1 00:00:06,993 --> 00:00:09,541 SINGER: ♪ I still like looking out windows ♪ 2 00:00:09,541 --> 00:00:11,963 ‐ Thank you so much for driving me today. 3 00:00:11,963 --> 00:00:13,925 I'm like so nervous, I ca‐‐ 4 00:00:13,925 --> 00:00:16,137 can't stop burping, you know? 5 00:00:16,137 --> 00:00:18,392 ‐ Annie, it's okay. 6 00:00:18,392 --> 00:00:19,562 I don't care. 7 00:00:19,562 --> 00:00:21,064 Do you wanna just skip it? 8 00:00:21,064 --> 00:00:22,609 ‐ What? 9 00:00:22,609 --> 00:00:24,070 ‐ So you don't feel nervous anymore. 10 00:00:24,070 --> 00:00:26,199 I mean, we could go fuck in the woods, 11 00:00:26,199 --> 00:00:27,911 and it's a perfect plan. 12 00:00:27,911 --> 00:00:30,457 ‐ You know this is fucking big for me. 13 00:00:30,457 --> 00:00:33,005 This is WAHAM. ‐ Right. 14 00:00:33,005 --> 00:00:35,467 But you keep saying that, 15 00:00:35,467 --> 00:00:37,221 and I'm not sure I know what it means. 16 00:00:37,221 --> 00:00:39,517 What's that again? ‐ The WAHAM conference. 17 00:00:39,517 --> 00:00:42,148 Women Are Having A Moment. 18 00:00:42,148 --> 00:00:43,860 ‐ Ah. 19 00:00:43,860 --> 00:00:46,532 ‐ It‐‐it's "female business empowerment conference 20 00:00:46,532 --> 00:00:48,578 to empower women in business." 21 00:00:48,578 --> 00:00:50,874 And I finally don't have to cover municipal zoning 22 00:00:50,874 --> 00:00:53,880 or whatever, so I mean this is a good thing. 23 00:00:53,880 --> 00:00:55,800 ‐ Yeah, I get that. 24 00:00:55,800 --> 00:00:58,055 I just wish we could hang out all day 25 00:00:58,055 --> 00:01:02,313 like we used to when we both didn't have jobs. 26 00:01:02,313 --> 00:01:04,860 I miss you. ‐ Yeah, well I miss you, too, 27 00:01:04,860 --> 00:01:07,490 but you know what could be another hot option? 28 00:01:07,490 --> 00:01:09,035 ‐ Yeah? 29 00:01:09,035 --> 00:01:10,955 ‐ We could both have jobs. 30 00:01:10,955 --> 00:01:13,210 ♪ ♪ 31 00:01:13,210 --> 00:01:14,755 ‐ You're saying I should get a job. 32 00:01:14,755 --> 00:01:15,924 ‐ Maybe. 33 00:01:15,924 --> 00:01:18,095 ‐ Um, no, you're right. 34 00:01:18,095 --> 00:01:19,723 I'll see what I can figure out. 35 00:01:19,723 --> 00:01:21,017 ‐ Fuck, that was the turn! 36 00:01:21,017 --> 00:01:22,562 ‐ Wait, that was the turn? 37 00:01:22,562 --> 00:01:24,315 ‐ Yes! ‐ Oh, shit, I'm sorry. 38 00:01:24,315 --> 00:01:26,236 SINGER: ♪ Work it, work it, yep ♪ 39 00:01:26,236 --> 00:01:28,240 ♪ Work it ♪ 40 00:01:28,240 --> 00:01:29,785 ♪ ♪ 41 00:01:29,785 --> 00:01:31,329 ♪ Work it ♪ 42 00:01:31,329 --> 00:01:33,668 ‐ At WAHAM, we empower women 43 00:01:33,668 --> 00:01:35,295 to succeed in business. 44 00:01:35,295 --> 00:01:37,884 Every single vendor you see here today 45 00:01:37,884 --> 00:01:40,305 has used the WAHAM Steps to Success 46 00:01:40,305 --> 00:01:43,980 to make their lady boss dreams come true. 47 00:01:43,980 --> 00:01:48,781 I was the youngest female CEO of a Fortune 500 company. 48 00:01:48,781 --> 00:01:53,916 Women are having a moment. This is WAHAM. 49 00:01:53,916 --> 00:01:55,962 Thank you to our corporate sponsors. 50 00:01:55,962 --> 00:01:59,051 ‐ Press kit, goody bag. Have a great WAHAM. 51 00:01:59,051 --> 00:02:00,471 ‐ Hi. 52 00:02:00,471 --> 00:02:02,516 Hi, I'm Annie Easton from "The Thorn." 53 00:02:02,516 --> 00:02:04,312 Um, I'm a little bit late, uh, 54 00:02:04,312 --> 00:02:06,191 'cause my boyfriend missed the exit, 55 00:02:06,191 --> 00:02:09,615 but we don't need to get into the whole ordeal of it, 56 00:02:09,615 --> 00:02:11,242 and you don't care so. 57 00:02:11,242 --> 00:02:13,288 ‐ Here are your credentials, 58 00:02:13,288 --> 00:02:15,627 and you missed your interview slot with Justine, 59 00:02:15,627 --> 00:02:17,505 but you can catch her keynote at 3:00. 60 00:02:17,505 --> 00:02:21,054 ‐ Oh, I'm sorry, did you say I missed the interview slot? 61 00:02:21,054 --> 00:02:23,099 ‐ Yeah, it was a ten‐minute slot. 62 00:02:23,099 --> 00:02:26,439 ‐ Um, is there any way I could even just get, 63 00:02:26,439 --> 00:02:28,276 like, one minute with Justine? 64 00:02:28,276 --> 00:02:31,784 Because, really, there's no article unless I talk to her, 65 00:02:31,784 --> 00:02:33,495 so I don't have anything to write about. 66 00:02:33,495 --> 00:02:34,832 ‐ There's nothing that I can do. 67 00:02:34,832 --> 00:02:36,710 I'm sorry. ‐ Hey. 68 00:02:36,710 --> 00:02:38,548 I don't mind squeezing her in. 69 00:02:38,548 --> 00:02:40,509 ‐ Oh, it's you! 70 00:02:40,509 --> 00:02:42,429 ‐ Yes, yes, of course! 71 00:02:42,429 --> 00:02:44,350 Um, do‐‐do we have time? 72 00:02:44,350 --> 00:02:46,062 ‐ Uh, five minutes. 73 00:02:46,062 --> 00:02:47,899 Or, like two minutes, we do. ‐ Okay, we'll take it. 74 00:02:47,899 --> 00:02:48,985 We'll take what we have. 75 00:02:48,985 --> 00:02:50,697 Okay, let's do it, come on! 76 00:02:50,697 --> 00:02:52,491 ‐ Cool. ‐ Okay, come on. 77 00:02:52,491 --> 00:02:54,036 ‐ Yeah, yeah, yeah! So where are you from? 78 00:02:54,036 --> 00:02:55,707 ‐ Oh, I‐I'm from here. I'm from Portland. 79 00:02:55,707 --> 00:02:57,126 ‐ If we're gonna go, let's go. Come on. 80 00:02:57,126 --> 00:02:59,882 ‐ You literally saved me back there. 81 00:02:59,882 --> 00:03:01,886 I honestly felt ill. [laughs] 82 00:03:01,886 --> 00:03:04,725 ‐ Oh, my gosh, well, if a few minutes of my time can help you, 83 00:03:04,725 --> 00:03:06,477 we gotta do it. ‐ [laughs] 84 00:03:06,477 --> 00:03:08,608 ‐ Plus, I love your blouse so I was already on board. 85 00:03:08,608 --> 00:03:11,362 ‐ Oh, well, thank you. Yeah, um‐‐ 86 00:03:11,362 --> 00:03:13,241 Yeah, I found this designer online, 87 00:03:13,241 --> 00:03:14,912 'cause it's always, I don't know, 88 00:03:14,912 --> 00:03:17,542 it's such a hunt to find cool clothes for fat women. 89 00:03:17,542 --> 00:03:21,592 ‐ Wow, I love how you say that word: "fat." 90 00:03:21,592 --> 00:03:24,472 I don't know that I would say...that. 91 00:03:24,472 --> 00:03:27,646 ‐ Oh, I mean, yeah, I don't mind saying it. 92 00:03:27,646 --> 00:03:30,275 I'm fat. It's just true, you know? 93 00:03:30,275 --> 00:03:33,156 I'm not afraid of it, it's just a descriptor so. 94 00:03:33,156 --> 00:03:35,369 ‐ That is so powerful. 95 00:03:35,369 --> 00:03:36,872 I‐‐I love that. 96 00:03:36,872 --> 00:03:39,293 ‐ Oh, well, thank you. ‐ Last question. 97 00:03:39,293 --> 00:03:42,424 ‐ Oh, oh, I actually haven't asked any questions yet. 98 00:03:42,424 --> 00:03:43,969 ‐ Oh, okay, so then your first question 99 00:03:43,969 --> 00:03:45,682 will be your last question. 100 00:03:47,894 --> 00:03:50,440 ‐ Okay, um, okay. 101 00:03:50,440 --> 00:03:53,656 So I was surprised to see that tickets to this event 102 00:03:53,656 --> 00:03:57,204 start at $300, and... 103 00:03:57,204 --> 00:04:00,043 I know that part of WAHAM's mission statement 104 00:04:00,043 --> 00:04:03,174 is lifting up every woman, but 105 00:04:03,174 --> 00:04:04,636 can you really do that 106 00:04:04,636 --> 00:04:07,600 if the price point is so inaccessible? 107 00:04:08,978 --> 00:04:11,900 ‐ Um, so I've thought about this quite a bit, 108 00:04:11,900 --> 00:04:15,282 and we offer sponsorships for low‐income women, 109 00:04:15,282 --> 00:04:17,244 so they can attend free of charge. 110 00:04:17,244 --> 00:04:18,706 ‐ Got it. ‐ So we've kind of already 111 00:04:18,706 --> 00:04:20,292 got that all figured out, 112 00:04:20,292 --> 00:04:23,423 so I have to go, but, um, thank you for coming. 113 00:04:23,423 --> 00:04:24,843 ‐ Okay. 114 00:04:24,843 --> 00:04:26,012 ‐ Can I get a little bag of apricots? 115 00:04:26,012 --> 00:04:27,014 ‐ Yup, sure do. ‐ Thank you so much. 116 00:04:27,014 --> 00:04:28,475 ‐ Mmm, great. ‐ Thanks, Annie. 117 00:04:28,475 --> 00:04:31,272 ‐ Oh, um, would there be any way that I could possibly, 118 00:04:31,272 --> 00:04:33,527 I don't know, meet with one of the low‐income women 119 00:04:33,527 --> 00:04:34,613 who was sponsored? 120 00:04:34,613 --> 00:04:36,032 ‐ Ugh, it's such a bummer, actually. 121 00:04:36,032 --> 00:04:38,203 She couldn't make it 'cause she couldn't get off work. 122 00:04:38,203 --> 00:04:40,708 But enjoy the day. That badge gets you a water. 123 00:04:40,708 --> 00:04:42,044 ‐ Selfies! ‐ All right, beautiful ladies, 124 00:04:42,044 --> 00:04:43,589 thank you so much, that's it. We're gonna go. 125 00:04:43,589 --> 00:04:45,092 SINGER: ♪ Work it ♪ ‐ [sighs] 126 00:04:45,092 --> 00:04:46,385 SINGER: Hey! 127 00:04:50,018 --> 00:04:52,064 SINGER: ♪ I'm gonna fight like a girl ♪ 128 00:04:52,064 --> 00:04:54,736 ‐ Ooh, those are guns. [chuckles] 129 00:04:54,736 --> 00:04:56,698 SINGER: ♪ Fire in my soul ♪ ‐ Oh. 130 00:04:56,698 --> 00:04:58,368 INTERCOM ANNOUNCER: Attention attendees. 131 00:04:58,368 --> 00:05:01,040 the panel "How to Have it All and More" 132 00:05:01,040 --> 00:05:03,169 starts in ten minutes. 133 00:05:03,169 --> 00:05:05,132 ‐ Hey, there. ‐ Hi. 134 00:05:05,132 --> 00:05:06,885 ‐ [chuckles] Like what you see? 135 00:05:06,885 --> 00:05:10,560 ‐ Yeah, yeah, these are like, uh, little sculptures. 136 00:05:10,560 --> 00:05:11,770 ‐ Thank you. 137 00:05:11,770 --> 00:05:13,231 I always felt that there was something 138 00:05:13,231 --> 00:05:16,947 about mass market sex toys that was gross and embarrassing. 139 00:05:16,947 --> 00:05:18,701 ‐ Oh. ‐ Then I created my own 140 00:05:18,701 --> 00:05:21,623 dream vibrators that are beautiful 141 00:05:21,623 --> 00:05:23,084 and powerful. 142 00:05:23,084 --> 00:05:27,426 ‐ Yeah, yeah. And they're $150? 143 00:05:27,426 --> 00:05:29,013 ‐ You're worth it. 144 00:05:29,013 --> 00:05:30,683 Orgasms are self‐care. 145 00:05:30,683 --> 00:05:33,104 I mean, do you want to cum? 146 00:05:33,104 --> 00:05:34,608 Or do you want to arrive? 147 00:05:34,608 --> 00:05:36,485 ‐ Oh. 148 00:05:36,485 --> 00:05:38,574 Probably both. [laughs] 149 00:05:38,574 --> 00:05:40,703 Cheers. Ding. 150 00:05:40,703 --> 00:05:43,333 DIANE: These conferences are almost exclusively 151 00:05:43,333 --> 00:05:45,045 how I connect with the clientele. 152 00:05:45,045 --> 00:05:47,717 It's helped us grow in an exponential way. 153 00:05:47,717 --> 00:05:50,222 And these women, they're so supportive. 154 00:05:50,222 --> 00:05:52,894 ‐ Wow, and so, what exactly is your business? 155 00:05:52,894 --> 00:05:56,359 ‐ Oh, makeup for your legs. ‐ Oh. 156 00:05:56,359 --> 00:05:58,572 ‐ Like to cover the gross skin on your legs. 157 00:05:58,572 --> 00:06:02,079 ‐ And so is that a big problem for most women? 158 00:06:02,079 --> 00:06:04,208 ‐ Yeah. Maybe the biggest. 159 00:06:04,208 --> 00:06:07,548 I mean, for years I was suffering from, like, 160 00:06:07,548 --> 00:06:09,636 disgusting leg skin. 161 00:06:09,636 --> 00:06:12,391 ‐ Yeah, and so then, do people use this every day? 162 00:06:12,391 --> 00:06:14,604 ‐ Yeah, once it's part of your routine, it's totally easy. 163 00:06:14,604 --> 00:06:16,775 You just have to wait 30 minutes after application 164 00:06:16,775 --> 00:06:18,069 to put your pants on. 165 00:06:18,069 --> 00:06:21,660 ‐ Wow, and so, why would you put makeup on 166 00:06:21,660 --> 00:06:22,787 and then put pants on? 167 00:06:22,787 --> 00:06:24,206 'Cause no one will see it. 168 00:06:24,206 --> 00:06:26,670 ‐ Yeah, but you'll have the confidence 169 00:06:26,670 --> 00:06:29,551 of a woman whose disgusting leg skin is covered up. 170 00:06:29,551 --> 00:06:32,431 Honestly, it's so much fun. 171 00:06:32,431 --> 00:06:34,518 I think you should try it. ‐ Oh. 172 00:06:34,518 --> 00:06:37,942 ‐ May I? ‐ Oh, wow, sure. 173 00:06:37,942 --> 00:06:40,990 DIANE: Ooh. ‐ That's good. 174 00:06:40,990 --> 00:06:44,748 ‐ Yeah, your legs are taking the makeup beautifully. 175 00:06:44,748 --> 00:06:46,250 I'm gonna do your feet too. ‐ Oh. 176 00:06:46,250 --> 00:06:47,252 ‐ Okay? 177 00:06:47,252 --> 00:06:49,173 Spread those toes. ‐ Oh! 178 00:06:49,173 --> 00:06:52,179 [upbeat dance music] 179 00:06:52,179 --> 00:06:55,518 ♪ ♪ 180 00:06:55,518 --> 00:06:57,982 [sighs] 181 00:06:57,982 --> 00:06:59,944 Fuck. Chub rub. 182 00:06:59,944 --> 00:07:01,531 ♪ ♪ 183 00:07:01,531 --> 00:07:03,034 INSTAGRAMMER: Hey, WAHAM! Go tag the business queen 184 00:07:03,034 --> 00:07:05,246 in your life using the hashtag "biz queen" 185 00:07:05,246 --> 00:07:06,583 to enter to win a free collagen water. 186 00:07:06,583 --> 00:07:07,877 ‐ Oh, my God. 187 00:07:07,877 --> 00:07:09,421 INSTAGRAMMER: Studies show that at any given moment 188 00:07:09,421 --> 00:07:11,968 43% to 87% of women are holding back tears. 189 00:07:11,968 --> 00:07:14,515 ‐ No. Which is the bathroom? 190 00:07:14,515 --> 00:07:17,730 SINGER: ♪ Everyone dancing to the beat of a new drum ♪ 191 00:07:17,730 --> 00:07:22,197 ♪ Baby girl, come on, baby girl, come on ♪ 192 00:07:22,197 --> 00:07:27,625 ♪ ♪ 193 00:07:27,625 --> 00:07:29,336 Okay. 194 00:07:29,336 --> 00:07:31,507 [groans loudly] Fuck! 195 00:07:31,507 --> 00:07:33,720 ‐ Uh, are you okay in there? 196 00:07:33,720 --> 00:07:35,933 ANNIE: Oh, uh, yeah. 197 00:07:35,933 --> 00:07:38,312 Yeah, it's just‐‐it's chub rub, 198 00:07:38,312 --> 00:07:39,649 you know? 199 00:07:39,649 --> 00:07:41,026 And I was in such a rush this morning 200 00:07:41,026 --> 00:07:42,279 I forgot to put on my shorts. 201 00:07:42,279 --> 00:07:44,951 ‐ Ugh, chub rub, that's the worst. 202 00:07:44,951 --> 00:07:47,665 Ugh. Let me see if I have anything. 203 00:07:47,665 --> 00:07:50,461 ‐ Ah, okay! I got a bunch of Band‐Aids. 204 00:07:50,461 --> 00:07:52,633 ‐ Oh, I will take it. Thank you. 205 00:07:52,633 --> 00:07:54,344 CONNIE: That happened to me once at Disneyland. 206 00:07:54,344 --> 00:07:56,182 I started crying in the line for Space Mountain. 207 00:07:56,182 --> 00:07:57,810 My kids were so freaked out. 208 00:07:57,810 --> 00:08:00,440 ‐ [laughs] ‐ Mulan asked if I was okay! 209 00:08:00,440 --> 00:08:01,651 ‐ Oh, God. 210 00:08:01,651 --> 00:08:04,156 Yeah, I feel like with the leg makeup 211 00:08:04,156 --> 00:08:05,408 and the burning thighs, 212 00:08:05,408 --> 00:08:07,747 I may need to get the hell outta here. 213 00:08:07,747 --> 00:08:08,999 [laughs] ‐ Oh, no. 214 00:08:08,999 --> 00:08:10,460 Do you not like WAHAM? 215 00:08:10,460 --> 00:08:13,090 ‐ Oh, I mean, it's really impressive, 216 00:08:13,090 --> 00:08:15,303 and it's‐‐it's so big, um, 217 00:08:15,303 --> 00:08:18,644 I just‐‐I'm not sure that I, like, "get it," you know? 218 00:08:18,644 --> 00:08:20,689 ‐ Connie's been to 11. ‐ [laughs] 219 00:08:20,689 --> 00:08:22,234 ‐ Oh. Why? 220 00:08:22,234 --> 00:08:26,325 ‐ I mean it might sound silly, but where I grew up, you know, 221 00:08:26,325 --> 00:08:29,666 girl power and feminism and that stuff 222 00:08:29,666 --> 00:08:31,043 weren't such a big thing, you know? 223 00:08:31,043 --> 00:08:32,838 I just didn't know much about it. 224 00:08:32,838 --> 00:08:34,508 ‐ Honestly, same for me. 225 00:08:34,508 --> 00:08:36,888 ‐ Plus, I love to network and engage. 226 00:08:36,888 --> 00:08:40,186 ‐ [laughs] ‐ Okay, what does that mean? 227 00:08:40,186 --> 00:08:42,775 ‐ Networking and engaging is just a lie we tell our husbands 228 00:08:42,775 --> 00:08:44,403 so we can come hang out with our friends. 229 00:08:44,403 --> 00:08:46,866 [laughing] ‐ Okay, well, that makes sense. 230 00:08:46,866 --> 00:08:48,244 That makes sense. [laughs] 231 00:08:48,244 --> 00:08:50,833 Thanks for the Band‐Aids. ‐ Of course. 232 00:08:50,833 --> 00:08:52,502 ‐ Oh, my God, did I tell you about my son's therapist? 233 00:08:52,502 --> 00:08:54,089 CONNIE: The one with the big juicy ass? 234 00:08:54,089 --> 00:08:55,091 DANIELLE: I'm gonna tell you again. 235 00:08:55,091 --> 00:08:57,178 [Connie laughs] 236 00:08:57,178 --> 00:08:59,224 SINGER: ♪ This is a revolution ♪ 237 00:08:59,224 --> 00:09:00,728 ♪ ♪ 238 00:09:00,728 --> 00:09:02,982 [birds chirping] 239 00:09:02,982 --> 00:09:07,575 [rock music blares] 240 00:09:07,575 --> 00:09:09,161 ‐ Ho, ho! [horn honking] 241 00:09:09,161 --> 00:09:12,042 Hey, hey! ‐ What's up, baby! 242 00:09:12,042 --> 00:09:13,419 ‐ Hey, you guys! 243 00:09:13,419 --> 00:09:16,216 ‐ Dude, remember? ‐ Oh, the Casio! 244 00:09:16,216 --> 00:09:17,762 Yes! Ha, ha! 245 00:09:17,762 --> 00:09:19,514 [horn honking] [engine revving] 246 00:09:19,514 --> 00:09:21,268 DRIVER: Come on, man, move it. 247 00:09:21,268 --> 00:09:22,605 ‐ Go fuck yourself. 248 00:09:22,605 --> 00:09:24,066 Come on, go. 249 00:09:24,066 --> 00:09:26,988 ‐ All right, everybody has to keep the economy moving. 250 00:09:26,988 --> 00:09:28,449 Let's go. 251 00:09:28,449 --> 00:09:30,411 ‐ Go! ‐ Hey, take it easy! 252 00:09:30,411 --> 00:09:32,123 We're having a meeting. We're buddies. 253 00:09:32,123 --> 00:09:34,545 ‐ Sorry you have to go to work. Ha ha ha ha! 254 00:09:34,545 --> 00:09:36,173 ‐ Ha ha ha! [honking] 255 00:09:36,173 --> 00:09:38,135 ‐ Yeah! ‐ Yeah, baby! 256 00:09:38,135 --> 00:09:39,597 Where you going? ‐ What? 257 00:09:39,597 --> 00:09:41,350 ‐ Smoke cigarette at the mall! ‐ Yeah. 258 00:09:41,350 --> 00:09:42,895 ‐ That sounds cool! 259 00:09:42,895 --> 00:09:46,695 ‐ Yeah, Ryan, dude. We will see you again! 260 00:09:46,695 --> 00:09:48,532 ‐ Yes, yes, you will. [honking] 261 00:09:48,532 --> 00:09:51,120 ‐ Whoo! ‐ Yeah! 262 00:09:51,120 --> 00:09:53,917 Whoo! [honks horn] 263 00:09:53,917 --> 00:09:56,046 Fuck yeah. 264 00:09:56,046 --> 00:09:58,927 [upbeat dance music] 265 00:09:58,927 --> 00:10:00,471 ♪ ♪ 266 00:10:00,471 --> 00:10:01,933 ‐ Here's your free t‐shirt. 267 00:10:01,933 --> 00:10:04,229 Please put it on before the keynote begins. 268 00:10:04,229 --> 00:10:06,358 ‐ Oh, uh, well, this won't fit me. 269 00:10:06,358 --> 00:10:09,030 It's a small. ‐ Oh, sure it will. 270 00:10:09,030 --> 00:10:11,326 ‐ Do you maybe have, like, a double XL, or‐‐ 271 00:10:11,326 --> 00:10:15,501 ‐ No, but we do have a generous medium. 272 00:10:15,501 --> 00:10:17,338 They are huge. 273 00:10:17,338 --> 00:10:19,092 It's like a dress on me. [laughs] 274 00:10:19,092 --> 00:10:21,138 ‐ Oh. 275 00:10:21,138 --> 00:10:24,269 Well, thank you. 276 00:10:24,269 --> 00:10:26,900 ‐ What up, what up, WAHAM? 277 00:10:26,900 --> 00:10:28,402 Hey! [cheers and applause] 278 00:10:28,402 --> 00:10:32,076 Let's get everybody up! Get up, yeah! 279 00:10:32,076 --> 00:10:34,331 Everyone up out of your chair! 280 00:10:34,331 --> 00:10:36,376 Okay, seriously, everyone does have to get up. 281 00:10:36,376 --> 00:10:38,924 All right, because Justine's not gonna come out 282 00:10:38,924 --> 00:10:41,596 until we're all up with those t‐shirts on. 283 00:10:41,596 --> 00:10:43,474 All right, and we are participating actively. 284 00:10:43,474 --> 00:10:45,019 We're smiling. 285 00:10:45,019 --> 00:10:48,652 Here we go. Give it up for Justine Kylie! 286 00:10:48,652 --> 00:10:51,658 [cheers and applause] 287 00:10:51,658 --> 00:10:56,291 ♪ ♪ 288 00:10:56,291 --> 00:11:00,676 ‐ This is our moment! This is WAHAM! 289 00:11:00,676 --> 00:11:03,055 [cheers and applause] 290 00:11:03,055 --> 00:11:05,268 Please sit down. 291 00:11:06,186 --> 00:11:08,817 With every book, every seminar, 292 00:11:08,817 --> 00:11:11,614 every connection you make here, 293 00:11:11,614 --> 00:11:15,539 we are turning the boardroom into the broad room. 294 00:11:15,539 --> 00:11:19,045 [cheers and applause] 295 00:11:19,045 --> 00:11:23,972 Now, I remember being the only young woman at my company, 296 00:11:23,972 --> 00:11:29,567 and I remember the moment they hired another female executive, 297 00:11:29,567 --> 00:11:31,194 and a man said to me, 298 00:11:31,194 --> 00:11:33,617 "Looks like you finally got some competition." 299 00:11:33,617 --> 00:11:36,623 [disapproving murmurs] And compete with her I did... 300 00:11:38,208 --> 00:11:39,962 Till I got her fired. 301 00:11:39,962 --> 00:11:41,925 Now guess what? 302 00:11:41,925 --> 00:11:45,014 That woman that I got fired is here today. 303 00:11:45,014 --> 00:11:46,893 Give it up for Rebecca! 304 00:11:46,893 --> 00:11:49,899 [cheers and applause] 305 00:11:49,899 --> 00:11:53,531 ♪ ♪ 306 00:11:53,531 --> 00:11:55,159 ‐ Fuck. 307 00:11:58,792 --> 00:12:01,673 ‐ You look so incredible. How do you do it? 308 00:12:01,673 --> 00:12:04,302 ‐ Well, I wake up at 4:00 a. m., 309 00:12:04,302 --> 00:12:05,639 I run five miles a day, 310 00:12:05,639 --> 00:12:07,977 and I haven't touched bread in 20 years. 311 00:12:07,977 --> 00:12:09,521 Ah! [laughs] 312 00:12:09,521 --> 00:12:11,024 [impressed murmurs] 313 00:12:11,024 --> 00:12:15,032 Except on 9/11 'cause I really needed it. 314 00:12:15,032 --> 00:12:16,911 Okay, who's next? 315 00:12:16,911 --> 00:12:19,165 ‐ Hi, Justine. I'm Connie. 316 00:12:19,165 --> 00:12:21,420 ‐ Oh, Connie girl, good to see you again. 317 00:12:21,420 --> 00:12:22,840 CONNIE: Thank you, um, 318 00:12:22,840 --> 00:12:27,348 I quit business school when I had my daughter, 319 00:12:27,348 --> 00:12:31,524 and I love being a stay at home mom, 320 00:12:31,524 --> 00:12:34,487 but when my husband got laid off, 321 00:12:34,487 --> 00:12:37,578 I had to figure out a way to provide, 322 00:12:37,578 --> 00:12:41,376 you know, not just for my daughter... 323 00:12:43,338 --> 00:12:45,886 But for myself. 324 00:12:45,886 --> 00:12:47,973 I... 325 00:12:47,973 --> 00:12:49,894 I needed something more. 326 00:12:49,894 --> 00:12:52,482 So... 327 00:12:52,482 --> 00:12:55,864 I started a stationary company 328 00:12:55,864 --> 00:12:57,534 out of my garage, 329 00:12:57,534 --> 00:13:01,834 but most importantly, coming to these events 330 00:13:01,834 --> 00:13:05,091 have given me some of my best friendships. 331 00:13:05,091 --> 00:13:07,303 Women who've seen me through all of it, 332 00:13:07,303 --> 00:13:11,478 so, I just wanted to say thank you and thank you. 333 00:13:11,478 --> 00:13:14,400 Sorry. JUSTINE: No, no, thank you. 334 00:13:14,400 --> 00:13:16,906 Let's give it up for Connie, everybody. 335 00:13:16,906 --> 00:13:20,329 [cheers and applause] 336 00:13:20,329 --> 00:13:22,500 All right, everybody! Up, up, up! 337 00:13:22,500 --> 00:13:23,962 Whoo! 338 00:13:23,962 --> 00:13:26,466 Work it, like Sandra over there 339 00:13:26,466 --> 00:13:28,680 who's here making hats for breast cancer patients. 340 00:13:28,680 --> 00:13:32,270 Yes, you go, hat goddess! 341 00:13:32,270 --> 00:13:33,940 All right, dance that feeling 342 00:13:33,940 --> 00:13:36,486 when you smash the glass ceiling! 343 00:13:36,486 --> 00:13:38,533 [glass breaks] Whoo! 344 00:13:38,533 --> 00:13:40,996 Yes, yes, yes. Okay. 345 00:13:40,996 --> 00:13:45,589 Everybody be your damn self like Annie over here! 346 00:13:45,589 --> 00:13:47,258 Who looks amazing 347 00:13:47,258 --> 00:13:49,847 even though it's hard to find clothes in her size. 348 00:13:49,847 --> 00:13:52,143 Work it, fat bitch! 349 00:13:52,143 --> 00:13:57,403 Whoo, yes! Whoo! 350 00:13:57,403 --> 00:13:58,990 ‐ Are you sure you don't want any of this stuff? 351 00:13:58,990 --> 00:14:01,328 ‐ Yeah, I stole it for you guys. 352 00:14:01,328 --> 00:14:04,417 ‐ "Ashwagandha." I think this cures cancer 353 00:14:04,417 --> 00:14:06,296 or it makes your bush fall out, or something. 354 00:14:06,296 --> 00:14:07,423 ‐ Oh, shit, I want that, 355 00:14:07,423 --> 00:14:09,720 either for my grandmother or my girlfriend. 356 00:14:09,720 --> 00:14:11,682 ‐ I mean, I hate all of this stuff, but I also want it. 357 00:14:11,682 --> 00:14:12,851 Is that wrong? 358 00:14:12,851 --> 00:14:15,314 I mean there's literally snake oil in here. 359 00:14:15,314 --> 00:14:17,360 ‐ Oh, my God. [buzzing] 360 00:14:17,360 --> 00:14:19,405 ‐ [barking] ‐ Bonkers! 361 00:14:19,405 --> 00:14:21,911 ‐ This thing'll break your clit off. 362 00:14:21,911 --> 00:14:23,413 I think it's made of real marble. 363 00:14:23,413 --> 00:14:24,708 FRAN: Yeah, so you can feel like 364 00:14:24,708 --> 00:14:26,378 you're fucking the statue of David. 365 00:14:26,378 --> 00:14:27,965 ‐ Okay, thank you. 366 00:14:27,965 --> 00:14:30,094 You don't need to make fun of my research. 367 00:14:30,094 --> 00:14:31,513 All right, I'm a journalist, 368 00:14:31,513 --> 00:14:33,475 and Gabe wants this piece to be good. 369 00:14:33,475 --> 00:14:35,563 That's why I have to write up this thing tonight, 370 00:14:35,563 --> 00:14:37,024 'cause I have to go meet up with my mom 371 00:14:37,024 --> 00:14:38,611 for our big talk tomorrow. 372 00:14:38,611 --> 00:14:40,197 ‐ Are you still pissed at her? 373 00:14:40,197 --> 00:14:42,034 ‐ Yeah, I am. 374 00:14:42,034 --> 00:14:43,579 But I'm just gonna try and level with her 375 00:14:43,579 --> 00:14:45,040 the way you did with your mom. 376 00:14:45,040 --> 00:14:47,086 ‐ What happened with your mom? Did you get in a fight? 377 00:14:47,086 --> 00:14:48,965 ‐ No, we just got to a breaking point 378 00:14:48,965 --> 00:14:50,844 where we had to be very real with each other, 379 00:14:50,844 --> 00:14:52,304 but now we're good. 380 00:14:52,304 --> 00:14:53,766 And she texts me, like, 200 times a day. 381 00:14:53,766 --> 00:14:55,144 [Emily laughs] 382 00:14:55,144 --> 00:14:57,273 ‐ Yeah, see, that's where I'm trying to get with Vera. 383 00:14:57,273 --> 00:14:58,860 ‐ [laughs] ‐ You know what I mean? 384 00:14:58,860 --> 00:15:01,949 Maybe I'll give her this to soften the blow. 385 00:15:01,949 --> 00:15:03,619 Or this? ‐ Ooh. 386 00:15:03,619 --> 00:15:05,205 ‐ I think this is da winner. 387 00:15:05,205 --> 00:15:08,462 Ooh, I gotta knight your ass. Ding, ding. 388 00:15:08,462 --> 00:15:11,844 ‐ You know, I put some of that snake oil on my crow's feet, 389 00:15:11,844 --> 00:15:15,142 and I think it's actually making a difference. 390 00:15:15,142 --> 00:15:17,313 ‐ Yeah, totally. 391 00:15:17,313 --> 00:15:19,777 Um, Mom, could we talk? 392 00:15:19,777 --> 00:15:22,031 ‐ Sure, you know I love girl talk. 393 00:15:22,031 --> 00:15:23,283 ‐ Yeah. 394 00:15:23,283 --> 00:15:26,372 Um, well, this isn't easy, 395 00:15:26,372 --> 00:15:29,963 but I just feel like I never really got any answers 396 00:15:29,963 --> 00:15:32,803 as to, like, why you went to Vancouver. 397 00:15:32,803 --> 00:15:34,807 ‐ Oh, please, there's nothing to tell. 398 00:15:34,807 --> 00:15:37,394 [laughs] ‐ Yeah, I know you said that, 399 00:15:37,394 --> 00:15:40,944 but I‐I feel like obviously there is, right? 400 00:15:40,944 --> 00:15:43,699 And, um, you know, I feel like before you left 401 00:15:43,699 --> 00:15:45,703 we were, like, having some very real talks, 402 00:15:45,703 --> 00:15:48,584 and it would be great if we could, like, do that again. 403 00:15:48,584 --> 00:15:51,422 ‐ Well, I don't know, honey. We talk all the time. 404 00:15:51,422 --> 00:15:53,135 We're talking right now! 405 00:15:53,135 --> 00:15:54,805 ‐ I know, I know. 406 00:15:54,805 --> 00:15:56,976 But Mom, I'm serious. 407 00:15:56,976 --> 00:15:58,395 Like, I want us to try 408 00:15:58,395 --> 00:16:01,067 and be able to be honest with each other, you know? 409 00:16:01,067 --> 00:16:04,533 MARGOT: Is that Vera? ‐ Oh, Margot! 410 00:16:04,533 --> 00:16:06,620 Annie you remember our neighbor, Margot. 411 00:16:06,620 --> 00:16:08,123 ‐ Yeah, hi. 412 00:16:08,123 --> 00:16:10,252 ‐ Margot, what happened to your neck? 413 00:16:10,252 --> 00:16:13,634 ‐ Oh, well, you know my adult son Jeffery, 414 00:16:13,634 --> 00:16:15,220 the one that's a virgin. 415 00:16:15,220 --> 00:16:17,308 ‐ Mm‐hmm. ‐ Oh, yeah. 416 00:16:17,308 --> 00:16:19,771 Yeah, um, he used to babysit me. 417 00:16:19,771 --> 00:16:21,567 ‐ That's right. ‐ [laughs] 418 00:16:21,567 --> 00:16:24,113 ‐ Well, Jeffery rammed me with his truck. 419 00:16:24,113 --> 00:16:26,117 ‐ Oh, he rammed you? 420 00:16:26,117 --> 00:16:27,913 MARGOT: Well, it was an accident, 421 00:16:27,913 --> 00:16:30,334 but he rammed me so hard I about popped my head off. 422 00:16:30,334 --> 00:16:31,712 ‐ [laughs] 423 00:16:31,712 --> 00:16:33,089 Oh. 424 00:16:33,089 --> 00:16:35,135 ‐ You know, a poor guy like Jeff, 425 00:16:35,135 --> 00:16:38,809 he never had a girlfriend, he never had a dollar, 426 00:16:38,809 --> 00:16:41,189 and he rammed right into his mama. 427 00:16:41,189 --> 00:16:43,819 Right into my rear end. 428 00:16:43,819 --> 00:16:46,784 My trunk is completely trashed. 429 00:16:46,784 --> 00:16:47,953 [stifled laughing] 430 00:16:47,953 --> 00:16:49,330 Well, what's so funny? 431 00:16:49,330 --> 00:16:51,251 ‐ Oh, um‐‐ 432 00:16:51,251 --> 00:16:55,133 Annie told me a very funny joke right before you walked up. 433 00:16:55,133 --> 00:16:56,553 ‐ Yeah. 434 00:16:56,553 --> 00:16:57,973 ‐ Oh, well, tell me Annie. 435 00:16:57,973 --> 00:16:59,810 I could really use a laugh right now. 436 00:16:59,810 --> 00:17:01,647 ‐ I don't‐‐I can't. 437 00:17:01,647 --> 00:17:03,651 It's‐‐you gotta tell it, Mom. 438 00:17:03,651 --> 00:17:06,322 You‐‐you got it. 439 00:17:06,322 --> 00:17:09,871 ‐ What's, uh, the last thing that you want to hear 440 00:17:09,871 --> 00:17:13,420 after you've given Willie Nelson a blowjob? 441 00:17:13,420 --> 00:17:15,048 ‐ What? 442 00:17:15,048 --> 00:17:17,177 ‐ "I'm not Willie Nelson." 443 00:17:17,177 --> 00:17:20,183 [laughter] 444 00:17:22,187 --> 00:17:24,526 ‐ Oh, I guess I just don't get it. 445 00:17:24,526 --> 00:17:26,446 Maybe Jeffery will. 446 00:17:26,446 --> 00:17:29,035 See you soon, Vera. 447 00:17:29,035 --> 00:17:32,041 ‐ I think Jeffery will get it. ‐ [laughs] 448 00:17:34,211 --> 00:17:36,550 ‐ Oh, my God, where did that come from? 449 00:17:36,550 --> 00:17:40,307 ‐ Your Dad's friend Ron. ‐ Oh, no! 450 00:17:40,307 --> 00:17:42,102 ‐ Oh, Annie, 451 00:17:42,102 --> 00:17:44,691 I don't laugh with anyone like I laugh with you. 452 00:17:44,691 --> 00:17:46,737 ‐ Oh, my God. 453 00:17:46,737 --> 00:17:48,198 ‐ Okay, uh‐uh‐uh‐uh‐uh‐‐ 454 00:17:48,198 --> 00:17:51,162 so you're firing me because I don't like Andy? 455 00:17:51,162 --> 00:17:53,375 Nobody like Andy! 456 00:17:53,375 --> 00:17:54,961 You suck, dude! 457 00:17:54,961 --> 00:17:56,548 AMADI: Look, man, I'm firing you 458 00:17:56,548 --> 00:17:57,801 because you sliced his tires, 459 00:17:57,801 --> 00:17:59,554 and then you called him the "Anti‐Christ." 460 00:17:59,554 --> 00:18:00,848 ‐ He is! 461 00:18:00,848 --> 00:18:02,059 ‐ Yeah, y‐you think I don't agree with you? 462 00:18:02,059 --> 00:18:03,353 You think I like Andy? 463 00:18:03,353 --> 00:18:05,482 ‐ Come on, man. I've got kids. 464 00:18:05,482 --> 00:18:08,029 If you fire me, I'll have to be with 'em all day. 465 00:18:08,029 --> 00:18:10,409 ‐ That sucks, man, but look, he went to HR. 466 00:18:10,409 --> 00:18:11,662 Okay? My hands are tied. 467 00:18:11,662 --> 00:18:13,916 T‐there's nothing I can do. 468 00:18:13,916 --> 00:18:16,045 ‐ [cries] 469 00:18:16,045 --> 00:18:18,551 ‐ Hey, come on, man. Are you all right? 470 00:18:18,551 --> 00:18:21,724 ‐ We were friends. Does that not matter to you? 471 00:18:21,724 --> 00:18:24,813 ‐ It matters to me. I'm so‐‐ 472 00:18:24,813 --> 00:18:26,775 Keep your head up, dude. You don't have to do that. 473 00:18:26,775 --> 00:18:29,948 ‐ [crying] 474 00:18:32,369 --> 00:18:34,415 ‐ Um, hey everyone. 475 00:18:34,415 --> 00:18:35,960 Uh, I just wanted to take a moment 476 00:18:35,960 --> 00:18:38,214 to say that today is a very special day. 477 00:18:38,214 --> 00:18:41,680 It is officially, Amadi's first firing, so‐‐ 478 00:18:41,680 --> 00:18:42,891 AMADI: Ruthie. 479 00:18:42,891 --> 00:18:44,561 ‐ Let's‐‐let's‐‐ let's give it up. 480 00:18:44,561 --> 00:18:49,529 ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪ AMADI: Ruthie. 481 00:18:49,529 --> 00:18:50,740 ‐ ♪ Happy bir‐‐ ‐ Hey, Amadi. 482 00:18:50,740 --> 00:18:51,992 AMADI: Hey. 483 00:18:51,992 --> 00:18:53,662 You got any advice on how to fire somebody 484 00:18:53,662 --> 00:18:54,998 without feeling like shit? 485 00:18:54,998 --> 00:18:56,919 ‐ Oh, that's tough, 'cause I really enjoy that. 486 00:18:56,919 --> 00:18:58,714 Could you do me a favor? 487 00:18:58,714 --> 00:19:02,054 Could you tell Annie that her article is boring and soulless? 488 00:19:02,054 --> 00:19:04,559 ‐ No, that's creative. That's your department. 489 00:19:04,559 --> 00:19:06,939 ‐ What? Fuck you. I said it was a favor. 490 00:19:06,939 --> 00:19:08,651 ‐ All right, easy. GABE: God. 491 00:19:08,651 --> 00:19:10,655 All right, send her in when she gets here. 492 00:19:10,655 --> 00:19:12,282 ‐ Yeah. God damn. 493 00:19:14,495 --> 00:19:18,712 ‐ ♪ Feliz Navidad to you ♪ 494 00:19:22,386 --> 00:19:23,471 ‐ I mean, Annie, 495 00:19:23,471 --> 00:19:26,770 clearly, what you wrote sucks. 496 00:19:26,770 --> 00:19:28,649 It's terrible. It's boring. 497 00:19:28,649 --> 00:19:31,572 ‐ Well, you're the one who told me not to editorialize. 498 00:19:31,572 --> 00:19:34,536 ‐ You wrote the word "She‐E‐O" without irony or commentary. 499 00:19:34,536 --> 00:19:35,997 Are you dead? 500 00:19:35,997 --> 00:19:39,921 What do you really feel about this Woman Moment thing? 501 00:19:39,921 --> 00:19:42,467 You, Annie. ANNIE: I don't know. 502 00:19:42,467 --> 00:19:44,054 It was, um... 503 00:19:45,265 --> 00:19:47,394 Inspiring, I guess? 504 00:19:47,394 --> 00:19:49,608 And demented. ‐ "Demented, I guess?" 505 00:19:49,608 --> 00:19:52,279 What've you been hanging out in the Clackamas Town Center? 506 00:19:52,279 --> 00:19:54,158 What's with this jargon? 507 00:19:54,158 --> 00:19:57,331 ‐ I‐‐it just‐‐it made me think that there's a reason 508 00:19:57,331 --> 00:19:59,501 that men don't need to be, like, 509 00:19:59,501 --> 00:20:01,590 constantly told that they're powerful. 510 00:20:01,590 --> 00:20:05,513 It's because they're in power. ‐ Okay, and with women? 511 00:20:05,513 --> 00:20:08,144 ‐ And women, I mean, we're, like, 512 00:20:08,144 --> 00:20:11,400 screaming in huge pink letters that we're powerful 513 00:20:11,400 --> 00:20:13,781 just to try and convince ourselves, you know? 514 00:20:13,781 --> 00:20:16,118 And‐‐and all the statistics that they gave 515 00:20:16,118 --> 00:20:19,333 about how bad things are for women, 516 00:20:19,333 --> 00:20:21,337 it's, like, it's a thousand times worse 517 00:20:21,337 --> 00:20:22,966 if you're a woman who can't afford 518 00:20:22,966 --> 00:20:25,303 to be slathered in $100 oils. 519 00:20:25,303 --> 00:20:27,349 ‐ Okay. So it's a con. 520 00:20:28,434 --> 00:20:31,482 ‐ Yes, but there were also all these women there 521 00:20:31,482 --> 00:20:34,321 who were genuinely really getting something out of it. 522 00:20:34,321 --> 00:20:36,409 But to me, it just felt like it was about money. 523 00:20:36,409 --> 00:20:38,622 ‐ Okay. We're getting somewhere. 524 00:20:38,622 --> 00:20:40,333 Monetizing feminism. Right? 525 00:20:40,333 --> 00:20:43,464 ‐ Yes, exactly, and women are made to feel so insecure 526 00:20:43,464 --> 00:20:44,676 and then each insecurity 527 00:20:44,676 --> 00:20:47,389 is like a new opportunity to make more money. 528 00:20:47,389 --> 00:20:49,226 ‐ It's sad. ‐ Yes. 529 00:20:49,226 --> 00:20:52,482 And all day, all they talked about was self‐care, 530 00:20:52,482 --> 00:20:54,571 but it's not taking care of yourself 531 00:20:54,571 --> 00:20:58,202 to agree that you're ugly and you need to be fixed. 532 00:20:58,202 --> 00:20:59,329 ‐ Okay. 533 00:20:59,329 --> 00:21:02,795 Okay, so what is a moment of true self‐care 534 00:21:02,795 --> 00:21:05,175 if you strip everything away here? 535 00:21:05,175 --> 00:21:07,429 What's an example? 536 00:21:07,429 --> 00:21:11,103 ‐ Well, I mean, if I'm being honest, like, 537 00:21:11,103 --> 00:21:13,901 the first thing that I think of 538 00:21:13,901 --> 00:21:15,946 is my abortion, you know? 539 00:21:15,946 --> 00:21:19,036 I mean, that was care. 540 00:21:19,036 --> 00:21:21,917 I had to in the moment evaluate what I wanted, 541 00:21:21,917 --> 00:21:23,419 and take care of myself, 542 00:21:23,419 --> 00:21:26,760 and then all the women that were there that took care of me. 543 00:21:26,760 --> 00:21:28,639 ‐ Well, thanks for telling me. 544 00:21:28,639 --> 00:21:31,143 I mean, this is totally your call, 545 00:21:31,143 --> 00:21:35,235 but you could, you know, put that in the article. 546 00:21:35,235 --> 00:21:39,451 ‐ Yeah, I mean I'm‐‐I'm not afraid to, it's just the truth. 547 00:21:39,451 --> 00:21:41,581 ‐ Well, then go do it. 548 00:21:41,581 --> 00:21:43,501 ‐ Okay. Great. 549 00:21:43,501 --> 00:21:44,921 Yeah. 550 00:21:44,921 --> 00:21:48,052 Thanks, Gabe, I actually feel like we really, like, 551 00:21:48,052 --> 00:21:49,681 worked it out together in a nice way‐‐ 552 00:21:49,681 --> 00:21:51,560 ‐ Yeah, let's not stretch this out. 553 00:21:51,560 --> 00:21:53,564 ‐ Yeah, totally. GABE: Really ruin it. 554 00:21:53,564 --> 00:21:56,110 ‐ Okay, well, um, thank you so much. 555 00:21:56,110 --> 00:21:59,701 And um, this‐‐really awesome. 556 00:21:59,701 --> 00:22:01,245 Really, really, really great. 557 00:22:03,709 --> 00:22:06,046 ‐ Wow, sounds like it went really great in there. 558 00:22:06,046 --> 00:22:09,219 ‐ Yeah, it actually really did. It was great. 559 00:22:09,219 --> 00:22:12,685 ‐ Well, just know that if you try and replace me 560 00:22:12,685 --> 00:22:14,689 as Gabe's best girl, 561 00:22:14,689 --> 00:22:16,483 I'm gonna go to your desk and find something 562 00:22:16,483 --> 00:22:18,154 that means a lot to you, 563 00:22:18,154 --> 00:22:20,325 and I'm gonna bludgeon you to death with it. 564 00:22:20,325 --> 00:22:22,454 ‐ Very cool. RYAN: Holy shit! 565 00:22:22,454 --> 00:22:24,041 ‐ Yeah. [laughs] 566 00:22:24,041 --> 00:22:25,794 ‐ Ryan? ‐ Annie! 567 00:22:25,794 --> 00:22:28,216 I got a job! ‐ What? 568 00:22:28,216 --> 00:22:29,928 ‐ I got a job here too. 569 00:22:29,928 --> 00:22:31,806 ‐ Yeah, he said that you were askin' him to get a job, 570 00:22:31,806 --> 00:22:33,351 and we had an opening, so. 571 00:22:34,687 --> 00:22:37,067 ‐ I'm officially a distro guy now. 572 00:22:37,067 --> 00:22:39,154 ‐ Um, that's... 573 00:22:40,741 --> 00:22:43,037 That's great. 574 00:22:43,037 --> 00:22:44,289 ‐ Come here. Come on. 575 00:22:44,289 --> 00:22:46,795 ‐ Oh, yes. ‐ Ho‐ho‐hey‐hey! 576 00:22:46,795 --> 00:22:48,464 RYAN: Oh, fuck. ANNIE: I don't think‐‐ 577 00:22:48,464 --> 00:22:51,095 ‐ Not in the office! RYAN: [sighs] Sorry. 578 00:22:51,095 --> 00:22:52,430 ‐ Privacy of your own home, go nuts. 579 00:22:52,430 --> 00:22:53,600 ‐ Of course. 580 00:22:53,600 --> 00:22:54,936 ‐ Do whatever the fuck you guys want. 581 00:22:54,936 --> 00:22:56,648 RYAN: Oh. ANNIE: Mmm. 582 00:22:56,648 --> 00:22:58,359 ‐ All right, guys, let's fill this paperwork out. 583 00:22:58,359 --> 00:22:59,654 RYAN: See you soon. ‐ Mm‐hmm. 584 00:22:59,654 --> 00:23:02,158 ‐ Nosies. This is so fun. 585 00:23:02,158 --> 00:23:05,708 AMADI: Let's go! [laughter] 586 00:23:05,708 --> 00:23:07,586 RYAN: Yeah! 587 00:23:07,586 --> 00:23:11,761 ["Cuz I Love You" by Lizzo plays] 588 00:23:11,761 --> 00:23:16,353 ♪ Ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya ♪ 589 00:23:16,353 --> 00:23:18,316 ♪ Never been in love before ♪ 590 00:23:18,316 --> 00:23:20,696 ♪ What the fuck are fucking feelings, yo? ♪ 591 00:23:20,696 --> 00:23:22,825 ♪ Once upon a time, I was a ho ♪ 592 00:23:22,825 --> 00:23:25,163 ♪ I don't even wanna ho no mo' ♪ 593 00:23:25,163 --> 00:23:27,292 ♪ Got you something from the liquor store ♪ 594 00:23:27,292 --> 00:23:29,589 ♪ Little bit of Lizzo and some Mo ♪ 595 00:23:29,589 --> 00:23:31,718 ♪ Tryna open up a little mo' ♪ 596 00:23:31,718 --> 00:23:34,849 ♪ Sorry if my heart a little slow ♪ 597 00:23:34,849 --> 00:23:39,316 ♪ I thought that I didn't care ♪ 598 00:23:39,316 --> 00:23:42,698 ♪ I thought I was love‐impaired ♪ 599 00:23:42,698 --> 00:23:45,078 ♪ But baby ♪ 600 00:23:45,078 --> 00:23:47,374 ♪ Baby ♪ 601 00:23:47,374 --> 00:23:52,635 ♪ I don't know what I'm gon' do ♪ 602 00:23:52,635 --> 00:23:57,394 ♪ I'm cryin' 'cause I love you ♪ 603 00:23:57,394 --> 00:24:00,274 ♪ ♪ 604 00:24:00,274 --> 00:24:01,653 ♪ Oh ♪