1 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:04,000 2 00:00:21,020 --> 00:00:23,240 COMPUTER: Warning. Security breach. 3 00:00:23,440 --> 00:00:25,060 Unauthorized docking. 4 00:00:27,110 --> 00:00:28,210 Admiral Picard. 5 00:00:28,410 --> 00:00:29,250 I'm encoding this transmission 6 00:00:29,450 --> 00:00:30,820 with coordinates. 7 00:00:31,020 --> 00:00:33,290 Trust no one. 8 00:00:37,290 --> 00:00:39,350 I think I may have a ship. 9 00:00:39,550 --> 00:00:42,000 The captain, Shaw, we got to con him into changing course. 10 00:00:42,200 --> 00:00:43,830 - Where? - The Ryton system. 11 00:00:44,030 --> 00:00:45,220 No. 12 00:00:45,420 --> 00:00:47,270 Welcome to the Ryton system, gentlemen. 13 00:00:47,470 --> 00:00:49,400 SHAW: This was you. 14 00:00:49,600 --> 00:00:52,010 You just loyaltied your way to the end of a career. 15 00:00:52,210 --> 00:00:54,060 RAFFI: So, is my handler here this time 16 00:00:54,260 --> 00:00:56,930 or are you gonna flake out on me again? 17 00:00:57,130 --> 00:00:58,630 RAFFI: I've been under for months, trying to figure out 18 00:00:58,830 --> 00:01:00,850 who stole these goddamn experimental weapons 19 00:01:01,050 --> 00:01:03,200 from Daystrom Station and why. 20 00:01:03,400 --> 00:01:04,630 Starfleet recruitment, 21 00:01:04,830 --> 00:01:06,240 I believe you're under imminent threat 22 00:01:06,440 --> 00:01:07,680 of a terrorist attack. 23 00:01:07,880 --> 00:01:09,850 [people screaming] 24 00:01:13,160 --> 00:01:14,770 PICARD: Number One, she's here. 25 00:01:15,810 --> 00:01:17,950 Beverly is clearly wounded. 26 00:01:18,150 --> 00:01:20,210 - We're here to help you. - What makes you think I want your help? 27 00:01:20,410 --> 00:01:22,260 PICARD: Beverly would never call out 28 00:01:22,460 --> 00:01:24,000 in order to save only herself. 29 00:01:24,200 --> 00:01:25,910 - RIKER: Then who's this? - Her son. 30 00:01:27,130 --> 00:01:28,830 - [explosion] - [alarm blaring] 31 00:01:29,030 --> 00:01:30,440 JACK: They must have followed you here. 32 00:01:30,640 --> 00:01:32,390 - What the hell is going on? - We're being hunted. 33 00:01:43,140 --> 00:01:45,140 34 00:01:50,980 --> 00:01:55,250 Jumping on a starship 35 00:01:55,450 --> 00:01:58,680 Take me on a space trip... 36 00:01:59,680 --> 00:02:01,690 ELEOS COMPUTER: Hailing frequency is open. 37 00:02:01,890 --> 00:02:03,560 This is Jack Crusher 38 00:02:03,760 --> 00:02:06,960 on Mariposa medical vessel designation Eleos XII 39 00:02:07,160 --> 00:02:09,390 on approach to Sarnia Prime. 40 00:02:09,590 --> 00:02:11,310 Confirming orbital entry. 41 00:02:11,510 --> 00:02:13,490 [comm crackling] 42 00:02:13,680 --> 00:02:15,130 Can anybody read me? 43 00:02:17,440 --> 00:02:19,530 Please respond if you are... 44 00:02:24,010 --> 00:02:27,110 Warning. Fenris Ranger vessel approaching. 45 00:02:27,310 --> 00:02:29,240 - There you are. - RANGER:Eleos, you have violated 46 00:02:29,440 --> 00:02:32,160 our airspace en route to a designated quarantine zone. 47 00:02:32,360 --> 00:02:33,900 Provide the Federation access codes 48 00:02:34,100 --> 00:02:36,120 or surrender for inspection. 49 00:02:36,320 --> 00:02:38,510 Ranger, I assure you, 50 00:02:38,710 --> 00:02:40,210 we've been granted the moral authority, 51 00:02:40,410 --> 00:02:42,560 but that seldom comes with paperwork, 52 00:02:42,760 --> 00:02:44,520 and right now, there are thousands below 53 00:02:44,720 --> 00:02:48,960 with Galarian Fever who are immunoresistant to bureaucracy. 54 00:02:49,150 --> 00:02:52,080 Inspection it is, then. 55 00:02:53,910 --> 00:02:55,920 This is a medical vessel, 56 00:02:56,120 --> 00:02:58,440 delivering medical supplies 57 00:02:58,640 --> 00:03:00,180 to people who are medically in need. 58 00:03:00,380 --> 00:03:02,490 And as a medical expert, 59 00:03:02,690 --> 00:03:05,150 I assume you're aware of the protocols, 60 00:03:05,350 --> 00:03:07,100 which you are currently in violation of, at least, 61 00:03:07,300 --> 00:03:09,500 oh, 27, give or take. 62 00:03:09,700 --> 00:03:11,200 Protocols which will have the desired effect of killing 63 00:03:11,390 --> 00:03:13,840 the disease by killing everybody who carries it. 64 00:03:15,230 --> 00:03:16,720 Galarian Fever is fatal 65 00:03:16,920 --> 00:03:18,290 at the rate of one life per minute, 66 00:03:18,490 --> 00:03:21,280 so while we've been at this, we've murdered... 67 00:03:23,290 --> 00:03:25,160 ...ten civilians. 68 00:03:27,110 --> 00:03:28,910 Steroids, suppressants. 69 00:03:29,110 --> 00:03:31,910 Antibody therapeutics. Gene re-sequencers. 70 00:03:32,110 --> 00:03:33,430 RANGER: And what about this one? 71 00:03:37,820 --> 00:03:40,660 Romulan ale? 72 00:03:40,860 --> 00:03:43,530 New miracle cure I'm not aware of? 73 00:03:43,730 --> 00:03:45,970 For sterilization. It's ideal antiseptic, 74 00:03:46,170 --> 00:03:48,190 and a commonly prescribed treatment for life in general. 75 00:03:48,390 --> 00:03:50,530 All of which we're happy to share. 76 00:03:52,530 --> 00:03:53,630 Is that a bribe? 77 00:03:53,830 --> 00:03:55,850 No, don't be daft. 78 00:03:56,050 --> 00:03:58,370 I'd never bribe you with medical equipment. 79 00:03:58,570 --> 00:04:03,190 I'd bribe you... with these. 80 00:04:05,850 --> 00:04:09,210 Look, we all know the warlords down there 81 00:04:09,410 --> 00:04:11,080 engineered the fever in order to clear the free-zone 82 00:04:11,280 --> 00:04:13,740 from refugees before the others could claim it. 83 00:04:13,940 --> 00:04:15,610 I give half to one warlord, half to another, 84 00:04:15,810 --> 00:04:17,040 cut you in for, say, 25... 85 00:04:17,240 --> 00:04:19,390 - 35. - ...30% of the take and... 86 00:04:19,590 --> 00:04:22,740 [imitates weapon] ...it's bad guys shooting bad guys, 87 00:04:22,940 --> 00:04:25,050 and we've helped refugees by curing a pandemic. 88 00:04:25,250 --> 00:04:27,010 Oh, mon ami. 89 00:04:27,210 --> 00:04:30,220 We're basically saints. 90 00:04:39,400 --> 00:04:41,330 Take this one first. 91 00:04:41,530 --> 00:04:42,710 Mon ami. 92 00:04:50,500 --> 00:04:52,980 JACK: Come on. Anybody would think it was heavy. 93 00:04:57,250 --> 00:05:00,900 Reach out to the Marked Woman. We found him. 94 00:05:09,740 --> 00:05:11,780 95 00:05:15,750 --> 00:05:17,840 ELEOS COMPUTER: Power level at 13%. 96 00:05:18,040 --> 00:05:19,980 Who is it out there? 97 00:05:20,180 --> 00:05:21,760 I don't know. 98 00:05:21,960 --> 00:05:25,370 First it was Fenris Rangers, then Klingons, a day later. 99 00:05:25,570 --> 00:05:27,420 Then three guys in Starfleet uniforms 100 00:05:27,620 --> 00:05:29,990 tried to prime-direct me into an early grave. 101 00:05:30,190 --> 00:05:31,600 We've been running for months. 102 00:05:31,800 --> 00:05:34,340 Whoever's piloting that ship has resources. 103 00:05:34,540 --> 00:05:36,170 And we've been too close to the nebula for too long 104 00:05:36,370 --> 00:05:37,910 and it's fried our systems. 105 00:05:38,110 --> 00:05:39,130 We're running on fumes. 106 00:05:39,320 --> 00:05:41,210 RIKER: "Trust nobody." 107 00:05:41,410 --> 00:05:43,000 That's what Beverly said. What do they want? 108 00:05:43,200 --> 00:05:44,740 We have to find out. 109 00:05:44,940 --> 00:05:46,790 But first of all, we have to make contact, 110 00:05:46,980 --> 00:05:49,440 strike an accord, negotiate. 111 00:05:49,640 --> 00:05:51,490 Computer, threat assessment. 112 00:05:51,690 --> 00:05:54,710 Unidentified vessel presently targeting all ship's systems. 113 00:05:54,910 --> 00:05:57,580 Probability of destruction: 100%. 114 00:05:57,780 --> 00:06:00,320 They're not here to negotiate. 115 00:06:00,520 --> 00:06:03,450 Look, she called you, I didn't. 116 00:06:03,650 --> 00:06:06,150 Before you two turned up with the baddies in tow, I had this. 117 00:06:06,350 --> 00:06:07,460 But now that you're here, 118 00:06:07,660 --> 00:06:09,290 you might as well makes yourselves useful. 119 00:06:09,490 --> 00:06:11,160 That med-pod's power is nearly drained, 120 00:06:11,360 --> 00:06:12,680 and my mother needs medical attention. 121 00:06:12,880 --> 00:06:15,940 So, please, tell me that your little shuttle 122 00:06:16,140 --> 00:06:17,990 has a much bigger friend close by. 123 00:06:18,190 --> 00:06:19,730 We came on the Titan. 124 00:06:19,930 --> 00:06:22,430 She's gone, but possibly still within range. 125 00:06:22,630 --> 00:06:24,390 If we could get Beverly on the shuttle, 126 00:06:24,590 --> 00:06:28,470 we can reach out to the Titan, ask them for help. 127 00:06:38,870 --> 00:06:41,620 Sir, it's faint, but I'm picking up a third signal 128 00:06:41,820 --> 00:06:43,410 by the nebula. 129 00:06:43,610 --> 00:06:45,020 Lieutenant T'Veen, get me a full diagnostic scan. 130 00:06:45,220 --> 00:06:46,580 I'm reading photonic activity, 131 00:06:46,780 --> 00:06:49,850 along with energy signatures I don't recognize. 132 00:06:50,050 --> 00:06:51,840 It's definitely a vessel, Captain. 133 00:06:52,800 --> 00:06:54,280 [beeping] 134 00:06:55,370 --> 00:06:57,070 And it's packing. 135 00:06:57,270 --> 00:06:58,900 Have they entered Federation space yet? 136 00:06:59,100 --> 00:07:01,950 No, sir, it appears to be sticking close to the nebula. 137 00:07:02,150 --> 00:07:04,080 It's going for Picard. 138 00:07:04,280 --> 00:07:05,730 If we act now, we can intercept. 139 00:07:05,930 --> 00:07:07,040 La Forge, how long to reach them? 140 00:07:07,240 --> 00:07:08,990 Belay that, Helmsman. 141 00:07:10,900 --> 00:07:14,960 Sir, AdmiralPicard and CaptainRiker are in danger. 142 00:07:15,160 --> 00:07:16,610 CommanderHansen. 143 00:07:18,300 --> 00:07:20,710 We are an exploratory vessel. 144 00:07:20,900 --> 00:07:24,060 If that ship decides to engage us, we are outgunned. 145 00:07:24,260 --> 00:07:26,930 And I am not gonna risk 500 souls for two relics who think 146 00:07:27,130 --> 00:07:30,410 that a couple of brass medals make them golden boys. 147 00:07:30,610 --> 00:07:32,630 They dug their grave, they took you with them. 148 00:07:32,830 --> 00:07:35,150 Hold your position, La Forge. 149 00:07:36,970 --> 00:07:38,840 Dismissed. 150 00:07:41,280 --> 00:07:43,590 I said dismissed. 151 00:07:54,160 --> 00:07:55,700 JACK: Why is it just circling us? 152 00:07:55,900 --> 00:07:58,050 Why hasn't it hailed us yet? 153 00:07:58,250 --> 00:08:00,140 - We need to go, Captain. - Admiral. 154 00:08:00,340 --> 00:08:03,310 You can educate me on the chain of command in the afterlife, 155 00:08:03,510 --> 00:08:04,750 but from what I've heard, 156 00:08:04,950 --> 00:08:07,090 history remembers you with one less pip. 157 00:08:09,880 --> 00:08:12,100 We need to get her med-pod to your shuttle now. 158 00:08:13,310 --> 00:08:15,190 I'll prep the docking bay. 159 00:08:17,140 --> 00:08:18,410 Beverly's son? 160 00:08:19,930 --> 00:08:23,110 There's just something... familiar about him. 161 00:08:31,550 --> 00:08:32,810 Incoming! 162 00:08:36,380 --> 00:08:38,610 ELEOS COMPUTER: Blast shield engaged. 163 00:08:38,810 --> 00:08:40,390 - What the hell just happened? - PICARD: Will, 164 00:08:40,590 --> 00:08:43,660 the pod's losing power, and her life signs are fading. 165 00:08:43,860 --> 00:08:44,790 - We need to get to her to the Titan. - Admiral! 166 00:08:44,990 --> 00:08:46,700 Change of plan. 167 00:08:47,740 --> 00:08:49,180 We just lost the shuttle. 168 00:08:52,610 --> 00:08:54,050 We're trapped here. 169 00:09:03,710 --> 00:09:05,760 170 00:09:32,180 --> 00:09:34,450 NEWSCASTER: Today the Federation looked on in terror 171 00:09:34,650 --> 00:09:36,280 as the Starfleet recruitment building, 172 00:09:36,470 --> 00:09:38,190 a symbol of peace and hope to many, 173 00:09:38,390 --> 00:09:41,020 was destroyed in an unprecedented attack. 174 00:09:41,220 --> 00:09:43,330 Nothing is known about the devastating weapon, 175 00:09:43,530 --> 00:09:46,330 but sources within Starfleet suggest that the dissident 176 00:09:46,530 --> 00:09:49,380 Lurak t'Luco, leader of a Romulan rebel faction, 177 00:09:49,570 --> 00:09:51,030 is responsible. 178 00:09:51,230 --> 00:09:54,070 So far, 117 are confirmed dead. 179 00:09:56,030 --> 00:09:58,210 COMPUTER: Secure channel open. 180 00:09:58,410 --> 00:10:00,170 Sorry to bother you. 181 00:10:00,370 --> 00:10:02,780 Just thought we could have another chat. 182 00:10:02,980 --> 00:10:04,950 You... 183 00:10:07,780 --> 00:10:10,880 You sent me undercover to find whoever stole 184 00:10:11,070 --> 00:10:12,880 experimental weapons from Daystrom 185 00:10:13,080 --> 00:10:15,750 and stop them before they could use them. 186 00:10:15,950 --> 00:10:17,700 And, well... 187 00:10:20,140 --> 00:10:23,100 ...here we are. 188 00:10:25,180 --> 00:10:28,150 117 confirmed. 189 00:10:28,350 --> 00:10:32,510 117 that could've been avoided had I been faster. 190 00:10:32,710 --> 00:10:33,850 Do not seek blame. 191 00:10:34,050 --> 00:10:35,990 Do not seek anger. 192 00:10:36,190 --> 00:10:39,340 I have to keep digging, find out who did this. 193 00:10:39,540 --> 00:10:41,250 Starfleet Command is terminating 194 00:10:41,450 --> 00:10:43,340 investigation until further notice. 195 00:10:43,540 --> 00:10:44,560 Suspect identified. 196 00:10:44,760 --> 00:10:46,170 What are you talking about? 197 00:10:46,370 --> 00:10:50,780 What, the press, the intel reports? 198 00:10:50,980 --> 00:10:53,090 They're pawning this off on Lurak t'Luco? 199 00:10:53,290 --> 00:10:54,960 A Romulan triggerman who's never made it 200 00:10:55,160 --> 00:10:56,880 to anyone's most wanted list 201 00:10:57,080 --> 00:10:58,440 goes through the trouble of heisting 202 00:10:58,640 --> 00:11:01,400 an ultra-secure off-site Daystrom facility? 203 00:11:01,600 --> 00:11:04,840 And steals some world-ending portal tech 204 00:11:05,040 --> 00:11:07,060 and uses it to-to blow up, of all things, 205 00:11:07,260 --> 00:11:10,410 a mid-level Starfleet recruitment bureau? 206 00:11:10,610 --> 00:11:11,720 And even if he did do it, 207 00:11:11,920 --> 00:11:13,110 he's not the one who stole the weapon. 208 00:11:13,310 --> 00:11:15,500 He purchased it on the black market. 209 00:11:15,700 --> 00:11:18,680 There's a redacted statement from a lowlife 210 00:11:18,880 --> 00:11:21,120 Ferengi crime lord named Sneed. 211 00:11:21,320 --> 00:11:24,170 He said he brokered the sale between an anonymous seller 212 00:11:24,370 --> 00:11:27,780 and t'Luco as the buyer, just, you know, tidy, convenient. 213 00:11:27,980 --> 00:11:30,430 But it doesn't add up. 214 00:11:30,630 --> 00:11:32,610 I'm gonna need to speak to that Ferengi. 215 00:11:32,810 --> 00:11:36,310 Repeat: Starfleet Command has terminated investigation. 216 00:11:36,510 --> 00:11:37,950 Disengage. 217 00:11:38,950 --> 00:11:40,700 Disengage? 218 00:11:42,090 --> 00:11:43,450 No. 219 00:11:43,650 --> 00:11:44,840 Hell no. 220 00:11:45,040 --> 00:11:46,710 Sneed is lying. 221 00:11:46,910 --> 00:11:48,670 He's covering for whoever really did this. 222 00:11:48,870 --> 00:11:51,720 And 117 people are gone. 223 00:11:51,910 --> 00:11:53,330 118 should you continue. 224 00:11:53,520 --> 00:11:54,980 Do not join the dead. 225 00:11:55,180 --> 00:11:56,420 Why are you hamstringing me? 226 00:11:56,610 --> 00:11:58,420 What do you know that I don't know? 227 00:11:58,620 --> 00:12:00,250 Do not engage. 228 00:12:00,440 --> 00:12:02,600 Look, you're my handler, right? Whoever you are? 229 00:12:02,800 --> 00:12:06,160 I am requesting an in-person meet. 230 00:12:06,360 --> 00:12:08,070 Denied. 231 00:12:10,590 --> 00:12:15,170 Well, somebody needs to speak for the dead. 232 00:12:15,370 --> 00:12:18,520 And since you're not even gonna talk to me, 233 00:12:18,720 --> 00:12:20,180 I guess I'm on my own. 234 00:12:20,380 --> 00:12:23,300 I'm gonna find out from Sneed who really did this. 235 00:12:33,620 --> 00:12:35,660 [indistinct chatter] 236 00:12:45,150 --> 00:12:47,470 Am I gonna need to confine you to quarters? 237 00:12:47,670 --> 00:12:49,900 Lieutenant Mura detected weapon system activity, 238 00:12:50,100 --> 00:12:53,560 presumably targeting Picard's unarmed shuttle. 239 00:12:53,760 --> 00:12:56,040 So it will be so noted in my report. 240 00:12:56,240 --> 00:12:59,130 Sir, they could die if we don't help. 241 00:12:59,330 --> 00:13:01,520 Did you assist Captain Riker and Admiral Picard 242 00:13:01,720 --> 00:13:03,130 in commandeering my shuttle? 243 00:13:03,330 --> 00:13:05,830 I am more than certain they were able to find 244 00:13:06,030 --> 00:13:07,830 the shuttle bay without assistance. 245 00:13:08,030 --> 00:13:09,440 Bullshit. 246 00:13:11,180 --> 00:13:15,410 Sir, you could be the hero who saved heroes 247 00:13:15,610 --> 00:13:17,500 or you could be remembered for being the captain 248 00:13:17,700 --> 00:13:20,800 who let two legends die. 249 00:13:21,000 --> 00:13:23,620 It's your call. Sir. 250 00:13:36,070 --> 00:13:38,690 Okay, so we've got no visuals, 251 00:13:38,890 --> 00:13:42,170 we've lost our escape and help isn't coming. 252 00:13:42,370 --> 00:13:43,570 - Suggestions? - Have they hailed us? 253 00:13:43,770 --> 00:13:45,050 Surrendering is an option. 254 00:13:45,250 --> 00:13:46,480 They haven't offered terms. 255 00:13:46,680 --> 00:13:48,080 Well, I could offer them you two. 256 00:13:53,220 --> 00:13:55,490 Does the legendary admiral have any ideas? 257 00:13:55,690 --> 00:13:58,320 I'm not strategizing, I'm safeguarding. 258 00:13:58,520 --> 00:14:00,400 Against what? 259 00:14:09,540 --> 00:14:11,380 Against that. 260 00:14:11,580 --> 00:14:13,590 Transport inhibitors. 261 00:14:14,850 --> 00:14:16,420 - Now we know. - What? 262 00:14:16,620 --> 00:14:18,510 They want you. 263 00:14:18,710 --> 00:14:19,820 Alive. 264 00:14:20,020 --> 00:14:21,820 RIKER: If they can't get you out, 265 00:14:22,020 --> 00:14:22,990 they're coming in. 266 00:14:24,900 --> 00:14:26,740 ELEOS COMPUTER: Warning: gravimetric lock detected. 267 00:14:26,940 --> 00:14:28,790 Hey, kid. Throw me one of those plasma charges. 268 00:14:28,980 --> 00:14:30,870 Enemy transport countermeasures 269 00:14:31,070 --> 00:14:32,820 targeting docking bay. 270 00:14:38,920 --> 00:14:40,140 Any more incoming? 271 00:14:40,340 --> 00:14:41,360 PICARD: No. 272 00:14:41,560 --> 00:14:43,020 Hopefully, they realize now 273 00:14:43,220 --> 00:14:44,840 that they're sending their forces to their deaths. 274 00:14:45,040 --> 00:14:46,450 We're in a stalemate. 275 00:14:48,360 --> 00:14:50,150 ELEOS COMPUTER: Warning: structural integrity at 22%. 276 00:14:50,350 --> 00:14:52,450 You were saying? 277 00:14:55,590 --> 00:14:57,290 PICARD: Tractor beam. 278 00:14:57,490 --> 00:15:00,560 If they can't board us, they'll make us board them. 279 00:15:00,760 --> 00:15:02,640 ELEOS COMPUTER: Hull breach on Deck 2. 280 00:15:02,840 --> 00:15:03,990 Emergency force fields in place. 281 00:15:07,900 --> 00:15:09,040 Power relay failure. 282 00:15:09,240 --> 00:15:10,440 Beverly. 283 00:15:10,630 --> 00:15:12,390 Life support at 14%. 284 00:15:12,590 --> 00:15:14,090 Shield report. 285 00:15:14,290 --> 00:15:15,790 PICARD: Off-line. 286 00:15:15,990 --> 00:15:18,750 Hull breach on Deck 2. 287 00:15:18,950 --> 00:15:20,100 RIKER: If you get me enough power, 288 00:15:20,300 --> 00:15:21,790 I think I can improvise a beam repulsor. 289 00:15:21,990 --> 00:15:22,880 JACK: Stop! 290 00:15:23,080 --> 00:15:24,230 It won't work. 291 00:15:24,430 --> 00:15:26,670 We don't have repulsor capability. 292 00:15:26,870 --> 00:15:28,710 We've been limping by for weeks. 293 00:15:28,910 --> 00:15:30,630 It's pointless. 294 00:15:30,830 --> 00:15:32,850 They have us. 295 00:15:33,050 --> 00:15:35,810 ELEOS COMPUTER: Warning: power levels at critical. 296 00:15:36,010 --> 00:15:37,810 Total power failure imminent. 297 00:15:38,010 --> 00:15:39,730 Well. 298 00:15:39,920 --> 00:15:41,890 It was nice meeting you. 299 00:15:43,550 --> 00:15:44,690 [beeping] 300 00:15:44,890 --> 00:15:46,380 I've got movement on the sensors. 301 00:15:46,580 --> 00:15:47,810 What the hell is that? 302 00:15:55,780 --> 00:15:56,960 Sir, tractor beam is broken. 303 00:15:57,160 --> 00:15:58,570 Red alert. Helm, hold position. 304 00:15:58,770 --> 00:16:00,660 Bring those two back on board. 305 00:16:00,860 --> 00:16:03,100 Captain, I'm reading four life signs. 306 00:16:03,300 --> 00:16:04,920 SHAW: Bring them all on board. 307 00:16:05,120 --> 00:16:06,490 We're basically a hotel now. 308 00:16:06,690 --> 00:16:08,150 Get me a channel to the Eleos. 309 00:16:08,340 --> 00:16:10,020 This is theTitan. Prepare to beam aboard. 310 00:16:10,220 --> 00:16:11,930 Not a moment too soon. 311 00:16:12,130 --> 00:16:13,880 - COMPUTER: Hull compromised. - Tell her she better hurry up. 312 00:16:15,490 --> 00:16:17,980 Sir, the alien vessel is preparing to fire! 313 00:16:18,180 --> 00:16:19,460 Esmar, get them out of there now. 314 00:16:19,660 --> 00:16:20,460 Something's wrong, it's not working! 315 00:16:20,660 --> 00:16:22,070 I can't lock onto them. 316 00:16:22,270 --> 00:16:23,420 SHAW: What the hell is that thing doing? 317 00:16:23,620 --> 00:16:24,770 I don't know, but it looks pissed. 318 00:16:24,970 --> 00:16:26,510 Picard, we can't get a lock on you. 319 00:16:26,710 --> 00:16:28,080 The transport inhibitors. 320 00:16:28,280 --> 00:16:30,850 ELEOS COMPUTER: Structural integrity at... 321 00:16:32,510 --> 00:16:35,390 Picard to Titan.Try it now! 322 00:16:35,590 --> 00:16:38,340 ELEOS COMPUTER: Exposure to lethal gas on Deck 3. 323 00:16:56,050 --> 00:16:58,060 324 00:17:03,670 --> 00:17:05,990 Hey. You know, I only called 325 00:17:06,190 --> 00:17:08,550 because I never thought you'd actually answer. 326 00:17:08,750 --> 00:17:10,560 Marrow tea? 327 00:17:10,750 --> 00:17:13,860 Uh, n-no. No, thanks. 328 00:17:14,060 --> 00:17:16,600 So, how you doing, Jae? How's our son? 329 00:17:16,800 --> 00:17:19,090 Gabe says you, uh... 330 00:17:19,290 --> 00:17:21,090 you ambushed him at his baby's doctor. 331 00:17:21,290 --> 00:17:22,570 Ambushed? 332 00:17:22,770 --> 00:17:25,310 So that's what my son thinks of me. 333 00:17:25,510 --> 00:17:27,660 I only wanted to see her. 334 00:17:27,860 --> 00:17:29,310 In person, you know? 335 00:17:29,510 --> 00:17:31,010 - You staying clean? - Yeah. 336 00:17:31,210 --> 00:17:33,970 Yeah, I'm... I'm with Starfleet now. 337 00:17:34,170 --> 00:17:37,360 I have to be. I want to be. 338 00:17:37,560 --> 00:17:39,980 I need something. 339 00:17:40,180 --> 00:17:41,500 I know you're still connected. 340 00:17:41,700 --> 00:17:44,460 - Goddamn it, Raffi. - No, it's for work. 341 00:17:44,660 --> 00:17:46,770 I know you still turn a blind eye to the shady business 342 00:17:46,960 --> 00:17:48,680 that happens in the back room of your bar, 343 00:17:48,880 --> 00:17:50,550 and I need an intro... 344 00:17:50,750 --> 00:17:52,550 to Sneed, the Ferengi broker. 345 00:17:52,750 --> 00:17:54,120 Are you out of your mind? 346 00:17:54,320 --> 00:17:55,640 You do realize that "broker" 347 00:17:55,840 --> 00:17:57,600 is just a polite word for "gangster." 348 00:17:57,800 --> 00:17:59,040 He's a monster. 349 00:17:59,240 --> 00:18:02,090 It's important. I wouldn't ask otherwise. 350 00:18:02,280 --> 00:18:03,830 I'm with Starfleet Intelligence, 351 00:18:04,030 --> 00:18:05,910 but they are blind to something big. 352 00:18:06,110 --> 00:18:08,300 And they don't know it. It is wrong. 353 00:18:10,430 --> 00:18:12,750 When your head goes to that place, 354 00:18:12,950 --> 00:18:15,320 the webs, conspiracies, 355 00:18:15,520 --> 00:18:18,010 that's when it all starts up. 356 00:18:18,210 --> 00:18:22,190 The drugs, the dark rabbit holes. 357 00:18:22,390 --> 00:18:24,540 How did you break away from it? 358 00:18:24,740 --> 00:18:27,110 - It was so easy for you. - I made a choice. 359 00:18:27,310 --> 00:18:30,550 And we had this... this beautiful boy. 360 00:18:30,750 --> 00:18:32,070 So I chose... 361 00:18:32,270 --> 00:18:35,250 my son, my art. 362 00:18:35,450 --> 00:18:37,770 And that was enough for me. 363 00:18:37,970 --> 00:18:39,330 But not for you. 364 00:18:40,680 --> 00:18:44,640 Gabe pushes you away because he remembers that. 365 00:18:46,600 --> 00:18:48,700 [sniffles] 366 00:18:48,900 --> 00:18:50,390 Sneed is protecting murderers. 367 00:18:50,590 --> 00:18:53,140 For some reason, Starfleet's turning a blind eye. 368 00:18:53,340 --> 00:18:55,140 I'm the only one who can do this. 369 00:18:55,340 --> 00:18:57,660 Damn. 370 00:18:57,860 --> 00:18:59,840 And I actually thought you were here about Gabe. 371 00:19:00,040 --> 00:19:03,490 Thought maybe you'd want me to put in a word with him. 372 00:19:03,690 --> 00:19:04,710 You'd do that? 373 00:19:04,910 --> 00:19:06,140 [laughs softly] 374 00:19:08,140 --> 00:19:09,630 I could talk to Gabe. 375 00:19:09,830 --> 00:19:11,420 [laughs softly] 376 00:19:11,610 --> 00:19:14,200 Or I'll talk to Sneed, but I will not do both. 377 00:19:14,400 --> 00:19:18,600 Right here, right now. 378 00:19:18,800 --> 00:19:21,370 Make a choice. 379 00:19:29,640 --> 00:19:30,900 Yeah. 380 00:19:32,250 --> 00:19:34,430 That's what I thought. 381 00:19:46,440 --> 00:19:48,320 [alarm sounding] 382 00:19:48,520 --> 00:19:49,800 Status report. 383 00:19:50,000 --> 00:19:52,060 We got all four. Injured civilian was beamed 384 00:19:52,260 --> 00:19:56,020 directly to sick bay and is unconscious but stable. 385 00:19:56,220 --> 00:19:58,770 Captain, I suggest we get away, maximum warp. 386 00:19:58,970 --> 00:20:00,730 Not yet. We've engaged. 387 00:20:00,920 --> 00:20:02,160 I want to know with who and why. 388 00:20:02,360 --> 00:20:04,160 [doors whoosh open] 389 00:20:04,360 --> 00:20:07,250 Oh, you boys are in so much trouble. 390 00:20:07,450 --> 00:20:10,740 She said to trust nobody, and you basically brought everyone. 391 00:20:10,930 --> 00:20:12,870 - ESMAR: Captain. - Who the hell are you? 392 00:20:13,070 --> 00:20:13,910 Can we just all take a breath? 393 00:20:14,110 --> 00:20:15,820 - Captain! - ALL: What? 394 00:20:19,520 --> 00:20:21,170 We're being hailed. 395 00:20:23,000 --> 00:20:25,180 Let's see what you all got us into. 396 00:20:26,350 --> 00:20:28,830 On screen. 397 00:20:30,790 --> 00:20:33,240 Good afternoon. 398 00:20:33,440 --> 00:20:36,490 I believe it is afternoon in Sol System. [chuckles] 399 00:20:38,410 --> 00:20:40,070 I am Captain Vadic. 400 00:20:40,270 --> 00:20:42,630 And you are, uh... 401 00:20:43,980 --> 00:20:46,470 ...Captain Liam Shaw. 402 00:20:46,670 --> 00:20:48,210 That's me. 403 00:20:48,410 --> 00:20:49,860 I think it's important for you to know that I was having 404 00:20:50,060 --> 00:20:51,300 a nice morning before all of this. 405 00:20:51,500 --> 00:20:54,910 Ooh, that's lovely to hear, Liam. 406 00:20:55,110 --> 00:20:57,090 Given your official psychological profile 407 00:20:57,290 --> 00:20:59,090 with Starfleet, 408 00:20:59,290 --> 00:21:03,690 I'm so glad that you've remained, uh, functional. 409 00:21:05,650 --> 00:21:09,140 You have been causing us some concern, Captain. 410 00:21:09,340 --> 00:21:11,140 State your business. 411 00:21:11,340 --> 00:21:13,410 Oh. 412 00:21:13,610 --> 00:21:16,890 Admiral Jean-Luc Picard. 413 00:21:17,090 --> 00:21:19,750 In the synthetic flesh. 414 00:21:22,360 --> 00:21:25,770 You're harboring one Jack Crusher. 415 00:21:25,970 --> 00:21:28,730 He's broken a number of laws both inside 416 00:21:28,930 --> 00:21:31,560 and outside Federation space. 417 00:21:31,750 --> 00:21:36,170 There is a sizable bounty on his head. 418 00:21:36,370 --> 00:21:38,680 And we are taking him. 419 00:21:40,250 --> 00:21:41,960 I hate to inform you 420 00:21:42,160 --> 00:21:44,180 that Starfleet does not negotiate with bounty hunters. 421 00:21:44,380 --> 00:21:47,530 Ooh, I see you're having difficulty 422 00:21:47,730 --> 00:21:51,660 understanding the situation. [laughs] 423 00:21:51,860 --> 00:21:56,010 May I remind you that you are outside of your jurisdiction? 424 00:21:56,210 --> 00:22:00,280 But so you may have clarification, 425 00:22:00,480 --> 00:22:05,100 I'll lower my shields so that you can scan my ship. 426 00:22:07,280 --> 00:22:09,290 - Their shields are lowering. - Weapons? 427 00:22:09,490 --> 00:22:11,330 MURA: 40 isolytic burst warheads, 428 00:22:11,530 --> 00:22:14,950 88 plasma torpedoes, 429 00:22:15,150 --> 00:22:18,520 236 six photon torpedoes, 430 00:22:18,710 --> 00:22:20,070 18 antimatter missiles. 431 00:22:22,070 --> 00:22:24,830 20 pulse wave, 432 00:22:25,030 --> 00:22:26,170 - 30 series five... - I get it. 433 00:22:26,370 --> 00:22:28,310 And something... 434 00:22:28,510 --> 00:22:31,010 loaded in primary position in the bay, sir. 435 00:22:31,210 --> 00:22:32,700 Technology unknown. 436 00:22:32,900 --> 00:22:35,840 You have one hour to hand over Jack Crusher. 437 00:22:36,040 --> 00:22:38,060 Turn your back to run, 438 00:22:38,260 --> 00:22:40,360 and the only way you'll see the shot that kills you 439 00:22:40,560 --> 00:22:44,010 is through the hole in your proverbial chest. 440 00:22:45,490 --> 00:22:47,850 Until then, enjoy 441 00:22:48,050 --> 00:22:51,840 this parting demonstration of my intentions. 442 00:22:56,980 --> 00:22:58,630 [speaking alien language] 443 00:23:12,520 --> 00:23:14,690 Shields up. Evasive maneuvers! 444 00:23:31,490 --> 00:23:33,200 What did she just do? 445 00:23:33,400 --> 00:23:36,680 She... threw a ship at us. 446 00:23:36,880 --> 00:23:38,060 Sir. 447 00:23:56,340 --> 00:23:58,220 SEVEN OF NINE: It broke through our shields, Captain, 448 00:23:58,420 --> 00:23:59,960 hit with enough force that shrapnel 449 00:24:00,160 --> 00:24:01,920 tore the hull on Deck 11. 450 00:24:02,120 --> 00:24:03,840 How is that even possible? 451 00:24:04,040 --> 00:24:05,190 Reverse tractor beam with anti-gravitational 452 00:24:05,390 --> 00:24:07,010 polarity phasing. 453 00:24:07,210 --> 00:24:08,490 Basically, blunt force trauma. 454 00:24:08,690 --> 00:24:10,280 If my father taught me anything, 455 00:24:10,480 --> 00:24:12,020 there's no law of physics that can't be either weaponized 456 00:24:12,220 --> 00:24:13,800 or broken by another law of physics. 457 00:24:14,000 --> 00:24:15,630 Thank you, Ensign. 458 00:24:15,830 --> 00:24:20,380 So, we have 500 guns pointed at our head. 459 00:24:20,580 --> 00:24:22,420 We try to run, we are vapor 460 00:24:22,620 --> 00:24:23,810 the second our nacelles light up. 461 00:24:24,010 --> 00:24:25,420 Help is days away 462 00:24:25,620 --> 00:24:28,990 and this nebula is wreaking hell on our long-range comms. 463 00:24:29,190 --> 00:24:31,560 We are essentially cornered. 464 00:24:31,760 --> 00:24:33,950 In space. 465 00:24:34,150 --> 00:24:35,830 Which has no corners. 466 00:24:36,030 --> 00:24:38,090 What do we know about this Vadic? 467 00:24:38,290 --> 00:24:41,440 Nothing in the Starfleet database, but... 468 00:24:41,640 --> 00:24:42,620 there have been rumors. 469 00:24:42,820 --> 00:24:44,790 Oh, right, yeah. 470 00:24:44,990 --> 00:24:49,490 Among the antiestablishment pirate types, huh? 471 00:24:49,690 --> 00:24:51,670 The Fenris folk. 472 00:24:51,870 --> 00:24:53,280 A ship, similar in design, 473 00:24:53,480 --> 00:24:55,190 flying no flag but boasting every weapon 474 00:24:55,390 --> 00:24:57,800 known to Starfleet and then some. 475 00:24:59,320 --> 00:25:02,940 So it's us and the boogeyman at the edge of space. 476 00:25:03,140 --> 00:25:04,460 No cavalry in sight. 477 00:25:04,660 --> 00:25:08,280 What about Jack Crusher? What do we got on him? 478 00:25:12,850 --> 00:25:15,000 JACK: Who I am doesn't matter. 479 00:25:15,200 --> 00:25:17,080 PICARD: Oh, yes, it most certainly does. 480 00:25:17,280 --> 00:25:20,740 This is no longer about Beverly only, this is also about you. 481 00:25:20,940 --> 00:25:22,700 I've already told you everything I know. 482 00:25:22,900 --> 00:25:24,610 I've never even heard of a Vadic. 483 00:25:24,810 --> 00:25:26,880 RIKER: We're at a disadvantage here, kid. 484 00:25:27,080 --> 00:25:28,570 And if there's one place in the galaxy I don't want to be, 485 00:25:28,770 --> 00:25:30,360 it's on my back foot, so think. 486 00:25:30,560 --> 00:25:33,740 For yourself and for your mother. 487 00:25:36,750 --> 00:25:38,060 JACK: Ah. 488 00:25:38,260 --> 00:25:40,020 Well... 489 00:25:40,220 --> 00:25:43,070 this took longer than I thought it would. 490 00:25:43,270 --> 00:25:45,850 - What's happening here? - The brig. That's what's happening. 491 00:25:46,050 --> 00:25:48,290 Thank you for the rescue, Admiral. 492 00:25:48,490 --> 00:25:49,420 SHAW: Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you 493 00:25:49,620 --> 00:25:52,120 to... Jack Crusher. 494 00:25:52,320 --> 00:25:56,470 A.K.A. Jack Canby, John Carson, James Cole, 495 00:25:56,670 --> 00:25:59,910 and my personal favorite, Jarlis Carvel? 496 00:26:00,110 --> 00:26:02,220 Yeah, that one took a lot of imagination. 497 00:26:02,420 --> 00:26:03,610 Looks like you two were conned 498 00:26:03,810 --> 00:26:06,700 into saving the life of a con man. 499 00:26:06,900 --> 00:26:09,570 The bounty hunter's claims are valid. 500 00:26:09,770 --> 00:26:12,490 We are harboring an intergalactic fugitive. 501 00:26:12,690 --> 00:26:13,610 Take him away. 502 00:26:16,400 --> 00:26:17,840 SEVEN OF NINE: Sir, as a former Fenris Ranger, 503 00:26:18,040 --> 00:26:20,060 I've had many interactions with bounty hunters. 504 00:26:20,260 --> 00:26:21,190 That ship is clearly not... 505 00:26:21,390 --> 00:26:24,200 And you. You are no better. 506 00:26:24,390 --> 00:26:26,370 Helping them commandeer my shuttle? 507 00:26:26,570 --> 00:26:28,550 Persuading me to engage with a hostile entity 508 00:26:28,750 --> 00:26:30,030 outside of Federation space? 509 00:26:30,230 --> 00:26:32,640 Wagering 500 lives 510 00:26:32,840 --> 00:26:35,980 against your loyalty to a whopping total of two. 511 00:26:41,070 --> 00:26:44,210 You are relieved of duty for insubordination. 512 00:26:52,950 --> 00:26:56,310 Captain Shaw, Seven was clearly placed 513 00:26:56,510 --> 00:26:58,190 in an impossible situation. 514 00:26:58,390 --> 00:27:00,840 This man is getting what he deserves. 515 00:27:01,040 --> 00:27:04,140 So is she. So are you. 516 00:27:05,400 --> 00:27:07,370 I am inclined to give Vadic her bounty 517 00:27:07,570 --> 00:27:09,590 and send us on our merry way. 518 00:27:09,790 --> 00:27:12,590 Anything after that, we'll save for the tribunal. 519 00:27:12,790 --> 00:27:15,550 Since when does Starfleet give into hostile demands? 520 00:27:15,750 --> 00:27:18,600 That man is wanted for trial, not execution, 521 00:27:18,800 --> 00:27:22,950 and we damn well know that's not a ship, it's a guillotine. 522 00:27:23,150 --> 00:27:26,910 The rules of engagement outside of Federation space are clear. 523 00:27:27,110 --> 00:27:28,830 "The safety and preservation of the ship's crew 524 00:27:29,020 --> 00:27:31,220 above all else." 525 00:27:31,420 --> 00:27:33,660 You've seen the firepower on that thing. 526 00:27:33,860 --> 00:27:35,920 That is a dogfight we will lose. 527 00:27:36,120 --> 00:27:39,230 Captain, allow me to speak with Jack. 528 00:27:39,430 --> 00:27:41,970 Th-There has to be more to this. 529 00:27:42,170 --> 00:27:45,060 Well, she gave us an hour. 530 00:27:45,260 --> 00:27:47,920 You have half that to prepare him for departure. 531 00:27:53,840 --> 00:27:56,200 Why are you dancing around this? 532 00:27:56,400 --> 00:27:58,290 Around what? 533 00:27:58,490 --> 00:28:01,210 Are you serious? 534 00:28:01,400 --> 00:28:03,990 Well, even if he is Beverly's son, 535 00:28:04,190 --> 00:28:06,170 then if these charges are real... 536 00:28:06,370 --> 00:28:08,340 That is not what it's about, and you know that. 537 00:28:08,540 --> 00:28:11,870 Are you not seeing what I'm seeing? 538 00:28:12,070 --> 00:28:14,000 Do the math, Jean-Luc. 539 00:28:14,200 --> 00:28:16,610 Will, don't speculate. 540 00:28:16,810 --> 00:28:20,740 Tell me, honestly, you do not see what I see. 541 00:28:24,920 --> 00:28:27,350 [sighs] 542 00:28:29,750 --> 00:28:30,970 [doors whoosh open] 543 00:28:35,710 --> 00:28:39,810 I have a great affinity for virtuosos, but... 544 00:28:40,010 --> 00:28:43,680 it seems that your instrument is deception. 545 00:28:43,880 --> 00:28:46,080 - Thievery. - Wow. 546 00:28:46,280 --> 00:28:47,770 That's a hell of an opener. 547 00:28:47,970 --> 00:28:49,910 How is my mother? 548 00:28:50,110 --> 00:28:53,780 Mending, but unable to defend you, so defend yourself. 549 00:28:53,980 --> 00:28:56,910 You're accused of organized crime on Andoria, 550 00:28:57,110 --> 00:28:58,870 actual terrorism on Binar III 551 00:28:59,070 --> 00:29:01,700 and you're wanted for the death of a man on Andreus 5. 552 00:29:01,900 --> 00:29:03,480 That's unfair, he's a Falsetti, 553 00:29:03,680 --> 00:29:05,840 and they go into a deep hibernation for seven cycles, 554 00:29:06,030 --> 00:29:08,360 so is he dead or is he alive? 555 00:29:08,560 --> 00:29:09,930 Who's to say? 556 00:29:10,130 --> 00:29:12,490 Says here you were recently sighted on Kemiyo. 557 00:29:12,690 --> 00:29:15,060 - That's a war zone. - It's a rebellion. 558 00:29:15,260 --> 00:29:16,370 The Kemiyans have been fighting 559 00:29:16,570 --> 00:29:17,720 against their oppressors for decades. 560 00:29:17,920 --> 00:29:19,720 I brought them medicine, supplies. 561 00:29:19,920 --> 00:29:21,720 Oh. So you're a freedom fighter? 562 00:29:21,920 --> 00:29:23,420 Only in the sense that a doctor fights for the freedom 563 00:29:23,620 --> 00:29:25,160 of his patient to not be dead. 564 00:29:25,360 --> 00:29:26,760 I'm that, at best. 565 00:29:27,800 --> 00:29:30,380 At worst? Well, I'm a thief. 566 00:29:30,580 --> 00:29:32,250 Of stolen medical supplies, yes. 567 00:29:32,450 --> 00:29:37,080 But also, stolen weapons and other prohibited cargo. 568 00:29:37,280 --> 00:29:39,950 Currency is currency and medicine isn't free. 569 00:29:41,640 --> 00:29:43,740 The people who dislike me are gamblers, 570 00:29:43,940 --> 00:29:45,270 low-level gangsters, 571 00:29:45,470 --> 00:29:47,220 the fathers of daughters everywhere. 572 00:29:47,420 --> 00:29:49,230 Not vigilante bounty hunters 573 00:29:49,430 --> 00:29:51,050 willing to pick a fight with the Federation. 574 00:29:51,250 --> 00:29:53,060 Oh, a lovely self-pardon. 575 00:29:53,260 --> 00:29:56,060 But we both know that Beverly would never permit this. 576 00:29:56,260 --> 00:29:58,020 Who do you think taught me all this? 577 00:29:58,220 --> 00:30:00,760 When she's not behind me, kicking my ass, 578 00:30:00,960 --> 00:30:02,720 she's right beside me, equal partners, 579 00:30:02,920 --> 00:30:05,370 trying to do some good in a good-less, imperfect universe. 580 00:30:05,570 --> 00:30:07,370 And that's how I know you're lying. 581 00:30:07,570 --> 00:30:10,030 What, because you know her so well? 582 00:30:10,230 --> 00:30:12,590 When was the last time you even spoke to my mother? 583 00:30:13,590 --> 00:30:15,640 Ask yourself, 584 00:30:15,840 --> 00:30:19,690 is there anybody you know who is still the person you knew? 585 00:30:19,890 --> 00:30:21,560 Or have you planted roots in your vineyard 586 00:30:21,760 --> 00:30:23,170 while everybody else moved on? 587 00:30:23,370 --> 00:30:25,820 - Who is your father? - I never had one! 588 00:30:36,310 --> 00:30:37,930 Look... 589 00:30:38,130 --> 00:30:42,570 if handing me over to Vadic buys my mother a future... 590 00:30:43,580 --> 00:30:45,100 ...then so be it. 591 00:30:47,060 --> 00:30:49,060 Especially if it puts an end to this conversation. 592 00:30:50,760 --> 00:30:52,810 Whatever your circumstances may be, 593 00:30:53,010 --> 00:30:55,730 you deserve the justice of courts, not criminals. 594 00:30:55,930 --> 00:30:59,470 To turn you over is to acquiesce. 595 00:30:59,670 --> 00:31:01,600 Worse yet, it betrays an old friend. 596 00:31:01,800 --> 00:31:03,260 But to harbor you risks the lives 597 00:31:03,460 --> 00:31:05,260 of everyone aboard this ship. 598 00:31:05,460 --> 00:31:07,830 Including hers. 599 00:31:08,030 --> 00:31:11,350 And I only have 18 minutes 600 00:31:11,550 --> 00:31:15,740 before I have to determine what to do about you. 601 00:31:22,310 --> 00:31:24,360 [doors whoosh open] 602 00:31:26,360 --> 00:31:28,190 [doors whoosh closed] 603 00:31:28,390 --> 00:31:30,360 604 00:31:34,410 --> 00:31:36,680 [indistinct chatter] 605 00:31:36,880 --> 00:31:38,470 [laughing] 606 00:31:38,670 --> 00:31:40,630 [grunting] 607 00:31:59,220 --> 00:32:00,620 [scoffs] 608 00:32:00,820 --> 00:32:02,360 Stepping over junkies is one hell of a way 609 00:32:02,560 --> 00:32:03,710 - to conceal a drug den. - We're not open to strangers. 610 00:32:03,910 --> 00:32:05,660 Move on. 611 00:32:07,220 --> 00:32:09,100 Sneed's expecting me. 612 00:32:16,840 --> 00:32:18,720 [grunts] 613 00:32:18,920 --> 00:32:21,200 614 00:32:32,420 --> 00:32:35,440 I like human things, retro things. 615 00:32:35,640 --> 00:32:37,960 It's like pressure and coal. 616 00:32:38,160 --> 00:32:40,440 Let something get old long enough, 617 00:32:40,640 --> 00:32:42,620 eventually, it becomes vintage. 618 00:32:42,820 --> 00:32:46,220 And... of value. 619 00:32:50,440 --> 00:32:52,920 Sit, please. You're making me nervous. 620 00:32:57,620 --> 00:32:59,190 COMPUTER: Transaction complete. 621 00:33:01,020 --> 00:33:03,030 I make deals between people. 622 00:33:03,230 --> 00:33:06,160 I broker. I know things. 623 00:33:06,360 --> 00:33:08,690 And who Jae knows, I know. 624 00:33:08,890 --> 00:33:13,820 Only, I don't know you. 625 00:33:14,020 --> 00:33:17,650 Which makes me wonder, how well do I know Jae? 626 00:33:17,850 --> 00:33:21,260 In my experience, artists are unknowable assholes 627 00:33:21,460 --> 00:33:24,220 who live in their head instead of the real world. 628 00:33:24,420 --> 00:33:27,230 [laughs] 629 00:33:27,430 --> 00:33:30,230 Very true, very true. 630 00:33:30,430 --> 00:33:35,500 Which is probably why his first wife left him for Starfleet. 631 00:33:35,700 --> 00:33:39,060 [chuckles] See, the thing about Starfleet 632 00:33:39,260 --> 00:33:42,200 is in an organization that doesn't value money, 633 00:33:42,400 --> 00:33:47,150 it makes it very hard to be high-class. 634 00:33:49,240 --> 00:33:53,550 Consequently, I freelance now. 635 00:33:56,160 --> 00:33:58,040 Ooh, la, la. 636 00:33:58,240 --> 00:34:00,350 You nasty girl. 637 00:34:00,550 --> 00:34:03,690 But nobody comes in here asking nothing for something. 638 00:34:05,470 --> 00:34:07,950 It would offend me if they did. 639 00:34:09,520 --> 00:34:11,620 Word on the street is you brokered a deal 640 00:34:11,820 --> 00:34:14,140 for stolen portal tech 641 00:34:14,340 --> 00:34:16,750 for a Romulan named t'Luco. 642 00:34:16,950 --> 00:34:18,580 Same kind of tech that brought down 643 00:34:18,780 --> 00:34:21,180 the Starfleet recruitment center. 644 00:34:22,230 --> 00:34:24,890 [sighs] T'Luco, t'Luco, t'Luco. 645 00:34:25,090 --> 00:34:28,070 Ah, I heard he went underground 646 00:34:28,270 --> 00:34:30,330 after swallowing up that building. 647 00:34:30,530 --> 00:34:33,080 But see, we both know he didn't push that button. 648 00:34:33,270 --> 00:34:35,370 You want to know why? 649 00:34:36,900 --> 00:34:39,590 Because I work for t'Luco. 650 00:34:41,250 --> 00:34:43,390 Oh, do you? 651 00:34:43,590 --> 00:34:45,870 Now, who in your little black book here 652 00:34:46,070 --> 00:34:49,910 paid you to blame my client for the attack? 653 00:34:52,780 --> 00:34:56,140 I've been stung enough times to smell a sting coming. 654 00:34:56,340 --> 00:34:58,490 [sniffs] 655 00:34:58,690 --> 00:35:01,410 You smell like Starfleet. [sniffing] 656 00:35:01,610 --> 00:35:03,240 Federation? 657 00:35:03,440 --> 00:35:05,530 Section 31? 658 00:35:07,360 --> 00:35:11,420 Unless, of course... 659 00:35:11,620 --> 00:35:14,380 there's some way to convince me 660 00:35:14,580 --> 00:35:15,980 that you're not. 661 00:35:23,250 --> 00:35:24,730 Prove it. 662 00:35:27,290 --> 00:35:28,770 Be my guest. 663 00:35:30,950 --> 00:35:32,660 Yeah. 664 00:35:32,860 --> 00:35:34,530 That's right. 665 00:35:34,730 --> 00:35:36,610 Goes down real easy. 666 00:35:45,880 --> 00:35:48,540 Oh, yum, yum, yum, yum. 667 00:35:48,740 --> 00:35:50,280 It's good, isn't it? 668 00:35:50,480 --> 00:35:53,720 I named it "splinter" because it feels like 669 00:35:53,920 --> 00:35:57,860 you're being ripped apart and then pulled back together 670 00:35:58,050 --> 00:36:02,820 again and again and again. [inhales] 671 00:36:03,020 --> 00:36:04,680 [Sneed exhales] 672 00:36:06,510 --> 00:36:08,510 Who do you work for? 673 00:36:10,160 --> 00:36:13,910 I told you. T'Luco. 674 00:36:15,210 --> 00:36:17,270 [laughs] 675 00:36:17,470 --> 00:36:18,960 I'm impressed. 676 00:36:19,160 --> 00:36:21,790 You know, it takes an old addict to fight it this hard. 677 00:36:21,990 --> 00:36:24,400 You must have really been something back in the day. 678 00:36:24,600 --> 00:36:28,540 The only thing is, I know you don't work for t'Luco, 679 00:36:28,740 --> 00:36:31,410 because this... [laughs] 680 00:36:31,610 --> 00:36:33,150 ...is t'Luco. 681 00:36:33,350 --> 00:36:35,550 Do you really think I wouldn't tie up my loose ends? 682 00:36:35,740 --> 00:36:39,670 Or risk my goddamn reputation selling out the big fish? 683 00:36:41,410 --> 00:36:43,210 But I will take your money. 684 00:36:43,400 --> 00:36:45,290 And they'll take your head. 685 00:36:45,490 --> 00:36:47,290 [laughs] 686 00:36:48,940 --> 00:36:50,330 [screams] 687 00:37:04,220 --> 00:37:05,960 [indistinct voices] 688 00:37:19,620 --> 00:37:21,670 [grunting softly] 689 00:37:30,850 --> 00:37:34,510 I told you, do not engage. 690 00:37:45,080 --> 00:37:47,130 691 00:37:59,790 --> 00:38:01,450 Captain. 692 00:38:04,190 --> 00:38:05,680 Captain. 693 00:38:05,880 --> 00:38:09,200 We may need to discuss a course of action 694 00:38:09,400 --> 00:38:11,340 that will not involve cooperating. 695 00:38:11,540 --> 00:38:12,690 Just because you don't want to sell out 696 00:38:12,890 --> 00:38:15,040 your ex-girlfriend's son does not mean 697 00:38:15,240 --> 00:38:17,390 I have to sell out the lives of my crew. 698 00:38:17,590 --> 00:38:19,340 And you of all people... 699 00:38:19,540 --> 00:38:21,000 Should know that Jack Crusher is a person. 700 00:38:21,200 --> 00:38:24,090 A criminal, maybe, but not unprincipled. 701 00:38:24,290 --> 00:38:25,830 That's if you trust him. 702 00:38:26,030 --> 00:38:27,700 To love his mother more than himself. 703 00:38:27,900 --> 00:38:30,140 And how do we even know he really is her kid? 704 00:38:30,340 --> 00:38:32,230 Easy play, handcuffing yourself to the speechless woman 705 00:38:32,430 --> 00:38:33,840 unconscious in the med-pod. 706 00:38:34,040 --> 00:38:35,970 You have 15 minutes. 707 00:38:36,170 --> 00:38:37,960 Fifteen. 708 00:38:59,460 --> 00:39:02,260 [sniffles] 709 00:39:02,460 --> 00:39:04,080 Oi. 710 00:39:04,280 --> 00:39:06,480 Oi, Starfleet. 711 00:39:06,680 --> 00:39:08,430 What's the power level of this force field? 712 00:39:09,820 --> 00:39:11,700 According to Starfleet regulations, 713 00:39:11,900 --> 00:39:17,230 you are required to inform me of the power level. 714 00:39:17,430 --> 00:39:20,710 In the event I may harm myself whilst trying to escape. 715 00:39:20,910 --> 00:39:23,310 Level 10. Standard issue. 716 00:39:26,400 --> 00:39:29,810 Go ahead. Stick your tongue out, test it to be sure. 717 00:39:30,010 --> 00:39:31,970 Thank you kindly. 718 00:39:42,070 --> 00:39:43,560 How's Beverly? 719 00:39:43,760 --> 00:39:45,340 Arterial wound. 720 00:39:45,540 --> 00:39:46,870 We located the internal trauma, stopped the bleeding. 721 00:39:47,070 --> 00:39:48,300 She'll be all right. 722 00:39:48,500 --> 00:39:50,600 - How sedated is she? - Heavily. 723 00:39:53,260 --> 00:39:54,440 Whoa. What are you doing? 724 00:39:54,640 --> 00:39:56,650 No-- Sir, she needs time to rest. 725 00:39:57,960 --> 00:40:00,790 This is not a diplomatic issue, Picard. 726 00:40:00,990 --> 00:40:02,930 They have already engaged us. 727 00:40:03,130 --> 00:40:04,580 Reestablish comms. 728 00:40:04,780 --> 00:40:07,230 We may be able to bring her down simply by standing up. 729 00:40:07,430 --> 00:40:09,180 Enemy vessel is hailing us, sir. 730 00:40:13,540 --> 00:40:15,410 On screen. 731 00:40:17,060 --> 00:40:19,120 You know, it's been centuries 732 00:40:19,320 --> 00:40:22,160 since timepieces last ran on the mechanics of gears, 733 00:40:22,360 --> 00:40:27,430 and yet, that persistent sound you hear 734 00:40:27,630 --> 00:40:32,520 is the gentle ticktock of passing seconds. 735 00:40:32,720 --> 00:40:34,910 - We still have time. - Of course. 736 00:40:35,990 --> 00:40:41,090 And I will honor my terms. 737 00:40:43,520 --> 00:40:47,410 But... I thought you might care to know 738 00:40:47,610 --> 00:40:51,410 the name of my particular vessel. 739 00:40:51,610 --> 00:40:54,450 TheShrike. 740 00:40:55,670 --> 00:40:57,420 It's an Earth creature. 741 00:40:57,620 --> 00:40:59,500 A small carrion bird, 742 00:40:59,700 --> 00:41:02,860 one that doesn't attack in anger or malice, 743 00:41:03,060 --> 00:41:04,380 one that isn't made 744 00:41:04,580 --> 00:41:06,770 frantic by hunger 745 00:41:06,970 --> 00:41:11,780 but rather kills surgically, carefully. 746 00:41:11,980 --> 00:41:16,040 Give me the boy now or continue to delay, 747 00:41:16,240 --> 00:41:19,440 but with each ticking moment, 748 00:41:19,640 --> 00:41:23,270 I will take another piece of you. 749 00:41:23,470 --> 00:41:26,620 I'll peck, and I'll jab 750 00:41:26,820 --> 00:41:29,970 at everything that makes you you. 751 00:41:30,170 --> 00:41:34,190 Every system that makes your ship your ship, 752 00:41:34,390 --> 00:41:37,850 until there's nothing left but the choice to have given me 753 00:41:38,050 --> 00:41:40,800 what you could have given me now. 754 00:41:42,450 --> 00:41:44,110 But certainly... 755 00:41:46,060 --> 00:41:48,760 ...take your time. 756 00:41:50,630 --> 00:41:55,210 That was some terrific standing up, Admiral. 757 00:41:55,410 --> 00:41:58,130 All right, enough. Let's turn him over. 758 00:41:58,330 --> 00:42:00,990 Sir, there's been a security breach on Deck 12. 759 00:42:01,990 --> 00:42:03,210 At the brig. 760 00:42:04,430 --> 00:42:05,960 Find him. 761 00:42:06,160 --> 00:42:09,490 Shuttles, transporters, lock 'em down. 762 00:42:09,690 --> 00:42:12,140 - [alarm sounding] - Security alert. 763 00:42:12,340 --> 00:42:13,880 A prisoner has escaped the brig. 764 00:42:14,080 --> 00:42:17,190 Use precautions. He may be armed. 765 00:42:17,390 --> 00:42:19,240 I don't give a damn what rank I do or don't have, 766 00:42:19,440 --> 00:42:21,630 I need a tac team to the shuttle bay ASAP. 767 00:42:21,830 --> 00:42:23,720 I'll secure the transporters. 768 00:42:23,920 --> 00:42:26,030 COMPUTER: Security lockdown on Decks 7 through 10. 769 00:42:26,230 --> 00:42:27,460 All non-essential... 770 00:42:27,660 --> 00:42:29,630 JACK: Get on with it. Get on with it. 771 00:42:34,760 --> 00:42:37,210 Get him to unlock it. 772 00:42:37,410 --> 00:42:39,550 I want out. 773 00:42:41,380 --> 00:42:43,520 OFFICER: No sign of the escaped prisoner in Shuttle Bay 2. 774 00:42:43,720 --> 00:42:45,130 Proceeding to Shuttle Bay 3. 775 00:42:45,330 --> 00:42:46,180 SHAW: If he escapes, there's no guarantee 776 00:42:46,380 --> 00:42:48,480 she won't engage us anyway. 777 00:42:48,680 --> 00:42:51,090 SEVEN OF NINE: Hansen to Shaw. I found him. 778 00:42:51,290 --> 00:42:54,100 You may have just earned your post back. Bring him up. 779 00:42:54,300 --> 00:42:56,060 He's currently in the transporter bay with a phaser 780 00:42:56,260 --> 00:42:58,710 and a request to unlock the controls. 781 00:42:58,910 --> 00:43:00,670 PICARD: If he was escaping, 782 00:43:00,870 --> 00:43:02,930 he'd be a half a system away in a shuttle by now. 783 00:43:03,130 --> 00:43:04,720 And the only place he can get to 784 00:43:04,920 --> 00:43:06,410 with a transporter would be there. 785 00:43:06,610 --> 00:43:09,200 He's trying to hand himself over, 786 00:43:09,400 --> 00:43:12,640 in the event that we wouldn't. 787 00:43:12,840 --> 00:43:14,380 He's protecting his mother. 788 00:43:14,580 --> 00:43:16,820 If that's the case, by all means, let him. 789 00:43:17,020 --> 00:43:18,770 Clear your conscience, Picard. 790 00:43:18,970 --> 00:43:23,040 Whoever this kid may be, he's not worth the lives of my crew. 791 00:43:23,240 --> 00:43:25,910 One minute to go. I'm giving the order. 792 00:43:26,110 --> 00:43:27,560 Esmar... 793 00:43:28,600 --> 00:43:30,170 ...unlock the transporters. 794 00:43:32,780 --> 00:43:34,820 [door whooshes open] 795 00:43:55,850 --> 00:43:57,890 796 00:44:12,510 --> 00:44:13,700 Belay that! 797 00:44:13,900 --> 00:44:15,000 Admiral's orders. 798 00:44:15,200 --> 00:44:16,700 Lock it down. 799 00:44:16,900 --> 00:44:18,700 Shuttles, transporters. 800 00:44:18,900 --> 00:44:20,440 The boy stays here. 801 00:44:21,650 --> 00:44:23,800 You are going to get us all killed. 802 00:44:24,000 --> 00:44:26,270 Why are you doing this? 803 00:44:27,310 --> 00:44:29,660 Because he's my son. 804 00:44:38,760 --> 00:44:41,150 Oh, goddamn it. 805 00:44:42,370 --> 00:44:43,640 Tactical. 806 00:44:43,840 --> 00:44:45,210 Full power to forward shields. 807 00:44:45,410 --> 00:44:46,460 La Forge, get ready to fly. 808 00:44:48,680 --> 00:44:50,910 Stand by to execute commands. 809 00:44:51,110 --> 00:44:55,040 Whatever happens next, Admiral, that's on you. 810 00:44:56,560 --> 00:44:59,300 Comms, put the Shrike on the screen. 811 00:45:01,080 --> 00:45:06,100 How very precise with your timing, Jean-Luc Picard. 812 00:45:06,300 --> 00:45:08,350 And your answer? 813 00:45:15,800 --> 00:45:17,320 Engage! 814 00:45:23,020 --> 00:45:25,150 [laughing] 815 00:45:26,680 --> 00:45:28,690 Oh, follow him. 816 00:45:28,890 --> 00:45:30,720 [speaking alien language] 817 00:45:38,120 --> 00:45:40,220 If they're looking for a fight... 818 00:45:40,420 --> 00:45:43,180 They'll have to find us first. 819 00:45:43,380 --> 00:45:45,000 Follow him! 820 00:45:52,010 --> 00:45:54,920 [laughing] 821 00:46:00,490 --> 00:46:03,110 Captioning sponsored by CBS 822 00:46:03,310 --> 00:46:05,850 Captioned by Media Access Group at WGBH access.wgbh.org 823 00:46:06,050 --> 00:46:08,020 824 00:46:32,260 --> 00:46:34,310 825 00:46:56,200 --> 00:46:58,250 826 00:47:24,750 --> 00:47:26,800 827 00:47:49,860 --> 00:47:53,860