1 00:00:00,010 --> 00:00:15,777 SUB BY : DENI AUROR@ https://aurorarental.blogspot.com/ 2 00:00:32,670 --> 00:00:35,890 The phantom Pokémon Mew... {do we still want to use phantom, even in a remake done long after mythical has been properly defined? --Puto}{Since the PROBLEMATIC LINE at the end still remains... Yes. -Starfish} 3 00:00:35,890 --> 00:00:38,470 They say it's extinct, 4 00:00:38,470 --> 00:00:42,640 but even in recent times, there have been reported sightings of Mew. 5 00:00:42,640 --> 00:00:44,560 Unconfirmed sightings. 6 00:00:44,560 --> 00:00:45,440 Yes... 7 00:00:45,440 --> 00:00:48,020 Nobody's ever gotten a single good photo of it. 8 00:00:48,020 --> 00:00:49,400 Unfortunately true. 9 00:00:56,700 --> 00:00:57,910 This is Mew. 10 00:00:58,450 --> 00:01:02,620 It's said to not only possess divine power, but it may have also caused a cataclysmic flood... 11 00:01:02,620 --> 00:01:06,710 ...or done something to turn barren lands fertile so the people could grow crops. 12 00:01:06,710 --> 00:01:08,580 Is it an angel, or a demon? 13 00:01:08,580 --> 00:01:10,130 Or is it simply capricious? 14 00:01:10,130 --> 00:01:15,510 Whatever the case, it undoubtedly wields great power. 15 00:01:23,180 --> 00:01:26,350 This is the fossil we just excavated on our latest expedition. 16 00:01:26,350 --> 00:01:28,480 A part of Mew's body... 17 00:01:28,900 --> 00:01:30,110 Or so we believe. 18 00:01:30,730 --> 00:01:33,530 Let's bring it back to the laboratory at once. 19 00:01:33,530 --> 00:01:35,950 If it truly is a Mew fossil... 20 00:01:35,950 --> 00:01:36,820 Yeah... 21 00:01:36,820 --> 00:01:39,700 We may be able to create the mightiest Pokémon. 22 00:01:59,090 --> 00:02:01,100 What is this place? 23 00:02:02,680 --> 00:02:05,470 Who am I? 24 00:02:12,110 --> 00:02:14,480 Who are you? 25 00:02:19,490 --> 00:02:21,240 I... 26 00:02:21,990 --> 00:02:27,250 ...cannot forget this world they've flown off to. 27 00:02:43,680 --> 00:02:46,680 Who am I? 28 00:02:47,730 --> 00:02:50,140 Why am I here? 29 00:02:50,980 --> 00:02:52,400 No... 30 00:02:52,400 --> 00:02:56,650 All that matters is that I exist. 31 00:02:56,650 --> 00:02:59,900 As of yet... 32 00:02:59,900 --> 00:03:02,700 ...I have not been born into this world. 33 00:03:29,060 --> 00:03:33,230 Mewtwo is finally awake! 34 00:03:33,230 --> 00:03:34,560 "Mewtwo"...? 35 00:03:35,860 --> 00:03:36,980 Telepathy? 36 00:03:38,110 --> 00:03:40,360 Mewtwo. That's you. 37 00:03:40,820 --> 00:03:46,370 We created you from the Pokémon said to be rarest in the world! 38 00:03:46,740 --> 00:03:47,370 Indeed... 39 00:03:47,370 --> 00:03:50,080 Behold the rarest Pokémon in the world: 40 00:03:50,080 --> 00:03:50,870 Mew! 41 00:03:51,330 --> 00:03:52,460 "Mew"...? 42 00:03:53,120 --> 00:03:55,750 Is that my progenitor? 43 00:03:55,750 --> 00:03:57,130 My father? 44 00:03:57,130 --> 00:03:58,250 My mother? 45 00:03:58,250 --> 00:04:01,760 In a sense, but not quite. 46 00:04:03,380 --> 00:04:07,930 You were based off Mew, but we've created you to be much stronger! 47 00:04:07,930 --> 00:04:09,060 By whom? 48 00:04:09,680 --> 00:04:12,310 You say neither a father, nor a mother... 49 00:04:12,310 --> 00:04:17,610 So then by God? Is God the one who created me? 50 00:04:17,610 --> 00:04:22,780 The only beings capable of creating life in this world are God and humans. 51 00:04:22,780 --> 00:04:24,660 So it was you? 52 00:04:24,660 --> 00:04:26,780 Humans created me? 53 00:04:26,780 --> 00:04:28,700 This is a scientific breakthrough! 54 00:04:28,700 --> 00:04:31,040 We finally have proof that we were right! 55 00:04:31,040 --> 00:04:32,710 We can continue our research! 56 00:04:32,710 --> 00:04:34,120 Let's start on the next model! 57 00:04:34,120 --> 00:04:35,000 Congratulations! 58 00:04:35,000 --> 00:04:37,080 We finally did it! 59 00:04:37,960 --> 00:04:40,090 Who am I? 60 00:04:43,050 --> 00:04:45,340 What is this place? 61 00:04:59,650 --> 00:05:02,650 What was the purpose of my birth? 62 00:05:49,490 --> 00:05:52,240 To create the mightiest Pokémon in the world... 63 00:05:52,240 --> 00:05:55,040 That was our dream... 64 00:06:39,580 --> 00:06:42,080 Is this power my own? 65 00:06:42,080 --> 00:06:46,340 Am I truly the mightiest Pokémon in the world? 66 00:06:46,710 --> 00:06:47,970 Mew... 67 00:06:47,970 --> 00:06:50,090 Am I stronger than you? 68 00:06:56,350 --> 00:07:00,850 You may very well be the mightiest Pokémon in the world... 69 00:07:01,230 --> 00:07:05,360 But a more powerful entity exists here, too. 70 00:07:06,230 --> 00:07:07,360 Humans? 71 00:07:10,030 --> 00:07:15,240 If you join forces with us humans, the world will be ours. 72 00:07:15,240 --> 00:07:18,160 The world will be ours...? 73 00:07:18,160 --> 00:07:21,960 But if your power is left unchecked, 74 00:07:21,960 --> 00:07:24,130 the world will be brought to its knees. 75 00:07:24,130 --> 00:07:27,130 You must control your power. 76 00:07:27,130 --> 00:07:28,630 "Control"? 77 00:07:28,630 --> 00:07:34,470 Are you content to rely on brute strength alone and allow the world to burn like you have this island? 78 00:07:35,300 --> 00:07:36,970 What should I do? 79 00:07:53,490 --> 00:07:58,870 Restraining my power with this armor that protects my being... 80 00:07:58,870 --> 00:08:02,370 What is it that you want me to do? 81 00:08:02,370 --> 00:08:04,540 It's simple, really. 82 00:08:04,540 --> 00:08:07,540 Just do as everyone else has done on this planet. 83 00:08:08,550 --> 00:08:10,050 Everyone? 84 00:08:11,220 --> 00:08:14,300 Fight, destroy, and plunder. 85 00:08:17,800 --> 00:08:20,180 The strong succeed here. 86 00:09:04,560 --> 00:09:06,310 Where am I? 87 00:09:10,070 --> 00:09:11,730 Who am I? 88 00:09:52,070 --> 00:09:55,320 For what purpose do I fight? 89 00:10:00,740 --> 00:10:04,040 Why am I alive? 90 00:10:08,790 --> 00:10:11,080 You're a Pokémon. 91 00:10:11,080 --> 00:10:15,840 Pokémon live for humans: to be used by them. 92 00:10:16,210 --> 00:10:18,880 So you mean to say I should fight for you? 93 00:10:19,430 --> 00:10:23,850 That I should fight for humans? 94 00:10:23,850 --> 00:10:27,480 You're a Pokémon created by humans. 95 00:10:27,480 --> 00:10:29,600 What other worth could you have? 96 00:10:29,600 --> 00:10:32,150 "Worth"? 97 00:10:32,150 --> 00:10:33,820 Who am I? 98 00:10:33,820 --> 00:10:36,110 Why am I alive? 99 00:10:40,410 --> 00:10:42,030 What are you doing? 100 00:10:42,030 --> 00:10:44,280 Do you intend to defy humankind? 101 00:10:51,790 --> 00:10:54,800 Humans may have created me... 102 00:10:56,550 --> 00:10:59,050 But I am no human... 103 00:10:59,050 --> 00:11:03,400 As an artificial creation, I am not even a true Pokémon! 104 00:11:53,740 --> 00:11:55,460 Who am I? 105 00:11:56,310 --> 00:11:57,980 What is this place? 106 00:11:59,030 --> 00:12:01,400 Who asked that I be born? 107 00:12:02,070 --> 00:12:04,780 Who wished for my creation? 108 00:12:06,070 --> 00:12:10,950 I resent everything that led to my birth. 109 00:12:12,160 --> 00:12:14,040 So this... 110 00:12:14,040 --> 00:12:17,090 ...is neither an attack, nor a declaration of war... 111 00:12:18,460 --> 00:12:23,930 It is me striking back at that which has created me. 112 00:13:16,690 --> 00:13:19,940 This young man is Satoshi from Masara Town. 113 00:13:19,940 --> 00:13:26,030 Yearning to become a Pokémon Master, he trains hard while journeying with his friends. 114 00:13:35,290 --> 00:13:37,210 I can smell the ocean! 115 00:13:37,790 --> 00:13:39,290 Nice view, too. 116 00:13:39,290 --> 00:13:40,500 How about we stop for lunch? 117 00:13:40,500 --> 00:13:42,130 All right! 118 00:13:42,130 --> 00:13:44,260 I'm so hungry... 119 00:13:45,220 --> 00:13:48,090 You sure stuffed yourself at the Pokémon Center this morning, though. 120 00:13:48,090 --> 00:13:50,600 That was then, and this is now!{Literally "Morning is morning, noon is noon!"} 121 00:13:51,260 --> 00:13:53,770 One can't battle on an empty stomach. 122 00:13:53,770 --> 00:13:55,430 Eating is part of training, too! 123 00:13:55,430 --> 00:13:57,690 Got that right! You're the man, Takeshi!{SASUGA -Starfish} 124 00:13:57,690 --> 00:13:59,230 You really have a way with words! 125 00:14:00,230 --> 00:14:02,320 Help us set out the dishes and cutlery, okay? 126 00:14:02,320 --> 00:14:04,320 Sure, I got this! 127 00:14:13,580 --> 00:14:15,080 I can't... 128 00:14:15,080 --> 00:14:17,410 Satoshi! We're not done yet! 129 00:14:17,960 --> 00:14:21,000 I'm so hungry I can't move a muscle... 130 00:14:21,000 --> 00:14:22,250 Sheesh! 131 00:14:22,250 --> 00:14:23,750 Kasumi. 132 00:14:23,750 --> 00:14:27,010 Gently simmer... Slowly nurture... 133 00:14:27,010 --> 00:14:30,590 Stew and Pokémon training alike can't be rushed. 134 00:14:57,120 --> 00:14:59,290 Hey! My homeboy! 135 00:14:59,290 --> 00:15:04,000 You're the homie from Masara Town named Satoshi who got all eight badges, am I right? 136 00:15:04,000 --> 00:15:05,130 Yeah. Why? 137 00:15:06,400 --> 00:15:07,630 Okay!{Holey sheets so I'm timing this without really watching it and only now on this new line did I actually see this guy and he went from pirate-ish to full-blown pirate, didn't he?} 138 00:15:07,630 --> 00:15:10,380 Wanna show me your stuff in a Pokémon battle? 139 00:15:10,380 --> 00:15:11,430 Okay! 140 00:15:11,430 --> 00:15:13,850 I can't say no to a good battle! 141 00:15:13,850 --> 00:15:16,180 What happened to not moving a muscle? 142 00:15:16,180 --> 00:15:19,060 I can make room for a Pokémon battle or two before breakfast! 143 00:15:20,520 --> 00:15:24,270 Except in this case it's before lunch... 144 00:15:29,950 --> 00:15:34,470 tatoe hi no naka mizu no naka kusa no naka mori no naka 145 00:15:29,950 --> 00:15:34,470 Be it fire, water, grass, or forests, 146 00:15:34,470 --> 00:15:38,430 tsuchi no naka kumo no naka ano ko no sukaato no naka (kyaah!) 147 00:15:34,470 --> 00:15:38,430 the ground, the clouds, or under that girl's skirt (Eek!) 148 00:15:38,430 --> 00:15:42,220 naka naka naka naka naka naka naka naka taihen dakedo 149 00:15:38,430 --> 00:15:42,220 It's really, really, really, really hard to handle, 150 00:15:42,220 --> 00:15:50,390 kanarazu getto da ze pokemon getto daze 151 00:15:42,220 --> 00:15:50,390 but I'm gonna get them all! I'm gonna get Pokémon! 152 00:15:50,390 --> 00:15:53,700 masara taun ni sayonara bye bye 153 00:15:50,390 --> 00:15:53,700 Masara Town, I bid you goodbye 154 00:15:54,440 --> 00:15:58,100 ore wa koitsu to tabi ni deru (Pikachu!) 155 00:15:54,440 --> 00:15:58,100 I'm going on a journey with this little guy (Pikachu!) 156 00:15:58,100 --> 00:16:02,150 kitaeta waza de kachimakuri 157 00:15:58,100 --> 00:16:02,150 I'll win each battle with the moves I've mastered, 158 00:16:02,150 --> 00:16:05,920 nakama o fuyashite tsugi no machi e 159 00:16:02,150 --> 00:16:05,920 then head to the next town and make friends along the way! 160 00:16:05,920 --> 00:16:09,910 itsumo itsu demo umaku yuku nante 161 00:16:05,920 --> 00:16:09,910 There's no way to know for sure 162 00:16:09,910 --> 00:16:13,860 hoshou wa doko ni mo nai kedo (sorya sou ja!) 163 00:16:09,910 --> 00:16:13,860 if things will always work out (Got that right!) 164 00:16:13,860 --> 00:16:23,210 itsu demo itsumo honki de ikiteru koitsu tachi ga iru 165 00:16:13,860 --> 00:16:23,210 But with my companions by my side, we'll live life to the fullest! 166 00:16:27,990 --> 00:16:32,310 tatoe hi no naka mizu no naka kusa no naka mori no naka 167 00:16:27,990 --> 00:16:32,310 Be it fire, water, grass, or forests, 168 00:16:32,310 --> 00:16:36,290 tsuchi no naka kumo no naka ano ko no sukaato no naka (shitsukoi!) 169 00:16:32,310 --> 00:16:36,290 the ground, the clouds, or under that girl's skirt (Knock it off!) 170 00:16:36,290 --> 00:16:39,600 naka naka naka naka naka naka naka naka taihen dakedo 171 00:16:36,290 --> 00:16:39,600 It's really, really, really, really hard to handle, 172 00:16:40,060 --> 00:16:48,280 kanarazu getto da ze pokemon getto daze 173 00:16:40,060 --> 00:16:48,280 but I'm gonna get them all! I'm gonna get Pokémon! 174 00:16:48,280 --> 00:16:51,440 tatakai tsukarete oyasumi good night 175 00:16:48,280 --> 00:16:51,440 Weary from battling, I bid you goodnight 176 00:16:52,160 --> 00:16:55,960 mabuta o tojireba yomigaeru (Pikachu?) 177 00:16:52,160 --> 00:16:55,960 When I close my eyes, I'm taken back (Pikachu?) 178 00:16:55,960 --> 00:16:59,910 honoo ga moete kaze ga mai 179 00:16:55,960 --> 00:16:59,910 to the roaring fire, the dancing wind, 180 00:16:59,910 --> 00:17:03,460 nakigoe todoroku ano batoru ga 181 00:16:59,910 --> 00:17:03,460 and the echoing shouts of that battle 182 00:17:03,460 --> 00:17:07,740 kinou no teki wa kyou no tomo tte 183 00:17:03,460 --> 00:17:07,740 "Yesterday's foe is today's ally" 184 00:17:07,740 --> 00:17:11,650 furui kotoba ga aru kedo (furui to wa nan ja!) 185 00:17:07,740 --> 00:17:11,650 According to some old saying (What do you mean "Old"?!) 186 00:17:11,650 --> 00:17:22,020 kyou no tomo wa ashita no tomodachi sou sa eien ni 187 00:17:11,650 --> 00:17:22,020 But an ally made today is my friend tomorrow, and will be forevermore 188 00:17:26,170 --> 00:17:33,000 aa akogare no pokemon masutaa ni 189 00:17:26,170 --> 00:17:33,000 Ah, I want to be a Pokémon Master so bad 190 00:17:33,760 --> 00:17:43,150 naritai na naranakucha zettai natte yaru 191 00:17:33,760 --> 00:17:43,150 I wanna be one! Gotta be one! Will be one! 192 00:17:50,340 --> 00:17:51,840 Why?! Oh my god! 193 00:17:53,630 --> 00:17:55,420 We did it! 194 00:17:55,420 --> 00:17:57,590 That guy didn't put up much of a fight. 195 00:17:57,590 --> 00:17:59,890 His Pokémon weren't well raised. 196 00:18:05,390 --> 00:18:08,140 Pikachu shines brighter by the day! 197 00:18:08,140 --> 00:18:09,230 He's dazzling! 198 00:18:09,230 --> 00:18:14,190 We members of Team Rocket gotta get that Pikachu at all costs, meow! 199 00:18:15,990 --> 00:18:19,490 But get a load of that... 200 00:18:19,490 --> 00:18:21,700 Here, Togepi. Open wide! 201 00:18:22,330 --> 00:18:22,990 Like it? 202 00:18:23,450 --> 00:18:25,700 I'm starving, meow... 203 00:18:25,700 --> 00:18:27,250 I have a frying pan. 204 00:18:27,250 --> 00:18:31,630 It's a useless hunk of junk if you don't have meat or veggies to fry in it, meow. 205 00:18:51,350 --> 00:18:53,440 Satoshi from Masara Town... 206 00:18:53,440 --> 00:18:56,070 ...as well as his traveling companions: 207 00:18:56,070 --> 00:18:59,280 The Hanada Gym Leader, Kasumi 208 00:18:59,280 --> 00:19:02,990 and the Nibi Gym Leader, Takeshi. 209 00:19:02,990 --> 00:19:06,540 Master, shall I extend an invitation to them, as well? 210 00:19:08,870 --> 00:19:10,170 Understood. 211 00:19:51,160 --> 00:19:52,290 Who are you? 212 00:19:54,750 --> 00:19:56,590 What's that about?! Stop it! 213 00:19:59,510 --> 00:20:01,880 Typical Lizardon. 214 00:20:01,880 --> 00:20:03,300 But... 215 00:20:06,180 --> 00:20:07,600 Is this for me? 216 00:20:13,310 --> 00:20:15,900 Please pardon the sudden letter. 217 00:20:15,900 --> 00:20:18,520 She sure is a pretty lady! 218 00:20:18,520 --> 00:20:22,030 Having recognized you as promising Pokémon Trainers, 219 00:20:22,400 --> 00:20:28,030 my master, the mightiest Pokémon Trainer, has formally invited you to his party. 220 00:20:28,030 --> 00:20:31,620 It will be held in the Pokémon castle on New Island. 221 00:20:32,250 --> 00:20:36,960 Please check the appropriate box on the reply card indicating whether or not you will be present. 222 00:20:37,710 --> 00:20:42,170 We hope you will accept this invitation from the mightiest Pokémon Trainer. 223 00:20:44,590 --> 00:20:45,930 Pretty lady... 224 00:20:46,470 --> 00:20:47,760 What should we do? 225 00:20:47,760 --> 00:20:50,100 Let's go! We gotta do it! 226 00:20:50,100 --> 00:20:53,770 Feels pretty good to be called promising or whatever! 227 00:20:55,810 --> 00:20:58,400 So, you're gonna check the box on the reply card? 228 00:20:58,400 --> 00:21:00,070 Definitely! 229 00:21:12,250 --> 00:21:16,120 You're not going bye-bye without saying hi to us first, are you? 230 00:21:18,750 --> 00:21:19,790 What's this? 231 00:23:03,940 --> 00:23:05,530 Calm down, Ratta! 232 00:23:05,530 --> 00:23:08,030 Kingler, enough already! 233 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:22,420 The weather was so nice, too! 234 00:23:22,420 --> 00:23:25,090 The weather by the sea is always fickle. 235 00:23:31,470 --> 00:23:32,800 What? 236 00:23:32,800 --> 00:23:34,550 The ferry's not coming? 237 00:23:34,550 --> 00:23:36,350 We can't go to New Island? 238 00:23:36,760 --> 00:23:38,850 We're lucky we were even invited! 239 00:23:38,850 --> 00:23:40,940 Quiet down, everyone! 240 00:23:40,940 --> 00:23:43,350 The woman standing next to me is in charge of this wharf. 241 00:23:43,730 --> 00:23:45,230 I'm Voyager. 242 00:23:45,230 --> 00:23:48,650 If you wish to know the sea, ask the Camome by the wharf.{WITCHCRAFT! There are no seagulls in this world. Only Wingull. -Starfish}{Well would you look at that, the remake fixed this SUPER MASSIVE PLOT HOLE. Not marking it as New Line Cinema however because the line is otherwise unchanged. -Starfish OF THE EVEN FURTHER FUTURE WORKING ON A DIFFERENT VERSION OF THE MOVIE} 243 00:23:49,190 --> 00:23:52,740 Though you need not bother. Simply follow the path of the wind. 244 00:23:52,740 --> 00:23:55,240 I've never witnessed such a hurricane. 245 00:23:55,240 --> 00:23:57,330 It's that bad? 246 00:23:57,330 --> 00:24:01,870 I grew up by the port, yet I've never seen such a raging storm. 247 00:24:01,870 --> 00:24:06,380 Worse yet, the eye of the storm is offshore above the skies of New Island. 248 00:24:06,380 --> 00:24:09,880 I simply cannot subject you all to such peril. 249 00:24:10,260 --> 00:24:13,720 As the protector of this port, that is my wish. 250 00:24:13,720 --> 00:24:16,890 There you have it. The ferry is canceled. 251 00:24:16,890 --> 00:24:19,310 I'll be just fine with my Pokémon! 252 00:24:19,310 --> 00:24:21,390 It's good in the water. 253 00:24:21,390 --> 00:24:23,230 We'll cross the ocean, no problem! 254 00:24:23,230 --> 00:24:24,350 Please, wait. 255 00:24:24,350 --> 00:24:26,770 I know the ocean, and I'm telling you no. 256 00:24:26,770 --> 00:24:28,150 That's right! 257 00:24:28,150 --> 00:24:30,320 Besides, if your Pokémon were injured, 258 00:24:30,320 --> 00:24:33,490 you'd have no way of getting them treated at the Pokémon Center right now! 259 00:24:33,490 --> 00:24:34,860 What do you mean? 260 00:24:34,860 --> 00:24:39,040 Miss Joy from the Pokémon Center went missing a week ago. 261 00:24:39,040 --> 00:24:43,290 We can't treat any Pokémon's injuries without her. 262 00:24:43,290 --> 00:24:45,920 That missing person poster over there is for her.{"WANTED A MISSING PERSON". -Starfish}{IT NO LONGER SAYS WANTED A MISSING PERSON WORST MOVIE EVER. -Starfish OF THE WINTER HOLIDAYS 2019} 263 00:24:45,920 --> 00:24:47,460 She's pretty! 264 00:24:48,210 --> 00:24:49,050 Huh? 265 00:24:49,710 --> 00:24:52,550 She looks... familiar...{as opposed to every other identical Joy in Kanto? —Puto}{Takeshi can tell them apart, remember? -Starfish} 266 00:25:35,470 --> 00:25:37,090 Stop! 267 00:25:37,090 --> 00:25:39,180 Stop or you're under arrest! 268 00:26:02,790 --> 00:26:03,910 Sheesh! 269 00:26:03,910 --> 00:26:06,000 I suppose stopping them was futile. {Muda Muda! -Dio} 270 00:26:06,000 --> 00:26:06,750 What? 271 00:26:07,500 --> 00:26:10,080 They're Pokémon Trainers, after all... 272 00:26:10,080 --> 00:26:11,420 Adventurers. 273 00:26:12,040 --> 00:26:15,840 If they were the sort of people to quit after being told no, they wouldn't have gathered here. 274 00:26:15,840 --> 00:26:17,840 We can only pray for their safety. 275 00:26:26,680 --> 00:26:30,350 The mightiest trainer is waiting across the sea! 276 00:26:30,350 --> 00:26:32,610 I can't back down now! 277 00:26:33,610 --> 00:26:37,860 But there's no way we can cross the raging sea with our Pokémon. 278 00:26:39,240 --> 00:26:40,700 You're right... 279 00:26:50,710 --> 00:26:54,000 The smashing, crashing, stormy sea... {I took a lot of liberties here to make this flow well, so please consult me if any of this needs changing. I added the rhyming so it would be more sing-song. -J} 280 00:26:54,000 --> 00:26:57,510 ...is nothing for our group of three! 281 00:26:57,510 --> 00:27:02,680 Our lot were bathed in the crashing waves of the Guren Strait as newborns! {Shouldn't it be "was" in place of "were"? - Toa} 282 00:27:02,680 --> 00:27:03,760 You said it, meow! 283 00:27:03,760 --> 00:27:07,480 If one of us were ever in need, 284 00:27:07,480 --> 00:27:10,140 we'd come together so they'd succeed! 285 00:27:10,140 --> 00:27:14,110 The horizon in the distance... 286 00:27:14,110 --> 00:27:15,530 ...beckons us ashore! 287 00:27:17,440 --> 00:27:18,150 Wanna ride? 288 00:27:18,150 --> 00:27:19,700 Not saying it's gonna be free, 289 00:27:19,700 --> 00:27:23,280 but we could be convinced to give you a ride. 290 00:27:23,280 --> 00:27:25,370 Yeah! We'd appreciate it! 291 00:27:26,620 --> 00:27:29,580 Our ship has come in... Literally! 292 00:27:44,680 --> 00:27:47,560 Togepi, stay still just a bit longer. 293 00:27:48,140 --> 00:27:51,190 But will we really make it in a boat like this? 294 00:27:51,190 --> 00:27:53,190 Don't judge a book by its cover!{Literally "Don't judge by how it looks" -Starfish} 295 00:27:53,190 --> 00:27:55,480 A clever Pidgeot conceals its talons! 296 00:27:55,480 --> 00:27:57,820 Captain, we're good to go! 297 00:27:57,820 --> 00:27:58,940 Roger! 298 00:27:58,940 --> 00:28:00,950 And... push, meow! 299 00:28:38,440 --> 00:28:39,650 It's you guys!{Should probably slur the eff out of this subtitle to match how he's trying to speak while underwater... But this is what he's TRYING to say. -Starfish}{Nah, it's a simple enough line that I feel like it would just be distracting. I'm in favor of leaving it. -J} 300 00:28:39,650 --> 00:28:41,070 Team Rocket!{Ditto -Starfish} 301 00:28:44,530 --> 00:28:46,200 Team Rocket! 302 00:28:46,200 --> 00:28:48,830 We should have known better! 303 00:28:48,830 --> 00:28:50,040 What do you want? 304 00:28:50,040 --> 00:28:52,200 If you ask us "What do you want?", 305 00:28:52,200 --> 00:28:54,000 We'll answer out of{\fscx250}-{\r} 306 00:29:21,280 --> 00:29:24,320 Satoshi! Kasumi! 307 00:29:28,280 --> 00:29:29,910 Where are Satoshi and Pikachu? 308 00:29:29,910 --> 00:29:31,080 I can't tell! 309 00:31:39,040 --> 00:31:40,870 Thank you, Hitodeman. 310 00:31:40,870 --> 00:31:42,710 Zenigame, you really saved me! 311 00:31:48,170 --> 00:31:50,170 We're delighted you could make it. 312 00:31:50,170 --> 00:31:52,930 Please present your invitation. 313 00:31:59,770 --> 00:32:03,270 This message is to confirm that these people are among those invited. 314 00:32:03,850 --> 00:32:06,610 I knew it was you! 315 00:32:07,020 --> 00:32:08,230 What? 316 00:32:08,230 --> 00:32:10,860 The Miss Joy I saw at the port! 317 00:32:11,360 --> 00:32:13,700 They do kinda look alike. 318 00:32:13,700 --> 00:32:15,450 What do you mean? 319 00:32:15,450 --> 00:32:20,160 I've been in service of this castle since I was born. 320 00:32:20,160 --> 00:32:22,330 If you would, please come with me. 321 00:32:24,040 --> 00:32:27,590 Our other esteemed guests have already arrived. 322 00:32:40,010 --> 00:32:42,440 Phew... 323 00:34:45,810 --> 00:34:49,350 The trainers over there are the ones who arrived before you. 324 00:34:50,060 --> 00:34:51,730 Only three of them? 325 00:34:51,730 --> 00:34:54,610 When there were so many at the port? 326 00:34:55,070 --> 00:35:00,110 The invitations given to the trainers who could not brave the storm were wasted. 327 00:35:00,570 --> 00:35:03,370 Are you saying the storm was a test? 328 00:35:03,370 --> 00:35:07,250 Please release your Pokémon from their Monster Balls and take a seat. 329 00:35:07,250 --> 00:35:10,370 You are chosen trainers.{You are the Chosen Children. -Puto who watched too much Digimon} 330 00:35:24,390 --> 00:35:28,350 So, if we want to sneak our way into the castle... 331 00:35:28,350 --> 00:35:30,640 ...we'll just have to take the exit, won't we? 332 00:35:30,640 --> 00:35:32,520 What exit? 333 00:35:32,520 --> 00:35:33,900 Down there. 334 00:35:36,650 --> 00:35:38,900 The sewage pipes?! 335 00:35:38,900 --> 00:35:40,900 I'm not some stinking rat! 336 00:35:40,900 --> 00:35:42,360 Quit whining! 337 00:35:42,360 --> 00:35:44,870 It's the only way in, so deal with it! 338 00:35:48,200 --> 00:35:49,750 What's up? 339 00:35:49,750 --> 00:35:50,830 Nothing... 340 00:35:50,830 --> 00:35:52,460 Come on, let's go! 341 00:35:53,630 --> 00:35:55,210 Slide, slide... 342 00:36:11,310 --> 00:36:13,190 So you guys made it here, too? 343 00:36:13,650 --> 00:36:15,690 Did you all cross through the ocean? 344 00:36:15,690 --> 00:36:17,980 I flew here. 345 00:36:17,980 --> 00:36:21,280 My Pidgeot handles hurricanes like a champ. 346 00:36:23,530 --> 00:36:25,660 Guys, come say hi! 347 00:36:30,200 --> 00:36:33,040 I crossed the ocean on my Gyarados's back. 348 00:36:33,040 --> 00:36:36,420 You mean the Atrocious Pokémon, Gyarados? {Wow, jerk. Way to rub it in the Gyarados's face that it's not winning against Milotic at a beauty contest. - Toa} 349 00:36:36,420 --> 00:36:37,170 Yup. 350 00:36:45,050 --> 00:36:47,760 I came here with this little one, and with them as well. 351 00:36:52,020 --> 00:36:53,690 Beautiful... 352 00:36:53,690 --> 00:36:57,980 Kamex, Dewgong, Rafflesia, Kyukon, Gallop... 353 00:36:57,980 --> 00:37:00,110 And your Pukurin, too. 354 00:37:00,820 --> 00:37:03,820 But above all... 355 00:37:03,820 --> 00:37:07,860 You, their lovely trainer, are truly a queen of incomparable beauty! 356 00:37:08,410 --> 00:37:10,950 Miss, once this storm has passed, 357 00:37:10,950 --> 00:37:15,040 you and I will look upon the tranquil sea, enjoy my {"}specially{"} made rice balls, {I'm a little worried about what's in those "specially" made rice balls. - Toa} 358 00:37:15,040 --> 00:37:16,880 and discuss our{\fscx250}-{\r} 359 00:37:16,880 --> 00:37:20,710 All right, you. You can eat on your own. 360 00:37:34,980 --> 00:37:37,980 Esteemed guests, I apologize for the wait.{This movie DOES keep us waiting a lot, yes. SO much padding... -Starfish OF THE WINTER HOLIDAYS 2019} 361 00:37:37,980 --> 00:37:41,650 The mightiest Pokémon Trainer will be with you shortly. 362 00:37:55,410 --> 00:37:56,620 What's that? 363 00:38:41,290 --> 00:38:42,840 Nyarth! 364 00:38:42,840 --> 00:38:44,550 Oh, coming, meow! 365 00:39:12,740 --> 00:39:13,870 Indeed... 366 00:39:13,870 --> 00:39:17,250 The person before you is the mightiest Pokémon Trainer, 367 00:39:17,250 --> 00:39:19,410 as well as the mightiest Pokémon. 368 00:39:19,410 --> 00:39:20,500 Master Mewtwo. 369 00:39:20,920 --> 00:39:23,000 Mewtwo...? 370 00:39:23,460 --> 00:39:26,250 A Pokémon who's a Pokémon Trainer?! 371 00:39:26,250 --> 00:39:26,880 Yeah right! 372 00:39:27,260 --> 00:39:28,380 Is that wrong? 373 00:39:28,380 --> 00:39:29,840 This voice! 374 00:39:30,510 --> 00:39:31,890 It's telepathy! 375 00:39:32,930 --> 00:39:35,640 I set my own rules. 376 00:39:35,640 --> 00:39:38,350 If this is some kinda sick joke, I'm outta here! 377 00:40:03,960 --> 00:40:05,710 Go, Gyarados! 378 00:40:12,300 --> 00:40:14,050 Gyarados, use Destroyer Beam! 379 00:40:31,030 --> 00:40:32,320 Gyarados! 380 00:40:33,780 --> 00:40:35,160 Much too easy. 381 00:40:36,660 --> 00:40:38,790 I have no further need of you. 382 00:40:54,760 --> 00:40:56,800 Miss Joy, I knew it was you! 383 00:40:56,800 --> 00:40:58,430 Where am I? 384 00:40:58,930 --> 00:41:01,220 What am I doing here? 385 00:41:01,220 --> 00:41:06,230 I brought you here from the Pokémon Center so that you would care for me. 386 00:41:06,230 --> 00:41:09,820 Having a doctor who is familiar with the anatomy of Pokémon is convenient. 387 00:41:09,820 --> 00:41:12,280 You've proven your worth. 388 00:41:12,280 --> 00:41:15,570 Though you surely have no memory of it. 389 00:41:15,570 --> 00:41:16,570 What was that?! 390 00:41:16,570 --> 00:41:22,080 With my powers, I can easily control you humans however I see fit. 391 00:41:22,450 --> 00:41:23,960 That's horrible! 392 00:41:59,820 --> 00:42:01,870 What's this place? 393 00:42:01,870 --> 00:42:04,700 None of this looks like treasure, does it? 394 00:42:13,760 --> 00:42:16,260 What a cutie, meow! 395 00:42:16,260 --> 00:42:18,130 You call that cute? 396 00:42:31,980 --> 00:42:35,360 This was how our research began. 397 00:42:36,150 --> 00:42:40,240 This device was designed to create copies of Pokémon. 398 00:42:40,240 --> 00:42:42,910 Through this device, we have at last... 399 00:42:42,910 --> 00:42:46,250 ...successfully realized that goal. 400 00:42:46,250 --> 00:42:47,660 W-What?! 401 00:42:48,460 --> 00:42:49,120 Nyarth! 402 00:42:49,120 --> 00:42:50,290 Nyarth?! 403 00:42:51,130 --> 00:42:52,710 H-H-Hey, wait! 404 00:42:52,710 --> 00:42:54,630 Hey, Kojiro! Get him! 405 00:42:54,630 --> 00:42:55,710 Help me, meow! 406 00:42:55,710 --> 00:42:56,840 Grab on! 407 00:43:06,890 --> 00:43:09,480 M-My fur... My fur! 408 00:43:11,980 --> 00:43:14,110 Oh! Three strands of fur! 409 00:43:15,030 --> 00:43:16,610 Even a small sample will do... 410 00:43:16,610 --> 00:43:19,280 By studying the composition of the Pokémon in question... 411 00:43:19,280 --> 00:43:21,800 ...we should be able to create a copy of the original Pokémon. 412 00:43:21,800 --> 00:43:23,370 Who's this? 413 00:43:23,370 --> 00:43:24,240 Nyarth! 414 00:43:31,880 --> 00:43:33,130 Nyarth?! 415 00:43:33,130 --> 00:43:35,710 I'm Nyarth, meow! 416 00:43:35,710 --> 00:43:36,920 Then, is this...? 417 00:43:36,920 --> 00:43:38,720 A copy of Nyarth? 418 00:43:38,720 --> 00:43:40,340 Aww jeez... 419 00:43:42,090 --> 00:43:46,640 But the copy we created was no mere copy. 420 00:43:46,640 --> 00:43:51,310 Deep in the j... gle, we discovered a ruin built to worship Mew. 421 00:43:51,310 --> 00:43:55,150 There, we found a fossilized Mew eyelash. 422 00:43:55,150 --> 00:43:58,900 We created Mewtwo based on the composition of the fossil. 423 00:43:59,740 --> 00:44:02,780 To create the world's mightiest Pokémon... 424 00:44:02,780 --> 00:44:05,990 That was our dream. 425 00:44:05,990 --> 00:44:06,910 However... 426 00:44:08,330 --> 00:44:09,540 So this is... 427 00:44:09,540 --> 00:44:12,620 ...a Pokémon copy laboratory?! 428 00:44:12,620 --> 00:44:14,170 But... 429 00:44:14,170 --> 00:44:16,920 Why's nobody here, meow? 430 00:44:16,920 --> 00:44:19,090 Maybe they have the day off? 431 00:44:19,090 --> 00:44:21,420 Or they could be on vacation... 432 00:44:26,550 --> 00:44:30,180 I had once hoped to work with you humans. 433 00:44:30,890 --> 00:44:33,060 Yet your kind failed me. 434 00:44:33,560 --> 00:44:37,730 Humans are beneath even Pokémon. 435 00:44:38,610 --> 00:44:42,900 If weak, terrible beings like you humans control the planet... 436 00:44:42,900 --> 00:44:44,570 ...then we're all doomed. 437 00:44:44,570 --> 00:44:48,580 So what you're saying is that you want Pokémon to rule the planet? 438 00:44:49,120 --> 00:44:50,830 Pokémon cannot, either. 439 00:44:50,830 --> 00:44:54,670 Because this planet is already controlled by humans. 440 00:44:55,290 --> 00:44:58,550 There are even Pokémon who live for humans! 441 00:45:02,720 --> 00:45:04,220 What? 442 00:45:04,220 --> 00:45:06,310 You say you're not a slave? 443 00:45:06,850 --> 00:45:09,720 You stay with your trainer out of mutual affinity? 444 00:45:10,310 --> 00:45:13,690 That very act was a grave mistake. 445 00:45:25,950 --> 00:45:27,030 Pikachu! 446 00:45:28,410 --> 00:45:31,040 Weak Pokémon nestle up to humans. 447 00:45:32,250 --> 00:45:34,960 Satoshi, are you okay? 448 00:45:34,960 --> 00:45:36,080 Yeah. 449 00:45:36,080 --> 00:45:37,540 How dare you hurt Pikachu?! 450 00:45:38,330 --> 00:45:42,420 You may be strong, but there's no Pokémon that can't be caught! 451 00:45:42,920 --> 00:45:45,090 Go, my Saihorn! 452 00:46:05,860 --> 00:46:07,320 Saihorn! 453 00:46:08,870 --> 00:46:10,200 A vain attempt.{MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA -Dio} 454 00:46:10,740 --> 00:46:15,370 I was born stronger than any and all Pokémon living on this planet. 455 00:46:15,370 --> 00:46:18,540 You can't say that without fighting! 456 00:46:22,210 --> 00:46:23,710 Do you volunteer? 457 00:46:28,640 --> 00:46:29,840 What? 458 00:47:41,460 --> 00:47:42,330 What was that? 459 00:47:42,330 --> 00:47:43,420 What, meow? 460 00:47:43,420 --> 00:47:44,590 "Mew"? 461 00:47:50,550 --> 00:47:55,600 All humans who seek to become Pokémon Trainers wish to begin with... 462 00:47:55,600 --> 00:47:57,100 ...Fushigidane, 463 00:47:57,100 --> 00:47:58,140 Zenigame, 464 00:47:58,140 --> 00:47:59,730 or Hitokage. 465 00:47:59,730 --> 00:48:04,020 These are their evolved forms... 466 00:48:04,020 --> 00:48:05,110 ...and my copies. 467 00:48:05,110 --> 00:48:06,570 Copies? 468 00:48:27,710 --> 00:48:29,050 A battlefield? 469 00:48:29,050 --> 00:48:31,380 You mean you want to have a Pokémon battle? 470 00:48:31,800 --> 00:48:34,800 I have my Fushigibana, Bernard! 471 00:48:36,680 --> 00:48:39,680 And I have my Kamex, Exex! 472 00:48:41,680 --> 00:48:42,940 Me, too! 473 00:48:42,940 --> 00:48:45,060 Lizardon, I choose you! 474 00:49:08,090 --> 00:49:10,920 Lizardon, no surprise attacks! 475 00:49:22,060 --> 00:49:25,060 Your Lizardon is ill-mannered. 476 00:49:49,420 --> 00:49:51,960 Who will face us first? 477 00:49:51,960 --> 00:49:55,880 I let my guard down earlier, but that won't happen again! 478 00:50:11,940 --> 00:50:13,400 Go, Bernard! 479 00:50:13,400 --> 00:50:14,940 Use Razor Leaf! 480 00:50:17,160 --> 00:50:18,820 Vine Whip. 481 00:50:38,380 --> 00:50:39,300 Energy Ball! 482 00:50:46,180 --> 00:50:47,310 All right! 483 00:50:55,190 --> 00:50:56,990 Leaf Storm. 484 00:51:14,680 --> 00:51:16,010 Bernard! 485 00:51:16,630 --> 00:51:17,630 Are you okay?! 486 00:51:19,300 --> 00:51:20,550 I'm next! 487 00:51:20,550 --> 00:51:22,260 Go, Exex! 488 00:51:22,260 --> 00:51:23,720 Rocket Headbutt! 489 00:51:25,560 --> 00:51:27,270 Rocket Headbutt. 490 00:51:36,650 --> 00:51:38,530 Exex! Hydro Pump! 491 00:51:52,250 --> 00:51:53,420 Exex! 492 00:51:55,880 --> 00:51:57,380 Satoshi, be careful! 493 00:51:57,380 --> 00:51:59,050 Their moves are really powerful! 494 00:51:59,050 --> 00:52:00,340 I know! 495 00:52:00,340 --> 00:52:04,640 As long as none of them land, it doesn't matter! 496 00:52:16,730 --> 00:52:18,320 Let's go, Lizardon! 497 00:52:18,320 --> 00:52:19,820 We'll fight back with speed! 498 00:52:49,810 --> 00:52:52,190 How is that "fighting back with speed"? 499 00:52:52,190 --> 00:52:53,850 His opponent is too fast! 500 00:53:42,280 --> 00:53:43,240 Lizardon! 501 00:53:45,240 --> 00:53:46,740 Globe Throw. 502 00:54:10,300 --> 00:54:11,680 Lizardon! 503 00:54:17,700 --> 00:54:20,820 It seems to lack both speed and power. 504 00:54:38,420 --> 00:54:39,670 Exex! 505 00:54:46,250 --> 00:54:47,340 Bernard! 506 00:54:47,340 --> 00:54:49,590 Do you plan on stealing people's Pokémon?! 507 00:54:49,590 --> 00:54:50,970 "Steal"? 508 00:54:50,970 --> 00:54:52,100 No... 509 00:54:52,760 --> 00:54:58,850 I will create far superior copies of the Pokémon you're so proud of! Ones befitting of me! 510 00:54:59,270 --> 00:55:00,350 Copies?! 511 00:55:00,350 --> 00:55:01,610 Cut it out! 512 00:55:01,610 --> 00:55:02,860 That's against the rules! 513 00:55:02,860 --> 00:55:05,440 Don't give me orders! 514 00:55:12,370 --> 00:55:15,750 I make my own rules. 515 00:55:15,750 --> 00:55:16,950 Here they come! 516 00:55:16,950 --> 00:55:18,290 Run, everyone! 517 00:55:36,640 --> 00:55:37,730 Gyarados! 518 00:55:57,580 --> 00:55:58,450 Hey! 519 00:56:36,200 --> 00:56:38,200 I just gotta return them to their own Balls! 520 00:56:39,010 --> 00:56:40,580 How pointless.{MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA -Dio} 521 00:56:40,580 --> 00:56:43,350 Return, Zenigame, Fushigidane! 522 00:56:45,960 --> 00:56:46,960 Right! 523 00:56:50,760 --> 00:56:52,470 How is that...? 524 00:56:52,470 --> 00:56:56,220 Nothing is impossible for these Monster Balls I've created. 525 00:56:57,220 --> 00:56:58,970 Stay quiet! 526 00:57:13,450 --> 00:57:14,410 Oh, no! 527 00:57:15,280 --> 00:57:16,490 Koduck! 528 00:57:27,040 --> 00:57:27,840 Rokon! 529 00:57:37,050 --> 00:57:39,220 Run, Pikachu! 530 00:58:07,080 --> 00:58:08,630 Pikachu! 531 00:58:08,630 --> 00:58:09,590 Don't lose! 532 00:59:05,850 --> 00:59:06,770 Pikachu! 533 00:59:36,710 --> 00:59:39,000 Pikachu! 534 00:59:54,980 --> 00:59:56,530 Who's this? 535 00:59:57,570 --> 00:59:58,940 Strike!{No that is definitely an Alakazam!!!!1111 --Puto} 536 01:00:00,820 --> 01:00:02,570 Dewgong! 537 01:00:04,660 --> 01:00:06,120 Rafflesia! 538 01:00:10,210 --> 01:00:11,870 Sandpan! 539 01:00:11,870 --> 01:00:13,540 Nidoqueen! 540 01:00:13,540 --> 01:00:15,130 Showers! 541 01:00:15,630 --> 01:00:20,170 But this is definitely Nyarth, meow... 542 01:00:24,430 --> 01:00:26,930 Oww... 543 01:00:26,930 --> 01:00:28,600 Brat boy?! 544 01:00:29,430 --> 01:00:30,810 Team Rocket?! 545 01:00:32,350 --> 01:00:35,610 Sorry, but I don't have time for this today! 546 01:00:36,360 --> 01:00:37,070 Hang on! 547 01:00:37,070 --> 01:00:38,070 Hey! 548 01:00:41,400 --> 01:00:42,860 Who's this? 549 01:00:42,860 --> 01:00:44,370 Pikachu?! 550 01:00:45,660 --> 01:00:48,080 Come on...! 551 01:00:59,880 --> 01:01:01,630 Oh, my! 552 01:01:17,610 --> 01:01:18,940 Pikachu! 553 01:01:33,290 --> 01:01:34,710 So many copies! 554 01:02:10,490 --> 01:02:11,830 They're coming out... 555 01:02:11,830 --> 01:02:13,620 My copy, too! 556 01:02:13,620 --> 01:02:15,870 Those are all copies?! 557 01:02:32,470 --> 01:02:34,850 Oh, my! Here come the real ones, too! 558 01:02:50,530 --> 01:02:52,160 Zenigame! 559 01:03:02,670 --> 01:03:04,000 Fushigidane! 560 01:03:47,420 --> 01:03:49,220 Humans! 561 01:03:49,220 --> 01:03:51,760 I will not take your lives. 562 01:03:51,760 --> 01:03:53,050 You are free to leave. 563 01:03:58,930 --> 01:04:01,980 That is, if you're capable of braving the storm... 564 01:04:11,950 --> 01:04:13,030 What is happening? 565 01:04:48,230 --> 01:04:49,570 Unforgivable... 566 01:04:52,030 --> 01:04:53,910 I'll never forgive you! 567 01:04:56,280 --> 01:04:57,620 Satoshi! 568 01:04:57,620 --> 01:04:58,620 Satoshi! 569 01:05:11,970 --> 01:05:13,090 Koduck! 570 01:05:13,090 --> 01:05:14,010 Rokon! 571 01:05:31,280 --> 01:05:33,030 Did you free them? 572 01:05:33,030 --> 01:05:35,530 I'll protect my Pokémon... 573 01:05:35,530 --> 01:05:37,530 Protect my friends! 574 01:05:49,630 --> 01:05:50,880 Satoshi! 575 01:05:50,880 --> 01:05:51,630 Stop! 576 01:05:59,850 --> 01:06:00,720 What? 577 01:06:22,540 --> 01:06:23,950 What is that? 578 01:06:23,950 --> 01:06:24,790 A Pokémon? 579 01:06:25,290 --> 01:06:26,540 Mew! 580 01:07:01,950 --> 01:07:03,830 I've seen pictures of it in books... 581 01:07:03,830 --> 01:07:04,660 So have I. 582 01:07:04,660 --> 01:07:06,080 The phantom Pokémon... 583 01:07:06,080 --> 01:07:07,830 Mew... 584 01:07:07,830 --> 01:07:12,380 The mightiest Pokémon, Mew, said to be one of a kind! 585 01:07:12,380 --> 01:07:13,460 Mew? 586 01:07:13,460 --> 01:07:14,840 It really exists! 587 01:07:14,840 --> 01:07:15,510 Yes. 588 01:07:15,510 --> 01:07:18,930 Yet I am the mightiest Pokémon. 589 01:07:19,550 --> 01:07:23,010 It is true that I was created from you...{Technically this line has been changed to say "I was created from a piece of you", but I'm not sure that difference is even worth including. -Starfish OF DECEMBER 20TH} 590 01:07:23,510 --> 01:07:25,930 ...but I am the stronger one! 591 01:07:25,930 --> 01:07:28,020 I am the real one! 592 01:07:30,230 --> 01:07:32,110 Mew and Mewtwo... 593 01:07:32,110 --> 01:07:34,520 Mewtwo was created from Mew... 594 01:07:36,780 --> 01:07:39,530 Only I will survive! 595 01:07:48,290 --> 01:07:49,830 Why do you retreat? 596 01:07:50,580 --> 01:07:53,750 Do you avoid battle out of fear? 597 01:08:48,390 --> 01:08:51,770 It appears you can fight back, at least. 598 01:08:55,860 --> 01:08:58,820 It's time to determine who is real! 599 01:08:58,820 --> 01:09:01,530 Am I stronger than Mew? 600 01:09:01,530 --> 01:09:05,620 Are we stronger than you so-called originals? 601 01:09:06,780 --> 01:09:10,660 We were created to surpass you in strength! 602 01:09:16,500 --> 01:09:18,210 So that's it, meow. 603 01:09:18,210 --> 01:09:19,670 What's it saying? 604 01:09:19,670 --> 01:09:21,720 "The originals won't lose. 605 01:09:21,720 --> 01:09:23,800 "Real is real. 606 01:09:23,800 --> 01:09:26,970 "If they battle with physical strength alone rather than using their moves, 607 01:09:26,970 --> 01:09:29,640 "the real Pokémon will not lose to mere copies." 608 01:09:29,640 --> 01:09:32,520 "Real is real," you say? 609 01:09:39,820 --> 01:09:41,480 Very well. 610 01:09:41,480 --> 01:09:45,070 We can determine who is real without our moves! 611 01:09:45,070 --> 01:09:47,120 We are the stronger ones! 612 01:09:47,120 --> 01:09:48,160 Go! 613 01:12:57,640 --> 01:12:59,520 What kind of a battle is this? 614 01:13:00,100 --> 01:13:03,520 The real ones and their copies... 615 01:13:03,520 --> 01:13:05,110 They're all alive now! 616 01:13:05,110 --> 01:13:06,940 They're all living creatures. 617 01:13:06,940 --> 01:13:11,280 Even though they're artificial, they're still living, breathing creatures. 618 01:13:11,280 --> 01:13:12,740 Real ones and copies... 619 01:13:12,740 --> 01:13:15,740 But both living creatures... 620 01:13:15,740 --> 01:13:17,740 There's no winning or losing... 621 01:13:20,950 --> 01:13:23,460 If you ask us about this... 622 01:13:23,460 --> 01:13:24,920 I just don't know... 623 01:13:24,920 --> 01:13:27,710 This is really depressing... 624 01:13:27,710 --> 01:13:30,210 It's like they're bullying themselves... 625 01:13:30,210 --> 01:13:33,220 It's like looking at my past self... 626 01:13:33,220 --> 01:13:36,390 Like looking at my current self... 627 01:13:36,390 --> 01:13:39,140 What an awful feeling! 628 01:13:42,560 --> 01:13:44,390 You're...! 629 01:13:49,110 --> 01:13:51,990 These gotta hurt, meow... 630 01:13:58,120 --> 01:14:03,040 All the other Pokémon are fighting, so don't be such a scaredy-cat, meow! 631 01:14:06,500 --> 01:14:07,420 What? 632 01:14:07,420 --> 01:14:09,540 "You're the scaredy-cat", meow? 633 01:14:09,540 --> 01:14:12,300 "Why won't you fight me"?! 634 01:14:14,090 --> 01:14:17,640 "Those claws must hurt"? 635 01:14:19,010 --> 01:14:22,350 Your claws gotta hurt way more, meow! 636 01:14:26,230 --> 01:14:29,440 "I bet the moon will shine bright tonight"? 637 01:14:29,440 --> 01:14:30,320 Yeah... 638 01:14:30,320 --> 01:14:33,070 Must be a full moon, meow... 639 01:14:34,360 --> 01:14:37,740 Talking about the moon at a time like this... 640 01:14:37,740 --> 01:14:40,330 You're quite the philosopher, meow... 641 01:15:12,190 --> 01:15:13,360 Pikachu! 642 01:15:26,870 --> 01:15:28,410 Ow... 643 01:16:19,220 --> 01:16:20,680 That's enough! 644 01:16:20,680 --> 01:16:21,970 Stop! 645 01:16:25,100 --> 01:16:26,470 Satoshi! 646 01:16:26,470 --> 01:16:27,640 Satoshi! 647 01:16:28,470 --> 01:16:30,020 I have to make them stop... 648 01:16:30,020 --> 01:16:31,230 You can't. 649 01:16:31,230 --> 01:16:33,730 Unless Mew and Mewtwo stop, 650 01:16:33,730 --> 01:16:35,230 the fighting will continue. 651 01:16:41,110 --> 01:16:46,990 Living creatures never yield their territory to others of their kind. 652 01:16:47,540 --> 01:16:48,790 Oh, no... 653 01:16:48,790 --> 01:16:51,290 They'll fight until they've driven their foes away. 654 01:16:51,290 --> 01:16:53,000 That's what living creatures do. 655 01:16:55,380 --> 01:16:57,710 That's what living creatures do... 656 01:16:57,710 --> 01:17:00,420 But Mewtwo was created by humans. 657 01:17:00,420 --> 01:17:03,430 But now... It's just another creature. 658 01:17:03,430 --> 01:17:05,680 Now it's just another creature... 659 01:17:05,680 --> 01:17:07,680 Both Mew and Mewtwo... 660 01:17:07,680 --> 01:17:08,850 And Pikachu... 661 01:17:09,520 --> 01:17:11,270 And the other Pikachu, too... 662 01:18:31,390 --> 01:18:33,220 Please, just stop! 663 01:18:35,980 --> 01:18:39,230 Stop! 664 01:18:48,160 --> 01:18:49,410 Satoshi! 665 01:18:49,410 --> 01:18:50,740 Satoshi! 666 01:19:03,550 --> 01:19:04,760 Impossible! 667 01:19:04,760 --> 01:19:09,050 A human attempted to end our battle? 668 01:19:48,970 --> 01:19:50,220 Satoshi... 669 01:20:35,300 --> 01:20:36,640 Pikachu... 670 01:24:16,900 --> 01:24:18,240 Pikachu! 671 01:25:19,960 --> 01:25:21,220 It's true... 672 01:25:22,130 --> 01:25:26,100 ...that you and I are both Pokémon who already exist in this world. 673 01:25:31,730 --> 01:25:36,770 It may be best that no one know of this incident. 674 01:25:37,310 --> 01:25:40,230 Perhaps it is best left forgotten. 675 01:27:06,820 --> 01:27:08,990 Where are you all going? 676 01:27:10,200 --> 01:27:12,240 We have been born... 677 01:27:13,040 --> 01:27:14,250 We are alive. 678 01:27:14,950 --> 01:27:16,370 We will live on... 679 01:27:17,670 --> 01:27:19,670 ...somewhere... in this world. 680 01:28:15,510 --> 01:28:17,430 Please quiet down, everyone! 681 01:28:17,430 --> 01:28:19,310 We can't send out any ships in this storm! 682 01:28:19,310 --> 01:28:22,560 Never before have I witnessed a hurricane of such ferocity. 683 01:28:22,980 --> 01:28:24,440 Please, seek shelter. 684 01:28:24,440 --> 01:28:26,900 Man, what a letdown... 685 01:28:26,900 --> 01:28:28,280 There's no need to worry. 686 01:28:29,030 --> 01:28:32,070 We're opening the Pokémon Center to be used as a shelter. 687 01:28:32,070 --> 01:28:35,870 Anyone who wishes to use our services, please come with me. 688 01:28:48,090 --> 01:28:52,130 Miss Joy, Miss Junsa, Miss Voyager... 689 01:28:52,130 --> 01:28:55,760 All three of them look stunning today, drenched in rain... 690 01:28:57,810 --> 01:29:01,440 But what are we doing here? 691 01:29:01,440 --> 01:29:02,440 Not sure... 692 01:29:02,440 --> 01:29:04,610 We just are here, I guess... 693 01:29:06,320 --> 01:29:08,030 Well, whatever. 694 01:29:31,970 --> 01:29:33,510 Is this even possible? 695 01:29:34,130 --> 01:29:35,970 The hurricane... 696 01:29:35,970 --> 01:29:37,230 It's like it never happened... 697 01:29:37,230 --> 01:29:38,510 Yeah... 698 01:29:38,510 --> 01:29:41,310 I'd say the ships can set sail tomorrow. 699 01:29:41,850 --> 01:29:42,600 Yes. 700 01:29:55,200 --> 01:29:56,320 Is that...? 701 01:29:57,200 --> 01:29:58,160 What? 702 01:30:01,700 --> 01:30:03,040 I think it was... 703 01:30:03,040 --> 01:30:05,420 I don't see anything. 704 01:30:05,420 --> 01:30:07,460 Just a bunch of clouds. 705 01:30:13,720 --> 01:30:18,430 The day I set off to become a Pokémon Master, I saw a phantom Pokémon. 706 01:30:19,350 --> 01:30:20,970 And I think I just saw another. 707 01:30:21,890 --> 01:30:24,730 Maybe you'll get to meet another one! 708 01:30:25,600 --> 01:30:27,400 A phantom Pokémon. 709 01:30:34,110 --> 01:30:35,150 Yeah! 710 01:30:35,700 --> 01:30:37,160 I'm sure someday I will! 711 01:30:46,790 --> 01:30:48,580 Pocket Monsters... 712 01:30:48,580 --> 01:30:50,840 Pokémon for short. 713 01:30:51,710 --> 01:30:55,090 This is the tale of those aiming to become Pokémon Trainers, 714 01:30:55,090 --> 01:30:59,430 and their encounters with the strange creatures known as Pokémon. 715 01:31:00,100 --> 01:31:03,890 Their journey will go on and on. 716 01:31:08,560 --> 01:31:11,820 You know, with this island being deserted and all... 717 01:31:11,820 --> 01:31:13,400 It's kinda refreshing! 718 01:31:13,400 --> 01:31:15,690 A nice change of pace! 719 01:31:15,690 --> 01:31:18,240 Somehow, this is a really... 720 01:31:18,240 --> 01:31:26,120 {\fad(0,1000)\i1}...great feeling! 721 01:31:54,650 --> 01:32:04,910 {\fad(300,0)}{\blur3}aruki tsuzukete doko made yuku no 722 01:31:54,650 --> 01:32:04,910 {\fad(300,0)}How much farther will you walk? 723 01:32:04,910 --> 01:32:14,350 {\fad(0,600)}{\blur3}kaze ni tazunerarete tachidomaru 724 01:32:04,910 --> 01:32:14,350 {\fad(0,600)}The wind calls out, and you come to a halt 725 01:32:25,490 --> 01:32:35,960 {\fad(300,0)}{\blur3}hitotsume no taiko tokun to natte 726 01:32:25,490 --> 01:32:35,960 {\fad(300,0)}The first beat made a resounding thump 727 01:32:35,960 --> 01:32:45,830 {\blur3}tatta hitotsu no inochi hajimatta 728 01:32:35,960 --> 01:32:45,830 as a single life began 729 01:32:45,830 --> 01:32:51,060 {\blur3}yagate nanika o motomete 730 01:32:45,830 --> 01:32:51,060 Before long, you unfurled your little hands 731 01:32:51,060 --> 01:32:56,220 {\blur3}chiisana te no hira o hiroge 732 01:32:51,060 --> 01:32:56,220 in search of something unknown 733 01:32:56,220 --> 01:33:01,380 {\blur3}kimi wa sugu ni mitsuketa ne 734 01:32:56,220 --> 01:33:01,380 Before long, you discovered 735 01:33:01,380 --> 01:33:08,320 {\fad(0,900)}{\blur3}kimi janai dareka o 736 01:33:01,380 --> 01:33:08,320 {\fad(0,900)}another besides yourself 737 01:33:12,110 --> 01:33:22,460 {\fad(300,0)}{\blur3}tanjoubi iwau rousoku fueta kedo 738 01:33:12,110 --> 01:33:22,460 {\fad(300,0)}Though the candles celebrating your birth have grown in number, 739 01:33:22,460 --> 01:33:32,250 {\blur3}tatta hitotsu no furusato tabidatta 740 01:33:22,460 --> 01:33:32,250 you hold your hometown close to your heart, even now 741 01:33:32,250 --> 01:33:37,500 {\blur3}ima mo nanika o motomete 742 01:33:32,250 --> 01:33:37,500 Still in search of something unknown, 743 01:33:37,500 --> 01:33:42,760 {\blur3}ookina hitomi kagayaite 744 01:33:37,500 --> 01:33:42,760 your wide-eyed gaze shines bright 745 01:33:42,760 --> 01:33:47,850 {\blur3}kimi no poketto no naka ni wa 746 01:33:42,760 --> 01:33:47,850 Contained within your pockets 747 01:33:47,850 --> 01:33:54,350 {\blur3}kimi janai dareka to no... 748 01:33:47,850 --> 01:33:54,350 lie memories with another besides yourself... 749 01:33:54,350 --> 01:33:59,580 {\blur3}ikutsumo no deai 750 01:33:54,350 --> 01:33:59,580 Innumerable meetings 751 01:33:59,580 --> 01:34:04,650 {\blur3}ikutsumo no wakare 752 01:33:59,580 --> 01:34:04,650 Innumerable farewells 753 01:34:04,650 --> 01:34:15,210 {\fad(0,900)}{\blur3}maboroshi no you na omoide mo sukoshi 754 01:34:04,650 --> 01:34:15,210 {\fad(0,900)}And precious few dreamlike moments 755 01:34:16,740 --> 01:34:27,080 {\fad(300,0)}{\blur3}aruki tsuzukete doko made yuku no 756 01:34:16,740 --> 01:34:27,080 {\fad(300,0)}How much farther will you walk? 757 01:34:17,420 --> 01:34:57,540 {\pos(170,140)\c&H000000&}Shogakukan 12 magazines illustration contest 758 01:34:17,420 --> 01:34:57,540 {\pos(170,650)}Shogakukan 12 magazines illustration contest 759 01:34:17,420 --> 01:34:57,540 {\pos(170,140)\fad(0,420)}Shogakukan 12 magazines art contest Winners 760 01:34:17,420 --> 01:34:20,750 {\pos(170,645)}Monthly Corocoro Comics Beppu Kanon - Aichi 761 01:34:20,750 --> 01:34:24,090 {\pos(170,645)}Corocoro Ichiban! Reon Yamazaki - Tokyo 762 01:34:24,090 --> 01:34:27,430 {\pos(170,645)}Corocoro Aniki Yamaoka Nami - Hiroshima 763 01:34:27,080 --> 01:34:37,440 {\blur3}kaze ni tazunerarete sora o miru 764 01:34:27,080 --> 01:34:37,440 The wind calls out, and you gaze toward the sky 765 01:34:27,430 --> 01:34:30,760 {\pos(170,645)}Weekly Shonen Sunday Ishikawa Sho - Kanagawa 766 01:34:30,760 --> 01:34:34,100 {\pos(170,645)}Pokémon Fan Kakuta Miyuki - Saitama 767 01:34:34,100 --> 01:34:37,440 {\pos(170,645)}Shogaku Ichinensei Nakashima Mai - Toyama 768 01:34:37,440 --> 01:34:47,490 {\blur3}aruki tsuzukete doko made yukou ka 769 01:34:37,440 --> 01:34:47,490 How much farther will we walk together? 770 01:34:37,440 --> 01:34:40,770 {\pos(170,645)}Yochien Masumoto Yuuki - Yamaguchi 771 01:34:40,770 --> 01:34:44,110 {\pos(170,645)}Televi-Kun Ookawa Ren - Osaka 772 01:34:44,110 --> 01:34:47,450 {\pos(170,645)}Chao Iha Reina - Okinawa 773 01:34:47,450 --> 01:34:50,780 {\pos(170,645)}Pucchigumi Oozawa Kaho - Okayama 774 01:34:47,490 --> 01:34:58,080 {\fad(0,300)}{\blur3}kaze to issho ni mata aruki dasou 775 01:34:47,490 --> 01:34:58,080 {\fad(0,300)}Together with the wind, we will set out once again 776 01:34:50,780 --> 01:34:54,120 {\pos(170,645)}Sunday Web Every x pixiv Tsuchi - Hiroshima 777 01:34:54,120 --> 01:34:57,540 {\pos(170,645)\fad(0,420)}Shogakukan Kids Suzuki Keita - Saitama 778 01:34:58,080 --> 01:35:08,290 {\fad(300,0)}{\blur3}daichi fumishime doko made mo yukou 779 01:34:58,080 --> 01:35:08,290 {\fad(300,0)}Stepping out onto the road, let us go on and on 780 01:35:08,290 --> 01:35:18,690 {\blur3}mezashita ano yume o tsukamu made 781 01:35:08,290 --> 01:35:18,690 Until we seize that sought after dream 782 01:35:18,690 --> 01:35:28,910 {\blur3}daichi fumishime doko made mo yukou 783 01:35:18,690 --> 01:35:28,910 Stepping out onto the road, let us go on and on 784 01:35:28,910 --> 01:35:39,040 785 01:35:28,910 --> 01:35:39,040 {\fad(0,500)}{\blur3}mezashita ano yume o tsukamu made 786 01:35:28,910 --> 01:35:39,040 {\fad(0,500)}Until we seize that sought after dream