39:23,900 --> 00:39:26,691 How would you feel about me moving to Creswick? 323 00:39:28,983 --> 00:39:30,650 Why would you want to do that? 324 00:39:30,858 --> 00:39:33,108 To be closer to you. 325 00:39:34,566 --> 00:39:38,150 I could help you out - cook, clean, stuff like that. 326 00:39:38,358 --> 00:39:41,358 Was this your idea or your mother's? 327 00:39:42,400 --> 00:39:43,733 Mine. 328 00:39:45,316 --> 00:39:47,441 Where would you live? 329 00:39:47,650 --> 00:39:50,233 Here, in the house. With you. 330 00:39:50,441 --> 00:39:52,025 I don't think so. 331 00:39:52,233 --> 00:39:55,900 I'm not a... project, Kay. 332 00:39:56,108 --> 00:39:58,400 I'm... I'm Sam, Gran. 333 00:39:58,608 --> 00:40:00,066 I know who you are. 334 00:40:00,275 --> 00:40:02,900 Well, wouldn't it be better than moving into an old folks' home? 335 00:40:03,108 --> 00:40:06,066 That's where Mum is right now - checking out a place in Melbourne. 336 00:40:07,650 --> 00:40:09,275 Here, let me help. 337 00:40:13,941 --> 00:40:15,150 - What's this? - What? 338 00:40:15,358 --> 00:40:17,108 - What are you doing with this? - What do you mean? 339 00:40:17,316 --> 00:40:19,191 - This is mine. - Yeah, Gran, you gave it to... 340 00:40:19,400 --> 00:40:21,191 You're trying to steal from me. You're trying to rob me. 341 00:40:21,400 --> 00:40:23,066 - No. Remember when you... - Give it back. 342 00:40:23,275 --> 00:40:24,691 - Give it back! - Ow. Gran. 343 00:40:24,900 --> 00:40:26,608 Ow! Ah! 344 00:40:26,816 --> 00:40:27,816 Oh! 345 00:40:29,191 --> 00:40:31,608 Fuck. Take it! 346 00:41:34,025 --> 00:41:35,775 Gran? 347 00:42:26,275 --> 00:42:28,608 Are these my school reports? 348 00:42:28,816 --> 00:42:31,441 You're throwing these out? I didn't even know you'd kept them. 349 00:42:33,150 --> 00:42:35,608 Well, I have to make room, don't I? 350 00:42:37,400 --> 00:42:39,400 Room for what, Mum? 351 00:42:39,608 --> 00:42:41,608 This one's moving in. 352 00:42:46,275 --> 00:42:48,608 No, she's not. She... 353 00:42:48,816 --> 00:42:50,608 I think you're confused, Mum. 354 00:42:50,816 --> 00:42:54,233 I'm not sure why you think it's your decision. 355 00:42:56,233 --> 00:42:58,191 How was Melbourne? 356 00:43:53,733 --> 00:43:55,400 Everything alright, Gran? 357 00:43:57,483 --> 00:43:59,358 I don't like this place. 358 00:44:01,191 --> 00:44:03,275 Is that why you installed the lock? 359 00:44:04,566 --> 00:44:06,441 I thought this was where it got in. 360 00:44:07,650 --> 00:44:09,108 Who? 361 00:44:10,233 --> 00:44:12,858 Whoever was coming into the house. 362 00:44:15,191 --> 00:44:18,275 Since your grandfather passed, this house seems... 363 00:44:20,358 --> 00:44:23,525 ..unfamiliar. Bigger, somehow. 364 00:44:29,983 --> 00:44:31,983 This house is the only thing left. 365 00:44:33,983 --> 00:44:35,733 All our memories. 366 00:44:50,400 --> 00:44:52,650 I'm glad you're moving in, Sammy. 367 00:45:23,691 --> 00:45:25,358 Are you sure? 368 00:46:26,525 --> 00:46:27,941 Gran? 369 00:47:09,400 --> 00:47:11,191 Gran? 370 00:48:37,275 --> 00:48:38,691 Kay? 371 00:49:06,233 --> 00:49:07,941 Mum? 372 00:49:27,566 --> 00:49:29,691 What's that noise? 373 00:49:30,983 --> 00:49:33,150 I think there's something in the house. 374 00:49:34,358 --> 00:49:36,400 I need to go downstairs. 375 00:49:36,608 --> 00:49:39,233 There's someone down there. 376 00:49:41,525 --> 00:49:43,691 Everything alright in there, Mum? 377 00:49:53,691 --> 00:49:55,525 Sammy? 378 00:50:20,316 --> 00:50:22,525 I'm not being ridiculous. I can tell. 379 00:50:23,858 --> 00:50:27,650 Sometimes they look at me and I... I don't think it's really them. 380 00:50:29,275 --> 00:50:31,650 They look like Kay and Sammy, but it's not them. 381 00:50:32,775 --> 00:50:34,608 They're pretending. 382 00:50:35,608 --> 00:50:39,150 You know what I think? I think they're just waiting for the day. 383 00:50:39,358 --> 00:50:42,858 I think they're hoping I'll go to sleep and I won't wake up. 384 00:50:43,066 --> 00:50:45,941 Then they'll dump me in the ground to rot. 385 00:50:48,483 --> 00:50:50,858 I can see you. 386 00:50:51,941 --> 00:50:54,150 Who are you talking to? 387 00:51:17,108 --> 00:51:20,150 - Gran, you're bleeding. - I can do it myself. 388 00:51:20,358 --> 00:51:22,275 - You've hurt yourself. Just... - No! 389 00:51:23,650 --> 00:51:24,983 - Gran, stop! - Get out! 390 00:51:25,191 --> 00:51:26,233 Get out of here! 391 00:51:26,441 --> 00:51:28,191 Get out! Get out! It's my room! 392 00:51:28,400 --> 00:51:29,733 - It's my house! Get out! - I'm sorry! 393 00:51:59,316 --> 00:52:00,358 Hi, Sam. 394 00:52:00,566 --> 00:52:03,025 - Hey, Jamie. How are you? - I'm OK. 395 00:52:04,108 --> 00:52:06,191 - Is your dad home? - Uh... 396 00:52:06,400 --> 00:52:08,066 Dad?! 397 00:52:09,483 --> 00:52:13,108 Alex, what happened... between Jamie and Gran? 398 00:52:16,191 --> 00:52:20,400 They were playing hide-and-seek and it was Jamie's turn to hide. 399 00:52:21,775 --> 00:52:24,941 And he hid, I guess, in a cupboard with a lock on it. 400 00:52:26,858 --> 00:52:31,108 Well, she came along and locked the closet and... left him there. 401 00:52:31,316 --> 00:52:33,816 I think she forgot they were playing. 402 00:52:34,941 --> 00:52:36,816 He was trapped in that cupboard for hours. 403 00:52:38,108 --> 00:52:41,233 When he didn't come home, I went over there to check on him and... 404 00:52:43,025 --> 00:52:44,775 ..Edna said she hadn't seen him. 405 00:52:44,983 --> 00:52:48,150 But I could... I could hear him screaming from upstairs. 406 00:52:48,358 --> 00:52:52,358 He had paint under his fingernails just from scratching the door. 407 00:52:55,066 --> 00:52:57,191 So, we've been keeping our distance a bit. 408 00:52:57,400 --> 00:53:00,150 Yeah. Nah, of course. 409 00:53:00,358 --> 00:53:01,941 I get it. 410 00:53:05,816 --> 00:53:08,233 I'm really sorry Jamie had to go through that. 411 00:53:08,441 --> 00:53:09,941 OK. 412 00:54:21,025 --> 00:54:22,191 Mum... 413 00:54:23,191 --> 00:54:24,441 Mum, stop. 414 00:54:24,650 --> 00:54:25,983 Stop! 415 00:54:27,816 --> 00:54:29,733 Ow! Jesus! 416 00:54:29,941 --> 00:54:32,358 What are you doing, Mum?! 417 00:54:33,441 --> 00:54:34,983 No! No! 418 00:54:35,191 --> 00:54:37,483 - Give it back! - No, Mum! No! 419 00:54:37,691 --> 00:54:39,650 I'm still your mother, Kay! 420 00:55:29,191 --> 00:55:31,816 I think these might be safe out here. 421 00:55:32,025 --> 00:55:33,650 Do you think that's right? 422 00:55:36,983 --> 00:55:38,858 Safe from what, Mum? 423 00:55:40,150 --> 00:55:41,900 I don't know. 424 00:55:43,775 --> 00:55:45,858 I knew it was a bad idea. 425 00:55:47,441 --> 00:55:48,858 I hate that window. 426 00:55:49,066 --> 00:55:51,816 I can't bear to look at it every time I go through that door. 427 00:55:54,358 --> 00:55:56,108 There's such a... 428 00:55:57,650 --> 00:56:00,275 ..coldness in the house. 429 00:56:02,608 --> 00:56:04,900 This is what I'm like now. It's all I do. 430 00:56:05,108 --> 00:56:06,608 I keep thinking... 431 00:56:06,816 --> 00:56:09,150 ..thinking maybe it was just waiting for me, 432 00:56:09,358 --> 00:56:14,150 maybe it's just been waiting till I was weak enough. 433 00:56:14,358 --> 00:56:16,150 Alone enough. 434 00:56:18,775 --> 00:56:22,691 I wish I could bury it myself so it can't get at me. 435 00:56:29,441 --> 00:56:32,191 I just want to go home. 436 00:56:34,400 --> 00:56:38,733 I just wish I... I could turn around and... 437 00:56:40,233 --> 00:56:41,983 ..go back. 438 00:56:47,150 --> 00:56:49,316 I'm losing everything, Kay. 439 00:56:50,566 --> 00:56:53,066 No. It's alright. You're not. 440 00:56:54,858 --> 00:56:58,025 I'm here. I'm here to help you, Mum. 441 00:57:00,316 --> 00:57:01,983 Come home with me. 442 00:57:03,608 --> 00:57:06,483 To Melbourne. Will you... will you move into my place, Mum? 443 00:57:08,775 --> 00:57:10,441 I'm sorry. 444 00:57:12,566 --> 00:57:15,191 I'm sorry. Sorry I wasn't here more. 445 00:57:16,858 --> 00:57:18,775 Please let me help you. 446 00:57:21,983 --> 00:57:23,400 Yeah? 447 00:57:24,816 --> 00:57:26,233 Yeah. 448 00:57:31,483 --> 00:57:33,108 Where's... 449 00:57:35,650 --> 00:57:37,358 Where's my... 450 00:57:40,316 --> 00:57:41,900 Where's everyone? 451 00:57:45,150 --> 00:57:47,150 Your photo album? 452 00:57:47,358 --> 00:57:48,858 It's here. 453 00:57:50,566 --> 00:57:52,275 It's right here. 454 00:57:54,400 --> 00:57:56,233 Where's everyone? 455 00:57:56,441 --> 00:57:59,733 They're here. They're here. I'm here. 456 00:57:59,941 --> 00:58:01,816 It's alright, Mum. 457 00:58:05,941 --> 00:58:07,525 Mum... 458 00:58:07,733 --> 00:58:09,400 I won't leave you. 459 00:59:27,233 --> 00:59:29,441 I'll get dinner started. What do you feel like? 460 00:59:31,108 --> 00:59:32,525 Thanks, dear. 461 00:59:38,025 --> 00:59:39,691 Sam, we're back! 462 01:00:02,233 --> 01:00:03,733 What the...? 463 01:01:56,525 --> 01:01:58,066 Fuck this... 464 01:02:12,316 --> 01:02:13,650 What? 465 01:02:40,900 --> 01:02:43,608 No, no. No. 466 01:02:47,025 --> 01:02:48,358 Mum? 467 01:02:48,566 --> 01:02:49,691 Mum! 468 01:02:49,900 --> 01:02:50,983 Mum! 469 01:03:01,983 --> 01:03:05,691 You have called 042... 470 01:03:07,566 --> 01:03:09,566 Well, her stuff's still here. 471 01:03:10,900 --> 01:03:14,650 ♪ As the hour may be 472 01:03:14,858 --> 01:03:17,066 ♪ I beg you, please... ♪ 473 01:03:17,275 --> 01:03:19,191 You should try to eat something, Mum. 474 01:03:19,400 --> 01:03:22,816 ♪ Stay a little longer 475 01:03:23,025 --> 01:03:24,316 ♪ As late... ♪ 476 01:03:24,525 --> 01:03:25,941 Mum? 477 01:03:27,233 --> 01:03:31,858 ♪ As the hour may be 478 01:03:32,066 --> 01:03:35,358 ♪ Cling to me 479 01:03:35,566 --> 01:03:38,400 ♪ Make our love stronger... ♪ 480 01:04:06,316 --> 01:04:10,233 ♪ As the hour may be 481 01:04:10,441 --> 01:04:13,733 ♪ I beg you, please 482 01:04:13,941 --> 01:04:18,566 ♪ Stay a little longer... ♪ 483 01:04:21,900 --> 01:04:24,025 Oh, Jesus! Mum! 484 01:04:24,233 --> 01:04:25,733 Mum, come on. 485 01:06:04,108 --> 01:06:06,025 Mum? 486 01:06:06,233 --> 01:06:09,608 Mum? Mum? 487 01:06:43,983 --> 01:06:45,900 Mum! 488 01:06:58,025 --> 01:06:59,941 Oh... 489 01:07:00,150 --> 01:07:01,650 Oh, Jesus! Mum! 490 01:07:01,858 --> 01:07:03,941 Mum! What are you doing, Mum? 491 01:07:04,150 --> 01:07:06,733 Stop it! Mum! Open... 492 01:07:08,900 --> 01:07:10,066 Mum... 493 01:07:10,275 --> 01:07:13,150 Mum! Open the door right now! Mum! 494 01:07:13,358 --> 01:07:14,525 Oh! 495 01:07:18,066 --> 01:07:19,150 Your chest, Mum... 496 01:07:41,983 --> 01:07:43,483 Mum? 497 01:07:47,525 --> 01:07:49,441 Mum? 498 01:07:57,025 --> 01:07:59,191 Mum? Mum, stop it. 499 01:07:59,400 --> 01:08:01,400 Mum! 500 01:08:22,358 --> 01:08:23,441 Mum? 501 01:08:26,066 --> 01:08:28,150 Oh, shit... 502 01:08:45,066 --> 01:08:46,900 What? 503 01:09:17,566 --> 01:09:19,941 What the fuck? 504 01:10:28,358 --> 01:10:29,816 Oh, what...? 505 01:10:56,900 --> 01:10:58,275 Mum? 506 01:11:03,816 --> 01:11:05,858 Mum, please, can we go back now? 507 01:11:09,108 --> 01:11:11,191 Ah! Oh! 508 01:11:13,441 --> 01:11:14,525 You're not Kay. 509 01:11:14,733 --> 01:11:16,191 Oh! 510 01:11:16,400 --> 01:11:18,483 - I don't know you. - No! Mum! 511 01:11:18,691 --> 01:11:20,316 No! 512 01:11:35,900 --> 01:11:37,316 Aah! 513 01:13:10,608 --> 01:13:12,358 Mum? Mum? 514 01:13:12,566 --> 01:13:13,858 Mum? 515 01:13:27,233 --> 01:13:30,066 No... No! 516 01:13:30,275 --> 01:13:31,983 Mum? 517 01:13:45,108 --> 01:13:46,066 Aaah! 518 01:13:46,275 --> 01:13:48,483 - Mum? - Sam! 519 01:13:48,691 --> 01:13:49,941 - Mum?! - Where are you? 520 01:13:50,150 --> 01:13:51,191 - I'm down here! - Where?! 521 01:13:51,400 --> 01:13:52,858 Here! 522 01:13:54,191 --> 01:13:55,900 Sam! Sam! 523 01:13:56,108 --> 01:13:57,733 Oh, Sam! Mum is not... 524 01:13:57,941 --> 01:13:59,566 It's not her anymore. 525 01:14:03,150 --> 01:14:04,566 - Mum... - Yeah. 526 01:14:24,108 --> 01:14:25,316 Here. Give it to me. 527 01:14:25,525 --> 01:14:26,775 Give that to me. 528 01:14:26,983 --> 01:14:29,983 Hold that. Hold it! 529 01:14:49,983 --> 01:14:51,316 Mum? 530 01:14:55,566 --> 01:14:56,858 Is that you, Gran? 531 01:14:57,066 --> 01:14:59,400 It's OK, Sam. 532 01:14:59,608 --> 01:15:01,025 It's OK. 533 01:15:04,983 --> 01:15:06,275 Mum! 534 01:15:06,483 --> 01:15:08,233 Go, Sam, go! Get in there, go! 535 01:15:08,441 --> 01:15:10,691 Go! Go! 536 01:15:12,775 --> 01:15:13,983 Get out of here! 537 01:15:14,191 --> 01:15:16,108 - Aah! - Go! 538 01:15:17,900 --> 01:15:19,316 Mum... 539 01:15:20,400 --> 01:15:21,525 I got you. I got you! 540 01:15:21,733 --> 01:15:22,608 Pull me... 541 01:15:22,816 --> 01:15:24,108 Aaagh! 542 01:15:24,316 --> 01:15:25,525 You're almost out! 543 01:15:25,733 --> 01:15:27,108 I've got you! I've got you! 544 01:15:29,025 --> 01:15:31,025 Get me out! Get me out of here! 545 01:15:31,233 --> 01:15:32,483 Pull me! 546 01:15:39,275 --> 01:15:42,108 No! Mum! 547 01:15:43,733 --> 01:15:45,316 Mum! Mum! 548 01:15:51,233 --> 01:15:52,775 Mum! 549 01:15:56,066 --> 01:15:58,150 Mum! 550 01:16:31,066 --> 01:16:32,775 Come on. 551 01:16:39,275 --> 01:16:40,941 Kay. 552 01:17:01,025 --> 01:17:02,858 Mum? 553 01:17:17,191 --> 01:17:19,025 Come on. 554 01:17:25,858 --> 01:17:27,775 Mum, what is it? 555 01:17:35,191 --> 01:17:37,275 I can't leave her. 556 01:17:38,400 --> 01:17:40,025 What? 557 01:17:41,525 --> 01:17:43,025 Mum! 558 01:17:43,233 --> 01:17:46,191 Please don't! It's not Gran anymore! 559 01:17:46,400 --> 01:17:48,025 It's not Gran! 560 01:17:48,233 --> 01:17:49,358 Mum! 561 01:17:49,566 --> 01:17:51,525 Please come back! 562 01:17:51,733 --> 01:17:54,191 Please come back! 563 01:17:55,275 --> 01:17:56,441 Mum! 564 01:17:57,983 --> 01:17:59,525 Mum, what are you doing? 565 01:18:01,483 --> 01:18:05,233 Mum? Mum, please, let's just go! 566 01:18:09,483 --> 01:18:10,566 Mum! 567 01:23:09,400 --> 01:23:11,483 Shh... 568 01:23:14,525 --> 01:23:16,358 Shh... 569 01:23:23,025 --> 01:23:25,483 Shh...