1 00:00:17,959 --> 00:00:20,709 We spend so much time hiding who we really are, 2 00:00:21,209 --> 00:00:24,251 making sure no one sees the person we truly want to be. 3 00:00:25,043 --> 00:00:27,584 So it's hard to remember there was a time 4 00:00:27,584 --> 00:00:32,751 when we were truly excited to show the world our true face. 5 00:00:33,584 --> 00:00:34,584 Very impressive. 6 00:00:36,334 --> 00:00:38,168 That uniform suits you well. 7 00:00:38,668 --> 00:00:41,668 Does it look right? I had trouble with the shoulder guards. 8 00:00:44,418 --> 00:00:45,876 There. Perfect. 9 00:00:48,251 --> 00:00:49,751 - What... what is it? - Nothing. 10 00:00:49,751 --> 00:00:50,876 Tell me. 11 00:00:51,501 --> 00:00:54,751 Your gauntlets are laced incorrectly, but no one will notice. 12 00:00:54,751 --> 00:00:55,959 What? Help me fix it! 13 00:00:58,376 --> 00:01:00,709 I remember my first war council meeting. 14 00:01:00,709 --> 00:01:03,584 They were smaller affairs back then. More private. 15 00:01:04,251 --> 00:01:07,293 Ozai, however, seems to enjoy having an audience. 16 00:01:07,293 --> 00:01:09,459 Father says he welcomes different opinions. 17 00:01:09,459 --> 00:01:14,126 I'd advise against testing that. Best to observe and learn for now. 18 00:01:16,793 --> 00:01:17,793 There. 19 00:01:21,584 --> 00:01:22,584 How do I look? 20 00:01:23,793 --> 00:01:24,793 Like a prince. 21 00:01:36,918 --> 00:01:39,084 Why are we off course? Who changed the heading? 22 00:01:41,876 --> 00:01:45,209 - Lieutenant Jee, I asked you a question. - We were given new orders. 23 00:01:45,209 --> 00:01:47,376 New orders? By who? By me. 24 00:01:49,584 --> 00:01:55,001 We've been playing catch-up for too long. I think it's time for a new strategy. 25 00:01:55,001 --> 00:01:56,334 You think? 26 00:01:57,751 --> 00:01:59,709 I am the one hunting the Avatar. 27 00:02:00,418 --> 00:02:02,334 I am in charge of this mission. 28 00:02:02,334 --> 00:02:05,001 I am the commander of this ship. 29 00:02:06,168 --> 00:02:07,251 And I 30 00:02:08,584 --> 00:02:09,918 am an admiral. 31 00:02:11,626 --> 00:02:13,876 Fire Lord Ozai saw fit to put me 32 00:02:14,459 --> 00:02:18,126 in charge of all operations related to the capture of the Avatar. 33 00:02:18,126 --> 00:02:20,751 Of course I welcome your assistance. 34 00:02:20,751 --> 00:02:22,668 In fact, I expect it. 35 00:02:22,668 --> 00:02:25,459 I'll need all the resources at my disposal, 36 00:02:26,584 --> 00:02:28,043 no matter how minimal. 37 00:02:29,293 --> 00:02:30,376 I'll come by later 38 00:02:31,501 --> 00:02:36,793 to discuss a few personnel changes I'd like to make. 39 00:02:37,668 --> 00:02:39,209 Until then, carry on. 40 00:02:45,376 --> 00:02:46,584 What's happened? 41 00:02:49,209 --> 00:02:51,293 Lieutenant Jee, resume our original course. 42 00:02:54,293 --> 00:02:55,584 Did you hear me? 43 00:02:55,584 --> 00:02:57,876 Resume course! 44 00:02:59,376 --> 00:03:01,459 Do you know what the punishment for mutiny is? 45 00:03:01,459 --> 00:03:04,126 I do, and that's why I can't do what you say. 46 00:03:04,876 --> 00:03:07,209 Admiral Zhao was very clear with these orders 47 00:03:07,209 --> 00:03:09,334 and what would happen if we didn't follow them. 48 00:03:15,043 --> 00:03:18,793 Are you seriously gonna let this spineless slug tell us what to do? 49 00:03:19,293 --> 00:03:21,209 He doesn't know what's at stake! 50 00:03:22,876 --> 00:03:26,626 We can't let him come in and take it away. Not after everything we've been through. 51 00:03:39,709 --> 00:03:42,834 For the last three years, we've only had each other, 52 00:03:42,834 --> 00:03:44,668 and that's still true. 53 00:03:45,251 --> 00:03:48,418 Only those of us on this boat know what it's been like. 54 00:03:49,209 --> 00:03:51,876 Zhao is not the one who deserves your loyalty. 55 00:03:53,168 --> 00:03:54,751 Zuko is. Loyalty? 56 00:03:54,751 --> 00:03:59,001 General, with all due respect, your nephew doesn't know the meaning of the word. 57 00:03:59,001 --> 00:04:00,709 If he did, he would've shown us, 58 00:04:00,709 --> 00:04:03,334 the people who've been with him night and day for three years, 59 00:04:03,334 --> 00:04:04,918 a lot more respect. 60 00:04:04,918 --> 00:04:09,418 Instead, we've had to put up with his insults and abuse and tantrums. 61 00:04:10,043 --> 00:04:11,959 He doesn't care what we've had to sacrifice, 62 00:04:11,959 --> 00:04:14,168 because he's never had to sacrifice anything. 63 00:04:14,168 --> 00:04:17,376 If you ask anyone here, they'll tell you, "He may be a prince, 64 00:04:17,376 --> 00:04:19,084 but he's not our prince." 65 00:04:21,626 --> 00:04:22,459 Sir. 66 00:04:31,001 --> 00:04:33,043 I know Zuko has his rough edges. 67 00:04:34,084 --> 00:04:37,459 But you must understand he's been through a lot. 68 00:04:38,293 --> 00:04:44,126 And he knows far more about sacrifice than you can ever know. 69 00:06:05,084 --> 00:06:07,418 Greetings, wise sages. I'm glad to see you. 70 00:06:08,918 --> 00:06:12,126 Uh, my name is Aang, and I'm here to visit the shrine of Avatar Roku. 71 00:06:12,918 --> 00:06:13,834 You see, 72 00:06:14,626 --> 00:06:15,709 I'm the Avatar. 73 00:06:15,709 --> 00:06:16,793 We know. 74 00:06:18,709 --> 00:06:19,959 Wait! 75 00:06:20,876 --> 00:06:23,293 You're supposed to be men of peace! 76 00:06:26,084 --> 00:06:27,584 After him! 77 00:06:31,793 --> 00:06:33,376 I'm a friend. 78 00:06:38,709 --> 00:06:41,043 This will take us to Avatar Roku's shrine. Quickly. 79 00:06:41,834 --> 00:06:43,543 He must be close. 80 00:06:43,543 --> 00:06:44,876 Search everywhere! 81 00:06:55,376 --> 00:06:56,959 Whoa. Easy, girl. 82 00:06:56,959 --> 00:06:59,168 Caught a scent, have we? 83 00:07:03,459 --> 00:07:05,043 Okay, Nyla. Let's go. 84 00:07:08,501 --> 00:07:10,043 My name is Shyu. 85 00:07:10,043 --> 00:07:14,501 I believe the Avatar represents not any one kingdom 86 00:07:14,501 --> 00:07:16,751 but the hope of a unified world. 87 00:07:18,001 --> 00:07:21,168 Sadly, the Great Sage and the others believe 88 00:07:21,168 --> 00:07:24,043 the Fire Lord is their true spiritual leader. 89 00:07:24,793 --> 00:07:26,459 They have lost their way. 90 00:07:26,459 --> 00:07:30,043 So all of this belonged to Roku? 91 00:07:30,626 --> 00:07:32,543 These are relics from previous Avatars 92 00:07:32,543 --> 00:07:35,251 that my grandfather gathered for safekeeping. 93 00:07:39,126 --> 00:07:41,043 I need to make contact with Avatar Roku. 94 00:07:41,043 --> 00:07:43,709 He's the only one who can tell me how to save my friends. 95 00:07:46,084 --> 00:07:48,209 I will hold them off for as long as I can. 96 00:07:53,501 --> 00:07:54,626 Step aside. 97 00:07:54,626 --> 00:07:59,126 Great Sage, this boy's the Avatar. He is a hope for the world. 98 00:07:59,793 --> 00:08:01,959 Remember the teachings of Avatar Roku. 99 00:08:01,959 --> 00:08:05,334 Fire is not meant to dominate the other elements. 100 00:08:05,918 --> 00:08:07,626 It should exist in balance with them. 101 00:08:07,626 --> 00:08:11,709 The only one who can provide balance is Fire Lord Ozai. 102 00:08:11,709 --> 00:08:14,293 He will unify the world, not the Avatar. 103 00:08:14,293 --> 00:08:17,751 And you have no idea how powerful he will soon become. 104 00:08:20,001 --> 00:08:23,168 Now, for the last time, 105 00:08:23,168 --> 00:08:24,543 step aside. 106 00:08:26,084 --> 00:08:27,251 I can't do that. 107 00:08:28,251 --> 00:08:32,418 Then you shall burn along with the rest of the nonbelievers. 108 00:08:42,751 --> 00:08:46,834 Who dares disturb the peace of the Avatar? 109 00:08:48,126 --> 00:08:50,584 Uh, it's me. Aang. 110 00:08:50,584 --> 00:08:54,918 Is it not customary to bow before your elders? 111 00:08:56,959 --> 00:08:59,334 And to avert your eyes? 112 00:09:01,793 --> 00:09:03,584 And hop on one leg? 113 00:09:09,376 --> 00:09:10,751 Forgive me! 114 00:09:10,751 --> 00:09:12,251 I couldn't resist. 115 00:09:12,251 --> 00:09:13,959 It's good to see you, Aang, 116 00:09:13,959 --> 00:09:16,418 but what took you so long? 117 00:09:16,418 --> 00:09:19,001 I thought you would come to seek my advice sooner. 118 00:09:19,584 --> 00:09:20,918 Avatar Kyoshi told me 119 00:09:20,918 --> 00:09:23,001 that I need to figure things out on my own. 120 00:09:23,001 --> 00:09:24,668 That it was part of my journey. 121 00:09:24,668 --> 00:09:26,543 Sounds like her. 122 00:09:26,543 --> 00:09:28,584 Kyoshi has always been kind of... 123 00:09:32,876 --> 00:09:36,751 I thought you'd all be like that. Aren't Avatars incarnations of each other? 124 00:09:36,751 --> 00:09:40,418 We share the same spark, but we are our own people. 125 00:09:41,001 --> 00:09:42,043 I'm different from Kyoshi, 126 00:09:42,043 --> 00:09:44,584 just as you are different from either of us. 127 00:09:45,084 --> 00:09:49,209 For instance, what did Kyoshi tell you the role of the Avatar was? 128 00:09:49,209 --> 00:09:52,543 She said I need to be a fierce, merciless warrior. 129 00:09:52,543 --> 00:09:57,209 Yes, there are times when the Avatar must resort to force and intimidation, 130 00:09:57,209 --> 00:09:59,418 but in addition to being a warrior, 131 00:09:59,418 --> 00:10:02,001 the Avatar must also be a diplomat. 132 00:10:02,584 --> 00:10:06,293 So we can solve the world's problems without hurting anyone? 133 00:10:06,293 --> 00:10:11,209 We can try, but there are consequences if we fail. 134 00:10:11,876 --> 00:10:15,501 Painful... consequences. 135 00:10:18,501 --> 00:10:22,459 But like Kyoshi, I am here to aid you in your journey. 136 00:10:22,459 --> 00:10:23,793 Anything you need. 137 00:10:23,793 --> 00:10:25,209 It has to do with Koh. 138 00:10:26,168 --> 00:10:27,584 Anything but that. 139 00:10:27,584 --> 00:10:29,959 - You don't understand-- - No, you don't understand. 140 00:10:30,584 --> 00:10:32,334 Koh is a predatory spirit 141 00:10:32,334 --> 00:10:35,001 who can hurt you in ways you can't imagine. 142 00:10:35,001 --> 00:10:36,626 Just ask Avatar Kuruk. 143 00:10:36,626 --> 00:10:39,501 I don't have a choice, and I'm running out of time. 144 00:10:39,501 --> 00:10:42,418 He's captured my friends, and if I don't do something, 145 00:10:42,418 --> 00:10:43,668 they'll be lost forever. 146 00:10:44,584 --> 00:10:45,459 Please. 147 00:10:45,459 --> 00:10:47,376 I heard you defeated him once. 148 00:10:47,376 --> 00:10:48,793 No, I never defeated him. 149 00:10:49,584 --> 00:10:52,043 I only managed to take something from him. 150 00:10:52,043 --> 00:10:56,418 Perhaps you've come to return what you stole from me. 151 00:10:56,418 --> 00:10:57,959 What did you take? 152 00:11:02,043 --> 00:11:06,626 A totem that represents something that Koh needs and cannot forget. 153 00:11:07,126 --> 00:11:09,418 The pendant belonged to the Mother of Faces, 154 00:11:09,418 --> 00:11:13,876 an ancient spirit who crafted faces for all living beings. 155 00:11:15,668 --> 00:11:20,293 It's because of her that identity came into this world. 156 00:11:20,293 --> 00:11:21,418 And she 157 00:11:22,126 --> 00:11:23,209 is Koh's mother. 158 00:11:24,251 --> 00:11:26,459 Koh longs for the same thing we all do. 159 00:11:27,543 --> 00:11:28,668 Family. 160 00:11:28,668 --> 00:11:29,668 A totem? 161 00:11:31,751 --> 00:11:34,084 Sounds like something he'd be willing to trade for. 162 00:11:35,168 --> 00:11:36,459 Thank you, Roku. 163 00:11:37,418 --> 00:11:38,626 Aang! 164 00:11:39,168 --> 00:11:41,168 I hope that you're able to save your friends. 165 00:11:41,168 --> 00:11:44,293 But the truth is, for the Avatar, friends can be... 166 00:11:46,501 --> 00:11:47,626 a liability. 167 00:11:48,209 --> 00:11:52,126 The Avatar has to make the impossible choices, 168 00:11:52,126 --> 00:11:55,251 placing the world's needs ahead of your needs. 169 00:11:55,251 --> 00:11:57,626 On that, Kyoshi and I agree. 170 00:11:58,209 --> 00:11:59,418 Trust me. 171 00:12:00,293 --> 00:12:02,918 It'll save you and the ones you love 172 00:12:03,626 --> 00:12:04,584 a lot of pain. 173 00:12:04,584 --> 00:12:06,084 ...a lot of pain. 174 00:12:42,918 --> 00:12:44,501 What happened to them? 175 00:12:57,418 --> 00:12:58,751 Paralyzed. 176 00:13:09,584 --> 00:13:11,084 Sh! 177 00:13:12,001 --> 00:13:15,293 Everything's gonna be fine. 178 00:13:30,334 --> 00:13:34,168 So you're the Avatar, huh? Not sure what all the fuss is about. 179 00:13:34,918 --> 00:13:36,168 You need to let me go. 180 00:13:36,168 --> 00:13:38,876 No, really. You need to let me go. 181 00:13:38,876 --> 00:13:41,918 People are depending on me. You don't know what's at stake. 182 00:13:41,918 --> 00:13:45,834 I've heard the stories about how you're gonna save the world. 183 00:13:49,834 --> 00:13:50,834 Here's the thing. 184 00:13:51,793 --> 00:13:53,418 Some of us don't need saving. 185 00:13:53,418 --> 00:13:56,001 Some of us have got this world figured out. 186 00:13:57,001 --> 00:13:59,043 You got your Firebenders and your Earthbenders 187 00:13:59,043 --> 00:14:00,793 and your whatever-benders, 188 00:14:01,543 --> 00:14:03,209 and they all want something. 189 00:14:04,001 --> 00:14:05,793 They're all willing to fight to get it. 190 00:14:06,293 --> 00:14:10,543 So if you're smart, you just sit back and wait for the dust to clear 191 00:14:10,543 --> 00:14:13,209 and then pick through broken pieces for the leftovers. 192 00:14:17,876 --> 00:14:21,043 Far as I'm concerned, world's just fine the way it is. 193 00:14:25,418 --> 00:14:27,251 Time's up, Avatar. 194 00:14:34,251 --> 00:14:35,126 You did it. 195 00:14:35,668 --> 00:14:37,168 You actually got him. 196 00:14:39,251 --> 00:14:40,876 Feel free to count it. 197 00:14:44,126 --> 00:14:46,251 I trust you. You know why? 198 00:14:46,251 --> 00:14:49,001 Because if there's any missing, you'll come after us? 199 00:14:49,918 --> 00:14:52,084 Because you're so cute. 200 00:14:55,709 --> 00:14:58,709 Oh, and careful. This one's got a lot of heat on him. 201 00:14:58,709 --> 00:15:00,793 A bunch of hunters have been sniffing around. 202 00:15:00,793 --> 00:15:02,418 Folks not to be messed with. 203 00:15:03,293 --> 00:15:04,668 See you around, Avatar. 204 00:15:10,751 --> 00:15:14,751 Please just let me do what I have to do, and I swear I'll come back. 205 00:15:15,334 --> 00:15:18,751 My friends are in danger, and I'm the only one who can save them. 206 00:15:20,251 --> 00:15:23,543 If I don't return soon, I'll lose them forever. 207 00:15:25,626 --> 00:15:28,084 Why? Why don't you listen to me? 208 00:15:29,084 --> 00:15:31,459 Do you know what it's like to have people depending on you? 209 00:15:31,459 --> 00:15:33,918 To have someone's life in your hands? 210 00:15:33,918 --> 00:15:34,876 I do. 211 00:15:34,876 --> 00:15:37,501 Then please let me save them! 212 00:15:39,168 --> 00:15:40,043 No. 213 00:15:43,668 --> 00:15:45,668 You couldn't have always been this way. 214 00:15:46,168 --> 00:15:48,084 What happened to you? 215 00:15:50,543 --> 00:15:53,668 The Earth Kingdom's forces are concentrated along the southern coast. 216 00:15:53,668 --> 00:15:56,626 We tried flanking them, but they keep lengthening the line. 217 00:15:57,126 --> 00:15:58,626 How about a pincer move? 218 00:15:59,126 --> 00:16:02,584 They're anchored by cliffs. They can outflank any attacks. 219 00:16:02,584 --> 00:16:03,501 What would you do? 220 00:16:03,501 --> 00:16:05,501 Your Highness, I would suggest-- Not you. 221 00:16:06,459 --> 00:16:07,293 Zuko. 222 00:16:08,668 --> 00:16:09,584 What would you do? 223 00:16:15,668 --> 00:16:16,584 Um... 224 00:16:16,584 --> 00:16:21,043 Horns tactic. Enveloping flanks, leaving an escape route to draw them out. 225 00:16:21,043 --> 00:16:24,834 Didn't you hear the general? They're protected by cliffs on one side. 226 00:16:27,626 --> 00:16:29,959 Tundra tanks to come over the top. 227 00:16:29,959 --> 00:16:32,043 They're Earthbenders. 228 00:16:32,043 --> 00:16:35,251 Our tanks would be buried under rocks in seconds. 229 00:16:36,584 --> 00:16:37,418 I... 230 00:16:39,793 --> 00:16:41,501 I... 231 00:16:41,501 --> 00:16:42,501 General. 232 00:16:44,459 --> 00:16:47,459 We could advance a division... here. 233 00:16:48,001 --> 00:16:50,376 With the enemy's firepower focused on that diversion, 234 00:16:50,376 --> 00:16:54,418 we can launch pinning attacks here... and here. 235 00:16:55,751 --> 00:16:58,501 If you send them into the heart of their forces, how will they retreat? 236 00:16:59,668 --> 00:17:00,501 They won't. 237 00:17:00,501 --> 00:17:01,876 But they'll be lost. 238 00:17:05,584 --> 00:17:07,334 You're gonna sacrifice them. 239 00:17:08,209 --> 00:17:10,543 Sacrifice is a part of war. 240 00:17:13,334 --> 00:17:15,501 What division do you suggest? 241 00:17:15,501 --> 00:17:18,043 The 41st. They're mostly new recruits. 242 00:17:18,043 --> 00:17:19,293 They're expendable. 243 00:17:21,459 --> 00:17:22,376 Good. 244 00:17:34,418 --> 00:17:37,959 This isn't something you learn in a textbook. 245 00:17:38,959 --> 00:17:42,251 Little boys should know better than to play at war. 246 00:17:46,459 --> 00:17:47,918 It's a terrible plan. 247 00:17:49,959 --> 00:17:51,001 What did you say? 248 00:17:55,043 --> 00:17:58,751 I said... it's a terrible plan! 249 00:18:00,168 --> 00:18:02,251 Soldiers are gonna die, and for what? 250 00:18:02,918 --> 00:18:04,959 It's unworthy of a Fire Nation officer. 251 00:18:04,959 --> 00:18:06,418 You dare question-- 252 00:18:06,418 --> 00:18:07,751 Enough! 253 00:18:08,543 --> 00:18:10,793 There is only one way to resolve this. 254 00:18:12,834 --> 00:18:13,876 Agni Kai. 255 00:18:30,751 --> 00:18:31,959 Someone's out there. 256 00:18:43,126 --> 00:18:45,376 Let us through! Do you know who I am? 257 00:18:45,376 --> 00:18:46,543 Of course we do. 258 00:18:48,709 --> 00:18:52,793 Just as we all know you're in defiance of my orders, 259 00:18:52,793 --> 00:18:57,959 which means that by disrespecting me, you're dishonoring your father, 260 00:18:57,959 --> 00:19:02,543 which, I guess, shouldn't be surprising, given the stories I've heard. 261 00:19:04,584 --> 00:19:05,793 We'll take the Avatar. 262 00:19:05,793 --> 00:19:07,043 Over my dead body. 263 00:19:10,293 --> 00:19:11,126 Tempting. 264 00:19:12,626 --> 00:19:13,543 However... 265 00:19:18,501 --> 00:19:19,626 The Yuyan Archers. 266 00:19:20,209 --> 00:19:23,043 Ozai was gracious enough to lend them to me. 267 00:19:23,043 --> 00:19:28,168 It's said they can shoot the wings off a glowfly 268 00:19:28,168 --> 00:19:30,126 from a thousand paces. 269 00:19:31,418 --> 00:19:32,251 I imagine... 270 00:19:35,251 --> 00:19:37,543 this shouldn't be much of a challenge for them. 271 00:19:54,793 --> 00:19:56,084 Where will you take him? 272 00:19:57,668 --> 00:19:59,668 Pohuai Stronghold for the night. 273 00:19:59,668 --> 00:20:01,543 Then straight to Capital City. 274 00:20:01,543 --> 00:20:05,418 I'm sure the Fire Lord is eager to take possession of his prize. 275 00:20:05,418 --> 00:20:09,626 He's been waiting a long time, and I don't want him to be disappointed 276 00:20:10,459 --> 00:20:13,751 any more than he already has been. 277 00:20:22,543 --> 00:20:25,084 If we take the Eastern Pass, we can make it to Pohuai by nightfall. 278 00:20:25,084 --> 00:20:26,834 - Prince Zuko. - Watch out for the Archers. 279 00:20:26,834 --> 00:20:29,084 But Zhao will likely station them by the Avatar-- 280 00:20:29,084 --> 00:20:30,376 Zuko! 281 00:20:30,376 --> 00:20:33,084 Pohuai Stronghold is impenetrable. 282 00:20:33,584 --> 00:20:36,001 Why do you think Zhao told us he was going there? 283 00:20:36,584 --> 00:20:39,001 He knows attacking it would be suicide. 284 00:20:39,001 --> 00:20:41,626 Entire armies have tried and failed. 285 00:20:41,626 --> 00:20:45,834 Not only that, but Pohuai lies inside Fire Nation borders. 286 00:20:45,834 --> 00:20:48,001 Going there would violate your banishment. 287 00:20:49,168 --> 00:20:52,376 - I don't care! - But Ozai does, and if he finds out-- 288 00:20:52,376 --> 00:20:54,459 - But the Avatar-- - He's lost! 289 00:20:55,501 --> 00:20:57,668 For now. 290 00:20:57,668 --> 00:20:59,834 Right now, Zhao has the upper hand. 291 00:20:59,834 --> 00:21:04,418 But sooner or later, he'll make a mistake, and that's when we can make our move. 292 00:21:04,418 --> 00:21:05,709 Until then, 293 00:21:06,709 --> 00:21:07,876 patience. 294 00:21:28,959 --> 00:21:30,209 Make sure you get this. 295 00:21:30,209 --> 00:21:33,334 The Fire Lord will wanna know all the details of the Avatar's capture. 296 00:21:33,334 --> 00:21:37,418 Make it clear I spared no effort in securing him. 297 00:21:38,043 --> 00:21:41,126 And we should add a few thoughts from the Avatar himself. 298 00:21:41,626 --> 00:21:44,709 If not for the Fire Lord, then for posterity. 299 00:21:45,209 --> 00:21:46,209 Now, 300 00:21:47,709 --> 00:21:48,959 Avatar, 301 00:21:48,959 --> 00:21:52,168 had you heard of my name before your capture, 302 00:21:52,168 --> 00:21:53,668 or was this the first time? 303 00:21:53,668 --> 00:21:55,751 Please. You have to let me go. 304 00:21:55,751 --> 00:21:58,793 No, no. There are four guards, not three, 305 00:21:58,793 --> 00:22:03,418 and both his hands and his feet are shackled. 306 00:22:03,418 --> 00:22:07,001 - Make sure you get it right. - There are innocent lives at stake! 307 00:22:07,001 --> 00:22:09,501 I can't let everyone down again. 308 00:22:11,834 --> 00:22:12,834 Not again. 309 00:22:17,168 --> 00:22:18,293 If I were you, 310 00:22:19,584 --> 00:22:21,876 I'd be thinking less about my past 311 00:22:22,501 --> 00:22:24,043 and more about my future. 312 00:22:25,126 --> 00:22:27,084 It's not my future I'm worried about. 313 00:22:28,126 --> 00:22:28,959 Really? 314 00:22:30,376 --> 00:22:32,626 I mean, I'd worry a little. 315 00:22:33,626 --> 00:22:35,459 Oh, you won't be killed. 316 00:22:35,459 --> 00:22:37,293 If you die, you'll just be reborn. 317 00:22:37,293 --> 00:22:39,876 We'd have to begin our search for the Avatar all over again, 318 00:22:39,876 --> 00:22:42,209 so... you'll live. 319 00:22:44,001 --> 00:22:45,209 Though not well. 320 00:22:48,709 --> 00:22:49,626 Well... 321 00:23:05,043 --> 00:23:08,751 Blow all the hot air you want. It won't change your fate. 322 00:23:11,543 --> 00:23:13,751 What are you doing? Don't write that down. 323 00:23:19,709 --> 00:23:24,168 We are the loyal sons and daughters of fire, 324 00:23:25,126 --> 00:23:28,043 the superior element. 325 00:23:28,043 --> 00:23:33,043 Until now, only one thing stood in our path to victory. 326 00:23:34,168 --> 00:23:35,626 The Avatar. 327 00:23:35,626 --> 00:23:41,501 And today, we've done something no one has been able to do. 328 00:23:42,084 --> 00:23:46,376 We have captured the Avatar! 329 00:23:48,418 --> 00:23:50,959 This is just the first step. 330 00:23:50,959 --> 00:23:54,793 There will be mighty battles to be fought. 331 00:23:55,334 --> 00:23:56,418 But not tonight. 332 00:23:56,418 --> 00:23:57,668 Tonight, 333 00:23:58,834 --> 00:24:02,709 we will celebrate! 334 00:24:03,459 --> 00:24:08,793 We will praise the glory of the Fire Nation! 335 00:24:48,209 --> 00:24:49,543 Whoa. 336 00:24:50,251 --> 00:24:51,876 Did you get everything? 337 00:24:51,876 --> 00:24:54,918 You know it. As much wine as I could haul. 338 00:24:58,251 --> 00:25:00,251 Gonna be some night, huh? 339 00:25:02,501 --> 00:25:05,418 Let's hope there's less firespitting than Ahn's birthday. 340 00:25:05,418 --> 00:25:07,834 My eyebrows only just grew back. 341 00:25:22,334 --> 00:25:24,043 All clear. Open gate! 342 00:25:44,501 --> 00:25:46,001 Whoa. 343 00:25:51,834 --> 00:25:52,959 He's got the goods. 344 00:25:52,959 --> 00:25:55,751 Man, am I happy to see your ugly butt. 345 00:26:34,168 --> 00:26:35,293 Who's there? 346 00:26:54,043 --> 00:26:55,376 Sound the alarm. 347 00:27:27,209 --> 00:27:28,293 Who are you? 348 00:27:31,459 --> 00:27:33,543 Right. Run now, talk later. 349 00:27:59,168 --> 00:28:01,668 Make sure to include the full transcript of my speech, 350 00:28:01,668 --> 00:28:04,668 but change "loyal" to "faithful." 351 00:28:04,668 --> 00:28:05,834 It sounds more personal. 352 00:28:05,834 --> 00:28:11,126 Also, make sure the Great Sage has everything he needs for his research. 353 00:28:25,084 --> 00:28:27,126 Now, was that "loyal" or "faithful," sir? 354 00:28:34,959 --> 00:28:37,001 The Avatar has escaped! 355 00:28:37,001 --> 00:28:38,876 The Avatar's escaped! 356 00:28:38,876 --> 00:28:41,418 There! On the wall! Don't let him get to the gate! 357 00:28:42,334 --> 00:28:44,376 The Avatar! Stop him! 358 00:28:51,876 --> 00:28:53,584 Ah! 359 00:29:41,709 --> 00:29:42,834 Hey! Here. Take this. 360 00:29:47,876 --> 00:29:48,709 Hop on! 361 00:29:48,709 --> 00:29:49,793 Ah! 362 00:29:52,918 --> 00:29:54,084 Ah! 363 00:29:56,626 --> 00:29:57,626 Ah! 364 00:30:11,334 --> 00:30:13,543 Hold your fire! 365 00:30:17,459 --> 00:30:20,626 I need the Avatar... alive. 366 00:30:25,626 --> 00:30:27,501 What... what are you doing? 367 00:30:42,293 --> 00:30:43,501 Open the gate! 368 00:30:44,043 --> 00:30:44,876 Sir! 369 00:30:44,876 --> 00:30:45,793 Do it! 370 00:30:46,376 --> 00:30:47,334 Now! 371 00:30:48,084 --> 00:30:49,293 Open gate! 372 00:31:21,376 --> 00:31:22,376 Do you have a shot? 373 00:31:24,751 --> 00:31:25,668 Take him out. 374 00:31:45,293 --> 00:31:46,751 Kill the mercenary, 375 00:31:47,334 --> 00:31:48,959 and recover the Avatar! 376 00:31:49,834 --> 00:31:50,668 Now! 377 00:32:24,834 --> 00:32:26,251 Where did they go? 378 00:32:30,334 --> 00:32:31,501 Check over there! 379 00:32:32,043 --> 00:32:33,334 Did you see anything? 380 00:32:33,334 --> 00:32:34,793 Sir, footprints! 381 00:32:34,793 --> 00:32:35,876 Over here! 382 00:32:41,418 --> 00:32:42,751 I have a small boat nearby. 383 00:32:45,376 --> 00:32:48,501 We can't go anywhere. Not with those soldiers still out there. 384 00:32:50,209 --> 00:32:51,418 This way! 385 00:32:51,418 --> 00:32:52,918 You shouldn't try to move. 386 00:32:54,709 --> 00:32:55,668 You're hurt. 387 00:33:00,043 --> 00:33:02,084 - I'm trying to help. - I don't need your help. 388 00:33:03,876 --> 00:33:04,751 Fine. 389 00:33:05,501 --> 00:33:06,543 Have it your way. 390 00:33:24,293 --> 00:33:25,418 What? 391 00:33:25,418 --> 00:33:26,418 Nothing. 392 00:33:33,251 --> 00:33:35,126 Can I ask you something? 393 00:33:36,043 --> 00:33:37,834 It might be a little personal. 394 00:33:41,918 --> 00:33:43,834 Goat hair or rabbit? 395 00:33:46,501 --> 00:33:49,668 Your calligraphy brush. Goat hair or rabbit? 396 00:33:50,709 --> 00:33:54,959 Your characters are so neat. I mean, I could never get mine like that. 397 00:33:54,959 --> 00:33:58,709 Monks used to say lemur droppings were more legible than my brush strokes. 398 00:34:06,918 --> 00:34:07,793 Look, 399 00:34:08,876 --> 00:34:11,126 I know I shouldn't have taken your notebook, 400 00:34:11,709 --> 00:34:12,959 and I'm sorry. 401 00:34:14,626 --> 00:34:17,001 It's been a lifesaver. Really. 402 00:34:17,543 --> 00:34:19,668 You have information on all the past Avatars 403 00:34:19,668 --> 00:34:21,501 that no one else has. 404 00:34:23,334 --> 00:34:26,668 All the Air Nomad monks, they're all gone. 405 00:34:27,751 --> 00:34:29,584 So all I had was your notebook. 406 00:34:31,084 --> 00:34:33,626 I can't tell you how many nights I stayed up reading it. 407 00:34:34,959 --> 00:34:35,876 You helped me a lot. 408 00:34:37,043 --> 00:34:39,793 I mean, it helped me a lot. 409 00:34:52,418 --> 00:34:53,376 Goat hair. 410 00:34:54,126 --> 00:34:55,751 It's stiffer, more control. 411 00:34:57,376 --> 00:34:59,876 My teachers made me practice every morning. 412 00:35:01,001 --> 00:35:02,459 I wasn't allowed to do fight training 413 00:35:02,459 --> 00:35:05,793 until I had done 100 vertical strokes and 100 horizontal. 414 00:35:05,793 --> 00:35:06,918 Me too! 415 00:35:07,668 --> 00:35:10,584 Except mine were for spiritual studies. 416 00:35:10,584 --> 00:35:14,126 A lot of the time, when I was supposed to be meditating, I was actually sleeping. 417 00:35:14,126 --> 00:35:17,668 I always got caught. Probably didn't help that I snored. 418 00:35:25,918 --> 00:35:28,876 Those guys out there, they're Fire Nation. 419 00:35:29,501 --> 00:35:30,501 Yes. 420 00:35:31,084 --> 00:35:33,959 So they're on your side. Why are you fighting them? 421 00:35:33,959 --> 00:35:35,126 They're not on my side. 422 00:35:36,543 --> 00:35:39,709 But they will be. When I capture you and bring you back, I... 423 00:35:48,459 --> 00:35:50,251 If I catch you, I can go home. 424 00:35:51,418 --> 00:35:54,251 Then I can take my place as the rightful heir to the Fire Lord. 425 00:35:54,251 --> 00:35:57,168 And that's what you want? To be the next Fire Lord? 426 00:35:57,168 --> 00:36:00,543 Yes. Of course. It's what everyone expects of me. 427 00:36:04,834 --> 00:36:05,751 Gyatso. 428 00:36:06,709 --> 00:36:07,793 He was my teacher. 429 00:36:08,876 --> 00:36:12,334 He said we can't worry about anyone else's expectations. 430 00:36:13,459 --> 00:36:15,584 I know. It's not that easy. 431 00:36:16,459 --> 00:36:20,834 I mean, I'm the Avatar, and... it's what everyone expects of me. 432 00:36:22,251 --> 00:36:24,001 All I do is worry about that. 433 00:36:29,418 --> 00:36:32,043 Maybe you don't have to be like the other Firebenders. 434 00:36:33,751 --> 00:36:35,459 Maybe you could be better than them. 435 00:36:36,709 --> 00:36:39,043 You know what the Fire Lord is doing is wrong, 436 00:36:39,584 --> 00:36:41,543 so you don't have to be like him. 437 00:36:42,376 --> 00:36:44,543 You can show some compassion. 438 00:36:49,918 --> 00:36:50,751 How dare you? 439 00:36:51,543 --> 00:36:56,084 I'm the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation. I'll be the example for all Firebenders. 440 00:36:56,084 --> 00:36:59,418 And my father is a great man. 441 00:37:02,918 --> 00:37:04,334 Compassion? 442 00:37:04,334 --> 00:37:08,293 Compassion is a sign of weakness. 443 00:37:17,543 --> 00:37:19,751 I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. 444 00:37:21,668 --> 00:37:24,959 I have a feeling you've been hurt more than enough. 445 00:37:33,084 --> 00:37:34,418 Prepare yourself. 446 00:37:36,834 --> 00:37:37,876 Father? 447 00:37:38,834 --> 00:37:42,543 But... I'm... I'm here to duel General Li. 448 00:37:42,543 --> 00:37:45,834 You're here because you have no respect for our military. 449 00:37:45,834 --> 00:37:47,876 That's not true. Really? 450 00:37:47,876 --> 00:37:51,626 Even when they come up with terrible plans? 451 00:37:52,376 --> 00:37:53,626 My plans! 452 00:37:54,418 --> 00:37:58,084 My strategy. My military. That's what you have insulted. 453 00:37:59,084 --> 00:38:01,168 Forgive me, Father. I meant no disrespect. 454 00:38:01,168 --> 00:38:03,084 Rise. No! Please, Father. 455 00:38:03,084 --> 00:38:04,209 Rise! 456 00:38:04,209 --> 00:38:05,209 Brother! 457 00:38:06,376 --> 00:38:07,418 Don't do this. 458 00:38:07,418 --> 00:38:08,543 He's your son. 459 00:38:09,584 --> 00:38:10,543 We'll see. 460 00:38:19,459 --> 00:38:21,626 Rise and fight, Prince Zuko, 461 00:38:22,334 --> 00:38:24,376 so you can learn some respect. 462 00:39:05,418 --> 00:39:08,459 Is this everything? Give me everything. 463 00:39:51,959 --> 00:39:54,501 Compassion is a sign of weakness. 464 00:40:22,793 --> 00:40:24,376 The soldiers are gone, 465 00:40:24,376 --> 00:40:26,876 so you should be able to get back to your ship 466 00:40:26,876 --> 00:40:28,168 without getting spotted. 467 00:40:30,709 --> 00:40:33,668 You know the worst part about being born a hundred years ago? 468 00:40:36,543 --> 00:40:37,668 I miss my friends. 469 00:40:39,251 --> 00:40:40,209 Like Kuzon. 470 00:40:41,626 --> 00:40:42,668 He was the best. 471 00:40:43,834 --> 00:40:45,876 And he was from the Fire Nation. 472 00:40:50,501 --> 00:40:52,084 If we knew each other back then... 473 00:40:55,168 --> 00:40:56,876 do you think we could have been friends? 474 00:41:21,959 --> 00:41:24,709 You should turn in, sir. We'll keep watch. 475 00:41:24,709 --> 00:41:26,751 Any sign of the prince, we'll let you know. 476 00:41:26,751 --> 00:41:29,834 Thank you, Lieutenant, but I'll wait a little longer. 477 00:41:33,751 --> 00:41:34,959 You're wrong, you know. 478 00:41:35,751 --> 00:41:37,293 About him not caring. 479 00:41:38,668 --> 00:41:40,876 If anything, Zuko cares too much, 480 00:41:40,876 --> 00:41:43,626 especially about the people on this ship. 481 00:41:44,876 --> 00:41:45,793 Of course, sir. 482 00:41:46,501 --> 00:41:49,293 Lieutenant, have you ever wondered 483 00:41:49,293 --> 00:41:52,293 how you and the others were assigned this mission? 484 00:41:53,084 --> 00:41:56,751 The doctor is creating a special herbal balm just for you. 485 00:41:57,876 --> 00:42:00,918 And the good news is, he says your vision will be fine, 486 00:42:00,918 --> 00:42:05,543 which means you have the good fortune of continuing to bask in my beauty. 487 00:42:15,251 --> 00:42:17,168 Now is not a good time. 488 00:42:17,168 --> 00:42:19,501 - I wish to speak with my son. - He's hurt. 489 00:42:19,501 --> 00:42:21,876 - He'll recover. - But he'll never heal. 490 00:42:26,293 --> 00:42:28,709 The doctor says you'll recuperate quickly. 491 00:42:28,709 --> 00:42:31,001 It's a sign your body is strong. That's good. 492 00:42:32,001 --> 00:42:33,834 Your spirit, however, 493 00:42:33,834 --> 00:42:36,626 still needs strengthening. 494 00:42:46,751 --> 00:42:48,084 You held back today. 495 00:42:49,709 --> 00:42:52,334 Maybe you saw that as a sign of respect, but it wasn't. 496 00:42:52,834 --> 00:42:54,084 It was weakness. 497 00:42:55,376 --> 00:42:58,168 You must purge that weakness out of you. 498 00:43:02,793 --> 00:43:05,959 You must be willing to give up the weak to make yourself strong. 499 00:43:05,959 --> 00:43:07,918 That is what makes us the Fire Nation. 500 00:43:07,918 --> 00:43:10,501 That is why we sacrifice the 41st Division. 501 00:43:10,501 --> 00:43:12,959 That is what you must do. 502 00:43:20,251 --> 00:43:23,084 Sometimes the weak can become stronger. 503 00:43:26,543 --> 00:43:29,918 Sometimes you just have to give them a chance. 504 00:43:33,668 --> 00:43:36,126 I have made a mistake. 505 00:43:37,043 --> 00:43:40,584 I've sheltered you, and it's made you soft like your mother. 506 00:43:42,668 --> 00:43:46,501 Well, since you seem unable to learn within the walls of this palace, 507 00:43:46,501 --> 00:43:50,501 perhaps the demands of the world outside will prove to be a better teacher. 508 00:43:52,668 --> 00:43:57,668 You will leave here immediately, and you are not to return 509 00:43:59,459 --> 00:44:00,293 until... 510 00:44:02,584 --> 00:44:06,918 until you have conquered the greatest remaining threat to our nation's destiny. 511 00:44:08,293 --> 00:44:13,418 You will find, capture, and bring me the Avatar. 512 00:44:13,418 --> 00:44:15,918 You are not to set a foot within our borders 513 00:44:15,918 --> 00:44:17,626 until this task is completed. 514 00:44:17,626 --> 00:44:20,001 Under threat of the severest of penalties! 515 00:44:20,001 --> 00:44:21,543 Ozai! You can't! 516 00:44:21,543 --> 00:44:22,876 Brother, it's done. 517 00:44:25,334 --> 00:44:26,334 Oh. 518 00:44:27,459 --> 00:44:30,251 And since you're so concerned with the 41st Division, 519 00:44:30,751 --> 00:44:31,918 take them with you 520 00:44:32,876 --> 00:44:34,043 as your crew. 521 00:44:50,293 --> 00:44:51,376 The 41st? 522 00:44:52,459 --> 00:44:53,876 We're the 41st. 523 00:44:55,043 --> 00:44:58,168 And you're all alive because of my nephew's sacrifice. 524 00:45:02,043 --> 00:45:03,418 There's something out there. 525 00:45:13,126 --> 00:45:15,334 It's him. Drop the lines! 526 00:45:23,501 --> 00:45:25,168 You're injured. - I'm fine. 527 00:45:25,168 --> 00:45:26,834 We should have someone look at it. 528 00:45:27,501 --> 00:45:28,834 I've dealt with worse. 529 00:45:30,418 --> 00:45:34,043 I'm not going to ask you where you went, but in the future, nephew, 530 00:45:34,043 --> 00:45:38,251 I would appreciate it if you let me know whether or not you're still alive. 531 00:45:39,168 --> 00:45:41,834 There actually are a few of us who care about... 532 00:45:43,959 --> 00:45:45,084 about such things. 533 00:45:51,084 --> 00:45:52,168 Attention! 534 00:45:52,168 --> 00:45:53,209 Huh! 535 00:45:54,834 --> 00:45:57,709 Our prince... has returned. 536 00:45:59,501 --> 00:46:00,959 Hup! Hup! 537 00:46:06,543 --> 00:46:07,501 What's going on? 538 00:46:09,418 --> 00:46:11,293 They must've missed you at music night. 539 00:46:58,376 --> 00:47:02,334 It's amazing how far we'll go to hide our true selves from the world. 540 00:47:06,209 --> 00:47:08,584 Perhaps it's because we don't want people to know 541 00:47:08,584 --> 00:47:10,459 how much they really mean to us... 542 00:47:13,543 --> 00:47:18,418 ...which is funny because the truth is, we would do anything for them. 543 00:47:28,543 --> 00:47:30,668 We'd travel incredible distances. 544 00:47:32,376 --> 00:47:34,001 Risk our lives. 545 00:47:36,626 --> 00:47:38,209 Even fight monsters. 546 00:48:32,043 --> 00:48:35,251 But I suppose it can be scary to admit you need people. 547 00:48:36,293 --> 00:48:39,668 Some might see that as a weakness, a liability. 548 00:48:45,834 --> 00:48:48,209 It's been so long. How do you feel? 549 00:48:48,209 --> 00:48:53,251 After all, what greater pain is there than losing someone you love? 550 00:48:56,293 --> 00:48:57,293 Or worse... 551 00:48:58,501 --> 00:48:59,418 Gyatso? 552 00:49:00,209 --> 00:49:03,793 ...finding out someone you love has left you behind. 553 00:49:07,418 --> 00:49:10,251 Can we talk about it when I get back? 554 00:49:11,834 --> 00:49:13,043 Of course. 555 00:49:13,043 --> 00:49:16,168 Once I save my friends, we'll have more time. 556 00:49:31,001 --> 00:49:35,376 I guess that's why we feel the need to hide away and protect ourselves. 557 00:50:09,334 --> 00:50:10,959 So we put on a mask. 558 00:50:13,501 --> 00:50:15,668 It's not hard to understand why. 559 00:50:17,501 --> 00:50:19,626 What's hard is knowing that sometimes... 560 00:50:22,001 --> 00:50:24,668 the mask is who you really are.